is self-esteem synonymous with gaavahimportance of building up one’s confidence, developing a...

Dr. Benzion Sorotzkin, Psy.D. Clinical Psychologist Brooklyn, NY [email protected] (Updated June 2020) IS SELF-ESTEEM SYNONYMOUS WITH GAAVAH? In a March 2011 issue of Hamodia Magazine, a writer who described himself as a Yeshiva high school teacher and life coachwrote an article titled The Self-Esteem Mirage.In this article, the author states: The self-esteem movement is exactly the opposite of everything the mussar masters teach.He cites from Rav Shlomo Wolbe's writings as evidence for this assertion. And, in fact, in one of his published letters, Rav Wolbe makes a strong negative statement about the emphasis modern psychology puts on self-confidence. 1 He writes: Every other day bochurim complain to me that they have no confidence )ביטחון עצמי) and I respond, Where does it say in the Torah that you need to have confidence in yourself: and is it even a good thing? In seforim it only speaks of the need for confidence (ביטחון) in Hashem.2 This seems to be quite conclusive! Refutation Yet, in a letter to the editor a few weeks later Rabbi Dovid Nussbaum and Rabbi Eliezer Wolbe from the Bais Hamussar in Yerushalayim [established by Rav Shlomo Wolbe] responded with the following comments: …The article “The Self-Esteem Mirage” falls into the category of misconstruing Rav Wolbe’s stance on self-esteem. On countless occasions, he spoke publicly about the importance of building up one’s confidence, developing a positive self-image, and instilling self-esteem in our children. Rav Wolbe cited many sources in Chazal, building a solid base for this very important foundation of chinuch. 1 Self-confidence and self-esteem are often used interchangeably. Technically, self-esteem is a more general concept of the value you see yourself having. “Am I worthwhile human being?” Confidence, on the other hand, is more specific - it’s the belief that you can succeed at something. You can be confident about one area of your life, while lacking confidence about another area. They are, however, clearly related. In his book reviewing the research on self-esteem, (Self-Esteem and Positive Psychology: Research, Theory, and Practice. 4th ed. New York: Springer, 2013), Christopher Mruk combines both concepts, asserting that authentic self-esteem involves both feeling competent and feeling worthy. 2 רבי שלמה וולבה( ספר אגרות וכתבים:)' , אגרת תמד' אות ב הנה מושגי ם מהמילון הפסיכולוגי הם היום בפי כל אדם. כל אחד יודע מ"רגש[ " נחיתותinferiority complex : זה עוד לא נורא. אבל] כל יום ב' וה' באים אלי בחורים ומתאוננים שאין להם "בטחון עצמי"( self confidence ) : ואני שואל אותם: איפה זה כתוב בתורה שצריכים בטחון עצמי, וכי זה דבר טוב? בספרים מצאתי רק בטחון בהשי"ת.רק בצדקת הצדיק לר' צדוק הכהן נ"ע סי' קנד( ' מצאתי שצריך להאמין בעצמו, אבל יעויין שם שזהו "בטחון עצמי" שונה לגמרי מזה שללשונו של רבי צדוק[ ). הפסיכולוגים.] שם הובא בסמוך בהערה

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Page 1: IS SELF-ESTEEM SYNONYMOUS WITH GAAVAHimportance of building up one’s confidence, developing a positive self-image, and instilling self-esteem in our children. Rav Wolbe cited many

Dr. Benzion Sorotzkin, Psy.D. Clinical Psychologist

Brooklyn, NY

[email protected]

(Updated June 2020)


In a March 2011 issue of Hamodia Magazine, a writer who described himself as a “Yeshiva high

school teacher and life coach” wrote an article titled “The Self-Esteem Mirage.” In this article,

the author states: “The self-esteem movement is exactly the opposite of everything the mussar

masters teach.” He cites from Rav Shlomo Wolbe's writings as evidence for this assertion. And,

in fact, in one of his published letters, Rav Wolbe makes a strong negative statement about the

emphasis modern psychology puts on self-confidence.1 He writes: “Every other day bochurim

complain to me that they have no confidence )ביטחון עצמי) and I respond, Where does it say in

the Torah that you need to have confidence in yourself: and is it even a good thing? In seforim it

only speaks of the need for confidence (ביטחון) in Hashem.”2 This seems to be quite conclusive!


Yet, in a letter to the editor a few weeks later Rabbi Dovid Nussbaum and Rabbi Eliezer

Wolbe from the Bais Hamussar in Yerushalayim [established by Rav Shlomo Wolbe] responded

with the following comments:

…The article “The Self-Esteem Mirage” falls into the category of misconstruing Rav

Wolbe’s stance on self-esteem. On countless occasions, he spoke publicly about the

importance of building up one’s confidence, developing a positive self-image, and

instilling self-esteem in our children. Rav Wolbe cited many sources in Chazal, building

a solid base for this very important foundation of chinuch.

