isisian codes 2008

Observing The Illuminatus THE ISISIAN CODES 2008

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Observing The Illuminatus



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Thursday, January 3, 2008

The PONTIFF as a Representative of the EyeSome of you have made comments, privately and publicly, that some haze is falling from your eyes. In order to help

further the exercise, we are going to release a higher level code so that some of you may build on some of your previous success as

you gain in your ability to to see behind the Veil of Isis (Speech).

This simple yet effective code will provide you with a very substantial clue into word "letter/number" pattern recognition.

So if you would like to give it a try before reading the whole article, the following are your clues.

PONTIFF is the code. The Letter E is the key. The archetypical manifestation is that "the Pontiff is a representative of the Eye" by

virtue of one missing letter number (the 7th letter of the sequence).

The code provides insights into how the larger "Illuminatus Letter Number System" has been constructed and set against


If you are to learn to pierce the "Veil of Isis", raising your awareness as to the totality of the structure set against

Letter/Number/Sound becomes critical as a foundation point. Again, this article simply builds on previous insights. In and of itself,

the word PONTIFF is not such an easy word to solve.

Insights into the Letter E

IF EVER there was any doubt to the half interested student, or marginally proficient

academic that there is and remains an Occult foundation to the Alphabet, such doubts should be plainly put to rest through a serious

inquiry into the Letter E.

Specifically, we are dealing with Plutarch's "On the Letter E at Delphi", where Plutarch dedicates a whole treatise to the Letter.

And if there are any doubts that the Letters are being referred to as "gods", and the Alphabet "The God", should too, be put to rest

with same said inquiry into the philosophy surrounding the Letter E. But as is often the case, old beliefs die hard, and that is

PRECISELY HOW THE CRAFT behind the Letters wishes it to be.

Nothing preserves secrets better than a wall of well meaning educated ignorance in blissful plausible denial. This is all by design and

the process has been ongoing for quite some time. Says Plutarch,

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"'But all that', he said, 'is pernicious nonsense. Lamprias, however, has, probably without knowing it, made a move which stirs up all

who have to do with the temple against his view. What he told us was unknown to any of the Delphians; they used to give the regular

guides' account, that neither the appearance nor the sound of the letter has any significance, but only the name.'"

For indeed, if Lamprias could speak of hidden knowledge regarding the Letter E to Delphians, then surely the planned segregation of

knowledge from one group to another is a hallmark of the Illuminatus Systems stretching back at least some 1700 years. How much

more refined the segregation of knowledge as time proceeds forth?

An Example of an Occult Signature in Literature

Through Lamprias, Plutarch gives us an insight into basics of

political agendae. Each competing group seeks to put forward its own version of "reality" and "accepted truths". In the case of the

Delphians, as noted above, the prevailing opinion as told by Plutarch is that the Delphians themselves attached no significant

significance to either the shape or the sound of the Letter E (e), giving significance to only the name. Lamprias, on the other hand,

has evidently spoken of many things regarding the letter E, presumably giving esoteric insights into not only the name, but also the

shape and the sound.

These competing views, one of an established order as say "the Delphians" with their views of their own self proclaimed (and

publicly acknowledge) service to the Letter E appears, if we are to take Plutarch at some face value, to be in some direct conflict with

the views as espoused by Lamprias.

Lamprias' ability to "cause a stir" is in some direct proportion to his ability to attack at an intellectual and emotional level the core

belief systems of the prevailing views of the Delphians.

Such "ire" we can equate to evidence of "an occult residue" being referenced in the literary record. If Lamprias was weak in his

presentation, then there would be little cause for the Delphians to have become "stirred up". Having the ability to stir up the status

quo presumes a presentation with enough power and persuasion such as to attack the foundational belief system of the status quo. In

matters "religious import", say, as that surrounding the priest craft and the Temple at Delphi, such knowledge typically cannot be had

save for some foundation in a competing or parallel Occult system that is comprised of an even larger base of knowledge.

Lamprias could "cause a stir" precisely because he would have known the foundational elements upon which to attack the core belief

systems of the Delphians. Such ability can be seen as evidence of a higher initiatory knowledge, and the conversation as put forward

by Plutarch in "On the Letter E at Delphi" is clearly hinting at such a reality.

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There is "the Letter E" as advanced by the Delphians and there is "the Letter E as advanced by Lamprias, who should be seen as a

higher based (non-public) initiatory school also focused on some parallel knowledge of the Letter E.

The Primary Properties of the Letter E


Letter E has many properties, a veritable key to the psyche. Says Plutarch in "On the Letter E at Delphi",

"That the God is no less philosopher than he is prophet appeared to all to come out directly from the exposition which Ammonius

gives us of each of his names. He is 'Pythian' (The Inquirer) to those who are beginning to learn and to inquire; 'Delian' (The Clear

One) and 'Phanaean' to those who are already getting something clear and a glimmering of the truth; 'Ismenian' (The Knowing) to

those who possess the knowledge; 'Leschenorian' (God of Discourse) when they are in active enjoyment of dialectical and

philosophic intercourse."

The construct is that that the Letter E, "is a vehicle, a form assumed by the petition addressed to the God; it has a leading place in

the questions of those who consult him, and inquire, If they shall conquer; If they shall marry; If it is advisable to sail; If to farm; If

to travel. The God in his wisdom would bow out the dialecticians when they think that nothing practical comes of the "If" part with

its clause attached; he admits as practical, in his sense of the word, all questions so attached. Then, since it is our personal concern

to question him as prophet, but a general concern to pray to him as God, they hold that the letter embraces the virtue of prayer no

less than that of inquiry; "O, If I might!" says every one who prays, as Archiolochus,

If it might be mine, prevailing, Neobule's hand to touch!

When If-so-be is used, the latter part is dragged in (compare Sophron's "Bereaved of children, I trow", or Homer's "As I will break

thy might, I trow"). But If gives the sense of prayer sufficiently.'

The Letter E is a critical part of speech known as a conjunction, or that part which connects two major ideas. The Letter E is located

at the fifth position. Now put it together for it is right before your very eyes.

The Letter E represents the word IF. IF is the Letter E. E is the FIF(th) position. FIF(th) is simply the Letter E or IF written

FORWARDS AND BACKWARDS FI IF, joined together to create FIF(th). The word FIVE is but FI (IF) and IV.

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IF is the KEY to larger code of the word PONT(IF)F.

IF is the Letter E or the Number 5.

It is so simple and yet so difficult to grasp.

IF is FI(ve)

The Code of the PONTIFF

We have now resolved a key element of

the Illuminatus Letter Number System, that of the center number and its relational phonetics. The "sound" IF, which is itself a word

and a conjunction, to name but a very few, is representative of the Letter E, and the Letter E is number FIve. The literal crafting

begins to expose itself.

When we view the Isisian Codes, what we notice is that we have two primary counting sequences. 1-9 and 1-7.

The Letters ABCDEFGHI and QRSTUVWXY are each represented by the counting sequence 1-9, while the Letters JKLMNOP are

represented by the sequence 1-7.

Now we can always reverse the sequence.

P can be a 1

O can be a 2

N can be a 3

T is already a 4

IF can be a 5

F is already a 6

Do you see a rather obvious pattern here?

PONTIFF is simply a counting sequence based on the sequence JKLMNOP set in reverse.

PONMLKJ = 1234567

The M has simply been transposed as it is a 4 and a T is a 4, so it has been replaced in the sequence as a T.



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IF then is ciphered as "the Number 5", and hence in the word PONTIFF, we must account for the IF of PONT(IF)F as a single digit

even as the Letters are double. The counting sequence is 12345, and so the IF must represent the Number 5 as derived from the Letter

E, itself located at 5. It is "a conjuction" that connects two major thoughts, which is to say that the Letter E rests in the center of the

1-9 count sequence and hence divides the Alphabet within the 1-9 sequence in that E is located at 5 and 5 lies directly at the center of

the 1-9 sequence.



Each of these halves (ABCD and FGHI) represent two distinct sets of conceptualized thoughts conjoined by the Letter E in the


With the Letter F already located at "number 6", we have a conceptualized missing component for the system is set against 9 and 7.

So a sequence that counts 123456 derived from PONMLKJ would be missing a single letter (digit), which in this case would be the

cipher that would be representative of the Letter J in this sequence

We can use this diagram to finish the conceptual design in the Code of the PONTIFF.

There are 9 dots on the right and left of the "Great Seal", with an additional 7 dots ciphered "up".

7-up is a clear drink.

The Letters going up are represented by the Letters JKLMNO. At the sixth dot is the cipher for Venus reversed, or the Letter O as

representative of the Goddess. Where the Letter I is located is a dot, which is then the Letter P, creating the Omnific Word of Pi.

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With the word PONTIFF being but the first 6 digits of the 7-up series, we can surmise that

PONTIFF as a code says that it is the lower 6 digits of the 7th letter representation and thus the answer is not the relative simplicity

of the PONTIFF as a count sequence of 123456, but is a word that is a conceptual construction intended to lead on back to the

primary root code which will then reveal that the word is representative of the single missing digit, the 7, which is symbolic of the

Omnific Word, or Pi set against the larger conceptual image of the Sun as "the Eye".

Hence the PONTIFF is really a count sequence to lead you back to "the 7", which in its natural position is the Letter P fused to the I,

or Pi.

It is a bit difficult to explain it beyond this, but I am confident that for those of you who are understand the basics of the structure that

this Code of the PONTIFF will be sufficient to show how what is seen is not and what is not is.

Ultimately, you must Know Thyself.

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Saturday, January 5, 2008

Mass Mind as a Receptacle for the Initiated Orders

Kabballah as it is currently practiced at the Elite level is, as most Occult manifestations, an enigma wrapped in a

mystery. Kabballah, for instance, is more akin to a pseudo-religious treatise hiding a veiled political agenda. The root of the

philosophy is the intended political agenda: the religious overtones mask the intended political consequences. The root is hidden,

while the branches grow in every which way. Prune the branches to your hearts content: the root sustains the larger agenda.

Once one begins to wrap ones mind around this very subtle reality, it is much easier to begin to de-story, or deconstruct, what is the

intended construction. As you delve further into the whole of the creation, or construction, what evolves is an incredibly fascinating

study into Jehovian/Setian thought patterns. What is important is "the Root".

That the word ROOT shares phonetics with TORAH or TAROT alike is just one of those inconvenient "coincidences".

The "branches" are oft filled with either overt or veiled "rational absurdities". For example, even today, court rooms are being asked

to rule on whether "creationism" in a Judeo sense, should be mandatory school curriculum. Never mind that the ROOT leads you

back to a prevailing belief of putting "things Jewish", "first and foremost": the absurdity that such is still being argued only hints at

the various branches, and nowhere is the ROOT being attacked or otherwise harmed.

The ignorant protect the virus, or the ROOT, as it were, and act as an immune system to protect the larger disease that is Setian

Illuminatus philosophies. Coupled with this are quite lucid and concious cells that encourage and egg the ignorant on to protect the


Yet, as one's understanding of the nuances of the Occult world sharpen, it becomes clear that words do not often mean precisely what

the masses believe them to mean. Consequently, the veiled nuances, aimed at a target audience numbed by mass deception and false

perceptions, becomes as if a world unto their own. There is an Illuminatus on the "right side", or the "WHITE" side, that deftly

manuevers through the minefields as set within the masses by the "DARK" side, and each of the knowing sides sends messages to

and fro across the airwaves, as it were, with the unknowing masses played off as pawns in the larger game called "life" immersed as

it is in manufactured and managed "realities".

In short, this can all be simplified into a form of "theorem": we find that the world has been turned on its head: what is up is down,

and what is down, is up, and humanity has not the conceptual skills to understand precisly how this is so.

Insights into the Nature of the Construct

occult reality is fabricated against a "sacred Alphabet". The "sacred Alphabet" is a hyper-dimensional representation

of "the Omnific Word", that word being "Pi". In the conceptual of Pi, the 1 and the 0 are coexist in that it is said that each cannot exist

without the other. We may view this in a philosophical concept of "yin and yang", "male and female", "wait and go state", etc. The

philosophic can be shaped in multitudes of words.

There is a duality to creation: light and dark, material and spiritual, good and evil, fire and ice, ad nauseum. Duality can be apprised

as a form of "pendulum". There are extremes to the "left" and "extremes to the right". There is a high tide and there is a low tide.

Regardless, there is a form of harmony and balance.

The "ruler" over this harmony and balance is "Ma'at".

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M = 13

A = The Scales

A = 1

T = 4


13 14

The "sacred Alphabet", itself designed around Pi, or "Ma'at", serves as the primary backbone to the fabrication of human mythology

and religious fabrications: various letters are being worshipped as if they were "gods". This statement is not designed to replace

legitimate spiritual or trans-dimensional or transcendental experiences: the statement is simply acknowledging that the manner in

which these experiences are communicated in the material, whether such be in verbal or literary form, remains still controlled

through the reality created by "the Letters".

The Alphabet, although it may appear to be chaotic in design, is really a highly structured and logical system of symbols fused to

mathematical and archetypical realities or truths.

NOISE is simply speech without focus and reason or rationalism in a classical Osirian Occult sense.

NOISE = NO ICE = NO Vision (I SEE). No I C. No I See. No Isis. No words of wisdom. NOIZ thus may be seen to too represent the

first 7 decimal digits of Pi.


14 = N

15 = O

9 = I

26 = Z

Speech that is predicated on ignorance is NOISE. As shown in theAlphabet as a Hyper-dimensional Representation of Pi, what is

NOIZ (noise) occurs before the rational dimensional structure of the Alphabet against Pi. However, EVEN NOISE (NOIZ) has a

rational structure within its chaos, as it too must use the totality of the Word (Pi) in order to make itself heard.

NOISE crowds out rational and focused thought. NOISE has no tolerance for competing views and is oft quick to violence. The

airwaves and the Internet are filled with NOISE: the airwaves precisely so as to impose ignorance, mass conversation precisely so

due to the fact that mass mind is treated as a receptacle to be filled.

If this receptacle is filled with NOISE, then it will emulate and proliferate NOISE. If it is enriched with a form of reasoning that it is

capable of ascertaining, it will begin to grow the necessary receptors to accept reason.

In a Setian/Jehovian world, NOISE is the rule of the land. Reason is drowned out with a methodical and deliberate intent. There is a

willful and concious effort to control the language. Orwell spoke clear.

The point being made is this: reality is not as it appears. It is not a random set of events based on chaos such that humanity finds itself

at its current crossroads. Underlying the whole of the Construct remain Occult forces who have and always will dominate the craft of

the Letters. Hence their primary "practical" control points are the following:


Separation of Church and State

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Make no mistake about it: from a practical reality, the Founding Fathers of the American experiment were

first and foremost, "Occultists". There were and remain two primary groups within the Occult: those that base their systems on

Osirian or Isisian (Isian) ethical systems, and those that derive their ethics from Setian or Jehovian systems, which are loosely

defined as "Jewish" systems.

The Osirian Systems were traditionally based on the 42 Laws of Ma'at, as preserved on the Papyrus of Ani. These 42 Laws are also

known as "the 42 Negative Confessions, the Declaration of Innocence before the Gods." These 42 Laws comprised the moral

foundation upon which many a Pagan society was constructed and operated. A read through the 42 Laws of Ma'at shows a world that

is direct conflict to what we have in a Kabballistic inspired world.

Where the 42 Laws of Ma'at applied to all, including and especially the Pharoah (Fair "O"), Abrahamic systems proved and continue

to be highly barbaric and primitive. The "Talmud" as an Occult reference, combined with a "mass awareness and usage of the Ten

Commandments", a code so repulsive that in its purest sense it has been ignored and rightly so since its early inceptionsthe violation

for which is "death", a rather convenient simplicity for a barbaric and violent philosophy as is Setian worship.

With Europe ravaged by Judaic minded genocidalists in the Roman Catholic Church, the Founding Fathers understood clear the first

and foremost, the power of words to have a cause and effect on the human psyche, and second, the dangers that a focused Elite able

and capable of manipulating these words can have when such organised Occultists within the Jehovian system were able to elevate

and mesmerise a whole of society.

In order to prevent the abuse of power fused to religious ignorance, the Founding Fathers saw clear to keep the "religionists" out of

power of politics and contain them to "religion" so as to provide for a society that could at minimum elevate their Osirian ideals for

their people.

The human mind, they understood clear, can be easily swayed and manipulated with words as knowledge of the Construct recedes

and humanity is left to find their way. Orwell would write a scathing and yet simple observation of humanity under total spell of

Setian forces in his work "1984".

"Religion" as a cipher for Osiris had long ago been replaced to mean something wholly opposite.

OSIRIS = 15+19+9+18+9+19 = 89 = 18+5+12+9+7+9+15+14 = RELIGION

Religion was now a tool of Setian forces and had been with the rise of Judaism, and Judaism saw no value in sharing the world with

anyone else, and so the genocides, chronicled in Joshua, would be spread along with "the Word", or the English language. In this

way, confusion could reign. The "Word" even the Jehovian forces needed as this was the control mechanism; what was needed was a

fusing of religion to politics. Herein entered the Kabballists and a tincturing the Occult world with the intent to subjugate it to


Death of the Mystery Systems in their traditional sense was soon to become near absolute.

The Kabballists

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Kabballah as an Occult representation has been around long before

the rise of the Judaic tribes, so to attribute to "Jews" the whole of the body of Kabballah is just shear Occult lunacy. Yet lunacy is

sanity in a Setian world. Orwell did know what he was talking about. This Sumerian plate shows a Tree of Life before it became

associated with the Cubed "Jewish" form.

As Ian Anderson said so well on his album Roots to Branches,

Words get written. Words get twisted.

Old meanings move in the drift of time.

Lift the flickering torches. See gentle shadows change

the features of the faces cut in unmoving stone.

Bad mouth on a prayer day, hope no one's listening.

Roots down in the wet clay, branches glistening.

True disciples carrying that message

to colour just a little with their personal touch.

Home-spun fancy weavers and naked half-believers --

Crusades and creeds descend like fiery flakes of snow.

Bad mouth on a prayer day, hope no one's listening.

Roots down in the wet clay, branches glistening.

The basic premise of Kabballah is that it is of "the Oral Tradition". As they have fabricated their story, Noah survives the "flood" and

"God" comes and passes on these really mystical realities to Noah and from this single event, a bunch of rabbis become the sole

purveyors of wisdom all over the entire Universe.

Never mind how absurd it all gets and the obvious cluelessness at which otherwise very bright people buy into such illusions, it is

enough to know that fast forward a few thousand years and Madonna is proudly supporting Israel as part of her "religious"

indoctrination by Setian metaphysicists.

But as Ian Anderson writes so clear in "Roots to Branches", "Hope noone's listening."

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We may liken the Kabballists to perveyors of NOISE, but worse, purveyors of NOISE with an agenda to turn their NOISE into the

dominant philosophical reality on the planet and no amount of reason is able to reach them. They who are reasoned and rational

trended to not listen: the NOISE was enough.

But someone WAS listening. The ignorant masses, or "mass mind", wherein a "mass" and a "massacre" mean very much the same

thing to the Setian Illuminatus. But first to forge the "true believers", for to forge a true believer bred into ignorance is to create a

soldier through whom no reason may reach.

Ignorance is simply one of the strongest alchemical compounds found in the Universe.

The Human Mind as Receptacle for the Illuminatus

To understand any system, one must go to the very fundamentalist roots of the system.

As regards Setian Systems, this means that you must delve into the way in which the message molds abject cruel thoughts and sadism

in the hearts of the adherents. This is true of all movements borne of Setian metaphysics. Violence is the way, the message is the

excuse to commit the violence.

A classic example of this can be found in The Book of the Law as espoused by Crowley, where it can be read in Chapter III:

This shall be your only proof. I forbid argument. Conquer! That is enough. I will make easy to you the abstruction from the ill-

ordered house in the Victorious City. Thou shalt thyself convey it with worship, o prophet, though thou likest it not. Thou shalt have

danger & trouble. Ra-Hoor-Khu is with thee. Worship me with fire & blood; worship me with swords & with spears. Let the woman

be girt with a sword before me: let blood flow to my name. Trample down the Heathen; be upon them, o warrior, I will give you of

their flesh to eat!

But violence need not be physical. Violence may be verbal, or even intellectual. All that matters in the Setian world is that a reality be

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forged through sheer force of will, said will being wholly separated from Ma'at and comprised of physical, emotional, and intellectual

layers of total violence.

This total reliance of violence, which includes emotional and intellectual assaults can be esoterically linked to the removal of the

Feather as Ma'at and shifting the design to a reliance on "the Father".

The Letter E was Ma'at. Ma'at is the FEATHER. Remove Ma'at (the Letter E) from the funerary rites, and what is left is a heartless

soul, esoterically worshiped as "the Father". This worship is the domain of Setian metaphysics from a human perspective.

In order to mold mass consciousness into desired Setian realities, it is imperative that mass ignorance be first molded. The ignorant

become the tools to impose the Setian reality, by force. What is right in a Setian world is merely what one has an ability to do to

another. A heartless soul has no morality, no civility, no couth.

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Saturday, January 12, 2008

The Hanged Man as a Key to the Acroamatic Cipher

How does one ask a question and divide it from a quest?

Afterall, is not the very asking of any question a mere start in a quest? A quest. The question. ??? What a funny anomoly of the

language and yet few have stopped to piece together the rational philosophics. How can one rationally divide the question from the

quest as an expression of a philosophic?

If one really thinks about it, it simply is not possible.

The Legend of the Lost Word

The WORD, therefore, I conceive to be the symbol of Divine Truth; and all

its modifications--the loss, the substitution, and the recovery--are but component parts of the mythical symbol which represents a

search after truth.

How, then, is this symbolism preserved? How is the whole history of this Word to be interpreted, so as to bear, in all its accidents of

time, and place, and circumstance, a patent reference to the substantive idea that has been symbolized?

The answers to these questions embrace what is, perhaps, the most intricate as well as most ingenious and interesting portion of the

science of masonic symbolism.

This symbolism may be interpreted, either in an application to a general or to a special sense.

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The general application will embrace the whole history of Freemasonry, from its inception to its consummation. The search after the

Word is an epitome of the intellectual and religious progress of the order, Albert Mackay, The Symbolism of Freemasonry

As Albert Mackay points out, the application of, or the quest for the Lost Word, provides perhaps the most interesting and ingenious

aspect of the science of Masonic Symbolism. Not only is the hiding (loss of) the mythical Word accomplished over time in an

ingenious science of symbolism, but its recovery, when set against the absolute ignorance of birth, provides for insights into the

intellectual and religious progression of "the Order", the Order being nothing short of the philosophical underpinnings of Western

Civilisation as well as coloring and infusing itself into some of the greatest civilisations upon which mankind became established and


However, the important issue is that "the Word", having been "lost" (hidden) can be recovered, and the Illuminatus Observor is one of

the remaining primary sources available that seeks to elevate the science of Western symbolism and set it back against the very word

in question, or that of the symbolism and Alphabet fused against the first 32 decimal digits of Pi.

The Acroamatic Cipher and the Alphabet

The creation myths of the world are acroamatic cryptograms, and the deities of

the various pantheons are only cryptic characters which, if properly understood, become the constituents of a divine alphabet. The

initiated few comprehend the true nature of this alphabet, but the uninitiated many worship the letters of it as gods. - Manley P.

Hall, Secret Teachings of All Ages

Now we may ask ourselves again: if the acromatic cipher is revealing that the Initiated are being given the constituent components of

a Divine Alphabet upon which the various pantheons are being constructed, then we must, if we are to delve indepth into the

mysteries of the lost "Omnific Word", and if the various mythologies are really hiding the physical manifestion of the various

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constituent components of the divine Alphabet, then the mythologies are really hinting clear of the design of the constituent

components of this particular "divine Alphabet", and alphabet whose recovery leads one back to the Omnific or mythical "Lost


This simple revelation makes the study of mythology a meaningful exercise beyond Jungian archetypical ideas for the arrival at the

constituent components of the same said divine Alphabet leads too to a comprehensive understanding of the use of religion as a

masking agent for the divine Alphabet, wherein the divine Alphabet is being worshipped by the masses who are yet further controlled

by the hidden forces involved or engaged in the very hiding of the "omnific Word" into the religions that become mass market driven


How do we then use this information to solve for any number of inherent designs set into any number of given archetypical

presentations or mythologies?

Here is an example from the Edda Prose Hymn or Ode to Odin:

"I know I hung from the windswept tree, swung there for nine long night, bloodied by my own blade , bloodied for Odin, myself and

offering to myself. None gave me bread; none gave me drink, down to the deepest depths I peered until I spied the runes, with a

roaring cry, I seized them up, than dizzy and fainting I feel, well being I won and wisdom too. I grew and took joy in my growth, from

a word to a word, I was led to a word, and from a deed to another deed."

This is a classic example of a "constituent component" being hidden into mythology to tell a story of the divine constituents such as

to reveal a hidden truth. In discovering the hidden truth, we are "led to a word", or have been given a key idea upon which to begin

piecing together a multi-dimensional archetypical puzzle caste and torn apart over thousands of years and multiple interlocking

societies focused as they are on the individual constituent components.

In the Ode or Hymn to Odin, we find that he hangs on the Tree for 9 days and 9 nights. The key to the story is set against the Tarot

"Hanged Man", which is the 12th card of the Major Arcanum. We now have a very simple count cipher, set against the Number 12,

but the Letter L.

It goes like this:

Start at the Letter L and label it a 0. Count up for a total of 9 (days) and count down for a total of 9 (nights). Doing so reveals the




We now have the Letters C, U, O (as the start point) and (L) as the actual letter.

This creates the phonetic set of


We then use the final shape of the Hanged Man set against either the L or the T to finish the code to reveal the following:


The idea here is that it is "the Occult" or through a study of the ways of the hidden world that provides us with wisdom and an insight

into "the runes" or "the Letters" or "the Divine Alphabet".


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Friday, January 18, 2008

Pi and the Ancient Letter-Number System

Here is a fun little usage of the Isisian Codes to reveal the

nature of "the Word", or Pi, as the backbone of the construction of the English continental system. What are some of our "givens" in

the system? First and foremost, everything is going to return to Pi.


Often times, 3.14 is expressed "mythically" as 1314, so this pattern you should always be on the lookout for it will reveal itself in

quite sudden and in no uncertain "planned" or encrypted words.

Take the word ATLANTIS, for example. The letters AT are 14, while the letters IS are 13, the I taking the Roman Numeral position of

1. The T in the 14LAN(T)13 is ciphered back to a D, and so the word AT-LANT-IS = AT LAND IS = 14 LAND 13, or Atlantis is "the

Land of 1314, or the Land of Pi." The 1413 sequence was hidden in plain sight, scrambled just a bit, phonetically altered to a very

minor degree, and then caste out as perhaps the most controversial and mythical of the "submerged Ancient continents."

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Perhaps Atlantis is real history caste into myth. Without a

doubt, the very name ATLANTIS is a crafted word to hide a larger philosophy. The Philosophy of Pi as designed and believed by

those societies that flourished and then suddenly vanished from the planet with the rise of "modern man".

What we know from the myths is that the circular nature as inferred in the Atlantis's primary temple becomes physically visible in the

circular majesty of Avebury, while the Egyptian and Aztecs would emulate the philosophy in the form of "py-ramids".

The Ancient Letter-Number System

Higgins writes in "The Beginning of Masonry",

"The ancient letter number system of the Orient is often difficult for the Masonic student to understand; but when one looks into it

carefully it is comparatively simple. In the days before the invention of symbols for figures Hebrew scholars expressed numbers by

letters, and a Greek testament shows the employment of this method of expression by the Greeks also, as in Revelation xiv, 18, where

the number 666 is written Xsu.Mackey's Masonic Encyclopedia refers to it under the head of "Alphabet."

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One of the primary problems facing a recruit into Masonry, or more difficult, the interested non-initiated inquirer in our current time,

is that the whole of the system has been wholly Occulted and given an emphasis on "the Hebrew". Book after book and seminar after

seminar is geared to trying to prove a Qaballa based on the Hebrew. At the same time, there is an almost absurd assumption that

English has little value and the Hebrew supreme value, even as we have at our disposition a range of data that shows the

mathematical underpinnings based in either English or Hebrew.

Letter combinations, as shown above, for example, are not being conceptualized in the Hebrew; rather, they are clearly being

conceptualized in the English utilizing various forms of known Qaballistic transpositions.

The Letter-Number System, however, cannot even begin to be comprehended without a comprehensive understanding of Pi. This is

why early turn of the 20th century Masons as Higgins devoted so much time to revealing this very basic premise.

Further, Higgins provided rather overt clues without revealing the actual source code itself, which is what I call "the Isisian Codes".

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"The common origin of the two series is manifest in their agreement up to the letter P."

As the Isisian Codes shows above, the "agreement" can too be inferred as shifting precisely because the hidden "Alphabet", based as

it was on a 26 digit sequence, ceased on the first row at the number 16,or "P".

"This system was really based upon a 26-letter alphabet answering to the 26 of JHVH, of which alpha was the first letter, mu or mem

the middle, and omega the last, philosophically referring to the beginning, middle, and end of human life."

Since we are told specifically that the this Ancient Letter Number System is based on a set of 26 Letters, then this by its very

definition eliminates Jewish Kabballah and its fraudulent underpinnings as a serious system for anyone who is interested in coming

to understand the nature of Occult reality as it has been crafted.

Furthermore, the ancient Letter Number System has one more critical component that is absent within the Jewish system.

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"Waving aside the fact that 3 is a male number

because odd, and 4 female because even (3 representing Osiris, 4 Isis, and 5 Horus), the importance of "the triangle of Huramon"

(Horus-Ammon-Hiram), ages older than Pythagoras, as a human contemplation and coequal with creation as a divine principle,

resides in the fact that it was the center, core, or nucleus of the ancient sacred philosophy, to which we owe so much. Its symbol for at

least 5,000 years has been an eye, now the "all-seeing eye" of Freemasonry."

As our Isisian Codes, or Speech Codes, so eloquently and silently reveals, the 3-4-5 triangle can be simply stated as 9+16=25, or the

Letters I+P=Y. Thus the Letter I is 9, the Letter V is 22, and this is 2*2=4, which is the square of 16. That 2*2 is a co-relational usage

of the numbers 22 of V is but an example of the simplicity of the Ancient Letter Number System and the inability of "Masons" to

understand can too be shown in the confusion in the public arena (non-initiated inquirer) from whom the early Continental Masons

had to draw their recruits.

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When we combine the Letter I as male with the Letter (V) as female, even as the

female is represented by a precise set of numbers that reveals the square 4 of the target square as a conceptual letter number value for

the number 16, then the obvious shape of the child can best be represented as the shape of the letter Y.

As Higgins infers, this Ancient Letter Number system could be found throughout the Ancient world in various forms and

representations. As this picture from the Temple of Candi Sukoh in Indonesia clearly shows, the Letter Y as an archetypal

representation of Male as 1 and Female as O (V is 5 and 1+2+3+4+5=15 = O Letter) was already in practice. That English as a

representation of this Letter Number System, complete with all the hidden conceptual ciphers, would preserve in such a clear

example this very same said conceptual as the Letter Y, should not be seen as either an accident or a quirk of fate: those behind the

crafting of the English Language knew precisely what they were doing.

A Hope for the Future

I hear so many Masons or other initiated and non-initiated inquirers into the Mysteries tell me over time that everything is based on

the Hebrew and if one is to in search of mystical insights, then one out of necessity has to chase after the Hebrew and all the racist

underpinnings that such a system implies.

However, we need not defer to these Setian systems as there is a far more ingenious and rational system based on English which as so

ingeniously crafted as an esoteric construct that its simplicity de-stories the false doctrines, as it were, of the Setian Occult Systems.

An Esoteric English does not tell you that only a Rabbi can aid you. English as an overt communication system invites all and will

continue to invite all.

Such an invitation of all is a key component behind the rhetoric of a "brotherhood of man". All mankind is its own

journey even as the individual sub-cultures have theirs and the individual man and woman even further. We who seek after the light

have an obligation to speak clear and true. As an esoteric construction, English's core components are based on Pi, on male as 1 and

female as 0, and as such, the construction is non-dogmatic and removed from impositions based on fear of unknowns.

Indeed, with the letters I + V being used as an esoteric construction designed to reveal the 3-4-5 triangle and the letter Y as the child

equally, what can be inferred is there remains an even broader invitation wherein English as an esoteric construction is inviting all to

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marvel and ask "Why".

English provides for us an underlying "Qaballa" based on Universal Truths that place the male and female as equal partners in the

creation and perpetuation of Life. It is based on a rational sanity and reason that once comprehended sheds light and thus destroys the

vampyric forces which hide and feed by spreading philosophies that lead astray from Universal Principles and make easy the spread

of dogmas based on fear.

May we continue to be as a spark of light in the dark of night while yachting on the sea.


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Tuesday, January 22, 2008

The Questions and Answers as a Reflection of Pi

This article is coming to you from a coffee shop in Amman, Jordan. With

"hubbly bubbly", or argeela in tow, I will again try to write this article, the previous attempts migrating into the previous 2-3 posts on

this blog. It is cold, at least by my Los Angeles standards, about 2 degrees C, the day having been spent watching snow fall.

As we have stated before and will repeat again and again, the "Omnific Word" is really a cohesive philosophy based on the 1 as male

and the 0 as female. It is these two forces that form the conceptual and create an apparent firm truth upon which all creation is based.

The female in all cases will encompass the male; hence, (s)he will encompass he, goddess with encompass god, and so forth. Further,

the Illuminatus Philosophy is based on the first 32 digits of Pi.


Words are viewed co-relationally. The word, "solstice", for instance, is a word broken into 3 components. Sols as sun as summer. T as

a marking point of the sun measured at noon zenith (exaltation), and Ice as "winter". Hence the sun, measured against a height of T

will be exalted at the "Sol's T" and the Ice T, or the highest and lowest points as marking point created from the observation point of

Earth as a product of the Earth's orbit around the Sun.

To denote that a code is existent, it is written as SOLSTICE.

Words are fused to numbers, letters, and sounds, and within each of the numbers, letters, and sounds are further imbed a range of

philosophies based on Universe truths. The placement of numbers against letters is not static. Numbers set against letters are dynamic

based on multiple cipher systems, and as such, the Illuminatus Philosophy is highly intuitive and flexible and difficult, if not

impossible, to ascertain by human ideas regarding "machine code". Like the serpent, the attempt to pin down the system to a

simplified code system proves slippery.

It is this intuitive element that enables the Illuminatus Philosophy, traditionally defined as "Luciferianism", to easily fool and deceive

they who are not versed in the logic and usage of numbers set against letters and sounds. This is by design, not so much by the

various secret societies that have flourished over time, but as a pragmatic reality that the whole has been shattered and splintered like

"Humpty Dumpty".

The building of the Construct over time has been a noble intent to reveal the inherent corruptions, deceptions, and falsehoods of

"reality" as crafted by the ruling powers, "Satanic" in a pure Christian sense. Thus the numbers, dynamic as they are, even as they

have a static appearance, provides a mechanism for the creation of a philosophy fused to the very speech of humanity.

This is done precisely so as to reveal that which is "truth" and that which is "false". There is a logic involved that is based on a

conceptual. The ability to penetrate the conceptual is known as an "apperception of the conceptual". The acquisition of an

apperception of the conceptual enables the aspirant to penetrate the fog and confusion and thus gain a glimpse into the construction

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of the term known as "reality" from a pure Occult construction.

The inescapable truth is that of 1 as male and 0 as female. Thus Pi as a number whose manifestation can be viewed but it's absolutes

never ever comprehended, becomes a perfect symbol to describe what can be known in a Universe that is entirely unknowable as an

absolute reality.

The totality of reality can never be viewed as a pure mechanistic construction.

Signposts Along the Way

It is inconceivable that a hidden elite would not, in its attempts to

communicate it's knowledge of the nature of the Construct, be remiss in leaving signposts of such knowledge along the way. As this

etched vesica piscis in the desert near Roswell, home to the compound that protects the works of L. Ron Hubbard reveals, there are

sign posts left behind by earlier civilizations that defy logic relative to norm as taught in mass educational systems. These sign posts

defy mass human comprehension as to their genesis, and the philosophy upon which these sign posts have been caste and fabricated

defy further still.

View article regarding the above picture here.

Still, these sign posts convey a message that some seek to hide, while others set in place with the specific intent to reveal.

There is no reason to believe that the language itself, admittedly crafted against letters, numbers, and sounds, would not too be stark

reminders of a people "who knew" and felt awed and inspired such that an over riding motivation would be to leave their mark on the

material even as they transited to a dimension far apart from the material reality known as "life". These sign posts, like the word

SOLSTICE, take on the simplistic cloak of a word, but such simplicities often reveal a far more hidden knowledge attainable only to

they who know such exists AND have the intuitive and intellectual capability to penetrate their mysteries.

The questions, and hence the answers, would be a likely starting point to place in plain view a knowledge of a hidden truth. If only

we would look. This blog is created to entice you to do just that, in the hope and wish that some of you may learn to see.

The Five Gods

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Letters as symbols we may divide into two primary components,

vowels and consonants. From the word CONSONANT, we may infer that the root SON is either "con", meaning with, or "con",

meaning without, the sun. This is a conceptual philosophic, with "ant" being a suffix and inherent philosophic unto itself. There are a

total of 21 letters that are consonants.

VOWELS, fused as they are to the word OWL, bely a further hidden conception. We may define the five pure vowels as A, E, I, O,

and U. Mythologically, we may link these vowels to the birth of the 5 gods in Egyptian mythology: A is Osiris, E is Horus, I is Seth,

O is Isis, and U is Nepthys. A rational analysis of this pairing shows an inherent truth and logic that is sound and rooted in acroamatic

truths. The myths are hiding the larger constituent components of the hidden sacred Alphabet.

The Letter Y, itself "sometimes a vowel" is as Dionysius who, being human, is so admired that he is invited to join the company of

the gods, and as such, the letter Y becomes a symbol of the wide array of "savior" gods that have populated human mythologies.

We can then expand this concept to include the questions: WHAT, WHEN, WHY, WHO, and WHERE, with HOW the substitute for

the Y of "sometimes a vowel" in that HOW can be either a question or a statement. Each of these questions are then answered with a

primary set of words: WHAT is answered by THIS and THAT, WHEN is answered by THEN, WHY is answered by THY, WHO is

answered by THEE, and WHERE is answered by THERE. There is a sixth question, however, and this is the question HOW, which is

sometimes a question and sometimes a statement.

The pattern, consequently, is really quite simple and clear. The questions and the answers are set against a set of clarifier letters that

do not change. For the questions, the clarifier letters are WH, while the clarifier letters for the answers are TH. Thus the changeable

letters are AT, EN, Y, O, and ERE. It makes sense that the questions, therefore, are really hiding the code for the vowels A, E, I, O,

and U. How has its own special characteristic that is wholly removed from the pattern.

