j/ y as a signal of deconfinement

J/ as a signal of deconfinement David Silvermyr, ORNL Critical Point and Onset of Deconfinement Firenze, July 4 th 2006 Focus on J/ production results for p+p, d+Au, Au+Au and Cu+Cu at RHIC (next talk: results with fixed target).

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J/ y as a signal of deconfinement. Focus on J/ y production results for p+p, d+Au, Au+Au and Cu+Cu at RHIC (next talk: results with fixed target). David Silvermyr, ORNL Critical Point and Onset of Deconfinement Firenze, July 4 th 2006. Lattice QCD calculation. V(r)/ . r . - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: J/ y  as a signal of deconfinement

J/ as a signal of deconfinement

David Silvermyr, ORNL

Critical Point and Onset of Deconfinement

Firenze, July 4th 2006

Focus on J/ production results for p+p, d+Au, Au+Au and Cu+Cu at RHIC (next talk: results with fixed target).

Page 2: J/ y  as a signal of deconfinement


Heavy Quarkonia - Intro

Color Screening


Lattice QCD results show that the confining potential between heavy quarks is screened at high temperature.

This screening should suppress bound states such as J/. However, recent lattice results indicate that the J/ spectral functions only show modest modification near the critical temperature, and thus may not be suppressed until higher T.




Lattice QCD calculation

Page 3: J/ y  as a signal of deconfinement


Original Signature: Matsui & Satz (’86 & ’06)

SPIRES : 934 citations so far (June ’06)

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An Unambiguous Signature?

• Matsui and Satz carefully outlined the conditions that needed to be met for an observed suppression to be an unambiguous signature of QGP formation.

• Focus on one of these assumptions - may well be violated. .

Page 5: J/ y  as a signal of deconfinement


Competing J/ Production Effects1. Normal nuclear absorption:

J/ breakup by nucleons in the final state resulting in charm hadrons

2. Shadowing:Accounts for parton distribution modifications relative to free protonsAffects parton distribution function before collision occurs

3. Color Screening: In deconfined medium resonance interactions needed to convert cc pairs to J/’s are prohibited

4. Comover Interactions: J/ interactions with secondary hadrons results in dissociationSuppression mechanism that does not require deconfined medium

5. Parton Induced Dissociation:Breakup of J/ due to in medium parton interactions

6. J/ Recombination: Regeneration of J/’s from off-diagonal c and c pairs

7. Feed-down effects, and more..

A complex story: the devil is in the details..

Page 6: J/ y  as a signal of deconfinement


Pb+Pb collisions show suppression in excess of "normal" nuclear suppression

(Recent news: NA60 observed very similar trend in In+In collisions.)

J/ normalized to Drell-Yan vs “Centrality”

N.B.: D-Y is not the optimal normalization, closed/open charm is better.



Observation at CERN SPS (NA50/60)

Page 7: J/ y  as a signal of deconfinement


CDF pp (s = 1.8 TeV) results• Color singlet model

underpredicts high-pT yield.• Color octet model

overpredicts transverse polarization at high pT.

F. Abe et al.,Phys. Rev. Lett. 79, 572.

T. Affolder et al.,Phys. Rev. Lett. 85, 2886.

Page 8: J/ y  as a signal of deconfinement


J/ @ RHIC: Physics Plan • pp collisions

– Reference, Initial production mechanism RHIC: can have same √sNN energy as pA and AA..

• pA (or dA) collisions– Shadowing– Initial state energy loss– Cold medium absorption

• AA + Light ion collisions– Modify path length through medium– Most efficient way to dial in Ncoll,Npart

• Energy scans– Modify energy density– More difficult (both luminosity & cross-sections fall

quickly w/ energy)

Many competing effects:

- Reference data essential!

