j qygn ng bulletin - university of hawaiʻi...qpass linen ' is muoh superior to silk in appearance...

J ) k JWvf.f--''in,ff?tS,,'- ' -- ' .'TOTPff yW F" '? ,i -- w j ,i,a .. . ViVW y 0ooeMmoo5 ' ! Zfos tldvertisingjvledjihn. 77.,. DW-.- .? 'O.irr., If you Don't Read the Bulletin QYGN NG BULLETIN Evening Paper Published you Don't Get ALL the News. o ? Hawaiian Islands. It Reaches ALL the Teople. Subscription y$c. a month. MHOMtMCO0tMM0MM00 mmmommimomi limine a Vol. III. No. 577. HONOLULU, H. I., TUESDAY, APRIL 6, 1897. Price 5 Cknts, THE EVENING BULLETIN. Published ovory day except Sunday At 210 King Street, Honolulu, II. I. BUIMCniPTION ItATKS. Per Month, anywhere In thu Iln- - waiian Islands 3 76 Per Year. 8 00 Por Year, postpaid to America, Canada, or Mexico 10 (X) Per Year, postpaid, other Foreign Countries 13 00 I'ayablo Iuvnrlnblr lu Advance Tolophono 250. P. O. Dox 89. B. L. FINNEY, Manager. Weata.il laii!y IMPOVERISHED ' Read what Ayor's Sarsaparilla did ,for tho ltov. Z. P. Wilds, a woll. known city missionary in 2few York and brother of tho lato eminent Judgo Wilds: "I was for many years a sufferer from boils and other eruptions of a liko nature, caused by tho impover- ished state of my blood. My appe-tit-o was poor and my system a good deal run down. Knowing tho valuo of Ayr's Sarsaparilla, by observa- tion of tho good it had done to others, I began taking it. My Appetite Improved almo.-- t from tho first doso ; then my general health improved, and now it is excellent. I feel a hundred por cent, stronger, and I attribute this roault to Ayer's Sarsaparilla, which I recommend villi all confldenco as tho best blood medicino over devised." For all disorders resulting from poor or corrupted blood and general debility, take AYER'S Sarsaparilla AYER'S PILLS CURE BILIOUSNESS? Hollister Drug Co., Ltd. Bole Agents for tho Itepnblio of Hawaii. Grass linens Wo have jupt received a line of GRASS LINENS ofEX-TREMBL- Y FINE QUAL ITY and are safe in Haying they are the finest over im- ported here. A NICE Qpass Linen ' is muoh superior to silk in appearance and there in no c unpariHon whatever in the wear. We have thorn in White and Colors 401J Tort Street. Jeweler arid Vatcrim&Ke gjgr Having bought out the entire stock of J" E. Gomes lam prepired to furnlhh First-clas- s Jewelry at rea- sonable prices. Walcliaiiig and Repalrlna a Specialty. W&T Native Work of all kinds. Also Wire Ornaments. FRANCIS DUNN, -- Architect and Superintendent IB, Office: 305 Fort street, Sprockels' Block, Room 5. IN THE HIGHER COURTS 31 All AMU TltOVNSnWN 1'OIITION I'KO.M I.ANI HXt.V. Ciiiiriliiiii.lilp or Allrcoit Nprtnlthrlll. .lIurtciiKe AtlHckvd lor Krnuil liilPlliit; ofTltlo. RobinBon vs. Robinson is be- fore Judge Perry this afternoon mu motion to sot caiiBofor hearing km its merits. Exceptions of plaintiff, in Weedon vs. WatorhouBO, to Judge Porry's inling on defendant's motion to tax costs have beon Cled. Lniza da Gloria Marcallino, rs guardian of hor minor children, has, filed n bond of $1000 with Judgo Perry as surety. Judge Carter has signed a de- cree confirming tho salo of real proporty made by J. F. ?Jorgan for tho executors of tho estato of tho late Dr. Trousseau, and order- ing the said oxecntors, Bruoo Cartwright and H. E. Molntyro, to pay to Rladamo Trousseau tho fum of $1303.12. being no sixth of tho Bum. of 48178 75, tho net proccodrj realized for Baid real proporty. Glaus Spreekels & Co. and Cecil'lirown, administrator of the estato of Walter M. Gibson, de- ceased, have brought a bill to forecloso u mortgage ngainst Kia Nahaolelua- - and Elizabeth K. Nahaolelua. Resides the princi- pal of $1000 in a uote secured by tho mortgage, interest of $395.83 is claimed to tho 31st day of March, 1897. Tho lands under raortgagb are shunted at Lahaina. James W. Lloyd, assignee iu bankruptcy of 8iu Moi Keo alias Ly Sin Moy.bas brought proceed- ings in equity against Sing Tai Kee Comp.iuy, an unregistered Chinese copartnership, to declaro void a raortgugo made by the bankrupt to tho defendant compa- ny "for the purpose of securing the repayment of a pretondod sum ot tweuty two hundred dollars." James It. Holt Jr., as temporary guardian of the persons and pro- perties of John D Holt and Jus. It. Holt, Hpondthrifts, has filed a bond of $500 with A. Rosa as curety. The petition for guardi an-hi- p is signed by Junius It. Holt Jr. and R. V. Holt, paternal nephews of the alleged spend- thrifts, who are summoned to show cause on the 21st inst. why the letters of guaidiatiBhip should uot he made permanent lu the action to quiet title of 11. Keknlukulu et al. vs. O. 13. Mailo et hI., astipulation has been filed by W. A. Kinney aud A. G. M. Robertson, attorneys for (he iepeutivt parties, to the effect that plaintiffs will hold defend ants harmless imamst any claim for back rout collected of Ah In, aud defendants iu turn will with-diu- their appeal una the deci- sion rendered by Judjje Perry and roimont that judgment thereon bo entered forthwith. Judgment is enteied accordingly. The land in question is situated at Waialua. -- Minify Iimiliiiif xiirillllmi, i By tho Mariposa due on Thurs- day will leave Messrs. Cowart and Rirkpatrick, founders of tho local Hagey Institute, with their fami- lies, J. B. Daniels and family aud L. 0. Abies. The gentlomou of this party will oudeavor to found institutes for practising the Ilagey ouro for iiiebriety, elo., in Now Zealand, Australia and South Africa. Tho expedition is accom- panied by the good wishes of this community. Cannot lie itlityornnd Governor. Lansing, Mich., March 19 Tho Supremo Court of Michigan de- cided today that tho office of Mayor of Detroit became vacant whon Hnzen S. Pingreo took tho oath of ofiico as Governor of Michigan on January 1. A new election must be held to elect a now Mayor for Detioit. faa&iJiiL. jutJtkrtdAAtiu .ism. w ar.jA m NATIONAL (IIIAUU TROPHY. Corrcinndncr on the Prenriitntlon by Co ii an I Wilder. Tho following correspondence, says tho Call, oxpltuus in official terms the tonder and nccoptauceof tho beautiful trophy won by tho National Guardsmen from tho Hawaiian team of marksmon: Hawaiian Consulate General, San Francisco, March 18, 1897. Lioutenant Colono) Victor D. Duboce, commnndliig First Rupi-me- ut Infantry, N.G.C. San Fmn-cisc- Cal. Sir: On bohnlf of tho National GUord of Hawaii, I have tho honor ta. inclose here- with an ardor on 'Mnnnrn. RIitava & Co. for the trophy cup which was won by your command in tho international shooting contost with Hawaii. Trusting lhal thih token will help commemorato tho pleasant memories of nn interesting event and that it will servo to stimulate tho fiiendly rivalry now existing between tho members of the guards of both countries, I havo the honor to bo, sir, your most obediont servant, Chas. T. Wildkh. Headquarters PntHT Regiment Infantry, N. G. C. San JiV.ANCibUo, March 19, 1897. J Hon. Charles T. Wilder, Hawai- ian Consul-Gene- ral Dear Sir; On bohalf of the First Regimeut Infantry, N. G. 0., I havo tho honor to acknowledge the receipt of the very handsome trophy cup, which, on behalf of the First Re- giment of Hawaii, ynu have pre- sented, and assuro you that tho same will be ever, treasured for tho pleasant momories aBsociuted with a friendly contest, which has attracted more than ordinary interest as nn international event and adding a link in the chain of bouds between Hawaii and our country. 1 further dosiro to oxpress to you personally our appreciation for your courteous efforts and in terest in tho affair. Kindly convoy ourcomplimouts to tho ollicors of the First Regi- ment, National Guard of Hawaii. Very respectfully, your obediont servant, Victor D. Duuoce, Lieutouant Colonel Commanding. NIIIMIZO AND UAI.I.Afillr.K Judgo do lu Vvrcno Tikn llielr Cusn Under ndvUrinonl. In the District Court this morn- ing Judge do la Verguo took up tho c'asps of Shimizu and Galla- gher charged with violating tho Alien Act. J. A. Magoon appcar-- e 1 for tho prosecution and W. A. Kinney and A. G. M. Ilobortson for tho dofonse. For tho prosecution George Stratemeyer, Chester Doyle, Wray Taylor, J. B. Castle aud othors testified to the arrival of co1 tain immigrants on theShiushiu-mar- u anil the conueotiott of tho defen- dants f with their importation through tho Kobo Immigration Compauy. It was agreed that tho testimony taken; in the Shimiu case could ho used against Gal-lagho- r. lu tho lattor's cmo tho prosecution mtioduced a copy of tho Hawaiian Commercial Journal containing an miveitisemeiit of Gallagher's appointment as agent of tho Kobe Immigration Com- pany as evidence of such agency. For tho defense Gallagher tes- tified in his own bohalf and in- troduced a copy of a lottor writton by hira to tho Minister of Foreign Affairs together with ono of tho contracts on which the immi grants enmo. It was olaimod by counsel for tho defeuso that these contracts wore not such as those provided for iu the Alien Act and consequently there was no viola- tion of tho statuto. Judgo Ma-goo- n on tho other baud claimed that tho wording of tho contract made no difference At the conclusion of tho argu- ments tho Court took tho case under advisement until tomorrow morning. - vjfrWfl afoyfrff ' Jrsi'' ANNUAL MEETING HELD 1UONU MK.VS OIIHISTIAN ANNO. 1'IA'IION Kl.l't'rs OI'I'ICMIN. Trrnmtrcr Jntir.'n Aitoiml Miilrnipnl of HpeclnlN mid nMinriritieiii Itciiorlt ol Viirioii Committer. A large proportion of tho mem-bo- ra of tho Honolulu Young Men's Christian Association assembled at thoir hall last evening to hear tho reports of tho officors and committees for the year and olect new officers. Secretary Coleman roported that handball courts woro being added lu thu g muaoiuui, which would increaBo the interest in that department. Sinco his ar- rival tho gymnasium classes had boon reprgauized aud tho atten- dance was now on' tho increase. Tho following financial stato meut of E. A. Jones, tho treasurer, was read: RE0EI1T8. Balance, nn per state- ment S 0 013 Received from pledges r.ed do!i'itioo . . . 2.fiC2 00 Iteceivod from member- ship dues 737 50 Received from rent of hall and room 323 00 Received from salo of old books 48 85 Received from locker (liiex 17 00 Received from collec- tions 10 25 Total 452,713 55 EXPENDITURES. Salaries $1,819 75 Electric light.......... 588 C4 Papers and periodicals for reading room 221 20 Printing and advertising . 180 55 H. E. Coleman's travel- ing expenses 150 00 Furnishings 1GG 03 Entertainments 110 70 Now Yoar outortoin- - ments 25 70 Ico.bills 80 75 Stationery Gl 84 Gymnasium 83 00 Books and pnmphlots... 58 85 Sundries 41 00 Water rates 2G 25 Organ playing at jail.. . 24 00 Telephone 22 50 Poalngo i . .' 21 89 Ropairs 2' i 32 Total 3,702 97 Balauco cash on hand.. 10 58 a. J. .uowroy was olecloU a mombor of the Board of Trustees to fill tho vacancy caused by tho resignation of C. M. Cooko. Tho following ollicors woro olectod for tho year next ousuiug: President A. B. Wood. Vice President W. It. CaBtlo. Treasurer Willard E. Brown. Rocording Secrotary W. A. Lovo. Directors Olivo Davies and Philip II. Dodgo I'nr Unit. A cottage, stables nnd sorvnnt's quarters, situate on Wildor avenue. Largo grounds well laid out and plauted with fruit aud ornamoutal treos; ono full set of furniture and cooking stove can remain in tho houso if wanted. Apply to A. V. Gear, 210 King street. Killed by aI'ltEilmiiinus" Illonr. Philadelphia Pa., March 19. Edward Gibbous and Jack Perry, amateurs, sparred tonight at the Banner Club. Perry tried tho Fitzsimraons blow and landed over Gibbons' hoart The latter collapsod uud, died in half an hour.' Now suitings and pants patterns nro arriving by every mail steam-- or for L. Ho sells a singlo yard at wholosalo prices. japa.vn sew :rjiuii;xcv. Gold .Htnndnrd at Ono t Tlilrty-t- o and OncThlril Adopted. A Japan paper says tho now currency measure of that country contains twonty articles of which tho following nro tho principal: 1. The standard of exchancro should bo gold; silver, nickpl, aud copper pieces being employed as subsidiary coins. 2. Tho staudard gold coins shall bo 900 fine; subsidiary coins, 800. 3. Tho ratio botwoon gold nud silver shall bo 1 to '61. 4. Tho present one-y- en gold coin shall bo equivalent to two silver yen. 5. Tho gold coins shall bo of tho denominations of five yen, ten yen aud twenty yen. G. The silvor subsidiary coins shall bo of tho denominations of fifty sou, twonty-fiv- o son, and ton sen; tho nickol subsidiary coins shall bo of the denomination of five sen; and tho copper subsidi- ary coins Bhtill bo ot tho denomi- nations of one sen, ton son, nnd five riu. 7. The present ono yon silvor coins shall bo oxohauged for the now gold coins as soon as the la't-te- r are 'struck. It shall bo com oeteiit for tho Minister of Stato for Fiuanco to fix a limit of timo for tl? circulation of th'o present one-ye- n silver coins. 8 The now convertible notes shall bo of tho denomination of five yen and upwards. The old convertible notes shall circulate as before, but tho3o of smaller de nominations than five yon shall bo exchangeable against subsidi- ary coins. 9. Tho same system of curren- cy Blmll bo introduced in For-inb- sa us in Japan proper. 10. This law shall go into operation from tho first day of tho Kith month of tho 30th yoar of Moiji Oct. 1, 18971. flHttXE Ann TIIR OHKEKN. Timely IararmntloH on the Conntry to Which All Kyea nre Illrretnl. Greece has a population of 2,187,203. No part of Greoce is forty miles from tho. sea. Greece iB a littlo largor than ono half of Pennsylvania. Hellas is tho unmo by which tho Grcoks call their country. Tho roval palaco of AthotiB, built by Kiug Otto, cost $2,500, 000. Grooco has a longer coast Hue than that of Spain nud Portugal together. About ono half of tho popula- tion of Greoce aro shepherds and agriculturists. Tho present King of Grooco. George I, camo to tho thrnno in 18G3 at tho ago of 17. The Greek Hag ia a whito cross on a blue k round tho Ilavarian colors nnd tho Greok cross. Kinc Goorco of Groeco is a brothor of the Princess of Wales and of the raothor of tho Czar of Russia. Tho standing army of Greece consists of 10,230 infantry, 3120 cavalry, 3182 artillory, 1030 eu giueors and 3100 ollicors. Tho legislative power of Greoce iB vested in a singlo body, called the Boulo. Tho members nro elected by tho people overy four yenrs. The, prosont boundary limits of Grooco woro determined by nn arratigomont by Groat Britaiu, France, Russia nnd Turkoy July 21, 1832J Com prawned Air .TIolor. Somo rocout tosts mado with compressod air cars on one of tho street railway linos in Now York showed that when running at tho rate of twonty miles an hour tho car could be stopped without a jar within littlo mora thnn its own longth. It was also shown tho cars could run tou miles with but ono chargo of air. It is possible, thorcforo, that tho ago of eloo-trio- ity may somo day give way to tho ago of comprosBod air. Tho Call. v INAUGURATION CUSTOMS cimioiJ.N .iii.vrum: oi' oi:iikmox AMU SIMPLICITY. V I'nrnmlnrtnlilp PimIHoii of tint llellr- - line Prealdrnt l:xcinllllo4 hI ,1'UIiiIo' Inaiimtrnflou. Our inauguration customs aro a singular mixturo of tho cere- monial of royalty aud tho simpli- city of American democracy, writes tho Washington corres- pondent of tho New York Even- ing Post. Tho . calls, just one hour apart, which tho Presi- dent and President elect ex- change aro very ceremoni- ous. Each is as busy as he can be, and it is no small hardship to comply with thiu bit of etiquette. Tins year, President Cleveland, to add to his discomfort, hnd a lame foot, nnd it was with con- siderable difficulty that ho could get about; and his desk was piling uigu wnn logisiuuvo measures demanding his consideration in the lust crowded hours of tho ex-pui- Congress. Aud yet this ceremonial was carried out in duo form aud with the usual show of interest. On each of tho calls, that of Mr. McKiuloy at tho Whito House and of Mr. Cleve- land at the Ebbilt House, the weather is said to have been the only topic broached iu convorsa-tioi- ij On inauguration day tho in- coming President is for tho first part of tho time tho guest of his predecessor, and for the rest of tho day his entertainer. Tho two men aro vory close together from the timo thoy start for tho capital' in tho morning till tho new Pre- sident gets through the long ride, up tho avenue to hin place on the, reviewing stand, and then the old President Blips away to tho nearest railway station or river landing and is hurried out of town. While tho relations between tho two Presidents nro thus so closo, tho custom that h'as grown up in re- gard to the inaugural address seems rather harsh nnd uncivil. In that address the now Presi- dent, for nil practical purposes, tells tho peoplo what tremendous mistakes have beon made by tho preceding administration, nud tho heroic measures which ho pro- poses to adopt for thoir relief. This is no more true of Mr. Mo-Kinl- oy's inaugural address tho other day, than of the addresses of Mr. Glovoluud four and twelve years ago, and of Gou. Harrison eight years ago. It is au tuovita-b- lo result, of tho system of treat- ing public topics in nn inaugural address. Tho spectators, in thoir boistor-ousne-ss, point out plainly tho in- civility of this custom. Yesto- r- day, for mstanco, when Presidont McKiuloy refer rod to the nood of bettor immigration laws in order that we might havo n safer aud highor citizenship, some heavy-voic- ed enthusiast iu tho waiting crowd, who had in mind Presi- dont Cleveland's rocent immigra- tion veto, shouted lnstily:-"Tl.rt- t's one on you, Grovorl"This romark was only n samplo of many which camo to tho ears of tho diguitarioa on the platfocm us tho inaugural address was going on. Tho crowd was so donso that tho policemen could hardly bo responsible for those lapses of order, aud so a personal application to tho retir- ing Chief Executive was mado to most of the significant uttorancos of President McKinloy's address. At tho reforonco to tho need of gonorous pension legislation, for example, several cries annouueed that thoro would bo no more,-- ' vetoes, and ono stripling shouted: "What do you say to that, Grovor ?" And on another occa- sion theso words rang upon tho air: "Givo it to him, MoKinley ! That's what wo oloctod you for." " t Nicely furnished rooms at tho Popular Houso, 151 Fort stroot, from $1.00 per wook up. a rs r" ra M ,ft tekM Ml 'M '- - ',-'- . "; 1

