issue 1/2020 aliyah - operation exodus usa · of us to stand with him. consider what the lord god...


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Page 1: Issue 1/2020 ALIYAH - Operation Exodus USA · of us to stand with Him. Consider what the Lord God says in Ezekiel 34:11-13: “I am taking over! I will search for My sheep and look

A Christian ministry assisting Jewish people moving to Israel

ALIYAH Issue 1/2020




Page 2: Issue 1/2020 ALIYAH - Operation Exodus USA · of us to stand with Him. Consider what the Lord God says in Ezekiel 34:11-13: “I am taking over! I will search for My sheep and look

‘USA It has been an honor to serve as a member of the Operation Exodus USA (OEUSA) Board of Directors and now a great

privilege to serve as OEUSA President alongside each member of our team. Most of all, I am grateful to God for the opportunity to serve Him and His people.

For many decades, my business career took me to different regions throughout this country and other nations. One thing I realized early on was the importance of developing a team that understood the organization’s vision and goals, and was committed to working as a team.

It is a great joy for me to say that at OEUSA we have an excellent and highly dedicated team. The OEUSA core values permeate every facet of our work: Godly character, honor, partnership and courageous service. Our team is committed to accomplish the commission that God gave us: to assist and bless His people making Aliyah.

This year, 2020, in many ways is a new season for us. The challenges are many, but we must remember that Aliyah is God’s plan, and it will not fail. God is committed to fulfilling His promises to regather His

people and to restore Israel. Our part is to meditate on God’s Word, tune in our hearts to His heart, and listen to what He is saying to us. The Lord will be faithful to show us His Way going forward.

Aliyah is going to be front and center in the United States. Unfortunately, anti-semitism is on the rise and that trend will continue. We will play a critical role in the lives of the Jewish people making Aliyah. We stand ready with a strong conviction to pray, encourage and bless all those who God will bring to us for assistance.

I am anticipating an exciting year ahead. Our teams will continue to reach out to Jewish communities, and to churches, with the message of Aliyah. I am expecting the Lord to open doors and bring increase, especially in strategic regions throughout our nation. Thank you for standing with us. We are grateful for your commitment and support of this work.

“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9 NIV




John and Adrianne with Erica, an Olah

from Connecticut, now thriving in the Land.

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BOARDThrough the history of Operation Exodus USA, we have often walked through challenging days. Each event has

brought us through to be able to declare, “Thus far the Lord has helped us.” 1Sam 7:12

The recent change of leadership has once again proved His faithfulness. The OEUSA Board is delighted with the way our new CEO, John Prosser, is leading us forward. We are flowing together in unity and excitement for what is ahead. We see the Father strengthening us. Philippians 4:13 is truly our song! “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”


ALIYAH IS FIRST HIS IDEAWe know He is with us because Aliyah is first His idea. We are simply His hands, feet and mouthpiece. He is gathering His Jewish people, but He also has a vital part for each of us to stand with Him. Consider what the Lord God says in Ezekiel 34:11-13:

“I am taking over! I will search for My sheep and look after them, Myself. Just as a shepherd looks after his flock… so I will look after My sheep. I will rescue them from all the places where they were scattered when it was cloudy and dark. I will bring them back from those peoples, gather them from those countries and return them to their own land.” (CBJ)

GET READY TO CROSS OVER “... Now then, you and all these people, get ready to cross the Jordan River into the land I am about to give to them.” Joshua 1:2 NIV

In Joshua 1, God tells Joshua, “Moses my servant is dead.” God breaks through the mourning of Joshua and the people by

mobilizing them to cross over.

“Get ready to cross” speaks of mobilization—a very powerful Biblical concept. In 2020, you can’t live in the past or have regrets about what you should have done last year; you must prepare to cross over!

Mobilization is making something movable or to have people and resources ready to move or act. One author wrote, “Mobilization is all about ensuring that God’s people, in each and every generation, join with Him on His mission.” At OEUSA, we know that part of God’s mission is Aliyah, which can’t be done without your support.

To be successful this year like you’ve never been before, you must do God’s will, satisfy God’s heart more than your own, and fulfill God’s purpose more than your own. It’s time to Cross Over!


River Jordan Israel

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“You are helping by your prayer for us.” 2 Corinthians 1:11 TLV

Hallelujah! It is exhilarating to read about the LORD’s work of Aliyah. Aliyah is action! Yet it is essential

to realize that all the action is a result of intercessory prayer. Wendy Beckett, former OEUSA National Prayer Coordinator and current Board Member, once wrote:

“Prayer is both the center and circumference of Ebenezer Operation Exodus. Without the commitment to intercessory prayer, OEUSA would be unable to fulfill the calling God has given us. Every new step taken and every door opened is preceded by much prayer.”

