issue 33, volume 19

By Angela Le Quieu Staff Reporter Students who sign up for the Suncat Savings Challenge by March 14, 2014 could earn up to four times the money they save by being a part of a con- trolled study. Achievement Coach Chioma Heim said that stu- dents can potentially receive up to $4000 in matched money from their own sav- ings of up to $1000, which is considered a gift and not taxable. “It’s a wonderful match system… and it’s one that is fleeting,” Heim said. What can come out of the Suncat Savings Challenge is that a stu- dent would receive an Individual Development Account (IDA), which is a matched savings account for acquiring one of three assets; an education, a house, or a small busi- ness, Heim said. IDA’s are a nationwide and fed- erally funded initiative to help low to moderate income families to try to obtain assets, so that they can build financial stability in their lives, Heim said. “Hopefully it will stretch on into the com- munity, and that is the pur- pose of the IDA program nationwide,” Heim said. The money students get is provided as part of a study on savings habits and to encourage people to save toward a goal like home ownership; the study also requires that the account the money is stored in be open for at least six months before it can be accessed, Heim said. “The purpose of this study is to see if the IDAs are in fact doing what they are intended to do, which is to help people achieve better savings habits and acquire assets,” Heim said. The matched money comes from federal grants through Health and Human Services Department who are conducting the study, Heim said. State grants had been a part of it until several years ago, and Heim said people are currently lob- bying to get that grant money back on the books. “This research will hopefully help in saying that IDAs will help New Mexico, which is a rather low income saturated state to hopefully improve individuals’ income status and financial status,” Heim said. The study utilizes a research practice known as random assignment, which places an eligible candidate in either a con- trol group or a program group, but only the pro- gram group receives an IDA and the matched money, Heim said. There is a base line survey which students take; after that the com- puter randomly assigns stu- dents into a group and stu- dents find out right away if they will be in the program group or not, Heim said. Both groups are con- tacted about a year after they sign up to see if their savings habits have changed, Heim said. “It’s a really low com- mitment; it’s really low commitment, even if you don’t get the IDA as far as what you do with this research,” Heim said. Students in the con- trol group can receive a $20 gift card after they are contacted a year down the line, but otherwise the control group does not have to do anything, Heim said. “I would love, in a per- fect world to hand it out to everyone that is eligible, but even weren’t doing this and without the auspices of the research study we would have only five or ten accounts a year and now it’s opened up to 300 accounts per year,” Heim said The odds are far greater now than they had been before, Heim said. Achievement Coach Chris Ricci said that the odds of getting into the program group are better than they would be for most scholarships or even jobs opportunities. Some students are turned off by the 50/50 odds of getting the IDA’s, Ricci said. “Are you not going to apply for a job because you know there is more than one other person applying for it? Are you not going to apply for a scholarship because there is more than one person?” Ricci said. Scott Gagnon, recent CNM graduate, received the matched money for his IDA and will close on a house this month. “It was a huge incen- tive to move out of my By Nick Stern Senior Reporter Illiteracy among adults is a big problem here in New Mexico and is holding many people back from accomplish- ing what they need to do in life, but luckily the Adult Literacy Movement of Albuquerque (ALMA) does what it can to fight this problem by offer- ing tutoring to the men and women who need help, Learning Center Supervisor Melanie Viramontes said. Viramontes said that 44 percent of New Mexicans are considered functionally illiterate and that this percent- age of people accounts for approximately 7,000 illiterate adults in Albuquerque alone, which makes it incred- ibly difficult for them to perform the numerous necessary tasks in today’s society, she said. “They are having trou- ble even going through their daily lives as far as reading fines, filling out forms, and many basic things that everyone needs to do in order to be successful,” she said. For adults to be con- sidered functionally liter- ate they only need to have at least a sixth grade edu- cation level and the abil- ity to navigate through their daily lives, she said. This is where the Adult Literacy Movement of Albuquerque comes into play by doing its best to help members of the community achieve func- tionality, she said. The movement is considered a literacy vol- unteer program, in which the enthusiastic commu- nity members who want to help other members of the community get trained to become basic literacy tutors and also get set up with students who need their help, Viramontes said. ALMA is willing to accept and train anyone from the community who wants to volunteer to be a tutor as long as they are at least 18 years of age, she said. One of the very first necessities needed to become a tutor is to attend an hour-long orien- tation where the general overview of the ALMA program is delivered to the attendees, she said. According to the CNM website at depts/tutoring/lv/alma- 2014-trainings, there are a number of orientation dates for anyone who is interested in becoming a volunteer tutor. Each orientation is held at the Student Resources Center at Main Campus, on the second floor in room 203, according to the CNM website. People who are inter- ested in becoming a tutor can attend the very next orientation on March 4 at 6:30 p.m. according to the site. Viramontes said no previous training is required but the most successful tutors have generally had a strong desire to help people while many other volun- teers sometimes have not realized just how hard The CNM Chronicle Volume 19 | Issue 33 February 18, 2014 /cnmchronicle The student voice of Central new Mexico community college SEE SAVINGS ON PAGE 7 PHOTO BY RENE THOMPSON SEE LITERACY PAGE 7 Orientation Dates and Times for people inter- ested in becoming a tutor ALL L OCATED AT MAIN C AMPUS , S TUDENT R ESOURCE C ENTER , R OOM 203 March 4, Tuesday, 6:30 p.m. March 7, Friday, 9 a.m. April 8, Tuesday, 6:30 p.m. April 11, Friday, 9 a.m. May 6, Tuesday 6:30 p.m. May 9, Friday, 9 a.m. TO QUALIFY, STUDENTS MUST: Be enrolled in 6 or more credit hours at CNM Be at least 18 years of age Have someone in the household who is cur- rently employed There are additional income and asset qualifications, which students can learn more about at the orientation which includes: - Adjusted gross income must fall under 200 percent of the national poverty level - Net worth of the household (excluding one home and one vehicle) must fall under $10,000 The ins and outs of Suncat Savings Challenge Training workshops help tutors battle adult illiteracy

