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ISSN 1121-0796




XXL BusinessplantOutstanding technology & winning beauty for big slabs.

Extra-flexible sizesMini-maxi thicknesses, up to 10 surface structures.

No defects or waste material Thanks to our patented technology and tensionless device.

Optimized productivityThe same body as conventional glazed porcelain tile.



United Minerals Italy has been established in

the heart of the Italian ceramics district to

distribute Ukrainian clays coming from the

mines of the United Minerals Group (Vesco,

Druzhkovka Quarry, Ogneupornerud), currently

World’s biggest producer of white clays for the

ceramics industry.

UMG clays (Granitic and DN0 grade) have always

been considered to be the best raw materials for

producing large ceramic slabs, which require a

high percentage of alumina in order to obtain an

extremely high green strength ceramic bodies.


CWR 121/2017 5


Cover picture by: Giancarlo Pradelli

Year 27, N° 121 April/May 2017Bimonthly review

Anno 27, n° 121Aprile/Maggio 2017Periodico bimestrale

11 Editorial ”Investing in growth” Paola Giacomini “Investire nella crescita”

12 World NEWs

40 EvENts Join Us event organised by Siti B&T Group in Valencia attended by 200 guests In 200 a Valencia al “Join Us” di Siti B&T Group 44 Sacmi, the revolution in the Ceramic Factory 4.0 Sacmi, la rivoluzione in Fabbrica Ceramica 4.0

46 EcoNomics Mohawk sets new records by “investing aggressively in growth” “Investire nella crescita”. E per Mohawk è ancora record!

50 The Spanish ceramic tile industry continues its recovery Milena Bernardi L’industria ceramica spagnola conferma la ripresa

54 2015 financial statements reveal boom in profitability of Italian tiles Luca Baraldi Bilanci 2015: crescita boom della profittabilità per le piastrelle italiane

62 Trends in world building Francesco Doria L’andamento dell’edilizia mondiale

70 New Laminam facility opened in Russia Inaugurato il nuovo stabilimento Laminam in Russia

72 Del Conca steps into the age of porcelain panels 4.0 Paola Giacomini Per Del Conca inizia l’era delle lastre 4.0

76 Argentina begins large size porcelain panel production Milena Bernardi Grandi lastre anche in Argentina

80 Products Prodotti

90 trENds Natural Appeal Pamela Albanese

94 A new raw material: powder from the dry squaring process Claudio Avanzi, Marco Sichi Una nuova materia prima: la polvere da squadratura a secco

100 Using finishing technologies to add value to products Antonio Stefani Più valore aggiunto con le tecnologie di finitura

104 Antimicrobial Treatment for Ceramics and Sanitary Ware Karen Welch, Gina Sloan, Ivan Ong Trattamento antibatterico per ceramiche e sanitari

110 Products Prodotti

124 tEchNology Economick: the low-consumption shuttle kiln for sanitaryware A.Fortuna, D.Fortuna, E Martini Economick: il forno shuttle con i consumi di un tunnel

8 advErtisErs’ list

Focus oN large sizes

Focus oN finishing & surface treatment

Saving Energy Systems and Green Technology

For 40 years alongside ceramic industries, with

cutting edge systems:• Heat recovery with new

generation HEX exchangers• Fumes depuration• Dedusting Plants

• Plants for wastewater depuration• Slurry treatment and recovery

Sistemi Energetici e Tecnologia per l’AmbienteDa oltre 40 anni al servizio delle industrie ceramiche, con impianti all’avanguardia:• Recupero di calore con scambiatori di nuova generazione HEX• Depurazione Fumi• Depolverazione• Impianti di depurazione acque • Impianti di miscelazione e recupero fanghi

CAMI Depurazioni srlVia XX Settembre n°18 Fiorano Modenese (MO) +39 0536 843861

[email protected] -

Publisher / Editore:

Administration and Editorial OfficeAmministrazione e Redazione

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• Editor / Direttore responsabile: Paola Giacomini [email protected]

