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ISLAM: A RELIGION OF VIOLENCE or PEACE? James C. Denison, PhD CEO, Denison Forum on Truth and Culture

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James C. Denison, PhDCEO, Denison Forum on Truth and Culture

Islam: A Religion of Violence or Peace?

James C. Denison, PhD

CEO, Denison Forum on Truth and Culture

May 23, 2017

On the evening of May 22, 2017, pop singer Ariane Grande finished a concert in

Manchester, England. As the crowd filled with pre-teens and teenagers began leaving the

arena, an explosion killed at least twenty-two people and injured nearly sixty.

Authorities have identified Salman Abedi, a twenty-three-year-old man as the attacker.

They believe he used an improvised explosive device. ISIS has claimed responsibility for

the attack.

In my Daily Article written the next morning, I responded to this tragedy with three


1. We can expect such attacks to continue. Radicalized Muslims believe that the

West has been attacking Islam for centuries and view citizens of our democracies

as complicit in this perceived aggression. They will continue their attacks on us

for the foreseeable future.

2. If the attacker was Muslim (later reports indicate that he was), he did not

represent Islam. I stated that "radicalized Muslims are a small minority of the

larger Muslim world. They have killed many more Muslims than non-Muslims."

And I quoted a Muslim authority who condemned the attack in Manchester.

3. We must pray for spiritual victory against this spiritual enemy. This battle will be

won on our knees.

In response to my article, some readers questioned my assertion that the attacker did not

represent Islam. In their view, there is no distinction between jihadists and the rest of the

Muslim world.

This is a common and urgent question. Since there are 1.6 billion Muslims in the world,

obviously we need to know if each of them represents a threat to the rest of us.

I have lived in the Muslim world and traveled widely in the Middle East. I have also

written a book and numerous articles on this issue and have taught world religions for

many years with four seminaries. I'd like to share a synopsis of my view regarding the

relationship between radical Islamists and the larger Muslim world.

The teachings of Islam

The Qur'an was revealed by Muhammad in two phases. The first (AD 610–622) was

given when he lived in Mecca and is thus known as the "Meccan phase." It counsels

moderation with injunctions such as:

• "Let there be no compulsion in religion" (Q2:256).1


• "To you be your Way, and to me mine" (Q109:6).

Scholars count 124 such Qur'anic injunctions for Muslims to tolerate those who do not

share their faith. Many people describe moderates as "Mecca Muslims."

When Muhammad led his followers to Medina in AD 622, they established the

worldwide Muslim community known as the ummah. Here the prophet began

proclaiming a second, more militant theme. He required Muslims to defend Islam from

attack: "Fight in the cause of God those who fight you, but do not transgress limits, for

God loveth not transgressors. But if they cease, God is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful"

(Q2:190, 192).

Then he began calling his followers to initiate violence against non-Muslims. Here we

find the so-called "sword verses": "Fight and slay the pagans wherever ye find them. . . .

Fight those who believe not in God" (Q9:5, 29). Many describe radical Muslims as

"Medina Muslims."

How do Muslims reconcile the Medina theme (violence in the name of Islam) with the

Mecca theme (religious tolerance)?

The doctrine of "abrogation"

The Islamic State and other militant jihadist organizations follow the doctrine of

"abrogation" (from the Latin abrogatio, a legal annulment under Roman law). This

doctrine is based on the Qur'anic statement, "None of Our revelations do We abrogate or

cause to be forgotten, but We substitute something better or similar" (Q2:106). The

doctrine of abrogation is typically understood to mean that later revelations supersede

earlier teachings. Three other verses also acknowledge abrogation:

• "When We substitute one revelation for another,--And God knows best what he

reveals (in stages),--they say, 'Thou are but a forger' but most of them understand

not" (Q16:101).

• "God doth blot out or confirm what He pleaseth: with Him is the Mother of the

Book" (Q13:39).

• "If it were Our Will, We could take away that which We have sent thee by

inspiration" (Q17:86).

