itc session 6 pivot tables

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  • 7/28/2019 ITC Session 6 Pivot Tables



    Pivot Tables

    help in Analyzing Large

    Amounts of Data


    1. Source data from a


    2. Source values for

    Qtr3 Golf summary in

    the PivotTable report

    3. PivotTable report

    4. Summary of the

    source values in C2

    and C8 from the

    source data

  • 7/28/2019 ITC Session 6 Pivot Tables



    Each column or field in the source data becomes aPivotTable field that summarizes multiple rows ofinformation

    In the example , the Sport column becomes the Sport field,and each record for Golf is summarized in a single Golf item

    A value field, such as Sum of Sales, provides the values tobe summarized Cell F3 in the report contains the sum of the Sales value from every

    row in the source data for which the Sport column contains Golf andthe Quarter column contains Qtr3

    By default, data in the Values area summarize theunderlying source data in the PivotChart report in thefollowing way: numeric values use the SUM function, and

    text values use the COUNT function

    To create a PivotTable report define its source data,

    specify a location in the workbook, and

    lay out the fields


  • 7/28/2019 ITC Session 6 Pivot Tables



    Grouping DataAccording to the unique values in one or more fields

    Automatically groups large amounts of data into smaller,more manageable categories

    suppose you have a data source with a Region field where each cellcontains one of four values: East, West, North, and South.

    The original data may contain thousands of records, but if you buildyour PivotTable using the Region field, the resulting table has justfour rows - one each for the four unique Region values in your data

    You can also create your own grouping after you havebuilt your PivotTable

    if your data has a Country field, you can build the PivotTable

    to group together all the records that have the sameCountry value

    When you have done that, you can further group the uniqueCountry values into continents: North America, South

    America, Europe, and so on


    SummarizingAlong with grouping, Excel also displayssummary calculations for each group Default calculation is Sum, ie., for each group,

    Excel totals all the values in some specified field if your data has a Region field and a Sales field, a

    PivotTable can group the unique Region values and, foreach one, display the total of the Sales values.

    Other summary calculations include Count, Average, Maximum, Minimum, and Standard Deviation

    Even more powerful, a PivotTable can display summaries for one

    grouping broken down by another. suppose your sales data also has a Product field.

    You can set up a PivotTable to show the total Sales for eachProduct, broken down by Region

  • 7/28/2019 ITC Session 6 Pivot Tables



    FilteringEnables you to view just a subset of the data

    by default the PivotTables groupings show all the

    unique values in the field However, you can manipulate each grouping to hide

    those that you do not want to view

    Each PivotTable also comes with a Reportarea, that enables you to apply a filter to theentire PivotTable.

    suppose your sales data also includes a Customerfield

    By placing this field in the PivotTables Report area,you can filter the PivotTable report to show just theresults for a single Customer


    PivotTable and PivotChart Reports

    PivotTable report

    used to summarize,analyze,

    explore, andpresent summarydata

    PivotChart report

    used to visualize that

    summary data in a

    PivotTable report, &

    easily see

    comparisons,patterns, and trends

    Both enable us to make informed decisions about critical

    data in an enterprise

  • 7/28/2019 ITC Session 6 Pivot Tables



    Data suitable for use in a Pivot Table

    must have these characteristics:1. The top row of data contains column headers

    2. Each row of data is a record about a particularentity or transaction

    3. Each column of data holds the same kind ofinformation

    4. There are no entirely blank rows in the data

    5. There are no entirely blank columns in the data

    6. If a column contains numbers, use a zero insteadof a blank cell when you dont have a value


    Analysis provides insight into the

    patterns of transaction

    How much is the Company X spending? Who is spending it and with whom?

    What goods and services is the company Xbuying?

    Information needed to analyze spending datacan come from several sources Purchase Orders



    Master Agreements

  • 7/28/2019 ITC Session 6 Pivot Tables



    Analysis Reporting ConceptsFact

    basic transaction data you are investigating

    Data field numerical data value that can be measured


    details about the fact

    Fact: Purchase Order

    Data field: PO Spend (USD)


    Ordered Date


    Agency Name


    Analysis Reporting ConceptsDimensions can be further divided into levels

    Hierarchies impose a structure on the levels of data within adimension

    Dimension: Ordered Date

    Hierarchy 1: Calendar

    Level 1: Calendar Year (2006, 2007)

    Level 2: Calendar Quarter (Q1, Q2)

    Level 3: Month

    Level 4: Day

    Hierarchy 2: Fiscal

    Level 1: Fiscal Year (2006, 2007)

    Level 2: Fiscal Quarter (Q1, Q2)

    Level 3: Month

    Level 4: Day

  • 7/28/2019 ITC Session 6 Pivot Tables




    Given the data,

    Which region sold the

    most? Which product is the


    Are sales going up ordown over time?


    Which region sold the most?

    Which product is the bestseller?

    Are sales going up or down over time?

  • 7/28/2019 ITC Session 6 Pivot Tables



    Suppose you work for a chain of sporting-goodsstores. Every day you receive a report from each storethat includes complete details on that days activities,such as

    number of customers each hour,

    sales in each of 30 categories, items returned for refund or exchange, and

    number of employees on duty at different times of the day

    But what good does this raw data do to you?

    With a PivotTable you can quickly and easily answerthe following types of questions:

    Which days of the week show the highest sales? Which categories of merchandise sell best at different times

    of the year?

    Are more employees scheduled to work during periods ofthe highest customer load?

    Do certain categories of merchandise suffer from unusuallyhigh rates of return or exchange?


    Example-2: Sporting Goods

    What are the sales for the Camping

    category for each region?

    In each store, which days of the week see

    the most customers?

