islam-a global threat? - jvt - jan/feb 2006


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Page 2: Islam-A Global Threat? -  Jvt -  Jan/Feb 2006

In this ISSUE About Our Cover: .......................... ...... ... .............. 2

Shalom' From Jonathan Bernis ............................ .3

Up Front Are We at War with Islam?

Volume 40, Number I January/February 2006

By Dr. Randall Price ........ ...... ......... ... ....................... 4

Special Interest The Truth About Islam By Rabbi Jack Zimmerman ............................ ........ 6


~yu~~fr~~~~rje l , PH.D ............. ............................ 8

Jewish Voice Ministries International aka JeWish Voice Today

Publisher: Jonathan Bernis Editor & Graphic Design: Sarah Weiner

Jewi$h Voice Today 16001 Nol""lh 34th Street Phoenilc, AZ 85032 USA

Ma Chadash? What's New! News from Israel & Around the World .. . ... ....... 10

Prophecy in the News

602-971 -8501

Send all address changes and other correspondence to:

P.O. Box 30990 Phoenix, AZ 85046-0990 USA

Will God Allow a Palestinian State? By Jan MarkelL ............. .... .. .. .. .. ..... ..... ... .. ... ........ 12

Hebrew Lesson

On the web: hccp://www.jew;shvo;

JEWISH VOICE TODAY The Naming of the Twelve Tribes of Israel By Kevin Geoffrey ........................................... ... 13

Feedback Your 2 Shekel's Worth ........................................ 14

Are We Promoting Hate? Glad You Asked! by Dr. Tawfik Hamid, M.D .......................... , ....... 16

Stuff' Bi ll Mustard ...... ... .... ............... ... .. .. ........ .. .. ... .... ... 17

Headquarters Report By D~nnis Philllps ... .. .. .. ... .... .. ... .... .... .. .. ....... .. .. ... . 1 B 2006 Ethiopian Medical Outreach ... ......... ..... ... .. 19

2006 Israel Tours! You 're Invited! ........................ 20

With increasing fn!qllency our news is dominated with 'Wars and nltnOI~ of wars .. . t · (Matt. 24:6) Arc these dissimilar and varied OPI}(lI1l!lll<;, or is there a com­mon antagonist in most, if not all , of these wa~? If we are honest and cOllrageom, we must answer ··ves." Then~ is a common foe in nearly a[l. if n01 all of the conflicts and violence in today's world - whether in thc Middle Ea<;t, Africa. the Fonner Soviet Union, Indonesia, ~ I icronesia, Pakistan , Austra[ia, the Philippines, Spain, Great iiritain, France, or the United Stmes. The comlllon antago­nist is ·'radical" Islam. 'TIle title "radical" may be a misnomel; howevcr, as inherent to the religion of Islam and ilS holy books are tile tenelS that call fo r gl~pal ji had (holy war on the ·' infidels") and lilt matc domination.

This is not to sa}' that the majority of Arabs are aligned with this belief - to the contrary. They will, however, find themsel\l3 in thc same situation ,L<; the rest of us - suhmit or die. We are already \\~tnessing this in Iraq . II has been happening all along in the I'al­e;tinian territories in Israel as well. but it is 110t publiCized. .

\Vhy this sudden surge of Islamic violence around the globe? We arc entering a time (i n Muslim pll)phecy) called the Great Caliph ate, or thc Third Jihad. Thcre are many prophe­cies regarding this "end-time" expectation, not the least of which is the appearance of the "1\velfth Imam,'· a figure that mirrors the '·tuHi-Christ" in lllany ways. One of the halhnarks of this time is the final submission of the nalions of Ihe earth to All ah . There wi ll no longer be any tolerance for the '·Dar-al­harb" (the I louse of Unbelief, also kno\\1) as the HOllSC of War), bllt on I\' the '·Dar-al-Is­lam" (the 1·louse of Islam) 'will exist. where tme Shari 'a Islam mles. There is no tOl1ure or penal ty too draconian to achieve this go'll. Islam. in ilS most orthodox fonn is anything htl ;I rc . 'Ill ' and 0 nd • .

Jewish Voke Today


Rabbi jonathan Bernis Elliot Klayman, Esq.

Mrs. Madelaine Lindvall Mr. James Mueller

Cheryl Schang Dr. jeff Seif

Mr. Roger West

january/February 2006

TevetlShvat 5766

Some cx-~ 1 11sl ims, such :l<; Walid Shoehat, see a direct correlation belwl.'en the apoca­lyptic scenarios found in the Book of I~cve[a­tion and the apocal~ptic pmphL'Cil!'i of Islam. II is interesting to noW thaI Revelalion 20:4 pmphesics that the faithful Believers will he beheaded. Until recent years, it was difficult 10 imagine that in modem tem)s. Islam, howl.'\'Cr. is the olle religion that commands this barbaric custom (and is doing it today to those they consider to l>e "infidels"). "When you meet the unbelicvers in thc battlefield, strike off their heads ... ,. (Smah 47:4)

Yet, we. must remember that this is a clash of [spiritual] kingdoms. We do not war with flesh tuld blood, blltliitimatel ~~ with powers, principalities, and spiritual fOIt'ffi of wicked­ness in heavenly realms. The god called Al ­lah, is the god that OfJI>OSCS the God of Israel. I Ie Will, in u)e end, he defeated. And along \\~th him, he takes the millions that scn'e him, belieVing he is the tme God. Our heans mllst break, and we must pray for those en­snart.u in lhis dreadrul deception - fll/djor lbose bral'e missionaries IIx" sl!l"l:e ill/be I .dlltl 11"' · m. -- 'If(, "{di r

January/February 2006

Page 3: Islam-A Global Threat? -  Jvt -  Jan/Feb 2006

Where In Ilhe World is Jonalhall Bernisi»

Please rememb,~r to I)ray for Jo nath,:m as le tr,wels around

the world . Jonathan 's sche dule

for January & February 2006:

j;mu.ary I - 3 Ft. Lluclo:rdllc. Ft

Mess!'1nic Apostol'l r Glth<,ring

January 4 - 6 Fr. Lmderdalc. FL

MJBI BO:lrd Meeti ng:

JOImmy 7 Syracuse. NY


JanUJI')' 8 ~ 12 Orlando. FL

JAMCS Rabbi Conference

j:lnu:ur 13 Palm Beach. FL

Peer [(J Peer EveJl't

JJnuary 19 - 21 Van Nuys. CA

Ro~d ro jerus:ller.n

February 7 - 15 Marco Isl<lnd. Fl. PreSldent's Forurll

Special Evenr

January/February 2006

Shalom (rom onothon!

Delr Ministry Parrners and Friends.

As we begin the New Year, we turn our attention once again in this issue ofJewi$l, Vo icc Today to the global dlre~t of fan:ltic 1sI:l111. \Vith :ln Administration continuing ro :lSSLLre the Americ:ln public that Isl!lm is really a religion of peace. and .1 nation thar is quickl}' riring of Otl r involvemenr in I raq. we felt we needed ro remind Believers once again thlt Islam, at its core, docs not promulgate a message of peace ;lOd Jove at aiL

On the contrary. the holy book of Islam, the Kor;m. teaches a message of Jilmd or IJoly Wilr. Its Hue fo llow­ers :\re committed to the dt:struction of all "unbelievers," known as infidels. -nlis includes Israel as well as the United States. along with the entire \Vest. It includes Jews and Christians alike.

Over 20 years ago. a missional,), recendy returned from serving rhe Lord in the Middle East who was staying in my home, warned me of the impending threat offanatic Islam. He had lived in the midst of a deepl,' devote Muslim society for some time and caml' to understand their culture, mindset and agenda, I d istinctly remem­ber his words to me. "The grearest attack of ~atan again.~t ChriHianiry (lnd the world fo r that maHer) within the next decade will be from the fanatic Islamic world. TIlis will uititlll[eiy bring abom the great showdown "erween the God of Israel and satan himself." It seems he was correct,

\Ve need to underst~nd that the Ar:lb world's hatred of Israel :md commitment to her destruction is only the tip of the iceberg. AmericJ and the entire Free World afe also targets, as al -Qaeda has so graphically demon­strated. If 9/ 11 t:wght us anything, it should be that these funatics will stop at norhing to accomplish their goals. Human life, including their own. is meaningless in this pursuir. Plelse t!lke rhe time to re~d the various articles and edueare yourself with rhe truth . I believe it is importanr for all of us who believe in and follow God's Word to understand what we are facing. We need to pray, we need to aetivel), speak the truth. mJcl 11'('

nud to 51!/lr.: (he G05pd wid, all. Only the Messiah Jesus can tr:lnsfoTll1 a life - ':VCII tlll· /if.: oj all Is/mlli, tarori5t' I know· I've mer several who are now serving rhe Lord!

On the ministry fronc, we have:! very busy and exciting year ahead of us. We are just beginning the renovation of what wil l soon bc"Thc Internl tional Messianic Medi!l Center;' and hope to he in it by August. Please keep this in prayer as we await various approvals needed by the City of Phoenix to complete all the work.

\Ve !lr.: alSQ gcaring up for [he largeST medical outreach in the hiSTory of our ministry. our medical mission to the tWO jewish Commun ities remaining in Eehiopia . rhe Bera Avr:!ham and rhe Heta Israel. Our team of donors, dentists, nurses and !ninisrry workers will leave for Addis Ababa on March 4tb. \Ve still bave some openings, so if you arc interested in joining u~, please call Ill)' assistant. Debbie Uptain. No special skiJJs arc required. You ju~t need co be over 16. love the Lord and have a desire to se!'ve H im.

J have so much more to share bur space will nor allow. Please know tilJt we love ~nd ~ppreciate you and we thank God for your partnership with us as we sha re to Good News of Yeshua around the \Vor!d ... to the Jew First and also to the N;ltions.

LJ~ Jonathan Bernis, President Jewish Voice Ministries. International

P.S. A$ (his mllgaziul' I{!.U Sl'ltt 10 tl)c pril1ll'r. lUI' rcarlll'd II(lUj tlml II dl'ar fril'lId oJjcwisl) VoiC!'. <Iud il precious brotl)cr, Rellcrc,ldjolm Willsto/l oj AI/dlml Pradcsh. Sour/, /Ildiil, /'IIS gOlle 10 be witl, I/Je Lord. jolm was G(lIl!rai Sur!!wry jor u.c.c/., Ullilt:d Christirlll C/mrch oj b,riia, .wd was al! ilH!!gral part oj Ollr JC$lill.11 OI/(fCdc/)e$ in 1m/ill. He .1150 oversaw (h( Ofp/)IIlIflgCS i)1 illdi,1 that je'wis/) Voice I,c/ps to support. jolm 111M .1 1rJ/(~ 111<1/1 oj God 11,.11 Ilccomplisl)l:d nwelJ Jor tl)c Kingdom . A/II)ougl, we h,lve /05t " trcilSlln-a co·/ft­bor(r, his wife' il bdowd husbllud, I/Ild his clJi/tire/! ft mr/eI, /ol'e'd Jarher, 1IIe' !Ilki' COIIIJOrt ill the (lmITlIllCt' 11>(// hI' ij illl'lCmilY rl'<ll'illg Ilu rl'wards oJI)i5 milliHry 011 I'arl/).

jewish Voice Today J

Page 4: Islam-A Global Threat? -  Jvt -  Jan/Feb 2006

up From -sejlar,atedji'01n terrorism?