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    JWvf.f--''in,ff?tS,,'- ' --' .'TOTPff yW F"'? ,i

    -- w j,i,a

    .. .ViVW y0ooeMmoo5 '! Zfos tldvertisingjvledjihn. 77.,. DW-.- .? 'O.irr.,

    Ifyou Don't Read the Bulletin QYGN NG BULLETIN Evening Paper Publishedyou Don't Get ALL the News. o ? Hawaiian Islands.It Reaches ALL the Teople. Subscription y$c. a month.

    MHOMtMCO0tMM0MM00 mmmommimomi limine a

    Vol. III. No. 577. HONOLULU, H. I., TUESDAY, APRIL 6, 1897. Price 5 Cknts,


    Published ovory day except Sunday At210 King Street, Honolulu, II. I.

    BUIMCniPTION ItATKS.Per Month, anywhere In thu Iln- -

    waiian Islands 3 76Per Year. 8 00Por Year, postpaid to America,

    Canada, or Mexico 10 (X)Per Year, postpaid, other Foreign

    Countries 13 00I'ayablo Iuvnrlnblr lu Advance

    Tolophono 250. P. O. Dox 89.

    B. L. FINNEY, Manager.

    Weata.il laii!yIMPOVERISHED

    ' Read what Ayor's Sarsaparilla did,for tho ltov. Z. P. Wilds, a woll.known city missionary in 2few Yorkand brother of tho lato eminentJudgo Wilds:

    "I was for many years a suffererfrom boils and other eruptions of aliko nature, caused by tho impover-ished state of my blood. My appe-tit-o

    was poor and my system a gooddeal run down. Knowing tho valuoof Ayr's Sarsaparilla, by observa-tion of tho good it had done to others,I began taking it. My

    Appetite Improvedalmo.-- t from tho first doso ; then mygeneral health improved, and now itis excellent. I feel a hundred porcent, stronger, and I attribute thisroault to Ayer's Sarsaparilla, whichI recommend villi all confldenco astho best blood medicino overdevised."

    For all disorders resulting frompoor or corrupted blood and generaldebility, take


    Hollister Drug Co., Ltd.Bole Agents for tho Itepnblio of Hawaii.

    Grass linensWo have jupt received a lineof GRASS LINENS ofEX-TREMBL- Y

    FINE QUALITY and are safe in Hayingthey are the finest over im-ported here.

    A NICEQpass Linen

    ' is muoh superior to silk inappearance and there in noc unpariHon whatever in thewear. We have thorn in

    White and Colors

    401J Tort Street.

    Jeweler arid Vatcrim&Ke

    gjgr Having bought out the entirestock of J" E. Gomes lam prepiredto furnlhh First-clas- s Jewelry at rea-sonable prices.

    Walcliaiiig and Repalrlna a Specialty.

    W&T Native Work of all kinds. AlsoWire Ornaments.


    Architect and Superintendent

    IB, Office: 305 Fort street,Sprockels' Block, Room 5.



    Ciiiiriliiiii.lilp or Allrcoit Nprtnlthrlll..lIurtciiKe AtlHckvd lor Krnuil

    liilPlliit; ofTltlo.

    RobinBon vs. Robinson is be-fore Judge Perry this afternoonmu motion to sot caiiBofor hearingkm its merits.

    Exceptions of plaintiff, inWeedon vs. WatorhouBO, to JudgePorry's inling on defendant'smotion to tax costs have beonCled.

    Lniza da Gloria Marcallino, rsguardian of hor minor children,has, filed n bond of $1000 withJudgo Perry as surety.

    Judge Carter has signed a de-cree confirming tho salo of realproporty made by J. F. ?Jorganfor tho executors of tho estato oftho late Dr. Trousseau, and order-ing the said oxecntors, BruooCartwright and H. E. Molntyro,to pay to Rladamo Trousseau thofum of $1303.12. being no sixthof tho Bum. of 48178 75, tho netproccodrj realized for Baid realproporty.

    Glaus Spreekels & Co. andCecil'lirown, administrator of theestato of Walter M. Gibson, de-ceased, have brought a bill toforecloso u mortgage ngainst KiaNahaolelua- - and Elizabeth K.Nahaolelua. Resides the princi-pal of $1000 in a uote secured bytho mortgage, interest of $395.83is claimed to tho 31st day ofMarch, 1897. Tho lands underraortgagb are shunted at Lahaina.

    James W. Lloyd, assignee iubankruptcy of 8iu Moi Keo aliasLy Sin Moy.bas brought proceed-ings in equity against Sing TaiKee Comp.iuy, an unregisteredChinese copartnership, to declarovoid a raortgugo made by thebankrupt to tho defendant compa-ny "for the purpose of securingthe repayment of a pretondod sumot tweuty two hundred dollars."

    James It. Holt Jr., as temporaryguardian of the persons and pro-perties of John D Holt and Jus.It. Holt, Hpondthrifts, has filed abond of $500 with A. Rosa ascurety. The petition for guardian-hi- p is signed by Junius It.Holt Jr. and R. V. Holt, paternalnephews of the alleged spend-thrifts, who are summonedto show cause on the 21st inst.why the letters of guaidiatiBhipshould uot he made permanent

    lu the action to quiet title of11. Keknlukulu et al. vs. O. 13.Mailo et hI., astipulation has beenfiled by W. A. Kinney aud A. G.M. Robertson, attorneys for (heiepeutivt parties, to the effectthat plaintiffs will hold defendants harmless imamst any claimfor back rout collected of Ah In,aud defendants iu turn will with-diu-

    their appeal una the deci-sion rendered by Judjje Perry androimont that judgment thereon boentered forthwith. Judgment isenteied accordingly. The land inquestion is situated at Waialua.

    - -

    Minify Iimiliiiif xiirillllmi,i

    By tho Mariposa due on Thurs-day will leave Messrs. Cowart andRirkpatrick, founders of tho localHagey Institute, with their fami-lies, J. B. Daniels and family audL. 0. Abies. The gentlomou ofthis party will oudeavor to foundinstitutes for practising the Ilageyouro for iiiebriety, elo., in NowZealand, Australia and SouthAfrica. Tho expedition is accom-panied by the good wishes of thiscommunity.

    Cannot lie itlityornnd Governor.Lansing, Mich., March 19 Tho

    Supremo Court of Michigan de-cided today that tho office ofMayor of Detroit became vacantwhon Hnzen S. Pingreo took thooath of ofiico as Governor ofMichigan on January 1. A newelection must be held to elect anow Mayor for Detioit.

    faa&iJiiL. jutJtkrtdAAtiu .ism. w ar.jA m


    Corrcinndncr on the Prenriitntlonby Co ii an I Wilder.

    Tho following correspondence,says tho Call, oxpltuus in officialterms the tonder and nccoptauceoftho beautiful trophy won by thoNational Guardsmen from thoHawaiian team of marksmon:Hawaiian Consulate General,

    San Francisco, March 18, 1897.Lioutenant Colono) Victor D.

    Duboce, commnndliig First Rupi-me- utInfantry, N.G.C. San Fmn-cisc-

    Cal. Sir: On bohnlf oftho National GUord of Hawaii, Ihave tho honor ta. inclose here-with an ardor on 'Mnnnrn. RIitava& Co. for the trophy cup whichwas won by your command in thointernational shooting contost withHawaii.

    Trusting lhal thih token willhelp commemorato tho pleasantmemories of nn interesting eventand that it will servo to stimulatetho fiiendly rivalry now existingbetween tho members of theguards of both countries, I havothe honor to bo, sir, your mostobediont servant,

    Chas. T. Wildkh.

    HeadquartersPntHT Regiment Infantry,

    N. G. C.San JiV.ANCibUo, March 19, 1897. J

    Hon. Charles T. Wilder, Hawai-ian Consul-Gene- ral Dear Sir;On bohalf of the First RegimeutInfantry, N. G. 0., I havo thohonor to acknowledge the receiptof the very handsome trophy cup,which, on behalf of the First Re-giment of Hawaii, ynu have pre-sented, and assuro you that thosame will be ever, treasured fortho pleasant momories aBsociutedwith a friendly contest, whichhas attracted more than ordinaryinterest as nn international eventand adding a link in the chain ofbouds between Hawaii and ourcountry.

    1 further dosiro to oxpress toyou personally our appreciationfor your courteous efforts and interest in tho affair.

    Kindly convoy ourcomplimoutsto tho ollicors of the First Regi-ment, National Guard of Hawaii.Very respectfully, your obediontservant, Victor D. Duuoce,Lieutouant Colonel Commanding.


    Judgo do lu Vvrcno Tikn llielr CusnUnder ndvUrinonl.

    In the District Court this morn-ing Judge do la Verguo took uptho c'asps of Shimizu and Galla-gher charged with violating thoAlien Act. J. A. Magoon appcar-- e

    1 for tho prosecution and W. A.Kinney and A. G. M. Ilobortsonfor tho dofonse.

    For tho prosecution GeorgeStratemeyer, Chester Doyle, WrayTaylor, J. B. Castle aud othorstestified to the arrival of co1 tainimmigrants on theShiushiu-mar- uanil the conueotiott of tho defen-dants f with their importationthrough tho Kobo ImmigrationCompauy. It was agreed that thotestimony taken; in the Shimiucase could ho used against Gal-lagho- r.

    lu tho lattor's cmo thoprosecution mtioduced a copy oftho Hawaiian Commercial Journalcontaining an miveitisemeiit ofGallagher's appointment as agentof tho Kobe Immigration Com-pany as evidence of such agency.