1 Self-confidence and self-esteem are often used interchangeably. Technically, self-esteem is a more general concept

of the value you see yourself having. “Am I worthwhile human being?” Confidence, on the other hand, is more

specific - it’s the belief that you can succeed at something. You can be confident about one area of your life, while

lacking confidence about another area. They are, however, clearly related. In his book reviewing the research on

self-esteem, (Self-Esteem and Positive Psychology: Research, Theory, and Practice. 4th ed. New York: Springer,

2013), Christopher Mruk combines both concepts, asserting that authentic self-esteem involves both feeling

competent and feeling worthy. ם מהמילון הפסיכולוגי הם היום בפי כל אדם. כל אחד יודע מ"רגש הנה מושגי , אגרת תמד' אות ב'(:ספר אגרות וכתבים )רבי שלמה וולבה 2

self)כל יום ב' וה' באים אלי בחורים ומתאוננים שאין להם "בטחון עצמי" [: זה עוד לא נורא. אבל inferiority complexנחיתות" ]

confidence) .ואני שואל אותם: איפה זה כתוב בתורה שצריכים בטחון עצמי, וכי זה דבר טוב? בספרים מצאתי רק בטחון בהשי"ת :

מצאתי שצריך להאמין בעצמו, אבל יעויין שם שזהו "בטחון עצמי" שונה לגמרי מזה של ')רק בצדקת הצדיק לר' צדוק הכהן נ"ע סי' קנד

שם הובא בסמוך בהערה[.הפסיכולוגים.( ]לשונו של רבי צדוק

Page 2: IS SELF-ESTEEM SYNONYMOUS WITH GAAVAHimportance of building up one’s confidence, developing a positive self-image, and instilling self-esteem in our children. Rav Wolbe cited many



Rav Wolbe always quoted Rabbeinu Yonah’s opening statement in Shaarei Avodah:

“The first step in avodas Hashem is knowing one’s own importance and innate

greatness”1 (explained at length in Alei Shur II, pp. 158-160). In addition, Rav Wolbe

used to quote with excitement the claim of Reb Tzadok, zt”l, that just as one believes in

Hashem, he must also believe in himself (Tzidkas Hatzaddik Hamalei, p. 97).2

Rav Wolbe often cited the Torah’s statement about those who made the utensils

for the mishkan, which required very fine craftsmanship: “They were people whose

uplifted hearts inspired them to accept this unaccustomed work on themselves (Shemos

35, 21).” The Ramban explains: “For there was no one among them who was formally

trained in these crafts or even slightly accustomed to such handiwork. Yet one

discovered that he had an inherent knowledge of how to do it. He raised himself to reach

the ways of Hashem by standing before Moshe and proclaiming, ‘I will do whatever you

ask of me’”.3 The Ramban’s words demonstrate that the foundation of achievement is a

person’s confidence in his potential ability to rise to a challenge and succeed.

The ability is ingrained to one’s neshama, and all he has to do is use it, allowing

his potential to emerge into the world of the actual, as Rav Wolbe states in Daas Shlomo

(Zman Mattan Toraseinu, pp. 254-256). He also states that the first stage in the

successful learning of mussar is knowing one’s inherent strengths (Alei Shur II, p. 160).4

Rav Wolbe would never consider crediting a child for something undeserved, as the

author writes [attributing this to the proponents of self-esteem], and he taught that when a

child undertakes any task, we should seize the moment and build the child’s self-esteem

by pointing out how well he did it and how proud we are of him/her. However, even if

he doesn’t undertake tasks (which is almost impossible), a parent should encourage him,

exploring ways to empower the child to use his unique inborn traits (Alei Shur I, pg.


To claim that self-discipline and hard work, according to Rav Wolbe, are the first

and only steps necessary to achieve success is a gross misrepresentation. Without the

backbone that can only come from a positive self-image and which is supplied primarily

by one’s parents, a child will not have the stamina to work hard and discipline himself to

meet the very trying challenges of our time.6

הפתח הראשון הוא שידע האיש העובד ערך עצמו ויכיר מעלתו ומעלת אבותיו וגדלותם ": שערי העבודה"בהתחלת ספר רבינו יונה וז"ל 1

... וישתדל ויתחזק תמיד להעמיד עצמו במעלה ההיא ולהתחזק בה תמיד, וחשיבותם וחבתם אצל הבורא יתברךשם: כשם שצריך אדם להאמין בהשם יתברך כך צריך אחר כך להאמין בעצמו. רצה לומר שיש להשם יתברך עסק עמו וכי צדוקרבי וז"ל 2

נפשו ממקור החיים יתברך שמו והשם יתברך מתענג ומשתעשע בה כשעושה רצונו....כי לא היה בהם שלמד את המלאכות , לקרבה אל המלאכה, וטעם אשר נשאו לבו - :ן"רמב :ויבאו כל איש אשר נשאו לבו(: כא:שמות לה) 3

לבא לפני משה לאמר [ ו:יז', דברי הימים ב] 'ויגבה לבו בדרכי ה, אבל מצא בטבעו שידע לעשות כן, או מי שאימן בהן ידיו כלל, האלה ממלמד

.לו אני אעשה כל אשר אדני דוברעל מעלות כבר עצם המחשבה.... בלימוד מעלות צריך לעסוק תקופה ממושכת קס: ... המתחיל ללמוד מוסר-עמ' קנח בעלי שורוז"ל שם 4

מקרבת את האדם אליהן .... אולי לימוד מעלות יותר קשה מאשר הכרת חסרונות .... העיקר הגדול, כי ראשית לימוד המוסר צריך להיות

לימוד מעלות. אין ללכת נגד על הפסוק "חנוך לנער על פי דרכו"[ הרי דברים נפלאים בבהירותם, כי וז"ל בעלי שור ח"א עמ' רסג: ]על דברי הגר"א 5

עבודת החינוך היא, לנצל לטובה את הטבעים והתכונות של הילד...י ותכונות הבנים. עטב "אם ראית תלמיד שלימודו קשה עליו כברזל, בשביל רבו שאינו מסביר לו פנים..." -גמ' תענית ח. ראה גם 6

Page 3: IS SELF-ESTEEM SYNONYMOUS WITH GAAVAHimportance of building up one’s confidence, developing a positive self-image, and instilling self-esteem in our children. Rav Wolbe cited many



Basing the claim in this article on Rav Wolbe’s teaching caused much anguish to his

talmidim and family, who knew and repeatedly heard his views on the matter [Hamodia

Magazine, April 6, 2011].