• Editorial Board / Comitato Editoriale: Simona Armichiari, Claudio Avanzi,

Luca Baraldi, Chiara Bruzzichelli, Cristian Cassani, Paolo Gambuli,

Erminio Guiducci, Luigi Montermini, Fabrizio Raponi, Fabio Schianchi

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TILE EDIZIONI Tel. +39 059 512103 Fax +39 059 512157

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daTe of going To press / chiuso in redazione il: 08/05/2017





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we are innovation






Ta k e a l o o k o n www. t e cno fe r r a r i . i t

Gruppo TECNOFERRARI S.p.A. con socio unico - Via Ghiarola Vecchia, 91 - 41042 Fiorano Modenese (MO) - ITALYTel. +39 0536 915000 - Fax +39 0536 915045 - [email protected] -

pagina pubbli 280x400_V1.indd 1 31/08/2016 15:36:23

Thermal Energy Recovery System


Sleeve and Box Filters for Dust and Fumes

Heat Exchangers

Control and Supervision Instruments

Water Purifi cation Systems

Washing Towers and Scrubbers

We design plants based on the specifi c needs of our customers, our team is able to dimension a state-of-the-art recovery system for the optimization of energy consumption.

1986 2016

Energy Recovery Systems and Filtration

...use our technology...use our technology

Ecological awareness...

pagpoppi_100x297_2017.indd 3 21/02/17 09.48

advertisers listAncora 43

Asean Ceramics 127

Cami Depurazioni 6

Ceramics China 2017 128

Ceramco 115

Certech 19 - 99

Diatex 83

Durst 23

F.M. 39

Fritta 13

GMM 27

Gape Due III cop

Heraeus Kulzer 79

I.C.F. & Welko 89

Ideas 4.0 57

Inter Ser 9 - 35 - 61

L.B. 1

Manfredini & Schianchi 3

Marpak 29

Metco 97

Microban 109

MT Motori Elettrici 117

Off. Smac 4

Poppi Clementino 8

Remas 65

Remix - CBC 31

Sacmi IV Cop - 21

Setec 67

Sigmadiamant 119

SITI B&T Group II Cop - 15

Soltek 123

Surfaces Group 121

System 10 - 17

Tecnema 33

Tecnoferrari 7

Torrecid 53

Tyrolit Vincent 59

United Minerals Italy 2

Vetriceramici 25





Head Office Via Verdi, 27 - 13100 Vercelli - ITALY Logistic and warehouse Via Sardegna, 4 - 41049 - Sassuolo (MO) - ITALYphone +39 0161 218860 - fax +39 0161 219662 mail: [email protected]

Developed to solve the problem of crushing tile scraps in sorting line

Crushing jaws maximum efficiency

It can crush any kind of tile size up to a thickness of 15 mm

Ideal for big size tiles, up to 1200x1200mm with wider hopper

Small size crushed scrapsfor an easier disposal

No gears for a reliable handling and a maintenance free use

No risk to cut the conveyor belt

Low maintenance and reduced energy consumption

Easy to install and to use

of crushing tile scraps in sorting line

and reduced energy consumption

of crushing tile scraps in sorting line

reliable fast worldwide



We have explored and observed the world to create

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The path to digitization takes shape starting from

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Interconnected Automated



Human-Machine Interface



System A.s. IST 4.0 CWR EN A4 .indd 1 11/10/16 14:32

CWR 121/2017 11

by Paola Giacomini, Editor - [email protected]


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With its ongoing investment programme and the defini-tive acquisitions of Emilceramica and Polcolorit in April, the Mohawk Industries Group has confirmed its focus on expan-sion in the ceramic market with the goal of strengthening its world leadership position. At the end of 2016, the Global Ce-ramic segment already accounted for no less than 36% of the group’s net revenues (US $3.2 billion out of a total of $9 bil-lion), 5.4% up on 2015. This upward trend continued through the first quarter of 2017, resulting in a further 2% growth in sales and a 16% rise in operating margin. The Calhoun-based giant is reaping the rewards of the strategy launched in 2013 which involved making large-scale investments to finance not just acquisitions in Europe, the United States and Mexico but also continuous technological upgrading across all its facil-ities. The investments are aimed at increasing productivity, cutting costs and improving the production mix, which main-ly involves expanding the range of large sizes or new mate-rials with non-conventional fields of application. It is hardly a surprise that one of Mohawk’s projects for the current year is to boost production in the bathroom and kitchen countertop segment in both Europe and the USA.

