iyiiiilii iiii,, - newspapers.rawson.lib.mi.usnewspapers.rawson.lib.mi.us/chronicle/ccc1899...

] 5anita( ¢ount g g~'~'S ll~!j$!~ SANILAC CENTRE N, VATTER, Peep, Argyle, 51ichigan. Just t2eceived /,~. CON[PLETE LiNE OF &H,A. Underwear FOF~/~EN vt,;iB to Det,roit,. his recenl~ ilhless. Fleeced lined for youths and a large assortment nr Ladies' Underwear. WNI. 'RICHAR~DSON SHOE5 Arc the farmer's standard~ el(her a working shoe or for fine wear. NO{) the finest or cheapest,, but, tim best and mosB ses vie4ble. IYIIIILII IIII,, AROYLE. , J. I:L S~evcnsons's Harness Shop at Argyle is the place t,o go for your Do L| IoI~ a~Id "Single Harnesses Cbllars, Sweat Pads, Whips, Robes, Curry Combs, ],~;l'ushes, Wagon Grease, IIa]'ness Oil, Cattle 'i'ies, Ita.mes (,f every description, Blankcts of all Mnds and prices. H/~ LT E. E~S F RO/~% ~e uP 1)on't fail to Call Whefi in town; We v~anB ~o Ket, acciui(inted witll you and Miox;¢ you our go(Ms add prices; A tfi;i] means a steady Bustomer. ]31'ing in your i'epairing Yoti wilF be sat,is- lidi~l both in pt'ice and workmanship. J. H~ g__~tevenson ~rg~le t bas just been mpI'oved witha ......... Ttlrr~|ng |ath~ ~.nd rip sa~ and we are ina.king a s}iJecialty oi7 Woodworl~. Di'ing your old-wagoh he/'e and liave ~ wide i~ired~ good-as~ new wagon made clma.per and bert{ 1; i,han anywhere else. For referel~ce a.sk the myriad o£ our patrons, DMe sol~cit yOElr" paironage ShalB0na, Mich Chaso Sackett ~DEALF.R IN~ Vreslf Groceries Mways on hand. W ]CK3VARI¢, 2~ICtl o Cut i-I,a v i n g purchased the conversions. Young boys w!}o habiL- j ually speBd their evenintzs in the h(}- tels have been converted and now spend their eveninus elsewhere. ].f tile good work continues (,he sak}ons will soon be conspicu(}us by the at- Mrs. ?,Jason has ret,urned l'rom her sencc of Lhe village boys. 121;h a d l o n g been a habiB for the youn/ boyB to Thomas Doyle has recoyered from congregat,e in the h{)Bels evenings and indulge in games and language with :bh's. VannesB made a Ilyin~ trip to associates that, were depraved men- I)eBrotB and back htst week. Thechurch Bhrce miles sonBh is un- dergoing repairs in the inBerior. County Clerk Simmons Sl:}enB Sun- .~la5 wit.l| iris family in/)ecl~erville. The Band l}as added Bwo new silver- phtt,e(l t,rombone horns to their se~ of instrument,s, ~saa0 Trerice has opened a new bar- bershop in the old O~Keefe building on Main street. ])ehner lI, Dawson ha8 ret,urned from the sesshm of tlle F. ,% A. M. held in Pt,. 11uron. tI. II. I:Ioffman spent Sunday in De- troit with his I'ainily after an absence of sevet'al montl]s, Tlis place was without, mail all day ~]2mday unt,il ]ate at ntght as a result of the snow bloclmde. Mrs. James Bourke will open a new baker shop in connection wiBll the grocery in a short time. Win. 1t. Burgess is moving his law ofllce from (,he Probate oMce above the Truman 5loss State Ba, nk. The fol:owing are Sufferers m)m the grippe: George Ston(~, Mrs. George Den|o, Mrs. John McDonald, Mrs. Thos. Mooi'e. F. A. Farr, 3ames McLaughlin and T. E. Dawson called in Brown City on Sunday and were snowbound so they did not gelfbadlL Tlm supper and ball Friday evening in Roberts' tlall promises to be the SWellesL event of the season. The Pt. Ihli'on oi;dliestPa, will furnish music while t, hd N'cD{mald I-Iouse wiil i'uiL nish ~he refresh, ,~ m e n t s . Fred ScoBt was ai'rested in Mar- quetto ]a,~t week by Under Sheriff Denio and brought to the connt, y jail on a cl]arge of t)astardus Preferred by Tlllie thtffmaster, tie w'~s arraigned before Justice Dawson Saturday. Later lie ~at, a marria~,~e ,license and was married to the complaining wit- hi~s. He Will how be dischargi~d. !Phe funeral of AD)ert Carney took place last Tlmi'sday in the Met, hodist Church souLh. He was buried by the M'aecabeos, he bein~ a member of that, or~,aniza,;inn. The Sir Kni,ght,s and Ladies of this place were well repre- seni:ed, nlthon~'h the weather wns blnstering. 'Phe church w;ts crowded and was t.astefnlly decorated in white. T. C. Mapes has reeeived an offer {}f $125 per month to lead the Hought(m Band. Mr. Mapes will accept the offer and leave for his new field of i:fl){}r t,h e coming week. The boys here will be sorry to See him goes he Jtasheen the insph'ing spirit, in thB band here. tie is also the director nf several other bands in the County and i,q We]] ]¢nf}Wll alTIOll~ |rills|clans In tlfis 'lnd tl~e adj{}ining counties. Mr. Mapes is well qualilied to lill the posi- tion offered him. He is the composer {}f several band pieces which are of meriB but have not been published, The revival in the M. 11. church was continued the t};isB week by Rev. Eln- e:'iek assisted by a colored lady who g'tng. The se.rvices have been unust> t Ir ally beneficial ~e.;ultin,, in over sixly ..... -o,, ,. : . . ; D. D. SIENA UOHTON, I'IIYSICIAN AND 8UI{.GEON. Graduale of U. of M. omco at residcnco. Argyle Mich. JOHN McPHAIL, Fur, lure and Uno rlal ,g, Argyle, ?dich. tally and morally. Jurors for March term of the Cir- cuit, Court: Flynn} John Gralmln ~[ap]e Valley, John H. Hydortl Speaker, James Weston Fremont), Charles Mort,liner W{}rt,1]~ E u g e n e t h t r v e y Dehtware, ChrisB Baugllmah Minden, William Conway A ust,in, Constantine 1-'cter Greenleaf, Janms ])ew Evergreen, John McPherson Argyle, George Vat,ters Wheatland, Angus McLot|d Marion, Fred H. AbboBB Forester, Win. H. Burgess Bridgel]amptol], Thomas 5[aynard Custer, ,lacob MaBer . Moore, Ora Shelclon Lamot,te, Leonard Harp Marlette. John/)t|ll~ Ehner, Michael J. OU3rien Water~own, Jim. Donaldson 8r WashingBon, Wa]ter 8t(}ne Sanilac, R(}berB McI)cmald Lexingt, on, George Oardher Jr. Bue]~ Richard Cbla'gins Elk, Lewis Green WICKWARE News is scarce this week, 3Jr. Bart,les preached aB Hulbrook Sunday. C. ]hlssell of DeLroit was in t,own on Wed ncsd a y. 5[. and I. Seeder were in San|lee Centre Friday. The Sutlmrland boys returned from Lupton last week. ]l. A ns]andcr (}f Shabbona visited a b Win. i'chP's ,¢.'u[:d:ly, Ladies' Aid of M. E. chnreh meB aB 3Irs, 4.. McLachlin's Wednesday. Dr. aid 51rs. McNaughton visited 1)r, ]h'awf{}]'d of 1)eckerville Tuesday. J. Frap, zel] is rejoiclnla' over ~t baDy boy t,1],tB came to his home on Mop.'- da.y. ILev. Vancuren of Ilenderson preach- ed in the 3[. E. church Sunday r,),'e- [10(}11. A vahmb]e horse {}I' Marslmll Stev- ens (lied last week as the resulr~ of an accident. Mab~i I~obt} of Sanilac Cent.re spent Snnday with her sister, :Mrs. A. Me- Laughlin. MP. ]}f'(}wn of the Ubly Citizens' Bank and W; IJrown of Ubiy werB in town Tuesday, l]arold Patterson ~ lefB for Ilose Clt,y 3londay wl]ere he expects to Plin If. Graybitl's engine. Misses Mary Zinnecker of Cass Cil.y and 1(aBe Becker o£ Lake Odessa are guests of Mrs; W. D. St,ri111er, Chas. McCarty an{1 family and N. Freiburger and faa}ily (}f Aust,in spent, Sunday at ,Paul FrelburKers. A wedding party fn)m 3Ie]~'in ar- i'ived aB Jno. McI)onald~s Thursday and expect to spend a week there. i~h's. Gani{}r and son, T(}m~ and Mr, Mc],&y, teacher at; Leslie sctm(}l, we('e guests of blmNisses fIerdell last week. © A.J. McLachlinconduebed the Ep- A {BiillJngaB Mrs. Sansburn's last worBt~ Lea!zue pmeting Stliday i~ight, Wedn6iday, ;Is A. C. Grahaln was ilot) able L:} l~e Prices Cie.nerat tore, at Cumber ~i am prepared to sell good~ at thc very lowest prices. The old stock of Boots. Shoe.