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Issue 33 of Volume 19 of The CNM Chronicle


Page 1: Issue 33, Volume 19

By Angela Le Quieu

Staff Reporter

Students who sign up for the Suncat Savings Challenge by March 14, 2014 could earn up to four times the money they save by being a part of a con-trolled study.

A c h i e v e m e n t Coach Chioma Heim said that stu-dents can potentially receive up to $4000 in matched money from their own sav-ings of up to $1000, which is considered a gift and not taxable.

“It’s a wonderful match system… and it’s one that is f leeting,” Heim said.

What can come out of the Suncat Savings Challenge is that a stu-dent would receive an Individual Development Account (IDA), which is a matched savings account for acquiring one of three assets; an education, a house, or a small busi-ness, Heim said. IDA’s are a nationwide and fed-erally funded initiative to help low to moderate income families to try to obtain assets, so that they can build financial stability in their lives, Heim said.

“Hopefully it will stretch on into the com-munity, and that is the pur-pose of the IDA program nationwide,” Heim said.

The money students get is provided as part of a study on savings habits and to encourage people to save toward a goal like home ownership; the study also requires that the account the money is stored in be open for at least six months before it can be accessed, Heim said.

“The purpose of this study is to see if the IDAs are in fact doing what they are intended to do, which is to help people achieve better savings habits and acquire assets,” Heim said.

The matched money comes from federal grants through Health and Human Services Department who are conducting the study, Heim said.

State grants had been a part of it until several years ago, and Heim said people are currently lob-bying to get that grant money back on the books.

“This research will hopefully help in saying that IDAs will help New Mexico, which is a rather low income saturated state to hopefully improve individuals’ income status and financial status,” Heim said.

The study utilizes a research practice known as random assignment, which places an eligible candidate in either a con-trol group or a program group, but only the pro-gram group receives an IDA and the matched money, Heim said.

There is a base line survey which students take; after that the com-puter randomly assigns stu-dents into a group and stu-dents find out right away if they will be in the program group or not, Heim said.

Both groups are con-tacted about a year after they sign up to see if their savings habits have changed, Heim said.

“It’s a really low com-mitment; it’s really low commitment, even if you don’t get the IDA as far as what you do with this research,” Heim said.

Students in the con-trol group can receive a $20 gift card after they are contacted a year down the line, but otherwise the control group does not have to do anything, Heim said.

“I would love, in a per-fect world to hand it out to everyone that is eligible, but even weren’t doing this and without the auspices of the research study we would have only five or ten accounts a year and now it’s opened up to 300 accounts per year,” Heim said

The odds are far greater now than they had been before, Heim said.

Achievement Coach Chris Ricci said that the odds of getting into the program group are better than they would be for most scholarships or even jobs opportunities.

Some students are turned off by the 50/50 odds of getting the IDA’s, Ricci said.

“Are you not going to apply for a job because you know there is more than one other person applying for it? Are you not going to apply for a scholarship because there is more than one person?” Ricci said.

Scott Gagnon, recent CNM graduate, received the matched money for his IDA and will close on a house this month.

“It was a huge incen-tive to move out of my

By Nick SternSenior Reporter

Illiteracy among adults is a big problem here in New Mexico and is holding many people back from accomplish-ing what they need to do in life, but luckily the Adult Literacy Movement of Albuquerque (ALMA) does what it can to fight this problem by offer-ing tutoring to the men and women who need help, Learning Center Supervisor Melanie Viramontes said.

Viramontes said that 44 percent of New Mexicans are considered functionally illiterate and that this percent-age of people accounts for approximately 7,000 illiterate adults in Albuquerque alone, which makes it incred-ibly difficult for them to perform the numerous necessary tasks in today’s society, she said.

“They are having trou-ble even going through their daily lives as far as reading fines, filling out forms, and many basic

things that everyone needs to do in order to be successful,” she said.

For adults to be con-sidered functionally liter-ate they only need to have at least a sixth grade edu-cation level and the abil-ity to navigate through their daily lives, she said.