Page 9: J/ y  as a signal of deconfinement


J/ Run5 ppSTAR Preliminary

Dielectron Invariant Mass (GeV/c2)

Charmonium and Beyond in STAR

Signal RHIC Exp.(Au+Au)

RHIC I(>2008)


J/ →e+e

J/ →

PH ENIX 3,30029,000



→ e+e-





J/ Run4 AuAu

Dielectron Invariant Mass (GeV/c2)

STAR Preliminary

J. G






STAR AuAupreliminary

Nice start with clear mass-peaks for AuAu and pp!

[part of total dataset analyzed] Rest of talk: focus on PHENIX.

Page 10: J/ y  as a signal of deconfinement


Year Ions sNN Luminosity Detectors J/


Au+Au 130 GeV 1 b-1 Central (electrons)


2001 Au+Au 200 GeV 24 b-1 Central 13 + ~0


p+p 200 GeV 0.15 pb-1+ 1 muon arm 46 + 66

2002 d+Au 200 GeV 2.74 nb-1 Central 300+800+600


p+p 200 GeV 0.35 pb-1+ 2 muon arms



Au+Au200 GeV62 GeV

~240 ub-1

~9 ub-1

Central+ 2 muon arms




200 GeV200 GeV

~3 nb-1

~3 pb-1

Central+ 2 muon arms



RHIC Scaling Law : J/in PHENIX

Order of magnitude improvements for approx. every two RHIC runs – quite remarkable (another factor 3 for pp from Run5 to Run6) !

Hope to see continued progress and success like this!

Page 11: J/ y  as a signal of deconfinement


Start: p+p Reference

Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 012304 (2006).

Consistent with trend of world’s data

~Consistent with at least one COM (Color Octet Model) calculation

[Factor x10,and x30 more statistics fromRuns5 and 6]

Page 12: J/ y  as a signal of deconfinement


d+Au: Disentangle Cold Nuclear Effects

• Cronin effect

• Gluon (anti-)shadowing

• Nuclear absorption.

• Initial state energy loss.

gluons in Pb / gluons in p



Eskola, et al., Nucl. Phys. A696 (2001) 729-746.


X1 X2

J/ inNorthy > 0


J/ inSouthy < 0

rapidity y

South (y < -1.2) : via +-• large X2 (in gold) ~ 0.090

Central (y ~ 0) : via e+e-• intermediate X2 ~ 0.020

North (y > 1.2) : via +-• small X2 (in gold) ~ 0.003

Page 13: J/ y  as a signal of deconfinement


p-p J/Psi – PHENIX 200GeV

RapidityTotal cross section in p+p


2.61+/-0.20(fit)+/-0.26(abs) µb

R. Vogt: EKS98 shadowing. 3mb absorption

J/ rapidity distribution in p+p and d+Au Collisions


J/ inSouthy < 0

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Rapidity and Ncoll Dependence of RdAu: Gluon Shadowing and Nuclear Absorption

• Data favor weak shadowing and weak nuclear absorption effect:Calc. with 1-3 mb most successful at describing the data. [Shape reminiscent to what’s seen for dNch/d(e.g. PHOBOS)]

• More suppression for more central events(?)










)1972/( ppdAdAR ppinvcoll


dA YieldN


Page 15: J/ y  as a signal of deconfinement


RUN5 pp News

1st Upsilons at RHIC !

Phenix muon arm

Beauty measurements will be quite interesting.

Different Quarkonia states test the degree of color screening and measure the temperature.

Significant yields (>hundreds) at RHIC-II ?

PHENIX accumulated ~3pb-1 p+p collision during 2005 run. Will give order of magnitude stat. improvement for reference for d+Au and Au+Au.

Page 16: J/ y  as a signal of deconfinement


Heavy Ions: J/ signal in Au+Au

0-20% 20-40% 40-93%

Example Mass-plots:

● Background subtracted using event mixing

● Cu+Cu signal is similar to Au+Au peripheral,

with much larger statistics



Page 17: J/ y  as a signal of deconfinement



200 GeV/c


200 GeV/c


200 GeV/c

J/ muon arm

1.2 < |y| < 2.2


200 GeV/c


200 GeV/c

J/ eeCentral arm

-0.35 < y < 0.35


62 GeV/c

RAA vs Ncoll (QM’05; nucl-ex/0510051)

About a factor 3 suppression for most central Au+Au points

Band around 1.0 refers to the uncertainty of the p+p reference.

