january christians from muslim february | iraq · process of establishing a leadership network in...

FEBRUARY Image: A village in Vietnam. Image: Colombian pastors gathering together. Image: A church in Iraq. Image: Beautiful rural Afghanistan. Sunday 1 | COLOMBIA Pastor Orbey* is in the process of establishing a leadership network in rural areas. Pray that God would provide the right people and protection throughout the process. Monday 2 | COLOMBIA John*, Enrique* and Julian* are all indigenous believers seeking to spread the gospel. Pray that new peace deals would make their work easier and enable a change in people’s hearts. Tuesday 3 | MEXICO Explosive tensions between churches and denominations have gone on for years. Pray for forgiveness and unity among the Body of Christ in Mexico. Wednesday 4 | MEXICO Many Christians have returned to their homes after years of being banished for their faith. Pray they would be able to reintegrate and share the gospel. Thursday 5 | BOLIVIA The first ever defeat of the socialist party occurred recently. Pray this would begin to open the country more to Christianity and non-Catholic churches would also gain legal recognition. Friday 6 | CUBA Leaders of the church in Cuba have faced persecution for many years. Pray that the next generation of leaders will be able to be trained and operate with less restrictions. Saturday 7 | CUBA Pray that as the country continues to open up to new business and restore relations with other countries, the church will also receive more freedom. Sunday 8 | SUDAN Pray believers would be able to meet together despite ongoing church closures in Sudan. Monday 9 | ERITREA A ministry partner recently told us that It is only by the prayers of the global church that pastors in Eritrea have overcome their fear of arrest. Pray for pastors to be bold. Tuesday 10 | PAKISTAN Asia Bibi remains in prison in poor conditions. Pray for God to encourage and sustain her. Wednesday 11 | AUSTRALIA World Watch List 2017 is released today, visit www.opendoors.org.au to view our Interactive Map. Pray the Australian church will know and support the persecuted church in places where it is most dangerous to follow Jesus. Thursday 12 | INDIA Chandan’s husband was killed by Naxalite’s¹, leaving her to care for their four children. Pray for God’s continuing provision and comfort in her loss. Friday 13 | INDIA “You can kill us, but know that we will not leave Jesus.” Pastor Rajesh* was forced to leave his village after beatings and pressure from Naxalites¹. Pray for him as he continues to minister in a new village to five house church gatherings. (See page 8 Frontline Faith Magazine for full story.) Saturday 14 | MALDIVES The Maldives is like a broken paradise, God’s beautiful creation on display but few know the truth of its Creator. Pray for many to have a revelation of Jesus. Sunday 15 | SRI LANKA Roshan participated in SSTS² and told us, “As a result of this training, my commitment will be to prioritise prayer in my day- to-day life and proclaim the gospel.” Pray for more participants. Monday 16 | BANGLADESH In the first few months of the year, Open Doors provides training for literacy teachers in Bangladesh. Pray for participants and trainers to have a good start to the year. Tuesday 17 | BHUTAN “I listen to many songs, but these songs really touched my heart,” a Buddhist monk shared with a Christian worker. Pray that Christian music can be used to share the gospel. Wednesday 18 | MYANMAR Salim Ali* thanked Open Doors supporters after receiving assistance to start a business. He is now able to support his family of 10. Pray for his family to also know the Lord. Thursday 19 | LAOS Matt* had a sickness that was healed when he became a Christian. As a result of his new faith he lost his job. Pray for a new job for Matt. Friday 20 | VIETNAM Pastor Sio Ni* was arrested after preaching the gospel, and received a large fine. Pray for him to find the money and for encouragement to continue sharing his faith. Saturday 21 | MALAYSIA Sharia courts are being empowered to hand out harsher sentences. Pray this would not go ahead. Sunday 22 | BRUNEI One pastor shared, “We can still share our faith, not to convert, but to love.” Pray for pastors during the implementation of Sharia law. Monday 23 | PHILIPPINES Praise God for the opportunity to refurbish a church for Muslim Background Believers. Tuesday 24 | INDONESIA There is a widening rift between Christians and Muslims. Pray believers will continue to love their neighbours and be effective witnesses. Wednesday 1 | KAZAKHSTAN Brother Yklas was sentenced to two years in prison for extremism after handing out tracts at his work. Pray for God to sustain him during his final year in prison. Thursday 2 | TURKMENISTAN Homes of pastors and people involved in ministry are often raided by the government. Pray for believers to remain vigilant and for opportunities to meet together. Friday 3 | TAJIKISTAN After Sitora* became a Christian, her brother beat her with a shovel and kept her from medical help. Pray for Sitora to remain faithful and for her brother to encounter Jesus. Saturday 4 | UZBEKISTAN With the death of the president late last year, there is uncertainty about the countries future. Believers there have requested prayer for the future of the nation. Sunday 5 | KYRGYZSTAN Brother Zaor’s* claim of being beaten and having his livelihood destroyed was ignored by police because of his faith. Pray for protection and God’s comfort. Monday 6 | AFGHANISTAN Many places are unsafe with different extremist groups fighting the government. Pray for people to come to faith in Christ in this country. Tuesday 7 | IRAQ There is a deep history of rivalry and hatred among different people groups in Iraq. Pray that Christians would be able an example of God’s transcending love. Wednesday 8 | SYRIA “I see the work of God… People are coming to Christ…Muslims who never heard of Christ are now in the church.” Pray for Pastor Boutros and his church as they care for displaced people. (See page 3 Frontline Faith Magazine for full story.) Thursday 9 | ISRAEL & PALESTINIAN TERRITORIES “Father let them be one like we are one”, Jesus prayed (John 17:22). Pray for projects to help bring unity in the church in Gaza, the West Bank and Israel. Friday 10 | LEBANON A believer shared, “It [Lebanon] could so easily have slipped into civil war so many times, but it hasn’t because we believe in the power of the blood of Jesus.” Pray for continued peace. Saturday 11 | JORDAN Pray believers in Jordan would have opportunities to share their faith today. Sunday 12 | TURKEY Andrew Brunson, an American pastor leading a small church, has been in prison since October 2016. Pray for his release and that he could continue his ministry in Turkey. Monday 13 | EGYPT Christian students in state schools are often harassed or bullied for their beliefs—from both students and teachers. Pray that these young Christians would not give up their faith. Tuesday 14 | OMAN A Christian worker continues to face closed doors in ministry. Pray that God would make a way and open people’s hearts to the gospel. Wednesday 15 | SAUDI ARABIA Though there are no church buildings, the church continues to grow. Pray for believers to feel encouraged even if they cannot meet together. Wednesday 25 | CHINA Christians from Muslim backgrounds are increasingly facing isolation from their families. Pray for families and entire communities to come to Christ. Thursday 26 | CHINA Tanya’s* house church was closed down. Now people are concerned police will monitor them. Pray for safety and a way to enjoy fellowship. Friday 27 | NORTH KOREA Many believers in Hamgyong lost their homes in landslides and heavy rains. Pray for local believers to overcome their desperate situation and love their suffering neighbours. Saturday 28 | NORTH KOREA Many North Korean women have responded to the gospel and are excited to share their faith. Pray for opportunities and wisdom to do so. Sunday 29 | RUSSIA Don and Ruth were the first missionaries to be fined under the ‘anti-missionary law’ for holding a meeting in their home. Pray for this law to be reversed and for the continued spread of the gospel. Monday 30 | CENTRAL ASIA* A family have been unable to bury their deceased mother for several weeks as the community is opposed to Christian burials. Pray for them in this difficult time. Tuesday 31 | AZERBAIJAN Around 30 Christians had their details taken by police while attending a prayer meeting. Pray for new opportunities to meet and worship together in safety. JANUARY