W ith this New Y"'D- allTES the OOIlI inuing w,~ in the Middle E";t - a wru- tf" .. will ocrupy tho W est For ITmy new ye,,,", to aJlre. While nust of us recin tI~s New Yea- with ox normi;) rOlrtinc, we do!'O with the r",~iwt i()1 thlt OlU­wo-id d1",~ 0 11 Septent:er 11 XX) L "xl OlU- flU.LU-e now is de­termined by loreign ,dT,;rs M'I1Y <Iiso enter I Gis N ew y"",- with olil qte<l.i()1s mncerning the ",m-e of tl~s lUlpnnxlented wa' ()1lm"O"­ISlTl

The u.s. waron terrorism is a war with radi­cal l$lamic organizations such as AI -Qaeda, wh ich is resident in 60 countries, and the u.s. has declared war against any state or countlY that h;lrbo l~ H~ rrorism , which will largely be Islamic states (like Afghan istan). '111is course of action 1l<L~ put the u.s. in a

di reet conf I"Ol1t.llion with Islam and ha'i provoked the question "Is the u.s. at war

with Islam? The Wllite 1·louse ha,; repeatL>dly denied th is, staling that its new war is not an attack on any religion, race, or coun­try. And although the ·'enemy·· has been cal led a "global menace," it has not been identified with any global entity but simply dubbed the "war on terroriSIll." Howevcl; if we look at a definition of "terrorism" we can sec wlw stich identification is unclear. ·'TCI'I'orism:· is ··the unlawful usc or threat­ened lise of force or violence by a person or an organized group against people or prop­erty with the intention of intimidating or c(>erci ng .~ocieties or go"(!mmenl~, often for ideological or poli tical reasons." Based on this defini tion. it is apparent that terrorism is a taaic llsed by an enemy ilnd not the en­emy il~lf. Then, who or whm is the enemy? '111e President has stated that the enemy is "evil. '· BUI, "does this "evil'· ha\'C a name? In November 200 1, thc Rercrend Franklin Graham (who had gi\'C1l the address at the National Prayer Se"'ice in Washing­ton D.C.) said: "Islmn as a whole is evil." 111is has been bom out during the past l\'iO

decades a'; Islamic terrorist'; ha\'e attacked and 1llllnlercd thomand~ of people and

By Dr. Randall Price Dr. Pric~ is founder and President of World o(rhe Bible M;nistr~s. Inc .. on Ofgonlzotion specializing In r~search and communication o(in(ormotion about the ancient and modern world orthe B/ble . He le<:tures in coo(erence$ worldwide and appeaf5 In the medlo as an upert on the Midd/~ East His organization PUbJiSMS 0 bi.monthly news/eHer. World of {he Blb/e News & Views VIsit his website a t:

Jewish Voice Today

bomhed and de;troYL>d buildin gs. pl;Ules and vehicles. Their terrorism has literallv covered thc globe: Kenya. Algeria, llldone~ sia, Tanzania, Egypt. Iran, Sudan, Libya, Yemen, Afgh.lnistan Syria. Lebanon, Israel, Jordan, Fonner Soviet Bloc countries, South America, North Amcrica, and lllost recently Spain. Gre;lt Britain anu Fr.Ulce. For this reason (and the evidence from the Septem­ber 11 attack). the ten'Orists targeted by the U.S. are Mml ims.

nlcrcforc, dcspite the U.s. administration's desire to separate the religion of Islam from the tactic of terrorism, the religion of Islam is the COllllllon denominator for all of the groups with which we are at war. \X11 ile ter­rorism can be scparalL'{l from Islam. there is a question as to whether Islm11 C<Ul be separated fmm terrorism. The name syn­onymous with terrorism thus far has been Os;u11a bin Laden, the Muslim warlord who hcad~ the terrorist organization AI-Qaeda and who Sllpp0l1L>d the fonner Talihan gov­ernment in Afghanistan. Even though the u.s. govemment denies that it is at war with Islam, Osama hin 1.auen h:L~ stated that Islam is at war with America and that he belie\'es religion is the essence of the con­flict. In his Al·JazL't!rn teb'ision mcssagl'S, broadcast illtenmlional1y by the lll(.>dia, he has declared: ··They came out to fight lSI:II11 with the name of fighting tcrmriSlll . . . I say these t\'cnts have split the whole

January/February 2006

Page 5: Islam-A Global Threat? -  Jvt -  Jan/Feb 2006

world int() tW() camps: the camp of helief [Muslims] :mu disbelief [non·~ ll1sJims J ." In like manner an Islamic website which boasted it was the ··ears. the eyes. and the voice of Muslims" po~tt.'tI Oil its homcp<lge the words: "World War I J I ~ America against Islam!" Furthennore, the Islamic terrorists wlto attacked the World Trade Center and the Pentagon proclaimed their actiOns as a Jihad (holy war) againstAmerica.111ercforc. whether or nol America and the West inter· prcl this war as one wilh lsi am, the radical clement in Islam has avowed it is slIch,

Islam exists toda~' as a religion comprised of the major orthodox divisions of Sunni ruld Shi'ilc, although scores of other mi ­nor sects also exist. Muslims that employ termrism bave been called "Fundamental­ist." "Militant." 'Tanatical," "Extreme" and "R,ldical", All uf these lilies describe followers of Islam who operate 011 the ba~is of the Islamic tenet of Jihad. Moderate MLl~ ­lims hal'e attcmptt:d to downplay the number of jihadi l\luslirns by

also exercised. In some cases IshlTn simply stepped into the political vacuum crealL'tl by the wcakening of other empires (such as the Byzantine Empire) and in other ca'iCS (snch as Serbia) the higher birthmle of Muslims altered the demographiC') and pennittoo Islam to dominate. Historically, where\'Cr Islam has overtaken :t culture, it has been almost impossible to reverse its dominance, At one time Islam as a major force was ex­pelled from Westem Europe, hut we see a modern cOl1vergence in numbers and influ­encc creating tension and hostility,

'n,e belief system of radical Islam combines the Islamic call to extemal Jihad with the vl l1Ues of maJ1yrdom, exegcting Qur"anic lexts to justify terrurism and suicide bo1llb­ing with the reward of etcmal hedonism, Kadical Muslims believe they are Mlljahi ­clL'Cn ("holv warriors [of Alhlh] "), 11,ev bel ieve they' must establish a purely Islamic state, the Khalifah, a fusion of religion and

Up Front

martyrs who :Ire making the world safe for mankind under the sanctit~' of Islam," Thl' West is depicted as "the Great Satan" who wants to conquer "tnle believers" (Muslims) as did the Cmsadt::rs of old and confonllihe world to infidel idolatry. The Islamic idea of Dar Islam hind~ all Muslims in a solidar­ity thai constitutes any attack on a Muslim cOllnt!)' (such as Afgllanislan) as an attack on the whole of the Muslim world. Radical Muslims capitalize on this religiolls solidar­ity while under the guise of social justice tell cmwds of economically repressed Muslims that U.S. co!onialism and imperialism is responsible for (heir povel1y, £\'ell the aid given b~' the U.s. to Third \Vorld Muslim COUll tries is said bv the radicals to he a "dc­ception" to lure tlie we~\k away from Isl,un, Thll~, as we have witnessed in the case of Af­ghanistan, the S 177 million tllC U.S. gives to tbis poor country is used by the radicals 10 teach it~ people to hate the hand that feeds them, However, while the U.S. is building it~

stating that they comprisc only 1% of all Muslims worldwide. Such a statistic (which canno! be sup-pOltcd by fact), is hardly comfol1-ing, sinl'e it tIIlllllmts IQ 18 milliQn temlrist) -enough to take over any COlmt!)', especially with nuclear and biochemical We,lp()llS at their disposal!

Tilt:! teachings of the Islamic holy lxXlk.\ the Qur'an and Hadith, are absolute and authoritativc- and contain C(Jmll1and~ fo r extemal Jihad in its two fonns of offen-sive and dcfcnsi\'c military ac-

Mosl.Americaos d~n 't realize that Muslim

tundamentalists think that Americans are the e~il

demented monsters and the terrorists are hOly heroic

martyrs ...

coali tion of Islamic countries it has been careful to state Ihat attacks 011

terrorism are not attacks On Islam and (hm it intend" no att,lcks 011 Arah st ales. However, the U.S. is quite aware that Iraq is also to hlame for thc ,macks of Sepl~ml~r II ,lIld is a threat in the area of hiotcrrorisill for both the U.S. and Israel and will surely h;l~ been targeted fo r ,mack. Howc\'(!r, d!5pitc tlle plans for Iraq, lllll~ the U,S. is able to get Israel to make progress to\vard peace with the Palcstinians, as the Ar.:th slates dcmand, the delicate coali tion will fall apart. Radical Muslims believe that the U.S. is allied wilh Israel against Islam so that it can take

lion. Offensive Jihad is the merulS comrnandL'<i hy Ml1hammad tn spread the religion of Islam through the conquest of non-Muslim lands) . Defensive jihad must he cmployed to take 11l1ck any Mll~lim land that h,l~ been conquered by non-Muslims (such as Ismel. nlis basic understanding refutes the claim I)t!ing made today that the terrorists' religiun is not that of Islam, that the radical 's religion is.1 !)CJi'crsion of Islam. ;md that the ten-orists alt! vengeful nrpoliti­cally motivalt:d, while the religion of Islam is pcaccful and lovi ng. 'nmmghout the his­tory of Islam. fmm its emcrgence hI tlle Ara­bian Peninsula 10 its assault of the Iberian Peninsula, tlIe religion has been spread br conque\1 from the Fcl1:ile Crest'Cnt 10 \Vest­em Europe. ~\ost of tht:se conquests wc~ by the sword, hut other fomls of conquest were

January/February 2006

state which rigidly cnnfonns to the Imvs (Shm'i',dl) sci dUWll by Prophet Muhal11~ mad. '111C radical \\hlslim helicves that the solution for tllC prohlem of the Ummah (the international Muslim comml1nity) is thmugh the estahlishment of ;l lighteolls Khalifah (a single state fUSi ng together re­ligion and politics govemed by Islamic law) that willullite all Islamic lands and peoples and subjugate the rest of the world (noll­~ll1slims) to Allah.

I~adica l Islam belicves that the U.S .. ;l~ the leader of the West, is an enemy of the ~'ll1slim \\>xlrld. As one rabbi put it: "Most Americans don't realize that Muslim fundamentalists think that Americans <I1'e the evil dementL'<I monsters and the termrists are hOly hemic

jewish Voice Today

over the world and establish :l jewish­ChristilUI kingdOin. Tiley contin ually refer to the U. S, as "Zionist-l'Ontrulled America," The presence of the Jewish Sl:tte of ISf:lcl in the midst {If the Islmnic empire lind Oil land briefly ruled by I\\uslims in l'l'CCnt centuries is the greatest offense to Islam. America's SUppOit of Israel h,l~ linked tllC two together in Muslim thinking and preaching respec­ti\'Clyas "The Great Satan" and '''l1le Little Satan."

Despite the religioLls motivation of radical Muslill1s in the war, the U.S. administration maintains its official pOSition thai ilS war h:l~ nothing to do with religion, and is not a war with IskUll. If America \'il'wet.I itself as a "Christian" (rather th,m Sl'(:ular) cOlill tl)', it might interpret an attack by :lI1olher rc-

Conrinuec/ on P<>te 15


Page 6: Islam-A Global Threat? -  Jvt -  Jan/Feb 2006

S eGollnterest

Is Islam really a beautifull'eligion of love and peace?

~ternhcr 11, 2001, OLlrworld changed b,lr. /slamic.terrorislS h.ijacked American 'llrplanes, tUn111lg them 11110 b01ll1J5, ilnd kil1L><13,OOO innocen t people, leaving behind wivcs, hushands, children, and parents. l1ley will cany the scars from that day for the rest of thei r lives. And so will tile.

Even if we did !lot lose friend<; or loveO ones on that horrific day, we have also suffered. We remember the days when we could go through ai rpol'l security with our shoes on. '!11e da~'S when scenes of military troops carrying AK-47s in the streets were something you saw only in foreign , perhaps third-world cOlill tries, but not in the Uni ted States of America. The days when then Penn­sylvania Govemor Tom Ridge could be !i(.'C1l

announcing Ule opening of the Slate Fair. instead of announcing that we were now at the Orange Alcl1lcvel on the color chan indicating terrorist threats. '111C days when homeland security meant how to protect your fann fmm a tom ado, instead of how to protect a whole nation fro111 people bent 011

exploding themselves. YOLl would think that after Sep­

tember 11th there would be 11 national out­cry against Isbun. We leam that 99% of all bombings around the world last year were carried out by those who follow the religion

of Islam. We leam it was followers of

Islam who killed vacationers in Bali, killed yOll11g school children

in Russia,


killed commllters on their wav 10 work on the trains in Madrid, killed subway and bus dders in 1.ondon. And vet lhere has been no public condemnation of this religion, what it really teaches, what its real agenda is.

