iso 9001 - bsi group · • find new ways to promote iso 9001 ... journey towards making excellence...

Performance Portfolio Internal use only ISO 9001 Why BSI is the first choice for ISO 9001 Quality Management Essential information and inspiration to help you market and sell ISO 9001

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Page 1: ISO 9001 - BSI Group · • Find new ways to promote ISO 9001 ... journey towards making excellence a habit. By taking a fresh look at ISO 9001 and revitalising your approach, you

Performance PortfolioInternal use only

ISO 9001

Why BSI is the first choice for ISO 9001

Quality Management

Essential information and inspiration to help you market and sell ISO 9001

Page 2: ISO 9001 - BSI Group · • Find new ways to promote ISO 9001 ... journey towards making excellence a habit. By taking a fresh look at ISO 9001 and revitalising your approach, you


BSI – first choice for ISO 9001

Your clients can trust us to get the standard right and keep it relevant, after all we are the expert body responsible for shaping ISO 9001 in the first place.

We have a proven track record, having worked with over 65,000 companies globally, from small and medium sized businesses, to more than 50% of the combined FTSE 100, Fortune 500 and Nikkei organizations.

BSI works in partnership with industry experts, government bodies, trade associations and consumer groups to gain the widest possible market and industry view to shape the standards of excellence for the challenges facing organizations today.

Your clients can enjoy the benefits of working with people who have decades of experience helping embed ISO 9001 in an array of different business sectors, so they understand the challenges, and see the opportunities to share learnings.

Quite simply, BSI is the business standards company that helps organizations make excellence a habit.

We’ve worked with over 65,000

companies globally

We provide end-to-end support for clients, helping them monitor and maintain their excellence through our proprietary software and compliance tools so that they can confidently embed ISO 9001 into their organization.

We talk with, and listen to clients every day, asking them what they want and how satisfied they are with our products and services, so that we make sure we are meeting their expectations and giving them the opportunity to tell us their thoughts.

We add value; our unique ROI calculator comes from the pioneers and world leaders in ISO 9001. Using the calculator, clients can compare the cost of certification with the financial benefits they could expect from it.

Page 3: ISO 9001 - BSI Group · • Find new ways to promote ISO 9001 ... journey towards making excellence a habit. By taking a fresh look at ISO 9001 and revitalising your approach, you

Take a fresh look at ISO 9001...

*Hawks Partners LLC Qual Research June 2012.

Through research* we have learnt• Clients often articulate the benefits of compliance in terms of enhancing

business opportunities.

• Different services play different roles across the client journey.

• As the client journey lengthens, trust levels rise and as the trust levels rise, client relationships appear more valuable.

We are in the best position to act on these findings.

This manual is designed to help you step back and re-think your marketing and sales approach to:

• Refreshyourknowledgeoftherangeofproductswehave in our portfolio to meet the needs of your clients

• Understandhowtheyfitwithanorganizationregardlessof sector,sizeorwheretheyareontheirjourney

• Lookdifferentlyathowyoutalktoclientsandfocus on benefits-led messaging

• FindnewwaystopromoteISO9001

• HelpclientsunderstandthatBSIisthebestorganization to partner with for ISO 9001

• Buildpowerfulcampaignsthatfocusondelivering value to the client.


Page 4: ISO 9001 - BSI Group · • Find new ways to promote ISO 9001 ... journey towards making excellence a habit. By taking a fresh look at ISO 9001 and revitalising your approach, you

Revitalise your messaging

We want you to think again about your messaging. You, and your clients, may think you know ISO 9001. After all it’s our most popular product. But it’s also an effective introduction to the wider portfolio of products and services we offer.

Now is the perfect time to revitalise the ISO 9001 messaging. We have an exciting and engaging brand position and stronger benefits-led messaging that means we have new news to tell both potential and existing clients.

This manual will provide you with the essential product information and creative inspiration you need to successfully market and sell ISO 9001.

Give your clients a reason to want to do business with BSI – by building compelling, creative, impactful messaging that reflects real, supportable product and brand attributes that are seen as relevant and valuable.

Build confidence in the brand – by being consistent in how the ISO 9001 portfolio of product solutions and the BSI brand is communicated to target sectors.

Ensure the right people receive the right messages at the right time – selling benefits that are relevant to them and their organization and backing them up with real examples.

Help them see how the range of products and services can help their organization and how easy it is to do business with BSI .


Page 5: ISO 9001 - BSI Group · • Find new ways to promote ISO 9001 ... journey towards making excellence a habit. By taking a fresh look at ISO 9001 and revitalising your approach, you


Time to get started

With the benefits overview and creative inspiration in this manual and the most up to date resources and assets on the intranet, you have the information and the tools to build some compelling messages to grow your existing client base as well as engage brand new prospects.

So why wait? Think about your goals and how your next marketing campaign would benefit from the additional client and data insights available from the Global Portfolio Team. Think about your audiences and what you need to say to them. And then think about how you will say it, focusing on the benefits. Consider which case studies you can use to stimulate discussion and what statistics you

need to prove ROI. And give some thought to which ISO 9001 products your clients need to help them along their journey towards making excellence a habit.

By taking a fresh look at ISO 9001 and revitalising your approach, you can confidently show your clients that you speak their language, understand their world, and know how working practices can be improved.

As a result you will change the mindset of the client, strengthening the partnership with BSI over the long term.

Finally, don’t forget the Global Portfolio Team are here to help. Email us at [email protected]

Together, we can change the client mindset:

You’ll find everything you need here to bring ISO 9001 to life for your clients.

wanting to succeed

valuing multiple certifications

wanting to implement

being advised

working in collaboration

being cost-effective

being time-efficient

being forward-thinking

From fearing failure

From needing a certification

From having to implement

From being audited

From being assessed

From being cost conscious

From being time-poor

From being short-termist


Page 6: ISO 9001 - BSI Group · • Find new ways to promote ISO 9001 ... journey towards making excellence a habit. By taking a fresh look at ISO 9001 and revitalising your approach, you

Think about your clients’ goals and how we can better meet their needs. Your job is to help them see the tangible benefits.

A portfolio to meet yourclients’ needs

We have a broad portfolio of products and services that help organizations work better in today’s challenging environment. With our help, they can go on to perform better, manage their risks more effectively and grow in a sustainable way.

ISO 9001 is one of the world’s most popular standards and is just one of a range of products and services we offer that can help companies achieve their goals. For the first time, you can see, at a glance, how the range of products across the portfolio can be tailored to meet your clients’ needs.

Key: Standard S Training T Certification C Verification V

Performance - blue Risk - red Sustainability - green

Improve businessmanagement

Deliver quality products & services


Asset Management PAS 55 S CCustomer Satisfaction ISO 10002 S CCollaborative Relationships BS 11000 S CSix Sigma ISO 13053 S TContact Centre Management CIntegrated Management Systems PAS 99 S T C Project Management BS 6079 S

Quality Management ISO 9001 S T CFood Safety ISO 22000 S T CMedical Devices ISO 13485 S T CAutomotive ISO/TS 16949 S T CAerospace AS 9100/9110/9120 S T CTelecoms TL 9000 T CIT Service Management ISO/IEC 20000 S T COil and Gas ISO 29001 S CKitemark CCE Marking C

Page 7: ISO 9001 - BSI Group · • Find new ways to promote ISO 9001 ... journey towards making excellence a habit. By taking a fresh look at ISO 9001 and revitalising your approach, you

For more detail on these products visit our intranet pages.

Target these products well, with the right messaging and you can show how our products can:

• INFORM organizations on the key standards and how they relate to their organization

•TRAIN their people on how to achieve the benefits through adopting best practice

•IMPLEMENT the processes that allow them to improve their business

•EMBED the practices to acknowledge their commitment to continual improvement

IT Security ISO/IEC 27001 S T CBusiness Continuity ISO 22301 S T CAnti-Bribery BS 10500 SElectronic Information BS 10008 S CRisk Management BS ISO 31000 S TTickIT & TickIT Plus C

Keep people safe

Protect your business

Health and Safety OHSAS 18001 S T CRoad Traffic Safety ISO 39001 S T CSecurity Industry Authority – Contractor Scheme C

Social Accountability SA 8000 S CCorporate Social Responsibility ISO 26001 SSustainable Communities BS 8904 S

Be socially responsible

Product Carbon Footprint ISO 14067 SCarbon Neutrality PAS 2060 S VCarbon Footprint PAS 2050 S VEnergy Management ISO 50001 S T CWater Management SEmissions Verification GHGEV V

Manage energyconsumption

Minimise environmental impacts

Environmental Management ISO 14001 S T CSustainable Events ISO 20121 S TBiodiversity PAS 2010 SSustainable Procurement BS 8903 SResponsible Sourcing of Construction Products BES 6001 CKitemark Energy Reduction V


Page 8: ISO 9001 - BSI Group · • Find new ways to promote ISO 9001 ... journey towards making excellence a habit. By taking a fresh look at ISO 9001 and revitalising your approach, you

Your clients, old and new, will be at different points in their quality management journey. With the relevant products and services within our portfolio, there is ALWAYS the perfect opportunity to help businesses move closer to their goal of continual improvement, and at the same time to grow your sales.

Take some time to think about your existing client base, where they currently appear in this lifecycle and what their needs might be at that point. Set out your objectives for key clients and identify products that they need and then implement strategies to build their awareness of these products, highlighting the specific benefits, to help the client engage with the right solution for them.

Help them Understand

UnderstandingISO 9001 &

Process based Management Systems Book

Webinar on the 8 principles

Case Studies

Get themReady

Creating aProcess-based Management System for

ISO 9001 Book

Project Plan Template

Implementing ISO 9001 Training

Certify the Process

Auditing to ISO 9001 Training

Process management – Auditing for

ISO 9001 Book

Internal Auditor & Lead Auditor



Putting itinto Practice

Self Assessment Checklist

Auditing to ISO 9001 Training

Gap Assessment

Persuade them of the Benefits

Webinar on the measurable


Introduction to ISO 9001 Training

ISO 9001Standard

Free Business Case Checklist

ROI Calculator

Continual Improvement

Maximising ISO 9001 Training

BeyondRegistration –

Getting the Best from ISO 9001 & Business


Lean Six Sigma & Lean Practitioner



The ISO 9001 lifecycle:

Match your products to your clients

For more detail on these products visit our intranet pages.8

Build your marketing plan around your clients’ needs and our products and both they, and you, will reap the benefits.

Page 9: ISO 9001 - BSI Group · • Find new ways to promote ISO 9001 ... journey towards making excellence a habit. By taking a fresh look at ISO 9001 and revitalising your approach, you

Understand your clients’ needs

By understanding how and why different people in an organization, almost regardless of industry, benefit from implementing ISO 9001 with BSI, you can create and deliver compelling messaging and proof points that resonate with decision makers and help build business.

We know that whatever the sector, from manufacturing to services, companies that adopt the principles of quality management systems benefit from more efficient ways of working, better cost control, and faster and more effective implementation of new working practices.

Below are some of the benefits reported by BSI clients, along with proof points that demonstrate an ROI. Think about how you can include a relevant proof point in all your client communications.

ISO 9001Quality

ManagementCertified companies

outperform the market by more than 100%*

=Share price

Strategic alignment

Sales & Marketing

71% acquired newcustomers and retained

existing clients ∆=

Market accessProduct differentation

Services75% improved their levels of customer

satisfaction and loyalty ∆=

Consumer confidence Increased satisfaction

Finance55% achieved cost savings ∆

=Positive impact on

the bottom line

Operations75% boosted their

operational performance ∆=

Process efficiency Reduced errors

Cost savings Effective performance management

Business agility

Product DevelopmentManufacturing cycles reduced by 48%**

=Increased speed to market

Better quality products

For more proof points, case studies and testimonials, see pages 14 and 15, or visit our intranet pages.*2011 BSI review of stock prices over a 10 year period, comparing ISO 9001 certified companies with a benchmark index.** 2011 ASQ research. ∆ BSI Benefit Survey 2011


Page 10: ISO 9001 - BSI Group · • Find new ways to promote ISO 9001 ... journey towards making excellence a habit. By taking a fresh look at ISO 9001 and revitalising your approach, you

Let’s remind ourselves, we are BSI and no other company is better equipped or informed to sell the benefits of ISO 9001. By showing your understanding of your client’s aims and objectives you can then communicate how ISO 9001 and BSI are the best choice for their management needs.

It would be easy to convey the benefits of ISO 9001 in the time honoured way (statistics and case studies), but we feel we can add a lot more colour to how we talk.

Make ISO 9001 and the relevant benefit from BSI the hero of your tailored messaging and bring the proposition to life. The headlines that follow should provide a springboard for your own creative imagination.

ISO 9001 and BSI. Selling to our strengths

Focus on the target audience, their needs and the benefits ISO 9001 from BSI can deliver to THEM specifically. Very quickly you’ll develop creative and convincing benefit led messages that bring the product to life for the client and your team.


In defining roles and responsibilitiesISO 9001 knows its task.

Whatever your organization’s goals or challenges, work

with BSI and discover how ISO 9001 can make the way you

do business more efficient. In the world of standards we

are the experts; after all we shaped this globally adopted

standard. Working together we can give you the benefit

of our extensive experience and support. Implementing

ISO 9001 will put a quality framework in place within your

organization which could quickly make an impact on your

bottom line. Building both client trust and your reputation

it can ultimately can lead to winning more business.

Page 11: ISO 9001 - BSI Group · • Find new ways to promote ISO 9001 ... journey towards making excellence a habit. By taking a fresh look at ISO 9001 and revitalising your approach, you

Start by thinking about their specific goals to:

Save money

Increase client confidence

Give their business a competitive advantage

Enhance their brand reputation

Streamline operations

Continually refine their processes

Improve business competence

Focus on

FinanceTailor your message to your audience

Can we help enhance your company’s reputation?We’d stake our ISO 9001 on it.

Whatever your organization’s goals or challenges, work

with BSI and discover how ISO 9001 can make the way you

do business more efficient. In the world of standards we

are the experts; after all we shaped this globally adopted

standard. Working together we can give you the benefit

of our extensive experience and support. Implementing

ISO 9001 will put a quality framework in place within your

organization which could quickly make an impact on your

bottom line. Building both client trust and your reputation

it can ultimately can lead to winning more business.


Example messages

Concerned about the confidence of your stakeholders? Have faith in ISO 9001.

For a more meticulous and detailed business process, we thoroughly recommend our ISO 9001.

Managing the minutiae of your client’s accounts? The detail is in ISO 9001.

Can we help enhance your company’s reputation? We’d stake our ISO 9001 on it.

In defining roles and responsibilities,ISO 9001 knows it’s task.

Or write your own and sign off withYou can rely on ISO 9001.

Whatever your organization’s goals or challenges, work with BSI and discover how ISO 9001 can make the way you do business more efficient. In the world of standards we are the experts; after all we shaped this globally adopted standard. Working together we can give you the benefit of our extensive experience and support. Implementing ISO 9001 will put a quality framework in place within your organization which could quickly make an impact on your bottom line. Building both client trust and your reputation it can ultimately can lead to winning more business.

Example body copy

Page 12: ISO 9001 - BSI Group · • Find new ways to promote ISO 9001 ... journey towards making excellence a habit. By taking a fresh look at ISO 9001 and revitalising your approach, you

Example messages

Or write your own and sign off withHave you considered ISO 9001?

How do you increase customer satisfaction? A little ISO 9001 goes a long way.

Need a framework for continual improvement? Let ISO 9001 do the groundwork.

Striving for operational excellence? Step forward ISO 9001.

Improved telecom customer services? Say hello to ISO 9001.

Publicly demonstrate your best practice management? ISO 9001 at your customer care service.

Start by thinking about their specific goals to:

Increase client satisfaction

Improve business performance

Give their business a competitive advantage

Enhance their brand reputation

Continually refine their processes

Improve business competence

Focus on

ServiceTailor your message to your audience


Whatever your organization’s goals or challenges, work with BSI and discover how ISO 9001 can make the way you do business more efficient. In the world of standards we are the experts; after all we shaped this globally adopted standard. Working together we can give you the benefit of our extensive experience and support. By putting a quality framework in place you can quickly improve your client satisfaction levels, build your reputation and give your company the edge on its competitors.

Example body copy

Improved telecom customer services?Say hello to ISO 9001.

Whatever your organization’s goals or challenges, work

with BSI and discover how ISO 9001 can make the way you

do business more efficient. In the world of standards we

are the experts; after all we shaped this globally adopted

standard. Working together we can give you the benefit

of our extensive experience and support. Implementing

ISO 9001 will put a quality framework in place within your

organization which could quickly make an impact on your

bottom line. Building both client trust and your reputation

it can ultimately can lead to winning more business.

Page 13: ISO 9001 - BSI Group · • Find new ways to promote ISO 9001 ... journey towards making excellence a habit. By taking a fresh look at ISO 9001 and revitalising your approach, you

Example messages

Or write your own and sign off withIt sounds like an ISO 9001 to me.

How do you build a robust management framework? Structurally speaking, ISO 9001.

Need consistency in the quality of your product? ISO 9001 every time.

There’s always room for ISO 9001 in any integrated management system.

To deliver defect-free goods on time and within budget, you can’t fault ISO 9001.

When it’s business critical, it’s critical to have ISO 9001.