When placed in the exact sequence above, the questions reveal Pi to the first 6 digits.

The Questions and Answers as a Reflection of Pi

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In order to solve for the questions as a

reflection of Pi, the absolute dynamic nature of numbers set to letters must be fully comprehended and understood. This is part of the

apperception of the conceptual.

In the letters AT of whAT, we have the Isisian Code of 14, and we know that Pi is 3.(14).

In the letters EN, we utilize the double headed eagle as shown at the start of this article. N is the first letter of the second half of the

Alphabet and E is the fifth. Hence EN can be viewed (and should be viewed) as being reversed to show the code of NE, or 15.

In the letters AT(EN) we have the sequence 1415 and we know that Pi is 3.1415.

In the letter Y, we have the Isisian Code of 9.

In the letters AT(EN)Y we have the sequence 14159, and we know that Pi is 3.14159.

In the letter O, we know that O is the second letter of the second half of the Alphabet, and so we affix the number 2 to this letter. We

could apply the Isisian Codes and show that O is the second letter in reverse from P, but like a note on the music scale, a C# is a 3 in

the Key of A, but will change value depending on the key being played. This exercise is an example of how to stay in key relative to

the coding, the mechanism left for you who are interested to ponder. Suffice that O is a 2.

In the letters AT(EN)Y(O) we have the sequence 141592 and we know that Pi is 3.141592.

The above series was really relatively easy to solve for as the pattern is obvious. But what of the letters ERE of whERE? We return to

the Isisian Codes. The letter E has a value of 5, while the letter R has a value of 2. The sum of the letters ERE are thus 5+2+5=12.

From the end of the Letter I, the end of the first sequence of the Isisian Codes (1-9=A-I), we simply add the 12 to end at the Letter U,

itself being set at 21, and the sum of 1:6 having a value of 21, or U. We thus use the 6 from the Sum of 1:6=21=U, a pattern so

common as to be simple to understand with a moderate level of practice in reading Occult word codes. SUN, for instance, itself has a

value of 365, with U taking the 6 digit as a process of the summation series.

In the letters AT(EN)Y(O)ERE=U we have the sequence 1415926 and we know that Pi has a value of 3.1415926.

Thus we reveal that the Questions are revealing Pi, or 3.1415926.

So what of the question HOW?

The pattern reveals that WHO and HOW are sharing the exact same letter sequence. Just as TWIN from the summer solstice reveals

the sign where the Sun is at its peak (Gemini), and that the T is "hopped to the bottom of the word" to reveal T-WIN-T-er, we have a

sequence where WHO shows that the W is "hopped to the bottom of the word" to reveal HOW.

WHO, being the fourth question, is also symbolic of the 4th year, and so every 4th year we must add a day, or a "leap year". Thus W

"leaps" on the 4th year to reveal HOW, and since the birth of the 5 gods occur on the day in which the sun did not shine, or the

intercalated time that creates "the leap year", that HOW is on the intercalated or leap year day, this period is akin to Dionysius joining

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"the gods" who themselves exist on the leap year day, or the intercalated period required to create the leap year.

The WHO HOW sequence is known as "the Who How Hop" and reveals a further aspect of the larger code, a subject left for another


A special thanks to my friend Adnan who was kind enough to leave behind his computer while this article was completed.

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The Owl as a Symbol of the Occult

What is it that "they know" that you do not, as least as such pertains to the Occult and Occult symbols? Why would a group of seemingly rational

grown men get dressed up in costumes and light a fire to an Owl?

What is the intent of such a ritual? From where does the Owl have value and is the Owl being used for a negative purpose, or is this ritual part of an

admixture of evil (Setian) with good (Osiris/Isis), and the good uses the symbols as a show of force in the face of evil equally? The owl, of course,

has come to symbolize wisdom, and so the properties of the owl as a product of nature are then fused to the Occult as referenced by Higgins.

Indeed, the owl provides us with a ready made example of demonstration of the idea of modifications and transpositions, which can then be set

against acroamatic ciphers and/or

Here at the Illuminatus Observor, our purpose is to help all regain control of the symbols from the face of irrational fear even as Occult formulas are

de-storied and laid bare.

Let us peer now into the Owl as an sign of the Occult.

The Owl in Illuminatus Mythology

In the "Hymn to the Mystic Fire", at the third line of Mandala 2, we find the following


"O Master of the Word, thou art Brahma, the finder of the Riches: O Fire, who sustainest

each and all, closely thou companionest the Goddess of the many thoughts."

Then, in the beginning of On Isis and Osiris, we find the following statement in Chapter 1,

"the end and aim of which is the knowledge of Him who is the First, the Lord of All, the

Ideal One. Him does the god urge us to seek, since He is near her and with her and in close communion. The name of her shrine also clearly promises knowledge and comprehension of reality;"

This is what is known as a "modification" or "transposition". Each of these statements is inferring the identical principle, or conceptual. In the

Hymn to the Mystic Fire, the "fire" is "Agni". You must then go into the various attributes of Agni to ascertain what the co-relations are from an

Occult basis.

In Sukta 14 of the Hymn to the Ancient Fire, we read:

"With all these gods, O Agni, thou who art the activity of speech, arrive and do thy work."

Agni is regarded as the artificer of Religion and a messenger between mankind and "the Gods", among so many other attributes. Yet Agni is but a

transposition for Osiris, wherein the root code of Agni is the sound of GN from which is derived so many words relative to fire, including the word

IGNITION, or to start. And as Agni is the "primitive fire", we can not that within the word FIRE may be found the very ROOT of the word FIRST,

and so what is FIRE is AGNI, and NG-LAND all the same, this serves as a reminder that that the world was not found on Jews and their god, that

the Occult does not revolve around Jews and their god, and that religions fabricated from Jews and their god are bound to be corrupted and false

teachings en masse.

So within the Illuminatus System is a knowledge of the relationship between the OWL who is close to

"him" who is "the Ideal One" and from which comes all knowledge, and a seemingly "satanic" ritual that

revolves around the Ideal One as AGNI in close communion to the OWL as "the Goddess".

What we see unfolding is the relationship between Isis and Osiris and a deeply held truth in practice still

today against this higher esoteric based knowledge system. As Aurobindo explained in his "Doctrine of

the Mystics",

"The whole world is a dumb and helpless sacrifice in which the soul is bound as a victim self-offered to

unseen Gods. The liberating Word must be found, the illuminating hymn must be framed in the heart and

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mind of man and his life must be turned into a conscious and voluntary offering in which the soul is no longer the victim, but the master of the

sacrifice. By right sacrifice and by the all-creative and all-expressive Word that shall arise out of his depths as a sublime hymn to the Gods man

can achieve all things. He shall conquer his perfection; Nature shall come to him as a willing and longing bride; he shall become her seer and rule

her as her King".

The OWL is ISIS (SPEECH), the One is (RELIGION), the Letters are "the gods", the Alphabet is "the God".

Deciphering the Owl as a Symbol of the Occult

When we view the word "occult", we trace our meaning back to the word "occultation". An

"occultation" is a term that speaks of one astronomic body covering another. When the Moon covers

some far off distant star, that far off distant star is "occulted". When the Earth covers the moon (hence

creating the phases of the moon", then the moon is "partially occulted". When there is a solar or lunar

eclipse, we have a condition of a full "occultation". This is just one very small example of what is

meant by Higgins when he states that,

"We have advanced far enough in our investigations to have perceived that the underlying principle of

all mysteries of philosophy and religion, past and present, have been what might be termed "ciphers"

or "cryptograms" of the ascertained phenomena of nature;"

Comprehending this is the "epoptic part", or the philosophical part, of the Illuminatus system.

For instance, when we refer to the OWL, "we" know we are referring to the "TWO", and hence the

letter B. Nature, being cyclical, will repeat patterns over and over within a range of a pendulum that

swings from side to side, with some unseen force from time to time seeming to make the pendulum swing more to the right or the left, but always

within a range or value that is measurable.

So we take the Letter B, and, seeing how it denotes "the Goddess", or the Feminine, we can note that the belly of the woman grows and contracts as

it is latent with life, gives birth, and repeats the process again. Thus to "become" or "to be" is a philosophic linked to the Letter R, in that to get to

BE you must pass through B and manifest through R. Thus, the verb "to be" is linked to Hence so many

words are fused around this basic philosophic: BRN, BRed, BReed, BRing, BRought, BRth, and so forth.

Thus we can equate in the "B" as a growth. When we reverse the B, we create the word EBB, as in the

"ebbing tide". Thus B and EBB are philosophical truths fused to Nature and then encoded into the Letters

as "the gods".

But the B is always linked to the C in that the C is located at 3 and the B is comprised of the mathematical

formula of 1+2=3. 2 B or Not 2 B, that is the question. Further musings and pondering of such

philosophics should lead one to a comprehension, said comprehension a glimpse into the apperception of

the conceptual.

The Owl as a Symbol of the Goddess

The Owl as an archetype exists throughout many cultures, but the owl has direct links back to the

worship of Ishtar, or the Queen of Heaven. In this relief, found in Iraq, Ishtar can be seen with two

owls at Her feet.

In this case, the Owl is being linked to Ishtar, who is then linked to Isis who is then linked to Speech.

ISIS = 9+19+9+19 = 56 = 19+16+5+5+3+8 = SPEECH

SPEECH is in close proximity to the ideal ONE, as referenced in Isis and Osiris and Hymns to the

Mystic Fire, or Agni. Each the tales regarding Isis and Osiris revolve around a promise of gaining

knowledge and insight if with patient perseverance, we study "the gods", or the Letters, in our effort

to comprehend "reality".

The Construct is akin to the night, or wandering in the darkness, and hence the OWL, with its keen

vision and ability to "see in the night" is the Occult equivalent of being able to ascertain reality and

thus not be deceived by the illusions created from the "de-fining" of words that the make up reality.

All of this entails a long digression into the Mysteries, of which this article provides you with ample allusions. Still yet, the entire construction of

the Illuminatus System is set against a series of numerical ciphers all equating back to the 0 through 9, with the 26 digit Alphabet being further

caste against the 0-9.

Thus the Goddess as B and R are to be located at Number 2. Thus the word OWL is hiding a very simple and yet clever cipher, still further caste

against Nature. The secret is in the transposition or ration of 3:4. The 3 is comprised of the Letter C, S, and L in the basic cipher system. However,

the L is also known as "the fallen angle, or angel", in that the L when spun 180 degrees on its side becomes the Letter L.

Thus L's in certain words can be seen to be T's, and so we can take the word OWL, cipher the

Letter L back to a T to create the word OWT, and then simple spin the word in reverse to reveal its

inherent and designed code:


Thus what is being said is that "the Owl" is what is able to see in the night and it is the Owl that

gives us wisdom and vision as we make our way through the Construct. So before you are so quick

to dismiss this or that as mere "occult satanic ritual", it is best to get the real source meaning of the

symbols lest you vilify what is really a higher level esoteric truth and reality, that the Goddess is

the Owl, and that it is the worship of the Goddess that allows us to gain wisdom and knowledge,

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for as Plutarch said in "On Isis and Osiris",

"the end and aim of which is the knowledge of Him who is the First, the Lord of All, the Ideal One. Him does the god urge us to seek, since He is near her and with her and in close communion. The name of her shrine also clearly promises knowledge and comprehension of reality;"

Thus you will find the OWL next to the One in the Dollar Bill and next to the White House in Washington DC, a powerful message that what

founded America was built on a comprehensive knowledge of Isis and Osiris, and a conscious worship of the Goddess who gives milk and honey

and provides for a bountiful harvest.

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Friday, March 14, 2008

Hermetic Qaballa and the Summative Value of Number

I spend hours and hours in research on this

subject, and that is on a daily basis. The reasons are many, but not the least of which is that knowledge and its synthesis tends to be

acquired exponentially, even as the mechanism to learning any particular craft begins cumulatively. Without a doubt, such factors to

learning applies to acquiring an insight into Hermetic Qaballa.

Hermetic Qaballa is really a Philosophy of Number set against Letters. It is exceptionally complex and beyond the capacity of the

untrained and impossible to the unaware, yet Hermetic Qaballa becomes incredibly simple and beautiful to the knowing and aware.

Hermetic Qaballa is predicated upon the basic thesis that Letters are fused to Numbers are fused to Sounds. Each of these elements

are inseperable. The properties of number, affixed as they are to archetypical realities, too then are fused to Letters, which too have

their archetypal properties.

A comprehensive knowledge (the Apperception of the Conceptual) of this philosophy (Osirian or Speculative Masonry) can only be

effected through an exponential component, while still a comprehensive knowledge can be acquired through cumulative processes.

In the cumulative nature of learning, we build upon one idea and move to the next. First there is A and then there is B and then there

is C and so forth. A has it's properties and B has it's and so forth. The process is akin to memorizing charts of information while

lacking the ability to fuse the constituent parts into a comprehensive system.

This basic element to learning, too, can be abused, and we should take care to note that our Philosophy of Number allows for basic

and inherent truths to be discerned free from error providing we understand completely the Construction and the principle behind

same. Thus although we may find vast elements of our knowledge fused to Thelema and the Golden Dawn, we recognize that

because of certain faults in the foundation, the cumulative knowledge still has it's faults and must be isolated and further refined.

Our interests are not to conjure up ghosts; rather, we seek a comprehensive understanding of reality.

Thus we must build a note upon a note, hearing the A and the C# and the E and then discerning how this is an A Major chord, and so

forth. Thus we begin the process of transformational learning, a process which can be viewed as being "exponential" in property.

The Summative Value of Number

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In a cumulative

nature of learning, we may view the Letters as if they are "Summative Values". The Letter A, for example, has an Ordinal Value of 1,

in that its placement in the Alphabet is at position 1. In the Summative Value of a Letter, Letters are added from 1:n (their letter

placement in the Alphabet). Hence, B, being placed at position number 2, will have a summative value of 1:2, or 1+2=3.

Since Letters are fused to Numbers are fused to Sounds, we can readily note that the shape of the Letter B is derived or utilizing the

glyphs for the concept known as "one" and the concept known as "three". Hence B is comprised of the glyph "1" and the glyph "3",

contracted and fused together, hiding as it were its actual mathematical formula that is the basis of its construction.

B = 2 = 1 + 2 = 3

That such a concept is being used in Initiatory Systems should not be questioned by the serious student, but for those who seek some

confirmation, the above diagram from Aleister Crowley's "Liber VIII" should show such clear enough. That Crowley was fusing the

Summative Value to the Hebrew Letters was perhaps his fatal error or his clever misdirection, but those who read here clear should

be under no delusions: the Summative Value is Key to the Design of English and a System based on the 26.

Hence the Letter D, too, can be shown to be derived from or to be utilizing the mathematical formula to arrive at "the Summative

Value", or for which Crowley referred to as "mystic numbers".

D = 4 = 1+2+3+4=10

Again, each of these values and numbers have affixed to the a series of archetypal knowledge fused to them, and their combinations,

divisions, etc., form a comprehensive Hermetic, or "sealed", knowledge that can really only be ascertained after knowledge becomes

acquired "exponentially".

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For example, in the Number 10, or the Letter D, we simply turn the

glyph 90 left degrees to reveal the Sun as it appears at sunrise or sunset. By simply noting that D turned 90 degrees to the left

becomes as the sun as it rises on the HORIZON, we begin the process of exponential learning. Thus the 1 of the D is the

"HORIZON" while the O of the D is the Sun itself. Thus the 1 and the O return us to Pi, and further, we can note that the very word

HORIZON was a very simple and yet clever code:

H = The Greek Letter Pi


ON = ONe = ONE = 1

Or the Code of H (the Letter Pi) is comprised of the O and the 1 (H ORIZ ON).

Yet it is not possible to see the trandimensional way in which WORDS work unless we have acquired a vast catalogue of data AND

we understand the multi-dimensionality of the puzzle called "reality" that lies before us.

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Crowley, Thelema, Summative Values, and the Pi Proportion

That much of what is Hermetic Qaballa is really being secreted in Thelema and various

works by Crowley and the agents and workers behind the concept that would become Thelema can be readily inferred once one has a

firm grasp (to the extent possible) of just what Hermetic Qaballa really is comprised. That PI is integral to the whole of the

Illuminatus System (Setian or Osirian)too becomes readily apparent with knowledge of the design. However, much can be inferred

through a comprehensive tearing down (destorying) of what became Thelema and the inherent intended corruptions within,

For example, Crowley writes in "The Equinox of the Gods, Chapter 7",

"Now I knew that in the value of the letters of ALHIM, "the Gods," the Jews had concealed a not quite correct value of [pi], the ratio

of a circle's circumference to its diameter, to 4 places of decimals: 3.1415; nearer would be 3.1416. If I prefix our Key, 31, putting

[sun, moon], Set or Satan, before the old Gods, I get 3.141593, [pi] correct to Six places, Six being my own number and that of

Horus the Sun."

Equally, Crowley revealed further the extent to which Summative Values are employed in the Illuminatus System when he stated in

the same document,

"and this card is my special card, for I am Baphomet, "the Lion and the Serpent," and 666, the "full number" of the Sun. (The

"magical numbers" of the Sun are, according to tradition, 6, (6 x 6)=36, (666 / 111, and [epsilon] (1-36)=666.)"

That CROWLEY would affix the number "666" to himself really is not a big deal if you understood the Summative Value of Letter.

In the word CROWLEY, we can infer that the Y is silent (actually the energy is spinning on the Y and so the number of CROWLEY

as 666 is a half truth), and so by invoking the Summative Value of Number, we can show the following:

C = 3 = 6

R = 18 = 171

O = 15 = 120

W = 23 = 276

L = 12 = 78

E = 5 = 15


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So to people unawares as to the Nature of the Construct and who are easily deceived equally by number (NUMB being a composite

reality to NUMBER), in an Initiated System, that CROWLEY was "the Beast" as his number was "666" could be seen as a literal

truth invoking a series of rules to the larger Craft.

Further, Crowley essentially gives away the actual core of the Illuminatus System in that he speaks of the 6, the 66 (6x6=36), and the

666. Yet in spite of sometimes insightful genius, Crowley utterly fails to deal specifically with the Design and the Construct,

preferring as it were to change it to fit some Daemon rather than elevate the truth.

Thus Crowley was obviously a Setian agent and on the dark side of the Illuminatus System and so the study of his work can only be

useful to a limited degree.

Examples of Summative Values in Language

There are many words that utilize the Summative Value.

The most obvious is the word SUN, where S can be shown in the Isisian Codes to have a value of 3 and N a value of 5. Thus the

Summative Value of 6 is 21, and 21 is the U Letter, and so SUN = 3(Sum of 1:)65, or the number of days that the Earth takes to orbit

the SUN. The Letter U, being placed at the Summative Value of 6, is often equated to a 6 in many a word.

Another Summative Code is the word INRI from the JESUS set of mythologies.





I+N+R+I = 45+105+171+45 = 366, or another number indicative of the Sun.

Obviously, in a blog of this nature, all that can provided is a flavor for what is really going on in the fabrication of concepts and ideas

around numbers and sounds, but I trust this article will provide further insights into the nature of the Construct and will assist the

interested to gain an appreciation for what is the apperception of the conceptual.

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Saturday, March 15, 2008

English Gematria and the Apperception of the Conceptual

Gematria, by it's very definition, is intricately linked to achieving an apperception

of the conceptual. After all, if one of the primary definitions of Gematria is a "system by which hidden truths and meanings are

discovered within words", then by virtue of such one should be able to transcend to an apperception of the conceptual.

Gematria, in a very general sense, involves the affixing of Letters to Numbers and to Sounds in an inseparable string. The primary

Illuminatus source document regarding this idea is the Book of Formation, also known as "the Sepher Yetzirah":

"In thirty-two mysterious Paths of Wisdom did Jah, the Jehovah of hosts, the God of Israel, the Living Elohim, the King of ages, the

merciful and gracious God, the Exalted One, the Dweller in eternity, most high and holy--engrave his name by the three Sepharim

--Numbers, Letters, and Sounds."

The conscious comprehension that Numbers are fused to Letters which are further fused to sounds opens immense direct channels to

an apperception of the conceptual, but there still remains the physical work and reasoning working with the new found concept such

that insights are able to be gathered such that an apperception of the conceptual can be achieved.

The Apperception of the Conceptual

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The Apperception of the Conceptual implies a layered ability to penetrate reality.

This ability serves as the basic definition of "discovering hidden meanings within words' through the use of Number. In the case of

the number 1919, this can be divided into the Letters SS, for S is the 19th Letter of the Alphabet. The idea of the SS is then fused to

the very symbol of the Swastika, which in this example is using a rounded outer form.

But with the Apperception of the Conceptual, the Thule Symbol is so rich with nuanced meaning as to defy a rational analysis from

traditional academic points of view. For instance, the use of the letters SS, or the double rune Sigurd, was traditionally regarded as a

curse to the Germans, substituting the double rune with the elongated "f".

However, as we know that the various mythologies are merely cultural transpositions of the same mythological source, we can trace

the parallels in mythology to gain a further comprehension of the Apperception of the Conceptual.

In the case of the Double Rune Sigurd (SS), we can note that the word BI BLE includes a prefix of BI and a root of BLE. Using

Gematria, we can show that BLE has values of 2+12+5=19, and hence a BI-BLE would be simply another form of the Double Rune

Sigurd, or SS, for BI-BLE = Double S, or SS.

We then seek further into the story of Sigurd and we find that "Years later, with Sinjotli dead, Sigmund remarries in order to carry on

the Volsung line; Odin intervenes to take his life before the child is born. The son, named Sigurd, thus inherits all the strength of his

father. Reforging Sigmunds sword, he kills the dragon Fafnir" and a curse is laid down.

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The parallels allow you to penetrate the Conceptual. The Double

Rune Sigurd can be equated to the Father and the Son, for the Father, Sigmund, although dashed, still is able to carry on the line in

the form of Sigurd. Thus the SS of the BI-BLE shows a similar parallel. Jesus as the Son is sought to be destroyed before he can rise,

but using the remnants of his fathers religion (Judaism), the existing Setian religion of Judaism was able to rise again with the

assistance of the son with the intent to destroy European Pagan institutions, themselves heavily influenced by Osiris and Isis systems.

Thus in the diagram above, with the descending sword as pictured, we can infer that the drawing agents were invoking Sigurds

reforged sword (S) to become his own (S), and so we have powerful and yet subtle archetypal imagery aimed at the unawares.

Further, with the intentional focus of the "1919" as being "SS", fused to the "SS" of the Swastika, the imagery becomes almost

oppressive in nature.

These people knew what they were doing, and since the imagery was purely Setian in focus and intent, the negative aspects of the

movement could be readily ascertained. That does not mean that power existed to halt the movement and its intentions, but clearly

trouble was brewing and we may gain insights into the political agendas of the movements in question through a rational analysis of

how current and past symbols were being employed.

Thick as a Brick as an Exercise in the Conceptua

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In Morton Smith's"Jesus the Magician",

Morton Smith tells of a 3rd century joke whereby Jesus, petulant and self centered, was rejected by his master. Distraught and

forlorn, Jesus returned home and worshiped a brick as if it was his master. The idea that Jesus was worshiping a brick, too, finds its

way into various Jewish Talmudic texts, whereby we find in Sotah7a,

"Sotah 47a: “Jesus was excommunicated by a Rabbi; Jesus worshipped a brick;

Jesus was a magician and led Israel astray.”"

Of course, the Conceptual is lost if you allow yourself to be led here or there. Nothing is changing. The basic framework remains the

SS, or the Double Rune Sigurd. What is changing is a conceptual shift relative to local significance. Jesus as a movement was based

on Osirian mysticism, whereby much of what would become the Catholic Church was essentially ripped and modified codes from

Osirian Systems.

But it was and remains Setianist at its core yet saving much of the good contained in Osirian systems.

Mathew 34-36

"Do not think that I came to bring peace on earth. I did not come to bring peace but a sword. "For I have come to 'set a man against

his father, a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law'; and 'a man's enemies will be those of

his own household." It's intent was to destroy, but it could not do so without fusing politically and esoteric symbolic formulations

already in full use. A compromise would have to be made, and so much of what was Osirian knowledge was able to be preserved in

the new found religion.

The seeds of destruction, however, were planted.

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By trying to build his foundation on that of "the Father", or

Jehovah/Typhon/Seth, Christianity was doomed as a mechanism to bring down Setianism. So Jesus, worshiping a "brick", was just

more conceptual foundational material being injected into the material. The "brick" would become "the Wailing Wall".

Sigurd as an S is using the reforged sword of Sigmung the Father as an S and so Jesus as an S is using the "wailing wall", or "brick"

as an S. The Thule Society and the SS and the 1919 and the revolving double S Swastika are still the same energetical channels and

invoking the same daemonic forces.

Thus we find in Ian Anderson's "Thick as a Brick",

"But your new shoes are worn at the heels and

your suntan does rapidly peel and

your wise men don't know how it feels to be thick as a brick."

Now imagine the armies of Christian missionaries through time who have spread "the Word", even as they so many knew not (but

clearly some did) the foundational structure of "the Word"? Is the BRICK simply another manifestation of an Occult and corrupted

version of "the Word"?

"See there! A son is born -- and we pronounce him fit to fight.

There are black-heads on his shoulders, and he pees himself in the night.


make a man of him

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put him to trade

teach him

to play Monopoly and

to sing in the rain."

The Conceptual is already established. Sigmund and Jesus come to fight, and in the case of Jesus, it became the same monopolistic

thought control as was and remains the core of Setian systems. In such systems there is little tolerance for any voice of authority save

for the head.

Mathew 37-39 - "He who loves father or mother more than Me is not worthy of Me. And he who loves son or daughter more than Me

is not worthy of Me. {38} "And he who does not take his cross and follow after Me is not worthy of Me. {39} "He who finds his life

will lose it, and he who loses his life for My sake will find it."

"And the youngest of the family is moving with authority.

Building castles by the sea, he dares the tardy tide to wash them all aside". - Thick as a Brick"

Now imagine the spreading of Missions across the America's and elsewhere, with the awakening of the human spirit being the "tardy

tide" meant to wash away these older Piscean systems.

"I've come down from the upper class to mend your rotten ways.

My father was a man-of-power whom everyone obeyed.

So come on all you criminals!

I've got to put you straight just like I did with my old man --

twenty years too late.

Your bread and water's going cold.

Your hair is too short and neat.

I'll judge you all and make damn sure that no-one judges me."

Now imagine the young Christian church. The clue is "your bread and water's going cold", a reference to the rite or ritual of

"communion", while the hair being short and neat a reference to the salesman attire of the missionary manners.

And still. Their wise men don't know how it feels to be thick as a brick.

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The Gra, the Holy Grail, and the Vesica Piscis

When one seeks to penetrate the Mysteries, such mysteries to include the Holy Grail, it might benefit the

seeker to understand the Hermetic Arcanum:

Let the studious Reader have a care of the manifold significations of words, for by deceitful windings, and doubtful, yea contrary speeches (as it should seem), Philosophers wrote their mysteries, with a

desire of veiling and hiding, yet not of sophisticating or destroying the truth; and though their writings abound with ambiguous and equivocal words; yet about none do they more contend than in hiding their

Golden Branch.

What this tells us is that there is a discernable philosophical reality hiding under the "manifold signification of words", that these significations are veiling and yet not destroying an underlying "truth",

and that through a comprehensive analysis of words, studious "Readers" may be able to penetrate the entire system through a conscious recognition that what appears to be contradictory in wording may

indeed be complimentary when placed into perspective against other comparable or related works.

"Readers" as opposed to the generic use of the word "reader", being that the former is capitalized, amounts to that of someone with a "title". This is a very simple yet succinct example as to the manifold

significations of words. However, significations of words take on many forms, from the elevation of philosophics surrounding "the Omnific" or "Lost Word", to subtle hints as to how to build the the

Philosopher's Stone.

Building on the Conceptual

Well-being I wonAnd wisdom too.

I grew and took joy in my growth:From a word to a word

I was led to a word,From a deed to another deed.

Odin, by sir E. Burne-Jones

When we build on the manifold significations of words, it is necessary to lay foundations along the way relative to the larger philosophic which has been

for thousands of years in the process of being veiled. Hence in the poem "Odin" by Sir E. Burne-Jones, the hidden message is that well being and "growth" has much to do with the ability to penetrate the veil and to come to an understanding of the Conceptual. Words, or their manifold

significations, must be pierced before one may be able to place a word down as a foundation stone. Each word must then be built one upon the other for each leads one back to the veiled and encoded philosophical truth contained in the language.

The entire process is what Plutarch refers to as "an apperception of the conceptual".

But the manner in which Philosopher's sought to veil and conceal without destroying contained, too, an artistic element. Thus in the form of expression

known as Art we may find veiled references to the larger and all encompassing Construct. Thus in the Letter E we may find the Scales of Ma'at and the diameter and the circle (reference the design in the "e", lower case E), and so forth.

Yet still we have not approached the Golden Branch, which may be likened as being comprised of two components: a Geometric component and a

literary expression of what would be mythologized as "the Lost Word", or the first 32 digit sequence of Pi.

GEMATRIA, or the fusing of Letters to Numbers to Sounds for the express purpose of encoding the larger Construct, plays a critical role in being led from one word to the next. Likewise, as the manifold significations of words is far more comprehensive than the laity can imagine, it is significant to

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note that in the root formation of words (consonants), we may derive two key words with the letters GMT:

GeoMetry and GeMaTria

Gematria provides the critical clues to the accompanying Geometry upon which the larger Construct and Philosophy has been caste.

Basic Philosophic Foundations

The Philosophy of the Illuminatus may be broken down into two primary elements, 0 as Female and 1

as Male. 0 as union, 1 as separation. Life is the process of evolution and dissolution. When male and female unite, life is created. Each individual life represents a division, while each individual death

represents a dissolution, said dissolution trending when the soul operates normally towards "union".

The perfect expression of this element is fused to Pi, wherein the masculine 1 represents the male and 0 or circumference encodes the female. Neither the 1 as male nor the 0 female are said to exist

"individually"; each must exist in harmony with the other.

These basic principles become inverted, as a "6" to a "9". If you are "sans gravity", or in a vacuum, without a reference point, and you were to see a 6 or a 9 floating past you, it would be impossible to

know by the observation if you are looking at "6" or a "9", from purely a conceptual point of view. Hence within the Conceptual. The same would hold true if you took the letter X, divided it "at the

waters", or the center point, cutting each half loose and allowed each to float independently. The V or the inverted "v" would be as the 6 is to the 9; each is derived from a composite symbol.

Gematria is the tool used to enable you to understand this aspect of the Philosophy or "Design of the

Construct", as you prefer.

In the word SIX, we have two components, the Letter S located at 3 and the Roman Numeral sequence of IX, or 9. The number 3 of S is expressed in its summative form (1+2+3=6), and so the female 6

really cannot exist without the masculine 9 and so this is encoded as the word (S)(IX).

Thus the word S-IX encodes the philosophy, not the point of destroying it, but to veil it, as it were, into a simple mathematical expression. When we

further review the Isisian Codes, we note that the word FIVE is located at Column 6 (FV=6). The formula of "5=6" as an "Hermetic degree" is well established, the degree veiling the underlying mathematical construction.

In the word 5 (FIVE), we can then invert the formula:

F = 6

IV = Roman Numberal 4E = 5

F = 6; (IV)+E = 4+5 = 9

FIVE and SIX each contain the 6 female and the 9 male. Combine the two, and you arrive at the

inspiration behind its formation, or a "spiral galaxy", the root "spiral" being integral to such words as "spine", "spirit", "spire", etc.

In each of these cases, we demonstrate the use of Gematria as a means to hide the inherent truth into

simple yet easily visible and decipherable mathematical cryptograms. In the case of the 6 and the 9, the 6 is an inversion of the 9, and vice versa, with each representing division and yet unity equally as one

cannot be separate from the other when viewed relative to the larger design (a spiral galaxy).

As in the case of the "spiral galaxy", we can build further onto the Construct: life as material existence requires order upon which to be founded. This "order" can be construed as the aggregate density of

matter fused to time that enables the chemical processes that enable life to flourish. These processes become represented in a physical observation as a "spinning" process (again invoking the "spi" formation as in "spinal", "spiral", etc.). That "pi" follows

the S in the spelling is clue enough, that the S can be viewed as 1/2 of 8 is clue enough, that the letter set to denote "that which comes before a word" is called a PRE-FIX is clue enough:




Through solving through the FIX, you have built upon a "word" and can now be led to another word. In this case, one could solve for the rational

reasoning behind PRE, taking the above information into account as you try to reason it through.

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Past Tense of Present Conditions

When we delve further into the manifold signification of words, it often becomes necessary to utilize the full range of tools available to us, such tools to include a comprehensive understanding of Gematria (Letters/Numbers/Sounds). We also require the use of Art, Music, Meditation, Reasoning, and so


The critical start point remains, however, to realize that a Construct exists, that you are a part of this Construct, that part of your journey is to rise above this Construct so as to manipulate same rather than be manipulated by, to the degree and extent possible.

You become wise when you realize that millions of people have come before you in the development of the Construct and the preservation of same.

Each of these were in search of their own "Holy Grail". Some of these people are well known, say a "Da Vinci", but in the United States alone, Masonry and its adherents numbered in the millions of people. Even if a small percentage of these people came to understand the Construct, say 2%, the numbers

of those preserving and advancing and refining these inherent truths numbered in the 100's of thousands of people over a series of interlocking generations.

These people, knowing the war against ignorance is as keeping the sea at bay, practiced and set down the foundation of "Truth" in silence, and you can

be assured that somewhere cells are operating in silence to continue to preserve this knowledge even in the face of egregious affronts to "these gods" to whom these cells are beholden.

So in each individual work of Art, or in each subtle poem, or in each rousing march one may find clues to the Construct hidden within. For example, the

acrostic puzzle to the start of the Star Spangled Banner, "Oh say can you see, by the dawns early light" is an acrostic puzzle that reads "OCCULT":

Oh = O(S)ay = S = 3 = C

(C)an = C = 3 = CU = U

(S)ee = 3 = LT = Sun arising on the horizon (dawns early light)

OSCUL(T=Dawn's Early Light) = OCCULT

Without the Occult, you cannot seek after your GRAIL save for a superstitious goose chase. Manifold significations are key to breaking down the

Philosophy of the Illuminatus in a manner that enables you to see.

Take for instance the idea that "n" = "10". This principal is dealt with in the article, "Superman and the Relationship of "n" to "10"". There is a transposition set wherein N's are "D's" are "T's" are "J's" are "W's" are "X's", and so forth. What this means is that there "may be" "esoteric

significances" set into words where a single letter is being changed within this sequence.

Within the Construct we have "The Garden of Eden" and the casting out of mankind therefrom. In the word GARDEN, the phonetic set of GARDEN can be changed to GARDED (guarded). In the word "guarded" we can shift the "d" to a "t" and create "guarted", implying that "art" is used in the

guarding of the way to the "Garden of Eden", and so forth. Still, you must keep in mind the idea of Pi, or 1 and 0, as defined, lest you be led astray.

The word GARDEN is really referring, in a past tense sense, to that which is being "guarded". There is no difference philosophically in the design

between the word "guarded" and "garden"; each is implying the exact same thing. What is being "guarded" is also known as a "garden". The philosophical implications should not be underestimated as you trace the energy from a profane idea of what a garden is to an understanding that the

word is referring in past tense to the defacto guarding of "plants" to be used for some beneficial purpose in the future.

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The word GARDEN becomes what is known as a "PAST TENSE OF A PRESENT CONDITION." The "garden" is a present condition, but its ability to exist is based on the fact that it is "domesticated", not of the wild, and hence it is being "guarded".

The use of "past tenses" to represent "present conditions" is subtle yet intuitively genius. If we equate to the Letter B (make the bottom bigger than the

top) to be the profile of a pregnant woman, then the "past tense of this present condition" becomes the word B'ed", or BED. Now the philosophical function of a "bed" as a word comes more into focus.

The BED is the past tense (location) of the present condition (a woman pregnant), latent life awaiting manifestations (BR)ED, another past tense of a

present condition.

The GRA and the HOLY GRAIL

If I ask you the question, "Did he sail his boat today?", the word SAIL is implied to be in the "past

tense". Equally, if someone "fails", then the word "fail" is, too, in the past tense.

In Illuminatus transposition systems, L's are at times equated to T's and by inference therefrom, are equated to D's. "D's" are oft used along with "N's" to represent "past tenses", as in "taken", "beholden",

or "laughed". Yet when we study the words SAIL and FAIL, we note that these are too past tenses, so what then of the word GRAIL? If you are to be led from a word to a word, the words FAIL, SAIL, and

GRAIL are all then "past tenses" of present conditions.

We then have to break out the roots of the letters, in this case FA, SA, and GRA respective. FA and SA would then (and do) have their own philosophic within the larger Construct, while GRA is an integral

part of the larger geometrical and philosophical underpinning of the larger Illuminatus Philosophy.

So if we are in search of our Holy Grail, are we in search of a "past tense of a present condition"?

We must now begin to utilize all the available tools at our disposal. The first step is to solve for the basic word "GRA".

"GRA" means love in Gaelic. That is handy, considering that the "grail" is depicted as a "chalice" or "cup". "Cups" as a symbol have always been equated with "love" or "hearts". Yet we cannot forget that all of this goes back further to being but representations of an "acroamatic cipher". Hence in

the creation of the "CUP" as a shape and the "HEART" as a shape, each is independently encoding the same letter, the Letter J.

We are then returning to the idea of "UNION", wherein to make a single person, we must take the letter J (10 as

X) as a representation of male and female and combine it with the Letter J (10 as X) as representation of male

and female. Thus the HEART as a J+J and the cup as a J mirored on a J are representing the same philosophical


In this form of deconstruction, we are simply utilizing a vast knowledge of Gematria, but Gematria is not

complete without the Geometric component. So we delve further into the Illuminatus System and find the


This is known as "the 32 Paths according to Gra". If you are patient, everything always starts to come together.

Because the "32 Paths according to Gra" remain a veiled system, for you cannot expect a pure release from a purely Occulted source, you should make

the assumption that the paths as depicted have inherent and planned errors. What the "32 Paths according to Gra" properly show is the interlinking hexagons: the paths are scrambled and confused and set to Jewish (Setianists) concepts (a failure point as Osirian systems are not set to Jewish concepts

and indeed are opposed to them).

Gematria is the tool used to put the paths into their proper placement.

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In Gematria, we have the principal of "5=6". The Letters F and V create the word FiVe, and yet FiVe is located at position number 6 (see the Isisian Codes at the of this page). In the 32 Paths according to Gra, we have correctly the concept of 3-4-3 and the interlinking Hexagons. It is correct that that

the depiction shows the interlinking hexagons. What is confused in the 32 Paths according to Gra are the paths themselves, for you must put the "Five" in the 6, or the Pentacle into the Hexagon. Further, the "tree" has to be cut down (becoming a garden) and laid on its side as shown here:

This, of course, is the Vesica Piscis, or the joining of two circles (individual units)

into a whole single entity. Philosophical inquiries or foundations from this point can go in many different directions, from worldly pursuits to metaphysical journeys into

the astral to metaphysical journeys into the self.

But since the Garden of Eden really says "that which is guarded", as "garden" and "guarded" are the same, we must cover our "Garden of Eden" with a Flaming Sword

and Cherub (Cube), to reveal the Golden Branch, or the Philosopher's Stone.

We have completed our quest, as it were, and found our "Holy Gra-il", a geometric representation of the Vesica Piscis, complete with complex archetypal paths that lead one back to "self" and "self realization", a realization that leads one back to an understanding of one's communion and union

with the Universe.

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Saturday, March 29, 2008

Temurah - The Dynamic Use of Number in English Qaballa

English Gematria has been seriously hampered by the

intentional misdirections of Aleister Crowley. Why, for instance, was Crowley trying to create a whole new "order and placement of

the English Alphabet" when indeed, the Alphabet had long ago been perfected and its mechanism of operation known and taught

within various Masonic systems? Why indeed was Crowley intimating that the Letters of the English Alphabet required the affixing

of new meanings to them when indeed, the meanings affixed to them had long ago been established and the Illuminatus System and

philosophy inserted fully into the material and perfected over thousands of years?

The primary failure relative to the public in being able to ascertain the larger Illuminatus Construct arises from an inherently

simplistic acceptance of the definitions put forward to the public. For example, Gematria is viewed with an idea that all letters are

numbers, and therefore, all words are numbers and that all words (and their composite phrases) will have "esoterically significant"


By this method, words as ISIS and OSIRIS can be shown to be equal to SPEECH and RELIGION respectively. Masonic texts written

in the 1920's indeed make this direct co-relation, equating Isis to a "spoken or Oral" tradition while Osiris is equated to the written

portion of the larger system. Each of the two systems are required and must be used collectively in order for the larger system to

actually work. But this is just the beginning of the type of knowledge one needs to acquire in order to come to a comprehensive

understanding of the larger Illuminatus system, which we refer to as "the Construct".

Gematria as a Simplistic Tool

As you delve into the world of the Occult and the use of number as a means to encode "truths", what you will find is

that the number of ciphers documented reaches well over 100. In Dan Brown's "the Da Vinci Code", the At Bash Cipher was

referenced to reveal "esoterically significant codes", or words with comparable values.

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As taught to the profane (the non initiated public to include the schools dedicated to Crowley and Thelema), the use of Gematria

extends by and large to the assigning of values to letters and simply adding up the values. However, to the keen student, the

simplicity of such a system quickly becomes lacking in value as the complexity of the Construct becomes more fully known.

If we take the word "SUN", for instance, a basic ordinal code of SUN shows that SUN contains the basic ordinal letters 19.21.14, or

S.U.N, and if we add the values of SUN together, we arrive at the number 54. As taught, you can then further reduce the value of 54

to a value of 5+4=9, and thus affix the number of the SUN to that of a "reduced ordinal code" of 9.

What exactly did you accomplish? Did you arrive at some special meaning by simply adding numbers as they appear in alphabet

letter placements? How difficult was it to engage in a form of activity that is no more complicated than a third grade math test?

This form of Gematria, although you will find its place and value in the larger system, is still far from precise tools needed in order to

penetrate the Veil of Isis (Speech). The process of adding (or re-adding) as it were, is the very basic act called "re-ad", or "reading". It

is no more difficult for you to read as it is for you to make basic level of addition.

You should not presume that ANY SYSTEM predicated on simplistic addition, no matter how many skip codes and changes in value

to the Letters you wish to make, is the process through which the Illuminatus System is constructed.

Temurah and the Dynamic Use of Number

There are multitudes of definitions available for the various Occult

means of deciphering words. Temurah is but one of them, and like most of the available definitions, the definitions fail to truly point

the aspirant into the proper direction upon which to begin to comprehend the intuitive nature of the larger Construct. Regarding

Temurah, Manley P. Hall writes on in Secret Teachings of All Ages on the Qabalistic Keys to the Creation of Man,

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"Under the general heading of Temurah several systems may be grouped and explained in which various letters are substituted for

other letters according to prearranged tables or certain mathematical arrangements of letters, regular or irregular."

At the end of the day, Temurah is no more complicated than a recognition of a dynamic use of number as a means to perpetuate a

truth as used by the Illuminatus systems. The system is based on the 6, the 66, the 666, and the 6666. These numbers alternate

between meaning the Circumference (Pi), or the Diameter (inferring Pi). Thus you can affix a value of VIRGIN = 21+9+18+7+9+14

= 78 = 7+8 = 15 = 1+5 = 6, or you can apply a dynamic intuitive value in your analysis, showing that 6 is VI and RGIN is the word

ORIGINAL, and hence VI-RGIN is saying "the Original VI", or the Original 6.

You can then show that 6 is Feminine, it contains the letters S and IX (as 9), and since the S is a 3, we can use the summative value of

3 (1+2+3=6) to show that the 6 (SIX) contains the word concepts of 6 and 9, or the Spiral Galaxy. This is just one example of

Temurah, or the dynamic use of number.

Another example is in the word SUN. Since S and N have values of 3 and 5 respective (utilizing the Isisian Codes), then the letter 6

would have a Temurah component, or its placement is using a dynamic use of number, and so the 6 has a summative value of 21, or

the direct letter placement of U in the Alphabet.

And yet there is another overt word that uses the dynamic use of number, and that is the word TON. Since T is located at 20, and the

Letter O is the number 0, we can show that TO = 200, and yet a TON has a value of 2000 pounds. In this way, we know that the

Letter N must have a value of 10 as TO has a value of 200 and TON has a value of 2000.

So when Manley P. Hall references the usage of number in either static tables where values are changed against a set matrix as the At

Bash Cipher was demonstrated in the Da Vinci Code, or if you have situations where the values of the Letters clearly hide a

mathematical formulation, as the word SUN, the most difficult hurdle you will make in seeking to comprehend the Occult system is

that at it is a philosophy based on number and that any given set of words may or may not be utilizing a series of dynamic number

even as the ordinal code (simple Gematria) too is being utilized.

Thus in the word ISIS we have the letters 9+19+19+9, and yet "36" is the secret number of ISIS as ISIS = 9+19+9+19 =

9*(1*9)+9+(1*9) = 666, and so forth.

This "dynamic use" of number is just one form of the larger subsystem known as "temurah".

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Thursday, April 3, 2008

Deconstructing Occult Signatures

The Illuminatus Observor is all about "de-storying" or "de-constructing" various

Occult signatures. An Occult signature can loosely be defined as any given work released as a public document with the intent to

influence on a subliminal or subsurface level. In this regard, most written traditions could be considered to be Occult signature

documents, many of which are taken as literal truths by the masses unawares as to the hidden forces that surround them.

More than merely "de-storying" or "de-constructing" Occult signatures, the Illuminatus Observor provides a wide array of

fundamental principals to assist the interested aspirant to come to understand the nature of "the Construct". In this way clues are

provided as to how to begin the process of channeling the Construct in such a way as to begin to penetrate the Veil of Isis.

The methodology of the Occult is no more complicated than that of a magnet. The magnet is the primary released source document.

Those who are attracted to the released document are as the slivers of steel drawn to and attracted to the magnet. As the metal

shavings (as represented by unique individuals) become affixed and surrounded by the magnetic field of the magnet, the metal

shavings (unique individuals) begin to impart the same properties as the magnet and thus serve as miniature magnets themselves.

And so you grow from a single powerful source to thousands and thousands of sources each imparting their unique properties wholly

derived from the original magnet. The person is not changed physically. It changes not color or weight, and yet its properties have


In order to deconstruct Occult signatures, we must be careful to deal with the magnets, and not the slivers, as it were. Hence in

Crowley we find but clues to the magnet, but not the magnet, for any individual, including this author, can only but take on the

properties of the material for which we are influenced.

Acroamatic Ciphers, Lost Words, and other Tools of Deconstruction

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To those who have taken a serious study into the maze that becomes the Occult,

we soon realize that we are dealing primarily with a single solitary source, that the various mythologies are imbedding properties of

this single solitary source, and that philosophy and reasoning become the primary tools upon which the deconstruction must begin.

To this end, philosopher's have set down a strata of source material to assist in the elevation of the Construct within the hearts and

minds of humanity without allowing the actual source itself to be released.

So the Construct gets veiled but not so much as to hide the inherent truths within. The idea is simple: if the Construct is veiled but so

absolute as to destroy it, refined minds of men and women will be able to rise above the veiling and come to understand the inherent

nature of the Construct.

So what we learn is that the Construct is itself a primary weapon and a primary tool. Within this Construct are primary concepts as

"acroamatic ciphers", "Lost Words", "Philosopher's Stones", to name but a few.

Hence in an acroamatic cipher, we learn that the mythologies of the world are but acroamatic ciphers of a hidden and sacred

Alphabet. In Plutarch, we learn that this Sacred and Hidden Alphabet is referred to as "gods", while "the God" is the Alphabet itself.

Through Gematria we learn that the actual number of power is 26, thus invalidating the whole of Jewish Kabballah in a single throw,

and in the design of the Alphabet we learn that the Lost Word is but a decimal digit representation of Pi.

That J's are black and B's are white are but clues. That the finish line is a checkered flag is but a simple clue. That the Baphomet is oft

pictured with female breasts is lost to those who do not know that the Egyptian God Hapi too was oft pictured with female breasts,

even as being a male figure.

Transpositions and modifications, and the ability to trace them through time and space, are but necessary components to the larger

craft of Occult Deconstruction.

That D's are 10's are N's are X's are all simple mathematical truths. So what better way to go about building a Construct but on the

very truths that lie hidden in plain view through the use of mathematical formulations?

One basic truth can be used as the basis for an entire mountain of lies.

Translations, Transpositions, and other hindrances

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Another key to Occult Deconstruction is the understanding that most of the formulas that hide Occult principals are

caste into mathematical formulas with implied "polar" or "sexual" inversions that can easily be reasoned through. For instance, as

shown in the above, Geb is regarded as Earth and Nut is regarded as the sky, and thus Geb and Nut making love is seen as the sky

enveloping the earth. This representation is no more complicated than a using a series of transpositions set back against the Letters of

the Alphabet.

By simple logic, really, we can show that P is the male phallus and O is the vagina. We can then show the formula of O+P=Q to be

"true", for the Female O plus the male P will create a Fertilized Egg (Q). So depending on the direction we wish to make in our

"transpositions", we can show the formula of O+P=Q to be as follows:

O + P = Q is equal to

15 + 16 = 17

The concept of 15+16=17 makes literally no sense until you attribute to the English Alphabet "meanings" to the various letters. That

the Letters have had and will always have meanings attributed to them can again be inferred through the study of "profane" Hermetic

Qaballa as "secreted" by Aleister Crowley who stated in "The Book of the Law",

55. Thou shalt obtain the order & value of the English Alphabet; thou shalt find new symbols to attribute them unto.

Crowley was not in a position to tell people to "find new symbols" to attribute to the Alphabet if indeed the Alphabet did not already

have a set of symbols already Hermetically attached to them. There would be no reason to attribute "new symbols" unless the object

was to replace the existing symbols.

The proper code set, or Order and Value, of course, was the "Standard Lay of the Isisian Codes", or the child taugh "ABC's". By

showing that O is the Female and P is the Male equals Q as the Fertilized Egg, we have the ORIGINAL ORDER AND VALUE AS

DESIGNED to the English 26 Letter/Digit Alphabet.

By utilizing the above code of 15+16=17 to represent O+P=Q, we are then able to ascertain the "esoteric truth" of a host of words,

the primary being the word PAGAN.

Since P is 16 and

Since Q is 17, we have a mathematically progressing formula. Since we know that the original code is set against a pretty basic truth

(O as female and 1 as male), and since P is the 1 (starting at 16 but going in reverse), and since B is the 2 and is the Pregnant Woman

is the O (2 from the 1 P start point), we can then begin to ascertain that in the word PAGAN we have a deliberate coded formula of

wherein the AN is 1+14 = 15 = O Letter.

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This is just one small example of a transposition and modification that one needs to be aware, and we have not touched on the

various forms of literal translations available as you gain insight and knowledge into how to effect a comprehensive deconstruction of

the Construct.

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Friday, April 4, 2008

Isis and Osiris, the Foundation to Western Esotericism

The Philosophy of the Illuminatus cannot be fully comprehended

without a comprehensive analysis and understanding of the tale of Isis and Osiris and its influence on Western Esotericism. Indeed,

any "academic" or "scholarly" treatise on Western Esotericism that fails to deal with the influences of Isis and Osiris as a foundation

to Western Esotericism fails in general to reach to the very core of Western esoteric thought.

That Continental Mason's were highly influenced by Egyptian thought can, as my high school teacher told me in confidence so many

years ago, be seen in the huge number of cities named after Egyptian references. Memphis, TN, Alexandria, MD, and Philadelphia,

PA are but some of the more well known, but as you delve further into the history of the early American republic, a literal experiment

or work initiated by Contintental Masons aligned with the Osirian Mystery Schools, it becomes hard to ethically and honestly ignore

the influence of Egypt on early American thought.

The failure of America's education system to accurately and profoundly put history into proper perspective served and serves to hide

this overt and yet hidden truth; that Egypt, and with it, the philosophical basis of Egyptian society as believed and taught within the

various Secret Societies (to include Continental Masonry) played far greater a role and influence in creating the foundation of what

would become Western esoteric thought.

Plutarch and "On Isis and Osiris"

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For practical purposes, we may consider Plutarch's work "On Isis and Osiris" from

Moralia V to be a primary source document regarding Isis and Osiris to that of Western esoteric systems. The style and manner

within which it is written hints at its aggregate knowledge such that it has the feel of an "operating manual".

On Isis and Osiris cannot be "attacked" or "solved", as it were, without a fairly comprehensive knowledge of the basics of Western

Esoteric Traditions. Acroamatic ciphers, lost Words, principles secreted through profane "kabballah", geometric reasoning, gematria,

among so many others, become but weapons to aid in solving the work: a knowledge of mythological transpositions and

modifications, too, aids greatly in establishing the basis to begin deconstructing the Construct.

A critical element is, of course, the "Lost Word", or the first 32 decimal digits of Pi. It is Isis, through fabricating a potion from the

spittal of Ra and the dust of the ground, who is able to coax "the Word" of Ra. Thus the "woman" called Eve in the later

Phoenician/Hebrew "torah" is really Isis of the Egyptians. Since she is the one who has the "the Word", it is critical then for the

people to seek after Isis before they will be able to acquire "the Word".

Isis and Osiris, the Foundation for Western Esoteric Thought

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Gematria serves as our primary start point to decipher the esoteric words of "ISIS"

and "OSIRIS". Through Gematria we have a very simple set of formulas (each contained in reference Masonic books circa 1930's)


ISIS = 9+19+9+19 = 56 19+16+5+5+3+8 = SPEECH

OSIRIS = 15+19+9+18+9+19 = 89 = 18+5+12+9+7+9+15+14 = RELIGION

The proper way to interpret this relative to the Construct is to place the Oral Traditions (Rishis, Kalevala, Norse Edda's, and so forth)

as being of the domain of Isis, while the literal writing of this knowledge, or setting the information down in letter form as being the

domain of Osiris. Osiris is "the God", or the Alphabet, while each of the letters, then, become "gods".

Each system relies on the other for their total clarification within the larger system (necessarily comprised of the two).

That Shakespeare (Francis Bacon, et al) can be viewed as being associated with the Osirian Mysteries can be inferred through the use

of various cryptological techniques that encoded the number "89", a number known to be associated with Osiris from basic

knowledge of the Ordinal Code within Gematria.

Says Manley P. Hall in Secret Teachings of All Ages,

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Authors sometimes based their cryptograms upon the numerical value of their own names;

for example, Sir Francis Bacon repeatedly used the cryptic number 33--the numerical equivalent of his name. Numerical ciphers

often involve the pagination of a book. Imperfect pagination, though generally attributed to carelessness, often conceals important

secrets. The mispaginations found in the 1623 folio of "Shakespeare" and the consistent recurrence of similar errors in various

volumes printed about the same period have occasioned considerable thought among scholars and cryptogrammatists. In Baconian

cryptograms, all page numbers ending in 89 seem to have a special significance. The 89th page of the Comedies in the 1623 folio of

"Shakespeare" shows an error of type in the pagination, the "9" being from a considerably smaller font than the "8." The 189th page

is entirely missing, there being two pages numbered 187; and page 188 shows the second " 8 " scarcely more than half the size of the

first one. Page 289 is correctly numbered and has no unusual features, but page 89 of the Histories is missing. Several volumes

published by Bacon show similar errors, page 89 being often involved.

That Osiris is "89" (15+19+9+18+9+19=89=O+S+I+R+I+S) and Shakespeare (Bacon, et al) are encoding the number 89 are forms of

"esoteric significances", conjecture par excellence. Those who are "in the know" know precisely the purpose for the number 89, yet

nowhere will you find an "owner's manual" that specifically points you in the proper direction.

Hence many call "Hermetic Qaballa" an "artform", denying further the planned and imbedded mathematics, and hence a form of

science, into the larger Illuminatus Philosophy.

Isis and Osiris, as a Function of Speculative Masonry

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Nearly all of the various formulas found within Speculative

Masonry will return you to Pi. Take, for instance, the tale of the birth of the 5 gods, Osiris, Horus, Seth, Isis, and Nepthys. As an

acroamatic cipher, these 5 gods are the vowels of A, E, I, O, and U, respectively. By adding layers of mathematical "sepheras", the

Alphabet of 26 (GOD = 7+15+4 = 26), encodes the number of days in a year. A year implies "one circle" via "one orbit". Since the

Isisian Codes shift at Q and end in Y, we have 9 "alpha letters" as shown here:

The Alphabet has a total digit count of 26. The sum of 1:26 is 351. Add the 9 alpha letters of QRSTUVWXY and you have the

number of degrees in a circle (360). Add again the 5 gods (vowels) of AEIOU and you have 365 days in a year, and then "sometimes

Y is a vowel", and so "sometimes" you have a leap year of 366 days.

Indeed, the myth of the birth of the 5 gods is really a mathematical ploy built into the myths so as to encode a particular aspect of the

Illuminatus Philosophy. As the tale goes,

Later Rhea and Hermes fell in love, so He gambled with the Moon and won the seventieth part of Her light. He made five days out of

this light (for that is a seventieth part of the 29 days of illumination of each of the twelve lunar months), and put them together

outside of all Her months. In this way Rhea was able to bear Her children in these five days out of time.

Here you have to be careful again, because some books state that the wager was only 1/7, instead of 1/70. The proper translation is

1/70, and here is why.

The "year" was said to be comprised of 360 days and 5 days were added for the Birth of the 5 gods (vowels). They are born on a day

that the light does not shine, and so we take the 360 days and multiply it by 1/70, and we arrive at the following:


You must now use logic and reason to finish the tale and not be led astray. The birth of the 5 gods creates the need to add 5 days to

the calendar. Thus 360 days of the old calendar are added to create the new calendar, but that the new calendar shows that the 5 gods

are born on a day where the sun does not shine. In this case, the actual day that the sun does not shine is the .1428571 of the formula

5.1428571. They the inference is that the 5 gods are born on the decimal digit day, or the time period that is required to keep the

calendar in place and thus a "leap year" day is added every 4 years.

This "leap year" becomes the "savior god" parallels in literature, and thus is the Letter Y.

Isis and Osiris, as the Spoken Word traditions committed to writing establish the bond between Isis as Speech and Osiris as

"religion", or the written form traditions. All things will return to Pi, for Pi is in all things. That Osiris is cut into 14 pieces and Isis

finds 13 pieces reveals the nature between 13 and 14 as represented by the formula of 13.14. When we note that MA'AT creates the


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M = 13

A = The Scales

AT = 14

We are creating the basis of MA'AT as 13 (Spirit World) and 14 (Material World). In this way does the word IS represent 13

represents ALL (13-3), while that which is seperated becomes AT as 14 or IT as 14. The FEATHER being but a symbol of MA'AT is

yet still another mathematical riddle.








6+5+1+4+8+5+2 = 31, or the palindrome of 13.

With E having special properties as "having a right to remain silent", it then takes on its value of 15, to reveal the formula of








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6+15+1+4+8+5+2=41, or the palindrome of 14. Thus FEATHER is best encoded as F(E)ATHER, which reveals the palindromes of

either 13 or 14, or collectively, 13.14, or the very same value as M(A)AT.

Even the word MATHEMATICS is a clever and yet simple code.

M = 13

A = 1

T = 4

H = Greek Letter Pi

E = 15

M = 13

A = 1

T = 4

I = 1

CS = 3+3=6

This reveals the code of "I" he Greek Letter Pi (as transposed into an ACH), am between 3.1415 and 3.1416.

These are but more examples of the Illuminatus Philosophy in action with a clear and deliberate construction and fabrication.

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Tuesday, April 8, 2008

The New World Order Encoded into Mythology

As a child, I grew up in a pretty

traditional Lutheran setting. By early high school, I was giving sermons from the pulpit about the Pagan roots to most of the

Christian ritual. Easter was a specifically easy sermon to be making, what with Easter being named after the German goddess Oester.

I was never impressed with the Jewish version of history: like Santa Claus, "the math" just never worked out. I was always amazed at

how naive what appeared to be normal and functioning adults could be.

Surely this Beast called "G-d" deserved nothing but scorn for the evils it seemed so eager to commit, and yet people followed after

the evil in a most naive and simplistic way. Brutalizing and being brutalized appeared to be a form of masochistic pleasure. In the

safe confines of "churches" and "synogogues" and "mosques" the world over could be found 1/3 of the human population openly

glorifying the death of humanity in some bizarre ritual called "a resurrection of the dead", a "moshiach", or whatever name one

wished to call same.

Yes. Real adults with real jobs with real children with real power to vote on the direction of the world really do believe in these

stories, and worse, believe to such a degree that they actively aid and contribute to the mythologies to such a degree that the

mythologies become self fulfilling fantasies.

To many a soul, the destruction of the human race is seen as something to be

honored and glorified, for it is the only way in which their "chosen spiritual team" can "win" the spiritual game in play. Jonah really

did live in the belly of the whale for 3 days, and yes, the anti-Christ will ride into town with 666 blazing on his forehead. G-d really

did impart some magic potion (philosophy) to Noah and the greatest prize remains, the chance to build the literal "second Temple" to

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house the return of "God' to his rightly throne on Earth.

Yet all the while, men and women of conscious have sought to keep the eternal flame of wisdom alive, and none more successful

than they who encoded their philosophy into Art and the language that would become English.

While Jehovian (Setian) churches filled their coffers from the weekly churn of "masses" and "pastors" herded their flock into

churchly "pastures", the secret Osirian systems behind English wove basic truths of their philosophy into the finer hidden meanings

of the language. Thus a "massacre" cannot be separated from the mass, the mosquito from the mosque, or the mess from the messiah

The Drowning of Mankind

There was always a big question mark relative to the teachings I received in Sunday Schools. As one of the brightest

of my academic classes, I was not one who was easy to please with simple explanations. For instance, the idea of "spiritism" was

regarded as purely the art of "Satan", and yet as I dutifully learned to recite the "66" books of the Bible in order, how was I supposed

to solve for the mythical Beast without invoking the very art of Satan himself?

Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for the number is that of a man; and his number

is six hundred and sixty-six.

Alas! How does one calculate for a name if one does not know even the basic rudiments of "numerology", let alone that of

"gematria" and other forms of higher level esoteric knowledge? It was clear that I was in a dilemma. To get wisdom meant I had to

solve for the value of the mythical Beast, and so I had to rise to the level of Satan himself! I must master the devils craft!

And "mastering" the "Craft" I did!

"End of days" mythologies serve as blueprints, even as they are rehashed and altered forms of earlier mythologies. The Construct is

critical and key to ascertaining reality. From the Epic of Gilgamesh,

She, the sweet-voiced,

She, the Lady of the Gods,

How did she lament aloud, crying:

'Verily, the Old Age has crumbled into dust!

Because I spoke evil in the Assembly of Gods!

Oh, how could I command havoc for the destruction of my people

When I myself gave birth to my people?

Now the spawn of fishes, the sea is glutted with their bodies!'

The "Old Age" could be regarded as the actual history of those civilizations behind the great ancient monoliths that dot the world,

from the Pyramids in Egypt to the great stone circles in England. Whatever had been set in motion had completely destroyed those

civilizations. A "new man" was born, but this new form would be "drowned" (existing in a watery atmosphere without escape).

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Blind and confused, this new form of human would be easy to control and

manipulate - words themselves would serve as the mass tool of control, yet all the while what remained was a torch or flame that rose

above the waves and kept the light of hope and inspiration shining.

This trans-dimensional war would shift from a quick knock out blow that failed (the Flood as a mythological strategic historical

reality) into a long term game of chase and destroy. Secret Societies beholden to Isis as the Owl would race to encode the knowledge

while the Setian forces would sweep behind and seek to destroy the information and the symbols of the "on the run" Osirian and

Isisian systems.

The old days were destroyed. In its place would come Occult stories of "resurrections" of "the dead" and of "One World Orders",

even as religions would rise to control the Occult formulas such as to hide the higher esoteric meanings and keep the people in


The Philosophical Foundation of the New World Order

The simplest way to begin to comprehend what is going on is to realize that there

is an ebb and a flow to the Occult war that exists on "planet Earth". What the Osirian and Isisian Systems set in motion and laid down

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in all form of stone and art and speech, Setian Initiated Systems seek to undo and destroy. Hence in the Letter F, we may combine

them into 4 F's (FFFF), call it a "Swastika", and use this symbol to represent the "Circle of Life".

The symbol as designed is really saying "4 6's", or F*F*F*F = 1296, or the fractal of the number of years to the precession of the

equinox's, the very letters 12 being L, I being 9, 6 being F and E, being silent, is implied.

Hence the swastika is originally a symbol of the Sun and represents "LIFE


Setian systems (OTO and Merovingians) would come along and in the creation of "NAZI Germany" (NOT SEE), seek to undo the

formula and destroy it by associating the symbol to a "cult of death", "mass genocide", etc.

Plutarch speaks about this very succinctly in "On Isis and Osiris" when he says,

But a destined time shall come when it is decreed that Areimanius, engaged in bringing on pestilence and famine, shall by these be

utterly annihilated and shall disappear; and then shall the earth become a level plain, and there shall be one manner of life and one

form of government for a blessed people who shall all speak one tongue. Theopompus says that, according to the sages, one god is to

overpower, and the other to be overpowered, each in turn for the space of three thousand years, and afterward for another three

thousand years they shall fight and war, and the one shall undo the works of the other,

In Areimanius, we have a transposition of Seth, and the other "god" is Oromazes, who is a transposition of for Osiris. Thus the idea

of a "resurrected god", when set back against the Construct, implies the resurrection of "the God" which is the "Alphabet", itself

resurrected in what is now "English" and all the philosophical nuances and plays on words inherent within.

In Continental Masonry systems aligned with Osiris, the idea was that "the Word" was to be established in "a merry Ka", wherein the

merry Ka was and is Osiris, and Setian Systems, comprised primarily now of Noahidists and Martinists, are seeking to destroy "A

merry Ka" and the philosophies and Constitution upon which the ideal was built.

Although this is a simplistic explanation of the forces in play, the explanation regardless of the seeming "irrationality" to it, is itself

highly accurate and points to the almost absurd irrationality of that which is destructive, or Setian systems.

The New World Order is simply the inverse ideal of what was intended by the Osirian and Isisian Systems as referenced in On Isis

and Osiris, and so the ideal contained within is simply being inverted and perverted to destroy the philosophical construct contained

within the original concept.

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The myths are the blueprint for the larger Occult agendas and forces alway in play across the spectrum of the historical and

philosophical ranges of human activities.

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Friday, April 11, 2008

Notaricon as a Key to English Qaballa

Notaricon is a fundamental element to comprehending the complexity

(and simplicity) of the esoteric system known as English Qaballa. It's genius will be understood to the attuned, and appear as absurd

to the uninitiated or those lacking in the basics of the Illuminatus System (Isisian Codes).

As are most elements of the Illuminatus System, Notaricon (Notarikon and Notariqon) is purposely confused so as to misdirect as to

the simplicity of the ciphers and codes with the intent of transmitting orally the actual details while hiding in plain view the natural

genius of the Illuminatus System.

I cannot stress to you enough to heed well the words within, for what is about to provided is of utmost clarity. To assist in

demonstrating this Occult technique, I will draw upon a lecture given to the Bacon Society entitled "Alchemy and the Holy Grail" in

1906, a period when the Isisian (Isian) and Osirian schools were still quite strong and quite active.

Letters as Vestments and Veils

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The first step it to recognize that the Letters are "vestments" or "veils", which is to

say that each Letter contains within it a whole range of archetypes that reflece "divine light" and transmute this divine light into a

comprehensive web that is perceived as "reality". There are direct meanings, and there are hidden meanings. As quoted in the article,

"Rossetti comments at length upon the double and sometimes triple meanings which were placed by the secret schools upon

apparently innocent and orthodox words and phrases."

In truth, many of these hidden meanings could go literally layers deep. Masons familiar with this complex system comment as to

words having "a seventh" meaning, or the true core of meaning of the word, sometimes far removed from the profane usage as found

in a dictionary. How one is able to intuit these hidden and deeper meanings take many forms, and one of those forms is through the

use of "notaricon".

Notaricon as a tool does not work unless you first set the Letters into complex archetypal patterns wherein the esoteric meanings of

the Letters are fully comprehended and understood. That there is an esoteric or hidden meaning behind each of the Letters is simply

another way of saying that the Letters are themselves "veils" or "vestments".

Says Plutarch in "On Isis and Osiris",

"As for the robes, those of Isis are variegated in their colours; for her power is concerned with matter which becomes everything and

receives everything, light and darkness, day and night, fire and water, life and death, beginning and end. But the robe of Osiris has

no shading or variety in its colour, but only one single colour like to light."

In the same way we find from the lecture in 1906,

"The chalice or cup is but another way of denoting the coats of skin, the veils or vestures which garment man on earth, robes woven

by the Nature powers in which and through which the divine spark has to dwell, until in process of time the vestures or chalice

become permeated through by the divine light within."

As the language grows, the ability of each of the Letters to reflect or otherwise become "permeated" with divine light, grows in kind.

The issue then becomes whether this phenomena is a factor of conscious construction, or whether the growth, as a seed planted in the

Earth, grows to its fullest and natural fruition.

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In a world where "Darwin" reigns supreme, the idea of a will contruction of the language to its present form often is met with scorn,

but such scorn is unwarranted in light solid research into the language. As we said of Bacon,

"This new literary project would, he (Bacon)realised, need on the one hand to be well organised, and on the other hand would

require helpers to give him practical assistance in its outworking. Everything would have to be unfolded in stages, systematically and

with perseverance...When this task was accomplished, Francis and his collaborators incorporated this new and flexible vocabulary

into all manner of writings in prose, poetry and drama."

The seeds of "notaricon" had been planted.

Notaricon as an Instrument of the Occult

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As was succinctly alluded to in the lecture:

"Time does not permit me to linger over the symbolism of these decorations, but I should just like to draw your attention to the

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handles arranged in the form of the double SS standing for Sanctus Spiritus. Also to the variety of initials which appear upon them.

These, almost without doubt, are the first letters of the words of certain phrases. They form part of the mystic system of the Cabala

known as "notaricon". By this system certain initials came to be perfectly well understood, conveying profound meanings."

This phrase provides for a specific form of Notaricon. Today, we call such usages as above by the "acronyms". By taking the first

letters of the phrase Central Intelligence Agency, we can shorten the concept to the first letter of each of the words to that of "CIA",

and in the acronym CIA we can then conjure the meaning of the letters and with it, a whole range of emotions.

Acronyms thus are the antecedent expression of the more occult system known as "Notaricon". In Notaricon's earliest expression it

was being taught as we might view an acronym today. Although an acronym occults a larger set of words (as CIA reveals Central

Intelligence Agency), it could be said that the letters CIA "occult" the words Central Intelligence Agency. But this form of Notaricon,

although a valid form of Occultation, is generally no longer regarded as being "of the Occult".

Perserverance has turned this form of Notaricon into a basic element of the language.

Notaricon as an Occult science is not revealed.

Utilizing Notaricon within English Qaballa

Let us now turn our attention to the fundamental

Occult reality of Notaricon.

What is the Illuminatus System is really publically revealed in Setian systems with the wink and a nod to apply same to English.

Jewish systems are profane, English systems are sealed, and hence the Hermetic Qaballa.

As stated here,

"Notaricon is the art of reading a Hebrew word forms not as sound cues pointing to

specific meanings, but as graphic statements of interacting principles. Letters are read as words and phrases. To the degree

traditional sound meanings are supported by

notaricon, those meanings are valid."

Although this definition is being applied with an intent to confine same to Jewish Kabballah, the idea of interactions between

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principles and ideas was long ago established in Hermetic Qaballa as espoused by Bacon,

"But this is that which will dignify and exalt knowledge: if contemplation and action may be more nearly and straitly conjoined

and united together than they have been; a conjunction like unto that of the highest planets, Saturn, the planet of rest and

contemplation, and Jupiter, the planet of civil society and action."

What was being "contemplated and conjoined" was the use of philosophical concepts contained in the letters and applied conciously

to the crafting of the language that would be modern English. By taking any particular letter, or sets of letters as sounds, and

combining them into whole new word arrangements, the end philosophy of Nature (Isis and Osiris) could be realized completely and

the mechanism of advancing from "knowledge" to "comprehension and understanding" initiated.

Whole sounds could mask an entire philosophical concept, and the conjoining of two or more sounds, could lead to a whole range of

hidden philosophical treatises within the language, and once sealed and perfected, impossible to destroy.

Letters, then, take on a form of "shorthand" and thus become "words" unto themselves. We who are native English perhaps do not

appreciate the more esoteric nature of this idea simple because the idea of Notaricon is strategically imbedded into the Alphabet.

That Letters take on the properties of whole words is a basic element of our constructed Alphabet and Language, hence

B is Be

C is See and Sea

D is a prefix and suffix (de) and (ed)

G is Gee

I is EYE

J is Jay

M is ME

O is Oh

and so forth.

Notaricon is literally coded into the language and is taught without the hint of any mystical attributions being

assigned to the Letters and hence noone suspects the esoteric reality that lies before them.

Thus we have conjoined words that hide higher esoterics.

An example of this is the word SWORD. As the Letter S is conjoined to the word WORD, and adding to the Occult knowledge that

Swords are the Suit of Air and Air is the domain of Isis, and Isis is Speech and the "SPOKEN WORD", by taking the S from the word

(S)POKEN, we are able to conjoin the more mystical concepts of the Spoken Word as the SWORD, wherein SWORD is the esoteric

conjuction for SPOKEN WORD. When we break apart the word SPOKEN, we can reconfigure the word to read

SPOKE AND as the Letter N often denotes the word AND.

When this conjunction is made, the word SWORD "explodes" into SPOKEN WORD. The word SPOKEN explodes further to read

SPOKE AND, and so the totality of the phrase reads


Since a SPOKE is the radius of a wheel, we can then infer the mystical meaning further.

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The SPOKE is the Radius and hence infers the Diameter, and thus the WORD is the CIRCLE, or



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Thursday, April 17, 2008

Hermetic Qaballa and the Book of the Law

There are secrets, and there are secrets. There are

truths, and there are truths. There are realities, and there are realities. There are foundations, and there are foundations. What you see

in the mirror is what lies behind you. When you turn to view what lies behind you, what is left is now right. Your eye sees, but the

lens turns everything upside down.

Your brain is required to put everything into proper perspective.

We will do so now with "The Book of the Law".

The Control of Knowledge and Information

Knowledge is not free for the masses. It is controlled.

Scientists who are at the cutting edge of knowledge revelations who are not a part of the controlled system often find themselves

dying in statistically impossible ways. Educators who dare to express to students ideas and knowledge outside the accepted norms of

the system often find themselves censured or their careers derailed.

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The current reality smiles ill on the truth tellers.

Even the masses, drunk as they are in a stupor of ignorance, are oft the tool used to bludgeon those who may see things for what they

are and not as how others would wish them to appear. Thus for those who delve into and wish to acquire a foundational knowledge of

reality (the Occult), the ability to access knowledge of the inner core is nearly impossible to acquire.

What you are allowed to read is controlled. What you are allowed to know is controlled.

Knowledge is cumulative. Each generation builds on the foundation laid from the previous. The role of academia, to catalogue and

otherwise summarize knowledge such as to make the acquisition of knowledge faster and easier for subsequent generations, is often

used to splinter and disintegrate esoteric information so as to make the acquisition of core esoteric knowledge impossible.

Knowledge is power.

If you wish to gain real esoteric knowledge, you often must go outside the established control mechanisms. The local bookstore will

help, but ultimately, will reveal little. To gain further access, men and women of conscious oft immerse themselves in various

controlled Initiatory Systems. Here, too, the information is controlled and secreted to but a rare and talented few.

Less than 2 percent, I would gather, truly comprehend the nature of the Construct, and this 2 percent is limited to a very select group

of organizations. Knowledge is power, and these 2 percent, you can be assured, see no reason at all to "give it up". Or, as stated so

eloquently in the Matrix Reloaded:

"Merovingian: Hmph... I am a trafficker of information, I know everything I can...The Keymaker is mine and I see no

reason why I should give him up. No reason at all."

Thelema and Setian Metaphysics

The Construct is based on Pi. Said the Keymaker in the Matrix Reloaded,

Keymaker: Once the door is unprotected, the connection will be severed. But another connection must first be made.

Ghost: How long will that take?

Keymaker: Exactly 314 seconds.

Soren: Just over 5 minutes"

A little over 5 minutes. The Matrix Reloaded was released on 5.15.03, or "a little over 5 minutes." Did you get the play? Five minutes

is exactly 300 seconds, yet the Keymaker said the time is 314 seconds, which is a little over 5 minutes. 5.15. Yet 15 seconds is 1/4 of

a minute. Using numbers co-relationally, the release date of 5.15.03 is a code for 300.1/4.03. 314, a little over 5 minutes. 3.14 in


Pi, in coded palindrome.

Knowledge is power. Setianist systems are now in control of the Key. Why do you think they would voluntarily give it up? As

knowledge is controlled and what you are allowed to know is too controlled, what makes anyone think that Thelema too is simply not

a part of this larger control, designed as it is to control the minds of otherwise bright people to redirect their spiritual capital to create

a reality based on a truth but in intent is a pure fraud?

One basic truth can be used as a foundation for a mountain of lies.

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As Thelema is a self admitted Setianist tool and hence "Merovingian", why does anyone think that they would just "give it up" as

such pertains to the nature and design of the Construct? They have no reason at all, and if Crowley could help advance information

useful to the destruction of the Construct, so much the better! Do as thou wilt, shrivel, and die.

Like 5.15, the inherent meaning is before one's eyes but few have the

capacity to understand the language.

Words as Constructed Truths

The late 1800's through the 1930's was a period where many competing esoteric systems were vying for public acceptance. The

strongest was Continental Masonry, and many adherents from Higgins to Manley P. Hall worked tirelessly to lay down some of the

more rational components of the Construct as designed and woven into the language.

However, by the 1870's, Continental Masonry was already in a state of decline internally, with various rituals rewritten by Pike to

include a stronger reliance on Jewish Kaballah, a system largely ridiculed by earlier esoteric systems as Bacon. Even Agrippa called

Jewish gematria systems as being designed to destroy "the Word", whereas Western esotericists put great emphasis on encoding the

word with the intent to conceal without destroying.

Said Agrippa,

"...therefore this Cabala of the Jews is nothing else then a most pernicious superstition, by the which they gather at their pleasure,

divide, transfer words, names and letters, scatteringly put in the holy Scriptures, and by making one thing out of another, they

dissolve the connections of the truth, the speeches, inductions and parables, and here and there construing them by their own

fictions, would bring the words of God to their follies,..."

What Agrippa was complaining about was a manner of writing that was intended to destroy the connections in words as designed

such as to destroy the words and larger system such that truth would be lost.

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The operative element here, again, is the use of words, and hence Letters, as the mechanism of encoding particular truths. Reorder,

divide them, and otherwise set them into systems wholly foreign to the intent, and the truth of the Construct would be forever lost,

even as the truth still remains right before one's eyes.

Divide, add, multiply, and understand...Thou shalt obtain the order & value of the English Alphabet; thou shalt find new symbols to

attribute them unto.

Hermetic Qaballa and Hermetic Qaballa

Just as there are secrets, and there are secrets, that there are truths,

and there are truths, that there are realities, and there are realities, and that there are foundations, and there are foundations, so too are

there esoteric systems and esoteric systems.

Hermetic Qaballa is no different.

In the article Notaricon as a Key to English Qaballa, references are made to the nature of an esoteric design within English. That

there is a "design" in English hints then at the idea known as "English Qaballa". This "English Qaballa" is then hinted at as being a

"Hermetic Qaballa".

As various Continental Masonic systems sought to inject their "esoteric systems" into the collective public conscious, Setianist

systems, having essentially "caught up" to Continental Masonry, were equally busy preparing their counter system of English


This would become the great search for the Crowley "English Qaballa", which some call now EQ-11, or English Qaballa 11, and

simple skip cipher.

Yet as one peers into the Book of the Law, what we find is a massive layer of Continental Masonic knowledge being secreted and

mystified. For example, ISIS has a value of 9+19+9+19 = 56, and in the Book of the Law, NUIT, which is French for the period after

midnight, is given the phrase,

"24. I am Nuit, and my word is six and fifty."

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That the larger design as constructed by the Baconian Schools required additions, multiplications, and so forth, was also well

established. In the word ENGLISH, we have the following formula:






(N-E=9=I)(G+L=19=S)IS(H), or English being a code for ISIS, H being an ending suffix. Or in the word THE, we have Isisian Code

values of




(T*H)+E = 365 = SUN

The point as Agrippa commented is not to destroy the inherent connections to the truth for everything indeed is interconnected.

"Nothing is a secret key of this law. Sixty-one the Jews call it; I call it eight, eighty, four hundred & eighteen."

This is simply a reference to various cipher wheels in play. For instance, if you take

a di and the facing number is a single dot, denoting 1, the opposite side of the di is a 6. The "Jews" system is Kabballah, or a worship

of the Dreidle (dried el or Seth). Yet the larger system also knows that the very tip of an A is denoted as a number 1.

And since the Illuminatus System is all encompassing, the upper portion of the A can be added to the V to create an X, or in a

numbering System, we can use the upper portion of the A to denote a "1" as in Arabic "8", and hence a 1 is a 6 and is an 8 equally for

in music too, the Octave returns us to the original note

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Do = 1

Re = 2

Mi = 3

Fa = 4

So = 5

La = 6

Ti = 7

Do = 1 or 8

Crowley is just making reference to the various cipher patterns and casting them into some mystical treatise. Why?

47. But they have the half: unite by thine art so that all disappear.

This statement is mystical theft of an actual and basic Hermetic Qaballa principle, that there are two matrixes in play, the Jewish

"kabballa" and a Hermetically sealed pattern known as "the Garden of Eden" which is protected by the "Cube and the Flaming

Sword", aka, "flaming sword and cherubim". This matrix is known as the Philosopher's Stone

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At the same time, though, the Star on Star mystical system of Crowley would become a best selling hit for the masses. The combined

matrix would come to be known as "Super Man", or mankind elevated to a higher spiritual level that only Kryptonite, a code for

"encryption", could destroy.

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Sunday, April 20, 2008

Esoteric English and Speculative Freemasonry

We cannot establish basic and inherent truths underlying Western Constructs

without a fairly comprehensive immersion into the speculative side of Freemasonry, for within the allusions riddled throughout the

speculative side of Freemasonry may be found the core elements upon which to build the over riding Construct.

The great tragedy of Freemasonry, from a purists point of view, is that Freemasonry failed to control its own definitions. We can only

speculate as to why, but one of the primary reasons can be inferred based on the inherent teachings and structure of the system. By

creating an over riding belief that secrets had to be maintained and controlled within the Lodge System, the general public was

effectively cut off from having a grounded rational basis in the larger philosophical basis of the Construction.

The result of such a strategy is predictable. If a system cannot adequately address the definitions and educate the masses in the logic

and elements of same, then external forces opposed to the philosophy would, over time, be able to control the philosophy from within

while redefining the tenets (destroying) externally, or how such is viewed within the eyes of the masses. In other words, if a system

cannot adequately address defining itself for the masses, others will define the institution for it.

An example of just such a redefinition comes from an article that appeared on

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October 28th 1927 in the Jewish Tribune of New York. Quoting a Rabbi S. Wise:

"Masonry is based on Judaism. Eliminate the teachings of Judaism from the Masonic ritual and what is left...Freemasonry is a

Jewish establishment, whose history; grades; official appointments; passwords and explanations are Jewish from beginning to end."

To a public not versed in the actual details of Freemasonry, especially as such pertained to the speculative or esoteric basis of

Freemasonry, such a statement, given as it was to an audience largely influenced by "the Bible", and all the implications contained

therein, may appear as both comforting and reassuring.

Yet in reality, nothing could be further from the truth. The good rabbi would be hard pressed to explain, for instance, the use of

symbolism associated with Osiris, in some grades of ritual. He would have been even harder pressed to explain the prevalence of the

use of the Letter G throughout Masonic artwork.

The Letter G hints at a system based on English. Speculative Freemasonry was an exercise in Esoteric English and the return of the

mythological Word, each of which had nothing to do with Judaism and each could be construed as being the antithesis of same.

Masonry on the Run

The failure of Masonry to control its own definitions was, perhaps, a miscalculation by Continental Masonic

leadership. Masonry was a monolithic institution within the United States and perhaps its size and stature created conditions where

the leadership felt it was immune to co-option.

It is estimated by some that at the turn of the century (1900), there were some 860,000 Free Masons, and by 1930, their numbers had

grown to some 2,000,000. However, the rapid growth allowed for the dilution and splintering of the system, and the cellular nature

created offshoots that utilized the Masonic mystique, but perhaps had no interest or desire to participate in the esoteric constructs as

advanced by the Osirian schools.

Mackey's Encyclopedia of Free Masonry, written in 1913, speaks of this when he says of the Illuminati of Bavaria,

"To give to the Order a higher influence, Weishaupt connected it

with the Masonic Institution, after whose system of Degrees, of esoteric instruction, and of secret modes of recognition, it was

organized. It has thus become confounded by superficial writers with Freemasonry, although it never could be considered as

properly a Masonic Rite. Weishaupt, though a reformer in religion and a liberal in politics, had originally been a Jesuit; and he

employed, therefore, in the construction of his association, the shrewdness and subtlety which distinguished the disciples of

Loyola; and having been initiated in 1777 in a Lodge at Munich, he also borrowed for its use the mystical organization which

was peculiar to Freemasonry. In this latter task he was greatly assisted by the Baron Von Knigge, a zealous and well-instructed

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Freemason, who joined the Illuminati in 1780, and soon became a leader, dividing with Weishaupt the control and direction of the


By the early 1900's, secretions from the Continental Masonic systems began to grow in number, but the secretions and attempts to

educate the public as to what the whole was really about was too late. Luminaries within the Osirian System clearly understood the

nature and difficulty of the task. Higgins, writing in the Beginning of Masonry, stated,

"Freemasonry has to a certain extent shared the fate and followed the course of all organizations of like weight and character, in

completely surviving all recollection of its primal impulse; but we must consider that its founders were dealing with a system of

perpetuating truth by means of imperishable symbols, and that they must have originally foreseen that this system would survive

without the aid of either written record or graphic key to its mysteries."

As the size and weight of Masonry grew, its dilution was impossible to stop, and worse, its internal organizational structure was

bound to be destroyed. Thus Higgins states clearly that the intent was not the creation of the monolithic infrastructure which Masonry

became, but the creation of a system designed around the perpetuation of truth through the means of "imperishable symbols".

Symbols, fused as they are to Universal Archetypes, become knowable upon reflection and observation, perfected as

they are through rational thought and reasoned discourse. The inherent truths within become discernable with a precisely laid

foundation. It is this precisely laid foundation that would be the "great work" of the early Continental Masons who set about creating

a system set against "ciphers" and "cryptograms" fused to observable phenomena in Nature.

As stated again by Higgins,

We have advanced far enough in our investigations to have perceived that the underlying principle of all mysteries of philosophy and

religion, past and present, have been what might be termed "ciphers" or "cryptograms" of the ascertained phenomena of nature;

Masonry had become a tool of the Setianist. The Osirian infrastructure was soon to be extinguished, its head all but severed entirely.

But the Great Work was completed. The "ciphers" and "cryptograms" would be sealed not only in the sacred geometry that graced the

planet called "Earth", but they would be hidden in a language that would be considered, arguably, the "Universal Language of the

Planet", able to unite all under "brotherhood and love", if only its mysteries could be penetrated and understood.

Esoteric English, the greatest secret of Speculative Freemasonry, had been completed, yet its realization had only been perceived by

those who had crafted the precise "speculative" science. The masses were never given the full knowledge of just how this great secret

had been accomplished, let alone how this knowledge could serve as an immune system to the vampire nature of Setian metaphysics.

This failure would help set the stage for the "New World Order".

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Sunday, May 4, 2008

The Garden of Eden as an Occult Construct

One of the reasons why the "Garden of Eden" is such a strong

archetype within Western philosophical systems is precisely because the Illuminatus System has a large or critical component built

upon the mythological framework. In otherwords, the stronger the archetypal pull, the higher probability the mythology is connected

to a core pillar of the Illuminatus System. The story of Adam and Even is clearly core to this theory, and so we must analyze the story

in its totality in order to penetrate its esoteric mysteries.

Now when we use the term "mysteries", we are not using the term as you might expect. Ours is a rational system, and the homonym

hides often coy subtleties. Thus a "missed story" is also a "mystery" and the Mysteries are every bit as much about "missed" or

"missing" stories as they are about seeming secrets. Thus the idea of ADAM and EVE is interesting, but as an Acroamatic Cipher, the

interest level goes even higher, for the tale of ADM and EVE as an acroamatic cipher is the missing element to understanding the

basic framework for the word set "ADM and EVE".

Acroamatic ciphers, as you know, are cryptograms about various Letters of a "sacred Alphabet". In the acroamatic cipher,

"The creation myths of the world are acroamatic cryptograms, and the deities of the various pantheons are only cryptic characters

which, if properly understood, become the constituents of a divine alphabet. The initiated few comprehend the true nature of this

alphabet, but the uninitiated many worship the letters of it as gods."

Thus in Adam and Eve, the proper acroamatic transposition is to take the Letter M and divide it into its constituent components, as


M = I V I

This represents a "D-IVI-SION", which means "double (di) vision". Here we deal again in "duality", or "male/female". In the case of

M = IVI, we reorder the IVI to reveal VII, or the word SEVEN. The VII is then ciphered further as

V = VE = EVE

II = PI = ADM = 1413 = 3.141

EVE then is the number 666, and thus the Letter M divides into VII and then further into SEVEN and then further into

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SN = 3.14

EVE = 666,

and so forth.

The Letter M, therefore, is the primary cryptic letter (acroamatic cipher) to the Adm and Eve story, which further illuminates the core

numbers of "Pi" and "666", each central to the Illuminatus philosophy.

The Lost Word and the Garden of Eden

Generally speaking, the philosophical, or speculative, foundations of the Occult are predicated on duality: light/dark, hot/cold,

positive/negative, male/female, to mention but a few. The system is a form of machine code, a computer code, or binary code, as it

were. When set this code against mankind, or the archetypes which we infer to be "mankind", we set the "1's" as males and "0's" as


Ultimately, everything will reduce to these "1's" or "0's", or their co-relative "Pi Proportions". The idea of a "co-relative Pi

Proportion" was "secreted" by Higgins in his work "The Beginning of Masonry".

"Almost all the ancient names of Deity, when their letters are resolved into numbers, are found to consist of what are sometimes

called "cosmic" numbers, in that they set forth some great and majestic planetary or terrestrial cycle which attests the stupendous

scope of divine power and wisdom . The "Ineffable" Name is the most remarkable of these cabalistic words...The former, the letters of

which are valued as 1-30-5-10-40, are quoted by Mme. Blavatsky as giving the Pi proportion when written in a circle. Arranged as

an acrostic, however, in the 25 squares of Pythagoras' "square on the hypothenuse," and employing only the digits in the final

expression (see illustration), the result is much better.

"Bezaleel, the builder of the Tabernacle in the Wilderness," says the Talmud, "knew the transposition of letters by which God created

the World ."

Thus the "cabalistic" "Ineffable Name" is clearly revealed to

be "Pi", and that there are a series of "transpositions and modifications" being caste against the Letters. In truth, the whole of the

Illuminatus System would be caste against a 26 Letter system set against the first 32 decimal digits of Pi. Counting the whole number

of 3 of us 33 digits, hence we will see from time to time the integers 32 or the integers 33 being assigned as of

value within the Illuminatus System.

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The loss of "Pi" as the philosophical structure of "the Word" represents in numerical form "the fall of mankind", while the recovery

of the philosophical constructions encoded into Pi represent the "raising up of mankind".

"God said to Adam, "I have ordained on this earth days and years, and you and your descendants shall live and walk in them, until

the days and years are fulfilled; when I shall send the Word that created you, and against which you have transgressed, the Word that

made you come out of the garden, and that raised you when you were fallen. Yes, the Word that will again save you when the five and

a half days are fulfilled."

That Pi "is" the philosophical construction of "the Word", is not, as it were, a "mystery", rather, that Pi "is" the philosophical

construction of "the Word" is a missed "story", with the idea of some "Lost Word" appearing over and over in the "missed" or "lost

stories" of Adam and Eve.

The Secret of the Serpent

That the "serpent" is "the Sun", is really a very simply graphical conceptual that

may be plotted on an X-Y axis. If you measure the noon zenith at a height of T, the graphed representation will be as either a

"pyramidal" structure, or we may stylize the graphed chart as the shape of a snake as it skirts across the sand. The wavy curvature of

the snake is as the wavy rising and falling of the Sun as it goes from Winter Solstice to Summer Solstice from one year to the next

and on into infinity.

Even so, the "snake" contains within it the term "nake", whereas "naked" is a past tense representation of "nake". There are multiple

phonetic co-relations hidden, then, within the "nake", which is fused to the "snake", not the least of which is that in the Garden of

Eden, the Letter M was "naked", or fused to the "snake". In this way, the Sun would be a representation of both "male" and "female"

co-equally. Hence the great "dot" in the sky becomes a "daughter" (dottir and dotter the same), just as clear as it is a "son".

Never mind that women are known to have "periods", which are but "dots" on the page and in the skies as "stars" alike. It is all


So when we turn to the idea of the Letter M as Pi and 666 and ADM and EVE the same, we no longer chase the story as some literal

"mystery"; rather, we treat the story as being a cryptogram to be freed from its "mystery". In this case, we need some basic

knowledge into the Isisian Codes.

There is Winter. There is Summer. Summer is a mathematical term. To Sum means "to add". Summer starts in June, which is the 3rd

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sign of the Zodiac, but the number 3 sums to 6 (1+2+3=6), which is the month in which Summer starts. 2 is 3, 3 is 6, 4 is 10, 5 is 15,

6 is 21, 7 is 28, 8 is 36, 9 is 45, 10 is 55, 11 is 66, and so forth.

So when we read the story in Genesis 3.14 (Pi), we read the following:

English Revised Version

And the LORD God said unto the serpent, Because thou hast done this, cursed art thou above all cattle, and above every beast of the

field; upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life:

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Since we know that the primary component of the Illuminatus System is

based on summation, we simply study the relationship of the Serpent to the Belly to the Cube, or the Dice.

If we have a "snake eyes" showing, or two "1's", we must then go to the "belly", or its summative value, as the sum of 1:11 is 66.

Thus what appears on the belly of the serpent (snake eyes) as a representation of the cube (the dice) is a pair of 6's.


This is another form of acroamatic cipher. If we take the Letter X and simply divide it, too, into its constituent glyphs (marks), we

can clearly see that we create the Letter X by crossing in a diagonal two "1's", or "11", for X will too appear as the 11 the letter of the

second half of the Alphabet (the Word).



We then must keep this in perspective relative the design reality. The V of the X is located at position 6 is the female, while the

inverse V is the male is a 1, but is too a 6.

What this is saying is basic biology, a scientific transmission of knowledge over time and space fused into a code called an Alphabet.

Each individual person is an X, comprised of genes from the male and the female, or the V and the inverted V. Or, we can say that

each person is comprised of the genes provided by the male as 1 and the female as 1, as each are individuals, divided as they are yet

fused and comprised of the genes of the 2 (male and female).

Thus the 11, set against a dualistic philosophy, become as the male and the female. Yet if we call the X "10", we still maintain

balance and parity as the 1 is the male and the 0 is the female. Nothing is changing save for the representative face. In truth, the 1 is a

6 and the 6 is a 1. Further context to the riddles are needed to put the presentation into some co-relative sense and cohesive

understanding. X's may be an individual person or they may male and female as separate units, as it were, for we may say that the

male and the female is comprised of the genes of each, or we may say that genes of the male and female result in the individual and

so represent a single entity.


If so, study well and know thyself the riddle implicitly, for the idea that a 1 is a 6 and an 11 is a 66 creates a condition where "the

Serpent" is the wiliest of the all, and we have yet to immerse ourselves into the archetypal soup.

The Geometric Construct of the Garden of Eden

When we delve deeper into the idea of "esoteric English", we recognize that there are philosophical underpinnings,

esoteric definitions that hint at the larger Illuminatus Philosophy that lay imbedded in the English language.

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For instance, when we read in "the Bible" that "Adam" "lay" with Eve, the implication is that Adam and Eve "had sex". But this is a

simplistic start point. When we deal with the Illuminatus philosophy, we are dealing in conceptual realities and a philosophy encoded

into and imbed into same. Thus there are additions and subtractions and divisions and multiplications and summations and there are

vertical and horizontal representations all the same.

As "mother Earth" is the "plane", the fruits of "mother Earth" are all which rises up from the planet. Mother Earth is "the Plane", or

what "is laying down", while what "rises up" is as "the Vertical".

When we reduce this concept to a 1 and 0 representation, if the Plane is "mother Earth", then "the Plane" is "feminine" and so what is

in the vertical is the 1, or the masculine.

This conceptual is captured in the PlayStation logo. The "P" is in the vertical, and hence would be a 1 representation (it is), while the

S is in the horizontal, and so if the 0 or "feminine". The S is snake is the "Garden of Eden", while the P is the Vertical, and so is

something wholly separate.

In this case, we return to the Rabbinical "Tree of Life".

First, note clearly its design. The 1 is opposed to the 6 (opposite),

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the 2 is opposed to the 5, and the 3 is opposed to the 4. The design is nothing but the cube. The cube is nothing but the dreidle. The

dreidle is nothing but the cherub.

CHERUB = 3+8+5+18+21+2 = 57 = 4+18+5+9+4+12+5 = DREIDLE

The CUBE is spinning on the sepherah of "6", which conveniently is given a name called "tiperoth", the word "tip" of the dreidle

conveniently hidden within. This then becomes our "Star of David", or the "whirling cube".

In the diagram, the sepherah of 1, 5, 7, and 8 play a dual role, and optical illusion, as it were, for these 4 locations, which comprise a

rectangle, are also used to form a "plane" upon which the "dreidle" spins on the "tip", or the "tiperoth".

Thus the 1+5+7+8=21=Sum of 1:6 are laying with the 6 again, as it were, for the 6 of the cube is spinning on the plane that is

comprised of the digits 1+5+7+8=21, a number which is itself the sum of 6.

Thus in the PlayStation logo, we can equate to the P the spinning dreidle, the letter P being but square of 16, which is 4*4, the square

being the foundation for the cube. Thus the P would be representative of the 1-6, 2-5, 3-4. The S is set in the horizontal, and this

would be represented by the optical illusion created by the 1-5-7-8 rectangle, which is a the plane equally upon which the dreidle is


What this hints at is that the "Tree of Life" is but a half picture of a larger reality, this reality encoded into the Story of Adam and Eve

and the Garden of Eden.

"therefore Jehovah God sent him forth from the garden of Eden, to till the ground from whence he was taken. So he drove out the

man; and he placed at the east of the garden of Eden the Cherubim, and the flame of a sword which turned every way, to keep the

way of the tree of life."

The problem here is that this is an acroamatic riddle. The Sword is the Spoken Word, and since the Spoken Word is set against Pi

which is set against the 26, we can note that the paths for the central pillar are the number 1-6-9-10, which has a value of 1+6+9+10

= 26.

So the central pillar is the "flaming sword", while the "dreidle" is the "cherub", so the Torah story has simply inverted the reality. The

"Tree of Life" as currently depicted is the "flaming sword and cherub" that guards the way to the "Garden of Eden", a matrix that

must appear as being in the horizontal, while the dreidle or "flaming sword and cherub" is set in the vertical.

The illusion fuses at 66, or the 6 of "tiperoth" and the 1-5-7-8 rectangle, which too sums to 21, which is the sum of 6. Hence the Jews

have the half, but not the whole, and the Illuminati of today smiles at the fools who worship the "tree of life" as if they have the


For clearly, any system available to the profane by definition is no longer esoteric and secret, and so any worship of the "Tree of

Life" is itself "profane", a more hidden Hermetic System still to be revealed. This, known as "the Philosopher's Stone and the Garden

of Eden, can be attained through an effective application of the Isisian Codes.

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Posted by Dennis Fetcho

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Saturday, May 17, 2008

Hermetic Qaballa and the Golden Dawn

When penetrating reality, there is a necessity to link information through time and

space. Nothing is being created out of a vaccuum, and every "thing" that may be viewed relative to the Occult are but modifications

and transpositions derived from a core set of knowledge.

To say that "there is nothing new under the Sun" might be a simple way to comprehend this, or, if you wish, you may view the

manifestations of Occult formulae as being but a reuse and a rehashing of a very well hidden, yet knowable, "core" set of knowledge.

Perhaps you may wish to view the idea as an "Occult periodic table". What people view as "life", in all its varied manifestations, are

but utilizations of the compounds found in a "periodic table".

The periodic table remains the same. The manifold expressions formed from the periodic table are as varied and complex as the

Occult signatures that seek to emulate this reality.

Hence when we peer into any given set of Occult signatures or formulas, if we have the primary key, or the "periodic table", as it

were, we can deconstruct nearly everything. Occult Philosophy revolves around the acquisition of this "Occult periodic table", which

we may refer to as "the Isisian Codes".

The "golden dawn" provides us with yet another "adumbration" upon which to reflect upon the crafting and ascertain the very

essence and the Occult Philosophy as caste into the Isisian Codes, aka, the core of Hermetic Qaballa.

Hermetic Qaballa and Profane Kabballah

The core of the Illuminatus System revolves around a basic reality: one part may be seen, while the other part cannot

be seen. The body is available for all to see, while the etheric spirit, or the actual substance of the soul, remains invisibile.

Thus there is a "kabballah" for all to see, and then there is a hidden system removed from view yet, "hermetically sealed" as it were, a

system not taught to the masses. Thus we have in practice "two" Qaballa's, which for expressive purposes are written as "kabballah"

and "Qaballa".

Kabballah is that which is taught by the rabbis. It is the Cherub and the Flaming Sword, the dreidle, the belief in the cube that spins

on the tip (tiperoth), the system that is destined to die, for as all things set forward and utilizes intertia, gravity wears it down, the

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truth re-inserts itself, and the folly slowly emerges for all to see.

Qaballa, spelled in this way, deals with the hermetically sealed system. It contains with it "the Garden of Eden", the "Veil of Isis", the

"Recovery of the Lost Word", among many other labels and caricatures. It is the root code of the Illuminatus Philosophy as taught

within Speculative Masonry, the one system designed around an inherent truth that defies ignorance (kabballah).

It is set on two legs (Able) as opposed to the one leg of the dreidle (Cain). It is what is known as "pair of dice", or "paradise", with

the phonetic inclusion that a pair of eyes is needed in order to gain perspective and comprehension.

More to the point, the former uses a system of 10's based on Hebrew, while the latter uses an intuitive code set against the 1-9 of

English and the Isisian Codes. Since the Isisian Codes prove to be the core framework, all systems eminating out of English will be

necessity prove to manifesting the Isisian Codes, regardless of the deflected confusions of the practitioners.

The following demonstration will reveal how this is so.

Hermetic Qaballa and the Golden Dawn

There has always been a "Hermetic

Qaballa". It was essentially sealed in the English Language by the practitioners of "speculative Masonry". These schools, influenced

by Bacon, among others, wove philosophical truths into the language and the design of the Alphabet.

In turn, it can be surmised, that the Alphabet was "rationally crafted", which is to say that the Alphabet was crafted, its archetypes

defined and refined, against logic and reason.

As regards the OTO, or the Golden Dawn, it is clear from the overtness of their codes, that they had indeed come to know the design

and nature of the Construct. "777" and "Golden Dawn", are but powerful and yet simplistic foundations of the larger Illuminatus

System upon which the Golden Dawn sought (and still seeks) to claim as their pre-eminence to the idea of an "English Qaballa".

Yet the Construct is like the "periodic tables", and so whatever could come out of the Golden Dawn would still be controlled by and

hence "decipherable" by the larger Isisian Code framework. All of this, based as it is on "English", would of practical simplicity

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delude and elude those who sought after the Jewish or Hebrew component set into the Golden Dawn.

Truth was being secreted, but willfully corrupted.

The "whole" is based on "the Word". The Word is Pi. The first 32 decimal digits, to be precise. The system is set against a value of

26, for obvious reasons once one comes to understand the nature of the Word and hence "the Construct".

26 is the Key.

Hence GOD will have a value of 7+15+4=26, or YHVH has a value of 26 and FLAG has a value of 6+12+1+7=26 and ALLA =

1+12+12+1 = 26, and so forth. 26 is such an obvious key to "the Key" that one has to be a fool to chase after a system based on "22".

Fitting round pegs into square holes becomes an exercise in futility.

So in order to decipher the Golden Dawn, one needs to have the necessary keys.

The OTO, for instance, may be derived from the above diagram.

The first diamond is 1+7+5+2 = 15 = O

The second diamond is 7+5+5+3 = 20 = T

The third diamond is 7+1+2+5 = 15 = O

The "OTO".

The wordset "GOLDEN DAWN" is derived from an Acrostic Puzzle set against the Letter L.

Also known as "the Tau" and "the Orphic Egg", this is a simple code that reveals Pi.

As taught in Western "mysticism", we have the progenitors, or "the Egyptians" and the "Pyramids", defined as OSIRIS, or the Archer.

Thus the shape of constellation of ORION is as here:

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ORION is, of course, the "archer". Within the ARCHER we have "arcs of a circle",

"bows" from which the arrow is shot, and by studying the primary bright stars of ORION and its relationship to the archer who

carries his bow, perhaps then you can understand why certain "ties" are called "bow ties", the very shape returning back to Osiris as

"the Archer" and the constellation ORION.

Of course, all of this is an adumbration, occult signature, as it

were, of a clever set of crafted codes that reveal "the Word", or Pi.

ORION, when set in reverse, and with utilization of the Isisian Codes, reveals:






Pi is 3.1415926, so the very word ORION is revealing the first 7 decimal digits of Pi. When we add "the Old Testament" as defined

by ZION, and add this to the "New Testament" as defined by INRI, we create an acrostic puzzle, wherein as seen above, the TAU, the

Inverted TAU, and the "IRON CROSS", wherein IRON is but a phonetic play on INRI, each reveal the LETTERS "ORION", or Pi.

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In the case of the "GOLDEN DAWN", we simply utilize the center vertical row of

ORO. ORO is the "spanish" for GOLD. From the O at the base, we have to the right the Letter N. Since O is 1/2 of the formula of 10,

it is often referred to as "10", but TEN contains by default the phonetics of D=T=N, hence the matrix of:




reveals the very simple code of




This code is set against the Letter L, while the totality of the formula of ORION is contained in the Letter T.

Hence T reveals while the L is the "fallen angle/angel" that hides, yet the code is playing on the very same matrix.

At the end of the day, the "Golden Dawn" is but an adumbration of the hidden core code.

Of course, "777" was rather obvious to anyone in the know. That it has fooled people for nearly a century hints at how well is

guarded the core code.

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Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Nazi's, Naziriteship, and Zion

This article may appear to come out of "left field". For my international (non

American) audience, this is an American colloquialism set against the game of baseball, to mean, "come out of nowhere". But the

recent unveiling of the London Games Logo, and the various analysis it has been getting, prompted me to revisit this concept and try

to craft an article around it.

Ultimately, it all comes back to "the Construct", and of course, how various codes are set into play and used as archetypal structures

from which various agendas and realities are promulgated.

This article will shed a bit more light on the structural foundations of "the Construct".

I will simplify this: there are those that are drowned, and there are those that have risen above the waves. In this case, we may infer

that those who "see" are as ICE, in that ICE in "cube form", rises above the waters. The letters ICE are comprised of the 9th Letter

and the 3rd Letter, with E being silent and with its own special properties. So the word ICE is but a code for I CE, or I SEE, which

then becomes ritualized in Thelema as "93".

There are thus those that "SEE", and those that do "NOT SEE", aka "nazi's". The "nazi's", of course, are archetypes, caste as they are

as the "ultimate evil bogeymen", which they of course are, but the misdirection is clever.

The Not Sees are the current leadership, the present Illuminatus, the Setianist forces. They clearly can "see", but they clearly do not

see, equally.

"I Hate Nazi's"

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There are many movies about the search for the Holy Grail, and perhaps

one of the more famous of the recent entrants is "Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade". In this movie, we are confronted with

numerous Occult imagery and formulations, hinting at the Construct in such a way as to wonder if the author's "get it".

From the script we find,


(to ELSA; softly)

Nazis. I hate these guys."

Nazi's, relative to the Construct, is really a spell - a mesmer: NAZIS = NOT SEES. So the code is simple: that "Indiana Jones" hates

"Nazi's" alludes to the larger reality that what is generally loathed are those who appear under color of authority and yet clearly are

blind and hence "do not see". But we are given a further clue as to the nature of the Construct in the following:"Nazis?!-Is that the

limit of

your vision?! The Nazis want to

write themselves into the Grail

legend and take on the world."

Of course, if we have our Occult material down, we can recognize this immediately as a transposition from Plutarch's Isis and Osiris:

"But those who relate that Typhon's flight from the battle was made on the back of an ass and lasted for seven days, and that after he

had made his escape, he became the father of sons, Hierosolymus and Judaeus, are manifestly, as the very names show, attempting to

drag Jewish traditions into the legend."

So just as the "Nazi's" want to write themselves into the legend, so too has there been an attempt to graft "things Jewish" into the

primary legend. This is the fusing of Setian metaphysics to that of the Osirian and Isisian Mysteries. However, by the very nature of

the grafting, they who are not a part of the original will oft be blind to the nuances of the totality, and so are as the "not sees", who,

still, tirely wish to take full control and take on the world (destroy it).


That's for blasphemy. The quest

for the Grail is not archaeology.

It's a race against evil.

If it is captured by the Nazis,

the armies of darkness will march

all over the face of the earth.

Do you understand me?

Again, the Occult significance: the Grail is the "philosophical construction", a coming of knowledge caste against "the Word", which

is the 32 digits of Pi, the 26 letter Alphabet, and the totality of the knowledge contained within. What is being said is simple: if those

forces who are seeking to graft themselves to the legend (the Not Sees) are able to capture the mechanism of "the Word", then they

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will have the ability to march across the face of the Earth.


"The second challenge is the

Word of God. Only in the

footsteps of God will he proceed."

(to himself)

The Word of God... The Word of...

INDY pulls away some cobwebs to reveal a cobblestone path. Each cobble is

engraved with a letter.

A very simple and yet in your face truth: the "Word of God" is the Alphabet, fused as it is to Pi and the 26 Letter sequence set against

the 32 decimal digits.

Of Nazi's and Skinheads

Of course, what is little known to the public is that often various movements are literally

initiated and fostered to bring to the surface (rise above the waves) various aspects of the full construct, the primary one being that of

those who can see (the all seeing eye) and those who cannot see (the Nazi's).

Yet few comprehend that the very term "Nazi" is a wholly Jewish occult construct crafted as it is in Torah.

NUM 6:18 And the Nazirite shall shave his consecrated head at the door of the tent of meeting, and shall take the hair of his

consecrated head, and put it on the fire which is under the sacrifice of peace-offerings.

NUM 6:19 And the priest shall take the shoulder of the ram when it is sodden, and one unleavened cake out of the basket, and one

unleavened wafer, and shall put them upon the hands of the Nazirite, after he hath shaven his consecrated head.

"Skinheads" are and "Nazi's" are far more rooted in the ancient ritual of "Naziriteship" of the Jewish traditions. Supplanting it into

"Nordic Pagan cultures" is just Illuminatus childsplay, the followers fully blind to the reality of the Occult game in play.

Further, the concept of "skinheads" and "Naziriteship" (not see riteship) is but a grafting of Jewish concepts onto the larger traditions

for which they never truly belonged. For as referenced in Isis and Osiris,

"for the Impure to touch the Pure is contrary to divine ordinance." No surplus left over from food and no excrementitious matter is

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pure and clean; and it is from forms of surplus that wool, fur, hair, and nails originate and grow. So it would be ridiculous that these

persons in their holy living should remove their own hair by shaving and making their bodies smooth all over, and then should put on

and wear the hair of domestic animals."

What is being said here is one element of the Construct. Hair, being born, as it were, from death, at times is regarded as being

"corrupted". So various orders around the world would be seen to "shave the corruption" from their bodies. This aspect of the design

reaches its zenith in the Buddhist monks.

Then there is the inverse: the negative forces, or Setianists, simply invert the formulas 180 degrees. So in Jewish culture, we have the

preponderance of "beards" and of those who do not shave at all the hair from their faces. This can all get confusing, because we have

too the "beards" who become "the Bards", and the "Boards of Directors" all the same, so you must be aware of when and where the

inversions to the Construct are taking place, where the 1's are being caste as 0's and the 0's as 1's.

Sampson and the Pillars

One way to quickly grasp this inversion sequence is to follow Setian, or Jewish, mythology. The tale of pertinence

here is that of "Samson and Delilah". This, as so many of the stories from the Jewish scribes, speaks about the destruction of the


In the story, Samson's power is gained from his hair.

Jdg 16:15 Then she said to him, “How can you say, ‘I love you,’ when you won’t confide in me? This is the third time you have made

a fool of me and haven’t told me the secret of your great strength.” 16 With such nagging she prodded him day after day until he was

tired to death.

Jdg 16:17 So he told her everything. “No razor has ever been used on my head,” he said, “because I have been a Nazirite dedicated

to God from my mother’s womb. If my head were shaved, my strength would leave me, and I would become as weak as any other

man...then the Philistines gouged his eyes out."

This is a classic tale of inversion. The Naziriteship revolves around hair. If you "do not see", then you are being equated to those who

refuse to shave their hair. This, of course, is wholly opposite to what we in the West find "civilised", preferring as it were, to shave

our faces and remove the hair from our bodies. What gives the "Nazirite" his strength is the fact that he is ignorant: the shaving of

hair signifies those who are understand that the hair is but from that which decays, and hence should be removed.

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When Samson has his hair shaved, it is said that the "Philistines gouged his eyes out",

telling you that the whole of the tale is revolving around those who see and those who do not.

When Samson's hair "grows back", he destroys or pushes apart or tears down "the Pillars", the pillars, of course, a not so veiled

reference to Pi and the forces aligned with "the Word".

The strength of the "Nazirite" is that he cannot see. This is represented by the fact that the person does not "shave off the hair", and

thus surrounds himself with death and decay. When Samson is shaved of his hair, he "loses strength", meaning that he is able to see

the Construct. This truth is countered by the insertion of "his eyes were gouged out", which is to say that he could see. Yet when he

reverts back to ignorance (hair grows back), he is able to regain his strength, meaning to destroy without reason, and so he uses his

strength (ignorance) and tears down the Pillars (the Word).

He becomes a part of the destructive forces in service of "Jehovah". In classic inversion, what can see really can not, and what can

see "cannot", at least when viewed from the Setian, or Jewish, construct.

Of Zion and Nazi's

That all of these concepts are but Occult signatures should become more in focus to all readers of this blog. That there

were Nazi's, and these were called "the AXIS powers", and yet the AXIS is an anagram for SIX A's are just part of the in your face

Occult influence on the fabrication of historical events to promulgate key elements of the Construct.

That there were ALL EYES (or All Lies, as it were) and "SIX A's" as the AXIS powers is too neat and packaged to be ignored out of

hand: Occult signatures are more pervasive and controlled than most realize.

In many respects, it is a massive "childish", and yet deadly, game.

And since it all revolves around Setian (Jewish) and Osirian/Isian (Isisian), we can more easily decipher the signatures through

acquisition of the Construct.

