is violence ever justified? - apprendre l'anglais… · 4 pages centrales de quiz pour...

4 pages centrales de quiz pour progresser en anglais Mettre la table / Les prépositions de lieu PRATIC’ ABLE SOCIETY SHOULD BRITISH POLICE CARRY GUNS? THE ECONOMIST POLITICS WILL BERNIE SANDERS RUN IN 2020? THE NEW YORK TIMES SCIENCE WHAT TO DO WITH OLD MISSILES TRIBUNE La presse internationale en V.O. pour progresser en anglais N° 761 / Anglais Du 7 au 20 septembre 2017 / 3,50 € IS VIOLENCE EVER JUSTIFIED? ANTI-FASCIST PROTESTERS AND WHITE POWER GROUPS HAVE BEEN BATTLING LONG BEFORE CHARLOTTESVILLE

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4 pages centrales de quiz pour progresser en anglaisMettre la table / Les prépositions de lieuPRATIC’ABLE




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N° 761 / Anglais Du 7 au 20 septembre 2017 / 3,50 €



01-761-Steph.indd 1 28/08/2017 11:24

o f



“ Passionnant. Des images à la beauté insolente. ”CNEWS MATIN

“ Un hymne à l’univers qui mêle science et poésie ”LE FIGARO

“ Vertigineux. ”À VOIR À LIRE



Le nouveau film deTERRENCE MALICK



GB761_livre.indb 2 23/08/2017 14:07

édito sommaire N° 761 / Du 7 au 20 septembre 2017


Grand angle ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 4 On parle d'eux ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 5 A la une B2-C1 Who are the Antifa? THE NEW YORK TIMES (UK) ............................................................. 6

Retour sur les émeutes de Charlottesville.

Société B2-C1 The Incredible Secrets of Times Square TRAVEL + LEISURE (US) ...... 10

Le saviez-vous ? Quelques anecdotes ...

A2-B1 Tooled up THE ECONOMIST (UK) ....................................................................................................................................... 12 Faut-il armer les policiers britanniques ?

Enjeux B2-C1 A new GM- Fast, focused and decisive DETROIT FREE PRESS (US) ... 14

Comment Mary Barra a redressé un géant automobile.

A2-B1 A 360° ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 16

PRATIC’ABLE ................................................................................................................................. 17

Vocabulaire, expressions et astuces pour parler comme un anglophoneMettre la table / Prépositions de lieu

B2-C1 Is Bernie Sanders, 75, Too Old for 2020? His Fiercest Fans Say No THE NEW YORK TIMES (US) ........................................................ 22 Bernie bat encore et toujours la campagne.

Culture B2-C1 Author writes about growing up in 'Trump Country'

THE SOUTH BEND TRIBUNE (US) ..................................................................................................................................................... 24 Le roman évènement de J.D. Vance.

A2-B1 “You need to enjoy what you’re doing” VOCABLE (FR) .................................... 26

Une interview de Declan McKenna.

A2-B1 Echos ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 27

Découverte B2-C1 White cane 2.0 THE ECONOMIST (UK) .................................................................................................................. 28

La canne blanche du futur.

B2-C1 Where ageing missiles go to finally be missiles TRIBUNE WASHINGTON BUREAU (US) .................................................................................................................................... 30 Exercices de tir.

Bons plan .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 32 Les sorties .......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 34 Le dessin ................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 35

Photo de couverture : ISTOCK

C’est la rentrée !Vous rentrez de vacances et vous avez pu les met-tre à profit pour exercer votre anglais en « live » ? Vous êtes resté en France où vous avez travaillé tout l’été ? Vous avez réalisé que vous aviez encore des progrès à faire ? Pas de panique, nous sommes toujours là pour vous aider ! En nous faisant l’écho des actualités telles qu’elles sont perçues par nos amis anglophones, nous vous permettons de vous informer tout en progressant dans la langue de Shakespeare.

A la Une de ce numéro, un éclairage pertinent sur la branche américaine du mouvement an-tifasciste (les « antifa ») mis en lumière par la réaction du président Donald Trump à la suite des évènements qui se sont déroulés à Charlottesville le mois dernier. Existe-t-il une violence légitime ? Faut-il répondre à la guerre par la guerre ? Com-ment lutter démocratiquement contre des mou-vances ayant tout du totalitarisme ? Chacun se fera une idée sur la question.

Au sommaire également, un peu de tourisme à New York, le sujet épineux des policiers armés au Royaume-Uni, le portrait de la PDG de General Motors, une question politique importante dans le parti démocrate américain, un roman mar-quant de la rentrée pour comprendre l’Amérique de Trump, l’interview exclusive d’un jeune chan-teur anglais, une canne 2.0. pour les aveugles… et bien d’autres choses ! N’oubliez pas de regarder les vidéos accompagnant quelques-uns de nos articles sur notre site ou notre chaîne YouTube puis de tester votre compréhension en téléchargeant nos quiz.

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NIVEAU DE DIFFICULTÉ ET ÉQUIVALENCE CECRL (Cadre Européen Commun de Référence pour les langues) : facile A2-B1 moyen B2-C1 di�cile C1-C2Pour faciliter le repérage et la compréhension, les mots traduits sont surlignés dans des articles de niveaux et rubriques di£érentes.

03-GB761.indd 3 28/08/2017 15:48

4 • VOCABLE Du 7 au 20 septembre 2017

MOVING STATUESAn Indian daily wage laborer stands in front of a studio beside fi berglass statues of Mother Teresa, center and Swami Vivekananda, right, in Kolkata, India. Made from the threads of glass, fi berglass is created by forcing molten glass through a sieve that spins it into threads. Fiberglass is an ideal material for large sculptures because it is light enough that people can move statues made from it without the help of a crane. Fiberglass is also a much less expensive medium. The daily wage laborers earn Indian Rupee 400 to 1000 per day depending on the season by transporting idols from studios to various places.

daily wage laborer (US)=labourer (GB) travailleur journalier / fi berglass (US) = fi breglass (GB) fi bre de verre / thread ici, fi lament / molten fondu, en fusion / sieve tamis / to spin, spun, spun fi ler, ici transformer / crane grue.





L’actualité en imagesGrand angle

GB761_livre.indb 4 23/08/2017 14:07

On parle d'eux…Ceux qui font l'actu

VOCABLE Du 7 au 20 septembre 2017 • 5

Heather Heyer

Justin TrudeauPrime Minister Justin Trudeau, long an out-spoken champion of Canada’s reputation for welcoming newcomers, added a bracing dose of reality last month as he urged would-be mi-grants to respect the country’s border with the United States. Trudeau took pains to reas-sure Canadians that the country has the re-sources and the capacity to deal with the sud-den spike in asylum seekers that have crossed into Quebec in recent weeks. But in a depar-ture from his usual rhetoric on immigration, he also made it clear that anyone who is caught trying to enter the country illegally would be required to navigate the proper im-migration channels.

outspoken ici, notoire / bracing tonifi ant / to urge exhorter / would-be immigrant candidat à l’immigration / to take, took, taken pains to do sth se donner un mal fou pour faire qqch / spike augmentation / asylum seeker demandeur d’asile / in a departure from à l’encontre de / to navigate ici, passer par / proper adéquat ici, o� ciel.

South African President Jacob Zuma survived a no-confi dence motion in parliament last month, ensuring that he’ll maintain his grip on power until at least the end of the year. The motion was defeated by 198 votes to 177, Baleka Mbete, the speaker of the National Assembly, announced at a sitting in Cape Town. Zuma is due to step down as ANC leader in December and as president in 2019.

no-confi dence motion motion de défi ance / grip mainmise, emprise / to defeat rejeter / speaker président / sitting séance / to step down quitter ses fonctions / ANC = African National Congress parti créé en 1912, fer de lance de la lutte contre l’apartheid.

Jamie Oliver has launched into a scathing attack on Theresa May and argued the British Prime Minister and her team do not "give a f***" about tackling childhood obesity. The celebrity chef and campaigner, famed for improving the quality of school dinners, accused them of diluting the anti-obesity strategy he helped formulate with David Cameron’s government.

scathing ici, véhément / to argue a� rmer / they do not give a f**k (=fuck) about... ils se contrefi chent de... / to tackle ici, combattre / campaigner militant / famed célèbre.

Thirty-two-year-old Heather Heyer was killed in August when a car plowed into a crowd of counterprotesters gathered to oppose a "Unite the Right" rally of white nationalist and other right-wing groups in Charlottesville, Virginia. Nineteen others were injured in the incident. Passionate about helping people Heather’s parents recalled their daughter’s lifelong zeal for justice. Heather’s father Mark Heyer said his daughter had strong convictions and was passionate about helping people.

to plow (US) = to plough (GB) ici, foncer / crowd foule / counterprotester contre-manifestant / right-wing de (extrême) droite / zeal ici, attachement.

Jacob ZumaJamie Oliver

Retrouvez le fi l d’infos sur


ve H


























05-761-Steph.indd 5 29/08/2017 13:05

6 • VOCABLE Du 7 au 20 septembre 2017 facile A2-B1 / moyen B2-C1 / di� cile C1-C2

À la une I Politique I ETATS-UNIS I B2-C1

WHO ARE THE ANTIFA? Qui sont les "antifa" ? Un vaste rassemblement de l’alt-right, une mouvance nativiste, suprémaciste blanche, sexiste, conspirationniste ou encore opposée à l’immigration s’est tenu le 12 août dernier à Charlottesville, dans l’Etat de Virginie. Une manifestante antifasciste a été tuée et des dizaines de personnes blessées lorsqu’un terroriste néonazi a foncé avec sa voiture au cœur de la contre-manifestation organisée par des organisations de gauche. Parmi elles, les « antifa », bien décidés à répondre à la violence par la violence…

O AKLAND, Calif. — Last month, when a 27-year-old bike messenger

showed up at the “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, he came ready for battle. He joined a human chain that stretched in front of Emancipation Park and linked his arms with others, blocking waves of white supremacists — some of them in full Nazi regalia — from entering. “As soon as they got close,” said the young man, who declined to give his real name and goes by Frank Sabaté after the famous Spanish an-archist, “they started swinging clubs , fi sts ,

shields . I’m not embarrassed to say that we were not shy in defending ourselves.” 

ANTIFA 2. Sabaté is an adherent of a controversial force on the left known as antifa. The term, a contraction of the word “anti-fascist,” de-scribes the loose affi liation of radical activ-ists who have surfaced in recent months at events around the country and have openly scuffl ed with white supremacists, right-wing extremists and, in some cases, ordinary sup-porters of President Donald Trump.

3. Energized in part by Trump’s election, they have sparred with their conservative oppo-nents at political rallies and college campus speaking engagements , arguing that one crucial way to combat the far right is to confront its supporters on the streets.

4. Unlike most of the counterdemonstrators in Charlottesville and elsewhere, members

of antifa have shown no qualms about using their fists, sticks or canisters of pepper spray to meet an array of right-wing an-tagonists whom they call a fascist threat to U.S. democracy. As explained last month by a dozen adherents of the movement, the ascendant new right in the country requires a physical response.

5. “People are starting to understand that neo-Nazis don’t care if you’re quiet, you’re peaceful ,” said Emily Rose Nauert, a 20-year-old antifa member who became a symbol of the movement in April when a white nation-alist leader punched her in the face during a


Anti-fascist movements emerged fi rst in Italy in the 1920s, during the rise of Mussolini, but soon spread to other European countries and then globally.

1. bike messenger coursier à vélo / rally rassemblement / to stretch s’étendre, s'étirer / wave vague, a� ux / regalia insignes ici, panoplie / to go, went, gone by se faire appeler / to swing, swung, swung agiter / club matraque / fi st poing /

shield bouclier, écran (de protection) / we were not shy in... nous n'avons pas hésité à... .

2. contraction forme contractée / loose peu structuré, libre / to surface apparaître / to scu� e se bagarrer / right-wing de (extrême) droite .

3. to energize galvaniser / to spar s'a� ronter / opponent adversaire / speaking engagement conférence, allocution / to argue a� rmer .

4. counterdemonstrator contre-manifestant /

qualm scrupule / stick bâton / canister ici, grenade / pepper spray gaz lacrymogène / array ensemble / ascendant en pleine ascension .

5. peaceful pacifi que / to punch donner un coup de poing /

The loose a� liation of radical activists cf. § 2 Ne pas confondre "loose" et "lose"."Loose" est un adjectif, le contraire de "tight" (serré)."To lose, lost,lost" est un verbe irrégulier (perdre).

The loose a� liation of


A group who identifi ed themselves as Antifa rests during a rally in Charlottesville, Va., Aug. 12, 2017. (Edu Bayer/The New York Times)

06-07-08-761-Steph.indd 6 28/08/2017 11:25

VOCABLE Du 7 au 20 septembre 2017 • 7

I Politique I ETATS-UNIS I B2-C1

melee near the University of California, Berkeley. “You need violence in order to pro-tect nonviolence,” Nauert added. “That’s what’s very obviously necessary right now. It’s full-on war, basically.” 