We leam that followers of Islam have heen maiming and tonuring al1d ki lli ng thOlL~and<; upon tho llsand~ of men, women and chi ldren for the past 1400 yellrs. And yet we are discollrilged from speaking against this religion and find that a good number of people ,He quick to defend it. Even ~ I llid the most recent atltlcks in Lon­don, there remains silence on our pan.

IV/~)I lVon ]'?

Should we be concemcd about this religion? At times, Islam seems SO fa r away. It seems confined to countries overseas ,lIld doesn't really concelll us. BUl lslam is any­thing but small and confined. t outof cvery 6 people on the planet follows this religion. Islam has 1.1 billion members worldwide, domi nati ng 52 countrie; of the world. It is Europe's 2nd largest religion; 32 million of them ih'e there. 778 milliun ~Iuslims live in ~ia. Africa has 306 million. 111cre are 64 million in China and 8 million in lhe United States.

A/uballlll7ed - His 5101J1

Let me give yOLI a brief history of Isbill: ncarly 1500 years ago, a man mimed Mohammed was bom into a trading family in Mecca. When he wa" 40, he claimed the angel Gabriel visited him, giving him spe­cial revel ations and the litleof Goo's Chosen 1\lcsscnger. Mohammed began spreading his revelations. While thL'Y were popular with his fam ily, his message of the one god of Al­lah W'JS nol received by the pagans of !\'!cCGI,

who kicked him out of lown as a result. He

moved 200 miles away to the city of Medina, where he fOll lld most lleople more accepting of his message, except the Jews and Chris­ti:IIlS. Nonethdess, hematle this newcitv his home. 'M1en caravans fmm Mecca wou ld come through, he'd attack them. He even­tually attacked their lmny and took Mecca, too.

Mohammed's revelations have been collected in book fonn: this book is known as the Koran, the holy book of the religion of Islam. '111e followers of Islam are callt>d Muslims.

7/Je Spin

After 9/11 . Illllny of us began taking a closer lexlk at Islam. trying to understand it, and wondering whether all Muslims were like the 19 hijackers who killed thousands of our people. Si nce then, the Islamic com­munity, the meOia, and even our 0\\11 go\'­emment offiCials, have told us the fol lowing alxlllt Islam: that Allah, Islam's g{x1, and our G{xi, are the same. That Islam is a religion of peace; but like any other reHgion, it also has ilS goOO people, and iL<; bad people. And, that Israel is to blame for many of the proh­lems Islam faces IIxlay. 111is is whm we've been told. And ton m:lny of us have simply beliered it. Even our President believes this. The media has tried to portra~' Islam as a gentle, loving faith. This is another lie, and here's how they've tried to fool liS: follow­ing the latest wave of hombings in Britain, there were many Muslims who came out condemning the' attack.." saying tllUse who committed the atrocilies do not express the t111e teachings of Islam.

If it's against Islam to do thiS, then why, when Osama Bill Laden and Al Qaida attacked us on September II tb, have the vast majority of "Iuslim nations, to this day,

Page 7: Islam-A Global Threat? -  Jvt -  Jan/Feb 2006

done ahsol utely nothing to hunt dov"n these \~Ol alors of th is supposed religion of pc~tCC, or evcn condemn them? [n fact, jLlst the op­posite - most Muslim nations consider Ihe.'it violalo~ of the 'Holy Koran,' to be h~roes.

just Ihe facls, Ma'am

The Muslim community wants to know why H is so misunderstood. The fi\Cl~ speak for themselves. If vou 're a Muslim living in the Weit Bank tOday, and HamllS decides to hold a protest against Israel in the streets, and you refuse to take pan in it, this is considered waging Will against Allah; and indLm, many MlL~lims who would not protest Im\'C been tllurden.-'d by their own pl'opie. ln fact, local Arabs have killed more of thcir own people than have been killed hy the Israeli Anny, and we have yet to heat' Palestinian Prime Minister Mahmoud Ab­bas denounce it, when it's Arab against Arab. I n fact, we have yet to hear any other Muslim leader denounce this ei-ther. This is not a religion of peace. It never has heen: when Mohammed be-gan looting the trade caravans of those who didn't acknowledge him as God's messenger, and when he took 1000 Jewish men one dav and had them all beheaded, aJld whcil his SllCu:ssor welll on a kil ling spree through nl rkey and south to Afliea, murdering C\'CI)'onc in his path whu wouldn't convcrt. lhat's when this religion became known ~L~ the religion of the sword, and it still is.

111e Pa/estil1itlll iII)'I"

ABuw me to speak to the Palestin­ian iSSlle fo r a lllomelll We have heen told through the media that the reasoll Muslims hale the jews is btC<lU5e U1C fi~t settlers of the Land of Israel were really Palestinians and ~lat jf the jews would get Ollt (or give up the land) there would he peace. '111is is another lie, it's not ahollt land, it never has heen about land. ,,"riend,. Islam cormnandli ~Iusl ims to hate the Jews because the jews t'Cjectcd Allah 12 centuries ago - this was long before Israel ever l>e(ame tl state and IOllg before t.hose who call themselves Pal­estinians even had any interest in that small slrip of land. TIle Koran tells Muslims to ki ll jC\\'s wherever they happen to be.

In the mid-to-lat.c 1800's, Israel wm; there for the picking, hilt nolxxly paid it mueh attention because it was ban"Cn des­ert. Some years later, the United Nations, in what they fel t wa~ a noble geslllf'e, gave that harren patch of noth ing hack to the Jews.

January/February 2006

And th rough ulcir sweat and blood and hard work, the Je\\~sh Pl'Ople turnctl much of Ulat barrell desen into lin oasis, working the land. irrigating the soil, making it pms­peRJlIS, and becoming economically strong. And only then did the Arab world take notice. Only ulcn, Ollt of al l of the epochs in history, did they find reason to claim that it belongs to them. But in reality, lhis is Gocn I.and. He gavc it to Abraham's descendants, but Israel has never been gran ted the right to give any of it away in the fi~t place.

Ibe ~;ltlerM"g Agent/a

Now, if vou want to know what the \\1iddle East conniel is all about, how tll is war between Israel and the Palestinians really began, I will tell YOLI. and you won 't hear this in the medii). hut these are the facts: M,l ~' t4, 1948, the day Israel became

99% of all bombings around the world

last year were carried out by those

who follow the religion of Islam

a state; it was an immediate affront to the Arab nations. These Jews were ·the cursed people' of the Koran - they had no right to exist -certainly !lot ,L~ neighlxm~ to ivluslims. So ule day after this ncw nalion was bum, 7 Arab countries launched a massive attack against it. 11m Arahs ncver cven brought up thc I.and; ~lCY madc no demands, they just attacked. 1x.'Cause their goal then is thei r goal now; to kill all the jC\vs. M a bonus, the Arabs would then of course take over all of Israel , out land was never the rea<;(}n, it'~ been used ~L'\ a poli tical exClise to pmmote their :lgenda to dominate not just Israel, but the entire world.

In 1994. lkitain allowed thelargt'St cver ga~lcring of ~luslims OUl~idc the Mid­dle EllSt at Wemhlev SL'ldiurlI. At th at meet­ing, the organi7.ers· plil. together the official posi tion of Islam: ·· ... the total destruction of the St.1le of Israel and the e.slablisbmelll f!f (I global Islamic slale. " \'\1Jen th at n..~()l ltLi()!t passt'll, lhol15and'i l tpOIl thou­sands of Muslims got on their fcct, shook

Jewish Voice Today

S eClallnterest

their fists in the air, and praised All ilh. '11leir Koran says: "Fi ght those who do not belicve in Allah." (S LI ra 9:29) We do nOl believe in Allah ; therefore, thei r g(xi comm(mti\' them to attack us. Should we be concemed?

TIley are I.J billion strong, and their goal is to bring everyone under submis­sion to [slam. In fac t, the vClyword "Islam·' means submissioll. According to ~Ie Koran, if YOLI do not believe in Allah, YOli ha\'e two chOiCes, con\,ersion or dcmh. The agenda of Islam is worldWide domination; it simply does not allow for ~lOse who do not believe in Allah. When the Council on American- l ~ ­lam ic Relations held a banquet in F~rnont, California, in 1998, the Chairman of the Board, Omar Ahmad, said this: "[slam isn't in Americ~lto he equal to any other faith , but to become d(lminant. The Koran should he the highest authOrity in America, and Islam the (Jn ly accepted religion on carth .'· This

is !lot hidden, but rather repeated throughout the world at Muslim ral­lies every d:W A reporter, for a PBS spft:ial callt-'d 'Jihad in Amcrica,·' gaiJ1(.'Il access to a mosque in Atlanta, Gl'urgia, and recorded a speaker say­ing: '-Bloud tl1ltst now, there Illll'\l he widows, there mllst be orphans, hands :md limbs mllst be cut, and limbs :lIld blo<Xl mll'it be eveJ)where!"

IVbat Call I Do?

Our coulltn' is so cotlcemed \vith being politicaily correct - of not of­

fending Muslims, ret 99% of all terrorist at­tacks last year were carried Oll t by Muslims - in the name of Islam. And Islam is growi ng at an almming rate around the world. More people attend Islamic sen~a:s in Britain to­day than attend Christian selVices. And there arc many in Westem society thatclailll to be "moderate" or ··secular: · but this is often a tactic to gain confidence - it is called '·Taki­yah." Takiyah teaches Muslims to do what­ever is necessary to achieve victory over the "enemy" or "infidels:· !.ie, promise peace, even flct like an infidel, then when thei r guard is down, crush them!

Friends. /lie must speak truth boldO'. and we must pl"{~y! We 1I1USt pr{l)lfor America's leadership, dud we must Pmll for Muslims euelJllllbere Ibal are ellSli,ired in tbis halo/Ill religion Ibat ultimale(JI brings destmclion 10 tlJemsellJes as well.


Page 8: Islam-A Global Threat? -  Jvt -  Jan/Feb 2006


Pifu.'cn years ago I was the Imam of <t

mosque in the cit}' of Giza, Egypt. where the famolls pyramids are located. An [m:1m of a mosqlle i~ a position similar to p:l'itor of a Chri ~tial1 church. [prcachL'{1 the message of the wL'Ck on Frida}'S.

One Friday the topic of my message was jihad. I lold Ihe IWO hundred fiflY people seated on Ihe ground before mc: '1ihad in Islam is defending the IS\;llll ic nation llnd Islam agai nst the attack.'i of Ihe enemics. Is­lam is a religion of peacc and wm ollly fight against one who fights it. '[11L's(.' infidels, heathens. 1)cIW:I1S, Christians and Allah's grievers, the Jews, Ollt of envy of l)Caccfu lls­lam and it .. prw het-they sprc:1d the myth that Islam is promulgated hy the sword and \~o l encc. These infidels, the accllsers of Is­lam, do nOI acknowledge Allah's words:' At this point I <jllowd frum the Quran: "And do not kill anyone whose killing Allah has fo rbiddtm, ~\'cept for a jllst cause." -Surah 17:33, Thc Noble Quran.

I W,IS freshly graduated from AI-Azhar Un il'Cl'sity in Cairo, Egypt - the oldest and must prestigious Isl:imic ul1ivcr,; ity in the world. sC"'ing ft~ the spiritual authority for Islam worldwide. I was preaching whal they taught me, but inside I \vas confused aOOUl the tlllth of Islam. Bm if I wallied to kecp my job and my slaHl'i at AI-Azh:u, I 1'lC('(\cd to kt!cp my thOllght~ to myself or I would be fired and would not be accepted to leach :It any other university in the nation.

11()\1't.'vcr, [knew that what I was teaclri ng at the 1l1OSquC and at AJ.Azhm W'IS 110t what I'd seen in the Quran, which I had menl(}­ri7.ed in its tmtirety by the age of twelve. What conflL~ me the most wa.'i lhat l W,l~ told to preach about ,In Islam of l()\'(~. kindness and forgil-erle'S. AI the same lime. ~ ll1slirn fun­darnentalislS-thc ones who were Slll>pOSCd 10 be practicing Ime Islam-were bombing churche; ;lnd ki lling Christians.

