islamic 2 spring break ( 28th march-14thapril ) - · 1. in his ship, nuh peace be upon...

1 ISLAMIC 2 Spring Break ( 28 th March-14 th April ) Dear Parents, Islamic Department will present the End of the year Assembly in Term 3 in order to celebrate our student’s achievement, regarding that all students needs to make individual or group projects (3D) includes the following topic (The Islamic scientist contribution to the world in all areas) specifically these Names: *Al Jazri. *Ibn Al Haytham. *Maryam Al Maryam al Isturlabi. *Abbas Ibn Fernas. *Ibn Firnas *The elephant clock *The camera obscura *Al-Idrisi's world map *Al-Zahrawi's surgical instruments *Ibn Firnas' flying contraption *Astrolabes, an astronomical and navigation instrument Be Creative as usual All projects to be hand it in on the date of 15/April/2019. We look forward to enjoy the exciting and successful Term 3, Thank you for your continuous cooperation. For Any questions you have, you are always welcome every Monday after 2:30 pm. Islamic room. Ms. Nour teacher for the year group (1,2,3, and 4) Ms. Moyasser teacher for the year group (5&6) Ms. Nour, Primary Head of Islamic Studies[email protected] Best Regards, Al Ain English Speaking School

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ISLAMIC 2 Spring Break ( 28th March-14thApril )

Dear Parents, Islamic Department will present the End of the year Assembly in Term 3 in order to celebrate our student’s achievement, regarding that all students needs to make individual or group projects (3D) includes the following topic (The Islamic scientist

contribution to the world in all areas) specifically these Names: *Al Jazri. *Ibn Al Haytham. *Maryam Al Maryam al Isturlabi. *Abbas Ibn Fernas. *Ibn Firnas *The elephant clock *The camera obscura *Al-Idrisi's world map *Al-Zahrawi's surgical instruments *Ibn Firnas' flying contraption *Astrolabes, an astronomical and navigation instrument Be Creative as usual All projects to be hand it in on the date of 15/April/2019. We look forward to enjoy the exciting and successful Term 3, Thank you for your continuous cooperation. For Any questions you have, you are always welcome every Monday after 2:30 pm. Islamic room. Ms. Nour teacher for the year group (1,2,3, and 4) Ms. Moyasser teacher for the year group (5&6) Ms. Nour, Primary Head of Islamic [email protected] Best Regards,

Al Ain English Speaking School


Revision booklets below if you wish to revise during the break.

Topic: Allah The Most Kind The All Aware One



WALT: Conclude that Allah glory be to Him is the Most kind, the All aware.

Show how to be kind in treating others.

Activity 1: Basic

Color the correct sentence with green and the wrong sentence with red:

Activity 2: Intermediate

Think and Answer: What is the best behavior in these scenarios:


Activity 3: Intermediate

Give examples of how to be kind towards others:

Activity 4: Advance

Answer the following questions:

1. Give an example of Allah’s kindness toward human beings?







2. How should we treat people and why?






3. Allah is All Aware, How does this impact our behavior?






4. Which name of Allah suggest that He knows what’s in our hearts?





Enrichment Activity:

Write some of the beautiful names of Allah in the hearts and write their




Teacher’s Remarks:




Next Steps:




Teacher’s Signature: _____________________ Dated:


Topic: Surat Al Kafiroon




WALT: Explain the general meaning of the Surah.

Explain the terms contained in the Surah.

Activity 1: Basic

Fill in the blanks:

1. The number of verses in Surah Al kafiroon: ____________________

2. The most frequently mentioned word in Surah Al Kafiroon:


3. The Muslims worship Allah glory be to him by performing acts of worship

like: __________________ .

4. The meaning of the word Kafiroon is ____________________.

5. Muslims ________________ the one and only God.

6. Allah is ____________ without a partner.

Activity 2: Basic

Write the meaning of the Following Arabic Words:

1. Kafiroon: ___________________

2. Deen: ______________________

3. Aabidoon: ___________________

Activity 3: Intermediate

Write any four acts of worship by which Muslims worship Allah:

1. ______________________________________

2. ______________________________________

3. ______________________________________

4. ______________________________________

Activity 3: Advance

Answer the following Questions:


1. Give some examples of the gods that the disbelievers used to worship?






2. What was the offer of the disbelievers for Prophet Muhammed peace be upon him in







3. What did Allah ask to Prophet Muhammed peace be upon him to say to the

disbelievers upon their offer?