One hadith (a statement from a later account of Muhammad's life) states that "the

Messenger of God abrogated some of his commands by others, just as the Qur'an

abrogates some part of it with the other."2

The doctrine of abrogation is central to the issue of terrorism in Islam, because verses

cited by militant jihadists come from later teachings and contradict earlier exhortations to

tolerate non-Muslims. As we will see, moderates believe that these later teachings were

authoritative only in the seventh century as Islam was being established. Radical Muslims


disagree, claiming that the later revelations require them to defeat and enslave or kill all


Medina Muslims

Surah ("chapter") 9, called "Ultimatum," is essential to our discussion. Commentators

agree that Muhammad received it in AD 631, the year before his death. Some believe it to

be the last chapter of the Qur'an to be revealed, while others believe that it was

penultimate. Since it came so late in the prophet's life, those who believe in abrogation

would clearly view it as superseding other revelations regarding conflict with non-

Muslims. With regard to war, it would abrogate the 124 earlier Qur'anic statements

calling for tolerance of non-Muslims.

Contemporary Muslim scholar Muhammad Sa'id Ramadan al-Buti:

The verse [Q9:5] does not leave any room in the mind to conjecture about what is

called defensive war. This verse asserts that holy war, which is demanded in

Islamic law, is not a defensive war because it could legitimately be an offensive

war. That is the apex and most honorable of all holy wars. Its goal is the

exaltation of the word of God, the construction of Islamic society, and the

establishment of God's kingdom on earth regardless of the means. It is legal to

carry on an offensive holy war.3

Following the doctrine of abrogation, here are some of the verses in Surah 9 seen to

replace earlier statements requiring toleration. They are used to justify the actions of ISIS

and other militant jihadists:

• "Moderate" Muslims are to be attacked: "Strive hard against the unbelievers and

the hypocrites and be unyielding to them; their abode is hell, and evil is the

destination" (Q9:73).

• Christians are to be conquered: "Fight those who believe not in Allah . . . even if

they are of the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizyah [tax] with willing

submission, and feel themselves subdued" (Q9:29).

• Unbelievers are to be killed unless they repent: "Slay the idolaters wherever you

find them, and take them captive and besiege them and lie in wait for them in

every ambush, then if they repent and keep up pray and pay the poor-rate, leave

their way free to them" (Q9:5).

• Those who die in jihad are guaranteed paradise: "Allah hath purchased of the

believers their persons and their goods; for theirs in return is the garden of

Paradise: they fight in His cause, and slay and are slain: a promise binding on

Him in truth . . . then rejoice in the bargain which ye have concluded: that is the

achievement supreme" (Q9:111).

In addition, these sections are also considered to abrogate earlier teachings on tolerance

and further define radical Muslims' actions:


• Enemies are to be crucified or otherwise tortured: "The punishment of those who

wage war against Allah and His messenger and strive to make mischief in the land

is only this, that they should be murdered or crucified or their hands and their feet

should be cut off on opposite sides or they should be imprisoned; this shall be as a

disgrace for them in this world, and in the hereafter they shall have a grievous

chastisement" (Q5:33).

• Women captives can be raped: "All married women are forbidden unto you save

those captives whom your right hands possess. It is a decree of Allah for you"


As you can see, ISIS and other militant jihadist organizations have significant Qur'anic

support for their torture and slaughter of all who oppose them. David Bukay concludes

his important article on terrorism and abrogation:

Some Muslims may preach tolerance and argue that jihad refers only to an

internal, peaceful struggle to better oneself. Western commentators can convince

themselves that such teachings are correct. However, for learned Muslim scholars

and populist leaders, such notions are or should be risible. They recognize that, in

practice, there is compulsion in Islam. They take seriously the notion that the

Qur'an teaches not just tolerance among religions, but tolerance among religions

on the terms of Islam. To understand the challenge of the current Islamist revival,

it is crucial for non-Muslims and moderate Muslims alike to recognize that

interpretation of Islamic doctrine can have two faces, and that the Medinan face

may very well continue to overshadow the Meccan face for a major portion, if not

the majority, of contemporary Muslims.4

To the degree that Bukay is correct, the "sword verses" may continue to compel some

Muslims in America and around the world to support ISIS and other militant jihadist

organizations. For "Medina Muslims," these organizations are acting in obedience to the

Qur'an and serving the cause of global Islamic expansion.