I had bL-'e11 ra iSL't1 in a famit\' th,1I W,L~ well L'Slablishet1 in Isbm. :md ['had stud­ied [slamic history. I was not iJwol\'t'tl in any radical grouJls. BUI onc of my Mll'ilim friends was a memher of an Islamic group that wa~ acti\'el~' slaughtering Christians. I mnicalll', he W:l'i :r chemistrv student and had onh; recently hccome seri'OlL~ ahout his faith. ~t",'enhel~, he W,l~ active ill jihad. One day 1 asked him. "\~11Y are you ki lling OUT neighbors and countrymen whom we grew lip Wi th ?" 1 Ie II',IS angry and astollishetJ at my challenge. "Out of all Muslims >'ou should know. '111e Chrislians did not accept


thecal! of Islam. and they arc not Willing to pay LIS the iizyah (tax) to have the right to prJcticc their beliefs. l11crefore. the only op­tion the\' hare is the sword of Islamic law."

~c •. ,{;.:...:; .. If" 'r , ...... ,.1, ~lv conrcr.;ations with him drove me to

pour over the Quran and Ihe books of the Islamic law. I couldn't change the reality uf what I read.l11£: Quran had marl ~' contr'adic­lions. I wondered how Allah. almighty and al l powerful, could ei ther contradict himself so mllch or change his mind so much.

Even the prophet of Islam, Muhammad, practiced his faith in ways thai colltmdicled lhe Quran. The Quran said Muhammad W,l'i

sent to show the mercy of God to tlll~ world. BlIl he hccamc a milit:1ry dictator, attack­ing, killing and taking plunder to finance his empi re. How is that ~howing mer!),? Al­lah, tire god ft'\'t!.lleu in the Quran. is not .1

10l'ing father. It says thai he u!:Sires 10 le,ld people aslray (Surah 6:39. 126) . He does nol hclplhooe who ""led ;~Ir:ty by him (Surah 30:29) and d!:Sires to lISC tllem to popu late hell (Sumh 32: 13).

Islam is full of discriminatiol1 - against womell, against non-Mus!ims, against Christians and most csl)(.'Cial ly againslJcws. Ilatred is bUilt in to the religion.

The history of Islam, l'v'hich was my spe­ci:11 area of stud", could nnlv be character-ized as a ri\'Cr of hloexl. .

~ .... ~'.:;.· ~.:'>h.. ...\3 ....... o;t;" . , .. -I continued my (.\Iucation at Al-Azhar

Un il"ersity ;tnd cornplctcd a master's degree in Qllranic commentary. One of my core dassei WiL~ laught hy Sheik Omar Allele! Rahman, the man colllk!(.'d of m,l'itcnnind­ing the 1993 bomb attack against the \'(Iorld Trade Center. After n.'CCi\'ing m~' doctorate in Islamic histof'l' and culture. I lral'cled exten­Sively thruugliollllhe Muslim world on loan from Ihe un jvcrsiN.

On retuming from my tr::t\'cls, I began to dialoguc wilh ll1ysll1denl~ abollt whctherthe QUidrl W;IS wri llell by the tnle God. Some of them were mcml)Cls of tmurisl movements, and they were enraged: "You can'l accuse Is­Iam.IJ'hat has happened to you? You have (0

agft~ (0 Islam." '111C university heani about it, and I was calk'li in for a mctling in De· ccmher 199 1. To summarize the meeting, I told them \\i1at \"'IS in my heart "I (,Ill no longer say that the Quran L'Omes directly from hea\'en or from J\lIah. l11is cannOt be the reyclation of the fme God."

These were I'cry blasphemous woni~, in thei r opinion. They spat in my face. One

Je'Nish Voice Todil.Y

lllan ClII5f .. 'ti me. "YOli bh1.~phcmcr!" '111e IlIli\'ersit\' fired me and calli'(\ Ihe Eg~ll­!ian St.'Cret police .

.I~ .:,·' .... n~ .. ·':>

It was 3 o'clock in the lllun1ing when my fathe.r heam the knocking at the door of our house. \'(11en he opened thc door, IS to 20 men nrshed in carrying Russian Kalashnikov ,l'\S<!U!t

wc:tlmlls. i'.'\y par­ents, hrothcr,;, their SIXlUS('S and children were awake, weep­ing and terrified, ,l~ the men dra~ed me "' .... a..... £\'C I'\'bodl' in tllC . area lieard' the commotion.

In the Illoming my


parcllt~ frantically tried \() figufC out what had hawened to me. But nobody knew any­thing abolll me. I was in the hands uf the Egyptian secret Ix>licc.

I wa~ taken 10 a place that looked like a prison and was pbced. in a cell. Fur three days I \\~l~ given IlO food or water. Then the interrogation began.

' I 'le~' were sure that I had oc'Cn e\'angc­lizcd and collvened 10 Christianity. SO the in­terrogator' kepI badgering me, "What pastor did 1'01l talk to? \'(~mt church have rOll been l~sit'i llg? 'M1~' have you bctra}'cd Isl:nn?" He ,lSkcd many questions. Gilt' time [ hcsilatL'(! 1<.0 lung when I answered. '111t.')' gral>lx.'tI Ill)' h,lJ1d and held it dO\111 un the desk. My interrog:ttnr held a lit cigarette. lie re.lched over and extinguished it into Ihe top or Illy hand. I slill hare this scar. I also have the scar on my lip where he did the same thing. Sometimes he l1SL'tlthe cigarcue'\ \\'11(11 he got a11gry: other tilllt!'; the offker:;: hit me across llW face, <Ind one time he used a Itil hot iron iXlker presst.'tl into the f1e;h of my aml to make his point.

'111cv wantoo me to confess Ihat I had bctl1 C0I1VC'11ru, Inll 1 said. "I didn'( bCLr-d\' Islam. I jll~t said \\11at I helieve. I alii ail

academic l)Crsoll. I alll a thinker. '111is is part of my iob and part of lmy academic life. I could not e\'Cn dream of converting from Islam-it i ~ my blood, my cultu re. my lan­guage, my family, my life. Bm If }'Ou accusc me of converting from Islum for what J say

Januarytfebruil.ry 2006

Page 9: Islam-A Global Threat? -  Jvt -  Jan/Feb 2006

10 YOll, then lake me pr;wer to the God I did not yet know. The dog out of Islam. I don" SIa11ed walking in ciTtles around me, like mind to he oul of Is- an annnal about to eat something. l1len he lam." came 10 me and licked mv car. I Ie sat dO\\1l

~I\' answer was not by my side and just slayl'tf tbere. whai Ute\' wmltl..-d to When the officer.;; opened the door they heaf. I \vas taken to saw me prJying with the dog sitting next a room with a steel to me. I heard one say ... , C;tn'! believe this hell in it. 111c\' tied mall ii a human being. 111is man is :l de\'i! llW fecI to the fool - hes saltm. " The other rcplit'd . . " don'l or" lilC bed and then hcliC\'C that. There is lInsccn powcrst,mc.ling put heavy stockings hehilld this man and proll'Cting him." Ull them, and began I was I"ken 10 a penn:menl prison in \\11ipping Illy feet. sotlthem Cairo. anc.1 then an uncle who was As I was beaten 1 a high-ranking politician secured my re-went unconsciolls, lease. but when I woke LIp For one year I livL'(1 without any faith. I the officer W,l~ still had no God to pray to. to call to. to live fOf.

whipping my fee t. I believe<! in the existence of it God who was Then he stopped merciful and rightl.'OllS, but I had no idea and Ihey untied me, \\110 He was. I had no knowledge of how to ;1ndoncofficcrcom- find Him. YOll havc to understand that if a mamlcd, "Stand Mw;lim comes 10 the concltt<;ioll Isl:un up:' I couldn't at is nut tl lC tnl th and he ha.~ no religion to first , but he took the tum to, it is the most difficult tillle in his life.

whip and beat my l:aith is in the fab ric of the life of it MidJle hack until I stood. E.1Stcm person.

One c\"cning I wa.<; taken to a small, -[1,.-"u'f." I concrete room Witll nil windows or doors. .,.., l" 'Jc V l.,. .. p,l" TIle OIlly opening w:ts a skyli~ht on the roof. 11ley made 111t: climb a ladder to the top and I suffered constantly from helulachls and dcmandl>d, '·Get in: · \X11C1l I sat 011 tile l>dgC had to go tn the phannacy once or l:'lvicc a and plll Illy feet down in the opening. I felt week for tablets to take. Onc dav the 1>l1ar-watcr. I could also see there w:t<; something macisl asked me: ··What is goi ng·oll in your swimming nn the top of the water. 11,iS is Iifet' I (Old her. "I havc no complaint except my gra\'c, 1 ~lought. They are going to kill for one thing: I am living without God. I me today. I slid dO\\1l into the opening and don·' know who Goo is." ' felt the water risc lip over my ixxlYI but thell "OK," she said. '·Today I will givc }l)U

to my surprise I fel t solid grollnd ul1der my these tablets, and I will givc rou this book·-feet. ·n,C water only came up 10 my shoul- the Bible, But plcase pmmisc me 110t to take clers. 111en 1,lts started cfilwling all ol'cr my any tab[el~ before you read something from head and face, I was \'CI)' scared for the first this book." minute after they closed the skylight. All that 1 took the honk home and (~)cl1ed it at night nol one rat bi t me. 'n,C}' climbed all mndom. ~Ive\'es fe ll on M:llthl'\\' 5:38: "YOll

over Illy he:ld and in my hair and played hare heard'lh~lI it was said, 'Eycfor eye, and \\~th my ears, but I ne\'er felt a tooth. 111e~' tooth for tooth: But llcH you, do not resist left me there all night and then Clime bilCk an ('vii person. If someone strikes you on the the next Illoming to see If I was alh'e. Wl,Cf1 right cheek. tum 10 him the other also.'" thesl.;ylighlopcned and I saw the sunlight, it I b.5t all track of time. It felt:ts if I were was hope for me that I wa.'i still alh'C. sitting on a cloud :thorc a hill , and in front

The intcrmgation W;l~ not orcr: 1\vo people of mewas the greatest teacilCrin thc univcr.iC took me inside an empty room and then left telling me ahout the secrets of heavcn anJ me with a large dog and shut tht: door. TIl is the he<lrt of Gud. I could easily l1nnpare tllC was the first time my heart cried to my Cre- Bible to what I had leamed frum mv ~\!ar,; of ator, .VII are my Pa{ber. my God tOll are stud)~ng the QUJtl ll . and there was ill, dOllhl 10 look aJle/" me. /low ctlJl)'OIl fen/"e me i ll in my mind that I was finally encountering (/m,,(! (jli/l JXl1lll.~? I t/on1IJ1/()llIlflf)(l/ 1IJ(~~e the true Goo. 1 was still reading in the early IJ(Jople are "ying to do to /lie. {mil know hOUTS of the next day, and hy daw~l I gave )"Uu {(Jill be {(Iilh mr:allt/onedl()' I {('il!.\~'(! my heart to .leStl'i. 1 ~el l :.L<;lel:!p Wi thout it

rOlf ({lid llleet )'Oli. I I,I,'cnt in mv heart 10 headache ror the first l11llC 111 a year. • R~primC~ wllh (X'fnlis.liv" ('\1m ·I\rw M~" )ul)/Augu.t z002 . CO)f'yrij,tht Str;)I1!,1 t,;o'"munio:~ lion. W . l fS,\

January/FebnJary 2006 Jewish Voice. Today


I did not speak of my new faith, \X1,ile on a husiness trip to South Africa in 1994, I spent time with a Christian family from In­dia. 111e;t' gave me a small cross on a neck­lace to wear: \Vhen m\' father noticed it he hccamc very upSCl ··\\/h~' do you wear thi!; chain?" he dcmandt.'rl.

I replied. '·Father, this is a cross. 11 repre­sents jesus, who died on a cross for me, for von and for eve1\'body in the whole world. I reech'ed je;l1s w; my God and Savior. and I pray for you and for the rest of my family to also accept Jt.'Sus Christ :t~ Savior."