Enrichment Activity:

Search for the name of the Prophet who proved that the stone Idols cannot benefit or harm

those who worship them:



Teacher’s Remarks:


Next Steps:


Teacher’s Signature: _____________________ Dated:



Topic: Purity and Nullifier of Wudu



WALT: Explain the meaning and steps of Wudu.

Specify the nullifiers of Wudu.

Activity 1: Basic


Activity 2: Basic

Activity 3: Intermediate


Activity 4: Intermediate

Activity 5: Advance

What do you expect to happen if a Muslim does not care about purity and cleanliness of his

body, clothes and place?





Enrichment Activity:

Search the advantages of the Ablution (Wudu) and write in the space provided below.



Teacher’s Remarks:




Next Steps:




Teacher’s Signature: _____________________ Dated:



Topic: Belief in the Messengers



WALT: Explain the story of the two prophets Nuh and Ibrahim peace be upon


Conclude the wisdom of sending Allah’s Messengers.

Activity 1: Basic

Answer with Yes or No:

Activity 2: Basic

Choose the right Answer:

1. In his ship, Nuh peace be upon him carried with him:

a. The believers b. the disbelievers c. all his people

2. The attitude of our Master Ibrahim peace be upon him, regarding the

things which his people used to worship was,

a. Rejection b. Consent c. Inattention.


Activity 3: Intermediate

Fill in the Blanks

Name of the Prophet The people

used to


He called

upon them


The method

of his call was

Allah glory be to

Him saved him


Our Master Nuh peace

be upon him


Our Master Ibrahim

peace be upon him

Kindness and


Activity 4: Advance

Answer the following Questions:

1. Why Ibrahim A.S did not like Idols?






2. What punishment did King Numrud give to Prophet Ibrahim First?






3. How did Allah glory be to him honor Ibrahim (A.S)?







4. What was the mission of Nuh (A.S)?






5. What did Allah command to Prophet Nuh (A.S) and why?






Enrichment Activity:

Search the names of four Quranic Surahs which are given the names of Prophets,

peace be upon them and write in the given hearts:



Teacher’s Remarks:


Next Steps:


Teacher’s Signature: _____________________ Dated:



Topic: Surah Al Asr



WALT: Explain the general meaning of the Surah.

Suggest some ways to win Allah’s pleasure.

Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem

1. Wal' asr

2. Innal insaana lafee khusr

3. Il lal lazeena aamanu wa 'amilus saali haati wa tawa saw bil haqqi wa tawa saw bis


Activity 1: Basic

Match between the sentences in column (A) and the words in column (B)

(B) (A)

Jannah In this Surah Allah (S.W.T.) swears by …

good deeds Allah (S.W.T.) loves the …………..

The time Those who believe in Allah are the…..

believers The one who does bad deeds is a ………..

winners The believer advises others to always do


loser Allah promises those who practice

patience with


Activity 2: Intermediate

Classify the following deeds as good or bad deeds according to the following table:-

Deeds Good Bad

Giving charity to the poor.


Neglecting your prayer.

Respecting teachers.

Activity 3: Advance

Compare between the winners and losers according to Surat-ul-Asr:-

Aspect of


Winners Losers

Deeds in the

Present Life.

They believe in Allah and

do good deeds.



Fate (destiny) in

the Hereafter





Suggest 3 ideas to win Allah’s pleasure and paradise:-

1. ______________________________________________________________


2. ______________________________________________________________


3. ______________________________________________________________



Teacher’s Remarks:




Next Steps:




Teacher’s Signature: _____________________


Topic: I love good things for my Brother



WALT: Explain the overall meaning of the Hadith.

Conclude some lessons from the Hadith.

Activity 1: Basic

According to your understanding to the noble Hadith, put (C) next to the correct

meaning of the Hadith and (X) next to the wrong meaning of the Hadith: -

- I behave well with others. ( )

- I eat well in the morning. ( )

- I feel happy for my classmate's happiness. ( )

- I sleep early every day. ( )

- I wish good things for others ( ).

Put next to the correct sentence and (×) next to the wrong one: -


A. The believer treats other people with kindness. ( )

B. The believer mocks his friend for not having a

new bag.

( )

C. The believer wishes that no evil would afflict


( )

D. When I see my brother having something I like,

I say: 'Allah, glory be to Him, bless you.