In this light, al Qaeda and ISIS are neither unique nor exclusive as terrorist organizations.

There are dozens of other radical Islamist groups around the world that share their

ideology and aims. And their number is growing.

Mecca Muslims

On the basis of our discussion thus far, should we conclude that Islam is a violent

religion? Not necessarily, for two reasons.

First, many Muslims either reject or modify the doctrine of abrogation. Some believe

that each verse of the Qur'an must be accepted as equal in authority. Others accept

abrogation, but believe that each verse of the Qur'an must be interpreted in its original

context, including the "sword verses" (see more below). Still others accept abrogation,

but do not apply it to Surah 9 and other militant verses in the Qur'an. In their view, the

"Mecca" verses on tolerance must be used to interpret the "Medina" verses on violence.


Sheikh Abdur Rehman was Chief Justice of Pakistan, with degrees from Oxford and the

University of Punjab, and a PhD in law from Cairo. In his view, the teaching of Q2:256,

"let there be no compulsion in religion," is central to Islam today.5

Second, moderate Muslim scholars locate Surah 9 in the historical context of Arabian

Pagans who broke a covenant with Arabic Muslims. They interpret the injunction to

initiate violence as applying only to this enemy, not to the larger non-Muslim world.

Many apply this reasoning to the broader military actions undertaken by Muhammad and

his early followers. In their view, such actions were necessary to establish and defend

Islam, but are not binding on Muslims today. They would interpret the "sword verses"

cited above in this way.

Their approach would be similar to that taken by Christian scholars in understanding

God's command for the Jews to kill the Canaanites (cf. Deuteronomy 20:17). We believe

that this injunction was necessary to establish the nation of Israel in its "promised land,"

but do not view it as binding on us today. Rather, we see this command as a principle (we

must not compromise with sin) rather than a precept (we must find and kill Canaanites).

As an example of moderate Islamic teaching, note a 2014 open letter to Abu Bakr al-

Baghdadi, the self-proclaimed caliph of the Islamic State. Written by more than 120 of

the world's top Muslim scholars and leaders, it states that "it is forbidden in Islam" to kill

the innocent, to reintroduce slavery, to force people to convert, to deny women or

children their rights, to torture, to disfigure the dead, or to declare a caliphate "without

consensus from all Muslims."6 The eighteen-page letter refutes ISIS theology point-by-

point from the Qur'an.7

To summarize: Radical Muslims believe that the Qur'an requires them to initiate

violence against all who do not accept their ideology. The doctrine of abrogation can be

used to justify their position, making it attractive to many Muslims around the world.

However, moderate Muslims reject this use of the doctrine. They argue that the "sword

verses" were necessary for establishing Islam in the seventh century, but are no longer

binding on Muslims today.

The history of Islam

As we have seen, the Qur'an was revealed in two periods. While Muhammad was

teaching in Mecca (AD 610-22), his revelations were conciliatory toward non-Muslims.

When he moved to Medina to establish the ummah (the global Muslim community), he

taught that Muslims were permitted to defend themselves. As the ummah became

stronger, he then taught that Muslims were to initiate violence against non-Muslims.

Do his actions justify militant jihadism today?

Muhammad as a militant jihadist


In Radical Islam: What You Need to Know, I describe Muhammad's military actions in

some detail.8 To summarize: After the prophet moved his followers to Medina in AD

622, he began leading them in raiding parties against their enemies. He undertook at least

nineteen different military expeditions and fought personally in eight of them.

Muhammad killed as many as 3,000 people, including 800 Jewish men of the Banu

Qurayza tribe in AD 627. He led his fighters to assault Mecca, where they slaughtered the

soldiers of his own tribe, the Quraysh. He had other opponents executed as well.