This is where the Adult Literacy Movement of Albuquerque comes into play by doing its best to help members of the community achieve func-tionality, she said.

The movement is considered a literacy vol-unteer program, in which the enthusiastic commu-nity members who want to help other members of the community get trained to become basic literacy tutors and also get set up with students who need their help, Viramontes said.

ALMA is willing to accept and train anyone from the community who wants to volunteer to be a tutor as long as they are at least 18 years of age, she said.

One of the very first necessities needed to become a tutor is to

attend an hour-long orien-tation where the general overview of the ALMA program is delivered to the attendees, she said.

According to the CNM website at, there are a number of orientation dates for anyone who is interested in becoming a volunteer tutor.

Each orientation is held at the Student Resources Center at Main Campus, on the second f loor in room 203, according to the CNM website.

People who are inter-ested in becoming a tutor can attend the very next orientation on March 4 at 6:30 p.m. according to the site.

Viramontes said no previous training is required but the most successful tutors have generally had a strong desire to help people while many other volun-teers sometimes have not realized just how hard

The CNMChronicleVolume 19 | Issue 33 February 18, 2014/cnmchronicle thecnmchronicle.wordpress.comT h e s t u d e n t v o i c e o f C e n t r a l n e w M e x i c o c o m m u n i t y c o l l e g e

see sAVINGs on pAGe 7


see LITeRACY page 7

Orientation Dates and Times for people inter-

ested in becoming a tutor All locAted At MAin

cAMpus, student ResouRce centeR, RooM 203

March 4, Tuesday, 6:30 p.m.March 7, Friday, 9 a.m.

April 8, Tuesday, 6:30 p.m.April 11, Friday, 9 a.m.

May 6, Tuesday 6:30 p.m.May 9, Friday, 9 a.m.

TO QUALIFY, STUDENTS MUST: Be enrolled in 6 or more credit hours at CNM Be at least 18 years of age Have someone in the household who is cur-rently employed

There are additional income and asset qualifications, which students can learn more about at the orientation which includes:

- Adjusted gross income must fall under 200 percent of the national poverty level

- Net worth of the household (excluding one home and one vehicle) must fall under $10,000

The ins and outs of Suncat Savings


Training workshops help tutors battle adult


Page 2: Issue 33, Volume 19

2 | The CNM Chronicle February 18, 2014

To submit items for Campus Bulletins, please email news item with a maximum of 150 words to: [email protected] or call 224-4755.

student organizations cnmECOS Accepting New Members

The Executive Council of Students is accepting new members.ECOS meets every Friday at 4 p.m. in ST 12-A.For more information,email [email protected].

Come check out M.E.Ch.A.

CNM’s chapter of el Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano/a de Aztlan meets every other Thursday search for “M.E.Ch.A de CNM” on Facebook, or email at [email protected] for meeting locations and times.

Veterans For Educational Success Student Club

Bringing together Veterans in an effort to assist each other in being successful in college.Come join us at the meetings for coffee, chat and ideas to benefit Veteran studentsand find volunteer opportunities in the local community. Where: Rio Rancho Campus. Meetings: Bi-weekly every second Friday at 1 p.m. and forth Friday 9 a.m. If interested email advisor at [email protected] for specific dates and times.

Join physics league

The CNM Physics League is a chartered student organization with a goal of supporting physics students. We meet every Saturday in JS 303 at Main Campus for a study session from 10 AM to 2 PM with the CNM Math League. We also hold an official meeting once a month, location TBA. Please contact our president, Jenny Smith, at [email protected] or our secretary, Joseph Denison, at [email protected] for more information.”

Chemistry Study Sessions Available:

Weekly study session for any chemistry subject. Meet people and get homework done at the same time! The study group always has free coffee and snacks.Contact: Tim Torres (President)Phone: 928-699-9834Email: [email protected]

Free Bus and Parking Passes

Current students qualify for a free general parking pass and AbqRide bus pass. The passes can be obtained at the Main campus Student Activities Office. Name, schedule, and student ID number are required. For a general parking pass vehicle and drivers license information must be provided. To register the online parking system for the free general parking sticker log-in to myCNM and follow links from the

“transportation” section.

Employability Workshops

Job Connection Services invites CNM students and graduates to attend free Workshops at Main (SSC-207) and Montoya (TW-105) campuses. Workshops focus on resume writing and offer tips for answering interview questions.For more information, call 224-3060 or go to

Planning to Attend Graduation Ceremony? Don’t Forget to Submit a Grad Application.

If you are planning to participate in the Spring 2014 Graduation Ceremony on Saturday, May 3, 2014 at Tingley Coliseum, don’t forget that you must submit a graduation application for your degree or certificate by Friday, March 28, 2014 by 5 p.m.For specific instructions on how to complete the graduation application process: log on to myCNM, and click on the “Students” tab at the top of the page. Then, in the Graduation and Change/Update Your Major channel on the right of the page, click on “Your Guide to Graduation.” Follow the instructions on this page to complete your graduation application.To contact an academic advisor call 224-4321To contact the Student Activities Office, that organizes the Graduation Ceremony, call 224-3238.For more information about the Graduation Ceremony go to

Cash, Check or Credit Card

MC, Visa, Amex, and Discover

12 p.m. Thursday prior to publication

FREE to CNM stu-dents, faculty, and staff

up to 15 words and $0.40 per word after. Regular Rates $0.40 per word. $3.00 per

week for bold header.