Oh, dear people of prayer, you who intercede, know this for sure:

The Holy Spirit intercedes through us (Romans 8:26). This is exhilarating! Our intercession is offered at the throne of Grace in Heaven (Hebrews 4:16). This is exhilarating! Yeshua (Jesus) is the High Priest of Aliyah, and our prayers are offered through Him (Hebrews 7:25). This is exhilarating! Our Father waits longingly to be gracious to us (Isaiah 30:18). This is exhilarating! Our Father loves us and is eager to answer our prayers (John 16:23- 27). This is exhilarating! We enter in unity with Him and each other through prayer (Ephesians 3:17- 18; 4:3; Psalm 133). This is exhilarating! Angels participate in intercessory prayer (Revelation 8:35). This is exhilarating! We are the watchmen He has placed on the walls of Jerusalem (Isaiah 62:6). This is exhilarating! We are anointed to remind Him of His Aliyah promises day and night (Isaiah 62:6-7). This is exhilarating!

Prayer precedes action. Prayer accompanies action. Prayer maintains action. Prayer is action. Prayer is engaging. Prayer is

intimate. Prayer is powerful. Prayer is beautiful. Prayer is alive. Prayer is life. Prayer is the lifeblood of this ministry.

“Pray in the Spirit on every occasion with all kinds of prayers and requests.” Ephesians 6:18a TLV

Ebenezer Operation Exodus was birthed in prayer at a prayer meeting in Jerusalem in 1991. Operation Exodus USA continues and prospers because of our life of prayer. How exhilarating it is to enter a new decade in the Holy Spirit’s strength and anointing to intercede through us.

Join with us. We have many opportunities to pray together from across the nation on various prayer calls. The LORD hears and answers our prayers.




A young Jewish girl happy to be in Israel.

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Key Words

Aliyah is the word for the immigration of Jewish people from the Diaspora to the Land of Israel. The word in Hebrew means ascent and is defined as ‘going up’ – progressing towards Jerusalem.

Olim means Jewish immigrants to Israel – those making Aliyah. In the singular, a male immigrant is called an Oleh and a female immigrant an Olah. Potential Olim are those our teams contact and encourage to make Aliyah.

ALIYAHAssisting Jewish people to fulfill their dream to make Aliyah is a modern-day Mitzvah (miracle). We are living in amazing end-time days. At Operation Exodus USA, as in many other nations, we have had the privilege to assist Jewish people to return home

to Eretz Israel. Aliyah comes from the unconditional love of our Father’s Heart! The Lord has called us to assist and bless Jewish people to make Aliyah. During 2019 our team in the USA was privileged to assist 705 Olim (immigrants) to fulfill their dream to go home.



connecting with the land, “a living land,” that we believe has an incredible ability to raise us up to lofty spiritual levels.”

Connecting with children and getting their input as to how they experience the decision to move to Israel is always a blessing. Many use pictures to share their thoughts with us. Jarret’s family shared the included picture that one of their children sent as thanks for the support we provided.

Aliyah is God’s prophetic Word in motion—a modern-day miracle! The Aliyah miracle is happening every day. They are going home from the North and the South, from the East and the West.

To God be the glory.

“In His love and mercy He redeemed them; He lifted them and carried them.” Isaiah 63:9 TLV

When we connect with the Jewish families, they open up and share with us about why they are making Aliyah at this time. These are the words of Jarret and his family:

“So much on our mind!!! We’re making Aliyah because we believe it to be an obligation that every Jew do their very best to go to Israel. We’re not going to have all of the comforts…., We’re not going to have the same support system…, etc.

But this is the right thing to do — to be with our other “brothers” and “sisters” in our holy land, breathing in all of the spirituality and rich history of our land and

Top: A wonderful thank you picture from Jarret (pictured bottom left) with his family who we helped make Aliyah

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“One breaking through will go up before them. They will break through, pass through the gate and go out by it. Their King will pass through before them — Adonai at their head!” Micah 2:13 TLV

As I am looking ahead to the New Year, 2020, my heart fills with awe, excitement and great expectation to

see how God is going to display His love and faithfulness through the Aliyah of His people. It is a very sobering thought indeed, to think that we are called to be active participants with God in this prophetic work.

