isis-swis: linking the pieces of a student individualized plan individual student information system...

ISIS-SWIS: Linking the Pieces of a Student Individualized Plan Individual Student Information System – School-Wide Information System (ISIS- SWIS) University of Oregon PBIS Applications Training Team, November 2013

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ISIS-SWIS: Linking the Pieces of a Student Individualized Plan

Individual Student Information System – School-Wide Information System (ISIS-SWIS)

University of Oregon PBIS Applications Training Team, November 2013

Page 2: ISIS-SWIS: Linking the Pieces of a Student Individualized Plan Individual Student Information System – School-Wide Information System (ISIS-SWIS) University

1. What is ISIS-SWIS?

2. How do I get ISIS-SWIS at my school?

3. Navigating ISIS-SWIS1. School-wide Tier III Team2. Student Support Teams

4. Readiness Requirementsa) Implementation Capacityb) Coordination Capacityc) Individual Student Support Practicesd) ISIS-SWIS Data Use

5. Questions, Discussions, and Planning


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What is ISIS-SWIS?

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What is ISIS-SWIS? Individual Student Information System

ISIS-SWIS is an application within the SWIS Suite designed to coordinate and monitor individualized student support.

ISIS-SWIS allows teams to: Set up, collect, and monitor a student’s outcome data on

individualized goals based on team agreements.

Set up, collect, and monitor fidelity data about the implementation of the support plan.

Upload and store critical student plan documents needed for planning and decision making.

Summarize outcome and fidelity data for problem solving and decision making.

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The School-Wide Information System (SWIS) is a web-based decision system designed to help school personnel to use office referral data to monitor progress of school-wide and individual student interventions.

CICO-SWIS is a decision system for targeted or group-based interventions for students needing additional support beyond the Universal or Tier I system.

ISIS-SWIS is a decision system for students requiring more intensive and individualized supports for academic social or mental health services.

Where does ISIS-SWIS fit?

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Application Demonstration

To access the Demo ISIS-SWIS Account: 1. Go to

2. Click Apps Demo

3. Click SWIS, CICO-SWIS & ISIS-SWIS Demo (orange button)

4. Click ISIS tab

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ISIS-SWIS Main School-wide Report Student Dashboards

Set-up Data Entry Reports

ISIS-SWIS Navigation

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How can I access ISIS-SWIS at my school(s)?

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1. Contact an ISIS-SWIS Facilitator 2. Readiness Meeting(s)3. Complete the ISIS-SWIS License Agreement4. ISIS-SWIS Facilitator provides training for 3-

5 coordinators and users at the school. 5. Facilitator will provide coaching using ISIS-

SWIS data for decision making.

Steps to Get ISIS-SWIS

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Readiness RequirementsISIS-SWIS

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Coordinators/Case Managers

Tier III Team Leader/Coach

The readiness process and Swift at ISIS-SWIS training run more smoothly if all these roles are included from the start.

Who to Include In Readiness Discussion

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Thank you for participating in the session!

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We’ll Come back to these

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1. Building administrator supports the implementation and use of Tier III interventions as well as ISIS-SWIS.

Data Sources: Administrator Interview

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2. Support team(s) exists with training and support for Tier III Interventions and reviews ISIS-SWIS data at both the student and school/facility-wide levels at least twice monthly.

Representative Team Roles:

Case Management & progress monitoring expertise (coordinator) Decision-making & resource allocation authority (administrator) Knowledge of school operations (administrator) Behavioral Expertise (coordinator, special educator, school psychologist, ISIS-

SWIS Facilitator) Teacher/Staff representation (general educator, special educator,

classified/support staff)

Data Sources:

Team Roster

Meeting Schedule

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Data Entry

What data are entered? Who enters data? When are data entered?

Carly data Trina Daily

Brian data Trina Daily

Justine data Trina Daily

Fidelity of implementation for each student, gathered at team meeting

Trina Bi-Weekly

Report Generation

What reports are needed? Who generates reports? When are reports needed?

Individual student reports Randy 1st and 3rd Mondays (for 1st and 3rd Tuesday meetings)

Fidelity of implementation data Randy 1st and 3rd Mondays (for 1st and 3rd Tuesday meetings)

Data Entry and Report Generation Schedule: ISIS-SWISSchool: __Ranch______ Date: _____6-15-10__Team: _Student Support Team______ Team Facilitator: _Randy___________



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5. Data entry time and staffing are scheduled to ensure that ISIS-SWIS data will be current to within three days at all times. Data entry staff have access to all necessary information (e.g., student records, team records).

Data Source: Data Entry & Report Generation Schedule

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6. A small number of people within the school/facility are identified to gain ISIS-SWIS Coordinator and/or school/facility-wide read-only access and are scheduled to attend a 3-4 hour Swift at ISIS-SWIS Training conducted by a certified ISIS-SWIS Facilitator.

Data Source: Specific Date(s), Time(s), Location, Computers,

Internet Access

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3. Coordinator(s) within the school/facility are willing to use parameters of student file set up and data entry within ISIS-SWIS as they:

a. Monitor the status of the system of support across individual interventions/students

b. Manage student support teams/plans with ISIS-SWIS data

c. Set up and monitor ISIS-SWIS student files

d. Serve as a liaison between team, students, staff, and families

e. Collaborate with ISIS-SWIS Facilitator on ISIS-SWIS user/team member training

Data Sources: Administrator/Coordinator interview(s)

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4. The school/facility has or will build a clearly documented individual support system within three months of ISIS-SWIS licensing. An Individual Support System includes procedures and materials for:

a. Student identification and eligibility IEP driven goal, teacher/family request, 6+ ODRs, unsuccessful on

Tier II supports, safety concerns

b. Training and ongoing communication with stakeholders (i.e., adults, students)

team meetings, training opportunities, invitation for family participation, bi-weekly team report, daily/weekly records of progress, concerns, success/milestones

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c. Individual student support assessment Initial Assessment: Interviews, observations, review of

student records/data

Quarterly/Annually: Student ISIS-SWIS reports, file reviews, updated observations/interviews, monitoring fidelity of implementation

d. Individual student support intervention planning

Roles and duties of targeted student’s support team, fidelity measure(s), outcome measure(s), communication needs, decision rules, documentation procedures, training needs

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e. Individual student progress monitoring and decision making

Bi-weekly meetings, fidelity checks, student progress monitoring, modifications/adaptations, stakeholder communication

Data Sources: Written Guidelines

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Example Documentation

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Support & Resources

Find a Local Facilitator or Coordinator Connect with facilitator(s) in your region or

state who are already certified in ISIS-SWIS. Support Section

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