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  • 8/9/2019 Jamaica J Pet 2007


    Classification of Altered Volcanic Island ArcRocks using Immobile Trace Elements:Development of the Th^Co DiscriminationDiagram






    Many diagrams conventionally used to classify igneous rocks utilize

    mobile elements, which commonly renders them unreliablefor classify- 

    ing rocks from the geological record.The K 2 O^SiO2  diagram, used to

    subdivide volcanic arc rocks into rock type (basalts, basaltic andesites,

    andesites, dacites an d rhyolites) and volcanic series (tholeiitic,

    calc-alkaline, high-K calc-alkaline and shoshonitic), is particularly

    susceptible to the effects ofalteration. However, by usingTh as a proxy

      for K 2 O and Co as a proxy for SiO2   it is possible to construct 

    a topologically similar diagram that performs the same task but is

    more robust for weathered and metamorphosed rocks. This study

    uses 41000 carefully filtered Tertiary^Recent island arc samples

    to construct aTh^Co classification diagram. A ‘testing set’comprising

    data not used in constructing the diagram indicates a classification

    success rate of c. 80%. When applied to some hydrothermally altered,

    then tropically weathered Cretaceous volcanic arc lavas from

     Jamaica,the diagram demonstrates the presence ofa tholeiitic volcanic

    arc series dominated by intermediate^acid lavas overlain by a

    calc-alkaline seriesdominated by basic lavas.

    KEY WORDS:  island arc lavas; element mobility; discrimination plots;

     Jamaica; Caribbean

    I N T R O D U C T I O N

    The recognized method of classifying most volcanic rocks

    is the total alkali^silica (TAS) diagram (Le Bas et al ., 1986,

    1992). The total alkali (Na2OþK2O) axis mainly distin-

    guishes alkalic from sub-alkalic rock types, whereas the

    silica axis mainly distinguishes primitive from evolved

    rock types. This diagram does, however, have limited

    application to volcanic arc lavas, the vast majority of 

    which simply classify as sub-alkaline. Volcanic arc rocks

    can be further classified into tholeiitic, calc-alkaline and

    shoshonitic series. At one time, this was done on the basis

    of iron enrichment using diagrams such as FeOtot/MgO vs

    SiO2  (Miyashiro, 1974; Arculus, 2003) or (Na2OþK2O)^ 

    MgO^FeOtot (the AFM plot of Kuno, 1968). Typically,

    however, this subdivision is usually made using a K2O^ SiO2 diagram (Peccerillo & Taylor, 1976; Rickwood, 1989).

    This diagram has the advantage of assigning both a volca-

    nic series (tholeiitic, calc-alkaline, high-K calc-alkaline,

    shoshonitic) based mainly on K2O, and hence the degree

    of large ion lithophile element (LILE) enrichment, and a

    rock type (basalt, basaltic andesite, andesite, dacite, rhyo-

    lite) based primarily on silica content and hence degree of 


    It has long been recognized that the TAS diagram is not

    robust in classifying altered volcanic rocks, and proxies

    using more immobile elements have been developed for

    that purpose (e.g. Winchester & Floyd, 1977; Pearce, 1996).

    However, there is no equivalent proxy for the K2O^SiO2diagram, although there have been some efforts in that

    direction (e.g. Pearce, 1982). The need for a more robust

    equivalent of that diagram became apparent to us when

    studying Cretaceous volcanic arc samples from Jamaica,

    which have undergone hydrothermal alteration followed

    *Corresponding author. Telephone: þ44 (0)29 208 75874.

    E-mail: [email protected]

      The Author 2007. Published by Oxford University Press. All

    rights reserved. For Permissions, please e-mail: journals.permissions@


     JOURNALOF PETROLOGY   VOLUME 48 NUMBER12 PAGES 2341^2357 2007 doi:10.1093/petrology/egm062

  • 8/9/2019 Jamaica J Pet 2007


    by intense tropical weathering. The aim of this study is to

    devise a diagram to classify altered volcanic arc lavas onthe same basis as the K2O^SiO2  diagram and to apply it

    to the Jamaican samples.

    E L E M E N T M O B I L I T Y I N

    M E TA M O R P H O S E D A N D

    T R O P IC A L L Y W E AT H E R E D

    A R C R O C K S : T H E J A M A I C A

    C A S E S T U D Y

    The stimulus for this study was a suite of lower Cretaceous

    island arc lavas from the Benbow Inlier in eastern Jamaica

    (Fig. 1). The rocks are part of the Devils RacecourseFormation, which is the oldest lava succession in Jamaica

    and is composed of 1000 m of mafic and felsic lavas, vol-

    caniclastic rocks and four interbedded limestone members

    (Burke et al ., 1969).

    The succession was split into three sections by Burke

    et al . (1969). The lower section is 400 m thick; most of the

    lavas have been silicified. The top 100 m of the lower unit

    consists of volcanic conglomerates (Burke   et al  ., 1969;

    Robinson   et al ., 1972). The middle section consists mainly

    of volcaniclastic rocks, whereas the upper section ismostly composed of pillow lavas and rare volcaniclastic

    rocks (Burke et al ., 1969; Roobol, 1972).

