jacobs legacy

1 Prelude to Jacobs‟s legacy Who am I? She sat on the mountaintop her blue eyes stared out over the thorn-bushed shrub that stretched for miles in all directions. A sudden sadness crept into her eyes as her thoughts went back to a day ten years ago…… Jessica was a feisty ten year old with a very outgoing personality. She grew up on a farm in the Northern Province of Limpopo in South Africa. Her parents were successful game farmers. Jessica was the eldest of five children. There were her twin brothers Daniel and Kevin, 2 lively six year olds, and twin sisters Heather and Maxi three years of age. The children of the Jones household were privileged youngsters growing up in a rich and successful family. Jessica had a private tutor who schooled her at home and the younger children had nannies to see to all their needs. Jack and Teresa Jones were always very busy on their game farm. Hunters from overseas visited often, there was the culling of animals and dealing with poachers. Jack and Teresa despite having very busy schedules tried to spend as much time with their children in between their heavy workload. Quality time that was spent playing, reading to the children before bedtime and telling them stories about the animals on the farm. Jessica especially, enjoyed the times the family spent together. She did not have friends, living so far out in the bush, and not attending a regular school.

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A story about love and regrets


Page 1: Jacobs legacy


Prelude to Jacobs‟s legacy

Who am I?

She sat on the mountaintop her blue eyes stared out over the thorn-bushed shrub

that stretched for miles in all directions.

A sudden sadness crept into her eyes as her thoughts went back to a day ten years


Jessica was a feisty ten year old with a very outgoing personality. She grew up on a farm in the Northern Province of Limpopo in South Africa. Her parents were successful game farmers. Jessica was the eldest of five children. There were her

twin brothers Daniel and Kevin, 2 lively six year olds, and twin sisters Heather and Maxi three years of age. The children of the Jones household were privileged

youngsters growing up in a rich and successful family. Jessica had a private tutor who schooled her at home and the younger children had nannies to see to all their needs.

Jack and Teresa Jones were always very busy on their game farm. Hunters from overseas visited often, there was the culling of animals and dealing with poachers.

Jack and Teresa despite having very busy schedules tried to spend as much time with their children in between their heavy workload. Quality time that was spent

playing, reading to the children before bedtime and telling them stories about the animals on the farm. Jessica especially, enjoyed the times the family spent together. She did not have friends, living so far out in the bush, and not attending a regular


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Jessica spent many hours playing with her imaginary friend Bobby. She would go outside and play- act under the shade of a large tree, in the front garden and serve

him tea in her porcelain tea set she had received for her sixth birthday. She had long conversations with him, telling him that when they were grown up, she was

going marry him, and then they would move to the big city, where there would be many friends to entertain. It was on such a day ten years ago, that an earth -shattering explosion changed the course of her life forever.

Jumping up she turned as if in slow motion toward the sound. She stared wide eyed

at the scene playing off in front of her, and it was so frightening that to this day it is etched in her mind, the smells, the smoke and the searing heat. The large family home was burning, flames pouring from every window and door of the house. She

could hear the petrified screams of her family inside the house. She stood as if nailed to the ground, staring at the flames licking the walls and roof of the house.

Within a matter of minutes, the fire had spread and the whole house was engulfed in an angry and fierce blanket of flames and heat. She sunk to the ground and buried

her face in her hands trying to shut out the awful scene. She kept her eyes tightly shut listening to the crackling of the flames. Suddenly the screams inside the house stopped, and everything was eerily quiet. She lay there on the ground. She was to

petrified to move or open her eyes.

“Jessica...Jessica, wake up!‟ She slowly opened her eyes and saw her tutor Cindy bending over her wide eyed and worried. At first, she thought it was all a bad dream, and slowly turned her head toward the house, but all she saw was the blackened

ruins where her home used to be.“Where are my mommy and daddy?” she had asked in a small-frightened little voice, with tears running down her cheeks. Cindy

had taken Jessica in her arms and pacified the little girl. “Your family has all gone to heaven my dear child, and now I have to take you somewhere safe.” She had seen the confusion in Jessica‟s eyes. “Don‟t worry my little one, I will look after you.” After

driving for hours, they had arrived at the police station, where Cindy informed the authorities of the tragedy. Jessica was placed in Cindy‟s care until the authorities

could find her family members. After the long drive back, Jessica was put to bed in the cottage on the farm where Cindy and the two nannies resided. Cindy sat next to her until she fell asleep. She stared down at the tearstained face of the little girl.

“Poor little baby what is going to happen to you.”She gently tucked the sleeping child in, switched of the light and retired.

She was brought back to reality suddenly, when she saw movement in the shrub beneath her. She got up and slowly made her way down the mountain to investigate, thinking that it may be a small animal caught in a snare. Suddenly a shot rang out,

and startled by the gunshot she panicked and lost her footing, she felt herself falling, and screamed. On her fall down the mountain, she hit her head on a rock and sank

into a dark abyss of nothingness.

Jacob jumped up from his crouching position when he heard the screaming. “What

the hell was that?” he thought out loudly. His eyes scouted the mountainside but he saw nothing. He moved up the mountain to have a closer look. After climbing a way

up he stopped, and leaned his rifle against a rock. He took out his binoculars and once again scanned the mountainside. Suddenly his eye caught something in the

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distance and he decided to investigate. He started climbing making sure to stay under cover, there were poachers everywhere and he did not want to be caught

unawares. Making his way carefully through the brush, he suddenly stumbled upon a young women lying amongst the rocks.

He rushed to her side, and knelt down beside her. Her head was bleeding, and she was unconscious. He quickly felt for a pulse and satisfied that she was alive, he took

off his shirt folded it up and gently put it under her head. Jacob took out his handkerchief and softly wiped the blood from her forehead. He got up and looked

around, to see if there was a handbag or something that could identify the girl. He did not find anything and puzzled stared down at her pale face wondering where she came from and what she was doing here so far away from civilization. Realizing that

he should get her off the mountain as soon as possible he bent down, picked her up, and started his descent. After what seems like hours, he reached the foot of the

mountain. Jacob gently lay the young woman down in the shade of a tree and sat down to rest.

He picked her up and walked along a narrow trail through the bushes toward a big farmhouse. Jacob carried her into the house and up the stairs where he lay her down on the bed in one of the bedrooms. After taking of her shoes and covering her with a

blanket, he went downstairs to fetch water and a clean towel. He returned and carefully bathed her face and put a clean dressing on her wound. The beauty of the

girl mesmerized him. He reached out and gently pushed a lock of hair from her face. Jacob felt her pulse and satisfied that it is steady left her to rest.

He went to the bathroom to freshen up, and then he returned to the room, and drew a chair close to the bed sitting down. Once again, he stared at the girl taking in her

beauty, her dark long curls fell softly framing her delicately featured face, lashes lying thick and long on her pale cheeks. Suddenly tiredness overcame him and he drifted off. She drifted in and out of consciousness through the night. Jacob awoke

when he heard a groaning sound, and saw the woman staring at him in a daze. He was enthralled by the soulfulness of her beautiful blue eyes..

“Hello welcome back.” She was confused and just stared at him. Seeing her confusion he told her, “You fell down the mountain and hit your head pretty hard, can

you remember?”

She shook her head and she felt as if her head was going to explode. A groan

escaped from her lips and she closed her eyes. Jacob gently shook her shoulder, “You must wake up.” She heard his voice as if from afar and opened her eyes.

“My head hurts.”

“I will get you something.” She thankfully accepted the water and painkillers, and laid back. “Thank you.”

“Pleasure,” he smiled at her reassuringly. Jessica closed her eyes and once again drifted off. Jacob realizing that she may have concussion decided to let her rest. He

went outside and stared up at the star filled sky, listening to the night sounds of the bush. A frown appeared on his brow, he still wondered about how this girl ended here on his game farm. He went inside to check on her and found her fast asleep, he

then retired for the night wondering what tomorrow would bring.

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She woke up and heard a steady knocking on the window. Slowly she turned her head toward the sound. She noticed a bird sitting on the windowsill pecking at his

reflection in the window. Trying to focus she looked around the room but everything was unfamiliar. She felt the panic threatening to engulf her. She was startled when

there was a soft knock on the door. The door slowly opened and she gasped when a six-foot strikingly handsome man entered. “Can I come in?” Jacob noticed the confused and bewildered look on the girls face. “Sorry I did not mean to frighten


He slowly moved toward the bed “How do you feel?” She stared at him and swallowing asked in a husky voice “How did I get here, who are you?

He smiled down at her. “My name is Jacob. You had an accident. And I brought you to my farm.” He noticed total confusion in her eyes.”Don‟t you remember?” She just shook her head not taking her eyes of his face.

“May I?” He pointed at the chair beside her bed. Jacob sat down and reassuringly

took her hand. “I found you on the mountain. You must have fallen and knocked yourself unconscious.” She felt sudden panic, as she realized she could not remember anything, not even her name. Jacob saw the panic in her eyes. “Take it

easy, don‟t worry you are safe just give yourself time.”

She looked at him and the tears spilled from her eyes. “I can‟t remember my name I don‟t know who I am.” Jacob realized with a shock that it was more serious than he had thought. He tried to sound calm and reassuring.

“I am sure it is just temporarily, you will remember, you just need to rest”. She stared at him and almost got lost in his green piercing eyes, her heart started

pounding in her ears, and she felt the blood rush to her face when she realized that she was staring, and that he was still holding on to her hand. Feeling suddenly very

embarrassed she pulled her hand from his. Jacob cleared his throat, and shifted uncomfortably in the chair.


She turned her head and stared out of the window trying to calm her heart, which

was by now beating uncontrollably. Jacob quietly got up and left the room closing the door softly behind him. He lent against the door closing his eyes, trying to

comprehend what just happened. Getting his feelings under control, he took a shower and went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast. She stared out the window for a long time trying to gather her thoughts. “Who am I, where do I come from?” She

felt the panic once again welling up inside her and decided to get up. Feeling a bit unsteady on her feet, she gingerly made her way to a door that she presumed must

be the bathroom. She took a shower and with a towel wrapped around her body, she opened a cupboard door to see if she could find something clean to wear. She found a shirt, threw it on and looked at herself in the mirror, she was shocked when she did

not recognize the person staring back at her.

She picked up a brush and brushed her long dark curls. As if in a daze, she left the room. She walked down the stairs slowly and followed the smell of frying bacon. She paused at the door to the kitchen. Jacob was at the stove his back turned to her. She

stared at him in awe, taking in the broad shoulders, his muscular arms and narrow

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hips. She felt herself blush as her eyes moved upward to the thick blonde hair curling in the nape of his broad neck. Oblivious to her presence Jacob started humming a

tune while he continued cooking. Feeling ashamed, that she was so blatantly staring at him, she cleared her throat. He swung around with a broad smile on his

suntanned face. “Breakfast is served.”

She suddenly felt famished and approached the table, very aware that she was

probably wearing one of his shirts and once again felt herself blushing. “That shirt suits you. You look...” He abruptly stopped when he saw her embarrassment. “Umm

let‟s eat”. For a while, an uncomfortable silence ensued between them. She kept her eyes averted. Jacob openly stared at her. He marveled at her beauty, the plate before him forgotten. Suddenly she felt his eyes on her and looked up.

“You‟re staring.”

“Sorry I didn‟t mean to but....” his words trailed off when he saw her discomfort. They both continued their meal in silence, very aware of one another‟s presence.

Jacob pushed back his plate, “I have to go and work, will you be alright on your own?

“Yes I think so.” Her voice reflected the uncertainty she felt.

“Upstairs in the bedroom next to yours you will find some lady‟s clothing that should fit you. Help yourself to any of them.” He turned and abruptly walked out the door

but not before, she noticed the sadness in his eyes. She went upstairs and carefully opened the door; she stared in amazement at the room. It had a feminine touch, the

interior was tastefully decorated and she felt as if she had entered a room that told a story of heartache and love.

She was almost too frightened to touch anything for fear that she may disturb the ambiance. She noticed a baby crib in the corner of the room, and felt a sudden

sadness she could not explain. Cautiously moving toward the large built-in cupboard, she opened the door, and was shocked to see woman‟s clothing, both sophisticated and slightly tomboyish filling every space available. She felt like an

intruder as she choose one of the outfits and put it on. She looked at herself in the mirror, and satisfied that the outfit she had chosen fitted her, carefully closed the

cupboard door. She looked around the room and her eyes fell on a photograph on one of the dressers. She picked it up and stared at the image, she recognized Jacob embracing a beautiful woman, and noticed that she was pregnant. She put down the

photograph and moved toward the crib draped in blue satin and lace, with the words David embroidered on the hood. She stroked the side of the crib deep in thought.

Feeling a sudden cold shiver run down her spine she left the room and closed the door behind her.

She went downstairs and entered the library. She randomly took a book from the bookshelf, but felt the walls closing in on her and decided to go outside in the garden to read. She noticed a bench under a large tree and sat down. For a while, the book

lay forgotten in her lap as she surveyed her surroundings. She took in the beautiful lush lawns and garden that surrounded the house. She looked up at the branches of

the tree she was sitting under, and suddenly had the feeling of being there before. It was almost as if she knew this spot under the tree. Shaking off the feeling, she tried to concentrate on the book in her lap. She read a few lines but then her mind once

again started drifting.

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“How did I get here, who am I.” She also started wondering about the woman in the photograph with Jacob. Is she his wife? If so, where is she, and where is the baby?

The hours passed and it started getting late, she felt uneasy wondering where Jacob was, why was he was so late getting back? She was startled out of her deep

thoughts when the rolling of thunder and lightning suddenly filled the sky. Ominous dark clouds started forming and the wind howled through the trees. She ran toward the house and was soaked by a sudden heavy downpour of rain. She leant against

the door for a moment, catching her breath. Outside the storm raged and within minutes rivulets were forming and swirling around the house. She was suddenly very

frightened for Jacob who was somewhere out there in the raging storm. What if something had happened to him, why was he not home yet? She tried very hard to suppress the panic that threatened to overwhelm her. She closed her eyes and

listened to the wind howling around the corners of the house, her eyes felt heavy and she dozed off.

Jacob sat in the jeep staring at the river, that a few hours ago was a mere stream, the bridge that he had crossed totally submerged under the raging torrent of water.

He decided to reverse the jeep to higher ground to wait out the storm. He reversed a way up the embankment and turned off the ignition and lights. It was going to be a

long night. He had been in the bush all day, and feeling fatigue set in closed his eyes. However, sleep evaded him.. He thought about the young woman waiting for him. He worried that she would be feeling very frightened all on her own. His

thoughts had been with her all day, why did he feel so attracted to her.

Could he be falling for this girl, a girl that had just appeared from nowhere? In his

mind‟s eye, he sees the long dark hair framing her delicate features, the big soulful blue eyes and her beautiful porcelain like skin. He thought back to this morning when

she appeared in the kitchen with one of his shirts hanging loosely on her small frame. He felt his heart lurching at the thought of her, remembering the sad haunting look in her eyes how he felt himself drowning in them, and the urge he felt at that

moment to take her in his arms and kiss her. He opened his eyes thinking that it was impossible, how could he be having these feelings, it had only been a year since…

Jacobs‟s thoughts were suddenly interrupted by the eerie quietness; he looked out of the jeeps window and saw that the storm had calmed down. Relieved he waited for

the river to subside. He could no longer keep his eyes open and fell into a fitful sleep. A few hours later, he woke up and upon investigating saw that the river had subsided

sufficiently for him to cross. He slowly crossed the bridge and made his way home over the muddy and treacherous roads.

Feeling the warmth of the sun on her face, she opened her eyes and lay quietly trying to gather her thoughts. She suddenly came up with a start and looked around. “Jacob?” She listened for his voice but there is no answer. She ran up the stairs to

his room, her heart beating uncontrollably. She burst through the door and came to an abrupt standstill when she realized that Jacobs‟s bed was empty with no sign of

him having slept in it. “Oh no...No Jacob where are you!

She ran downstairs to the front door, ripped it open, and in her panic ran into Jacob.

Startled she stepped back her heart pounding. They stared at one another, and Jacob had a sudden urge to take her in his arms and moved toward her. She just

stared at him, mouth slightly open her breathing jagged and uneven her heart was

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beating so rapidly, it felt as if it was going jump out of her chest, she closed her eyes as she felt his strong arms embrace her. Jacob felt the warmth of her body against

his, and an overwhelming desire pumped through him. He put his hand under her chin and lifted her face his eyes riveted on her mouth. He bent down and softly

kissed her, feeling her mouth open as she responded to his kiss, he could feel heart beating against his chest. Suddenly he pushed her away.

“Sorry I can‟t...sorry,” he said in a hoarse whisper. She stepped back, and was shocked when she saw the raw pain in his eyes. He moved forward and took her

hand. When he spoke, his voice echoed emotion.

“Come with me I want to show you something.” She let him lead her outside where

they took a path leading up a hill behind the house. They walked in silence both busy with their own thoughts. Reaching the top of the hill, she saw a white cross on a mound of stones. Jacob dropped her hand and walked to the grave where he

crouched down on his haunches and touched the stones gently. She stepped closer and he looked up at her, the wetness on his lashes caused her heart to skip a beat.

“This is where my wife and son are buried.” She heard the raw pain and emotion in his voice, her thoughts went to the pretty woman on the photo, and the blue crib with

the name David embroidered on the hood.

“Your wife ...how...? She broke of mid-sentence when he suddenly got up and faced her.

“She died a year ago in childbirth and my son a few days later.” His voice broke, and she took his hands in hers.

“I am so sorry; I didn‟t realize it must have been very hard for you.” He stared down at the grave.

“Yes...yes it was.” His voice was hoarse and filled with heartache. She moved closer and put her arms around his waist.

” I am so sorry.” He bent down to kiss her. Suddenly she noticed the six graves nestled between the trees.

“Who are they? He turned to see what she was referring to.

“Oh... that is a family that first owned this farm.” She stepped from his embrace and walked to the graves. She noticed that one of the crosses had something engraved

on it and bent down reading the engraved words.

“Here rests Jack and Theresa Jones and four of their children.”

Sadness overwhelmed her and she burst into tears. Jacob took her in his arms and

held her until the sobs subsided. Taking her hand, he led her toward a big thorn tree and pulled her down beside him. They sat quietly staring at the seven graves thinking of the eight people who are forever resting side by side. Jacob closed his

eyes and heard a voice as if from far away.

“Jacob I love you and want you to be happy, please open your heart and let the

happiness and love in.” Startled he opened his eyes, but it was only him, the young woman, and eight graves. With the words still echoing in his ears Jacob pulled her

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up. He looked into her eyes, and bent down kissing her passionately, she responded to his kiss with zealous. Without a word, Jacob took her hand and led her down the

hill, toward the house. She glanced back at the graves once again feeling a terrible sadness and loss. Nearing the house she looked toward the big tree in the garden

and a feeling of nostalgia overcame her. Somehow, that tree made her feel as if she belonged here. After supper the two of them relaxed in front of the fireplace, she lay with her head against his chest listening to the soothing sound of his heartbeat. She

looked up at him and he felt sudden desire to make passionate love to her. Jacob picked her up, and carried her upstairs. He lay her down on the bed. Exhausted they

fell asleep in one another‟s arms.

She smelt the smoke, felt the searing heat on her face and heard the screams

coming from the burning house. She woke up screaming her cheeks wet with tears. Jacob startled by the piercing screams jumped up and turned-on the light. He stared

at her his heart beating in his ears.

She looked up at him. “My name is Jessica Jones, and that is my family buried up

on the hill.”

Jacobs‟s legacy


Jessica heard the sound of a chopper approaching the house. She got up from her chair and went to the window. Looking up she saw it and the smiling pilot who was

waving at somebody to the left of her and she turned to look. A smile tugged at the corners of her mouth when she saw the two little boys waving and jumping up and

down with excitement. The chopper dipped and disappeared from sight. The boys turned around and returned to the shade under the large tree in the garden to resume playing under the watchful eye of their nanny Cindy.

Jessica‟s mind wandered and she thought back over the last four years. After the

tragic accident in which her whole family had perished, Jessica was sent to live with her maternal grandparents. She did not know them very well, and found it difficult to adapt to her new surroundings. Jessica cried herself to sleep every night, missing

her family so much, that her schoolwork suffered as a result. Her grandparents finally decided to send her to a very elite girl ‟s boarding school in the city. It took some time

for Jessica to adapt, but she was a strong willed and determined little girl and soon settled in to her new life. She finished her schooling at the age of eighteen and went to university to study law. She was doing well but something was missing in her life,

and she had the strong desire to return to the farm she had grown up on to find the graves of her family. She had just turned 20years of age when she decided to return

to her birthplace. She was aware of the fact, that the farm had new owners. However, she was not at all troubled about that and took the long drive to the airport where she left her car and hired a light aircraft, which dropped her off at the airstrip

near the farm.

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She smiled when she remembered how fate had brought her and Jacob together. After the night that her memory had returned, Jacob did not want her to leave and

asked her to stay for a few more days. It was an easy decision, as she herself was not quite ready to return home, so she stayed. She had lost her heart to Jacob the

minute she saw him. A few more days eventually stretched to a few weeks. Two months went by and Jessica woke up one morning feeling ill and miserable. Jacob feeling worried that she may have tick fever, as ticks were relevant in the area

decided to take her into the hospital.

After a few hours‟ drive, they arrived at the hospital where Jessica was taken in and immediately examined. They sat in the reception area waiting anxiously for the results of the numerous tests that had been done. The hours seemed to drag and

Jacob was worried, by that time Jessica was very pale and running to the bathroom often. After what seemed like forever, the doctor arrived with news of the tests. He

sat down and cleared his throat.

“Jessica you have no serious illness, but I am happy to inform you that you are six

weeks pregnant”. Jacob and Jessica sat in stunned silence trying to take in what the doctor had told them. Once the news sunk in, Jacob got up pulling Jessica up with him. Without saying a word he stared at her face, with such love and passion, that

Jessica who was still reeling from the shock felt relief that he felt the same way about her as she felt about him. The next morning they were married in court and returned

to the farm. They were extremely happy and Jessica‟s pregnancy relatively smooth going. A few months later Jessica went into labour. In addition, Jacob not wanting to take any chances after the tragedy of his first wife and child flew Jessica to the

hospital in the chopper. A few hours later, she delivered twin boys Dylan and Timothy. Elated they returned to the farm with their precious cargo.

Jessica‟s train of thought was interrupted when she heard a little voice calling out. “Mommy, mommy daddy is home.” Turning her head, she saw Jacob approaching

the house. The two boys exited to see Jacob, ran towards him, he went down on his haunches, with a broad smile, arms wide open to receive them. Jacob hugged the

boys to his chest and taking one by each hand started walking toward the front door.

Jessica‟s heart started beating faster as she watched Jacob. He looked so tall and

handsome, blond sun bleached hair blowing in the wind, his teeth glistening white as he smiled down at his sons. Her eyes moved toward the boys. Dylan had the same blond hair and green eyes as Jacob and was slightly taller than his twin. Timothy had

inherited her dark hair and big blue eyes and had a fairer skin. To this day Jessica could not believe that they are twins as they were so different in many ways. Dylan

was the more outgoing and lively of the two and definitely the leader, where- as Timothy was the quieter more reserved follower. Jessica moved toward the door to welcome Jacob as she had been doing for the last four years.

She still felt the same excitement and desires as she felt when they met for the first

time. In one fell swoop, he folded his arms around her. He lifted her chin and rested his lips on hers soft and gentle, and then hard and passionate. Breathlessly she softly pushed him away.

“Jacob the children are watching,” He grinned in a boyish way and winked at the two

boys who were staring at them wide eyed. The twins started giggling putting their hand over their eyes. Jacob smiled down at them.

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“Come on you two, time for your bath.” Jacob took them upstairs and Jessica stared after them lovingly, she then went to kitchen to prepare dinner. An hour later, they all

sat down for supper. Jessica looked across the table at Jacob.

”How was your day? He looked up at her.


”Daddy we saw you in the chopper.” Dylan ‟ interrupted his eyes were wide with excitement.

“Yes, yes in the copters.” Timothy stared at Jacob a serious look on his face.

“Not copters...chopper you silly.” Dylan interrupted with a puckered brow.

“That‟s what I said.” Timothy looked slightly embarrassed, and turned to Jacob nodding.

“Mmm you can‟t say chopper.” Dylan retorted and wrinkled his nose at his brother.

Jacob looked at Jessica grinning and winked playfully. She felt the blood rush to her

face. He still managed to make her blush. Jacob noticed and gave her another wink. Feeling very flustered, Jessica jumped up and started clearing the table trying not to

look at Jacob. The two boys were now quiet and half-asleep in their chairs. Jacob looked at the two sleepy boys and a look of tenderness and love appeared on his face. In Timothy, he saw a mirror image of Jessica; the same dark locks the thick

long lashes lying on his cheeks. He looked over at Dylan and grinned as he looked at a mini version of himself. Jacob picked up both children and carried them upstairs.

He tucked them in and kissed each child on their foreheads. At the door, he glanced back at the boys who were by now fast asleep and whispered, “God bless, and sleep

tight” he closed the door behind him. Jacob retreated to the master bedroom, where Jessica was already propped up against her pillows reading a book. From the

doorway he stared at her intently, to him, she was even more beautiful than the first day he met her. Jessica felt his eyes on her, and tried very hard to get her breathing under control. Jacob slowly moved toward the bed not taking his eyes of her. She

suddenly murmured under her breath, “You are staring. “

He grinned, “Sorry.” She put her book down and gazed up at him.

”You‟re not sorry.” He smiled and moved closer.

” You‟re too beautiful for me to be sorry.” Jacob got on the bed and reached for her, no longer able to contain his desire to be with her. After making passionate love

Jacob laid back on the pillows, spent, with his eyes closed. Jessica came up on her elbow, and looked at him taking in every detail from his thick blond hair to his toes.

”You‟re staring,” his voice was drowsy.


“You‟re not sorry.”

“Of course I‟m not.” She softly kissed him, and turned off the light, they fell asleep in one another‟s arms.

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Jessica walked up the hill towards the graves. It had become a ritual to visit her parent‟s last resting place at least once a week. She first stopped at the grave of

Jacobs‟s first wife and son and arranged some flowers, placing them gently on the mound of stones. She then spent time with her family doing the same, after which

she sat down under the shade of the large thorn tree reflecting on the past. It was at these times that she realized that she was still lonely in many ways, as she had been when she was a little girl... The only difference being, that she no longer had her

imaginary friend Bobby to talk to or entertain. That part of her life had disappeared with the fire that had taken her family from her. She had her own family now, but

Jacob was away from home often, and the boys were still too young to share her deepest feelings with.

Jacob‟s work was dangerous and Jessica had this nagging fear of something happening to him out there in the bush. Her absolute highlight of the day was when

Jacob arrived home safely and they could spend time together when the little ones were asleep. It made the feeling of loneliness bearable. Jessica suddenly felt a chill down her spine when she realized she was not alone. Almost too frightened to look

up she forced herself, and saw a man standing in the shadows watching her. She swallowed her throat dry with fright, at first unable to move. The man saw the

terrified look on her face and stepped out from the shadows with his hand outstretched.

” Sorry I did not mean to frighten you...sorry.”

He came closer. Jessica managed to croak out the words through dry lips.

”Don‟t come any closer who...” She swallowed, “Who are you?”

Still staring at her, he stopped dead in his tracks. “Take it easy lady I am not going to hurt you.” He stepped closer.

“No, stay where you are, what do you want”. Her eyes were wide and she felt the panic threatening to overtake her. He stopped and looked at her without saying

another word. She stepped back as if seeking protection from her loved ones buried here. There was a long silence as they stared at one another; he hunkered down on

his haunches all the while keeping his eyes on her face. Jessica suddenly realized that there was something familiar about this man.

“Are the little boys at the house yours?”

The blood drained from her face. ”Why...what...? The question hung in the air.

“Relax they are safe with their nanny.” He suddenly got up and took a step in her

direction. She stepped back the icy grip of panic once again taking hold of her.”Look we seem to have gotten off on the wrong foot. I am Jason mc Bride, Jacobs‟s brother, and I am truly sorry if I frightened you.” A look of surprise crossed Jessica‟s


“But...But”, she stuttered. Now she knew why he looked so familiar.

“But he never told you he had a brother,” he grinned as he finished the sentence for


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“No...No he didn‟t ever mention that he had a brother.”

Bemused he shook his head. “Well I am not really surprised, we don‟t get along. We never have.”


He shrugged his shoulders, “I don‟t really know we just don‟t.”

She stared at him and noticed how much alike they are. The same blond hair and

piercing green eyes, the boyish grin and sparkling white teeth. She noticed that he was slightly shorter but also very well built.

“You‟re staring.”

Her heart jumped to her throat at the familiar words, she blushed. ”Sorry I didn‟t mean too.” She averted her eyes.

He stepped closer. “No worries… May I?” he gestured to the place under the tree where she had been sitting. She shook her head in acknowledgement. He sat down

with a sigh, and looked around. She also sat down keeping her distance.

“It is very peaceful up here.” He remarked.

“Yes, yes it is.”

Jason looked toward the graves. “Who are they?” She told him the story of the people buried on the hill. Jason listened in silence until she finished. He shook his

head. “That is very sad.” He stared out in front of him with a pained expression on his face. “So you are Jacobs‟s wife, and the children, the two little boys, are they your first?

“Yes.” A long uncomfortable silence followed while both were busy with their own thoughts. Jessica got up, still feeling slightly unnerved by the sudden appearance of

Jacob‟s brother. “I must be going it‟s getting late. “

”Of course can I walk with you?”

“Yes sure.”

He followed her down the hill his eyes taking in her slender body, the long soft flowing dark hair and her beauty. He almost felt envious at the life his brother had

carved out for himself. They reached the bottom of the hill and the twins ran toward them. “Hello my angels let me introduce you.” She turned to Jason. “This is your

uncle Jason.” The twins looked up at Jason with puzzled expressions on their little faces. “Jason, meet my sons Dylan and Timothy.” Jason grinned down at the boys, amused at the expressions on their faces.

“Hello boys.”

Dylan stared at Jason. “He looks like daddy,” frowning he turned to Jessica. “Why does he look like daddy?” Timothy was suddenly very shy and hid behind Jessica‟s

leg peeking with one eye at Jason not saying a word. Jessica looked at Dylan and ruffled his hair playfully.

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“He looks like daddy because he is daddy‟s brother, come let‟s get you home.”

Jessica took the boys upstairs and Jason retreated to the family room. He looked around at the expensive furnishings and overall luxury of the room and sat down on

one of the recliners reveling in the luxury. Jessica, after seeing to the children‟s needs joined him in the family room sitting sat down on the opposite side of him. He looked at her enquiringly. “Are you happy?”

Wondering why he would ask such a question she answered slightly annoyed at the arrogance of the man. “Yes I am why do you ask?”

He looked at her shaking his head a grin tugging at the corners of his mouth. “No

particular reason.” Jessica glanced up at the clock on the wall it was getting late and she wondered where Jacob is.

“You worried about Jacob?” Jason asked making more of a statement than asking a question when he noticed the worried look on her face. Not bothering to answer,

she got up and walked to the window staring out into the dark. Jason looked at her quietly taking in her beauty. She felt his eyes on her and started feeling uneasy wishing that Jacob would arrive. Suddenly she saw the lights of the jeep approaching

and sighed a sigh of relief. She walked to the front door to wait for him. Jacob walked up the stairs and took her in his arms.

She whispered against his chest. “I was worried.” He bent down and kissed her feeling the tension in her body. He apologized, saying that they were tracking

poachers and it took longer than he thought. She looked up at his face and saw the fatigue in his eyes. Jason sat quietly watching and Jessica suddenly felt Jacobs body stiffen as he looked over her shoulder and saw Jason. He pushed her aside and

glared at his brother.

“What are you doing here?”

Jason shifted in his chair uncomfortably. “Hello Jacob.”

Jessica stared from one brother to the other feeling the tension and animosity between them. Jason got up from his chair and approached Jacob with an

outstretched hand. Jacob deciding to ignore the gesture repeated through clenched teeth, “What are you doing here.”

” I wanted...” Jason swallowed his throat suddenly very dry.” I wanted to come and see how you are.” He answered for lack of anything else to say. Jacob felt the anger

welling up inside him, and walked to the whisky cabinet. He took out a glass and poured himself a drink; bringing the glass to his lips, he swallowed it in one gulp.

“Get out I don‟t want you here .” His tone was cold and he kept his back to Jason. Jessica was taken aback at the tone of his voice.

“Jacob… that‟s rude.”

Jacob turned to her, the anger he felt reflected on his face. “You keep out of this.” She opened her mouth to say something but decided against it, and turned leaving

the room. Jacob filled his glass again and turned around walking toward one of the chairs.

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Jason cleared his throat. “Jacob I have something to tell you.”

Jacob sat down, leaning his head back he closed his eyes, suddenly feeling very tired. Jason sat down opposite Jacob. ”Dad died.” He waited for a reaction from

Jacob, but nothing, just silence. ” I said… dad died.” He repeated himself feeling unnerved by his brothers silence. Jacob kept his eyes closed and felt nothing but emptiness.

“I heard you the first time.”

Once again, a long silence followed. Jason got up and poured himself a drink; he sat down and lifted the glass to his lips staring over the rim at his brother. He noticed a

tear slip from under Jacobs‟s lid onto his cheek and took a sip from his glass wondering what Jacob was thinking. He thought back over the years, Jacob and their father never had a good relationship. Their mother died when they were very

young, and their father was left to raise them on his own. He was a strict disciplinarian, more so with Jacob being the elder of the two boys. Jacob learned

from an early age to stand on his own two feet and not to expect much from his father emotionally. Jason, on the other hand, was shown favoritism. He got away with most anything easily. Whenever things went wrong no matter how small, Jacob

would feel the brunt of his father‟s wrath. As the years went by Jacobs‟s animosity toward his father and brother grew to the point of hatred.