My father fainted right there in lhe street. My brothers rushed to him. and my mother stm1ed crying in fear. 1 sta)'e<.i with thcm ;L~ they bathed. IlW father'S face with water. \X~,en ·he came 10: he was w upset he could hardly sl~ak. In a roice hoarse with rage he clied out, ··Your brother is a com'crt, 1 must kill him loom'!"

My father always carried a gUll l1nder his ann on a leather Simp. (Milst wealthy people in Eg)VI carry guns.) He pulled out his gun and pointed il at me. I ran. and :t<; I dh'Cd around a comcr. I heard the bullcts whining pasl me. I ran for my life.

Ten years have gone by since I accepted the I.ord jesus as my Savior. He called rne and gave mc a personal R'lationship \\-ith Ilim-somcthing that Islam nC\'Cr offered

I have never SIOI~)Ct[ cl)'ing for my Mus­lim people, whom Ilcft hehind, il~ki n g Ihe Lord to dd h'Cr them from the darkness of Islam. It is tht: teachinw; of IS\;I111 that havt:: product'<i terrorists who seem capable of allY kind of cvil in the namc of Allah. Now the whole world WaJlts to understand what Islam teachCli. A great amollnt of misinfonnatioll has lx.'Cn shart'tl ill the media and on the 111-lemet. My goal is to help you see plailllywhy these people do what they do. J don't want to mOli\'alC YOli to anger. however, 1 want to 1ll0tiV:ltC you to be.1it'\'l!-IO believe/or lbe

/(11/ qfM(l1J/ fllld lbe reletlscofil.l·t:llplilies, ill Jesus ' Name.

Mark GDbnf!:1. Ph.D /s the aUlhor of "lsI om and Terrorism" (Charisma House) , (rom whICh this arflc/e wos adapted. To order this timely and insightfUl book. turn fO

page 15.

Page 10: Islam-A Global Threat? -  Jvt -  Jan/Feb 2006

. .. . . . " , ,- , - '.. .

The Real Roots of Terrorism

In spite of the unparalleled sacri nce (fur

l)Cace) of Ismells turning over their homes, lusinesses, and synagogues in Gush Katif last fall. and becoming homeless in the process, terrorism has not ceased in the Holy On Oct(~ler 26, fh·c Israelis were killed and doz.ens wounded in a bombing carried Ollt at a busy open-air market in the Israeli town of Hadera. Palestinian Islamic Jihad -the group Paleslin ian Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas has lefl free to ki ll Israelis in flagr.1J11 violation uf numerous commitmcnls to prc\l'nt Ihcm from doing so - took credit fo r t:lfgeling the civil ian shoppers. 111is lime a female homiCide bomber was suspected,

[n vet anotilcr hloodv Palestinian terrorist attack on December 5, n'\,c more Israel is were murdered, and more than 50 injured outside :1

I mall in the cO:lS\:\1 city of Netanra. inrcstigating the phenomenon of

26 OCt.!OO; liP -lHI RA.'4 - i J~' ~,:~ Ahmadinejad wamoo countries and lead­ers recognizing the 'Zionist regime,' sa\'ing they face the \'iTalh of Muslims and wilf for­evcr be disgraced.

S]leakill~ at a conference dubbed "'!lIe World Without ZiOllism," attended bv some 3,000 cOlIscn'alive studenl>; who chanted "Death 10 ,. and "Death to America," Ahtnlldincjad said. " Israel lllllst be \vipc<l off the map. The Islamic world will not let it>; historic encIIlY li\'e in it'i heartland."

"The world amJgant powers founded the 'Zionist regime' in the heart of the Muslim world a base for implementing tht!ir ex­palllSiol',i't intentions." he said and further

that · world without the U.S. and


homicide bombers, Newsweek uses Dr. to make the claim that it is Israeli

",Iethatt promotes "suicide" bombing, !-lO\\ever, despile "official corldernnalion"

of terror attacks, by providing cash for the f<un ilics of suicide bombers and using its state controlled ml'lli:lto glorify "martyrdom," it is :lclllall}' the Palestin i:ln Authority \\~lich is the hrtK)t cause" of PaJestiniallterrorislll.

nle Palestinian dai ly, :II Hayat al Jadida has reported thai PA Chainnan 1\lahmoud Ahh:l~ , Signed a new law to suppOJ1th~ fam ilies of sll ici~ bombers. Enacting :I special i;!w 10 fil1allci :~ly support terrorists will ensure that this kind of activity continues. Each f:lmily of a terrorist ':s/)a!Jid" will receive a monthly stipend <Jf <llieast S250. '111c fami Iy of a married shahid will rro:i\'c an additional S50. Parents will receive an additional S25. with additional children receiving another

~= • 1

took sllch remarks scriollslr, It the conccms we ha\'e about fran's nuclear intentions." he told reporters. - Ir:ul ll:lll!'/Rroters

Jewish Voice Today January/February 2006

Page 11: Islam-A Global Threat? -  Jvt -  Jan/Feb 2006


Series of Dramatic Archaeological Finds in Israel early as the 10th Cenllll"\' B.c.

Tile disco\'ery of the ,incient alphabet was preceUl,'] by an annuullcement of the dis-

oF~~~,'~~;'~L..~ covery of a rare Christian religious structure from the 3rd or 4th Ccntu~ CE on the grounds of Megiddo Prison. in northem Israel. Excavations at the site, ca!'lied out bv the Israel An­ti~lUities Author­ity, i nel llded the discovery of an impressive mosaic

'111e discovery of a 3,OOO-year-old Hebrew inscription is merely the latest of a series of dramatic archaeological fiml<; in Israel, Archaeologists have (lisc(l\'ell..,(! a 40-pound stone contain­ing the oldest known example of the Hehrew alphabet, offering what some scholars say is the most solid evidence ret that the ancient Israeli tes were literate a.~

n{x)f and thrt'C ancient GIl..'Ck inscriptions.

Han University archaeologists diggill!-\ at Tell es-Safi. the biblical citv ' Gath of the Philistin~," may hold a very large clue into the histolY of the well -known biblical fig­ure Goli ath. The shard, which contains the carlit'st known Ph ilistine inscription ever to be discovered, mentions two namcs that are remarkablv similar to the Il<lme "Goliath." The diSC(l\'t:ry is of parlicular importance since the Bible attributes Gath as the home town of Goliath .

A small ceramic shard unearthed b}' Bar-

Schoolgirls Beheaded in Grisly Indonesian Attack ·/tm/ I .mll' fbe !;ul(l~' offbose fd;o IXld been l;elx.:aded

because of IIXl;,. tesIiIllOIl)I... "(]{t'\ :!O:'+)

Oct 200) - Three Indonesian district of Sulawesi pro\~ncc area ncar their Pentecostal beheaded as they on their way to class. Church. - \olctof!he~I~n:.I"i'ND

to a Christian school 1111s is an arca that has a long history of rel igiollS violence hctween Muslims and ChristiaJls. Indonesia is the world's most IX)I)ulous MlL'ilim nation hut Central Sulawe;i has a l"Oughlyequal number of Muslims and Christians.

Another attack occurred on Novcmber 11 , in which two

7 NolIt'llibef zoo; - Israel has nol been allowed full membership in the lntcmalional Red Cros.<;, nor pcnnillcd 10 lise il~ symbol (m intemationai hum,mitarian missions for 57 vears because of the Star of David symbol. Isracl preferred the Star of Da\~d symbol ovcr the Red Crescent of Arah nations and the more familiar Red Cross,

Switzerland will host a diplomatic conference Dec. 5-6 aimed at :lpproving a third emblem, the [prop<relJRed Crystal for Ihe intcmational Red Cross movement to include Israel.

- '\P f'IlIIIoII CRC

Thc Weizlllllllll Institute of Science was voted the l)(!';t tlni,",,;itv I in the world for life scientists to conduct research. The Wcizlllann Institute is located in Israel. near '[el Aviv.

New dmgs at the Institute arc being devcloped to helll "tll1",eric,,~ I disea.~ slich jL<; multiple sclerosiS and ostercoporosis. Since 1997, American doctors have been prescribing Copaxone to MS ":lliie ",Is. which was CrcatL'(] and dc\'elopctl a! the Institute. t\ vaccine Hepatitis II is another product de\'eloped b}' scientists at the Institute. lnil{)\'ativt! de\'clopmenL~ in medicine and life sciences at Weizmann I nstitute will nnlv C(Hlti mle hecause of the delennination of ilS staff to ser\'e Israel and the world.

- hnp-J 1\1 \I \\~ je111sllI'!nullllbl'W)·.eorWlSOOrceIf.ducallonJ\l 'el7Jllllll1.1uml

January/February 2006 jewish Voice Today "

Page 12: Islam-A Global Threat? -  Jvt -  Jan/Feb 2006

Pro hec In the News

I echo Ol~ scntiment uf Daniel Pipes, Islamic CXllClt, who says that what is going on in Europe nuw may be a tllming IXlint in Eu­ropean his[ol)'. They bil\'e reached the end of an era. TIle end began when they threw God out twenty ycars ago, gave up their Christian roots. and established a cradle-to-grave wel­fare system that lures imm ignln l~, pmticu­lady from the Islamic world. They chose to have lax borders like America, <lmllhey did not ,L~k the newcomcrs to accept thc local culture. nle jih;ldists- and that is what they are--know We;;tem Europe is ripe for the plucking and have chosen to strike now and take vari-

read, "The cops are petrified of us--cvery­thing must bunt You don't think we're really guing tOSlup now? [t will continue nun-stuI'. The French won't do anything and soon we will be in the majority here,"

This is not :l. riot. This is an attempl at :lI1oth­cr French Revolution. Thi,.; is a new Islamic front in the war on terror. /Is Gal)' Bauer says, ''Why did anyone in Washington think the French govemmcllt would evcr find the

Call it what it is: A

dinner, "We in America know th~ benevo­lcnce that is at the heart of Islam." Is that what the Cllrrent situatiun reveals?

JesllS said Ihat at Ule Hme of Ihe end nation would rise against nation. (Mati . 24:7-8) Thc Gt'l"Ck wurd for " nation" is "cthl105" mean ing ethnic war. We have Sl'C1l these ex~ tensh'Cly in modem times and Europe is now enduring one. 'nle Bible also characterizes the last days as "pcrilous times." (J [ lim. 3)

uus countries by force.

00 not buy into the story that these are "disillusioned youth." 'nley have sophisticated bomb fac tories and there is evidence of hea\~' weapons. Call it whm it is: 1\ European ji had

European jihad or an intifadeh being carried out by self-proclaimed terrorists who have a

Could any of this be a judgment on France? Many French JC\\o'S ned to Israel months ago as life for them in France became unbearahle. lh wear a Slar of Dm1d \V,l<; a risk. It is bitterly anti-Semitic and President Chirac believes the ke)' to world pcace is a Palesti nian state. How­ever, the violence is now spreading to other countries bUI all of them

or an l11tifadch being carrit'() out b}' self-proclaimed terrorists who have :1 worldWide agenda. It isn 't unem­ployment thaI causes Ihe rioters to shout, "Allah Akbar" as tht,}, torch cal'.) and build­ings. TIley are seeking the establishment of Eurahia. They intend to conquer. In some pl aces they chant. "'I11is land belongs to lIS.

1111S land belongs to Allah." JO$€ph Farah is right in Ihal they are trying to create their own state: "Paristine."

Poslings un some Muslim web log.~ indicate that the riots are NOT spontane­ous outpolilings of rage, bUI carefully planned

endeavors. One web log

worldwide agenda.

courage to ,.;tand wilh lL~ in Iraq when it is not dear thtr arc preparl>J to defend Paris?"

They are also targeti ng the "people of the hook"- Je-.vs <lnd Ch ristians, though the bumin!; (If churches and synagoguE!!' is vastly 1I11dcrrcP0l1t'(). Invcstigators are fi nding thaI the mobs controlling many of the slrccl<; in France are a coalitiun of drug gangs, hood­lums, and Islamic extremists united b~' their hatred of Western ch1lization.

One has to hope and pray that America is taking notes, particularly Condoleeza Rice who said althe Slate Department Ramadan

Jan Marke ll is Founder/Director of Ol ive Tree Ministries, Inc. To learn more ilboul her mi niSi ry or 10 requesl her free newsle l1er, wrile to Box 1452, Maple Grove, MN 5531 1 or visit jan's website, www.ol ivelree­ where you ca n a Iso lislen 10 herweekly fad ioprogram o n Ii ne .