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Page 1: JANUARY Christians from Muslim FEBRUARY | IRAQ · process of establishing a leadership network in rural areas. Pray that God would provide the right people and protection throughout


Image: A village in Vietnam.

Image: Colombian pastors gathering together.

Image: A church in Iraq.

Image: Beautiful rural Afghanistan.

Sunday 1 | COLOMBIA Pastor Orbey* is in the process of establishing a leadership network in rural areas. Pray that God would provide the right people and protection throughout the process.

Monday 2 | COLOMBIA John*, Enrique* and Julian* are all indigenous believers seeking to spread the gospel. Pray that new peace deals would make their work easier and enable a change in people’s hearts.

Tuesday 3 | MEXICO Explosive tensions between churches and denominations have gone on for years. Pray for forgiveness and unity among the Body of Christ in Mexico.

Wednesday 4 | MEXICO Many Christians have returned to their homes after years of being banished for their faith. Pray they would be able to reintegrate and share the gospel.

Thursday 5 | BOLIVIA The first ever defeat of the socialist party occurred recently. Pray this would begin to open the country more to Christianity and non-Catholic churches would also gain legal recognition.

Friday 6 | CUBA Leaders of the church in Cuba have faced persecution for many years. Pray that the next generation of leaders will be able to be trained and operate with less restrictions.

Saturday 7 | CUBA Pray that as the country continues to open up to new business and restore relations with other countries, the church will also receive more freedom.Sunday 8 | SUDAN Pray believers would be able to meet together despite ongoing church closures in Sudan. Monday 9 | ERITREA A ministry partner recently told us that It is only by the prayers of the global church that pastors in Eritrea have overcome their fear of arrest. Pray for pastors to be bold. Tuesday 10 | PAKISTAN Asia Bibi remains in prison in poor conditions. Pray for God to encourage and sustain her. Wednesday 11 | AUSTRALIA World Watch List 2017 is released today, visit www.opendoors.org.au to view our Interactive Map. Pray the Australian church will know and support the persecuted church in places where it is most dangerous to follow Jesus. Thursday 12 | INDIA Chandan’s husband was killed by Naxalite’s¹, leaving her to care for their four children. Pray for God’s continuing provision and comfort in her loss.Friday 13 | INDIA “You can kill us, but know that we will not leave Jesus.” Pastor Rajesh* was forced to leave his village after beatings and pressure from Naxalites¹. Pray for him as he continues to minister in a new village to five house church gatherings. (See page 8 Frontline Faith Magazine for full story.)

Saturday 14 | MALDIVES The Maldives is like a broken paradise, God’s beautiful creation on display but few know the truth of its Creator. Pray for many to have a revelation of Jesus.Sunday 15 | SRI LANKA Roshan participated in SSTS² and told us, “As a result of this training, my commitment will be to prioritise prayer in my day-to-day life and proclaim the gospel.” Pray for more participants. Monday 16 | BANGLADESH In the first few months of the year, Open Doors provides training for literacy teachers in Bangladesh. Pray for participants and trainers to have a good start to the year.

Tuesday 17 | BHUTAN “I listen to many songs, but these songs really touched my heart,” a Buddhist monk shared with a Christian worker. Pray that Christian music can be used to share the gospel.

Wednesday 18 | MYANMAR Salim Ali* thanked Open Doors supporters after receiving assistance to start a business. He is now able to support his family of 10. Pray for his family to also know the Lord.

Thursday 19 | LAOS Matt* had a sickness that was healed when he became a Christian. As a result of his new faith he lost his job. Pray for a new job for Matt.

Friday 20 | VIETNAM Pastor Sio Ni* was arrested after preaching the gospel, and received a large fine. Pray for him to find the money and for encouragement to continue sharing his faith.

Saturday 21 | MALAYSIA Sharia courts are being empowered to hand out harsher sentences. Pray this would not go ahead.

Sunday 22 | BRUNEI One pastor shared, “We can still share our faith, not to convert, but to love.” Pray for pastors during the implementation of Sharia law.

Monday 23 | PHILIPPINES Praise God for the opportunity to refurbish a church for Muslim Background Believers.

Tuesday 24 | INDONESIA There is a widening rift between Christians and Muslims. Pray believers will continue to love their neighbours and be effective witnesses.

Wednesday 1 | KAZAKHSTAN Brother Yklas was sentenced to two years in prison for extremism after handing out tracts at his work. Pray for God to sustain him during his final year in prison.