[and sometimes has a global sys. error added for the dataset in question..]

Page 18: J/ y  as a signal of deconfinement


Results in A+A : vs cold nuclear matter effects



suppressionfactor ~ 2 suppression

factor ~ 2

3 mb

1 mb

3 mb

1 mb





Observe a suppression of ~3 from pp and ( ~ factor 2) beyond cold nuclear effets. Note common error boxes now (post QM05) around individual points... Working on final results with reduced systematic errors ..


factor ~ 3 suppressio

nfactor ~ 3



Page 19: J/ y  as a signal of deconfinement


Au+Au and Cu+Cu results

SPS normalized to NA51 p+p value (NA60 preliminary points from Arnaldi, QM05).

On the experimental point of view :Suppression at RHIC similar to suppression at SPSAlthough √s@RHIC=200 GeV and √s@SPS<20 GeV

Need more precise measurement of cold nuclear effect at RHIC need more dAu as well as AuAu data

Unclear if cold nuclear effects should be :

• different (different suppression pattern)

RHIC Cold Nuc Eff 1mb

SPS abs = 4.18 mb

• or not (same suppression pattern)

RHIC Cold Eff 3mb

RHIC Cold Nuc Eff 1mb

SPS abs = 4.18 mb

Page 20: J/ y  as a signal of deconfinement


J/ : Suppression Models

Some suppression models which reproduce NA50 data…

… Overestimate the suppression at PHENIX

(Hadronic?) co-mover scattering

Direct suppression in a hot medium :Cu+Cu Au+Au


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J/ Suppression in Heavy-ion Collisions May be Masked By Recombination

Effects• In central Au+Au collision there are many (>10)

c/c-bar pairs produced in a single event.

• Calculations indicate that a significant number of J/’s could be produced by coalescing c and c-bar quarks that are the products of different hard scattering events.

• This would have the effect of masking suppression due to the presence of a QGP.

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Comparison with a prediction w. regeneration

[After update from Rapp et al to use up-to-date charm and J/

p+p cross-sections:]

agreement with data points slightly better than that of absorption calculation (with 3 mb sigma).

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• An alternative picture…

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J/ Feeddown Effect

• J/ yield is populated from both direct production and feeddown from the higher resonance states

• Relative yield from each source experimentally found:

– 60% direct production

– 30% c feeddown

– 10% ’ feeddown

• Medium conditions determine whether each state exists in the bound form

R(c ) N c

*(AJ / / A c)

NJ / *R(c ) 0.320.060.04

Phys.Lett. B561 (2003) 61-72

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Quarkonia production as a QGP thermometer

• Even if jet suppression, flow results, etc. have already established that the medium created at RHIC is an sQGP, we would still like to establish its properties.

• The quarkonium suppression pattern may be able to serve as a QGP thermometer.

• In cartoon form…

• It is argued that the common pattern seen at SPS and RHIC is due to complete suppression of ’ and c, which feeds down to create ~40% of the J/’s, and that the primordial J/’s aren’t suppressed at all by screening.

H. Satz, J. Phys. G32, R25 (2006)

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CuCu: More Bins...

Copper-Copper 200 GeVJ/ |y| = 1.2-2.2

• Rather smooth onset/scaling with centrality.. no distinct onset or plateau for c suppression, with our preliminary data & errors

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Test of Npart scaling

Can the results be explained by some other scenario? Geometry and

surface effects or scaling a la soft processes?

[argued for NA50 data by e.g. Gazdzicki, Braun-Munzinger et al.]

Alternative looks at data may help to break gridlock..

Page 28: J/ y  as a signal of deconfinement


More variables : Rapidity• Rapidity distribution of recombined J/ is supposed to be

peaked at y=0 (e.g. R.L. Thews & al., nucl-th/0505055)– True IF charm distribution ~ J/ in p+p !