METHODS6. Others on the left disagree, saying antifa’s methods harm the fight against right-wing extremism and have allowed Trump to argue that the two sides are equivalent. These crit-ics point to the power of peaceful disobedi-ence during the civil rights era, when mass

marches and lunch-counter protests in the South slowly eroded the legal enshrinement of discrimination.

7.“We’re against violence, just straight up,” said Heidi Beirich, director of the Southern Poverty Law Center’s Intelligence Project, which tracks hate groups. “If you want to protest racists and anti-Semites, it needs to be peacefully and hopefully somewhere away from where those guys are rallying.”

8.The closest thing antifa may have to a guiding principle is that ideologies it identi-

NIVEAU BASIQUE ET AVANCÉ DU SUPPLÉMENT SONORE Exceptionnellement, on ne parle pas du contenu de notre article d’ouverture dans ce numéro. En revanche, notre animatrice Shelly évoque avec James Kigin, notre voisin de bureau américain, l’ensemble des outils mis à votre disposition par Vocable pour progresser !CD audio ou téléchargement MP3 (sur abonnement)

fies as fascistic or based on a belief in ge-netic inferiority cannot be reasoned with and must be physically resisted. Its adher-ents express disdain for mainstream lib-eral politics, seeing it as inadequately mus-cular, and tend to fight the right through what they call “direct actions” rather than relying on government authorities.

9.“When you look at this grave and danger-ous threat — and the violence it has already caused — is it more dangerous to do nothing and tolerate it or should we confront it?” Sabaté said. “Their existence itself is violent and dangerous, so I don’t think using force or violence to oppose them is unethical.”

10.One of antifa’s chief functions, members said, is to monitor right-wing and white su-premacist websites like The Daily Stormer and to expose the extremist groups in dis-patches on their own websites like According to James Anderson, who helps run ItsGoingDown, interest in the site has spiked since the events in Charlottes-ville, with more than 4,000 followers added for a total of more than 23,000.

URGENCY11.But antifa is “not some new sexy thing,” Anderson added. He noted that some of those who had scuffled with those on the right at Trump’s inauguration or at more recent events in New Orleans and Portland, Oregon, were veterans of actions at the Republican National Convention in St. Paul, Minnesota, in 2008, where hundreds of people were ar-rested, and at Occupy encampments in cities across the country. 

12. Nonetheless, Anderson said, the far right’s resurgence under Trump has created a fresh

full-on total.

6. to harm nuire à / to point to attirer l’attention sur / disobedience désobéissance / civil rights era réf. au mouvement des droits civiques (1954-1968), qui visait à établir une réelle égalité de droits civiques pour les Noirs américains /

march manifestation / lunch-counter protests réf. à une série d’actions non violentes pour mettre fin à la ségrégation raciale aux comptoirs des restaurants / legal enshrinement consécration juridique.

7. just straight up purement et simplement / to track suivre, étudier / hate group groupe de propagande haineuse / to rally se rassembler.

8. ...cannot be reasoned with ...est irrationnel(le) / disdain mépris / mainstream classique, traditionnel / muscular énergique, puissant / to rely on compter sur.

9. unethical immoral.

10. chief principal / to monitor surveiller / to expose dénoncer / dispatch ici, article / to spike augmenter considérablement / follower abonné.

11. inauguration (cérémonie d') investiture / veteran ici, personne ayant participé à / encampment campement, occupation.

12. fresh ici, nouveau /


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06-07-08-761-Steph.indd 7 28/08/2017 11:25

8 • VOCABLE Du 7 au 20 septembre 2017 facile A2-B1 / moyen B2-C1 / di�cile C1-C2

À la une

sense of urgency. “Suddenly,” he said, “people are coming into your town with hate. It has to be confronted.”

13.One of the most vivid examples of antifa violence occurred in January at Trump’s in-auguration, where a masked member of the movement punched prominent white su-premacist Richard B. Spencer (who was pepper-sprayed by an antifa activist in Char-lottesville). That single blow started a na-tional debate over whether it was morally justifiable to “punch a Nazi.”

14.Spencer, an avid opponent of the left, still drew distinctions among factions within the left-wing community. “It’s important to dif-ferentiate antifa from liberals,” he said. “I don’t think it’s an overstatement to say that antifa believes in whatever means necessary. They have a sadistic streak.”

15.Other right-wing figures, like Gavin McI-nnes, the founder of the Proud Boys, a con-servative fraternity of Western chauvinists, have said antifa has done itself no favors by assuming that its enemies all share the same views. McInnes was invited to Charlottes-ville but declined to go, he said, because of the presence of explicit white supremacists like Spencer. In the past, antifa activists have engaged with people who were clearly some-thing less than outright neo-Nazis, raising questions about who, if anyone, deserves to be punched and whether there is such a thing as legitimate political violence. 

ACTION/REACTION16. Like many of their opponents, some an-tifa members insist that they are merely re-acting to pre-existing aggression. “The es-sence of their message is violence,” Jed Holtz, an antifa organizer in New York, said of his right-wing foes. “The other side” — his side — “is just responding.”

17.But Nauert said she believed that, now more than ever, “physical confrontation” would be needed. “In the end,” she said, “that’s what it’s going to take — because Nazis and white supremacists are not around to talk.” l

sense sentiment / to confront combattre.

13. vivid ici, frappant / prominent célèbre / blow coup.

14. avid ici, fervent / overstatement exagération / streak ici, fibre, tendance.

15. chauvinist machiste aussi, chauvin / to do, did, done no favors (US) = favours (GB) ne pas rendre du tout service / to assume s'imaginer / outright pur et simple / to deserve mériter.

16. merely simplement / foe adversaire, ennemi.17. that's what it's going to take il va en falloir passer par là.

Words matter

The angry white men who congregated in Charlottesville last month were widely described as “Nazis”, a usage for which there are arguments both for and against. On the one hand, these people love swastikas, chant things like “blood and soil”, and hate Jews and black people, which definitely seems pretty Nazi. On the other hand, to call them “Nazis” is a convenient “othering” that refuses to acknowledge their identity as Americans, standing in the US’s own proud tradition of violent racism that includes for example the Ku Klux Klan. The unfortunate truth is that nazism does not exhaust the scope of possible human evil.

What, then, about “white nationalists” or “white supremacists”? Such terms certainly seem more coolly analytical than “fascists” or “Nazis”, though it might be seen as a problem that they both contain the word “white”, and so implicitly acquiesce in the underlying idea that skin colour is really important. And “white supremacist” itself (from 1896) was formed from the earlier phrase “white supremacy” (1824), and thus carries within it the exact noxious ideology that opponents wish to denounce.

to congregate se réunir / swastika croix gammée / to chant scander / blood and soil slogan nazi (Blut und Boden, "le sang et le sol") / pretty assez / convenient commode / othering stigmatisation d'autrui / to acknowledge reconnaître / unfortunate truth triste vérité / to exhaust épuiser / scope champ, portée.

coolly froidement / underlying sous-jacent / phrase expression / noxious nocif, délétère.

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I Politique I ETATS-UNIS I B2-C1


Fighting in the streets of Charlottesville, Va. Aug. 12, 2017. (Matt Eich/The New York Times)

06-07-08-761-Steph.indd 8 28/08/2017 11:25

VOCABLE Du 7 au 20 septembre 2017 • 9

I Politique I ETATS-UNIS


HOW DID IT START?A Unite the Right rally took place in Charlottesville, Virginia, on August 11–12, 2017. Its stated goal was to oppose the removal of a statue of Robert E. Lee from Emancipation Park, which itself had been renamed by City Council from ‘’Lee Park’’ two months earlier. Protesters included white supremacists, white nationalists, neo-Confederates, neo-Nazis, and various militias. Some of the marchers chanted racist and anti-Semitic slogans, carried semi-automatic rifl es, swastikas, Confederate battle fl ags, anti-Muslim and anti-Semitic banners, and "Trump/Pence" signs.

rally rassemblement, manifestation / stated avoué, a� ché / Robert E. Lee (1807-1870) chef des armées des États esclavagistes durant la guerre de Sécession / marcher manifestant / to chant scander / rifl e fusil / swastika croix gammée / fl ag drapeau / banner banderole / sign pancarte.

WHY DID IT GO WRONG?The event turned violent after protesters clashed with counterprotesters, leaving 14 injured. On the morning of August 12, Virginia governor Terry McAuli� e declared a state of emergency, stating that public safety could not be safeguarded without additional powers. Within an hour, the Virginia State Police declared the assembly to be unlawful. At around 1:45 p.m, a man linked to white-supremacist groups rammed his car into a crowd of counterprotesters about 0.5 miles away from the rally site, killing one person and injuring 19. Attorney General Je� Sessions described the ramming as domestic terrorism.

to clash a� ronter, se battre / injured blessé / state of emergency état d’urgence / unlawful illégal / to ram into foncer sur / crowd foule / Attorney General procureur général (dirige le département de la Justice).

HOW DID DONALD TRUMP REACT?In his initial statement on the rally, U.S. President Donald Trump did not denounce white nationalists explicitly, instead blaming "hatred, bigotry, and violence on many sides." His statement and his subsequent defenses of it were widely criticized as implying moral equivalence between the white supremacist marchers and those who protested against it, with some critics interpreting it as a sign that he was sympathetic to the white supremacists.

to blame condamner / hatred haine / bigotry fanatisme, sectarisme / subsequent ultérieur(e)s, qui suivirent / to be sympathetic to être bienveillant envers.

What happened in Charlottesville?

A white nationalist demonstrator with a helmet and shield walks into Lee Park in Charlottesville. (Steve Helber/AP/SIPA)


An Economist/YouGov poll of Americans showed that 42% of respondents disapproved of Trump’s handling of "the situation in Charlottesville," while 27% approved and 31% had no opinion. When asked "which group ... is more likely to use violence"; 32% of respondents said white nationalists, 10% said anti-racism protesters, and 45% said "both equally likely," while 14% were unsure; Democrats were more likely to attribute violence to white nationalists, while Republicans were most likely to blame both sides equally.

poll sondage / respondent personne interrogée / handling gestion / likely ici, susceptible.

09-760-Steph.indd 9 29/08/2017 13:05

10 • VOCABLE Du 7 au 20 septembre 2017 facile A2-B1 / moyen B2-C1 / di� cile C1-C2

Société I Tourisme I ETATS-UNIS I B2-C1

THE INCREDIBLE SECRETS OFTIMES SQUARE Les étonnants secrets de Times Square

L ove it or hate it, Times Square is un-deniably one of New York’s most

iconic places. Here, nine little-known facts about the crossroads of the world.

2. Honking horns, guys in Elmo costumes, Disney characters, camera-toting tourists, and half-naked ladies posing for photo opps on the pedestrian plazas—these are all just part of the fabric that makes up the square known as the crossroads of the world. And thanks to its central Manhattan location and status as a major transit hub , millions of people pass through it, whether they want to or not. It’s one of the world’s most insta-









grammed locations —even if many consider going there one of the most overrated things to do in New York.

ONE TIMES SQUARE IS WILDLY PROFITABLE DESPITE BEING MOSTLY EMPTY 3. But for all its maddeningly chaotic, claus-trophobia-inducing qualities, Times Square is also one of the city’s most fascinating places full of hidden history and easy-to-miss details. Here are some facts about New York City’s most highly traffi cked area that may surprise you.

4. The iconic building at One Times Square is best known for the New Years Eve ball drop , and in fact, there’s little else there. It was originally constructed as the New York Times headquarters in 1904, back when the area was largely undeveloped. Lehman Brothers bought the building in 1995, and turned it into the giant billboard it is today. Jamestown Properties, which rents out the three bottom fl oors and the top fl oor, where the New Year’s Eve ball is stored year-round, currently owns it. Most of the fl oors are vacant , covered in graffiti and de-crepit, but the billboards generate over $23 million per year.

location lieu / overrated surfait, surévalué . 3. wildly extrêmement / profi table rentable, lucratif / maddeningly follement, extrêmement / to induce susciter, provoquer / highly tra� cked très fréquenté .

4. New Years Eve 31 décembre / ball drop boule lumineuse qui descend à partir de 23 h 59 sur un mât situé sur le toit du One Times Square pour se poser à minuit pile / headquarters (inv.) siège / back when à l'époque où / billboard panneau d’a� chage publicitaire / to rent out louer / to store entreposer / vacant inoccupé .

1. undeniably sans conteste / iconic emblématique / crossroads carrefour . 2. honking horn klaxon / Elmo monstre au pelage rouge et au nez orange / to tote trimballer / photo opp séance photo / pedestrian piéton / fabric tissu, ici identité / hub plaque tournante, centre / instagrammed posté sur Instagram (application de partage de photos et de vidéos sur smartphones) /

Times Square est certainement, avec la statue de la Liberté, l’Empire State Building ou encore la Gare Centrale l’un des lieux les plus célèbres de New York. C’est un lieu de passage important où se trouvent de nombreux magasins pour touristes mais surtout l’endroit où se rassemblent les New-Yorkais pour célébrer chaque nouvelle année sous la célèbre « ball ». Ce lieu est plein d’anecdotes à découvrir.