% and Dry Goods will be dosed out at cost to make room for new goods. A Handsome Clock Oiven Away to anyone ti~:~{1ing $10 or a nice bed room set containing four pieces (Y to anyone (radin~ $15. Don't fail to Call and see us; It is no trouble to sh6w goods, t{ighest market pYice paid for butter and t~ o ' g ' , q . t2~ A sTRON(i, ,,. Cumber, Mich. J eimte Battle and Etta Ford visitcd Bt~e school Tnesday. Mort and Leilie Keyser drove to Brr}vvh Cit,y Sat,ui'day; Mell Miller and faintly spent Sun- day aB Mr. Birdsall's. ArB Smith aud ]Pre.d Neville have returned fr(}nl the woods. Gee. 13urt~ and faln'ly visited at, Al- bert, Price's near H(}lbrool~ Sunday, Quiltings seem to be the order of the day. One aB 2~[i's. Ge(}. Brown's Tuesday. Cynthia P,enneLB who has l}e(,ii home i,he past, week (,n accounB (}f ill= hess returned t,o Cass Cit,y Sunday. No servlce will be held here new Sunday as Mr. Seelh(}ff expects ~o assist,in the re¢iwt! meetings which arc being held a t; Climber. Wickware school report, for mont,h ending Feb. 1;-;t;. " No. of pupils enrolled 52.- No. (}f days taught 20. )kverage daily at, Lendance 37, Those l}resent every day are as rid- lows: Vincent, Keyser, M/hid Gf'a('ie, Hazel /h'own~ IIattl(i Brown, ],'l{}ra and J(,hnnie Mc]?hail, Willie Iludg- son, BertlmSaeket, t,, llarry and Ziza Sansburn, Marvln aml Eva Keys(r, and Myrtle frown. Those not absent nloro Lhan (me day are: George Bennett,, Lee Smith and Mattie NePhail We have entertained el(yen visit;ors Bhe pasB two weeks. Come aKaill. ~binsonCruso{i is being l'~2ad at school. Teacher; ..... ~.o.i-- ARGYLE, (2. I). Peterhans returned from Care Saturday. Fr. Burke celebrated mass ab (,he ]2. O, Church Sunday, Gee. Powell transacted business in C tss City Tuesday. Ambrose Hurdell returned from Yale on Wednesday. Paul Freiburger Jr. yislLed aB N. Herdcll's Sat,urday. Protracted meet,ings are being held at, Sawden seh{)olhouse. Alex McPhail made a business ti'ip {5 } Sanihte Cent,re Friday. A girl baby arrived at, the tin.he of Iienry Kitchin on Friday,' Dr. McNaughton made a profession- al call in Shabbona Friday, present. The young people were revered with a party at I. H ,ll's Thursday. ()ne~ a/. S. W. St,ri{lter's Friday an(l invit;1- ti{}ns arc ouB I'm' anot,her aB ,J~, Sic- Donald's Tueiday; (/(:(}. ,~,(.... nson and wil'~, Jno. 8tev- ens(m and wire, J, 5IcD(maid an{t wife W. Malhews and wifcai~d Josephine an~l Barbara IIerdell aLBended (,he Maceabee instailat, ion iiB Shabbon:t ]fist ~Io,:dliS, eveniiig and all rcporl);I lthe 1i~('. FREIBURGERS, The grit}pe has a large major]by. B[ike !,]annery is st, ill on t,he si(k list,. Win. 3unb's children are sick with 1:~ gl ippe. t,'ebPua~y weal;her. Neither sleigh- ing nor wlleeling. Mrs. Ben Wells and child have bo~h very ~ick Lifts wcuk. Miss Ethel tlun~ is reported quiLe Sick el; this writ,ing, Mr; and 31r~,. A. C. Graham spent Sul,{lay in (2ai~s City. Wilber Mal~hews is spending a few days ,wiLD his l'aBher-Jii-law. " 8Lel)hcn Pet,er is witA1 his son in Not'est,~ in (,he lumber busiuess; Chas. i'(}l]aP{l ret, urned 0n '.l?ueSday to remain a few days wit,h his family. Mr. and ~i is, Job 8mli, h are visiting in the s(}uthern part of ~he coun|,y ,'tnd Bob is looking after the chores. -- - -.6.o.o-- CUMBER A Ec~IrcIL,y (}l' Bews this week. Miss Flora Jordan Ires returned from visiting her sister, Mrs, Nyeof Indiana. Owing to the ~re,tB~, ' " reduction in the price of goods our mcrchan~ is doing a thriving business. Mrs. John Bradburn has been ((m- fined t{} the house for the pasB tWO weeks wiLh la grippe. Mr. and Mrs. Ki~hin of Ci~eboygan are spendin/r a few days with Lhe let- ter's sister, "Mrs. A. A. Ewin~. Revival services conduct,ed by: 3h'. -~railC]ll'an tim evangelist have been it] I}l'(igreSs th8 past, t,w6 (';'eeks, bib as }'el) wiLhoul be'wing any visible h'ui~. B:s an evidence of republican p6"~;- p~ril;y a numberer farmers intend pul,6ing basemenLs under tl]eir barn the coming sumn,er. Included in the number are l). Mclnl~yre, J(}hn Witl- erL{}n,,lohnI~Padburn and A.A. Ew- ~ng. JOHN I KILMANAGH. Miss Lllhe I)oerr is visiting wiL~i her broBhei; :~I~ ~his phlce. A. Buesehlen has rented liis farm; sol 1 most, 61' h[~ st{}clq and will nmve I~o Linkville iff the neai" future. The l;each{rs arid p'atrons' }:ally el, tlm Snell school wa~ we]l atttend{d and lntlch interesB was awakened. A. N; TI~EA D{~OLD, PItYSfCiA.N AN/) 8gIIOEOi'~ £11 (:Mls answePed 1}roml}tly night or day, 1)lse;tses of {:hll{lren given speci:t] ;tLtenth)n, Ki]nm ~ I.;4"h, Mich. I Iave you t,t%d the celebrated " ~, g~ , L:~l]~i:~, l~!an0, or liioago lolali l:lolave Organ The campai;n for count,y commis- We h/mitle{hem and they gi('e goo~l slo,~cr (,r sclmo]s is'-warming. There sati,~fact, ion. Do you want a Violin, are f~mr candidates in (,he lield a'nd Nandolin or Guitar or the best, in- careful canvassing is being done. The strut(ion books for the same? Le~ ng friends ()r SIP. Kaercher arc m;/kii{~': 1}gar from you. "J:he favorite "Cornet STEAIJY an except,ional cff6r~ to secure hisi Band March" (regular price 35c) a!; 18 no:n!n'~t, ion ,~, the c0nvenl~i{,n to h,, cents. We dean and tune organs, held at, Ba(l Axe iTeb. 1L Wit, h I~i:~ No cure, no pay. broad scholarship and sterli~,g char- act,er hc certainly is a man ]lnder Co F. liEY, whose gliding hPnd our seho{ds w()uld F|llST II()l)'81~ $O1JTII ~IffIONI~ OFFI{rE do the best, work possible. Kilmanagh Guaco a ¢ountl tlew . L....... === . . . . . . . . , ............... !1 DEFORD, Orville Ware has ne'~rty recovered from hi8 fall. Fch~.}::] -]~'~;a I ~{Hld;ly Oil aCCOllllt Of illness of teacher. Everyone excllsed over pulp wood, $1.75 per cord delivered at, depo{,. Ilol'S(i 1;ra.ders g,..q, yotlr eyes opo]led. T :e Ped-heacte(1 horse jockey is ready i for bu:.iness. Well I,~{). 1)BfoPd we dhl all we eo,.lld about (,hat, baby affair. U,'e are nob /:o blame. Misses Mabel I);~ughert,y ::ml 5!i~:- hie Spencer enBert.'~ined co:npany fr~an Kingston on Stlw, lay. ,IobHartwick had a ~eri(}',~s~ni~£or-' tune last, wee,,', One ()f ills nms13 val- uable hoPse~ ~.'(,b its leg l:Ji'oken by at kick fh'om ah{ither lm~:se. ELMWOOD, Mabel King vi:;ited ab 1L Webster's 0~ Stlnday. The ice and wo:}d lHPvest is on in thig part,. W.A. Lockwood was in Cass Cit,y la,~B week Tuesday, E~hel l)odge spent Sunday w]Bh l),lossom L(:ck wood. Elder Win. ():,trander spenB a part) of last Week el; hmne. 31abel Kiflg" and lone Ostr,tndcr were in Cass (lily last week Thursday. W. A; L0~:l<w(}:)l< h a u l e d ice from (,he river near i;aites'~s bridge on 5ion. day. Mesdames E. ].'