    Twenty-four samples representing the succession have

    been sampled and analysed for major elements and

    30 trace elements by inductively coupled plasma optical

    emission spectrometry (ICP-OES) and ICP mass

    spectrometry (ICP-MS) using methods described by

    McDonald & Viljoen (2006). These data are presented in

    Table 1 together with international standard values and

    analytical errors. The lavas are variably porphyritic with

    plagioclase and clinopyroxene as the dominant pheno-

    crysts, together with oxides in some samples and potas-

    sium feldspar in the more silicic rocks. The extent of alteration is also variable, with sericite, chlorite, epidote,

    calcite, clay minerals and iron oxyhydroxides as the main

    secondary minerals. This reflects a hydrothermal alter-

    ation event post-dated by tropical weathering. The tropical

    weathering is a particular concern for element mobility,

    given the high water̂ rock ratios, high surface tempera-

    tures and high concentrations of organic acids

    (Summerfield, 1997).

    Fig. 1.   Simplified maps of (a) the Caribbean region, (b) Jamaica and (c) the Benbow Inlier, locating the Cretaceous arc volcanics of the DevilsRacecourse Formation. Samples collected from localities 1^5 in (c) were analysed for a full suite of major and trace elements, providing the datareported in Table 1.



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    Table 1: Major and trace element compositions of the Devils Racecourse lavas, Jamaica

    Sample: AHBI01 AHBI03 AHBI05 AHBI06 AHBI07 AHBI09 AHBI10 AHBI11 AHBI12

    Section: Lower Lower Lower Lower Lower Upper Upper Upper Upper

    Rock type: BA/A BA/A D/R D/R D/R BA BA B BA

    Rock series: IAT IAT IAT IAT IAT CA CA CA CA

    Locality: 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5

    Major elements (wt %)

    SiO2   5907 5898 8108 8263 7698 5002 5385 4887 4569

    TiO2   086 086 039 030 064 122 117 110 115

    Al2O3   1507 1504 1099 1007 1262 1702 1623 1696 1547

    Fe2O3   836 839 191 092 091 1137 711 1114 1053

    MnO 014 015 003 001 003 015 011 018 018

    MgO 255 260 084 015 255 296 095 360 366

    CaO 213 240 035 058 039 380 688 1066 946

    Na2O 737 710 368 359 439 254 537 279 200

    K2O 045 040 016 008 023 061 009 054 031

    P2O5   013 012 006 005 014 062 029 016 025

    LOI 224 231 105 069 201 786 699 243 998

    Total 9838 9834 10054 9907 10090 9818 9903 9843 9867

    Anhydrous SiO2   6042 6038 8194 8321 7856 5429 5789 5008 5076

    Trace elements (ppm)

    V 151 149 15 10 1 275 251 399 362

    Cr 12 16 21 69 17 4 7 30 32

    Co 187 189 38 37 20 234 199 312 243

    Ni 9 42 5 111 2 8 58 5 10

    Ga 155 157 97 70 126 189 115 181 155

    Rb 375 319 038 020 150 238 028 497 090

    Sr 117 138 43 49 58 435 387 545 467

    Y 345 318 257 222 348 386 239 211 238

    Zr 829 821 1132 962 1233 916 862 671 777

    Nb 186 185 116 093 158 233 217 172 177

    Ba 348 219 414 196 183 469 80 301 657

    La 625 510 680 480 575 2300 1100 870 910

    Ce 1492 1291 1692 1179 1653 4831 2794 2020 2378

    Pr 206 198 247 176 285 533 412 282 365

    Nd 1041 986 1138 866 1440 2390 1812 1243 1659

    Sm 356 341 300 249 427 540 409 324 394

    Eu 115 113 078 060 105 170 117 112 135

    Gd 393 385 344 282 483 552 402 305 399

    Tb 073 072 056 048 081 082 060 052 059

    Dy 502 501 384 329 570 546 395 341 387

    Ho 102 102 075 064 111 106 075 064 072

    Er 304 306 241 211 365 337 239 185 227

    Tm 046 045 038 033 060 051 037 028 035

    Yb 315 323 255 214 394 326 239 192 217

    Lu 049 051 046 040 065 054 040 030 042

    Hf 216 222 312 265 338 263 237 152 214

    Ta 007 008 011 009 011 014 012 006 011

    Th 035 034 083 069 065 171 162 117 131

    U 028 028 050 040 057 048 096 062 059




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    Table 1: Continued 

    Sample: AHBI13 AHBI14 AHBI15 AHBI16 AHBI17 AHBI18 AHBI19 AHBI20 AHBI21

    Section: Upper Upper Upper Lower Lower Lower Lower Lower Lower

    Rock type: B BA BA BA D BA/A D D/R D/R


    Locality: 5 5 5 2 2 2 2 2 2

    Major elements (wt %)

    SiO2   5249 4612 4201 5398 5944 6480 6582 7573 7701

    TiO2   120 117 111 117 097 127 077 039 040

    Al2O3   1611 1469 1753 1637 1467 1157 1567 1133 951

    Fe2O3   1112 1383 916 1203 939 985 669 341 456

    MnO 013 024 015 016 020 025 013 003 008

    MgO 265 249 307 335 039 229 228 069 110

    CaO 385 681 986 495 468 227 033 153 050

    Na2O 575 428 412 465 512 453 524 193 332

    K2O 025 153 048 018 019 006 005 213 005

    P2O5   024 024 024 015 017 025 013 005 008

    LOI 581 695 1120 297 354 248 262 196 233

    Total 9959 9835 9892 9996 9875 9963 9972 9918 9893

    Anhydrous SiO2   5572 4957 4731 5563 6162 6645 6760 7725 7885

    Trace elements (ppm)