New York

10-11-761-Isa.indd 10 24/08/2017 15:55

VOCABLE Du 7 au 20 septembre 2017 • 11

YOU CAN STILL SEE REMNANTS OF AN OPULENT TURN-OF-THE-CENTURY THEATER 8. Times Square has been the center of New York’s Theater District since the early 1900s, though the theaters have undergone many ups and downs since then. Many of the opu-lent theaters built at the turn of the century

became movie palaces after the Great Depression , porno theaters, or were altered or torn down. But there are a few places where you can still see the remnants of those glorious theaters, like the former Loews Mayfair

Theater that’s now a souvenir shop on 47th Street and 7th Ave.

IT WAS THE SITE OF AMERICA’S MOST FAMOUS KISS 9. Everyone knows the iconic photograph of a soldier kissing a nurse in Times Square at the end of WWII, but no one actually knows who the people in the photo are. Alfred Ei-senstaedt, a photographer for Life Magazine , captured the unforgettable image, but he wasn’t the only photographer shooting pic-

IT’S ONLY BEEN CALLED TIMES SQUARE SINCE 1904 5. The area we know as Times Square was called Longacre Square until the Times moved their headquarters there in 1904, though they outgrew the building in 1913. Despite the name, it’s not a square at all. Anyone who’s been there knows it’s actu-ally a triangle because Broadway intersects the grid on a diagonal.

TIMES SQUARE WAS ONCE THE SEEDY HOME OF SEX SHOPS AND PORNO THEATERS 6. You would never know it now that the streets have been totally Disneyfi ed, but in the 1960s ‘70s, and ‘80s prostitutes, peep shows, and adult movie palaces plagued Times Square. Drug use and crime were rampant . This was the New York of Taxi Driver , when both tourists and locals avoid-ed the area because it was one of the city’s most dangerous neighborhoods . In 1981, Rolling Stone called West 42nd Street the “ sleaziest block in America.”

POP ARTIST ROY LICHTEN-STEIN’S MURALS DECORATE THE SUBWAY STATION 7. Next time you’re passing through the 42nd Street Times Square subway station, be sure to look up at the mural by pop artist Roy Lichtenstein. A native New Yorker, Lichten-stein—whose paintings appear at MoMA, the Met , and beyond— jumped at the chance to create a public piece for the subway. Inspired by comic strips, it depicts a futuristic train shooting through an underground station.








It’s one of the world’s most instagrammed locations.

tures that day. Still, the subjects ’ identities remain an unsolved mystery.

TIMES SQUARE IS SO BRIGHTLY LIT IT CAN BE SEEN FROM OUTER SPACE 10. If you’ve ever passed through after dark, you know that the light pollution here is real. Even after sunset , it feels like the land of the eternal sunshine. In fact, Times Square is so bright, it’s one of the few places on earth that astronauts can pinpoint from outer space. l

5. to outgrow, grew, grown devenir trop grand pour / actually en fait / to intersect couper / grid plan en damier . 6. seedy miteux, sordide / theater (US) (salle de) cinéma / to plague infester, pulluler (à) / to be rampant être endémique / neighborhood (US = neighbourhood (GB) quartier / Rolling Stone magazine bimensuel américain / sleazy glauque, sordide . 7. mural peinture murale, fresque / subway (US) = underground (GB) métro / MoMA = Museum of Modern Art / Met = Metropolitan Museum of Art / to jump at the chance sauter sur l'occasion / piece ici, œuvre / comic strip bande dessinée / to depict représenter / to shoot, shot, shot through traverser .

8. remnants vestiges, ce qui subsiste de / opulent somptueux, cossu / Great Depression années de dépression économique qui suivirent la débâcle fi nancière de 1929 / to alter transformer / to tear, tore, torn down démolir . 9. nurse infi rmière / WWII = World War II / to shoot, shot, shot prendre (photo, cliché) /

subject ici, personne (photographiée) / unsolved non élucidé . 10. outer space espace, cosmos / sunset crépuscule / to pinpoint repérer, localiser (avec précision) .

Aux Etats-Unis ne vous trompez pas d’étage !L’étage qui se trouve au rez-de-chaussée s’appelle “fi rst fl oor” alors que les Britanniques l’appellent “ground fl oor”. Le “second fl oor” aux USA est donc le “fi rst fl oor” en Angleterre, et ainsi de suite. N’oubliez pas que l’on parle de “fl oor” à l’intérieur mais que de l’extérieur , on dit “story” (US) et “storey” (GB) : She lives in a four-story building.

Aux Etats-Unis ne vous


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10-11-761-Isa.indd 11 24/08/2017 15:55

12 • VOCABLE Du 7 au 20 septembre 2017 facile A2-B1 / moyen B2-C1 / di� cile C1-C2

Société I Sécurité I ROYAUME-UNI I A2-B1

W ithin eight minutes of three terrorists beginning their

murderous rampage at London Bridge in June, armed police had shot them dead. But not before the criminals had killed eight people and injured many more. Offi cers were already at the scene but, unarmed, they had been unable to stop them. In March Keith Palmer, an unarmed police constable , was killed trying to stop Khalid Masood’s attack at Westminster. These recent “ marauding ” terrorist incidents have provoked debate in Britain about whether more of its police should carry guns. 

CARRY ON 2. Britain is unusual in how lightly it arms its police. It is one of only fi ve members of


Guns enhance officers’ sense of safety butnot necessarily their actual safety.

the OECD, a group of 35 mainly rich coun-tries, that does not routinely give offi cers guns. Because of its particu-lar history, police in North-ern Ireland are commonly armed. But in England and Wales only around 5% of the 123,000 offi cers carry guns. The number of fi rearms op-erations declined by 36% between 2009 and 2016, possibly as a result of wider use of non-lethal weapons such as Tasers by the police.

3. Armed offi cers open fi re rarely. In the eight years to March 2016 police discharged their guns during just 40 incidents. Since 1990, 67

people have been killed in police shootings in England and Wales. In America, where

guns are widespread among both the police and the gen-eral population, almost 1,000 people were killed by the police last year alone. Britain spends more time training its armed offi cers not to fire their weapons than to shoot, says Peter Neyroud, a former chief constable. 

PUBLIC SAFETY 4. Could arming the police more widely make both them and the public safer? The number of offi cers in England and Wales has fallen by 18% since 2010. With fewer coppers , giving

1. within en l’espace de / rampage acte(s) de violence / to shoot, shot, shot dead abattre, tuer (par balle) / to injure blesser / police constable agent de police / marauding ici, cherchant à faire un maximum de victimes / to provoke ici, susciter / whether si (oui ou non) .

2. to carry on continuer, poursuivre /

OECD OCDE (Organisation de Coopération et de Développement Economiques) / Wales (le) Pays de Galles (capitale: Cardi� ) / wide répandu, généralisé / non-lethal weapon arme non létale/incapacitante (qui neutralise tout en minimisant le risque mortel) / such as tel(les) que .

3. to discharge one’s gun tirer /

shooting fusillade, tir(s) / among parmi, chez / almost près de / to spend, spent, spent consacrer à / former ancien .

4. safety sécurité / copper (fam.) fl ic /

TOOLED UP Armés Si, en Irlande du Nord, tous les policiers portent des armes à feu, c’est très loin d’être le cas dans le reste du Royaume-Uni. Cette tradition remontant au XIXème siècle, ayant servi à gagner la confi ance de la population, est un sujet de débat récurrent aujourd’hui ravivé par la série d’attentats mortels de Londres et Manchester. Faut-il armer toutes les forces de l’ordre ?

SUPPLÉMENT VIDÉODécouvrez le reportage vidéo et testez votre compréhension sur

Police secure the area around the Parliament of Great Britain in London, March 22, 2017.

(Sergey Ponomarev/The New York Times)

GB761_livre.indb 12 23/08/2017 14:08

VOCABLE Du 7 au 20 septembre 2017 • 13

utes before any shots are fi red . Such delays allow offi cers to consider how best to ap-proach the situation and to call for back up. On average , seven offi cers were present at each incident involving fi rearms in Norway, compared with only three in Sweden, where police routinely carry guns.

6. A widespread roll-out of fi rearms in Britain is unlikely in the near future. Armed offi cers volunteer for the role and are highly trained. Their number has fallen in recent years and recruiting more is proving hard. Training large numbers of coppers to use guns would be expensive, and police budgets have been cut . And police have mixed feelings about

those that remain guns would be literally another weapon in their arsenal in respond-ing to crime.

5. But arming offi cers can also make them more likely to take risks and engage in dan-gerous situations, according to a study by Ross Hendy, a researcher at the University of Cambridge and policeman in New Zea-land, where police are generally unarmed. Guns enhance offi cers’ sense of safety but not necessarily their actual safety. In Norway police generally keep guns in their cars (al-though those in big cities are temporarily carrying weapons, in response to the threat of terrorism) but must ask for permission to use them. That means a delay of a few min-

carrying guns; about a tenth of offi cers in London say they would rather quit their job than do so.  l to remain rester .

5. to be likely to être susceptible de / to engage in prendre part à, intervenir dans / according to selon, d'après / to enhance accroître, renforcer / actual réel / threat menace /

to fi re tirer / to allow permettre / to consider réfl échir à, envisager / to approach aborder, gérer, maîtriser / back up ici, renforts / on average en moyenne / to involve impliquer .

6. roll-out ici, distribution (en grand nombre) / to volunteer se porter volontaire / to prove s'avérer/se révéler (être) / to cut, cut, cut réduire (considérablement) / mixed mitigé /

they would rather ils préféreraient / to quit, quitted or quit, quitted or quit renoncer à, arrêter .

Pourquoi les anglais appellent-ils leurs “policemen” “bobbies”, “cops” ou “coppers” ?“Bob” ou “Bobby” est l’abréviation de Robert et c’est Robert Peel, homme d’Etat britannique, qui a créé le premier “Metropolitan police force” en 1829 .

“Cop” ou “copper” vient du verbe “to cop” qui veut dire “arrêter” quelqu’un.

Pourquoi les anglais


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GB761_livre.indb 13 23/08/2017 14:08

14 • VOCABLE Du 7 au 20 septembre 2017 facile A2-B1 / moyen B2-C1 / di� cile C1-C2

Enjeux I Economie I ETATS-UNIS I B2-C1

A NEW GM: FAST, FOCUSED AND DECISIVE General Motors plus réactive, précise et résolue que jamais A la fi n des années 1990, General Motors contrôlait une quinzaine de marques. Le constructeur automobile américain basé à Détroit était le plus grand fabricant automobile au monde. Dans les années 2000, suite à un surendettement incontrôlable, c’est la chute et GM ne doit son salut qu’à un prêt d’urgence de l’état. Aujourd’hui, le groupe se porte mieux grâce à la stratégie de son sa PDG Mary Barra. Découvrez ses méthodes.

D ETROIT — Mary Barra has been chairman and CEO of General

Motors for only 3 1/2 years, but the company she leads today is vastly different from the one she inherited: more de-cisive, focused, responsive and responsible.

2. Barra and a team that com-bines GM lifers and care-fully selected newcomers are creating a company that’s more sensitive to its custom-ers and more focused on profi t than ever before.

3. “We’ve never seen any-body run GM like this. She’s breaking all the rules,” executive analyst Rebecca Lindland said.

4. Phrases such as “customer fi rst” and “good stewards of our owners ’ money,” are touchstones of the culture growing within GM.


When Barra joined GM in 1985, a female chair and CEO of GM was almost inconceivable.

5. “GM used to be all about sales volume and market share ,” Autotrader senior analyst Michelle Krebs said. “Now, if they don’t see a path to prof-itability and leadership, they get out. The goal is

to sell fewer vehicles and make more money. It’s a new GM.” 

6. Among the defining mo-ments of Barra’s tenure :––The company accepted re-sponsibility, apologized and essentially wrote a blank check when a GM employee alleg-edly concealed faulty ignition switches that led to accidents and multiple deaths.––It has aggressively pursued

radical new technologies and developing busi-nesses, including ridesharing , autonomous ve-hicles and mass-market electric cars.––It has shut down money-losing operations in Russia, Australia, India and South Africa.

––It has sold its European operations to Peuge-ot SA, essentially exiting a huge , but unprofi t-able, market.––It has put data from customers at the heart of its product development and manufacturing decisions.

7. Common themes among those decisions in-clude a refusal to let problems fester and an understanding that bright ideas and catchy slogans are meaningless unless GM has the focus and fi nances to deliver on them. 

1. chairman président, directeur / CEO = Chief Executive O� cer président-directeur général (PDG) / responsive réactif . 2. lifer personne qui a fait toute sa carrière dans la même entreprise / carefully soigneusement / newcomer nouvel arrivant / sensitive sensible; ici, à l'écoute, réceptif / customer client / to focus on se concentrer sur / profi t bénéfi ce / ever before jamais auparavant . 3. to run, ran, run ici, diriger / to break, broke, broken the rules enfreindre les codes, faire fi des règles . 4. phrase expression / such as ici, tel(les) que / steward gardien / owner propriétaire, détenteur / touchstone élément de base / within au sein de .