Jacob fell in love with a girl named Suzy in his last year at school. At that time, he thought he had met his soul mate and that they would marry someday. However,

Jason had other plans. He was in love with the same girl, and soon after, Jacob discovered they were having an affair behind his back. He was livid and confronted his brother. Jason who was used to getting his own way shrugged it off as if it was

no big deal and Jacob, not being able to contain his anger attacked his brother in a fit of rage. Had their father not intervened Jacob would probably have ended up

killing his brother. Tom, their father, separated the two boys and shoving Jason to one side, lashed out hitting Jacob with the fist. Tom had stepped over Jacob lying sprawled on the floor in a daze, lifted him up by his shirt collar, and shouting in his

face, told him to pack his things and get out of his house. Jacob left his father‟s house without looking back.

Jacob got up from his chair and without looking at Jason walked toward the door. “You can sleep in the spare room.”

He left the room and went upstairs. He stared down at Jessica who by now had

fallen asleep. He got undressed and slipped under the covers pulling her toward him, holding her close. She snuggled up to him feeling his warm breath on her face.

”I love you,” she whispered softly.

“I love you more.” he replied with a smile on his face. She came up on her elbow

and kissed him.


“Goodnight my love.”

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The sun was just rising on the horizon, and Jacob carefully got up making sure not to wake Jessica. He took a shower and got dressed in his ranger‟s uniform. He went

upstairs to the boy‟s room. He looked down on his sleeping sons and bent kissing them on their foreheads softly so as not to wake them. He returned to Jessica, and

sat down on the side of the bed, looking at her sleeping face. He reached out and stroked the side of her face gently. She slowly opened her eyes.

”Morning… sleepyhead.” He smiled down at her and lent toward her kissing her softly.

“What time is it?” She stretched out and yawned. He gently took her hand.

“It is still early. I have to leave now to track the poachers and it may be a few days before I am back.” He saw the stricken look on her face. ”Shhh don‟t worry I will be alright and I will try to be back as soon as possible,” he took her face in his hands,

and knew exactly what she was going to ask.

“Can‟t you send someone else?” He saw that she was close to tears, and pulling her up he held her close.

“I can‟t I have to be there ... You know that.”

“I know but...” He interrupted, before she could finish her sentence.

“No buts. I will see you in a few days.” Jacob walked toward the door. Suddenly he

turned looking at her. His voice was cold and abrupt. “Jason can stay until I get back.”

“Jacob... Please be careful.” He blew her a kiss and winked.

” Always…I promise.”

She laid quietly listening to the sound of the jeep fading away in the distance. Her bedroom door suddenly flew open and the boys charged in clambering on the bed.

They snuggled up on either side of her, both chatting away about their dreams that they had. She loved these moments spent with her boys, and let them chatter on

without interrupting, then she got up off the bed and pulled the blankets off them playfully. “Come on time to get up. “ Dylan sat up and looked around with a frown between his eyes.

. “Where is daddy?”

She looked at him smiling fondly. “Daddy is going to be away for awhile.” She noticed the sadness on their little faces. “He will be back soon, now quickly go and

get dressed while I make your breakfast.” Jessica prepared breakfast and set the table wondering where Jason is.

“Good morning beautiful.”

She swung round to find Jason standing in the doorway, staring at her. Blushing she averted her eyes.

“Morning.” Her voice was hardly audible; he frowned and walked toward the table. The boys come rushing in and they all sat down to eat. Soon after, Cindy arrived and

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took the boys outside to play. Jason offered to clear the table and Jessica started on the dishes, she felt flustered in his presence and turning to pick up a dishcloth she

bumped into Jason. He stepped aside to let her pass and noticed the blush on her cheeks. He grinned and shook his head at her discomfort. Jessica felt trapped and

decided to go out outside for some fresh air. She sat on the porch and looked out toward the mountains surrounding the farm. She thought about Jacob out there somewhere in the bush risking his life to save the animals. She closed her eyes and

silently prayed for his safe return. She felt Jason‟s presence as he sat down beside her.

“Are you worried about Jacob?” He reached for her hand. She felt the shock ripple through her arm at his touch. She pulled her hand away annoyed at herself for letting

him get to her.

“Yes I am worried for him its dangerous work.” Her voice was aloof and distant.

“He‟ll be fine... he always is.”. A long silence followed between them.

Jessica suddenly turned to him. “What happened…Between you two...what happened.”

His eyes narrowed as he looked out over the bush. “It‟s a long story I‟ll tell you about it someday.”

“That bad?”

His words were slow and measured. “Yes…but I prefer to forget about it so…” She felt her heart beating faster as he leaned toward her. She knew that she should get

up and leave but it was as if her body is in a deadlock. She closed her eyes and felt him moving closer. She could feel his breath on her face and before she could will herself to move, his lips touched hers. He gently caressed her lips with his, she felt

herself sinking into a pit of helplessness and before she could stop, she kissed him back. Time stood still as the kiss became more amorous. She suddenly came to her

senses and jumped up, and in her haste nearly fell over the railing. Jason looked at her his green eyes filled with desire. Feeling ashamed that she could be so weak, she slapped him hard across his face and ran off, tears streaming down her face.

Jason remained seated feeling his cheek burn where she struck him.

The rest of the day Jessica kept herself busy, making sure to avoid Jason. She felt terrible that she had allowed him to kiss her. She loved Jacob, and was overwhelmed by the fact, that in a moment of weakness she had allowed Jason to

go so far. Jason went into the tool shed to see if there was anything for him to do. He looked around, and found some equipment needing repairs. He went to work sorting

out the shed, laying out everything neatly and methodically. He worked for hours pushing himself to the limits in an effort to forget what had happened between him and Jessica. His thoughts went back to the time he had betrayed his brother, and he

felt the guilt engulfing him. He sat down on a drum that was standing in the shed, and dropped his head on his hands, feeling overwhelmed by the feelings coursing

through his body.

“Jason? His head jerked up and he saw Jessica standing in the doorway with a tray

in her hand. “I…I... brought you something to drink.” He slowly got off the drum,

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staring at her. She averted her eyes and walking toward the workbench put the tray down, feeling his eyes burning in her back.

“Thanks…Jess…” he tried to apologize but without turning to look at him, she left

the shed.

Cindy brought the boys in to bath, and went to the kitchen to prepare dinner. Jason

ran upstairs to freshen up and they all sat down to eat. The silence was audible and uncomfortable.

” Mommy when is daddy coming home?

Jessica looked at the boys and smiled her face softening. “He‟ll be back soon sweetie, now eat up it is almost time for bed.”

Cindy looked up, feeling the tension around the table, she noticed Jason staring at Jessica, her head turned to Jessica, but Jessica kept her eyes on the plate in front of her. Cindy saw the blush on her cheeks, and knew that something had happened

between them. She shook her head and continued eating, but felt troubled at the look she saw in Jason‟s eyes.

A few days later Jacob returned from the bush and Jason who was still busy working on the equipment in the shed heard the jeep arriving, he stepped outside to greet his

brother walking toward Jacob his hand outstretched. Jacob ignored the gesture, and strolled toward the house blatantly choosing to ignore him. Jason stared after him,

slowly dropping his hand to his side, feeling annoyed at his brothers abrupt rudeness. Jessica watched Jacob as he approached her, she also noticed the fatigue and worry on his face. Without a word, he took her in his arms, and kissed

her. Jessica lay against his chest.” I missed you.”

He lifted her chin and stared into her eyes. “I missed you too.”

Jason eyes narrowed, and he felt a tinge of jealousy as he watched the scene

between his brother and Jessica. Jacob and Jessica went into the house, and Jason filled with mixed emotions kicked the side of the jeep, and returned to the shed. He sat down on the floor and leaned against the wall closing his eyes. His mind was in

turmoil, as he thought back on how he had felt when he kissed Jessica. He had kissed many women before, but this was different, he had felt passion and desire

that he had never experienced with any other woman.

Jessica lay in Jacob‟s arms her head was resting on his chest and she listened to

the steady rhythm of his heart. “When are you going back?” her voice was filled with trepidation.

“In about two… three days.” She came up on her elbow staring at him.

“So soon…”

“I‟m afraid so,” He saw the anxiety in her eyes and pulled her closer feeling her

breath on his face. His heart pounded in his ears as the desires and complete love he felt for her overwhelmed him. She laid back, he stared at her, caressing her face

gently and tracing the outline of her lips with his finger. “Jessica I love you so much,”

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His voice, reflected the passion he felt. She pulled him closer and they made love deep into the night.

The months passed with Jacob away most of the time, training the rangers and

getting the operation underway for the day that they will have the poachers put away for good. He thought of Jason and was glad he had asked him to stay. He had proven to be handy, and was a hard worker. Jacob also felt more at ease knowing

that there is a man around to look out for Jessica and the boys when he was out in the bush. His relationship with his brother had developed into an cordial and slightly

indifferent sort of relationship.

Jason, found it difficult to keep his feelings under control and threw himself into the

work that needed to be done, repairing and fixing up the house getting everything done that Jacob being away such a lot did not get around to.

The time had arrived and Jacob returned to the bush. Jessica sat outside on the bench feeling saddened by the fact that he was away again. It was difficult for her

even though she knew it was inevitable, but her heart felt heavy every time he left. She saw Jason coming out of the shed, and watched him as he walked toward her. In the months that had passed since he had kissed her, she tried to avoid him and

made sure she was never alone with him. Out of fear for what he may do to Jason, she never indulged the secret she guiltily carried with her.

“May I?” Jason gestured to the bench she was sitting on. She nodded without looking in his direction, and moved up to make space for him. An uncomfortable

silence ensued between them, both of them aware of the fact that they were sitting very close to one another. Suddenly Jason broke the silence.

“Jess you have never told Jacob what happened, have you? Shocked by the sudden question, she turned to him, her eyes distant and cold.

“No, there is nothing to tell, it meant nothing to me…..”Her voice faltered when she saw the hurt in his eyes. She turned her face away. Her words twisted like a knife in

his heart and another long silence followed.

“Jason I am so sorry… that came out wrong.”

He got up and walked to the edge of the veranda and turning leaned against the

railing facing her. He stared at her, his eyes filled with emotion, and the love he felt for her. He opened his mouth to say something but stopped unable to speak. She felt her heart beating in her throat when she saw the look of hurt and rejection on his

face. She got up and walked toward him taking his hands in hers.

“I really am sorry; I should not have given you hope or lead you into believing that there could ever be something between you and I”.

Jason felt measured hope turn to despair at her words. He took her by her shoulders, forcing her to look at him. She felt trapped and unable to move as she looked up at him, her eyes filled with anguish and despair.

“Jason…please!” He shook her by her shoulders.

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“Jessica, look at me.” His words were forced through clenched teeth. She slowly lifted her eyes and he cleared his throat feeling strangled with the pent up emotions

of the last months consuming him. “Jess, tell me you don‟t feel something for me, and I promise I will leave you alone.” She swallowed her throat felt constricted and

her voice was thick with emotion.

“Jason I…Don‟t know, I don‟t …”

He bent down and kissed her. She forced herself out of his embrace and ran upstairs. Jessica slammed the bathroom door shut and looked at herself in the

mirror. She could still feel his lips on hers, she splashed her face, her breathing was jagged and she sank to the floor crying. Jason had come to the realization that he

had fallen head over heels in love with his brother‟s wife and sat down on the bench with a sigh of despair escaping from his lips. He Looked up he saw Cindy staring at him from under the tree where she was watching the boys. She shook her head

looking the other way and he dropped his head in shame.

”Oh good Lord what have I done,” he groaned and put his hands over his face. Jacobs face flashed before him and the guilt engulfing him was almost too much to bear. He got up and walked into the bush hoping to clear his mind. Cindy had seen

what transpired between the two young people and took the boys upstairs so that she could bath, feed and put them to bed. She knew that Jessica was going to be

upset and would not be able to cope with the little ones.

Jason paced up and down trying to control the anger he felt toward himself. ”How

could I be so stupid, she‟s my brother‟s wife for heaven sake,” he thought out loudly. He sat down on a rock and banged his fist against his forehead. “You stupid… stupid ass,” he again reprimanded himself loudly. He heard a twig break and swung around

his heart beating in his throat from fright.. His eyes widened when he saw Jacob staring at him, his eyes cold, and his face revealing contempt and disappointment.

He knew by the look on Jacob‟s face that he had witnessed the scene between him and Jessica.

Jacob felt the anger boiling like a festering sore within him. He slowly walked toward Jason keeping his eyes on his brother‟s face, not saying a word. He stopped a step

short of Jason, his fists clenched in rage, his eyes revealed such anger that Jason felt the cold shiver of fear down his spine.

“Jacob…I…it‟s not…” he felt something explode in his head when Jacobs‟s fist hit him before he could finish his sentence, the world turned and he dropped to the


“Get up, you cheating lying scumbag! Jacob hissed through his teeth. Jason started

getting up his head still spinning but was scarcely up when he once again tasted the fury of his brother‟s fist. He fell and the blood spurted from his mouth and nose. Jacob looked down at his brother, feeling nothing but extreme dislike. Jason slowly

opened his eyes and stared up at Jacob, he cringed when he saw the loathing in his eyes. He felt his heart restricting, and lifted his hand toward his brother.

“Jacob I…I‟m sorry…” then he saw nothing but blackness when Jacob hit him again.

Cindy softly knocked on the bathroom door. “Jess… are you alright?” She waited for an answer but instead the door opened and a tearful Jessica fell into her arms. Cindy

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had known Jessica all her life and could see that she was very upset and bewildered. She held Jessica closely, soothing her as she had done when she was a

little girl. Jessica whispered through her tears “Cindy I have done something terrible.”

” I know I saw what happened.”

Jessica felt ashamed and her voice was desperate. „What am I going to do?” Cindy stroked Jessica hair in an attempt to calm her down. “Now...now child calm down, you love Jacob don‟t you?”

“Yes I love him very much,” Jessica replied through her tears.

“Well then, what happened between you and Jason was just a terrible mistake and you were feeling vulnerable and lonely because Jacob is away.” Jessica looked at

Cindy desperately seeking answers.

”But why do I feel so attracted to Jason when he is around me?”

“My dear child, you are only human and Jason is a very attractive chap. So stop

beating yourself up, and just make sure it does not happen again.” Jessica looked at Cindy pleading with her eyes.

” Please stay with me tonight.”

„Of course baby, of course.” Cindy led Jessica to her bedroom and tucked her in.

”Thank -you Cindy.” Jessica whispered in a small voice.

„It is a pleasure my angel, you just call if you need me, now try to get some sleep.” Cindy sat with Jessica until she fell asleep, and then retired to her room next door.

Jacob turned and walked toward the house leaving his brother unconscious in the dust. He went upstairs to the room and slowly walked to the bed. He sat down on the side of the bed staring at Jessica. He reached out touching the side of her face

gently. She stirred and suddenly her eyes flew open staring directly at him. “Jacob… what…when… did you get back?

“A few hours ago.” She heard the strained sound in his voice. She was confused and worried.

“But you said you were going to be away for a day or two.”

He stared at her, and then in a voice that sent shivers down her spine replied, “Well maybe it is a good thing I returned earlier isn‟t it?

“Jacob…what‟s wrong, what happened? He got up taking off his shirt. When he spoke, his voice was cynical and cold.

”Oh, I don‟t know, maybe you can tell me.” He got into bed turning his back on her.

She was taken aback by his attitude and touched his shoulder.

“Jacob? He shook her hand off.

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“I am tired… so please…” she pulled her hand back and frowning turned off the light. She laid awake most of the night worrying about Jacobs‟s sudden cold


Jessica, Cindy and Jacob were up early having coffee in the kitchen when Jason walked in wearing only his pants. Jessica‟s breathe caught in her throat, when she saw the bruises on his face and body. Feeling Jacobs‟s eyes on her she immediately

looked at him raising her eyebrows. Without giving any explanation, he got up and left the kitchen. Jason poured himself a cup of coffee and lent against the counter

staring at the floor. It took all of his self-control not to look up at Jessica for fear that he may see resentment in her eyes. Jessica, no longer able to be in the same room, excused herself and left, without looking in his direction. His eyes followed her as

she walked out. Cindy noticed a look in his eyes. It was a look of adoration, love, tenderness and sadness. She cleared her throat to attract his attention. His head

slowly turned in her direction, he was not quite sure what to expect. He was surprised to see a look of empathy and understanding on her face. “She is beautiful isn‟t she, and you love her.”

“Yes … I …yes.” Jason realized that Cindy saw right through him and that it would not have helped lying to her or himself any longer.

“Jason, Jessica is your brother‟s wife you had no right to take advantage of her

vulnerability, or to betray your brother.” Her voice was stern…”What were you thinking? Jason looked up at her with pain-filled eyes. He walked to the table, pulled out a chair, and sat down folding his arms and resting his head on them.

”I know it was wrong but it just happened,” his voice wavered. She reached out, and put her hand on his arm.

“I understand Jason... I understand, and the bruises what happened? He lifted his

head smiling, and his swollen lips contorted with the effort.

“Oh, my brother and I had a bit of a chat”

“Jason no… does...” her eyes widened in shock.

“Yes…yes he knows.” Cindy felt her heart sink to her shoes, and knew that nothing good was going to come from this.

Jessica found Jacob in the garden staring out over the bush. She went to where he was standing. “Jacob what happened to Jason? He turned to her his eyes searching

hers. He touched her face and his voice was strained.

“We had a man to man talk nothing serious, don‟t worry yourself about it.” Jessica

realized with a shock that Jacob must have seen her and Jason on the porch. She took his face in her hands staring into his eyes. “Jacob nothing happened and

nothing will happen I love you…only you.”

He put his arms around her pulling her close, and resting his face on her head he

whispered, “I know sweetheart...I know, I love you too, more than life itself.”

“Let‟s go find the boys,” Jessica took his hand, and together they walked off to find the children. For the next few months, Jason avoided Jacob, but he could not help

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but wonder why Jacob had not told him to leave. He also made sure to keep his distance from Jessica, by leaving the house early before anyone wakes, and only

returning when everyone was asleep. A few mornings later Jason was in the kitchen having coffee, when Jacob walked in. He lifted the coffee canister looking at Jacob.

“Coffee?” His voice was polite and constrained.

“Thanks,” accepted Jacob walking toward the cupboard where the uniforms for the

rangers were kept. He returned to the table throwing one of the uniforms on the table, picked up his mug, and bringing it to his lips, looked over the rim at Jason.

“Put it on you are coming with me.”

Jason looks up in surprise his eyebrows raised. “What did you say?”

“You heard me, be ready in ten.” Jacob turned and ran upstairs. He entered the

children‟s room and looked down at the sleeping boys. He bent kissing each child whispering softly, “See you later, be good and look after your mom.” He left the

room to find Jessica. He found her standing by the window, looking out. He put his hands on her hips and kissed her neck. “I am going to the bush do some work, and I am taking Jason with me.” She stiffened at his words and turned to look at him.

“Don‟t worry it is only routine, and we will be back by this evening,” he smiled down at her. “Now you keep the bed warm and I will be back before you know it, Ok?

Jason followed Jacob through the bush and was amazed at how fit his brother was. They had been going for hours at a relentless pace and he felt himself tiring. Jacob

gave Jason a quick course on finding traps and the signs to look out for when there are poachers about. As the day wore on Jason gained respect for the work that his brother was doing. Jacob grinned to himself when he heard Jason‟s labored

breathing as he tired but he pushed on relentlessly not stopping until Jason suddenly stopped and wheezed bending over in an effort to catch his breath.

“Jeez bro, I can‟t go any further,” he lay down under a tree breathing heavily. Jacob looked down at his brother, his face was complacent and he took pleasure in the fact

that Jason was finding it so difficult to keep up.

“Ok we will rest for awhile,” he took out his water bottle drinking from it, after which

he handed to Jason. Taking the bottle, he looked up at Jacob shaking his head. Jacob raised his eyebrows. “What?

“I don‟t know how you do it,” Jason wiped the sweat from his brow.

“It‟s my job, one gets used to it.” Jacob picked up his rifle and slung it over his shoulder. “You wait here, I am going to check out something, keep your rifle at the

ready and be vigilant, there are dangerous animals about.” Before Jason could say anything, he disappeared into the bush.

Jason got up and stood with his back against a large tree. He pointed his rifle toward the bushes, feeling nervous and suddenly very alone. His mind wandered and he thought of Jessica, and the love he felt for her. He felt frustrated by the fact that he

could not be with her. He did not want to be the cause of breaking up a family unit that was so strongly bound by love, compassion and dedication.

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Jacob climbed up onto a hill where he had a good vantage point. He scouted the area looking through his binoculars, for tell tale signs of poachers. Suddenly Jason

appeared in his path of vision. He watched him, and thought of the day he had seen Jason and Jessica on the veranda. He dropped the binoculars letting it rest on his

chest, and picked up his rifle. He lifted it to his shoulder and looked through the telescope, moving the rifle in the direction where he had left Jason. He could see him clearly and took aim, his finger resting on the trigger. He slowly and deliberately

started squeezing the trigger and at the last minute turned his rifle slightly to the right firing.

Jason heard the shot and seconds later felt the heat of the bullet as it passed within an inch from his head and slammed into the tree behind him. He dropped to the

ground covering his head with his arms, his heart pounding in his ears. Jacob saw Jason drop from sight and started down the hill, the blood draining from his face. He

ran into the clearing where he had left his brother, and saw Jason getting up slowly. He stopped dead in his tracks staring at Jason, feeling relieved that he had not killed him. Jason slowly looked up at Jacob and with a voice trembling from shock snarled,

“What the hell were you thinking, you could have killed me!

“You‟re right I could have.” Jacob retorted nonchalantly resting his rifle in the crook of

his arm. Jason bent to pick up the water bottle. Without taking his eyes off Jacob‟s face, he took a drink, his throat suddenly very dry. Jacob felt the water bottle hit him

on the side of his head and before he could react, Jason attacked. Jason‟s fist hit him on the side of his jaw, and he dropped to the ground, he tried to focus then saw Jason approaching, his face snarling in fury. He waited until Jason was close enough

and suddenly kicked out with both legs, sending him flying through the air.

Jason‟s breath escaped his body when landed hard on his back. In a flash Jacob was standing over him jabbing at his face with his fists, he heard the bone in his nose crack, and the taste of blood filled his mouth. Jacob bent and picked Jason up

by his shirt collar, he brought his fist up and with all the force he was able to muster, he hit Jason on the edge of his jaw. He went limp and Jacob dropped him to the

ground, coming up slowly trying to get his breathing under control. He stood over Jason staring down at him, and wiping the blood dripping from the corner of his mouth, he stepped over his brother and stumbled toward a tree, he sat with his back

against the trunk facing Jason. A few minutes later Jason groaned, he came up slowly, holding his head in his hands. He spat the blood from his mouth, trying to

focus on his surroundings but everything was swimming before his eyes, and he laid back down, another groan escaping from his mouth.

Jacob got up and walked to Jason, he threw the water bottle down beside him, and with a voice that sent a shiver of apprehension down Jason‟s spine, told him to wash his face. Jason slowly turned around and supporting himself on his arms came up on

one knee, his head throbbed. For a second he closed his eyes, and then lifted up the water bottle throwing water over his face. He got up and his legs felt like lead. He

forced himself to take a few steps toward the shade and sat against a tree next Jacob.

Jason closed his eyes trying to get rid of the nausea welling up. He felt himself drifting away and forced his eyes open, but by now his eyes were almost swollen

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shut, so he kept them closed and mumbled through swollen lips. „Jeez… Jacob did you have to hit me so hard?

“No, but I wanted to,” Jacob grinned to himself, it took all of his self-control not burst

out laughing as he looked at Jason‟s face that by now was swollen out of proportion and looked very comical. Jacob waited patiently for Jason who had fallen asleep to wake. He started feeling slight remorse for what he had done to his brother, but

immediately thought of Jessica, and decided that it was justified, and that Jason would have to learn that actions had consequences. An hour later Jason woke up

and tried to sit up but the earth started turning and he leaned back against the tree. He lay quietly with his eyes closed to afraid to move, and felt Jacobs‟s eyes on him. “You still here?”

“Yes I am still here…Jason I am going to ask you something, and I want an honest answer.”

“Sure… anything.” Jason felt dread knowing what his brother was going to ask.

“Jason, have you fallen in love with my wife? His heart skipped a beat and he shifted uncomfortably. Jacob got up and stood in front of Jason staring down at him with narrowed eyes. He kicked at Jason‟s leg. “I asked you a question!

“Jacob…I…I…yes damn it yes, I love Jessica! He shouted back at Jacob. Jacob felt

the anger rising as he bent down and grabbed Jason once more by the shirtfront lifting him so that his face was level with his.

“Right, now you listen closely, because I am only going to say this once. If you ever touch my wife again… so help me …I will kill you!” he said through clenched teeth, shoving Jason back against the tree.

Jessica was worried it was getting late and the men were not back yet. She turned to

Cindy, “I hope they are alright…you don‟t think…? Her question hung in the air when Cindy interrupted.

“No Jessica I am sure they‟re fine, don‟t go jumping ahead of yourself always fearing the worst.” Suddenly Jessica saw the lights of the jeep approaching and sighed, a sigh of relief. She waited outside as the jeep came slowly up the driveway.

Jacob helped Jason from the jeep putting his arm over his shoulder to support him. Jessica gasped when she saw Jason‟s swollen face and the blood on both men.

“What…what happened?” her voice was fearful. Jacob pushed past her and dropped Jason unceremoniously on one of the chairs in the family room.

“See to him.” He walked toward the whisky cabinet, and saw Jessica move in

Jason‟s direction. He swung around. “Not you Jessica...not you.” He looked at Cindy lifting his brows, “Cindy?

“Yes yes of course.” Jacob turned and poured himself a stiff drink. He felt Jessica‟s eyes burn into his back, and turned around facing her. He stared at her not saying a word.


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“No questions Jess,” he gulped down his drink and put down the glass. He walked toward Jessica the cold glint in his eyes softening as he approached her. He put his

arms around her, holding her close. At first she stood quietly in his arms, and then pulled slightly back looking at his face. She saw the bruise on his chin and gingerly

touched it.

“Jacob…please tell me what…” she stopped abruptly when she saw the coldness

return to his eyes. He bent down and picked her up carrying her to the bedroom. For the next few weeks everything was relative peaceful, with everyone going about their

business. No mention had been made of the incident between Jason and Jacob. Jessica could not help wondering what had happened between the two brothers. She had noticed however, that Jason was keeping to himself most of the time, and

that the brothers were coldly polite toward one another, only speaking when it was necessary. Jessica was also battling her own demons, trying to figure out why she

felt so attracted to Jason, when she knew that she loved Jacob. Whenever she was in Jason‟s presence, her heart beat uncontrollably and she felt excitement, as if they were the only two people on the planet. Yet when she was alone with Jacob, she felt

safe and secure and knew that he was her life, her soul mate.

Her thoughts were interrupted by the laughter of children, and she walked to the

window. She looked into the garden and watched Jacob playing with the boys. She smiled at their antics. Jacob almost turned into a little boy himself, whenever he was

with the children. These past few weeks had been wonderful, with Jacob home most of the time, being able to spend more quality time with his family, but she wondered for how long, before he was called for duty once again. The poachers had been quite

for a while, but she knew that it is just a matter of time. Jessica went to the kitchen and poured drinks for everyone taking it out and putting it down on the table under

the shade of the big tree.

“Come boys get something to drink.” She sat down beside Cindy sipping her drink.

Jacob sat down opposite her catching his breath.

“Thanks sweetheart just what the doctor ordered”. He looked at Jessica over the rim

of his glass and winked. She felt her cheeks turn red and looked toward the children. Jacob grinned at Cindy looking like a naughty schoolboy. She shook her head and

with a smile continued knitting. Jessica picked up the tray and took it into the kitchen, she stopped dead when she saw Jason leaning against the cupboard. She dropped her eyes and moved toward the cupboard to put the tray down. He did not move, and

stared at her his green eyes screaming out the love he felt for her. She stood with the tray in her hands waiting for him to move.

Jason‟s heart was beating rapidly and he felt an uncontrollable urge to kiss her. He pushed himself from the counter and took the tray from her hands putting it down.

Jessica felt as if she was drowning, her throat constricting and her heart pounding in her ears, she looked up at Jason and he took a step toward her not taking his eyes

of her face. She tried to step back, but it was too late. He had his arms around her pulling her toward him. His lips found hers and he kissed her with so much passion that she felt herself reeling. Her resolve dissipated at his touch. As from a far, she

suddenly heard Jacobs‟s laughter fill the air, and came to her senses, pushing Jason so violently that he staggered backward against the cupboard and hit his head hard

against one of the open doors. He closed his eyes as a sharp pain shot through his

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head almost bringing tears to his eyes. He brought his hand up gingerly touching the back of his head, and felt a lump forming. He shook his head and opened his eyes

but Jessica has already fled from the kitchen. “Well I probably deserved that,” he mumbled under his breath, turning to get some aspirin and a glass of water.

A few mornings later Jacob took Jessica ‟s face in his hands. “Jess I‟ll be back soon, I love you.” He stooped down to kiss her. The call that Jessica had been dreading

had come through and it was time for him to return to the bush.

“Jacob please be safe.”

He kissed her again and turned to Jason, who had been standing quietly watching.

“Watch out for my family.”

“Are you sure you don‟t want me to come with you?

“No I need someone to be here, in case…” he paused, “I just need someone to look after my family, could you do that? This time there is an undertone of warning to his


“Sure, of course Jacob,” Jason tried to look serious. Jacob stared at his brother. The stare that was cold and calculating made Jason so uncomfortable that he dropped his eyes. “Jacob I will make sure they are safe…scouts honor.”

Jacob shook his head and once again turned to Jessica taking her in his arms. He

held her tightly against his chest, and whispered with his mouth against her ear, “I love you Jess more than life itself, remember that always.” He got into the jeep and without looking back drove off into the bush.

Jacob took of his hat and wiped the sweat from his brow, running his fingers through his clammy hair and put his hat back on. He knew that they were getting closer to

the poachers and was feeling nervous. They had been in the bush for two full days and he was exhausted. It was very hot and humid, and he could feel the perspiration

running down his back and chest. Jacob noticed one of the rangers giving him a sign and he looked through his binoculars. Far off in the distance he saw something moving through the bush. He gave his rangers the go-ahead sign, and picking up his

rifle, they moved on, senses refined and alert to the danger they were approaching. His thoughts were with Jessica and the boys and he wished that this were all over so

that he could be with them again. He missed them so much it hurt. He tried to concentrate on the job at hand, but his mind kept drifting back to his family.

Cindy got the boys ready; she was taking them to the city to do some shopping. Jessica walked them to the car and helped Cindy strap the exited children into their

car seats. She waved until the car disappeared out of sight and went inside the house to find Jason waiting for her.

”Jessica....” she tried to push past him. He grabbed her by the arm, “Jessica wait, I…” he swallowed trying to think of the right thing to say.” I am truly sorry, please try to understand.” She looked up at him and saw his eyes pleading with her. She stared

at him her mouth opening to say something but the words did not come. He reached out and touched her face. “I Love you Jessica.”

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She was so taken aback she just stared at him. He stepped closer.” Jessica?” He looked at her pleadingly. She stood rooted to the spot unable to move, her heart

pounding uncontrollably.

“Jason I...” he put his finger on her lips and with his other arm drew her closer. Her body relaxed against him; she could no longer fight him. His lips found hers and as if synchronized their hearts beat in unison. She felt his hand move down her back

caressing her softly. He pulled her down onto the carpet all the while kissing and caressing her. She started responding to his advances and moved her hands over

the rippling muscles on his back. No longer able to contain their feelings they made passionate love. They fell back exhausted savoring the moment. Jason turned on his side lifting himself up on his elbow, he stared at her his eyes taking in every inch of

her face and body. Jessica could feel his eyes on her and murmured under her breath.

“You‟re staring.”

He grinned and kissed her on her mouth, nose, eyes, and neck. Her skin tingled and she pulled him toward her. She kissed him, and they made love again. Spent they fell asleep. Jessica awoke to the sound of an approaching car. ”Jason wake up

Cindy and the boys are back...Jason!” She shook him. He opened his eyes and realizing what she just said gathered his clothes from the floor and ran upstairs with

Jessica following short on his heels.

Cindy went to the kitchen to rustle up supper and called everyone to the table.

Jessica and Jason sat down on opposite sides to each other carefully trying to hide what happened between them, from Cindy and the boys. ”Did you enjoy your day out?” Jessica asked the little ones. They shook their heads already half-asleep.

“I‟ll put them to bed.” Jason scooped up both boys and carried them upstairs.

Jessica‟s eyes followed them as they left the room. She looked back at Cindy who was watching her with raised eyebrows. She immediately dropped her eyes fearing that Cindy would see the guilt in them. “What?”

“I don‟t know you tell me.” Jessica detected a tinge of sarcasm in Cindy‟s voice.

“There is nothing to tell,” she answered blushing.

” Oh…really?” Cindy asked mockingly.

“Yes really,” Jessica was immediately on the defensive, and slightly annoyed at Cindy for being so observant.

“Well then…” Cindy got up “I will leave you to it, see you in the morning.”

“Thank you Cindy, see you tomorrow.” Jason appeared in the door.

“Is she gone?”