. Stone and I'. W. Stone visited at; 'J'. Lca':l,:,,; (m '.l'i]urs- day of last wee,& Frank States arm wife :]n,q little boy o1' A k r o n attop, ded [,Im :i. I)..4; chill'ell (}1'Ll~is ]fla(:e last Sit, ul'(]ay. .... ~;,O*a ...... A. ]i'rutchey of Cass Ci{y was in Lown Monday last,. A. L. Sly was in l,}ay Cil,y last week with a ioad of produce. 8c!mol is; closed this week (m ac- e~)unL 0I' Prof. 1'](1(]5' being sick. I ). C. l?m'dy of Car()t,rau.<actcd bugi- ness in i;(iwn ~everal days las*, week. Rev. C(;ilins of I}ct, r~Ab arrived in l~own Tuei~{lay b} install tlm I, O, F. 0tilters. MP. a n d 51Tri~. W . W . l!argraves of Ehnwood visitcd wi~h rriends in town Tues{ll y. Mrs. C. E. Leipt}randtof l'igeon vis- ited wilh her SiSBer, Mrs. d. L. I?urdy lasl; week. The I. O. ]P. h)(Ige will give a public in';t:lll :t, ion ill Echo Hall Tuesday ev- ~ening Feb. 5. MISS Ada Coon has been very ill the pasB xycek. She is improving slowly at this wriLing, 1~13-' "s 51edicitie Co. i/; ih [i};,;,,t] this 'Week. r1'hey give elllerLaiuments each niglil~ in Echo llalt. 1)ando & Iri'uL(:hey hage disp{~sed of {heir s{;ock of Chff, hing i~h(1 shoes Be Ryan Bros. MP. 1)and6 will b~em- ptoycd by 1Lyan Bros. Fred Pahner was in C]il~'(m(l ]asf5 Week, lie expects tt) pllrohasc the hardware business or 3Ir. t,:ci]y and locate (,here. Success to you Fred. Gee. Hoi)e.rofl; receive(l a lctegranl Tuesday from l~:/y City slaHng that his brot,her~ dohn, had l':~tle:i from a {r moving, train upon wl~i,,.'h lie was working, The train lmssed t}vefone arm and ]hg euti, in~ Lhdm entirely olr. Mr. ~tld 3Ir& t!(}pc.r~ii't; ]c['{ al once for his brother's l]ome in Bay Ciry. "EAST NOVESTA. Art.hut Brown is wrestling with the .grippe at Lhis wPiting. Win. Mi:Callum is engaged at pres- ent getting oub :t barn l'riili~e, LOuis Wheel,)r is movin~ some of his eii'ects to his new f~i,'m. Frank lrwin has purchaseda new top buggy. ~iV:l!:ch out fro" him,girls. Miss Mary CoulLer of Cass CiLy vis- ited her parent.s in Evergreen over Sunday. 3[rs. Agnes Irwin and g'r;~l(ldaugl> terGlads's are vi,~ith}g relalives near 3hu'leLte; e (); E, Niles Ii;{:~ s~;ld l~i~ l'ar~ ;llld is now Lt'ytJ{~ l,o IDM a s(~it;~l)tc l,]a~;e on whicli t,o ]oe~ate; (]h;/rti6 A/~{' h:',,q {:elur{{ed from P{}nLIac }{n(l Will spend the re'{nain{ler oi' Bhe winter al; home, 2 Ma(:Ic~ of Cass City have :~old Umir timbered farm in See. 7, Eve:'green to 31(Comb :ind Ilaley {~t' Novesta. Bi'idgc b{lilders iire ab w(~i'k ereet- ing an iron brklgc {iv,:{' C;{ss ri vet be- At once. EM PI -O YS'I EN'I' :( ".1' G O O D WA GIGS. For particulars ,~end :stamI: to ~wcen See. 16 and 17 Evergree::. l)avid Agar was report,ed on the sick list las~ week but~ is Letter a~ this writing. P~evival services in the M. E. clkurch have been (losed after a scries of suc~ tess fllm eeti ugs. Tim residents nf See, 1.4 Novesta arc, makin:.,' arrangements 1o lmve thei~ section sui'veyed so they can tell where 12hey are ;it. A man who will stand a h0r,~e (nit) in a ~aging storm fl,r tl~e space of tt~l'ee l~onl's wl~ile he visits, 3ugiig ~o- have nn otieer close on his track. 'Tis said ~hat one of (}nr y(m~hs will wed {he (}1'Evergreen's fair daughters some day during Bile monBh of March. It' the saying l~e true we wish them every happiness, Isaac Ilall of Cass Cil;3, has ghe con- t;racB t,o build a large basement barn for N. W. Bridges on his farm in Sec. 1,t Novesta. Work will be commenced as soon as weatller will_ permit. Daniels ~ band have removed Bhcir headquart,ers from ~be schoolhouse to a point about one an(1 one-half miles southwest where they were s~ill la- boring accord ing to last, reports, school n~I'OlVJ; :Report, of Shabbona scl~ool for month ending Jan. 25, 1901. ,No. of days taught, 20; No. pupils enrolled, 38; Average daily at, tendance, 25. ThoSe whose average on examina- tion exceeded 80 per cent are: tlcrbic Ehlers, Floyd l?hlllips, Lynn Proctor, John Jones, VIoIeBBa Coulter, Iwt an{1 Marion !],yckman, Orwfl Leacl], Ernie Freddie and Willie ParroBt~ EBImI Bonney, Harvey NcGregory and Eliz:t A t,klns. COI{A I~OGEtLS} Teacher. ~'I)elicious. Heller's buekwheal flour for cakes. CASS CITY MARKETS, Cass Oity, Mich,, Feb. 7, 196J Wheat, No. 1 white ......................... 72 Whc-Lt~ No. 2 red ............................ 7:~' Rye. No. 2................................... 4G White o&ts, No. 2......................... ~i Iland ptcked beans ......................... I 7;~ Peas ..................................... 55 Eggs per doz: ............................... ~e~ Butter ..................................... 1 Livehogs, per cwt ..................... 4 50 .t 75 Be(f, live weight ....................... 3 00 4 00 }~hecPlive weight, per It} .................. .1~4 Lambs ................................... . 11~ I)rcsscd Veal ................................ 7 l)re,ssed Ileg's .... ~ ~ tl Dressed Beef ................... : .......... 5 5}~ chicken ...................................... !; Ducks ........................................ ,; Geese ........................... : ......... 7, Turkey ....................................... Ilides. green ............................... 5 q I~,OI~EIL.Yli1.~ 5. Whlt~ Lily, per bbl ....... ; ................. 4 3o Ileller's Best ................................ 4 ~t Spring l}atcn~.............................. 4 20- Graham Ilour per cwt .................... 12', Bolted meal, per cwt ....................... 1 5o Feed ....................................... 9,~ Meal ...................................... ... ! (,~ Brltll ......................................... ~'% Middlings .................................. so Ry~ Ilour .................................... 2 00 Buckwheat llour .......................... 2 5,~ S'//ATE Ob MICII1GAN, County of Tuseo- hi. ss. At a ses.~lonef the probate court fop s;I,I(l county, he, hl aL the lh'ol},%to office In the r 1( ~, ilhLIo~of'(htr(}o]l I,ht~ 23th d~ry of .Iaml;try,~ In tile vt~ll,1 ° O|lB t,hollsaald |lilIi} hllIl{h,ed ()11{,. Prcsm{i,~ John 3I, b'nllth, ,Itl(IKB of Probate. In the matter (ff tim est~Lto of AlberL W. Jones. deceased; On reading ILIlt[ filing lho ])c- til, ionl duly verified, of EwL M. Jones. pr:l,ytn;g this court;" 1o ad.ludie:uc and determim} whi~ :u'c or were at tl/c.tlme of his de%th the h',g:it heirs of said Albei't W..loncs :tn(l e.nLitled l(, inherit, the i'eal estg.tc of which he died seized. It is ordcretl tl~aB tim 25th day of February lle%L gL lel'I O'C]OC]{ ill t}lt3 forellOOIi IiLtlit~ llroha, t{~ CollrL 1)0, ;'u~sig/ie{I for heltl,hl~ s~i|el i}cLIt, lom And |B is fur]her or(1BPe(l tha, l; ~L col'}y of this or(let be ]ml)lished in thqTri- County ()hroni¢le, :r newsl)al}er 1)rlnte(1 l, nd eir(:uh~tediu sMd county, three suec¢\ssiw, weeks previot:,~ to sM(I day of heltrill,g. t [)4EAL.] JOIIN M. 8MIT}I, 2-1--1 Judge of l)robate, Do you need a Spring Tonic I We are headquartmrs for all kinds of Medicines; , also Stationery and a staple lilm of Flour. A. A. BF(OWN, ost Otflce Bldg. W i [ Ill Or°; BQa ksmilhing ind General We do tile above t~ the satisfaction of all Give us ~ trial and you'll be aonvineed .................. Leach & Elmwood