His teaching and example led his early followers to initiate military violence. According

to Muslim historian Ibn Kathir (AD 1301–73), the first caliph ("successor") of

Muhammad used the "sword verses" to justify fighting anyone who did not convert to

Islam or pay religious taxes to the Muslims. Islam grew during its first century of

expansion in large part through military conquest and the subjugation of non-Muslims.

Muhammad as a moderate

While Muhammad is seen by many as the first militant jihadist, there are other ways to

interpret his life and legacy. Moderates claim that he turned to violence only when the

Quraysh and other tribes began threatening him and his followers. For instance, the Jews

he executed in AD 627 were, according to some historians, guilty of breaking an earlier

covenant with him. In other words, they were punished for treason, not for their religion.

During the Battle of Khaybar in AD 629, Muhammad ordered a man who "had custody

of the treasure" to be tortured until he disclosed its location. Then he was executed.

However, when the people of Khaybar surrendered to him, he spared their lives.

In short, moderates see the militant jihadism of Muhammad and his early followers as

essential for the establishment of the ummah, but not as a model for Islam today.

Islam today

How does the contemporary practice of Islam relate to our question? Five facts should be


One: Islam is not necessarily incompatible with democracy.

According to surveys, substantial majorities of Muslims want to live under democratic

governance. They want freedom of speech to be guaranteed in their countries, and want

women to have the same legal rights as men. The "Arab Spring" was birthed out of such a

desire for Western-style democracy.

While only one in four Muslim-majority countries is led by a democratically elected

government, many of these nations were subjected to colonial rule for centuries. Many

Muslim countries were created after World War II and are only a few decades old. And it


is worth remembering that medieval Christianity was also not democratic, as church

leaders appointed secular rulers and enforced religious dictates.

Functioning democracies in Muslim-majority nations such as Turkey and Indonesia show

that radical Muslims who seek to impose sharia (Islamic holy law) on all citizens are not

the only expression of Islam.

Two: Surveys indicate that militant jihadists are a small minority of the larger Muslim


According to a Gallup poll, only seven percent of the global Muslim population can be

considered "radical" or militant jihadist.9 This finding does not mean that seven of every

100 Muslims in America are militant jihadists. The percentage would be much higher in

Egypt or Saudi Arabia and much lower in Morocco or America.

This percentage is still frightening, of course. Seven percent of 1.6 billion Muslims is 112

million militant jihadists. This is an enemy three times larger than the combined forces

America faced in World War II. But it is a small percentage of the larger Muslim world.

A recent study by the Pew Research Center discovered these interesting facts about

American Muslims:

• Only forty-two percent believe the Qur'an to be the "Word of God; should be

taken literally." Thirty-one percent say it is the "Word of God; not take everything


• Only twenty-two percent consider themselves to be "conservative" politically.

• Only twenty percent believe "there are clear standards for what is right and

wrong." Seventy-six percent believe that "right or wrong depends on the


• Only thirty-seven percent say they look most to religion for guidance on right and

wrong. Fifty-eight percent look to common sense, science, or philosophy and


Clearly, the vast majority of American Muslims are not persuaded by militant jihadist


Three: Militant jihadists have killed vast numbers of Muslims.

It is difficult to claim that militant jihadists accurately represent all Muslims when they

are killing vast numbers of their fellow Muslims. Any Muslim who does not accept the

authority of ISIS is killed or enslaved by them. And Muslims around the world have been

murdered by other militant jihadist groups such as Boko Haram and Al Shabaab.

Four: Moderate Muslims are helping in the fight against radical Muslims.


According to Gallup, tips from the Muslim-American community are the largest single

source of initial information to authorities about terrorist plots.11 After the San

Bernardino massacre, the executive director of the Council on American-Islamic

Relations in Los Angeles stated, "The Muslim community stands shoulder to shoulder

with our fellow Americans in repudiating any twisted mind-set that would claim to justify

such sickening acts of violence."

The American Islamic Congress is another moderate Muslim group fighting militant

jihadist ideology. Its Statement of Principles includes the following:

• American Muslims must champion pluralism and condemn all forms of


• American Muslims must be ambassadors to the Muslim world.