Start by thinking about their specific goals to:

Improve business performance

Give their business a competitive advantage

Produce tender documentation

Streamline operations

Increase speed to market

Tailor your message to your audience

Focus on



Whatever your organization’s goals or challenges, work with BSI and discover how ISO 9001 can make the way you do business more efficient. In the world of standards we are the experts; after all we shaped this globally adopted standard. Working together we can give you the benefit of our extensive experience and support. By putting a quality framework in place you could quickly streamline your operations, increase speed to market and improve your business performance..

Example body copy

When it’s business critical,it’s critical to have ISO 9001.

Whatever your organization’s goals or challenges, work

with BSI and discover how ISO 9001 can make the way you

do business more efficient. In the world of standards we

are the experts; after all we shaped this globally adopted

standard. Working together we can give you the benefit

of our extensive experience and support. Implementing

ISO 9001 will put a quality framework in place within your

organization which could quickly make an impact on your

bottom line. Building both client trust and your reputation

it can ultimately can lead to winning more business.

Page 14: ISO 9001 - BSI Group · • Find new ways to promote ISO 9001 ... journey towards making excellence a habit. By taking a fresh look at ISO 9001 and revitalising your approach, you

Knowing how many clients you have and what they are buying really helps you find opportunities to cross-sell and up-sell products. You can use key performance indicators (KPIs) like client retention, average value and cross-sell to help establish goals that achieve your revenue.

Your client information is often simply a click or two away. We hold about four years history on every product they buy and how much they spend so that you can look at good performance and try and replicate it with other clients. We also hold profilers that will help with messaging, such as sector and company size.

Or if you are looking to grow your database then we can help by providing lists from our database partners or help you optimise your budget by ensuring you don’t buy records you already have.

[email protected] or data relevant to your market – from statistics to data lists.

The Global Portfolio Team is here to support you in developing effective sales and marketing activity. Here are just a few of the resources available to you:

Client insights

Global resources at your finger tips

Did you know over 25% of our ISO 9001 clients also buy additional certifications for standards such as ISO 14001 and ISO/IEC 27001 further enhancing their business performance?


Page 15: ISO 9001 - BSI Group · • Find new ways to promote ISO 9001 ... journey towards making excellence a habit. By taking a fresh look at ISO 9001 and revitalising your approach, you

What better way to persuade a client to invest than by showing an example of how a product or service helped an organization to achieve tangible business benefits? We have many success stories in the form of case studies and testimonials on the intranet that you can use.

Try to think creatively about how best to use them. The more relevant and specific to the prospect’s needs the better, but remember that relevance may be a business issue as well as, or even instead of, the sector or the region.

As well as the case study bank, there may be other proof points available on request. We always need more so please share your success stories with [email protected]

What do clients want, why do they do business with BSI and how satisfied are they with our products and services? We talk to clients every day to ask them questions like these so that we can make sure we are meeting their expectations.

For the first time we have one global client survey that is consistent across all our business streams. As well as learning about what your individual clients think and need, you can use the feedback to talk to prospects about the benefits of partnering with BSI.

We also monitor the marketplace and our competitors. Understanding new market forces or client reactions to new propositions will help you position BSI offerings in the right way. We’ve summarised the key findings into concise and useful soundbites on the intranet.

Findoutmoreaboutyourclientsbyemailing [email protected] or visit our intranet pages.

Look out for our regular email updates on the latest initiatives led by the team. And access the latest news and resources on the Global Portfolio section of the BSI intranet.

Case studies

Client research

Did you know that of the BSI clients that achieved ISO 9001 certification, 75% say it has improved their levels of customer satisfaction and loyalty?

Our ‘Knowledge Sharing’ section on the intranet gives you a good summary of the latest research and the quarterly client audits, arming you with proof points to support your key messages as well as market trend information. However, our aim is that this ‘knowledge share’ is a two way, interactive forum where you can share what’s happening with your clients in your market. We will be updating these pages with your feedback and posting Frequently Asked Questions – together with answers – so that everyone can benefit.

[email protected] you want to share or click on the relevant icons on the intranet to find out more.

Knowledge sharing

News and updates at your fingertips


Page 16: ISO 9001 - BSI Group · • Find new ways to promote ISO 9001 ... journey towards making excellence a habit. By taking a fresh look at ISO 9001 and revitalising your approach, you


We know ISO 9001;BSI shaped the original standard.

V.1. Published November 2012


• Shaped the original standard and continue to lead its development

• Has the most highly trained assessors

• Offers the widest range of support solutions in the market place

• Is the number 1 certification body in the UK, USA and Korea

• Looks after more than 65,000 global clients

• Has an unrivalled International reputation for excellence

• Is the global leader in getting the most from ISO 9001