isn interactive science notebook pages and guidelines

This pdf is created to help the students of sampaguita high school or any other schools that are using interactive science notebooks as an instrument of learning. License: You are allowed to copy distribute and modify this document. Revised by: Ralph Jerome m. Batuigas Contact: this pdf consists of pages that are necessary for creating an interactive science notebook -Profile page -Guidelines -Isn instruction -2 pages of Table of contents -2 pages of ISN evaluation sheet -gems of wisdom If you need an editable copy of this document just contact me.

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Post on 12-Aug-2015




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Page 1: Isn Interactive Science Notebook pages and Guidelines

This pdf is created to help the students of sampaguita high school or any other schools that are using interactive science notebooks as an instrument of learning. License: You are allowed to copy distribute and modify this document. Revised by: Ralph Jerome m. Batuigas Contact: this pdf consists of pages that are necessary for creating an interactive science notebook -Profile page -Guidelines -Isn instruction -2 pages of Table of contents -2 pages of ISN evaluation sheet -gems of wisdom If you need an editable copy of this document just contact me.

Page 2: Isn Interactive Science Notebook pages and Guidelines

*Name: *Grade and section: *Other info’s - -


Page 3: Isn Interactive Science Notebook pages and Guidelines
Page 4: Isn Interactive Science Notebook pages and Guidelines
Page 5: Isn Interactive Science Notebook pages and Guidelines

Table of Contents

Page 6: Isn Interactive Science Notebook pages and Guidelines

Table of Contents

Page 7: Isn Interactive Science Notebook pages and Guidelines




Table of Contents Work is Neat and Organize

Headings and Dates on all Pages

Effective use of color


Notes and right-side work to complete and high quality

Left side work is complete and shows processing of the work done on the right side

Evidence of the following instructions

Includes graphic representations of thought

No missing work (even if you were absent)


Obvious evidence of time invested

Obvious evidence of learning

Effort and quality of work are exceptional

TOTAL (100)

Page 8: Isn Interactive Science Notebook pages and Guidelines

Interactive Science Notebook Evaluation Sheet Score Level Performance 1 2 3 4

6 Excellent

- Notebook contents are complete, dated and labeled - Pages are numbered (odd; right side; even: left side) - Right-side/Left-side topics are correct and contents

organized - Lecture notes go beyond the basic requirements - Uses color and effective diagrams making notebook-

visually appealing - Shows impressive, in-depth self-reflections

5 Well Done

- Notebook contents are complete, dated and labeled - Pages are numbered (odd; right side; even: left side) - Right-side/Left-side topics are correct and contents

organized - Includes most of the traits of a “6”, but lacks

excellence in all areas - Most areas meet requirements but don’t go beyond - Shows in-depth self-reflection

4 Satisfactory

- Notebook contents are complete (at least 90%), dated and labeled

- Pages are numbered (odd: right side; even: left side) - Right-side/Left-side topics are correct and contents

organized - Uses color and some diagrams - Information shows basic understanding of content

topics - Some areas meet requirements, but don’t go beyond - Shows limited but real self-reflection

3 Fair

- Notebook contents are complete (at least 80%), dated and labeled

- Pages are numbered (odd: right side; even: left side) - Right-side/Left-side topics are correct and contents

organized - Uses minimal color and few diagrams - Information shows basic understanding of content

topics - Few areas meet all the requirements - Shows some real self-reflection

2 Revision Needed

- Notebook contents are complete - Some attempt at dating and labeling of entries is

made - Right-side/Left-side is consistent and contents are

unorganized - Notebook is not ready written - Shows little real self-reflection

1 Unacceptable - Notebook turned in but too incomplete to score

Page 9: Isn Interactive Science Notebook pages and Guidelines
Page 10: Isn Interactive Science Notebook pages and Guidelines