In the case of ZION, aside from being a homonym, or phonetic play, for NOISE, ZION reversed also read NO EYES. "NO EYES",

of course, preach that they are the one's 'with eyes', and hence are able to "see". This becomes "the Beacon of Light" philosophies of

current advanced Jewish metaphysics, while those who are not of this system of course are being caste as "Nazi's".

It is all a great phonetic play set into English for all to see, hence the massive number of "Jews" in the media are more of an Occult

force in play than most can ever hope to realize.

Since the Word is the Alphabet, and those who are from ZION (NO EYES) wish to take on the whole world (it is ingrained in Jewish

mythology), it is clear that they first have to come to control the language, and if they can control the language, being that it is "the

Word", they can then, as referenced in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade,

If it is captured by the Nazis,

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the armies of darkness will march

all over the face of the earth.

Do you understand me?

This then, becomes the establishment of "A New World Order", which of course is a perpetual war FOR terror, with the media being

used as the mechanism to control the hearts and minds and create the conditions to allow the forces of darkness to "March across the


And so these forces indeed to continue to march forward, in ever bolder steps. The Olympic Torch has been protested in the West to

the point that it was actually extinguished, a rather ominous symbol when one understands the symbology, and as the Olympics reach

into the very heart of the Word, the land of England that brought it forth, those without eyes have firm control.

Some Occult signatures are just too clever and insidious to be left ignored...and of course, you will be bombarded with words and

imagery that hints all around the idea of "vision" and the ability "to see".

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Thursday, May 29, 2008

The WORD as a Function of Speculative Masonry

Abraham Lincoln stated in his famed "Gettysburg Address",

"Four score and seven years ago, our fathers brought forth upon this continent a new nation: conceived in liberty, and dedicated to

the proposition that all men are created equal...that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom. . . and that

government of the people. . .by the people. . .for the people. . . shall not perish from the earth."

And as our English speaking lands find themselves engaged in perpetual wars by forces opposed to any semblance of "the Truth",

perhaps it become appropriate to allocate some time to expressing how the foundations of truth were set down so that you may begin

to ascertain who these truths can be recognized, and in the process, spot those Occult forces who are engaged in the Great Lie whose

only purpose is to destroy and spread misery across the face the Earth.

Through a study of and a rational comprehension of the fundamentals of Speculative, or Esoteric Freemasonry, one can come to a

recognition of "truth" and in the process, cease to be deceived by they who base their entire existence on the perpetuation of lies.

The War for the Human Mind

Make no mistake. Humanity is, has been, and at least for the foreseeable future, will

be, at war. This war, however, aside from the physical conflicts that snare so many people (to include our seemingly advanced

Western civilization), is being waged, too, on an Occult level.

The ability of a ruling elite to perpetually wage this war is accomplished through the proliferation of beliefs brought about chiefly

through religions, false academics and histories, and the irrational and often cruel judicial systems that impose these realities. The

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human race has been caste into a sea of delusion, not much more advanced in many ways than that of the Medieval purges.

Thus the human race, drowned as it is, exists in a state of delusion. In this case, the words DELUGE and DELUSION share designed

philosophical links.

In the Ancient, Accepted and Esoteric Freemasons, there is a pre-candidate ritual called "The Candidate's Ritual". In this ritual, the

Senior Deacon turns to the Candidate and says,

My station is in the west emblematic of the World of Water of which you will learn much as you pass through the Masonic degrees.

Esoterically I represent your Soul aspiring for enlightenment and seeking communion with the Grand Architect of the Universe. My

esoteric duty is to teach you how to achieve the second alchemical marriage by continuing to improve yourself through Masonry.

Thus, drowned as you are, your first chance to learn to rise above the

waves is to attend a "school", wherein the "school" is equated to fish that swim in the sea.

The improvement of oneself is akin to raising oneself up above the waters of delusion, and in the process, come into ones own and be

given the chance to "bask" in the Sun. This "basking in the Sun" is akin to a communion with "the Grand Architect", the Grand Arch

or Royal Arch, being the arc traced in the sky over time as the Sun precesses through the equinoxes.

This is the Olympic torch that stands as a testament to the human spirit, caste as it is in

birth under the waters. This is the "baptism", or immersion into the water and rising again above in a "communion with Christ". This

is the tale of the Salmon, born in the clear waters who swims into the salty sea of Typhon, and returning one day to the ever clear

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waters of its birth and fulfills its purpose. This is the fin linked to the ark (shark) that too rises above the waves.

The fin, fused as it is to Nature, is the clue, FINISH is the code, understanding the code the rising above the waves.

The Word as the Operative Element of "Truth"

Albert Mackay writes in "The Symbolism of


The mythical history of Freemasonry informs us that there once existed a WORD of surpassing value, and claiming a profound

veneration; that this Word was known to but few; that it was at length lost; and that a temporary substitute for it was adopted. But as

the very philosophy of Masonry teaches us that there can be no death without a resurrection,--no decay without a subsequent

restoration,--on the same principle it follows that the loss of the Word must suppose its eventual recovery.

He would later add, "The search for the Word--to find divine Truth--this, and this only, is a mason's work, and the WORD is his


However, Mackay is writing from a laymen's perspective, giving nothing, inviting as it were, initiates into the Mysteries (Masonry) to

partake in the journey. "Thus to learn Masonry is to know our work and to do it well. What true mason would shrink from the task?"

Underneath the mystical veneer, of course, was the reality that "the Word" was not only recoverable, but had adequately and with

precision, been recovered and was busily being implemented into the developing language. Rather overt hints of this may be found in

the writings of Blavatsky, wherein she states in "The Secret Doctrine",

But this last ratio is but a modified form of light or 20612 to 6561, as a '[[pi]]' value, being only a variation of the same (that is

20612 to 6561 is 31415 to one, or Alhim or God) -- and in such a manner that one can be made

[[Footnote(s)]] -------------------------------------------------

* See "Source of Measures," pp. 276, et seq. App. VII.

[[Vol. 2, Page]] 39 THE NUMBERS OF CREATION.

to flow into and be derived from the other, and these are the three steps by which the Unity and sameness can be shown of the divine

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names. That is, the two are but variations of the same ratio, viz., that of '[[pi]].' The object of this comment is to show the same

measuring use for the Cabbalah as was employed in the three Covenants of the Bible, and in the symbols of Masonry, as just


Higgins, writing in "Hermetic Masonry: The Beginning of Masonry",

"It is completely in accord with the ancient philosophy, which, in apostrophizing the Deity as the "Pi proportion," meant what later,

in Isaiah, is called "The living Elohim, "-The Pi proportion, endowed with omnipotent self-exertion in the ordering of inchoate

matter ; in other words, a LOGOS active in Cosmos. The Pi proportion is something that is never absent, in one form or other, from

every one of the world's primitive religions, and certainly enters deeply and radically into the philosophies that have given rise to

what we in these days call "Masonry ."

The Pi Proportion, Pi itself, is the Word that was and remains to be recovered and understood, and for which a rational foundation of

"truth" was caste and established.

Euclid's 47th Proposition

This diagram is a classic example of a "complex symbol" that incorporates multiple philosophical realities. The

design of the Square and Compass, incorporating as it does the raised torch of reason (Olympic Torch) is encoding Pythagoras 47

Proposition. At the same time, Abraham Lincoln was preserving in his address the same said "eternal truth", for in the Gettysburg

Address the time was given as "4 score and 7 years ago).

Thus the "truth", fused as it is to words, becomes operative within "the Word", the word being Pi, and Pi being simplified or reduced

to the "Golden Triangle of Pythagoras", or the 3-4-5 Triangle.

WORDS serve as operative force to encode or come to understand "the WORD", as revealed further in Blavatsky's "The Secret


"It teaches the /Alhim-ness /(31415)/ /and One-ness (the diameter to Alhim) through Words (*DBRIM,* 41224), by which on the one

side there is infinite expression in heterogeneous creations, and on the other a final harmonic tendency to /One-ness/" (which as

everyone knows is the mathematical function of "[[/pi/]]" of the schools, which measures, and weighs and numbers the stars of

heaven, and yet resolves them back into the final Oneness of the Universe through Words)."

As one comes to understand and "know thyself" the principles being secreted in full view in the Illuminatus Observor, the ability to

utilize the core fundamentals of Speculative Masonry to ascertain "the Truth" becomes easier, and truth becomes far more "self


Truth is at first mocked. It is then virulently attacked. It will, always, eventually become self evident.

What Abraham Lincoln seemed to be saying was "let us not allow the sacrifices which brought about the Philosophy of Pi to

disappear from the face of the Earth."

The concepts contained in this article will be expounded upon in future efforts.

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Sunday, June 15, 2008

7, 13, and the Enigma of the YearIf I were to ask you, "What is the relationship of 7:13, from a philosophical perception relative to number?", what

exactly would you answer? At the end of the day, being able to answer just such a question is what the Mysteries are all about. What

is the relationship of 13:19? What of 7:11? 1:2? 2:3? 3:4?

How do you then go about fusing the relationships of number to letters, to archetypes, and then to sounds and then place it all into a

comprehensive philosophy?

There are words that exist that are placement codes. MARS is one such code. ASININE is another. In the word MARS, we break it to

read M's Are S's. How? Just as Q is the Palindrome of Z (Q = 17 = 153 = 351 = 26 = Z), so too are M's = S's in that the sum of 1:13

(M) = 91 and the sum of 1:19 (S) = 190, to reveal a formula of M = 13 = 91 = 19x = S.


Further, since A is Osiris and I is Seth, and the "ass" is designed as

"the One", and the 1, or the Letter I is located at the 9 position, and it is Seth (the god of the Jews) who is the impostor and makes

such absurd and ridiculous claims, hence "ASININE" is both a placement code wherein the definition is equally fused to the design

in the Construct, and so "the Ass", or "the donkey" is the Jewish god is the 9 is the I is the nine, is ASININE.

The design reveals the code.

That mankind was made in the image of "GOD" belies a secret: GOD has a value of 26. The Alphabet is comprised of 26 Letters. O's

are the feminine, P's are the masculine, B's are the profile of a pregnant woman, V's are symbolic of the feminine, D's will give you

direction (erection) and so forth. The first thing to crow (grow) in the morning is the cock, I's are asses, while EYES are A's, and so

forth. Such are the coy plays in the language, all effected by a clever mathematical cipher. C's (as 3) are G's (as Gimmel or Gamma),

M's are S's, D's are T's, and so forth.

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The Esoteric Significance of the Number 13

The Illuminatus System is based on the 26. Higgins cannot say it clearly

enough in his treatise "The Beginning of Masonry",

"This system was based on a 26 letter Alphabet...of which alpha was the first letter, mu or mem the middle, and omega the last..."

The Letter M, resting in the middle, would be the Great Key, obvious by both its design as well as by its placement, which in a 26

digit system, was "set in the middle", which would be at the Number 13. Yet for generations through time, the secret key of the

Number 13 (as M) would be vilified through the use of superstition. This "vilification" should not be seen as an accident, and Higgins

does seem to intimate that the vilification was not an accident either:

"Even some of our most common superstitions are relics of this state of things. All the prejudice popularly entertained against the

number 13 resides not in its "unluckiness," but because it was the key to religions mysteries that the priests did not wish the people to

penetrate; hence, if a man started to run every time he encountered this number and would refuse to think of it for fear of breaking

his leg, the sacerdotal interests were safe."

Even if you were not frightened by superstition, you still had to work through logic and reason and may have been working with an

Alphabet that was not designed around the 26 and did not have the necessary constituent components to put the whole back together.

In this context, we have the idea of the "sacred Alphabet", an alphabet that was based on the 26, which was the Alphabet

Freemasonry was working with, which is that of the modern English Alphabet.

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It was not easy to comprehend the way in which the cipher wheels were

working, and the logic, even when explained fully, like a snake in the grass, slithered away before the mind could grasp that there

was a potent and yet powerful spell. Said Higgins,

"Certain numbers show the peculiarity of representing two different sacred quantities; as, for instance, the number 888 . This has a

special significance of its own, but was constructed from 3 times 8 (24) counters (8 units, 8 tens, and 8 hundreds)-there being a

mystic relationship between the two ideas represented and between the two numbers involved."

It could not be said more clearly, but worth a repeat:


In the case of the above example, there are many misdirections, and logic and reason would be required for you to solve for the

equation. Using the "substrates" as given, we see that Higgins says that the construction is based on 3 times 8 (24) counters (8 Units,

8 Tens, and 8 Hundreds).

The 8th Letter of the Alphabet is H, while the 24th Letter of the Alphabet is X.

8 Units is 8

8 Tens is 8X

8 Hundreds is 8C

X is located at the 11th letter of the second half of the Alphabet. The sum of 1:11 is 66, while the Letter H at 8 will sum from 1:8 to

reveal 36, which is 6*6. Both H and X are two different letters that share a common "sacred value" (66). But you have to fully grasp

this, for as Higgins says,

"To the brother who is really interested in learning the truth about this wonderfully constituted ritual of ours, it may be emphasized

that failure to know or recognize these methods of the ancients has been the reason why so many of the past expounders of Masonry

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have failed to "hit the mark ."

The Transmutation of Number

Another clue to the Illuminatus System is as follows, from Higgins:

Ancient philosophy always viewed the Great Architect in three aspects as Creator, Preserver, and Transformer . Nothing, said they,

was ever lost. Spirit and matter were coexistent and coeternal . Matter was continually going in and out of perception, perishing

apparently, in one form, only to be worked over into new forms in the vast laboratory of Nature .

To put this into a contemporary perspective, what this means is that there are an endless series of ciphers set against the letters,

sounds, and numbers. 1+2=3 and 1+2+3=6 and 1+2+3+4+5+6 =21 and 2+1 = 3 might be one way of viewing it. Take the above

example and fuse each of the series of digits to a comprehensive philosophy, and you begin to arrive at how "the Construct" is really

a system that shows the interconnectedness of all "things".

Higgins explains it this way:

"The three side of the Pythagorean triangle represented Osiris, the male or creative

principle to the Egyptians ; but, though the female principle was a four and the offspring a five, and these were three, even if you

added 3, 4, and 5 together to make 12, for 1 plus 2 made three. This was the way the Pythagoreans reasoned, claiming, perhaps truly,

that if we understood "number" we should understand everything in creation,..."

Thus when we combined 3 squared as the Letter I as the 9th Letter, and combined it with the feminine V, itself located at 22, but that

2*2 is 4 and 4 is the square of 16, we arrive at the shape of the Letter Y, or the fusion of the Male and the Female, the very glyph

itself preserved "naked" in the Temple of Sukoh in Indonesia. And since nothing is lost, we can show that the 1 as A is the male and 2

as B is the female, to arrive at the 3, which is the glyph of the B showing the female latent with life (pregnant), and so "Matter" as

representative of the numbers "goes in and out of perception", and yet remain constant and the same, always going through a process

of regeneration.

The glue that holds it all together, still, is "the Word", or Pi. So in the calendar we will find that the Numbers 9 and 16 will be

together (except in rare circumstances, and thus the Letter I as 9 and the Letter P as 16, to form PI, will form to the right of the center

of the calendar, while the 13 and the 14, combined as it is with the 15, shows PI as 131415.

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The Number 13, The Letter M, and the Days of the Year

This alchemical work from the Middle Ages shows the letter Y with an

"androgynic figure", but the real secret is that the Letter Y is comprised of the make as the vertical "I" as the masculine and the "V"

as the feminine. That this figure appears in the Temples of Sukoh in Indonesia and alchemical works of the Medieval Europe hints at

the sacredness and the longevity of the use and knowledge of the symbols nearing a Universal knowledge, elements as they were and

are of "the Sacred Alphabet".

In the Letter M, we too see that it is comprised of the Male and the Female.

Divide the Letter M into its constituent glyphs to form

M = I V I

Reorder the glyphs to show

M = I V I = V I I

This then creates the number of VII, or SEVEN. The "II" of the VII is a cipher of the Greek Letter Pi, or 1314. When reversed, it

forms 1413, which, when set back against letters reveals:

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M = I V I = V I I = "V" and "II"

1413 set against the letters reveals the word ADM, or 1413, or Pi in reverse, which then becomes ADM as male, while the V reversed

is phonetically ciphered from

V(ee) = EEV(e)

Hence the Letter M is an acroamatic cipher for the words ADM and EVE, or Male and Female.

M =

V = Female = EVE = 666

II = Male = ADM = 1413 = 3.141 = Pi

Thus in the words SEVEN and ELEVEN, we see that the middle portion of the words contain the key word of EVE, while the

beginning of the words contain the number 3 as EL and ES (L and S) are each located at number 3; N is located at 14, so M, as 13,

SEVEN as 7 and ELEVEN as 11, are then showing transmutations that will lead you back to Pi and 666.

More, Higgins states,

"Pythagoras reduced all manifestation of form to squares, circles, and triangles. The Greek letter G (gamma) is in the form of a

Mason's square . The letter 0 is a circle, and the letter D (delta) a triangle, giving us the word "God". These are the numbers 3, 6,

and 4 alined ; added together, a total of 13, but as 364 (13 times 28), the months of a lunar year, which was the origin of our 52

weeks of seven days each,..."

Now here is where the riddle and enigma begins.

There is a relationship of 7 to 13 and 4.

There 52 weeks to a year, and the year is marked by the Equinoxes and the Solstice. These marking points are set at the Letters G and

T, wherein G symbolizes the Equinoxes and T's are representative of the Solstices.

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There are 13 weeks to each quarter, and

the sum of 1:13 reveals a total of 91, or the number of days to a quarter of a year. However, there are 7 days to a week, and so 13

weeks times 7 is also equal to 91.

This riddle is wrapped up into the playing cards:


91 days per quarter times 4 quarters = 364 days

52 weeks times 7 days per week = 364 days

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And yet all this time you were taught there are 365 days.

Where, exactly, is the 365th day?

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Thursday, June 26, 2008

666 - Gambling and the Philosophy of the SunSometimes, occult signatures are right in front of your face, so bold and obvious, it is as screaming to the point of

spitting, and yet, blind, deaf, and somewhat dumb, the masses cannot see the message that is being caste before them.

666 is just one such message.

Just what "is" "666", aside from being a Key to "Luciferianism", escapes even me to this day. I can only surmise, for it is all

conjecture at the end of the day. However, 666 is such a critical key to deciphering the Illuminatus System that to not be able to

recognize, and in the process, learn to "stop" and reflect on the paths that led you come across the number 666, is to miss much of the

intuitive design within the system.

There are two numbers that are as the foundation points.

666 and

3.1415926....., verbally defined as "Pi".

When we read that "only 144,000 would be saved", one has to wonder, knowing the relationship of 666 to the larger system, that

when you add the first 144 digits of Pi, the total of the sum of those digits equals 666.

What is clear is that what had to be saved was "666", and yet we can still only ponder "why"?

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The Astronomical Constants of "666" What is clear, though, is that

there was an enormous, and successful, effort made to preserve Pi and 666. The "piano", for instance, breaks into the words PI and

ANO, "ano" being anglicized for the word "ano", meaning year, of the Spanish.

There are 52 "white keys", or the number of weeks to the year, which we can then define as "Isis", in that it is a diameter, and there

are 36 "black" keys, wherein the Sum of 1:36 totals 666.

Is the name and the number of keys a "coincidence"? Conjecture is a beautiful thing, it hides secret from those who do not want to

know, even as it reveals rather overtly to those who are "in the know". If you are in the KNOW LEDGE, you are not part of those

who do now want to know, or the "under-standing"; rather, you are in the Eye, a messenger from the Sun, the great "God".

The fact is, 666 is quite a common found number in the cosmos, assuming, of course, that the cosmos is comprised of or filled with

"mathematical expressions".

An interesting site regarding the propabilities of 666 may be found on a page entitled "Evil Numbers", from the Mathematical

Association of America. In the article, 666 is shown to be found in quite a few common expressions.

For instance:

The primes of 2^2+3^2+5^2+7^2+11^2+13^2+17^2 = 666. The author goes on to state, "How common are evil numbers? (number of

non-zero digits / sum of digits) gives a good estimate. For a base 10 number, the estimate gives 9/(1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9) = 20%

= 1/5. Thus, any random number has a 1 in 5 chance of having this property." Which is, of course, rather interesting.

The Number 666 is integral to astronomic constants relative to existence on Earth, and this integral component would not be

"integral" without the English Mile. And when we consider the word MILE from a pure gematria point of view, we note that it is

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comprised of digits, namely,





shows the formula of

1000+1+50+5 = 1056, which "just happens to be" 1/5 of the 5280 feet that make up the English "mile". So knowing that the

frequency of 666 manifesting is roughly 20 percent, even, as shown, appears in a highly "oscillatory way", that 1/5 = 1056 relative to

the MILE takes on a more surreal existence when we understand that the Moon, when set to the English mile, has a diameter of 2160

miles, or a value of 6*6*6*10, while the traditional Occult measure of the SUN we 864,000, and this value proved to be


Even the Zodiac, a word so obviously a PI "code word" in that ZODIAC

= CADOIZ = 3.1415926, itself is broken down into a code of 666 in that each astrological sign is 1/12 of the "Great Year" of 25920.

25920/12 = 2160 =6*6*6*10.

That "666" was "saved" perhaps hints that it is so constant, it cannot be destroyed. All the transpositions and modifications of the

number in various cultures, even into our day, perhaps tells a more fundamental story: 666 is an essential number within the

formation of "life".

666 as an Occult Signature

The Ancients recognized, and understood, that all life, relative to this planet, eminates from "the Sun". As such, prior

to the rise of Abrahamic superstitions, the Sun stood at the center of the philosophical construction. All things resolved themselves

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back into the Sun.

Manley P. Hall covers "sun worship" quite well in his work "Secret Teachings of All Ages". Quotes Hall,

"A careful analysis of the religious systems of pagandom uncovers much evidence of the fact that its priests served the solar energy

and that their Supreme Deity was in every case this Divine Light personified. Godfrey Higgins, after thirty years of inquiry into the

origin of religious beliefs, is of the opinion that "All the Gods of antiquity resolved themselves into the solar fire, sometimes itself as

God, or sometimes an emblem or shekinah of that higher principle, known by the name of the creative Being or God."

What was being preserved was the philosophical knowledge of "the Sun", the vestiges, perhaps, of a former dying race. Because the

history as we are presented with is so skewed and false, a failure of the Historical Arts of epoch proportions, our reference points are

relegated to myths, and our myths are relegated to fact. Early philosophers, the progenitors of the more profane "modern Occultist",

were often first and foremost, "mathematicians", Pythagoras being a case in point.

Magic squares, and then fusing philosophy to these squares, were just one of the mechanisms employed to preserve the Philosophy of

the Sun. Hence the magic square of the order of 6, a 6X6 square, we so crafted so that the total value of all rows, columns, and

diagonals, was 111, wherein 1's, being the opposite side of the dice, revealed 666. That the sum of 1:36 is 666, is just another simple

bit of "conjecture", obvious as to its self evidence, yet occluded enough so that the ignorant masses, or the educated fools, would be

too unwise look or too haughty in their knowledge to see it.

What was clear is that there was a massive effort to preserve this Ancient philosophical knowledge and embed and encode it

everywhere, even as Setianist forces sought to destroy it at all steps of the way. The battle between the A and the I was and remains

an epoch reality.

The chilling reality of this war may be found quite succinctly in the Jewish Torah, the worshipers of Seth being known as they who

are the destroyers. In Isaiah 65: 11, we can analyze many different translations to begin to peer into who was who and what was


"But ye are they that forsake the LORD, that forget my holy mountain, that prepare a table for that troop, and that furnish the drink

offering unto that number." - KJV

A strange way to translate the original. Who was "that number"? Was it 666?

"But as for you who forsake the Lord and forget my holy mountain, who spread a table for Fortune and fill bowls of mixed wine for


A wholly different translation. Who is "Fortune" or what is "Fortune"? What "tables" are being set? Dinner tables? Or "gambling


And yet another translation:

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“But YOU men are those leaving Jehovah, those

forgetting my holy mountain, those setting in order a table for the god of Good Luck and those filling up mixed wine for the god of


Our "clues" are, again, relegated to myth, and our history is so skewed that its failure is colossal. That there were cells working for

Osirian systems and there were cells working for Setian systems is really what was and is going on. The Osirian Systems were using

all form and manner to preserve and encode the basic mathematical philosophy, itself set against 6, 66, and 666, with 6666 being the

fractal of the diameter if time of the Sun as it precesses through the Equinox's. Soo those setting up "tables to the God of Good

Luck", to Gad and Meni, are but cultural modifications of the Seth/Osiris battle.

What was being preserved was the knowledge of the mathematics of the philosophy of the Sun, and it was all being set into what

would become known as "modern gambling".

The Philosophy of the Sun and Gambling

In the all too real and deadly game between those who

preserve and build, and those who destroy and demolish, what becomes clear is that those dedicated to preserving the secret

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"Philosophy of the Sun" "won", even as they lost their ability to tell their story and control same. Everywhere you look you may see

vestiges of their handiwork. English, itself a tinctured product of their work, may be found everywhere.

When you play "black jack", you may not go over 21, or you bust.

21 is the sum of 6, and a "jack" is also known as "He who has no name", which can then be channeled back to a definition of "God".

A Jack is the 11'th card, and the sum of 1:11 is 66, and 6*6=36 and the sum of 1:36 is 666. Osiris, who is said to "black" is "the Black

Jack", who, being dead, is greeted with a "21 gun salute", a salute done in 3 volley's of 7, revealing 777, itself an Occult cipher for


Along with the "21 gun salute" is played the melancholy song of "taps", and yet this returns you to Isis and Osiris, as written by


"Eudoxus says that, while many tombs of Osiris are spoken of in Egypt, his body lies in Busiris; for this was the place of his birth;

moreover, Taphosiris requires no comment, for the name itself means "the tomb of Osiris."

The "Roulette Wheel" (rule it) originally had 36 numbers, the numbers 0 and 00 being added later to improve the house

odds. Still, the 36 numbers reveal 666 in that the sum of 1:36.

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Craps, too, with its aversion to "snake eyes" as "the Serpent", reveals on the belly of the snake (dice) the numbers "66" which lie

resting on the table. While the snake eyes stare up at you to tell you have failed, the reality is that you have succeeded and simply

need to look under the curtain, as it were.

Then again, of course, is the very beckon and call itself:


Place your B's and T's.

B is placed at 2 and T is placed at 20. The magic number is 36, and 9*4 is 36.


9 digits to the right and the left of the letters B and T respective reveal the letter K, itself placed at the 11th position on the first half of

the Alphabet.

4 digits to the right and the left of the letters T and B respective reveal the Letter X, itself placed at the 11th position the second half

of the Alphabet.

K and X, sharing phonetics, design, and number, reveal the Master Number 11:11, or the Occult number of 66:66, which can then be

multiplied to reveal 6*6*6*6 = 1296, or the Letters LIF(e), or the number in time of the perceptual diameter of the circle made by the

Sun as it precesses through the equinox.

What is abundantly clear, however, is that in this case, the Osirian systems have won completely, their knowledge so embedded and

secure within the gaming industry that, like English, it can never be destroyed.

We can take from these examples ways and means to peer into the Occult signatures being passed down through the aeons. However,

the unknowing masses will worship the perpetual numbers of LIFE.

Sometimes, it is "better" that way.

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Monday, July 28, 2008

Pragmatic Esoteric English

I often get a chuckle out of those who try to impose "linguistics" onto the construct

which is English. The idea that the language "evolved" while dismissing the vast body of historical work that hints otherwise is just

shabby academics. Sometimes I think that those who are our "teachers" pick and chose what they wish to teach, leaving off

inconveniences that lie in the face of contrived theories. In a more sinister sense, this denial of history, facts, and knowledge in face

of contrived theories, willful as it is to a larger extent than those in the know will recognize, is part and parcel to the fabrication of a

contrived reality controlled by the "hidden elite".

There is power in knowing the truth while the masses remain dormant, unawares and not gifted with the ability to ascertain the

manner in which words are controlled to put forward fabricated truths.

Between Esoteric and Exoteric

Words, by their very nature, are veils - they are the physical representation of ideas

and concepts and objects set to paper against a series of symbols, aka, "the Letters". Behind each word is a recognized set of

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meanings, and further behind the words (and letters) remain hidden meanings.

What is "esoteric" and what is "exoteric" is really a fairly recent phenomena relative to English, at least by nature of the "word" itself.

The word "esoteric", if we are to believe the entry in Wikipedia, is first recognized to enter the language in 1701 - at least in written

form. Comprised as it is claimed from the "Greek", the words root is that of S and O, eso, meaning "within".

Esoteric has been traditionally used to define knowledge or meanings which are traditionally "closely held", while its antonym is the

word "exoteric", or a set of knowledge, beliefs, traditions, etc., that are widely known. Competent researchers into the "Occult", or

"Western Esoteric Traditions", can point to a wide body of material appearing in the late 1890's and on through the 1930's, where the

material appears to taper off in volume and value.

It was during this period that there was a struggle within the Mystery Schools, with some, as Rudolph Steiner, advocating a release of

information so that the general population would be better tooled for their own individual spiritual development, while others held

the belief that that esoteric knowledge should be withheld from the general masses.

By the late 1960's through the early 1980's, clearly the latter's opinion had held

sway, with esoteric knowledge as simple as Manley P' Hall's "Secret Teachings of All Ages" having to be spoken of in hushed terms.

Withholding information, of course, is a "Setian" or "Jehovian" path, by and large. Symbols and words and contrived thoughts all

have predictable affects on the audience. The projections carry with them their own sets of vibrations, and enhanced and delivered

with precision, have predictable results. A stairway to heaven, set against the Hermit of the Tarot, fused to music and words that

speak of the "the Lady who knows" is a song to "the Goddess".

Words have Two Meanings

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There's a sign on the wall but she wants to be sure

And you know sometimes words have two meanings

In a tree by the brook there's a songbird who sings

Sometimes all of our thoughts are misgiven - Led Zeppelin, Stairway to Heaven

Perhaps one of the top 10 rock songs of all time, Stairway to Heaven is filled with "occulted", or esoteric, imagery. "With a word"

"she" can "get what she wants. A word and "the Word", perhaps, being interchangeable. Of course, words can have "two meanings"

for which what we believe may be "misgiven", or perhaps more appropriately, "willfully or otherwise" given in error. Hence your

thoughts are "misgiven".

Yet there is a practical, or pragmatic, approach to the use of "esoteric English" to reveal elements of the Construct. The "Construct" is

the philosophical reality fused to the esoteric constructions contained within the Letters. The Letters, their placement, their shapes,

their phonetics, their notaricon and temurah, are but elements to aiding in the deciphering of the Construct.

For instance, O is "nothing", which is Feminine. This means that according to "the Construct", from a philosophical representation of

truth, that all things are emanating from the Feminine, or "the Goddess". What then is created within itself is "the God", or the A,

which is the "1". The B, comprised as it is of the mathematical formula of 1+2=3, means "Male 1" + "Female 2" = "Child 3". Hence

the design of the Letter B, is "that of the Goddess Isis", pregnant with the baby Horus, from an acroamatic or philosophical coding.

Yet from a practical or pragmatic "esoteric English", we can see and hear that "the Construct" is tightly woven around the phonetics

and design of the letters that comprise the B, which is too the word TWO.

If we reverse the TWO, we form OWT, comprised as it is of the word OUT and OW*CH. Spin back the letters AB to

form BA, and we arrive at the word BA-KE, and the word ACHE, equally. Now throw in "childbirth" as process of "C", and it all

begins to make sense. The child rises like the bread in the oven, wherein O is but an E and so an OVEN is an EVE-N, wherein each

hides either EVE or VENus equally.

Further, as the picture above shows, a "TWO TRUCK" is spun innocently enough to form the word TOW TRUCK.

Then consider "human cultural traditions" relative to the "TOW TRUCK".

The TOW TRUCK is the "second truck", but yet it is the first. The vehicle that does not work is the second vehicle, and consider the

traditions of "women not working", at least in the open society. Consider the tradition of women following closely behind the male.

Each of these are "traditions" imposed on the population through logical constructions that are traditionally hiding the "Construct", or

the nature of the rational design set into the A and the B from a placement position.

The B as "the bee", who is "the Queen", does not go out and work but stays in the HIVE and lays the eggs while the worker bees (as

A's) go forth and work. The construct is being hidden in myriads of ways waiting to divulge itself to the interested inquirer.

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And while we are on the subject of hidden, or pragmatic, esoteric construction in the language, let us not forget that the "pi"ed

"pi"per will "lead us to reason".

And when you have a sudden awakening or awareness? The word is called an E, PI and Phi, or an "epiphany".

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Monday, July 21, 2008

"Christmas in July", and other Occult AnomoliesWell. It is that time of year again. Christmas in July. What an odd and funny sort of holiday. Doesn't get much

celebration, and gets even less and less attention these days, but there was a time when "Christmas in July" was at least mentioned

more than a few times a day around about the town.

But before I get too deep into "Christmas in July", the Illuminatus Observor has had a birthday of sorts. The blog turned a year old on

July 16 and has proved to have interest that I believed was out there, but never really knew for sure because there was no place to

come and check out the information without the typical trolling environment found on the various public forums where it used to be


The audience has increased and I would like to thank everyone out there that has promoted it and come in for a visit. Although I am

busier than I used to be, and I have less time to write, there is an ample supply of Hermetic work here to satisfy the curious, and still

more available to satisfy the serious inquirer. We are receiving over 100 unique visitors per day now for the last 90 days, and page

views have exceeded over 4500 per month. There have been over 23000 Illuminatus Observors and I have received some pretty cool

acclaim out there from some of you who understand the contribution.

So thanks, and without further adieu.

The Bullet Proof Monk

I am currently still in the Middle East. Amman, Jordan, to be exact. I consider this place my

second home. There is not a whole lot of entertainment on the television satellite, and I am not a big watcher of the tube anyways, but

I was watching "MBC Action" and a movie called "Bulletproof Monk" was showing.

Now mind you, I myself was provided assistance in my early days by a Grand Master in Taoism, and so at times can relate to the

Eastern mystical traditions and martial arts themes. At any rate, in the movie there is a Tibetan monk who is guarding a secret that

brings back youth, of which it is all contained in particular Tibetan verse. Well, he meets up with an American pick pocket who he

believes to be the next guardian of the great secret, and the Tibetan monk is talking about "enlightenment", and goes on to say

something to the effect of,

"Let me put this in a way you can understand. Why do hot dog buns have eight buns, and yet hot dogs come in packs of ten. Within

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the answer is enlightenment".

"Gee", I thought. "How clever." I wonder if the author really knew what he was

doing. Sorta like the word "SCORPIO". Score Pi x 10. Multiply Pi by 10. Scorpio is sorta like the 8 hot dog buns and the 10 hot


Scorpio appears in "October", and yet October contains the root of "octo", which is "8". So why is Scorpio located in a month where

the root is "octo", or "8", and yet the month of October is "10"?

See. Gaining "enlightenment" is often no more complex than solving tricky little riddles encoded into the language

and the world around you. So whether 12 ounce cans of aluminum contain 26 cans to a pound, or whether hot dogs traditionally were

packaged in 10, and yet the buns came in packs of 8, or whether October with a root word of 8 is located in the 10th month, well, it

all hints at Christmas in July all the same.

"For, as doing an injury is an extreme on the one side, and suffering one is an extreme on other side, and suffering in the middle

between them. In like manner the number thirty-six, their Tetractys, or sacred Quaternion, being composed of the first four odd

numbers added to the first four even ones, as is commonly reported, is looked upon by them as the most solemn oath they can take,

and called Kosmos." (Isis and Osiris.)" - Secret Teaching of All Ages

What a fancy way of saying 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8=36, and if we "score pi times ten", we multiple the "octo" of "October" by its month

in the calendar year, which is 10, and we arrive at 36 times 10 = 360 degrees of a circle, which is what?

OCTO = 8 = 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8 = 36 x 10 = 360 degrees of a circle. SCORPIO.

A Pi representation. So to gain enlightenment, next time, just answer the riddle of 10 hot dogs and 8 buns. It is no more complicated

than answering the riddle of SCORPIO, which too just happens to be the 8th sign of the ZODIAC.

Christmas in July

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Now wait a minute. What on Earth has Humpty Dumpty to do with

Christmas in July? Well, to gain enlightenment, one simply needs to solve another riddle. What is the relationship of Humpty

Dumpty to Christmas in July?

This one is easy.

What is up is down and what is down is up. Some might call this "the Anchor", while others might call same "the Ankh". Christmas

occurs on the Winter Solstice. Solstice is the code.


Words mean precisely what they say. The "Dump T" is the Winter Solstice, or the " T ICE" part of the word "solstice", while the

HUMP T is the Summer Solstice, or the "SOL'S T" part of the word SOLSTICE.

The Letter T is the 7th Letter of the second half of the Alphabet, while the Solstice is traditionally the 22 day of December or June.

22/7 = 3.1428571, or reciprocal pi.

So why Christmas in July?

Aye! Because July is the 7th month of the year, and so it is the other part of the year aside from the Solstices where the 22 day will

come to rest on the "7", which in this case is the month of July.


I am some of you needed no help in solving this one, but enjoy and thanks for all the support.

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Saturday, July 5, 2008

1776 and the 4th of July

All across America, citizens of all shape and form, of many ethnicities and cultures, will gather round a barbeque and, with the first

break of night, witness majestic displays of "fireworks".

People will not see the operative esoteric component: "fire" "works".

What they will be treated to is a massive display along Mars influence, a ritual of revelry designed to infuse in the hearts and the

minds of the people a longing and a loyalty to the trappings of state.

Now in and of itself, I dare say that there is little wrong with such. The "State" is what enables our societies to flourish and prosper,

provides safety for children to grow and mature. The operative value of the "State" is, indeed, to provide for the welfare and interests

of the people, and in a government of the people and by the people, the rituals inherent in the State are a celebration of the people


Where there is a separation of the people from the rituals of the State, the rituals serve as reinforcement tools to acquire at very little

cost "loyalty and obedience" to those who no longer are attached to the people, the State serving as an operative vehicle for Occult



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The State has always served "occult force"; what mattered was whether the

"occult force" was predicated on Osirian or Setian philosophies, whether the occult force was working to build and enable the society

to prosper and promote individual human spiritual and social expression, or whether the occult force was working to destroy

prosperity and in the poverty that ensued, beat down even further those who were already powerless.

One raised the torch above the waves, the latter sought to squash the light of the human spirit altogether. 1776 and July 4th were the

products of the former. The Setianists would organize their parallel force at the same precise time to serve the latter.

Lucky are the societies with an Elite that understand and seek after the former, and woe are those societies who have fallen under the

hand of those dedicated to the latter. The rituals of state are used by the former and the latter, pulling or prodding their populace

along, or deceiving and mesmerizing their populace before the reaping. It is how it has always been.