5. used to sert à marquer la distinction entre le passé et le présent, à indiquer qu'une action passée n'est plus d'actualité / to be about ici, se concentrer sur / volume ici, nombre / market share part de marché / senior de haut rang / path chemin, moyen / to get, got, got out se retirer . 6. among parmi / defi ning déterminant / tenure occupation d'un poste / to apologize présenter des excuses / essentially en gros / blank cheque chèque en blanc / allegedly prétendument / to conceal cacher, dissimuler / faulty défectueux / ignition switch contact / to lead, led, led to entraîner (aussi, amener à) / to pursue ici, chercher à intégrer / ridesharing (service d')autopartage, covoiturage / autonomous ici, sans conducteur/chau� eur / mass-market ici, grand public, commercialisé en masse / to shut, shut, shut down fermer (défi nitivement) / operation ici, entreprise, site de production /

huge énorme, gigantesque / data données, informations / manufacturing (en matière de) fabrication/production . 7. to let, let, let laisser / to fester ici, empirer / bright brillant / catchy accrocheur / unless à moins que / to deliver ici, agir .

auto-maker (cf. § 9)

auto-maker (US) , car manufacturer (GB) constructeur automobile

auto parts manufacturer (US), components manufacturer (GB) équipementier automobile

car-worker ouvrier de l’industrie automobile



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14-15-761-Isa.indd 14 28/08/2017 13:24

VOCABLE Du 7 au 20 septembre 2017 • 15

GETTING STARTED AGAIN13. GM global product development and purchas-ing boss Mark Reuss worked alongside Barra for decades. They watched GM management kick problems down the road and make one money-losing decision after another. When the government-overseen bankruptcy gave GM a fresh start after the 2007-09 recession, the two fast-rising executives promised themselves they would not repeat those mistakes.

14. “GM came out of bankruptcy with a clean slate, none of the baggage that had crippled them,” Maryann Keller, principal analyst at Maryann Keller & Associates, said. “The only liability was cultural issues that allowed them to pretend the bankruptcy had been because of the credit crisis, not management’s own bad decisions.”

15. Bolstered by GM president Dan Ammann’s financial analysis, Barra set a new course, aban-doning some longtime businesses that made little money, strengthening those positioned to

grow and committing GM to new areas includ-ing autonomous vehicles, car-sharing and alter-native energy. 

PROFITS16. “One of the most important things leaders do is deploy capital,” Barra said. “You’ve got to set strategy and deploy capital. We have been systematically going through the business, re-gion by region and segment by segment, asking, ‘Do we have a path to profitability, and is this the best place for us to allocate this capital?’ ”

17. That analysis led GM to shed money-losing operations around the world, despite the fact that those decisions put regaining the company’s longtime status as the world’s largest automak-er out of reach. For decades, GM defined itself largely by the fact that it was the world’s largest automaker. Ending production in Europe took GM out of a three-way race with Toyota and Volkswagen for No. 1.

18. Barra’s comfortable with that: “Biggest doesn’t mean best. We don’t win until our customers say we win. They need to decide to buy our products.” l

SORTING THINGS OUT8. “The easiest time to solve a problem is when it’s small,” Barra said in an interview. “We talk to everybody about that: Raise issues (early) so you can get the help to solve them.”

9. Barra was a highly regarded but little-known career engineer — GM’s global product development chief — when she was thrust into the global spotlight as the first female CEO of an automaker.

10. “My mom and dad raised me and my brother to believe we could do anything we set our minds to,” she said. “They were raised in the Depression, and they so believed in the American Dream.

11. When Barra joined GM in 1985, a female chair and CEO of GM was almost inconceivable. GM and all automakers were an old-economy boys club, very unlike the high-tech companies the 21st century demands. “I didn’t necessarily go ‘I’m a woman in the working world,’” she said. “I was a person in the working world.

12. “I do sit here today because there were people 20 years ago who gave me career opportunities and gave me constructive feedback and allowed me to grow and took risks on me with the jobs they put me in.” Paying that forward, she’s an avid supporter of New York-based Girls Who Code, a nonprofit group encouraging middle and high school girls to learn computer science. Barra helped introduce the program to metro-politan Detroit schools and has visited some of their meetings. 

8. to sort sth out ici, trouver une solution à qch / time moment / to solve résoudre / to raise soulever, poser / issue problème, question.9. to regard considérer / engineer ingénieur / global mondial, international / to thrust, thrust, thrust propulser / into the spotlight sous le(s) feu(x) des projecteurs/de la rampe, sur le devant de la scène.10. to raise ici, élever / to set, set, set one's mind to se mettre en tête de, avoir envie de / (the) Depression années de récession économique qui suivirent le krach boursier de 1929 / so tellement, dur comme fer.11. unlike di�érent de / century siècle / to demand nécessiter / to go, went, gone ici, (se) dire.12. to sit, sat, sat ici, se trouver / to allow permettre à / to grow, grew, grown ici, évoluer / to pay, paid, paid sth forward faire une bonne action pour quelqu'un en retour d'une bonne action qu'une autre personne vous a faite, investir en l'avenir en créant des opportunités pour d'autres / nonprofit à but non lucratif / middle school équivalent du collège / high school équivalent du lycée / computer science informatique / to visit ici, se rendre/assister à.

13. purchasing (des) achats / alongside au(x) côté(s) de / decade décennie / to kick sth down the road remettre qch à plus tard / to oversee, oversaw, overseen superviser, encadrer / bankruptcy banqueroute, faillite / fresh start nouveau départ / fast-rising qui progresse rapidement/gravit rapidement les échelons / executive cadre (supérieur) / mistake erreur.14. with a clean slate en repartant à zéro / baggage poids, héritage (lourd) / to cripple accabler, paralyser, freiner (considérablement) / liability responsabilité; ici, handicap / to pretend faire semblant que / own propre.15. to bolster renforcer / to set, set, set fixer, définir / course direction à prendre, cap, approche / longtime de longue date, ancien / to strengthen renforcer / to be positioned to être voué à /

to commit to (s')engager/impliquer/introduire dans / area secteur d'activité.16. to deploy ici, allouer / to go, went, gone through parcourir, passer en revue, étudier / place ici, secteur d'activité / to allocate allouer.17. to shed, shed, shed abandonner, se séparer de / around partout dans / despite malgré / out of reach hors de portée, inaccessible / to take, took, taken out of ici, exclure / three-way race course à trois.18. comfortable à l’aise, serein.

Améliorez votre prononciation en écoutant tous les articles sur le supplément audio de lecture.



14-15-761-Isa.indd 15 28/08/2017 13:24

À 360°Le tour du monde en V.O.

16 • VOCABLE Du 7 au 20 septembre 2017

Some oldiesNew data suggests Japan has broken its own record for most centenarians by population for the 46th straight year. There are now more than 65,000 people in Japan who've lived 100 years or more. Every year there is a public holiday - Re-spect for the Aged Day - when new members of the 100-plus club receive a fancy silver sake dish. But having so many people live that long is actually becoming a burden on the nation's economy. Since 2014, the dish alone has cost the country over $2 million. No surprise that in 2016 the government decided to change its traditional pure-silver dish for a cheaper, silver-plated one.

oldie (fam.) personne âgée / straight consécutif / public holiday jour férié / (the) aged personnes âgées / fancy luxueux / silver en argent / dish ici, coupe / burden fardeau, poids / alone ici, à elle seule / no surprise that... pas étonnant que... / plated (métal) plaqué.

To the graveIn Georgia, a man released from a short jail sentence found that someone else presumed to be him had been buried in his family plot. Slava Brushkov came home from prison only to find that his neighbours, noticing his sudden absence, had reported him missing. The local cops mistakenly assumed a badly mutilated body found near the village was Mr Brushkov, and buried him next to his parents. Mr Brushkov has been taking care of the new grave ever since.

grave tombe / to release libérer, remettre en liberté / jail sentence peine de prison / to presume supposer / family plot caveau familial / to report sb missing signaler la disparition de qqn / cop fl ic / mistakenly à tort / to assume supposer.

Get out of hereAccording to the BBC, a Russian religious television channel is o� ering to pay for one-way plane tickets for gay people serious about emigrating from the country. In a video on its social media channels last month, Tsargrad TV called on gay people to compete for a one-way plane ticket overseas. The channel regularly uses o� ensive terms to refer to LGBT people. Tsargrad is a niche satellite channel that was set up to promote Christian Orthodox values. It claims an audience of about a quarter of the Russian population.

channel chaîne / one-way trajet simple, aller / to compete concourir / overseas à l’étranger / o� ensive insultant / niche ici, spécialisé / to claim revendiquer.

Danger aheadA mini crossbow popular with children in China has been banned by the authorities after it emerged it could fi re nails and needles. The handheld "toy", which had been designed to shoot toothpicks, was the focus of a craze in Chinese schools. Raids were carried out on toy shops across the country to enforce the ban, according to state media. An o¢ cial said the crossbow had "vanished from shelves almost as fast as it emerged".

crossbow arbalète / to ban interdire / to emerge s’avérer, apparaître / to fi re ici, projeter / nail clou / needle aiguille / handheld portatif / toothpick cure-dents / craze engouement, mode / raid descente, perquisition / to enforce (faire) appliquer / to vanish disparaître / shelf rayon.

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i Sas






itri L










GB761_livre.indb 16 23/08/2017 14:08


Vocabulaire, expressions et astuces pour parler comme un Anglais…

VOCABLE Du 7 au 20 septembre 2017 • 17

NIVEAU BASIQUE DE VOTRE SUPPLEMENT SONORE Ton couteau dans la main droite ! Ecoutez deux expatriés américains parler de la manière de bien se tenir à table. CD audio ou téléchargement MP3

Mettre la tableUne fois seul en Angleterre pour vos études, il ne sera plus question de vous contenter de mettre les pieds sous la table… alors au boulot ! Voici un peu de vocabulaire pour parfaire la théorie avant de la mettre en pratique…

Don’t expect to be waited on! N’espère pas te contenter de mettre les pieds sous la table.She put her foot in / in the mouth. Elle a mis les pieds dans le plat.It’s a backhander. C’est un dessous-de-tableI think he’s going to spill the beans. Je pense qu’il va se mettre à table (sens figuré). Attention ! Au sens propre, se mettre à table se dit : to sit down at the table.It came up at the worst possible moment. C’est venu comme un cheveu sur la soupe.As fast as greased lightening. Comme un pet sur une toile cirée.

bowl, salad bowl saladierbread basket corbeille à painbreak casserbutter dish beurriercandelabrum chandeliercandle bougie, chandellechair chaisechecked à carreauclear the table débarrasser la tableclumsy maladroitcoee pot cafetièrecorkscrew tire-bouchoncreased froissécrumb collector ramasse-miettescultery set ménagèrecup tassecutlery couvertsdessert plate assiette à dessertdish plat (contenant et contenu)fingerbowl, hand wipes rince-doigts (bol d’eau ou lingettes)fork fourchettefrying pan poêleice bucket sceau à glaçonsjug pichetknife couteauladle louchelinen linnapkin serviette

napkin ring rond de servietteneat soigné, élégant, propretornate décorer, ornerpepper cellar poivrièreplate assietteplate warmer chau�e platpotholder maniquesalt cellar salièresauce boat, gravy boat saucièresaucepan casserolesaucer soucoupeset / dress the table mettre la tablesilverware argenteriesoup plate assiette creusespill renverserstain tâchesugar bowl sucriertable mat dessous de plattable spoon cuillère à soupe tablecloth nappetea spoon cuillère à cafétea towel torchonteapot théièretoothpick cure-denttray plateau, dessertetumbler gobelettureen soupièreutensils ustensilesvase vasewax cloth toile ciréewine glass verre à vin, à pied, ballon

Associez chaque mot de la première liste à un mot de la seconde :1- meat knife a- cup2- matches b- tureen3- ladle c- soup plate4- linen d- gravy boat5- table spoon e- napkin6- starch f- candelabrum7- co�ee spoon g- tablecloth

Vocabulaire clé


Expressions à retenir




Tandis qu’on apprend aux enfants français à ne pas mettre les coudes sur la table, les Britanniques ont l’habitude de manger avec les mains sur les genoux. Ne soyez pas surpris !

Bon à savoir

SOLUTIONS : 1-d ; 2-f ; 3-b ; 4-g ; 5-c ; 6-e ; 7-a.

Retrouvez cette fiche de vocabulaire lue sur le CD Lecture

17-18-19-20 PRATICABLE 761.indd 17 28/08/2017 15:46

18 • VOCABLE Du 7 au 20 septembre 2017

PRATIC’ABLE / Grammaire / Prononciation & Orthographe

Les prépositions de lieu indiquent l’endroit où se trouve quelqu’un ou quelque chose.

