isam arewas werebe becomebecame connects the subject to the predicate does not show action ...


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Post on 21-Jan-2016




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Page 1: IsAm AreWas WereBe BecomeBecame  Connects the subject to the predicate  Does not show action  Usually followed by a noun or adjective
Page 2: IsAm AreWas WereBe BecomeBecame  Connects the subject to the predicate  Does not show action  Usually followed by a noun or adjective

Is Am

Are Was

Were Be

Become Became

Page 3: IsAm AreWas WereBe BecomeBecame  Connects the subject to the predicate  Does not show action  Usually followed by a noun or adjective

Connects the subject to the predicate

Does not show action

Usually followed by a noun or adjective

Page 4: IsAm AreWas WereBe BecomeBecame  Connects the subject to the predicate  Does not show action  Usually followed by a noun or adjective

Ex: We are hungry. The winner is Johnny.

Am Is

Are Was

Were Be

Been Seems

Feels Tastes

Page 5: IsAm AreWas WereBe BecomeBecame  Connects the subject to the predicate  Does not show action  Usually followed by a noun or adjective

Verbs that are made up of more than one verb are called verb phrases (a be verb followed by an action verb)

In a verb phrase, the main verb names the action

The helping verb helps tell the time of the action

Page 6: IsAm AreWas WereBe BecomeBecame  Connects the subject to the predicate  Does not show action  Usually followed by a noun or adjective

◦ Is, are, do, does, and have all show present time◦ Was, were, did, and had all show past time◦ Will shows future time

Has Have Had Am

Is Are Was Were

Do Does Did Can

Will Would Could Should

Page 7: IsAm AreWas WereBe BecomeBecame  Connects the subject to the predicate  Does not show action  Usually followed by a noun or adjective

I I amam eatingeating my lunch. my lunch.

Ed Ed hashas takentaken the test. the test.

We We werewere talkingtalking..

Page 8: IsAm AreWas WereBe BecomeBecame  Connects the subject to the predicate  Does not show action  Usually followed by a noun or adjective

John and Tanya were upbeat. Peas and carrots are my favorite

vegetables. She is eating lots of fruits. Amy is hungry. I am shouting her name to get her

attention. They were baking apple pies. He was late to school. Finding Nemo is her favorite movie. Anna was cooking dinner in the kitchen.