ivco 2010 innovative approaches

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  • 8/8/2019 IVCO 2010 Innovative Approaches


    With a special

    focus on Asia

    Innovative approaches to voluntarismand South to South cooperation

  • 8/8/2019 IVCO 2010 Innovative Approaches


    Exchange within institutional partnerships Public/semi public sector Private sector NGO/CSO

    Reciprocal All partners both send and receive at the same time

    Exchange in all directions South to North, North to South and South to South

    4 main programmes , approx 550 volunteers/year Result areas/Objectives for change

    Capacity/skills Networking Both on institutional and individual level

    Global learning

    The reciprocal model of FK Norway

  • 8/8/2019 IVCO 2010 Innovative Approaches


    FK South SouthSome facts and figures 174 participants exchanged South to South in 2009

    (98 in Africa / 65 in Asia / 11 in Latin-America)

    Total 1045 participants in south to south exchange since we started the programme in 2001

  • 8/8/2019 IVCO 2010 Innovative Approaches


    FK Norway South South Asia16 projects, 68 institutions in: Bangladesh Bhutan

    Cambodia China India Indonesia Laos Malaysia Mongolia Myanmar

    Nepal Pakistan

    Philippines Sri Lanka Thailand Vietnam Maldives

  • 8/8/2019 IVCO 2010 Innovative Approaches


    FK South SouthSectors

    Environment Good governance, incl.

    HR and media Women/gender equality Business development,

    incl. agriculture Culture and sports Health, incl HIV/AIDS Peace building

  • 8/8/2019 IVCO 2010 Innovative Approaches


    The reciprocal model of FK Norway

    Partners themselves define objectives and capacity needs, recruit Horizontal, equitable partnerships and mutual accountability Promotes national and regional networking

  • 8/8/2019 IVCO 2010 Innovative Approaches


    - Funding- Training- Monitoring

    Vietnam Malaysia Thailand Cambodia Philippines Indonesia

    Objectives and results Administration of funds, reports Facilitate exchanges and partnership


  • 8/8/2019 IVCO 2010 Innovative Approaches


    Results AWCF

    Individual level

    Institutional level

  • 8/8/2019 IVCO 2010 Innovative Approaches


    Results FK Individual level

    North-South - friendship

    - social responsibility- widened field of interest

    South-South - friendship- career development- social responsibility

  • 8/8/2019 IVCO 2010 Innovative Approaches


    Results FK Institutional level

    North-South - aware of other cultural traits (77%)- increased knowledge of North /South

    issues (70%)

    South-South - aware of other cultural traits (84%)- improvement of technical skills (74%)

    - more international exposure (72%)- more motivated staff (70%)

  • 8/8/2019 IVCO 2010 Innovative Approaches


    Sending Receiving, benefits The individual volunteer/participant seems to

    have the most benefit from an exchange Organizations report that they gain more in

    terms of capacity building and institutionalizingof skills transfer when sending volunteers, than

    when receiving .

    => The two main result areas of internationalexchange gain the sending partner the most

  • 8/8/2019 IVCO 2010 Innovative Approaches


    South-South cooperation FK

    Reciprocity/Mutuality has been moreeffective than our earlier one - way sending

    Stronger adaptation to local contexts Stronger ownership and relevance of exchange More cost-effective External evaulation 2006: S-S more relevant and

    efficient method of capacity building in the globalSouth than traditional N-S volunteer programme

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    Challenges Retaining staff who have

    been on exchange Asymmetries also in

    South-South cooperation Can be political challenge

    to defend in the North(public opinion, among decision


  • 8/8/2019 IVCO 2010 Innovative Approaches


    South-South cooperation Increasing interest for this area within the international

    discourse on aid effectiveness and developmentcooperation (OECD, UNDP, regional bodies in global South etc)

    Not conditional, not charity-driven. Based on more mutualeconomic/political interest. Political Trade/infrastructure development

    Education, public health, social protection and othertechnical cooperation

    Integrating MDGs, and particularly poverty reduction Increasing focus on (renewable) energy + energy security

  • 8/8/2019 IVCO 2010 Innovative Approaches


    South-South cooperationBUT South within the South? Is South-South development cooperation essentially

    different from North-driven ODA, if so when andhow?

    Some issues of lack of transparency/information Is there adherence to aid effectiveness principles,

    social and environmental standards? Lacking inclusion of CSO

  • 8/8/2019 IVCO 2010 Innovative Approaches


    Discourse on SSC in the North South-South trade increasing proportionally faster than

    North-South (OECD) Strong inclusion into foreign and trade policy agendas

    in the North (e.g foreign direct investments) Triangular cooperation Will it redefine the shape of traditional North

    development cooperation?

  • 8/8/2019 IVCO 2010 Innovative Approaches


    Recommendations to IVOs

    Tap into national foreign policy debates ALSO when it comes to the emerging South-

    South relations.

    Lobby for SS volunteerism as an innovative,cost-effective and politically opportune area of development cooperation

  • 8/8/2019 IVCO 2010 Innovative Approaches


    Recommendations to IVOs

    FORUM would also benefit from following

    the SSC-debates within multinational fora.

    Thematic group or network within FORUM forSouth-South and triangular volunteerism?

  • 8/8/2019 IVCO 2010 Innovative Approaches


    For more case stories, please check:OECD Task Force on South-South Cooperationhttp://www.impactalliance.org/ev_en.php?ID=49886_201&ID2=DO_TOPIC(FK Norway Asia Health Research project)andhttp://www.impactalliance.org/ev_en.php?ID=49888_201&ID2=DO_TOPIC(FK Norway Southern Africa Water Cooperation Project)