( )

E. The Hadith is about I love good things for my


( )

Activity 2: Intermediate

Circle the right behavior in each of the following cases: -

- 1) My friend told me that he lost his book:

A) I try to help him B) I tell everyone about his problem

- 2) My friend won in the soccer game:

A) I feel happy for him B) I don’t care about him.

- 3) I saw my classmate making a mistake:

A) I give him a good advice B) I let him continue doing mistakes.

Activity 3: Advance


Suggest 2 different ways that will help me improving my relationship with others:





Topic: Allah the Creator



WALT: Justify the value of Thankfulness to Allah.

Compare Man’s creation with Allah’s creation.

Activity 1: Basic

Name the creations of Allah in the images below and write their benefits for

which we should be thankful to Allah:

Name: ___________________-


Benefits for which we should be thankful to Allah:




Light, Heat






Benefits for which we should be thankful to Allah:







Benefits for which we should be thankful to Allah:




Plant growth,

Source of


Life, Plants,



Activity 2: Intermediate

Give your opinion about the following images that which one is showing

thankfulness to Allah for His favors and why?
















Activity 3: Advance

Compare man’s creations with Allah’s creations:


Comparison The Lamp The Sun

The benefit

The Cost Inexpensive

The Age Short


Is it man’s creation or

Allah’s creation?


Teacher’s remarks:




Next Steps:




Teacher’s Signature: ______________________________ Date:


Grade: One Subject: Islamic studies


Topic: The Good Ablution

Word Smart


Choose words from the word bank and write below the pictures:

Using the toilet passing gas sleeping being sick

Grade: Subject: Islamic studies

Name: Topic: The Good Ablution

Word Smart


Choose a letter from the water drops to complete the wudu song. Then colour everything

in You can use the letters more than once.


Topic: The Good Ablution

Number Smart

Q1.Write how many times we wash each body part during wudu.

I wash my hands_____ times. I wash my mouth_____ times

I wash my nose____ times. I wash my face_____ times.

I wash my arms ________ times I wipe my head____ time

I wipe my ear____ time. I wash my feet ______ times

Grade: Subject: Islamic studies Name:


Topic: The Good Ablution

Picture Smart

Think, Pair, Share

Grade: Subject: Islamic studies Name:

Performing Good Ablution


Picture Smart

Think, Pair, Share

Write down with the wheel that how many times to wash the body parts

for wudu.

Grade: Subject: Islamic studies Name:

Performing Good Ablution


Picture Smart

Think, Pair, Share

Write down the effects of wudu on your body and mind.

Effects of mind Effects on body


Grade: Subject: Islamic studies Name:

Performing Good Ablution

Word Smart

Think, Pair, Share


Performing Good Ablution

Word Smart

Think, Pair, Share

Mention the states in which wudu is required:

Performing Good Ablution

Word Smart


Think, Pair, Share

Why do you think it is important to do your wudu before you pray?



Topic: Etiquette of Eating


WALT: Abide by the manners of food guided by Prophet Muhammed ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص

Activity 1: Basic

Classify the Manners of eating Food:

Before eating Food During Eating


After Eating Food


Activity 2: Intermediate

Activity 3: Advance

Comment on the following situations and suggest the suitable behavior with the


1. Saeed offered his neighbors some food. The neighbor said: “What is this

food? It is bad.”



















Enrichment Activity:

Search for three manners which a Muslim should abide by while drinking

water and write in the given shapes:



Teacher’s remarks:




Next Steps:




Teacher’s Signature: ______________________________ Date:



– Let’s Pray Objective: To recognize the steps of Prayer Look at the pictures and paste the correct words inside the stars. (We say Allahu Akbar, Sujood, Recite surah Fatiha, Ruku )


Objective: To identify the steps of Prayer and understand its importance. Match the following

1. a. Rukoo

2. b. We say Allahu Akbar

3. c. Sajdah

4. d. Surah Fatihah and a short surah

Objective: To identify the saying of the steps in prayer.

Write the proper saying in according to the following picture. 1. Surah Fatihah and a short surah 2. Subhana Rabbiyal Atheem

3. Allahu Akbar, 4. Assalamu Alaykum 5. Tashahhud and Ibrahimic Prayer 6. Subhana Rabbiyal A’la

MatchMatch the image with the proper words Surah Fatihah and a short surah


Subhana Rabbiyal Atheem

Allahu Akbar

Assalamu Alaykum

Tashahhud and Ibrahimic Prayer

Subhana Rabbiyal A’la


I arrange the following images by placing the appropriate number below the relevant image: