italy & germany

Berlin Conference •Otto von Bismarck hosted the major European powers (Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Portugal, and Belgium) in a conference in Berlin to carve of up continent of Africa (only Ethiopia and Liberia remained independent).

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Post on 12-Feb-2017




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Page 1: Italy & Germany

Berlin Conference• Otto von Bismarck hosted the major European powers (Britain,

France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Portugal, and Belgium) in a conference in Berlin to carve of up continent of Africa (only Ethiopia and Liberia remained independent).

Page 2: Italy & Germany

Victor Emmanuel II• King of Sardinia, that believed strongly in Italian unification and Italy

was a united kingdom under him.

Page 3: Italy & Germany

Giuseppe Garibaldi• An Italian nationalist that commanded an army to overthrow the

Austrian kingdom whose citizens pledged allegiance to Sardinia.

Page 4: Italy & Germany

Count Camillo Cavour• Prime Minister under Victor Emmanuel II who favored Italian


Page 5: Italy & Germany

Peace of Westphalia (1648)• Series of treaties that asserted the authority of regional governments

that ended the Thirty Years War.

Page 6: Italy & Germany

Otto von Bismarck• Prime Minister under King William I of Prussia, defeated Austria,

formed alliance with the Catholic German states against France, crowned King William I as emperor of the new German Empire, and hosted the Berlin Conference.

Page 7: Italy & Germany

Franco-Prussian War• War between France and Prussia which Prussia won and consolidated

the German Catholic regions under Prussian control.

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First Reich• First Empire (Holy Roman Empire).

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Second Reich• Second Empire (New German Empire after Franco-Prussian War).

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William I• King of Prussia that appointed Otto von Bismarck prime minister.

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William II• German Emperor that forced Otto von Bismarck to resign as prime

minister and re-established authority as the emperor.