is.15033.2001 eqv iso tr 11062 1994

Disclosure to Promote the Right To Information Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities, in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority, and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public. इंटरनेट मानक !ान $ एक न’ भारत का +नम-णSatyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda “Invent a New India Using Knowledge” प0रा1 को छोड न’ 5 तरफJawaharlal Nehru “Step Out From the Old to the New” जान1 का अ+धकार, जी1 का अ+धकारMazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan “The Right to Information, The Right to Live” !ान एक ऐसा खजाना > जो कभी च0राया नहB जा सकता ह Bharthari—Nītiśatakam “Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen” IS 15033 (2001): Manipulating Industrial Robots - EMC Test Methods and Performance Evaluation Criteria - Guidelines [PGD 18: Industrial and Production Automation Systems and Robotics]

Post on 02-Feb-2016




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Page 1: is.15033.2001 eqv ISO TR 11062 1994

Disclosure to Promote the Right To Information

Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities, in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority, and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public.

इंटरनेट मानक

“!ान $ एक न' भारत का +नम-ण”Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda

“Invent a New India Using Knowledge”

“प0रा1 को छोड न' 5 तरफ”Jawaharlal Nehru

“Step Out From the Old to the New”

“जान1 का अ+धकार, जी1 का अ+धकार”Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan

“The Right to Information, The Right to Live”

“!ान एक ऐसा खजाना > जो कभी च0राया नहB जा सकता है”Bhartṛhari—Nītiśatakam

“Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen”

“Invent a New India Using Knowledge”


IS 15033 (2001): Manipulating Industrial Robots - EMC TestMethods and Performance Evaluation Criteria - Guidelines[PGD 18: Industrial and Production Automation Systems andRobotics]

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Is 15033:2001lSO~R 11062:1994




ICS 25.040.30

@ BIS 2001


NEW DELHI 110002

August 2001 Price Group 7

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Industrial and Production Automation Systems and Robotics Sectional Committee, BP 18




This Indian Standard which is identical with lSOilR 11062: 1994 ‘Manipulating industrial robots —EMC test methods and performance evaluation criteria — Guidelines’ issued by the InternationalOrganization for Standardization (ISO) was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards on therecommendations of Industrial and Production Automation Systems and Robotics SectionalCommittee (BP 18) and approval of the Basic and Production Engineering Division Council.

This standard which is identical with this standard does not include the development of individualstandards themselves but rather the establishment of common frame work, in terms of a referencemodel to assist future standards developments.

The text of the ISO Standard has been approved as suitable for publication as Indian Standard withoutdeviations up to Page 14 of ISO Standard. Certain conventions are, however, not identical to thoseused in Indian Standards. Attention is particularly drawn to the following:

a) Wherever the words ‘Technical Report’ appear referring to this standard, they should be readas ‘Indian Standard’.

b) Comma (,) has been used as a decimal marker in the International Standard while in IndianStandards, the current practice is to use a point (.) as the decimal marker.

In the adopted standard, reference appears to certain International Standards for which IndianStandards also exist. The corresponding Indian Standards which are to be substituted in their placeare listed below along with their degree of equivalence for the editions indicated:

International Standard

ISO 8373:1994 Manipulating industrialrobots — VocabularyISO 9283:1990 Manipulating industrialrobots — Performance criteria andrelated testing methodsIEC CISPR Publication 11:1990 Limitsand methods of measurement of radiointerference characteristics of infor-mation technology equipment

Corresponding Indian Standard Degree ofEquivalence

IS 14662:1999 Industrial robots — IdenticalVocabularyIS 14533:1998 Manipulating industrial dorobots — Performance criteria andrelated test methodIS 6873 (Part 4):1977 Method of Technicallymeasurements of electromagnetic Equivalentinterference: Part 4 Industrial scientificand medical (ISM) radio frequencyequipment and microwave equipmentfor heating and therapeutic apparatus

At present there is no Indian Standard on project covered under IEC 1000-1-1, IEC 1000-4-1 andIEC CISPR Publication 22:1985. The technical committee responsible for the preparation of thisstandard has reviewed the provisions of the above mentioned lSO/lEC Standards and decided aboutthe acceptable for use in conjunction with this standard.

For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this standard is complied with, thefinal value, observed or calculated, expressing the result of a test, shall be rounded off in accordancewith IS 2:1960 ‘Rules for rounding off the numerical values (revised)’. The number of significantplaces retained in the rounded off value should be the same as that of the specified value in thisstandard.