En voici des exemples :

on under

upon below

in beneath

at on top of

by along

in front (of ) alongside

ahead (of ) inside

behind outside

near(by) between

over on either side of

above round

Prépositions de lieu Piqûre de rappel

1 Trouvez des prépositions de lieu pour compléter les phrases tirées des articles de ce numéro de Vocable.

1. He painted his cane white in order to make it easily visible and to alert others to the presence of someone unable to see - - - - - - obstacles.

2. The camera creates a three-dimensional image of the area - - - - - - - the wearer.

3. There is a central motor, with two other motors - - - - - - - - - - - - - - it.

4. Purchasing boss Mark Reuss worked - - - - - - - - - Barra for decades.

5. It’s one of the few places - - earth that astronauts can pinpoint from outer space.

SOLUTIONS : 1.nearby 2.ahead of 3.on either side of 4.alongside 5.on

2 Complétez la grille avec des prépositions de lieu.


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b t

a i e


h i


p n

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17-18-19-20 PRATICABLE 761.indd 18 28/08/2017 15:46

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VOCABLE Du 7 au 20 septembre 2017 • 19

PRATIC’ABLE / Grammaire / Prononciation & Orthographe

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Le dessin d'Yves Cotten


Soignez votre orthographe !

Louis Braille, né en 1809 à Coupvray en Seine et Marne est l’inventeur du braille, système d’écriture tactile à points saillants. Il est devenu lui-même aveugle suite à un accident dans l’atelier de son père à l’âge de trois ans.

Il s'est inspiré des travaux de Charles Barbier de la Serre, l’inventeur du système d’écriture nocturne, qui permettait aux militaires de lire des instructions sans allumer leurs lampes.

2 Tendez l’oreille

Reliez les mots qui riment.

rough school

foul maul

bowl wool

fall soul

bough chew

rule stu�

pull owl

through cow

though o�

cough sew

Le saviez-vous ?

SOLUTIONS : rough/stu� - foul/owl - bowl/soul - fall/maul - bough/cow - rule/school - pull/wool - through/chew - though/sew - cough/o�

1 Trouvez les 10 erreurs glissées dans ce texte.

Simultanously, they each turned keys on their underground consols,

sending an electronic signale to the 79,432-pound weapan.

A sophisticated softwares system dessined the rout to avoid a

Chineese spacekraft and space junk that orbit Earth. The dummy

warhead reenterd Earth’s atmosphere about 28 minutes after it


SOLUTIONS : simultaneously, consoles, signal, weapon, software, designed, route, Chinese, spacecraft, re-entered

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17-18-19-20 PRATICABLE 761.indd 19 28/08/2017 15:46

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20 • VOCABLE Du 7 au 20 septembre 2017

Ne manquez pas dans le prochain numéro la nouvelle page PRATIC’ABLE : Trouver chaussure à son pied

5 mots à mémoriser dans ce numérowarhead ogive

bleachers (US) gradins (de stade en plein soleil)

exhaust gaz d’échappement

nuclear strike frappe nucléaire

random aléatoire

“They do not like it when newfangled devices hamper this sense with beeps and clicks”.

(Voir l’article page 28 paragraphe 3 “White cane 2.0”)

“Newfangled” (qui s’écrit également new-fangled) est utilisé pour décrire quelque chose d’ultramoderne, habituellement employé pour exprimer la di¤culté à accepter cette nouveauté.

Dans un esprit plus positif on dirait “state-of-the-art” ou “cutting-edge” .

Jeux de motsA retenirL'expression idiomatique

1 Reliez chaque expression de la colonne A à une expression de la colonne B.


1 to have impaired vision

(a) to have di¤culty walking

2 to go blind (b) to be unable to talk

3 to be slightly deaf

(c) to lose one’s sight

4 to be lame(d) to be partially


5 to be dumb (e) to be hard of


SOLUTIONS :1d, 2c, 3e, 4a, 5b

2 Démêlez les lettres pour découvrir les aides que l’on peut utiliser pour certains handicaps.

kalwign tikcs

argehin ida

udegi odg



Which of these aids could you use if you have the following disabilities?

1. you break your leg

2. you are hard of hearing

3. you are blind

SOLUTIONS : broken leg : walking stick, wheelchair, crutches hard of hearing : hearing aid blind: guide dog

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17-18-19-20 PRATICABLE 761.indd 20 28/08/2017 15:46





29-30 SEPT.

1ER OCT. 2017




© M

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Pub Vocable.indd 1 07/07/2017 15:41GB761_livre.indb 21 23/08/2017 14:08

22 • VOCABLE Du 7 au 20 septembre 2017 facile A2-B1 / moyen B2-C1 / di� cile C1-C2

Enjeux I Politique I ETATS-UNIS I B2-C1

C HICAGO — With their idol turning 79 in 2020, some fans of Sen . Bernie

Sanders who had gathered for the second annual People’s Summit were thinking wist-fully about the next progressive hero who could take the presidential baton but many of the most ardent Sanders fans remain laser-


focused on him. Nelson Mandela, they noted, became president of South Africa in his 70s. And Sanders is the only candidate they trust.

2. “That man is like superhuman,” said Joy Manbeck, 38, of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, who got a tattoo of a fi nch and the word “revolution” on her arm after a fi nch landed on Sanders’ lectern during a campaign speech last year. “He still plays basketball. He walks to work. I don’t care. I want him. Period. I want Bernie.” 

PROGRESSIVE DEMOCRATS 3. Supporters like Manbeck could hold the key to Democratic unity as the party tries to regroup after its stunning loss to Trump deprived it of all control in Washington. If Sanders declines a run in 2020, they will have to decide if they can get behind a new progressive champion in the Democratic Party; if they will accept the eventual nom-inee , whoever it is; or if they will take their passions — and votes — elsewhere.

4. Sanders’ wife, Jane, said in an interview that he had not ruled out running again and

had remained active, traveling and advocat-ing policies that help working-class people. “Ageism is the last ‘ism’ that seems to be acceptable to people, and I never felt that it was whether somebody was too young or too old,” Jane Sanders said. “You win some. You lose some. And you keep on going and maybe you can win the next one.”

5. He would, after all, be only a year older than former Vice President Joe Biden. And Trump, the oldest American to assume the presidency, will himself turn 74 in 2020. 

TOO OLD? 6. But away from the boisterous People’s Summit in Chicago in June, some Sanders fans conceded their worries and suggested

1. Sen. = Senator / to gather se réunir / wistfully mélancoliquement / progressive progressiste / baton témoin (course de relais) /

to be laser-focused on être concentré, braqué (avec la fi xité d'un rayon laser) sur .

2. fi nch pinson / to land atterrir, se poser / lectern pupitre / period un point c’est tout .

3. to hold, held, held the key to ici, être la clé de / stunning loss défaite cuisante / to deprive priver / run ici, candidature / eventual fi nal / nominee candidat désigné .

4. to rule out écarter, exclure /

to advocate soutenir, défendre / working-class people classes populaires / ageism discrimination envers les personnes âgées .

5. former ancien, ex- / to turn ici, atteindre l'âge de .

6. boisterous agité, bruyant / to concede admettre /

Comment doit-on prononcer 2020 ?Depuis l’an 2000 (the year two thousand) on peut prononcer les années de deux manières.

Exemple :

2020 two thousand and twenty ou bien twenty twenty.

Alors que lors des siècles précédents il n’y avait qu’une seule manière de prononcer.

Exemples :

1850 eighteen fi fty (et non pas one thousand eight hundred and fi fty)

1925 nineteen twenty fi ve (et non pas one thousand nine hundred and twenty fi ve)

Comment doit-on


IS BERNIE SANDERS, 75, TOO OLD FOR 2020? HIS FIERCEST FANS SAY NO Pour ses plus fervents partisans, Bernie Sanders, 75 ans, n'est pas trop vieux pour les élections de 2020 Bernie Sanders a échoué face à Hillary Clinton aux primaires du parti démocrate lors de la dernière élection présidentielle américaine. Le sénateur du Vermont a néanmoins réalisé une campagne ayant permis de mobiliser de nombreux militants, jeunes pour la plupart, qui espèrent bien que cet homme de 75 ans osera se présenter à nouveau… en 2020 !

Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., speaks during a "Care Not Cuts" rally in support of the A ordable Care Act, Sunday, July 9, 2017, in Covington, Ky. (John Minchillo/AP/SIPA)

GB761_livre.indb 22 23/08/2017 14:08

VOCABLE Du 7 au 20 septembre 2017 • 23

E. Gillibrand of New York, who have not yet run for president. “Sanders has the star power right now,” Weiss said. “He could transfer that to other candidates.”

9.While the next presidential election is years away, Sanders is urging his liberal supporters to stay engaged. “We may have lost the election in 2016, but there is no question that we have won the battle of ideas, and we are continuing that battle — and that is, brothers and sisters, no small thing,” Sanders said last month to raucous cheers. “The Democratic Party must finally understand which side it is on, and that cannot be the side of Wall Street or the fos-sil fuel industry or the drug companies.”

10.For some, the emotions of 2016 remain raw. Breanna Spiteri-Phillips, 37, a cook from Jackson, Michigan, began to cry as she thought about Sanders’ loss to Hillary Clin-ton in the Democratic primaries. Spiteri-Phillips eventually voted for the Green Party candidate, Jill Stein, in the general election. “He is the only honest candidate that I have seen in the last 20 years,” Spiteri-Phillips said as she wiped her eyes. “I’m not concerned about his age. He’s been kicking butt for the last 70 years.”

11.For now, Jane Sanders said, her husband is not thinking about 2020. She said he was making sure the Democratic Party takes up issues that affect working-class families and fights policies by Trump that would worsen economic inequality. “I’m energized by the resilience of the message of the campaign,” Jane Sanders said. “Our focus is we’re not going to lose any ground. We’re not going to stop.”

12.Warren, another well-known progressive senator who has openly challenged Trump, is a logical heir to Sanders’ movement. But a few Sanders fans remain frustrated that she did not endorse him during the pri-mary and is seemingly more reserved than the freewheeling, scruffy Vermonter.

13.Meanwhile, even as Bernie and Jane Sanders say they want to focus on trans-forming the Democratic Party, Bernie Sand-ers hinted that he might have another run in him. While answering a question about how to keep going after a loss, Sanders re-counted that he lost many elections before being elected mayor of Burlington, Vermont, and later to Congress. “Persistence is ex-tremely important,” Sanders said. “Yeah, you run and you lose. So what?” l

that the senator should focus on backing younger, fresh-faced candidates to push the Democratic Party leftward.

7.Max Weiss, a 19-year-old sophomore at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and the communications director for the Democratic Party chapter on campus, said he hoped Sanders would not run because it would be unhealthy for the party, which badly needs new faces.

8.He said he gets excited thinking about Democrats on the rise around the country, like Jon Ossoff, who is running in a House special election outside Atlanta, as well as Sens. Al Franken of Minnesota and Kirsten

to back soutenir / fresh-faced au visage frais / to push leftward "gauchiser".

7. sophomore étudiant de deuxième année universitaire / chapter branche, section / badly ici, désespérément.

8. on the rise en progression / House = House of Representatives /

to have the star power avoir la vedette, la cote.

9. to urge exhorter / raucous retentissant / cheers applaudissements, acclamations / fossil fuel carburant fossile / drug company société pharmaceutique.

10. raw ici, à vif, à fleur de peau / cook cuisinier(e) / primary élection primaire (élection de sélection au sein d'un parti) / eventually finalement / to wipe essuyer / to be concerned about être préoccupé par / to kick butt (fam.) tout déchirer.

11. to take, took, taken up se pencher sur / to worsen aggraver / to energize galvaniser / to lose, lost, lost ground céder du terrain.

12. to challenge défier / heir héritier / to endorse soutenir / seemingly en apparence / freewheeling lit. en roue libre, ici libre, indépendant / scru£y débraillé.

13. to hint laisser entendre / to recount raconter / persistence ténacité, obstination.

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GB761_livre.indb 23 23/08/2017 14:08

24 • VOCABLE Du 7 au 20 septembre 2017 facile A2-B1 / moyen B2-C1 / di� cile C1-C2

Culture I Littérature I ETATS-UNIS I B2-C1

AUTHOR WRITES ABOUT GROWING UP IN 'TRUMP COUNTRY' J.D. Vance livre un récit sur l'Amérique qui a élu Trump Comment Donald Trump a-t-il pu être élu ? La question revient régulièrement à chaque nouveau tweet ahurissant signé des pouces du président américain. Vous trouverez quelques éléments de réponse en lisant Hillbilly Elégie, un roman autobiographique signé J.D. Vance et publié en France par Globe. Ce livre, un best-seller aux Etats-Unis, dresse un portrait saisissant de réalisme d’une partie souvent ignorée de l’Amérique.

C ommentators of every stripe placed “ Hillbilly Elegy,” the new

memoir by J.D. Vance, on their lists of must-read books well before the presiden-tial election that propelled Donald Trump to the White House, largely on votes of people similar to the family members Vance describes in his book.