Daniel JohnsonPhone: 505.224.3255

CNM Chronicle525 Buena Vista SE, STE. 12BAlbuquerque, NM 87106

Classifieds may be submittedvia email to: [email protected]

CNM Chronicle Classified

CorrectionsSee an error in the newspaper?

Let us know!Email errors or concerns to

Rene Thompson at:[email protected] or

call 224-4755.






Acquire a better bang for your buck at the new

“Campus Bookstore”

Get the best price for used books or get a great deal for textbooks at the Campus Bookstore located @2720 Central SE, Suite F, across from UNM. For more information call 255-1114 or go to

Suncat Savings Challenge:

The Suncat Savings Challenge is an opportunity for students to invest in their future with a matched savings account called an Individual Development Account (IDA). Every dollar put into the account will be matched by public and private institutions to help students save toward their education, a home or starting a business.

The Orientation will be held in SB 100.

student deals


IT/web, engineering, legal, accounting, marketing, art/design, research, writing, production. Part-time to ramp up. Send long cover letter, short resume to [email protected]


Hiring Seasonal Cleaners... Looking for motivated and hard working individuals for part time work. Please do not call, bring in resume or come in to apply. Ask for Cassie or Melissa. 5555 Montgomery Blvd. or 9370 Coors Blvd.


On-Campus Recruitment Event

Cliff’s is preparing to hire more than 130 summer employees. A recruiter is eager to talk with CNM students who are interested in summer jobs.

Main Campus: Student Services Building, in the Food Court.Tuesday, February 18 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.Montoya Campus: H Building in the Common Area.Tuesday, February 25 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Share this good news with your friends!

Community Meeting for International District Community Garden

March 1st @ 11 AM. Lunch will be provided! Come to discuss our plans for the beginning of the year and tell us your ideas. 1410 Wellesley Dr SE. Questions call Stef @ 918-037

Created Equal, ABQ Convention

CenterWhere: 401 2nd St NWWhen: February 19, at 9 a.m.Cost: FREEAfrican American history is American history! How much do you know about what hap-pened in the past? What will you do to create a better future and a world that works for everyone?

Work It Out Day/S.T.E.M. Initiative, ABQ Convention

Center: West Complex Lower Lvl.

Where: 401 2nd St NWWhen: February 22, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.Cost: FREELockheed Martin, Sandia, Intel, the Army Corps of Engineers, UNM Health Sciences Center & many more will be electrifying the Convention Center with informa-tion about how youth can get fund-ing for college.

New Mexico’s Gospel Best

Competition, Kiva

AuditoriumWhere: 401 2nd St NWWhen: February 23 from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m.Cost: FREEGospel singers from throughout the state will compete for the chance to win a grand prize and be crowned New Mexico’s Gospel Best.

Black History Month Events

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classified here!

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NEWSOPINIONBulletins2| The CNM Chronicle Feb ruary 18, 2014

Page 3: Issue 33, Volume 19

February 18, 2014 The CNM Chronicle | 3EDITORIAL

Call for student writers: Students who would like their poetry or short stories (no longer than 500 words) featured in The Chronicle, please send your writings to [email protected] for consideration. Know that any writing submitted to the Chronicle is subject to editing for space.


Black History Month should be a time of reflection on the trav-esties that this country has inflicted and endured, but also that racism and discrimination are still issues that need to be faced today, even in our own fair city.

Multiple anti-Semitic slurs and acts of vandalism of a local Jewish Delicatessen called Nosh located at Silver Street and Amherst Drive in Nob Hill has been an issue for the last few weeks, but the business owner has taken action against this injustice in her community and held a vigil on Thursday, Feb. 13 in consider-ation for all the people who have

to suffer discrimination, and to show that these acts will not be tolerated by the neighborhood.

People throughout the city have left dozens of cards on the Deli’s windows in encouragement of the store owner and to show support, but also to show that one bad apple does not represent Albuquerque as a whole.

Even within UNM, people have resorted to vandalism of ethnic slurs such as f**k white people and the N-word, which is racist and seems to be targeting a certain group on campus, accord-ing to the Daily Lobo article called Dorm graffiti: F*** whites.

It is absolutely appalling and an embarrassment that someone in such a culturally diverse city would still act with such hatred and indif-ference toward someone that they do not even know as a person and it is shocking that incidents such as this still occur to this day in Albuquerque or anywhere else for that matter.

One has to wonder, when will people get over the differences of race, religion, or sexual orienta-tion and just be at peace with the fact that our world is full of differ-ent types of people; and that those people deserve to have a good life just like anyone else, and should

never be hated, ridiculed, beaten or worse, just for a part of who they happen to be, and instead can be accepted for the individual per-sons that they are and achievements that they have made for themselves in life.

