jane eyre

Female Independence and Rebelliousness in Jane Eyre Class: V Liceo Linguistico Time: 2 lessons - 4 hours Pre-requisites: knowledge of the historical, social and cultural context of the Victorian Age Objectives: improvement of the students’ critical spirit and of their reading through the lines and understanding beyond words

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Post on 21-Jul-2015




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Female Independence and Rebel l iousness in Jane Eyre Class: V Liceo LinguisticoTime: 2 lessons - 4 hoursPre-requisites: knowledge of the historical ,

social and cultural context of the Victorian Age Objectives: improvement of the students’ cr it ical spir it and of their reading through the l ines and understanding beyond words

Author Charlotte Brontë (or iginally published under

the male pseudonym Currer Bell )

Jane i t is a simple and common name;

lack of status; lack of pretence

Eyre i t is an archaic spel l ing for “air”; in French,

“aire” refers to a bird’s nesting place , among other

things; in medieval t imes, “eyre” also s ignified c ircuit-travel l ing judges; “eyre” also

sounds l ike “heir” and l ike “ire”

Structure Preface

Volume I – chapters 1-15

Volume 2 – chapters 16-26

Volume 3 – chapters 27-38

Genre a mixture of different genres: the

Autobiography; the Gothic novel ; the Romantic novel ; the Bildungsroman

Point of view all the events are told from Jane’s point of


she is the omniscient narrator

Setting (t ime) early decades of the 19th century

Setting (place) the novel is structured around five separate

locations: the Reeds’ home at Gateshead; the Lowood School; Rochester ’s manor house Thornfie ld; the Rivers’ home at Moor House;

Rochester’s rural retreat at Ferndean


love versus autonomy; re l igion; social c lass;

gender relations

Motifs fire and ice ; substitute mothers


Bertha Mason; the red-room

Plot Boldly searching for love and independence on

her own terms, Jane survives a wretched childhood, unbroken in spirit and integrity, to eventually fal l in love with the troubled but

romantic Mr. Rochester . Dark secrets , a presence in the attic and

scandalous revelations, however, might herald the end of al l her longed for love and happiness

Chapter 12, pages “Women are supposed to be very calm generally: but women feel just as men feel ; … they suffer from too

rigid a restraint , too absolute a stagnation , precise ly as men would suffer ; and it is narrow-minded in their

more privi leged fe l low-creatures to say that they ought to confine themselves to making puddings and knitting

stockings , to playing on the piano and embroidering bags.”

Women’s role in the Victorian society Femininity defined by male gaze

Jane’s sense of her self-worth and dignity Brontë’s feminist philosophy

Chapter 12, pages 129-130 Are you injured, s ir?” … “Can I do anything?”

I asked again. “You must just stand on one s ide.” … I did. …

“I cannot think of leaving you, s ir , at so late an hour, in this sol itary lane, t i l l I see you are

f it to mount your horse.” He looked at me when I said this: he had hardly

turned his eyes in my direction before. …”

Male authority versus female submission Jane’s challenging words

Rochester ’s gaze as a form of mastery

Chapter 37, page 479 …and [I] stood to watch him – to examine

him, myself unseen, and alas! to him invisible .

Jane’s position of power Rochester ’s bl indness: he can no longer shape

and master Jane through his gaze

Chapter 37, page 483

" I am an independent woman now. … My uncle in Madeira is dead, and he left me f ive thousand

pounds. … If you won't let me l ive with you, I can build a house of my own close up to your door, and you may come and s it in my parlour when you want

company of an evening.“ … "I told you I am independent, s ir , as well as r ich: I am my own

mistress .“

Jane’s gained independence and self-knowledge Independence as acknowledged equal ity

Chapter 38, page 498

Reader , I married him

The narrator addresses the reader Marriage as a free choice

Bibliography Brontë C. , Jane Eyre , Penguin Books, (1847) 2003Allen W., The English Novel, Pelican Books (1954) 1958Duby G., Perrot M., Storia del le donne, l 'Ottocento,

Laterza, 1991Jackson R., Fantasy, the l iterature of subversion,

Methuen & Co. Ltd., 1981

Sitography www.sparknotes .com/lit/janeeyre