2. I suspect that even more people grabbed copies of Vance’s book after the election


because Vance, who was raised by an extended family that was loving but also highly dysfunctional, writes about the struggles of working-class whites in the industrial Midwest in a way that avoids the mistakes made by the left of dismiss-ing these citizens as “ baskets of deplora-bles” who “ cling to guns and religion” as a way to explain why they seemingly vote in ways that are contrary to their stated economic interests. 

WHITE TRASH ? 3. Clearly, eastern Kentucky and central Ohio, the places where Vance’s family members lived and continue to live, have been beset by economic challenges, in-cluding trade policies, the decline of the coal industry and automation . As factories shuttered and jobs moved overseas , Vance saw substance abuse and a culture of vio-lence, illegitimacy and dependency over-come many of the residents in the Ohio town where his family lived.

4. But even as Vance writes with concern , nuance, and genuine love and pride about the fierce loyalty of hill people who mi-grated from Kentucky to Ohio, he resists blaming outside forces such as immigra-tion and trade as the sole causes of the addiction his mother fought or for the lack of work ethic that he saw in the couple that readers meet early in the book. When Vance writes about the culture of violence, idleness , poor parenting and dependency, he uses the rhetoric that his fellow con-servatives mostly use when they are talk-

1. of every stripe de tous bords / hillbilly péquenaud, plouc / to propel propulser .

2. to grab s’emparer de ici, acheter / copy exemplaire /

extended family famille élargie / Midwest région du nord des É.-U. allant de l'Ohio aux montagnes Rocheuses / to dismiss rejeter, considérer avec mépris / basket panier, corbeille, ici tas de / to cling, clung, clung to se cramponner à / seemingly apparemment / stated avoué, a� ché .

3. white trash (très péj.) racaille blanche / to beset, set, set accabler / coal industry industrie houillère, charbonnages / automation robotisation / to shutter fermer / overseas à l'étranger / substance abuse toxicomanie / illegitimacy naissances hors mariage .

4. concern inquiétude / genuine réel, sincère / fi erce farouche / hill people montagnards / to blame tenir pour responsable / sole seul, unique / addiction dépendance / idleness désœuvrement / poor parenting insu� sance parentale / fellow ici, autres (membres du même parti) .

“As factories shuttered ....” (cf. § 3)

to close the shutters (fermer les volets)

to shutter (fermer boutique/ fermer défi nitivement)

Pour les photographes,

the shutter (l’obturateur)

shutter speed (vitesse d’obturation)

“As factories shuttered


J.D. Vance.

24-25-761-Isa.indd 24 29/08/2017 11:05

VOCABLE Du 7 au 20 septembre 2017 • 25

6. The crucial role that Vance’s maternal grandparents played in his life will ring familiar to anyone fortunate enough to have known their grandparents. In fact, Vance’s

grandparents are the he-roes of this book as they played the role increas-ingly assumed by grand-mothers and grandfathers in a world where parents succumb to addiction.

7. Much has been said about the need for people to consider the viewpoint of those who come from different backgrounds and who may hold a dif-

ferent set of values and beliefs. Many

Vance writes about the struggles of working-class whites in a way that avoids the mistakes made by the left.

commentators say that has become in-creasingly difficult to do because Ameri-cans increasingly live around people who share their views and who read and listen to the same media outlets .

8. Information cooked up in a feedback chamber might go down easy, but it does not foster understanding. Now seems like a good time for those who read “Between the World and Me,” Ta-Nehisi Coates’ critically acclaimed 2015 book, to read “Hillbilly Elegy,” the memoir that had everyone talking in 2016. l

ing about the “urban poor” — or in other words, black people. 

POINTS OF VIEW 5. I read this book from the standpoint of a black man who grew up in Gary in a stable, two-parent home that Vance would correctly describe as ideal, and one of the virtues of “Hillbilly Elegy” is how easy it will be for readers from all backgrounds to identify with Vance’s ex-perience and his story of overcoming the structural and cultural challenges that he faced.

5. standpoint point de vue / background milieu (socio-culturel) / to overcome, came, come surmonter, triompher de .

6. to ring, rang, rung familiar ici, ne pas surprendre / fortunate chanceux, privilégié .

7. to consider ici, prendre en compte / to hold, held, held avoir, professer / set ensemble, code /

media outlet ici, type de médias .

8. to cook up concocter / feedback retour, réactions / information cooked up in a feedback chamber informations élaborées en fonction des réactions qu'elles engendrent / to go, went, gone down easy bien passer / to foster favoriser, développer .

Une suggestion ? Ecrivez-nous sur [email protected]

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f TOEIC Tests

Pub Nouvelle Eco 2.indd 1 29/05/2017 17:00

24-25-761-Isa.indd 25 29/08/2017 11:05

26 • VOCABLE Du 7 au 20 septembre 2017 facile A2-B1 / moyen B2-C1 / di� cile C1-C2

Culture I Musique I ROYAUME-UNI I A2-B1

"YOU NEED TO ENJOY WHAT YOU'RE DOING" "Il faut aimer ce que l'on fait" Tout va très vite pour Declan McKenna. Après déjà deux tubes, ce jeune homme de 18 ans sort en cette rentrée son premier disque et enchaîne sur une tournée mondiale. Un peu timide, il sort de sa réserve quand il s’agit d’écrire les textes de ses morceaux. De là à dire qu’il fait partie des fers de lance de sa génération, il n’y a qu’un pas. Nous sommes allés à sa rencontre.

V ocable: Why is your album called “What do you think about the Car”?  Declan: It comes from a home video my fam-ily did when I was four years old. We just got a new car and my sister turns round the camera to me and goes “Dec, what do you think about the car? Do you like it?” and I answer: “I think it's really good. And now, I'm going to sing my new album!” Then I just started singing. I had forgotten about it but when I “re-found” that home video it felt like it should be the title of the album. 

2. Vocable: Do you remember when you fi rst fi gured writing and singing could really become a fulltime job?  Declan : I started focusing on it and taking it seriously and writing quite a bit when I was 13 or 14. I remember listening to a lot of bands like Django Django, Mystery Jets, Jack White and Vampire Weekend…When you think about it, the writing is based on trying to emulate your favourite artists. In a way , you learn about what they do and you can de-velop your own style. 


3. Vocable: Can you tell us about your writing process ?  Declan: Sometimes, lyrics can just be fun to sing and that's all they need to be, but for the most part in this record , it comes down to a lot of per-sonal things, a lot of things that I've seen around the world and trying to get my head around it. You have to be selfi sh when you're song-writing because you need to enjoy what you’re doing. When it's genuinely some-thing that you like; I think that translates well on record and live as well.

4. Vocable: What's your take on the situation in the UK? Did you vote in the General Election?  Declan: It was my first time . I had to do a postal vote because I was in Japan, and I voted Labour . There are a lot of young people start-ing to show public interest in politics. It be-comes a cool thing, A lot of them agree with

who Jeremy Corbyn is as a person and what he stands for. People should definitely be taught more about having their say in politics and in the way the world's run . At least in the UK, for a long time, that wasn't the case and we weren't really taught about it well enough . I think Jeremy Corbyn's done a fantastic job of whatever it is he did, but especially in get-ting young people to actually really actively engage in voting and in politics. l

1. to go, went, gone ici, dire/lancer (fi g.) à qn / it felt like je me suis dit / il paraissait évident que .

2. to fi gure ici, penser, se dire / to focus on se concentrer sur/consacrer à / quite a bit pas mal / band groupe (musiciens) / to emulate imiter / in a way d'une certaine façon, dans un sens, en quelque sorte / own propre, original .

3. process procédé, méthode, façon / lyrics paroles (chanson) / record ici, album / to come, came, come down to se résumer à; ici, être basé sur / to get, got, got one's head around sth comprendre/saisir qch / selfi sh égoïste / song-writing écriture/composition de chansons / genuinely vraiment / to translate (se) traduire / as well également .

4. take position, point de vue / general election élections législatives / time fois / Labour (pour le) parti travailliste /

Jeremy Corbyn homme politique britannique faisant partie de l'aile gauche du Parti travailliste, élu à la tête de ce dernier le 12 septembre 2015 / to stand, stood, stood for ici, représenter / defi nitely vraiment, sans conteste / to have one's say avoir son mot à dire / way façon, manière / to run, ran, run diriger / at least tout du moins, en tout cas / enough su� samment / to do, did, done a fantastic job s'en sortir très bien / especially surtout, particulièrement / to get, got, got sb to amener qn à, persuader qn de / actually réellement / to engage in prendre part à, s'impliquer dans/en .



NIVEAU AVANCÉ DU SUPPLÉMENT SONOREDeclan McKenna a les pieds sur terre. Il incarne la voix d’une nouvelle génération de Britanniques. Ecoutez-le parler de ses sources d’inspiration ! CD audio ou téléchargement MP3 (sur abonnement)


y Hug


26-761-Steph.indd 26 24/08/2017 08:58

VOCABLE Du 7 au 20 septembre 2017 • 27

ÉchosBrèves de culture

A new albumEminem is on course to release a new album this year. HITS Daily Double reports the rap star has been recording his ninth studio album, and it could hit stores and digital outlets this autumn. The artist's last album was 2013's The Marshall Mathers LP 2, which included hits such as 'Berzerk' and Rihanna collaboration 'The Monster'. Eminem has previously hinted he has been working on new mate-rial – last year, he told fans he was making another album after dropping anti-Trump track 'Campaign Speech' during the run-up to the US election.

to be on course to être en passe de / HITS Daily Double version en ligne de la revue musicale Hits / to hit, hit, hit stores arriver dans les magasins / digital outlet ici, plateforme en ligne / LP = long player album / berzerk déformation de «berserk», fou fourieux / to hint laisser entendre / to drop ici, sortir / track ici, chanson / run-up to période précédant.

A comics worldMillarworld, the comic book company responsible for Kick-Ass, Kingsman and more, has been bought by Netfl ix. The publishing house is run by Mark Millar, who worked on Captain

America: Civil War and Logan in his time at Marvel. It was established in 2004, and many of its creations have already been turned into movies. Fox The collaboration with Netfl ix will mean many of Millar's other worlds will become TV series and movies.

comics = (comic) strips, bandes dessinées / publishing house maison d’édition / to run, ran, run diriger / in his time at lorsqu’il travaillait à.

Dungeons and Dragons

Set in a ruined medieval city called Dreamland, Matt Groening’s recently announced Netfl ix series Disen-chantment will follow the grubby adventures

of an alcoholic princess, her elf companion and a demon. Groening himself has said: “Disenchantment will be about life and death, love and sex, and how to keep laughing in a world full of su� ering and idiots, despite what the elders and wizards and other jerks tell you.”

Dungeons and Dragons VF = Donjons et dragons (lit. «oubliettes et dragons») - jeu de rôle sur table d’inspiration médiévale et fantastique / Matt Groening dessinateur, scénariste et producteur américain, créateur des Simpson / grubby ici, glauque / elder aîné, ancien / wizard sorcier / jerk crétin, abruti.

Retrouvez plus d’infos sur












(X P








Fat-shamingChloë Grace Moretz has spoken out against a male co-star who criticized her weight. In an interview with Variety, the 20-year-old star of Kick Ass and Hugo told of a situation on the set of a fi lm when she was 15 and her on-screen partner was in his twenties. “This guy that was my love interest was like, ‘I’d never date you in real life,’ and I was like, ‘What?’ And he was like, ‘Yeah, you’re too big for me’ – as in, my size,” she said. “It was one of the only

actors that ever made me cry on set.” She didn’t reveal the identity of the actor but described the exchange as “really, really dark”.

fat-shaming grossophobie (to shame ici, humilier) / to speak, spoke, spoken out against dénoncer / set plateau / love interest ici, objet de son amour / to date sortir avec.

GB761_livre.indb 27 23/08/2017 14:09

28 • VOCABLE Du 7 au 20 septembre 2017 facile A2-B1 / moyen B2-C1 / di� cile C1-C2

Découverte I Science I B2-C1

WHITE CANE 2.0 Cane blanche 2.0 Les chercheurs du MIT ont mis au point un nouveau système de navigation pour les personnes malvoyantes. Une caméra 3D capte l’environnement et un système de moteurs envoie des vibrations dans le corps lorsque les obstacles se rapprochent. Dans ce domaine très concurrentiel, de nombreux autres laboratoires ont déjà essayé d’améliorer le déplacement des aveugles. Celui-ci sera-t-il le bon ?

F or centuries , canes have served blind and partially sighted people well by

giving them a means to negotiate the world around them. The only serious upgrade they have undergone dates back to 1921, when a Briton called James Biggs, who had recently lost his sight , painted his own cane white in order to make it easily visible and to alert oth-


ers to the presence of someone unable to see nearby obstacles. In the opinion of Daniela Rus of the Massachusetts Institute of Technol-ogy (MIT), however , the white cane has had its day . Dr Rus would like to replace it with a system that scans its user’s environment and communicates back to him what it sees.

UTILITY BELT 2. Dr Rus’s device , of which she demon-strated a prototype on June 1st at the Inter-national Conference on Robotics and Auto-mation in Singapore, consists of a camera worn on a lanyard around the neck, and a belt . A computer inside the camera creates a three-dimensional image of the area ahead of the wearer, processes it to extract relevant information, and uses the results to pass on appropriate signals via the belt. 