“Yes she‟s gone.” He walked toward her and taking her in his arms, he gave her a

long lingering kiss. Halfheartedly she pushed him away.

“Enough already I am going to bed.”

He looked at her longingly. “Can I come to?”

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“Oh no you don‟t I am going to bed alone I‟m exhausted.”

She disappeared up the stairs, feeling his eyes on her back. ”Wow what a woman,” he thought out loudly and retired to his room respecting her wishes. Sleep did not

come for Jessica. She lay in the dark her mind was racing. She was thinking of Jacob out there in the bush and the tears spilled from her eyes. She had betrayed Jacobs trust and felt the guilt engulf her. The tears flowed freely, and she pounded

her pillow, “why did I let it happen why, why? I should have stopped it going so far.” She put her pillow over face trying to block out everything, and eventually cried

herself to sleep.

Sleep also evaded Jason as he lay in the dark mulling over repeatedly in his head

what had happened between him and Jessica. He felt guilty but had no regrets, he loved her more than ever and that he could not take back, however, he knew that if Jacob ever found out he would kill him for sure. He fell into a restless fitful sleep.

Jacob rested against a tree trunk catching his breath, they were now so close he

could smell them. He listened to the muffled voices carrying toward him in the still of the night. He took out his water bottle and getting up brought it to his lips.

First, he felt the pressure in his chest and then a searing hot pain. He collapsed against the tree and slid to the ground as if in slow motion, bringing his hand to his

chest tugging at the unbearable pain. He took his hand away and stared at the blood dripping from his fingers. The last thing he heard was someone calling out his name asking if he was all right. He felt himself sinking into a tunnel of darkness with no

light at the end.

Jessica woke up with a start trying to figure out where the sound was coming from

that woke her. Her eyes fell on the transmitter‟s red flashing light. She was petrified, knowing that the radio was only for emergencies. With legs feeling like lead she

picked it up and listened to the voice on the other side. The blood slowly drained from her face, and clutching the radio to her chest she slid to the floor the words echoing in her ears.”Mrs. Mc Bride we are sorry to inform you that your husband has

been shot.”

Jacobs’s legacy

Chapter 2

Jessica walked up the hill toward the graves. When she reached the clearing between the trees, she paused; it felt as if her heart was breaking into a million little

pieces. The tears burned behind her eyelids and her legs were like lead. She closed her eyes and the tears rolled down her cheeks like a river in flood. She silently

prayed for strength, willing herself to move forward, and be strong. She walked towards the graves of her family, changing her ritual of visiting the other grave first, as she had done so many times before, when she first came to look for the graves of

her family.

She carefully arranged flowers on the graves of her parents and siblings, staring for a while at the six graves, the white crosses showing off starkly against the greenery of the shrubs behind them. She turned around and slowly walked to where Jacobs‟s

first wife and son lay buried. She went through the ritual of arranging flowers and placing them carefully on the mound of stones all the while feeling so choked up that

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she could hardly breathe. Then she slowly turned to the right of the grave, and now not being able to focus because of the tears, looked at the eighth white cross

swimming before her eyes. She collapsed onto her knees by the grave as the pain and grief engulfed her, covering her face with her hands, she almost cannot bear to

look at this cross standing white and very real before her. She eventually forced her eyes upwards and the inscription engraved on the cross-screamed back at her. She read the words that she had read many times in the past year.

“My beloved husband Jacob taken from me to early because of the

greed of mankind, may you rest in peace. I will never forget you

for as long as I live. You have left a whole in my heart and

emptiness in my soul. Please forgive me. I will always love you.


The words faded as her eyes again filled with tears. She lay down putting her head on the grave and her tears stained the stones beneath her. She stayed like that for a

long time before sitting up; not moving away from the place her husband lay buried forever. She took a letter from her pocket and carefully opened it, reading the words that she knew of by hart as if seeking comfort in them.

“My darling Jessica,

If you are reading this letter I am no longer with you, but I want

you to know that I will always be with you in spirit. My darling I

do not want you to put your life on hold, you must go on. You

deserve to be happy and loved, so please if you find love be free to

live life as it should be lived…”

She paused and the tears spilled from her eyes, falling onto the letter in her hand.

She wiped the tears from her face and trying to compose herself continued reading.

“Tell the boys I love them, and that I will be watching out for

them. When you look up at the night sky and see a bright star that

will be me winking at you. Just remember I love you, and thank

you for giving me the best years of my life... Jacob.

Ps. Tell Jason I forgive him and that he must take over my work

until my sons are old enough to take over.”

She slowly put down the letter the grief she was feeling etched on her face.

Jason looked down at the two infants lying side by side in their crib. Three-month-old

twins Chloe and Elijah slept peacefully, oblivious of the turmoil that had invaded the house. Jason thought back on the day he and Jessica had spent together, and he had declared his love for her. He looked down at the babies again and could not help

wondering if they were his children or Jacobs. A sudden tenderness and love appeared on his face as he stooped down and touched the little ones heads, stroking

their chubby cheeks and feeling the soft silky skin beneath his fingers. Either way, whether they were his brothers or his children he had loved them from the day they

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were born. His eyes got a far of look in them as he thought back on that terrible night they had lost Jacob.

The night that Jessica had received the devastating news of Jacobs‟s death, Jason

found her lying on the floor crying so heartbreakingly that he felt as if his heart was being ripped from his chest. He immediately tried to console her, but she had looked up at him with such devastation and hurt in her eyes that he stopped dead in his

tracks, and not knowing how he should approach her just stared down at her. His heart was breaking for her, and not being able to see her in so much pain he

stepped closer and tried to take her in his arms. Without looking at him she had said in a voice raw with pain and grief.

“Jason please don‟t, don‟t come near me… don‟t touch me… don‟t say anything ...just leave.” He was shocked and hurt at her harsh words but he had left the room without another word. He gave her space to grief, but a year had gone by and their

relationship had never been the same. She hardly looked at him, and avoided him whenever possible, only speaking to him when it was necessary. To make matters

worse, she never looked at her babies or went near them, to her they did not exist. He had to get in extra nannies to take care of the babies, and he himself tried to spend as much time as he could with them.

After Jacobs‟s death, she withdrew her only concern being Dylan and Timothy‟s

welfare. She spent most of her time with them. The boys had come to terms with the fact that their father was never coming home and only talked and asked questions about him when they were with Jessica. Jason and the boys had a good relationship,

and he tried to do things with them that fathers and sons would do, and he believed that it had helped them get over their father‟s death a lot easier. If only he could get

through to Jessica. He loved her so much and found it hard that he was not able to touch or be intimate with her.

Leaving the little ones to sleep Jason went to his room. He sat on the side of the bed and reached out for a book lying on the side table. He opened it and took out an envelope. For a long time he stared at his name, written in his brother‟s handwriting.

The letter had been given to him a year ago by one of Jacobs‟s rangers. He had picked this letter up many times since then, but was never able to read it. He put it

down, and rested his head in his hands closing his eyes. He contemplated whether he should read it or not, fearing what was written in it, taking in account the type of relationship he had with his brother. He turned his head and stared at the letter lying

on the bed. He reached out and sighed picking it up. Jason took the letter out and slowly folded it open. He stared out in front of him, the letter lying open on his lap

then he looked down and picking it up started reading...

“Jason you know by now why you are reading this letter. First off, I

want to apologize for the way I treated you when you first arrived

at my home. I am truly sorry. Secondly, I forgive you for the

wrongdoings of the past, and the present…”

Shaking his head, he continued reading.

“You and I were both young, and I cannot hold what our father

caused against you. I cannot and never will forgive him, but I

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am sorry that I did not have enough time to get to know you

better. One more thing, look after my wife and sons. Also I ask

that you take over the duties on the farm until my sons are old

enough to do so. Jacob.”

Jason put down the letter thinking that it was so typical of Jacob to get straight to the point. He suddenly felt very guilty thinking back on the day with Jessica, whilst his brother was out risking his life for the good of humankind. Jason felt the tears, as he

mourned the untimely and early demise of his brother for the first time in a year.

Jessica slowly got up and walked to the head of Jacobs‟s grave. She touched the white cross. “I love you Jacob… and I miss you.” She turned and walked down the hill without looking back. As she reached the foot of the hill, Dylan and Timothy ran

toward her. She waited for them with a smile on her face. Her eyes turned to Dylan, she saw the blond hair blowing in the wind, teeth white against his tanned face and

her heart lurched, he was the spitting image of Jacob. The tears once more spilled from her eyes but she quickly wiped them away as the boys reached her side.

They took hold of her hands and walking on either side of her started leading her toward the house. Cindy got up from where she was sitting under the shade of the large tree and met them halfway. She looked at Jessica and could see that she had

been crying. “Are you alright angel?” she asked in a concerned voice. Jessica shook her head unable to speak for fear that she may start crying again.

Reaching the front door Cindy turned to Jessica. “I will see to the boys and prepare their lunch; you go and have a nice hot bath.” Jessica thankfully accepted the offer of

kindness and went upstairs. After her bath, Jessica walked down the passage and passed the door to the baby‟s nursery on her way to her bedroom. She suddenly

stopped turning around and slowly walked up to the closed door, staring at it. She closed her eyes briefly and reaching out opened the door. She walked toward the crib and gazed down at the twins. Since their birth, she had not been able to bond

with them. Jason had immediately taken over, hiring nannies, choosing their names and having them baptized. As Jessica stared at them, she could not help but wonder

whether these children were the fruits of her deception or her love. She closed her eyes and her mind drifted to the last night she had spent with Jacob before he died. She smiled when she thought how deeply she loved him, and how he loved and

gave his all to her and the boys. She felt terrible regret thinking back on the day she had given into Jason in a moment of weakness and desire.

A look of sadness appeared on her face. She had deceived the man she loved the most in the world, and had not been able to forgive herself for that moment of

weakness that changed the course of her life forever. The tears ran freely as she tried to come to terms with the fact that she would never be able to ask Jacob for his forgiveness. A sudden whimpering from one of the babies brought her abruptly back

to reality. She looked down and saw that Chloe was busy waking up. She smiled when she looked down at the crumpled little face with the bottom lip pushing out as

she tried to cry, and her face turned red with the effort. As she looked down at her little daughter, something changed when she felt the motherly instinct rush to the fore from the deep recesses of her heart, where she had locked it away.

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Jessica bent and picked Chloe up, hugging her to her breast, too frightened to put her down for fear that the sudden love surging up in her would disappear. She

cradled the baby in her arm looking down at her face, searching for something that would remind her of Jacob. Chloe suddenly opened her eyes and looked straight at

Jessica. She noticed that the baby had her eyes. The little one kept her eyes riveted on Jessica‟s face, and suddenly a big toothless smile appeared and Jessica felt her heart melting.

“Hello baby.” The little girls smile broadened as she heard her mother‟s voice, and in

return, she gurgled. Jessica smiled and with her finger, she tapped lightly on the tip of the baby‟s nose, “You are beautiful, yes you are.” Her head turned to Elijah, who was still fast asleep. She decided to spend some time with Chloe and get to know

her, while the little boy was still asleep. Jessica put Chloe on the bed to change her into something cooler. As she turned the child, over on to her tummy she froze

staring at the little ones left shoulder. Her heart started beating faster as she stooped down and traced with her finger along the unusually shaped birthmark on Chloe‟s shoulder. She was shocked realizing that these twins were not Jacobs‟s

children, but Jason‟s. Her mind reverted back to the day her and Jason had made love, and how she had seen the mark on his shoulder, thinking how unusually

shaped it was. She stood quietly staring at the child‟s back, mixed feelings of emotion, fear, guilt and uncertainty coursing through her body. She did not know whether she should feel relieved or disappointed, that Jacob was not the father after

all. Jessica was so deep in thought that she did not hear Elijah crying for attention. Greta one of the nannies picked the crying child up and laid him down on the bed. Jessica suddenly realized that the nannies had arrived. “It‟s alright Greta I will see to

the babies today you can take the day off.”

“Thank you madam I will see you tomorrow then?”

“Yes…yes of course.” Jessica picked up her little son. She changed and fed the

babies, her mind in turmoil not knowing how she was going to break the news to Jason. Jessica spent the rest of the day in the nursery, wanting to make up for

everything she had missed over the last three months.

Jason arrived home after a day in the bush and entered the kitchen where Dylan

and Timothy were having their dinner. He smiled down at them. “Hello boys.”

“Hello Uncle Jason.” He sat down at the table with the boys. Cindy fetched his

dinner from the oven and set it down before him.

“Where is Jessica?”

“I think she is in the nursery with the babies.” She watched his face waiting eagerly

for a reaction. His head jerked up, eyebrows raised in surprise.

“She is?

“Yes since this morning,” replied Cindy with a smile.

Jason continued eating hoping that Jessica had seen the light, and that she could now move forward, he was cautiously optimistic and happy at the same time. Cindy

put the boys to bed and retired. Jason went upstairs and paused at the door to the nursery. He listened but heard no sound coming from the room, so he slowly opened

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the door and entered. What he saw made his heart constrict and his throat thicken as he tried to keep the tears at bay. His eyes took in the most beautiful picture he

had ever seen. Jessica was fast asleep in the rocking chair with both her babies cradled in her arms. He felt relief that she had at last bonded with her younger

children whom she had not acknowledged for the first three months of their lives. She had been living in her own world for a year shutting out everyone around her, except her older boys who she had kept close. It was as if through them she would

be closer to Jacob somehow. Suddenly Jason felt exhausted and lay down on the bed closing his eyes. He fell asleep almost immediately.

Later that evening Jessica woke up and gently laid the twins in their crib. As she left, her eyes fell on Jason who was still fast asleep. She moved toward the bed and

looked down at him studying his face. Her heart started beating faster as she stared at his handsome face; his hair hanging clammy from the heat. She reached down

and gently wiped a strand of hair from his forehead. He stirred and startled she jerked her hand back, but he continued sleeping. She knew that he would be exhausted from a day in the bush. She fetched a light blanket and threw it gently

over him, after which she stood quietly watching his face intently. She suddenly thought of Jacob, and the strong resemblance between the two brothers. Something

stirred in her as her mind went back to a year ago, to the day she had spent with Jason, and she now knew that she was falling in love with him, she was so smitten and intrigued by him that all her inhibitions had flown out of the window. She tried not

to think what would have happened if Jacob had not died, swallowing she found it very hard to keep the tears back.

She softly kissed Jason on his mouth and left the room. Jessica knew that she would not be able to sleep because of the mixed emotions wreaking havoc on her body and

retreated outside for fresh air. She looked up at the star filled sky looking for answers. “Jacob my darling what am I going to do, how am I going to live without you? She whispered. She saw a bright star glistening and smiled through her tears

when she remembered Jacobs‟s letter and what he had written to her.

“When you look up at the night sky and see a bright star that will

be me looking down on you winking, just remember I love you”

She blew a kiss toward the sky and retired.

Jessica was standing by the nursery window with baby Elijah in her arms looking out over the garden and saw Jason walking toward the jeep; he had his ranger‟s uniform

on. She knew that it was going to be another long day for Jason in the bush. She felt a twinge of panic at the thought of him risking his life, and worried that there would come a day that he may not return. She shook her head trying to rid herself of the

troubling thoughts, and hugged Elijah closer to her breast. She laid him down and decided to go out into the garden to join Cindy and the boys. Jessica sat down next

to Cindy, and for a while watched the two boys wrestling with one another. She smiled, and turned to Cindy.

“Cindy, can I ask you something?” Cindy put down her knitting and turned to Jessica

. “Sure angel, go ahead.”Jessica cleared her throat trying to find the right words.

“Would it be wrong for me to love somebody again?

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Cindy looked at Jessica with raised eyebrows. “Jason?”

It never ceased to amaze her how perceptive Cindy was, and embarrassed she replied, “Would it be wrong?” Cindy took Jessica‟s hand in hers looking straight into

her eyes.

“Jessica I am convinced that Jacob would have wanted you to be happy, and I know

that he wouldn‟t want you to be alone...” she paused, “so no, I don‟t think it would be wrong to love again, but you will need to listen to your heart, because that is where you will find your answer.” Jessica took the letter that Jacob had written to her before

his death, from her pocket and handed it to Cindy. She took the letter and opening it started reading. After finishing, she put the letter back in its envelope, handing it

back to her. She sat silently staring out over the garden. Jessica waited for some sort of reaction from Cindy. Eventually Cindy who was trying to compose herself turned to Jessica.

“Your answer lies in that letter my angel so do with it what you feel is right.” Cindy

got up and called the boys. “Come boys time for lunch.” She took them by their hands and walked toward the house. Jessica stared after them until they disappeared through the door, and turned her head toward the bush thinking about

Jason. She sat for a while and then decided to go inside. As she got up, she heard a gunshot. She swung around and wide-eyed stared toward the bush feeling the icy

grip of fear engulfing her as she listened to the echo of the shot bouncing of the mountains.

Her hand flew to her to her mouth to stop herself from screaming, and she was very unnerved by the sudden quietness that followed. Jessica‟s legs buckled and she sank to the ground on her knees, her hands covering her face tears spilling from

beneath her fingers. She remained on her knees unable to move. She heard a vehicle approaching, her heart started beating in her ears and she was to petrified to

look, for fear that it may be one of the rangers delivering bad news. Forcing herself, Jessica looked up trying to focus through her tears on the person getting out of the car. Slowly she got up her eyes riveted on the man. He took off his hat and lifted his

hand to sweep back his hair. She noticed the blond hair. “Jason?

Jason looked up and saw Jessica; he lifted his hand and waved at her in greeting. “Jason! She called out loudly and ran toward him. Jason watched her, as she approached not taking his eyes of her face. She stopped a few steps from him.

“Jason? He saw the anguish on her face, and his heart skipped a beat. Before he could say anything, she was in his arms calling out his name repeatedly. He held her

against his chest with one arm, and gently stroked her hair with his free hand. Jason felt the tension in her body and realized that she must have heard the gun shot. He held her at arm‟s-length.

“Jess it‟s alright, one of the men accidently fired a shot, I am so sorry that it

frightened you.” He pulled her closer and gently held her, feeling the softness of her body, and it took all of his self-control not to kiss her. Jessica lay with her eyes closed against his chest and she knew without any doubt that she loved him so

deeply that she could not imagine losing him as well. She suddenly loosened herself from his embrace.

“Jason I need to show you something.”

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He followed her, and she took him up to the nursery, she picked up Chloe from her crib and lay her down on the bed. She took the baby‟s vest off and turned her onto

her stomach. Jason was not sure what she was trying to show him and looked at her with an enquiring look on his face.

“„Jason they are your children.” Jason was confused, and his voice had a ring of uncertainty.

“But how...? She smiled and pointed her finger at the baby‟s shoulder. He stepped closer to the bed and looked down to where she was indicating. Jessica kept her

eyes on his face. Jason stared intently at the unusual marking on the child‟s shoulder, and with mixed emotions of happiness and love, he looked up at Jessica,

his eyes filling with tears.

“Jess I don‟t...I don‟t know what to say...” his voice faltered. She walked to him and

took his face in her hands wiping the tears from his cheeks with the back of her thumbs.

“Don‟t say anything just be happy.”

“Jess I have loved these children since birth, and it would have made no difference to me if they had been my brother‟s babies.” She heard the sincerity in his voice.

“I know.” She dressed Chloe, and put the baby back in the crib, she turned to Jason. “I don‟t know if it is wrong but I am happy that they are your children.” He moved

toward her pulling her close and lifted her face to his.

“Jessica I love you, I have loved you since the first day I met you.” She put her

hands behind his head and reaching up kissed him gently.

“I love you too and I am ready.” He picked her up and carried her out of the nursery

to his bedroom. He shut the door behind him with his foot and walked toward the bed, laying her down gently. He took off his shirt, and Jessica felt her heart pulsating

in her throat. He lay down beside her and coming up on his elbow, he looked straight into her eyes.

“Jess are you sure.” His voice was hoarse with the emotion he felt.

“Yes...yes I am sure.” She whispered. He bent down and kissed her, feeling her lips

open beneath his. He gently unbuttoned her blouse and felt the warm skin beneath his hands. Softly he caressed her while kissing her passionately. At first, she

responded to his touch but then he felt her body tense as she stiffened under him. “I... I can‟t sorry...I can‟t.” He let her go immediately and rolled over onto his back, the frustration and anger welling up inside him. He got of the bed and stared down at

her. “Jessica, Jacob is dead he is not coming back. I am alive here with you; make up your damn mind what you want I cannot stand much more of this...!

His words trailed off when he saw the hurt and pain on her face. Abruptly he turned and left the room slamming the door shut. He went outside onto the veranda and

stared out into the darkness trying very hard to get his anger under control. He hit the wall with his fist, and felt the jolt of pain shooting up his arm, but he continued

hitting the wall trying to rid him -self of the anger boiling inside of him. He eventually came to his senses and looked down at his hand feeling the pain encroach up his

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arm to his shoulder. Jason took some ice from the refrigerator and wrapped his hand with the ice in a dishcloth. He looked up at the clock and saw that it was getting

late. He had to get up early; tomorrow was going to be hectic. What he had not told Jessica was that the same poachers, who had killed Jacob, were back on the farm to

continue their slaughter of the rhinos. However, he did not want her to know because it would cause unnecessary worry.

After a very restless night, Jessica awoke to the sound of the jeep starting up. She jumped up and ran to the window. She saw Jason sitting in the jeep and flinging

open the window called out to him, wanting to apologize for what had happened between them the night before. He drove off without looking back. She watched until she could no longer see the lights of the jeep, feeling guilty and troubled she sat on

the side of the bed. She closed her eyes and her thoughts wandered to the previous evening and what had happened between them. She loved him, and she had felt she

needed him physically, but she just could not go through with it. The thought that she had led him on, giving him hope saddened her. How could she do that to him, he had been so patient with her this whole year, giving her space to grieve and being a

perfect gentleman, not pressuring her into anything, physical or otherwise. There was a knock on the door and looking up she saw that it was Cindy. “Can I come in


“Yes of course” Jessica voice was trembling, Cindy noticed that Jessica was upset

and sat down next to her.

“Do you want to talk about it? Jessica told Cindy what had happened and she

listened without interrupting, waiting for her to finish. Cindy took Jessica ‟s hand in hers. “Jessica, Jason is right. Jacob is no longer with us. You must let go of the past

and look to the future. If you keep holding onto the past because you are feeling guilty, you are never going to find happiness, and you are going to lose Jason. Jason loves you and the children, open your heart to him and let him in, it is what you want

is it not?

“Yes I do, I really do love him… very much,” replied Jessica with a strained emotion

filled voice.

“Well then, that is your answer.” Cindy got up. “Go and take a nice long bath before the children wake up, and I‟ll go and fix you some breakfast.”

Jason looked at the men standing in a circle around him. They were the best of the best; they had been highly trained in the skill of bush warfare. There perceptiveness

and senses honed to perfection over the last year. He told them they needed to be vigilant and alert, for the task that lay ahead. They listened intently while Jason went over every detail of the operation. The operation Jason had set up in the last year

included men from all walks of life. There were older men from the military of the old regime, and a few younger men who had extensive training. He had also employed a

medic who was experienced in the medical field. A small field hospital was set up in one of the old trucks, with the best medical equipment.

After Jacobs‟s death, Jason was not taking any chances losing any of his men because they could not get medical treatment in time. At least now any man who was seriously hurt would be evaluated and receive treatment before being taken to

hospital. While Jason was giving his men instructions, a man appeared out of the

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bush and entered the circle. He was one of the men that Jason had sent out into the bush to see if he could get as close as possible to the poachers and gather some

information as to what their plans were. The man had knowledge of the African language and that is why Jason sent him out.

“The poachers are planning to strike in four days.” The men all turned to Jason.

“Ok boys we...” Jason started but the same man suddenly interrupted him.

“Sir there is something else.” His voice sounded serious and worried. Jason looked

at him.

“What is it Thomas.”

“Sir I overheard the ringleader telling his men that when they were finished with the

rhinos, that he was going to go to the big house....” he paused clearing his throat, “he was going to have the white woman. Then he was going to kill the children and you sir, like he killed your brother sir, that‟s what he said sir.” There was a hushed silence

as Thomas and the rest of the men stared at Jason.

“We will see about that.” Jason‟s eyes narrowed and the look on his face scared even the toughest men among them. Jason dismissed the men. He walked a distance from them, and went down on his haunches; he stared out into the

darkness, thinking of Jessica, and felt terrible about what he had said to her last night. However, at the time, he had been so angry and frustrated that he was not

thinking straight, the hurt and shock in her eyes, had been haunting him all day. Jason was so deep in thought that he only realized that someone had come up behind him when it was almost too late. In a flash, he came up and felt the searing

hot pain in his shoulder, clutching at the knife he staggered backward and fell over a branch on to his back. Through the haze of pain, he saw a large black man walking

toward him. The man stepped over him yielding another knife in his hand.

Jason stared up at the man‟s face and a cold shiver ran down his spine, when he

realized that he was looking into the face of evil. He‟s life flashed before his eyes and he knew that he was going to die, if he did not do something, but he was unable to move. The sound of a twig breaking sounded in the night, and the man frightened by

it, stepped over Jason and disappeared into the bush just as fast as he had appeared from it.

Thomas was at Jason‟s side and asked anxiously. ”Sir are you all right...sir? However, Jason lost consciousness, Thomas called the camp on his two-way radio,

and instructed two men to bring a stretcher. The men appeared with the stretcher, and while Thomas stood guard, they put Jason on it and rushed to the field hospital.

By the time they got him into the truck, Jason had regained consciousness. The medic examined him, and telling him to bite onto something, he slowly pulled the knife from Jason‟s shoulder. Droplets of perspiration appeared on Jason‟s face from

the excruciating pain and it took all of his strength not to scream, thankfully, he again lost consciousness. The medic had just finished cleaning and dressing Jason‟s

shoulder, when he woke up. “We need to get you to hospital sir.”

Jason shook his head. “No... No hospitals take me home.” He said through clenched

teeth. The medic looked at him and was concerned. “Are you sure sir?”

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“Yes, just take me home.” Replied Jason impatiently.

“Ok sir I will go with you. “ He called two men; they put Jason on the stretcher and put him in the back of the jeep. Jason called one of his men and gave him instruction

to wait with proceedings until he was back. “Tell Thomas to check on the poachers movements every day, and report to me by radio, understand?

“Yes sir.” The man saluted and they drove off with the headlights turned off so as not to attract any attention, while the medic tried to keep Jason as comfortable as possible.

Jessica and Cindy saw to the children, and put them all to bed. Jessica turned to

Cindy, “I won‟t be able to sleep until I know Jason is safe, I‟m going out to the porch… are you coming?

“Yes I will sit with you awhile.” It was a beautiful night with clear skies and a full moon. Silently they sat and listened to the sounds of the bush. Far off they heard a

lion roar, and then the sound of jackals and hyenas filled the air. Cindy turned to Jessica. “Have you decided what you are going to do?”

“Yes I am going to tell Jason that I am ready to spend the rest of my life with him.”

“That‟s good; it is what Jacob would have wanted.” Cindy was relieved that Jessica

had at last figured out what she wanted in life. They heard the sound of the jeep approaching and Jessica walked to the stairs leading down to the garden. The jeep

came up the drive slowly and stopped near the house. The door opened and the driver stepped out. Jessica stopped dead in her tracks when she saw that it was not Jason. Her heart started pounding and a cold shiver of fear ran down her spine. She

brought her hand to her mouth and gasped when she saw the two men reaching into the back of the jeep. They walked toward her with the stretcher between them.

She felt Cindy‟s hand on her arm, but kept her eyes on the two men approaching. They stopped and put the stretcher down. She looked down and saw the blood

soaked shirt. Her legs started to buckle, and Cindy grabbed hold of her to keep her from falling. The medic saw the fear and panic in Jessica‟s eyes.

“He is alright Mrs. Mc Bride, his going to be just fine.” Jessica knelt down beside Jason not quit convinced.

“Jason, oh my G-d Jason please don‟t die...not you too... Jason… please,” Her voice was panic-stricken. Jason hearing her voice reached out and touched her face.

“Jess I am alright its nothing serious...” his voice petered out as he again lost consciousness. The medic gently touched Jessica shoulder.

“Mrs. McBride we need to get him inside so that I can tend to his wound. Do not worry he will be fine.”

Cindy took Jessica‟s arm and led her into the house. She took out a tranquilizer from the medicine cabinet and handed it to Jessica. “Drink up angel it will make you feel

better,” she said with compassion. Jessica lay back on the chair and closed her eyes trying to compose herself. She felt as if her world was tumbling down around her,

and she was helpless to do anything about it. After Jessica had calmed down Cindy led her upstairs to where the medic was attending to Jason. She looked down at his

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pale face and it was wet with perspiration she felt her heart constricting, she could see he was in pain.

„Is...Is he ...” she stuttered. The medic looked up at her.

“Mrs. Mc Bride he will be fine. Could you please help me get his shirt off?” She shook her head unable to speak and walked to the other side of the bed. Gently they

lifted him and he groaned as they took his shirt off. Jessica noticed the perspiration on his brow and chest and turned to the medic.

“Why is he perspiring so much?”

“He has a fever, you can sponge him down with some cold water if you like,” he replied, smiling at her reassuringly. The medic disinfected the wound and put on a clean dressing, while Jessica sponged him down gently.

“Can I stay with him?”

“Yes of course I will be in the room next-door, if you need me. Just keep an eye on his temperature and if it spikes call me immediately.” He walked to the door, “Oh and

Mrs. Mc Bride try to get some rest if you can.”

“Thank you...I will.” Cindy who had been standing quietly to one side looked at

Jessica and smiled. She could now see that Jessica loved Jason and it made her happy.

“Do you want me to stay, angel?”

“No thank you Cindy I‟ll be fine.” She pulled a chair closer to the bed, and sat down taking Jason‟s hand in hers and bringing it to her lips. “Jason I love you so much,” she whispered, suddenly feeling exhausted and emotionally drained. She put her

head on the bed and fell into a deep sleep. In the early hours, Jessica woke up when she heard Jason groaning. She jumped up and saw that he was wet with

perspiration. She touched his forehead and released that he was burning up; she threw the blanket off him. Jason started thrashing about mumbling under his breath, calling out her name, his breathing was raspy and fast. Panicking she called the

medic who immediately administered antibiotics and something for the fever through the drip in his arm. He took off Jason‟s dressing to check the wound and saw that it

is very inflamed. He cleaned the wound and put on clean bandages. He waited for Jason‟s temperature to go down, and when he was satisfied that it was almost back to normal, he turned to Jessica and smiled.

“The worst is over Mrs. Mc Bride, he just needs to rest.”

She lay down beside Jason putting her head on his chest and fell asleep. Jason opened his eyes and was confused trying to remember what had happened. He

looked around the room, then he became aware of Jessica lying with her head on his chest. He smiled and with his good arm started stroking her hair. Jessica awoke and saw Jason staring at her. She got up on her elbow, and bent down to kiss him. “Hello

welcome back.”

He smiled weakly. “Hello beautiful.” She put her finger on his mouth.

“How do you feel?”

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“Fine, but if you come closer I will feel even better.”

She looked at his shoulder. “But your shoulder...” He interrupted.

“Nothing wrong with the other one.” She moved closer carefully so as not to hurt

him. However, he suddenly pulled her toward him and kissed her amorously. She pulled away from him gasping for air.

“Jason you need to rest.”

He grinned playfully, “Plenty of time for that.”

They spent the next few days of his recovery together, talking about the future,

spending time with the children and making love. A few days later, they were sitting under the large tree watching the children play. Jessica was concerned; she had

noticed that Jason was very quiet. She looked up at him and found him staring over the bush with a look in his eyes that frightened her. He felt her eyes on him and turned to her taking her hands in his.

“Jessica I...” he cleared his throat, unsure how to break the news to her, knowing

that it was going to upset her.


“Jessica I have to leave tomorrow, I need to get back to my men.” He looked at her face, worrying about how she was going to react. She stiffened and her eyes flashed

from him to the bush, where she had lost Jacob, and a few days ago almost lost Jason. He knew what she was thinking and tried to reassure her. “Jessica I will come

back, you needn‟t worry I promise.” He took her in his arms and held her close. “My love you know I have to go, but I‟ll be back soon, we are close to getting these poachers.”

She whispered against his chest. “I know, but promise me you will be careful and

come back in one piece.” The next morning Jason went to the children‟s bedrooms. They were still fast asleep. He bent down and kissed each child whispering, “See you soon.” At the front door, he took Jessica in his arms and held her tightly to his

chest. They stood in each other‟s arms quietly savoring the moment as if it were their last. Jason kissed Jessica, a long lingering kiss filled with the passion and love he

felt for her. Jason pulled away from her and touched the side of her face gently. “See you soon my love,” He turned on his heel and walked toward the jeep not looking back.

The men were ready and each of them knew what they had to do. Just as they were about to take up their positions, Jason lifted his hand and they turned toward him.

“You shoot to kill but only when I give you the signal and not before, and remember the ringleader is mine...understood?” His eyes were narrowed and cold. Silently they

all nodded their heads in acknowledgment. “Right boys lets go.” He moved forward carefully, into the darkness of the bush and toward the danger that he knew was now so close that confrontation with them was eminent. Jason suddenly heard the

muffled voices of the poachers and held up his hand, the men all hunkered down ready and alert. He listened and then signaled to the men. They all moved off into a

different direction and took up position. Jason‟s plan was to have the men positioned so that the poachers were in view and fully surrounded. He moved off slightly away

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from his men and tried to get as close as possible, and then he waited. The men sitting around the fire were so close that he could make out each man‟s features.