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Post on 14-Sep-2019




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] 5anita( ¢ount g g~'~'S l l~! j$!~ SANILAC CENTRE

N, VATTER, Peep,

Argyle , 51 i ch igan .

J u s t t2eceived


C O N [ P L E T E

L i N E OF

& H , A . Underwear

F O F ~ / ~ E N

vt,;iB to Det,roit,.

his recenl~ ilhless.

Fleeced l ined for you th s and a la rge a s s o r t m e n t nr Lad ies ' U n d e r w e a r .


S H O E 5

Arc t h e f a rmer ' s standard~ e l ( h e r a work ing shoe or for fine wear. NO{) t he finest or cheapest,, but, t im best and mosB ses vie4ble.


, J. I:L S~evcnsons ' s Ha rnes s Shop a t Argy le is t he place t,o go for your

D o L| I o I ~ a ~ I d

" S i n g l e H a r n e s s e s

Cbllars, Swea t Pads, Whips , Robes, Curry Combs, ],~;l'ushes, Wagon Grease, IIa] 'ness Oil, C a t t l e 'i 'ies, I ta.mes (,f every descr ip t ion , B l a n k c t s of all M n d s and prices.

H / ~ L T E. E~ S F R O / ~ %

~ e u P

1)on ' t fail to Call Whefi in town; We v~anB ~o Ket, acciui(inted wi t l l you and Miox;¢ you our go(Ms add prices; A tfi;i] m e a n s a s t eady Bustomer. ]31'ing in your i 'epair ing Yoti wilF be sat,is- lidi~l bo th in pt'ice and workmansh ip .

J . H ~ g _ _ ~ t e v e n s o n ~ r g ~ l e


bas j u s t been mpI'oved w i t h a . . . . . . . . .

T t l r r ~ | n g | a t h ~

~ . n d r i p s a ~

and we are ina.king a s}iJecialty oi7 Woodworl~. Di'ing your o l d - w a g o h he/'e and l iave ~ wide i~ired~ good-as~ new wagon m a d e clma.per and bert{ 1; i, han a n y w h e r e else. Fo r referel~ce a.sk t h e myr i ad o£ our patrons,

D M e s o l ~ c i t

y O E l r "

p a i r o n a g e

ShalB0na, Mich

Chaso S a c k e t t

~ D E A L F . R I N ~

Vreslf Grocer ies Mways on hand .