    For tho defense Gallagher tes-tified in his own bohalf and in-troduced a copy of a lottor writtonby hira to tho Minister of ForeignAffairs together with ono of thocontracts on which the immigrants enmo. It was olaimod bycounsel for tho defeuso that thesecontracts wore not such as thoseprovided for iu the Alien Act andconsequently there was no viola-tion of tho statuto. Judgo Ma-goo- n

    on tho other baud claimedthat tho wording of tho contractmade no difference

    At the conclusion of tho argu-ments tho Court took tho caseunder advisement until tomorrowmorning.


    vjfrWfl afoyfrff ' Jrsi''



    Trrnmtrcr Jntir.'n Aitoiml Miilrnipnlof HpeclnlN mid nMinriritieiii

    Itciiorlt ol Viirioii Committer.

    A large proportion of tho mem-bo- raof tho Honolulu Young Men's

    Christian Association assembledat thoir hall last evening to heartho reports of tho officors andcommittees for the year and olectnew officers.

    Secretary Coleman roportedthat handball courts woro beingadded lu thu g muaoiuui, whichwould increaBo the interest inthat department. Sinco his ar-rival tho gymnasium classes hadboon reprgauized aud tho atten-dance was now on' tho increase.

    Tho following financial statomeut of E. A. Jones, tho treasurer,was read:


    Balance, nn per state-ment S 0 013

    Received from pledgesr.ed do!i'itioo . . . 2.fiC2 00

    Iteceivod from member-ship dues 737 50

    Received from rent ofhall and room 323 00

    Received from salo ofold books 48 85

    Received from locker(liiex 17 00

    Received from collec-tions 10 25

    Total 452,713 55


    Salaries $1,819 75Electric light.......... 588 C4Papers and periodicals

    for reading room 221 20Printing and advertising . 180 55H. E. Coleman's travel-

    ing expenses 150 00Furnishings 1GG 03Entertainments 110 70Now Yoar outortoin- -

    ments 25 70Ico.bills 80 75Stationery Gl 84Gymnasium 83 00Books and pnmphlots... 58 85Sundries 41 00Water rates 2G 25Organ playing at jail.. . 24 00Telephone 22 50Poalngo i . .' 21 89Ropairs 2' i 32

    Total 3,702 97

    Balauco cash on hand.. 10 58

    a. J. .uowroy was olecloU amombor of the Board of Trusteesto fill tho vacancy caused by thoresignation of C. M. Cooko.

    Tho following ollicors woroolectod for tho year next ousuiug:

    President A. B. Wood.Vice President W. It. CaBtlo.Treasurer Willard E. Brown.Rocording Secrotary W. A.

    Lovo.Directors Olivo Davies and

    Philip II. Dodgo

    I'nr Unit.A cottage, stables

    nnd sorvnnt's quarters, situate onWildor avenue. Largo groundswell laid out and plauted withfruit aud ornamoutal treos; onofull set of furniture and cookingstove can remain in tho houso ifwanted. Apply to A. V. Gear,210 King street.

    Killed by aI'ltEilmiiinus" Illonr.Philadelphia Pa., March 19.

    Edward Gibbous and Jack Perry,amateurs, sparred tonight at theBanner Club. Perry tried thoFitzsimraons blow and landedover Gibbons' hoart The lattercollapsod uud, died in half anhour.'

    Now suitings and pants patternsnro arriving by every mail steam-- or

    for L. Ho sells a singloyard at wholosalo prices.

    japa.vn sew :rjiuii;xcv.

    Gold .Htnndnrd at Ono t Tlilrty-t- oand OncThlril Adopted.

    A Japan paper says tho nowcurrency measure of that countrycontains twonty articles of whichtho following nro tho principal:

    1. The standard of exchancroshould bo gold; silver, nickpl, audcopper pieces being employed assubsidiary coins.

    2. Tho staudard gold coinsshall bo 900 fine; subsidiary coins,800.

    3. Tho ratio botwoon gold nudsilver shall bo 1 to '61.

    4. Tho present one-y- en goldcoin shall bo equivalent to twosilver yen.

    5. Tho gold coins shall bo oftho denominations of five yen, tenyen aud twenty yen.

    G. The silvor subsidiary coinsshall bo of tho denominations offifty sou, twonty-fiv- o son, and tonsen; tho nickol subsidiary coinsshall bo of the denomination offive sen; and tho copper subsidi-ary coins Bhtill bo ot tho denomi-nations of one sen, ton son, nndfive riu.

    7. The present ono yon silvorcoins shall bo oxohauged for thenow gold coins as soon as the la't-te- r

    are 'struck. It shall bo comoeteiit for tho Minister of Statofor Fiuanco to fix a limit of timofor tl? circulation of th'o presentone-ye- n silver coins.

    8 The now convertible notesshall bo of tho denomination offive yen and upwards. The oldconvertible notes shall circulateas before, but tho3o of smaller denominations than five yon shallbo exchangeable against subsidi-ary coins.

    9. Tho same system of curren-cy Blmll bo introduced in For-inb- sa

    us in Japan proper.10. This law shall go into

    operation from tho first day oftho Kith month of tho 30th yoarof Moiji Oct. 1, 18971.

    flHttXE Ann TIIR OHKEKN.

    Timely IararmntloH on the Conntryto Which All Kyea nre Illrretnl.Greece has a population of

    2,187,203.No part of Greoce is forty miles

    from tho. sea.Greece iB a littlo largor than

    ono half of Pennsylvania.Hellas is tho unmo by which

    tho Grcoks call their country.Tho roval palaco of AthotiB,

    built by Kiug Otto, cost $2,500,000.

    Grooco has a longer coast Huethan that of Spain nud Portugaltogether.

    About ono half of tho popula-tion of Greoce aro shepherds andagriculturists.

    Tho present King of Grooco.George I, camo to tho thrnno in18G3 at tho ago of 17.

    The Greek Hag ia a whito crosson a blue k round tho Ilavariancolors nnd tho Greok cross.

    Kinc Goorco of Groeco is abrothor of the Princess of Walesand of the raothor of tho Czar ofRussia.

    Tho standing army of Greececonsists of 10,230 infantry, 3120cavalry, 3182 artillory, 1030 eugiueors and 3100 ollicors.

    Tho legislative power of GreoceiB vested in a singlo body, calledthe Boulo. Tho members nroelected by tho people overy fouryenrs.

    The, prosont boundary limits ofGrooco woro determined by nnarratigomont by Groat Britaiu,France, Russia nnd Turkoy July21, 1832J

    Com prawned Air .TIolor.Somo rocout tosts mado with

    compressod air cars on one of thostreet railway linos in Now Yorkshowed that when running at thorate of twonty miles an hour thocar could be stopped without a jarwithin littlo mora thnn its ownlongth. It was also shown thocars could run tou miles with butono chargo of air. It is possible,thorcforo, that tho ago of eloo-trio- ity

    may somo day give way totho ago of comprosBod air. ThoCall. v


    cimioiJ.N .iii.vrum: oi' oi:iikmoxAMU SIMPLICITY.


    I'nrnmlnrtnlilp PimIHoii of tint llellr- -line Prealdrnt l:xcinllllo4 hI

    ,1'UIiiIo' Inaiimtrnflou.

    Our inauguration customs aroa singular mixturo of tho cere-monial of royalty aud tho simpli-city of American democracy,writes tho Washington corres-pondent of tho New York Even-ing Post. Tho . calls, just onehour apart, which tho Presi-dent and President elect ex-change aro very ceremoni-ous. Each is as busy as he canbe, and it is no small hardship tocomply with thiu bit of etiquette.Tins year, President Cleveland,to add to his discomfort, hnd alame foot, nnd it was with con-siderable difficulty that ho couldget about; and his desk was pilinguigu wnn logisiuuvo measuresdemanding his consideration inthe lust crowded hours of tho ex-pui-

    Congress. Aud yet thisceremonial was carried out in duoform aud with the usual show ofinterest. On each of tho calls,that of Mr. McKiuloy at thoWhito House and of Mr. Cleve-land at the Ebbilt House, theweather is said to have been theonly topic broached iu convorsa-tioi- ij

    On inauguration day tho in-coming President is for tho firstpart of tho time tho guest of hispredecessor, and for the rest oftho day his entertainer. Tho twomen aro vory close together fromthe timo thoy start for tho capital'in tho morning till tho new Pre-sident gets through the long ride,up tho avenue to hin place on the,reviewing stand, and then the oldPresident Blips away to tho nearestrailway station or river landingand is hurried out of town. Whiletho relations between tho twoPresidents nro thus so closo, thocustom that h'as grown up in re-gard to the inaugural addressseems rather harsh nnd uncivil.In that address the now Presi-dent, for nil practical purposes,tells tho peoplo what tremendousmistakes have beon made by thopreceding administration, nud thoheroic measures which ho pro-poses to adopt for thoir relief.This is no more true of Mr. Mo-Kinl- oy's

    inaugural address thoother day, than of the addresses ofMr. Glovoluud four and twelveyears ago, and of Gou. Harrisoneight years ago. It is au tuovita-b- lo

    result, of tho system of treat-ing public topics in nn inauguraladdress.

    Tho spectators, in thoir boistor-ousne-ss,point out plainly tho in-

    civility of this custom. Yesto- r-day, for mstanco, when PresidontMcKiuloy refer rod to the nood ofbettor immigration laws in orderthat we might havo n safer audhighor citizenship, some heavy-voic- ed

    enthusiast iu tho waitingcrowd, who had in mind Presi-dont Cleveland's rocent immigra-tion veto, shouted lnstily:-"Tl.rt- t'sone on you, Grovorl"This romarkwas only n samplo of many whichcamo to tho ears of tho diguitarioaon the platfocm us tho inauguraladdress was going on. Tho crowdwas so donso that tho policemencould hardly bo responsible forthose lapses of order, aud so apersonal application to tho retir-ing Chief Executive was mado tomost of the significant uttorancosof President McKinloy's address.At tho reforonco to tho need ofgonorous pension legislation, forexample, several cries annouueedthat thoro would bo no more,-- 'vetoes, and ono stripling shouted:

    "What do you say to that,Grovor ?" And on another occa-sion theso words rang upon thoair: "Givo it to him, MoKinley !That's what wo oloctod you for."

    " tNicely furnished rooms at tho

    Popular Houso, 151 Fort stroot,from $1.00 per wook up.






    '-- ',-'- . "; 1

  • p7 2



    Havana CigarsJUST RECEIVED BY

    HOLLISTER & CO.From tho Factories of

    Ijei IntimidadLa ICspanola,La A.fi?icana,Henry Clay & ."Bock & Co.

    Corner Port &

    MUSIC--. , . , For Everybody:Tho only complete lino of

    MUSIC GOODSIu the ThIiuiiIs. A few ofour specialties

    Kingsbury Pianos !The perfection of art inPiano making.

    CHICAGO COTTAGE ORGANK, dIu tune, beauty uud con-

    structions.RICGINA MUSIC BOXES, the King

    of all, playa over one thousandtunes.

    AUTOHARPS, everybody's instru-meu- t,a child can play it.

    GUITARS, we carry the celebratedHenry b Mation, Harwood andother makes, from S4 up.

    BANJOS, Stewart, Fairbanks &Colo and other wellknownmakes.

    ACCORDEONS, the celebrated "lmperlal" and other good lines.

    t& And a thousand and one othersmaller instruments too numerous tomention.

    Our celebrated Wall, Nichols Co."Stau" Brand of

    GU1TJ$, I'OUiV anafis.vfo srx.vGs,

    Aro the best mado. Use no other.

    Sheet Music,Music Books,

    INSTRUCTION BOOKSFor all Instruments.

    Our Block Ik the most varied to bofound this hide of 'Frisco, uml thoprices the same as you pay in theStates.

    All instrument sold on easy month-ly payments.

    WALL, NICHOLS CO.The money aavpra for you.

    IWih t? Air17 Vv' , 1. "J.v U1!")?-.-' 3W- Tf

    y-"- i


    it" Sf K'rrKs

    Sgr;gBM sN

    s .SS?&So-- 3 S fc. IV.

    N 5?8-5- 3- 3SV 11 s"SlB 3 ttl s,$N


    i n rrl s' v t cm ak mma miSs 3

    S2 -- " rj --"" MVw sp ! 59 t a noJ. w

    .h il - 7i mis s

    PjnhZ r oO GW "0

    if S'S ft''?- - s y s , , , x '! s

    yT'jr " "! I If ' yjr&f fYfW' TPTf V ' 1' W. V?'r," I fit- - ci . .l'- - f4



    Merchant Sts.

    L EWIS UOi,

    IF a tnan s dinner is right,and lie rises from the tableconscious that his wife hasused the same judgment as toprice that she did in the selec-tion of the articles disposed ofthere can be no indigestion tofollow. Our goods aro of thekind which bring health,happiness and a fat purse.

    xaoie delicacies are a fadwith us they aro bought be-cau- so

    wo known tho averageHonoluluito is fond of goodthings for the stomach. Ourprices are below tho averageand special inducements areoffered to cash purchasers. Ourlatest importations include thobest goods obtainable in thoEnglish markets.

    Copeland's English Peas;Cod's Roe, Mackerel in Mus-tard Sauce and Cambridgebausages m tins aro so wellput up that it would be diff-icult to detect the differencebetween them and the samearticles direct from tho market.

    "Toyssonneau" is a longname to put before Pate butthe combination makes the besttid bit ever placed before agourmet. These aro goodsthat anyone may cat withoutfear of ilulii'OSr.inn fnllminnir ,CT -- - - .wa.w 1.Ihey are put up in tho bestfactories in Europe and comoto us in elegant condition.

    Lewis & , Co.,GKOCERS.,

    Rent Street. Honolulu,

    A Quiet Shave

    Can be had at the


    Barber -:- - ShopPaciikco & Kkhnandiiz.



    A. V. GEAR.

    Telephone 2W, i No. 210 Klnc St.

    Subsoribe for tho Evening Bdl-i-eti- k75 oonls per month.



    SKETCH KSjjYAr. QUADSiHiiftliliig tlkr n rnncrnl.

    In fiont of n mountaineer's cabin ontho crct of tlm Cumberland I foundseven or eight jieoplo aiwoinbled, and 1naked of a young man if a funeral wanbeing held.

    "Yes, sntlfln liko a funeral," ho re-plied as ho looked over his shoulder otho cabin door.

    "Grown person or child?""Grown up to be 80 yeaw old, sah.

    To' see, while it 'ssuthin liko a funeral,nobody's dead. It's my olo pop gittinmarried to a woman in thar, and ho'sover 80 years old. "

    At that moment tho old man appear-ed in tho door and called for Sam tocomo in and witness tho ceremony.

    "Say, pop, yo'r 80 years olo," said.im."Yes; nokon I am.""Anil jo' can't half seo nor h'ar.""Waal, lnebbolcnn't.""Yo ar' jot busted all to smaili as

    a critter, and tin- - idea of yo' gittinniaiiiiil is 'nnff to rip the fur off acoon. Uiuii yo', pop, what d'yo wantto go ami ni.iko a fulti of yourself fur?"

    "Sam," said the father as ho laid ahand on his shoulder, "yo'vo lived withyo'r olo pop fur nigh mxm no y'nrs.Wns lie alhiH Mit ov triilin?"

    "Sot, I"When he tnk a thing, was ho that

    sot he'd tick to it if it broke n W. nrdiil he chiiiwo ids mind and whifllaabout?"

    "Yo' WnS llllllS SOt. Will, lint Tipclnryo'r pietur' if 1 tier believed yo'd goand do thisi"

    I said I would, and I'm coin to.It's no timii to upct my sotness at myaigo. Cum in, Sain, and see mo j'iued. "

    "I'll never do it, pop.""Kuybiit, will yo' cum in?"All declined, and when ho turned to

    mo I said I was in a hurry. Ho win"about to turn away when Sam made alast up ial:

    "Top, will yo' git over yo'rMitucs?"

    "Can't do it, Sam, can't possibly doit. The bidder mid the preacher is wait-in- ,

    and I shall be j'med. Mebbo I shouldnot bo wit, but when ono has bin sotfur (10 y'lim he can't"

    At that moment one of tho menbtought up a mule that had been hiddenbehind the corner! li. anil u mvihuI mmtook hold with Sam and littcd tho oldman upon tlm animal's buck. Ho wasspeedily mado fast with a rope, andthen away went tho little crowd, theold man yelling and kicking and theothers raising a cheer. Tho preacherand tho woman camo out to look, andwhen they realized what hud happenedtho former suid:

    "Shoo! They 'vo dun carried him offl"And tho widow added:"Sbool Sotiieyhevl Strancer. mohbe

    yo' ar' up on theso ycro mountingslookin fur n wife? If so, cum in audher a smoko and a talk."

    lie Took ChaiiMa.Along in tho afternoon a stranger,

    mounted on a very fino horso, camo outof a crossroad awl ioined nio.

    "Any-particula- r excitement down atHopewell?" ho aked.

    "Not mudi. I beliovo that a horsohad lieen stolen and bands of men werogoing out in different directions toseuti'li."

    "Did you hear tho bor"o described?""Why, yes. Let's see. Ho was a big

    black horho with a whito no-e- ,' twowhite feet aud Say, your horho

    tho CMiet decriptionl""Does ho? Well, ho ought to ho's

    llio stolen hore!""You don't lue.m to say!""Yes, ho is, and (I'm tlio inuu who

    nolo him. .Splendid isn't ho?""But I I don't understand?" I nor.

    sisted, ficling ipiito mmo tlio strangerwas guying me.

    "Don't you?" ho luugliingly replied."Well, this is tho horse, and I stolehim, mid I can't make it any plainer.I'm iu tlio business, you seo."- -

    "But you will bo pursued. "'Very likely."

    "And yon know that means hangingin this counrrv?"

    "Yes; if they catch mo, they'll hangmo."

    "I don't see how you daro do it.""No? Well, it's my trade, you know,

    nnd I tako the chances Kxcuso me, butdo you nee horsemen buck there?"'

    "I do. Thuio aro half a dozen, andthey aro coming for you."

    "I presume so. Well, ho long. I mustkeep ahead of the game, you know."

    Thrro miles awav tlio black horsopicked up a stono and went dead lame,anil his rider was cantuied. Ho was allready to ii.iug ret wo cantered up. Ithought to And hiln half seared to drjithand begging for his life; but, on thocontrary, ho greeted mo with a smiloand suid:

    "I toldvou I hud totnknrlniiipp. nnrlthis thuo it beeins I've lost. Ciuntlemeu,tho audience has now uudtho curtain can go up on tlio play."

    II. Quad.

    Ur. 0. U. Ui?li, donllst, gra-Co- l-dunto Philndolphia Doutnllogo, 1892. MnBonio Tomplo.

    Plenty of Sonttle bock boor ontap nt tlio Louvre saloon. Don'tforgot the mirubor, 308 Nnunnustreet.

    King Bros, liavo just rocoived npew lot of tisauo papor, windownolos, Bash roila, artists' materials,picture frames, otor

    Now suitings and pnuta patternsaro arriving by ovory mail stpam-- er

    for Tj. 1J. Korr. Ho roIIr n hi nolnyard at wholesale prices.

    No Causefor Alarm!!!

    Now that wo have found apreparation that is a powerfuldisinfectant, perfectly harm-less, freo from odor, con-venient to uso and at the re-markable low figure of ."j.T.a

    5 Cents a Gallon.No prudent housekeeper can

    afford to run the risk of con-tracting sickness, which is suroto occur, should vou nedectto keen tho sewers, cess-noo- lsand outhouses in a peifectlvdeodorized condition.

    Purifine 25c.Any Physician will endorse

    what wo claim when we tt'llyou that nine tenths of alltovers and alike illness is thoresult of carelessness abouttho sanitury conditions of thopremises.

    Purifine 50c.Ono great objection to most

    disinfectants is that they havesuch a disngreoabln odor. Purif-ine is odv'i'loss.

    Purifine $1 09.Don't delay in purifying tho

    air you daily breathe andtrust to kind nrovidenco th if.you may escape illness. Nowis the time to commence thogood work, don't wait untiltho dead heat of summer hasarrived; it may be too lato.

    Tako time by tho forelock.To be forewarned is to bo fore-armed.

    Purifine in quantities to suit.Wo are the Sole Ajjents.

    Hollister Drug Go

    YES!I Always GetMy Clothes


    Madeirosfc Decker'sThe Hotel Street Tailors.

    A Perfect Fit (guaranteed.

    OCEANIC ,Steamship Co.





    WeriiiCMluy, April 7th,AT 4 O'CLOCK P. M.

    The nndcrhlpned aie now prepared toIssue Through Tickets from thia City to allpoints in the United Utntea.

    J,"tTFor further mrtlculan reftrilIiiBTreight or Fassnge, apply to

    Wm. G.I ItWIN & Co., L'd,C71-8- 1 (leiicral ARcnts.

    Canadian-Australia- n Steamship Line

    Staamors of tho above Lino running iu connection vrith tho

    CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAYBetween Vancouver, B. 0., nnd 'Sydney, N. 8. W., nnd calling at Victoria, B. 0.

    Honolulu nnd Suva (Fiji),

    .a-jR-E jDxtb t ia:o3sroxjTJXjXr

    On or nbout tho dates below stated, viz. :

    From Byilnny unit Suva, for Victoria autlVnncouror. II. O.I

    Blmr "MIOWEKA" April 24Btmr "WA1UUMOO" Way 24Stmr "MIOWEIU" Jnuo 24Btmr "WAItltlMOO" July 21


    TicltotK IhhiioiI from Honolulu to Cniimlii, xUnited Stntt'H mill Kuropc.

    ANDrAsacKnnisAais.'Ts t3T For FMght nnd Fnssngc uml illGeneral Information, npply to

    D. IIoNicolii, Montreal. Cnnndu. 1

    M.M.8iJ5RS,8MiPBmci-cJ;Cnl- .ItoUEur Keiui, Cnamln. M"' DAViF? A LU' ILJaG. MoL. Brown, Vancouver, B. O. ' Aacnts for tho Hnwnh'on Islands.

    Oceanic snnbip Co.

    Australian Mail Service,

    For San Francisco:Tho Now and Fino Al Steel Steamship

    "Alameda"Of tho Oceanic Stcnraship Company willho due nt Honolulu from Sydney nndAuckland on or nbout

    .A-pr- !2f), 1897.And will leave for the above port withMails aud l'assmugeiH ou or about tintdate

    Foj Sydney and Auckland:Tho New and Fino Al Stee Steamship

    " "MariposaOf tho Occanio Steamship Company willbo duo at Honolulu from San Franciscoon or about

    .A-pv-il 8, i

    And will liavo prompt despatch withMalls and FaBsenRors for tho abovo ports.

    The undersigned are now preparedto issue

    Through Tickets to All Pointsiu flto United States.

    tyFor further particulars regardingFreight or Passage to

    WM. G. IRWIN & CO., L'd,General Agents.

    Oceanic Steamsbip Go,

    TMrao ' 3Cei'fcloLOCAL LINE

    S. S. AUSTRALIA.Arrive Ilonoluln Leavi Honolulu

    from 8. F. Wr S. F.March 30, 1897 April 7. 1507April 27. 1807 May C, 1807

    THROUGH LINEFrom San Francisco From Sydney for

    for Sydney. San Francisco,

    Arrive Honolulu. Leave Honolulu.Mariposa, April 8, '97 Alameda, Ap 29, '97Moaua, May 6, '07 Maripoua.My 27,'97


    Geo. HafFner,f

    Jeweler,Watchmaker andEngraver,

    Has Removed to ' '

    520J FORT STREET,Club Stable Hulldlng.

    Hawaiian Soda Worksore prepared to furnish Private Fami-

    lies with a really Good, Puro Sodain the New Huttloa.

    Belfast G-ing- Ale.E&. Telephono G32, at Sunny Soutk.

    6H3 tin

    The Honolulu Sanitarium1082 King Street.

    A Quiet, nomolike Place, where TrainedNurses, Massugn; "Swedish Movement,"Uathd, Electricity and Physical Trainingmay be obtained.

    P. 8. KrjJ.OGG, M. DTelephone 039. Buperintcudcnt,

    From, Victoria Mini Vniicottvi-r- , II. C, (aSum itml Sidney!

    Strar "WAlUtlUOO" April 11mmr uMTmvr.it Mo le






    Stmr "WAIUUMOO"... .'....".".'..June 16atuir "JuiuwmtA" July IS

    Hen Skwliip (jo'sTIME TABLE.

    0. L. WIGHT, Prcj. S. 11. 1103E. 8e.Cupt. J. A. KINO, PortSupU

    Stmr. KINAU,CLARKE, Commander,

    WIIMaava TTnnnli.ln..,.....c In . .. . t.- - .a, iuui-mnc-Lalmiua, Maalaca Bay and Mnkcna thsame day; Mahukona, Kawaihae and Lau- -iiuuwuuK mo ioiiowiug uay, arrivino atHilo tlio mimo eveniuR.

    titAVKH HONOLULU, f ALMVIS 1IOKOLULU.rrii!ay Anril 111 I Tnns.lnv A.n nTuesday... .Anril "7 v..A ' !...!t noFl"'"y May 7 I Tuesday . . ..May 4

    Keturninc. will leave Hilo nt 1 vi,.vp. m., touching ut Laupuhoehoe, MuhnKona ami KnuruflinA un...n .,... n.i...,, :- -; ?"""" "'vi ""iKeiia.and Lahaina tho followineday; arriving ot Honolulu the nftornoons

    i ucnuujr unu rnaays." Will call al Pohoiki, Puna.WNo Freight will lo reccivod afterJ2 noon ou day of sailing.

    Stmr. CLAUDINE,CAMERON, Commander,

    Will leave Honolulu Tuesday at 5 r. m 1touching at Kahului, Hana, HamoaaudKipahufu, Maui. Iteturniug arrives atHonolulu Sunday mornings.of Yich mao1nth:U'

    KaUp0 n SCC0Ud l"'P"No Freight will be received afterp. m. on rtay of sailing.

    This Company will reserves the rioht toinako change in tho time of departure andarrival of its steamers withont notice andit wm not bo responsible for any conse-quence- a

    arising therefrom.Consignees must be at tho Landincs Ureceive their Freight; this Company wiUnot hold itself responsible for freight afterit has been landed.Live Stock only at owner's risk.This Company will not be responsibletor Money or Valuables of passengers

    unless placed in tho care of Pursers.Passongcrs aio requested to purchasstickets before embarking. Thee failing todo so will he subject to on additional

    ouaige of twenty-hv- o per cent.

    David Dayton,Real Estate Broker.

    209 Merchant Street.

    FOK SALE.Uouso nnd Lot, 7tol55 ft., on No. 71oung street; parlor, 3 bedroom, kitchen

    dining-room- , etc.Lot on Wider avenue 100x300 ft., fenced."Jin uu muuu anu 1 11K01 streets.

    TO LET.Furnished Itooms within flvo miuntealwalk from the Post Office. AUo otherItooms.Houso on Boretania street, near Piikoistreet; 4 rooms, dining-roo- kitchen, bath-roo-

    and an empty lot to keep a horso.Houso on School street; parlor, iu7alIwdrotniB, kitchen, pantry, outhouses and

    siabio formerly occupiod by Hon. W. H.Itice.

    Savings : BankISTOTIOE!.

    Nptico is hereby given to Dono-Bito- rsiu the Savings Department

    or CIuub SpreokolB fe Co.'s Bnnk,thaton nnd after April 1, 1897,all iiitoreat on thoir deposits willcoabo.

    Savings Dopobifors may with-draw tbeir accounts without giv-ing previous notico, or thoy mayleave same in our Bank on call.

    Glaus SpittoicuLs & Co.Honolulu, Fob. 17, 1897.

    . 53C-- td


    Paper Hanger and DecoratorIsland Orders attended to with tllipiifoh.All work carefnlly and promptly ex.


    I5T Officii Smith stuet, with BamuolKubolookaliiul Pua. ltoiidouce; Tnlama



  • Hew HoodsMTJRA.TA. & CO.


    Fine Japanese Matting, Rugs, &cFine Crepe Shirts Any Style!

    Cheapest in tho City,

    MTJRATA & CO., 301 Nuuanu & 2 Hotel Streets.