Esoteric Significances Everywhere

One of the enduring realities of "the Occult" is that the more you study the mechanisms and structure of "the Occult",

what you will find is that there are "esoteric significances" everywhere. From the numbers to the letters to the colors to the sounds to

the symbols that abound, esoteric significances swirl like fire flys providing light in an otherwise dark world.

The first state of the union with the cosmos is to learn to be aware, while the first state of the Union is called Del Aware. The

numbers of life, as set against the Letter M, which divides into I V I and then VII and then II and V as ADM and EVE as Pi and 666,

becomes the 36th State of Union, given a name of Nevada (ADAmNEVe), wherein the link of 36 to 666 to Isis is linked to

"gambling" and all the inherent codes set within. Add further that "Nevada" is called "the Silver State", silver being the "color" of

"the Moon" and Isis, and you begin to see that some things are too clever to be coincidences.

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In corporated as it was in the year of "1864", wherein the number 864 is a

fractal of 864,000, or the traditional measure of the diameter of the sun (in miles), and the "Silver State" as Eve, and the year of

incorporation of the State in the year 1864, a number of the Sun as Osiris (ADM), join together further to be called NEVADA (as

Adam and Eve).

Conjecture remains a beautiful thing.

Minneapolis and "St. Paul" will together be known as "the Twin Cities", often abbreviated as MN, MN, wherein MN is 1314, which

is Pi, hence the appreviation of MN MN as "the Twin Cities" emulated the sign of the Twins, or GEMINI, which states clear that the

Gem in I is that I is that my sign is the Greek Letter Pi, or 1314 as MN. The Water State is known as Rhode Island, which can spin to

form DNA IS De (the) Door, and so forth.

One of the very operative elements of "the Occult" is for a current generation to leave behind some signal or message they, too,

"knew the Key to the Word" for future generations. We come to recognize the knowledge of the Word through what is left behind.

The general population, caring not and initiated not into the ways of the Mysteries, can only gaze and wonder - where to the

knowing, the message is self evidentiary.

1776 as an Occult Signature

The numbers 7 and 6 are often used in various myths. In the Epic of Gilgamesh, the

combination of 7 and 6 is used quite often. To those not familiar, Gilgamesh is from the Assyrian, and the "Epic of Gilgamesh" is,

perhaps, one of the oldest "written legends" existing on Earth.

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All of these legends are, however, best understood when set against an acroamatic cipher, acroamatic ciphers being but word pictures

of a "sacred Alphabet", same sacred Alphabet being the core blueprint for the philosophies of various Initiated systems. The

acroamatic cipher encodes the Alphabet which encodes "the Word" which encodes the first 32 decimal digits of Pi.

In the Epic of Gilgamesh, we find that it is Utnapishtim who comes to learn the "secrets of the gods". It is "Utnapishtim" who is said

to be "the Great Father", for it is Utnapishtim who discerns the secrets of the gods, builds his ark, and so, as the Jewish "Flood" story,

saves mankind from "the deluge" - which is to say that the mechanism of preserving Pi through mythology and acroamatic ciphers

from those who preach ignorance and destruction was secured.

UTNAPISHTIM is a code. It simply reverses to reveal MITHS IP ANT U, or the more common set of "Myths, Pi,

and You". The "acroamtic cipher" is a primary key, for if you know not of the acroamatic cipher, it is impossible to come to

understand that particular word sets are hiding Occult signatures.

So there are hidden sub-systems, ciphers, hidden in the various myths. While describing the vehicle (ark) which would be used to

rescue "mankind" in the form of an ark that would rise above the waves of the coming deluge, we read that it was manufactured as


Epic of Gilgamesh, Tablet XI

I provided it with six decks,

thus dividing it into seven (levels).

The inside of it I divided into nine (compartments).

I drove plugs (to keep out) water in its middle part.

I saw to the punting poles and laid in what was necessary.

Three times 3,600 (units) of raw bitumen I poured into the

bitumen kiln,

three times 3,600 (units of) pitch ...into it,

there were three times 3,600 porters of casks who carried (vege-

table) oil,

apart from the 3,600 (units of) oil which they consumed (!)

and two times 3,600 (units of) oil which the boatman stored


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These are what Carl Munck, in his work called "The Code", are referred to as

"gematria numbers", numbers that we can find preserved in either myth, measure, architecture, and so forth.

In the case of 3600 spelled out 4 times, we know that the Master Number is 11011 = 66066 = 360 x 360 = 12960 = The Diameter in

Time as an apparent the Sun makes as it precesses through the Equinoxes, otherwise known as 1/2 of the time it takes for the Earth to

make one "wobble" on its axis. 110 stories mirrored against themselves. 110/110 mirrored = 11011.

Or, to use Carl Munck's explanation:

Taking the Stonehenge latitude number, 21600, as another example - take off the ending zeros and check the tangent of 216, to see

that it is 0.726542528. Some Gematrian numbers have other special attributes to them, which we will point out on these pages. An

example is 216, which is 6 cubed, or 6 x 6 x 6. As Michael mentioned, 2160 is the diameter in miles of the Moon, and 2160 is the

number of years in one Zodiac Age. Another example is 1296. It is six to the fourth power (6 x 6 x 6 x 6). Its base-ten harmonic,

12960, is the number of years in half the precession (25920 / 2). As you see, the numbers are related. The twelve Zodiac Ages of 2160

years each, total 25920 years, for one grand circuit of 360 degrees.

Oftentimes, the numbers "7" and "6" will be used in a form of "counting sequence". For example, in the Epic of Gilgamesh, we find a

count sequence from 1 to 7, wherein it is said of Gilgamesh:

"Him who has six sons hast thou seen?"

Enkidu: "I have seen."

Gilgamesh: "How is he treated?"

Enkidu: "Like him who guides the plow his heart rejoices."

Gilgamesh: "Him who has seven sons hast thou seen!"

Enkidu: "I have seen."

Gilgamesh: "How is he treated?"

Enkidu: "As one close to the gods, he . . ."

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"6" is of the field, while "7" is as "close to the gods", and yet "7" is "the

number of sleep" whiles "Z's", itself an encoded 7, is the letter of "sleep". While Gilgamesh seeks to learn the secret of the gods from

Utnapishtim, it is said that he must stay continuously awake for 6 days and 7 nights.

The Epic of Gilgamesh, A Spiritual Biography

Utanapishtim asked Gilgamesh, "Who will convene the gods, so that you may find the life you are seeking? Come, you must not sleep

for six days and seven nights." Try as he would, Gilgamesh could not withstand the onslaught of sleep and almost immediately

succumbed to it. He was awakened by Utanapishtim on the seventh day, only to learn that he had failed in his objective.

"6's" are days, and "7's" are nights, "nights" bring you "closer to the gods", the Letter Z being the 7th Letter starting at

T, wherein T is the 7th Letter of the second half of the Alphabet, there being 6 letters to the right and 6 letters to the left of the T.

The exact length of the journey is not known, but is likely to have been six days, a mountain (or mountain range) being crossed each

night before arriving at the seventh: the Cedar Mountain. After each day's journey they dug a well before the setting Sun, then

Gilgamesh climbed a mountain to secure a dream, a favorable message from Shamash.

"Climbing a mountain", or "hanging from a tree" is simple coded words that mean "astral projection". In todays world, they try to

create such ideas as "remote viewing as a substitue for the literal ability to conciously leave ones body and travel in real time to

anyplace on the Earth in real time. Thus the ability to leave one's body and then travel to different dimensions within the astral realm

is oft what is being referred to in these types of passages, and often the passages will be linked to Z, or 7, or "a communion with the


The Spirit of 76 and the Secret of July 4

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That one becomes "closer to the gods" at "7" as

referenced in the Epic of Gilgamesh is really pretty obvious, once the idea of the acroamatic cipher becomes understood. G is placed

at 7, and D as the softer tone of the "dental" phonetic set, "dentals" being the sounds of the letters D, N, and T (thick about it), and so

obviously at "the number 7", you will be very close to the "G's" and the "T's" as both the letters G and T are located at the 7th

position of each half of the Alphabet.

To the right and to the left of the letters G and T are found 4 sets of 6 letters,




Within the "Spirit of 76" and "the Orange Ball in the Sky" is the very code or

gematria numbers for the Precession of the Equinoxes when the 7 and the 6 are properly understood and caste back a sequence of the

26 as used by the Illuminatus. As this 1967 advertising piece shows, the "Spirit of 76" as "the Orange ball in the sky" is nothing less

than that of "the Sun" itself.

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Both G and T are representive of the "7", while the "6" are the 6 digits to the left and the right of both the G and the T, revealing

"gematria numbers" of 6*6*6*6 = 1296. As G is symbolic of the Equinoxes and T is symbolic of the Solstices, and with each of these

marking points showing that the first full day being "the 22nd" day of December, March, June, and September, this 22 day coming to

rest on the 7th Letter reveals the fraction:

22/7 = 3.1428571 = Recipricol 7 Pi, which is "the Word" and hence a "communion" with the gods.

With 13 weeks between G and T, and the sum of 7+6=13, and it all begins to be put

back into its proper Occult signature, or perception.

Yet what of July 4?

In a word: "the World" or "completion".

There are 22 Major Arcanum, which, starting at 0, or "the Fool", will end at 21. These 21 digits are set against the first 0 of Pi,

returning back to the first decimal digit of Pi, or the "1" of the "3.1..." as shown here:

The sequence "ends" at "50" (the 50 United States), wherein the 50th state

is appreviated as HI (for Hawaii - the H is the Greek Letter cipher of P, revealing Pi as the last "state". The "21" ends at the start of

the second "26", itself the center of a 9 secquence set of "26's" as shown here:

The Letters created from the circle of A and Y (1+25=25), B and X (2+24=26) and so forth, highlight the division of 9 set against the

26. Then, each of these sequences of 22 are set against a matrix, the matrix itself being fused to the Vesica Piscis.

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These 22 paths are set into an unbroken circuit. To derive this on your own is not so easy, but obviously, it can be done. However, one

will note that this, too, has within itself a binary sequence. Simply add the digits of the numbers going into each "sephera". At

"Cancer", we have the digits 0+5+6+19+18+21 = 69, and so we place the "69" of Cancer into this sephera. At "Libra", we find that

we have the paths of 13 and 14, hence MA'AT, or "the Scales", and so we place Libra in this sephera.

The final path or Sephera links Leo to Cancer, and the total value of the digits in this sequence reveal 21+20+16+17 = 74

74 is the Number of Completion, it's inverse or palindrome being "Euclid's 47'th Proposition Equally".

July 4, or 7/4, becomes the symbol of "the completion" of "the Great Work", which really represented the beginning of "the ability to

affect the completion".

English would be isolated, its mannerism and form shaped by the new generation of "Contintental Masons".

The Great Experiment was finally realized.

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Monday, August 4, 2008Shakespeare and the Mysteries Clarence tells us of King Edward's mysticism in these terms:

"Hearkens after prophecies and dreams;And from the cross-row plucks the letter G."

- Shakespeare, Richard III, I, 1.

The Mysteries, wrapped as they are around the Alphabet, become revealed plainly with a bit of knowledge. In the above passage, the "Letter G" clearly maintains some relative import. Further, that Clarence is "hearkening" after "prophecies and dreams" speaks of the shamanic element to acquisition of the core the Mysteries. That Clarence plucks from the cross bow "the Letter G", and Odin "spies the runes", are but another example of Occult transpositions. Each is dealing with the use of "altered states" of consciousness to penetrate the Mystery of



The Cross-row and the Alphabet

The 1913 unabridged edition of Webster's dictionary has a very definition for the crossrow:

Crossrow \Cross"row`\ (-r?`), n.1. The alphabet; -- called also Christcross-row.

And from the crossrow plucks the letter G. -- Shak.

To prove the point, a very simple line was taken from Shakespeare, wherein the Letter G is plucked from same. However, what few noticed was that Shakespeare was describing a particular set of rules to deciphering the Mysteries as they lay embedded into the evolving English Language.

The Letter G was being plucked for a reason, for it is a critical key to the larger philosophical construction based on numbers.

The Letter C, located as it is as Position Number 3, combined as it is with the Letter T, which rests at a position of 4, creates the Letter of G. The Letter G, resting as it is at number 7, reveals that 3+4=7. The "G" hides 2 of the Letters to the Sacred Alphabet, the Letter C and the Letter T, as well as their esoteric, or Occult positions (see the Isisian Code matrix at the bottom of this blog).

Aside from the mathematical coding being set into the Letter G, the plucking of the Letter G reveals a simple secret to how to decipher words from a basic esoteric construct. The Letter G is showing that is it is a composite conceptual

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symbol, itself enshrined into the Masonic "Square and Compass". The Letter C is as the Compass, while the Letter T is as "the Square". Each of these symbols, C and T, are set against each other into conceptual philosophical dance.

In the case of the C, it is as the Sphere of the Earth, and in the case of the Letter T, it is as the day of the Equinoxes, when the Sun passes the Equator and hence the days and the nights of equal value. The conceptual must be understood implicitly to grasp the Conceptual, which become as the apperception of the conceptual.

That the C is a circle and the T is as a measurement of a vertical height is as a plane to a perpendicular. In the case of the C, it is as the "plane of the Earth", and becomes the mythological "Garden of Eden", while the T is as the Sun, seen as it does as an apparent rising and falling in a vertical rise and fall in an arc across the sky.

This dimensional perception is hidden into the Letters, or the philosophical construct through the merging of two distinct geometric concepts fused further to astronomic observation of the Universe as viewed from a planet.

By "plucking" letters from words, we create the same concept melded into the very fabrication of the language. One such example is the word COVER.


The Letter C is created by the shadow of the Earth as it "covers", or passes over, the surface of the moon. Hence the Letter C as a process of its fabrication and philosophical construction is described in the word "C-OVER". This very philosophical truth was used to promote the Mel Gibson movie, "Apocalypto".

Summation as an Esoteric Strategy

When one looks at the names of the seasons, WINTER, SPRING, SUMMER, and FALL, the observations for the reason behind the names from a philosophical perception is simple.

The word SOLSTICE hides it's specific construction. SOL'S-T is the Summer Solstice while T-ICE is the Winter Solstice. Hence the word "SOLSTICE" hides its esoteric construction. During the month of June, summer will appear at the end of the sign of the TWINS. Again, pluck the first letter from the word to reveal T-WIN, hop the T to the bottom of the word to reveal WIN-T, and you can see that T-WIN and WIN-T is really an esoteric code for the Summer and Winter Solstice.

TWIN hides the esoteric construction through the plucking of the Letter T from the "crossrow" and reusing the precise letter.

SPRING deals effectively as it implies. The Sun, having recoiled to the WINTER SOLSTICE, "springs" back up into the sky, and so we have "SPRING" being linked to the hopping up of the Sun as a spring that has been compressed and coiled. Remove the C from COILED to reveal C-OIL, reverse the OIL to form LIO, and reference to the Serpent as a symbol of the Sun as Leo reveals itself.

As the Sun reaches the Summer Zenith, its noon position as a daily measurement (as well as its position at sunrise and sunset) will begin to "FALL" as part of an X-Y graph.

SUMMER, however, is a mathematical term. SUM.

Shakespeare hints of the use of Summation in The First Part of King Henry IV


O monstrous! eleven buckram men grown out of two!


But, as the devil would have it, three misbegotten

knaves in Kendal green came at my back and let drive

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at me; for it was so dark, Hal, that thou couldst

not see thy hand.


These lies are like their father that begets them;gross as a mountain, open, palpable. Why, thou

clay-brained guts, thou knotty-pated fool, thouwhoreson, obscene, grease tallow-catch,--


What, art thou mad? art thou mad? is not the truth

the truth?

The operative phrase here is "from two doth come 11", a reference to the use of two 1's as in II to also have a value of 11. The process from which the statement presents itself describes a series of summation steps.


Nay, that's past praying for: I have peppered two

of them; two I am sure I have paid, two roguesin buckram suits. I tell thee what, Hal, if I tell

thee a lie, spit in my face, call me horse. Thouknowest my old ward; here I lay and thus I bore my

point. Four rogues in buckram let drive at me--


What, four? thou saidst but two even now.


Four, Hal; I told thee four.


Ay, ay, he said four.


These four came all a-front, and mainly thrust atme. I made me no more ado but took all their seven

points in my target, thus.

The power of the summation in Gematria set against English is critical to comprehending many a formula. Examples as SUN, INRI, DIOS, among others, provide examples of this.

What Shakespeare is saying is that there are basic truths. That it was "so dark" is a reference to the Typhonian/Jehovian world. The truth can be had through a comprehensive understanding of the mathematical formulas encoded into the language. These basic truths, encoded against a mathematical structure, become self evident for anyone able to see.

That S has a value of 3 and N has a value of 5, we can see readily that the Letter U is derived (or set against) the 21 position, which is the Sum of 1:6.

That "vaya con dios" means "Go with God" in translation, but literally means "go with the days", hints further that Dios is linked more closely to Abraxas, whose value is well know to be 365, and so DIOS too should be expected to reveal the same value, which it does when you apply values of letters as a process of summation.

D = 4 = 10I = 9 = 45O = 15 = 120S = 19 = 190

DIOS = 10+45+120+190 = 365

The Intuitive Nature of Esoteric English

Of course, in depth research into Shakespeare would reveal that

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Shakespeare was and remains a composite operation and not the workings of a single individual. Most complex works are aggregated into a single body of work and then secreted, often through the use of a single name. Joseph Smith of the Mormons, Aleister Crowley of Thelema are but two classic examples of a marketing point man designed to release a larger construct.

Those who were responsible for encoding and embedding the truth worked tirelessly to leave traces of same throughout history. The rise and fall of a cultures wardrobe, for instance, could leave clues. The Bow Tie or Victorian dress each reveal subtle Occult signatures.

Relatively simple and intuitive mathematical formulas linked to structural intuitive foundations could break words up into several ciphers, each revealing double and triple meanings, each and everyone true in and of themselves, yet none of them revealing the core esoteric meaning. Intuitive genius would prevent all but the most dedicated to truly pierce the early inner workings, and patterns would not begin to reveal themselves until the words that would make the language became more and more refined.

An anonymous Masonic author wrote,

"Letters are symbols of sounds. The letter X is a symbol of the sound EKS. It is also the Roman numeral signifying ten; in mathematics it signifies any unknown quantity. Thus it means

different things in different places. The school boy struggling with algebra does not think of X as meaning ten or a part of the word

extra, or example; to him it means a number he must find. If on the title page of a book you read "Published MCMX" you

understand the book was printed in 1910; the X here is not EKS, nor is it a number to be found by algebraic calculation. The

meaning depends here on the location, and the use."

This is an excellent insight into the nature and design of the Construct.

"You have made good work, you and your apron." - Coriolanus,

IV, 6:96. - Shakespeare

Sometimes those who worked to conceal worked also to ensure that what was concealed could be revealed, and in times like these, when to tell the truth is revolutionary, efforts to reveal the truth are the true sparks of light on an otherwise surface of the ocean in the middle of the night.

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Tuesday, August 5, 2008

The Esoterics of the Letters M and W

You who seek to enter the higher levels of the Occult Arts are at

a tremendous disadvantage. The Arts are corrupted. It is for future generations to set them aright, but to do that, you must

first have the tools. Life is for the living, and not to be in service to the dead. Rituals to bring about a ritual slaughter,

whether it be a "moshiach" or a "rapture", are the inverse of what life is all about.

Growth through abundance does not imply abundance that

partakes of the form of a tumor, killing the body even as it, the tumor, grows exponentially. Abundance must be predicated on

an understanding of the forces of Nature wherein balance can be observed in all things.

To reach an understanding of NATURE, the Letters, gifts as

they are in enabling mind to be become frozen in time, need to be comprehended and understood. Anagrams, gematria,

temurah, notaricon - all are tools to aid in this understanding. The great deception is that English is just a language evolved out of somewhere even as the actual Construct is based on the 26 Letter of English. So people chase Hebrew as if the cooking is better in

the other person's house, or in the vain belief that to "be exotic", one must not have any idea of the treasures below their feet and before their eyes.

Avoid this temptation. Dedicate - or rededicate - yourself to the knowledge before you.

Let the studious Reader have a care of the manifold significations of words, for by deceitful windings, and doubtful, yea contrary

speeches (as it should seem), Philosophers wrote their mysteries, with a desire of veiling and hiding, yet not of sophisticating or destroying the truth;

Male and Female as a Pi Conceptual

A good primer for information is the glossary of Theosophy as

purportedly written by Madame Blavatsky.

Regarding Pi, she writes,

"Bearing in mind that there is a geometrical key to interpretation of cosmic law and structure, and that the facts of geometry

cannot possibly be arbitrary or meaningless but must be faithful representations of general laws; then we shall understand that

the ratio {pi sym}, involving such radial and important elements as the straight line and the circle, must be of paramount

importance. The figures, either for approximate decimal evaluations or approximate fractional ratios, play an important

part in the symbology of the ancient mystery-language. These figures and the numbers which they make are found in the

numerical values of letters and words in the Hebrew and Greek alphabets."

The irrational aspect of Blavatsky's rational analysis, and most

probably deliberate deception, is that numbers are numbers and letters are letters. Philosophically, from an Occult perception, they are inseparable, and by default, the sounds of the letters are

equally inseparable from the numbers. If you were to view every letter as an arbitrary letter, then any shape attributed to an English Letter A would still be a 1, and any shape of a Letter placed at 2 would just as surely contain within it the "2" value regardless of

whether you called it "Hebrew", "Greek", or "Extralien" - the numbers form the backbone. Period.

What Blavatsky was perhaps hinting at is that Greek and Hebrew contained key significations to the larger code, itself based on the 26 and what would be become the modern English Alphabet.

Even if this were difficult for one to grasp, there is a level of absurdity in the assumption that English would not too contain within it

critical components of a Pi Proportion, or 1's as males and 0's as females, in the esoteric construction of the Alphabet and words that would be derived from such. French, German, Spanish, Slavic, Russian, languages too that are derived from clearly defined sets of

letters, must by necessity contain within them words that clearly could be construed to return back to this basic formula, or what is known as the Pi Proportion.

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English is acutely potent and powerful precisely because it is crafted, a "child" as it were, of the "previous parents", of "Hebrew" and

"Greek". As an anonymous alchemical treatise on Hermeticism explains,

"Now that (abandoning all blinds) we may write candidly and truly, we hold that this entire Work is perfected by two Bodies only; to wit, by Sol and Luna rightly prepared, for this is the mere generation which is by nature, with the help of Art, wherein the union of

male and female doth take place, and from thence an offspring far more noble than the parents is brought forth."

Of course, we cannot know what is meant here unless we have a comprehensive understanding of what "Sol" and "Luna" mean.

"Now Sol is Masculine forasmuch as he sendeth forth active and energizing seed, Luna is Feminine or Negative and she is called the

Matrix of Nature, because she receiveth the sperm, and fostereth it by monthly provision, yet doth Luna not altogether want in positive or active virtue."

But "Luna", obviously then, could not be "the Moon", for what growth comes from combining the Sun with the Moon? The

Alchemist was not so lazy in his treatise.

"By the name of Luna Philosophers understand not the vulgar Moon, which also may be positive in its operation, and in combining acts a positive part. Let none therefore presume to try the unnatural combination of two positives, neither let him conceive any hope

of issue from such association; but he shall join Gabritius to Beia, and offer sister to brother in firm union, that from thence he may receive Sol's noble Son."

If you cannot see the swipe at Jehovian/Setianist systems, then you know not enough of what these systems are about. Luna, in this

case, clearly means "Earth" and the Feminine resident within and influenced by Luna, as it were.

Further, the political overtones of the above statements should not be glossed over.

It is good enough if you first come to understand the nature of 1 and 0, Male and Female, M and W.

An Esoteric Insight into SOL and LUNA

As shown above, SOL is the Sun, given an "active" component of impregnating Luna. Luna, therefore, by simple reason, cannot be

"the Vulgar Moon", as referenced above, but must be Earth. Now this gets confusing to most, but it is really not so difficult. The

Moon as Luna affects the Feminine of Earth, so the effects of Luna are used to describe the condition on Earth.

This is known as a "reflection". The reflected source is used to

describe the point of observation. For example, in the word SOL, we have the letters as follows:

S = 3

O = 6L = 50

That SOL = SUN is self evident, each is 365. But the SUN as a

word really has no bearing to 365 save for its observable properties relative to a heavenly body, in this case "EARTH". The same holds true for the word LUNA.

L = 3

U = 6N = 5

A = 1

Since the synodic orbit of the MOON around the EARTH is 27.3 days, then the Pi Proportion, or the diameter as measured in time of this perdiod, aka the period from the New Moon to the Full Moon, would be 27.3/2 = 13.65.

LUNA then becomes an anagram, for the numbers 3651 are an anagram of 1365, or 13.65 = ALUN.

LUNA as ALUN and MOON become identical mathematical representations of the same Pi Proportion measurement. Yet still,

LUNA is oft referred to as "the Earth as a process of its effects of Luna upon same."

The Esoterics of the Letters M and W

The Occult is filled with reflections and mirrors. As Luna affects Earth, Earth is given the name of Luna when we refer

to the affects of Luna on same.

The days of the year are 365, while the synodic orbit of the

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Moon around the Earth is 1365. Each number is coded into words which become the language, the language effectively sealing the

philosophy to the language. Yet the sealing of this Philosophy goes far deeper, all the way into the archetypal world of the Letters.

"Kabballists" are well versed with the concept of archetypes being affixed to Letters, even though few are able to penetrate the totality. Hebrew Letters have myriads of Occult significations attached to them. Gimmel is a camel, Pei is a tooth, Beis is a house,

and so forth. Much of this information, unless you are involving yourself in calling up anti-human daemons, remain primarily "guideposts".

Hebrew, along with the Greek, remain earlier "parents" for a much awaited for 'exalted child', or the 26 letter set of English, the

letters within this Alphabet carrying with them a veritable treasure trove of archetypal realities that would have sent Jung into ecstasy.

As Sun is Male and Luna (Earth) is Female, and as Sun "sends forth seeds" and impregnates Earth, which then grows the myriads of thoughts from these "seeds of the Sun", we may infer that M is the Male and W is the Woman - a simple use of Notaricon.

However, just as M contains within it the divisions of:

M = I V I = V II

II = Pi = 1413 = ADM; and

V = VE = EVE = (666);

So too does W contain a "double U", or DNA from both male and female.

Another way to view M and W is that M is the Sun and W is the Earth. The "seeds" that are sent for is "pure white light" which

travels in a vacuum of space. The V of the M may be viewed as "the focal point", while the II of the M may be viewed as the

projected rays. So the composite Letter M is as "the Sun's rays projected into the vacuum of space."

When these rays hit an atmosphere, as Earth, they refract and then

reflect, hit the troposphere, and reflect again. Diffusion, of course, equally present. We may regard this refraction and reflection as the

"light of the Sun as it refracts and reflects into the atmosphere of the Earth. This phenomena we may regard as being represented in the shape of the Letter W.

M as a "mirror" of W could then accurately be represented as


M = SunW = Earth

Each tip and point and line of the Letter, therefore, has it's own

esoteric significance. In the case of the base angles of the Letter W, we may infer too that since W is that of the "the Woman", or Earth,

we may attribute the lower angles of the letter as "the point of the Winter Solstice", meaning that the Sun goes down, reaches its

lowest point, rises again, then falls again, then rises again, and on into infinity.

This can be supported by an analysis of the rhyming values of letters shares with U, which are the letters Q, U, and W.

Q = 17; 17^2 = 289

U = 21; 21^2 = 441

289+441 = 730, which is the total value of 2 years (365+365=730), which then represents a dimensional shift in W.

That all of this is linked to the YEAR should be expected, seeing how M is placed at 13 and W is placed at 23.

The actual matrix appears as follows, and is known as the "Circle of Mirrors":


W is mirrored under M. M is 13, W is 23. To the left and to the right of W are the Roman Numbers V and X, representing 5 and 10


(M+W)*X = (13+23)X10 = 360

Add the V to the left to form 365, and leap year of "1" above the V to form 366.

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This matrix is famous elsewhere.

"Through HIM are all things possible".

Of course, within the above matrix is that of Pi.





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Friday, August 15, 2008

Insights into the Craft of Qaballa

Albert Pike wrote in "Morals and Dogma", "One is filled with admiration, on

penetrating into the Sanctuary of the Kabalah, at seeing a doctrine so logical, so simple, and at the same time so absolute. The necessary union of ideas and signs,

the consecration of the most fundamental realities by the primitive characters; the Trinity of Words, Letters, and Numbers; a philosophy simple as the alphabet,

profound and infinite as the Word; theorems more complete and luminous than those of Pythagoras; a theology summed up by counting on one's fingers; an

Infinite which can be held in the hollow of an infant's hand; ten ciphers and twenty-two letters, a triangle, a square, and a circle,--these are all the elements of

the Kabalah. These are the elementary principles of the written Word, reflection of that spoken Word that created the world!"

Now all of this is just fine and dandy, and to those with some inside knowledge,

makes clear and perfect sense, even to those whose conclusions are still quite errant. There are issues to be debated over what Pike was advancing, but first let

us discuss where we agree.

1) The Construct is indeed simple and absolute, and its logic, albeit "intutitive", once grasped, remains ingenious and exceptional. One may attribute to the Philosophy the term "admirable".

Example: there are two "1's", which we may define as A and I. A is Osiris is Able in that it may stand on its two feet. I is Seth is Cain (cane) in that it stands on 1 foot. The former is as the Compass and the Square,

the latter is as the Square only. As each of these are technically "1's", wherein A = 1 = I, this reality brings about confusion. So as

the Hanged Man of the Tarot is Odin is "the Letter El" is Osiris, so too is the Letter El referred to as Saturn.

The former brings enlightenment and lifts the spirit, the latter

brings about death and despair. Hence, the individual as "the Ka", or letter K, may seek after "the 1", and either be caste further into

the morass of matter, or find themselves becoming more enlightened and attuned with the Universe.

Es Ka Later lifts one up = hence an "escalator".

El Evader lifts one up = hence an "elevator".

2) The Philosophy is based on the necessary union of ideas and signs.

This is really not so esoteric once you break it down, hence it

could also be inferred to be "rather simple". In order to communicate a sound in written form, it is necessary to codify the

sound. In order to communicate the idea in written form, it is necessary to codify the idea. In order to further codify the sounds, as in letters, or ideas, as in numbers, it becomes further necessary

to codify each of these disciplines.

"Primitive characters", be they written representations for numbers and letters (to include signs of the ZODIAC signs, and so forth), contain within them, therefore,

a fusion or union of ideas to signs. In a modern context, we may say that the written formats of numbers and letters (and other signs) carry with them

archetypal coding, very much at the root core of DNA, which the Occultist could describe as "a consecration of the fundamental properties by the "primitive


A subtle key here is that to the Occultist, the "primitive characters", being type coded into DNA, remain wholly outside of DNA, and hence have their own


What this means is that "the primitive characters" have been "discerned" or "discovered" and remain powers and force unto themselves.

3) The Philosophy is as simple as an Alphabet, a fusion of Letters to Numbers to


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Aleister Crowley wrote in "Magic without


"No one has ever found out why the order of the letters is what it is. Probably there isn't

any answer."

Of course, he could not be further from the truth and more incorrect. In truth, the

Philosophy IS the Alphabet, and indeed is a fusion of Letters, Numbers, and Sounds. Where Pike inferred a Trinity of Words, Letters, and Numbers, technically, this is incorrect.

The Trinity remains of Letters, Numbers, and Sounds, for the Sounds have to too be set into their proper mathematical matrix before the WORDS can arrive at their intended esoteric constructions.


SUN shows a value of

S = 3

U = 5N = 5

The U must have a Temurah component, for the Sum of 1:6 is 21 is the U Letter. If U as a sound were not placed at 21, then the

sound pattern relative to the esoteric construction of SUN = 3(sum of 1:)65, or SUN = 365, would be destroyed. If L were not set and given a value of 50, then the word SOL as

S = 3

O = 6L = 50; would too be destroyed. The Construct or Philosophy remains absolute and unerring.

4) The Philosophy is as profound and infinite as the Word; theorems more complete and luminous than those of Pythagoras.

Why Crowley was brooding that "no one has found the reason for the placement of the Alphabet" is rather puzzling for someone who

displayed an intuitive and working insight into the larger aspects of the Construct. The Alphabet, being the Philosophy, is too an adumbration, or reflection, of "the Word". What this means is that

it must by default represent clearly this "Word" through the very nature and intent of its design.

By taking the Symmetrical and Asymmetrical shapes of the

Letters, for instance, we can infer from the pairings of symmetrical and asymmetrical letters that the word as Pi is inferred and

designed in. The asymmetrical letters are BCDEFGJKLNPQRSZ. They can then be paired up as follows: (BCDEFG)(JKL)(N)

(PQRS)(Z). The pairings show the number of letters per pairing as (6)(3)(1)(4)(1).

With Pi (314) in the center, it is readily apparent that the pairings

are encoding Pi, or 3.1416. This is a basic and clear design for which it is puzzling that Crowley feigned ignorance. The

Value and Placement of the English Alphabet was and remains very well known, guarded, and protected.

This is no secret, however, within secret societies. Manley P.

Hall describes the fusion of this philosophy to an Alphabet as being that of an Acroamatic Cipher.

5) The Construct is a theology summed up by counting on

one's fingers; an Infinite which can be held in the hollow of an infant's hand; ten ciphers and twenty-two letters, a

triangle, a square, and a circle,--these are all the elements of the Kabalah. These are the elementary principles of the

written Word, reflection of that spoken Word that created the world!

You can attempt to "mystify" the above, or you can find a

rational explanation for same. The Construct is a

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THEOLOGY. The root of the word THEOLOGY is the word THE. Rather than assume the definition as offered, it is often best to

peer a bit deeper into words in order to gain an insight into their esoteric contruction.

In the case of the word "THE", we have a word that preceded all things (nouns), i.e., "the" birds and "the" bees, or "the fish in the water". THE is rooted too in "monoTHEism", "thespian", "theoretical", among many others. So having a distinct and comprehensive

understanding of the word THE from an esoteric construction might prove beneficial.

When we break down the word THE, we note that it is comprised of two distinct sound features, "th" as a compound sound (comprising two letters with their own unique sound set), and the vowel ending of "e". Breaking it down constructively, you need to

keep to the compound sounds as a single number unit, forming a word or mathematical formula of (TH)(E). How it is added, multiplied, and so forth, is the intuitive logic of the theology.

In this case, we use the Isisian Codes to reveal that:

T = 4 = 10

H = 8 = 36E = 5

The formula, therefore, is (T*H)+E = (10*36)+5 = 365 = SUN.

The word THE, as it should be expected, is simply a cipher for "the SUN", having as its core Gematria the value of 365. Note that

this "theology", or "belief" as you may have it, does not follow precisely the rules taught in a profane way regarding letters and numbers and values and esoteric constructions.

There is a simple genius to the Construction, a result that provides its own self evident truths. The Philosophy is as simple as

"counting on the fingers of one's hands. 1+2+3+4+5+6+7 and so forth, on up to 36. Crowley has taken the summation assumptions to absurd lengths, for instance, but for all practical intents, the system is set against the 6, 66, and the 666.

In the case of the INFANT, we too can reduce this to a series of Letters, Numbers, and Sounds.



The word "IN" is a preposition. Prepositions often say precisely what they mean, meaning that they are "pre-positioned" into the

larger Philosophy known as "the Construct". Hence an INTERPRETER could be seen as an INTER PRE T (ER), the root of the word being the Letter T, which would then contain the vast bulk of the esoteric construction to the word.

The Letter F is as its says, the "6", which then becomes the Dreidle

or the Cherub or the Hexagon, which is the Cube. Another way to show this aspect of the Philosophy (theology) is in the word

"VISITOR". Your time here on Earth is transient, meaning that you come, but you will go. You are a VISITOR.

VI = 6

SITOR = Sitter; or a "6 sitter"

ANT is often a suffix to imply a "person", for reasons which a comprehensive understanding of English Qaballa well expresses.

An IN-F-ANT and a VI-SITOR really are expressing very

comparable realities to the design of the Construct as "existence" is often reduced to that of a CUBE within the larger Philosophy.

Where all of these things hold true, what does not hold true is a

reliance on the 22 Letters of the Hebrew caste against a 10 set cipher system known as "sepherahs". The 22 Letter Hebrew System is an adjunct to the 26 Letter System of English. Basic research

into Continental Masonry would show that they were wholly relying on a 26 digit system (and for clear and obvious reasons to anyone who tries to decipher the meaning of these things). The whole of the system works when the disparate systems are integrated

into a larger and composite whole.

You cannot, for instance, make the system work without a comprehensive knowledge of the Roman Numbering System. To assume you can is to assume in error.

The System is based on Pi. The word ILLUMINATUS is comprised of a massive set of Roman Numerals.

I = 1

LL = 50+50 = 100MI = 1001

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1+100+1001 = 11.001001 = Binary Pi

Do you really think this is a coincidence? Do you really think that the U of ILL(U)MINATUS, when removed and divided by itself as

ILLMI_NAT(U/U)S to reveal NATAS = SATAN is a coincidence?

Or is it evidence of a higher intelligence working and constructing its Philosophy and Theology into the language, both to conceal and to reveal?

ConclusionQaballa, in all its varies spellings, is first and foremost a study of the Letters. The Letters are a manifestation of the "spoken word", the Word being Pi, and the Alphabet is a hyper-dimensional representation of Pi as a representation of "the Word". There is too much

to tell in a format as a blog, but to those who read to gain insights and knowledge, I trust this piece will provide a new perspective on this most critical of Occult sciences.

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Friday, August 29, 2008English Gematria and the Order of the Universe "Things" are not as they appear and truth as it has been crafted is not so difficult to penetrate nor so difficult to pierce - if only you had the knowledge and the education to see through the Construct. Let us blast through some of the basics.

1) We hold that mankind has been drowned. As such, we hold no difference, phonetically and hence esoterically, between the global mythology known as "the Deluge" and that which constitutes a state of "Delusion". The very design in the phonetics holds the core or key of the fabrication.

2) We hold that the "Word" is "Pi" and that English is a hyper-dimensional representation of this reality. As 1 is to the 0, so the male is to the female. Each cannot exist without the other.

3) Gematria is an Occult Science as well as an Occult Art. Gematria is the willful or conscious embedding of esoteric formulae into the language with the intent to hide and yet reveal the core of the Construct, while ART is used as a means of interpretation.