• American Muslims must champion the rights of minorities in the Muslim world.

• American Muslims should participate in the democratic process and work towards

civic engagement.12

Five: Militant jihadist acts in Muslim nations are not necessarily motivated by Muslim


Manal Omar recently wrote an article for Foreign Policy titled "Islam Is a Religion of

Peace."13 His argument in brief:

The complicated truth of the matter is that the extremist violence that has

overtaken a majority of Muslim countries, including Iraq, Syria, and Pakistan, is

the product of complex political and social circumstances. They include colonial

legacies and more modern great power politics—and the artificial borders that

they bequeathed the region. The violence is perpetrated by official structures that

favor a few over the many, and the collapse of government institutions. Religion,

certainly, is part of the mix, especially in fragile nations or under authoritarian

regimes, but that comes into play not because of the nature of the faith but

because of the way it is abused and manipulated.

However, as we have seen, radical Muslims can claim significant warrant from the

Qur'an for their violent actions. Ayaan Hirsi Ali, writing the counterpart to Manal Omar's

Foreign Policy article, titles her essay, "Islam Is a Religion of Violence."14 In her view,

"The fundamental problem is that the majority of otherwise peaceful and law-abiding

Muslims are unwilling to acknowledge, much less to repudiate, the theological warrant

for intolerance and violence embedded in their own religious texts."

To conclude this section, it is clear that millions of Muslims around the world are not

militant jihadists. In fact, Gallup's research indicates that the vast majority of Muslims

have not been "radicalized." At the same time, radical Muslims can cite significant

Qur'anic and historical precedents for their violence. To deny this fact is to ignore Islamic

theology and history. As we will see, such a denial also counteracts significant

ideological hope for peace in the future.


Practical applications

While moderate Muslims are in the majority, radical Muslims continue to perpetrate

violence around the world. As we have seen, the ideology espoused by these terrorists is

resonating with many Muslims around the world. How should we respond?

Consider three strategies: ideological, military, and spiritual.


Former British Prime Minister David Cameron, speaking on the issue of extremism,


In the past, governments have been too quick to dismiss the religious aspect of

Islamist extremism. That is totally understandable. It cannot be said clearly

enough: this extremist ideology is not true Islam. I have said it myself many,

many times, and it’s absolutely right to do so. And I’ll say it again today.

But simply denying any connection between the religion of Islam and the

extremists doesn’t work, because these extremists are self-identifying as Muslims.

The fact is from Woolwich to Tunisia, from Ottawa to Bali, these murderers all

spout the same twisted narrative, one that claims to be based on a particular


Mr. Cameron is right on both counts. Millions of Muslims reject militant jihadism. But

militant jihadists believe they are acting as good Muslims. How can this ideological battle

be won for the cause of peace?

In addition to the "Mecca Muslims" (peaceful) and the "Medina Muslims" (militant

jihadists), Ayaan Hirsi Ali sees the rise of a third group she calls "modifying Muslims."

They "promote the separation of religion from politics and other reforms. Although some

are apostates, the majority of dissidents are believers, among them clerics who have come

to realize that their religion must change if its followers are not to be condemned to an

interminable cycle of political violence."16

How can we encourage them? Prime Minister Cameron:

It is an exercise in futility to deny [that militant jihadists claim to be Islamic]. And

more than that, it can be dangerous. To deny it has anything to do with Islam

means you disempower the critical reforming voices; the voices that are

challenging the fusing of religion and politics; the voices that want to challenge

the scriptural basis which extremists claim to be acting on; the voices that are

crucial in providing an alternative worldview that could stop a teenager’s slide

along the spectrum of extremism.


These reforming voices, they have a tough enough time as it is: the extremists are

the ones who have the money, the leaders, the iconography and the propaganda

machines. We need to turn the tables.

We can’t stand neutral in this battle of ideas. We have to back those who share

our values.17

Mr. Cameron proposed a Counter-Extremism Strategy that will give funding, protection,

and political representation to Muslim reformers in Britain. He announced plans to create

a new community engagement forum so he can hear directly from those who challenge

extremism. And he challenged broadcasters to give reformers a media platform as well.