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IS 15033:2001

lSO/TR 11062:1994

Indian Standard


1 Scope

This Technical Report provides guidelines on how toapply the already existing Electromagnetic Compati-bility (EMC) International Standards for testing electro-magnetic influences on the performance of mani-pulating industrial robots.

The existing EMC Standards do not specificallyaddress test methods for robots and the intention ofthis Technical Report is to define appropriate testingprocedures for robots in their normal workingenvironment and applications and to provide guidancefor the evaluation of the test results.

In addition, these guidelines are useful for evaluatingthe safety of manipulating industrial robots affectedby electromagnetic disturbances.

2 Normative references

The following standards contain provisions which,through reference in this text, constitute provisions ofthis Technical Report. At the time of publication, theeditions indicated were valid. All standards are subjectto revision, and parties to agreements based on thisTechnical Report are encouraged to investigate thepossibility of applying the most recent editions of thestandards indicated below, Members of IEC and ISOmaintain registers of currently valid InternationalStandards.

lSO/TR 8373:1994, Manipulating industrial robots —Vocabulary.

ISO 9283:1990, Manipulating industria/ robots —Performance criteria and related testing methods.

ISO 9283: 1990/Amd, 1:1991, Manipulating industria/robots — Performance criteria and related testingmethods — Amendment 1,“Guide for selection of theperformance criteria for typical robotic applications.

IEC 1000-1-1:1992, Electromagnetic compatibility(EMC) — Part 1: General — Section 1: Application andinterpretation of fundamental definitions and terms.

IEC 1000-4-1:1992, Electromagnetic compatibility(fMC) — Part 4: Testing and measuring techniques —Section 1: Overview of immunity tests.

IEC CISPR Publication 11:1990, Limits and methodsof measurement of electromagnetic disturbancecharacteristics of industrial, scientific and medical(ISM) radio-frequency equipment.

IEC CISPR Publication 22:1985, Limits and methodsof measurement of radio interference characteristicsof information technology equipment.

3 Definitions

For the purposes of this Technical Report, thedefinitions given in lSO/lR 8373 and IEC 1000-1-1,and the following definitions, apply.

3.1 manipulating industrial robot; robot: Auto-matically controlled, reprogrammable, multi-purpose,manipulative machine with several degrees offreedom, which may be either fixed in place or mobilefor use in industrial automation applications.

3.2 electromagnetic environment: Totality of elec-tromagnetic phenomena existing at a given location.

3.3 electromagnetic disturbance: Any electro-magnetic phenomenon which may degrade theperformance of a device, equipment or system.

3.4 electromagnetic interference; EMI: Degra-dation of the performance of a device, transmissionchannel or system caused by andisturbance,

NOTE 1 Disturbance and interferencecause and effect.


are respectively

3.5 electromagnetic compatibility; EMC: Ability ofequipment or system to function satisfactorily in itselectromagnetic environment without introducingintolerable disturbances to anything in that envi-ronment,



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3.6 (electromagnetic) compatibility level: Speci-fied maximum electromagnetic disturbance levelexpected to be impressed on a device, equipment orsystem operating in particular conditions.

NOTE 2 In practice the electromagnetic compatibility levelis not an absolute maximum level but may be exceeded bya small probability.

3.7 (electromagnetic) emission: Phenomenon bywhich electromagnetic energy emanates from asource.

3.8 immunity (to a disturbance): Ability of adevice, equipment or system to perform withoutdegradation in the presence of an electromagneticdisturbance.

3.9 (electromagnetic) susceptibility: Inability of adevice, equipment or system to perform withoutdegradation in the presence of an electromagneticdisturbance.

NOTE 3 Susceptibility is a lack of immunity

4 Units of measurement

The. units of measurement adopted in this TechnicalReport are in accordance with ISO 9283 andISO 9946.

In addition, unless otherwise stated, all quantities inEMC are given in S1 units, their decimal multiples orsubmultiple.

NOTE 4 The level difference of a field is defined as 1 dB

(decibel) when 10 Ig ~= 1 where WI and W2 are

amplitudes of that field

If WI and W2 are electrical power levels, a level difference

of 1 dB may also be defined as when 20 Ig ~ = 1 orV2

‘1 1 where V,20191. and V2 are voltages measured over

the same impedance and Al and A2 are currents measuredover the same imoedance.

5 Requirements for the testing conditions

5.1 Environmental conditions

The environmental conditions adopted as referencefor testing activities shall be reported. Any changes ofsettled environmental parameters shall be made inaccordance with the manufacturer and included in thetest re~ort.

The recommended values of the typical environmentalparameters controlled in a laboratory (temperature,atmospherical pressure and relative humidity) arebased on IEC 801.

