istud presentation rr 10 2010 english

Fondazione ISTUD per la cultura d’impresa e di gestione for enterprise and management culture ISTUD Offerta Business Innovation Marketing, Innovazione, Design Strategico, Sostenibilità Corsi, workshop, progetti in house Il cliente Docenti manager 1 Liberiamo le potenzialità

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Introduces ISTUD Business School and our education and consulting approach.


Page 1: Istud Presentation Rr 10 2010 English

Fondazione ISTUDper la cultura d’impresa e di gestionefor enterprise and management culture

ISTUDOffertaBusiness InnovationMarketing, Innovazione, Design Strategico, Sostenibilità Corsi, workshop, progetti in houseIl clienteDocenti manager





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Renzo Rizzo - presentazione ISTUD Business Innovation marzo 2010

L i b e r i a m o l e p o t e n z i a l i t à

Fondazione ISTUD Business School

Established in 1970 by initiative of Assolombarda and a group of large Italian and multinational companies, ISTUD (acronym for Institute for Management Studies) has accompanied the evolution of Italian Management, contributing to the diffusion of a modern management and leadership culture of in many Italian companies and subsidiaries of multinational companies, both large and medium/small.

Its purpose is to support the growth and competence development of companies that want to compete through a new and sustainable economic model, based on the creation of value for all the stakeholders involved in the economic process such as a company’s customers, collaborators and partners, shareholders and investors, as well as the very social context where the company lives.

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Renzo Rizzo - presentazione ISTUD Business Innovation marzo 2010

L i b e r i a m o l e p o t e n z i a l i t à

The values that inspire us Potential: attention for the person and for the discovery of each individual’s talents

and unique way to create value trough the acquisition and growth of personal and professional skills

Sustainability: a systemic, ethic and long-term approach to the generation of economic and social value

Results: giving a practical and results driven support to our clients in conducting their business and achieving success through the development of their capabilities

Method: a scientific, questioning and disciplined approach to work

Integrity: thorough dialogue with our clients, always transparent and honest

Team: working together with passion and enthusiasm

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Renzo Rizzo - presentazione ISTUD Business Innovation marzo 2010

L i b e r i a m o l e p o t e n z i a l i t à

What makes us different The belief that people with their talents, their culture and their values make a

difference in the workplace and that the company, relying on the uniqueness and diversity of its people, can fulfill its role in the the progress of society.

The care in preparing the personal and professional growth paths for the organization and for the people that make it up, thoroughly thought through and designed to best fulfill their needs, challenges and ambitions.

Our people, the teachers, consultants and staff employes, who have been sharing our values even before we met, and who bring years of management experience and proven ability to create value in business in their respective areas of competence: the development of the organisation and the individuals, the development of the business and of marketing and communication, the ability to thrive on change and to innovate, and finally health and wellbeing at work.

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Renzo Rizzo - presentazione ISTUD Business Innovation marzo 2010

L i b e r i a m o l e p o t e n z i a l i t à

People and enterprise developmentOur offer addresses three important moments in people’s development within a company, within these moments we design and develop with our customers specific and personalized paths

Recent graduates: preparation for employment in business through the master marketing management and innovation, the master in human resources and organization, the program for health scientist and professionals, the program on green inspired management and entrepreneurship.

Management: achieve professional growth with limited investment of time through our Master in Business Management, created to be followed without interrupting work and disrupt personal time; the master is played through 8 modules of 3 days over two years, chosen from the several specialized courses offered by ISTUD.

Executives: a path of growth through dialogue and exposure to new tools and experiences our Executive Development Program is also developed through time-affordable modules focusing on leadership, strategy, marketing and economics

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Renzo Rizzo - presentazione ISTUD Business Innovation marzo 2010

L i b e r i a m o l e p o t e n z i a l i t à

Dialogue and exchange opportunity for top management and entrepreneurs: the Meeting of Minds is a one shot 2 days event to discuss and envision the future of an industry or a company and identify new possibile development routes

Discontinuity and change in corporate teams: ad hoc research and workshops with the client focused to specific issues such as rethinking the business model, the definition of a brand strategy, the analysis of a company purpose and competence and the definition of an organizational strategy

Inspiration and analogies from business and non business environments: through the contribution of knowledge from different sectors including search for similarities between different field of experiences to enrich the professional culture and stimulate new ways of thinking

Support and help to address new challenges Our offer includes various methods of intervention within companies, designed to inspire people and create a common basis for the development of the organization and the business

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Renzo Rizzo - presentazione ISTUD Business Innovation marzo 2010

L i b e r i a m o l e p o t e n z i a l i t à

Business and educational projectsWe develop ad hoc in-house training project, designed to fit specific and personalized customers’ needs; we help and support the development of related business projects.