I agree with Mr. Cameron: We must do all we can to encourage "Mecca" and

"modifying" Muslims. ISIS and other militant jihadist groups are employing social media

and other rhetorical strategies to great effect, convincing thousands of Muslims that theirs

is the true Islamic cause. So long as militant jihadist ideology continues to gain followers,

this global threat will continue to escalate.

One example of moderate Muslims confronting radical Muslims occurred recently in

Kenya. A group of Al-Shabaab terrorists attacked a bus headed toward Mandera (a town

on the border with Somalia and Ethiopia). They demanded that the travelers separate

themselves into Muslims and non-Muslims. However, the Muslim passengers sheltered

the Christians, even giving some of them hijabs. They stood up to the terrorists, stating

"If you want to kill us, then kill us. There are no Christians here." The terrorists were

forced to flee.18

As we encourage Muslims who are countering militant jihadist ideology, we must also

counter media strategies aimed at Western recruits. For instance, ISIS produces an online

magazine designed to recruit more fighters. Called "The Islamic State Report," it offers

an idealized look at life within its envisioned Islamic State.

ISIS also produces high-quality videos appealing to young Muslims in the West to join

their cause. Most of its materials and speeches are translated into a variety of Western

languages. One expert calls its media propaganda "a calculated campaign that would put

American social-media-marketing gurus to shame."19

It is vital that we support moderate Muslims as they respond to militant jihadist ideology.

The latter will likely not respect theological arguments voiced by non-Muslims. We must

do much more to encourage moderate Muslims and give them a platform for persuading

other Muslims around the world.


A second aspect of our response to militant jihadism is military. Clearly, we must defend

innocent people from the military expansion and violence perpetrated by ISIS and other

radical Muslim groups. But there is a larger reason for military engagement as well.


ISIS claims that it is fulfilling the will of Allah in establishing its caliphate in Syria and

Iraq. Its military successes and expansion have fueled this rhetoric. By the same token,

military victories against the group help counter and defeat its ideological agendas. The

weaker ISIS becomes, the less attractive its efforts to convert others to its cause.

Spiritual awakening

A third, especially vital aspect to countering militant jihadism is spiritual. As we have

seen, ISIS and other terror groups believe they are fulfilling the Qur'an and advancing

Islam. Many are willing to die for their beliefs and, in fact, embrace what they consider to

be martyrdom for their cause.

However, like all Muslims, they have a high view of Jesus as a prophet. They believe that

he was born of a virgin, lived a sinless life, ascended to heaven, and will return at the end

of history. They consider him to be one of their six most important prophets, along with

Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, and Muhammad.

Now Jesus ("Isa," as he is known in Arabic) is appearing to Muslims around the world in

visions and dreams. As a result, more Muslims have become Christians in the last fifteen

years than in the previous fifteen centuries. (For more on this remarkable phenomenon, I

highly recommend Tom Doyle's fascinating book, Dreams and Visions: Is Jesus

Awakening the Muslim World?20)

Praying for Muslims to meet Jesus has never been as urgent as it is today. I urge you to

find and join such a prayer network.21 In addition, please join me in praying daily for 100

million Muslims to come to Christ in 2017. And join me in praying daily that Jesus

would be revealed to Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi (the leader of ISIS), Ali Khamenei (Iran's

Supreme Leader), and other Muslim leaders around the world.

As you pray for Muslims to find Jesus, ask the Lord to show you how you can become

involved in other ways. Ask God to open doors to Muslims in your community,

workplace, and school. Ask him to use your influence to share God's love with Muslims.

Pray about joining mission trips that share the gospel with Muslims around the world.

Support ministries working with Muslims. Define your personal Acts 1:8 strategy for

advancing the gospel in the Muslim world.