Please take the time this month to reflect on the accom-plishments that have been made toward a better and more under-standing society without prejudice, but also to see how far we must still go in order to achieve true equal-ity, and how we can all help in little ways every day to make that wish a little less of a distant reality.

Give peace a chanceBy The Chronicle Editorial Board

525 Buena Vista SE, ST 12b Albuquerque, NM 87106 Ph. 224.4755Copyright © 2013 The CNM Chronicle | This newspaper, its design and its contents are copyrighted.

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Views expressed on the Opinion page are those of the individual writer and do not necessarily represent the beliefs of all CNM Chronicle staff.


To submit an ad, or for more information, p lea se contac t Dan ie l Johnson a t [email protected].


The CNM Chronicle strives to publish only accurate and truthful information. If you believe you have found an error, please email at [email protected] or call 224.4755.


The CNM Chronicle is printed by Vanguard Publishing Co. and circulated free of charge to all CNM campuses and the surrounding community.

ChronicleThe CNM

Page 4: Issue 33, Volume 19

4 | The CNM Chronicle February 18, 2014ADVERTISEMENT

Page 5: Issue 33, Volume 19

February 18, 2014 The CNM Chronicle | 5FEATURE

By Jonathan BacaCopy Editor

Every February, the entire nation celebrates Black History Month, shin-ing the spotlight on African American culture, history, and art in an effort to learn from the mistakes of the past and create a vision for a more harmonious future; and it is just as important today as it ever was, said African American Studies instructor Charles Becknell Jr.

In many ways, African American history is the his-tory of the entire country, and the struggles, creative contri-butions and cultural identity of African Americans offer lessons for every ethnic and minority group in the United States, Becknell said.

“The purpose of Black History Month was two-fold. First, to instill a sense of pride in the African American people, and the second objec-tive is to undo the myths and distortions surrounding black people, which would benefit everyone,” Becknell said.

When it began, Jim Crow laws and segregation were still in full force in America, and African Americans did not have most of the basic rights that we take for granted today.

“It really stands as a moment where African American people have the opportunity to tap into their historical genius and cultural legacy in order to raise self esteem,” Becknell said.

This determination to celebrate what Becknell called

“black exceptionalism” even while most of American soci-ety treated African Americans as second class citizens, is an example of the strength that has made this community so vibrant, he said.

This constant struggle and resistance, against slavery, segregation, racism and all the challenges that has been brought with these issues, helped to shape the current cultural identity of African Americans, and is one of the reasons why the black experi-ence in America was so unique compared to other places in the world, he said.

“African Americans had to shape their identity out of a reality of not being free, not being a citizen, so that creates a unique cultural experience, because you have to resist that,” Becknell said.

Although our society has come a long way since slavery and segregation, Becknell said that it is important during Black History Month to

remember the injustices of the past, and to shine a light on the racism that still exists in America today.

He pointed out that African Americans still make on average about 65 cents to every dollar a white person earns, and that 50 percent of prison inmates are African American, proving that we still have a long way to go before we have true cultural equality in our country.

Dr. Felicia Caton Garcia, full time instructor in English and Cultural Studies, said she feels that one of the main benefits of recognizing Black History Month is that by shin-ing a light on the injustices of the past, it

can help people recognize more clearly the injustices that still exist today.

“We are not a post-racial nation, and if his-tory can help by pointing an arrow at the inequities that exist, right now, as a result of this history, then it provides a wonderful place to begin the hard work required of all of us if we are to achieve an egali-tarian society in the United States,” Garcia said.

Garcia teaches cultural studies classes at CNM, which is an entire area of academics that was made possible after the intro- duction of

African American studies, and had paved the way for such studies in the late 60’s, Becknell said.

During that time, many social movements including the free speech movement, civil rights, and the anti-war movement were taking place on college campuses around the country, and all of these factors came together to create an environment where stu-dents and teachers began to reevaluate the curriculum of the past, Becknell said.

Up until that point, the traditional European inspired classes that were taught had a very narrow world view, and left out the histories and experiences of many minori-ties, he said.

“African American Studies was the first discipline that challenged the Euro-centric, patriarchal curriculum. So it made room for different groups with different experi-ences,” Becknell said.

African American Studies programs created the blueprint for Women’s Studies, Chicano, Native American, and all other cultural studies programs that are so important to many uni-versities today, he said.

Garcia said she feels that cultural studies and Black History Month are very

important because the role of race has been minimized and marginalized in much of the nation’s history.

However, she said she hopes that someday there will be no need for these specially designated months or pro-grams, because “American History” should encompass all aspects of our collective history, and include the view-points and experiences of every minority group equally.

Becknell also teaches African American studies at UNM, where the program is much larger, and he said he hopes that CNM will expand its program in the future.

He said he believes that everyone can benefit from taking his class, no matter what race or ethnicity they come from.

He said that this month, he encourages everyone at CNM to acknowledge Black History Month in their own lives.