Thursday 2 | TURKMENISTAN Homes of pastors and people involved in ministry are often raided by the government. Pray for believers to remain vigilant and for opportunities to meet together.

Friday 3 | TAJIKISTAN After Sitora* became a Christian, her brother beat her with a shovel and kept her from medical help. Pray for Sitora to remain faithful and for her brother to encounter Jesus.

Saturday 4 | UZBEKISTAN With the death of the president late last year, there is uncertainty about the countries future. Believers there have requested prayer for the future of the nation.

Sunday 5 | KYRGYZSTAN Brother Zaor’s* claim of being beaten and having his livelihood destroyed was ignored by police because of his faith. Pray for protection and God’s comfort.

Monday 6 | AFGHANISTAN Many places are unsafe with different extremist groups fighting the government. Pray for people to come to faith in Christ in this country.

Tuesday 7 | IRAQ There is a deep history of rivalry and hatred among different people groups in Iraq. Pray that Christians would be able an example of God’s transcending love.

Wednesday 8 | SYRIA “I see the work of God…People are coming to Christ…Muslims who never heard of Christ are now in the church.” Pray for Pastor Boutros and his church as they care for displaced people. (See page 3 Frontline Faith Magazine for full story.)

Thursday 9 | ISRAEL & PALESTINIAN TERRITORIES “Father let them be one like we are one”, Jesus prayed (John 17:22). Pray for projects to help bring unity in the church in Gaza, the West Bank and Israel.

Friday 10 | LEBANON A believer shared, “It [Lebanon] could so easily have slipped into civil war so many times, but it hasn’t because we believe in the power of the blood of Jesus.” Pray for continued peace.

Saturday 11 | JORDAN Pray believers in Jordan would have opportunities to share their faith today.

Sunday 12 | TURKEY Andrew Brunson, an American pastor leading a small church, has been in prison since October 2016. Pray for his release and that he could continue his ministry in Turkey.

Monday 13 | EGYPT Christian students in state schools are often harassed or bullied for their beliefs—from both students and teachers. Pray that these young Christians would not give up their faith.

Tuesday 14 | OMAN A Christian worker continues to face closed doors in ministry. Pray that God would make a way and open people’s hearts to the gospel.

Wednesday 15 | SAUDI ARABIA Though there are no church buildings, the church continues to grow. Pray for believers to feel encouraged even if they cannot meet together.

Wednesday 25 | CHINA Christians from Muslim backgrounds are increasingly facing isolation from their families. Pray for families and entire communities to come to Christ.

Thursday 26 | CHINA Tanya’s* house church was closed down. Now people are concerned police will monitor them. Pray for safety and a way to enjoy fellowship. Friday 27 | NORTH KOREA Many believers in Hamgyong lost their homes in landslides and heavy rains. Pray for local believers to overcome their desperate situation and love their suffering neighbours.Saturday 28 | NORTH KOREA Many North Korean women have responded to the gospel and are excited to share their faith. Pray for opportunities and wisdom to do so.Sunday 29 | RUSSIA Don and Ruth were the first missionaries to be fined under the ‘anti-missionary law’ for holding a meeting in their home. Pray for this law to be reversed and for the continued spread of the gospel. Monday 30 | CENTRAL ASIA* A family have been unable to bury their deceased mother for several weeks as the community is opposed to Christian burials. Pray for them in this difficult time.Tuesday 31 | AZERBAIJAN Around 30 Christians had their details taken by police while attending a prayer meeting. Pray for new opportunities to meet and worship together in safety.


Page 2: JANUARY Christians from Muslim FEBRUARY | IRAQ · process of establishing a leadership network in rural areas. Pray that God would provide the right people and protection throughout




GLOSSARY* Name or country withheld for security purposes

1. Naxalites – A communist guerrilla group.2. SSTS – Standing Strong Through the Storm,

Open Doors persecution preparedness training.3. Boko Haram – Islamic extremist group.

4. Seleka – Islamic extremist group.5. Al-Shabaab – Islamic extremist group.

Image: A Buddhist temple in Myanmar.