"For the mode of any more abstruse experiment, we explain it,

Lest any mistake arise about it; and to the intent, also, That we may excite others to excogitate better methods." - Sir Francis Bacon, Alphabet of Nature


ISIS = 9+19+9+19 = 56 = 19+16+5+5+3+8 = SPEECHOSIRIS = 15+19+9+18+9+19 = 89 = 18+5+12+9+7+9+15+14 = RELIGION

In the Oral tradition, we twist the L

4) The Construct is wedded, or embedded, into Nature. In Nature is revealed all things.

"In Nature's infinite Book of secresyA little I have read."--Antony & Cleopatra i.2"

5) Symbols as Letters are two dimensional representation of 3 or more dimensional concepts. Example: D is as the Sun as it appears on the HORIZON. The word HORIZON is a CODE for the following:

H = Greek Letter Pi TranspositionORIZ = ZIRO = ZEROON = ON(e) = One

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HORIZON as an ESOTERIC CONSTRUCT embeds the code of "Pi (as the Letter H) is comprised of the ZERO and the ONE. The Letter D, being a 90 degree turn of the Sun as it appears to rise on the HORIZON, thus becomes the 3+ dimensional representation of this conceptual.

Esoteric English and the Pi Proportion

Of all the axioms held there remains the primary axiom: Pi is the building block upon which the whole of the Illuminatus system is predicated. If you keep this core thought in mind as you delve further into your own research, this reality will become ever more profound and clear.

However, let us aid in the illumination:

One book you should equate yourself with is "The Beginning of Masonry" by Higgins. He writes in the chapter called "The Pi Proportion",

"It is completely in accord with the ancient philosophy, which, in apostrophizing the Deity as the "Pi proportion", meant what

later, in Isaiah, is called "The living Elohim" - The Pi proportion, endowed with omnipotent self-exertion in the ordering of inchoate matter; in other words, a LOGOS active in Cosmos. The Pi proportion is something that is never absent, in one form or

other, from every one of the world's primitive religions, and certainly enters deeply and radically into the philosophies that have given rise to what we in these days call "Masonry".

Elsewhere, this excerpt is noted:

The Pi Proportion, infused as it is "into all things", would of necessity, then, be infused into the very words which comprise the language that such Mason's were crafting, or so it would seem. Diurnal orbits, planetary speeds, speed of light which have clearly been embed into sacred architecture, would be embed into the English language itself.

To understand how this might be so, the concept known as the Pi proportion has to be understood. Fortunately, it is very, very, simple. The 1 as a diameter cannot exist without the circumference. 1's are encoded as male and 0's are encoded as female. Each cannot exist without the other. This "stupendous mechanism" is only stupendous when set against Jehovian, or Setian metaphysics and its total reliance on male centric, or "1, 1, 1" theologies.

The 1 and the 0, male and female, god and goddess, remain key to the operative nature and plan of the Universe. It is common sense and observable to all, yet mankind's primitive religions insist on a male centric theology.

The Pi Proportion and the Ordering of the Universe

When we look at the process of "constructing this really divine system", it is impossible to do so without the Pi proportion. As referenced above, there is an intrical link between observable "cycles" of the Universe as viewed from Earth.

The easiest way to comprehend this is to translate the concept of "cycles" into the word "orbits". Orbits can be divided into their respective Pi proportions through the establishment of key marking points in the observation process.

For example:

The period from a New Moon to a Full Moon effectively divides the orbit of the Moon as it circles the Earth in half relative to the time it takes for the Moon to complete one orbit around the Earth. The "1", or "diameter component" of the "Pi

proportion" would then be the orbital time divided by 2.

The Synodic Orbit of the MOON is 27.3 days. Divide 27.3 days by 2 to arrive at the "Pi proportion", or the "diameter", which reveals a formula of 13.65. Check your numbers against the Isisian Codes to correctly encode, or construct, the word for MOON.

The Letter M has a value of 13.The Letter O has a value of 6The Letter N has a value of 5.

The Formula for MON is M.ON = 13.65 days from New Moon to Full Moon. As the orbit of the MOON is not constant, but changes, the word MOON would simply be set at a formula of 13.665 days, allowing for orbital tolerance.

The Word SUN reveals the formula of

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S = 3U = Sum of 1:6=21 Letter UN = 5

or, more simply SUN = 365

EARTH = 5+1+18+20+8 = 52 Weeks, or the "circumference" of the "Pi proportion".

The Period from Winter Solstice to Summer Solstice is 52 weeks divided by 2 (in half) to reveal 52/2 = 26 weeks. This is the number of Letters to the Alphabet, which should be a clue enough, however, the Isisian Code words for this period is

GOD = 7+15+4 = 26 weeks

Since "GOD" is "masculine", and GODDESS is "feminine", then GODDESS would, by necessity, have a value that equates to the Pi Proportion. This Pi

proportion would have to be a circumference reading, and so the cycle time, being observable and hence known, would then be encoded into the word. The proper way (through the use of Art) to decode this (or encode this, as it were), is to understand that the 1 and the 0 exist together. This is a conceptual reality, so words that are feminine will often include the masculine as designed (another observable conceptual reality): SHE contains HE, HER contains HE, WOMAN contains MAN.

There is an esoteric coding in play.

The male is the diameter code while the female component of the word incorporates the circumference of the Pi proportion.

In the word GODDESS, GOD is the DIAMETER while DESS is the CIRCUMFERENCE.

DESS reveals the following digits:

D = 4E = 5S = 19S = 19

The formula, then, is easy to ascertain.

(S*S)+D = (19*19)+4 = 365 days; or(S*S)+E = (19*19)+5 = 366 days

What is evolving is that the Universe is being set into a form of ORDER, and the order is appearing from the seeming CHAOS of the ALPHABET

The Great Year by Plutarch is said to be 25920 years. The PI proportion, comprised as it from a "diameter" and "circumference" component, would have as its circumference component the period of 25920 years, while the diameter component would have as its value a period of 25920/2 = 12960 years.

The Pi Proportion for the Great Year, or 25920 years is the word HELL. That is right. HELL.

H = 8 = 36E = 5L = 12L = 12

HELL = (H*E*L*L) = 36*5*12*12 = 25920 Years

Of course, the idea of equating Letters to Numbers should not be a secret to anyone who is familiar with the United States Monetary System. The coding is there right before your very eyes.

Notice that the "B" is the 2nd letter of the alphabet and there is a 2 located as referenced. Study any US currencly, and this pattern will be found. Where you find an L you will also see the number 12, as 12 is the 12 Letter of the Alphabet. A "G" will have a "7", and an "I" a "9" and so forth.

So when you take the diameter (Pi proportion) of the Great Year of 25920/2 = 12960, this creates the Isisian Code of

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L = 12I = 9F = 6

and E, having a right to remain silent as E is 5 and 1+2+3+4+5 = 15 = O Letter, the E has a value of O to show the proper Pi proportion formula.

LIFE = 12960 Years = 1/2 of the time of the Great Year.

I hope you have found this to be an entertaining and interesting read into the Ordering of the Universe using Esoteric English and higher level Gematria.

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Tuesday, September 9, 2008 Deception and the The Principle of Inverse Duplicity I can hear some of you now. "OK, Fetch. I click on an article entitled "The Principle of Inverse Duplicity" and here you present me with a picture of Macroprosopus. What on Earth is the correlation?"


Before you can grasp the totality (to the degree possible) of the Principle of Inverse Duplicity, it is necessary to come to an understanding of conceptual realities as they are set down into Art.

Look at it this way:

Occult reality, in a very general sense, is predicated on a concept known as meta-numerics. The complexities of meta-numerics defy a simple English definition. Eastern traditions are better at approaching how meta-numerics may be defined, but the use of Eastern descriptions means nothing to the Western trained mind. So we shall be content to explain the basics.

The first four meta-numerics essentially become the building blocks to sacred geometry. These four meta-numerics are encoded as the following:

1) The Point2) The Line3) The Plane4) Time

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Set against Macroprosopus, the emulation of the point, the line, and then the plane, appear manifested as the "sea", or the "ocean". The plane, from which of course you can derive a "planet", "plan it", and a "plan" co-equally, is as the surface of the Earth. For Occult purposes, this is caste against "water", or the ocean, for it is with water that we are able to observe the reflections of "as above, so below", at least when conceptually set back against Nature.

The fourth meta-numeric, or that of "time", is emulated as Macroprosopus, or "the old man", which is "the Sun". However, this 4th meta-numeric or dimension, referred to as "Time" effectively becomes manifest as the air atmosphere within which spirit is able to manifest within. Time views the cosmos from within an atmosphere through an entity linked to the atmosphere.

This component or meta-numeric is oft visualized against two geometrical constructions: the sphere or the cube.

As regarding the Sphere, the best example of this is to utilize the Constructions contained in the story of Geb and Nut from the Egyptian system. In this story, Geb is the Earth and Nut is the Sky. When Nut "collapses" and comes down to meet Geb, there is "night", and when Nut rises to form a "DOME" over the Earth, there is light.

The DOME over Earth is really "the sky", or the atmosphere ("at most sphere"

or "at most fear"). Since "Geb" is said to be "making love to Nut", the general perception is translated as "Geb" as Earth is making love to "Nut", who is sky. However, as "Nut" could be considered "the Sky", the atmosphere could be

considered as "the womb", and the Sun "rises into the womb" or the Sky at the time of the Sunrise.

The atmosphere, set against a conceptual of the Earth being cut in half across the area of daylight and darkness, forms the shape known in English as a "DOME". Set this further against Geb and Nut as Earth and Air "making love", and the separation of DOME into "DO ME" takes on a form of pun. The joke is set against the shape and the underlying archetypal


DOME is really one of those "4 letter words", and a clever one at that indeed.

The Popul Vuh and Deliberate Deception

There is a passage from the Popul Vuh regarding the creation of man. It goes like this:

"They were able to know all, and they examined the four corners,

the four points of the arch of the sky and the round face of the earth.

But the Creator and the Maker did not hear this with pleasure. "It

is not well what our creatures, our works say; they know all, the large and the small," they said. And so the Forefathers held

counsel again. "What shall we do with them now? Let their sight reach only to that which is near; let them see only a little of the face

of the earth!"

The thought concluded with:

"Thus they spoke, and immediately they changed the nature of their works, of their creatures.

Then the Heart of Heaven blew mist into their eyes, which clouded

their sight as when a mirror is breathed upon. Their eyes were covered and they could see only what was close, only that which

was clear to them."

When analyzing the available mythologies, it helps to understand that there is a common theme, or thread, running between them. Further, each of the various myths may are but a slice of a composite whole. Further, this composite whole often is simply transposing and rehashing primary elements or keys to the larger Philosophy, that being either the WORD (as Pi), or the "Philosopher's Stone", which is a geometric representation of an archetypal road map.

Further, the various tales and mythologies are often further broken down into sub-categories. "Acroamatic ciphers" that speak of a particular Letter or combination of Letters (PTAH being the Self Actuated One is the Letter A is the word PATH,

for instance) is one simple example.

Hence it is essential that the various mythological works be studied with the above thoughts in mind. What is being read is oft

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not what it appears, and this is by design, so an investigation into these matters contains an element of intrigue known as conjecture. However, the Philosophy, or Construct, is especially linked or fused to "sacred nomenclatures". Plutarch clearly advises investigation and consideration of "sacred nomeclatures" when he mentions early in "On Isis and Osiris",

"Therefore the effort to arrive at the Truth, and especially the truth about the

gods, is a longing for the divine. For the search for truth requires for its study and investigation the consideration of sacred subjects, and it is a work more

hallowed than any form of holy living or temple service; and, not least of all, it is well-pleasing to that goddess whom you worship, a goddess exceptionally wise

and a lover of wisdom, to whom, fas her name at least seems to indicate, knowledge and understanding are in the highest degree appropriate."

What escapes most is "the obvious": in a system where "the works have been changed" and vision has been occluded, a contemporary rationalization of this reality is that we are dealing with a cipher that encodes a larger holistic philosophy (traditional Osirian Luciferianism). In any cipher, it is virtually impossible to "crack" the cipher without first having enough data such as to

reveal patterns that hints at the scrambling of the original message.

In traditional cryptology, these ciphers take on the practical presentation of being "mathematical ciphers".

In the Illuminatus System, as it were, the overall message is contained in a set of archetypal patterns set against Letter/Number/Sound, while the interpretation of the hidden message can only be achieved through the use of the intuitive "ARTS", very much in the manner that a tarot reader goes about interpreting the sea of symbols before same. However, one needs to recognize the patterns as these archetypal ciphers are transposed from myth to myth.


The important consideration is that as stated in the Popul Vuh, "the works" have been "changed", vision has been "obscured", and only the most obvious is deemed acceptable to be released before to the eyes of the masses. "Humpty Dumpty" as the Hump T and the Dump T is a very good example of an "obvious secretion" that is so overt and obvious and yet wholly clever enough to hide the true acroamatic meaning.

Further, if you know that the works have been changed, and that "you can only see what is near", perhaps it would make sense to continue into your investigations and studies so that you may be able to arrive at the Construct, and hence "the Truth".

For example:

The answer to the mathematical formula of the sum of 1:4 is 10. The fourth letter of the Alphabet is D. Rotate it 90 degrees, and you have the Sun as it appears to rise on the HORIZON. That all of these statements and relations are true is obvious as one begins an inquiry into the Speculative Arts. That the word HORIZON encodes the conceptual formula of "the Letter H as the Greek Letter Pi is comprised of the ZIRO (Zero) and the On(e)" all begin to reveal the totality of "the Truth", that there is an ingenious cipher built into the language. The Sun is the O and the 1 is the "HORIZON".

However, if we just show you the Letter D, and then "stop" at the simple revealing of the Letter D, this simple revelation, "See! This Letter is called "D"", is a perfect example of what is meant by people can only see what is near and not what is far, as referenced in the Popul Vuh. What you see is a "letter"

shared by a particular few Alphabets. You did not see the mathematical basis of the Letter (1+2+3+4 = 10). You did not see it's link to the Sunrise (or Sunset), that DE is to be born and to subtract the life DE-ADD is to be DE'ED (dead). All the manifested archetypes upon which D is caste are void from one's vision. Surely, as stated in the Popul Vuh, the eyes have been covered as if reality is being viewed from a mirror fogged over through the simple warmth of one's breath.

What follows is that within "reality" there exists a certain premeditated deception upon which reality is fabricated.

Things are not as they appear.

The Metaphysics of the Cube

Just as the sphere maintains it's esoteric constructions, the cube, too, maintains its esoteric construction. The cube's esoteric construction, however, contains a sophisticated level of deception used by the

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Hence it's properties are wise to be comprehended and understood.

When viewed from it's physical properties, the cube has 6 sides, 12 edges, and 8 outer points. It contains a 9th point, which is the point directly in the center, from which 6 pyramids are formed. It is this "9th" point, that becomes "the I", and gives rise to the "Jack in the Box" which pops out of the Cubed structure.

The cube is key to sacred geometry, and indeed, to the primary coding of the Illuminatus. In general, a single cube is viewed as either "material existence", "life", or "the waking state", while two cubes interlinked and veiled in the Vesica Piscis is known as either "the spiritual world" or "the dream state".

When we deal in "dream states" relative to the Occult, there are multiple levels of existence. "Dreaming" as viewing a movie becomes supplanted by the ability to create "lucid states", which give way further to conscious astral projection. More advanced states include the use of hallucinogens to induce astral states (Santa and his "sleigh ride").

Regarding the waking state, or material existence, this is accomplished through passage of "the Egg", which is the letter Q. Hence to arrive into a material existence, it could be said that you have been "Q'ubed" as in past tense. The DREIDLE is one of the early symbols used to represent this state of existence. Using Gematria, this can be shown very easily by linking the word CHERUB to that of a the word


Cherub's are often depicted as "angels" in the form of infants, hinting at a relationship to Q, or the fertilized egg, while the DREIDLE becomes the "spinning cube" that initiates the life, and as its inertia ends, falls and the life ends and the soul returns to the "dream state".

Aside from all the phonetic plays between a "cherub" being linked to a cube, as well as the anagramic play on the two words, Gematria aids still further by showing that

CHERUB = 3+8+5+18+21+2 = 57 = 4+18+5+9+4+12+5 = DREIDLE

So when the "Flaming Sword and Cherub" guard the way to the Garden of Eden, we can substitute the word CHERUB with CUBE and CUBE with DREIDLE, and DREIDLE with JACK, if you prefer. The important issue is to find a contemporary transposition for which you may understand the concept.

The Cube may be viewed then as "a sphere" in that if you are to stand on the center of the cube, the flat plane of the Earth is as the side of the cube you are standing on. This becomes known in mythology as "viewing the 4 corners, which really become NE, SE, SW, and NW.

The Principle of Inverse Duplicity

Setting all of this back against Continental Masonry, one may be aided by an understanding of inverse duplicity. As defined, the word duplicity has the following general definitions:

1a. Deliberate deceptiveness in behavior or speech.1b. An instance of deliberate deceptiveness; double-dealing.2. The quality or state of being twofold or double.

Duplicity, inferring as it does the word "duplicate", clearing hints of the twofold nature of an item, which in our case, remain words. Inverse duplicity is simply the logical inversion of the planned deception in the word. For instance, a

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"funeral" contains as a root the word "FUN", and yet "funerals", by their very nature, generally tend to be quite sad affairs. There is nothing fun about them. This word is a very good example of an inverse duplicity. Funerals are not fun, they are sad, so we can simply inverse the "fun" to reveal the duplicity in the word. However, still further, within the word "funeral" remain the phonetics of "funnel".

Human life may be seen as the funnel filled with fluid. The funnel holds the liquid in check but still it drains the fluids in a constricted basis. Set this concept against the current level of human life on the planet, and death is as the liquid that flows out from the funnel. The liquid (loss of human life through death) remains in a state of constriction: as we add more liquid (life) we are able to maintain fluid in the funnel, and when we do

not create enough life, the funnel slowly empties.

This is the inverse duplicity of the word FUNERAL contained in the root (consonant sounds) of the word. While a FUNERAL encodes the word FUN and is yet oft a sad affair, the reason for the FUNERAL is that someone's soul has left their body (risen up and flown away), and yet the fundamental macro philosophy is encoded into a "FUNNEL" that constricts the mass and secretes the fluids in a set constricted manner.

When we view the Compass and the Square, it is necessary to understand the principle of inverse duplicity. To say "good mourning" means we are happy, and the very saying of the phrase "good mourning" adds cheer to the invoker and the receiver, and yet the word is phonetically linked to "mourning" such as to be in a state of sadness.

This is inverse duplicity, and as you become aware of it, you will find it everywhere.

That there is a level of duplicity such as to be 180 degrees opposite in meaning relative to sound implies that there is a rational cipher being set into motion by a "higher power" or force who maintain a rational understanding of the underpinnings of the language.

It is a great fraud to assume that there was no rational component to the fabrication of the language against the sounds of the Alphabet. This was part of the "Great Work", after all.

What is above is below, but it is often turned 180 degrees from original perception. 6 is to 9. G is to Pei. Mourning is to Happy. Funeral is to Sad. The mountain is reflected in the lake, inverted.

Be aware of Principal of Inverse Duplicity as you walk the minefield of words.

Add your own here.

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Duality and the World of Dreams

Let us begin by stressing again: there are two elements to the Illuminatus System, a concealed form and a revealed

form. If you think about it, rationally, there can be no other way. The Occult, after all, must follow the patterns

of Nature, and in Nature is found a blueprint that reveals duality.

Light is balanced by darkness, Summer by Winter, Spring

by Fall, Male by Female, and so forth. But perhaps the most important poles within a reality based on duality is

that of being "being awake" and that of "being asleep". The body, and hence the spirit, can only be awake for a

variable set period of time and then it needs to "submerge itself" back into a state of sleeping, and conversely, save

for physical malfunctions within the biological entity, a person can only sleep for so long before it awakens and

"rises back up".

However, if you understood the Principle of Inverse Duplicity, you are beginning to become aware that

everything is inverted. From an Occult sense, it is the "dream state" within which one becomes aware, and

hence "awake", and it is the waking state where one, lacking the intuitive and astral benefit of "dreaming", goes through life "asleep".

Eyes wide shut.

Sleep as an Aid to Awareness

When we view the span of a life, we may view it as having a

programmed period of time that becomes modified by variable sets of conditions and inputs. This period of time is divided into two

primary states: waking state and sleep state.

Within the Illuminatus System, there is far more focus and emphasis on this condition than the lay are aware, and yet when

you think about it, the focus on the conditional states of sleep and waking state are both profound and quite sound and rational

relative to the acquisition of knowledge.

At the end of the day, it all comes down to maintaining a focused level of "concsiousness" - a state of perpetual awareness. The

concept goes something like this:

When you travel through the "day", the idea of being aware may be enhanced through a focused attention to the details around you.

Sounds, lights, smells, emotions, and so forth, may all enhance one's awareness. Rapid and concsious integration of these variable

inputs creates a foundation upon which to draw upon for future circumstances. When a light flashes and the dog barks and jumps

on the fence, the initial reaction might be to have a tinge of fear and alarm at the shrill of the sequence of sounds that invade the space of the individual. When it happens again, the individual is

sensitized and does not react with the same emotional response as initially occurred.

In addition, the waking state is used for the accumulation of categorized knowledge. In this way, we may learn our math, history, English grammar, and a whole series of distinct data peculiar to any given specialty within the Matrix. Doctor's go about their

business and the carpenter his and beggar still his too. Each life uses the waking state to add knowledge in some form or fashion to the entity, stored as it is in brain.

When the day is done, the doctor, the carpenter, and the beggar all lie down and go to sleep. The Occultist, on the otherhand,

recognizes that the acquisition of knowledge is not confined to a pure waking state world. There is a whole other world still filled with life that readily supports and welcomes concsious existence - that of the world of "dreams".

The Occultists recognizes that the "sleep state" itself may be used to perpetuate and prolong concsious existence, thus whole systems

have been put into place to maximize the physical time within which the individual is able to exist in a state of pure "conscious

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Consider then, that while you sleep, there is a whole army of souls who

practice "staying awake" even as they "sleep", continuing, as it were, to acquire knowledge. And in a world where knowledge is power, even an extension of 2

or 3 hours of concsious existence in a "waking dream state" such as astral projection enhances the time spent in the acquisition of knowledge, and hence

power, exponentially.

Duality and the World of Dreams

The fact is, the Construct has been crafted such that humanity is intended to go through it nearly entirely asleep. If mankind has not been "born to sleep"

relative to the Construct, and it has not, one would have a hard time making a case otherwise.

The cold reality is, however, that within particular echelons of the Occult,

"extreme awareness" is derived from "extreme states of altered concsiousness". These altered states of concsiousness can be so extreme that the person

immersed in these states of altered concsiousness appear to be dead.

George Washington, a known Mason, was rumored to have been so fearful of being buried alive that he left orders to not bury him until after 3 days from his

death. Conjecture could say that just perhaps he was versed in the knowledge of how to attain these altered states of consciousness and hence knew full well

the appearances that such states take to the unawares.

Chopin was reported to have requested that he be "cut open" to ensure that he was not buried alive, while the grammarian Johannes Duns Scotus was

recorded as having died in 1308 and then sometime later been found outside his coffin, his hands torn and covered in blood in a futile attempt to escape his


Indeed, "premature burial" was so feared and its reporting enough widespread that the casket business in the 1800's was filled with patents for "life saving measures" in case one were to have been buried alive. One physician in the the middle 1800's, Franz

Hartmann, had collected some 750 cases of people who had been buried alive.

"The public mania over premature burials highlighted the fact that doctors were merely human and sometimes made mistakes... perhaps even mistakes that had people waking up from a trance and finding themselves entombed in a coffin."

Even the "New Testament" (itself an Illuminatus document) hints at the idea of "premature burial". The story of Jesus raising Lazarus

from the dead is a potent insight into altered states of concsiousness by an Occult operation. Says Jesus is John 11:11,

"Our friend Laz'arus has fallen asleep, but I go to awake him out of sleep."

Now if you are a group of charlatans and "magicians" seeking to impress people with a pretty neat trick, having one of your disciples go into an altared state of concsiousness, be declared dead, and then "magically raised from the dead" is a pretty neat trick.

More about Jesus, we find in Infancy I

"They therefore took Him to the master; and he, as soon as he saw Him, wrote out the alphabet for Him, and told Him to say Aleph.

And when He had said Aleph, the master ordered Him to pronounce Beth. And the Lord Jesus said to him: Tell me first the meaning of the letter Aleph, and then I shall pronounce Beth. And when the master threatened to flog Him, the Lord Jesus explained to him the

meanings of the letters Aleph and Beth; also which figures of the letter were straight, which crooked, which drawn round into a spiral, which marked with points, which without them, why one letter went before another; and many other things He began to

recount and to elucidate which the master himself had never either heard or read in any book."

That something has not been heard or written in a book is a reference to the attainment of knowledge from altered states of consciousness, or the dream world.

As the poetic Edda regarding Odin and the runes goes,

"None gave me bread,

None gave me drink.

Down to the deepest depths I peered

Until I spied the Runes.

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With a roaring cry I seized them up,

Then dizzy and fainting, I fell."

Inverse duplicity. Down to the deepest depths is as rising to the highest astral heights in an astrally focused altered stated of

concsiousness. As one "grabs the prize", or the knowledge of the Letters, Odin "falls" from the "depths", which are really heights. The astral body loses its hold on the astral world and plunges back into the physical body - but the knowledge gained from a

concsious manipulation of the astral world, remains.

"Well-being I won

And wisdom too.

I grew and took joy in my growth:

From a word to a word

I was led to a word,

From a deed to another deed."

To those of you who have been fortunate enough to know that to which I refer, a redoubling of efforts might prove beneficial. What can be said is that much of what you read here has never been written in a book or heard elsewhere - precisely because of methods

hinted at above have played a key role in the development of the information presented.

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The Esoteric Code of AUTUMN

I would like to start this article by sending out a tremendous

thanks for all the support. The Illuminatus Observor continues to grow and has been over 1000 visitors per week for the past

three weeks, and we missed by a total of 1 reaching the 1500 page views for the week mark, which would have been a

milestone for this site. So to all of you from all over the world who have sent your emails and information, it has not gone

un-noticed. The information is logged and saved, perhaps too complex for me to solve and write about, but of great

curiousity regardless.

In addition, I would like to thank all of the Synchromystic authors who have been linking to some of my articles within

your work. I do encourage all of you who enjoy this site to take some time and review some of the information provided by those authors in the Synchromystic genre located on the tool bar to the right.

Now without further adeiu.

The Esoteric Code of AUTUMN

There is something absolutely magical about AUTUMN. It is

indeed my favorite time of year. I still recall fond childhood memories of living on a tree covered street and watching the

leaves change color, dry, then softly drift to the ground. Still, this was the suburbs of Los Angeles. Better yet were dreams of

Vermont or New Hampshire; how I loved to flip the calendar to September and October and marvel at the colors that highlight

this time of year.

However, the words FALL and AUTUMN puzzled me.

FALL, actually, no. It's inherent meaning is rather simple. As the Sun "fell" in the sky heading towards the Winter Solstice,

the use of the term FALL made pretty astute sense. Much of English does when you think about it. "Leaves" which "leave" a

tree at the time of Autumn are just one of those rather self evident craftings built into the language.

But AUTUMN would puzzle me for quite a few decades - not

content as I am to accept the simple ramblings of organized academia. I know that they who were behind English were a bit

more complex as a general rule than is commonly referred to in the mass market known as public education.

It was Gematria and codes that fascinated me. It was shapes

and sounds and placement of letters that held interest. Knowing my ABC's seemed a bit childish. Clearly such a powerful tool

as an Alphabet held deeper secrets, and clearly a language as powerful and universal as English was so for reasons few can comprehend.

Gematria and English Qaballa would serve well in providing a rational explanation for AUTUMN, and this article will reveal some

of the rational processes through which the Esoteric Code of Autumn may be deciphered.

Gematria and English Qaballa

Manley P. Hall wrote in Secret Teachings of All Ages,

NO treatise which deals with symbolism would be complete without a section devoted to the consideration of cryptograms. The use of

ciphers has long been recognized as indispensable in military and diplomatic circles, but the modern world has overlooked the

important rôle played by cryptography in literature and philosophy. If the art of deciphering cryptograms could be made popular, it

would result in the discovery of much hitherto unsuspected wisdom possessed by both ancient and mediæval philosophers.

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That Manley P. Hall was hinting at discovery "of much hitherto wisdom" precludes the idea that just maybe Manley P. Hall, allied as he was with Osirian Masonic systems, was already versed in Pi as the Omnific Word and how this concept was encoded into a series

of ciphers set over time. That words were set into ciphers deals directly with GEMATRIA, for GEMATRIA includes the planned and concsious crafting of esoteric formulae into words.

This esoteric formulae may or may not be fused to other words, and further still, whole phrases may or may not be fused to other

whole phrases. Regardless, the general accepted rules of GEMATRIA include a component whereby words of equal value must by their numerical equivalency share in some esoteric linkage.

Thus the word ISIS, having a value of 56, has to be esoterically linked to SPEECH, which too has a value of 56, while OSIRIS, with

a value of 89, would be esoterically linked to another word with a value of 89, that of RELIGION. The former would become known as the Oral Traditions, as represented by the TAROT, while RELIGION would be loosely represented by the TORAT, at least in one

philosophical vein of thinking.

TORAT is opposed to TAROT.

Isis would TAROT would be Osirian and English, while Torat would be Setian would Hebrew. Dig deep into Crowley's work and you will find this concept hinted upon.

English Qaballa in no way should be viewed in a narrow concept as advanced by Crowlian adherents, however. The FACT is - there

are 100's of cataloqued ciphers over the years. Any cipher pattern affixed and attributed to the Hebrew equally may be applied to English or any other mathematically based Alphabet. Still, English is more complex and readily "revealable".

What makes English so effective is that it is concsiously constructed and fused to a larger and hidden philosophy, complete with

ciphers within ciphers and meanings upon meanings. It is said that "to put English on the Q ball" is to inject a planned spin in order to effect a planned outcome THAT ENABLES A FURTHER PLANNED attack,

agenda, or way forward.

The philosophy behind all this make up the Qaballa component, upon which there is a "spin" component. A leaf of a tree in plural becomes "leaves", and when AUTUMN arrives, the "leaves" leave the tree, and yet in the

word LEAVE we have the phonetics of EL (as ADM) and EVE who too "leave" the Garden of Eden, and so forth. Each Letter. Each Word. Each Archetype. All contain within them components of the larger philosophy that leads one back to a recovery of "the Word",

which is Pi.

AUTUMN is no different - nor should it be expected to be so.

Temurah and Notaricon

Since Gematria more often than not entails the planned and concsious encrypting of esoteric formulae into the many words that make up the language, especially as they pertain to "sacred

nomenclatures", then what follows is a necessity to understand the methodolies in play so that one may solve for the words.

English Qaballa and Gematria works very much like the game of billiards, and all the English and

spin required to effectively play the game have their constituent components in Esoteric English. When you approach the cue ball (a word), you have to recognize its position on the table and the

desired location of where you want the ball to come to rest, based further, as it may, within the rules of the game.

Putting "English" on the cue ball is very much the same as applying Temurah and Notaricon to

any given series of words. Gematria, on the other hand, is akin to simply hitting the ball straight with no spin whatsoever. Sometimes this is the best approach to solving a word, but more often

than not, some element of spin is required if one is to be able to effect the most beneficial outcome. So just as English is always required to properly play billiards, so too are the concepts

of Temurah and Notaricon required in order to solve for the esoteric formulae encoded into words.

Temurah is really no more complicated than spinning one or more of the letters based their position relative to the whole of the word. Words must be viewed in context, with the underlying thesis that you are viewing a mathematical formula:

Letters are symbols of sounds. The letter X is a symbol of the sound EKS. It is also the Roman numeral signifying ten; in mathematics

it signifies any unknown quantity. Thus it means different things in different places. The school boy struggling with algebra doesnot think of X as meaning ten or a part of the word extra, or example; to him it means a number he must find. If on the title page of a

book you read "Published MCMX" you understand the book was printed in 1910; the X here is not EKS, nor is it a number to be found by algebraic calculation. The meaning depends here on the location, and the use.

Thus in the word SUN, we see that S is a 3 and N is a 5, and so the Letter U must be encoded as its value summation from 1:6, which

is 21, which is the U letter, and thus is given a value of 6, showing that SUN is 365. In this way does SOL have a value of S=3, O=6, while in this case, L must have a value of 50, revealing SOL = 3650, or 365.

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Each of the above examples is a Temurah component, placing words into mathematical context and then returning them to the

astronomical equivalents that then reveal the inherent truth within the word as encoded.

Argue as you may, you cannot move the formula.

SUN and SOL each equal 365. If you do not apply "English" to the words SUN and SOL, and tried any given set of "add em up" systems (pure Gematria as hitting the ball straight with no spin), you will lose the inherent value and esoteric meaning. That is the

same as hitting the cue ball, getting the target ball into a hole (for you will arrive at your intended result relative to the word), but scratching the cue ball in the process.

You lose control.

NOTARICON, on the other hand, recognizes that Letters are words within themselves. Thus the letter B is linked to "to", "two" and

"too" equally, even as 2B or not 2B remains the question. C is linked to See and Sea the same, and further may be found imbedded archetypes as C is Sea is the Occult is De-CE-ption, while R is ARE is to be is linked and fused to 2 as referenced in the Isisian

(Speech) Codes.

The word CRYSTAL, then, may be broken down into a Notaricon code of

C = SeeR = OUR



CRYSTAL as SEE OUR WISE TALE is a pure usage of Notaricon. Fuse Notaricon to Temurah to Gematria and you have the genius

of the Esoteric Code of AUTUMN.

The Esoteric Code of AUTUMN

The Esoteric Code of AUTUMN is covered in "Pi and the Pagan Calendar", so if you want a

different perspective, perhaps you may wish to check out that article equally. However, let

me try another way to help the interested in gaining awareness.

The 26 Letters of the English Alphabet

represent 1/2 of the Calendar Year of 52 Weeks. The start point of the representation is

the Letter T, which then is fused against the Solstices. Thus at the Winter Solstice, the

word SOL'S T ICE being your key word in that SOL'S T is Summer T and T ICE is the

Winter T, it is said that Osiris is born, which then becomes the birth of Jesus in the Setian

systems. The day of death was set traditionally on the 22 day of December,

wherin Osiris as the Sun is interred in the Earth for 3 days, and then "rises again" or is

"born" on December 25.

The day of his "death" is the Winter Solstice, or December 22. This 22 date is then fused to the T letter, located as it is at the 7 Letter of the second half of the Alphabet, to reveal

the fraction of

22/7 = 3.1428571 = Recipricol 7 Pi.

13 weeks after the Winter Solstice comes the arrival of the SPRING EQUINOX. Now EQUINOX is an interesting word, seeing how all the gold of the American government is stored in vaults at FORT KNOX.



NOX is a code for SUN, thus the EQUI-NOX is the EQUI SUN, or the day where the Sun crosses the Equator and thus day and night are in equilibrium. I am sure you see LIBER and the scales and LIBRA in the word EQUI-LIBRIUM.

This day is represented by the 13th letter after the start of T. Thus:

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G represents the Sun as it crosses the equator. The C is the sphere of the Earth while the T is equator line. This day again is located on

the 22 day of March, while G is the 7th letter, revealing what?

The fraction 22/7 = 3.1428571 = Recipricol 7 Pi = The Word.

6 weeks after the Spring Equinox is May Day, or Beltaine. 6 Letters after G is:


The Letter sequence MNO, or 131415, or Pi.

Take this formula to other side of the year, and 6 weeks after the Fall Equinox is the holiday of Holloween, which is then again the letters MNO = 131415.

Now you can solve for the Esoteric Code of AUTUMN - if you use Temurah, Notaricon, and Gematria.

The Isisian Codes reveal the following:

A has a value of 1

U has a value of 5T has a value of 4

U has a value of 5M has a value of 13

N has a value of 14

Since we know we need to return everything back to "the Word", we may leave MN as 1314 as Pi as the Word. This is the Gematria component, sans the "adding up" of the Letters.

This reveals the following:


Since we know that the marking points are the Solstices and the Equinoxes, and these are marked further by major holidays of May

Day/Beltaine and Holloween, we can see that the formula becomes self evident - IF WE USE NOTARICON!!!

AUTU(1314) = (15)TO1314 = (1+5=6) TO MN = 6 TO MN (1314)

The use of the Letter TU to represent the word TO is a NOTARICON component.

The AU shows that the letter placement is a 1 and 5 respective, and since we know that it is 6 weeks to the Letters MN, in that G represents the AU-TU-MN equinox, we can show that A+U = 1+5 = 6 weeks TO MN.

This provides you with but another example of how to apply English Qaballa to deciphering the hidden meanings encoded into

words. AUTUMN is a placement code, revealing the precise location of where the Letters should be (in case a darker force seeks to destroy the knowledge?)

Now I am going to enjoy the Solstice and prepare for the Winter months ahead.

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Monday, September 29, 2008Musings on English Qaballa and the Isisian Codes A funny thing happened to me on the way to studying Jewish Kabballah. I found the Garden of Eden - and it wasn't Jewish. It was English. Let me explain.

Words as esoteric constructions turn and twist and spin with near instantaneous rapidity. There are relationships of words to things. This is planned and constructed. Study Paracelsus with a fine tooth comb and find the reference to schools responsible for "naming things". They would later be called Pi On the Ears, or more profanely, "pioneers". Red is a past tense of a present condition, in that R is the woman and ED is the past tense. It defines a current condition unique to the female.

B is the profile of a pregnant woman, while ED is a past tense. Hence BED defines a place in time and space upon which a present condition happened, as it were.

The "garden" is a past tense of a present condition, just as sure as harden is a past tense of "hard". With N's as D's as T's transposing instantly, Guarded become Garden becomes "gartet", and what exactly does the garter belt protect?

Beware of "Past Tenses as Present Conditions". Notaricon breaks down the word into a series of letters that defines words or concepts, and "prepositions", "prefixes", and "suffixes", all add color to the word caste against the notaricon coding.

In the word RED, R defines the philosophical concept, while ED as past tense adds color to the philosophical concept. This should not be a secret to you who are of the West, for our great traditions of the Greeks is rich in this knowledge and study.

In Cratyluswe see a long discussion regarding the use of Letters to create words. Very high level discourse on Qaballa, when you break it down, and this Qaballa is all related to a Western science.

Soc. And when the teacher uses the name, whose work will he be using ?

Her. There again I am puzzled.

Soc. Cannot you at least say who gives us the names which we use ?

Her. Indeed I cannot.

Soc. Does not the law seem to you to give us them ?

Her. Yes, I suppose so.

Soc. Then the teacher, when he gives us a name, uses the work of the legislator ?

Her. I agree.

Soc. And is every man a legislator, or the skilled only ?

Her. The skilled only.