However, Jason was looking for one man in particular and he searched with his eyes narrowed, he suddenly saw the big man standing one side on his own.

He kept his eyes riveted on the man, feeling the hatred building up in him. This man killed his brother, and almost killed him. The hatred he felt for this man was so

intense that he nearly lost control as he lifted his rifle staring at him through the telescope. He almost pulled the trigger. “No that would be too easy,” he thought as

he slowly brought the rifle down. He decided to wait for the man to make a move; he squatted down and waited patiently. An hour ticked by before the man stirred. Saying something to his men, he sauntered toward the bush. Jason silently moved forward

and felt the adrenalin surging through his body as he followed him. Suddenly the man stopped by some trees to relieve himself. Jason sprung into action and silently

approached him from behind. His heart was now beating so loudly that he was afraid the man would hear it. Jason lifted the butt of his rifle swinging it toward the man‟s head with deadly accuracy, and without a sound, the man dropped and lay sprawled

in the dust. Jason quickly took a rope from his pocket and turning the man on his stomach tied his hands and feet together. After making sure the ropes were securely

tied he moved back toward the spot where he was standing and gave his men a signal.

As one man, they lifted their rifles and fired simultaneously at the men around the fire. The men dropped where they were sitting, the sound of the shots echoed in the still of the night. Within seconds, Jason‟s men appeared from the bushes; they each

threw a man over their shoulder, and disappeared back into the bush toward their camp. Within seconds, it was all over and there was just the sound of the bush.

Jason feeling satisfied that everything went so well and that the intense training of the past year had paid off, returned to the big man still lying unconscious in the dust. He untied the man‟s feet and dragged him to a large tree. Jason climbed up the tree

keeping one end of the rope in his hand and found a sturdy branch. He pulled him up by the rope, which was still attached to the man‟s wrists, until his feet barely touched

the ground. He secured the rope to the branch and slid down the tree. Tying his feet together again, and with his shoulder aching from the effort, he sat down on a rock a distance away and waited patiently for the man to wake up.

He heard him groaning and walked toward the man hanging from the tree. The man

looked down at him with a face so cruel that Jason felt a cold shiver down his spine. Suddenly the man spoke in broken English, with a vicious look in his eyes and a smirk on his face.

“Your brother he die easy, you not die so easy.” Jason felt the anger boiling inside him and lifting the butt of his rifle rammed it against the man‟s mouth. He heard the

cracking sound as the man‟s teeth broke. He spat the teeth from his mouth and grinned his mouth twisted and bloody, “Your woman she nice I watch her...”

“Shut up you scumbag! Jason‟s heart skipped a beat at the man‟s words. He turned around and sat down on the rock trying to get his emotions under control. The man

stared at him with viciously cruel and cold eyes. “You scared,” he retorted, blood dripping from his thick lips. The man spat another tooth from his mouth not taking his

eyes off Jason. “Me going to take your woman have much fun.”

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Jason lifted his rifle and pointed it at the man‟s head, and for a split second, he saw fear in his eyes. He slowly brought the rifle down and fired a shot into one of the

man‟s knees. He heard the bone crack, and the man screamed. For a few minutes, there was silence; the man‟s face contorted with pain. Suddenly he looked up. “Me

kill your children after I finish woman” Jason again lifted the rifle and shot into the other knee of the man. Another bloodcurdling scream and the man lost consciousness.

The men at the camp looked at one another, not saying a word. One of the men

suddenly broke the silence. “Jeez I am glad I am not in that man‟s shoes.” They all nodded in agreement, knowing that the man was going to die painfully. “Yes this lot got off easy.” Thomas pointed to the dead men in the truck.

The man who hung from the tree now bled profusely from his wounds. Jason sat quietly watching, a cold calculating look on his face. Jason knew that the smell of

blood was going to attract lions soon and getting up he found another tree and climbed up high so that he could see the man clearly and was out of reach of any

predators. The man regained consciousness and looked around puzzled as to where Jason was. A lion roared a little way off, and Jason saw the fear on his face, but he said nothing, he just stared at the man and waited. Another roar much closer, the

man started whimpering his eyes searched frantically in the dark. Jason watched as the lions closed in and approached the man cautiously. Suddenly more lions

appeared. The man opened his mouth to scream but before he could make a sound, the lions attacked in a frenzy ripping at the man‟s body.

The man‟s screams were so bloodcurdling, that a collective shiver ran down the spines of the men at the camp. Jason watched through narrowed eyes and without

any emotion as the lions ripped the man apart. Suddenly not able to stand the screams any longer he lifted the rifle and shot the man through his head. The lions frightened by the shot disappeared into the bush. He got down from the tree and cut

the man loose letting him drop to the ground. Jason stared down at him feeling nothing but contempt and loathing for the man lying before him. He turned and

started walking toward camp, but first stopped off at the camp of the poachers. He looked around and found what he came for. He picked up the bag of rhino horn and throwing it over his shoulder, headed for camp. The men cheered as he entered the

camp; he put the bag down and shook each man‟s hand.

“Well done boys, well done.” Jason lifted his rifle to the heavens. “This is for you

Jacob, we have now come full circle, I have finished what you started and I have paid my debt, may you rest in peace.” The men all took off their hats and saluted

toward the sky. Jason turned to the men with a smile. “Right boys we are done for now, take the horns and bodies to the authorities and go home to your families, because that is where I am going right now,… to my family.” He got into the jeep

smiling knowing that the animals and his family were safe, and that he had avenged his brother‟s death.

He started the jeep and drove off in to the rising sun and toward new beginnings.

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Jacobs‟s legacy

Chapter 3

18-year-old Dylan started toward the goal post at the speed of a gazelle in flight.

Timothy kept to his right running just as fleet footed, not taking his eyes of his brother. The two schools attending the game, were on their feet roaring out

encouragement. Dylan could feel the muscles in his body hurt with the effort but kept going his eyes riveted on the posts looming up.

Timothy glanced toward his brother and he knew that Dylan was tiring. He had done a lot of running and had scored all the tries for their team, but this last try was crucial

as the two team‟s scores were tied. Dylan glanced to his right and saw Timothy mouthing the words, “Pass the ball‟ he grinned knowing that his brother would love to score the last try of the game

He made a split second decision and with deadly accuracy threw the ball toward his

brother. A hush fell over the crowd as the ball flew through the air toward Timothy. He scooped the ball with one hand, and felt his hart skip a beat when he almost dropped it, but he rectified and with the speed of lightning started running. The

crowds were once more on their feet cheering him on. Timothy suddenly felt someone very close on his heels. He reached out, ramming the boy full on in his

face with such force that the youngster fell backward, landing flat on his back, blood spurting from his nose.

He felt as if his lungs were going to burst as he sprinted the last meter or two toward the goal line. He dove through the air and scored the try right under the post. He remained on the ground dropping his head trying to get his breathing under control;

the crowds cheering was deafening but like music to his ears. His teammates were all milling around him patting him on his back. He got up slowly and looked toward

his brother, who gave him the thumbs up. He walked toward Dylan.

“Well done.” Dylan smiled at his brother.

“Thanks bro,” Timothy handed the ball to Dylan. Surprised, Dylan raised his eyebrows enquiringly. Timothy grinned at his brother. “You do the honors,” he

indicated toward the goal posts.

Dylan placed the ball carefully and stepped back. He stared straight at the crossbar of the goalpost. The crowd was silent waiting in anticipation; the excitement was audible especially under the supporters of Dylan‟s team. He moved forward and

kicked, waiting anxiously as the ball soared though the air. The schools pupils were on their feet and a mighty cheer followed as the ball flew through the goalpost. The

two brothers‟ were lifted up on to the shoulders of their teammates.

Marybeth suddenly grabbed her friends arm; she could hardly contain her

excitement. Claudia turned with a smile looking at her friend. “What‟s with you Marybeth, if you don‟t watch out you are going to pop a vein any minute”

“Oh, my gosh… he is so handsome Claudia...he‟s so handsome.” Marybeth‟s face was flushed, as she gazed starry eyed toward Dylan. Claudia turned her head to see

whom Marybeth was referring to. Her eyes fell on Dylan and she smiled when she saw the handsome face, his blond hair blowing in the wind white teeth showing

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clearly against his sun-bronzed skin. She turned her head, and saw Timothy, and her heart skipped a beat as she took in his good looks. “His brother is just as good-

looking he looks like a Greek god ...or something.” The two girls were from the girl ‟s school, situated on the same grounds as the boy‟s school, but divided by a six-foot

high wall, which the children from both schools called “The forbidden Wall”. Both schools had been built in the 18th century, and the wall dividing the schools was erected to keep the two genders apart from one another, to prevent any promiscuity

between the boys and girls.

The pupils of the two schools were only allowed to associate with one another when there were games or special occasions, organized under strict supervision by the headmasters and teachers of the schools. Therefore, whenever the pupils got

together there was always a lot of exuberant excitement and anticipation. Marybeth felt her heart beating uncontrollably as she watched Dylan approaching; he had to

pass the place where she was standing to get to the rest rooms. She kept her eyes riveted to his face, feeling herself blush as she stared at him.

Dylan was let down from his teammate‟s shoulders as they approached the stairs. He started up the stairs two at a time in a hurry to get to the showers. He glanced up and he looked straight into Marybeth‟s face, who was now staring at him so openly,

that he stopped dead in his tracks before her. For a brief moment time stood still as they stared at one another, Dylan was totally oblivious of his teammates trying to

pass him to get to the rest rooms. Suddenly he smiled at her and she felt her cheeks burn with embarrassment.

“Well, hello there gorgeous”. His voice rang out loudly, causing everyone to turn their heads toward them. Timothy panicked and he looked around to see if any of the

teachers were around.

“H...Hello” Marybeth stuttered, wishing that the earth would swallow her, as she fe lt

everyone‟s eyes on them. Dylan stared at her teasingly fully aware that everyone was watching, and knowing that his brother was probably having a hissy fit by now. “What is your name oh beautiful one?

“Marybeth.” She averted her eyes blushing. There was a hushed silence as the

pupils watched in anticipation; Timothy kept his eyes on the teacher‟s that were still busy on the field discussing the game. Dylan, finding the blushing girl endearing and extremely beautiful moved closer to her.

“Mmm...Beautiful name for a beautiful girl”

She did not ask him his name because everyone knew who Dylan mc Bride was. He was the most popular boy in school, the captain of his team; he was also the head

boy of the boy‟s school. He kept his eyes fixed on her face. “Will you be at the dance on Friday night? She nodded and looked up at him, she felt herself drowning in his green eyes.

“Great then I will see you there.” Before she could move, he leaned forward and

kissed her on her cheek. A sudden roar went up and the pupils all clapped hands. Timothy‟s heart jumped to his throat as he saw one of the teachers look up to see what the commotion was about. He tried to warn Dylan when he saw Mr. Clements

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or “Bullfrog” as he was fondly called by the pupils stride in their direction shouting out something, and waving his cane.

“Dylan! Dylan! He shouted out trying to make himself heard above the noise. Dylan

saw Marybeth‟s eyes widen in fright as she looked toward the field. He turned to see what she was looking at and saw the headmaster striding toward them his short legs pumping like a windmill in the wind. He swung back to Marybeth with a grin and took

her face between his hands landing a kiss on her mouth; he pulled back and winked at her. “See you Friday,” and in a flash disappeared between the crowds.

The pupils all dispersed in different directions as Mr. Clements reached the grandstand shouting and pointing his cane. He tried to catch his breath and

muttered, “These kids will be the death of me...” he slowly climbed the steps to the boy‟s restrooms. The noise in the restroom was deafening as the boys all laughed and talked about what had happened on the stands, in between showering and

getting ready for their next class. The door opened and suddenly the silence was so perceptible that you could hear a pin drop.

Mr. Clements stared from one boy to the other not saying a word. He suddenly looked at Dylan his eyes narrowing. Dylan stared back at him his face not giving

away anything. He walked straight up to Dylan and stared up to him, noticing how tall the boy was. Suddenly feeling a bit embarrassed by the fact that he must look like a

midget in comparison to this giant standing before him he hissed through his teeth, “Mr. mc Bride I can only presume that you were the cause of the ruction out there...am I right?

Dylan tried to think of something to say, but obviously, he could not tell the principal what had really happened. He would get detention but worst of all, he will not be

allowed to attend the dance on Friday. Before he could think of something to say, Timothy stepped forward. “He tripped sir...on the steps sir”

“Yes sir that‟s what happened ...sir” Dylan tried to sound convincing. Not totally convinced that the boys were telling the truth the headmaster looked up at Dylan.

“Watch your step young man we don‟t want you getting hurt before the final...” he

paused “I will be watching you Mr. Mc Bride,” he said with an undertone of warning to his voice.

Dylan tried to keeps a straight face, “yes sir...of course sir”

Mr. Clements turned on his heel and shaking his head left the room. “Phew... man

that was close,” Timothy smiled at his brother shaking his head. Dylan put his arm around his brother‟s shoulder.

“Thanks Tim, thanks for covering for me, you certainly saved my bacon today.” He looked up at his teammates and grinned. “Thank you guys...thanks for covering my


The boys filed into class and took their seats; they all felt tired after the hard game

and were eager to get their last class for the day over and done with. “Right class let‟s get started, open your books on page 102, and...” Dylan closed his eyes and

thought of Marybeth. He felt the excitement well up knowing that he would see her at the dance. She was beautiful with her hazel eyes and long auburn hair hanging right

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down to her waist. He had been in this school for five years and had noticed her a couple of times when the schools got together, but had al ways kept his distance.

However, today, being up so close and personal took him by total surprise. She was

even more beautiful than he had thought and he felt something stirring in the pit of his stomach. He knew that he definitely wanted get to know her better, and could not wait for Friday to arrive. Dylan‟s train of thought was suddenly interrupted, when the

teachers cane hit his desk with a loud bang. His eyes flew open and he stared straight into Mr. Thompsons face. “Care to share Mr. Mc Bride,”

“Uh... no sir nothing to share ...sir”

“Ok, Mr. Mc bride, then would you please get up, and tell the class what I was discussing with them.” Dylan got up and tried to gather his thoughts, but he was totally clueless as to what was discussed. He hung his head and stared at the floor.

“You don‟t have a clue do you Mr. Mc bride?

“No sir...sorry sir”

“In that case you will stay after class and right out the words, I need to listen in class and not waste the teacher’s time, understood? Dylan sighed despondently feeling his heart sink at the teachers words.

“Yes sir.”

“A thousand times on the black board and in your neatest handwriting.”

“Yes sir,” Dylan sank back into his chair. The bell rang and the pupils filed out to their dormitory. Dylan walked toward the blackboard. He picked up the chalk and started writing.

“Tim, phone for you, it‟s your mom! Timothy walked out into the passage and picked up the phone.


“Hello Tim its mom how are you? He smiled when he heard Jessica‟s voice.

“Oh, hello mom I‟m fine, ho w are you...and Uncle Jason and the little ones?

“We‟re all fine sweetie, just missing you and Dylan, and looking forward to the day

you finish school, where is your brother I would like to say hello to him? He was dreading that she would ask.

“Sorry mom his otherwise occupied, and can‟t come to phone right now.” He grinned knowing what the next question would be.

“Why is he in trouble again?

“Nothing serious mom, just a case of ...lovesickness…” he laughed, “Sorry mom I have to go, somebody needs to use the phone.” Jessica slowly put the phone down

shaking her head. She missed her boys and wished the time would come that they would be back with her on the farm. Jason walked toward her noticing the worried

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look on her face. He took her in his arms and held her closely. “How are the boys? She looked up at him smiling.

“Oh they are fine; it just seems that Dylan has been getting up to some mischief.”

He lifted her face to look at him, and softly kissed her on the lips. “Ah well boys will be boys.” he took her hand and led her outside. They sat down on the bench looking

out over the garden, toward the large tree where the twins Elijah and Chloe were having their daily lessons. The twins were now almost thirteen and after the holidays, they would be sent to the school that Dylan and Timothy are attending. Chloe would

attend the girl ‟s school, the same school Jessica had attended. “I can‟t believe that they will be leaving soon.” There was underlying sadness in her voice, as she stared

at her two younger children. When the older twins turned twelve, she and Jason had made a decision to send all their children to school, when they turned thirteen, wanting the children to experience a more normal life between children of their age.

“Well at least we will have the other two back, when these two go, and it‟s good for

them to have the chance to explore the world outside of the farm.” Jason looked over at the twins and smiled. Chloe was a very beautiful little girl with long blond hair and had her mother‟s blue eyes. She was a bit of a tomboy and preferred wearing

dungarees and check shirts like her twin brother. His eyes turned to Elijah. He was a good-looking youngster and had the same piercing green eyes that are almost like a

trademark of the Mc Brides, but had inherited the dark hair of his mother and half-brother Timothy.

Cindy told the children to take a break and walked toward Jessica and Jason. Jessica watched her, as she approached and noticed how heavily she leant on her walking stick. Jason got up and politely offered his arm to Cindy helping her up the

steps. “Sit here next to me Cindy” Jessica patted the bench next to her.

„Thank you angel,” Cindy sat down heavily.

“Cindy can I get the kitchen to make some tea made for you?” Jason looked at her


“Yes dear that would be lovely.” He ordered the tea, and walked down to join the


“You and Jason have done well Jessica, four beautiful children and this house that you have turned into a lodge...Jacob would have been very proud.” She turned her head to the sign above the entrance and read it out ‘JACOBS RETREAT‟ yes he would

be proud and happy.” Jessica smiled and turned to Cindy.

“Oh Cindy I love you so much, you have been like mother to me, and I would never have been able to do all this if it wasn‟t for you,” she got up and kissed Cindy on her cheek.”

I love you to my dear child.... I am going to miss teaching the children.” C indy looked toward the children. There was a far of look in her eyes. Jessica ‟s heart softened as

she stared at Cindy. She had known Cindy all her life, she had been her friend, her mentor, and her adviser helping her make the right decisions, when she was unable


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“I miss the boys, when are they coming home?

“Only three more months to go Cindy.” Jessica said smiling.

“Good it‟s about time.” Cindy got up and walked toward the door,” I am going to

have a nap, see you later.”

Jessica walked down the steps to join Jason and the children. She sat down and her mind started drifting back to the time just after Jacobs‟s death. Jason had asked her to be his wife soon after they discovered that the younger twins were his children.

The twins had already turned two, when she finally agreed to marry Jason. For the next few years, she and Jason had built up the business to what it is today. They had

decided jointly to turn their home into a luxury lodge, keeping a wing of the house private for the family. Tourists from all over soon flocked to JACOBS RETREAT to enjoy the experience of the wide-open spaces and to enjoy what nature offered. Jason still

went on regular patrols with his rangers to make sure the animals were safe from poaching or illegal hunting. The rest of the time they took people out on game drives,

part of the farm was designated to legal hunting for visitors from overseas. The business had now been running for about fourteen years and they have never looked back. Jessica smiled feeling happy, that she and Jason had secured a good future

for their children. She was now 45 years old and Jason had just turned fifty. Soon they would enjoy their retirement, and their children would take over the business,

and so secure a future for their children, and future generations of mc Brides.

Dylan appeared in the door of the dorm looking very disgruntled. At first, there was

silence as everyone stared at him, and then the boys burst out laughing at the look on his face. “What is so funny?” He shook his hand trying to get rid of the lame feeling in his arm, after writing for about two hours nonstop. Timothy looked up from

his book grinning from ear to ear.

“You Dylan… you are funny, getting into trouble over a girl.”

One of the boys sniggered at Timothy‟s words, but immediately stopped when Dylan

turned to him, and stared him down with eyes as cold as ice. “Sorry...”

“You better be.” sneered Dylan and fell down on his bunk closing his eyes. Timothy

sat up.

“Are you alright bro? He looked at his brother grinning.

“Yeah just hunky dory, thanks for asking.”

“Oh by the way… mom phoned.”

“How is mom, and the rest of the family.” Dylan kept his eyes closed waiting for his brother‟s answer.

“Fine... she says she misses you,” he grinned watching his brother‟s face closely, waiting for a reaction. The boys in the dorm were silent knowing that Timothy was

bantering his brother, and they found it perversely entertaining.

“Oh, how sweet his mommy misses him.” One of the boys suddenly cried out.

Everyone burst out laughing. Dylan got up off the bed slowly, his eyes scanned the room. The laughter stopped, as everyone turned to Bruce, a short stocky youngster

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with red hair and freckles. Dylan walked toward the boy, there was a look on his face that made the boys part for him to pass through. Timothy knew that he had started

something that was going to cause problems and grabbed Dylan by the arm.

“Steady Dylan it was just a joke man.” Dylan ignored him and stopped in front of the boy.

“What is your problem Bruce? He hissed through his teeth.

“Aw come on Mc Bride we were just having some fun, no harm done.” Bruce looked

up at him his freckles showed off starkly as he turned pale with fright. Dylan lifted his hand and the boy ducked, holding his head, but Dylan just ruffled his hair and


“Right, no harm done,” he walked toward the showers. Bruce stared after Dylan and

shaking his head mumbled under his breath.

“Jeez he scared the living daylights out of me.”

The tension in the room was suddenly broken and the boys fell down on their bunks

laughing at Bruce‟s embarrassment. Timothy sighed a sigh of relief, knowing his brothers temper, it could certainly have gone the other way. He lay down on his bunk and closed his eyes trying to get his breathing under control. The dinner bell rang

and the boys all filed down to the dining room taking their places. The headmaster said a prayer and the boys tucked in; talking in between about the dance coming up.

The excitement was almost electrifying, as the boys discussed which girls they were going to dance with. After dinner, the boys went outside for an hour to enjoy the fresh air before they retired for the night. Dylan and Timothy strolled off to some

large trees overgrown by bush. Most of the boys kept close to the big wall, mostly to try and find out what it was that girls talked about mostly.

“Are you looking forward to going home?

“Yes, I can‟t wait.” Dylan moved forward into the bush with Timothy following on his heels. ”It is going to be great working with Uncle Jason.” Dylan suddenly stopped and peered through some bushes at something that he could not quite make out.

“What‟s up” Timothy moved forward to see what Dylan was looking at.

“I don‟t know, let‟s go and see what it is.”

Timothy grabbed Dylan‟s arm. “It getting late maybe we should get back before they start looking for us.” Dylan looked back at his brother.

“Stop being such a wuss .. Come on it won‟t take long.” They got to the spot and both stared in surprise at the wall dividing the two schools.

“Well now isn‟t that a pretty site.” Mumbled Dylan. The two boys gazed at a section of the wall that had crumbled down. Dylan went closer and looked over the wall, but

the bush on the other side was dense, so he did not see much. He climbed onto the rubble to see if he can see anything if he was higher up. He stretched his neck and looked over the bush, and suddenly saw some of the girls walking toward their

hostel. He ducked as one of the girls suddenly glanced up in his direction. He looked down at Timothy and put his finger on his mouth indicating to him to be quiet. Dylan

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waited for a few seconds and slowly looked over the bush hoping that the girl had not seen him. There was no one in sight and feeling relieved he climbed down.

“Phew that was close.” He wiped the perspiration from his brow with his sleeve.

“Come let‟s get back... hey Tim... Not a word about this to anyone.” Timothy glanced back at his brother.

“Sure…not a word.” He grinned as they hurried back to the hostel.

“Where have you guys been? Bruce stared at their sweat stained shirts.

“We went for a jog, gotta keep in shape, maybe you should try it, get rid of some of

the puppy fat you‟re carrying around with you.” Dylan grinned at him indicating with his hand at Bruce‟s waist. Bruce looked down at his protruding waist and the boys roared with laughter at his embarrassment. Dylan took his shirt off and threw it at

Bruce grinning. “If you promise to be a good boy we will take you with us on our next run.” Bruce plucked the shirt from his face.

“Very funny...I hope you have nightmares tonight.” Dylan pulled his blanket over his head.

“Goodnight, Bruce sweets dreams”

The big day had arrived and the boys were all getting ready for their night out. The excitement was exuberant and high-spirited with a lot of laughter and teasing going

on. “Come let daddy help you with your tie.” Dylan walked toward Bruce and with a serious look on his face put out his hand toward Bruce‟s neckline. Bruce stepped back.

“Don‟t you dare.” Dylan stopped and stared at him trying his best to imitate a hurt expression.

“Now... now is that the way to treat a fellow that just wants the best for his buddy,

you do want to impress the girls tonight...don‟t you? Bruce stared at Dylan wondering what his intensions were.

“Yes...of course I want to.” Dylan took a step closer smiling and fiddled around with Bruce‟s tie with an expression that caused the boys a lot of amusement. He stepped back and turned his head sideways, resting his chin on his fist. He frowned and

stepped toward Bruce once more.

“Mmm... we will have to do something about your hair,” he licked his fingers and rubbed his hand over Bruce‟s head.

“That‟s much better.” He stepped back, “what do you boys think, doesn‟t he look grand?

“Yeah, he looks... much better.”

Dylan put his arm around Bruce‟s shoulder. “Come big boy lets go find you a nice girl.”

The boys all followed and left the dorm moving toward the entrance of the hostel. There was nervous silence as all the boys thought about the night that lay ahead.

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Before they reached the doors the headmaster held up his hand, and they stopped abruptly. He cleared his throat. “Now you boys better listen carefully to what I am

about to say”...he looked from one side of the room to the other.

“I want you boys to be at your best behavior, no funny business and no disappearing into dark corners with any of the girls. You treat them with the respect they deserve understood?”

“Yes sir! They answered in unison. “Good... and boys I want you all back by twelve at the latest, now go and enjoy yourselves.” The boys were all welcomed at the

entrance by teachers of the girl ‟s school. The principle of the girl‟s school blew her whistle to get the boys attention, and they calmed down. “Boys I want to extend a

warm welcome to you all, and I hope you will have a wonderful time here tonight. I know that Mr. Clements has told you about the rules, so I am not going to waste your time any longer.” Stepping aside smiling, she indicated with her hand that the boys

could enter the hall.

Dylan looked around searching for Marybeth, he saw her standing one side with a group of other girls. He called out to his brother, “Tim there they are, come walk with me, Claudia is there as well.” He moved in the direction of the girls his heart

pounding in his ears.

“Hello ladies, may I say you all look lovely tonight,”

Dylan turned to Marybeth and took her hand bringing it to his lips,” you especially,”

he softly whispered looking up at her keeping his lips on her hand. She blushed and quickly withdrew her hand.

“Thank you, you don‟t look half bad yourself, let me introduce you to some friends of mine.” Taking his hand, she introduced him to all the girls, who stared at him in awe.

“You remember Claudia I‟m sure.” Dylan looked down at Claudia and smiled.

“Hello Claudia nice to see you again.” He turned to his brother. “Tim let me introduce you to Claudia... Claudia this is my brother Tim.”

”My pleasure, I‟m sure.” Tim kissed Claudia‟s hand. Dylan looked around and saw a girl standing to one side looking lost and forlorn.

“Who is that girl standing there by herself?”

“Her name is Tracy, she is very shy, and doesn‟t mix easily.”

“Marybeth wait here I will be back in a second.” Dylan walked off in the direction of a

group of boys who were still trying to find partners. He grabbed Bruce by the arm.

“Come with me old chap, I want to introduce you to somebody.” Bruce followed with

apprehension, once again wondering what Dylan‟s intentions were. Dylan smiled at Tracy reassuringly.

“Tracy this is Bruce, he is your partner for the night, Bruce this is Tracy and she has agreed to be your partner for the night ...enjoy.” He walked off leaving the two teens

staring after him. Marybeth smiled up at Dylan taking his hands in hers. “Oh... that was so sweet.”

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“I aim to please, and besides they needed a bit of a nudge in the right direction.” He led her to the dance floor, and took her in his arms. She laid her head on his chest,

and they danced slowly to the music. Dylan glanced up and saw that the dance floor had filled up considerably with most of the teens all partnered up and enjoying

themselves. He also noticed that Bruce and Tracy were having a good time. His eyes searched over the dancers for his brother. He saw him and Claudia sitting at a table holding hands, and in deep conversation. He turned his attention to the girl in

his arms and felt a sudden urge to kiss her. He lifted her face with his hand, and bending down kissed her lightly on her lips. After a few dances, Dylan led Marybeth

to a table and they sat down opposite one another. Dylan looked across the table at her.

“I have something to tell you but you must promise that you will tell no one.”

“I promise.‟ She smiled at him with raised eyebrows wondering what the big secret

was. He took her hand, and looked around to see if they were alone.

“Tim and I found a break in the wall right at the end of the school grounds, where the woodland starts.”


“Yes, so tomorrow I want you to meet me there and we could spend some time

together, but you must not let anyone see you.”

Over weekends, the children of the two schools were free to-do what they wanted, but visiting between the boys and girls was not allowed or encouraged. She smiled and lifting her hand touched the side of his face. “Can I tell Claudia?”

“I think Tim has already let the cat out the bag. “ He looked toward Tim and Claudia, and smiled. “I will arrange with Tim that we will have Saturdays and him and Claudia

can have Sundays, how does that sound?

“Perfect, I‟ll pack a basket then we can have a picnic.” Dylan took her hand and pulled her up beside him. He bent and kissed her with so much passion that she gasped for air. She stepped back putting her hand to her breast.

“Dylan, what if one of the teachers sees us.” Before he could answer the bell rang

and the party was over. He quickly reached out and kissed her.

“See you tomorrow at around ten.” The boys all left the hall and returned to their

hostel. Dylan saw Bruce up ahead and jogged toward him. He put his arms around Bruce‟s shoulder, noticing the flushed look on his face, and grinned. “So...buddy did you have a good time? Bruce looked up at him and his blush deepened.

“Yes...yes it was great”

“There you go, you stud you.... I knew you had it in you”

“Thanks Dylan.” He looked down at Bruce and ruffled his hair.

“No sweat buddy.”

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Dylan sat propped up against his pillow daydreaming about the day that lay ahead. His thoughts drift and he thinks about Marybeth his heart started racing and he

looked up at the clock. Another hour and he would be holding her in his arms. He jumped up and strolled to the shower singing at the top of his voice. Tim looked up

smiling and noticed all the boys staring at Dylan open-mouthed, they turned to him with raised eyebrows. He shrugged.‟' “His in love, what can I say?”

Dylan reached the wall and nervously waited for Marybeth. “Dylan! He heard her call from the other side; he clambered up the rubble heap and looked down at her

grinning. “Pass me the basket.” she handed the basket to him and he got down putting it under a tree. He climbed up again and reached down to help her up over the wall. Back on level ground, he took her in his arms.

“Hello beautiful,” he stooped down and kissed her softly. She felt her cheeks burning, and turned from him opening a blanket on the ground. She sat down on the

blanket and looked up at him patting the blanket indicating to him to join her. He quickly sat down beside her. They sat in silence for a while. He laid down putting his

arms behind his head and stared up at the dense trees above. “It‟s quiet and peaceful here.” She turned looking down at him.

“You have beautiful eyes...I have never seen eyes as green as yours.”

He suddenly reached out and pulled her down seeking her lips. Time stood still as their kissing became passionate and Dylan felt himself losing control. He gently pushed her back. “I think we should have something to eat,” His voice was hoarse as

he tried to gain control over the feelings that were raging through his body. Marybeth got up and fetched the basket her face felt as if it was on fire. She put the basket down and not looking up at him started packing it out. He stared at her taking in her

beauty, and was so mesmerized that he did not notice that she was holding a plate out to him.


“Yes...” he continued staring. She cleared her throat, “Dylan your plate, my arm is getting tired.” He forced his eyes from her face staring down at the plate she was

holding out to him. “Oh...yes ...sorry, thanks”. She smiled at his awkwardness.

“This looks great.” He picked up a grape and popped it in his mouth.

“Mmm…delicious.” They ate in silence both feeling overwhelmed by the others presence. After finishing his plate, he put it down and lay back closing his eyes. Marybeth got up and put everything back into the basket. She lay down beside him

and coming up on her elbow stared at his face attentively, tracing the outline of it with her finger she bent down and kissed him lightly, he suddenly grabbed her and

turning her, he looked down at her smiling.

“You‟re beautiful,” he whispered looking into her eyes. “I am going to marry you


“I would like that.” She kept her mouth against his. “It‟s getting late, we should be getting back.

Dylan approached the dormitory and heard a commotion. He hurried toward the door flinging it open. The boys were all standing in a circle, and he walked forward to see

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what was going on. Bruce was lying flat on his back, blood poured from his nose. A boy was standing over him pounding Bruce‟s already bloody nose with his fist. Dylan

felt the anger rise within him and pushed through the circle. He grabbed the boy by the back of his shirt and shoved him with such force that he flew through the air and

landed on his back outside the circle. Dylan turned slowly looking at the surprised faces of the boys around him. They all took a step back when they saw the cold steely look in his eyes. He walked toward the boy who was trying to get up from the

floor. The two boys stood facing one another. Grant stared at Dylan through narrowed eyes. “I will get you for that!

“Why don‟t you pick on someone your own size,” Dylan‟s teeth were clenched and his eyes as cold as ice. Grant stepped closer and sneered.

“What you going to do about it, huh, the runt needs to be taught a lesson in manners, and do what he is told.”

Dylan stepped closer. “Oh... and what might that be, what was he told to do?

“I told him to clean my bath after I had bathed and the little runt refused.” Dylan turned to Bruce who was staring at them holding a shirt to his nose to stop the


“Is that what happened, Bruce, you ignored the big man here and refused to clean

his bath?

Everyone‟s heads turned to stare at Bruce as he nodded his head in acknowledgement. Dylan stepped toward Bruce and Bruce‟s eyes widened with fright.