12 JeWish Voice Today

make up a part of the European Union, a mcmbcr of the "Quartet" pressuri ng Isracl to givc lip parts of

her G(xl-givfIl lalld.

Wat«:h on Islam 0 <1 I,iel1 -1: 5 ~ay$ that the: MKinj:! of the S()\1,h. ~ IveAmiJs, ~wi1l grow :-:trong." They have si1H:L' thL' term "petrol politics~ bCCJn1L' so i111ponanl. The Bible s;lid Ihm the Amh's "h;lnd wO~11d he :lga inSt everyone" :lncl 'hal he \voukl he as :1 ~wild donkcy.~ (Gl;!n, 16: 12) BllI God promi:;ed tf) mult iply Ille dcs<,.'cnt!enlS of the Ambs (Gcne::; ilj 16: 10) and hkss them. He planted thei r lenlS on lhl;! oil welts or the t!anh! But the 22 naLion::; surround ing Israel art:! delL'rmined 10 t:xterrni nate ht:!r. Rr.:ad <cholll it in PS<11rn 83.

January/Febn.ary 2006

Page 13: Islam-A Global Threat? -  Jvt -  Jan/Feb 2006

Hebrew Lesson

The Naming of th e 12 Tribes of Israel The naming of a child is a Significant, meaningful act for all people in every generalioll. It is rare - and sometimes regretful

- to whimsic'llly n;une our children \\ithout much thought or considerotioll. Indeed. when we :l\Sig.n names to our children, most of us understand that it will be an identifier for that child for the rest of his life; therefore, it demands our sincere thoughtfulness.

SOmetimes. we name our children in honor of people we have known. loved or respected. In modem jl'\\lsh tl:ldilioll. JI!\\1sh bu~"S :md girls arc often n:mled (either in English, lIebrew, or both) to honor :I deceased grandparent or relative. Yet elOCIl in light of this tr:wition, most of us who have been blCSSl'(j with children havc consultlt! sorlie kind of dictionary of namcs to detcnlline the 1ll1:.111illg before sctllillg on a name. '11w meaning of II Ilame call have a I)rofollnd affcct on the expectations wc 1)lacc on our children, and on the expectations they may c\'CntullHy hal'c of themsckes.

II is easy for us 10 twisl our IUllgUI!i over the mallY name:- (ound in (Jur Billies ha:atl'ie Ihey are in a foreign , :lIlcientlanguage. llul in re,llity, name> given til children inlhe Scriptures arc nOisome random jumble of strange s()ul1d~. On the ccJll trmy, they were giren for very specitic re;l~lIlS wilh very specific meaning.<;. The following !\\-elre examples are the Ilamcs of Ihe SOilS of Israel Dacob) . [~pecial1y when we compare and conlrast the meanings of these nailles wilh Jacoh's final , J)f(~)h etic \\"()f(l~ In his sons (found in Genesis 49), we see Ih,u in man}' ins\;tnces the me;mings of lIihl ical names:lre dosc1y illteltwined with the child's destiny.

r mq R'uven (Reuben) Meaning: "See! A son! " " Cfmccil:ed (IIld h()re " SOli (j': . hell) lIlid 11111111.'" billl N'/ltYJII,jor she SIIid. '11ec'lIIse 100 WNIJ btL" .~eell (:'11;'1, m .ah) 11(1' q/JIiC/i()!l; Sllr('/Y IIQIII 11(1' blls/J(///(/ will /(mJ 111(' .. " (,'cliCSis 29:32

li)11?1!i Shim'on (Simeon) Meaning: "' lIeard" or "1IC<lri ng" "TiJeIl slJe collceived agaill ,,/If/ bore a JOII alld .mid. 'IJecmlse lbe LUND mil' hea,,/ (:.J;; :;:. Sbtlllf(l) Imlll tllll lw fOt:f:J, lie hi/)' lberefore,~f/"ell me I"i.( JOII (/f.m. ' So .,be II(I/lled hilll Sbllll 'OIl . .. Genesis 29;JJ

" ., Levi (I.e,O MeiUling: "t\[[ached"" or ' ~oined" "She cOIIC/'iwd (IRflill Ifllli bmv 1I SO/I tllIIl SlliII, "NlJllllhi~ timB II!)' /J/IS/JIIIU/ /l"illlH.~XIlIllI alltle!Jfld (~!7, Im'Cb) 10 me, btxtltl,o:e ' btn-e /xmle /Jim Ihrt.'C .'"(Jlts . . 71Jercforc be II'IIS 1t(lmct! "" G'('IIcsis 2'}:)4

;" 1;" l"hudah (Judah) Meaning: "Praise (the !'oR!)) '" ',Imll'be CQ/lw/ud (1J,'llill (fIul bore (f .~()II {lml si/id. 'lllis lillll! I will prtli.~e (;-: .,iK, odebJ the LORI). (:"1"1:"1')' 1herefore .o;JH) IIlIlII(,t/ billl " ·bllt/(lb. Ibell slx:..\·/()NICfI fX'Ilrillg. " Gelfl'.~is 29:35

n Dan (Dan) Meaning: "Vindicated" or 'Judged" "JJl1lklb concein'(llIlIIl borej(/iXJb (f S(III. llxm 1/1I("/1(1.'1(l irl. 'GM IJ{IS II/ml/crller/m/! t}n, d(/l/(fIl~I~, ( /IIr! h(ls 1m/eM Ix>tml lll)' mice(lItd ba.t ghy!/1 lIIe (/ .WII.' TlJl!refore .~be mllllcd bimDaIl . • Gl:lIl'JIsjO:j·(}

' ''I;I ~ l '\'artaliy (Naphlali) MC"'.lIling: "Wrestling" ..... JJilhafL borejacob If $Cc()flll SOli. :'ill Naebel .',,"I it!, 'Wilh migblJ' /I'res/lillgs f IJllI.'s tl' l ed (on? :);:: l. Itltj"tal"ti)') ItJllb lit) ' sisler. 1/111/ f Ixwi' iltdf.'l!d /llt'miled. • Ilml she mil/It'll hil/f Nfl.rt(l!~l '. ~ Gellesis 3Q:7·8

Pronunciation Key: a = "ah"; e = "eh"; i:; " ee~; o : ~oh~; U: "00"; th: gutteralsound in back o( throat as in ·bach~ or ~lo(h,· not ~chn as-in "much."

The il/us/f.1l;OfJ$ on lhi$ p"ge ,"t· M,lft" (1"W"II'$ SI"i/!{:d eM$S windows i"ound in the Syniiw'S"e of lite Hiidii:i!iilh-Hebrew Univcr5ity Medic;.1 Center in JefuJ;l/em. They depici ('olch of th(, Twelve Tribes of Israel.

January/February 2006

' l Gad (Gad) Mc<tning: "(Good) fOl1l1nc"

"umb ... took her lIIilid 7.ilp,IIJ {Illd g(we her lojacoiJ as (/ lI"ife. leah's II/llit/7.ifp(lh b()ff!jllwb (/ SOli. Tbellll'fl/J Sll id. 'f/Ol/!

/ Qrlllllft l e f1~. gad)!' .'io she /lamed /Jilll Gat/. " Geltesis 3IJ:9-11

1l!iK Asher (Asher) •• T Mcaning: "' llllppy"

··I.mb's IlUl it! 7.if{XIb borejacob a $l.'eOlld SfJIt. Theil Leah sllid. "ill/fiji]' m/l fI fur Itv/lle/l ll!/f/ C(IU llle happy ('}~-;"!K ,

im'rui ll) ') . • So sbe Ilfllll(:d bill; As/)er:" Genesis 31.1: ,2: ' 3

1 :l:viD' l'isaschar (Issachar) MCanJrlg: "Recompcnsc" or "wagcs"

"700 /.cab Sflitl, 'God bas !;:irell mo 1J1.I' Il'(we.~ ('"!; ';:. s'clxlr~''J !H.'("(/IfSl' I,~'fll'e II()" III(/id 10 "(1' IJ//smulfl ' So she flflllled hilll

! ·isflscb(/r. " GCllesis 30: 1 g

P":l~ Z'vulun (Zebulu") Me:tIling: "Dwelling'"

"TIJeIl leah Sllill. 'Gotl bm endOlt"l.'" lite Il 'ilb a good gift; 1I0/ll11~) ' hll~·bt/lld 1/"111 tlwel/lI'lIb 1/Ie (' };::l. :: ·b·/cIIM. Ix~·{//I .. e IIJlm:

borne billl si.'· SOItS. · .')0 she mimed him 7.'t"liflw . . , Genesis 30:20

10i' \'05ef (Joseph) Meanin~: "'Add" or "Increase"

""Theil God remcmool"f!tI Ntlc/x{ (Inti .. o/Jellf!lllJCr IIVJmb. So slJe ... Jllid. 'God IxlS I(/I¢II (111'(1), III)' rr.1}f"(Xlch •. ,\'bc 1/(/11/('(/ hilll

rosef, Sf~ring, ' . .. Ibe l.ort.! Iba.~ IIlflled (9t ·, ylJ.>;f!J) 1011111: (fItollxr SO/I ... · GCIICJis .10:22-24

rr?:~~ Bin'yamiyn (Benjamin) Meaning:: '"Son (1.:% , belt ) or my right 1 hand I

(F::,)~/JI/~j'II) " ""'Jell I N(ICbttllll'f1~ ill .,'emN! lahor; .. II cllmo 1100111 as ber SOl/I UllS dt'f)(lrlillg ((or she dierO. IIXlll'be I/(lIIlcd /Jim ' l llq;. &!II'

(111)' ($I)/1 of"~)" sommr/; bill bi~'fllllx:rc(lllctl hilll JJil/ )'(IIII~I '". "" GCItl'Jis 35:17- 18

Kevin Geoffrey is a Jewish believer in the Messiah Yeshua. He is the founder and president of Perfect Word Ministries, a

Messianic Jewish equippin~ ministry, which also publishes the monthly Messianic discipleship puhlicalion The Messianic life. KL'Vin resides in Phoenix, Arizona with his wife, Esther, and 1heit

sons, Isaac and Josiah. Visit PcrtCCI Word online at www,pcrfect-word,cOmO[ www, Messjanjcl jfc,coID

Jewish Voice Today 13

Page 14: Islam-A Global Threat? -  Jvt -  Jan/Feb 2006


arc Praying for I)residcnt Bush!

Sh;llom,Jonathan! In thc Novembl:r/Deeember maga­zine, "OM asked if anyone has given Bill Koenig's book, 'Eye to Eye ' to President Bush. Yes - my husband and I sent a copy to him through a friend that works at the Pentagon. We pray for our President dai ly, and were so blessed to find Ouf that you and your staff also pray for him faith­fully. God have mercy on the U.S. -how we treat Ismel and the jewish People has such a great impact on our wdl-hcing as a nation. 111ank you for preaching the truth! 1,01'(/

bless )YJU, your f(llllll)~ and tbe j ewlsb Voice stall In Ibe new year! - S.OH, email

/Jear S./H/. - ThallI..> yOIi for your C!lIcollmgem(!lIt. (IIul joryollr slalld jor l."l'flel. ,be j(>Ll'iSI.J l 'OOjJl(> - (11/d your desire 10 bOllo/' G'o((. We bal'{! bad sC!I'Crai responses }rom peojJle Ibar bmY! purCbasl'd '/;)Y! 10 I:)'c' lIllt! seIlIIlJ('11l to 0111' Pl'e ... ldellt. Rill I\uenlp, bas jJersOIU//()' J,!il'l!lI !JIm (l cop), as /l'd/. Keej, pmylllg Ibol he 1l'IIIblll'e Ibe lillie alld tlJe ((eslre 1o relld II! - Samb

A New Friend in the U.K.

