james' audience feedback question without videos


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Post on 12-Apr-2017




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Initial music video…

This was our initial finished music video which as a group we were fairly pleased with. However we then screened this video to the rest of our class in order to gain some audience feedback with the possibility of going away to improve it, should we need to.

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Reactions from our screening• Use of shots ✓

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Reactions from our screening• Use of shots ✓(continued)The use of shots in our music video was a very positive talking point from our audience feedback. As Harry mentions in the clip of our audience feedback on the previous slide, he picks out the variety of interesting shots that we used including the projection shots throughout, the shot through the wine bottle, and the 4 overlay shots of Adam.

From this we can clearly conclude as a group that our variety of shot techniques, in regards to different effects, is a major strength of our music video and we used it to good effect. Mr. Goddard says in the clip on the previous slide that “it really does carry real weight to it ultimately, aesthetically speaking”. This epitomises the role in which our variety of shots played in contributing to the entirety of our music video as it is a clear strength.

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Reactions from our screening• Pace and tempo✓

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Another positive aspect of our music video which was admired in our audience feedback was how the pace of the editing worked well with the tempo of the music. Niall specifically mentioned this in the clip on the previous slide which shows another strength of our music video. As a group we felt that this was vital in creating a successful music video and so it was pleasing that the audience were complimentary of our combination between the pace and tempo. Evidence of this comes throughout our music video whereby we slowed shots down as the music slowed down, but then sped them up as the tempo of the music increased. Mr. Goddard added another conclusive statement in the previous clip by saying that there is “a very strong degree of synchronicity”, therefore proving that the pace of our editing matched the tempo of the music very well.

• Pace and tempo✓(continued)Reactions from our screening

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Reactions from our screening• Editing techniques✓

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Another strength which was identified in our audience feedback was the variety of editing techniques that we incorporated into our music video. This was specifically identified by Ben in the clip on the previous slide. The stand out techniques that were mentioned included the four split screens of Adam as he is singing and also the un-blurring of Adam at the very start of the video as the song starts. We used a variety of different editing techniques in our music video in order to make the video as interesting as possible for the audience, whilst still sticking to the tempo of the music and the narrative side of the music video without overdoing the effects. Overall these different techniques combine to add to the success of the product and were a strength which our audience were able to identify.

Reactions from our screening• Editing techniques✓(continued)

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Reactions from our screening• Narrative and performance✓

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One other strength of our music video which was identified by our audience in our screening was the link between the narrative and the performance. This was specifically identified by Tilly who particularly admired the cross reference of our male actor singing along to the song of our music video on the radio in the narrative. As we have our male actor performing on his own singing the song, this reflected how the narrative and performance are two worlds apart however it still allows for the audience to see for a clear link between the two. This was a clear strength of our music video showing an equal distribution between the narrative and performance.

Reactions from our screening• Narrative and performance✓(continued)

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Reactions from our screening• Lighting✗

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One aspect of our music video which was considered as a weakness was the lighting towards the end of our music. The ending sequence of our music video came out a lot darker than we had hoped and this had a downfall of our video. It was clear to us that it was in fact too dark and the audience reassured us of this as they struggled to see exactly what was happening in the sequence. Matthew did say that the other colour schemes throughout the video earlier worked well but the end bit was a bit too dark. Mr. Goddard then rightly added that “if Flo weren’t wearing lighter codes of dress you wouldn’t really see her”. Receiving these comments about the lighting towards the end of our video meant that myself and my group had a decision to make. As a group we felt that we would try and re-shoot the ending sequence in order to make it lighter and more viewable for our audience because it did weaken our music video.

Reactions from our screening• Lighting✗(continued)

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Reactions from our screening• Ending performance✗

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Another weakness of our music video which became apparent to our viewing audience was the performance of our characters in regards to the narrative towards the end of our music video. Niall pointed out that as the couple ‘made-up’, it seemed very half hearted as they just hugged and got back in the car together. It was offered by our audience that perhaps the male should have pleaded more to get his girlfriend back or had the couple talking with more close-ups, to mirror their argument that they had at the start of the music video. This is something which my group definitely agreed upon and thus decided that we would also try and re-shoot this in order to make it into a strength instead of a weakness of our product.

Reactions from our screening• Ending performance✗(continued)

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Final music video…

Please see video 8 below this PowerPoint…

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From our audience feedback there were two main features in our music video which we intended to change, and these were the lighting of the end sequence, and the narrative/acting whereby the couple make up.To make these changes we had to do two re-shoots. On our first shoot we filmed the end sequence earlier on in the evening so that it was lighter, and then on our second shoot we included more shots of our male and female talking and making up in a more whole hearted performance from the couple.Making these changes had an huge impact upon our music video. We were able to include much better shots with different angles for our ending sequence in a visible light which ultimately added a whole new dimension to our video, improving the piece as a whole.

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Audience reactionAfter making these changes to our music video, I screened our updated video to a number of people in order to see if they could identify an overall improvement in the product. The comments we received from our second screening were very positive, proving that the initial audience feedback was extremely valid as these improvements that we made, ultimately made our music video more successful.

These were some of the comments after showing the audience our improved video: ■ “The narrative is now much more clear”■ “It is a lot easier to see now and it’s made the video a lot better”■ “Even though the changes are small, you can see a huge diffference”