The rise and popularity of ISIS and other radical Muslim groups constitutes a significant

threat to Americans and the rest of the world. The goal of such groups is nothing less than

global conquest. ISIS spokesman Sheikh Abu Muhammad al-Adnani has declared:

We will conquer your Rome, break your crosses, and enslave your women, by the

permission of Allah, the Exalted. This is His promise to us; He is glorified and He

does not fail in His promise. If we do not reach that time, then our children and


grandchildren will reach it, and they will sell your sons as slaves at the slave

market. . . .

So mobilize your forces, O crusaders [Western forces]. Mobilize your forces, roar

with thunder, threaten whom you want, plot, arm your troops, prepare yourselves,

strike, kill, and destroy us. This will not avail you. You will be defeated. This will

not avail you, for our Lord, the Mighty, the Prevailing, has promised us with our

victory and your defeat.22

Encourage "Mecca" Muslims as they confront their enemy. Fight ISIS and other terrorist

groups, both to defend innocent victims and to defeat their ideology. And join the

spiritual movement that can end this threat by bringing its deceived followers to the One

who is the Way, the Truth, and the Life (John 14:6).

Is Islam a religion of violence or peace? In a very real sense, the answer depends on us.

1 I employ "Q" as short for "Qur'an" when citing the Muslim holy book. 2 Muhammad Abu al-Husain Muslim bin al-Hajjaj al-Nisapuri, Sahih Muslim (Riyadh:

International Islamic Publishing House, 1971), book 003, no. 0675, cited by David

Bukay, "Peace or Jihad? Abrogation in Islam," Middle East Forum, Fall 2007

(, accessed 29

December 2015). 3 Muhammad Sa'id Ramadan al-Buti, Jurisprudence in Muhammad's Biography

(Damascus: Dar al-Fikr, 2001), pp. 323-4, cited in Bukay. 4 Bukay. 5 Ibid. 6 "Executive Summary," Letter to Baghdadi (, accessed

29 December 2015). 7 Lauren Markoe, "Muslim Scholars Release Open Letter To Islamic State Meticulously

Blasting Its Ideology," Huffington Post, September 24, 2014


state_n_5878038.html, accessed 29 December 2015). 8 Denison, Radical Islam 66-77. 9 Dalia Mogahed, "The Battle for Hearts and Minds: Moderate vs. Extremist Views in the

Muslim World," Gallup World Poll Special Report

(, accessed 28

December 2015). 10 "America's Changing Religious Landscape," Pew Research Center, May 12, 2015




alienation-or-support-for-extremism%2F%3Fbeta%3Dtrue, accessed 4 January 2016).


11 "Islamophobia: Understanding Anti-Muslim Sentiment in the West," Gallup


sentiment-west.aspx, accessed 28 December 2015). 12 "AIC's Mission and Principles," American Islamic Congress

(, accessed 30 December 2015). 13 Manal Omar, "Islam Is a Religion of Peace," Foreign Policy, November 9, 2015


islamic-state/, accessed 29 December 2015). 14 Ayaan Hirsi Ali, "Islam Is a Religion of Violence," Foreign Policy, November 9, 2015


debate-islamic-state/, accessed 29 December 2015). 15 David Cameron, "Extremism," Gov.Uk, July 20, 2015

(, accessed 29 December

2015). 16 Ali. 17 Cameron. 18 Ryan Denison, "African Muslims Save Christians From Jihadists,",

December 22, 2015 (

christians-from-jihadists, accessed 29 December 2015). 19 Mustapha Ajbaili, "How ISIS conquered social media," Al Aribaya News, June 24,

2014 (

social-media-.html, accessed 30 December 2015). 20 Tom Doyle, Dreams and Visions: Is Jesus Awakening the Muslim World? (Nashville,

Tennessee: Thomas Nelson, 2012). 21 Good options include Gospel for Muslims (, World

Christian Prayer (, and "30 Days of Prayer"

( 22 Quoted by Robert Spencer, "Islamic State: 'We will conquer your Rome, break your

crosses, and enslave your women, by the permission of Allah,'" Jihad Watch, September

21, 2014 (

break-your-crosses-and-enslave-your-women-by-the-permission-of-allah, accessed 30

December 2015).