In-house educational projects. Tailored programs, built on the basis of in depth analysis of the business and organization needs, within specific professional families or multifunctional project teams that need to augment their business proficiency - functional competencies and general management skills alike. For example, courses by levels (eg, middle management) and for professional groups (Marketing, Customer Service, Sales, R & D) and for project teams.

Counseling and projects assistance. Our trainers and consultants make it an important point to assist managers, executives and entrepreneurs in the application of the tools they teach, through individual or team counseling/business coaching and through support on specific projects, that is not only for people development purposes but also in the very practice of business.

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Renzo Rizzo - presentazione ISTUD Business Innovation marzo 2010

L i b e r i a m o l e p o t e n z i a l i t à

Masters as a key tool for selection and preparation of new recruitsIdentify and develop new recruits is a difficult challenge, and our masters ISTUD are designed to make the matching between new talent and companies easier and more productive

Our Masters go beyond the functional preparation: they develop business proficiency, creating an understanding of what is a business is and how it works. It gives participants the mind flexibility and capacity to dialogue and cooperate with all business functions - thus facilitating their productive integration within the enterprise. Master last about 9 months, include a 3 moths internship in selected companies, and are aimed at university graduates coming from all faculties.

Because our programs are mostly run by professionals and managers with frist hand experience within successful companies, and because of the numerous testimonies from important companies collaborating with us, the masters are a true bridge between the university and the enterprise.

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Renzo Rizzo - presentazione ISTUD Business Innovation marzo 2010

L i b e r i a m o l e p o t e n z i a l i t à

From our new talents, a practical help Companies can already see our young talents at work during the master through project works developed on collaboration with our people and run by the students

Project works developed within the path of the masters project works are a key work preparation opportunity for our participants: they are a first opportunity to meet and collaborate with companies and their managers, understanding first hand the business realities and challenges.

An important contribution, the projects are defined with the company in terms of objectives, content and timing considering the business needs and training value. Companies involved have always expressed great satisfaction with the quality of work and the actual contribution of our participants, assisted and supported by ISTUD people - teachers and consultants.

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Renzo Rizzo - presentazione ISTUD Business Innovation marzo 2010

L i b e r i a m o l e p o t e n z i a l i t à

Associazioni industriali e finanziamenti

ISTUD has worked for many years with the industry associations of the Confindustria system, and the training schools attached to them, in the design and implementation of system projects and projects funded under the framework of initiatives with management and enterprises associations (Fondimpresa and Fondirigenti).

ISTUD is accredited by the Lombardy Region for the execution of continuing education activities and higher education.

ISTUD provides help and support in accessing of funding for training, and on reporting of the funded projects.

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Renzo Rizzo - presentazione ISTUD Business Innovation marzo 2010

L i b e r i a m o l e p o t e n z i a l i t à

The competence centers at ISTUDTo better serve the professional families within companies ISTUD is organized by Practices that connect and leverage the business experiences of our teachers and consultants with proven track record in specific functions and industry sectors Leadership and Management: focuses on the skills necessary to shape the

organization, lead people, and take an active role for a sustainable future Business Innovation: deals with commercial innovation and the reinvention of the

role of marketing with the customer at the center of the enterprise efforts People and organizational processes: the organizational forms, the training

systems for building a competitive advantage. Health and Health Organizations: programs and design training, research and

consulting to promote wellness and good health within companies and for health focused public or private organizations

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Renzo Rizzo - presentazione ISTUD Business Innovation marzo 2010

L i b e r i a m o l e p o t e n z i a l i t à

The Business Innovation PracticeAn integrated Marketing, Innovation, Sales and Customer Service process is key for the enterprise to become a customer creating and customer satisfying organism

Peter Drucker said that because the role of the enterprise is to create satisfied customers, it has only two vital functions: marketing and innovation. And indeed marketing without innovation looses momentum and relevance while innovation without marketing has very limited meaning and business creation potential. We are dedicated to helping companies developing a integrated approach to manage both.

Marketing, strategy and innovation. Through study, experimentation and projects applications with our customers we are committed to developing new ideas and tools for marketing and for the innovation of a company’s offering and way of conducting the business.

We are experienced consultants and managers of Marketing, Innovation, Business Design, Sustainability Strategy, Customer Service, Sales.

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Renzo Rizzo - presentazione ISTUD Business Innovation marzo 2010

L i b e r i a m o l e p o t e n z i a l i t à

Business Innovation: guiding ideas Never as today is it crucial do rebuild trust between the brands and companies that propose goods and the customers who invest their money and attention in them

From transaction to relationship focused marketing. Marketing must create a relationship made of positive emotions and confidence between brands/companies and their public; it should restore the connection between perceived value and cost that was spoiled by years of boasting over-communication on one hand and price slashing on the other; it must guide the company in creating satisfied customers.

Innovation as a corporate process. Innovation begins with making sense of complexity through a personal interpretation of the social and market dynamics, of the desires and expectations of present and potential customers, and of the technologies and ways of doing business that can fulfill them.

Sustainability as a competitive advantage. Products and services with sustainability content should still be attractive and desireable per se to clients, their sustainability must be communicated in a transparent and exciting way.

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Renzo Rizzo - presentazione ISTUD Business Innovation marzo 2010

L i b e r i a m o l e p o t e n z i a l i t à

Business Innovation: subjects of practice Marketing - to help the growth of a new marketing that creates and communicates value, fueling an

emotional relationship made of trust and transparency between the brand and its clients. The brand can become the center of coherence and long term evolution and progress for the company, orchestrating all communication opportunities between the disparate media available today.

Innovazione - manage innovation as an integrated and collaborative process within the enterprise and between its network of partners, a commitment to focus on the customer not confined to marketing and R&D and not just related to the product, but also to the way products and services are designed, delivered and communicated to customers, and to the very way of running the business.

Business design - help designing business models that create value for all stakeholders in the economic process, a sustainable combination of customer value proposition, profit mechanism and operating systems to make the business work and last.

Sustainability as competitive advantage - a proposed model for designing a sustainable, responsible and successful company in an integrated and consistent way, considering the social, economical, environmental, and customer value aspects of products and services.

Customer Service - creating a culture shared by all business functions of customer centricity, seeing the business as an organism whose aim is to create satisfied customers.

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Renzo Rizzo - presentazione ISTUD Business Innovation marzo 2010

L i b e r i a m o l e p o t e n z i a l i t à

Business Innovation: core team

Renzo Rizzo Is Director of the Business Innovation Practice, and provides consulting, education and business projects support to companies in strategic marketing, business design and innovation. He previously held senior leadership positions in innovation, product development and new business development at Procter & Gamble and Barilla, living in Italy, Belgium and the United States. He has a degree in Chemical Engineering and attended the executive development course at Harvard Business School on Leading Change and Organization Renewal.

Fiorenza Sarotto Deals with strategic and operational marketing, communication, new product development and start-ups. Her activities with ISTUD include training for marketing and sales profiles and for top management. She held positions of increasing responsibility within companies such as Procter and Gamble, Star, Royal Insurance, Zurich until her most recent assignment as Vice President of Corporate Franchise Management EMEA at Disney.

Jlenia Ermacora Is Head of Communications and Marketing at ISTUD. Develops training programs and consulting services for public and private companies. Her international experience has seen her involved in projects in the field of entertainment and tourism, to train corporate trainers in El Salvador and in the Balkans and training on brand management in Portugal. She attended the Master in Marketing Management at ISTUD and a specialist course at the Wharton Business School.

Simone Anselmi His areas of activities include marketing, entrepreneurship and international business; coordination of innovation and entrepreneurial creativity workshops; he plans, coordinates and conducts business education events on issues relating to relationship marketing, organizational behavior, communication and personal development. Certified NLP Trainer, has an MBA from SDA Bocconi University and a Certificate in Marketing and Advertising degree from the New York University.

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Renzo Rizzo - presentazione ISTUD Business Innovation marzo 2010

L i b e r i a m o l e p o t e n z i a l i t à

Governance of Fondazione ISTUD

Chairman Barbara Zucchi Frua

Vice Chairman Giorgio Scroffernecher

Honorary Chairman Ottorino Beltrami

General Manager Marella Caramazza

Leadership council Barbara Zucchi Frua Massimo Basso Ricci Luciano Carbone Sandro Catani Alberto Chiesi Laura Mengoni Cesare Ranieri