    V 387 374 325 370 341 320 84 33 15

    Cr 12 125 58 23 19 25 29 34 17

    Co 304 250 217 311 102 229 96 35 47

    Ni 5 30 155 43 34 18 39 32 32

    Ga 161 179 205 186 116 108 169 107 128

    Rb 227 1448 — 104 122 052 051 1029 012

    Sr 525 490 689 328 389 112 62 98 32

    Y 349 229 271 251 214 337 333 424 397

    Zr 894 843 697 499 289 592 741 1882 1033

    Nb 214 200 178 125 096 156 156 457 187

    Ba 306 433 143 191 71 99 58 665 29

    La 1450 1100 1325 308 370 424 417 939 654

    Ce 3543 2590 2601 786 824 1053 1033 2212 1553

    Pr 530 352 401 146 110 192 186 358 262

    Nd 2331 1524 1698 756 578 958 906 1603 1264

    Sm 550 376 417 260 200 316 299 473 392

    Eu 174 130 139 100 080 113 092 101 100

    Gd 499 351 420 324 271 395 366 509 455

    Tb 083 062 067 059 047 072 067 094 084

    Dy 532 390 417 389 316 473 452 635 558

    Ho 101 075 084 078 064 095 096 131 118

    Er 295 225 241 229 187 279 291 403 359

    Tm 043 034 036 037 030 045 046 067 059

    Yb 281 224 238 238 190 281 303 464 401

    Lu 045 035 037 035 032 043 047 073 061

    Hf 207 203 184 154 091 168 226 542 290

    Ta 007 007 010 007 005 009 011 033 013

    Th 143 141 144 017 009 022 032 150 059

    U 110 051 075 013 010 015 024 070 050




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    Table 1: Continued 

    Sample: AHBI22 AHBI23 AHBI26 AHBI27 AHBI28 AHBI30

    Section: Lower Lower Lower Lower Lower Lower

    Rock type: D/R BA/A D/R D/R D/R D

    Rock series: IAT IAT IAT IAT IAT IAT

    Locality: 2 3 3 3 3 1

    Major elements (wt %)

    SiO2   8142 5699 7767 7322 7634 6609

    TiO2   031 102 043 053 044 050

    Al2O3   816 1459 1057 1279 1059 1533

    Fe2O3   149 1022 288 476 414 540

    MnO 002 012 005 004 007 009

    MgO 036 192 043 090 065 244

    CaO 085 745 114 020 024 311

    Na2O 254 447 399 518 473 290

    K2O 029 003 006 006 004 072

    P2O5   005 012 009 009 009 010

    LOI 098 303 168 198 155 273

    Total 9647 9995 9899 9977 9889 9940

    Anhydrous SiO2   8223 5877 7899 7470 7754 6795

    Trace elements (ppm)

    V 26 307 8 6 5 104

    Cr 45 44 18 39 39 9

    Co 24 189 24 40 34 104

    Ni 67 31 23 66 18 21

    Ga 61 242 120 176 131 149

    Rb 104 043 025 064 048 294

    Sr 50 78 56 28 24 136

    Y 228 221 404 495 346 185

    Zr 972 333 1087 1457 1179 742

    Nb 134 097 209 271 208 171

    Ba 211 8 264 43 19 700

    La 435 280 673 731 584 455

    Ce 925 660 1602 1748 1514 1007

    Pr 149 117 282 311 263 152

    Nd 670 610 1378 1447 1277 659

    Sm 209 214 417 462 398 186

    Eu 055 091 111 129 086 067

    Gd 245 275 488 565 456 208

    Tb 048 049 090 109 082 039

    Dy 324 329 596 739 547 265

    Ho 070 068 123 153 111 055

    Er 217 199 367 464 337 173

    Tm 036 031 057 077 055 030

    Yb 251 204 369 510 363 202

    Lu 041 032 053 074 059 033

    Hf 268 107 328 414 343 204

    Ta 010 006 015 017 015 013

    Th 074 011 064 079 066 076

    U 037 012 051 078 048 046




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    Table 1: Continued 

    JB-1a certified values Av. JB-1a value for this


    RSD Detection limits

    Major elements (wt %)

    SiO2   5216 5280 086 00119

    TiO2   130 128 256 00002

    Al2O3   1451 1471 145 00055

    Fe2O3   910 895 165 00044

    MnO 015 015 361 00194

    MgO 775 794 124 00004

    CaO 923 952 207 00029

    Na2O 274 258 688 00029

    K2O 142 137 696 00169

    P2O5   026 026 284 00044

    Trace elements (ppm)

    V 206 196 225 007

    Cr 415 423 426 021

    Co 395 381 331 003

    Ni 140 139 723 034

    Ga 180 179 189 0022

    Rb 14 14 9124 0031

    Sr 443 466 932 029

    Y 240 240 158 002

    Zr 1460 1375 486 005

    Nb 27 28 546 009

    Ba 497 502 218 041

    La 381 376 365 0011

    Ce 661 664 188 0006

    Pr 73 72 214 0003

    Nd 255 258 152 0006

    Sm 507 512 353 0005

    Eu 147 149 144 0002

    Gd 454 460 331 0028

    Tb 069 068 330 0009

    Dy 419 406 167 0003

    Ho 072 074 265 0001

    Er 218 213 259 0003

    Tm 031 031 265 0001

    Yb 21 207 238 0003

    Lu 032 031 644 0004

    Hf 348 336 512 0002

    Ta 16 16 241 0001

    Th 88 88 328 0002

    U 16 16 915 0004

    Major elements determined by ICP-OES; trace elements by ICP-MS. Rock types: B, basalt; BA, basaltic andesite;A, andesite; D, dacite; R, rhyolite. Rock series: IAT, island arc tholeiite; CA, calc-alkaline. RSD, relative standarddeviation. The locality numbers refer to Fig. 1. The JB-1a international standard data are based on 10 analyses carried outwithin the Jamaica analytical run. Detection limits are based on blank analyses. The analytical procedure has beendescribed by McDonald  &  Viljoen (2006). JB-1a certified values are taken from Govindaraju (1994). LOI, loss on ignition.