Another player that has shown a firm belief in the principle of growth through investment is the Del Conca Group, which in April completed a five-year plan worth 120 million euros and celebrated the start-up of two new lines at the Pastorelli fac-tory, one for large size tiles and the other for porcelain panel production. Laminam - a pioneer in this segment since 2001 - similarly opened a plant in Russia in March, just six months after starting up the Borgotaro facilities, following an invest-ment valued at 25 million euros to date but ultimately expect-ed to reach 40 million euros. Large size ceramic tiles and pan-els are showing unstoppable growth at a global level, with twice as many new production lines due to be started up this year compared to those installed last year. Chosen for the production of super-thin 3 mm panels, large size floor and wall tiles of standard thickness and extra-thick 30 mm slabs for the furnishing sector, the new plants have reached a level of auto-mation, flexibility, efficiency and productivity typical of “smart manufacturing technologies”. The potential for growth over coming years is enormous. 5

te negli investimenti a soste-gno della crescita è anche il Gruppo Del Conca che ad aprile ha portato a termine un programma quinquennale da 120 milioni di euro, festeggian-do l’avviamento delle due nuo-ve linee nello stabilimento Pa-storelli, una per grandi formati e l’altra per produrre lastre. Allo stesso modo, Laminam - pio-niere in questo segmento dal 2001 - ha inaugurato a marzo in Russia uno stabilimento da 25 milioni di euro (destinati a salire a 40), ad appena sei me-si dall’avviamento degli impian-ti di Borgotaro. Del resto, l’affermazione delle superfici ceramiche di grande e grandissima dimensione pa-re inarrestabile a livello globa-le, tanto che le nuove linee pro-duttive da avviare quest’anno dovrebbero addirittura raddop-piare rispetto alle installazioni effettuate l’anno scorso. Scelti per fabbricare lastre su-persottili da 3 mm, grandi for-mati da pavimento e rivesti-mento a spessore standard o superfici spessorate da 30 mm per il settore arredamento, i nuovi impianti hanno raggiun-to un livello tale di automazio-ne, flessibilità, efficienza e pro-duttività da rientrare a pieno ti-tolo tra le “smart manufacturing technologies”. Gli spazi di cre-scita nei prossimi anni si prean-nunciano enormi. 5

Con il programma di investi-menti in corso e la definitiva acquisizione in aprile di Emilce-ramica e Polcolorit, il Gruppo Mohawk Industries conferma tra le sue priorità l’espansio-ne nel mercato ceramico, con-tinuando a rafforzare il prima-to mondiale. Già a fine 2016, il segmento Global Ceramic va-leva il 36% dei ricavi netti del gruppo, 3,2 miliardi di dollari (su 9!), in crescita del 5,4% sul 2015. Trend di crescita prose-guito anche nel primo trimestre 2017, con un nuovo progresso del 2% delle vendite e del 16% del margine operativo. Il colos-so di Calhoun raccoglie i frutti della strategia avviata nel 2013: stanziamenti imponenti che hanno finanziato non solo le ac-quisizioni in Europa, Stati Uniti e Messico, ma anche il conti-nuo aggiornamento tecnologi-co di tutti gli stabilimentii, fina-lizzato all’incremento della pro-duttività, alla riduzione dei costi e ad un migliore mix produtti-vo, per lo più ampliando l’offer-ta di grandi formati o di nuovi materiali con campi di applica-zione diversi da quelli tradizio-nali. Non a caso, tra i progetti di quest’anno Mohawk ha inseri-to l’incremento della produzio-ne nel segmento dei top da ba-gno e cucina sia in Europa che negli Usa.

Chi ha creduto fortemen-

“Investire nella crescita”

“Investing in growth”