iso-pc 242 energy management

1 ISO/PC 242 Energy Management - What has been done and the future steps ISO Regional Seminar in Thailand March 2010 ISO/PC 242 Energy Management - ISO/PC 242 Energy Management - What has been done and the What has been done and the future steps future steps By LI Tienan By LI Tienan ISO regional seminar on Energy Management ISO regional seminar on Energy Management and ISO 50001 and ISO 50001 Bangkok, Thailand, 17 to 19 March 2010 Bangkok, Thailand, 17 to 19 March 2010 V3 – 28/02/2010

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Page 1: ISO-PC 242 Energy Management

1 ISO/PC 242 Energy Management - What has been done and the future stepsISO Regional Seminar in ThailandMarch 2010

ISO/PC 242 Energy Management - ISO/PC 242 Energy Management - What has been done and the future What has been done and the future


By LI TienanBy LI Tienan

ISO regional seminar on Energy Management ISO regional seminar on Energy Management and ISO 50001and ISO 50001

Bangkok, Thailand, 17 to 19 March 2010Bangkok, Thailand, 17 to 19 March 2010

V3 – 28/02/2010

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2 ISO/PC 242 Energy Management - What has been done and the future stepsISO Regional Seminar in ThailandMarch 2010

EnMS: Opportunities EnMS: Opportunities

The impact of economic development on energy supply becomes increasingly serious --- we need EnMS for improving security of energy supply and to mitigate the growth of GHG emissions;

No-cost and low-cost management approaches are more suitable to developing and emerging economies;

The third stage of “energy efficiency” (Product EF Product system EF Entity EF) is to apply the principle of systematic management and improve the energy efficiency of the whole organization;

Experience gained with implementing ISO9000 and ISO14000 family standards provides a strong foundation to develop and implement EnMS standards;

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3 ISO/PC 242 Energy Management - What has been done and the future stepsISO Regional Seminar in ThailandMarch 2010

EnMS: OpportunitiesEnMS: Opportunities

Enhancing implementation of the related law, regulation, policy, standard and other requirements;

Promoting advantage energy efficiency technology and methodology. Digging and disseminating best practices;

Best solution of reasonability deployment, performance assessment and procedure operation;

Establishing an interacted and interdependent energy management structure in an entity internally;

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4 ISO/PC 242 Energy Management - What has been done and the future stepsISO Regional Seminar in ThailandMarch 2010

EnMS: OpportunitiesEnMS: Opportunities



Social responsibility

Customer requirement Awareness/education





Management & Behavior

Energy conservation technology and facility/equipment are only

the part of approaches to improve energy efficiency.

Systematic management and behavior approach have become

the core efforts to improve energy efficiency nowadays.

Energy conservation technology and facility/equipment are only

the part of approaches to improve energy efficiency.

Systematic management and behavior approach have become

the core efforts to improve energy efficiency nowadays.

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5 ISO/PC 242 Energy Management - What has been done and the future stepsISO Regional Seminar in ThailandMarch 2010

Why Industrial Energy Efficiency?Why Industrial Energy Efficiency?

Represents more than one-third of both global primary energy and energy related carbon-dioxide emissions;

For developing countries, this is often in excess of 50% of the total and can produce supply problems;

Developing economies lead growth in both industrial energy use and carbon-related emissions;

It is much more cost-effective to build in energy efficiency the first time than retrofit it later;

In industry, a missed opportunity for energy efficiency may not reoccur- for decades or at all until the original installation fails or becomes obsolete.

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6 ISO/PC 242 Energy Management - What has been done and the future stepsISO Regional Seminar in ThailandMarch 2010

Why an Energy Management System Standard?Why an Energy Management System Standard?

Most energy efficiency in industry is achieved through changes in how energy is managed in an industrial facility, rather than through installation of new technologies;

An energy management standard provides a method for integrating energy efficiency into existing industrial management systems for continuous improvement;

All existing and planned energy management standards are compatible with ISO 9000/14000;

Companies who have voluntarily adopted an energy management system standard have achieved major energy intensity improvements;

Also applicable to building, industry, and transportation sectors.