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    The behaviour of an element during weathering and

    hydrothermal alteration is commonly related to its

    charge/radius ratio (ionic potential) (e.g. Pearce, 1996).

    Thus, elements that form ions of low ionic potential

    (5003pm1) tend to be preferentially removed in solution

    as hydrated cations, whereas elements forming ions with a

    high ionic potential (4010 pm1

    ) tend to be preferentiallyremoved as hydrated oxyions. Ions of intermediate ionic

    potential (003^010 pm1) tend to remain in the solid pro-

    duct of weathering and so are relatively immobile; this is

    typically true even at greenschist-grade metamorphism.

    Thus, the elements Zr, Hf, Nb, Ta, Y, Ti, Cr, the rare

    earth elements (REE) apart from Eu and possibly La, Th,

    Ga and Sc are among the most immobile. However, a

    change in fluid composition from H2O-rich to a CO2-rich

    fluid or SiO2-rich partial melt, and/or an increase in tem-

    perature and/or extremely high fluid throughput may

    mobilize otherwise immobile elements (e.g. Hynes, 1980;

    McCulloch & Gamble, 1991; Pearce, 1996; Hill  et al ., 2000).

    The mobility of elements in each case must therefore betested. An effective method is that of Cann (1970), in

    which an immobile element is plotted on the horizontal

    axis of bivariate variation diagrams and elements to be

    evaluated are plotted on the vertical axes. If the two ele-

    ments are moderately highly incompatible and immobile,

    and the samples are cogenetic, the data should give trends

    with slopes close to unity.

    For this study, Nb is used as the immobile element

    (Fig. 2) because it is one of the most immobile (e.g. Cann,

    1970; Hill  et al ., 2000; Kurtz et al ., 2000) and has a similar

    partition coefficient to Th, one of the key elements consid-

    ered here. Plotting Zr against Nb in Fig. 2a gives a linear

    trend with a slope of unity for both lower and upper DevilsRacecourse lavas, indicating that both elements are

    immobile and that the variations may be explained by

    intra-formation differentiation. Figure 2b similarly exhibits

    significant (95% or better) within-formation correlations,

    providing evidence for Yb immobility. It also allows the

    lower and upper units to be distinguished based on their

    Nb/Yb ratios.

    In Fig. 2c, Th similarly exhibits immobile behaviour

    with two distinct trends, one with high Th/Nb ratios and

    one with lower ratios. In contrast, in Fig. 2d, U (which

    is known to be mobile during oxidative alteration) predic-

    tably gives a much greater scatter. In Fig. 2e and f, the light

    REE (LREE), La, and middle REE (MREE), Sm, alsogive inter-formation correlations consistent with immobi-

    lity, Sm being more immobile than La.

    Significantly for this work, the elements of low ionic

    potential known to be mobile in most settings (exemplified

    here by Ba and K), exhibit a large scatter with no evidence

    of the expected, pre-alteration slope of unity within the

    lower and upper Devils Racecourse lavas. Clearly, there-

    fore, K has been variably added and/or subtracted during

    hydrothermal alteration and weathering and is not useful

    for classifying these rocks; moreover, of the LILE used to

    identify rock series, Th is likely to be the most robust,

    although LREE may also be usable in this case.

    F I N G E R P R I N T I N G V O L C A N I CA R C R O C K T Y P E U S I N G

    P U B L I S H E D I M M O B I L E

    E L E M E N T D I A G R A M S

    Many of the earliest immobile trace element classification

    diagrams, such as those of Pearce & Cann (1973), Wood

    et al . (1979) and Shervais (1982), focused on fingerprinting

    the tectonic setting of volcanic rocks. Jackson (1987) used

    these diagrams to assign an island arc origin to the Devils

    Racecourse Formation. The normal mid-ocean ridge

    basalt (N-MORB)-normalized trace element patterns in

    Fig. 3a clearly highlight the arc-like negative Nb anomalies

    that characterize all the samples.

    Only Floyd & Winchester, in a series of papers (e.g.Floyd & Winchester, 1975, 1978; Winchester & Floyd, 1976,

    1977), specifically addressed the identification of rock type.

    The most commonly used approach is their Zr/TiO2 ^Nb/

    Y diagram (Winchester & Floyd, 1977), which has subse-

    quently been updated using a much larger dataset and

    statistically drawn boundaries by Pearce (1996) (Fig. 3b).

    This diagram is essentially a proxy for the TAS classifica-

    tion diagram, where Nb/Y is a proxy for alkalinity

    (Na2OþK2O) and Zr/TiO2   is a proxy for silica. Nb/Y

    increases from sub-alkalic to alkalic compositions and

    Zr/TiO2   increases from basic to acid compositions. The

     Jamaican samples from the Lower Formation give a wide

    spread from basalts to dacites or rhyolites, and the UpperFormation plots entirely as basalts (Fig. 3b).

    Diagrams such as Fig. 3b, however, have limitations in

    classifying volcanic arc rocks, as the original Winchester

    & Floyd (1977) diagram was constructed using all types of 

    igneous rocks except for island arc lavas. This was because

    of the limited number of analyses of volcanic arc rocks in

    the 1970s. Thus, the diagrams classify volcanic rocks on the

    basis of their sub-alkaline and alkaline characteristics but,

    unlike diagrams such as the Th/Yb^Ta/Yb diagram,

    cannot subdivide rocks into more specific tholeiitic, cal-

    c-alkaline, high-K calc-alkaline and shoshonitic fields

    (Fig. 3b).