How do we understand this apparent discrepancy between Rav Wobe's letter criticizing

the contemporary emphasis on self-confidence and his family and talmidim's insistence

(including many supporting citations from his seforim) that “on countless occasions, [Rav

Wolbe] spoke publicly about the importance of building up one’s confidence, developing a

positive self-image, and instilling self-esteem in our children”?

The Academic Debate Over the Importance of Self-Esteem

What does science say about the importance of self-esteem? It depends who (and when)

you ask. In a scholarly review of the research on self-esteem in a 2007 issue of American

Psychologist, Swann and his colleagues1 recall the wave of enthusiasm within the lay community

for the concept of self-esteem. It was claimed - without much supporting evidence - that

improved self-esteem was a cure for much that ails us in the realm of education and mental

health. Academic failure, anti-social behavior, juvenile delinquency, and a wide variety of

emotional disorders were attributed to poor self-esteem.

More recently, researchers have expressed disillusionment with this long-assumed

importance of self-esteem since most studies did not find much of a connection. These skeptics

included Roy Baumeister, a prominent social psychologist, and a former proponent of the self-

esteem movement. One of the turning points in the exaggerated and sweeping claims made for

the importance of self-esteem as a panacea for all of society's ills was the research findings (by

Baumeister and others) that juvenile delinquents and criminals actually have very high self-

esteem. Baumeister et al. concluded that “efforts to boost people’s self-esteem are of little value

in fostering academic achievement or preventing undesirable behavior.”2

Exaggerated claims and exaggerated devaluation

Swann et al. assert that the highly exaggerated claims for the value of self-esteem has led

to an exaggerated devaluation of its importance. Rather than making broad claims of the

‘magical’ powers of self-esteem, research points to more nuanced and sophisticated predictive

statements regarding the value of self-esteem. One example they point to is the importance of

assessing the strength of the person's self-view. A strongly held self-view will likely have a

more positive impact than a tenuous one. Even with strongly held beliefs one must distinguish

“true certainty in beliefs from ‘compensatory confidence,’ with the latter actually reflecting a

lack of certainty in the attitude.”3

1 Swann, W. B. Jr., Chang-Schneider, C., & McClarty, K. L. (2007). Do people’s self-views matter? Self-concept

and self-esteem in everyday life. American Psychologist, 62, 84-94 2 Quoted by Swann et al. p. 84. 3 Swann et al. p. 86. See also later from Rav Dessler on gaavah as a compensation for an inferiority complex.

Page 4: IS SELF-ESTEEM SYNONYMOUS WITH GAAVAHimportance of building up one’s confidence, developing a positive self-image, and instilling self-esteem in our children. Rav Wolbe cited many



Regarding the purported evidence of high self-esteem among criminals, Swann et al.

again decry the lack of nuanced distinctions in these studies which often “equate the self-

protective statements of narcissists with those of people with true high self-esteem... [C]onflating

narcissism and true self-esteem is profoundly problematic for the same reason that it is

problematic to mistake for a friend an enemy who is merely masquerading as a friend.”1

Impact of improving self-esteem and why some programs don't work

Swann et al. insist that, contrary to the critics, there is ample evidence that boosting self-

esteem improve test scores, reduce school disciplinary reports, and reduce use of drugs and

alcohol. There is also “the well-documented finding that low self-esteem predicts subsequent

depression.” They suggest that the alleged lack of evidence of a positive impact of programs to

boost self-esteem may reflect the simplistic nature of some of these programs. They relate how

one satirist had a character gazing into a mirror and reciting, “I'm good enough, I’m smart

enough, and gash darn it, people like me.” “Instead of focusing on people's momentary self-

esteem,” they report, “the effective programs emphasize procedures that are also designed to

alter the raw materials that provide a basis for healthy, sustainable self-esteem.”2 These

programs “"involve changing the behaviors and situations that feed into people's self-views

rather than the self-views per se.” Still, “just as it is not enough to change self-views only, so too

is it not enough to change people's behaviors and life circumstances only” without focusing on

facilitating the change in self-esteem as well.3

Alfie Kohn

More recently, Alfie Kohn passionately defended the value of self-esteem, with ample

documentation from the research literature.4 He echoes many of the points made by Swann et al.

citing more recent research. He cites studies that found “poorer mental and physical health,

worse economic prospects, and higher levels of criminal behavior during adulthood” among

adolescents with low self-esteem.5 People with high self-esteem “are apt to be more satisfied

with life, less depressed, and more optimistic.” They are also “more likely to persist at a task

even when it's difficult... [while being] more likely to recognize when persistence would be

futile,” and are more resilient “so that the experience of failure isn't as discouraging.”6

Global vs. specific self-esteem

When it comes to assessing if self-esteem promotes higher achievement, Kohn

acknowledges that the correlation “isn't all that impressive” but that's because many of these

1 Swann et al. p. 87. 2 Swann et al. p. 90. 3 Swann et al. p. 91. 4 Kohn, A. (2014). The Myth of the Spoiled Child. (Chapter 6, "The Attack on Self-Esteem.," pp. 119-139). 5 Kohn p. 122. 6 Kohn pp. 122-123.