The climatic conditions shall be maintained at thefollowing values during EMC tests:




ambient temperature of between 15 “C and 35 “C;

relative humidity of between 10 YO and 75 ‘Yo

(between 30 Y. and 60 ?(. during the electrostaticdischarge test);

atmospheric messure of between 86 kPa and106 kPa (between 860 mbar and 1060 mbar).

Electromagnetic environment conditions shall notinfluence the test results.

Electromagnetic emission measurements, particularlythose ones related to the radiated field emitted by therobot (radiated emission tests), are normally perfor-med in electromagnetically screened anechoic roomsin accordance with the standard requirementsregarding the usage of a test site free from objectsreflecting the electromagnetic field in the measure-ment frequency range.

Proper broadband pyramidal absorbers mounted onnearly all the surfaces of a screened room can ensurethat reflections and resonances are controlled fromvery low frequencies (i.e. 30 MHz) in such a screenedand also anechoic room.

Conducted emission tests that measure the currentsgenerated by the robot on its cables (mains, signal orcontrol cables) are normally performed in a screenedor anechoic room.

Screened rooms are used to protect the test site fromthe electromagnetic field outside, that is the fietdgenerated by sources located out of the test roomand whose contribution, when it is not eliminated,makes the measurement incorrect and unrepeatable.

For this reason, before each emission test, IEC CISPRPublications require that a preliminary “environmentalnoise” measurement be carried out that is lower thanthe CISPR limits.

In addition, during radiated emission tests it isnecessary to carefully determine the robot configur-ation and its operating state that are related to therobot maximum radiated and conducted electro-magnetic emission.

Radiated immunity tests that measure the effect offields on the correct operation of the robot areperformed in test sites where the required fielduniformity shall be achieved at all measurementfrequencies.

For the safety of the test operators, who must beprotected from the high frequency and high intensity


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_ .J

electromagnetic fields generated insideat least a screened room is necessarv,

the test site,even if oDen

sites are acceptable in less populated sections of ‘thecountry, providing legal limits are met.

In partially lined screened rooms, which are screenedrooms modified with a quantity of radio frequency(RF) absorbing material employed to damp typicalresonances in unlined rooms, performing radiatedimmunity tests is allowed, provided that a uniformfield can be established.

On the other hand, considering the size of a robot, toreach a better field uniformity during radiatedimmunity tests on robots the use of a screenedanechoic room is recommended, even if partially linedscreened rooms are less expansive than the anechoicrooms.

Figure 1 shows the layout of a screened anechoicroom suitable for performing EMC tests on robots.Besides an anechoic room, some contiguousscreened rooms are usually used to leave the testinstrumentation and the equipment interacting withthe robot during the radiated immunity tests.

In addition, the uniformity of the generated electro-magnetic field is improved using proper antennas (i.e.a multiwire transmission line) and adopting an appro-priate test setup.


Is 15033:2001lSO/TR 11062:1994

5.2 Robot operating condtiions

The robot shall be correctly installed (electric andmechanical installation) and fully operational (startingup and functional tests) in accordance with themanufacturer’s recommendations.

Before each EMC test, it is very important to definethe configuration of the robot specifying the 1/0states, its possible connection with some externalequipment or any information useful in betteridentifying the robot.

In this way, during EMC tests it is possible to evaluatethe behaviour of a robot in its “basic configuration”,i.e. the simplest andation.

6 Test methods

the most reproducible configur-

6.1 Robot characterization withoutelectromagnetic disturbances

Carry out path repeatability or pose repeatability testsin accordance with ISO 9283 to characterize the robotwithout EMC disturbances.

Log-per antenna

> Anechoic Iscreenedroom *

Figure 1 — Layout of a screened anachoic room


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IS 15033:2001

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- -’+1

Tests shall be performed at nominal load and atmaximum velocity.

The results of these tests give the robot performancereference values when it is working according to themanufacturer’s technical specifications. It is possibleto evaluate the EMC test results by comparing theseresults with those obtained in the same configurationduring EMC tests.

6.2 Electromagneticcompatibilii testsonrobom evaluationcriteria

During EMC tests, the robot is configured in several“operating states” to obtain the greatest quantity ofinformation about the behaviour of the robot subjec-ted to electromagnetic influences.

Tests shall be performed at least in the states given intable 1.

Table 1

I Operatingatate I

F-k=i&+Control system switched on, with the robot

Robot arm power on and stopped in the

I3 Robot arm power on, operating under the

path control and returning into a pro-grammed point in the teach programmingmode

I 4 Robot arm power on, operating under thepath control and returning into a pro-grammed point in the automatic mode I

Consequently, during the EMC tests on the robotoperating in each of the above-mentioned states, thefollowing robot performance shall be checked:

a) robot motion check in accordance with the criteriaestablished in 6.1;

b) robot control check (serial lines, monitor and/ordisplay, system 1/0, user I/O).