“Now Bruce you should know better than disobeying an order...” then in a movement so fast that the boys were still staring at Bruce, Dylan turned and slammed his fist

into the sneering face of Grant sending him falling over one of the bunks, where he landed with such force that he struggled to get his breath back. Dylan jumped over

the bunk and bent down over Grant lifting him by his shirtfront so that his face was level with his. “You broke my nose,” Grant looked up at him saying with eyes smarting from the force of the blow that he did not see coming.

„Listen you lowdown scumbag, if you ever lift your hands to a boy smaller than

yourself I will break more than just your nose... understood? Dylan glared at him his eyes showing the contempt he felt for the boy before him.. Grant stared up at him nodding. Timothy stopped at the door taking in the scene, he saw Bruce still standing

rooted to the spot with the bloody shirt pressed against his nose. His eyes fell on his brother slowly coming up from behind the bunk, and all the boys standing in total

silence staring at the scene playing off before their eyes.

“Oh no... Not again.” he mumbled loudly to himself. He had missed the lurid affair

because he had been down in the library studying for the upcoming exams. Dylan put his arm around Bruce.

“Come buddy, let‟s get you cleaned up.”

The months passed quickly and the end of the year was in sight. The exams had finished, and the pupils were getting ready to go home. Dylan held Marybeth in a

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close embrace feeling sadness that this would be their last time spent together. Over the last four months, they had been meeting here every Saturday. He felt her

shoulders shake and lifted her face with his hand looking down into her tear-filled eyes.

“Marybeth please don‟t cry, we will see one another again, you can come and visit, and spend a few days...” his words we re smothered when she pulled his head down

and kissed him. She turned and taking his hand led him to the blanket under the large trees. He looked down at her and studied her face. Dylan wiped the hair from

her face kissing her eyes neck and lips.

“I am going to miss you.” She just stared up at him feeling to emotional to say

anything. He rolled over onto his back pulling her toward him. She lay on his chest. “Dylan?

“Yes...” He opened his eyes.

“Do you love me? He came up and turned looking down at her. In a voice raw with emotion, he told her he loved her very much. She smiled. “Dylan… make love to me.” His heart skipped a beat.

“What...are you sure?

She giggled at the expression on his face. “I have never been so sure about anything in my life.” He bent and kissed her gently and her mouth opened under his as she

started kissing him back with an urgency that left him reeling. Time stood still, and they felt as if they were the only two people in the universe.

The pupils of the two schools milled about as everyone said their goodbyes to friends and teachers. There were many students with tears streaming unashamedly down their faces, coming to the realization that their schooldays are forever over as

they stepped into their new lives as young adults. Dylan looked down at Marybeth. “So this is it...” he swallowed, “this is goodbye.” She looked up at him trying very

hard to keep her tears at bay.

“Yes...but not forever, I will visit soon, and I will write to you everyday...” her voice

faltered, and he took her in his arms holding her close.

“Dylan! He looked up and saw Bruce rushing toward him pulling Tracy along. He kept his arm around Marybeth‟s waist and turned to Bruce.

“Bruce...my little buddy, are you ready for the big world out there.” Timothy and Claudia joined them and the six friends said their goodbyes. Bruce extended his hand toward Dylan. “Dylan I just want to say you are a great guy and if it weren‟t for

you I may not have survived these last few months.” Dylan grinned down at him fondly.

“Ah, my little buddy you would have, you are a strong man you just don‟t know it.” Bruce cleared his throat.

“Dylan when I get married someday I would like you to be my best man.”

Dylan ruffled his hair playfully, “I would be honored, and if or when you decide to get married I would like you to have your wedding at me and my brother‟s home.” He

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picked up his luggage and turned to Timothy. “Are you ready bro the chopper is waiting?”

Timothy turned to Claudia; he smiled and kissed her on the cheek. “See you soon

sweet cheeks.” Dylan and Marybeth walked toward the chopper in silence. He passed his luggage to his brother and turned to Marybeth. “I love you.” She looked up at him.

“I love you too...very much.”

Marybeth watched as the chopper flew over the school once and then dipping in greeting disappeared from site. Claudia put her arm around Marybeth‟s shoulder and

the two friends walked toward the limo waiting to take them home. Bruce smiled and taking Tracy‟s hand, they headed toward their ride home.

Jacobs‟s legacy


Dylan looked toward the large tree in the garden and watched Timothy swing 18-

month-old Thomas through the air. The little boy‟s laughter filled the air. The child‟s voice was like music to his ears, he turned his head, and his eyes softened when he saw Claudia lovingly smiling at her husband and child. She was heavy with child and

with her hand; she rubbed the small of her back trying to soothe the ache that comes with pregnancy. A sudden sadness appeared in Dylan‟s eyes as he thought back

over the last five years.

After finishing school, he and his brother had gone back to the farm to be trained by

their uncle Jason so that they would be ready to take over the family business as soon as they were old enough. Tragedy struck once more for the Mc Bride family when Cindy suddenly passed away in her sleep one evening. The family was

devastated by the loss of their trusted and loyal friend and nanny, and she was laid to rest with the only family she ever knew, on the hill overlooking the farm. After

Cindy‟s death, the younger twins had to attend school slightly earlier than expected, and were sent off feeling exited and slightly unsure as to what lay ahead. Six months later Claudia and her parents arrived at JACOBS RETREAT to spend a few

weeks. Timothy and Claudia continued with their relationship and were married a year later. Ten months later their first child was born, and soon after Claudia was

pregnant with her second child.

In this time, Bruce had also arrived on the farm with his fiancée Tracy, and as

promised was married at JACOBS RETREAT, with Dylan as his best man. A few months later Dylan got a call from an exited Bruce telling him that he had become a

father. He had named his son after Dylan. Dylan and Marybeth continued writing to one another and then three months after they had left school the letters stopped. Dylan continued writing but Marybeth did not write back. Claudia eventually told him

that she had also lost contact with Marybeth, but had heard that she was abroad somewhere. Dylan was heartbroken and threw himself into work from early morning

until late at night trying to forget her.

A year after the letters stopped he fell in love with a girl who visited JACOBS RETREAT

with her parents. He married Samantha, and they have now been married for three years. Dylan and Samantha were the perfect couple and happy, however one thing

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was missing. Samantha was struggling to conceive, Dylan in desperation took her to numerous doctors for tests, but the answer was always the same. Nothing was

preventing her from having a child, and that they had to be patient. Samantha did not seem unduly troubled by the fact that she was struggling to fall pregnant, and that

was to Dylan a great cause of concern. Her demeanor around little Thomas, her lack of showing any interest or affection toward the child had not gone unnoticed and that in itself made him wonder whether she even wanted children, however, he had

shrugged it off hoping that it was just his imagination.

“Dylan? He turned to look at Samantha.

“Penny for your thoughts sweetheart.” She walked toward him smiling.

“Oh… I was just thinking how beautiful you are...and what I would like to do to you this minute.” She put her arms around his neck and looked up at him.

“Now what would that be dear husband? He grinned and without answering, he

picked her up and carried her upstairs.

He fell back on his pillow and Samantha snuggled up putting her head on his chest.

“Sam… how would you feel about adopting? Her head jerked up and appalled she stared at him.

“What did you say? Puzzled by the expression on her face he repeated what he had said. Samantha got up off the bed, and stared down at him. “I am not going to adopt

someone else‟s brat! His eyes turned cold, and Samantha felt a chill down her spine. “Dylan...”

His voice was cold when he spoke, “brat...is that what you think of children? She swallowed.

“No...No Dylan... it‟s not what I meant...I” He got up and looked down at her. The expression on his face made her cringe and she realized that she had made the

biggest mistake imaginable and wished she could take the words back.

“I thought I knew you...but clearly I was wrong.” He turned to leave the room and

she grabbed his arm.

“Dylan...I” He shoved her aside.

“Don‟t...don‟t even try to excuse what you said!

He slammed the bathroom door shut and leaned against the basin trying to control the anger and disappointment he felt. Her words rang in his ears, his head started

pounding he opened the medicine cabinet and looked for painkillers. Not finding any toward the front, he reached to the back and pulled out a box. He stood frozen as he

stared at the box in his hand, the writing on the box screamed out at him “birth control, take once daily” He threw the box down on the bed without looking at her.

“When were you planning on telling me you did not want children? He asked staring out the window. She walked up behind him and put her arms around his waist. “Dylan I love you...” he loosened her hands and turning pushed her away.

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“Love...you don‟t know the meaning of the word you are a lying deceitful bi...” his voice broke. He turned once again toward the window. “Get out,”

“Dylan please, try to understand I...” He turned tears streaming down his face.

“Get...out! Dylan suddenly felt emotionally drained and exhausted. He lay down on the bed and closed his eyes.

Jessica walked down the passage and paused when she heard crying coming from one of the rooms. She slowly opened the door and saw Samantha sitting on the side of the bed her face hidden in her hands. She sat down beside her.

“What is the matter Sam, why are you crying? Samantha looked up at Jessica her

eyes wrought with anguish and pain.

“Mom I... I have done something terrible.”

“Sam what have you done that is so terrible, what is it dear tell me, maybe I can help.”

She handed Samantha a tissue and waited for her to calm down. Samantha told

Jessica what had happened, and Jessica listened without interrupting. She was shocked into silence by what her daughter in law told her. She knew that Dylan adored children. She was mortified by what Samantha had done. For a long time

they sat in silence. “Mom what am I going to do?

The desperation in Samantha‟s voice was so pleading that Jessica looked up at her with empathy. “Samantha what you have done is terrible and knowing my son he is not going to forgive you easily and I won‟t blame him. But I am not going to judge

you...” she paused” I have also in my past done something terrible to a man I loved very much, and it took a long time for me to forgive myself...but I did not get the chance to ask him for his forgiveness,…you have.” Jessica ‟s eyes suddenly filled up

with tears and Samantha put her arms around her mother-in law.

“I am so sorry mom I did not mean to make you cry.” Jessica wiped her eyes and smiled.

“Oh don‟t worry dear I am just being silly, look, Samantha I don‟t know what it is that makes you dislike children so much, but I am afraid that I have no hope whatsoever

that your marriage will survive this. Dylan is very family orientated and would not be able to go through life without children.”

That evening the family were all sitting around the dinner table, when the phone rang. “I‟ll get it.” Dylan jumped up before anyone could react. Jessica looked across the table at Samantha, knowing that Dylan was thankful to get away from the table,

the tension brewing between Samantha and him was extremely audible, and felt by everyone in the room. Dylan picked up the phone.

“Hello Dylan Mc Bride speaking.” A woman with an Australian accent answered.

“Oh great just the person I want to speak to...listen mate my name is Christine...” Dylan interrupted; he was not really in the mood for talking.

“Can I help you?

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“No mate I don‟t need help, but someone else does...” once again he interrupted impatiently.

“Get to the point you‟re wasting my time.” He sat down on a chair and rubbed over

his eyes feeling another headache encroaching.

“Ok mate I will come to the point. Marybeth needs your help.‟ He jumped up so

suddenly at the mention of her name that the chair he was sitting on fell backward with a crash.

“What...what did you say?” He closed his eyes his heart was pounding in his ears.

“I said Marybeth needs your help...you do remember Marybeth don‟t you? He heard the sarcastic tone in her voice.

“Yes ...yes of course I remember her.” His voice was hoarse as he felt panic engulfing him. “Did something happen to her? He heard her voice soften as she answered.

“No mate she is fine, but her,,,your son is very ill, and that is why she needs your

help.” Dylan felt the world turn and he steadied himself against the desk.

“My...my son, but how...” he stuttered as he tried to absorb what he had just heard.

“Look Dylan, she does not know that I am speaking to you. But I had to do something, she told me what had happened between you and her five years ago,

and if she says he is your son, I have no reason not to believe her.”


“No buts mate, this is what you are going to do. I have booked you a flight for next week Monday to Sidney; I will pick you up and bring you to her. She will explain

everything; all I want is for you to do the right thing.” Dylan felt his mind reeling as the news slowly sunk in.


“I am still here.” She heard the unsure tone in his voice.

“Mate I am sorry to spring this on you, but I did not know what else to do.‟ He

swallowed his throat suddenly very dry.

“Thank you Christine... you did the right thing...I will be at the airport on Monday.”

“Thanks mate see you on Monday.” Dylan slowly replaced the receiver and stood

rooted to the spot shaking his head in disbelief. Slowly he walked back to the dining room, and everyone‟s heads turned in his direction. He stared back at them not saying a word. Jessica noticed that he was deathly pale and that his hands were


“Dylan what‟s the matter, what happened? He slowly walked toward the table and sat down.

“I have a son... a son.” Jason rushed to the whisky cabinet. He poured a stiff drink, handing it to Dylan.

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“Drink up; you look like you need it.” Dylan took the glass and in one gulp emptied it; he held it out to Jason for a refill. Jason filled up and Dylan gulped the second drink

down. Timothy got up and hunkered down in front of Dylan. He looked up into his face. “Marybeth? He whispered, and Dylan shook his head in acknowledgement.

Jason poured another drink and handed it to Dylan. Once again, he swallowed it in one gulp, and felt his body relaxing with the warm feeling of the whisky spreading through him. Timothy indicated with his head to his wife and Samantha that they

should leave the room and they all filed out shutting the door. Samantha felt as if a knife was slicing through her heart and suddenly burst into tears. Claudia put her

arm around her shoulder and led her upstairs to the bedroom. She realized that this must be a terrible shock for Samantha got a tranquilizer and handed it to her.

“I am going to lose him Claudia...I...” Samantha dropped her face into her hands and her shoulders shook as the sobs ripped through her body. Claudia waited for her to

calm down.

“Why do you think he is going to leave you Sam?... He loves you.”

She told Claudia and Timothy what had happened. Timothy stared at her the shock showing on his face, he opened his mouth to say something but decided against it

for fear of saying something that he might regret. Claudia looked at her sister in law and found it hard to believe that someone could be so calculating and devious and

so dead set against having children.

“Samantha I feel sorry for you, but what you did was very wrong, you knew from the

start that Dylan wanted children and for three years you denied him that privilege.” She got up and with sadness in her eyes looked down at Samantha. “I only wish the best for you, but to be realistic I don‟t think you should get your hopes up. Dylan is

definitely not going to forgive you easily and I can‟t say that I will blame him.”

Jessica looked down at her son lying on the couch his eyes closed, by now his head was spinning from all the whisky he had consumed. She looked toward Jason with concern. “Will he be alright?” Jason grinned taking her in his arms. He bent down

and kissed her.

“He will be fine, but he‟s going to have a terrible hangover tomorrow for sure.”

“We should help him to his room.” He laughed shaking his head.

“And how do you propose we do that, he‟s a bit big for you and I to carry, just throw a blanket over him, and let him sleep it off.”

Samantha woke up during the night and reached out to Dylan‟s side of the bed. Her

heart sank when she realized that he had not come to bed. She got up and went downstairs to the family room. She saw him lying sprawled out on the floor, and realized that he must have tried getting up, and feeling to inebriated just lay down on

the floor and continued sleeping. She took off her nightgown and lay down on the floor beside him. Samantha came up on her elbow and stared at his face. She bent

down and softly caressed his lips with hers. He groaned but kept his eyes closed. She bent down again and kissed him lightly; he pulled her toward him and kissed her at first soft, gentle, and then hard forcing her mouth open. She suddenly got the

horrible feeling that he was not doing it out of passion or even love but more out of lust and need. She tried to get out of his arms, but he held her so tightly that she

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could not move. He turned her over and he made love to her violently after which he fell back onto the floor gasping for breath. He groaned and shut his eyes tightly. His

head started pounding and he felt the nausea rising up.

He waited for the nausea to subside and came up slowly holding his head. He turned to Samantha who was still lying on her back, staring wide-eyed at the ceiling and he saw the tears running down her cheeks. He leaned toward her and softly wiped the

tears from her face with his finger.

“Sam I am so sorry...I don‟t know what possessed me...I truly am sorry, that was

unforgivable...” he dropped his head on his knees, trying to get his head around what had just happened. He heard her get up to leave the room and looked up. ” Sam...”

He lay down and put his arm over his face. He felt terrible that he had treated her like some cheap hussy, which was totally out of character for him; he had never

treated a woman like that ever, and he felt ashamed and disgusted at himself.

„Have this, you will feel better.” he opened one eye and saw Jason offering him something. He sat up and thankfully swallowed the tablets and water. He fell back groaning.

“I think I am gonna die,” he mumbled holding his head. Jason grinned.

“No my boy you just have a bad case of what they call a hangover, it will pass in a few hours.” Jason sat down and looked at his nephew. He felt slightly guilty that he

had allowed him to drink so much.

“Sorry old chap it my fault that you‟re feeling so sick.” Dylan peeped up at him from

under his arm to frightened to move for fear his head might burst and grinned.

“I could have said no...But I didn‟t want to...it made me feel good, sort of made me

forget...” he closed his eyes and sighed heavily.

“Yeah I‟m sure it did, but just remember Dylan, alcohol does not solve problems... as a matter of fact it can just make it worse.”

Dylan shook his head, “thanks Uncle Jason, I will remember that in future...o jeez I think I am going to be sick...” he jumped up and ran toward the bathroom.

Jason stared after him shaking his head. He worried about Dylan and Samantha, and the stress that this was going to cause in their relationship. Dylan washed his

face and stared at himself in the mirror. He was shocked when he saw the reflection of himself, he hardly recognized the pale unshaved bleary-eyed character staring back at him. He once again felt the nausea rising, and for the second time hugged

the toilet bowl. He lay down on the tiles of the bathroom floor his body drenched in sweat, waiting for the nausea to pass. He drifted off into a fitful sleep haunted by

nightmares. He saw Samantha‟s face, the pain and tears, and then Marybeth calling from a distance, he saw a little boy waving at him and then suddenly disappearing.

“Dylan...Dylan! He slowly opened his eyes and saw Samantha bending over him a look of concern on her face. “Dylan... sweetheart are you alright? He lifted his hand

and touched the side of her face.

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“Yes...yes I am fine.” He grinned, “I think...I need a shower.” He carefully got up putting his arm around her shoulder. “Care to join me?

Later that evening Dylan and Samantha retired to their bedroom. He lay down on the

bed and watched Samantha brushing her hair at the dressing table. “Sam...I am sorry, for treating you so badly, I feel terrible...” she got up and walked toward him.

“You were hurting...and I should be the one apologizing, I ...what I did was wrong, can you ever forgive me? She sat down on the side of the bed. He reached out and took her hand.

“I need time...and I do love you...it‟s just...”she put her fingers on his lips.

“I know... take all the time you need.”

“Sam you know that I have to go...I have to find out if I have a son.” He looked up at her.” Sam...? She got up and walked around to the other side of the bed, and lay down beside him putting her head on his chest.

“Of course you have to go, but...I am going to miss you....” she came up and kissed

him. He tightened his arms around her and kissed her back, feeling overwhelmed and confused by the situation he found himself in.

Samantha fought back the tears as she waved at the plane soaring up into the sky. She watched with a heavy heart as it disappeared from sight, and wondered if he

would ever find it in his heart to forgive her.

Jacobs‟s legacy


Dylan leaned back and closed his eyes listening to the drone of the big plane‟s engines. He felt excited and nervous at the prospect of meeting the little boy that may be a part of him. He remembered the day he had made love to the girl who at

that time he was convinced was going to be his wife someday. He smiled thinking how naive he was, living in a fantasy world of dreams and expatiations that comes

with youth. He shook his head, yes he had realized very quickly that life was not so simple, and certainly not that easy. When the letters stopped, he thought his world was going to end, but then he met Samantha and everything changed.

He had fallen in love with her the minute he saw her and soon forgot about his

childhood sweetheart. He was happy and content with the way his life turned out except for one thing...the burning desire to have a child of his own. Then his world felt as if it were collapsing down around him once again with the lie that was a part of

his perfect marriage for three years. He knows he loved his wife very much, but what he did not know, is if he would ever be able to forgive or trust her again. He

wondered what else life had to throw at him, will his life change for the better or for worse as he approached the unknown.

Christine waited anxiously for the flight from South Africa and worried whether she had done the right thing. Marybeth had gone through so much in her young life and

she would not want to add to that. She smiled when she remembered the day her niece appeared on her doorstep. The young girl had looked so petrified and

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vulnerable that she took her in immediately. When Marybeth arrived, she was three months pregnant and told her she had run away from home, because her parents

wanted her to have the baby adopted, and for her, that was not at all an option. She smiled when she thought of her sister and brother in law , they were always snobbish

thinking that they were better than anyone else, and she could just imagine how Marybeth‟s pregnancy must have shattered the image of their perfect life. It was something she, could never understand, the fact people would put money and

prestige on a pedestal, forgetting about love and what really mattered.

Her face softened when she thought about Marybeth; she was a lovely loving girl whose values in life was not about money or wealth, but about love and caring. Yes, Marybeth was more like her and definitely did not take after any of her parents.

When little Christopher was three years old Marybeth‟s parents died in a car crash without ever laying eyes on their grandson. Marybeth inherited a fortune from her

parent‟s estate but she stayed grounded, and donated most of it to charities across the world. She invested a small amount for Christopher so that he would be able to further his studies one day. About a year ago Christopher who was a perfectly

healthy and lively little boy, started showing signs of illness. He stopped eating, was very lethargic and high fevers plagued him. Christine and Marybeth took him in to

hospital where various tests were done to find out what the problem was.

Soon after, the devastating news was given that the little boy‟s kidneys were failing

due to a kidney disease. He had to have dialyses until a suitable donor presented. A year had passed and thus far, no suitable donors emerged from hundreds. When he was at first diagnosed with the disease, Christine suggested to Marybeth that they

contact the child‟s father. Marybeth refused saying that she had written to Dylan telling him about her pregnancy and that he was evidently not interested in being

part of the child‟s life as he soon stopped writing to her. Marybeth stayed strong in her belief and hoped for a miracle. Of course, she and Christine were both tested but were not compatible, which in itself was traumatic news. A few weeks ago, she had

briefly returned to South Africa to sort out her parent‟s affairs, while going through everything in the house she came across a box containing letters, all the letters that

she had written to Dylan, and his letters. They were all unopened. She still refused to contact Dylan and that was when Christine took over and contacted him.

Christine‟s train of thought was interrupted by the announcement that the flight from South Africa would land shortly. She looked up toward the sky and saw the big plane

coming in for the landing. She watched as the passengers disembarked the plane wondering if she would know him if she saw him. She only had a vague description of him, one that Marybeth had given her a few months ago when she asked about

him. Her eyes fell on a tall blond man emerging from the plane. Instinctively she knew it to be him. She watched him walk across the tarmac to the terminal, and


“Wow if I were younger...”she put her hand to her mouth realizing that she had

spoken out her thoughts loudly, and looked around to see if anyone had heard. She was relieved when she saw everyone going about their business, not paying her mind. Dylan looked around, trying to find the face to the voice he had heard over the

phone. Suddenly he saw a stocky red faced woman approach him. She was wearing dungarees and a check shirt, with a straw-hat sitting at an angle on her unruly sun-

bleached hair. He grinned and waited for her taking in her rough exterior. She

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stopped in front of him and stared up into his face, he shifted uncomfortably as she scrutinized him through narrowed eyes, not saying a word. Suddenly she smiled and

he almost burst out laughing when he saw one of her front teeth were missing. He tried to keep a straight face and politely extended his hand, which she took in a firm

strong grip. He winced when she shook it so vigorously that he felt as if she was going to rip his arm out of its socket. “Howdy mate you must be Dylan.” She greeted her voice hoarse from smoking.

„Yes and you must be Christine.” He smiled down at her his green eyes showing a

glint of amusement. She kept her grip on his hand and continued staring up at him.

“Wow...I‟ll be damned.” He raised his eyebrows enquiringly. Suddenly she realized

that she was still holding onto his hand, she withdrew her hand grinning in embarrassment. “Sorry mate...”she bent to pick up one of his bags, and glanced up sideways, “I‟ll be damned” she muttered and started walking to the exit of the

terminal. He shook his head in amusement and followed her. They reached her vehicle, he stopped dead in his tracks and with his mouth falling open, he stared

wide eyed at the contraption in front of him. It looked like something from another planet. Bright orange in colour, full of painted white daisies, two large wheels at the back, two smaller ones on the front, bull horns tied with wire to the grill, and the

dashboard lined in fur the colour of pumpkin. She got into the driver‟s seat and leaned over opening the door for him from the inside.

“Come on mate get in.”

He looked at her grinning. “Is it safe? She laughed when she heard the panic in his voice.

“As safe as can be mate...she has never let me down, so come on get in.” He moved a step closer not quit convinced.

“You sure this thing is safe? The look on her face made him get in and he fastened his safety belt.

“All righty then, here we go.” She started the truck and the roar of the engine was so powerful that he shut out the deafening sound by covering his ears. He was amazed

at how she deftly she maneuvered the large truck between all the vehicles; he started to relax realizing that she was a capable driver.

„Where are we going?” he shouted trying to make himself heard above the noise. She looked at him and he noticed sadness in her eyes.

“We are going to the hospital.” They d rove the rest of the way in silence. He started

feeling the panic well up, at the prospect of what lay ahead. She sensed his panic and reached out patting his shoulder. “It will be alright Dylan...don‟t worry.” Eventually they pulled up in front of the hospital.

“Well here we are... are you ok mate? She noticed that Dylan looked pale. He cleared his throat.

“Yes ...I think so.” his voice was hoarse as he tried to calm himself. She took his

hand and led him into the hospital. His eyes took in the whiteness of the walls the nurses and doctors milling about, he heard a child crying somewhere in one of the

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wards and a sudden nausea welled up. Christine looked up at him and saw that he has gone extremely pale, and that his face was wet with perspiration. She called out

to one the nurses, who took Dylan into a cubicle and made him lie down.

Christine explained the situation to the nurse and the nurse told her to wait with him and left the cubicle. She returned a few minutes later and rolled up Dylan‟s sleeve. She administered an injection and told him to lie still for a while, then smiled at

Christine reassuringly. “Just give him a few minutes he will feel better in a while. It was just a panic attack.” He opened his eyes and saw Christine standing next to him,

her face showing concern.

“What happened?” He tried to sit up. Christine put her hand on his chest pushing

him back gently.

“Easy big fella...you just lay still for a while longer until the nurse says it is alright for

you to get up.” The nurse returned and checked his blood pressure. “Ok Mr. Mc Bride your blood pressure is fine, you can get up... but slowly.” He nodded and sat

up his feet hanging from the bed. “How do feel?”

“Fine... I am fine can I go now? He smiled charmingly at the nurse and he noticed

the blush on her face.

“Yes if you are sure that you are alright.” She said hurriedly feeling embarrassed

that she was blushing like a schoolgirl. He got of the bed. “Right as rain...thank you.” They reached the ward and Dylan saw Marybeth standing with her back to them

looking out the window into the dark.


She turned around and stared at him. Her eyes moved from his face to Christine‟s and she raised her eyebrows. “I had no choice Marybeth; I had to let him know.”

Christine turned and left the ward before Marybeth could say anything. Marybeth stared at Dylan without uttering a word. His eyes left her face moving toward the bed

“Is...Is that… him? He stepped toward the bed not taking his eyes of the little boy. He‟s beautiful...”.His voice broke and the tears flowed freely down his face. She

watched him quietly. He put out his hand and gently stroked over the boys hair keeping his eyes riveted to the child‟s face. Dylan bent down and softly kissed the

Christopher‟s cheek, the child opened his eyes and Dylan stepped back with a gasp, and he knew without a doubt that this child lying before him looking small and fragile in the large hospital bed was without a doubt his child. Christopher stared up at him

with green piercing eyes and a smile tugged at the corners of his mouth.

“Are you a new Mr. Doctor,” he asked in a small voice. Dylan‟s heart skipped a beat.

“No I am your...” his words were cut short when Marybeth cleared her throat. He

looked at her and she put her finger to her lips indicating to him to keep quiet. He nodded and looked down at the little boy smiling. “No I am a good friend of your mommy.” The child closed his eyes and fell asleep. Dylan looked up at Marybeth

and saw that she was crying. His heart lurched when he noticed the hurt and anguish on her face. He walked to her and put his arms around her holding her

close, waiting for the sobs to subside and kissed the top of her head. Dylan held her at arm‟s length searching her face.

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“Marybeth what happened, why did you stop writing, why did you not tell me that you were pregnant? Before she could reply, Christine appeared in the door. “Folks it is

getting late, we should be going tomorrow is going to be a long day.” They pulled up in front of a large old farmhouse a few hours‟ drive from the hospital. Dylan followed

them inside. He looked around the cozy interior and immediately felt at home.

„You two sit down and I will go and put the water on for some coffee.” Dylan sat

down on one of the couches and Marybeth sat down beside him. There was an uncomfortable silence between them for awhile, then Dylan turned to her.

“Marybeth… are you going to tell me what happened? She nodded and getting up walked to an old desk. She opened the drawer and took out a box. She returned and

sat down beside him staring down at it. “Marybeth? Slowly she turned to him.

“Dylan, in this box you will find all the answers to your questions.” He opened the box

and saw two bundles of letters tied together. He recognized the handwriting on one of the letters as his own. It was unopened. He frowned and looked up at her.

“Look at the other bundle.” He picked it up, and stared at his name and address and turned the letter over. It also was unopened; he swallowed and looked up at her.

” You never stopped writing...but I don‟t understand, why were your letters never posted?”

She told him that her parents had always posted her letters for her, but after they

found out that she was pregnant, they withheld his letters from her and never posted her letters to him. She also told him about her parents wanting her to have her child adopted, and that is why she left South Africa and came to live with her aunt. Dylan

was shocked into silence and dropped his head in his hands trying to come to terms with everything. Christine brought in the tray of coffee and sandwiches and they all

ate in silence. His felt his heart restricting at the thought of how much of his child‟s life he had missed, and now he had to face the fact that he might lose him before he even got to know him. He was suddenly so overwhelmed by everything that he could

not stop the tears burning behind his eyes. Christine picked up the tray and left the room giving them some space to work through the emotions that was so obviously

plaguing them.

Marybeth put her arms around him holding him close, and the feeling of yesteryear

rushed to the fore and she knew that she still loved him. They sat in close embrace trying to draw strength from one another. Eventually Marybeth got up and he fell back closing his eyes. She poured him a stiff drink, handing it to him. “Dylan drink

this it will help.” he slowly opened his eyes and gazed at the drink in her hand. Suddenly he burst out laughing and she stared at him with raised eyebrows,

wondering if he had lost his mind.

“Sorry, I just ...” he burst out laughing again. He held up his hand, “Sorry...I had a

bad experience with our friend whisky, so I politely decline the kind offer and would appreciate another cup of coffee instead.”

Puzzled she poured him a cup and handed it to him. He told her how ill he had been after drinking whisky and this time she burst out laughing, as she tried to envision

him lying on a tile floor beside a toilet. He looked at her and his eyes softened when he realized that her beauty was even more compelling than a few years back and

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that he felt undeniably drawn to her. She stopped laughing when she saw the look in his eyes; he leaned toward her and kissed her softly. She relived the first time he

had kissed her, she felt her heart start beating uncontrollably, she almost lost control feeling her resolve melting, and pulled away from him. Dylan got up and put his

hands on her shoulders. “Sorry I should not have done that...I‟m sorry.” She looked at him and he saw the sadness returning to her eyes. His voice was hoarse when he asked, “Marybeth what exactly is wrong with Christopher? She took his hand and

pulled him down beside her. She explained in detail to him and when she had finished he looked at her. “Can I be tested?”

She nodded. “Yes you may be his last hope; the doctor has said that if we do not find a donor soon he will die.”

“When can I be tested? Dylan looked at her his face wrought with worry.

“Tomorrow, but Dylan if you test positive you are going to lose one your kidneys... so you must think about that and be sure that you feel comfortable with your


He touched her face. “There is nothing to think about, I will give my life to save my

son.” Early the next morning they all piled into the van to go to the hospital. Dylan went through a battery of tests and joined Marybeth in the ward. He looked down at

his son.

„Hello and how are you feeling young man? Christopher grinned, “Fine...are you my

daddy? Dylan felt his heart lurching and looked over at Marybeth. She smiled.

“I told him.”

He sat down and took the little boys hand in his. “Yes I am your daddy...and I am never ever going to leave you again. However, you, young man must promise me

something...do you think you can do that? For a fleeting moment, the little boy‟s eyes lit up and he nodded. Dylan swallowed feeling his throat constrict as he tried to keep

the tears back. “Promise me that you will fight ...really fight hard to get better.”

Christopher mumbled as he drifted off, “I promise...daddy.” Dylan got up and gently

kissed the little boy. Marybeth walked over to him and took his hand.

“Come with me Dylan there is something we need to do.” He followed her out of the ward and down the long corridors of the hospital. They walked across the gardens of the hospital to a small chapel nestled between the trees. She opened the door and

led him toward the front. Turning to him, she took both his hands in hers. “We need to pray.” He looked at her feeling suddenly small in the presence of what he felt was

something holy and definitive.

“I...I don‟t know how...to pray.” She smiled and put her fingers on his lips.

“I will pray for us both...and do not worry, I am sure God will understand.”

Dylan listened intently as Marybeth prayed for their son and felt happy that they could share this special moment together. When she had finished praying, he smiled

down at her. „Thank you... That was... beautiful, I know that our son is going to make it.”

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She reached up and kissed him on his cheek. “Of course he is going to make it, you were not sent from halfway across the world for nothing...” he interrupted and drew

her toward him with one arm, putting his other hand behind her head.

“You are right that is one of the reasons...but there is another reason...” he paused his eyes softening, “I ...still love you.”