    The updated Zr/TiO2 ^Nb/Y diagram of Pearce (1996)uses volcanic arc analyses but it raises another problem;

    namely, the large overlap displayed by island arc basalts,

    basaltic andesites, andesites and dacites. This overlap is

    partly because the high water contents of volcanic arc

    magmas depolymerize the melt creating oxidizing condi-

    tions, which causes Fe^Ti oxides to crystallize earlier than

    in magmas from other tectonic settings. Because melt

    water content varies between arc volcanoes, Fe^Ti oxide



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    (a)   (b)

    (c) (d)

    (e)   (f)

    (g)   (h)


      r  p  p  m



       T   h  p  p  m



       L  a  p  p  m

       S  m   p  p  m

       B  a  p  p  m

       K   2   O  w   t   %

    Nb ppm Nb ppm

    Fig. 2.  Variation diagrams for a range of elements plotted against the most immobile element, Nb. In all diagrams, variations within the lowerand upper Devils Racecourse Formation at basic^intermediate compositions are mainly due to fractional crystallization, which should givenear-diagonal (1:1) vectors on log^log plots. Acid rocks have more c omplex petrogeneses and have not been plotted.



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    crystallization, which contributes towards the increase in

    the silica content of the residual melts, begins at different

    Zr concentrations and Zr/TiO2   ratios. In addition,

    because Zr is more incompatible than Ti, the Zr/TiO2ratio is influenced by the degree of partial melting and

    the processes that cause mantle heterogeneity; it is there-

    fore variable in arc magmas before fractional crystalliza-tion takes place. This is true of any ratio using elements of 

    different compatibilities or any element that is moderately

    to highly incompatible.

    To address the problem that the term ‘sub-alkaline’ does

    not fully describe all volcanic arc lavas, Pearce (1982) used

    an ‘X’/Yb^Ta/Yb diagram not only to fingerprint arc

    lavas, but also to identify the volcanic series. The concept

    is that, in the subduction environment, some elements

    (including Ta and Yb) will remain in the slab and may be

    described as ‘conservative’ whereas others are transferred

    to the mantle wedge by fluids and/or melts and may be

    described as ‘non-conservative’ (Pearce & Peate, 1995).

    If X is a non-conservative element, volcanic arc data will

    lie above the MORB array on this type of projection.

    In addition, the degree of displacement from the MORB

    array increases from tholeiitic though calc-alkaline to

    shoshonitic compositions (e.g. Fig. 3c for X¼Th). For the

     Jamaican rocks plotted on this diagram, the Lower

    Formation plots in the island arc tholeiite field and the

    Upper Formation plots in the calc-alkaline field (Fig. 3c).

    However, the use of trace element ratios means that the

    diagram is largely independent of the effects of fractional

    crystallization and is able to identify rock series but not

    rock type. It is thus not the proxy for the K2O^SiO2diagram that is sought here.

    C H O I C E O F E L E M E N T S

    F O R A K 2O ^ S I O 2   P R O X Y

    D I A G R A M

    For a new classification diagram to be constructed,

    the mobile elements K and, to a lesser extent, Si have

    to be replaced with immobile elements that behave in

    a similar way during subduction zone processes, but subse-

    quently remain immobile during surface weathering. The

    selection of suitable proxy elements requires knowledge of 

    how these elements behave during subduction zone


    Replacement of K by a relativelyimmobile element

    The difficulty in finding immobile elements to classify

    arc volcanic rocks has always been the fact that non-

    conservative elements have to be mobile at some stage to

    be driven off the subducting plate. It is now well known

    from experiment and observation that elements are trans-

    ferred from the subducting plate to the mantle wedge over

    different temperature ranges. As the plate subducts, the

    most fluid-mobile elements such as B and Cs begin to be

    released at the shallowest depth, then the typical fluid-

    mobile elements such as K and Ba, and finally the least





    Th Nb La Ce Pr Nd Sm Hf Zr Eu Ti Gd Tb Dy Y Ho Er Yb

       R  o  c   k

       /   N  -   M   O   R   B

    Lower devils Racecourse formation

    Upper devils Racecourse formation

    sub-alkaline alkaline ultra-alkaline




     a n d e s i t e

     b a s a l t i c  a

     n d e s i t e

     t e p h r i p h o n

     o l i t e


    rhyolitedacite   trachyte






     t r a c h y

     a n d e s i t e


      M  O  R  B

     - a  r  r a  y







         Z    r

         /      T     i     O 



       T   h   /   Y   b

    Fig. 3.   (a) N-MORB normalized multi-element patterns (given asranges) highlighting the arc-like character (large negative Nb anoma-lies) of the lavas of the Lower and Upper Devils RacecourseFormation. Normalizing values in (a) are from Sun & McDonough(1989). (b) Zr/TiO2 ^Nb/Ydiagram of Pearce (1996) (after Winchester& Floyd,1977), which is widely used as an immobile element proxy forthe TAS diagram. (c) Th/Yb^Ta/Yb ratio plot of Pearce (1982), whichprovides an immobile element method of identifying arc lavas andtheir volcanic series. Key as in Fig. 2.