In the IEC Standards relating to immunity tests, somedefinitions are given about the malfunction evaluationcriteria.

Nevertheless, these criteria can be substituted bythose established in the robot manufacturer’s specifi-cation.

Test evaluation criteria, in accordance with the IECclassification and applicable to robots, are given intable 2.

During the execution of each EMC test, it is useful toreport the possible malfunctions that have been found

in two tables (from the least to the most serious, aslisted in table 2) in each “operating state” of the robot(as defined in table 1). Examples of suitable tables aregiven as tables B.1 and B.2.

Table 2


I a

Definition I

Normal performance within the specifi-cation limits (no fault) I




Temporary acceptable loss of one or more

Temporary degradation or loss of functionor performance that the robot under test isable to self-recover (oreater fault)



Tempora~ degradation or loss of functionor performance which requires operatorintervention at least to switch off and startup the robot (critical fault)

Degradation or permanent loss of functionor performance that the robot is unable torecover due to both hardware and software

Idamages (damage)

The final test result is determined by the most seriousmalfunction that happened in a state, considering bothtables.

Maintenance of robot performance during both theEMC test and the robot performance check after theEMC test constitutes a successful test. This pro-cedure is mandatory for the EMC test resultevaluation.

The main robot malfunctions that can occur are thefollowing:

incorrect displacements (velocities higher or lowerthan the imposed ones, including abnormal stop;execution of unprogrammed paths; positioningerrors);

communication errors;

incorrect robot 1/0 state;

errors on programming terminal display (but iferrors consist only of “flickering” and do notcause difficulties in practical use of the terminalthey are considered acceptable).

6.3 Liet of poesibleelectromagneticcompetibilii testson robots

Possible EMC tests for robots areas follows:

a) Electrostatic discharge immunity tests

Tests concerning contact and air electrostatic dis-turbances in accordance with IEC 801-2.




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Radiated/conducted electromagnetic fields im-munity tests

Tests concerning electromagnetic fields gener-ated in the frequency range 80 Mt+z to 1 GHz(80 ?4. amplitude, 1 kHz sinusoidal modulation) inaccordance with IEC 1000-4-3. For lower fre-quencies (up to 9 kHz), conducted immunity testsare preferred to radiated tests (see IEC 801-6).

Electrical fast transient/bursts immunity tests

Tests concerning short rise time (5 ns), spikeduration 50 ns, low energy and high repetition ratetransients, due to interruption of inductive loads orrelay contacts bounce, conducted in accordancewjth IEC 801-4.

Surge immunity tests

Tests concerning induced voltage surge(1,2 @50 ps) caused by switching phenomena orfaults in the power network and lightning stroke,conducted in accordance with IEC 1000-4-5.

Harmonics immunity tests

Tests concerning network frequency harmonicsconducted in accordance with IEC 1000-4-1 (seeIEC 1000-2-1 and IEC 1000-2-2 for the definitionand the compatibility levels).

Ring wave immunity tests

Tests concerning oscillatory transients(100 kHz/0,5 ps) conducted in accordance withIEC 1000-4-1. This test is complementary to thesurge test.

Damped oscillatory waves immunity tests

Tests concerning 0,1 MHz and 1 MHz dampedoscillatory transients (the rise time of bothwaves is 75 ns) conducted in accordance withIEC 1000-4-1. The 100 kHz damped oscillatorywave test is complementary to the surge test, butit is similar to the ring wave test with only ashorter rise time. Therefore ring wave is analternative to the 100 KHz damped oscillatorywave with less severe requirements.

High frequency induced continuous wavesvoltages immunity tests

Tests concerning high frequency induced voltagesin the frequency range 0,01 MHz to 1 MHzconducted in accordance with IEC 1000-4-1.

Voltage dips and short interruptions immunitytests

Immunity tests concerning power supply voltagedips and short interruptions conducted in ac-cordance with IEC 1000-4-1 (see IEC 1000-2-1 andIEC 1000-2-2 for the definition and the com-patibility levels).

Conducted emission measurements



Measurements in the frequency range 0,15 MHzto 30 MHz in accordance with CISPR 11 andCISPR 22.

Radiated emission measurements

Measurements in the frequency range 30 MHz to1 GHz in accordance with CISPR 11 andCISPR 22.

the above-mentioned conducted immunity testsare applicable to the robot control system” powersupply lines. In addition, fast transients immunitytests can be performed on the input/output controlcircuit and signal lines.