Tlmnk you so much for this organi­zation I recently found on the:: God Channel. I pray for the peace of jc­rusalem every day :Iccording to the Scripture and much more. I am an African mother of sLx children living in the UK. As I can now access your site, I tIm vcr)' gladdt.:ned to reId the true storks of C"CIllS in Jcrus l1c lll 4!nd the;: whole;: of Ismel. I also thank the;: Lord for His pro mise;:s to Ismd in the;: Rook of Zechariah and lht:y must be fulfilkd in lht: right time. God bless you and ke;:cp you all in Jesus Name, Amen.

-R.o., email

From (he Czech Republic

Dear Brother Jonathan , I want to thank you for sending me }'our bi-monthly Jewish Voice Today M~lgazinc:: . As a forrnc:r Graphic De-

signer in the Puhlishing ImJuslry in Austmlia (also some 8 years in maga­zin e design), I 'd like to tell you Ih' IL this i~ a very good and profession~1 1 puhl ication - aparl from the gre:nly anointed contents. I was hlcsscd by your fc;lrure on the Fall FellstS which I translated for o llr Congregation, with other artides from the same issue. Panicularly, I was blessed by your cmphasizing that Kippur me:I1lS "covcring,D which I also te;lch .- Pas-10rJJ.P., 0/011l0Ile, Czec/) Republic

New Friends

Shalom! Your publication \Vas given to me the other day. Blessings to you in tIl(: mighry name of Ycshua! L'Shana Tova B'Yeshua ha'Mashillch!

- M .t/. , Tracyto n, IVA

I just wanted to say how much r en joyed your program. I am 11 ~born again" Christian, but have always been very interested in the jcwish pc:opk :lIld the Holy L<II1(.1 of Isr:lel... r pr:.l}' for the pellcc of jerusakm, and I have supported the c alise to help the Russian jt:ws find thc.::ir w:ly (home). Th:mk you for your inSight , and "aluable information, after all , the greatest man that e;:ve;:r live;:d W:IS a j e;:wish carpente rl God bless )'Qui

- frO/II Ollr uJe/)sile

A )o)1'u1 Giver

Dear j onathan: I really appreciate;: j ewish Voice.:: To­day magazine;: so ve;:ry much. I p ray for your fC:St iwlS ;\1ld all your work . I am slanding with Isr.ld. I bdicvc that i t is against God 's w ill for any­one to divide the Lmd th:u W<lS gil" en to them by God. I ;llso believe that America is suffering hc.:c:lusc our PresidCnt ;Ull! the Stale Depart­ment have bccn pushing for what has just happened in Isr.lc1. r support three other j ewish org:mi­zations beside JVMI.I JUSt wish I had more to give. I have had the oppor­runi ty of Jcading 1I number of people to the Lord in the last year. There is no joy like il. - lUllrs III Cbrlst, H. Y.

Insight from a Spanish Writer

Shalom, Jewlsb Voice! 17J{lIlk JlOlI jor always printing [be (1'lIIb, Ibough il lIlay be 1I11/lOjmlm: \fIith what Is going 011 III Europe r/gb[

Jewish Voice Today

IUlW, I lbougbl ) lOUr made,. ... would appreciale tbis O/Jinioll writtell by (l writerfrom Slmill. - sc. Ismel

A /I EfIIVjJea n Life Diet/ I" A ltscb lt'llz

I walked down the street in Barcelona, and suddenly discovered a terrible truth - Europe died in Aus­chwitz.

We killed six million Jews and replaced them with 20 million Muslims.

In Auschwitz we burned :I

culture, thought, creativi ty, talent. We destroyed the chosen people, truly choscn, because they pro­duced great and wonderfu l people w ho changed the \vorld .

The cont ribution o f this pta­pie is fdt in all areas of life: science, art, international trade, :lIld above all , as the conscience:: o f the world .

111CSt: an: the people we burned.

And under the pretence of tolerance, and because we wanted to prove to ourselves {hat we were cured of the disease of racism, we opened our gates to 20 million Mus­lims, who brought us ignorance. re­ligious extremism and lack of toler­ance, crime and poverty due to an unwillingness to work and support their families with pride.

They have turned our beau­tiful Spanish cities into the third world, drowning in filth :1I1c1 crime. Shut up in the apartments they re­ceive free from the government, they plan the murder and destruc­tion of their !laNe hosts.

And thus, in our misery, we have exchanged cu lture fo r fanalical hatred, crc:nive skill fo r deStructive skill , intdligence for backwardness and superstition. We have c.\':­changed the pursuit of pe,lcc: of the jews of Europe :mtl their t:tk_nr for hoping for ;1 better future for their chi ldren, their dcu:rmim:d clinging to life because life is ho ly, for those who pursue dt:ath, for people: con­sumed by the desire for death for themselvt:s and others, to r our chil­dren and theirs.

What a tcrribh:: mistakc was made by miserahk: Europe.

- 2 NOlJemher, 2005 - Sehmllall Vllar Rodl'igez- SPtlllisb WrIter

***** January/February 2006

Page 15: Islam-A Global Threat? -  Jvt -  Jan/Feb 2006

Cant from page 5 Coour>lJtd (rOOl pate 5

ligion, for religiolls reasons, ;l~ a rdigiolls war, Th is is the way Islam's aggression is interpreted in other countries. For example, even as the terrorists were attacking the U.S .. radical ~ llIslims in northcm Nigeria were massacring Christians in the city of Jos after the Nigerian gon!mment imposed Islamic law on its majorit}' Christian popu­lation. The violence included three days of m,l<;$ murders and the Imm ing of churChes. ~lustillls are likewise engaging in a holy Waf

against other religions, from Co1)tic Chris­tians in Eg:Vt and East TImor, Catholics in thes()uthern Philippines, to Hindus in K<l~h~ mir and Bahais in Iran . For the past 18 years an extcmal Jihad has bt!en demonstraled in Sudan for the entire world to sec. The Su­danese goVe11l111ent in the north imposed a genocidal poliq' of Islamization and Arabi-

zatioo upon the Aflie.ln pl'Ople of the south who are forced to convert to Islam or suffe r massacres, mutilations, gang rapes, bomb­ing, pillaging, blockadc of humanitariml aid, and sl al'ery on captured Dinka~. For this reason The Coalition fOf the Ocfcnsc of l·lu111an Rights. an organization supporting those persecuted by militant Islam, states

th at 'radiGII Islam ism is a world ideology, fielding a world terror-anny, which oppresses millions with a racist ideology' that deems nOll-Muslims less than fully human.·· So, in this New Year we ask the question, "Is the U.S. wagi ng a waf with Islam?" I/il iwt 'l, it should bel

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Order #8750 .. ... $14.00 + $3.95 Shipping & IImullillg

January/February 2006 Jewish Vo ice Today 15

Page 16: Islam-A Global Threat? -  Jvt -  Jan/Feb 2006

Glad You Aok.d!

/JaIl' ft(,(ldl-'I's. This is (~\'c(,I'PIC'tI jivlIl fII/ (leI/wI ell/tlif

tblll /I'C' J'eceitl:'t/ n,(t!III/)~ I bflt'e a.l'l'ed 0/: 'lil(l{tl' Hall/id. If. f)., 10 (IJ/SII'i'r fur IfS. If bis (ll/w('en' mlflefivl1f 1/ Ilon·Ambr'c !)('I'­SOli, Jbe)' fI'OuldSl'f?lf1 Ixtt':,.lJllm/ illlo/em1l/. IIQIf'f!I'l!I: I)r lilli/uti i,' i/JJillil(!~l' qlltJlijiM 10 (lI/SII'C1' 1'<:' :1' sll'((lubljortl'((rd(l ', as be I~' {Ill e.r-,I/u,\'lim. lit! f/'(/S bom //I E.~11}' mul jollied tbe '~,/(JlIlk gl'Ou/i. ,lamia IS/tWJill, lIlId beCllIIIl' tIlx/utlillled f£'iliJ AJ'/Ilflll al­Z{(/{w/Jiri. O:;tI1llll bill Lllt/ell:~ 10/) lieu/ell­(/Ilt. /1J'f(l'illg IW~U/(II'~.' /l'il/) him.

'llJ(lIIk rOll, /),. IIl1/llidi /" . -- 0ttrlll1

¢(I1)¢¢ Dear Sarah -

I am a Muslim \\110 was preaching Islam, speaking in mosques, and giving Frida}' prayers.

Al some stage in my life r was ;llso a melll­ber of one of the most ranatical isl:Ullic organizations OJ) in Eg}llt. The Quran and most ISl:Ullic h()ok~ arc written ill my native


tongue (Arahic). I have read the comment of

the Turkish Muslim lady and I noticed that she accusCd jVM I or "descrihing the essence of Isbm in one prejudiced word, Jihad," comment is this: 1\ is not JVM[ that descrihed lhe essence or Isl;\01 as jihad, il is the Is1:unists themselves :til over the world, with their terrorism and crimes against hUI11:Ulity. This is who described the essence of Islam in such a way.

Ii is the silent ~·Iuslim majority who never demonstrated passion­ately in tens of thou­sands against Islamic terrorism (3.'\ thc\' did

against France when they put some li~lil:l­tions on the Hejab) who described the essence of Islam in this W:ly_

It is the Islctmic schoolteachers who NEV­ER prcxluced even a single F:l1wa of ApOSt:l'W against Bin [.:tden who described Islam in such a way.

It is the Muslims who illvadetl Europe :md AfriC:l and many other parts or the the world to spread Islam by the sv.'ord who described Islam in this way.

[t is the woi-ds of prophet Mohammed (Hadilh) that descrihed Islam in slIch a way (as seen below):

Narrated by Ibn Omar, the prophet Moham­med had said, "[ h:I\'e been ordered hy Allah to fig,hl and kill ;111 people (non-Muslirn~) until they sa)" ·'no God except Allah," and if they say it (surrender to Islam) :md become Muslims, they will then protect their money from heing taken hy me, :U\d their hlood from being shed by my sword." (Hadith Sahih hy NBuckary and Mlislim)

It is the QUf<Ulic verses that :t<;kcd Mll~lims to fight Jews and Christians to force Islam on them or payingJizia (Humiliation Tax) orbe kiJlt>d (:l) seen below) that described Islam in slIch a way:

Jewish Voice Today

Quran 19:29J: right those who believe not in Allah nor the I.:L<;t Day, nor hold thai forbidden which hath been forbidden bv Allah and His Messenger (Moh;uTIllll'tl) , nor acknowledge the religion of Tlllth (Islam) , [even if lh~y are) of the People of the Rook (Ch ristians and jews), until they pay the Jizia (Humiliation Tax) with submission, and feel themselves subdued. (KevelaHol1 Number 113)

It is notjVM l lhat described [sl:Ull in such a way, it is US, we ~luslims.

"i\!S·' accused YOll of promoting haIred, while it is :tctu:Lily we (i\luslims) that are the ones who promote haired toward non-Mus­lims.

A simplc look to thc following l"efSC will illustrate:

Quran {5:51}: 0 ye who believe! Take not thc Jc\\'"S and the Christians fOf your ffiend~.

To "MS" I say - before making all oflhcsc accusations, jusl have a look on our tmdi­tional teaching of Isl:un SO that you know the reality.

It seems that the Islam of '·MS'· is the secularized I'ersion bv K:unal Alalork, rather than the traditional ' ver.;ioll we practice in the rest of the Arahic/lslamic world.

I have been pcrsonally pefSCCutl'd by ncar­ly all ~ILL<;1ill1s I know just for preaching that conlr:tdicL~ the teaching of hate that we have learned. I ha\'e not seen '·infinite IOlerance" ~l~ '"MS· ' mentioned!

S:trah, il is 1l00JVM[ thai has "miscoll­ceJltion~ lackinA any kind or facllIa] proofs."

We ~luslims arc the ones who are telling lies 10 the whole world, and hiding the evil teaching in our religion.

11 is time we Muslims lellihe 1111th - thai we 11a\"C evil teaching and we ncOO to change it and ilS underst:lIlding.

And before tciling others 10 SlOp "hatred promoting comlllenL~, " let liS change OlJl~ selves (Muslims) fil1it, and stop calling jew!) ··pigs and monkeys" in our mosques!