Page 5: IS SELF-ESTEEM SYNONYMOUS WITH GAAVAHimportance of building up one’s confidence, developing a positive self-image, and instilling self-esteem in our children. Rav Wolbe cited many



studies focus “on the capacity of global measures of self-esteem to predict specific outcomes ...

but when you look at how children view their capability in a specific field, that does predict


Is self-esteem the cause or the result of achievement?

Kohn refutes the critics who claim that “self-esteem isn't the cause of achievement: it's

the result”1 while acknowledging that “gains in academic achievement that are facilitated by self-

esteem... may further enhance feelings of self-worth, thus setting the stage for additional

achievement in school.”2

Regarding the question: Do programs to boost children's self-esteem actually work?

Kohn cites recent research that school based interventions can make a difference: “provided that

(a) the focus is on improving the way children view their aptitude in specific areas, (b) the

measure of success matches the focus rather than looking at global self-esteem, and (c) the

program isn't ridiculous.” Some of the simplistic and outlandish efforts to boost self-esteem

were sometimes used to discredit all efforts to enhance children's self-esteem.3

“The Dark Side of High Self-Esteem”

A turning point in the history of the self-esteem movement was Roy Baumeister's 1996

article subtitled “The Dark Side of High Self-Esteem” which to this day is cited by critics of self-

esteem. Kohn criticizes Baumeister's “dubious reasoning” where he, for example, uses “high

self-esteem” and “egotism” interchangeably. “Since many violent people are egotistical,

Baumeister claimed, there must be a risk when self-esteem reaches a certain level.” Likewise,

asserts Kohn, Baumeister “assumed we should take people's sweeping self-congratulatory

statements about themselves – ‘I'm the greatest/ smartest/ strongest!’ - at face value. Anyone

who brags about how amazing he is must have very high self-esteem.” This is unconvincing to

anyone who can differentiate between “genuinely positive self-regard and arrogant self-

satisfaction.” Kohn cites research that clearly shows that “genuine self-esteem and narcissistic

self-aggrandizement are distinct constructs.”

Kohn reports that “Baumeister himself appeared to back-pedal a few years after

publishing his much-quoted ‘dark side’ article.” In a 2003 essay Baumeister “acknowledged that

high self-esteem comes in different forms [and] that many people with high self-esteem aren't

aggressive or narcissistic...” But by then “his first paper had already done its damage.”4

In summary, there is ample evidence that low self-esteem is detrimental from both an

emotional well-being and achievement perspectives and that high self-esteem makes a significant

contribution to emotional well-being and levels of functioning. There is also significant

1 Kohn p. 123. 2 Kohn p. 124. 3 Kohn p. 124. 4 Kohn pp. 125-126.

Page 6: IS SELF-ESTEEM SYNONYMOUS WITH GAAVAHimportance of building up one’s confidence, developing a positive self-image, and instilling self-esteem in our children. Rav Wolbe cited many



evidence that sensibly designed programs can be effective in enhancing children's and

adolescent's self-esteem.

The backlash against the self-esteem movement, according to both Swann et al. and

Kohn, was fueled by (a) simplistic and superficial programs to boost self-esteem, (b) expecting

positive self-esteem to improve performance even in areas not related to the domain of the

positive self-regard, and, (c) equating the compensatory arrogance of the narcissist with

genuinely positive self-regard.

Feeling unique vs. feeling superior

This last point is something I had long noted in my clinical practice. Those who need to

compensate for low self-esteem by striving for, or fantasizing about, success rarely have ordinary

success in mind. Rather they are driven to strive for, or imagine themselves, achieving amazing

and glorious success. Similarly, those who live in dire poverty dream of winning millions in a

lottery and not of getting a decent paying job. It seems that “compensation” for shame

experiences (often associated with low self-esteem) needs to be intense and grand enough to

wipe out the shame.

Someone who grew up with adequate self-esteem may be content with moderate success

(even while striving for more) without feeling a need to be superior to others. He experiences his

“specialness” by appreciating his uniqueness. Those who grew up feeling inferior, in contrast,

are not content with success or uniqueness, they need to feel superior.

I was pleased to see that Kohn quotes a similar idea from Morris Rosenberg, one of the

pioneers in the study of self-esteem: “With self-esteem we are asking whether the individual

considers himself adequate - a person of worth - not whether he considers himself superior to

others.”1 In my experience, this is what distinguishes healthy self-esteem from compensatory


Ideological rather than scientific objections to “unearned” self-esteem

Kohn asserts that the major underlying factor driving the critics of self-esteem is their

objection to children feeling good about themselves “for no reason” (as one critic put it) or “just

for being.” He quotes Baumeister as insisting that self-esteem should be “a reward rather than an

entitlement.” Another objection was expressed by another critic (Twenge) quoted by Kohn who

lamented that: “If a child feels great about himself even when he does nothing, why do anything?

Self-esteem without basis encourages laziness...”