“No Dylan...you married someone else, and when this is over you will return to your life. Christopher is part of you and I will not deny that I want you to be involved in his life. I have always loved you...and ...but I cannot be with you... I cannot go through

that again...I just can‟t.” She pulled away from him and ran from the chapel, leaving him staring after her.

Slowly he sank down on the bench. He stared up at the cross above the pulpit, and he knew that his life, as he knows it, had changed forever. He suddenly realized that

he had not thought of Samantha once since he arrived in Australia. That part of his life now seemed far and distant as if it never existed. This... that he felt now was real

and tangible, and he knew that he would never be able to return home without Marybeth and his son.

“So, tomorrow is the big day.” Christine brought the fork to her mouth and paused halfway; she frowned putting her fork down. “Come on you two it‟s going to be good

news why the long faces.” Dylan pushed back his plate.

“I‟m not hungry excuse me I...” he got up and left the room. Christine looked at

Marybeth her eyebrows raised in question.

“Christine don‟t take it personally his just tired and overwrought.”

“Marybeth...what happened between you two, you have both been very quite since getting back from the hospital this afternoon.” Marybeth averted her eyes, hoping

that Christine would just let it go, she was not in the mood for a confrontation, let alone the third degree. “Marybeth? Christine got up and put her hand on Marybeth‟s


“It‟s nothing ...just a small misunderstanding, but it‟s sorted nothing to worry about.”

Marybeth kissed her aunt on her forehead. “Goodnight Aunt Christine.” She stared after Marybeth her heart breaking at the thought of her niece getting hurt again. She

decided to find Dylan, hoping that he would open up and tell her what was going on. She found him on the veranda and sat down beside him. Christine took her pipe from her pocket and lit it taking a few deep puffs.

“You still love her don‟t you mate?

He grinned; he had never seen a woman smoking a pipe before, and could not help finding it disturbingly amusing. “Yeah...I do still love her.” She blew a few smoke

rings, and watched as they dissipated one by one. Dylan put his head on his arms trying to keep from laughing at her antics.

“And your wife, what about your wife, do you still love her?” he lifted his head and sighed.

“I don‟t know...it‟s complicated.”

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“Complicated how?...either you love her or you don‟t mate, which is it?

“Christine do you think it is possible to love two women? She laughed and squinted at him.

“Mate I am not at liberty to say...hell, I have never even been in love with one guy…uh maybe one a long time ago, but two…no I don‟t think I can help you with

that one...sorry.”

“Why ...”

“Why what mate?

“Why have you never fallen in love again?” He waited anxiously for her answer.

“Oh I have had a few blokes come around, but they never stayed long enough for me to find out, so I decided to give up.” She laughed, “Now if you had come along when I was younger it might have turned out differently.” He burst out laughing and

felt a lot better than he had a few minutes ago; taking her hand, he helped her up. He put his hands on her shoulders and looked down at her.

“You know Christine if I was older, I would most certainly have married you.” He kissed her on the cheek. She felt herself blushing.

“Liar... but sweet of you to say, now come let‟s get to bed, I have a feeling it‟s going to be a long day tomorrow”

The phone rang and Marybeth ran to ans wer it her heart in her throat. She picked it

up and her voice almost faltered from panic. “Hello...this is Marybeth.” She held her breath. “Marybeth this is Doctor Walter...” she sat down her legs no longer able to carry her. “I have good news Dylan is a perfect match for your son, so we can go

ahead, with the transplant.”

“When...when...” she stuttered incoherently. She heard the smile in his voice.

“As soon as you are ready, let Dylan come in now so that we can get him prepped in

the meantime… the operation will probably be done this afternoon.” Dylan walked in just as she was putting down the receiver and he noticed the look of mixed emotions on her face.

“Marybeth… Was that the doctor...am I...am I a match? His voice was guardedly

optimistic. She looked up her face flushed, with tears of joy spilling from her eyes. She nodded unable to speak, and just stared at him. He felt relief sweep through his body, he lifted his head and closing his eyes sent up a silent prayer. Two hours later,

he lay in his hospital bed, and turned his head to the little boy lying in the bed next to him.

“Well little buddy are you ready.” He noticed the frightened look on his sons face as the boy stared at him, and he smiled trying not to show his own fear. “Christopher

daddy‟s going to be with you all the way and I don‟t want you to be scared, it‟s going to be fine.” The little boy smiled weakly and nodded. “That‟s my brave boy...Christopher I love you buddy.” His voice broke and he looked the other way.

Marybeth stood at the wards door and felt the tears burn behind her eyes, it was

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almost time to go to theatre, and she knew that she must say goodbye. She walked toward Christopher and looked down at him.

“Daddy said I must not be scared.”

She smiled down at him. “Your daddy is right...he is going to be there for you... and he is going to make you all better.” She bent down and kissed her son on his cheek.

“You be mommy‟s brave boy, and I will be there when you wake up.” He shook his head and closed his eyes as the effect of the premedication took hold.

Marybeth walked to Dylan‟s bed and kissed him softly whispering, “Thank you...I ... thank you.” She turned to leave the ward.

“Marybeth...” she stopped without turning around.

“I love you.” She walked out her face wet wi th tears.

It was early morning and the sun was rising over the mountain. Jason and Timothy

helped the tourists into the trucks and made sure that everyone was comfortable. Canisters of water and picnic baskets were loaded and the air was filled with

excitement and anticipation for the day that lay ahead. The rangers all checked their equipment and rifles, and made sure that everything was in working order. Jason held up his hand trying to get everyone‟s attention. He explained the day‟s

proceedings and told everyone that they would be going deep into the bush. By midday, they would reach some cabins where everyone could enjoy lunch and

freshen up. He explained all the rules and safety precautions and made sure everyone understood what was expected of them.

Timothy took Claudia in his arms. He was worried, and apprehensive about leaving her, knowing that her due date was approaching. “Are you sure you are going to be alright? She smiled wrinkling her nose at him.

“Yes, I am sure it‟s still two weeks before my due date and besides by that time you

will be back.” He smiled and kissed her.

“Ok...you look after yourself...and I will see you soon. He paused, “I love you.”

Jessica looked up at Jason. “Promise me you will be safe.” He smiled at the words his heard so many times before.

“I promise, and I want you to promise that you won‟t worry.” He turned and looked

toward Claudia. “Make sure she rests and keep an eye on her, if anything happens call us on the two-way radio.”

Jessica and Claudia watched as the convoy of trucks disappeared down the dirt road into the dense bush. “I wonder where Samantha is.? Claudia shrugged. “Let‟s find

her then we can have some tea.” Together they walked arm in arm toward the lodge that was quiet and peaceful with most of the visitors out on the game drive. They found Samantha lounging on one of the deck chairs overlooking the pool. She was

lost in thought thinking about Dylan and wishing that he would return.

Jessica sat down beside her and Claudia went to the kitchen to order tea. “When last

have you heard from Dylan?”

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Samantha looked at Jessica. “Not for awhile now.”Jessica detected the sadness in her voice, and put her hand on Samantha‟s.

“He probably just has a lot on his mind dear, he‟ll call... Isn‟t the trans- plant being

done today?

Samantha stared at her in surprise. “Yes...yes you‟re right mom it is today, oh my

goodness, I forgot all about it. I hope he is going to be alright.” Jessica smiled and trying to sound convincing she replied, “Oh of course he‟ll be alright, he‟s tough as nails that one...he‟ll be alright.”

Claudia returned with the tea and poured handing them each a cup. Jessica looked

up at her. “Thank you dear.” She frowned, “Claudia are you alright, you look flushed.” Claudia smiled and sat down.

“I am fine mom; I just feel a bit tired, nothing to worry about.”

Dick one of the rangers left behind approached the three women. “May I join you


Jessica looked up and recognized him. “Of course Dick would you like some tea.”

“I would love a cup thanks.” He stretched out on one of the deck chairs. Samantha

turned to him. “Why aren‟t you with the other rangers on the game drive?” He smiled and she saw the twinkle in his eye.

“Well, I was instructed to stay and look after all the Mc Bride ladies, to make sure they do not get up to mischief.” They spent the rest of the afternoon listening to Dick

telling them stories about everything that happened in the bush. He glanced at Claudia and felt concerned. He had noticed as the afternoon wore on that she seemed uncomfortable and her face was getting very flushed. She also seemed

quieter as the day progressed. As he opened his mouth to ask her if she was all right there was a sudden roar of thunder, and he looked up. The sky suddenly filled with

thick black clouds rolling and twisting about with lightning flashing sporadically. He also noticed that the air had a cold ominous feeling and that daylight was turning to twilight. “It would seem that we are in for a big storm.”

The girls all looked up at the sky their faces frightened, they knew that the storms in

the bush could be very violent and unrelenting.

He got up. “I think we should get you ladies home.” He took Claudia‟s hand to help

her up, and she suddenly screamed and doubled over in pain. Jessica glanced at Claudia the panic gripping her.

“Claudia…is it the baby? Claudia nodded unable to speak as the pain ripped through her body. Dick immediately took control of the situation.

“You ladies take her to the house; I am going to fetch the first aid kit.” Jessica looked at him her eyes wide and panic-stricken.

“We should get her to hospital, what about the chopper.”

He glanced up at the sky shaking his head. “No can do… that chopper is not going to be able to go up in this storm, so please get her to the house before it gets worse, I

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will be with you soon.” He ran toward his quarters. Jessica took Claudia‟s arm instructing Samantha to take her other arm. They reached the house just as a clap

of thunder and lightning lit up the sky, and the rain came down hard accompanied by hail. They lay her down on the bed. “Get boiling water and towels.” Jessica took off

Claudia‟s shoes and tried to make her comfortable. Samantha went downstairs to boil the water, just as Dicks burst through the door with a gush of wind slamming the door shut. He bent over to catch his breath a puddle forming under him from the

drenching he got on the way over to the house.

“This is going to be a terrible storm; I just hope everyone in the bush has reached the safety of cabins.”

Samantha looked up at him. “Maybe we should try calling them.” He walked toward a cupboard and took out a uniform.

“I am going to put dry clothes on, you take the water and towels up so long. We will call Jason as soon as we have Claudia settled.”

Jason got all the visitors into the cabin, making sure they were all in before he closed the door.. Jason put up his hand to hush the exited and frightened visitors. “People

we are in for a long night, so I want you all to get settled down. The rangers will serve you some hot coffee and something to eat soon. You needn‟t worry you are

safe as long as you stay in the cabin.” The rangers served the food and everyone sat down to eat. Another of the rangers issued everyone with sleeping bags. They ate in silence listening to the raging storm pounding the cabin.

Jason indicated to Timothy with his eyes to follow him to the next room. They closed the door behind them. “Tim I am worried about the women, I think we should call

them and make sure they are alright.” Timothy nodded.

“Yes I was going to suggest the same thing.”

Jason picked up the transmitter, and switched it on. “Jess…Jess are you there, Jess

come in Jess.” The radio crackled, and he faintly heard her voice.

“Jason…I am here….are you alright.” He frowned when he heard someone scream

in the background. “Jessica what‟s going on, are you alright.” Her voice came through faintly and he heard the panic in it. “Jason Claudia is in labour but there

seems to be problems…” he interrupted.

“What sort of problems, who is there with you.”

Timothy stepped closer. “Uncle Jason what is going on…?” Jason held up his hand and listened as Jessica explained. She asked him if there was any way they could

get home. He heard the desperation in her voice. “Jess the river has probably come down by now…I don‟t know…if we will be able to cross…Jess? He looked at the

instrument in his hand and realized that it was dead. Timothy started for the door and Jason grabbed his arm him holding him back.

“Wait Tim what are you doing you can‟t go out there.” Timothy pulled loose from Jason‟s grip.

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“I am going and nobody is going to stop me.” Jason knew that it was no use arguing with him.

“Ok Tim, but let‟s go prepared, we will take two of the rangers with us, fetch some

ropes and torches and I will get the men ready.” He went into the next room and told two of the men to go to the jeeps with Timothy. “The rest of you stay with these people and make sure nobody leaves the cabin until we are back…understood?

“Yes sir…be careful sir.” He nodded and left the cabin. The storm was still raging and by the time, they got into the jeep they were soaked to the bone. It was slow

going on the muddy roads and Jason could hardly see a thing with the rain pelting hard on the windscreen. The other jeep followed close behind him. After what

seemed like hours, they reached the bridge. Jason and Timothy got out, and had to hold onto the jeep to keep from being blown over by the wind. They shone there torches toward the bridge and could only see parts of it. “I am going to take a chance

and cross the bridge.” Timothy shouted through the sound of the howling wind.

“Timothy the river is to high and is flowing strongly, I don‟t know if that is a good idea.” Timothy got back into the jeep and Jason followed suite. He turned to Jason. “Uncle Jason I am going to cross that bridge…I have to get to my wife, so please I

beg of you don‟t try and stop me.”

Jason sighed and dropped his head rubbing his eyes. “Ok… this is what we will do, you take this jeep and cross slowly, we will wait and if anything happens we will pull you out with the other jeep…are you sure you want to do this?

Jason watched holding his breath as Timothy slowly entered the river. He indicated to the men to bring their jeep closer. They all watched as Timothy moved across the

bridge, the lights disappeared under the water and they switched on their torches shining them toward the vehicle. Suddenly there is a rumbling sound and Jason

shone his torch to where the sound was coming from. He turned cold when he saw the wall of water approaching bringing trees and debris along with it. “oh…no…no Timothy! He shouted trying to warn his nephew but knew in his heart that Timothy

would not be able to hear him. They watched helplessly as the water washed the jeep over the bridge, into the raging river. Jason sprung into action.

“Quick tie the ropes to the jeep.” The two rangers did as they were told. “Ok Donald you tie one rope around your waist and William you stay with the jeep. When you

feel the ropes tugging you reverse and pull us out.” He tied the other rope around his waist and they dove into the raging river. The current was strong and it took all their

strength to keep their heads above the water.

Timothy did not see the water approaching him and knew that something had

happened when he was suddenly thrown to one side of the cab and was totally submerged. He felt the water filling the cab and held his breath. He tried to open the door but it was jammed shut. He started panicking and kicked at the window but to

no avail. He felt as if his lungs were going to burst and knew that he was staring certain death in the face. He could not hold his breath any longer and submitted

himself to the inevitable, releasing his breath slowly.

Jason looked over the water and saw a small part of the jeeps wheel sticking out

above the water. He indicated to Donald and they swam toward the vehicle. They

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reached the jeep and dived under. Jason saw Timothy in the cab and realized that he was not moving. They came up for air. “We have to get him out fast.” Donald

nodded and they dived down again. Jason and Donald both kicked with all their strength at the window and finally it gave. Jason reached into the cab and pul led

Timothy out. He brought his head above the water and jerked on the rope. He felt the rope tighten and they were pulled through the water. They reached the bank of the river and William helped them out. Jason and Donald rolled over gasping for breath.

William felt for Timothy‟s pulse. There was no pulse and he immediately started mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. Jason got up and helped by pumping on Timothy‟s


“Come on Tim breath…come on my boy breath! After what seemed like hours,

William felt for a pulse and smiled.

“He has a pulse.” Timothy made a gagging sound and the water spurted from his

mouth. William turned him on his side to prevent him from choking. Jason sat back and dropped his head on his knees his shoulders shook as the sobs ripped th rough

his body. Donald kneeled beside him and put his arm around Jason‟s shoulder. A few minutes later Jason got up and looked down at Timothy who was lying quietly with his eyes closed.

“We must get him back to the cabin, so that he can warm up.” William and Donald

picked him up and carried him to the jeep. They reached the cabin and carried him into one of the empty rooms. They left the room and Jason stripped him down and covered him with a thick blanket. He felt his pulse and satisfied that it was steady he

entered the room where all the visitors were by now fast asleep in the sleeping bags. He thanked the two rangers for helping him save his nephew and told them to get

some rest. Jason walked back to where Tim was and picked up the transmitter. It was still dead and he sighed, he hoped that they would be able to return home tomorrow, he had a nagging feeling that something was wrong, but immediately

shrugged it off thinking that he was just tired and overwrought by everything that had happened today. He lay down on a sleeping bag and fell asleep almost immediately.

“Mrs. Mc Bride you need to push we have to get this baby out.” Dick was worried and once again examined Claudia. He had some medical experience, however, he had

never delivered a baby before, but he knew that this birth was in a crisis. He saw the baby‟s head crowning but the bleeding was severe. Jessica stood beside her daughter in law looking at her face. She was wet with perspiration and pale, her

breathing was shallow and raspy.

“Claudia one more push your baby is almost here.” She called Samantha and they lifted up Claudia shoulders. “One more push sweetie, come on you can do it.” With the last bit of strength, she had left Claudia pushed down. “It‟s coming…Claudia here

he is.” Dick helped the baby out gently and laid him on the bed. Samantha handed him a scissor to cut the cord. The baby was limp and blue; Dick wrapped the infant in

towel and carried him to the table.

Samantha stood beside him her eyes wide with fright. “Is …is he…” Dick gently

applied mouth-to-mouth resuscitation on the child and Samantha returned to Claudia‟s bedside. “Its…it‟s a little boy Claudia and he is beautiful.” Claudia slowly

opened her and looked at her.

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“Is my…baby …why is he not crying?” Her voice was so soft that Samantha had to bend down to hear her. Samantha glanced toward the baby and saw that Dick was

still trying to get him to breath.

“His …he will be fine…” Suddenly there was a sound from the baby as he started to breath, and then he started crying loudly filling his lungs with air. Claudia smiled and closed her eyes.

Jessica started to panic as she tried to stop the bleeding all the towels were now soaked through with blood and she looked around to see there was anything else

they could use. Dick wrapped the baby tightly and walked toward the bed. “Claudia here is your son.” She slowly opened her eyes and he put the baby on her chest.

She reached out gently touching his face. A tear slipped from her eyes and ran down her cheek.

“His…his name is Adam.” She looked up at Samantha and smiled. “Take care of him and Thomas for me…and …and tell Timothy I love him… she closed her eyes

and crossed over to the other side with a smile on her face.

“Claudia? Claudia! Samantha shook her, tears streaming down her face. Dick

gently took her by her shoulders.

“She is gone Mrs. Mc bride.” Jessica walked to her deceased daughter in laws side

and bent down kissing her on her cheek. Samantha picked the baby up from his mother‟s chest, and hugged him to her breast. Even though the sudden death of her

sister in-law was a shock beyond anything she had ever witnessed she suddenly felt a surge of indescribable gentleness and love for the tiny little being she was holing in her arms. Jessica looked up at her, and her eyes softened.

“Take the baby to the nursery Sam and stay with him, Dick and I will sort out

everything here.”

Dicks took all the towels to the laundry and put them into the washer. He fetched a

basin of hot water and clean towels then returned to the bedroom. They gently washed Claudia and removed the bedding putting on clean fresh linen. Jessica dressed Claudia in a clean night robe and brushed her hair gently. She then put a

sheet over her covering her face. They left the room closing the door behind them. Dicks took the rest of the linen to the laundry, and retired, he knew that what he had

witnessed today would stay with him for the rest of his life.

Dylan slowly opened his eyes and groaned from the pain he felt. Marybeth put her

hand on his forehead and smiled. “Is…it over…?” he whispered through dry lips.

“ Yes …everything is going to be alright…”

He turned to look at the bed next to his. “Is he alright?

Marybeth smiled down at him. “He is fine he‟s still sleeping from the anesthetics. The doctor says everything went well.” She bent down and kissed him on his cheek.

“I …I…” his words hung in the air as he drifted off. She left the room and went down

to the lobby of the hospital to call Dylan‟s family and give them the good news.

Jessica picked up the phone. “Hello Mrs. Mc Bride speaking.”

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Marybeth cleared her throat. “Mrs. Mc Bride this is Marybeth, how are you? Jessica swallowed and her heart suddenly felt heavy with anxiety.

“Marybeth! Is …is…” she stuttered from sheer panic.

“He‟s fine Mrs. Mc Bride…everything went well, they are both fine.”

Jessica closed her eyes feeling the relief sweep over her. “Marybeth, how are you holding up dear?

“Oh I am fine Mrs. Mc Bride just relieved that it is over, it has been a long ride.”

“I am sure; it must have been very hard on you and Christopher…Marybeth, I don‟t

know how to say this, especially after what you have been through…” she paused. “But I feel you have the right to know.”

Marybeth frowned wondering at the sudden sadness in Jessica‟s voice. “What…what is it Mrs. Mc Bride has something happened?

“Marybeth your friend Claudia gave birth to a son last night…”

Marybeth interrupted “that is wonderful news, how is she doing?” Marybeth smiled as she thought of her childhood friend.

“Marybeth…I am so sorry…but she died soon after Adam was born…I am so sorry.” Marybeth felt the world spinning and sat down, finding it surreal that her friend, who

was still so young had met her fate so cruelly.

“Marybeth? She looked at the receiver in her hand realizing that Jessica was still on the line to her.

“Sorry Mrs. Mc Bride I…what happened…how is... Timothy taking it…and the baby is he …is he alright.” She could not stop the tears and let them flow freely as she listened to Jessica explaining exactly what had happened.

“The baby is fine, but Timothy does not know yet, the radio transmitters are still out

of order. They are on their way home and should be arriving soon.”Jessica added on in a voice that echoed pain and sadness.

“Yes it is probably better that way, it would be better for him to hear it from you personally…Mrs. Mc Bride I am so sorry about everything, and would you please tell Timothy that we are thinking of him and that we will pray for him?

“Yes…yes of course… and Marybeth you must only tell Dylan about it when he has

recuperated and feels strong enough…but I am sure you will know when the time is right…and Marybeth please send my regards to Dylan…and tell little Christopher that his family can‟t wait to meet him.”

“I will Mrs. Mc Bride thank you, we will speak again soon.” Marybeth slowly put the

receiver down and dropped her head into her hands, the sadness and heartache she felt almost too much for her to bear.

Jason opened the cabin door and peered outside. He was relieved when he saw the sun shining brightly. He told the rangers to start getting everyone ready to leave. He

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hoped that the bridge had withstood the storm and that they would be able to cross. He went into the room and found Timothy awake, still looking a bit pale after his

traumatic brush with death.

“How are feeling? He sat down next to his nephew.

“Fine, just stiff and a bit sore all over.”

Jason grinned, “Yeah I‟m sure, you took a beating out there.”

Jason noticed a weird look in Timothy‟s eyes. “Tim are you sure you‟re alright, something seems to be bothering you?

“Uncle Jason something odd happened to me out there in the river, it is so bizarre that I don‟t know if it was just a figment of my imagination.” Jason raised his


“What happened Tim tell me.” Timothy cleared his throat slightly embarrassed, about

what he was going to tell Jason.

“I… saw my father…he was standing on the other side of the river calling to me…no, it seems silly now.”

Jason felt his heart beat increasing and his voice was hoarse when he spoke. “Timothy no, tell me…tell me what…what did he…say or do.”

“He just stood there indicating to me to come to him…and there was a lady standing next to him…but I could not see her face.”

Jason felt a cold shiver down his spine. “What else happened …the lady what did she do?

“Nothing she just looked sad…that‟s all I can remember.” He sighed and laid back suddenly feeling exhausted. Jason got up feeling disturbed by what Timothy had told

him but tried to keep his voice calm.

“Tim you rest buddy…I will wake you when we are ready to leave.” He left the room shaking his head and feeling uneasy by what he had heard, he had a sudden urgency to get back home.

Jessica and Samantha sat outside on the porch waiting anxiously for the men to return. Jessica looked at Samantha who was cradling the newborn in her arms and

was amazed at the difference in her daughter in-law. It was almost hard to believe this was the same girl who had just a few weeks ago, admitted that she did not like

children. Samantha had not left the baby‟s side since his birth and Jessica was saddened by the fact that it took such a terrible tragedy to bring about this wonderful transformation. Samantha heard Thomas call out, and jumped up handing Adam to


“He‟s awake I am going to fetch him and bring him down.” She ran hastily upstairs and entered the nursery. She felt her heart wrenching when she heard the little boy call for his mother. „It‟s ok… sweetheart don‟t cry…”she lifted him from the cot and

consoled him. Samantha changed him, took Thomas downstairs, and sat down keeping him on her lap.

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Jessica smiled as her eyes turned to Thomas. He was staring up at Samantha intently. Suddenly he smiled at her, and reaching up touched her face. Samantha‟s

eyes softened and she noticed for the first time how much he looked like Timothy. He had the same dark curly hair, fair skin and beautiful blue eyes with thick long

lashes. Samantha felt Jessica eyes on her and looked up. “He is going to be a looker one day…just like his daddy…I wonder who Adam will look like when his a bit older…his daddy or his…” she didn‟t finish what she was about to say, and jerked

her head up toward the bush. “Mom is that the jeeps I hear.” Jessica felt her throat thicken at the thought of her son and what lay ahead for him.

“Yes…oh Sam this is going to be so hard, how am I going to tell him that he has lost his wife…how?

Samantha swallowed and shook her head unable to speak as the sadness threatened to overcome her. They watched silently as the vehicles approached from

the bush, and drove slowly toward the lodge. Timothy looked toward the house as they passed and he saw Samantha holding Thomas, he frowned finding it odd and

then his eyes turned to his mother and he noticed the infant she was holding. His eyes searched for his wife and his heart started beating rapidly when he could not see Claudia. He put his hand on Jason‟s arm.

“Uncle Jason stop!...stop I want to get out.” He‟s door was already open when Jason

applied brakes and brought the vehicle to a halt abruptly. The other vehicles passed and continued toward the lodge. Timothy ran toward the porch his eyes riveted on the two women waiting for him. He stopped before the stairs and searched Jessica‟s

face, what he saw made his blood run cold.

“Tim…I …” he ran passed Jessica and took the steps up the stairway three at a

time. He pushed the door open, and stared at the still figure under the white sheet. Timothy walked slowly toward the bed his legs almost collapsing under him. He

stood as if frozen, not moving, his mind was reeling with shock as he tried to come to terms with the terrible thought of having to spend the rest of his life without his beloved wife.

Jason looked at the baby in Jessica‟s arms. His face was tense and pale. He

instinctively knew that something terrible had happened. “It‟s a little boy…” Jessica looked up at him her eyes reflecting the pain she felt.

“Jess…I am so sorry that we were not here and that you and Sam had to go through this alone…we tried to get here but…we couldn‟t get across the bridge.” He decided

not to tell her that they had almost lost Timothy as well, for fear of what it may do to her. She smiled and touched his face gently.

“I know sweetheart and I know that you would have tried everything possible to be here.”

Jason started toward the door, and Jessica grabbed his arm to stop him. “Jason leave him he needs to be alone with his wife…he needs to say goodbye in his own


“Yes of course you are right…did you let Chloe and Elijah know? Samantha who

was standing quietly with Thomas in her arms turned to Jason. “I phoned the school and the chopper will fetch them tomorrow morning early for the funeral.”

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“Thank you Sam”…he smiled raising his eyebrows in surprise. “Sam having a child in your arms suits you.” He walked toward her and put his arm around her shoulder

giving her a hug. “Jess have you heard any news regarding Dylan and his son? They all went inside and Sam took the babies to the nursery to give Jessica the

opportunity to bring Jason up to speed about everything that had happened while he was away.

Timothy spent the whole day in the room staring down at his deceased wife‟s face. He tried to take in the enormity of what had taken place in the last 48 hours. He had

almost lost his life; his wife had lost hers and being the compassionate person she was, used the last of her strength to make sure her son would have life. It was a selfless act of love, making sure that she would give him the greatest gift imaginable,

another child.

He closed his eyes and recalled the vision he had when he was drowning. He now

knew that it was Claudia, who was standing on the other side of the river with his father, he knew without a shadow of doubt that she had come to say goodbye. Jason

wearily got up, bent down, and kissed her gently.

“Goodbye my love.”

Slowly he pulled the sheet up covering her face and turned to leave the room. The

next morning Claudia was laid to rest on the hill above the house.

Jacobs‟s legacy


Dylan watched as Christopher threw a ball for Patches the Border collie and saw the delight on the little boys face when the dog fetched the ball and brought it back to him. He shook his head in disbelief. He found it hard to believe that just six months

ago this little boy was so ill that he had thought they were going to lose him, and that he would never see his son grow up. Christopher glanced up and a broad smile

appeared on his face when he saw Dylan.

“Daddy watch, look how clever Patches is.” He threw the ball and laughed out loudly

as Patches ran after the ball once again. Christopher ran toward Dylan and he waited with outstretched arms to receive the child that he had gotten to love and

adore over the last few months. He hugged him tightly to his chest.

“That is a great trick son…you really love patches don‟t you? Christopher pulled

back smiling, and then his face turned serious.

“I love you too Daddy.”

Dylan ruffled his thick auburn hair and looked down at him. “I love you too

champ…where is your mom I haven‟t seen her today?

“Mommy is in the shed. She and Aunty Christine are shearing the sheep.” Dylan

looked up toward the shed with an amused look on his face.

“Well this I have to see.” He was not used to seeing woman do this type of work. To

the Australian women who live on sheep and cattle farms in the outback it was part of their daily lives and they were not at all fazed about doing it, working alongside

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men and doing it just as well. He could not help grinning when he thought about the women back home on the game farm. The female rangers were always

immaculately dressed and lady-like wearing makeup with their hair made up, his mom and sisters in law always dressed to the teas, doing little chores around the

house but mostly spending time relaxing and having tea in the garden. Here it seemed the woman worked all day shearing sheep herding cattle and braking in wild horses.

He thought to himself that maybe it is just out here in the outback; it may be different

in the larger cities. He had noticed that Marybeth returned home every evening looking disheveled sweaty and very tired, and found it rather endearing, when she walked in her face all hot and bothered and covered in dust. His thoughts were

interrupted when Christopher impatiently tugged at his hand.

“Come on daddy are we going to mom or not? He nodded taking Christopher‟s


“What do you think should we pack them a picnic basket and take it for them would mom like that? Christopher looked up at him and smiled nodding his head vigorously. Together they packed a basket and Dylan fetched a blanket rolling it up

and sticking it under his arm.

“Right lets go and surprise mom and Christine.”

He leaned against the opening to the shed watching intently as the two women went

about their business, and was amazed at how skilled they were, shearing one sheep after the other without stopping to rest. His eyes turned to Marybeth and his heart started beating faster as he watched her, he could see the outline of her body, her

shirt clung to her, her body was wet with perspiration and her hair-hung limp over her forehead. The shed was hot and humid and he wondered how they managed to

keep going, regardless of the terrible heat. Christopher ran to her side she looked up and wiped the hair from her face.

“Hello sweetie what are you doing here? He looked up at her and turning indicated toward Dylan.

“Daddy is also here mommy…I came with him.”

She glanced toward the opening of the shed, Dylan grinned holding up the basket. “Christine put off the machines… looks like we are going to have some lunch! She had to shout to make her voice heard above the noise. Dylan spread the blanket

under a tree and they all sat down. Marybeth sat down next to Dylan.

“This is nice…thank you, you‟re very thoughtful.” He unpacked the basket and handed her a plate. Their hands touched; she felt herself blushing and immediately averted her eyes. Christine noticed and shook her head. She knew that Marybeth

was still in love with Dylan, and that he without a doubt had very strong feelings for her. Over the last few months, the stolen looks and the way Dylan‟s eyes softened

whenever he was in Marybeth‟s presence, had not gone unnoticed. They finished their lunch and Christine got up.

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“Christopher walk with me I want to show you something.” He took her hand and they walked off toward the stream that ran through the farm. Marybeth stared after

them, she felt Dylan‟s eyes on her. She turned. „What?

“Doesn‟t this remind you of something?” He grinned mischievously.

“Yes but that was a long time ago.” He noticed the hurt in her eyes and raising his

hand, he wiped a lock of hair from her face. His voice was hoarse when he spoke while stroking the side of her face.

“You‟re beautiful, even more so than then…” he leaned toward her and softly kissed her, then he put his hand behind her head pulling her toward him. She did not resist

and he felt her respond to his kiss. He leaned back against the tree and she put her head on his chest. He held her in his arms feeling a mixture of emotions surging through his body and envisioned spending the rest of his life with her and his son.

He noticed that Marybeth‟s breathing had become deeper and knew that she had

fallen asleep. He closed his eyes and thought of Samantha. He felt confused about he felt about her. He had already forgiven her for the deception, but he knew that the feelings he had for her have changed and that he could never love her the way he

had when they were first married. He had noticed by the letters she wrote to him, that she had changed, but in a good way. He was pleasantly surprised at her attitude

regarding Timothy‟s children; the love and compassion she felt resonated through her letters. He suddenly felt sad thinking that it had definitely come too late for them. She also spoke highly of Timothy, and he wondered if she was developing feelings

for him. He also wondered if his brother could ever love another woman the way he had loved his wife. Dylan‟s eyes grew heavy and he dozed off. Christine put her finger on her lips indicating to Timothy to be quite, she did not want to disturb the two

young people who looked as if they were asleep, and led Christopher toward the house. She decided that the work can wait until tomorrow, and hoped that her niece

and Dylan would at last come to a decision about their and Christopher‟s future. It was getting late and she decided to get Christopher bathed and settled before Dylan and Marybeth returned.

Dylan awoke noticing that it was already dark, he lay for a while looking up at the

stars. Marybeth started stirring and suddenly sat up. “Oh my goodness it‟s already dark….” she glanced at him frowning. “Why did you not wake me?

“You looked so peaceful, besides I wanted us to be alone so that….”

“So that… what? She pulled away from him her eyebrows raised. He stared at her

intently and she suddenly felt uneasy at the way he was looking at her.

