itinerary musi tour

D.OT After Adjusment Day 3 ( Half Day Tour ) NO URAIAN OBA TA RA TOTAL TIME 1 ARISTA - BKB 40' - - 40' 09.00 BENTENG KUTO BESAK - 50' 10 ' 60' 09.40 3 BKB – AMPERA BRIDGE 30' - - 30' 10.40 4 AMPERA BRIDGE - 50' 10 ' 60' 11.10 5 AMPERA BRIDGE – KEMARO ISLAND 20' - - 20' 12.10 6 KEMARO ISLAND - 60' 10 ' 70' 12.30 7 KEMARO ISLAND - ARISTA 40’ - - 40’ 13.40 TOTAL 130 160 30 320 14.20 ITINERARY 09.00 : Memulai Start Palembang city tour dengan berkunjung ke objek wisata yang pertama yaitu Benteng Kuto Besak. 09.40 : Sekarang wisatawan tiba di objek wisata BKB yang merupakan peningalan bersejarah dari Belanda dan tampak disekitar BKB sungai musi dan jembatan ampera yang sangat indah. wisatawan dapat berpoto disekitaran BKB dan sungai musi 10.40 : Selanjutnya wisatawan diajak mengunjungi objek wisata jembatan ampere. 11.10 : sekarang wisatawan tiba di jembatan ampera yang mana jembatan ampera menjadi salah satu icon kota palembang, disini wisatawan bisa melihat keindahan jembatan ampera dan melihat pemandangan di tepi sungai musi. 12.10 : Setelah puas melihat pemandangan di jembatan ampera,selanjutnya wisatawan akan kita ajak mengunjungi objek wisata musi tour yaitu pulau kemaro.

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Post on 16-Jan-2016




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Page 1: Itinerary Musi Tour

D.OT After Adjusment Day 3 ( Half Day Tour )



1 ARISTA - BKB 40' - - 40' 09.00

BENTENG KUTO BESAK - 50' 10' 60' 09.40

3 BKB – AMPERA BRIDGE 30' - - 30' 10.40

4 AMPERA BRIDGE - 50' 10' 60' 11.10

5 AMPERA BRIDGE – KEMARO ISLAND 20' - - 20' 12.10

6 KEMARO ISLAND - 60' 10' 70' 12.30

7 KEMARO ISLAND - ARISTA 40’ - - 40’ 13.40

TOTAL 130 160 30 320 14.20


09.00 : Memulai Start Palembang city tour dengan berkunjung ke objek wisata yang pertama yaitu Benteng Kuto Besak.

09.40 : Sekarang wisatawan tiba di objek wisata BKB yang merupakan peningalan bersejarah dari Belanda dan tampak disekitar BKB sungai musi dan jembatan ampera yang sangat indah. wisatawan dapat berpoto disekitaran BKB dan sungai musi

10.40 : Selanjutnya wisatawan diajak mengunjungi objek wisata jembatan ampere.

11.10 : sekarang wisatawan tiba di jembatan ampera yang mana jembatan ampera menjadi salah satu icon kota palembang, disini wisatawan bisa melihat keindahan jembatan ampera dan melihat pemandangan di tepi sungai musi.

12.10 : Setelah puas melihat pemandangan di jembatan ampera,selanjutnya wisatawan akan kita ajak mengunjungi objek wisata musi tour yaitu pulau kemaro.

12.30 : Sekarang wisatawan tiba di objek wisata pulau kemaro disini wisatawan akan kita ajak untuk melihat daya tarik pagoda berlaintai 9 yang menjulang di tengah-tengah pulau dan melihat pohon cinta yang dimana pulau ini juga disebut sebagai pulau jodoh.

14.20 : Setelah puas melihat dan mengetahui legenda pulau kemaro, maka

wisatawan kembali ke hotel untuk beristirahat.

Page 2: Itinerary Musi Tour


BKB stend of Benteng kuto besak. Benteng kuto besak is located at the bank of musi

river. From here you can see musi river and ampere bridge. At benteng kuto besak there are

many people sell traditional food of Palembang such as pempek, tekwan, model and also mie

tek-tek and many other food sell in there.

At front of benteng kuto besak we can visit sultan Mahmud badaruddin 2 museum.

In plm there is musi river. Musi river is very important for Palembang people. Musi river

divides Palembang into two parts.on musi river there are many boats for transportation like

ketek. From musi river we can see ampera bridge. So we can enjoy in benteng kuto besak


Page 3: Itinerary Musi Tour


Ampera bridge is a vertical lift bridge in the city of Palembang, south sumatera,

Indonesia, which is the landmark of the city. It connects seberang ulu and seberang ilir, two

regions of Palembang. It can no longer be opened to allow ships to pass.

The bridge was planned during the era of Indonesia’s first president, who wanted a

bridge that could open and be a match for landon’s tower bridge.

The length of he bridge is 1, 177 meters, width of 22 meters, height 63 meters, span

length of 75 meters, 115 meters of vertical space. Ampere bridge to be the icon of

Palembang City, because this Bridge is very beautiful at the night.

Page 4: Itinerary Musi Tour


Kemaro Island is a little on the Musi River Delta, located about 6 km from the

Ampera Bridge. Kemaro Island is located in the industrial area, between Sriwijaya Fertilizer

Plant and Pertamina Plaju and Gerong River. Kemaro Island is about 40 km from the city of

Palembang. Kemaro Island is a place of recreation headliner on the Musi River. In this place

there is a Chinese temple (temple Hok Tjing Rio). On the island there are also Kemaro

Buddhist temples frequented by Buddhists to pray or to visit the tomb. There are also often

held the event Cap Go Meh every Chinese New Year.

On the island there are also Kemaro tomb of Princess Palembang. According to local

legend, in ancient times, Palembang is sent to a daughter married to a son of the king of

China. The princess asked 9 jars of gold as dowry. To avoid pirates, the urns are covered

vegetable gold and when the child sees the king opened it contained only vegetable jars are

then banished to the river. Sense of disappointment and regret making the child king decided

to throw ourselves into the river and drowned. The princess had come to throw ourselves into

the river and drowned. The princess was buried in the Kemaro Island and built a temple to his

memory. In addition, in this place there is also a tree called the "Tree of Love". For that

island is also referred to as the Island Houses.