“Keep the stories of African Americans in your heart, and attach a level of value to it where you value it more today than you did yes-terday. Make room for another experience and reality in America,” Becknell said.

The legacy of black history

By Nick SternSenior Reporter

African American History Month is an impor-tant month to many people all over the country and is espe-cially important right here in New Mexico, New Mexico Black History Organizing Committee member Katherine Miguel said.

Miguel and the New Mexico Black History Organizing Committee have taken up those respon-sibilities with a pride and pas-s i o n b y

creating the annual February Festival as a cel-ebration of Black History Month, which is now in its third year, she said.

The February Parade uses art to engage people in civic dialogue and the issues that may be hard for some people to discuss without the particular ave-nues that are provided as part of the parade, which are much more attractive and engaging than simply having a lecture, she said.

The parade lasts for the entire month and is divided into three differ-ently themed weeks which start with the Arts and Culture week, followed by

the Rhythm and Cuisine week, and wrapped up with the Mind, Body and Soul week, Miguel said.

The Mind, Body and Soul week is the

final theme and has

evolved since the parade’s con-ception, she said.

The S.T.E.M festival has been added to this year’s schedule to try and get minor-ity students engaged in careers involving science, technology, engineering and math, and at the end of the parade the gospel competition is planned to be held at the Kiva Auditorium on Feb. 23 at 3 p.m. because gospel is a staple in the African American culture, Miguel said.

According to the Festival guide February 19, starting at 8 a.m. at the Convention Center, the Created Equal event is a free workshop geared towards young ones and created by the National Endowment for the Humanities and the Gilder Lehrman Institute.

The Festival Guide shows that the workshop is planned to be an interactive discussion about the history of America’s civil rights issues and how to work towards a brighter future.

Wrapping up the final week are WorkItOut Day and the S.T.E.M Festival at the Convention Center, February 22 at 8:30 a.m. according to the guide.

Both events are held together as one and are free-of-charge, and are all about keeping the mind and body active with African Dance, healthy food demonstrations, and former scientist/current health practitioner Dr. Ruby

Lathon as the main speaker at the event, According to the guide.

Miguel said that students and everyone should be aware that youth involvement is definitely needed because she believes they need young lead-ership for creating multicultur-alism in the community and that the more people that show up for the different events,the better the events will be for this month.

The importance of the event goes all the way to Carter G Woodson’s cre-ation of Negro Achievement and Literature Week, which was inaugurated in 1926 during the same month that was already being celebrated by many African Americans, because of the birthdays of two very prominent figures in African American history and in the civil rights move-ment, Miguel said.

“He (Woodson) chose February very specifically, because Negroes then were already celebrating the birthdays of Frederick Douglass and Abraham Lincoln. ‘Let me get my approach into an area that people are already focused on’ and so he created Negro Ac h ieveme nt

and Literature Week to raise awareness about the contri-butions of Africans, and also to inspire everyone to greater achievements,” Miguel said.

A big reason behind Woodson’s creation of the week was to promote multi-culturalism, with the belief that history was not meant for only select races, she said.

African Americans belong in history and African American history is obviously a large part of what makes up American history, Miguel said.

The week that Woodson celebrated ended up expand-ing to the entire month of

February in the 70’s, and was renamed


History Month, but the origi-nal vision is still recognized and that vision of multicultur-alism is especially important in New Mexico, because there is such a small African American population, Miguel said.

“There are very few African Americans and we, as a result, are a marginalized community so it is important for us to debunk the myth of this being a tri-cultural state, to promote multiculturalism, and to let people know that we are here and that we are better together,” she said.

February Festival celebrates black culture



Page 6: Issue 33, Volume 19

6 | The CNM Chronicle February 18, 2014

By Angela Le QuieuStaff Reporter

Sandra Joseph, Liberal Arts major, has an Esty shop called Honestly Handmade, and is the result of her need to be creative, she said.

Honestly Handmade was started in 2011 by Joseph and she sells a myriad of her cre-ations such as, duct tape wal-lets, jewelry, and crocheted items such as, hats, gloves, and small toys, she said.

“Making things with my own hands really makes me happy,” Joseph said.

Esty is a website where people can take handmade items and sell them online, Joseph said.

It is a good website for people to create a small business and there are lots of people who make

a living from the things they create and sell at, Joseph said.

“The thing is when you do an Esty shop, you have to keep up with it, and you have to keep items cycling through your shop. If you are going to set one up it takes time,” Joseph said.

Joseph’s shop can be found at or through her Facebook page

“I give coupons out on my Facebook page to people who get me likes,” Joseph said.

Joseph makes not only wallets out of duct tape but she has also makes purses and ear-rings, she said.

Some of her jewelry is made with metal, crocheted or sewn with beads, but most of it

is made from glass or minerals like rose quartz, Joseph said.

As for crochet she makes purses, hats, fin-gerless gloves, and small stuffed toys, according to her shop.

“The thing is that I wear and use the things that I have crocheted,” Joseph said.

She came back to CNM a year ago to work on her Liberal Arts degree which she will use to transfer to UNM so that she can get a degree in Fine Arts, Joseph said.