    CUCS Bl'KECKELS. Wlf. 0. Ibwiw.

    tiling jSpftchfyuo.BAfljCERJS.


    tan Frandnco AgtnlfTnn Nevada Bank orBad Fiuncisco.

    draw exciiakoe oh(an Francisco Tho Nevada Dank of Sin

    Francisco.London Tbo Union Hank of London, Ltd.NeW York American Exchange National

    Bank.OniOAOO Merchant National Bink.Paris Comptolr National d'Escompt do

    Paris.Bcrlin Drcadncr BankjIlOKOKONO AND YOKOHAMA Hongkong it

    Bliangnal Banking Corporation.New Zealand and Australia Bank of Now

    Zealand.YlOTOiiiA and Vancouver Bank ol Mont-


    Transact a General Banting and Eicnaige Business

    DcpoWts Received. Loans made on Ap- -roved Security. Commercial and Travelersrcdlts Issued. Bills of Exckanjio bought

    and sold.Collections 1'romitlt Accounted For.

    Established 1853


    Transact a General Bankingand Exchange Business.

    Commercial uiid Traveler'sLetters of Credit issued, avail-able in all tho principal citiesof thf world.

    The . . .

    Hawaiian ElectricCompany,

    Cor. AJakea & Ilolnknuwlln Sts.

    Has a largo uBsortment of

    Chandeliers and Elec-trical Goods

    (JonBtnutl iid bund.

    Estimittos given for houm- - wir-ing untl Eloctneai plunts

    Murino Win' $ h peomltv

    THEO. HOFFMANN,32-t- d Manager.

    Buildinq Lots!At WAiKIKl ou oar lino and on tA

    LATA ltOAP nenr FertilizinePlmi

    Thoso Lots are Very Cheap and Soldon Easy Terms.

    Dosirnolo Acre Vructa nenr the city nnd .ther Properties for Hftla

    BJtUOE, WAItINO Jf CO.,Denleni in Iviits nnd Luudu,

    Teiki'Honk 007312 I mt Mtreol, near Mm,. ,

    I' O (tox 1)21.

    W. C ACHI& CO.,Erokers & Dealers

    REALESTATECJT Wo will Buy or Bell Ileal L'state In

    nil pnrts ot tbo group.1ST We will Boll Properties on Reason-abl- o



    CoDSoMatei Soda Water Co., L'd

    Esplfinado,Corner Allen & Fort Sts., Honolulu.

    HOLLISTER & CO.,Agents.

    A. C. WALL, D. D. S.,

    DENTIST.New Love's Building, Tort Stroot.

    tTELBPUONE 431.


    Robinson Block, Hotel Street.

    Lbok at Our Bargain ListFine Straw llats, 25c. up.Crepe Pajamas, $1 a suit.Colored Bosom Shirts, G5c.Ladies Kimonos, $1 up.Gents Sox, 4 pairs for 25c.Paper Napkins, 30c. a 100.Ladies Leather Purses, 25c.Silk Embroidered Pillow

    Covers, 75c. a piece.

    IWAKAMI,' Robinson Block, Hold Street.

    TJje Yokohama ppecie BanLIMITED,

    Subscribed Cnpital Yon 12,000,000Paid Up i 'npitttl Yen 4.500,000EiwjM Fnnd You 4,100,000


    BRANCHES AND AGENCIES.Kobe, London, Lyons, Now York,

    San Francisco, Shanghai,Bombay, Hong Kong.

    Tranxacts u General Banking and Ex- -eluingo Business,

    Agency Yokohama Specie BankHew RepnUllc Bnlldlng. 'Ill King St, Honolnln.

    S. KIMURA,Wholesale Dealer in Japanese

    Wines.Liquors and Provisions, Sakl a specialty.

    103 Kekuanaoa Street. Telephone 703.

    W. W. AhanaMakos Clothing to I RDER of thvery best mutenals and iu the verylatest style. , .

    A. JPerfect Fit


    Gleaning and Repairing a Specialty

    W. W. AHANA.

    Just IdeceivedCiookory nnd Ivorywiuo,Etnl)roidorpirFftti8,Bh'iwlfi, SoroHiiH,Wickur ami Stuwnpr Ohnira,

    WING WO TAI & CO.,214 Nun aim Htreot, Honolulu.

    SHUN LOY,623 Fort Street, Yeo Slug Tui Iluilding,

    Ladies TJrBss MakBriXV Fine woik a Hpeoialty. AIho, very

    line Dudorwour rondo to ordor. All workguaranteed. 447-C- ia

    TOM CHUNG KEE,213 Nuuanu Btreat.

    Dealer in Ladies' nnd Gentle-men's Shoes.

    Hoots and Shoe to order. I use the beatmaterial. Goods warranted towcar well. 143--


    --Attornev at Law14 Knuhumann Btroet.

    Telephone No. C32. .498-G-

    EOBEKT GELEVE.Book and Job PrinterMoroktmt Stroot, Honolulu, H. I,

    Over Hawaiian NowsCompuny'BBook Storo.

    SmJk$&. it', ifc,. tfijltlti&b.

    my 18,

    ,f!ffWpp, 'jr i rsKtit ; '"'" j v n r i k - ar r" fEVENING BULLETIN, APRIL 6, 1897.

    Just Like Gold Coin.

    For more than fifty yearshas PERRY DAVIS' PAINKILLER stood tho testagainst all remedies preparedto oradicato pain, and todaystands at the head of the listamong the medicines that areso essential to keep at hand intho homo.

    It is not a new fanglo remedynor do the proprietors layclaim to any wondcrtul revela-tion of the ingredients that enter into tlio manufacture ofthis over popular remedy.

    It is perfectly harmless, youneed have no fear of becominghabitually inclined to its uso.

    For Colic, Cramps, Dysen-tery, Colds, and all painfulaffections, a few doses will cer-tainly givo relief. You cannotafford to bo without a bottlein tho house.

    Your forefathers used itand found it beneficial.

    Why oxperimont with someremedy that is new and its effecton Liiu svsltsiu uiiKiiuwm

    It has many rivals but noequal.

    JKeF" Jrnco SZoc. ana 5Uc. abottle.

    Hollister -:- - DrugCompany,

    Sole Ai;eiitH for the Marf- -

    New Ewa

    Plantation Co.Stock

    In Blocks to suit pur-chasers. Will deliverafter January 2, 1897.

    Inquire of

    The Hawaiian Safo Doposlt &Investment Company,

    OB Fort Ntrnnt Honolnln

    Eagle -- :- HouseNUUANU AVENUE.

    Mrs. Harry KlBmniB, - - Prop

    Now Management.Commodious Rooms


    Palatable German Dishes.

    Real Estate Transactions.

    Subscribers are furnished with from liveto gix Until per week, giving an accuraterecord of nil deeds, mortgages, lonses,

    jionora of attorney, etc, etc., whichaio plaeod ou record. AIho a list nt nildistrict court judgments.

    Subscription Price, S2.00 per Month.

    A V. GEAR,210 King St, Honolnln

    :. mi

    HAVING USTABLISHED A MODERNplant for hulling, polishing and nssortiugcottee, we are prepared to ouy ana cienncoffee in tho parohment.


    CofTee !gJtT Apply to



    iPainter,Paper Hanging & DecorationNeatly done. All work promptly nnd care-fully attended to. Telophouo filfi. Ilebi-donc-

    Kuukinl utreot. 628-Br- a


    Anil tlm C'mfi c!i rli Cnptnln Itltlille WatKilranfMl l'mm I'riftmi.

    A Kentucky contributor fends to TheYouth's C'onpuiiloim plenslnn nnmloto olAbnihn):i Lincoln It him neer beforsbeen published, ho wiy, nnd was receivedby him from the othir juirty to tho story,who It Ktlll living li Kentucky. It lllustratct once more the- Rental, friendly tem-per of the groat war president. During thepresidential campalun Of 1810, when Oenernl William Henry llnrri-o- was io Whipcandidate, Lincoln, then n young mnn Justrltlng into prominence, accepted nn invltntlon to nddrcfut nn nndlcneo in Unioncounty, Ky., at n Whig barbecue.

    Ho was met nt a, landing on the Ohioriver ii'.vmt ten miles from tho place of theKill ectic by a committee headed by Captain tleorgo V. Hlddlo and was escorted totho meeting gented In a spring wagon bytho side of CupUiln KldMo, the driver.

    On tho road Mr. Lincoln entertained thecommittee with sou ml nmitslng nnecdotes mul on nrrlvlng nt Ms destinationiUHcied nn able and eloquent nddnstpmlai'ily the only i.ddrcM that ho eer dellM-iv- in his u itlu state.

    After the nmikliii' Captain Riddle, whecomiunnded a military company, flrexl nNiluto In lienor or. the orator ot the nay,but tho cannon, an old plx imiilcr, wnoterehnrged and though without any serious results Captain Riddlernlsed n subscrltitlon to pi Mr. Llncoln'tcxpcncfi, contributing liberally himself,nnd thon escorted him Isiek to the rlerIho f tit urn president was much pleasedWith his Unit nnd so expressed hlmse'lf.

    Many jours iurmiI. Mr. Lincoln wnelected chief innglstrato of tho nation, andtho cl 11 war brol.o o'lt. Cnpt.iln Riddletook sldex with the soiiti. mid having expressed his opinions rnthc boldly was nrrested for treason and sent to CninpChnso,n military prlon.

    "It was a dull m.d pleximy place forme," mUI the old gentleman In relatingtho story, "nnd after I had remained thereclxnit ten days I got homesick nnd con-cluded I would remind my friend Lincolnof bygono bourn. So 1 wrote to him as follows:

    "Mr Dear Mn. riitsinrvT After presentlng my eompllmenti to you I wish to remindyou that a 1 ninny ye irs uk-- j I bnd yon Intow at a VU1k I nrbnam, near JlnrcanfliM, In'Union comity, Ky. On tliutoeriulon 1 trim tctreat rou kindly, nnd even burt my ennnorjIn firing a snlnto In your honor. I liopo youhnvii not forgotten It. Now, Mr, you hnvo mtIn tow, and I am yonr prlnoaor lieru tn CanirClias. I um Ion su-n- und homiitck and wantto t:et to my old " Ife Pit r.io li t me i:aYours truh, (lionik liuuiLE."

    Winn Mr Lincoln rrc"led this letter,hol.iuglHil nun til) and ni diko wrote upon tho luirk of If "i'lt iso let C.ipUilnQeoigoW Itlddlo go luinU'. A. Llneoln.'

    Two l'rtnkn, Vorlinin.

    kSnkThis is not tlio fuuious two headed

    inusoum freak, but tho WhU;r Bisterson a tandem. WlieoJL

    ritlxciif. Attention. .

    ThoBO nro tlnys of consitlorabloanxiety and porploxity to all whohavo possesBiontr or other intoroHtsin tho Bepnblio of Hawaii, nnd itit, tiuii) lliui eiar ciUzoiiH cunio to ninutur.l tinclortttfttuHiiR on novornlimportnnt issues. Tho prospectsfor Anuoxntion npnear at presontvnguo and imlistiuct, nutl ourdestiny cannot bo foretold withcertninty. Thoro nro those, also,who still fondly cling to tho hopoof a roturn to tho oltl ordor ofthiugs, and who ennnot bo por-hiiHtl-

    olhorwihH, yot this outlook nppoare tnr raoro hn.y tnnnthat of Annoxiition ovou to thomost hopeful disciploB of thoMonarchy. But, fortunately, intho midst of all this uncertaintythoro is Bolaoo iu tho fnct thatBuffalo Boor hns enmo to stay amithat pntrons of all sorts andopinions may equally share thobenefits of its invigorating andsustaining properties. "Vo aromoreover assured that this favoritebrow will continue to bo diBpons-o- d

    as horotoforo at tho lloynl,Panifio and Cosmopolitan Saloons.

    PRESIDENT DLZ DECOUATED.BERLIN The Ileichbar - rv. ol-clal- lv

    announces that Tn ) - Diaz,of Mexico, has-be-en decora. t Emperor William w 1th the gTnna .rtjss ol"Rainier." Prealdent Diaz Issued anedict to the effect that no beer exceptthe sparkling "Rainier" be served inpublic places, or on ntate occasions.

    On tan or in bottles nt the Criterion.

    Portraits onlargod from amnllphotos and handsomely framodfor S10 at King BroB.




    Curry Powder as made by us is prepared after the OriginalRecipe from the Purest Ingredients.

    2r TEY IT ONGJi

    BENSON, SIT & 00.527 Fort Street, corner Hotel.

    TtljEO, If. DVibs $ CJo.,3LiI3ivd:i1,E3ID.


    Commission .. Agents!Dry Goods,

    Hardware andGroceries.




    Hoiks, Cattle, Sheep, Dogs, Swine, and Poultry.

    Tko Marvelous Uair Eemmly which prevents


    KOKbALEBY:iv.c:Er,-:E3:L.:Lsr:E- !.

    Solo Agent, Honolulu.EiT Neat pamphlet ireo n application. P. O. Box 202, Telophone 2U.

    IlohoLULo! April 21, 1800. ,Mr. O. W. Mactarunk: It nlTords me pleasnrc to recommend, to any ona whoso hair

    is fulling out, theui-eo- f I)lt. I'OTTIE's II.MR OIL. My hair was coming ont at suoba rate ns led me to InOievo thut I would soon become bild After using the oil for tlv wnokathis cenhed entirely; none whatever is now falling out. I conEidirit thebtst and onlyworthy remedy for this tronblo nnd o recommend it us a stimulant to new rowth,

    805 tt YonMtruly, J.B. DANIELS.


    TKl.Kl'HONK 08--

    -- Importora and Dealers in- -


    Plantation Supplies.

    H. HACKFELD & CO.201 to 215 Fort Streut.


    P.O. UOX ia

    Groceries, Provisions and TeedKow Goods Recoivod by Every Packet from the Eastern States and Europe


    All Orders faithfully attended to and Goods Delivered to anyPart of the City FREE,

    Island Obdxbs Bolioitxd, Satisfaction GuaiuiciuqEAST CORNER FORT AND KING STREETS,




    b '"iBH


    .mill in iiium'r

  • tr"


    ssa ...'',. ipi I j..jjt .J''Jt ii Htf'tVUlff "JPBBBBWWWWBEMBSBBWBBBW'1'! ""'" 'm lJ "- ,? $$inW'PPJnrrcW TT" y 'EVENING BULLETIN, APRIL 0, 1897.

    rwv4JWTVM V-- WWta


    Sealed Tenders

    Will bo received at tho Oilice ottho Miniator of tho Interior till 12o'clock noon of WEDNESDAY,April 21, 1897, for the construc-tion of tho rotul over NuunnuPali.