Electrostatic discharge immunity tests are applicableonly outside the robot working space.

The whole robot, manipulator inclusive of the controlsystem, has to be tested during electromagneticfields immunity tests and radiated emission measure-ments.

Among the above-mentioned tests, some of them canbe considered essential to a prelimina~ EMC charac-terization of the robot.

On the basis of testing experience, the following EMCtests shall be considered as mandatory for a robot:



electrostatic discharges immunity tests;

electrical fast transients/bursts immunity tests;

voltage dips and short interruptions immunitytests;

surge immunity tests.

If these tests are successfully passed, it means thatthe correct performance maintenance of the robotsubjected to some of the most common anddangerous electromagnetic disturbances has beenproved and the occurrence of possible malfunctionsduring its normal working is drastically decreased.

Further EMC test requirements shall be in agreementwith the manufacturer, who shall take into accountboth the typology of the typical robot application andthe electromagnetic environment where the robotunder test is foreseen to work.

More details are given about the above-mentionedEMC tests in annex A.

6.4 Suggested levelsof electromagneticcompetibilii testson robots

EMC test levels (severity levels) shall be selected onthe basis of the electromagnetic environment wherethe robot under test is destined to operate.

The definition of electromagnetic environment (see3.2) is discussed in IEC 1OOO-1-1.It is pointed out that


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“the totality of electromagneticat a given location” means that

phenomena existing“an” environment is

consfiered instead of “every” environment.

As a consequence, if a device has the property ofbeing electromagnetically compatible in a particularenvironment it does not mean that it will be electro-magnetically compatible in another environment.

In most cases the properties of the electromagneticenvironment are never 1009’0 predictable becausethey are Iocationdependent and timedependent.

This is a very critical point because it requires at leastto identify which kind of electromagnetic fields anddisturbances are generated by equipment or devicesinside the environment under consideration. Onlyafter this check is it possible to identify in whichelectromagnetic environment the robot is reallyworking.

Therefore, collecting data and information about theenvironment is necessary, but if data are insufficient,an experimental investigation, normally rather expen-sive, is performed.

In addition, the definition of EMC (see 3.5) refers to“the ability of an equipment or system to functionsatisfactorily in its electromagnetic environmentwithout introducing intolerable disturbances toanything in that environment”.

This means that not only equipment, devices orsystems are involved, but also living creatures: this isan important aspect when emission limits are set toelectromagnetic fields, to achieve EMC.

On the other hand, well known and definedenvironmental characteristics can become a guide fordesigning robots that are immune from EMCdisturbances regarding the actual environment and, atthe same time, are unable to introduce disturbancesin their operating environment.

In addition to the environmental conditions, the properchoice of EMC test levels depends on numerousfactors, mainly:

— kinds of disturbances affecting the equipment;

— required reliability and behaviour;

. economical constraints.

These factors are connected together because, forexample, very high reliability requirements arenormally contrary to economical constraints.

Recently, some electromagnetic environmentsmodels have been defined by IEC 1000 in order toapply the same EMC requirements to all theequipment working in similar places and to provide


the data necessary to identify the environment froman electromagnetic point of view.

The typical working environment of a manipulatingindustrial robot is light or heavy industry, where poweris distributed by an industrial low-voltage distributionnetwork with a dedicated distribution transformerusually located near or inside the plant. Low-voltagea.c. distribution systems are characterized by anominal voltage up to 240 V single-phase, or up to415 V three-phase, and a nominal frequency of 50 Hzor 60 Hz. In heavy industrial environments low voltagea.c. distribution systems can reach 1 kV.

According to IEC 1000, the major contributors to theindustrial environment are the presence of one ormore of the following conditions:

— industrial, scientific and medical (ISM) apparatus,e.g. welding machines, are present;

— heavy inductive or capacitive loads are frequentlyswitched;

— currents and associated magnetic fields are high.

In addition to the industrial environment, a robot couldeven work in hostile electromagnetic environmentssuch as high voltage substations.

In this situation it is necessary to know or to measurethe level of the electromagnetic disturbances genera-ted by the hostile environment because there are nosuitable reference models which can describe theso-called “special” environments.

As the EMC test level is related to the environmentalclass level, IEC 1000-4-1 indicates that:

the values of the EMC disturbances to apply tothe robot under test shall be selected amongthose that are typical of the industrial environ-ment, that are related to test level 3;

test level 4 shall be applied only in particularcritical situations;

the special level X shall be aoplied onlv if robotsare destined to very hostile environments.