Her Esty shop is linked with her educational goals through her love of creativity.

“The classes I have taken at CNM have definitely kept me in the right direction,” Joseph said

Thanks to the Intro to Studio Arts class Joseph took at CNM, she has expanded what she sells in her store to include her paintings, she said.

Joseph’s abstract painting currently up on her site shows a watercolor rendition that represents love, and she said it was not created in the studio arts class, but was inspired by her work in the class.

“For my shop the one thing I really, really love doing is custom items,” Joseph said.

Most of her sales comes from custom orders, either directly through her shop, or from other students she has met through CNM, Joseph said.

Joseph uses a messenger bag she made to carry some of her books to class, and she also wears her hats, and because of that people talk to her about her creations, she said.

“I do commission items quite a bit and I really love doing it because it is always

something different and inter-esting,” Joseph said.

Jessica Bourque, CNM graduate, is a current cus-tomer of Honestly Handmade, she said.

Bourque said that Joseph’s quality of work is top notch and her cos-tumer service is great.

She is a very gracious proprietor, Bourque said.

“I love her, she is a good person with a very warm heart,” Bourque said.



Crochet green baby cthulhu, personalized custom crochet circle earrings, knit fingerless gloves, 100% recycled paper wallet and seed bead sown ornamental choker necklace can be found at


Sandra Joseph knitting for her next project.

Student’s creativity inspires her online shop

Page 7: Issue 33, Volume 19

February 18, 2014 The CNM Chronicle | 7CONTINUEDSAVINGSContinued from Page 1

Now accepting applications for:

Start your career with

ChronicleThe CNM


Deadline to apply is

April 1, 2014

Email your resumé to Jack Ehn at [email protected]

• Be work study qualified• Have passed ENG 1102 with B or higher• Have at least three terms remaining at CNM• Be flexible with schedule• Must have adequate leadership and communcation skills

LITERACYContinued from Page 1

rental property that I have been at for nine years,” Gagnon said.

Some students, like Gagnon, have received IDA’s without participating in the research, Heim said.

Gagnon’s wife however is a part of the research, which makes them a special circumstance where both of them have been able to get the matched accounts and were able to put down $10,000 on a new home, Hiem said.

“We were able to build assets quickly,” Gagnon said.

Gagnon said that his goal was to finish school, get a job, and buy a house before he started a family with his wife.

Now because of their IDA’s they have what they need to start a family, Gagnon said.

“If I didn’t have the $8000 in match money towards a down pay-ment, I would have been saving longer at my job and in my mind it was less ready obtainable, so this is going to provide some

immediacy to attainability of this asset,” Gagnon said.

Ricci said students who wish to apply must provide some paperwork to prove eli-gibility and have a meeting to review their documents and take the initial survey.

Documents that stu-dents need include proof that they are enrolled for at least six credit hours, proof of earned income that does not exceed the 200 percent poverty level, and that they do not exceed the $10,000 of assets owned, which excludes one house and one car, Heim said.

“The first thing I would do is go to the website, the website has everything listed there including a video of what you need to do and what eligibility requirements are; everything you need is right there on the web-site,” Heim said.

To get started students can go to the website or con-tact Sally Moore 224-3957, Chioma Heim 224-4080 , or Chris Ricci 224-5471 (at the Westside campus).

Students who are in the program group do have

more requirements then those who are in the con-trol group, such as meet-ing with an achievement coach to plan out what asset they are going for and to get their accounts set up, Ricci said.

There is also a finan-cial literacy course, that students must take that is available at CNM, and although the class is not financial aid eligible, CNM connect will work with students if the money to take the class is a finan-cial hardship, Ricci said.

Then it depends on what a student is using the funds toward, Ricci said.

“If the student is open-ing a small business then they are going to need to complete a business plan before they can use the money and they work with the small business develop-ment center to have a really solid business plan, and that is so that their busi-ness has a better chance of success,” Ricci said.

teaching can really be, so it is really important to consider what it takes to be a successful tutor.

“I think that if people have an educational back-ground or if they have that passion to help people, then that always helps. You

really have to ask yourself if you are ready to make that kind of commitment,” she said.

As for students look-ing to be tutored, ALMA is open to anybody want-ing to learn in the commu-nity, she said.

The tutoring centers at every CNM campus have many tutors who are

great at what they do, just hanging out and waiting for any student who needs help to drop in without even a moment’s notice, she said.

Even if someone is not a student, they can receive tutoring services by giving Viramontes a call at 224-3966, to set up a meeting and get hooked up with a

volunteer tutor because she makes it a point to be of service to both the people who need tutoring and the tutors themselves, she said.

“I am the program coordinator so I recruit volunteers, get volunteers trained, recruit students, get students matched with the volunteers, and try to

be here as a resource for both students and volun-teer tutors,” she said.

Viramontes said that ALMA is a really great program and can be an invaluable asset to any-body who is really com-mitted and wants to edu-cate themselves.