    In each store, which category has the

    highest sales?

    Which day of the week has the lowest

    total sales?


  • 7/28/2019 ITC Session 6 Pivot Tables



    Example-3: BankingThis table comprises a month's worth of new account information fora three-branch bank. The table contains 712 rows, and each rowrepresents a new account. The table has the following columns:

    The date when the account was opened

    The opening amount The account type: CD, checking, savings, or IRA (Individual Retirement Account)

    Who opened the account: a teller or a new-account representative

    The branch at which it was opened: Central, Westside, or North County

    The type of customer: An existing customer or a new customer


    Example-3: Banking

    What is the daily total new deposit amount foreach branch?

    How many accounts were opened at eachbranch, broken down by account type?

    What's the dollar distribution of the differentaccount types?

    What types of accounts do tellers open mostoften?

    How does the Central branch compare to theother two branches?

    In which branch do tellers open the mostchecking accounts for new customers?

    bank accounts.xlsx

  • 7/28/2019 ITC Session 6 Pivot Tables



    Example-4: Grocery

    Amount spent per year in each store on

    each product

    Total spending at each store

    Total spending for each year



    Benefits of PivotTableConformance to

    most of the formatting options that are applied toregular Excel ranges and cells


    build each report the way you want


    components can be easily moved, filtered, & added


    Build, maintain & update


    amazingly fast

  • 7/28/2019 ITC Session 6 Pivot Tables



    Tasks that can be performedExplore the data:

    Expand/ collapse data, showing the underlying details

    Sort, filter, and group fields and items.

    Change summary functions, and add custom calculations/formulas

    Change the form layout and field arrangement: Add, rearrange, and remove fields.

    Change the order of fields or items

    Change the layout of columns, rows, and subtotals: Turn column and row field headers on or off, or display or hide

    blank lines. Display subtotals above or below their rows.

    Adjust column widths on refresh. Move a column field to the row area or a row field to the column

    area. Merge or unmerge cells for outer row and column items


    Tasks that can be performed

    Change the display of blanks and errors:

    Change how errors and empty cells aredisplayed.

    Change how items and labels without dataare shown.

    Display or hide blank lines

    Change the format: Manually and conditionally format cells and


    Change the overall PivotTable format style.

    Change the number format for fields.

  • 7/28/2019 ITC Session 6 Pivot Tables



    Limitations and RestrictionsMaximum number of row fields

    1,048,576 If you are using a version of Excel prior to 2007, the maximum number is 65,536

    Maximum number of column fields

    16,384 If you are using a version of Excel prior to 2007, the maximum number is 256

    Maximum number of page fields 256

    Maximum number of data fields 256

    Maximum number of unique items that can appear in a row, column, or pagefield

    1,048,576 If you are using Excel 2003, the maximum number is 32,500;

    if you are using a version of Excel prior to 2003, the maximum number is 8,000

    Size/ number of PivotTables is limited by system memory


    PivotChart vs. Standard chartsRow/Column orientation

    Unlike a standard chart, you cannot switch the row/column orientation of aPivotChart report by using the Select Data Source dialog box

    However, you can pivot the Row and Column labels of the associated PivotTablereport to achieve the same effect

    Chart types You can change a PivotChart report to any chart type

    except an xy (scatter), stock, or bubble chart

    Source data Standard charts are linked directly to worksheet cells.

    PivotChart reports are based on the data source of the associated PivotTablereport

    Unlike a standard chart, you cannot change the chart data range in the SelectData Source dialog box of a PivotChart report

    Formatting Most formatting - including chart elements that you add, layout, and style - is

    preserved when you refresh a PivotChart report

    However, trend lines, data labels, error bars, and other changes to data sets arenot preserved

    Standard charts do not lose this formatting once it is applied

    Although you cannot directly resize the data labels in a PivotChart report,

    you can increase the font size of the text to effectively resize the labels

  • 7/28/2019 ITC Session 6 Pivot Tables





    PivotTable is interactive/ designed for:Querying large amounts of data in many user-friendly ways.

    Subtotaling and aggregating numeric data, summarizing data by

    categories and subcategories, and creating custom calculations andformulas.

    Expanding and collapsing levels of data to focus your results, anddrilling down to details from the summary data for areas of interest toyou.

    Moving rows to columns or columns to rows (or "pivoting") to seedifferent summaries of the source data.

    Filtering, sorting, grouping, and conditionally formatting the mostuseful and interesting subset of data to enable you to focus on theinformation that you want.

    Presenting concise, attractive, and annotated online or printedreports

    Use a PivotTable when you want to analyze related totals,

    especially when you have a long list of figures to sum and you want tocompare several facts about each figure

  • 7/28/2019 ITC Session 6 Pivot Tables



    Pivot Table: The most Technologically

    Sophisticated Component in Excel

    Does its job without using formulas

    Essentially a dynamic summary report

    generated from a database.

    The database can reside in a worksheet or in

    an external file.

    A pivot table can help transform endless

    rows and columns of numbers into a

    meaningful presentation of the data

    The most innovative aspect of a pivot

    table lies in its interactivityAfter you create a pivot table, you can rearrange theinformation in almost any way imaginable, and even insertspecial formulas that perform new calculations.

    You even can create post-hoc groupings of summaryitems (for example, you can combine Northern Regiontotals with Western Region totals).

    The name stems from the fact that you can rotate (that is,

    pivot) the tables row and column headings around thecore data area to give you different views of yoursummarized data.

    One minor drawback to using a pivot table is: unlike a formula-based summary report, a pivot table does

    not update automatically when you change the source data. However, a single click of the Refresh toolbar button forces a pivot

    table to use the latest data.