The test level value can be reduced if it is declaredthat the environment where the robot will work is lesscritical than the industrial environment model.

6.5 Recommendedtestsrelatedto someroboticapplications

Table 3 gives a correlation between the main robotapplications and the applicable EMC tests selectioncriteria.

Moreover, it gives some indications on the chosenvalues of each EMC test according to the suitableelectromagnetic environmental model.

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ISO/TR 11062:1994

Teble 3

Handling,Spot welding loading,

unloadingm ,

subclause inSO 9283:1990 I 7.2.2 I 7.2.2

EMC test

Robot applications

Machining,Assembly, deburring, Sprayinspection polishing, painting


7.2,2 and 8.3 8.3 8.3

~el values recommended

Arc weldingAdhesivesealant

8.3 I 8,3

Electrostaticdischarges, kV”:

— contact discharge 6— air discharge : 8

Electromagnetic radiatedfields. V/m I 10 I —2) k-k-k-kIFast transient, kV:— power supply 2 2 2 2 2 2 2— continuous and 1 1 1 1

signal1 1 1

Induced voltagesurge, k~l 2t04 2t04 2t04 2t04 2t04 2t04 2t04

Harmonics THD, % 10 10 10 10 10 10 10

Ring wave, kV 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

Damped oscillatorywave, kV 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

HF induced continuouswaves voltage,V 50 50 50 50 50 50 50

Voltage, ms4):

— dips (-20 ‘Yo) 50 50 50 50 50 50 50— short interruptions

(-100 70) 20 20 20 20 20 20 20

1) Test values reported are equal to test level 3; remember to check the relative humidity value and the presence or theabsence of synthetic materials to increase, if necessary, the test level.

2) When in the environment a moderate electromagnetic radiation is present, that is when low power (less than 1 W rating]portable transceivers are used but with restrictions on their use in close proximity to the robot, it is advisable to perform thetest at a field level value of 3 V/m (that means at the test level 2).

3) The recommended test levels are located between level 3 and level 4 established in IEC 1000-4-1.

The test level selection depends greatly on the type of connection between the robot and the outdoor environment. FOIexample, interconnecting cables running as outdoor cables can be subjected to interference voltages generated by lightnin~if the outdoor environment is insufficiently protected.

It is suggested to apply test level 4 (4 kV) if the installed robot is insufficiently protected from lightning.

4) The reported test levels are applicable to electrical and electronic parts of the robot whose rated current is up to 16A pelphase. Higher currents robots shall be tested, reducing the duration of the power voltage short interruption (for example10 ins).

Main robot applications included in table 3 come from — if the application normally requires a continuousISO 9283: 1990/Amd. 1, which contains the require- path control, it is necessary to perform at leastments for robot performance assessment and givescriteria to select essential robot performance tests forsome typical robot applications.

It specifies two robot applications classes, i.e.

— if the application normally requires a pose-to-posecontrol, it is necessary to perform at least poserepeatability tests (see ISO 9283:1990, subclause7.2.2);

path repeatability tests (see ISO 9283:1990,subclause 8.3).

The advantage of this method is that it reduces thequantity of tests that are necessary to characterizethe robot p&’formance for specific applications. Inaddition, this method allows to select which robotperformafice verification is better to apply to evaluatethe EMC tests.


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IS 15033:2001lSO/TR 11062:1994

The recommended EMC test levels in table 3, whichare almost all equal to the test level 3, are given asvoltage peak values unless otherwise stated.

Table 3 is a guide for selection of EMC tests inrelation to the main robot applications, with someindications about test levels.

Table 4 refers to both conducted and radiatedemission tests appicable to robots. Test levels shallbe selected taking into consideration whether devicesor living creatures near the robot are protected or notfrom electromagnetic disturbances generated by the

robot. Emission levels are chosen in accordance withiEC/CISPR 11 indications. The main robot applicationsin table 4 are classified into four relevant areas: RFexcited arc welding; non RF excited arc welding; spotwelding; others.

It is important to note that some values given intable 4 are still under consideration; e.g. there are twotypes of arc welding applications, TIG and MIG, whichshould be further analysed.

Further experimental verifications will be done toupdate tables 3 and 4.

Table 4

I Robot applications 1

RF excited arc weldingNon-RF excited

arc walding Spot welding Othersl} Spray painting Adhesive sealant

Subclause inISO 9283:1990 8.3 8.3 7.2.2 7.2.2 and 8.3 8.3 8.3

EMC test level values recommended



ISM Group 2 class Atoo restrictive.

Limits are underconsideration.