– But Au+Au charm rapidity distributions might be rather flat!

pQCD, adjust <kT2>

p+p data


off-diagonal(with recomb.)

Page 29: J/ y  as a signal of deconfinement


We fit the pt spectrum using to extract <pt2>

Invariant yield vs pt

62 ])/(1[ BpA t

Cu+Cu (|y|[1.2,2.2]) Au+Au (|y|[1.2,2.2])

Page 30: J/ y  as a signal of deconfinement


Experimentally : data falls between the two hypotheses.

Need to consider all datasets anderror bars before drawing conclusions.

No recombination

With recombination

Open markers : |y|<0.35Solid markers : |y|~1.7

Recombination (Thews et al., nucl-th/0505055) predicts a narrower pT distribution, leading to a lower <pT²>

p+p d+Au

No recombination

With recombination


Open markers : |y|<0.35Solid markers : |y|~1.7

Cu+Cup+p d+Au

Mean transverse momentum vs Ncoll




2T L ρσ Δpp 2


Cronin / Broadening:

Page 31: J/ y  as a signal of deconfinement


J/ Status

RHIC data exhibits a factor 3 suppression for most central events in Au+Au collisions. Suppression vs Npart rather similar to what was seen at SPS.

Comparison with models (here only used a subset..) suggests that

1) Models with only cold nuclear matter effects tend to under-predict the suppression

2) Models with color screening or comovers and without recombination have

too much suppression

3) Models with recombination are in rather reasonable agreement with the dataNot clear if recombination is the explanation though. Feed-downs suppressed?

Pro(?): <pT

2> is also consistent with flat behaviour, but large error bars.

Mixed evidence for recombination from other variables:

Con(?): The rapidity dependence of the J/ yield shows no dramatic change in shape with increasing N


Page 32: J/ y  as a signal of deconfinement


J/ Action Items

● Need more work on data (in progress); reduce size of errors and go to final results. Using the statistically superior Run5 p+p dataset for reference should be helpful. It would be nice to confront theory with more precise results! :=)

• Flow? - J/ v2 studies started; no results yet. Statistically very challenging analysis with existing RHIC datasets. Comparison between charm and charmonium should be instructive.

• Question: Do we see (suppression + recombination) or just not so much suppression to start with..?

[‘soft’ scaling and similarity with NA50 suppression pattern - somewhat surprising and hard to overlook. Just coincidences?]

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More data needed!

• In any case (and as usual..), more data is needed..

• Need to study – Different quarkonia states (different melting points,

different feeddown contributions).– Different collision energies

• Modify charm quark density to change recombination fraction.

• Modify temperature.

– Better data vs. centrality, pT, y.

– Polarization, J/-hadron correlations, flow (for production mechanism).

• This physics is really just getting started at RHIC..

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Future Measurements: ’

Run 6 200GeV p+p

Invariant Mass (GeV/c2)

With more luminosity we should be able to measure ’ in AuAu too!

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Future Measurements: c


Run 5 200GeV p+p

(c - J/) Mass (GeV/c2)(c - J/) Mass (GeV/c2)

Run 6 data set has a factor of x3 more luminosity.A very tough measurement in AuAu; dAu probably doable.

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Ultra-peripheral Collisions (UPC’s)

UPC’s : well calibrated EM probe

measured by STAR


Exotica: More to Come

Page 37: J/ y  as a signal of deconfinement



Hopefully (PAC willing)…. Run 7 & 8: high statistics Au+Au 200GeV, x10 luminosity high statistics d+Au 200GeV, x10 luminosity

Detector Upgrades :Reaction Plane Detector (PHENIX, from Run-7)Si Vertex Detector (PHENIX and STAR) Nosecone Calorimeter, muon trigger upgrade, …

Longer term:

RHIC Upgrades:Increased luminosityIncreased species

And comparisons with STAR results!

Then there are also the LHC experiments soon, and the nice results from NA60 (next),

so the upcoming few years should be really interesting!

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Near-Term Future..

