
翻翻翻翻 4 (Revised) 翻翻 歸歸 歸歸歸歸歸 〈〉 () La La La La La La 歸歸歸歸歸歸歸 歸歸歸歸歸歸歸 The drizzle damped my hometown of sand. My youth has gone. 歸歸歸歸歸歸歸 歸歸歸歸歸歸歸 When I looked back to the river at my hometown. My tears were slowly wiped down La La La La La La 歸歸歸歸歸歸歸 歸歸歸歸歸歸歸 A stack of stones collapsed at my hometown and blocked up the street. 歸歸歸歸歸歸歸 歸歸歸歸歸歸歸 The river at my hometown is calling me to go back. 歸歸歸歸 歸歸歸歸 歸歸歸歸歸歸 I want to go back I want to go back Back to my hometown 歸歸歸歸歸歸 歸歸歸歸歸歸 歸歸歸歸歸歸 The river will go on flowing. The river will go on flowing. Around my hometown. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PWk1X-gzy_I

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Page 1: 翻譯實作Iv(revised)2012

翻譯實作 4 (Revised)



啦 啦 啦 啦 啦 啦

La La La La La La

細雨微潤著沙城 輕輕將年少滴落

The drizzle damped my hometown of sand. My youth has gone.

回首凝視著沙河 慢慢將眼淚擦乾

When I looked back to the river at my hometown. My tears were slowly wiped down

啦 啦 啦 啦 啦 啦

La La La La La La

沙城傾圮的石堆 磊磊將街道阻塞

A stack of stones collapsed at my hometown and blocked up the street.

沙河潺潺的水流 聲聲向歸人呼喚

The river at my hometown is calling me to go back.

歸去我要 歸去我要 回到我的沙城

I want to go back I want to go back Back to my hometown

沙河將再裊繞 沙河將再裊繞 沙河將再裊繞

The river will go on flowing. The river will go on flowing. Around my hometown.



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再唱一段 思想起

Sing a song that can bring old memories to mind again.

唱一段思想起 唱一段唐山謠

Sing a song that can bring old memories to mind. Then sing a Tang-

Shan ballad.

走不盡的坎坷路 恰如祖先的步履

The endless rough roads of pioneers are just like the footsteps of our


抱一支老月琴 三兩聲不成調

Holding an old four-stringed musical instrument, which is hard to form

a melody.

老歌手琴音猶在 獨不見恆春的傳奇

The old musician’s sounds of instrument are still around. But

Hengchun’s legend was gone.

落山風向海洋 感傷會消逝

When the Katabatic wind faces the sea The sentimental mood will


接續你的休止符 再唱一段唐山謠

I will continue the song after the rest you put Then sing a Tang-Shan

ballad again.


Sing a song that can bring old memories to mind again.

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野菊花喲野菊花 秋風裡開了一朵野菊花

A wild chrysanthemum A wild chrysanthemum

A wild chrysanthemum blooms in the autumn wind

野菊花喲野菊花 從來都沒有人會留心它

A wild chrysanthemum A wild chrysanthemum

Nobody has ever paid any attention (to it)

秋風是我菊花是她 秋風瀟瀟只為了鍛鍊它

I am the autumn wind She is the chrysanthemum

The autumn wind is so fierce just to make the chrysanthemum strong

野菊花喲野菊花 秋雨中開了一朵野菊花

A wild chrysanthemum A wild chrysanthemum

A wild chrysanthemum blooms in the autumn rain

野菊花喲野菊花 從來都沒有人和它說話

A wild chrysanthemum A wild chrysanthemum

Nobody has ever talked to it

秋風是我菊花是她 秋雨綿綿只為了鍛鍊它

I am the autumn wind She is the chrysanthemum

The autumn rain is continuous just to make the chrysanthemum strong

野菊花喲野菊花 秋陽下開了一朵野菊花

A wild chrysanthemum A wild chrysanthemum

A wild chrysanthemum blooms under the autumn sun

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野菊花喲野菊花 但願他日日更新又長大

A wild chrysanthemum A wild chrysanthemum

I hope it will grow up and be renewed day after day

秋風是我菊花是她 秋陽爍爍只為了鍛鍊它

I am the autumn sun She is the chrysanthemum

The autumn sun is so bright just to make the chrysanthemum strong





我打江南走過 那等在季節裡的容顏 如蓮花的開落

I walked past Jiangnan (The South of Yangzi River).

The beautiful face during the years is like a lotus, blooming and withering.

***東風不來 三月的柳絮不飛 妳的心如小小的寂寞的城

If the east wind doesn’t come, the willow catkins in March won’t fly.

Your heart is like a lonely small town.

恰似青石的街道向晚跫音不響 三月的春帷不揭 妳的心是小小窗扉緊掩

If there is no sound of footsteps on the street looking like the bluestone, the curtain in

spring won’t be drawn open in March. Your heart is like a small closed window.


Uh~ Girl! Has the sound of your instrument ever released your sorrowful expectation?

我達達的馬蹄是個美麗的錯誤 我不是歸人是個過客

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The clip-clop of my horse was just beautiful mistake. I was not the man you are

expecting. I am just a passer-by.

***唉呀妹子妳那溫柔纖纖的玉手 可曾挽住那似鐵郎君的心

Uh~ Girl, Have your hands, which are soft and white as snow,

ever kept your cruel-hearted man?


I walked past Jiangnan (The South of Yangzi River).

The beautiful face during the years is like a lotus, blooming and withering.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pxa52i-znlA&NR=1 (羅大佑搖滾版)



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不要問我從哪裡來 我的故鄉在遠方

Do not ask where I am from

My hometown is far away (from here)

為什麼流浪 流浪遠方 流浪

Why do I wander?

Wandering to the places which are far away (from here)


為了天空飛翔的小鳥 為了山間輕流的小溪

For the birds flying in the sky

For the brooks streaming through the mountains

為了寬闊的草原 流浪遠方 流浪

For the grasslands so vast

Wandering to the place which is far away (from here)


還有還有 為了夢中的橄欖樹 橄欖樹

There is something more, There is something more,

For the olive trees In my dream

The olive trees

不要問我從哪裡來 我的故鄉在遠方

Do not ask where I am from

My hometown is far away (from here)

為什麼流浪 為什麼流浪 遠方

Why do I wander?

Why do I wander?

Far away (from here)

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為了我 夢中的橄欖樹

For the olive trees In my dream