After reviewing the literature, Kohn insists that “there's absolutely no evidence to support

the depressing premise that for things to get done, we need the anxious energy of perpetual self-

doubt… In reality, someone who has a core of faith in his or her own efficacy and an underlying

conviction that he or she is a good person is no more likely than other people - and probably a

1 Kohn p. 126.

Page 7: IS SELF-ESTEEM SYNONYMOUS WITH GAAVAHimportance of building up one’s confidence, developing a positive self-image, and instilling self-esteem in our children. Rav Wolbe cited many



good deal less likely - to opt for stagnation. As a rule, it's hard to stop happy, satisfied people

from trying to learn or from trying to do a job of which they can be proud.”1

Causes of unstable self-esteem

Kohn also cites recent research suggesting that stability of self-esteem is even more

important than the level of self-esteem. He quotes one group of researchers who stated,

“individuals with fragile high self-esteem are willing to go to great lengths to defend their

positive, yet vulnerable, feelings of self-worth… They often overreact to perceived threats to

their self-worth by becoming angry and either criticizing or attacking the source of the threat.”2

What makes self-esteem unstable, is when it is conditional, and especially when it hinges

on outdoing others. Kohn asserts that conditional self-esteem probably “results from having

been esteemed conditionally by others. When children feel as though they must fulfill certain

conditions to be loved by their parents – a feeling typically evoked by the use of psychological

control… – it's not easy for them to accept themselves unconditionally.3 And everything goes

downhill from there.”

Does the Torah value self-esteem?4

We can find many Torah sources for the importance of positive self-esteem - in addition

to the sources mentioned in the letter from the heads of the Bais Hamussar cited in the beginning

of the article (e.g., “On countless occasions, [Rav Wolbe] spoke publicly about the importance of

building up one’s confidence, developing a positive self-image, and instilling self-esteem in our


• Rav Chaim Volozhin writes in the Nefesh Hachaim that the yetzer horah tries to entrap a

person by convincing him that the Torah that he learned and mitzvos that he kept have no

value [and thus he also has no value].5

1 Kohn pp. 130-131. 2 Kohn p. 133. 3 Kohn p. 136. I have found that conditional acceptance and respect is usually more of a problem than conditional

love. This point, that children need their parent's and teacher's respect and appreciation more than their love, was

also made in the name of the Chazon Ish. - הרבה ]ביחס לילדים "הי' חסר לו חום ואהבה..." זה משפט שחוזר על עצמו

הדגיש במכתב שצריך לתת לבחורים כבוד והערכה. זה לא חום ואהבה... חזון אישנחשלים[..... "זו טעות!" אמר לנו ראש ישיבה קטנה. "ה

, א' חה משפ) אומר שכיום לא מספיק כפית, אלא צריך לתת ספלים.... רבי מיכל יהודה לפקוביץהחזו"א אמר שכל אחד צריך כפית של כבוד.

(.50בניסן תש"ס, עמ' 4 See my article: “The Pursuit of Perfection” in the footnotes in the section on “Self Esteem vs. Humbleness” for

extensive documentation [in Hebrew] of the Torah’s attitude towards self-esteem. )בין שער ג' לשער ד' פרק ח'(: ועתה הראיתיך קצות דרכי היצר המתחפש בכל מיני תחבולות. כמשרז"ל )קדושין ל:( א"ר נפש החיים 5

יצחק יצרו של אדם מתחדש עליו בכל יום שנאמר רק רע כל היום. שלא די לו שמתגבר בתחבולותיו שהתנכל על האדם מתמול שלשום, אלא

אינו מסיתו לרע כלל. ואדרבה מראה לאדם שכל מה שלמד תורה או פעל מצות עדין לא היה בהם שום שעוד מתחדש כל יום בחדשות. וכאלו

טוב, והוא רק רע כל היום. ובזה הוא מתגבר על האדם...

Page 8: IS SELF-ESTEEM SYNONYMOUS WITH GAAVAHimportance of building up one’s confidence, developing a positive self-image, and instilling self-esteem in our children. Rav Wolbe cited many



• Chazal teach us that each person should say that the world was created for him. Rav

Dessler explains this, based on Rashi, that realizing his importance and value in the eyes

of Hashem serves as a protection against the yetzer horah.1

• Rav Aharon Kotler emphasizes the tremendous value every person has as a צלם אלוקים.

Yet, says Rav Aharon, usually people are much more aware of their inadequacies than

they are of their value and importance. They, therefore, see themselves as inadequate and

this becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.2

• Rav Chaim Shmulevitz emphasized that self-respect is more of a protection against

sinning than piousness.3

• Rav Wolbe establishes that the cornerstone for one's personal spiritual growth is the

recognition of the inherent elevated nature of a person and of his own personal

importance (not in the narcissistic sense). Somebody who tortures himself by only

thinking about his deficiencies, warns Rav Wolbe, will sink into hopelessness and will

eventually make peace with the negative in himself because he will feel hopeless to ever

change it.4

• Rav Wolbe writes that everyone needs to feel valued and his life depends on it. He cites

the Alter of Slabodka that a person can't live without kavod [honor, esteem] and if all of

his kavod would be taken away he would die.5

• When Yisro went to meet Moshe for the first time, he sent a message ahead insisting that

Moshe honor him by coming out to greet him. What was his reason for doing this? Rav

: רלפיכך כל אחד ואחד חייב לומ. ואין אחד מהן דומה לחברו, ה טבע כל אדם בחותמו של אדם הראשון"הקב.(: ... לז)משנה סנהדרין 1

, ה"ח) מכתב מאליהו... לא אטריד את עצמי מן העולם בעבירה אחת. חשוב אני כעולם מלא... כל זה אומר להם= י "רש. בשבילי נברא העולם

.ר"כי זה התריס בפני היצה, ה"לדעת ולהתבונן בערך עצמו בעיני הקב: מזה למדנו עיקר גדול במוסר –( 50' עמלהיות לו לעם סגולה ' ובך בחר ה' כי עם קדוש אתה וגו .אלקיכם' בנים אתם לה"( ב-א:ראה יד, רבי אהרן קוטלר)ספר משנת רבי אהרן 2