3. Dr Rus knew from previous attempts to build devices of this sort that what might

seem the obvious way of manifesting those signals, namely as sounds with specific meanings, was not, in fact, a good approach. Blind people depend a lot on their hearing and do not like it when newfangled devices hamper this sense with beeps and clicks. Hence the belt, which has fi ve vibrating mo-tors installed in it. One sits over the centre of the wearer’s abdomen. The others fl ank this central motor, with two spaced out on either side of it.

4. That confi guration permits the computer to warn a wearer when he is on a collision course with an obstacle. It does so by telling the motor pointing most closely in the direc-tion of the obstacle to vibrate. If the wearer is walking towards a wall, for example, the central motor vibrates softly when he comes within a couple of metres of it. If he ignores this, perhaps because he actually wants to reach the wall, the computer increases the

1. century siècle / blind aveugle / partially sighted malvoyant / means moyen / to negotiate aborder, manœuvrer/se déplacer (dans) / upgrade amélioration / to undergo, underwent, undergone subir / to date back to remonter à, dater de / Briton Britannique / sight vue / own propre, personnel / in order to afi n de / to make, made, made ici, rendre, faire en sorte que (+subj.) /

nearby proche / however cependant / [it] has had its day [elle] a fait son temps / to replace remplacer . 2. device appareil, dispositif / automation automatisation, robotisation / to wear, wore, worn porter (sur soi) / lanyard cordon porté autour du cou / belt ceinture / area ici, espace / ahead of devant / to process traiter, analyser / to extract extraire; ici, sélectionner / relevant pertinent, utile / to pass on transmettre . 3. previous précédent / attempt tentative, essai /

to seem sembler / obvious évident, qui s'impose/tombe sous le sens / way façon / namely à savoir / hearing ouïe / newfangled nouveau, dernier cri / to hamper gêner / beep bip / hence d’où / to sit, sat, sat ici, se situer / to fl ank se situer de part et d'autre de / to space out espacer / on either side de part et d'autre . 4. to warn avertir, notifi er / course ici, trajectoire / so ici, cela / softly ici, légèrement / within à une distance/moins de / a couple of deux, quelques / actually en réalité, vraiment / to reach atteindre / to increase (faire) augmenter, accroître /

“Unable to see nearby obstacles” (cf. § 1)Nearby est utilisé ici comme adjectif.On peut l’utiliser également comme préposition en fi n de phrase (sans complément):Are there any shops nearby?Comparez:Are there any shops near the hotel? (On ne peut pas dire : “nearby the hotel”)

“Unable to see nearby


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6. For example, Dr Rus knew that blind students often struggle to find an empty seat in a crowded lecture theatre. Adding an appropriate algorithm to the computer’s software helps get around this by enabling it to recognise chairs, and also whether or not a chair is occupied. In this case, the mo-tors are used to indicate a direction to be travelled in, rather than one to be avoided. Activating the algorithm using the touchpad causes the motor pointing most closely to-wards an empty chair to vibrate when the system spots one. 

GOOD VIBRATIONS7. In trials involving a room that contained an empty chair, an occupied chair and also a recycling bin, the algorithm directed the belt-wearer straight to the empty chair 80% of the time. Cane users presented with the same arrangement always found the empty chair eventually, but in doing so came into contact with objects other than their target more than five times as often as those using the camera and belt.

8. Whether a camera (ideally, smaller than the one in the prototype) and a belt could replace a cane completely remains to be seen. In particular, Dr Rus’s system does lack one important feature of Biggs’s in-novation. A white cane not only helps a blind person to navigate, it also signals his condi-

tion to the rest of the world, allowing others to adjust their behaviour accord-ingly. As a supplementary aid, however, her approach seems most promising. l


k W


The new system can do more than just help someone walk around without collisions.

amplitude as he closes in, giving him a good idea of exactly how far away he is. Similarly, if he is in danger of bumping, say, his right shoulder on a doorframe while walking from one room to another, the right-most motor on the belt will warn him of the impending collision. And it works. When com-pared with navigation by white cane in one of MIT’s famously crowded hall-ways, it reduced blind stu-dents’ collisions with others by 86%. 

THERE’S MORE…5. The new system can, however, do more than just help someone walk around without collisions, for the belt incorporates a touchpad that is inscribed with instructions in Braille. This permits the user to program it to perform specific tasks.

to close in se rapprocher / how far away à quelle distance / to bump (se) heurter (à) / doorframe encadrement d'une porte / while ici, en / impending imminent / to work fonctionner, "marcher" / famously fait bien connu / crowded bondé, encombré, très fréquenté (crowd foule) / hallway couloir.5. however cependant / for ici, car, étant donné que / touchpad pavé tactile / to perform e�ectuer, accomplir / task tâche.

6. to struggle peiner/avoir du mal à / empty ici, (de) libre, vacant, inoccupé / seat siège, place assise / lecture theatre amphithéâtre (lecture cours magistral) / software (inv.) logiciel(s), programme(s) informatique(s) / to get, got, got

around contourner / to enable permettre à / to recognise reconnaître, détecter / whether si (oui ou non) / rather than plutôt que, au lieu de / to avoid éviter / to cause avoir pour conséquence/e�et que / to spot repérer, détecter.7. Good Vibrations réf. à la chanson des Beach Boys (enregistrée en 1966) / trial test, essai, expérience / to involve inclure, comprendre / recycling bin bac de recyclage / straight ici, directement / arrangement disposition, agencement / eventually au final / target cible, objectif / time fois / as often as ici, plus que.8. [it] remains to be seen [cela] reste à voir/démontrer/prouver / to lack manquer de, ne pas avoir / feature caractéristique, élément, aspect / to navigate ici, se déplacer, évoluer / condition état; ici, handicap / to allow permettre à / behaviour comportement, conduite / accordingly en conséquence / promising prometteur, encourageant.

montage.indd 1 02/08/2017 14:54:13

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30 • VOCABLE Du 7 au 20 septembre 2017 facile A2-B1 / moyen B2-C1 / di� cile C1-C2

Découverte I Armement I ETATS-UNIS I B2-C1

VandenbergAir Force Base

WHERE AGING MISSILES GO TO FINALLY BE MISSILES Le dernier voyage de missiles en fi n de carrière ( aging vieillissant) A quoi servent les missiles ? A tuer. A dissuader. A se vendre… mais que se passe-t-il lorsqu’ils deviennent dépassés ? Aux Etats-Unis, régulièrement, de vieux modèles sont retenus pour être lancés sur des cibles factices dans le Pacifi que. Un moyen, pour les militaires, de vérifi er tous leurs équipements et de montrer au monde l’e� cacité de leur arsenal.


The Minuteman-III missile entered service in 1970, with weapon systems upgrades included during the production run from 1970 to 1978 to increase accuracy and payload capacity.

V ANDENBERG AIR FORCE BASE, Calif . — A Minuteman III missile

inside the silo known as Foxtrot 2 in Montana was on alert for nearly half a century, ready to fi re a more than 300-kiloton hydrogen bomb to an adversary anywhere in the world in about 30 minutes. That mission ended in February, when an Air Force crew ventured out onto the frozen Great Plains with a special crane and pulled it out of the hole. It was headed for sunny California. The aging missile had been selected for a test-fi re , to prove it still worked and could hit a bull’s-eye — within several hundred feet, anyway — on a target in the South Pacifi c, 4,200 miles away. 

TEST LAUNCH 2. About four times every year, the Air Force goes through the exercise of pulling an ICBM out of a silo, removing its nuclear warhead and sending it to Vandenberg Air Force Base near Lompoc for a test launch. The tests, which cost $18 million each, not only give the Air Force crucial data on the function of its aging mis-siles, but also send a clear international signal, complete with high-defi nition photography, of America’s continued ability to launch a nuclear strike .

3. The missile selected for testing had been chosen randomly in an improbable but appar-ently long-standing Air Force tradition: A map of missile sites was put on a wall and an of-fi cer was selected to throw a dart at it. The dart hit Foxtrot 2’s location , about 22 miles north-east of tiny Augusta, Mont ., sometimes called the “last original cow town in the West.”“We can’t think of a more random method than that,” said Maj . Gen. Fred Stoss, operations commander for the Global Strike Command.

1. Calif. = California / silo silo (construction souterraine servant au lancement de missiles) / to fi re lancer, tirer / crew équipe / to venture out s'aventurer (dehors) / crane grue / to be headed for partir pour / test-fi re tir de test / to hit, hit, hit a bull’s-eye atteindre sa cible (dans le mille) .

2. warhead ogive / complete with ainsi que / nuclear strike frappe nucléaire .

3. randomly au hasard / long-standing ancien, de longue date / dart fl échette / location emplacement / tiny (tout) petit, minuscule / Mont. = Montana / cow town ville vivant de l'élevage et du commerce du bétail / Maj. Gen. = Major General /

Pourquoi dans le tir à l’arc (archery) ou le jeu de fl échettes (darts) appelle-t-on le centre de la cible le “bull’s-eye” (cf. § 1) ?L’origine est incertaine mais une explication plausible est, qu’au début du 19ème siècle, lors des combats de taureaux on pariait une pièce de monnaie qui s’appelait une “bull’s-eye” (oeil de boeuf).

Pourquoi dans le tir à


A Minuteman-III missile in its silo. (DR)

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VOCABLE Du 7 au 20 septembre 2017 • 31

The missile roared powerfully out of the silo, a trail of flames and rocket exhaust arcing behind it in the night sky. A brief message ap-peared on their display screen: “Missile away.” 

A SHORT FLIGHT8. The missile lit up the California coastline for miles as it soared across the Pacific. Its powerful roar took about 20 seconds to travel from the silo to the closest observation point, where Air Force personnel, their families and visitors watched from metal bleachers.

9.The Minuteman has three solid rocket stages and a fourth liquid stage that fine-tunes the warhead’s trajectory before it is released. During the initial minutes of the test flight, the first two stages could be seen falling off into the Pacific, where they sank into the deep ocean. After a few minutes, the tiny white dot disappeared on its way to Kwajalein Atoll, the site of an Army garrison

in the Marshall Islands that was captured from Japan in World War II.

10.On its trajectory across the globe, the missile reached 700 miles into space, nearly three times higher than the International Space Station. No dartboard was used for this job. A sophisticated software system designed the route to avoid a Chinese spacecraft and space junk that orbit Earth.

11.The dummy warhead re-entered Earth’s at-mosphere about 28 minutes after it launched and plunged into the lagoon at Kwajalein. It was destroyed when it hit the water and the debris sank to the bottom.

12.Tracking systems at Mount Wilson in Los Angeles County, a Navy base in Hawaii and the Kwajalein Atoll had monitored the flight from start to finish. Air Force officials declared it a success. How close did it come to the bull’s-eye? That remained a secret. l

Stoss recalled that when it was his turn to select a missile, it took him a couple throws to even hit the list — a fact not to be taken as predictive of the Air Force’s actual targeting capabilities in the event of nuclear war. 

LET IT GO4. The missile was transported by truck to Vandenberg, where the Air Force has been testing its ICBMs for more than half a cen-tury. A dozen launch officers and mainte-nance men and women from the 341st Mis-sile Wing at Malmstrom Air Force Base in Montana left their Arctic-like conditions and drove to Vandenberg for a visit that would span more than two months.

5.Once there, the test missile was reassembled, inserted into a silo and powered up. The missile hardware dates to the 1960s, the same era when the U.S. aerospace industry built the Apollo spacecraft that took men to the moon. Unlike the moon rockets, the ICBMs are still at work.

6.The missiles wait in their underground silos with the gyroscopes spinning inside their guidance systems around the clock, ready to launch in minutes if the president orders a nuclear strike. (The missile housed in Foxtrot 2 had clocked 32,500 on its guid-ance system by the time it was extracted and shipped to Vandenberg.)

7.Once at the test base in California, two offic-ers from Malmstrom were assigned to an underground launch control center that resem-bles their actual launch facility in Montana — and the preparations began. It would be a full month later, just after midnight, when missile launch officers would issue a command to open a 110-ton door over the test silo. Simul-taneously, they each turned keys on their underground consoles, sending an electronic signal to the 79,432-pound weapon: ignition.

throw lancer / to be predictive of être une indication de / targeting de ciblage / in the event of en cas de.

4. truck (US) = lorry (GB) camion / wing ici, division, section / to span s'étaler sur.

5. to power up mettre sous tension, allumer, activer / hardware matériel, équipement / spacecraft (inv.) vaisseau spatial / rocket fusée.

6. to spin, spun, spun tourner (très vite) / guidance system système de guidage / around the clock 24 heures sur 24 / to house loger, abriter / to clock ici, a�cher / to ship transporter.

7. facility installation ici, base / to issue envoyer, émettre / ignition allumage /

to roar rugir, vrombir / trail traînée, sillage / exhaust gaz, fumée / to arc décrire un arc / display screen écran.