    Plans ami Specifications at thoOftico of the Superintendent ofPublic Woiks.

    Tho tenders are to bo bused up-on tho condition tlmt nt least 50per cout. of the unskilled labororsdin ployed on this uork arc to con-sist of llawaiians, Americans orEniopeaus

    Tho MiaiitPi of tho Inlerioidoes not bind himself to acceptho lowest or nnv bid.

    J. A. KING,Minister of tho Interior.

    Interior Ofiice, April 0, 1897.577:4t

    Irrigation Notice.

    Holders of water prlviltwx, or thosepa lug water rate', are hereby noil-fl-!- il

    Mint the bourn (or irrigation pur-pos- eare from 6 to 8 o'clock a. m anil

    from I to G o'clock i. i.ANDREW BROWN,

    Bupt Honolulu Water Works.A proved- - J. A. KiMiMiniHtvrof

    Interior.Honolulu, II. I., April G, 1S97.

    577-- tf

    Sr; Everjir Bulletin?,

    DANIEL LOGAN. Editor.

    TUESDAY, AL'lllL (i, 1897.


    An expedition is on tho oo ofIpiiriug Honolulu for tho laudsunder1 tho Southern Cross, whichis in the natuie of a philanthropicniihsion and thus deserving thobest wishes of all good citizens.Heforouco is had to tho HagoyInstitute company that has pas-sag- o

    engaged by tho steamer Ma-riposa due within thirty-si- x hourBfiom San Francisco bound to thoColonies. This expedition goesto establish in thoso lauds, begin-ning with Now Zealaud, similarinstitutions to that which hasdone a great service to humanityin Honolulu, lii tiio few mouthsthat it has boon in eiisteiico heroit has cuied, including the patientsnow undergoing the Iniof coin soof tteatmcut, about one hundredand thirty men of tho diueaso ofinebriety. Tho exceedingly fewrolnpxos that hao takenplace, it is learned, hai been ofpatients who would not confounto tho uecossaiy discipline. Manyof thoso who have been lestored totho blessed condition of havingsound minds in sound bodies aiomen of nioro than average skilland tuleut in their vocations, butwho for long periods, befoie avail-in- g

    ot the benefits ot the Institute,had been incapacitated by subjec-tion to tho drink habit from use-- 'InliiHrtK to themselves, their famt- -'lies and tho community. Thatthe stiaugers who founded theHsgoy Institute in Houoluluhave thomselves confidence in thopeinianoney ot its work, and holdgood faith toward tho communitynow at their departure, is evi-denced in a conclusive way bytheir roliuning h laigo proportionot tho capital stock of the enter-prise foi it is conducted on strictbusiness principles also by tlioirsubscription of a consideroblonuiouut to its peimaiient buildingfund. Uiudlieaded businessmen of the community havoevinced similar coufidonco intho work ot tho Institute by

    with the founders informing n joint stock corporationfor tho perpetual maintenance ofthe Institute, together with thefull development of its socialfeatures thot havo proved a mostimportant auxiliary of tho cmoproper.' Thoro is no reason todoubt that the Hagey Iustituto

    will coiurnond itself to tho coun-tenance of tho best .people in thocouutiies to which this expeditionis destined. Whatever successesmay bo nouiored by tho companyin its travels will reflect a degrcoof credit upon Honolulu, as twoof its members arc bright audkeen men of buBinoss hailingfrom this city in midoceun.


    Some idea of the bold step incurrency reform boiug taken byJapan may bo gained from tho'particulars of tho measure givouelsewhere-- An Oriental exchange,tho Shanghai Mercury, gives theopinions of several papors, bothEnglish aud native, in Japan ontho subject. Thoso that opposetho present odministration makevaiious objections to tho measure.Japan should have awaited actionon tho part of western nations, orsought advice from them, beforomoving. Sho ought also to havoconsulted with China and Corca soas, if it were possible, to havo thosoneighbors tako concuircnt actionwith herself. These things theysay, also that the standard adoptedgives a gold coinago inflated, re-latively to .silver, by seven oroight yen in the 200. Moreover,it is held by tho objectors thatthe national loans should bo read-justed beforo the now currencycomes into voguo, for there is noreason why Jnpau should payfivo percent on Lor bonds aftertho gold standard is adopted. Ontho other hand, tho Governmentpiess urges tho Cabinet to disre-gard any clamor raised by theopposition papers. They ondeavor to throw discredit ontho scheme lest tho adoptionof gold monometallism should addto tho stability of tho MatsukataCabinet. The only course opento tho Cabinet is to rosolutolycarry out tho schemo. It doesseem exceedingly courageous,almost to tho point of foolhardi-uess- ,

    for Jnpau to exactly doubletho ratio of silver to gold, fromtho standard that holds in thoUnited States currency. Herruling statesmen may, howevpr,havo taken thin high ('round nfteian uHtuto survey of tho universalsituation, fiom which it mighteasily be concluded thot inter-national binii'tallism is doomedfor nu indefinite penod to beinoioly on ncadeniic proposition.They may also, it can be readilyimagimd, have counted uponJapan's action as landing materi-ally to tho prolonged relative de-pression of silvei, so that thestandard they havo adopted shouldbo likely to bo truo to marketvalues, to all visiblo intents andpurposes, permanently. Japan inthis currency revolution is cer-tainly to bo admired for hor inde-pendence. Hor statesmen couldsee that tho most prosperous na-tions aro thoso maintaining a goldslandaid, ul .hy Uanot adopt it as a moans of en-suring their own country's goodfinancial standing ? And whilethey vvoro about its adoption thoroseems no reason why they shouldhavo invited financial troublo,joined with ground of politicaldissension, for tho futureby . giving their subsidiarycoinago a fictitious valuesimply because other countrieshad found that currency of theirsdepreciated in tho silver dolugo.The Japanese Government, how-ever, ought oven at n saciificotothe national tioasury provide, inconjunction with tho uow goldstnuduid, protection against lossto its people upon their holdingsot old currency silver at the pass-age of tho eiiactmeut. It will boseen that provision is made foroxchango of tho old currency forn limited period, but it is notclear flint people of small iupiuihnro safeguarded against cinchingby capitalists in tho process.

    An insertion in ado in the callfor tenders for constructing thoPnli road indicates a now doparturo that will bo hailed withsatisfaction by all friends of thoGovernment. It is a conditionthat fifty peicent of tho unskilledlabor must bo either white ornntivo. This, it may bo hoped, isthe beginning of tho oucl of cheapJohn work for tho nation at largo.

    Note Thcne I'rltr.Tho pricoB on dress goodB that

    aro uow boiug sold ot tho Temploof Fashion nro something marve-lous. Just uoto theeo: laco or-gandies formerly 5 yards 1, now8 yards 81, piiuted laco goodsformerly 7 ynuls 81.10, now 10yards SI; crotons formerly o jards81, now 10 yards SI, 'and thosothat were formerly 12 yards forSI aro now 20 ynuls SI; lotos dim-ity formorly 5 yards 81, uow 8yards Si; black cashmeres former-ly Sl.fiO per ynid now 90,:; mus-lins, figured, dotted nnd striped,formerly 20c nnd 23c, now goingnt 10c.

    m m

    llevoio "Granite" Garden Hosois exhibited in tho window ot thePacific Hardwaro Co. They showa sample of this hose, which hasboon in constant uso for sixyears.

    jlmeJy JopiejThe arrival of the last Aus-

    tralia was greeted with a mjjIiot relief from the whole com-munity. The umiMullv lonsj in-terval between mails had nudepeople quite anxious, and tum-ors of war and other politicaldisturbances were flying asthick as leaves in Vallambrosa.The encouraging news of the)robable passage of the Ding-ey bill, imposing a duty on alloreign sugars while preservingor Hawaii nei the advantages

    of the Reciprocify Treaty, glad-dened the hearts of all, plantersas well as merchants, who pre-dict a new era of prosperityand progress for these beauti-ful Isles of the Pacific. Newswas also brought of the knock-ing out of Champion Jim Cor-be- tt

    by his sturdy opponentFitzsimmons.

    The "Tribune Bicycle"knocks them all out. Like theRoman tribunes of old, it standson a pinnacle of fame, elevatedabove all others, and like Fitz-simm- ons

    it beats all the otherchampions.

    1 he 9 AvoiJEL is the acmeof perfection in wheels; it hasno equal. We received a num-ber of them by this Australiaand can furnish them in black,royal, blue or maroon.

    The Sager Pneumatic Saddleis recognized as the best forease and comfort;, no diseaseof the spine or jar to your nervesif you ride this saddle.

    The Stodder Puncture-le- ssTire is impenetrable by

    glas, nails, thorns, pins, etc ,and yet it retains all the elasticand resilient qualities. Everyi ire guaranteed lor one year.

    In addition to the above wehandle the Zimmy, Stormerand other bicycles and cairy afull line of M. & W. Tires,Rims, Handle Bars in woodand nickel, Bells, Cyclometers,etc., etc.

    Come and inspect our newstock.

    THEHawaiian Ilaidware Co.

    limited,no. 307 fort street,

    Opposite Spreckols' Bank. "

    For Rent.

    A Comfortable Nouee containlwjOrnnme, oltiule In Killhl, neur

    School. Stslile room forthree Iioi.il'.--, currlagt? ami HnrvnntViqmirtcrn, lnrno kioiiikI well jiliuitetlwltli HhruliliorleH. Anplv to

    A V CJKAH,f)77-'- 210 King street.






    Once a YearOnce a YearOnce a Year



    BOCKE?" at inr

    Ftflerchants' Exchange

    Nuunnu and King Strcots.

    Still They


    Each day adds n number ofmenibniB to our popular

    Welch G!ubsClub ono and two drow last

    Saturday. Club three is rapid-ly filling up. Tho same

    as of old exists, allel ibbcs ato anxious to join, bocause it is a clear saving of

    The Dollar

    You Throw Away

    Every Week.BoHltlf'fl nnntlinr vital nninf

    adds to the popularity, and thatIB tnat wo uo not mako itobligatory to tako a watch, butnuow you to soioct any ono orinoro nrticles in tho storo, nomatter in what lino. Couldanything bo fairer to you?

    Wo want to say right hero,thai wo will bank up any andevery articlo selected in ourclub with tho samo full andcomploto guarantee which goeswith OTory piece of goods soldin tho store. You tako no riskwhatever. Wo take it all.

    H. F.Wic3iijiai)


    Removal Notice.

    Ou and after April 1st. Dtn. Cooper& Huymond will occupy the otllut-- ofDr McGrew on llolol street. Olllcohours fiom 8.30 to 10 u. m , 1 :30 to 3and 7 to 8 p. in. Telephone No 154.


    PLUMBER,Hotel St., near Fort. Tel. 3C2.


    We, the members of the Board of Health of. tjjetf-

    City and County of San Francisco, assoW'Cordially approve and recommend the "Royal Baking Powder. It is absolutelypure and healthful, composed of the bestingredients, of the highest strength andcharacter.

    - In our judgment it is impossiblemake a purer or stronger Baking Powderthan the Royal.

    Jos. R. Davidson, M. D.Henry M. Fiske, M. D.Chas. McQuesten, M. D.T. J. Letournex, M. D.

    Members San Francisco "Board of Health. ,

    ALEX. C111S1IOLM.

    The Harness Co.lort nnd King Streets.

    Ti:r i 22S. p. o. Ii. 322.



    OUH SPJECILTY ISFiztc Handmade Harness,

    ES,. keep in stock and no "oods exceptOUR OWN MANUFACTURE.

    SkP is.i c, fi

    1'I!?.,-- - fc. I,

    7 'i-t- fTHEDAMP COLOR OFX







    are clothes cranks,in that thoy foelno clothes aro goddclothes savo tailors' clothes.

    SOME TAILOilSmako good clothes,but charge toomuch for tho goodness.Goodnoss is an incident.


    lack tho incideut,oveu when tho tailorcharges for it. Samocloth, same make,with incideut, for halftailors prico our way.

    "The Kash."9 Hotel Street WaYCflCy BlQCl

    We Make Shirts to Order.

    Notice of Removal.

    On and after 1st, C. V. E.Dove, Surveyor ami Civil Engineer,will occupy his New Olllce in theC'Miiphell JiliHik, np.stulrp, iibxtto thoolllce ot the lilsliop Estate. 573-l-




    J. J. COUGIIL1N.

    - lTVrffc Z. ' -- .HBkSVSSL -- r&U NII



    Etc.Wo sell

    -- ,Mose4OTEANDs"X. ' "V .7. Y -'


    : :



    New GoodsIncluding a Fine Line of

    Ladies' VestsIn large variety. Also

    Quills, Blankets,Etc., Etc., Etc.

    foh sam: II V

    fl. W. pGpdonf!Von Holt Blouk, King Street.

    For Sale,

    Oue Tmo l'maily Cnninf-- a Homo war-ranted to 1 6 i kunila nuliuul. Apply to

    W. W. WHIG11T,63-h- v Tort street.

    r.' :.IV Itew. i :j-- h i. Jv ...' lkf"l lil Ail



  • .






    Flying Jordans again tonight.Tho Choral Socioty will moot

    this ovoning.Tho Btoamship Australia leaves

    tomorrow afternoon at 4.

    Honolulu ltoad Olub meets to-night at 7:30 at the Y. M. 0. A.

    Tho First Battalion will havodrill on Thursday ovoning at 8o'clock.

    J. H. Boyd of tho IntoriorOflice left on tho Kinau thismorning.

    British Commissioner Haweshas gono to Kauai on II. B. M. S."Wild Swan.

    Tho U. S. 8. Petrel may bo ex-pected hero in a fow days on herway to China.

    Suporior breakfast sausage is aspocialty at the. Central Market.King up 101. l

    Tho povernment band will playat the Quocn'fl hospital from U to5 this afternoon.

    Tho largost police office in theworld is Now Scotland Yard, inwhich 3000 officorB can bo accom-modated.

    Thoro aro only nine difforenttones in tlio human voico, butthoro aro 17,592,18G,014,-il- differ-ent Bounds.

    Special dinner and dnnco at theHawaiian hotel this ovoning iuhonor of departing passengers bytho Australia tomorrow.

    A now handle-b- ar for bicycledhas a loop or ring at each end oftho bar, tlius enabling the rider toturn his hand ot auyaujjlobn maydesiro.