Our hearts are ready to obey God’s perfect will so that He can bring forth the breakthrough for the greater Aliyah of His people from USA. With the increase of anti-semitism, many Jewish people may look at Aliyah as paramount. With this in mind, we must continue and increase our outreach into Jewish communities to remind them of their God and their inheritance in the Land. We also realize how vitally important it is for the

Church to be ready to answer God’s call at this prophetic and crucial time we are facing.

The need to increase the awareness of what God is doing through the USA is urgent. We must act now to bring the revelation of Aliyah to the East, West, North and South. Our teams will be traveling to many states and we would love to share at your churches and/or special gatherings.

In this new year, we are looking for partners to join us, to promote God’s desire to bring His children home. The LORD has made the Land ready to receive His people, and He is soon coming to reveal Himself to them.

Will you answer the Father’s call? Will you be that voice in your area? Please pray and seek the LORD as to what your part is in this holy work of Aliyah. We covet your partnership to help us fulfill God’s call and mandate to assist, encourage and bless our Jewish brothers and sisters. The Lord God will bless you as you honor Him and bless His people.




Aliyah flight arrival

Ben Gurion

Airport, Israel.

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Operation Exodus USA is affiliated with Ebenezer Operation Exodus, a ministry supported by Christians in over 50 countries around the world. We have been assisting Jewish people to return to Israel from the former Soviet Union and elsewhere since 1991.To learn more, visit: EXODUS


A pack of rice, a bag of sugar, buckwheat, a bottle of sunflower oil, canned fish, vegetables and fruit, plus chocolate and cookies for the kids. It doesn’t sound like something big in weight with a lot of taste. Apart from that, this kind of a food parcel will not last long,

especially if a family is rather big. However, we continue to meet Jewish families desperately in need of such basic food.



Usually people invite our team to come to their house or flat, but Sergey’s family was different: he was ashamed that they couldn’t even offer us a cup of tea because they had fled from Lugansk when the conflict in Eastern Ukraine began. They were now living in a rented flat in Cherkassy but struggling to make ends meet because it is not easy for an internally displaced person like Sergey to find a permanent job.

When we met them, Sergey’s two little sons broke into our conversation by asking him when they could go and buy some food. When he said they should wait for his salary to be paid, we realized why Sergey wanted to meet us away from the flat instead of in it.

We blessed them with a couple of food parcels, which the boys became excited about. It then fully dawned on Sergey that we had come to help the family and

Top: A young family who made Aliyah from Moldova last year. Left: A Holocaust survivor from Pyatigorsk receiving much-needed medicines. Right: Sergey and his children blessed with their food parcels.

after thanking us said they hadn’t had enough food for the last few days.

The most important thing when we come to a Jewish family is not what is in a food parcel but that we make the unexpected visit and tell them about returning to Israel, about their God who didn’t forget them. That’s what happened with Sergey. We shared scriptures saying God will plant His people in the land of Israel with all His heart and all His soul. We believe that Sergey’s family will soon start preparations for Aliyah.

So dear Ebenezer supporters, when you read these stories about blessing Jewish families with food, medicines, clothes and shoes, be assured that this aid not only opens doors to their homes but most importantly to their hearts about returning to Israel and Almighty God.


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‘FINANCES With 2019 behind us, and so many blessings to be thankful for, we can look forward to this new year

2020 with anticipation and excitement.

You might ask what we at OEUSA are thankful for. We are thankful for you, our donors, who so faithfully support the Olim making Aliyah. We are thankful for our intercessors who continually hold up all aspects of OE, the Olim, Israel, our family, friends and partners with their prayers. We are thankful for our representatives who work to grow the awareness of OE and Aliyah.

In the coming year we are looking forward to our continued support of the Jewish people and those who will make Aliyah, to continue to grow the awareness of Aliyah, to further outreach into the Jewish communities, and to strengthening our relationships with the churches and you, our donors.




We are thankful for the opportunity to work alongside you and each other to support and hold each other in prayer. And most of all we are grateful for the grace and mercy shown to us by our Lord and Savior, each and every day. In all that we do, let it be for God’s glory.

To support OE and the work of Aliyah, here are a few ways in which you can give:

Send in your gift by check, visit the OE website and make a donation by credit card, set up an ACH or EFT with your bank, or use your PayPal account. You can even support OEUSA when shopping through Amazon by signing into and designating Operation Exodus USA as the nonprofit organization you would like to support; Amazon will then make a donation to OEUSA based upon a percentage of every dollar spent.

Your prayers and giving blessed this family and

many others that are now in the land.

Operation Exodus USAPO Box 568 Lancaster NY 14086

Phone: (716) 681 [email protected]

Operation Exodus USA

a Christian ministry

assisting the Jewish

people moving to Israel.

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