8. flight vol / to light, lit, lit up illuminer / coastline côte / to soar s’élever, s'élancer / roar rugissement, vacarme / bleachers ( gradins.

9. stage ici, étage / to fine-tune a�ner / to release ici, larguer / dot point / garrison garnison.

10. dartboard cible de fléchettes / route trajectoire / space junk débris spatiaux / to orbit graviter autour de.

11. dummy factice, faux.

12. tracking system système de suivi, de traçage / Navy marine / to monitor contrôler / o�cial responsable.

Une suggestion ? écrivez-nous sur [email protected]

In this image taken with a slow shutter speed and provided by the U.S. Air Force,

an unarmed Minuteman 3 intercontinental ballistic missile launches during an

operational test just after midnight, Wednesday, May 3, 2017, at Vandenberg

Air Force Base, Calif. (2nd Lt. William Collette/U.S. Air Force via AP)

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32 • VOCABLE Du 7 au 20 septembre 2017

Bons plans I Langues Bons plans I Langues



Et si vous profi tiez de la rentrée pour prendre l’avantage en anglais ? Cette sélection de méthodes, ouvrages, romans bilingues, podcasts et applis vous permettra de mettre toutes les chances de votre côté.


Pour tous ceux qui veu lent apprendre par eux-mêmes, Harrap’s a mis au point L’Anglais par l e s v i d é o s (29,90€), une

méthode basée sur une série de soixante fi lms interactifs. Les éditions Ophrys proposent aux col-légiens, lycéens et tous ceux qui souhaitent par-faire leurs connais-sances L’anglais de 11 à 99 ans (14,90€).

Les plus pressés préféreront la nouvelle édition de Globish, L'anglais su sant pour briller en toute situation (20€). Cette méthode originale propose d’apprendre en 26 semaines un « anglais allégé composé de 1500 mots essentiels, d'une prononcia-tion correcte et d'une gram-maire élémen-taire ». Vocable vient d’éditer

un petit livre malin pour revoir faci-lement tous les basiques de la grammaire  : Quiz et jeux révisions (4,90€). Et puisque toutes les occasions sont bonnes pour réviser,

l’éditeur Tut Tut publie Je teste mon anglais aux toilettes (6€). Ce petit livre contient 1 1 0 q u i z z décalés pour enrichir son vocabulaire, améliorer ses structures de phrase et sa conjugaison.


Indispensable pour l’appren-tissage de l’anglais : le Shor-ter (37,90€) d’Harrap’s et son million de mots, expressions et traductions. La dernière mise à jour contient 5000 nou-velles entrées, dont cell tower

(antenne relais) et cyberbully (cy-berharceleur). Dans sa nouvelle édition, le Robert & Collins Poche P l u s ( 9 , 9 9 € ) est enrichi de remarques sur l’usage et la prononciation. Les amateurs de conversation se procureront l’indispensable

Vade-mecum 2000 proverbes et expres-sions quotidiennes français-anglais (11€) où l’on décou-vrira par exemple que «  la cerise sur le gâteau  » se dit en anglais « the icing on the


l’usage et la prononciation.

GB761_livre.indb 32 23/08/2017 14:09

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cake ». Sur internet, demeure l’un des meilleurs dictionnaires en ligne et son forum reste très actif.


Pour arriver b i e n a r m é aux épreuves, N a t h a n a compi lé en 3 0 0 p a g e s un A B C du Bac (14,50€), regroupant

des fiches de grammaire avec exercices progressifs (et leurs corrigés) et les notions au programme. Hatier sort sont Annabac actualisé : 27 sujets et leurs corrigés expli-qués aux LV1 et LV2, pour préparer les épreuves écrites et orales. Cita-tions en anglais Bac 2018 (7,95€), chez Studyrama, référence les proverbes et citations en lien avec le programme de terminale. Librio propose un petit ouvrage astucieux  : Les 100 pièges de

l’anglais (3€). Il vous aidera à déjouer les d i f f i c u l t é s g r a m m a t i -cales, à piéger les faux-amis et à retenir les expressions idiomatiques.


Des outils existent pour que vous soyez au top lorsque vien-dra le jour J. En octobre, l’éditeur Prepmy fut ure sortira Toeic®. Pré-paration en ligne (39€), une méthode d’e-learning conte-nant 1800 ques-tions et 2 examens

blancs complets. Nathan publie une nouvelle é d i t i o n d e son coff ret Le pack Réus-site TOEIC ® ( 39 ,9 0€) et vient de sor-t ir le mois der nier un

Pack Réussite IELTS (34,90€), comprenant une méthode, un CD pour travailler l’oral et un livret de vocabulaire incluant des exercices. Toujours chez le mê me é d i-teur, Bulats - La méthode R é u s s i t e (25,90€) vous aidera à pré-parer ce test passé par plus de 7 millions de candidats chaque année. Et si vous souhaitez mettre toutes les chances d e v o t r e c ô t é , H a r-rap’s a récem-ment sor t i 4 0 0 0 Q C M p o u r r é u s -sir l’anglais aux concours (19,95€), afin de parachever votre entraînement.


À télécharger sur votre ordi-nateur ou votre téléphone, les podcasts permettront d’entraîner votre oreille à différents accents en écoutant des discours variés. Nous vous recommandons par-ticulièrement 6 minutes English de la BBC, traitant de sujets divers, comme par exemple le véganisme, les émoticônes ou

la répartition des tâches dans le couple. Chez BBC encore, The English we speak aborde en moins de 3 minutes des points précis de la langue. Pour ces deux podcasts, le site internet de la BBC pro-pose les transcripts afin de ne rien rater des dialo-

gues. Pour celles et ceux qui souhaiteraient plutôt parler un anglais made in USA, les podcasts English Pronunciation, mis en ligne sur le site Becker Accent Reduction, permettent de tra-vailler leur prononciation « à l’américaine ».


Lire directement en anglais ? Un plaisir, avec à la collection « Yes You Can » chez Harrap’s, où seuls les mots-clés sont traduits en marge du texte. Le catalogue vient de s’enrichir de trois nou-veaux titres : Finders Kee-per de Ste-phen King, M o r i a r t y d ’A n t h o n y Horowitz et To the ligh-thouse de Vir-ginia Woolf (tous à 8,95€). Rappelons que l’éditeur propose également des livres illustrés adaptés aux collégiens, comme par exemple Doctor Faustus, Gulliver’s travels ou bien The Fall of the House of Usher (de 4,50 à 4,95€). Avant l’été, Folio Bilingue a

publié Quand tout est déjà arrivé / Levels of Life (8,20€), reg roupant trois récits d e J u l i a n Barnes. L’édi-t e u r M o -zaika Edu-c a t i o n a l propose des

e-books contenant la version en anglais et la ver-sion en français. Le dernier titre paru est un livre « d’urban fan-tasy », un sous-genre littéraire fantastique où des créatures légendaires, féeriques ou mytho-logiques vivent dans un centre urbain, un univers familier créé par l'homme : The Time Stopper (0,99€). Dans un autre registre, la collection « Tip Tongue » de

Syros propose des livres débu-tant en français, puis introdui-sant des dialogues en anglais

de plus en plus longs, jusqu’à u n d e r n ie r chapitre 100 % en V.O. Parmi les nouvelles parutions, La Malédiction d u W e l s h Red Dragon

(6 , 9 5 € ) e t , pour les ados (dès 14 ans), Dylan Dilem-m a (6 , 9 5 €) sur les traces d u c é l è b r e chanteur Bob Dylan.


Dans l’apprentissage de l’anglais, votre smartphone sera un allié précieux grâce aux nombreuses applications permettant de révi-ser au cours de vos trajets quoti-diens ou dans une file d’attente. Citons tout d’abord Memrise (gratuit), très utile pour la mé-morisation du vocabulaire. Les lycéens appré-cieront Kartable (4,99€ dans sa

version payante), développée avec l’aide de profes-seurs de l’Édu-cation nationale

et couvrant les programmes de première et ter-minale. Les cé-lèbres apps Duo-lingo et Babbel (gratuites) sont excellentes pour des petits shoots quotidiens de g r a m m a i r e . Enfin, les abon-nés au magazine Vocable profiteront de l’applica-tion offerte pour emporter leur magazine partout avec eux avec la possibilité de constituer leur dictionnaire personnalisé ! l

GB761_livre.indb 33 23/08/2017 14:09

34 • VOCABLE Du 7 au 20 septembre 2017

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DVD LES GARDIENS DE LA GALAXIE VOLUME 2De James GunnLes Gardiens de la Galaxie est certainement la saga la plus drôle, et peut-être la plus spectaculaire des fi lms de super-héros. Ce groupe de mercenaires déjantés a le don de se retrouver dans les situations les plus chaotiques qui soient. Cette fois-ci, Starlord (Chris Pratt), un humain kidnappé par des extraterrestres sur Terre lorsqu’il était enfant dans les années 1980, fait la connaissance de son père (Kurt Russell). Evidemment, cette rencontre n’est pas sans surprises… Du grand spectacle très divertissant ! Disney

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MARY De Marc Webb Depuis que sa maman est morte, Mary (Mckenna Grace), aujourd’hui sept ans, est élevée par son oncle (Chris Evans) dans une petite ville près de Tampa, en Floride. L’enfant présente tous les signes d’une surdouée, mais son tuteur, qu’elle adore, insiste pour qu’elle aille dans une école normale. Ce n’est pas pour plaire à tout le monde. Un fi lm extrêmement classique et émouvant grâce à un casting intelligent.Dans les salles.


SUR L’ÉCRITURECharles BukowskiComment se construit une œuvre ? Bien souvent dans la douleur quand on s’appelle Charles Bukowski et que l’on est, soi-même, un personnage hors du commun. Ce passionnant recueil de correspondances avec de nombreux interlocuteurs allant de 1945 à 1993 se lit comme un ensemble de poèmes. Que l’on connaisse par cœur ou non le parcours du célèbre poète et écrivain américain, il dévoile le dessous des cartes d’une vie vécue à 100 à l’heure.Au Diable Vauvert

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THE PARTY De Sally Potter Avec, Timothy Spall, Patricia Clarkson A Londres, Janet (Kristin Scott Thomas) organise une petite fête avec des invités triés sur le volet pour célébrer son ascension dans les rangs au sein de son parti politique. Qui sait, le poste de Première ministre n’est peut-être plus très loin ? Un banquier, une amie de longue date, un universitaire… Tous ont des secrets inavouables. Le diner si prévisible va fi nalement prendre des virages tournures inattendues. Un huis-clos britannique savoureux aux dialogues ciselés.Dans les salles le 13 septembre

34-761-Isa.indd 34 29/08/2017 13:08

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SUMMERTIMEEarly in August, President Donald Trump departed the White House for a 17-day trip at his golf club in New Jersey on what the White House called a "working vacation." Trump's vacation was twice as long as the vacation President Barack Obama took to Martha's Vineyard in his fi rst year in o� ce -- and means Trump spent 53 "leisure" days through August 2017 as compared to 15 for Obama through August 2009. During the 2016 campaign, Trump repeatedly promised that he would refuse to take vacation in order to keep doing the work of the American depart quitter / vacation (US) = holiday (GB) / in o� ce à la présidence / through ici, jusqu’en.

hole trou / poll sondage.


THE ARTIST. Jack Ohman joined The Sacramento Bee in 2013. He previously worked at the Oregonian, the Detroit Free Press and the Columbus Dis-patch. His work is syndicated to more than 200 newspapers by Tribune Media Services. Jack won the Pulitzer Prize in 2016 and was a Pu-litzer fi nalist in 2012. He has won the Robert F. Kennedy Journalism Award, the Scripps Foundation Award, the national SPJ Award, and was the fi nalist for the Herblock Prize in 2013.

previously auparavant / to syndicate ici, publier simultanément dans plusieurs journaux.

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PROMOTION : C.Veziris [80]. MARKETING-FABRICATION : V. Blum [92], J. de Beco [93], C.Bourdery[90]. SERVICE ABONNÉS : CS 70001, 59440 Avesnes sur Helpe. tél. 03 27 61 10 11, fax 03 27 61 22 52, [email protected]. RÉASSORTIMENT PROFESSIONNEL : BO CONSEIL, [email protected], tél. 09 67 32 09 34. CONCEPTION GRAPHIQUE : Virginie Lafon & Frédéric Savarit. MAQUETTE : S.M.P./ S.Bousez, C. Sou� et, I. Bourroux, S.Burlion, M. Butinska. IMPRESSION : Imprimerie ROTIMPRES (Aiguaviva Girona-Espagne). N° de commission paritaire 1217 K 82493. ISSN n° 0763-9686VOCABLE est édité par la Société Maubeugeoise d’Édition et Cie, 59603 Maubeuge CedexBureau Paris 56, rue Fondary 75015 PARIS. Tél : 01 44 37 97 97 / Fax : 01 44 37 97 98. Dans ce numéro, des encarts d’abonnements brochés ou jetés sur tous les abonnés. Cette publication comporte, sur une partie des abonnés un livret audio jeté. 23 rue Auguste Vacquerie 75116 Paris



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