  • 8/9/2019 Jamaica J Pet 2007


    fluid-mobile elements, such as Th and the LREE, begin to

    be released at still greater depth (e.g. Becker   et al ., 2000;

    Savov et al ., 2005). This last group provides the only proxies

    for K in terms of immobility, although their different

    release profiles mean that they do not behave in precisely

    the same way. This is apparent in Fig. 2, whereTh proves to

    be the most immobile element that also behaves as a non-conservative element in a subduction context. Thus Th has

    been chosen to substitute for K in the new classification


    In detail, the mechanism for transport of Th is contro-

    versial. A number of studies have used Pb isotopes and

    other parameters to distinguish two main subduction com-

    ponents: (1) aqueous fluid derived mainly from altered

    oceanic crust; (2) silicate melts derived mainly from sedi-

    ment (e.g. Miller  et al ., 1994; Brenan   et al ., 1995; Regelous

    et al ., 1997; Class  et al ., 2000; Elliott, 2003). It is clear that

    K is mobile in both components but less clear how Th

    behaves. One view is that it is mobile only in a sediment

    melt component (e.g. Elliott, 2003), and it is true thatexperiments indicate a marked increase in Th mobility

    when the sediment solidus is reached (Johnson & Plank,

    1999). On the other hand, these experiments indicate that

    Th is still mobile, although less so, under subsolidus condi-

    tions above 6008C, raising the possibility that Th is also

    transported by supercritical, subsolidus aqueous fluids.

    This view has been supported by Keppler (1996), Kessel

    et al . (2005) and others, who have presented convincing

    experimental evidence that both a ‘normal’and a chloride-

    rich fluid from a subducted slab would readily transport

    Th into the overlying mantle wedge. However, they too

    demonstrate decreasing Th mobility with falling tempera-

    ture.Thus for warm to cool subduction, it is likely that onlyK is transported by crust-derived fluids at shallow depth,

    whereas Th and K are transported by sediment melt at

    greater depth. Between these depths, there is a depth

    range marked by transport of fluids containing both K

    and Th but with high K/Th. This is not a problem for the

    classification provided the shallow and deep subduction

    components are integrated before they contribute to arc

    magma genesis.

    Viewed from an empirical perspective, various studies

    have demonstrated Th immobility during tropical weath-

    ering: indeed, the immobility of Th in contrast to the

    mobility of U is the basis for U^Th disequilibria investiga-

    tions of weathering rates (e.g. Dosseto   e t al  ., 2006).Th mobility in metamorphosed crust probably begins in

    the upper amphibolite facies, so one might infer that it

    becomes significant at temperatures between about 450

    and 6508C. In fingerprinting rocks, this means that it can

    certainly be treated as immobile in rocks of greenschist

    facies and below. It also means that a large proportion of 

    the subducted Th will be transmitted to the mantle wedge

    by the time sub-arc depths are reached. Thus, for the most

    part, Th can be a proxy for K, even though there are

    differences in detail in some cases. This is evident in

    Fig. 4a, where K and Th exhibit near-linear trends in the

    fresh rocks of modern arcs (Honshu and the Aleutians are

    shown), even though these may be made up of a range of 

    volcanoes from different locations with respect to theBenioff Zone. However, there is a small component of var-

    iation orthogonal to the main trends. This may represent

    partial decoupling of K and Th during subduction, partial

    melting effects (K is less incompatible than Th) or some

    mobilization of K by volcanic fluids. Figure 4a also

    demonstrates that K mobility causes such relationships to

    break down entirely in altered equivalents, such as the

    lavas from Jamaica.

    It should be noted that Th/Yb (Fig. 3c) can also be used

    as a measure of LILE enrichment to discriminate between

    tholeiitic, calc-alkaline and shoshonitic compositions.

    There are both benefits and disadvantages in using such a

    ratio; the advantages are that it reduces the effects of frac-

    tional crystallization, plagioclase accumulation and con-

    centration by leaching or dilution by veining. However,

    the aim here is to provide a proxy for the K2O^SiO2diagram of Peccerillo & Taylor (1976). For that purpose,

    it is the element that has to replace K2O, not the ratio.

    Replacement of SiO2   by a relativelyimmobile element

    The most successful immobile element proxy for silica to

    date has been Zr/TiO2   (e.g. Winchester & Floyd, 1977).

    The basis of this ratio is that it mirrors silica by changing

    little during crystallization of olivine, pyroxene and plagi-

    oclase (i.e. within basalts), but increases when Fe^Ti oxides

    crystallize and help drive the magma composition to moreSiO2-rich compositions. Unfortunately, as noted above,

    the proxy is only partially effective for volcanic arcs.

    In terms of partition coefficients, Si is an element that is

    slightly incompatible throughout the fractional crystalliza-

    tion and assimilation history of most sub-alkaline magmas.

    There are no precise immobile element equivalents that we

    are aware of. Therefore, instead of using an incompatible

    element we have chosen to use a compatible element,

    which will be gradually removed from the melt throughout

    the crystallization sequence and so will reflect fractiona-

    tion from basalt to rhyolite in an inverse way to silica.

    Of the possible candidates, Ni and Cr are too compati-

    ble, commonly having values below detection limits inintermediate^acid magmas. Sc is incompatible during

    melting and slightly to moderately compatible during

    fractional crystallization, but primary magmas have very

    variable Sc concentrations because of the variable role of 

    garnet in their genesis (e.g. Pearce & Parkinson, 1993).

    The most effective trace element, both from a theoretical

    standpoint and from a series of empirical tests, is Co.



  • 8/9/2019 Jamaica J Pet 2007


    Cobalt is partitioned strongly into olivine, which buffers its

    concentration during partial melting, ensuring little varia-

    tion between primary volcanic arc magmas. During frac-

    tional crystallization, it is highly compatible in olivine and

    Fe^Ti oxides, slightly compatible with respect to pyroxenes

    and amphibole, and strongly incompatible with respect to

    feldspar (Pearce & Parkinson, 1993). For most mineralassemblages, the bulk distribution coefficient is 15^2. The

    Co^SiO2  variation diagram illustrated in Fig. 4b, again

    using data from the Aleutian and Honshu arcs, confirms

    the highly significant inverse correlation between the two

    elements, providing the basis for Co to be used as a proxy

    for SiO2.