W ]CK3VARI¢, 2~ICt l


Cut i-I, a v i n g p u r c h a s e d t h e

conversions. Y o u n g boys w!}o habiL- j ually speBd t h e i r evenintzs in t he h(}-

tels have been c o n v e r t e d and now spend t he i r even inus e l sewhere . ].f t i le good work c o n t i n u e s (,he sak}ons will soon be conspicu(}us by t h e a t -

Mrs. ?,Jason has ret ,urned l'rom her sencc of Lhe vil lage boys. 121; had long been a habiB for t he y o u n / boyB to

T h o m a s Doyle has recoyered f rom congregat,e in t he h{)Bels even ings and indulge in games and language wi th

:bh's. VannesB made a Ilyin~ t r ip to associates that, were depraved men- I)eBrotB and back htst week.

T h e c h u r c h Bhrce miles sonBh is un- de rgo ing repairs in t h e inBerior.

County C l e r k S i m m o n s Sl:}enB Sun- .~la5 wit.l| iris fami ly in / )ec l~e rv i l l e .

T h e Band l}as added Bwo new silver- phtt,e(l t, rombone horns to t h e i r se~ of ins t rument ,s ,

~saa0 Tre r i ce has opened a new bar- b e r s h o p in t h e old O~Keefe bu i ld ing on Main s t ree t .

] ) ehne r lI, Dawson ha8 ret ,urned f rom the sesshm of t l le F. ,% A. M. held in Pt,. 11uron.

tI. II. I:Ioffman spen t Sunday in De- t r o i t wi th his I'ainily a f t e r an absence of sevet'al montl]s ,

T l i s place was without , mai l all day ~]2mday unt,il ]ate at n t g h t as a resu l t of t he snow bloclmde.

Mrs. J a m e s Bourke will open a new baker shop in connec t i on wiBll t he grocery in a shor t t ime.

Win. 1t. Burgess is mov ing his law ofllce f rom (,he P r o b a t e oMce above t he T r u m a n 5loss S t a t e Ba, nk.

T h e fo l :owing are Sufferers m ) m t h e gr ippe: George Ston(~, Mrs. George Den|o, Mrs. J o h n McDonald , Mrs. Thos. Mooi'e.

F. A. Farr , 3ames M c L a u g h l i n and T. E. Dawson cal led in Brown City on Sunday and were s n o w b o u n d so t hey did no t gelfbadlL

Tlm supper and ball F r i d a y e v e n i n g in Robe r t s ' t l a l l promises to be t he SWellesL e v e n t of t he season. T h e Pt . Ihl i 'on oi;dliestPa, will furnish mus ic whi le t, hd N'cD{mald I-Iouse wiil i'uiL n ish ~he refresh, ,~ ments .

Fred ScoBt was ai ' rested in Mar- q u e t t o ]a,~t week by Unde r Sheriff Denio and b r o u g h t to the connt, y jai l on a cl]arge of t )astardus Preferred by Tl l l ie t h t f fmas t e r , t i e w'~s ar ra igned before J u s t i c e Dawson Saturday. L a t e r lie ~at, a marria~,~e , l icense and was mar r ied to the c o m p l a i n i n g wi t - hi~s. H e Will how be dischargi~d.

!Phe funera l of AD)ert Carney took place las t T lmi ' sday in the Met, hod i s t Church souLh. He was bur ied by t h e M'aecabeos, he be in~ a m e m b e r of that, or~,aniza,;inn. T h e Sir Kni,ght,s and Ladies of th i s place w e r e well repre- seni:ed, n l thon~'h t h e w e a t h e r wns b lns te r ing . 'Phe chu rch w;ts crowded and was t .astefnlly decora ted in whi te .

T. C. Mapes has reeeived an offer {}f $125 per m o n t h to lead t h e Hough t (m Band. Mr. Mapes will accep t t he offer and leave for h is new field of i:fl){}r t, he coming week. T h e boys here will be sorry to See h i m g o e s he J t a sheen t he insph ' ing spirit, in thB band here. t i e is also t he d i rec to r nf several o t h e r bands in t h e County and i,q We]] ]¢nf}Wll alTIOll~ | r i l ls |clans In tlfis 'lnd tl~e adj{}ining count ies . Mr. Mapes is well qua l i l ied to lill t he posi- t ion offered h im. He is t h e composer {}f several band pieces which are of

meriB bu t have no t been publ ished,

T h e revival in the M. 11. c h u r c h was con t inued t he t};isB week by Rev. Eln- e: ' iek assis ted by a colored lady who g'tng. T h e se.rvices have been unust>

t Ir ally beneficial ~e.;ultin,, in over s ixly . . . . . - o , , , . : . . ;



Graduale of U. of M. omco at residcnco. Argyle Mich.

J O H N M c P H A I L ,

Fur, lure and Uno rlal ,g, Argyle , ?dich.

tal ly and moral ly .

Ju ro r s for March t e r m of the Cir- cuit, Court:

Flynn} J o h n Gra lmln ~[ap]e Valley, J o h n H. Hydort l Speaker , J a m e s Weston Fremont), Char les Mort,liner W{}rt,1]~ Eugene t h t rvey Dehtware, ChrisB Baug l lmah Minden, Wi l l iam Conway A ust,in, C o n s t a n t i n e 1-'cter Greenleaf , J anms ])ew Evergreen , J o h n McPher son Argyle, George Vat, ters Whea t l and , A n g u s McLot |d Marion, F red H. AbboBB Fores ter , Win. H. Burgess Bridgel]amptol] , T h o m a s 5[aynard Custer , ,lacob MaBer . Moore, Ora Shelclon Lamot, te , Leona rd Harp Mar le t te . John/) t | l l~ Ehne r , Michael J. OU3rien Water~own, Jim. Dona ldson 8r WashingBon, Wa] t e r 8t(}ne Sanilac, R(}berB McI)cmald Lexingt, on, George Oa rdhe r Jr . Bue]~ R icha rd Cbla'gins Elk, Lewis Green

WICKWARE News is scarce th is week,

3Jr. Bart,les preached aB Hulbrook S u n d a y .

C. ]hlssel l of DeLroit was in t,own on Wed ncsd a y.

5[. and I. Seeder were in San | l ee Cen t r e Fr iday.

T h e Su t lmr land boys r e tu rned from Lup ton last week.

]l. A ns]andcr (}f Shabbona v i s i t ed a b Win. i 'chP's ,¢.'u[:d:ly,

Ladies ' Aid of M. E. c h n r e h meB aB 3Irs, 4.. McLach l in ' s Wednesday .

Dr. a i d 51rs. M c N a u g h t o n visi ted 1)r, ]h'awf{}]'d of 1)eckervil le Tuesday.

J. Frap, zel] is rejoiclnla' over ~t baDy boy t,1],tB came to his home on Mop.'- da.y.

ILev. V a n c u r e n of I l ende r son preach- ed in the 3[. E. church Sunday r,),'e- [10(}11.

A vahmb]e horse {}I' Marslmll Stev- ens (lied last week as the resulr~ of an accident .