, עם קדוש(, יד:אבות ג" )חביבים ישראל שנקראו בנים למקום, חביב אדם שנברא בצלם, "הרי שעד כאן היא מדרגתו של אדם מישראל'", וגו

כי קרוב הוא לזה מצד , והוא מכיר את עצמו אך מצד הפחיתות שבו, בדרך כלל אין האדם מכיר חשיבותו הנוראה הזאת מ"ומ, ועם סגולה

י כך הוא באמת הולך "וע, וממילא הוא פחות ונבזה בעיני עצמו(, כא: בראשית ח" )כי יצר לב האדם רע מנעוריו... "חומרו והרגלו מקטנותו

וחייב אדם להתבונן ולהכיר החשיבות . והרי הוא באמת כעני לכל דבר, ודע בעשרו וממילא אינו משתמש בווכדוגמת עשיר שאינו י, ומתקטן

, וזהו גורם גדול ועיקרי לתיקון המעשים יותר מכל, וכל כמה שמרבה בהכרה זו כן מתרבית וגדלה בו חשיבותו, ... הגדולה שיש בו בעצמותו

וימנע מכל מעשה ומכל התנהגות שאינה לפי כבוד , יחשוב בדעתו אם פעולה כזו ראויה לו והגונה לושהרי מצד הכרת חשיבותו לעולם

".וראויים להיות נאים –' בנים אתם וגו"שהרי , חשיבותון מדגיש את החשיבות של הרגשת "נכבדות" כדי להימנע מחטא. וז"ל: וכ רבי חיים שמואלביץספר שיחות מוסר )מאמר כח' "נכבדות"( 3

הוא דרכו של יצר הרע... בתחילה הוא משתדל להשפילו בתחומי ההיתר וכשהדבר עולה בידו, הרי האדם ברשותו להכשילו בכל דבר חטא...

העבודה המוטלת על האדם היא להתעלות ולהיות נכבד וחשוב, וע"י כך הוא נשמר מן החטא... ]עמ' קיז'[. והאופן היחידי להינצל מאיסור

שבת[ הוא "אדם חשוב"... כי "אדם חשוב" אינו עלול לעשות דבר אשר אינו כפי ערך חשיבותו בשום אופן.... נכבדות היא הטיה ]של נר ב

וראה גם במאמר נו' )מאיגרא רמא לבירא עמיקתא( בא"ד: כתיב )שמואל א' פר' טו'( ויאמר אליו שמואל קרע ד' סתירה לשפלות... ]עמ' קיט'[.

יום ונתנה לרעיך הטוב ממוך וגו', ויאמר חטאתי, עתה כבדני נא נגד זקני עמי ונגד ישראל ... וצריך להבין מה את ממלכות ישראל מעליך ה

היתה מטרת שאול בבקשה זו ... ונראה ... שידע שאול את הסכנה שבנפילה, שבמצב זה אורב היצר לאדם ללכדו ולאבדו מן העולם ... ועל כן

משמואל "כבדני נא ..." ]כדי[ לעצור את מרוצת נפילתו ... שלא יפול ח"ו ברשת היצר. בשעה זו של נפילה ... השכיל לבקש שרק ' פי]לא חשיבות מדומה שהוא מחשיב עצמו בעצמו , כל אדם חייב לדעת שיש לו חשיבות: ('קסט ' עמ ,א"ח ,)רבי שלמה וולבה עלי שור 4

התחלת כל עבודה פרטית . אלא חשיבות בעלת משמעות עמוקה ואף מזעזעת(, פרק יא)י מגדיר את הגאוה "כפי שהמס[ הוא מחשיב את עצמו

וכל עסקו הוא רק להרחיב ידיעותיו על [, מעצם מהותו' פי]מי שלא עמד מעולם על רוממות האדם מיצירותיו . היא דוקא חוית רוממות האדם

. ובסוף ישלים עם הרע מאפס תקוה לתקנו, אושישקע בי, וליסר עצמו על זה יותר ויותר, הרע שבו(: דכל אדם זקוק להערכה, וחייו תלויים בה. הסבא מסלובודקה היה אומר כי האדם אינו יכול 'רכה' עמ, ב")רבי שלמה וולבה ח, עלי שור 5

. בקשר לחוני המעגל ברש"י ד"ה או חברותא או תענית כג רש"יוראה גם ., ע"כימות –לחיות בלי כבוד, ולא יצוייר שיקחו ממנו כל כבודו

מיתותא: וז"ל, אם אין חביריו של אדם נוהגין בו כבוד כבתחילה, נוח לו שימות.

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Shimon Schwab explains that Yisro was disgraced by his countrymen because he

abandoned idol worship. The closer he came to Hashem the more abuse they heaped on

him. He was concerned that this might make him hesitate to continue his spiritual

growth. Therefore, he asked Moshe to give him honor as an antidote to the abuse.1

• There is an amazing explanation by Rav Isaac Sher on the Mishna " הרחק משכן רע ואל

(ז :אבות א" )תתחבר עם רשע – we should keep a distance from a bad neighbor and not

become friends with a רשע. Rav Sher points out that we see from this Mishna that the

danger of a שכן רע, from whom we not only have to distance ourselves "( התרחק)" but even

need to keep others away from "(הרחק)" , is much worse than the danger from a רשע, from

whom we are only warned not to become overly friendly with.

What is the “evil” nature of this שכן רע ? It can’t be that we are describing him as "רע "

because he is a רשע, since the רשע is mentioned separately.