ISM Group 2 class Atoo restrictive.

Limits are underconsideration.

ISM Group 2class A

KM Group 2class A

ISM Group 2class A

ISM Group 2class A

ISM Group 1 ISM Group 2 ISM Group 2class A class A class A

KM Group 1 ISM Group 2 ISM Group 2class A class A class A


1) “Others” means Handling, Loading, Unloading, Assembly, Inspection, Machining, Deburring, Polishing, Cutting robots.These robots are classified in the ISM group 1 class A unless some specific applications are proved to be included in theISM group 2 class A as reported in IEC CISPR Publication 11, annex A detailed list.


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Suggestionfor EMC testsexecutionon robots

In this annex, the EMC tests reported in 6.3 arediscussed. In addition, mandato~ tests like electro-static discharges, fast transients voltage dips andshort interruptions and surge are thoroughly con-sidered.

A.1 Immunity tests concerningelectrostatic discharges

Electrostatic discharges (ESD) can influence theoperation of the robot or damage its electronic circuiteither by a direct effect or indirectly by inductivecoupling or radiation.

ESD shall be applied only to such points and surfacesof the robot which are normally accessible to the testoperator and which are outside the robot workingspace.

In addition, tests shall be also carried out onconnectors, serial and 1/0 ports located on the control


100 %


f at 30 ns

1 at 60 ns




30 ns



system, provided that they are accessible outside thecontrol system.

Direct application of discharges consists of singledischarges applied between the selected test pointsand earth.

To perform the test, at least 10 discharges (positiveand negative) with intervals of at least 1 s betweensuccessive discharges are applied.

The points to which discharges are to be applied maybe selected by an exploration with 20 discharges persecond.

To simulate discharges between objects in theproximity of the robot, the discharge is applied to theground plane or to a metal plate 50 cm x 50 cmaround the robot (located 10 cm from it).

Figures A.1 and A.2 show the typical ESD waveformand generator diagram.

-------------------- .

0 ns


Figure A.1 — Typical waveform of the output currant of the ESD generator


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.- .

DischargeswitchR, = 50 MSl to 100 MQ Rd = 330 Q



C,= 4S0 pF



Clischargereturn connection

V is the high-voltage source (16,5 kV)

Rc is the charging resistor (5O MQ to 100 Mf2)

C~ is the energy storage capacitor (150 pF)

Rd is the discharge resistor (330 Q)

Figure A.2 — Simpliied diagram of the ESD generator

A.2 Immunity tests concerningelectromagnetic fields

Radio transmitters or any other device emittingcontinuous wave-radiated electromagnetic energygenerate electromagnetic fields.

Even if the immunity of robots to the radiation ofhand-held transceivers (walkie-talkies) is one of themain concerns, other sources of electromagneticfields, such as fixed-station, radio and transmitters,vehicle radio transmitters and various industrialelectromagnetic sources or intermittent sources areto be considered.

In order to obtain reproducible results, tests shall becarried out in a suitable test site (see 5.1).

The choice of the robot performance measurementsystem is a critical point; the susceptibility of themeasuring system shall also be verified.

A.3 Immunity tests concerning conducteddisturbances

Surge withstand tests, in addition to dielectricstrength and insulation resistance tests, shall becarried out for safety purposes and performed beforeany other immunity test on the unenergized robot.

Low- and high-frequency conducted immunity testsare recommended to be performed using both a pulsegenerator and a robot performance measurementsystem equipped with a trigger to monitor thesynchronism of the events.


Fast transients, voltage dips and short interruptions,and surge immunity tests, from the list of conductedimmunity tests listed in 6.3, are discussed in detail inthis clause because they are considered mandatory.

A.3.1 Fast transients

The significant characteristics of these transients arethe fast rise time (5 ns), short duration (50 IXO pulseduration is 50 ns) and low energy but high repetitionrate (5 kHz or 2,5 kHz).

The test is performed with repetitive bursts of shortpulses as shown in figures A.3 and A.4.

‘aNOTE—1 =100%

Figure A.3 — Waveform of a single spikeinto 50 Q load



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A schematic representation of the test generator isshown in figure A.5.

The test voltage shall be applied to:

— power supPly lines (in common mode betweeneach of the power supply terminals and the

Is 15033:2001

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nearest protective earth point or reference groundplane);

control and sicmal lines and communications lines(in common Rode preferably with the capacitivecoupling clamp).