Let’s hope for some nice and friendly semi-final matches

today and tomorrow (9 PM) !

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Backup slides

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Heavy quarkonium states, energy levels and radii

Quarkonium – bound q/q-bar state

Page 41: J/ y  as a signal of deconfinement


J/ transport model

Zhu, Zhuang, Xu, PLB607 (2005) 107

+ private communications

Au+Au y~1.7 |y| ~ 0

Adding QGP hydro and J/ transport better agreement

Model includes :•Detailed QGP hydro •J/ψ transport•normal nuclear absorption:

•σabs = 1 mb •σabs = 3 mb

(Curves for y=2 and y=0 are similar)

Page 42: J/ y  as a signal of deconfinement


Sequential charmonium dissociation

Quarkonium dissociation temperatures – Digal, Karsch, SatzKarsch, Kharzeev and Satz, hep-ph/0512239

Based on recent lattice QCD calculations, J/ melting temperature could be higher than initially expected suppression of direct J/ could be out of the range of RHIC On the other hand c and ’ should melt at a temperature close to TC (~1.1 – 1.2 TC) Anomalous suppression comes from c and ’ feed-down.



, H







J/ feed-down : • ~60% from direct production• ~30% c J/ + • ~10% ’ J/ + X

Overall J/ survival probability = measured/expecteddirect J/ survival

probability assume to be 1 at SPS energy

Feed-down J/ survival probablity

ψ'χx S0.1S0.3S0.4c

Page 43: J/ y  as a signal of deconfinement


At SPS, NA50 measured :• J/ suppression• ’ suppression • but not c

Sequential charmonium dissociation

Karsch, Kharzeev and Satz, hep-ph/0512239

SPS data


(Lattice QCD S’~Sc)


At RHIC, PHENIX measured :• J/ suppression.

data are consistent with sequential charmonium dissociation at both RHIC and SPS.Note: Systematic errors ignored..

SPS + RHIC data

Karsch, Kharzeev and Satz, hep-ph/0512239

More data needed

NA60 preliminary

NA60 preliminaryPHENIX preliminary

Page 44: J/ y  as a signal of deconfinement


Suppression Mechanism• J/ Suppression Models:

– assume heavy quarkonia are formed only during the initial hard nucleon-nucleon collisions

– Subsequent interactions only result in additional loss of yield

• Color Screening: – Color charge of one quark masked by

the surrounding quarks– Prevents cc-bar binding in the

interaction region– Characterized by Debye screening

radius (rD)– If the screening radius is smaller than

the J/ radius then the quarks are effectively masked from one another

Color Screening


Page 45: J/ y  as a signal of deconfinement


RAA vs Npart : Comparison with NA50 data (QM’05)

NA50 data is normalized to NA50 p+p point.

Suppression level is rather similar between the two experiments, although the collision energy is 10+ times higher at RHIC (200 GeV vs 17


Note: size of error bars, or common systematic error band not negligible!

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RAA vs Npart: Comparison with cold nuclear effects (QM05)

Prediction from pQCD calculations, including 3mb nuclear absorption and shadowing.

Seems to underestimate the suppression somewhat.Note: abs somewhat too high wrt d+Au data; Should have

1 mb curve also.

Forward rapidity Mid rapidity

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RAA vs Npart: Comparison with predictions without regeneration


Models which approx. reproduce NA50 data, with J/ suppression only. (no regeneration mechanism)

Over-estimates J/ suppression at RHIC!

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RAA vs Npart : Comparison with predictions w. regeneration (QM05)

Models using suppression + various regeneration mechanisms;

Better matching with data points, but note that all model calculations should be checked to use up-to-date charm and J/ p+p cross-sections!