Rav Sher explains that a שכן רע is someone who evaluates you in a negative manner. He

himself may behave in an exemplary manner and thus serves as a great example, but the

fact that he evaluates you in a negative manner will have a negative impact on your self-

esteem, which will certainly negatively impact on your spiritual health. Such a person is

so dangerous that you need to both stay away from such a person and even warn others to

keep their distance.

A neighbor whose own behavior serves as a bad example (a (רשע but sees you in a

positive manner will have less of a negative impact on you, says Rav Sher, and therefore

you only need to avoid becoming overly friendly with him.2

• When Rus reported back to Naomi on her interaction with Boaz, she said, “The person

whom I did for today, his name was Boaz.” Chazal3 learn out from the fact that she said

“whom I did for” rather than “who did for me” that “the poor person does more for the

donor than the donor does for the poor person.” Many commentators question how a

person of the caliber of Rus could be so lacking in gratitude that she emphasized what she

did for Boaz rather than the reverse?

י ויאמר "רש :(רבי שמעון שוואב)ובספר מעין בית השואבה : ויאמר אל משה אני חתנך יתרו בא אליך ואשתך ושני בניה עמה( ו:יח)יתרו 1

:ואם אין אתה יוצא בגין אשתך צא בגין שני בניה, אם אין אתה יוצא בגיני צא בגין אשתך -' חתנך יתרו וגו אני: על ידי שליח -אל משה

וצריך ... שתצא לקראתי ותקבלני בסבר פנים יפות... משביע אני עליך בשני בניך, אמר לו, שיגר אצלו שליח: איתא( פרק ה)ובאליהו רבה

" מכל האלקים 'עתה ידעתי כי גדול ה( "פסוק יא) י על הכתוב "פ דברי רש"ע... והנראה..... יאור למה ביקש יתרו ממשה שיתן לו זה הכבודב

ה "הרי שהגיע יתרו עכשיו להשגה גדולה להיות מכיר את הקב :ל" מכירו הייתי לשעבר ועכשיו ביותר עכ(: ומקורו במכילתא)שפירש

(, יז:ב)עד שגירשו את בנותיו מן המים , ה"ויש לומר שמכיון שהיה יתרו בזוי ומבוזה במדינתו מאז כפר בעבודה זרה והכיר את הקב". ביותר"

שהרי כל פעם שהוסיף , שש אולי יהיה יותר לבוזשח, בלי שום דופי בלבו" ביותר"ה "הנגיעה של קלון וחרפה שסבל מנעו מלהכיר את הקב

...ולכן תבע כבוד ממשה כדי להסיר את הקליפה הזאת מלבו, סבל יותר בזיון מאנשי מדינתו' ה ורוממותו ית"השגה במציאות הקבמדיוק לשון המשנה אנו למדים כי מאדם רשע אין הוראה להתרחק -" ואל תתחבר לרשע, הרחק משכן רע" תאומר( ז:המשנה באבות )א 2

מספר ( 132עמוד " )החברה והשפעתה"בספר . ל להתרחק לגמרי" מורים לנו חז, ואילו מן השכן רע, רק להימנע מהתחברות עמו, לגמרי

אף ' הרחק'אלא בלשון , וראה לעצמו בלבדכה' התרחק'ל שהתנא לא נוקט בלשון "זצ הגאון רבי יצחק אייזיק שרר "שמעתי מפי מו: המחבר

ויש בזה משום גורם חיובי שאפשר , אף שבתור אדם פרטי יתכן שמעשיו ומנהגיו נוטים לטובה ולמעלה, ... כי החבר הרע ,להרחיק אחרים

ת האדם ותגרום לו דימוי הרי הערכה זו תכשיל א, היינו שיש לו הערכה לא טובה על האדם, אלא מכיון שהוא חבר רע, ללמוד ממעשיו הטובים

אך , ועלול להשפיע על אחרים ללמוד ממעשיו, שמעשיו ומנהגיו רעים, ואילו אדם רשע .עצמי שלילי שבוודאי ישבש את התפתחותו וגידולן

להצמיח תועלת לחזק הרי הערכה זו עצמה עשויה , מעלה וכחיובי-ומעריך אותו כבעל, היינו שרואה את חבירו בעין טובה, כיון שהוא חבר טוב

[.הרב משה לוי", משל אבות" מובא בספר] טובים-את האדם לעלות בדרגות טובות ואף להתחזק ולדחות את ההשפעה ממעשיו הלא .'י, ד"מדרש רבה ויקרא רבה ל 3

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Rav Henoch Lebowitz presents us with an astonishing explanation which highlights the

importance of self-esteem. Undoubtedly, Rus felt tremendous gratitude to Boaz, but she

was concerned that emphasizing her total dependence on others would totally undermine

her self-respect, so she instead focused on what she did for him. And as Chazal teach us,

she, in fact, did more for Boaz than he did for her.1

• Rav Yitzchok Zilberstein states: Many of the problems that parents experience with

their children result from the fact that the parents find it difficult to see the positive in

their children. Most of the conversations they have with their children revolve around

their critical perspective of their child; what they did wrong and what they still need to

improve on. There are parents who mistakenly believe that their parental responsibilities

are limited to noting their children’s limitations and imperfections while the positive

aspects of their children are ignored. In this manner these children only hear about their

deficiencies and so they are actually unaware that they have positive attributes. This is

one of the most terrible injustices that can be perpetrated against children, an injustice

that results in chinuch issues that are almost impossible to repair. Even when they

become older it is very difficult to tap into their positive qualities.2

Are we not concerned that self-esteem will bring to גאוה?