Thursday 16 | YEMEN As the civil war continues, many Christians continue to reach out to their neighbours. Pray for true hope in Jesus to come to many who see only war.

Friday 17 | PERSIAN SPEAKING WORLD Doing ministry in closed countries can be difficult for many reasons, including spiritual opposition. Pray for ministry workers to be guarded from attacks by the enemy.Saturday 18 |NIGERIA “My wife died preaching the gospel. She lived to preach the gospel.” Pray for Pastor Olowale as he cares for the seven children left behind when his wife was killed for preaching in the street. (See page 7 Frontline Faith Magazine for full story.)

Sunday 19 | NIGERIA Deborah’s two daughters were kidnapped and her son was killed by Boko Haram³ militants. Pray that God would continue to encourage and sustain Deborah and her daughters. Monday 20 | ETHIOPIA Sintayehu’s husband, Markos, was killed in 2009 for donating money to repair a damaged church. Praise God she is able to worship God again after a season of grief. Tuesday 21 | TUNISIA Most ministry leaders have jobs in addition to serving in their church. Pray for continued passion for their churches, and wisdom in how to deal with time constraints.

Wednesday 22 | LIBYA Pray for a young man in the east of the country. He came to faith and is now waiting for the day he can meet another believer.Thursday 23 | ALGERIA Slimani Bouhafs was sentenced to five years in prison for blasphemy after a post on Facebook. Pray for his witness to prisoners and guards during the sentence.

Friday 24 | MOROCCO Mohammed is an outspoken believer in Casablanca. Recently a man tried to stab him with a sword outside his apartment. Pray for God’s protection as he continues in ministry.

Saturday 25 | MALI A few pastors have just received motorbikes to assist with transport. Praise God for these new resources and pray this would enable the Good News to spread to more people.

Sunday 26 | MAURITANIA Pray for immigrants from surrounding countries to find Jesus in this more open country.

Monday 27 | CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC “Seleka4 fighters even came into the church where our seminar was taking place and hurt people lodging there.” Pray for Christians still being attacked in Kaga Bandoro.

Tuesday 28 | ERITREA Persecution continues because the government views evangelicals as spies. This forces believers to worship in secret, making them seem more suspicious. Pray for the government to change its mind on Christians.

Wednesday 1 | SOMALIA Al-Shabaab⁵ has taken more territory in Somalia as the Ethiopian army has withdrawn. Pray for the protection of secret believers in these areas.

Thursday 2 | CAMEROON Mamadou was preparing to leave his home to beg for food just as the local pastor knocked to deliver some food. Pray for Open Doors’ ongoing relief efforts for those displaced by Boko Haram.

Friday 3 | NIGER The northeast of the country is constantly battling extremist groups. Pray for pastors who, despite needing assistance themselves, tirelessly serve others.

Saturday 4 | THE GAMBIA President Jammeh has tried to align the country more with Islam to break from its colonial past. Pray Christians will not be discriminated against because of this.

Sunday 5 | IVORY COAST Persecution has been increasing with influence from extremists in Mali. Pray these extremists would encounter a strong church and hear the gospel for themselves.

Monday 6 | KENYA Al-Shabaab militants killed six Christians in October 2016, pray for the families who are still dealing with this loss. Pray for cross-border attacks from Somalia to stop.

Tuesday 7 | UGANDA Hadija* began secretly attending church at age five. She fled from her father who beat her, and was taken in by fellow churchgoer Mellina*. Praise God that both are doing well! Hadija, now 12, is enjoying school and Open Doors was able to support Mellina.

Wednesday 8 | CHAD The church is suffering from a lack of discipleship, leading to polygamy and corruption. Pray for pastors and strong leaders who can correct misunderstandings.

Information provided by Open Doors and World Watch Monitor sources. Information correct at time of printing.

World Watch List Released 11 January Visit our website on 11 January to explore the 2017 Interactive Map.

Church and group resources available from 1 February.


SERVING PERSECUTED CHRISTIANS WORLDWIDEPO Box 6237 Frenchs Forest NSW 2086 (02) 9451 2999 | [email protected]



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Image: A street in Tunisia.