Soc. Then, Hermogenes, not every man is able to give a name, but only a maker of names ; and this is the legislator, who of all skilled artisans in the world is the rarest.

Her. True.

Socrates would later be quotes as saying,

"Soc. Then, Hermogenes, I should say that this giving of names can be no such light matter as you fancy, or the work of light or chance persons ; and Cratylus is right in saying that things have names by nature, and that not every man is an artificer of names, but he only who looks to the name which each thing by nature has, and is able to express the true forms of things in letters and syllables."

Qaballa. A Western Esoteric Tradition

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The point to consider at this stage is this: Osirian systems within Western traditions played a tremendous role in the shaping of names with the express purpose to infuse basic truths about "the things to be named". There was a science and a position (the Legislator) responsible for the naming of things. Thus you will find links to "the thing to be named" which seek to draw upon a series of connections.

For instance, the word "Belle" means woman in French, and yet a "bell" has a shape from which a tone or ring may be generated. The relationship between the Belle and the Bell is the removal of the Letter E, yet each maintains their esoteric link via the imagery that each seeks to portray.

The Letter B is clearly feminine (shape of Pregnant woman), and a "Bell" is as the shape of the woman as viewed frontal or rear.

A philosophical discussion in the likes of Cratylus could prove beneficial, but alas, we do not live in such times. Letters have values in both number and descriptive essence. In its purest form, the Letter B is a B, while it will transmute into Be and Bee the same, and share value with R, which is ARE and BE the same.

To assume that there is not a rooted history in this manner of thinking, we again turn to Cratylus,

Between Letters and Names

Soc. A very simple matter. I may illustrate

my meaning by the names of letters, which you know are not the same as the letters themselves with the exception of the four e, u, o (short), o (long); the names of the rest, whether vowels or

consonants, are made up of other letters which we add to them; but so long as we introduce the meaning, and there can be no mistake, the name of the letter is quite correct. Take, for example,

the letter beta- the addition of e, t, a, gives no offence, and does not prevent the whole name from having the value which the legislator intended- so well did he know how to give the letters names.

A key point to remember as you move forward is this: there are Letters and there are Names, and as the Cratylus dialogue points out, the names of Letters are not harmed by the addition of additional letters to the letters, hence creating a Name, but from a practical aspect relative to Qaballa, Names are not Letters, and hence Letters are not Names.

English maintains a high degree of Letters which are not names, even as they are words through the process of Notaricon.

ABC are perhaps simple examples of this principle of Letters being words, but not "names", while the Letter Y is clearly a question, or a quest, equally, in that it represent the Male as the I and the Female as the V. Yet is it not a name.

English is peculiar in this respect, and hence represents its own distinct and unique study relative to the Qaballistic Arts.

The names of Letters have unique esoteric properties that further link back into the core of the esoteric Construction, but they do not in and of themselves aid purely in the deconstruction of the Construct for their numbering systems are based on their own numbering systems.

For instance, BEIT has values of 25920 when set in English, which is the exact number of the Great Year as espoused by Plato, while BETA contains the roots of B and T, which returns you to the mathematical formula of 4*9 squared, which is the exact same number. In English, our Qaballa is very pure and direct.

In the word SOUL, we may remove the Letter U (you) to reveal the essence of the thing. You are a fragment of the Sun as SOL. This, again, is part of the science and craft of the Letters as hinted at through Cratylus, and in the English language we may find a vast treasure trove of knowledge and information if we are to study the Letters and words with an acute attention to detail.

"Soc. Very good. But you had better watch me and see that I do not play tricks with you. For on the same principle the son of a

king is to be called a king. And whether the syllables of the name are the same or not the same, makes no difference, provided the meaning is retained; nor does the addition or subtraction of a letter make any difference so long as the essence of the thing

remains in possession of the name and appears in it."

The operative clue was "appears in it". Names cannot be changed such as to remove the operative nature of the Thing.

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This article, is, admittedly, not one of my finer efforts, but it has sought to inculcate the reality that Qaballa is well rooted in Western traditions, and the naming of "things" has traditionally been an Occult science. If you research deeper into the phenomena, you will learn that Hebrew as "kabballah" relative to language really does not take root in the West until the 1600's.

You cannot fit a round hole into a square peg, and what this article does is provides you with a little bit of insight into the Western traditions and roots of the Craft of Qaballa, and then intends to hint at this knowledge being imbedded into what would become English.

The concepts were clearly well rooted and established and it is naive to believe otherwise, regardless of the failure of the academic system to properly address the factors that contribute to the construction of words of a language.

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The Hydra as a Representation of Osirian Organisational Power Structure

On planet Earth there exists a trans-dimensional war which manifests as overt and covert warfare against the human race.

Within this larger covert war exist two forces: Osirian (to include Isis and Horus) and Jehovah/Typhon Seth (to include control of

Horus energy channels at present point in time, or so it appears). With the overthrow of Osiris and the later decapitation of Isis and

dismemberment of Horus (see Plutarch, On Isis and Osiris, "These are nearly all the important points of the legend, with the omission

of the most infamous of the tales, such as that about the dismemberment of Horus95 and the decapitation of Isis."), what

we find is that the former system was infiltrated and destroyed, changed, or altered from within.

We may liken this to the story of Oromazes and Areimanius from

the same tale.

"Then Oromazes enlarged himself to thrice his former size, and removed himself as far distant from the Sun as the Sun is distant

from the Earth, and adorned the heavens with stars. One star he set there before all others as a guardian and watchman, the Dog-star. Twenty-four other gods he created and placed in an egg. bBut those created by Areimanius, who were equal in number to the

others, pierced through the egg and made their way inside; hence evils are now combine with good."

We may liken this example to political realities.

The necessity for secrecy of the various Initiated Orders was more due to the absolute knowledge of the very real Occult War in progress. Infiltration of a "light" order by "darkness" as embodied by Jehovah/Typhon/Seth, can only result in the destruction of the

core order. Equally, enough orders dedicated to light have always existed, and infiltration of Setian orders would enable plans of the Setianists to be either delayed or defeated.

So from a pragmatic analysis, we cannot view any core Illuminated system as being totally free from Setianist infiltration, and so we

may hold that the organizational structure of Osirian and Isisian power is embodied in the manifestation of the Hydra. The Hydra is born of Typhon. It has "7-9 heads", of which the center head is immportal. We may infer that this head is the Letter E as it is related

back to the 9 digits that run from A to I which comprise Pi.


As one head is killed, two more grow back. As Setianist force destroys one group, another one or two have already sprung up.

The Pi's Ra, or the Hydra

A whole article could be done on the transpositional nature of the

Letters H and P. Suffice it to say that they are often transposed and so are one and the same. Nevermind that the Greek Letter for P is Pi and

that this shape shares equivalencies with the Letter H, or that when combined as PH, the Letters H and P share a value of 6, or a sound of

"F", as in the word "phonetics": all of these things you are not supposed to know for they are key to the Letter Number Philosophical

system of the Illuminatus.

Nevermind that H is located at 8 which will sum to 36, or that P is located at 16 and will sum to 136, revealing the co-relational 1:36,

which is, of course, 666 - all of this is just coincidental mathematical realities that become immovable as if caste into stone, as it were.

While the ignorant were busy destroying knowledge caste into stone,

Masonry was building a philosophy in language.

This philosophy would have two primary archetypal "arch" enemies, at least as formed: the Hydra and the Octopus.

The Hydra, with the Letter H transposing to a P, reveals the PY'd RA, while the Octopus reveals Pi in not so subtle of a manner. The parallels

between the nature of the Hydra and the Octopus were too difficult to

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In the Hydra (Pi'd Ra), immersed as it is in the material plane, truly it could be argued that the Hydra was born of Typhon, as Typhon

is the realm of the material atmosphere and all the incumbent spiritual life that dwells within. When one head was cut off, another head would grow. What remained was that the body of the Hydra could not die even as each head was cut off.

Truth as spewed by the Hydra and all the organizational structures was imbed in the body, with each head maintaining its own

independence. Lop off the head of one, and it would soon grow back, or simply spawn another. The critical point is that the heads remain independent, a form of "liberty", and hence representative of Osirian illuminatus power structures.

On the other hand, the Octopus has 8 arms.

Never mind that the Number 8, again, sums to 36, or that the 8th sign of the Zodiac (Scorpio = Score Pi X 10) appears as it does in

the 10th month, which is appropriately named "October" and thus contains the root OCTO for 8, all this is just right before your eyes, caste into the structure of the language awaiting for the interested seekers to gain access to the inner secret that it all was constructed.

None of this was intended for you to know.

Yet in the Octopus, we find the core nature of Setian philosophies. There can be no

other god than Jehovah, and so all the arms operate from the one head, as opposed to the many heads being part of the larger body (the L F Ant). When the Octopus is

cornered and one of the arms is effectively cut off, it too exhibits the same characteristics of the Hydra in that the mangled and torn arm grows anew.

Further, when cornered with little chance of escape, the Octopus squirts out a

stream of ink and so disappears into the darkened and muddied seas. Compare this to the obvious reality that 9-11, a Noahidist occult formula aligned with the

Lubavitch movement and the Neocons, quickly hid the truth of the dastardly deed behind a sea of ink in the form of media control.

This very pragmatic reality of controlling the press is fused to the reality that the

Octopus covers its escape in a sea of ink. If truth could be ascertained and known, and the Octopus unable to muddy the water in ink, its demise could more readily be


And to think - even when an arm of the Octopus is totally severed, it still is able to operate for a period of time as if it is still alive and living.

The Hydra as a Representation of Osirian Power Structure

It is said that after Seth murdered his brother (Cain murders Able) Osiris, that Osiris would go on to reign as King of the Underworld.

But truth is deceptive even as the Construct reveals the critical keys. UN is a prefix. D is a Letter (root). "ER" is a suffix intimating a past tense. Simple, really.

UN = Prefix for "NOT"

D = The Root Philosophical ConceptER = Suffix intimating a past tense.

Not a D world.

But what is a "D" world. A "D" world is a world

in which truth is half revealed and half concealed, where there exists a night and day and each of these reveal further Occult realities and structures.

So Osiris is King of the Not a D World (UNDERWORLD). Inverse Duplicity. Planned deception which means exactly the opposite.

What Osirius rules over is the Sun and all the philosophy that eminates therefrom. What Setianists systems seek to do is "Kill the Sun", or Osiririan Occult philosophies, which, being based on the Sun, reveal critical and key truths which by their very nature

provide insight, guidance, and illumination.

So we shall return to another political insight relative to the larger Occult War in play.

When the Noahidists and Neocons came to power, the world was immediately thrust into a long and brutal war across all fronts, a war that has gone on to bring about a near economic catastrophe for the United States, the home of Osiris (Continental Freemasonry).

Within this larger war were micro images of "beheadings" and the public exhortation to heed these beheadings as proof of some

brutal evil set loose in the world. That a brutal evil was set loose should not be remiss by any astute and aware individual. The brutal evil was of course, the thrust to create a New World Order by the the Noahidists and their Synarchic power structures.

What was missed was the Occult symbolism caste in public through the idea of "beheadings". As shown in Noahidist doctrine,

violations of "their" laws of morality are punishable by "beheading". This is the public doctrine of the Occult reality.

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Osirian power structures, dangerous too as they are as they are fused often with too much Setian influence, are still far better for humanity than Setian power structures. As the Osirian systems are represented by the Hydra, the call for beheadings and the imagery

portrayed revealed a larger occulted reality that the Setian Noahidists had every intention of going after and "beheading the Hydra", or the Osirian power structures.

The symbolism was not lost on those in the know.

All opposition to the previous Noahidist Neocon plan was to be squelched. Any investigations into the real truth of 9-11 being an

inside job was to be silenced. Media was to be used to fabricate a reality as real as Torah fairy tales impressed on humanity as "factual truths".

It could be noted that the silence before the unfolding Setian plan to bring about their New World Order was evidence of the Occult

idea of "beheading the Hydra".

Much ruin has been wrought by the Octopus,and the Hydra at times may appear to be far from benevolent.

The key to remember here is that the Hydra has many heads, and all people may create their own head even as they are part of the larger body.

There is nothing, really, to stop any of you from growing a new head on the Hydra.

What you need are the philosophical tools to maintain strength in the face of enormous planned adversity to growth, and the

motivation to organize in your own ways "to grow your own head".

Not all heads need to be evil, and there is much good still working to better humanity without revealing the nature of the Construct.

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Lyrics and the Dimensionality of Words

I, as I am sure many of you, enjoy music of many forms. Celtic and classic rock are some of my preferred genres.

Now it is true that one of the great attributes of music is the way in which words set to song has a way of having many

meanings to many people. I recall one story of an author who wrote a love song about his car, and yet the song could

have been intrepreted as being a love song regarding human relationships.

The Occult is very much crafted in such a way, giving

meaning to the idea of "sephera" wherein a particular "sephera" on "the Tree of Life" is said to be "paths unto

themselves". Each definition of a word may be regarded as a "separate path" on a "sephera", even as the "sephera", or

word, remain unchanged.

One way to approach a rational understanding of this phenomena is to understand that words are "static" by

nature, but become multi-dimensional through the assignment of definitions, and then further become trans-

dimensional through the application of esoteric formulae.

Example: BLUE

As a static formula, it appears to be as simple as a "color" in that to the letter sequence "BLUE" we have given the word a defined, or

static, meaning. "Blue" in and of itself we may understand to be any given shade of "blue", from ocean deep blue to a royal blue to a sky blue. In each case, the word is static in that the given color is still "blue".

In the above example, the static portion of the word is the simple idea of "blue = a particular color". Multi-dimensionality, in this

case, is accomplished through the addition of an "add" jective", or an adjective. Once the relationship of "blue" to "sky blue" is made, the

mind will affix for a period of time the relationship of "sky blue" to the static word of "blue" until such time as a new

slate is imprinted.

It sorta works like an "etch a sketch" for those of you who are a old enough to know a time before video games.

Through the invokation of "esoteric formulae", we are able to

turn words into trans-dimensional ideas. Trans-dimensionality implies the ability to "transcend" the static or binding nature

of words in the same or similar manner that Taoist metanumerics enables one to find the source of a given

disease, with the intent to craft a formula that directly cancels out the vibrational energy contained in the disease. In

otherwords, we recognize that words are binding by nature. They are not "refined". They are a "defining", or corrupting

medium, but with the attainment of the ability to penetrate paste the veils and or vestments of the Letters (and hence

words), we are unable to break free of the binding or confining nature of words.

This philosophical concept is what is behind the story of Isis

and Dictys. From Dictys, we derive the word "dictionary" and "diction", intimately linked with SPEECH, so when

"They relate that Isis nursed the child by giving it her finger to suck instead of her breast, cand in the night she would burn away the mortal portions of its body. She herself would turn into a swallow and flit about the pillar with a wailing lament, until the queen who

had been watching, when she saw her babe on fire, gave forth a loud cry and thus deprived it of immortality. Then the goddess disclosed herself and asked for the pillar which served to support the roof.",

we relate that Isis, in seeking to burn away the mortal parts of the "baby dictys", or the meanings within the dictionary (definitions),

has in general, "failed", and so the hidden meanings (esoteric truths and hidden formulae) within the words are not a part of the public discourse via the use of a dictionary (Dictys) or the "common man". Failing to be able to secure "immortal meanings", or the

hidden concepts contained within words (refining the word and letters thereof), Dictys, or the dictionary, is deprived of "immortality" and hence words will move and drift with the sands of time.

The Letters are what provide us with the medium to reach the trans-dimensional aspect of words in spite of the "the fall" or

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"de"finement of words.

The word BLUE, for instance, may be broken down into B-LUE. Here we have two self evident truths caste into the word "blue": B-

LEO (hence a product of the Sun acting within a diffused atmosphere), and BE-LOW, an idea of what "planet Earth" may appear as if one is to view it from outer space. Trans-dimensional meaning becomes filtered into the word, and the immortal part, that which is

pure and difficult to destroy, becomes known.

The myst begins to dissipate and the illusion disappears.

The Arts as Cellular Occult Operations

If you are going to really "get it" and come to understand how the Occult influences (for both ill and naught), you must cease to be naive.

For centuries elements of the Occult have controlled the Arts, and they will continue to do so long after you and I are gone. The Troubadours of

the Medieval period was a classic example of a roving Occult operation, and the Shakespearean plays were instrumental to imbedding esoteric

rules and formulae.

Today is little different.

In film you may find themes revolving around various Occult ideas.

As you delve further, say into genres of music, the themes running through these genres make it appear as if large segments of the genre are

themselves controlled by those who share similar ideas being some Occult force. Progressive 70's English rock is one example of a genre

that has a firm undercurrent of Occult theming. King Crimson and

"Court of the Crimson King

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", or Emerson, Lake, and Palmer's "Knife's Edge" are two examples, the latter speaking about the New World Order long before

George Bush Sr. made the concept open and obvious for all to see.

Further still, it is naive to believe that someone as Tom Cruise would not bring along on his coat tails a plethora of Scientology personnel within his productions and theme his movies along concepts contained in Scientology. You must be open or aware that

certain genres, may be dominated by, inspired by, and controlled by a cellular Occulted force. Only those entering the genre that share the Occult message, wittingly or not, are promoted and driven up to stardom.

At the end of the day, "the Construct", or the archetypal codings, are being imposed and enforced through all manner of weapons, be

it "education", "film", "music", "advertising", and so forth.

The Construct Set to Lyric

What makes "Art" "genius" is the use of metaphor and simile to describe a particular "reality". One of my favorite lyricists is Ian Anderson of Jethro Tull, who to me is a master at the craft.

Take these lyrics from the song "Valley" from the Album "Roots to Branches", for example:

Wake hard in the morning.

See the young girl milking. Stream rushing by on a bed of stone.

Old goats and sandstone cracking All containing

Squeezing that river like it squeeze your bones. In the long red, red valley people live here too long.

In the long red, red valley they only sing the valley song. Some bad people living further down the valley,

Not easy for us to do good trade. We got snowmelt, snowmelt sweet water.

They got that valley road that they made. In the long red, red valley people dying here too long.

In the long red, red valley they only sing the valley song.

Holding hands on the hillside. Showing love to your brother

your sister and your mother but we hate those people down the valley.

Now if you did not see the "Israeli-Palestinian" situation, you should have. The river is "the Jordan river", squeezed as it is to a

trickle. The "Red Valley" puts you back to Mars and Seth, and the idea of "they got that road" hints at the separate roads set down, the road in this case referring to roads exclusively for the use of Israeli's.

In this archaic world that is the world of Setian metaphysics and

Jewish culture, duality takes a bizarre simplicity. We are good and you are bad. Jews are rulers and "pagans", essentially the rest of

the world, are servants of this "master race". This primal and primitive thinking is at the core of occult Judaism as taught by the

Noahidist schools.

Jews can love each other, but they hate everyone on the other side of the valley.

If you did not get this far, the song gives a more overt clue in the very next stanza:

Has anybody seen Moses?

Get him off that mountain. Bring back the tablets of stone.

It's a wise, wise prophet who keeps his own council. Yeah, leave the other man's wife alone.

In the long red, red valley people live here too long. In the long red, red valley they only sing the valley song.

Wake hard in the morning.

See the young girl milking. Stream rushing by on a bed of stone.

Old goats and sandstone cracking

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All containing

Squeezing that river like it squeeze your bones. In the long red, red valley people living here too long.

In the long red, red valley they only live the valley song. In the long red, red valley people dying here too long.

In the long red, red valley they only know the valley song.

Who then is the song going to refer to once "Moses" is invoked? In higher level Jewish occult circles, Israel is known as the land of "Milk and honey", hence the term of the "young girl milking", a terminology that evokes a Northern European image, is being linked

back to Israel as the "land of milk and honey". The song ends with a simple observation:

In the long red, red valley people dying here too long. In the long red, red valley they only know the valley song.

"They" only know the "Valley Song", refers to the reality that they

(and both sides are to blame) know only their own way, and each is a "valley" system, which by inference rests below any plateaus or

heights. The result is that there is no "light", or at least extensive shadows, and so the ritual killing for some mythology (Valley Song)

that is a small fragment of the larger Construct goes on unabated.

With darkness or extensive shadows comes the slaughter because, as the Construct reveals, no reason or sense prevails.

Now not all of you reading this can appreciate the stranglehold that

Jewish concepts held over many of our worldviews for us here in the West. These dark, fear dominated philosophies, were all

encompassing, oppressing the stifling even as they sought to wrap the soul into a controlling fear. You should expect to hear vestiges of

this opening awareness sprinkled through Western music, done so in a veiled and clever manner.

Even today, people run great risks to dare to question this artifically created and micromanaged reality.

Blackmore's Night, a group whose lead guitarist broke off from Deep Purple, has a great song that deals with coming to the realization of what is there to "save you" is really what is there to control and harm.

Spiritual vampirism.

The song, "Writing on the Wall", is rich in Occult symbolism.

Paranoia or perception?

Put your faith in a liar's handsWanting to believe his words

But never knowing where he stands...

Had my heart on a silver chainWith the words engraved

"I loved you"...Like a swan that was lost at sea

I lost all of meTo you...

Now I see the writing on the wall...

There's too many misconceptionsIn this game of consequence

When you're finding that your heroIs just who you're up against...

This is the way of Setian systems.

Put your faith in liars hands. Slogans like "Jesus loves you". Calls for absolute obedience (to a foreign spiritual force). Only later, if

you are persistent, intuitive, or lucky, may you discern that Seth is Jehovah is Typhon is Cain is - well, the very "hero" you are up against.

Don't worry, though, it was just a song about a failing relationship where one used all manner of control and the other, well, lost

everything, including "the self".

Then there are the rational observable views. Take this from "Witches Promise" by Jethro Tull.

Lend me your ear while I call you a fool.

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You were kissed by a witch one night in the wood,

and later insisted your feelings were true.The witch's promise was coming,

believing he listened while laughing you flew.

Leaves falling red, yellow, brown, all are the same,and the love you have found lay outside in the rain.

Washed clean by the water but nursing its pain.The witch's promise was coming, and you're looking

elsewhere for your own selfish gain.

Keep looking, keep looking for somewhere to be,well, you're wasting your time, they're not stupid like he is.

Meanwhile leaves are still falling, you're too blind to see.

You won't find it easy now, it's only fair.He was willing to give to you, you didn't care.

You're waiting for more but you've already had your share.The witch's promise is turning, so don't you wait up

for him, he's going to be late.

The Construct is simple.

The Witch is "Jesus", and "you were kissed one night in the wood" is Jesus kissing "Judas" in "Gethsemane". Your love washed by the water, well, Christian baptism, while looking "elsewhere" for "selfish gain" pretty much describes the motivation of "blind


"So don't wait up for him, he's going to be late."?

The "second coming".

Meanwhile, the leaves are falling, but far too many are too blind to see

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Sunday, December 14, 2008

Imelda Marcos and Hints of Illuminatus Pi

A few years ago I lay in a hospital in Montreal, the victim of a hit so violent that I

had multiple fractures from my lower vertebrae, chest, inner groin,, and left

shoulder joint. Fortunately, that evening was a cold and lightly snowing night and instead of

having my head pound into the cement sidewalk, I was able to get a small bit of

leverage and found myself sliding on the icy sidewalk nearly 12 feet, coming to rest in the

gutter underneath a hummer.

Of all the times I have been ambushed, this was so well done that I did not feel it coming

until a split second before it happened, and even then, as I did not listen to my inner

voice, found myself completely taken by surprise without even a blink of what the

assailant was dressed in. Indeed, I did not see a thing.

While in the hospital, an older gentleman came into share the room with me and it was none other than Father Bidgrass, the former head of the Sulpecian Order of the Catholic Church. As we both lay there, we had ample time to compare thoughts, he sharing his

views on the state of the Catholic Church, and I sharing my insights on the Isisian Codes.

He confided in me towards the end of his stay saying something to the effect that when he was in Seminary they spent a brief bit of time learning techniques that I was talking about but that they were informed that such techniques were the work and product of

Satan. I responded in kind that indeed, they may be, but that if you are going to learn to defeat your opponent, you must learn to understand how your opponent thinks, and since the opponent in this case (Setian Illuminatus) indeed does think in number (witness

all those terror attacks linked to the code of "9-11"), then perhaps it would make some sense to learn a little bit of what I am doing so that you can sense when one is in the presence of such a force.

He reflected on the thought a bit and said something to the effect of, "yeah, perhaps you are right", and then drifted away into


A Chance Insight in Manila

A month before my introduction to Father Bidgrass I was offered a trip to the Philippines by a (now deceased) gentleman who was a member of

the Rotary Club. Although the trip was purely business associated with the Marco's extended clan and supporters, we had plenty of downtime

and I spent a fair amount of time sharing insights into the Isisian Codes. At the same time, the Rotary Club was holding their national elections,

and since the gentleman I was visiting was a ranking officer and respected gentleman within the Rotary Club, I was offered reasonable

access to the inner process and venues, including the former US governors quarters in Manila.

As we sat down one night speaking about the Isisian Codes (napkins are

my favorite demonstration device), one of the individuals at our table who was a friend of mine said, "You know, my Auntie (Imelda Marcos)

says alot of the same things you say. You can even find some of it on the movie "Imelda the Movie". At the time, Imelda was still in exile and

was in residing in Hong Kong and I asked if we could arrange for a meeting to discuss and compare notes, a meeting that unfortunately was

not able to be put together.

But to my surprise, as Youtube took hold, the movie "Imelda the Movie" made its way in bits and pieces, and there, before my eyes, was Imelda

Marcos hinting at information for which I was traveling around "preaching" and "teaching" equally.

Imelda Marcos, the former First Lady of the Freemason Ferdinand

Marcos, clearly had been clued into the binary philosophy of Pi in some fashion.

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In Pursuit of Raising Personal Awareness, Avoid Irrational Analysis

Some of you have come to know me through my work on the World Wide Web and you know that I have no patience for

"frothing conspiracies". Conspiracies happen. There is a force on this planet that likes to see things burn if for no other reason than

they are able to act on their dreams of watching the world (and human "chafe" within, burn. Better for them still, their power and

position prevents them from being detected.

If 9-11 did not teach you that such a power exists, then you are still sleeping.

Conspiracies DO exist, and as one who has had access to inner

workings from time to time, I can only add that the people behind and fomenting the conspiracies are only successful because their

power is unique and only massive sustained protest is able to reach their outer core. It is not that they are particularly intelligent - it is

just that they are protected by one of the hardest known substances in the cosmos: IGNORANCE.

At the same time, it is counter productive to lambast all within the various initiated systems as being "wholly evil" or "negative" and out to "harm humanity". There is much good always at work even as those they work with may be as evil as some may imply.

At the end of the day, "their world" is seperated from "your" world through a philosophical system wherein the knowledge of the

philosophical system trumps everything. Power does not accede anything without a demand, and power is fearful of demands made by those who are deemed to be endowed with a far less than rational philosophical system and hence power on both polarities will

protect the philosophical status quo before it will accede to what is perceived or believed to be an inferior and irrational philosophical system that would plunge the philosophical system into a total state of darkness.

That an alternate "Illuminatus Philosophy" exists and that it is based on "Pi" can only be surmised through rational analysis. There is

no "in your face" treatise that one can point to. Such is that the way it is. Knowledge of "the Word" would go a long way to raising the general profile of the human race, for knowledge of "the Word" often comes with a raised appreciation and motivation to improve

the lot of race in general.

Still, there are those that have a pretty strong or absolute understanding of the totality of the system and wish it to be destroyed. The better to plunder and burn humanity if there is no opposing philosophy able to stand up to the reason and logic inferred within.

Regardless of what you think, if you are in pursuit of more raising of personal awareness, watch this small clip of Imelda Marcos as

she discusses the "7 Portals to Peace and Order".

Imelda Speaks of "1's" and "O's"

There is much to be uncovered in the history of the Philippines and one of the greatest myths and mysteries remains that of "Yamashita's Gold" The tales I heard from the various members of the Rotary Club were quite fascinating, and they all link back to

Ferdinand Marcos. One day as I was in Quezon City the military shut down the whole road leading out North of the city and the rumour within the inner circles was that there was going to be a coup d'etat and they were moving some of "Yamashita's Gold".

The intrigue is fascinating, but our purpose here is to explain further the philosophy of the Illuminatus in order that noone sleeps who

wishes not to. In this excerpt from Imelda the Movie, the manner and nature of the inner working can be ascertained through a thin veil, but the ultimate simplicity of a philosophy based on "1's" and "0's" is difficult to miss.

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Object 1

Notice how she speaks in the word "we". I cannot tell you the times I have been literarily assaulted for using the word "we". If you

do not recognize the word "we" when used in this form of writing, then chances are, the individual is not clued in even to the basics, for those who have an understanding use the word "we" as a clue or code to let others know that one is "in the know".

The tri-une nature of what Imelda is speaking about should be abundantly clear to even the less than educated "Mason", but to the

clued in Mason, the "tri-une" demonstration speaks clear.

That the system is being referred to as a "very esoteric system", this is accurate. Esoteric really implies that those who are given further insights are able to ascertain the totality of the system.

The idea of "7 Portals to Peace and Order" should be taken as a clue, however, and one would have to ask Imelda directly precisely

how she is using this. However, the linking of "7" to "Order" often links back to Noahidist teachings, even if in a veiled operation that the receiver (as Imelda) could be totally unaware.

Yet at 2:50 seconds into the clip, Imelda Marcos speaks rather clear relative to the Construct. "If you ask a child in its purity to draw

a tree, it draws a 1 and 0". She then goes on to mention that "if you have one man and one woman", she is using 1's and o's, and by the 4:10 second mark, she mentions "X" and references everything back to the computer, the 1's and the O's, that there is the "apple",

"Adam and Eve", and so forth.

The very same formulas used here at the Illuminatus Observor to demonstrate the inner workings of the Luciferian philosophy are seen veiled from Imelda Marcos.

A Jesuit priest then appears in a fog (perhaps staged) about how Imelda spoke for "4 hours" and then Imelda gave a Hershey bar, but

the Her See bar was "10 pounds.

4 hours.

1+2+3+4 = 10

Then there is the "10 lb" bar.

So much to be gleaned in such a short clip, but hopefully, it clues you in that the knowledge released here is not appearing in a vacuum.

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The "River STYX" and other 5 X 5 Codes

A quick thanks to everyone who has already uploaded a linked to "Inside the Eye", the podcast companion to the Illuminatus

Observor. For the first show, it got close to 50 hits, which where I come from, ain't too bad. So thanks to everyone who came by for a

listen and helped promote the new podcast.

You will be able to access the latest show of "Inside the Eye" on the sidebar to the right.

Without further adeiu...

The River Styx and other 5 x 5 Codes

"There are

five rivers encircling

Hades. The River Styx

is perhaps the most


What we do best

here at the Illuminatus

Observor is reveal the Codes and Philosophy of the Ruling Elite. What you get here is an insight into how the Philosophy is constructed, how it

may be de-constructed, with the intention that the awareness provides a confidence to battle ignorance in whatever capacity you need.

Afterall, for most of us engaged in this activity,

we operate alone, we formulate alone, and encouragement is not something readily available

within the mass market.

Such is changing...

One of the basic premises of the Isisian Codes is that the English language is not so much the

product of a random set of events in history, but rather that there was a concsious and rational

intervention into the language's design and structure. Personally, I am amazed that people

would honestly believe otherwise - such is the stranglehold that various schools of "linguistics"

has over the fabrication of current belief systems - and yet history is amply scattered with evidence

that a "numerological" or "gematria" component was active in the development of the language.

Words are complex archetypal codes that resonate

on the inner self and outer mass concsiousness, even as they are simple in their presentation. The

word SUN, for instance, cleverly hides a mathematical truth relative to the word, in that the

Letters S and N are 3 and 5, while 6 may be summed from 1 to itself to reveal the letter U. Under this simple and yet ingeniously crafted system, the word SUN becomes a code for "365", or the number of days to a current calendar year, or days within which the

Earth will make one orbit around the SUN.

A "truth", therefore, becomes non-descriptively caste into the language, and an element of the Codes and Philosophy of the Illuminatus is effected.

The Alphabet as a Cryptogram

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That ciphers were being applied esoterically to the early manifestations of the English language goes without saying. Sir Francis

Bacon's "biliteral cipher" is well sourced in many books that responsibly deal with this subject matter, and Manley P. Hall has dedicated a whole chapter of his epic work "Secret Teachings of All Ages" to "The Cryptogram as a factor in Symbolic Philosophy".

All of this is well and good, but fails to hit a strategic insight relative to the whole of the Illuminatus System. That strategic insight is

this - that the Alphabet itself is a cipher unto itself holding within its design the very foundation to the philosophy of the Illuminatus.

Like any cipher, in order to break the cipher, there needs to be enough patterns studied in order for the whole of the cipher to begin to reveal itself. In order to attain the necessary statistical inputs in order to begin to de-crypt the cipher inherent in English, the design

itself must be studied in all manner.

Rhymes, shapes, number values, archetypal framing, and pairing sequences, at the end of the day, would need to be studied, and that is just if we are going to break down the philosophy. To break down the sounds further as "resonance" and how this "resonance"

affects DNA, mind, emotion, and so forth, would be taking the analysis of the language to the extreme, and perhaps one day someone will come along with the necessary acument to set such in motion.

For now, however, we have the necessary tools to break the philosophical underpinnings, and one of those tools is the "5 x 5 Matrix",

a grid that ultimately leads us back to the River Styx.

The 5 x 5 Matrix and the Acroamatic Cipher

A key point to remember here is that what is regarded as "a secret" by the masses is really not a "secret" at all but rather is regarded by those in the know as

something not to be readily discussed amongst and with, the masses.

"Lay not your treasures before the feet of swine", might be a a maxim that appropriately applies. Indeed, I have been told this very same thing when I

sought in my early days to reveal the nature of the Construct. But the reality remains, the "secret" remains not a secret, only hushed from open discussion.

One of the "keys" to understanding the nature of what is revealed and hence no

secrets exist is that of the acroamatic cipher. Says Manley P. Hall,

The Old and New Testaments of the Jews, the writings of Plato and Aristotle, Homer's Odyssey and Iliad, Virgil's Æneid, The Metamorphosis of Apuleius, and

Æsop's Fables are outstanding examples of acroamatic cryptography in which are concealed the deepest and most sublime truths of ancient mystical


The acroamatic cipher is the most subtle of all, for the parable or allegory is susceptible of several interpretations. Bible students for centuries have been confronted by this difficultly. They are satisfied with the moral interpretation of the parable and forget that each

parable and allegory is capable of seven interpretations, of which the seventh--the highest--is complete and all-inclusive, whereas the other six (and lesser) interpretations are fragmentary, revealing but part of the mystery. The creation myths of the world are

acroamatic cryptograms, and the deities of the various pantheons are only cryptic characters which, if properly understood, become the constituents of a divine alphabet. The initiated few comprehend the true nature of this alphabet, but the uninitiated

many worship the letters of it as gods.

So while many worship "El", in either Jewish Jehovian or as Pagan Woden who hangs on his tree for "9 days and 9 nights", or that Woden is too the "One Eye'd God" as in the Letter A, these are all elements of the larger use of the acroamatic cipher. But just as

single Letters were used in the fabrication of various mythologies (the Letter M as the "OM", for example), so too could whole segments of the Alphabet be used as if they were a single element or "Letter".

A study of the 5 X 5 Matrix reveals just how this could be so.

An Analysis of the 5 X 5 Matrix

Once you break the Alphabet down into it's many constituent patterns

(rhymes, shape, phonetics, etc.), one of the first striking revelations is that of what we could call "the sanctity of the Letter M". In the Isisian Codes,

below, M lies at the center of the second 7 digit sequence. In the Circle of Mirrors, it is the center sequence that reveals the calendar days of the year

and degrees of a circle. In the Circle of Rhymes, it holds the center position, and when the Alphabet is placed into its "5 x 5 Matrix", what is revealed

again is that the Letter M is always alone.

This is important once you have a totality of the whole picture, for we know that various "sacred nomenclatures" are actually hiding elements of this

"divine Alphabet", which then reveals itself in the 26 Letters that make up the current English.

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For instance, "Jesus" is linked to Odin via his mastery of Letters, a trait held by Odin through the sacrifice of himself "on the tree" for 9 days and 9 nights. Jesus hangs from his tree in a factor of 9 squared, or "3 days" and becomes known as "the Christ".

The 5 x 5 Matrix reveals both "the Christ" and the Virgin Mary as "The CHRST and the VIRGIN M" as shown here:

Another interesting element to factor in is the concept that whole "secret societies"

were beholden to elements of the whole of the Construct. For instance, St. Thomas of Assissi was clearly beholden and dedicated to the Crux Ansata, or the Letter T, but if

you peer a bit into more contemporary systems, you can often see elements of the larger construct hidden within.

Take for instance the Knights of Columbus.

This symbol is rich in Osirian style imagery, not the least of which is that of the 5 x 5

Matrix. If you cannot see it, take a closer look at the shield. Notice the "triangle" or "pyramid" peeking through at the top of the shield?

Well, it is known as the "Knights of Columbus", or the KOC, which is formed from

the 5 x 5 Matrix.

Other observations set against the 5 X 5 Matrix include Roman Numeral Coding. For instance, the Letter C is 100, and yet we can see that it may be derived from the angle comprising the Letters KGC, in that the sum of 1:K is 66, the Sum of 1:G is 28, and the

Sum of 1:C is 6, and 66+28+6 (K+G+C=100).

The same form of

pattern emerges

with the Letter D as

500. The Line formed

from D-I-N-S-X reveals

that the Sum of 1:X

is 300, the Sum of 1:S

is 190, and the Sum of

1:D is 10, and thus

X+S+D = 500.

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But the most important cipher within the 5 X 5 Matrix is that of the "River STYX" for the River STYX serves as a "checkpoint" to validate assumptions.

The River STYX and the 5 X 5 Matrix

Since we know that the various pantheons are comprised of acroamatic ciphers, we can rapidly decipher particular aspects of the

larger Code (philosophy) when we "stumble-upon", through a rational inquiry, the Nature of the Letters (Divine Alphabet). In the case of the River STYX, we know that it is one of "5 Rivers" and so we are working with a 5(X) solution, wherein a 5 x 5 Matrix

would certainly qualify.

We also know that the River STYX is "at the bottom of the world", and we may note that the Letters STYX are indeed at "the bottom of the X-Y graph.

Although time prevents further philosophical discussions, take careful note of the way in which the word STYX is formed set against

the 5 X 5 Matrix: as you trace through it, it is shaped as if a "RIVER" runs through the letters, which reduces the Code to its simplest common denominator.

The RIVER STYX is at the Bottom of the 5 X 5 Matrix. The River STYX is a "placement code", telling the crafters where to keep

the "original letters" in the hidden and soon to be revealed "Illuminatus Philosophy".

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