jainism. jainism tirthankara tirthankara based on teachings of mahavira based on teachings of...

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Jainism•Tirthankara•Based on teachings of Mahavira•Roots in Hinduism•4.2 million followers

Pandav Leni Caves

24 - 2000 yr. old caves

New Delhi, India

Mahavira•599 B.C. – 527 B.C.•Prince in Bihar, India•Raised a Hindu•Believed Hinduism put too much emphasis on rituals•30 years old – left home became a monk•12 years – meditation and fasting•Finally believed he achieved perfect perception, knowledge, power, and bliss (keval-jnana)

Mahavira•Spent 30 yrs. - travelling on bare feet around India. •He organized his followers, into a four fold order, namely monk (Sadhu), nun (Sadhvi), layman (Shravak), and laywoman (Shravika). Later on they are known as Jains. •Goal: attain freedom from the cycle of birth, life, pain, misery, and death

5 Basic Principles•Nonviolence (Ahimsa) - not to cause harm to any living beings •Truthfulness (Satya) - to speak the harmless truth only •Non-stealing (Asteya) - not to take anything not properly given •Chastity (Brahmacharya) - not to indulge in sensual pleasure •Non-possession/Non-attachment (Aparigraha) - complete detachment from people, places, and material things

Beliefs•Believe everything is alive and part of cycle of rebirth•Believed in karma & reincarnation

Holidays - 2013•April 11: Akshaya Tritiya •April 23: Mahavir Jayanti •September 9: Dashalakshani Parva•September 9: Anata Chaturdasi / Anant Chaturdashi•September 10: Paryushan / Paryushana Parva•September 18: Samvatsari•September 18: Ksamavani•November 3: Lokashah Jayanti•November 3: Diwali / Deepavali•November 5: Bhai Beej•November 8: Jnan Panchami


Sikhism• Founded centuries after Jainism• Roots in teachings of Guru

Nanak• Guru – Sanskrit – teacher

Guru Nanak• A.D. 1400s• Raised Hindu but grew

dissatisfied with teachings• Began traveling – came into

contact with other cultures/religions (including Islam)

• Teachings – blended beliefs of other religions

• Over time – expanded by 9 other gurus

Guru Nanak

Sikhism• Monotheistic• God has no physical form but

can be sensed in nature• Goal - Be united with God after


Achieve Goal• Meditate to find spiritual

enlightenment• Takes more than one lifetime • Reincarnation

Beliefs• Live truthfully• Treat all equal – regardless of

gender or social class• Pray several times per day• Wear 5 items at all times: long

hair, small comb, steel bracelet, sword, special under garment

• turbans