“Dylan? He lifted his hand and stroked the side of her face. He put his hand behind her head and brought her face down to his. He gently caressed her lips with his. At first she wanted to pull away but as the kissing got more intense she responded, and

kissed him back, feeling the desire to be with him. They made passionate love under the stars forgetting about everything and everyone.

“We should be getting back; my aunt will start wondering where we are.” Marybeth looked down at him dreamily and he grinned up at her, keeping his eyes on her face.

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“Oh I don‟t think she is going to be at all worried, why do you think she did not wake us.”

She lay back looking up at the stars. “Perhaps you‟re right; she is a bit of a romantic

when it comes to the matters of the heart.” He propped himself up on his elbow.

“Christine a romantic at heart, who would have imagined, Marybeth… why did she

never get married? He noticed the sadness in her eyes at his question.

“She was in love once…and they were going to get married, but he left her for

someone else and since then she just couldn‟t love anyone again.” He lifted his hand

and gently wiped the tears from her eyes.

“You love your aunt very much don‟t you? She nodded.

“Yes…yes I will do anything for her; she is like a mother to me, I don‟t know how I

would have survived without her.”

“I am so sorry that I could not be there for you when you needed it the most…” she

put her finger on his lips to hush him.

“Dylan I don‟t want you to feel guilty about anything, it was not your fault, you are

here now and that is all that matters.”

“Marybeth I love you…and I want to marry you.” She sat up and sighed, her heart

feeling heavy at his words.

“Dylan you are still married…what about your wife? He stared up at her and a smile

tugged at the corners of his mouth.

“Somehow…I don‟t think she is going to mind much.” Surprised at his nonchalant

answer she raised her brows in question.

“How…what do mean?

“Well…I am pretty adept at reading between the lines.”

“Dylan you are not making sense, what do mean? He heard the frustration in her

voice and decided to tell her about the last letter he had received from Samantha.

“She does sound quite smitten with Tim and his children. But do you think that your

brother feels the same way, after all his wife has only been gone for six months…I

don‟t know Dylan it seems surreal that he would fall in love so soon…don‟t you

think? He got up and pulled her up beside him holding her close.

“Maybe you are right…maybe I am reading too much into this, but the fact remains I

do love you and I want to be with you and Christopher.” She looked up at him and

her eyes clouded over.

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“Dylan I love you too, I have never stopped loving you, but I think that we should just

take it easy for awhile and be realistic, everything seems to be happening to fast and

I don‟t want anyone to get hurt.” He sighed heavily knowing that what she said made

sense. He lifted her chin and she noticed a twinkle in his eyes.

“When did you become so wise, of course you are right, but it is not going to be easy

for me, for that you are much too beautiful…but I will try my best.” She shook her


“You are impossible…come we should get to bed, otherwise I am not going to be

any good to anyone tomorrow.” She smiled and taking his hand, they walked toward

the homestead.

The sun was just rising when Dylan entered the kitchen. Marybeth looked up and

noticed that he was dressed in work clothes. “Dylan…why are you dressed like that?

He cleared his throat and looked her straight in the eye.

“Well…I have been lazing about for long enough, so I am going to help you shear

some sheep.” She frowned and looked at Christine her face worried that it was too

soon after his operation. Christine shrugged deciding not to say anything, she took

Christopher‟s hand and walked outside toward the shearing sheds. Marybeth turned

back to Dylan.

“Are you sure you feel up to it, it‟s hard work and it has only been six months since

your operation I don‟t want you getting hurt.” He walked up to her and took her hands

in his.

“I feel fine you needn‟t worry, besides its time that I get active again, at the rate you

and Christine feed me I will be rolling one of these days.” Her eyes moved from his

head down to his feet taking in his muscular body and she smiled.

“I doubt that very much…not with a physique like yours.” She felt herself blushing.

He pulled her toward him and kissed her full on the lips.

“You say the nicest things.” Her blush deepened at his teasing and she could not get

to the door fast enough.

“Come on then Mr. wise guy let‟s get to it, I have a feeling this is going to be a long

day.” He watched for a while to see how it was done, then indicated to Marybeth that

he was ready to help. She handed him the shearing tools. Dylan grabbed one of the

sheep and started shearing, but realized very quickly that it was not as easy as he

had thought. He tried to grip one of the sheep but it got away and knocked him of his

feet. He fell down face first on the dusty floor. He remained on the floor and

Marybeth felt her heart leap to her mouth. Christine‟s eyes were wide with fright and

she brought her hand to her mouth. “Dylan! Marybeth ran toward him her face

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reflecting panic, and kneeled down. He did not move and she hesitantly put her hand

on his shoulder. “Dylan…Dylan?

He suddenly rolled over and grabbed Marybeth pulling her on top of him and kissed

her, shocked she struggled from his grip and stared down at him her eyes blazing.

“You…you…stupid man…you nearly gave me a heart attack.” She stepped over him

and stormed out of the shed. He lay quietly, shocked at her reaction and then sat up

shaking his head.

“Wow I think you have made her pretty mad and I don‟t blame her because you

nearly gave me a heart attack as well mate, you had better go and find her and

apologize.” Christine held out her hand and he took it pulling himself up.

“Thanks Christine…I am sorry that I frightened you.” He went outside and looked

around. He spotted Marybeth sitting under a tree her head resting on her knees. He

hunkered down and put his hand under chin lifting her face, his heart wrenched

when he saw her distraught and tearful face. “Marybeth?

“How could you do that to me Dylan…I thought you were dead! He pulled her up and

folded his arms around her. He could feel her heart racing against his chest and he

closed his eyes realizing that it was a stupid thing to do.

“I am so sorry…I didn‟t think that you would get such a fright.” He held her at

armlengh. “Marybeth? She saw the regret in his eyes and smiled reaching up,

kissing him on his cheek.

“Does that mean I am forgiven for being such an ass?” She burst out laughing wiping

the tears from her face. “Yes you big oaf you are forgiven, just don‟t do it again.” He

grinned feeling relieved.

“I wouldn‟t dream of it.” He took her hand and they went back to shed to continue

their work. The rest of the day, they worked getting as many sheep sheared as

possible. By late afternoon, Dylan felt himself tiring and his lower back was on fire.

He came up and wiped the perspiration from his brow. Marybeth glanced up and

noticed that he was very pale. She walked up to him and took his hands looking up

into his face.

“Ok mister I think you have done enough for today, I want you to go back home and

have a nice hot bath, and I and Christine will finish up here.” He laughed and

stretched out to relief the pain in his back.

“No arguments there‟ boss, I‟m bushed, I‟ll take Christopher with me and make sure

he gets bathed, see you later…come Christopher lets go.” Dylan made sure that

Christopher bathed and then he showered, letting the hot water run over his back to

relieve the pain and took two painkillers. He lay down on the bed with Christopher

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and fell asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow. Marybeth and her aunt finished up

just as darkness fell and they returned home tired but happy that they had done a lot

for the day. They were pressed for time as they only have a few more days to get the

wool to market before cut off time. Marybeth glanced at her aunt while they were

walking home and smiled.

“With this shipment of wool we should be able to get most of our debts paid, and

then we can sell some of the cattle to pay off the rest.”

Worried Christine looked up at her. “Yes then we will be rid of that lowlife bully once

and for all…when last have you heard from him.” Marybeth‟s eyes clouded over and

she sighed heavily.

“Well I haven‟t heard from him in about six months…but I am afraid that he will

definitely show up soon for his money, he knows that that we will be selling off the

wool soon…so he will be around I am sure.” She paused and looked at Christine the

worry etched on her face. “Aunt Christine I haven‟t mentioned anything to Dylan…do

you think I should?

Christine shook her head in denial. “No let‟s wait and see what happens, we

shouldn‟t worry him with it…it‟s our problem…I am sure we can handle it on our

own.” They walked the rest of the way home in silence. Marybeth looked for

Christopher and frowned when she did not find him in his bed. She went to Dylan‟s

room and stopped in the doorway. She smiled when she saw that the little boy was

asleep in Dylan‟s arms. She walked to the bed and stared down at the two of them

wondering whether she should put Christopher into his own bed but decided against

it. She sat down on the side of the bed and studied Dylan‟s face. Her eyes turned to

his mouth, which was slightly open and not being able to withstand the urge, she

bent down and kissed him softly. He stirred and lifted his arm pulling her closer, she

snuggled up, and his arm tightened around her. She waited for him to say something

but heard his breathing getting deeper and realized that he had gone back to sleep.

Not wanting to disturb him, she closed her eyes and fell into a deep sleep.

Christine served Christopher his cereal and glanced down at him. “Are mom and dad

up yet mate? He put a spoonful of cereal in his mouth and looked up at her, chewing

and shaking his head vigorously in all directions at the same time. She grinned at his

antics. “Now mate what does that mean, yes they are up….or no, they are not.” He

swallowed and grinned up at her, a mischievous look on his face.

“Umm…no they aren‟t…they are sleeping on daddy‟s bed together.” He giggled

taking another mouth full of cereal. She smiled and turned to the sink to wash the

dishes. “We all three slept on the bed…but I woke up early…Aunty Christine? She

turned to look at him. “Aunty Christine is daddy going to marry mommy? Her eyes

softened as she looked down at his little face, which was now serious.

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“Would you like that mate, do you want them to get married.” He smiled and his eyes

lit up.

“Yes…yes then daddy can stay with us forever and ever…till they are old….like you.”

She fondly ruffled his hair and laughed at his straight forwardness.

“Well we will just have to wait and see what happens mate, but I am sure love will

prevail in the end.” He looked up at her with a puckered brow and shook his head in


“What does pre…prevail mean I don‟t understand big peoples words…I am going to

play with patches.” He slid of his chair put his cap on and stormed out of the kitchen

in a huff.

“What was that all about?” She looked up and saw Dylan in the doorway, and


“I don‟t know mate but it seems that he has inherited your temper or so it seems.” He

grinned raising his eyebrows.

“Really…and where did you hear these stories? She cleared her throat feeling

uncomfortable under his scrutiny. Before she could answer, Marybeth walked in and

Christine feeling relieved for the respite served them breakfast. “Come on eat up you

two we have a lot of work that still needs to be done.”

At around midday Christopher came storming into the shed his eyes wide with fright.

“Mommy….mommy that horrible man is coming he…his coming.” Dylan heard the

anxiety in his son‟s voice and his head jerked up. He looked from Marybeth to

Christine and noticed the worried look of dread on their faces.

“Marybeth…what‟s going on who…” his words hung in the air when she interrupted.

“I…you wait here I‟ll go and see who it is.” She walked outside and she felt her throat

close at the thought of having to face this man. Dylan looked up at Christine.

“Christine what‟s going on…” not waiting for her to answer he went to the door and

looked to the outside. He saw a big red pickup approaching, and it stopped where

Marybeth was standing. A man got out and took a step toward Marybeth. He stared

intently at the man and realized there was something vaguely familiar about him. He

watched wondering what the two were talking about and turned to Christine.

“Who‟s the man? She looked at him and sighed; Dylan put his hands on her shoulder

forcing her to look up at him. “Who is the man …Christine… and what is he doing

here? She answered looking him straight in the eye.

“His name is Grant Hughes …he used to be in school with you according to what

Marybeth told me.” He swung around and squinted toward the man now knowing

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why he seemed familiar. He saw that the two seem to be in an argument and moved

forward to investigate. Just then, he saw Grant putting out his hand to touch

Marybeth‟s shoulder and she pushed it away stepping back from him. Before Dylan

could react, Grant got into his truck and with wheels spinning up a cloud of dust

drove off.

Marybeth turned and slowly walked back to the shed keeping her eyes to the ground.

He gazed at her feeling puzzled and confused wondering what the whole story was,

but what he did know was that something was terribly wrong and today was the day

that he was going to insist on them telling him what it was. She reached him and

slowly looked up. He saw the fear and concern in her eyes. He took her in his arms

and whispered against her hair. “Marybeth…are you alright, you are shaking like a

leaf.” She shook her head unable to speak as she felt the tears welling up.

“He always makes my mommy cry…he is a horrible man…” Dylan turned his head

and looked at Christopher. His eyes were wide and fearful and his face flushed,

Dylan could see that the little boy was very upset and he felt the anger rise within

him, but kept his voice calm and soothing so as not to upset the child.

“It‟s alright buddy, why don‟t you go with Christine so that she can give you a drink…I

want to speak to mommy.” He looked toward Christine. “Christine? She took

Christopher‟s hand leading him toward the house. Dylan looked down at Marybeth.

“Are you ready to tell me what is going on?”

She swallowed, and the disquiet she felt reflected in her voice when she answered.

“Yes… let‟s sit down under the tree and I will tell you everything.”

It was soon after Christopher‟s birth that Grant Hughes pitched up on Marybeth‟s

doorstep. She remembered him from schooldays and was shocked at first to see

him. She asked him what he was doing in Australia and he told her that he had

always fancied her when they were at school and when he heard that she had

immigrated decided to move here as well.

She had told him that she was not ready for a relationship and he at the time was

very charming telling her that he was happy to be just a friend to her. She enjoyed

his company and was happy to have someone from her background to talk to.. He

visited often and was the perfect gentleman not pressuring her into anything.

However, there was something about him, which made her wary of him; she was

never convinced that his motives were completely honest. He was from a rich and

upcoming background and yet found pleasure in surrounding himself with very dodgy

and unsavory characters.

Then about a year into their friendship things changed and he revealed his true

colours. He became more demanding wanting more than just friendship from her.

She also noticed that he did not like Christopher and that bothered her, she knew

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that she could never marry a man that would not love her son. Then things worsened

when a sudden drought brought her and Christine to their knees. Christine did not

have enough money to carry them through a season as devastating as that and

eventually she could not pay the bond on her farm and it was up for foreclosure.

Grant Hughes was waiting for that defining moment. He kindly offered to pay any

outstanding moneys on the bond telling them that they could pay him back when

they were back on their feet again. Christine thankfully accepted the offer and he had

them exactly where he wanted them. Christine and Marybeth worked their fingers to

the bone to try and get the loan paid off. However, something unforeseen would

always happen. The sheep would get sick and die or the machinery for shearing the

sheep would break and cattle would disappear without a trace. Consequently, they

stayed indebted to Grant and he was happy to oblige, always pitching up at the right

time offering to help with another loan.

Marybeth became very suspicious wondering how he knew exactly when disaster

struck, then pitch up the next day offering more money to bail them out. She

confronted Christine and told her that she was sure that he was having them

sabotaged to force her into marrying him. Christine agreed that it was feasible, as he

already owned most of the farms around them and that he did not just want

Marybeth but that he also wanted her land. She decided to speak to some of the

locals to find out how they had lost their land to him. She returned that evening

appalled and very upset about what she had heard. She told Marybeth that Grant

Hughes, according to the locals was a ruthless and dangerous man; he had done to

the farmers exactly what he was now doing to them. He would loan out money to the

farmers and make them sign a contract giving their land as collateral against the

loan. However, he would make sure that they could never pay him back and then he

would swoop in and take their land. He would then allow the farmers to stay on the

land and work for him. He paid them a monthly wage that was minimal but they had

nowhere else to go so they stayed. Grant had a different approach with Christine and

Marybeth and knowing how much Marybeth loved her aunt tried to force her into

marrying him. He told her that if she married him he would let Christine keep her land

and that he would write of any debt owed. Christine was having none of that and

told Marybeth that she would under no circumstances allow it.

Dylan shook his head in disbelief at everything he heard. It was so bizarre that he

could not comprehend that things like this could happen in real life. Marybeth turned


“Dylan…there is something else you should know…”

He turned to her and his heart wrenched when he saw the distraught look on her

face and the pain in her eyes. He swallowed trying to get the anger he was feeling

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under control, wondering what else she could tell him that could be worse than what

he had already heard.

“What is it Marybeth?

“He…Grant came to the house one evening and asked me to go with him…he

wanted to speak to me about something in private. I didn‟t want to go at first…but he

said he would make it worth my while…so I went with him…” she paused and her

eyes filled with tears. Dylan leaned over and pulled her toward him holding her close.

“You don‟t have to talk about it if you feel you can‟t…”

She interrupted. “No…no I need to tell you…just…just give me a minute.” They sat in

silence and she tried to compose herself. When she spoke, her voice was soft and

her eyes distant, staring into the dark. “We drove for awhile and then he stopped the

car, I could not see where we were it was dark.” She paused and he waited patiently

for her to continue.

“Dylan…he …he raped me.” Dylan was stunned into silence his head reeling from

the shock as he tried to grasp what she had just told him. He felt the tears burn

behind his eyes, trying to imagine what she must have gone through. “He took me

back home and for a few weeks I did not see him again. I reported i t to the

authorities but…nothing was ever done…he is a powerful and influential man…and I

think he lines the pockets of people to keep him out of jail.”

Dylan turned and put his hands on her shoulders. His voice was hoarse.

“Marybeth…I …can‟t even begin to think what you went through…” her eyes clouded

over and she once again interrupted him.

“Dylan…I …fell pregnant, and when I told him he went berserk and hit me, I fell

…down some steps. I…I lost the baby.” Dylan dropped his hands from her shoulders

and fell back covering his eyes with his arm. A groan escaped from his lips.

Marybeth stared down at him and touched his shoulder. “Dylan? He slowly took his

arm from his eyes and gazed up at her, she saw something in his eyes that made

her feel uneasy. “Dylan…no please leave it…you are just going to make it

worse…besides we are almost done with the shearing and then we will pay him

and…” he came up abruptly his eyes were cold and they seemed even more green

and piercing than she remembered.

“His type never stop Marybeth…never… so somebody needs to take action and get

this scumbag under control…before he ruins any more lives.” He got up and held his

hand out, she took it and he pulled her up into his arms. He released a breath and

the sound of it rattled her nerves. She looked up at him the tears now spilling from

her eyes.

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“Dylan please…just leave it …he is always surrounded by his henchmen and they

have no compassion or feeling for human life.” He bent down and kissed her.

“That type doesn‟t frighten me, they are cowards that prey on helpless people and

they need to be stopped…one way or the other, Grant Hughes is going to pay for

what he did to you…come let‟s go home it‟s getting late.”

Jacobs‟s legacy


Jessica gazed out the window at Timothy and Samantha who seemed to be in deep

conversation, her eyes softened when she looked at her son. Seven months have

elapsed since the death of his wife and he had been through a difficult time but in the

last couple of weeks, she noticed a significant change in his demeanor. He seemed

happier and smiled more often and she wondered whether Samantha had anything

to do with that. Even Samantha seemed more at ease spending a lot of time with him

and the children. She had taken over the role of their mother the minute she held

Adam in her arms on that tragic day.

Suddenly she thought of Dylan and a frown of worry appeared between her eyes. He

had written to her telling that everything was fine with him and his little boy and that

they had recuperated well. From the letters she had also picked up that he had

strong feelings for Marybeth and it was obvious that he adored his son. He had

assured her that he would return to South Africa someday but still had something to

sort out and that he also had to convince Marybeth to return with him as he was not

prepared to leave without her and his son.

“Penny for your thoughts.” Startled she turned around and saw Jason leaning

against the doorway.

“Jason you scared me.” He grinned, a mischievous look in his eyes. “Come on tell

me who you were thinking about.” He walked toward her and he saw the look on her

face, his face turned serious. “Is something wrong… is it Dylan.” He asked putting

his arms around her waist.

“No…no nothing‟s wrong I was just wondering about something.” He looked down at

her frowning. She took his hand and led him to the window. “About those two…I was

wondering about them, do you think…or maybe I am just being paranoid.” Jason

looked outside and gazed at the two young people trying to figure out what their

body language was telling him.

“Mmm…I don‟t know, from what I have noticed in the past weeks I think…and this is

just my opinion…I think she has developed feelings for Tim …it‟s hard to say, at this

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stage I think it might just be friendship, he relies on her to fill the void…does that

even make sense? She looked up at him and smiled touching his face.

“Yes it makes perfect sense…but I can‟t help worrying that someone is going to get

hurt…gosh why does everything always have to be so complicated? He hugged her

closer to his chest, knowing that she as a mother would always worry about her

children even though they were adults and needed to live their own lives.

“Jess things will work out the way it should, nothing you or I do… or say will change

that.” She gazed up at him and the love she felt for him reflected in her eyes.

“Jason Mc Bride do you know how much I love you? He picked her up and carried

her toward the bed. His smile was boyish with a glint of mischief in his eyes.

“Yeah pretty much but maybe you must remind me again…I am getting older so I

tend to become a bit forgetful.”

Samantha looked across the table at Timothy studying his face. She knew by the

look on his face and the sadness in his eyes that he had once again drifted off to a

place that did not include her, a place where he felt safe and protected from the cold

reality of life. She had tried so hard these past months to make his burden lighter,

being there for him whenever he needed someone to talk to and she knew that he

valued the friendship that had developed between them…but she wanted more than

just friendship she wanted him to love her the way she loved him. There were times

that she thought that he felt more than friendship, the way he would look at her, the

way he sometimes smiled at her, but then at times like now he would return to his

place of memories, and forget that she was here. It was at times like this that she

wondered if it was worth fighting for love that may never be returned. Was she being

punished, for deceiving a man that did love her once, but that she had not loved

enough to be honest and open with? Deep inside the recesses‟ of her heart she

knew that she had lost Dylan to his first love forever and she had come to terms with

that. She got up and with a heavy heart walked to the house to give Adam his bottle.

Timothy drifted back when he heard her leave. He rubbed his eyes and felt bad as

he watched her walk away. He had done it again,…he had gone to his secret place

of refuge and forgot about her. He sighed heavily and dropped his head in his hands.

She had been his pillar of strength, and had it not been for her he may not have

survived these last months. He felt confused and unsure about the future. Does his

future include Samantha, would he ever be able to let go of the past, the past that

included his dead wife, was it even realistic holding on to something that he knew

cannot be. There have been times that he looked at Samantha and felt stirrings of

desire and love, but something would always hold him back. Did he feel guilt that he

had not been there for his wife when she needed him, is that why he could not let

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go? He shook his head trying to rid himself of the troubling thoughts; he spotted

Samantha walking toward him with a tray of drinks.

She looked down at him smiling. “I thought you may be thirsty so I fetched us some

drinks.” He got up and took the tray from her setting it down on the table.

“Thanks Sam…” he turned toward her and took her hands in his. “I‟m sorry…I

was…it was rude…” she put her finger on his lips and found his eyes.

“Tim I understand…it has been a difficult time for you, and you are still grieving. I

have no right to expect more than friendship of you…but I do love you…and…” he

took her around her waist and his lips found hers, she gave her emotions free reign

and savored the moment wishing that it could last forever. He pulled away framing

her jaw line with his fingertips, she looked up at him and held her breath, Timothy

eased back and searched her eyes, he bent down and this time his kiss was filled

with passion and burning desire. To her it felt like a kiss of possibility and forever. His

kiss trailed along her jaw line, her neck and back to her mouth where he whispered

without taking his lips of hers.

“Let‟s go spend a few days up at the cabins…just you and I.” She felt her heart

pounding in her ears at his words and unbelievable happiness filled her heart. She

pulled back slightly staring up at his eyes.

“I…I would love that…but what about the children.” He smiled down at her drinking in

her beauty as if he saw it for the first time.

“I am sure that mom and Uncle Jason wouldn‟t mind spending some time with

them…besides it will just be for a day or two…that should give me enough time to

prove to you…that I love you….don‟t you think?

Jessica and Jason stood arm in arm and watched the two young people‟s vehicle

disappear in to the bush. Jessica squinted up at Jason and her voice had a tone of

reservation to it. “Well…I don‟t know if that was a good idea…what do you think? He

grinned finding it amusing that she had misgivings about something that she had no

control over, her sons were grown men and she should know by now that they are

going to follow their own heads, regardless of what she thought.

“I think it is an excellent idea, the bush has a way of making you get some

perspective…clearing your head getting rid of all the cobwebs that accumulate over

the years…you know, making you think about what is important.” She made a

snorting sound through her nose.

“Well I don‟t think that is what they will be doing…I think they have a completely

different agenda.” He grinned shaking his head.

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“Yeah you are right, Timothy has the Mc Bride blood running through his veins, and

you know how we think when there is a beautiful woman in our midst.” Her head

jerked toward him, she tried to sound serious, but he heard a hint of a smile in her


“Oh you are exasperating…is that all you can think of! She stormed off in a huff and

he burst out laughing.

They sat quietly around the fire listening to the sounds of the bush. Samantha looked

up at the night sky and reveled in the beauty of the stars that seemed to shine even

brighter out in the middle of nowhere. „This is nice…it is so peaceful.” She murmured

in a dreamlike voice. Timothy glanced up and his breath caught in his throat, she

looked so beautiful in the light of the full moon, that he again felt the stirring of desire

pulsating through his body. He cleared his throat and his voice was hoarse when he


“Yes…I am going to get more wood for the fire.” He walked toward the pile of

chopped wood trying to get his emotions under control. She laid back and closed her

eyes. Timothy dropped the pile of wood, and hunkered down putting some of it on

the fire. He got up and walked toward Samantha, sitting down; he stared down at her

face. She felt his gaze on her and smiled but kept her eyes closed. He bent down no

longer able to resist the temptation, she felt his breath on her face and reached up

pulling him toward her. She unbuttoned his shirt and slid her hands over the rippling

muscles on his back. They made love under the stars, all the pent up emotions and

frustrations wiped away on a wave of exploding ecstasy that made them both feel

alive again.

Jacobs‟s legacy


Dylan, Marybeth and Christine stood back and felt happy and satisfied that they had

through hard work and combined effort at last finished off the last of the shearing for

the season. There was an auspicious feeling of success at what they had

accomplished in such a short time. Dylan put his arms around the two women‟s

shoulders hugging them closely.

“Well ladies it seems we have beaten the deadline and tomorrow your problems

should be something of the past.” He grinned down at them and kissed each one on

their foreheads. Marybeth turned toward him and he could see the relief in her eyes.

“If it weren‟t for you I don‟t know if we would have coped.” She reached up, kissed

him, and whispered against his lips. “Thank you…I love you.” She was stating the

obvious and he smiled down at her. “I love you too…” a sound of someone clearing

their throat, sounded from the door and they swung round in surprise.

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“Well we meet again Mc Bride…heard you were in town so I thought I would come

see for myself.” Dylan felt Marybeth stiffen in his arms and pushed her behind him

taking a defensive stance between her and Grant Hughes.

“What do you want Hughes.” His voice cut like a knife through the air and his eyes

hardened. Grant leaned casually against the door post his eyes taking in the bales of

wool, then his eyes moved toward Marybeth, he looked her up and down with a

sardonic smile on his face that did not reach his eyes.

“Hello love…I see you are almost ready to take the wool to market…well done.” His

voice was platonic and sarcastic. Christine walked toward him her face red with


“Why don‟t you just leave, we don‟t want you here…you will have your money

tomorrow…so scoot!

Grant pushed himself from the doorpost and pushed her aside, with such force that

she fell to the ground and he hissed through his teeth. “Get out of my face you old

hag! Just then, Christopher walked in and Dylan heard Marybeth gasp in fright, she

came out from behind him and walked toward the little boy. He was staring at Grant

his eyes huge and frightened. Dylan grabbed Marybeth‟s arm holding her back, just

then Grant turned to Christopher, and swiped him across the back of his head

sending him face first into the dust.

“What you staring at twerp!

Marybeth rushed forward loosening herself from Dylan‟s grasp. “Christopher! Her

voice was panic-stricken as she knelt and picked the child up. Her eyes blazing she

turned to Grant. “You‟re a monster…I hate you! She ran out of the shed toward the

house with Christopher and Christine followed short on her heels. Dylan stepped

toward Grant before he could react and with all the strength he could muster

grabbed him by the neck and pushed him up against the doorpost. Keeping his

strangle hold on Grants neck he stared straight into his bulging eyes.

“If you ever touch the women or my son again I will kill you with my bare hands…do

you understand you lowlife peace of shit! Keeping his iron grip on his neck Dylan

shoved him through the doorway and sent him flying backward causing him to land

hard on his back. Grant grabbed his neck gasping for air. Dylan stepped over him

and picked him up by his shirtfront, he brought up his fist and punched him in the

gut., Grant doubled over a whooshing sound came from his mouth as his breath

escaped his body, Dylan grabbed him behind his shirt collar and the belt of his pants

and shoved him face first into his pickup. Grant felt his teeth crack and it felt as if his

nose bone had pushed up into his head. He collapsed onto the ground and passed


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Dylan stepped back almost passing out from the effort. He leaned against the

pickup, wiped the sweat from his brow, waited to get his breathing under control

before he stooped down, picked Grant up under his arms, and dragged him toward

the back of the pickup. Holding on to him with one arm, he opened the tailgate with

the other and dropped the upper half of his body onto the back of the pick-up. Dylan

bent down to catch his breath, Grant was by no means a small man and Dylan could

feel his strength waning. With one last effort, he got onto the truck and dragged the

rest of grants body into it dropping him unceremoniously to the floor.

Dylan got off the truck closing the tailgate. He walked to the cab and opened the

door, the key was in the ignition and he got in, started the vehicle and drove off

toward the gate. He drove for a few miles and stopped the truck; he got out and

started the long walk home leaving Grant somewhere between nowhere. Marybeth

watched through the bedroom window as Dylan drove off. She turned to Christine

who was sitting down beside Christopher trying to console him. “Christine…no good

is going to come of this…I have a terrible feeling about everything…and now Dylan

has also put his life in danger.” Christine made sure Christopher was asleep and got

up walking to Marybeth she took her hand and led her downstairs. She pulled out a

chair and made Marybeth sit down.

“Sweetie Dylan will be fine you are just tired, tomorrow everything will look better…

Tea? Marybeth shook her head and Christine switched on the kettle. Marybeth

looked up at Christine her eyes wrought with worry.

“What do you think Dylan is going to do with him?

“Hopefully he is going to dump him of a cliff somewhere…that is what he deserves.”

Marybeth looked at her aunt with a shocked expression wondering if she was

serious. By the look in Christine‟s face, she knew that she was deadly serious.

“Aunt Christine…two wrongs don‟t make a right you know.” Christine snorted through

her nose, and rolled her eyes.

“Wake up and smell the coffee mate…besides with trash like that there is no

absolution…whatever he gets, no matter how bad he will have deserved it.” She

poured the tea and handed a cup to Marybeth. “Drink up, it will make you feel

better…and stop worrying… Dylan will be fine.”

“Don‟t worry I did not dump him over a cliff…but that was not a bad idea Christine,

wish I had thought of that.” The girls both swung around and saw him leaning against

the doorway looking a bit worse for wear. Marybeth jumped up and ran into his arms.

He hugged her close whispering against her hair. “Is Christopher alright…” he pulled

back holding her at armlengh and looking into her eyes. “And you are you alright


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“Yes I am fine…Christopher‟s sleeping but he‟ll be alright.” He turned to Christine

raising his eyebrows. She nodded grinning from ear to ear. “I am ok…he don‟t scare

me…not in the least…well not so long as you are around mate…not so long as

you‟re around…you sure let him have it…”realizing that she was babbling like some

star-struck teenager, she composed herself and asked him what he had done to


“Oh… I left him somewhere along some dirt road…” he paused and grinning held up

some keys. “I made sure not to leave these behind, so he is going to have a long

walk back home…” he paused again and took a phone from his pocket holding it up.

“And this…and with the headache he is going to wake up with…wow it isn‟t going to

be a pretty sight…hmmm and when the sun comes up…I wonder how long he will

survive without water.” He grinned and winked at Christine, Marybeth stared

openmouthed at the two of them astounded that they could relish in the suffering of

another human being. Dylan saw the look on her face and realized that she did not

find it at all amusing.

“Marybeth…sorry we just got a bit carried away.” He tried to sound apologetic but

she saw the coldness in his eyes and knew that he was not sorry. She knit her brow

and with a slight shake of her head, she whispered. “I don‟t know you Dylan…I

thought I did but I don‟t know you at all.” She turned on her heel and left the kitchen.

Dylan stared after her and dropped his chin to his chest, not quiet understanding

what had just happened.

“Dylan she is just a bit overwhelmed about everything…don‟t read too much into

it…it‟s not that she likes the man, she just does not like to see people suffer…it‟s just

who she is.” He looked up at her and she shuddered at the look on his face.

“Christine…I don‟t understand the pity she feels for the man…he raped her he

caused the loss of her baby he treats her son like an animal…how can she pity him

after all that…make me understand.” He sighed and sat down putting his head in his

hands. She walked to him and put her hand on his shoulder.

“Can‟t really help you there mate, I don‟t understand it either, but give her time she

will come around…come lets go and have a drink…I know you don‟t like to drink but

right about now I think you can do with one.” Reluctantly he got up and followed her

to the living room. She poured them each a stiff drink and handed his glass to him.

“Down the hatch mate…cheers.” He took the drink and swallowed it one gulp, it took

his breath away and his eyes were smarting from the bitter taste. He handed the

glass back to her. “Thanks I will have another.” She nodded and poured handing it to

him. He sat down on the couch and leaned back with his eyes closed. She sat down

on the opposite side of him studying his face.

“You love her very much don‟t you?

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He came up and took a sip looking at her over the rim of his glass. The coldness in

his eyes had gone and she saw them softening. “Yes…I do and it breaks my heart to

think that she had gone through so much pain and suffering at the hand of that

monster.” Suddenly his eyes turned cold and calculating. “Christine I made him a

promise…I told him I would kill him if he touched or hurt any of you again…and I

meant every word.” He lifted his glass and swallowed the rest of his drink; he felt the

tenseness in his body subside and smiled, holding his glass in the air. “Shale we

have another…for good measure? She grinned mischievously with a twinkle in her


“Sure mate why not… I think we earned it.” She poured, handing his glass to him.