Mab~i I~obt} of Sanilac Cent.re spen t Snnday wi th h e r sister, :Mrs. A. Me- Laughl in .

MP. ]}f'(}wn of the Ubly Ci t izens ' Bank and W; IJrown of Ubiy werB in town Tuesday,

l ]aro ld P a t t e r s o n ~ lefB for Ilose Clt, y 3 londay wl]ere he expects to Plin If. Graybi t l ' s engine.

Misses Mary Z innecke r of Cass Cil.y and 1(aBe Becker o£ Lake Odessa are guests of Mrs; W. D. St,ri111er,

Chas. McCarty an{1 fami ly and N. F re ibu rge r and faa}ily (}f Aust,in spent, Sunday a t ,Paul FrelburKers.

A wedd ing party fn)m 3Ie]~'in ar- i'ived aB Jno. McI)onald~s T h u r s d a y and expec t to spend a week there .

i~h's. Gani{}r and son, T(}m~ and Mr, Mc],&y, t eache r at; Leslie sctm(}l, we('e gues ts of b lmNisses f Ierdel l last week.


A.J. McLachlinconduebed the Ep- A {BiillJngaB Mrs. Sansburn ' s last worBt~ Lea!zue pme t ing S t l iday i~ight,

Wedn6iday , ;Is A. C. Grahaln was ilot) able L:} l~e


Cie.nerat tore, at Cumber

~i a m p r e p a r e d to s e l l g o o d ~ a t t h c v e r y l o w e s t p r i c e s . T h e o l d

s t o c k o f B o o t s . Shoe.% a n d D r y G o o d s w i l l be d o s e d o u t a t c o s t t o

m a k e r o o m f o r n e w g o o d s .

A H a n d s o m e Clock O i v e n A w a y

t o a n y o n e ti~:~{1ing $10 o r a n i c e b e d r o o m set containing f o u r p i e c e s (Y to a n y o n e ( r a d i n ~ $15. D o n ' t f a i l t o Call a n d s e e us ; I t is n o

t r o u b l e t o s h 6 w g o o d s , t { i g h e s t m a r k e t pYice p a i d f o r b u t t e r a n d

t~ o'g',q. t2~

A sTRON(i, ,,. C u m b e r , Mich.

J e imte Ba t t l e and E t t a Ford vis i tcd Bt~e school Tnesday.

Mort and Lei l ie Keyse r drove to Brr}vvh Cit,y Sat,ui'day;

Mell Miller and faint ly s p e n t Sun- day aB Mr. Birdsall 's .

ArB S m i t h aud ]Pre.d Nev i l l e have r e tu rned fr(}nl t he woods.

Gee. 13urt~ and fa ln ' ly vis i ted at, Al- bert, Pr ice ' s near H(}lbrool~ Sunday,

Qui l t ings seem to be the order of t he day. One aB 2~[i's. Ge(}. Brown 's Tuesday.

Cyn th i a P, enneLB who has l}e(,ii home i,he past, week (,n accounB (}f ill= hess r e t u r n e d t,o Cass Cit,y Sunday.

No servlce will be held he re n e w Sunday as Mr. Seelh(}ff expects ~o assist , in t he re¢iwt! m e e t i n g s which arc being held a t; Climber.

W i c k w a r e school report, for mont,h e n d i n g Feb. 1;-;t;. "

No. of pupils enrol led 52.- No. (}f days t a u g h t 20. )kverage daily at, Lendance 37, Those l}resent every day are as rid-

lows: Vincent , Keyser, M/hid Gf'a('ie, Hazel /h'own~ IIa t t l ( i Brown, ],'l{}ra and J ( ,hnn ie Mc]?hail, Wil l ie I ludg- son, B e r t l m S a e k e t , t,, l l a r r y and Ziza Sansburn, Marvln aml Eva Keys( r , and Myr t le f r o w n .

Those not absen t nloro Lhan (me day are: George Bennett , , Lee S m i t h and Mat t ie N e P h a i l

We have e n t e r t a i n e d e l (yen visit;ors Bhe pasB two weeks. Come aKaill.

~ b i n s o n C r u s o { i is be ing l'~2ad at school.

Teacher ; ..... ~ . o . i - -

ARGYLE, (2. I). P e t e r h a n s r e t u r n e d f rom Care

Sa turday .

Fr. Burke ce l eb ra t ed mass ab (,he ]2. O, Church Sunday,

Gee. Powell t r an sac t ed business in C tss City Tuesday.

Ambrose Hurde l l r e t u r n e d f rom Ya le on Wednesday .

Pau l F re ibu rge r J r . yislLed aB N. Herdc l l ' s Sat,urday.

P r o t r a c t e d meet, ings are be ing held at, Sawden seh{)olhouse.

Alex McPhai l made a business ti'ip {5 } Sanihte Cent,re Fr iday.

A girl baby a r r ived at, t he tin.he of I i e n r y K i t c h i n on Friday,'

Dr. M c N a u g h t o n made a profession- al call in Shabbona Fr iday,

present .

T h e young people were revered with a party a t I. H ,ll 's T h u r s d a y . ()ne~ a/. S. W. St,ri{lter's Fr iday an(l invit;1- ti{}ns arc ouB I'm' anot,her aB ,J~, Sic- Donald 's Tue iday ;

(/(:(}. ,~,( .... nson and wil'~, Jno. 8 tev- ens(m and wire, J, 5IcD(maid an{t wife W. Malhews and wifcai~d Joseph ine an~l Barbara IIerdel l aLBended (,he Maceabee instailat, ion iiB Shabbon:t ]fist ~Io,:dliS, eveni i ig and all rcporl);I l the 1i~('.

FREIBURGERS, T h e grit}pe has a large major]by.

B[ike ! , ]annery is st, ill on t,he s i (k list,.

Win. 3 u n b ' s ch i ld ren are sick wi th 1:~ gl ippe.

t,'ebPua~y weal;her. N e i t h e r sleigh- ing nor wlleeling.

Mrs. Ben Wells and chi ld have bo~h very ~ick Lifts wcuk.

Miss E the l t lun~ is repor ted quiLe Sick el; th i s writ,ing,

Mr; and 31r~,. A. C. Graham spen t Sul,{lay in (2ai~s City.

Wilber Mal~hews is spend ing a few days ,wiLD his l'aBher-Jii-law. "

8Lel)hcn Pet,er is witA1 his son in Not'est,~ in (,he lumber busiuess;

Chas. i'(}l]aP{l ret, u rned 0n '.l?ueSday to r emain a few days wit,h his family.

Mr. and ~i is, Job 8mli, h are v i s i t ing in the s(}uthern pa r t of ~he coun|,y ,'tnd Bob is looking a f t e r the chores.

-- - -.6.o.o--

CUMBER A Ec~IrcIL, y (}l' B e w s this week.

Miss Flora Jo rdan Ires r e tu rned f rom vis i t ing her sister, Mrs, N y e o f Ind iana .

Owing to t he ~re,tB~, ' " r educ t ion in the price of goods our mcrchan~ is doing a t h r i v i n g business.

Mrs. J o h n B r a d b u r n has been ((m- fined t{} the house for t he pasB tWO weeks wiLh la grippe.

Mr. and Mrs. K i ~ h i n of Ci~eboygan are spendin/r a few days w i t h Lhe let- t e r ' s sister, "Mrs. A. A. Ewin~.

