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  • 8/10/2019 IT2401 unit5


    UNIT VBased On

    Service-Oriented Architecture: Concepts, Technology, andDesign


    Thomas Erl

    Prepared By


    Asst. Professor / Department of Information

    TechnologyVeltech Multitech Engineering College

  • 8/10/2019 IT2401 unit5


    WS-BPEL basics

    The WS-BPEL language is used to demonstrate

    how process logic can be described as part of

    a concrete definition figure that can be

    implemented and executed via a compliantorchestration engine.

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    WS-BPEL basics

    A brief history of BPEL4WS and WS-BPEL Business Process Execution Language for Web Services (BPEL4WS) was first conceived in July,

    2002, with the release of the BPEL4WS 1.0 specification, a joint effort by IBM, Microsoft, andBEA. This document proposed an orchestration language inspired by previous variations, suchas IBM's Web Services Flow Language (WSFL) and Microsoft's XLANG specification.

    Joined by other contributors from SAP and Siebel Systems, version 1.1 of the BPEL4WS

    specification was released less than a year later, in May of 2003. This version received moreattention and vendor support, leading to a number of commercially available BPEL4WS-compliant orchestration engines. Just prior to this release, the BPEL4WS specification wassubmitted to an OASIS technical committee so that the specification could be developed intoan official, open standard.

    The technical committee is in the process of finalizing the release of the next version ofBPEL4WS. It has been announced that the language itself has been renamed to the WebServices Business Process Execution Language, or WS-BPEL (and assigned the 2.0 version

    number). The changes planned for WS-BPEL have been made publicly available on the OASISWeb site at
  • 8/10/2019 IT2401 unit5


    WS-BPEL basics


    Concepts relating toorchestration, coordination,atomic transactions, andbusiness activities are covered,and are therefore not repeated

    here. The process element

    Example A skeleton process definition.




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    WS-BPEL basics

    The partnerLinks and partnerLink elements

    A partnerLink element establishes the porttype of the service (partner) that will beparticipating during the execution of thebusiness process. Partner services can actas a client to the process, responsible forinvoking the process service. Alternatively,partner services can be invoked by theprocess service itself.

    The contents of a partnerLink elementrepresent the communication exchangebetween two partnersthe process servicebeing one partner and another servicebeing the other. Depending on the natureof the communication, the role of theprocess service will vary. For instance, a

    process service that is invoked by anexternal service may act in the role of"TimesheetSubmissionProcess."

    Example The partnerLinks construct

    containing one partnerLink element in

    Which the process service is invoked by an

    external client partner and four partnerLink

    elements that identify partner services

    invoked by the process service.

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    WS-BPEL basics

    The partnerLinkType element

    For each partner service involved in aprocess, partnerLinkType elementsidentify the WSDL portType elementsreferenced by the partnerLinkelements within the processdefinition. Therefore, these

    constructs typically are embeddeddirectly within the WSDL documentsof every partner service.

    The partnerLinkType constructcontains one role element for eachrole the service can play, as definedby the partnerLink myRole andpartnerRole attributes. As a result, a

    partnerLinkType will have either oneor two child role elements.

    Example A WSDL definitions construct

    containing a partnerLinkType construct.



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    WS-BPEL basics

    The variables element

    WS-BPEL process services commonly usethe variables construct to store stateinformation related to the immediateworkflow logic. Entire messages and datasets formatted as XSD schema types canbe placed into a variable and retrieved

    later during the course of the process. Thetype of data that can be assigned to avariable element needs to be predefinedusing one of the following threeattributes: messageType, element, ortype.

    The messageType attribute allows for thevariable to contain an entire WSDL-

    defined message, whereas the elementattribute simply refers to an XSD elementconstruct. The type attribute can be usedto just represent an XSD simpleType, suchas string or integer.

    Example 16.4. The variables construct

    hosting only some of the child variable

    elements used later by the Timesheet

    Submission Process.


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    WS-BPEL basics

    The getVariableProperty and getVariableData


    WS-BPEL provides built-in functions that allowinformation stored in or associated withvariables to be processed during the executionof a business process.

    getVariableProperty(variable name,property name)

    This function allows global propertyvalues to be retrieved from variables.It simply accepts the variable andproperty names as input and returnsthe requested value.

    getVariableData(variable name, partname, location path)

    Because variables commonly areused to manage state information,this function is required to provideother parts of the process logicaccess to this data. ThegetVariableData function has amandatory variable name parameterand two optional arguments that canbe used to specify a part of thevariable data.

    Example 16.5. Two getVariableDatafunctions being used to retrieve specificpieces of data from different variables.


    getVariableData ('input','payload','/tns:TimesheetType/Hours/...')

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    WS-BPEL basics

    The sequence element

    The sequence construct allows you toorganize a series of activities so that theyare executed in a predefined, sequentialorder. WS-BPEL provides numerousactivities that can be used to express theworkflow logic within the process

    definition. The remaining elementdescriptions in this section explain thefundamental set of activities used as partof our upcoming case study examples.

    Example 16.6. A skeleton sequenceconstruct containing only some of themany activity elements provided by WS-BPEL.





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    WS-BPEL basics

    The invoke element

    This element identifies theoperation of a partner servicethat the process definitionintends to invoke during thecourse of its execution. Theinvoke element is equipped withfive common attributes, whichfurther specify the details of theinvocation

    Example The invoke elementidentifying the target partner servicedetails.

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    WS-BPEL basics

    The receive element

    The receive element allows us to establish theinformation a process service expects upon receiving

    a request from an external client partner service. Inthis case, the process service is viewed as a serviceprovider waiting to be invoked.

    The receive element contains a set of attributes,

    each of which is assigned a value relating to theexpected incoming communication

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    WS-BPEL basics

    Example 16.8. The receive element used in theTimesheet Submission Process definition to indicatethe client partner service responsible for launchingthe process with the submission of a timesheet


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    WS-BPEL basics

    The reply element

    Where there's a receive element,there's a reply element when asynchronous exchange is beingmapped out. The reply element is

    responsible for establishing thedetails of returning a responsemessage to the requesting clientpartner service. Because thiselement is associated with thesame partnerLink element as its

    corresponding receive element, itrepeats a number of the sameattributes

    Example A potential companionreply element to the previouslydisplayed receive element.

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    WS-BPEL basics

    The switch, case, and otherwise elements

    These three structured activity elementsallow us to add conditional logic to ourprocess definition, similar to the familiarselect case/case else constructs used intraditional programming languages. Theswitch element establishes the scope of

    the conditional logic, wherein multiplecase constructs can be nested to check forvarious conditions using a conditionattribute. When a condition attributeresolves to "true," the activities definedwithin the corresponding case constructare executed.

    The otherwise element can be added as a

    catch all at the end of the switchconstruct. Should all preceding caseconditions fail, the activities within theotherwise construct are executed.

    Example A skeleton case elementwherein the condition attribute uses thegetVariableData function to compare thecontent of theEmployeeResponseMessage variable to azero value.



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    WS-BPEL basics

    The assign, copy, from, and to


    This set of elements simply gives us theability to copy values between processvariables, which allows us to pass arounddata throughout a process as informationis received and modified during the

    process execution.

    Example Within this assign construct, thecontents of theTimesheetSubmissionFailedMessage variable arecopied to two different message variables.

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    WS-BPEL basics

    faultHandlers, catch, and catchAll


    This construct can contain multiplecatch elements, each of whichprovides activities that performexception handling for a specific type

    of error condition. Faults can begenerated by the receipt of a WSDL-defined fault message, or they can beexplicitly triggered through the use ofthe throw element. The faultHandlersconstruct can consist of (or end with)a catchAll element to house defaulterror handling activities.

    Example The faultHandlersconstruct hosting catch and catchAllchild constructs.



  • 8/10/2019 IT2401 unit5


    WS-BPEL basics - Other WS-BPEL elements

  • 8/10/2019 IT2401 unit5


    WS-BPEL basics

  • 8/10/2019 IT2401 unit5


    WS-Coordination overview

    The overall coordination mechanism consists of the activation service, theregistration service, a coordinator, and participants that implementspecific protocols. It is likely that these underlying context managementservices will be automatically governed by the orchestration engineplatform for which you are creating a WS-BPEL process definition.

    In terms of the WS-Coordination language and its two protocoldocuments, what may be of interest to you is the actualCoordinationContext header that is inserted into SOAP messages. You mayencounter this header if you are monitoring messages or if you need toperform custom development associated with the coordination context.

  • 8/10/2019 IT2401 unit5


    WS-Coordination overview

    The CoordinationContext element This parent construct contains a series of child

    elements that each house a specific part ofthe context information being relayed by theheader.

    The activation service returns thisCoordinationContext header upon thecreation of a new activity. As described later,it is within the CoordinationType childconstruct that the activity protocol (WS-BusinessActivity, WS-AtomicTransaction) iscarried. Vendor-specific implementations of

    WS-Coordination can insert additionalelements within the CoordinationContextconstruct that represent values related to theexecution environment.

    Example A skeleton CoordinationContextconstruct.

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    WS-Coordination overview

    The Identifier and Expires


    These two elements originatefrom a utility schema used toprovide reusable elements. WS-Coordination uses the Identifierelement to associate a unique IDvalue with the current activity.The Expires element sets anexpiry date that establishes theextent of the activity's possiblelifespan.

    Example Identifier and Expires

    elements containing values

    relating to the header.



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    WS-Coordination overview

    The CoordinationType element

    This element is described shortly in theWS-BusinessActivity and WS-AtomicTransaction coordination typessection.

    The RegistrationService element

    The RegistrationService construct simply

    hosts the endpoint address of theregistration service. It uses the Addresselement also provided by the utilityschema.

    Example The RegistrationService elementcontaining a URL pointing to the locationof the registration service.

    Designating the WS-BusinessActivity

    coordination type

    The specific protocol(s) that establishes therules and constraints of the activity areidentified within the CoordinationType element.The URI values that are placed here arepredefined within the WS-BusinessActivity and

    WS-AtomicTransaction specifications. This first example shows the CoordinationType

    element containing the WS-BusinessActivitycoordination type identifier. This would indicatethat the activity for which the header is carryingcontext information is a potentially long-running activity.

    Example The CoordinationType element

    representing the WS-BusinessActivity protocol.

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    WS-Coordination overview

    Designating the WS-AtomicTransaction coordination


    In the next example, the CoordinationType element isassigned the WS-AtomicTransaction coordination type

    identifier, which communicates the fact that the header'scontext information is part of a short running transaction.

    Example The CoordinationType element representing theWS-AtomicTransaction protocol.

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    This specification describes a formal method of defining a Choreographyusing a Choreography Definition Language. Choreographies describe thesequence and conditions in which messages are exchanged betweenindependent processes, parties or organizations in order to realize someuseful purpose, for example placing an order.

    Choreographies need to be defined when two or more organizations or

    processes need to cooperate as no single organization or process controlsor manages the complete process. For example a Buyer cannot directlycontrol what a Seller does and vice versa.

    Note that this differs from a Process Execution Language that can be usedwhen there is a single organization or process in control that can issuecommands to other processes to carry out all the actions or activities


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    If Choreographies are not defined and agreed between the organizationsor processes involved, then those organizations and processes will not beable to successfully interoperate to realize their shared objectives.

    By providing a formal representation of a Choreography in an XML format,this specification allows the definition to be shared and therefore followedby all the organizations or processes that use it.