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7 ISO/PC 242 Energy Management - What has been done and the future stepsISO Regional Seminar in ThailandMarch 2010

Business BenefitsBusiness Benefits

Implementation of an energy management system assists a company to:

Develop a baseline of energy use;

Actively managing energy use and costs;

Reduce emissions without negative effect on operations;

Continue to improve energy use/product output over time;

Document savings for internal and external use (e.g. emission credits

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8 ISO/PC 242 Energy Management - What has been done and the future stepsISO Regional Seminar in ThailandMarch 2010

The ResponseThe Response

Countries initiate national standards;

2006 International stakeholders engaged in discussions;

2007 Stakeholders meeting (UNIDO) determine international standard needed.

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9 ISO/PC 242 Energy Management - What has been done and the future stepsISO Regional Seminar in ThailandMarch 2010

Energy Management StandardsEnergy Management Standards

Several countries already have national energy management standards (China, Denmark, Ireland, Sweden, US, Thailand, Korea);

The EU has completed work on a regional energy management standard, EN 16001;

Energy management standards are under development in Spain, and Brazil;

ISO has initiated work on an international energy management standard (2008-2011), with preparatory assistance from the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO).

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10 ISO/PC 242 Energy Management - What has been done and the future stepsISO Regional Seminar in ThailandMarch 2010

Basically Principle and Philosophy of EnMS Basically Principle and Philosophy of EnMS

Systematic management approach;

PDCA Model (Plan - Do - Check - Act);

Process approach;

Coordination and harmonization;

All processes control and all staff involvement;

Continual improvement.

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11 ISO/PC 242 Energy Management - What has been done and the future stepsISO Regional Seminar in ThailandMarch 2010

Recommendations ISORecommendations ISO

These items have been selected on the basis of their potential contribution to energy savings and reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and the possibility to develop them in the short term, such as:

Calculation methods;


Buildings; and

Energy management.

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12 ISO/PC 242 Energy Management - What has been done and the future stepsISO Regional Seminar in ThailandMarch 2010

Recommendations ISORecommendations ISO

Energy management standards could:

Be applied to help all types of organizations to take a systematic approach to the continual improvement of energy performance;

Encourage more efficient and more sustainable use of energy, irrespective of the type of energy and facilitate reporting and validation;

Address energy supply, procurement practices for energy using equipment and systems, energy use, and any use-related disposal issues.

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13 ISO/PC 242 Energy Management - What has been done and the future stepsISO Regional Seminar in ThailandMarch 2010

ISO Task Force RecommendationISO Task Force Recommendation

National energy management standards have been developed and are in use in

various countries, resulting already in significant savings in energy consumption

and reductions in GHG emissions. Regional and national standards development

and/or revision is underway in Europe, China, USA and other countries. The

increasing interest in this field, and the explicit requests received by ISO, have

led the TMB to already address the matter and the Task Force recommends that

ISO moves forward expeditiously.

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15 ISO/PC 242 Energy Management - What has been done and the future stepsISO Regional Seminar in ThailandMarch 2010

Membership – ISO/PC 242Membership – ISO/PC 242

Participating countries: 37

Argentina ( IRAM )   

Australia ( SA )   

Barbados ( BNSI )   

Brazil ( ABNT )

Canada ( SCC )   

Chile ( INN )   

China ( SAC )   

Colombia ( ICONTEC )   

Denmark ( DS )   

Ecuador ( INEN )   

Finland ( SFS )   

France ( AFNOR )   

Germany ( DIN )   

Ireland ( NSAI )   

Japan ( JISC )   

Kazakhstan ( KAZMEMST )   

Korea, Republic of ( KATS )   

Malaysia ( DSM )   

Mauritius ( MSB )   

Netherlands ( NEN )   

Nigeria ( SON )   

Norway ( SN )   

Pakistan ( PSQCA )   

Peru ( INDECOPI )   

Poland ( PKN )   

Portugal ( IPQ )   

Russian Federation (GOST R)   

Saint Lucia ( SLBS )   

Singapore ( SPRING SG )   

South Africa ( SABS )   

Spain ( AENOR )   

Sweden ( SIS )   

Thailand ( TISI )   

Tunisia ( INNORPI )   

Turkey ( TSE )   

United Kingdom ( BSI )   


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Belgium ( NBN )   

Costa Rica ( INTECO )   

Czech Republic ( UNMZ )   

Iceland ( IST )   

Iran, Islamic Republic of ( ISIRI )   

Israel ( SII )   

Italy ( UNI )   

Switzerland ( SNV )   

Zimbabwe ( SAZ )   (Correspondent member)






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17 ISO/PC 242 Energy Management - What has been done and the future stepsISO Regional Seminar in ThailandMarch 2010

Scope statement of ISO/DIS 50001 (DRAFT)Scope statement of ISO/DIS 50001 (DRAFT)

This International Standard specifies requirements for an organization to establish,

implement, maintain and improve an energy management system, which enables that

organization to take a systematic approach, in order to achieve continual improvement

of energy performance, energy efficiency and energy conservation. This International

Standard specifies requirements applicable to energy supply and energy uses and

consumption, including measurement, documentation and reporting, design and

procurement practices for energy using equipment, systems, processes, and

personnel. This international Standard applies to all factors affecting energy use,

which can be monitored and influenced by the organization. This international

standard does not prescribe specific performance criteria with respect to energy.