¢¢¢¢¢ 1101'1: injorllluliulf mit! IJI: 1I(lIIlid~·

bOOR. 71Jt! ROOli' oj jib(l(I. (II'/.! (/ml1alJ/e ol/lille !II: 1f'II'II' .. J)O(

January/February 2006

Page 17: Islam-A Global Threat? -  Jvt -  Jan/Feb 2006


IRAN'S AHMADINEJAD PREPARL'lG FOR THE APOCALYPSE Dc'a/' tell'isb VoIce, I dO/l"/ Rel/tn'al/I ' '/or1l'tlrd" emails Oil, IJlrl f /oou/{IJ/ /btll .lOti (mid per/){/{I.\' t/le 1'(1;)'/ of /00 .Jell'NJ (hice ' /a11lilr " Ql Slf/J/;or/ersj It'ould find fbi..'; illjof'llmlfoff 1'C1~ ' mInable find if/­jormllti/le. - An D .. ISn1e/

Respected journalist Charles Krauthamrner has some chilling tlljllg.~ to say about fran's !lew maniacal leader, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, and it falls into line with what many students of Bible prophecy are sensing.

For one thing, Ahmadincjad recently shocked the world by calling for israel. a UN member llaliol1, to be wiped off the map -- actual geno­cide. He also denies the Holocaust.

Krauthammcr says, 'To be sure, Holocaust denial and calls for Israel 's destruction are com­monplace in the Middle East They can be seen every day on Hezbollah TV, in Syrian media, in Egyptian editorials appearing in semiofficial newspapers. But none of the;e aspiring mass murderers are on the verge of acquiring nuclear weapons that could do in olle aftemooll what it

A couple of years ago, rnywife Penny and I decided to downsize from our comfortable four bedroom house into a much smaller

I "' Olio si nce our last child was moving Ollt and the upkeep on our yard was becoming

downfall. (Upkeep, dOlmfali. get it?) After all the papers were signed

and we officially became empty nesters, we decided to partici pate in the second national pastime

ranked just behind baseball, Garage sale-ing - tl)'­

ing to clear out 30

yea r s of accu­mulated

sluf! (I that

word rev­erently.) On the morning of [he sale we dutifully carted out all of the items (ill the dark, of course. Garage sale people have a tendency to be early.) k;

I looked one more time over the items I had cho-

January/February 2006

took Hitler six years to do -- destroy an entire Jewish civilization and extinguish 6 million souls.

Everyone knov.'S where Iran 's nuclear weapons will be aimed. Everyone knows they will be put on Shahab rockelS that have been modified so they can now reach Israel. And everyone knm.vs that if the button is ever pushed, it will be the end of Israel.

But it gelS worse. The president of a coun try about to go nuclear is a confirnled believer in the coming apocalypse. Like Judaism and Christian­ity. Shiite Islam has its own version of the mes­sianic return -- the reappearance of the 1\relfth Imam. The more devout believers in Iran pray at theJamkaran Mosque that houses a well from which, SOme believe. he will emerge.

sen to plll~e (a word I use less reverently) assembled in neat rows and columns on that stark slab of concrete, J got a gnawing feeling in the pit of my stomach. Did all Ibis slu[/ rea/6' define IVbo we bad been lor Ibe /as130 yems'

There was (vety lightly) used exercise equipment, outdated cell phones, a PDA with a monoc/;rome display (the new ones are in 2235 gazillion colors - give or take a few), a vacuum cleaner - discarded because it wouldn 't pick up a bowling ball, lot, of clothing (some that had gone out of style); more clothes (ones that had come back in style, but no longer fit.); video tapes (DVD's are now in); cameras, furniture, and all the other stuff you see at evclY other garage sale. STUFF (used now with disdain) tllat was selling for mere cents on the dollar. SIt~O· !.hat I or someone else in my family just/xld 10 bave at one time or uther .. now laying on that cement driw",\vay as­sembled in Ileat rows and columns like Iiule tombstones commemorating all my dumb buying decisions!

And then it hit me. 'l7Je scripture about motb and rusl corrupting. Most of my stuff, (now almost a four leucrword) wasn 't quite ready for moth or 11I5t, it was just out

Jewish Voice Today

\%en Ahmadinejad unexpectedly won the presidential elections, he immediately gave $17 million of government funds to the shrine. Last month, Ahmadi nejad said publicly that the main mission of the Islamic Revoiuti()n is to pave lhe way for the reappearance of the 'j\velfth !mam. Iranian joumalist Hossein Bastani reported Ahmadinejad saying in official meetings that the hidden imam will reappear in two years.

It gelS wurse. After his speech to the U.N. in September: Ahmadinejad wa~ caught on video­tape telling 1 cleric that during the speech an aura, a halo, appeared around his head rigillon the podium of the General mmbly. 'I felt the atmosphere ~uddenly change. And for those 27 or 28 minutes, the leaders of the world did not blink ... It~!Iled as if a hand was holding them there. and il opened theireyes to receive the mes­sage from the Islamic Republic. '·

Negotiations to deny this certifiable lunatic genOCidal weapons have been going nowhere. Everyone knows they will go nowhere. And no one will do ,my thing about it·'

Bl/I's St.eward"bip Corner

of date or out of style. Rut the scripture ob­viollsly applied here just as well.

"Do 1101 lay up/or J 'ourselves /rea.mres on ear/b, wbere motb and rust des/roy and wbere I/Jieves break in {{1ldslea/; bu/ lay u/)/orYOll1:I,;e/ves treasures in """'""'q wbere neilber molb 1101' rust deslro):5 wbere Ibieves do nol break in and sleal. " (Ml. 6:19· 20)

I had been laying up some preny worthless treasure here on earth - buying S/lljJ (you don·t w:mt to know ... ) And tllat stuff now had very little earthly value and (/ven less value all /be be(11Iell(V side of the equation.

So uJ/Jere is your/feast/re? Right there in the driveway that day, I decided mine was the in wrong place. I"m now investing more or my treasure in a heavenly bank account. Holl' ({boU/ .J'OIl?

:: ,'l/t'.\'11i)lle· a/lildllfg u/' lh:(I,l"(fl"l's 1/1 Ikm·C'I/ :.

. :. POI' iJlformaliol1 on ({JlIlui/ies, Imlls,

gifts oj stock etc. please con/nel Bi!.' Mustard al

602-971-8501 or email; bmlfs/flrd@



Page 18: Islam-A Global Threat? -  Jvt -  Jan/Feb 2006

Head uarters Re ort


A complete refurbishing of our IK'W

Headquarters and Studio Facility is unde"vay. The work, expected to take six to scvcn months to complcte, will result in a complete facelift including expandingsomc of the outside walls. The new design thoroughly transfomls

the present stmcture's fa~ade into a modem bUilding sui ted fo r a media production studio. The need for additional floor space has provided the opportunity to create a 1l(.'W look of reflecti ve blue-glass and metal e1ement'i. Other aspect'i of the fa~ade that are outdated will be covered with it

nl'W I<l\'er of smooth-finish stucco or metal trim. ·A strip of nnlHefleclivc, hlue-tinted gla'iS \\~lI allow a view into the building to catch a glimpse of the life inside. Serving as both a sunshade and a sign, there will

be a large world atlas hung a few feet away from the west face of the new reception area emphasizing Israel. Some of the shaql edges in th is design are reminiscent of the Hebrt,w alphabet, while <l si gn with the leiters jV~1I cut alit will gi\"C the building an identity to

the ~st of the cOlnrntllli ty. The result will he a dramatically modcrni7.ed bui lding with as few changes as possibl~ .

'I11 is new facili ty \\~J[ not only accommod;lte Jewish Voice's increast..'<1 staff nced~, it will a!lmv the growth of vision, commitment and outreach that the I.ord has called LIS to under jonathan·s leadership, in these critical times.

Surely, this is "the time to favor Zion,'· with uni(lue opportunities to reach the. JC\\~sh People arollnd the world - yet it is also a lime that the N,lIions need 10 hear the message of redemption and hope in

Yeshua OesllS),l~ never before. Wit/) )'0/11" cOlltiJ///l'(/ pr(~J'el" ({lid

support, jelds/) Voice will conlil/lle 10 allSll'er the call: "I/ere alii flolrf. selld lIIe, .. 10 procltlim Me!isia/) arol/lld the Il'Orfdl


this year from April 13th to 19th. It commemorates the deliverance of the j(.'\\'ish People from the bondage of Eb'YPl and the angel of death that passed overandsparcd thc first bum of ever"\' home that had the blood of a lamb over the door posts. In celebration of this important Bibl ical Feast, Jonathan Bemis, Executive Director of Jewish Voice Ministries, will be conducting a Messianic Passovcr Sedcr on 'l1ll1rsday, April 13th, at 7pm at the Phoenix Elks I.odge, located at 14424 N. 3211d Street in Phoenix, Arizona. A" 11 Belicver, the r..-lessillnic Pa.'ism'cr Seder will enrich your fai lh. 'licket~ arc. $30 each. Group rates arc availah!e. Space is lirniled, so get your tickets now. Phonc jewish Voicc <11602-971 -850 1 and ask for Dehhie Uptain.

Every Passover since the Israclites left


Eg}1ll; they ha\'c unknowingl~' rehcarscd the death of Messiah Ye.c; lllIa. 111ey would select ,I perfecl lamh, young, but matuI"C. It would live with thcm fo r four days from the 10th to

the 14th of Nisan. Then at 3 o'clock in the aftcmoon, it would he stmrghtercd.

Yeshua rodc intojcrusalcm on the 10th of NiS,lJ1, weeping over His heloved city. Then on the 14th, at the same time the lamhswere

Jewish VoIce Today

sacrificed, lie too, died ,l~ thc Lamh of God, as He hlid His life down a~ an atonemcnt fo r lhe si ns of the world. Oohn 1:29)

You may think that thc stOIV is over - -the atoncmcllt was madc, not 10'lg aftcr, the Temple in Jemsalern wa.,; deslroyt.'d and wi th it, thc saCri fi ces ceased. '111OSC that bel ieve in Yeshua Oeills) have etemal life, so why would we continuc to obscl,\'e this fca.<;t?

Celebrate this wonderful Biblical Feast with us and find Ollt! Participate in this Setter, just a" the first follo\\"Crs ofYeshua did, and leam of the riches inherent in Passover - for )l"'lVS and Gentiles alike! jonathan l-)emis will be your host and leader of this very first jewish Voice mlleywide Passover cvent. Ple{L~e join us for Ibis special lime oj fellowship (lnd l/Jo/'sbiP/

~ Dennis Pbilfips

January/February 2006

Page 19: Islam-A Global Threat? -  Jvt -  Jan/Feb 2006


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IIddis only, Land only packag~s availab/~ - 'all: 601.9n.8501 x lJJ

Join Jonathan B~rnis and J~wish Voic~ as w" bring th" m"ssag" of hop" and lov" in Y"shua 10 th" (orgoll"n J"ws of Ethiopia. This trip will b" an outpouring of b/~ssing

Gondor •

to thos" in gr"at n""d - Ih" poor"st of th" poor -in this impov"risMd part of th" world.

Addis Ababa .. WE NEED: Medical Professionals: Doctors , Nurses, Physicians' Assistants, Nurse Practitioners, Ophthalmologists, OBGYN's, Internists, Allergyl


Pulmonary/ENT Specialists, Pediatricians, Dentists and Dental Techs, Optometrists, Pharmacists, and Lab Techs, etc.

WE FiLSa NEED: Intercessors, Ministers, Administrators and Security to round out the team.

Us," your gifts u callings from God for /tis Glory!

If you ore unable to join the team in Ethiopia, you can still partner with us. Your prayers are treasured by us as we bring the Light of the World to the

"Dark Continent. U

You can portner with us financially as well - make it possible for others to go and serve, and help provide the medical supplies, medications~ Bibles~ and other materia/s ... Shore in the


Call Today! 601.911.8501 x 133 fisk fot o.bbw Uptoill or .mail: fntjw/[email protected]'1'~~ .....

HURRYI r",,,,'s still tim. to sign lI, P.O. 80«)0990 "-'III. 1>2. 85044-0990

On the web,' www.jewishvoke.Of) C/lc~ ~1bun & MoI"e"

Jewish Voice Today "

Page 20: Islam-A Global Threat? -  Jvt -  Jan/Feb 2006