    This specification is in two main parts: The first part describes how to define a Choreography in an abstract

    way that is independent of: The format and packaging of the messages being exchanged, and

    The technology used at each end to send and receive messages

    The second part describes how to bind the messages in aChoreography to WSDL and SOAP (Ed: required but not included in thisversion spec).

    Click Here

  • 8/10/2019 IT2401 unit5



    WS-Policy language basics

    The WS-Policy framework establishes a means of

    expressing service metadata beyond the WSDL

    definition. Specifically, it allows services tocommunicate rules and preferences in relation to

    security, processing, or message content. Policies

    can be applied to a variety of Web resources,

    positioning this specification as anotherfundamental part of the WS-* extensions.

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    The WS-Policy framework iscomprised of the following threespecifications: WS-Policy WS-PolicyAssertions WS-PolicyAttachments

    These collectively provide thefollowing elements covered inthis section, which demonstratehow policies are formulated andattached to element ordocument-level subjects: Policy element TextEncoding, Language,

    SpecVersion, andMessagePredicate assertions

    ExactlyOne element All element Usage and Preference

    attributes PolicyReference element PolicyURIs attribute PolicyAttachment element

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    The Policy element and common policy assertions

    The Policy element establishes the root construct used tocontain the various policy assertions that comprise the policy.The WS-PolicyAssertions specification supplies the following

    set of common, predefined assertion elements: TextEncoding Dictates the use of a specific text encoding format.

    Language Expresses the requirement or preference for a particularlanguage.

    SpecVersion Communicates the need for a specific version of a

    specification. MessagePredicate Indicates message processing rules expressed using

    XPath statements.

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    The ExactlyOne element

    This construct surrounds multiplepolicy assertions and indicatesthat there is a choice betweenthem, but that one must bechosen.

    Example The ExactlyOne constructhousing two alternative policy assertions,one of which must be used.

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    The All element The All construct introduces a rule that

    states that all of the policy assertionswithin the construct must be met.

    This element can be combined with theExactlyOne element, where collections ofpolicy assertions can each be grouped into

    All constructs that are then furthergrouped into a parent ExactlyOneconstruct.

    This indicates that the policy is offering achoice of assertions groups but that theassertions in any one of the alternative Allgroups must be met.

    Example The All and ExactlyOneconstructs used together to provide twoalternative policy groups.

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    The Usage attribute

    A number of WS-Policy assertion elements contain a

    Usage attribute to indicate whether a given policy

    assertion is required. This attribute is a key part of the WS-Policy

    framework as its values form part of the overall

    policy rules.

    The Usage attribute actually has a number of settings

    worth knowing about, as shown in Table

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    The Preference attribute Policy assertions can be ranked in

    order of preference using thisattribute. This is especiallyrelevant if a service provider isflexible enough to provide

    multiple policy alternatives topotential service requestors.

    The Preference attribute isassigned an integer value. Thehigher this value, the morepreferred the assertion. When

    this attribute is not used, adefault value of "0" is assigned tothe policy assertion.

    The PolicyReference element The PolicyReference element(#) is

    one way to simply link anelement with one or morepolicies. Each PolicyReferenceelement contains a URI attribute

    that points to one policydocument or a specific policyassertion within the document.

    If multiple PolicyReferenceelements are used within thesame element, the policy

    documents are merged atruntime.

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    Example SeparatePolicyReference elements

    referencing two policy


    The PolicyURIs attribute Alternatively, the PolicyURIs attribute

    also can be used to link to one ormore policy documents. The attributeis added to an element and can beassigned multiple policy locations. Aswith PolicyReference, these policiesare then merged at runtime.Example 17.12. The PolicyURIsattribute referencing two policydocuments.

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    The PolicyAttachment element Alternative way of associating a

    policy with a subject is through theuse of the PolicyAttachmentconstruct.

    The approach taken here is that thechild AppliesTo construct is

    positioned as the parent of thesubject elements.

    The familiar PolicyReference elementthen follows the AppliesTo constructto identify the policy assertions thatwill be used.