    For the Jamaican samples, Fig. 4b also shows a good

    correlation but close examination reveals potential issues.

    In particular, the Upper Devils Racecourse Formation

    has a wide range of silica contents (c. 42^54wt %, or

    47^58 wt % anhydrous) for little change in Co that would

    imply a range of rock types from basic to intermediate.

    However, it is apparent from the Zr/TiO2 ^Nb/Y diagram(Fig. 3b) that these samples form a tight cluster, implying

    that they all belong to a similar rock type. Thus, most of 

    the silica variation apparent in Fig. 4b must be a function

    of alteration. Using SiO2 contents recalculated on an anhy-

    drous basis increases the concentrations but retains the


    The Co^Zr/TiO2 diagram (Fig. 4c), comprising the two

    immobile element proxies, is also informative. Here the

    Honshu and Aleutian arc examples both form linear

    trends, the Honshu arc displaced to lower Zr/TiO2   for

    a given Co concentration. The Jamaica samples are dis-

    placed to still lower Zr/TiO2   concentrations, probably

    reflecting the more depleted nature of the source of theirprimary magmas. The uniform composition of the Upper

    Devils Racecourse Formation is apparent and alhough a

    broad negative correlation is evident in the Lower Devils

    Racecourse data there is more scatter than in the

    Aleutian and Honshu arc data. In particular, there are

    two additional t rends: one to low Zr/TiO2   in the more

    basic samples, and one to low Zr/TiO2   in the most acid

    samples. Given that the former samples have Zr/TiO2lower than any normal basalts, we interpret this trend in

    terms of oxide accumulation. The second trend reflects a

    decrease in Zr concentration in the most silicic rocks and

    we interpret this in terms of zircon fractionation. Neither

    oxide nor zircon saturation in the melt has a majorimpact on Co, making Co potentially a better SiO2 proxy

    than Zr/TiO2. Co does have one potential cause for con-

    cern, however: it will increase markedly in response to

    olivine accumulation. None the less, olivine accumulation

    also reduces SiO2, so the olivine accumulation vector is

    only slightly steeper than the magmatic Co^SiO2   trend

    and presents less of a problem for classification.





    0.1 1 10

    Th ppm

       K  p  p  m

    Aleutian arcHonshu arc

    Lower devils RacecourseUpper devils Racecourse




    Fig. 4.  (a) K^Th, (b) Co^SiO2  and (c) Co^Zr/TiO2  variation dia-grams for evaluating the i mmobile element proxies (Th for K, Co andZr/TiO2   for SiO2). The diagram illustrates trends from some typicalfresh arc lavas from the Aleutian and Honshu arcs from Nakano (1993,1994) and Hildreth   et al . (2004) for comparison with data from thehighly altered Jamaica lavas.



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  • 8/9/2019 Jamaica J Pet 2007


    Co probably account for a significant proportion of 

    the ‘missing’ 20%. Also, as noted above, Th is not a

    perfectproxy forK, as itis usually not mobilized in a subduc-

    tion zone at shallow depths. Inaddition, thereare other com-

    plicating factors. Forexample, Co and SiO2 are concentrated

    in different minerals and so are affected differently bycrystal

    accumulation. None the less, it is unlikely that any diagram

    could precisely reproduce the K2O^SiO2 diagram and, as

    new and better data become available, it should be possible

    to improvetheTh^Co diagram (Fig.7).

    Applying the diagram to the Jamaican samples reveals a

    change in arc chemistry from tholeiitic to calc-alkaline

    affinities. The Th^Co diagram indicates that the lower-

    most lavas have tholeiitic affinities and range in composi-

    tion from basaltic andesites to daciteŝ rhyolites. The

    uppermost lavas have calc-alkaline affinities and range in

    composition from basalts to basaltic andesites (Fig. 8).

    These results are very similar to those obtained based on

    Fig. 3b and c, but now they may be achieved slightly

    more precisely and by a single proxy diagram rather than

    two diagrams.

    C O N C L U S I O N S

    (1) Because of the near-ubiquitous alteration and/or

    weathering of ancient volcanic rocks, it is useful to

    have immobile element proxy diagrams to replace

    conventional diagrams for rock classification. At pres-

    ent, at least one diagram (Zr/TiO2 ^Nb/Y) can be

    used to replace the total alkali^silica (TAS) diagram.

    However, there is no immobile element equivalent for




    Fig. 5.   K2O^SiO2   discrimination diagrams for the 1095 island arc

    analyses (Electronic Appendix A). Compositional fields are fromPeccerillo & Taylor (1976). IAT, island arc tholeiite; CA, calc-alkaline;H-K, high-K calc-alkaline; SHO, shoshonite. (a) Rock series classifi-cation and (b) rock type classification for comparison with Fig. 6.






    010203040506070Co ppm

       T   h  p  p  m






       T   h  p  p  m



    Fig. 6.   Th^Co discrimination diagrams showing the 1095 arc lavasclassified using Fig. 5. (a) Samples plotted as rock series; (b) samplesplotted as rock type. Key as in Fig. 5. The 85% contour lines are alsoillustrated for each rock series and rock type.



  • 8/9/2019 Jamaica J Pet 2007


    the Peccerillo & Taylor (1976) K2O^SiO2   diagram

    that is used to classify volcanic arc lavas.

    (2) To achieve this, an immobile element proxy for K2O

    must replicate its incompatibility, its enrichment

    above subduction zones and its enrichment during

    assimilation and fractional crystallization. Th is the

    most effective of the elements considered, being

    immobile up to lower amphibolite-facies metamor-

    phism. Apart from arc volcanoes with a high shallow

    subduction component, K^Th diagrams show that

    Th replicates K2O well.

    (3) The immobile element proxy for SiO2  must replicate

    its steady change from basic to acid compositions and

    its relative lack of variation in primary magmas.

    Table 2: Classification of the training set (a) and the testing set (b) samples using theTh^Co discrimination diagram

    (a) Classification of the training set

    Th–Co magma type Sum % correct


    SiO2–K2O magma type

    IAT 193 45 1 239 81

    CA 63 481 30 574 8 4

    H-K/SHO 3 83 196 282 70

    Average% correct 78

    Average% correct for IAT and CA 82

    Th–Co magma type Sum % correct

    Basic Intermediate Acid

    SiO2–K2O magma type

    Basalt 375 56 3 434 86

    Basaltic andesite–andesite 138 366 29 533 69

    Dacite–rhyolite 5 26 97 128 76

    Average% correct 77

    (b) Classification of the testing set

    Th–Co magma type Sum % correct


    SiO2–K2O magma type

    IAT 38 10 0 48 79

    CA 5 28 2 35 80

    H-K/SHO 0 0 11 11 100

    Average% correct 86

    Th–Co magma type Sum % correct

    Basic Intermediate Acid

    SiO2–K2O magma type

    Basalt 26 8 0 34 76

    Basaltic andesite–andesite 11 52 1 64 81

    Dacite–rhyolite 0 2 22 24 92

    Average% correct 83

    In (a) and (b) the ‘sum’ columns denote the number of samples classified with the K2O–SiO2   diagram of Peccerillo&   Taylor (1976). Data in the other columns are the number of samples classified in each category using the Th–Codiagram. The samples that classify correctly on the Th–Co diagram are also given as a percentage. The ‘training set’ is the

    data used to devise the diagram; ‘the testing set’ represents data ‘held back’ to test the method independently.



  • 8/9/2019 Jamaica J Pet 2007


    No incompatible element or element ratio accom-

    plished this. However, the slightly compatible element

    Co did provide a good proxy, despite decreasing

    rather than increasing during fractional crystalliza-

    tion. It has some advantages over Zr/TiO2   as a

    proxy, being less affected by Fe^Ti oxide accumula-

    tion and zircon crystallization.

    (4) The resulting Th^Co classification diagram acts as

    the proxy for the K2O^SiO2   diagram. Fields drawn

    on the basis of 85% probability contours demonstrate

    that it is not possible to separate high-K calc-alkalinefrom shoshonitic samples, nor basaltic andesite from

    andesite or dacite from rhyolite samples with a high

    degree of confidence. However, a ‘testing set’ of 

    samples not used in the original classification demon-

    strates that it can achieve   c. 80% success rate in

    separating tholeiitic from calc-alkaline from high-K

    calc-alkaline plus shoshonite series, and in separating

    basalt from basaltic andesite plus andesite from dacite

    plus rhyolite rock types. Usefully, it is also topologi-

    cally similar to the K2O^SiO2 diagram.

    (5) This diagram is especially valuable for classification

    of lavas within tropical regions because of the more

    intense weathering, but works equally well with rocksthat have undergone hydrothermal alteration and/or

    metamorphism. Retention of Co in iron and manga-

    nese oxyhydroxides and mafic metamorphic phases

    such as amphibole and chlorite ensures that Co is

    usually immobile. However, it should be stressed

    that, as with other immobile trace element discrimi-

    nation and classification diagrams, tests for element

    immobility should always be carried out, and

    petrography and field evidence should be taken into

    account in any application. Moreover, as with other

    diagrams, the classification boundaries are not abso-

    lute but represent fields within which a particular

    rock type or volcanic series is the most probable inter-

    pretation. Nevertheless, the Th^Co plot provides

    a potentially useful projection for classifying altered

    volcanic arc lavas.

    A C K N O W L E D G E M E N T SA.H. gratefully acknowledges receipt of a NERC PhDStudentship (NER/S/A/2003/11215). We thank Iain

    McDonald and Eveline DeVos for their analytical exper-tise in ICP-OES and ICP-MS at Cardiff University, andMartinWolstencroft for his expertise in using the computerprogram Generic Mapping Tools (GMT). A special thankyou must go to Arnott Jones, Ryan Ramsook, Ruth Lileyand Vencott Adams for providing valuable help with field-work and logistics in Jamaica, and to Mike Widdowson forpointing me in the right direction at the beginning of theproject. Constructive reviews by Edward Lidiak, KajHoernle and Robert Trumbull significantly improved themanuscript.

    S U P P L E M E N T A RY D ATA

    Supplementary data for this paper are available at  Journal of Petrology online.

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    B BA/A D/R*







    Co ppm

       T   h  p  p  m

    Fig. 7.  The Th^Co discrimination diagram. B, basalt; BA/A, basalticandesite and andesite; D/R, dacite and rhyolite ( indicates thatlatites and trachytes also fall in the D/R fields). The field boundariesare: B ^BA/A   ¼   (384, 001) to (24, 100); BA/A^D/R   ¼   (23, 001) to

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    B BA/A D/R*

    Fig. 8.   Th^Co classification of the Devils Racecourse lavas. Key asin Fig. 2.



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