This International Standard for energy management systems has been designed to be

used independently, but it can be aligned or integrated with other management

systems. It is applicable to all organizations.

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18 ISO/PC 242 Energy Management - What has been done and the future stepsISO Regional Seminar in ThailandMarch 2010

Key Points of EnMS Standard Key Points of EnMS Standard

Reduce energy consumption and improve energy efficiency;

Consider the energy used by the production, corporate administration and general living related energy consumption as for lighting, heating, etc;

Pay more attention on the whole product realization process;

Focus on baseline and energy consumption monitor and analysis;

Focus on energy management performance evaluation;

Support all energy related regulations and policies;

Resources and capacity are basic requirements of EnMS standard;

Whole organization involvement and all process consideration.

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19 ISO/PC 242 Energy Management - What has been done and the future stepsISO Regional Seminar in ThailandMarch 2010

ISO 50001 will require…ISO 50001 will require…

Reasonable energy management responsibilities;

Appropriate energy policy;

Identify applicable regulations and laws and related requirements;

Conduct energy review and establish energy baseline, EnPI, objectives, targets and action plans;

Implementation and operation control, including procurement of energy services,

products/equipment and energy;

Checking performance;

Management review.


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20 ISO/PC 242 Energy Management - What has been done and the future stepsISO Regional Seminar in ThailandMarch 2010

Results of First MeetingResults of First Meeting

1st Meeting in U.S. September 2008

Approved design specification;

Developed first Working Draft (WD) for comment;

Key decision to base standard on the common elements found in all of ISO’s management system standards (e.g. 9001, 14001) to ensure maximum compatibility;

Developed 2nd WD virtually based on comments from first WD.

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21 ISO/PC 242 Energy Management - What has been done and the future stepsISO Regional Seminar in ThailandMarch 2010

Results Second MeetingResults Second Meeting

2nd Meeting March 2009

Agreed on: importance of both management systems elements and energy performance improvements; the need for relevant data; the need for the ability to prioritize

Agreed Committee Draft would be circulated for ballot in June 2009

Committee Draft Ballot Closed Sept 25th, 2009 and was Approved

23 Approvals;

4 Disapprovals;

1 Abstention;

154 Pages of Comments Received and 754 Comments (200 Editorial, 150 General, 400 Technical).

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22 ISO/PC 242 Energy Management - What has been done and the future stepsISO Regional Seminar in ThailandMarch 2010

Third MeetingThird Meeting

3rd meeting in London November 16-19, 2009

Review and disposition 754 comments;

Revise draft for ballot at next stage (Draft International Standard – DIS);

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23 ISO/PC 242 Energy Management - What has been done and the future stepsISO Regional Seminar in ThailandMarch 2010

The Resolution of the 3rd MeetingThe Resolution of the 3rd Meeting

Noting the next stage in the process is DIS, ISO/PC 242 agrees to the formation of an editing committee

to review the London draft 50001. The output of editing committee will be uploaded to the PC 242

webpage and submitted to ISO for DIS processing. The following dates apply.

November 19th – WG experts begin to review London draft

December 4th – 11th Webinars to:

Resolve comments on Introduction and Clause 1 (Scope)

Draft text for missing elements

December 18th – updated text submitted to editing committee;

January 15th – Editing committee submits updated draft to Secretariat;

January 31st – Secretary uploads draft DIS to PC 242 webpage and submits to ISO for


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The Up Coming Fourth MeetingThe Up Coming Fourth Meeting

ISO/PC 242 resolves to meet in China for the 4th ISO/PC 242 meeting in October 2010. The dates will be confirmed shortly by SAC.

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Publication of ISO 50001Publication of ISO 50001

ISO 50001 is planned for first quarter 2011

If ISO/PC 242 can keep on its current pace, the work will complete at the end of 2010, for publication early 2011.

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Thank you for your attention!Thank you for your attention!