Reviva l services conduct,ed by: 3h'. -~railC]ll'an t im evange l i s t have been it] I}l'(igreSs th8 past, t,w6 (';'eeks, b ib as }'el) wiLhoul be 'wing any visible h'ui~.

B:s an ev idence of republ ican p6"~;- p~ril;y a n u m b e r e r f a rmers i n t e n d pul,6ing basemenLs under t l ]e ir barn the coming sumn,er . I nc luded in the n u m b e r are l). Mclnl~yre, J(}hn Witl- erL{}n,, lohnI~Padburn and A . A . Ew- ~ng.



KILMANAGH. Miss L l l h e I)oerr is v i s i t ing wiL~i

he r broBhei; :~I~ ~his phlce.

A. Buesehlen has r en ted liis fa rm; sol 1 most, 61' h[~ st{}clq and will nmve I~o L inkv i l l e iff t he neai" future .

T h e l;each{rs arid p 'atrons ' }:ally el, t lm Snell school wa~ we]l at t tend{d and lntlch interesB was awakened .

A. N; TI~EA D{~ OLD,

PItYSfCiA.N AN/ ) 8 g I I O E O i ' ~

£11 (:Mls answePed 1}roml}tly n i g h t o r day , 1)lse;tses of {:hll{lren g i v e n speci:t] ; tLtenth)n,

Ki ]nm ~ I.;4"h, Mich.

I Iave you t,t%d the ce l eb ra t ed " ~ , g ~ , L:~l]~i:~, l~!an0, or liioago lolali

l:lolave Organ T h e c a m p a i ; n for count,y commis- We h / m i t l e { h e m and t h e y gi( 'e goo~l

slo,~cr (,r sclmo]s i s ' -warming . T h e r e sati,~fact, ion. Do you w a n t a Viol in , are f~mr cand ida t e s in (,he lield a'nd N a n d o l i n or Gu i t a r or t h e best, in- careful canvass ing is being done. T h e s t r u t ( i o n books for t h e same? Le~ ng f r i ends ()r SIP. K a e r c h e r arc m;/kii{~': 1}gar f rom you. "J:he f avor i t e "Corne t STEAIJY an except,ional cff6r~ to secure his i Band M a r c h " ( regular pr ice 35c) a!; 18 no:n!n'~t, ion ,~, t h e c0nvenl~i{,n to h,, cents . We d e a n and t u n e organs, held at, Ba(l Axe iTeb. 1L Wit, h I~i:~ No cure, no pay. broad schola rsh ip and sterli~,g char- act,er hc ce r t a in ly is a man ] lnder Co F. l iEY, whose g l i d i n g hPnd our seho{ds w()uld F | l l S T II()l)'81~ $O1JTII ~IffIONI~ OFFI{rE

do t he best, work possible. K i l m a n a g h

Guaco a ¢ountl tlew . L . . . . . . . === . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . !1

DEFORD, Orvi l le Ware has ne'~rty recovered

f rom hi8 fall.

Fch~.}::] -]~'~;a I ~{Hld;ly Oil aCCOllllt Of il lness of teacher .

E v e r y o n e excllsed over pulp wood, • $1.75 per cord del ivered at, depo{,.

Ilol 'S(i 1;ra.ders g,..q, yotlr eyes opo]led. T :e Ped-heacte(1 horse jockey is ready

i for bu:.iness. Well I,~{). 1)BfoPd we dhl all we

eo,.lld abou t (,hat, baby affair. U,'e are nob /:o blame.

Misses Mabel I);~ughert,y ::ml 5!i~:- hie Spencer enBert.'~ined co:npany fr~an K i n g s t o n on Stlw, lay.

, I o b H a r t w i c k had a ~eri(}',~s~ni~£or-' tune last, wee,,', One ()f ills nms13 val- uable hoPse~ ~.'(,b its leg l:Ji'oken by at kick fh'om ah{ither lm~:se.

ELMWOOD, Mabel King vi:;ited ab 1L Webs te r ' s

0~ Stlnday.

T h e ice and wo:}d lHPvest is on in thig part,.

W . A . Lockwood was in Cass Cit,y la,~B week Tuesday,

E~hel l )odge spen t Sunday w]Bh l),lossom L(:ck wood.

E lde r Win. ( ) : , t rander spenB a part) of las t Week el; hmne.

31abel Kiflg" and l o n e Os t r , tndcr were in Cass (li ly las t week Thursday .

W. A; L0~:l<w(}:)l< hau led ice f rom (,he r iver near i;aites'~s bridge on 5ion. day.

Mesdames E. ].'. S tone and I'. W. S tone v is i ted at; 'J'. Lca':l,:,,; (m '.l'i]urs- day of las t wee,&

F r a n k S ta tes arm wife :]n,q l i t t l e boy o1' A k r o n attop, ded [,Im :i. I ) . . 4 ; chill 'ell (}1' Ll~is ]fla(:e last Sit, ul'(]ay.

. . . . ~;,O*a . . . . . .

A. ] i ' rutchey of Cass Ci{y was in Lown Monday last,.

A. L. Sly was in l,}ay Cil,y last week wi th a ioad of produce.

8c!mol is; closed th is week (m ac- e~)unL 0I' Prof. 1'](1(]5' be ing sick.

I ). C. l?m'dy of Car()t,rau.<actcd bugi- ness in i;(iwn ~everal days las*, week.

Rev. C(;ilins of I}ct, r~Ab arr ived in l~own Tuei~{lay b} instal l t lm I, O, F. 0tilters.

MP. and 51Tri~. W . W . l ! a rg r aves of E h n w o o d visi tcd wi~h r r iends in town Tues{ll y.

Mrs. C. E. Le ip t} rand to f l ' igeon vis- i ted w i l h her SiSBer, Mrs. d. L. I?urdy lasl; week.

T h e I. O. ]P. h)(Ige will g ive a publ ic in';t:lll :t, ion ill Echo Hal l Tuesday ev-

~ening Feb. 5.

MISS Ada Coon has been very ill t h e pasB xycek. She is improv ing slowly a t th i s wriLing,

1~13-' "s 51edicitie Co. i/; ih [i};,;,,t] th is 'Week. r1'hey give e l l l e rLa iuments each niglil~ in Echo l lal t .

1)ando & Iri'uL(:hey hage disp{~sed of { he i r s{;ock of Chff, h ing i~h(1 shoes Be Ryan Bros. MP. 1)and6 will b ~ e m - ptoycd by 1Lyan Bros.

F red P a h n e r was in C]il~'(m(l ]asf5 Week, l i e expects tt) pllrohasc t he h a r d w a r e business or 3Ir. t,:ci]y and locate (,here. Success to you F red .

Gee. Hoi)e.rofl; receive(l a lc tegranl Tuesday from l~:/y City s l a H n g t h a t his brot,her~ dohn, had l':~tle:i f rom a

{r moving, t ra in upon wl~i,,.'h lie was working, T h e t r a in lmssed t}vefone a rm and ]hg euti, in~ Lhdm en t i re ly olr. Mr. ~tld 3Ir& t!(}pc.r~ii't; ]c['{ al once for his b ro the r ' s l]ome in Bay Ciry.

"EAST NOVESTA. Art .hu t Brown is wres t l ing w i t h the

.grippe a t Lhis wPiting.