(reduced exp. errors on those quantities would also help)

Page 49: J/ y  as a signal of deconfinement


The PHENIX detector

Centrality measurement: We use beam beam counters together with zero degree calorimetersCentrality is mapped to N

part (N

col) using Glauber model

Central arms:hadrons, photons, electrons

p > 0.2 GeV/c|y| < 0.35


Muon arms:muons at forward rapidity

p > 2GeV/c1.2 < |y| < 2.4


Page 50: J/ y  as a signal of deconfinement


PHENIX Detector: Muon Arms• Muon Tracker and Muon

Identifier provide good momentum resolution and tracking ability

• High rate level 1 dimuon trigger

• Online level 2 filtering

Like SignSubtraction

PHENIXp+p 200GeV

PHENIXp+p 200GeV

Page 51: J/ y  as a signal of deconfinement


PHENIX Detector: Central Arm• Drift Chamber provides

high resolution tracking and momentum resolution

• RICH and EmCal provide electron identification

• High rate level 1 electron trigger

• Online level 2 filtering

Like SignSubtraction

Page 52: J/ y  as a signal of deconfinement


Silicon Vertex Detector • Four barrel layers

– Two ALICE pixel bus layers– Two strip-pixel layers

• Four end-cap pixel layers• Displaced vertex (σ ~50 m)• Full azimuthal inner tracking

|η| < ~2.4– Improve acceptance for -jet

correlations, D K• Connect to tracks in central

and muon arms– Tag heavy flavor decays

• c,b e,• B J/

– Improve onium resolution– Eliminate decay hadrons– Reduce high-pT background

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Nose Cone Calorimeter

• Replace central arm magnet nosecones (Cu) w/ tungsten-silicon calorimeters

• Coverage at forward/backward rapidity: 0.9 < |η| < 3.5 /0 separation for pT < 30

GeV/c – Jet identification

identification gives good acceptance for c J/ +

Page 54: J/ y  as a signal of deconfinement


Muon Trigger Upgrade• Three layers of RPCs with 2D

(θ,φ) pad readout• Provides online momentum

measurement to improve Level-1 trigger rejection– Single-particle

• pT cut• W spin-measurements in pp

– Two-particle • Minv cut• onium measurements in AA

– Necessary to take complete advantage of luminosity upgrades

• Provides improved high-multiplicity background rejection

Page 55: J/ y  as a signal of deconfinement


Intermission: Comparison with Other Prompt Probes

q: fast color triplet

g: fast color octet

Q: slow color triplet

QQbar: slow color singlet/octet

Virtual photon: colorless

Real photon: colorless

Unknown Medium

Inducedgluon radiation?




A general way to classify QCD probes is by speed and color multiplet; different combinations give rise to different classes of high-Q2 observables:

(P. Stankus)

Page 56: J/ y  as a signal of deconfinement


• Compare and contrast J/ vs. jets– Initial jet production well understood (pQCD vs

data)– Cold nuclear matter effects for jets give RpA > 1

(opposite of signal, easy to disentangle; also have

direct photons as add’l control.)

Not true for J/’s unfortunately..

Why is it hard to draw conclusions from the observed J/ RAA ?

Page 57: J/ y  as a signal of deconfinement


Jets: AuAu vs. dAu (PHENIX)

Au + Au Experiment d + Au Control Experiment

Preliminary DataFinal Data

Phys. Rev. Lett. 91, 072303 (2003).

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Comparison of leading 0 spectrum (PHENIX) to pQCD

Phys. Rev. Lett. 91, 241803 (2003).

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Jets Strongly Suppressed at RHIC!

• Photons are not suppressed initial state production *does* scale with Nbinary.

[ From magnitude of jet suppression we are able to quantify the gluon density and this is viewed as one of the cornerstones of the arguments that we have created an sQGP at RHIC. ]

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• Other aspects of “rich” J/ physics…– Thermal charm enhancement – not– Charm quark energy loss– Recombination

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Total Charm Production Scales w/Nbinary

PPG035Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 082301 (2005).

• It had been suggested that, in addition to being produced in initial hard-scattering events, charm quarks in RHIC collisions could also be produced via collisions of thermal partons due to the extreme temperatures that would be reached.

• PHENIX data shows that this is apparently not significant.

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But, Charm Quarks Lose Energy in the Medium Created at RHIC

PPG056Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 032301 (2006).