    Example 17.13. The PolicyAttachment

    construct using the child AppliesTo

    construct to associate a policy with a

    WS-Addressing EndpointReference




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    Additional types of policy assertions It is important to note that policy assertions can be utilized and customized

    beyond the conventional manner in which they are displayed in the precedingexamples.

    For example: Policy assertions can be incorporated into WSDL definitionsthrough the use of a special

    set of policy subjects that target specific parts of the definition structure. A separateUsingPolicy element is provided for use as a WSDL extension.

    WS-ReliableMessaging defines and relies on WS-Policy assertions to enforce some of itsdelivery and acknowledgement rules.

    WS-Policy assertionscan be created to communicate that a Web service is capable ofparticipating in a business activity or an atomic transaction.

    A policy assertion can be designed to express a service's processing requirements inrelation to other WS-* specifications.

    WS-Policy assertions commonly are utilized within the WS-Security framework toexpress security requirements.

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    The WS-Security framework provides extensions that

    can be used to implement message-level security

    measures. These protect message contents during

    transport and during processing by serviceintermediaries. Additional extensions implement

    authentication and authorization control, which

    protect service providers from malicious requestors.

    WS-Security is designed to work with any of the WS-* specifications we discuss in this chapter, as shown

    in Figure.

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    The WS-Security framework iscomprised of numerousspecifications, many in differentstages of acceptance and maturation.In this book we've concentrated onsome of the more established ones,namely: WS-Security XML-Encryption


    The Security element (WS-Security) This construct represents the

    fundamental header block providedby WS-Security. The Security elementcan have a variety of child elements,ranging from XML-Encryption andXML-Signature constructs to thetoken elements provided by the WS-Security specification itself.

    Security elements can be outfittedwith actor attributes that correspondto SOAP actor roles. This allows youto add multiple Security blocks to aSOAP message, each intended for adifferent recipient.

    The SecurityTokenReference element( i )

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    The UsernameToken, Username,and Password elements (WS-


    The UsernameToken elementprovides a construct that can be usedto host token information for

    authentication and authorizationpurposes. Typical children of thisconstruct are the Username andPassword child elements, but customelements also can be added.

    The BinarySecurityToken element


    Tokens stored as binary data, such ascertificates, can be represented in anencoded format within theBinarySecurityToken element.


    This element allows you to provide a pointer toa token that exists outside of the SOAP messagedocument.

    Example The Security SOAP header used by

    RailCo to provide user name and password





    E l Th WS S it SOAP

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    Composing Security elementcontents (WS-Security)

    The WS-Security specificationpositions the Security element as astandardized container for headerblocks originating from other securityextensions.

    The following example illustrates thisby showing how a SAML block islocated within the Security construct.

    Example. The WS-Security SOAP

    header hosting a SAML authorization






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    The EncryptedData element (XML-Encryption)

    This is the parent construct that hosts theencrypted portion of an XML document. Iflocated at the root of an XML document,the entire document contents areencrypted.

    The EncryptedData element's Typeattribute indicates what is included in theencrypted content. For example, a valueof indicates that the element and itscontents will be encrypted, whereas thevalue of states that encryption will only beapplied to the content within the openingand closing tags.

    The CipherData, CipherValue, andCipherReference elements (XML-


    The CipherData construct is required andmust contain either a CipherValueelement hosting the charactersrepresenting the encrypted text or a

    CipherReference element that provides apointer to the encrypted values.
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    Plain Text




    Cipher Text

    Example 17.21. An XML document

    within a SOAP message containing

    an encrypted element.




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    XML-Signature elements

    A digital signature is a complex piece of information

    comprised of specific parts that each represent an

    aspect of the document being signed. Therefore,numerous elements can be involved when defining

    the construct that hosts the digital signature

    information. Table provides brief descriptions of

    some of the main elements.

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    Example A SOAP message headercontaining a digital signature.




    ...invoice document with total exceeding


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