Some students may be scared about getting the help they need but once they come in and stop worrying about where they are educationally, they can get started on moving forward, which tends to be the hardest step, Viramontes said.

Page 8: Issue 33, Volume 19

8 | The CNM Chronicle February 18, 2014ENTERTAINMENT


The tempura avocado tacos at Soo Bak Foods are scrumptious.



TFK Smokehouse serves up top-notch BBQ.


Rustic’s fresh ground chuck patties make for a mean burger.


StreetFoodBlvd’s menu is all over the culinary map.

By Jonathan BacaCopy Editor

Like much of the country, Albuquerque has seen the rise of a vibrant food truck scene in recent years, and a commu-nity of dedicated street food fans has sprouted up around it, said Fernando Baca, former culinary student and self-pro-claimed “food nerd.”

Baca said he regularly hunts out new trucks as often as he can, and that finding a hidden gem parked along the streets of Albuquerque is a thrill that never gets old.

“The food truck scene just exploded here in the last few years. It’s awesome, because a lot of really tal-ented chefs can’t afford to open a restaurant. So the food trucks are allowing for all these really unique things to happen, where people try new things,” Baca said.

Finding new trucks and figuring out where his favor-ites are going to be parked can be challenging, so Baca said he recommends using smart-phone apps like Yelp and UrbanSpoon to track down where they will be at certain days and times.

He said one of the best places to find food trucks on a regular basis near CNM is at Talin Market, on 88 Louisiana Blvd SE, where a “pod” of sev-eral food trucks are parked regularly throughout the week at lunchtime.

The microbreweries in the area are another excel-lent place to find them, and Baca said that there is almost always a truck parked outside of Tractor Brewing Company at 118 Tulane Dr SE, Marble Brewery at 111 Marble Ave

NW, and La Cumbre Brewing Company at 3313 Girard Blvd NE.

“There’s nothing better than good street food and locally brewed beer,” Baca said.

The Chronicle has put together a short list of some of the best food trucks that can be found around the CNM area.

TFK Smokehouse: Professionally executed

barbeque, po boys and other sandwiches are the specialty at TFK Smokehouse. The truck itself is steampunk inspired, but the flavors are refined. Prices run around $10 a sandwich, which places TFK on the higher end of the food truck price spectrum, but that money goes a long way, and the quality of the ingredients and the excellent flavors make it well worth the money. Their menu changes regularly, but some of the tastier sandwiches in their repertoire are the fried shrimp po boy, the French dip, and the Muffaletta, and their beer battered Portabella fries are unique and tasty. Classic sandwiches like the reuben, Cubano, and of course their barbeque sandwiches are also on the menu. TFK can often be found curbside at Marble Brewery in Nob Hill, or at many of Burque’s other brew-eries, for lunch and into the night on certain days. Their schedule is always changing, so it is best to check them out on Facebook to find out where they will be at particular times go to

Soo Bak Korean Seoul Food:

Serving a selection of Korean classics and interesting southwestern fusion dishes, Soo Bak definitely stands out from the sea of taco trucks and roach coaches. With tra-ditional dishes like Sang Choo Sam (lettuce wraps with Korean barbeque short ribs) alongside things like panko crusted shrimp tacos and the delicious tempura battered avocado tacos with Sriracha and lime, it is easy to find fla-vors that are out of the ordi-nary. Soo Bak often parks near UNM Hospital, and can be found at La Cumbre, Tractor and Marble breweries as well.

Soo Bak can be found at or

StreetFoodBlvd: With an ever-changing

menu that is truly all over the map, StreetFoodBlvd is con-stantly keeping Burque food truck fans guessing. They serve everything from north-ern New Mexico classics to Hawaiian food, waffles, clas-sic street tacos, beer battered calamari, mushroom and green chile cheeseburgers, yellow curry pork, and even spam sushi. With a passion for creativity in cuisine and a commitment to nothing but the freshest ingredients, chef Raul Maestas is really taking the food truck to its full pos-sibilities. The spontaneity and fun that they bring to their food is really a pleasure. Be sure to check out their Takone Twist, a deep fried tortilla cone filled with carne ado-vada, cheese and pico de gallo. StreetFoodBlvd can also be found at La Cumbre, Tractor

Brewing Company, and Marble Brewery’s Westside taproom. They can be found at

Rustic…A Divine Food Truck:

Rustic does not mess around when it comes to one thing: burg-ers. They use noth-ing but high qual-ity, freshly ground chuck beef patties, and put them on locally sourced Fano brioche buns, along with heaps of other good stuff. From their standard cheese-burger and their green chile burger featuring Wagner Farm chile, to the more interesting Divine Intervention burger served with bleu cheese and a rosemary

balsamic vinegar reduction, Rustic keeps it simple and tasty. Carnivores will enjoy this truck, but vegetarians have not been left out. The Mother Earth is a black bean chipotle veggie patty served up the same way as its meat-ier cousins. The burgers they

serve are huge, and at $7 each, they are a great deal too. Rustic can be found at the Talin Market food truck pod, and at the local brew-eries. Rustic can be found at