Win. Mi:Callum is engaged a t pres- e n t g e t t i n g oub :t barn l'riili~e,

LOuis Wheel ,)r is movin~ some of

his eii 'ects to his new f~i,'m.

F r a n k l r w i n has p u r c h a s e d a new top buggy. ~iV:l!:ch ou t fro" h i m , g i r l s .

Miss Mary CoulLer of Cass CiLy vis- i ted he r parent.s in Evergreen over Sunday.

3[rs. Agnes I r w i n and g'r;~l(ldaugl> t e rGlads ' s are vi,~ith}g re la l ives near 3hu'leLte; e

(); E, Ni les Ii;{:~ s~;ld l~i~ l 'ar~ ;llld is now Lt'ytJ{~ l,o IDM a s(~it;~l)tc l,]a~;e on whicli t,o ]oe~ate;

(]h;/rti6 A/~{' h:',,q {:elur{{ed from P{}nLIac }{n(l Will spend the re'{nain{ler oi' Bhe w i n t e r al; home,

2 Ma(:Ic~ of Cass City have :~old Umir t i m b e r e d fa rm in See. 7, Eve: 'green to 31(Comb :ind I l a ley {~t' Novesta .

Bi ' idgc b{lilders iire ab w(~i'k eree t - ing an iron brklgc {iv,:{' C;{ss ri vet be-

At once .

EM PI -O YS'I EN'I' :( ".1' G O O D


For pa r t i cu l a r s ,~end :stamI: to

~wcen See. 16 and 17 Evergree: : .

l )avid Aga r was report,ed on the sick list las~ week but~ is Le t t e r a~ this wri t ing .

P~evival services in the M. E. clkurch have been ( losed a f t e r a scries of suc~ t ess f l l m eet i ugs.

T im res idents nf See, 1.4 Noves ta arc, makin:.,' a r r a n g e m e n t s 1o lmve t h e i ~ sect ion sui 'veyed so t hey can tel l where 12hey are ;it.

A m a n who will s t and a h0r,~e (nit) in a ~aging s to rm fl,r tl~e space of tt~l'ee l~onl's wl~ile he visits, 3ugiig ~o- have nn o t ieer close on his t rack.

'Tis said ~hat one of (}nr y(m~hs wil l wed {he (}1' E v e r g r e e n ' s fa i r d a u g h t e r s some day d u r i n g Bile monBh of March. It' t h e say ing l~e t r u e we wish t h e m every happiness ,

Isaac I l a l l of Cass Cil;3, has ghe con- t;racB t,o bui ld a large b a s e m e n t ba rn for N. W. Br idges on his farm in Sec. 1,t Novesta . Work will be c o m m e n c e d as soon as wea t l l e r will_ permi t .

Dan ie l s ~ band have r emoved Bhcir headquart ,ers f rom ~be schoolhouse to a po in t a b o u t one an(1 one-hal f miles s o u t h w e s t where t h e y were s~ill la- boring accord ing to last, reports,

s c h o o l n~I'OlVJ;

:Report, of Shabbona scl~ool for m o n t h e n d i n g Jan . 25, 1901. ,No. of days taught , 20; No. pupi ls enrol led, 38; Ave rage dai ly at, t endance , 25.

ThoSe whose average on examina- t ion exceeded 80 per c e n t are: t l c rb i c Ehlers , F loyd l?hlll ips, L y n n Proctor , J o h n Jones, VIoIeBBa Coulter , Iwt an{1 Marion !],yckman, Orwfl Leacl], E r n i e F r e d d i e and Wi l l i e ParroBt~ EBImI Bonney, H a r v e y NcGregory and Eliz:t A t, klns.


Teacher .

~ ' I ) e l i c i o u s . He l l e r ' s b u e k w h e a l flour for cakes.

CASS CITY MARKETS, Cass Oity, Mich,, Feb. 7, 196J

Wheat, No. 1 white . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 Whc-Lt~ No. 2 red . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7:~' Rye. No. 2 ................................... 4G White o&ts, No. 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~i Iland ptcked beans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I 7;~ Peas ..................................... 55 Eggs per doz: ............................... ~e~ Butter ..................................... 1 Livehogs, per cwt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 50 .t 75 Be(f, live weight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 00 4 00 }~hecP live weight, per It} . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1~4 Lambs ................................... .11~ I)rcsscd Veal ................................ 7 l)re, ssed Ileg's .... ~ ~ tl Dressed Beef . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . . . . . . . . . . 5 5}~ chicken ...................................... !; Ducks ........................................ ,; Geese . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . . . . . . . . . 7, Turkey ....................................... Ilides. green ............................... 5 q

I~,OI~EIL .Yli1.~ 5.

Whlt~ Lily, per bbl . . . . . . . ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 3o Ileller's Best ................................ 4 ~t Spring l}atcn~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 20- Graham Ilour per cwt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12', Bolted meal, per cwt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 5o Feed ....................................... 9,~ Meal ...................................... ... ! (,~ Brltll ......................................... ~'% Middlings .................................. so Ry~ Ilour .................................... 2 00 Buckwheat llour . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 5,~

S'//ATE Ob MICII1GAN, County of Tuseo- hi. ss. At a ses.~lon ef the probate court fop s;I,I(l county, he, hl aL the lh'ol},%to office In the

r 1( ~, ilhLIo~of'(htr(}o]l I, ht~ 23th d~ry of .Iaml;try,~ In t i le vt~ll,1 ° O|lB t, hollsaald |lilIi} hllIl{h,ed ()11{,. Prcsm{i,~ J o h n 3I, b 'nl l th, ,Itl(IKB of P r o b a t e . I n t he m a t t e r (ff t im est~Lto of AlberL W. Jones . deceased ; On r e a d i n g ILIlt[ fi l ing lho ])c- til, ionl d u l y verified, of EwL M. Jones . pr:l, ytn;g this court;" 1o ad.ludie:uc and determim} whi~ :u'c or were at tl/c.tlme of his de%th t h e h',g:it heirs of said Albei't W..loncs :tn(l e.nLitled l(, inherit, the i'eal estg.tc of which he died seized. It is ordcretl tl~aB tim 25th day of February lle%L gL lel'I O'C]OC]{ ill t}lt3 forellOOIi IiLtlit~ llroha, t{~ CollrL 1)0, ;'u~sig/ie{I for heltl,hl~ s~i|el i}cLIt, lom A n d |B is f u r ] h e r or(1BPe(l tha, l; ~L col'}y of th i s or ( le t be ]ml) l ished in t h q T r i - C o u n t y ( )hroni¢le , :r newsl)al}er 1)rlnte(1 l, nd e i r ( : u h ~ t e d i u sMd c o u n t y , t h r e e suec¢\ssiw, weeks previot:,~ to sM(I d a y of heltrill,g.

t [)4EAL.] JOIIN M. 8MIT}I, 2-1--1 J u d g e of l ) robate ,

Do you n e e d

a S p r i n g T o n i c I

W e are headquartmrs for all k inds of Medic ines; , also S t a t i o n e r y and a s taple lilm of F lour .

A. A. BF(OWN, ost Otflce Bldg. W i [ Ill Or°;

BQa ksmilhing ind General

We do t i le above t~ t h e sa t i s f ac t ion of a l l Give us ~ tr ia l and you' l l be aonvineed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Leach & E l m w o o d