    Tho bonefit for thn lepers tendered by Professor Bristol lastevening netted loss than $25 forthoso unfortunatos. But everylit'lo helps in a good cause

    Thursday, April 28, ha3 beeneolcctod for holding tho annualY. M. 3. A. social at which theannual addroaB will bo deliveredand a goneral good time had.

    Chas. Hustace, the King streetgrocer, has supplies of "Schilling'sBest" groceries, also extensivelinos of other choice artiolos,tho host going and really fresh.

    Captain A. S. Barker, well-kno- wnhero while in command of

    tho U. S. S. Philadelphia, hasgiven up tho position of comman-dant ot tho Mare Island navy yardto tako command of tho battleshipOregon.

    A Call correspondent Bays "Mc-Kinlo- yhns been in offico only two

    weeks and ynt wo aro shippiugHay to Enelaud and Porter toFranco. Now what can tho free-traders and Democrats say againstour export business ?"

    John Euimoluth was unforlu-uat- oto bo caught iu one of tho

    bolts of hiB canning factory atEwa on Sunday whilo making re-pairs to tho machinery, sustaininga. fracture of tho left arm andBevero bruises which will lay himup for a few days.

    With a largo lot of goods justreceived by tho Australia andAmy Turner, the Pacific Hard-ware Co. have another invoico oftho favorito Universal Stoves andRanges. Somo sizes woro sold asBoon as Bot up, but another sup-ply has boon ordered.

    Tho English and ContinentalPress aro glad to learn thatLieutenant von Brusowitz, thootlicur who brutally killed anartisan in a cafo, has been sontonced to throo years and twontydays' imprisonment. It will boromemborod thotEmpororWilliamrefused somo time ago to confirmthe Bcntencu.

    SingorB lead tho world. Ofer13,000,000 mndo and sold, jdigh-e- at

    awards at tho World's Colum-bian Exposition for cxcellonco ofeouslructiou, regularity of motion,ease of motion, groat speed, ad-justability, .durability, oaso oflearning and convenience of ar-rangement. B. Borgorsen, agent,16 Bethel streets.

    The world will keep onturning round if you con-tinue to buy trash spicesand flavoring extracts,i Schilling's Best, however,are pure and money-bac- k.


    v m K.wyMMMHKr n. - .. ,.. .. dinaak laaMnBnHOB .11 , jj." r9nK90in-ua.TTi- r,i " . i r- i r fPP?P?BiBHE'lTi.MHoj'i' ' iuwu .1 JBreiWsA'JPWWifPk'l'"" MiTnmwi Tir&'fflHQMH v ' ". i' . V. 'BBnHHnmFUlj''1 arwvv . . ? :& bhhbww9mghbbto ' iv . --, i ,m , ,"- - wwtrfriB mAUWj - n JEVENING BULLETIN, APRIL 6, 1897.

    Leo Ohu has two notices else-where regarding hisdeparturo.

    A. V. Goar has a comfortablehouso of six rooms at Kalilri forrent.

    A big fern salo will be held atliuco's auction room Baturuay,April 10, at 10 a. m.

    Manager Hanoborg of tho Olo-wal- uSugar Company loft for

    homo on tho Kinau.Miss Cahill promises a splendid

    display at hor opening ot EaBtermilliuory next Thursday.

    Users of Borvico wator will findit to their advantago to consulttho "Irrigation Notico" olsewhere.

    Ono of tho drunks' who wasfined yesterday in thcpolico courtwas on hand again for a secondfino this morning.

    Wray Taylor, acting head of thoBureau of Agriculture, paid offtho Tantalus fire fighters thisafternoon. It took a round $100.

    In tho District Court this morn-ing W. J. Ooelho pleaded guiltyof assault and battery on his wife.Ho was reprimanded oud dis-charged.' Four Chinese woro arrested to-day; ono for assault andbattery on another Celestial, twofor opium iu possession and onofor non-payme- nt of taxes.

    Chester Doylo got out of bodlong enough this morning to at-tend tho Gallaghor-Shimiz- u trial,but went back to it as soon as howas oxcused by tho Court.

    L. C. Allies and J. B. Daniels,havo retired from concorns inwhich they worn respectivelypartners, which will be bopu bynotices iu this paper. Both areKoiiiu away, as elsewhere

    Positively tho last performanceof the Flying Jordans is an-nounced for tomorrow oveniug.Tho verdict of all who havo seouthem is that no bottor show of thokiud has been hero. Tonight'shouso is nearly all bought up.

    Sir Georgo O'Brien, K. C. M. G.,18 tho successor of tho Into J. B.Thurston ns Governor of Fijiand High Commissioner of thoWestern Pacific. Ho has hadmuch experience in the Britishconsular and diplomatic services.


    .Nullum.! ;imril Oftlo'i-- Vfiitllnlolliclr GrlnrnuccH

    Thoro was a conferonco of tholeading officers of tho NationalGuard with Prosidont Dole yes-terday aftemoou which lastedfrom 2 o'clock until 10 minutespast 4. Tho officers told of thehard work they had in keepingtheir organization up to tho pro-per standard, and plainly stated


    what they considored the roabousthorofor. During the interviewall their grievances wore vontijat-ed- ,

    aud many matters concerningthe military were dismissed in alltheir beariugs

    After listouing to everythingthat was said and putting manyquestions on his own account, thoPresident frankly stated that hethought tho officors had somegriovances but this was tho firstthat ho had heard of thom direct-ly. They would bo promptly andthoroughly investigated. Thoother matters brought up duringtho mooting would recoivo properattontion.

    The rull of llio lufeUng luu.been tho roHtoratiou of harmonybetwoon the Exccutivo and thoVolunteer officers, tho lattor roly-i- ng

    on tho President's promise to"do somothing," as a prominentofficor who was present at thomeeting expressed it.

    i m

    An Klertlun I'oatpouoil.

    Ono of tho immediate rosults ofthe confluence between tho volun-teer officers and Prosidont Doleyesterday has boon the postpone-ment of the election of a captainfor Company B, lmrotofnr an-nounced for tonight, for throoweeks. It is understood that astrouuous effort is to bo mado intho nieautimo to induce CaptaiuE. O. "White to withdraw his re-fusal to run for

    Opium Srlxuro.

    Sixty tins of opium was seizedou board tho stoamor J. A. Cum-mins this aftornoou. A promiuonthackmau, who conveyed it iu nBack to the boat, and tho mato oftho Cummins, who throw tho sackinto tho hold, woro both arrestod.

    I) - .Wi -

    Easter OpenlyThe Event of the Season




    SATURDAY,April Stli, 0th mill 10th,

    I will display tho IliR'st llnuof



    MISS A. CAHILL," Tit Hotel Street.

    Flying JordansTO-NIGH- T

    AT THE

    Opera -:- - jlouse.Wednesday: Matinee and

    Night.Positively Last Performances of the


    Matinee Prle: 7Sc, COc. ami 25c.

    W Reserve BeatNlohola Company.

    Plan at Wall,570 2t

    IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OFthe First Circuit, Hawaiian Islands.

    stated, I the Mutter of the Bitukruptoy ofWilliam w. noyu. uieuitorn oi mosalil Bankrupt tire hereby notified tocome In ami provo their debts boforothe clerk of the Circuit Court of theFirst Circuit, at the Court House, ouFrhlav. tho 9th day of April. 1897. bo- -tween the hours of ten o'clock Iu theforenoon and noon of the said day,and elect an Assignee of the saidBankrupt's Estate.

    By the Court:GEORGE LUCA8, Clerk.

    676 It

    Dissolution of Copartnership.

    The partnership horetoforo ex-isting between L. O. Abies and A.V. Gear under tho name of thoHawaiian Business Agoncy hasbcon this day dissolved by mutualconsent. A. V. Gear will

    business.L. C. ABLES,A. V. GEAR.

    Honolulu, April 5, 1897.o77-- 2t

    Dissolution of Copartner-ship.

    The partnership heretofore oxisting betweou A. V. Goar and J.B. Daniols under the firm nameof tho Hawaiian MorcantiloAgency has Iipou this day dis-solved by mutual consont. A. V.Gear will continuo said business.

    A. V. GEAR,J. 1$. DANIELS.

    Honolulu, April 5, 1SD7.577-- 2t

    Dissolution of Copartner-ship.

    To Whom It May Oonckkn:The copartnership horetoforo exist-

    ing between the uuiluriiignfil underthe llrm iiuran of Poppleton & Moellv'. . thl V. V.'b h

    con-mi- t. Mr. hrn lpUotou willcontinue the busings ami asumo allllubllltios, ami collects all outstand-ing accounts.


    Honolulu, H. I , April 3, 1807.670-2- t

    Notice of Appointment ofAttorney.

    During my absence from tlif Hepnb-H- oBow Hoy will act for me under

    special power of attorney.LEE OHU.

    Dated Honolulu, II. J April 0,1R97. 577-- 3t

    Corporation Notice.During tho absence of Lee Clui

    from the Kepubllo Bow Hoy will actas Manager of The O.ilm Lumber undBuilding Co.. Ltd;THE OAHU LUMBER & BUILD-

    ING CO., Ltd.B L"o Ohu its Preild tit.

    Duted Honolulu, U. J., Apill 6,1897. 677 .It


    NOTARY PUBLIC miOkficki SOS Merchant

    Illook Outer'Uox IS.lB

    j U;-- . I. ii ;A


    rear of J. O.


    The Sunlight is

    Glistening on

    Those " Orange Rims,"

    but uuforlunatoly for us it isnot glistoningon them in thiscountry, as our shipment ofSTEARNS whools was put ontho "W. H. Dimond," bo is notduo " hero for a wook. OurCOLUMBIAS also are stillout of wheoling rango,as theygot to S. F. tho day boforotho stoamor sailed, and nomoro froight would bo re-ceived, but they will comoalong soon, and in tho mean-time wo want you to knowthat wo recoived 97 KAM-BLEB- S

    by yestoarday'sBtoamer, and can fit you outwith either a '9G or '97 wheol,and wo know wo can Biiit you.Tho 189G KAMBLER is thobargain of tho year and thochance to buy a well knownhigh grado whoel for $75 and$80 will not last long, as woaro informod by tho makersthat this is tho last lot of '9Gwheols they can furnish, for,as they write, "our sales havobeen phenomonal, and youtook tho last '96 wheels wo hadin stock."

    8- - We iient uicyoles by thohour, day, week or month, and worout high grado now whools, suchas RAMBLERS, STEARNS,and COLUMBIAS, bo if youwant a short rido or a long rido,want to rido singlo or want toridodouble, drop in and seo how nicelywo can fit you out. You will gotjust as good a mount if you tolo-phon- o

    us, and wo will send yourwhool to your door. Your chancoto buy a '9G RAMBLER cheapwill only last a fow days, don'tmiss it.

    E. 0. HALL & SON,Corner Fort and King Sis.

    ttlilTVlNiCW--J I M






    Fine Millinery!ON"

    Thursday, Friday and Saturday,A1JHIL 1st, 2d and 3d.

    French Pattern Hats, Bonnetsand Millinery Novelties!84S7 You aro cordially invited to attend. ""Eg

    N. S.520 Fort Sfcroot .FLonolulu.

    Since We Must Eat to Live, Let's Have the 73es(.

    Just Opened TJp anInvoice of . . .


    Japan Flavor, English Breakfast and Ceylon. Also,


    Olvo them trial . MoDcy back it yon don't like them. Also, jtint rcceivod

    Choice Block Butter, Kits Creamery Butter,Fidelity Brand Bacon, Hums, Crackers and Cakes,

    Mild Cheese, Smoked Beef,

    . . .





    Choice Potatoes, Etc., Etc., Et

    212 King street, next to the

    Velvets Brocade ftFormer IPrice Si .50




    CUT VELVET!Former Price SG.50






    Styles in




    Chas. Hustace,Arlington.

    SEVENTH WEEKand Velveteens Plaid Velveteens








    TF5. 17K7. iTOSEUD.A.IKFSJ

    iwVt'i mtm 'ffWl V'yHjWSliW





    S2.3o. . s rw


    Jjsitest1 .: ',

    i . . Vj ,7. ' V- -,

    ALL ' ' , 9

    S No. lO-'F- OKT STEEET STOEE-- No. 10i

    xrAP- -


    ' HRk


  • bob IIP,I ' ''







    AND -



    Scientific Remedy

    Thoroughly Tested by


    Uo Suffering- - During Treat-ment.

    So Injurious After Effects.

    5o Loss of Time from 'Busi-ness.

    Improved physical condition,absolute freedom from anydesiro for Alcoholic stimu-lants.

    Length of tuittj irj.Ii'i:d foitmttu'Giit Three weeks.

    Fees clmrged $100 for Alco-holism.

    $40 for Tobacco.

    NO CURE ! NO PAY !

    Institute located in Arling-ton Cottage, Hotel Streot,Honolulu.

    All communications or in-terviews strictly confidential.

    For further particulars, ad-dress,

    Secrotary Hngoy Institute,Honolulu.

    t j

    T" ';'


    Good Groceriesarc not luxuries nowa-

    days; they aro necessities.Competition has brought thoprices down to a point whoreevery one can have them. Wodeal in and keep the best as-sortment in Honolulu. Inaddition to Staplo Grocerieswo have Dried Fruits in largovariety.



    Hawaiian Folia Jamthan which there is nono

    better in tho market. This istho Wassman Brand.

    Crosse & piackwells.Cream Lucca Oil in pints

    and quarts.

    Jams and Preserves.

    California & Spanish Olives.

    Huckin's Soup,a dozen different kinds, the

    best in the world.

    Family Mess Porkin five pound tins.

    E3P3" Onlprs by telephonepromptly filled.


    Queen Street.


    Art -:- - Fotos

    Tie Most Completeand Artistic Seriesof Island Views EverExhibited.

    The Liitest A'pliciuip-- for FineWork iiurtiiining t lhot ginpuy.

    .2LFovi,St Tel. 151


    Mercantile Agency21(1 King streot

    Difficult Collections a Specialty

    0. B. D WIGHT""Taken contracts for nil klmln nf HTdnti.

    WOUK, monument woilt, cement andstout) hidcwalks mid curbing. I havo onband the bent Hawaiian glone, Chinegiauitu, etc I ino stone for uioimmontulwork. Estimates given and lowt-s- t price,assured. Telephone S.'l.'!.



    fW Fort nnd Qneon Streets, Honolulo,

    M. PHILLIPS & CO.,Wholesale Importers and Jobbers of

    European and American Dry Goods

    Fort and Queen Streets,


    Dealers in Lumbor nnd Coalmd Building Materials of nilkinds.