The minimum duration of the testis 1 min.

u ! Spike


t -iOependsonthe test voltage level

w Rurstoeriocl 300ms

Figure A.4 — General graph of a fast transient




c{ EUT

V is the high-voltage source R~ is the pulse duration shaping resistor

RC isthe charging resistor Rm is the impedance matching resistor

CC is the energy storage capacitor cd is the d.c. blocking capacitor

Figure A.5 — Fast transient generator


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A.3.2 Vottage dips and short interruptions

The purpose of the test is to verify the immunity ofthe robot to voltage dips and short interruptionscaused by faults in low-voltage, medium-voltage andhigh-voltage networks (short circuits or ground faults)or by faults switching rapid reclosure.

The robot is initially in operation at its rated voltageand then is subjected to voltage dips or interruption inaccordance with figure A.6.

In order to simulate the conditions in certainnetworks, a test with a cycle of two consecutivedips/interruptions with variable time interval may alsobe considered.

A robot is normally a three-phase device; in thissituation voltage dips shall be applied either on all thethree phases simultaneously or on one or two phasesonly.

A.3.3 Surge

The induced voltage surge, which is caused byswitching phenomena or faults in power networks orby lightning strokes, can produce different effectsdepending on the relative impedance of the sourceand of the robot (robot impedance higher than thesource ones means induced voltage pulse; theopposite situation means an induced current).

Therefore, the test surges should have the followingbasic characteristics:

— a voltage pulse 1,2/501Js for open circuit gener-ators (see Figure A.7);

— a current pulse 8/201Js for short-circuited gen-erators.

The test generator shall be capable of delivering, inopen circuit, a voltage pulse, as well as, in shortcircuit, a current pulse of the specified forms andmagnitudes.


AU=30%to 100%


I1 II 1 11 1 11 I 11 I1 t 11 1 11 1 1I 1 t1 1I 1 I 1t I

0 t, t,+lit, t2 t2+Atz

15gure A.6 — Example of a test cycle with two voltage dips


1,00,9 Front time:

T, =1,67 xT=1,2Ps *30%

‘y L - ..-

Tz Time to half value:0,5

T2 =5t)IJs*20~otd

0,3T = 0,72 ~S * 30 Yo

f~ =51)IE.&’20~o

0,1— –lps*20Y0‘r —o .

r t



Figure A.7 — Open-circuit voltage waveform


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Figure A.8 is a schematic representation of such a A.4 Conducted and radiated emiaaion“hybrid” circuit.

.,meaaurementa J

The test shall be carried out at least five times witheach polarity, if possible each time at a different

To perform these tests on robots, it shall be

position of the mains voltage wave. The timenecessary to determine the robot operating states

between two surges depends on the recovery time corresponding to the maximum conducted or radiated

(built-in) protection (for example repetition rate: oneemissions.

per minute).

t ,R, R. L.

} 7


c, R, I R,z EUT

V is the high-voltage source

RC is the charging resistor

Cc is the energy storage capacitor

R~ is the pulse duration shaping resistor

Rm is the impedance matching resistor

L, is the impedance matching inductor

Figure A.8 — Combination wave generator


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Annex B(informative)

Suggestions for the layout of the test report

Tables B.1 and B,2 are suggested layouts for thepresentation of EMC test results.

The coding for the operating states is as follows:

1 control system switched on, with the robot armpower off

2 robot arm power on and stopped in theautomatic mode

3 robot arm power on, operating under the pathcontrol and returning into a programmed pointin the teach programming mode

4 robot arm power on, operating under the pathcontrol and returning into a programmed pointin the automatic mode

The coding for the malfunction criteria is as follows:

a no fault

b minor fault

c greater fault

d critical fault

e damage

Tabla B.1 — Robot motion check in accordance withthe criteria established in 6.1

Robot motion evaluation

EMCtest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Operating Malfunction critaria

states a b I c d e

1 Not applicable




Table B.2 — Robot control check (serial lines,monitor and/or dkplay, system 1/0, user 1/0) in

accordance with the manufacturer’s specification

Robot control evaluation

EMCtaat: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .

Operating Malfunction criteria

states a b c d e







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BIS is a statutory institution established under the Bureau of hdian Standards Act, 1986 to promoteharmonious development of the activities of standardization, marking and quality certification of goodsand attending to connected matters in the country.


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Amendments are issued to standards as the need arises on the basis of comments. Standards arealso reviewed periodically; a standard along with amendments is reaffirmed when such review indi-cates that no changes are needed if the review indicates that changes are needed, it is taken up forrevision. Users of Indian Standards should ascertain that they are in possession of the latest amend-ments or edition by referring to the latest issue of ‘BIS Catalogue’ and ‘Standards: Monthly Additions’.

This Indian Standard has been developed from Doc : No. BP 18 (0056).

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