“Cheers mate.” He lifted his glass and once again gulped it down. After insisting on a

few more drinks, he eventually lay back and closed his eyes the room was spinning

and the glass dropped from his hand. Christine bent to pick up the glass and he

grabbed her wrist his words were slurred but she could make out what he was

saying. “Christine…I…I am going to even…the score…” his words hung in the air as

he passed out. She grinned down at him. “Yeah mate I believe you will…and heaven

help the one that crosses your path.” She bent down, kissed him on his forehead,

and left him to sleep it off.

At the breakfast table, the air was filled with tension. Dylan sat with his elbows on the

table resting his head in his hands, his breakfast getting cold as he struggled to cope

with the pounding headache and the nausea that welled up every time he tried to

eat. Marybeth glanced up at Christine raising her brows. Christine felt guilty as sin

and sheepishly grinned shrugging her shoulders and averted her eyes. Marybeth got

up and walked to the medicine cabinet. She handed a glass of water and painkillers

to Dylan, putting the glass down so hard that Dylan jerked up his head and stared at

her his face reflecting annoyance and anger. He got up so suddenly that his chair fell

over backward with a crash. “What‟s with you Marybeth, do you love the man…is

that what it is…!” He swallowed the rest of his words when he saw the hurt and

humiliation on her face. He stepped toward her. Marybeth...I am sorry I did not

mean…” she slapped him hard across the face and ran from the kitchen leaving him

staring at her in surprise.

“Ouch that must have hurt…you better drink those tablets mate…you are going to

need them now, for sure.” Christine turned to Christopher who had been sitting

silently watching his face was distraught and his eyes wide with uncertainty.

“Why are mommy and daddy fighting? Dylan shut his eyes when he heard the small

scared voice of his son. He picked him up and hugged him closely, he felt terrible

that the boy had witnessed the scene between him and Marybeth. “It‟s alright son it

was just a little misunderstanding it won‟t happen again…I promise.” Christopher put

his head sideways looking at the red mark on Dylan‟s face and gingerly touched it.

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“Was it sore daddy? Dylan burst out laughing at the look of serious concern on the

child‟s face.

“Yeah it was very sore because mommy is strong and can pack quite a wallop.”

Christopher frowned and shook his head. “What does wallop mean? He squirmed to

get out of Dylan‟s arms. “I am going to play with patches…I don‟t understand big

peoples words.” Dylan put him down and watched him run outside to find the dog.

He turned to Christine.

“I hate that he saw what happened.” He picked up the tablets and swallowed them

his head was pounding, and the nausea was threatening to well up again. She

smiled reassuringly.

“Oh don‟t worry about him he‟ll be alright I am sure he has already forgotten about


“Christine I am going into town to so rt out a few things, will you please see if

Marybeth is alright…and tell her I love her…I did not mean what I said.” Christine

nodded turning to go upstairs but suddenly stopped and faced Dylan.

“Wait Dylan what about the wool… and what do I tell Marybeth if she asks what you

are doing in town?

“We will get the wool to market tomorrow…there is still enough time and just tell her I

went in for some supplies.” She squinted up at him feeling uneasy. “Dylan just be

careful please mate they are dangerous people and after what happened

yesterday…oh and take the key for the postbox and see if we have mail.‟ She

handed him the key.

“I‟ll be careful I promise I won‟t do anything stupid…besides I have you all to take

care of and I am not going to jeopardize that…ok? She nodded but was not

convinced and went upstairs to find Marybeth. Dylan stepped outside and squinted

from the blaring sun looking for Christopher. He heard him calling out for the dog at

the back of the house, and satisfied that he was close to the house he got into the

pickup and left leaving a trail of dust in his wake. He reached his destination 2 hours

later and grinned to himself.

The so-called town as the farmers called it had one road running straight through

with a post office, supermarket, farmers market, a pub, church and police station.

Right at the end of the road was a school and a small hospital. Little dust roads led

off the main road to various small homes where the locals who worked here lived. He

pulled up at the post office and unlocked the postbox retrieving the post. His eye fell

on a letter addressed to him, frowning he opened the letter and started reading. It

was from Samantha. He felt as if he was reading a letter from a stranger, it was

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pretty down to the point and he scanned through it quickly then he stopped and

frowned at the last sentence.

PS Dylan I am filing for divorce it is what I want and I know it is

what you want as well, so this has probably not come as a surprise

to you. I am sorry that it turned out this way. Send my love to

everyone, especially Christopher. I cannot wait to meet him.

Regards Samantha.

He slowly folded the letter and put it in his pocket. He then decided that he would

visit the pub first as that was the place he presumed would be where most of the

gossip took place. As he neared the vicinity of the pub, he could hear the noise

reverberating from it. He grinned and pushed the door open, there was a sudden

hushed silence as he entered and everyone‟s heads turned in his direction. He

tipped his head and as if synchronized every head followed him as he walked

between the tables toward the bar where the two bottle blond bar ladies were gaping

at him openmouthed and wide eyed. He politely tipped his head in their direction.

“Hello ladies” he climbed onto the barstool and leaning his elbows on the counter he

smiled at them charismatically showing off his perfect white teeth. Bella leaned

forward and gasped at his good looks. “Well hello to you handsome what can I do for

you.” She leaned closer fluttering her eyelids provocatively and making sure that her

low cut dress showed her assets of well. He grinned and leaned back slightly.

“Just some cold juice please…you do serve juice yes? He had to stop himself from

laughing out loudly at the flabbergasted look on her face.

“Yes…yes of course one juice coming up.”

“Thank you.” Dylan slowly turned leaning his back against the counter and scanned

the room. Most of the patrons were sitting with their heads together and he was the

obvious topic of conversation by the obtrusive glances thrown in his direction. He

heard his drink being put down and turned to find Bella staring at him openly. He

turned back toward her and picked up his glass bringing it to his lips. He looked at

her over the rim and smiled taking a sip. She smiled back at him and blushed under

his scrutiny. Dylan thought to himself that she might be a good person to win over

and get the information he needed about Grant Hughes so he turned on the charm

and crooked his finger at her willing her to move closer. She leaned over toward him

keeping her eyes locked on his. His green piercing eyes, framed by the dark long

lashes, mesmerized her and she felt her heart skip a beat.

He leaned closer and whispered in her ear. “Do you have a boyfriend? The

unexpected question made her blush deepen and suddenly feeling flustered she

stepped back opening her mouth to say something, he saw her eyes widen and her

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body language oozed fear. He became aware that she was staring over at

somebody behind him and turned slowly. Grant Hughes stood behind him staring at

him through very swollen eyes and Dylan felt the hatred emanating from him. His

bruised face and the nose brace covering his nose looked like something out of a

horror movie. Dylan‟s eyes fell on the men surrounding Grant. They were a scruffy

looking bunch that looked to Dylan as if they could belong to the same horror movie.

He felt a cold chill as he noticed the blank, bloodshot and cold eyes of the men.

Every now and then one would spit the tobacco he was chewing toward the floor with

no expression what so ever and without moving a face muscle in the process. When

one started the process they would in military precision go down the line, chew and

spit, chew and spit, when they got to the last man they would start the whole process

again, almost as if they had been trained in the perverse art of spitting. He turned

back toward Grant who was still staring at him.

“Ugly bunch of sods you surround yourself with Hughes must make you feel pretty

and appealing to the ladies around here, pity you don‟t have the personality to go

with it, huh ? Grant stepped toward Dylan his face contorting in a snarl of fury.

“You are going to pay for this Mc Bride…in a way that is going to cause you a lot of

pain.” Grant moved toward the bar and Dylan moved sideways on his stool so that

he could still keep his eyes focused on the men standing around and making sure

that an attack from behind was averted.

“Get me a drink…pronto move! Grant snarled and slammed his fist down on the

counter. Dylan glanced up at Bella and noticed that her body was shivering and her

eyes emanated fear. She hastily poured Grant a drink and handed it to him, her

hands were trembling so much that she spilled most of it on the counter. In addition,

an infuriated Grant leaned over slapping her hard across the face causing her to

stumble back against the built in racks on the wall. She stood holding her cheek

where the slap had landed and Dylan could see her eyes smart from the blow.

“Pour me another you stupid cow and stop blabbing…before I give you something to

blab about.” The room was suddenly quite as everyone stared toward the counter,

only the cruel sniggering of the men behind Grant echoed in the stillness. Dylan

stared at the men and his eyes turned cold, the sniggering stopped and they stared

back at him with expressionless faces and continued their occupational disease of

chewing and spitting. He turned his eyes back to Grant.

“Sill the big bully I see…picking on defenseless people…you‟re a yellow bellied

coward Hughes…always was always will be.” He hissed the words through his teeth

trying hard not to get up and smash Grant‟s scull in. He glanced up at Bella and

winked reassuringly. Grant looked from Bella to Dylan and got up slowly facing


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“What‟s up with you and the…bitch…?” Dylan‟s fist hit him full on his already broken

nose and he fell backwards screaming. He lay on the floor covering his nose with his

hands his eyes squeezed shut from the pain. One of Grant‟s men stepped forward

and Dylan swung toward him clipping him on the jaw which sent him sprawling

between the tables. He immediately turned to the other men ready to defend himself

against the onslaught he thought was coming, but to his surprise they stepped back

and cowered behind one another. Suddenly the crowd around the tables who had

been watching in silence rose as one and clapped hands. He smiled tipping his head

toward them and turned to Bella who was staring at him in awe trying very hard to

restrain herself from throwing her arms around his neck and kissing him.

“I think I will have that drink now…and a round for everyone else.” He indicated

toward the men that were still cowering together. He grinned. “Them too…I think

they need it.” The men‟s heads bobbed up and down in agreement and they sat

down at one of the empty tables feeling relieved that he was not going to take it up

with them. He looked down at Grant who was still holding onto his nose but kept his

eyes closed. He bent down and whispered close to Grant‟s ear. “I am not finished

with you my friend…there is still the matter of you and what you did to her.” Grants

eyes flew open and he uttered the words that would make him realize after the fact

that he should have kept his mouth shut.

“She…she wanted it…but you can have her, she‟s damaged goods anyway…” Dylan

felt himself cringe and brought up his fist pounding Grants face. His fists flew in rapid

succession like a burst of machine gun fire; he was like a madman possessed. He

felt himself being dragged away from Grant. “Wow steady son…steady you are

going to kill him.” Two of the elderly farmers around one o f the tables had realized

they had to get Dylan away from Grant before he killed him. They led him toward one

of the tables and made him sit down. “Take it easy son…Bella bring the man a

drink.” Bella obliged and put the drink down in front of him. She noticed that he

seemed to be in a trance and softly took his hand. “Dylan…Dylan! Slowly he came

back to his senses and shook his head. Concerned she asked him if he was all right.

“Yeah I‟ll...I‟ll be fine just give me a minute.” He picked up his drink and gulped it

back. Tom one of the farmers who had dragged him off Grant told his henchmen to

take Grant home. “That‟s if you want your… boss… to live another day… and

yourselves of course.” He added for good measure. They could not oblige fast

enough falling over their own feet in their haste to get away from Dylan and happy

for the respite that was granted to them.

With Grant out of the way, Dylan calmed down and apologized to everybody. Tom

put his hand on Dylan‟s shoulder. “No need to apologize my friend…that man got

what he deserved he has been terrorizing the people of this community for long

enough.” Everybody nodded in agreement. “Yeah…he is the devil in disguise that

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one, he definitely needed to be taught a lesson.” Another said getting up and lifting

his glass in affirmation. Everybody got up and lifted their glasses toward Dylan. “To

the fall of the devil…as well as his entourage of evil! Somebody else shouted out.

Dylan grinned finding the dramatization of the whole situation amusing and

compelling. He focused on Bella who was still holding his hand. He slowly withdrew

his hand and smiled at her. “Nice bunch of people you have here.” Her eyes

softened as she looked around.

“Yes they are, but every one of them has been so caught up in their fear, that they

have lost touch with one another…they were a very close knit community a few

years back…until he arrived.” Her voice was sad and reflected a lot of pain. He

swallowed and took her hand rubbing the back of it with his thumb.

“What is the story between you and him?”His voice was soft and gentle and she

started opening to him. After she had finished telling him the complete sordid story

he leaned back squeezing his eyes shut finding it hard to believe that people like

Grant Hughes existed. Suddenly he felt her breath on his face and before he could

react, she kissed him. His eyes flew open and he pulled away from her looking

around to see if anyone had noticed. She sat down on his lap and put her arms

around his neck staring into his eyes. What he saw in her eyes, made him feel very

uncomfortable. He loosened her arms from his neck and kissed her hand. He

pushed her gently from his lap and got up.

“Bella you are a sweet girl…but I am in a relationship with somebody I love very

much, I can only offer you friendship…sorry…I” she put her finger on his lips and

pushed out her bottom lip imitating a sad face.

“Pity it could have been fun…I could have made it worth your well…we could always

be friends with benefits if you like.” She smiled up at him sweetly fluttering her lids.

He shook his head and burst out laughing at her open adulation.

“Thanks but I think we should stick to being friends…without the benefits.”

She heaved a sigh of defeat. “Ok your loss…friends it will be.” He hugged her and

kissed her on her forehead.

“That would be nice…thank you for understanding.” She nodded and then her face

turned serious and the frightened look in her eyes was back.

“Dylan I am scared he is eventually going to come looking for me and then he is

going to want to even the score…” he could almost hear her heart beating from the

fear she felt. His mind was racing as he tried to think what to do.

“Ok this is what we will do. I‟ll take you to your house and you can pack a few things

and stay with us awhile until we get this mess sorted out.” She seemed unsure, and

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he reassured her. “It‟s alright Bella, I will explain everything to Marybeth…she‟ll

understand you have nothing to worry about…she has also suffered at the hands of

Hughes… believe me she will understand.‟ Bella frowned enquiringly and he smiled

putting his arm around her shoulder. “She can tell you about it…if she so feels

inclined…come, let‟s go i t is getting late.”

Marybeth sat at the kitchen table keeping Christine company while she cooked

dinner. “I feel terrible about the fight Dylan and I had this morning, we have never

fought before.” Christine smiled to herself and turned to Marybeth.

“There is always a first time for everything, and you were pretty nasty to him…after

all he was only trying to protect you.” Marybeth looked down at her hands and shook

her head.

“I know…but when he asked me if I loved that monster, I…I was furious, how he

could even think that, after what I have been through at the hands of that man, it is

ludicrous.” Christine new all too well that Marybeth must have felt hurt at his

outrageous accusation and nodded.

“Yes I agree it was a bit over the top, but try to understand his point of view, you

sympathized with a man that abused you, how do you think it made him feel?

Marybeth frowned suddenly feeling slightly foolish at her assumptions that he would

not feel mad at her for defending the likes of a man like Grant Hughes.

“You are right Aunt Christine and now I really feel silly about everything…I just hope

he is forgiving enough to forgive me for my foolhardiness.” Christine looked toward

the window grinning.

“Well you will find out soon enough, here he is now.” Marybeth jumped up and joined

her at the window. She saw him get out and walk to the passenger side. Her heart

nearly stopped when she saw a blond woman emerge from the other side and walk

hand in hand with Dylan toward the house. She turned lifting her brows and

Christine shrugged whispering. “I don‟t know mate…a friend maybe? Marybeth

folded her arms snorting through her nose and felt the jealousy threatening to rear its

ugly head. Dylan walked into the kitchen and grinned when he saw the look on

Marybeth‟s face.

“Ladies let me introduce you to my lovely friend Bella who will be staying for a

while…Bella this is Marybeth and her aunt Christine…” he looked around and saw

Christopher leaning with his chin on the table trying to look unobtrusive in the” big

peoples world” as he would call it , that he found very confusing. “…and this is my

son Christopher.”

Bella politely nodded toward Christine and turned to Marybeth. “So, this is the lady

whose heart belongs to Dylan…I hope you know how lucky you are he is the best

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thing since sliced bread…and very handsome…” she put her hand on his arm and

smiled up at him. “…and I might add very strong, not just physically, but also in his

beliefs…his incredible…” she screwed up her nose and pouted. “I tried to woo him

but he told me in no uncertain terms, he had only one place in his heart…and that

was reserved for the woman he loved most in the world…and I can see why, you are

beautiful Marybeth…wow.” Bella suddenly became aware of the uncomfortable

silence that ensued and grinned sheepishly. “Sorry I was babbling weren‟t I…sorry.”

Suddenly everyone burst out laughing and the ice was broken.

Marybeth put her arms around Bella and hugged her. “Welcome…I think you and I

are going to get along just nicely…after you tell me what you two got up to today.”

Bella looked down at Christopher who was staring at her openly. She playfully ruffled

his hair. “My, aren‟t you a handsome fella…you look just like your daddy…wow and

those eyes…beautiful.” Christopher slid of his chair and made for the backdoor

mumbling. “Big people are weird.” Marybeth put her arms around Dylan‟s neck

looking up at him.

“Sorry about this morning…I was unreasonable.” He bent down and gave her a long

lingering kiss. Bella watched them and no longer able to witness the scene between

Dylan and Marybeth turned to Christine, Christine saw the fleeting look of longing in

her eyes and sympathetically smiled at her.

“Come I will show you to your room…and maybe we can have a heart to heart.” She

hooked her arm in Bella‟s and led her upstairs. “So, this is your room for however

long it takes, feel free to shout if you need anything.” Bella looked around and

suddenly burst into tears sitting down on the side of the bed. Christine sat down

beside her and took her hand. “That was difficult for you wasn‟t it? Bella sniffed and

slumped her shoulders in despair.

“Why did I have to go and fall in love with him…urghh I am so mad at myself.”

Christine grinned to herself, and turned to Bella.

“Well I don‟t blame you, he is an easy man to fall in love with, his handsome and

charming, what‟s not to love, but he is spoken for, he loves Marybeth very much and

they have a child together…you do understand that.”

“Yes…yes all too clearly, he told me that in no uncertain terms and I saw it with my

own eyes…but …” Christine interrupted before Bella could finish her sentence.

“You will find a man someday, equally handsome and charming that you will fall

head over heels in love with.”

“Maybe…but I am not holding my breath… that he will be quite as handsome and

charming not in this community anyway, but maybe someday another handsome

stranger will pass through and save me from myself.” She put her hand to her breast

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and melodramatically cast her eyes to the ceiling. Christine burst out laughing and

got up.

“You‟ve missed your calling, you should be an actress heaven knows you are

dramatic enough.” Bella put her finger to her lips and pouted.

“You think?

Christine looked down at her and good-naturedly replied. “Most certainly yes, you

are a born actress think about it.”

Bella screwed up her nose and smiled. “I will thanks.” Christine shook her head and

left the room to continue with the dinner.

Dylan propped himself up on his elbow and stared down at Marybeth. “Marybeth?


“Samantha has sued for a divorce.” She opened her eyes, and blinked.

“I am so sorry Dylan, are you alright?” He laid back and stared up at the ceiling.

“Dylan? She felt disquiet at his sudden silence.

“It‟s what she wants…and it‟s what I want …so.” He turned and grinned …”so will

you marry me? She paused, then sat up hugging her knees to her chest and feigned

a heavy sigh keeping her eyes averted. Now, he was feeling concerned because of

her silence. “Marybeth… I am getting pretty nervous here…” No longer able to

contain her feeling of happiness and elation, she turned to him and whispered

against his mouth. “I thought you would never ask.” A feeling of relief swept over him

and he kissed her with so must passion that she felt breathless.

They all stood and watched, as the last of the wool was loaded, ready for delivery.

“At last…now we can get Hughes off our backs once and for all…” Christine turned

to Marybeth and took her hand. “…your and Christopher‟s inheritance is safe at last.”

Her voice almost sounded desperate and unsure, as she knew that Dylan would

want Marybeth and his son to return to South Africa with him, however deep down

she was hoping he would change his mind and settle in Australia. Dylan cleared his

throat a look of empathy for Christine crossed his face.

“Christine first off you are not paying that lowlife a cent, I am going to make sure he

is put away for a long time, secondly I have asked Marybeth to marry me and I want

her to return to south Africa with me.” He paused and saw the heart sore and

disappointment on her face; he put his arm around her shoulder hugging her

softly…” I want you to come with us.” Christine glanced up at him and he could see

that she was close to tears.

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“Mate that is very kind of you…but don‟t know if I could leave all of this behind…it‟s

what keeps me sane…well sort of sane if you know what I mean.” He nodded and

smiled down at her.

“Yes I know what you mean, but please think about it… will you? Marybeth stepped

closer and took Christine‟s hand, her heart felt as if it was being ripped from her

chest at the thought of leaving her aunt behind.

“Please Aunt Christine it would break my heart to leave you here I don‟t want to have

to make that choice…” her voice faltered and she blinked trying hard to keep from

crying. Christine let go of Marybeth‟s hand and took her face between her hands

kissing her on the cheek.

“I will give it serious thought sweetheart…don‟t worry.” She quickly turned and

walked toward the house taking Christopher with her. Dylan put his arm around

Marybeth‟s shoulder and together they watched her. Bella who had been standing

watching cleared her throat and they turned to her feeling bad that they had forgotten

all about her. Her eyes moved from Dylan to Marybeth and back to Dylan, she stared

straight into his eyes. Her voice was hoarse when she spoke.

“You‟re leaving…? Marybeth was shocked at the look in her eyes as she stared at

Dylan and felt her heart skip a beat. She knew that Bella had fallen for Dylan in a big

way and it made her feel very uneasy, however she put it aside and walked to Bella.

“Bella I think we should have a little talk…Dylan do you mind, I would like to talk to

Bella in private? He nodded and walked back to the house to join Christine.

Marybeth looked at Bella and forced a smile. “What going on Bella…? Bella averted

her eyes unable to bring herself to look at Marybeth.

“What do mean? Marybeth put her hand on Bella‟s arm and kept her voice soft and


“You know exactly what I mean it is written all over your face that you have fallen in

love with Dylan.” Keeping her eyes cast to the ground Bella whispered…”yes…I

have but I won‟t pursue it Marybeth I would never do that…I am so sorry.” She

sniffed and the tears spilled from her eyes. Marybeth heard the genuine tone of

regret in her voice and knew that she could trust her. She handed Bella a tissue and

she blew hard into it. Marybeth smiled and took her hand.

“Come lets go home and have some tea…I think we could both do with a cup. Hand

in hand, they walked toward the house. Dylan watched through the window as the

two woman approached. He turned to Christine.

“I wonder what that was all about.” She grinned and smiled shaking her head.

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“Dylan really, do you want to tell me that you haven‟t noticed that the girl you brought

home is in love with you.” He frowned and his eyes widened as realization set in at

her words.

“I…no…I mean I thought it was just friendly banter I didn‟t really think…oh shit I hope

Marybeth doesn‟t think that I…oh damn…what now, what do I do now.” He looked at

her pleadingly and she grinned at his discomfort. She got up, glanced through the

window, and saw the two walking hand in hand.

“Calm down mate …I don‟t think you need to worry too much…judging by the body

language they seemed to have come to an understanding.” She turned but he had

rushed from the room. She turned back to the window and frowned when she

noticed two police vehicles‟ driving toward the house. Dylan who was standing by the

window staring outside also noticed and went back downstairs. The thought crossed

his mind that they were probably here to arrest him for the attack on Grant and he

felt slight apprehension as he approached the two officers that were already out of

their vehicle talking to the girls. One of the officers looked up and extended his hand.

“You must be Dylan Mc Bride, I am Captain Johnson and this is my deputy Donavan.

His tone was friendly and amicable and Dylan felt himself relax. He shook their


“What can I do for you captain.” Johnson squinted up at him and then his face turned

serious. Dylan could feel Marybeth‟s eyes burning on him and shifted uncomfortably.

“Well I am I here in connection with Grant Hughes; he has pressed charges of

assault against you.” Dylan felt his heart beating faster and swallowed but kept his


“He deserved it and I would do it again if I had the chance.” His eyes were cold and

hard. “So I presume you are here to arrest me.” Johnson shook his head and


“No bloody way mate, the community would lynch me for sure, but unfortunately he

will have to have a fair trial so I have just come to warn you that you will be

subpoenaed. You will not be allowed to leave the country …not yet anyway, but I

think it is just a formality, the evidence against him and his cronies are overwhelming

and they are behind bars as we speak… so you can rest easy.”

He slapped Dylan on the back and grinned. “Good work buddy…you‟re a good man.”

Johnson turned to Marybeth and his voice was compassionate. “I heard what he did

to you and I promise that he will pay for it, the officers that ignored your plea for help

have also been arrested so things are going to change around here and that‟s a

promise,…ok, well our work here is done so we are going to leave you in

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peace…see you in court.” Together they all watched in silence as the police vehicles

disappeared from sight.

Six months later, they walked out of the courtroom. Dylan was exonerated from any

wrongdoing and Grant Hughes was sentenced to 25 years eligible for parole after

ten years, the farmers properties were returned to them and all Grants assets were

to be sold and the money from it would be used to compensate all the farmers for

loss of income. Justice had been done and the air outside was filled with high spirits

as the community came together as one once more.

A few mornings later Dylan heard the phone ringing and answered. It was his

brother Timothy. “Hello Dylan how are you bro.” Dylan smiled when he heard his

twins‟ voice.

“Great, I am great how are you doing, I miss you guys and can‟t wait to get

home…how is Samantha and everyone else? There was a slight pause and Tim

cleared his throat.

“Dylan…you are now officially divorced from Sam…I…I am sorry.” Dylan could hear

the trepidation in Timothy‟s voice, and knew that his brother was feeling guilty and

worried that he would blame him for the irretrievable breakup of his marriage. His

tried to keep his voice level and reassuring.

“It was inevitable Tim…so what‟s the story are you going to marry her.” Timothy was

taken aback at Dylan‟s candor and struggled to find the right words and when he did

eventually speak, he fumbled incoherently.

“I…um…I…well yes…I would like to…with your blessing of course.” Dylan squeezed

his eyes shut and tried not to laugh. He was highly amused by Timothy‟s attempt to

spare his feelings. On the other side of the line, Timothy waited anxiously for the

answer he was hoping for but it was not forthcoming, he felt slightly annoyed when

Dylan decided to ask him a question instead.

“When do you plan on having the wedding Tim?” Dylan smiled but it did not sound in

his voice and Timothy‟s heart sank to his feet.

“Well I was hoping to make it as soon as possible…but now I don‟t know you don‟t

sound too happy…Dylan…do you still love Sam…is that why you can‟t give me your

blessing…because you still love her? Dylan shook his head and decided to stop

playing cat and mouse with his brother and let him out of his misery.

“No I don‟t…well you know not in that way…but if you promise to wait till I get back

so that we can make it a double wedding then you have my blessing.”

“Jeez bro did you have to make it so hard I nearly had an heart attack…yes a double

wedding it will be…thanks…uh Dylan there is something else you ought to

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know…Sam is…is pregnant.” He waited, with bated breath for Dylan‟s reaction to the

news. Dylan was surprised and it reverberated in his voice.

“Sam pregnant!…well I never…that is a surprise…a pleasant one I might add, wow!

Congratulations Tim…unbelievable.” They said goodbye and Dylan slowly put the

receiver down shaking his head in incredulity. Marybeth walked in just as he was

putting down the receiver.

“Dylan what is it…you look…who was on the phone? She put her arms around his

neck and looked up at him wondering about the pensive look in his eyes. He smiled

and bent down kissing her on the tip of her nose.

“Tim is getting married…to Sam of course… and they are going to have a child.” She

raised her brows. “Really...and how do you feel about it…is it a problem for you.? He

shook his head.

“No…no I am happy for them I‟m just surprised, that she has changed so much that

she would want to have a child of her own…its almost I dunno… mind-boggling to

say the least.” He reaffirmed his love for Marybeth with a passionate kiss and picked

her up carrying her toward the bedroom. He lay her down and lay down beside her

taking her in his arms. Suddenly she came up and leaned on her elbow looking down

at him.



“I have something to tell you.” His head turned toward her.

“I‟m listening sweetheart what do you want to tell me.” She put her finger on his

mouth and smiled.

“Well…I am also pregnant.” He came up so suddenly that he almost knocked her of

the bed. He fell back and lifted his arms to the ceiling.

“Yes…yes! He shouted out loudly pounding his fists in the air. He turned and cupped

her face in his hand kissing her on her eyes forehead and cheek, saying the words

I..love..you.” repeatedly, then he jumped of the bed and pulled her up beside him.

“Let‟s go and tell Christopher and Christine.”


The homecoming

Jessica glanced at her watch. She looked up at Jason and he smiled shaking his

head at her impatience. “That is about the tenth time you have checked the time in

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ten minutes.” She sighed and glanced up at the sky hoping to see the plane she was

so anxiously awaiting.

“Shouldn‟t they have landed by now? He stood behind her putting his arms around

her waist and kissed her neck.

“Well they did say the flight was delayed, but they should be arriving at any minute.”

She took his hand and led him to a table and they sat down. “Shall I get us

something to drink? She nodded and he called out to Chloe and Elijah. “Do you guys

want something to drink while we wait? They were too preoccupied with their

partners and did not hear him. He looked at Jessica and shrugged. “I will just get

them something.”

He walked toward the cafeteria and Jessica glanced toward her youngest children.

She saw Devin lean forward and kiss Chloe in full view of everyone. She took in her

only daughter‟s beauty. She was tall, had the body of an athlete, supple and well

defined yet feminine. She had met Devin at the chef school where she had studied

and was engaged to him. Her eyes turned to her future son in law. Devin was a fine

young man and well suited to Chloe. He was good-looking with dark hair and skin,

tall, and well built.

She looked over at Elijah and grinned. He had her coloring dark curly hair and blue

eyes but when it came to his looks, he was the spitting image of his father Jason,

and the rest of the Mc Bride men. The girl at his side was a petite and attractive girl

who worked with him as a ranger, and they were planning on getting engaged soon.

Her eyes shifted to Timothy and Samantha who were huddled together in deep

conversation with Thomas and Adam playing close by. Thomas had his father‟s

looks and little Adam was a mirror image of his grandfather Jacob the same blond

hair and piercing green eyes. Very soon, she would meet her new grandson and

future daughter in law; she was feeling exited and elated at the prospect and once

again glanced at her watch. She heard Jason laugh behind her and swung around

blushing because he had once again caught her looking at the time.

“You were so deep in thought that you did not even notice that their flight has

landed.” He indicated with his head toward the landing strip.

Donald the ranger who had helped save Timothy‟s life when he almost drowned was

also at the airport. Dylan told him that he wanted to introduce him to Bella.

Marybeth‟s aunt Christine had after long debate and thought sold her farm and

decided to immigrate back to South Africa. Marybeth and Christopher were her only

family and she could not bear the thought of never seeing them again.

Jessica watched as Dylan approached them, her eyes moved toward Christopher

and her heart lurched at the sight of him, she could see that he was a mirror image

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of his father the only difference being that he had inherited his mothers thick auburn

hair. Jason noticed that Jessica was feeling very choked up and put his arm around

her in comfort. She looked up at him and smiled blinking back the tears.

“I missed him so much…” he bent down and kissed her softly. “I know sweetheart…I


Dylan‟s eyes took in his family as they stood anxiously waiting and he felt a mixture

of emotions that was indescribable and the tears slowly rolled down his cheeks, this

was where he belonged and wanted to be. He took his mothers hands in his and

smiled down at her. “I am home mom… I am home.” Her eyes softened and she

smiled choking back the tears.

“I missed you so much.” She hugged him and then glanced down at Christopher who

was watching quietly with a puckered brow. She hunkered down looking into his

eyes. “Hello sweetheart…I am so happy to eventually meet you.” At first, he just

stared at Jessica then broke into a smile and reached out touching the side of her


“You don‟t look like a granny…you are very pretty…not old like Aunty Christine.” He

ran off to join the other children, and Jessica stared after him amazed at his

frankness. She looked up at Dylan with a twinkle in her eye.

“He has certainly inherited the Mc Bride charm hasn‟t he? Dylan nodded and he


“Hmmm…it will probably get him into a lot of trouble when his older.” He turned to

Marybeth and put his arm around her. “Mom meet my soon to be wife…Marybeth

meet my mom, I will leave you to get acquainted I need to introduce Bella to


He walked to where Bella was standing looking a bit lost and overwhelmed. He

smiled at her reassuringly and took her by the hand. “Bella I want to introduce you to

somebody.” He led her toward Donald who had been watching her unobtrusively

from a distance.

“Donald this is Bella …the lovely lady I told you about.” Donald took her hand and

bent down bringing it to his lips. “My pleasure I am sure.” The touch of his lips on her

hand sent a ripple up her arm. She fluttered her lids provocatively and gave her

usual sweet smile.

“Hello handsome.” She brought her hand up to her chest and in her dramatic

theatrics‟ cast her eyes to the heavens whispering. “Thank you Lord…so many

beautiful men… oh my poor heart.” Donald looked at Dylan his eyes stretched wide

and Dylan burst out laughing mouthing the words. “She wants to be an actress.” He

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turned away and walked to the rest of the family leaving Donald to cope with the

wannabe actress.

Dylan looked down from the chopper at the familiar surroundings of Jacobs Retreat

and smiled, his eyes slowly moved toward the hill and the white crosses stood out

clearly against the back drop of greenery, the sadness overwhelmed him when he

thought about his father. Jessica watched his face, she knew what he was thinking

and reached over putting her hand on his.

“He is with us son, and I know that he would have been proud of his family.” She

leaned back her head and closed her eyes, feeling happy and fulfilled in the

knowledge, that she and Jacobs‟s sons had been given a second chance at

happiness and that Jacob‟s legacy would carry forth into the next generations of Mc