    Quoeu Stroot, Honolulu. I

    lBlfyf;ip' ' ' " )? wJto ' '""Psfe :'' '



    its Could Tell n Tall Yarn, bat ThenWero Others.

    "Olo man Sarkey, " romnrkod, tho mnnwith whlto whiskers and nothing to do,"was the dlngdcst feller fur tolliu on-tr-

    yarns thct evor I sea An, liko nilpcoplo 'at tries tor decoivo their toilermen, ho got como np with at last. "

    "How did it happen?" inquired thostorekeeper.

    "His wuBt rabies woth tho truthteem tcr bo connected woth stormsWhen tho conversation 'ud turn on

    or toruadoos er simoons cr anybooIi tilings, ho could git tho upper hando' his conscience bcttor'n nny man Iever know. His favorito subject wasbuilstoucs. "

    "HaiUtoues as big as lions' eggs?""Them's his identical words. Ho wai

    alius a seoin 'cm. Wo all used tor hatotor boo it cloud up fur fear it 'ud turninter hull an start olo man Sarkey ofttreat in tho truth liko a footbulL Onoday mo an sovorol mora o' tho boys waspassin tho liouso, an it looked so unionliko rain that wo stopped in. Well, sir,wo hadn't got no moru'u sot down thanqlo man Sarkey started in said tho skylooked jes' liko it did ono timo when ithailed down hailstones thot was cz bigez hous' eggs. Ouo of his chickens thatwas staudin on tho edgo of tho porchclucked wcth nil hor might an grabbedhim by Uio pants leg. But ho jos' shooed'cr away. Don't you know, somo of usfellers suspected thou oz thot chiokouwas tryiu tor express how shocked shewas at tho way ho was a dcalln wothfacts?"

    ' 'It seemed liko an Intelligent chlckon,did it?"

    "Intelligent? It's my bcliof thotchickin could 'a' got a collego diploma.It hadn't been rainiu fur only n fowminutes when it turned tcr haiL Woeecn olo man Sarkey's eyes begin tcglisten, an wo know they wasfyin every chunk o' ito they lit on. Iseen tho chiokin noticiu it too. Purtysoon a lmllstono lit on tho porch Itwas a good riaxl ouo, un I didn't expectanything except thct it 'ud Xuniu-l- i thotext fur another whopper. But quick mit happened thot chickin walked overto it an laid uu egg 'longsido of itThere tlioy was where yo could compurotun lneusuiunients fur yernelf No mat-ter how prejudiced ho might be, anybody'ud iiavo had tcr admit that tho half.stono wu'u't half cz big cz tho lion'segg, ucr a third, nor oven a quarter. Itjes' shet tho olo mim right up, on Inever seen so impressivo a reminder oftho faot that though a man kin go

    along nu along fur ulong whilo, sooner cr later ho's bouutor git como up with."

    Tho storekeeper leaned his elbows ontho counter and his faco on his hands.

    "Woll," ho said reflectively, "I'mwillin tor tako your word fur it thet oloman Sarkey was a good hand at n yarn

    a mighty good baud. But I do saythet, if it como tor a contest. I know 'omo folks thet could give im a mighty

    hard fur fust ' 'push place, Detroit tfrooPress.

    A Ilettrr Judg.

    h 4: S'V'Z'J'Z'Mr. Gotrox And so yon aro tho no-bl- o

    Mlow whoiescHod my wife fromin fiont of tho trn'Iey cur nt tho risk of

    'i lifi.? 1 title iiu.ulor, my liorcnon it. nti i it's-io- ji of our undyingit .Hi -- Ml ripht, ,o. Yon

    ' ' 'I ii v.'hut the woman'svv i ' I ' ' io.ll,iii.it-- j VI li ,

    Tlinro nro two ihimh.'. whypeople mo now pnyum eni tnroall tho wnj from Wmkiki to (liePnlnmn Qiofr) and lnu-k- . Ioi(rton1. It i'h tlio onlj plticc on 'ttnlhllllxlH ullHIt' tllO ( nl. 1,1111. il Sillviition A rm v t'n in Hwou2. Afinr payiii(i cur fare liolbunyw putroiiK lind ttn-- nr tiioncyin pookut liy di'iilinu nt Huk "livenui lot livo" (VitnliliHliiiifiit WoiiNn delivor v()l"'h pimiii Dinnioiul llund nnd Moiiiinluii fioc.

    Haiuiy Cannon," Pnliiiiin Grocery

    Opposite RiiiUny depot, Kiiifstreot. Tel. 755.

    Be suro and cull for a uluss oftbe colobmted bock beer with yourlunch today nt the Anchorsnloon.

    Torchou and VnloucietuiCR lacesnro still in gront demnud. L. B.Eerr line a choice lot, which ho isselling nt lowest possible rates.

    That pioturo iu King Bros',window which hns nttracted samuch attontion is not tho poitrnitof nuyono hero.

    J. S. Walker,

    Real - Estate - Broker


    pihahoiai. mm.Dealer inReal Property,Improved

    orUnimproved.Has for Sale and Lease on

    Liberal Terms.

    SALE.1. Largo Lot, Makiklstioet, fenced, 223

    feet front lgv.2. Lot on Kinau Btrect between Alnpal

    nnd Knplolani streets 140 feet frontage.3. Lot on Lunnliiostroot between Alapai

    nnd Hpckftld stncti.4. 3 largo Lots on Prospect street.5. House and Lot on Oreen street be-

    tween Knplolani nnd Victoria.0. The Building known nsThomos'Block,

    2 Btories and ombraclng 5 (rented) storeson leasod ground.

    7. Lot corner of Kinnu nnd Piikol streets.8. Itico Laud at Wuikano, Koolun.9. Lot on corner of Ileuln and Kecau.

    mokn street Imtwcen rcsideuco of W. A.oowen nnd lot of V. M. Gilford, havingfrontage on noulu streot 2C0 feet..JRvf0"1,0 nwl 7 wi,h Uouse. Ku.Wniklki road,

    H. Half Aero Lot in Hilo Town.LEASE.

    1 . 3 Cottngos on Queen street near Punchbowl street.

    2 3 Cottages nt Old Waiklki.3. Store and Dwelling, corner Wyllie

    aud Nuuanu, ready for occupancy4. Lot corner Merchant and Richards


    Properties Manuged, Collec-tion of Rents, Loans Nego-tiated and Advances made onRe tl Estate.

    JOHN" S. WALKER,Sprockets Block, Honolulu.P. O. B.x. S3i). Tel. 331.

    'John Mott,Importers and Dealers in

    iEJ JF?-3'- iSlSBiL

    Uteei and iron Ranges,


    BIMOND 'BLOCK. .m & 123 King Btrect.


    My $10.00 Hntli Tubs, lined with bestiiui.lity, No. 10 zinc, 0 in. Pipe, Chain anoI'lu. will' wood im ull ooninlete. dthoiileiileip hio ilumfouuded, and resort to h1niiiuuni of Tnckx mid Rxcusck.

    Hi not (itci'iri it, tiiesti Until Tuba baitweu Hold fo $14 uutill reduced the Jirice.

    I nui iiemro(l to do nil work in my lintaud uarunt- - o sutlsfactiou. Estimates fur.nirtbed.

    If you w ant a Rood Job cheap for CaHb,ring liy Tflopbuno 844, aud I um yon)miiu.

    JA8. NOTT Jn,Tinsmith .t l'lnicbei


    Carnage Manufactory013 to (21 Fort Street.

    Carriage BuiUdLetfand nnrAiiiEiu

    Slacksmiihing in All Its Branches.

    W. WKkTut, Proprietor.(HncoeHfor to ft. Went.)

    AMBRIOANLivery and Boarding Stables

    Corner Merchant and Richards Sis,

    LIVERY and BOARDING STABLES.ES"CariinL'cs, Surrey nnd HaeK at all

    huum. TELIU'HONK 1U0.

    Patent -- Shaft- Springspwjss nr t - -

    Invented uml Patented by W. W. WRIGHr.

    It Obliterates All Horse MotionThis dovico can bo attached to Any Brakewith Straight Shafts. . . . .

    CJi. For full particulars, cull on or nddrcss

    W. W. AVRIGI-IT-,S56'lf I'roprletor Honolulu Carriage Manufactory, Fort streot, above Ilotol.

    CLUB STABLES,DFoit Stxeet, - - - - Tel. --Q7Y

    BOAKDING, -:- - SALE -- : AND -- :. LIVERY.


    -:- -- JSJSTDA specialty.

    --WE HAVE THE- -


    The best of attention Riven to animals left with hh. Careful rr,oifnattendants, promptness. iTheks, Hurries. Drakes. HiiRlfi.PhaetoU3. W"ontt

    MEW GOODSr--i AT THE:- -.

    Gii Furniture Store,(Corner of Fort and




    Main Offloe Telephone No. 63. P. O. Box No. 222 Branch Office Telephone No. 838.

    Oahu Lumber and Building Co., L'd.Merchants, Contractors & Builders.


    Doors, Sashes, Paints, Cils, Buildors' Hnrdwaro, "Wall Papors anMntting, Etc. Manufacture All Kinds of Moulding.

    Main Offlco. Lelco, King street. Branch Offlco and Planing Mill, corner Kino andBethel streets. Lumber Yards, Leleo and Lot near It. B. Depot Private track connect-ing with 0. 11 & L. Co. K. It. rung through our yards to B. B. wharf and any nrt ofKwn and Waiauoe stations. IS.T-- tf

    A GOOD THING4--- TJ a c

    Ohia, Algeroba and Pine Firewood

    Cut and Split (ready for the Stove).Also,



    At Lowest Prices, delivered to any part ottho City.


    HUSTACB & CO.,31 Queen Street.

    Is prepared to furnish

    4000 Tons Cane FertilizerTo order for 1896.

    In Quantities to Suittr Orders solicited for a future de.tlvery.

    A. F. COOKE, Manager.



    N. 45 Queen Street.' Expert Apprnisemont of RealEstate and Furniture,

    Tfie Evening Bulletin, 75 centsper wonth.

    Hill's i,




    I I I


    liurctanki streets.)

    VILLIAMS, (Manager)Dudertnker nnd Embnlmo


    Contraolot and Builder.

    Offices and Stores iltted up andEntlmatesKlienou

    Bulletin, 75c, der Month

    fl&waii&n FertilizingCOMJPA.1SIY

    ALL KINDS OF WOKK. x. fl

    13" OUlco and Bhop: No OW Fort street,adjoining W. W. Wright's C'arrlaKo 8hop.

    W. H. RIOKAED,General Business AgentWill nttond to Convoyaucing in

    all its Branches, Collectingand all Business Mattel s

    of trust.

    All Business entrusted to himwill recoivo Prompt nud CarefulAttontion. Office:

    Hcnokaa, Hamakna, Hawaii.

    A New Abstract Office.

    As a result of 15 year's experi-ence in the Abstract Business, Iam prepared to make Abstracts ofTitle in a most thorough, accurateand complete manner, and onshort notico.

    F. W. Makihnb.In W. 0. Smith's Office, 818'

    Fort Streot. 215-t- f

    Evening Bulletin 76c per vionth.

    'V mi&fi&'ik j . & lu .



  • ?y fc wqn"l YHMi --- --? " 'PiiPiP'iWHF ;7$JaIpppp If- - &!?'WTWSWalllHBPUHBSsW'"-- . I. ?!! "WWpC'TKW'1' - ",l .yn yrf. - ";


    i 1TB0P0LM HUT CO.

    103 KING STREET.

    O. J.VfALhzn - Managed.



    Naw Contractors.Refrigerated Poultry


    Fresh Salmon


    fflefaiopoliten HbW Co.

    Telephone 45.

    RING UP 104'!The Centra Meat Market

    214 Nuuanu Street.

    Iox Your ClioicoOrders

    The finestOF

    Always on Hand Orderspromptly ami caret ullj attend-ed to.

    HERBERT GARES,Sole Proprietor.

    Fresh Grocerieslly Eaoh Steamer.

    Table .'. DelicaciesA specially at

    VOELLER & CO.'S,26 Beretania Street, Warinc Block.

    i jsj-- Telemioke 680 199

    Wholesale and Retail Groceries.

    515 & 517 Fort St. , Honolulu

    Telephoner 2' P.O. Box 470

    Commissioner of Deeds


    State of California.

    Havlne been appointed and commissioneda Commissioner of Deeds for the State of Cal-ifornia, I am prepared

    To administer and certify oaths.To take and certify depositions and affid-

    avit.To take and certify the acknowledgment or

    proof-- of powers of attorney, mortgages,

    transfer, grunts, deeds or other Instruments'rreCOri- -

    A. V. GEAR,Telephone 250, 210 King Btreet.

    Pioneer Building andLoan Association.

    Assets July, 18QG, $106,5tf16

    Honey Loaned on Approved Security.A Savings Bonk for Monthly Deposits.Houses Iluilt on the Monthly Installment

    Plan.Thirteenth Sorioa of Stock now opon.

    For further particulars apply to

    A. V. GEAR, Secrotary.Ohambor of Commerce Booms.Office hoiUH, 12:30 1:30 PiM. 373-t- f

    J. S. WALKER,tit n en u. Aoet roil Hawaiian Islands.

    Royal Insurance Cowrnnr.Alflance Assurance Company.Alliance Murino and General Assurance-Company- .

    Sun Life Attsnranco Company of Canada.Willieliui of Jlailgeburg Insurance Cow

    pony. vScottish Union and National Insurance


    Uoom 12 Sprockets Block, IIoiiolulu, U. I.

    BRUCE CARTWRIGHT,General Manager of

    The Equitable Life Assurance Society

    Of tho United States for the HawaiianIt,lands,

    Orr'ctti Merchant strcot, Honolulu.


    Vnluablo Business Propotly on

    Nuuanu strcot, bringing a good


    Sevoral Lois near Punchbowl

    and at Makiki, tho Choicest Rosi-denc- o

    Property in tbo oity. Aporfoct view from Diamond Head

    to Ewa, Honolulu and Harbor.

    Four Houses and Lots on Punch-bowl stroot, only fivo minutes

    walk from tho Post Ofllco.J &&,

    We also have Comfortublo

    Houses for salo on easy torms si-

    tuated on tho following streets;

    Lunalilo, Kinau, Kukui, Hns-sing- er,

    Burotitnia, Young, Vic-

    toria, Grew, Thurston Avenue,