We see from the Torah sources cited above that there is an imperative to develop self-

confidence and positive self-esteem. At the same time, chazal very strongly warn us of the

dangers of hubris (gaavah). We have also seen that some secular experts warn that an emphasis

on developing self-esteem can lead to narcissism. How do we reconcile these two conflicting


The answer can be found in Rav Matisyahu Salomon's astonishing revelation that not

only is self-confidence not synonymous with gaavah, it is actually the antitheses of gaavah. It is

well-worth quoting this insightful passage from his book,3 where he writes the following about:

“Confidence and Arrogance:”

(... ז"ל המדרש... יותר ממה שבעל הבית עושה עם העני, העני עושה עם בעה"ב, ( בהר )כה:כהרבי הענאך לייבאוויטש) חידושי הלבספר 1

שכן רות אומרת לנעמי שם האיש אשר עשיתי עמו היום בועז... אמרה לה הרבה פעולות טובות עשיתי עמו היום בשביל פרוסה שנתן לי....

רות הצדקת כן הכירה טובה לבועז, והרגישה שכל הטורח שטרח והנה יש לתמוה... וכי לא הרגישה רות הצדקת הכרת הטוב... וצ"ל שבודאי

בועז לא טרח אלא בשבילה, ולא נתכוונה להקטין ולמעט את טובתו של בועז ולפטור עצמה מהכרת הטוב. אלא שאמרה "הרבה פעולות טובות

גמרי לחסדי אחרים, היא עלולה להפסיד עשיתי עמו היום" כדי לשמור על ה"כבוד העצמי" שלה, כי חששה שאם היא תאמר שהיא זקוקה ל

קצת מהכבוד העצמי שלה, וזה אסור לה להפסיד ]ולכן[ הדגישה רות שגם היא עשתה חסד לבועז, וגדול החסד שהיא עשתה לבועז מהחסד

אשר בועז עשה לה. 'לפרגן'יודעים מכך שההורים אינם הילדים נובע עם מהבעיות חלק גדול(: .תנה-תנד' עמ" נפשי ברכי"ספר ) רבי יצחק זילברשטיין 2

הם מה ועל ,עושים טוב הם לא מה ,של הילדים השליליות בדרך כלל על הפעולות ביניהם נסוב שיש והשיג-השיח , ולדבר בשבחן ,לילדים

הם החלק החיובי אבל את, 'לאוים'רק ל קשורה שחובתם המוסרית לילדיהם, ובטעות ,הסבורים מן ההורים יש .הספיקו לעבוד לא עדיין

העוולות המדובר באחת .טוב גם חלק שיש בו יודע אינו וכלל, השליליים שלו על החלקים רק לשמוע מתרגל הילד בצורה זו .לגמרי שוכחים

הילדים גם כאשר, במצב כזה כי .הפיכה-כמעט בלתי והיא, חינוכיות קשות מאוד היוצרת בעיות עוולה, תחת השמש הנעשות לילדים הגדולות

.וחבל ,שלהם החיובי את החלק יהיה להוציא ולהפיק קשה ,יגדלו ויתבגרו3 With Hearts Full of Love, (ArtScroll 2009).

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While you don’t want your child to become a baal gaavah, you do want to instill self-

confidence in him. So how do you mold him into a secure, self-assured person without

allowing him to become arrogant?

Actually, self-confidence and gaavah are not one and the same. Self-confidence means

having a clear understanding of who and what you are, while gaavah is having an inflated

sense of self. The baal gaavah is guilty of kochi ve’otzem yadi. He things that he alone

should get the credit for his accomplishments, and he thinks he is better than other people

are. The self-confident person knows the value of his accomplishments, but he also

acknowledges that he could not accomplish anything without the help of the Ribono Shel

Olam. Therefore, he does not consider himself superior to other people. A self-confident

person can easily slip into becoming a baal gaavah, but if he has the proper emunah and

bitachon, he can avoid it.

If a child does not have self-confidence, you can help him by assuring him that he can do

whatever it is that he is striving to do. And if he makes a mistake, it is also okay.

Everyone makes mistakes at one time or another. There is no shame in failure, only in

not trying. So, tell him that you want him to try and that you believe he can do it. That

will not make him into a baal gaavah. But when he is successful, you should not go on

and on about how clever he is, because that will make him a baal gaavah. A simple

“well done” will do.

In fact, it is quite possible that people who lack self-confidence actually have a strong

streak of gaavah. The baal gaavah is very worried about his kavod, so he is exceedingly

afraid of making a mistake. Failure will humiliate him. Therefore, he has no confidence.

A person without much gaavah, however, is not that concerned with his image. He

strives for success, but he will not be devastated by failure. He can concentrate on what

he needs to do with a calm determination, and that is self-confidence.

It follows, therefore, that if you want your child to be self-confident, you should work on

reducing his gaavah, because gaavah is a major obstacle to confidence. The best way to

do this is to impress on him that we are very limited in what we can do. If we lift our

hands, it is only through the chessed of the Ribono Shel Olam. Explain to him that kochi

ve’otzem yadi is a foolish concept.

It is also follows that you should not criticize your child if he fails. Consistent criticism

is surest way to break a child. He becomes frightened to do anything, because he is

always afraid that he will invite criticism. And it goes without saying – even though I’m

saying it – that you should never ridicule a child. Ridicule is a weapon against which a

child has absolutely no defense. If you want to show the child what he did wrong, it

would be best to wait until the next opportunity arises and show him how to handle the

situation correctly before he makes mistakes (pp. 186-187).

The mashgiach makes it clear that if we try to help a child develop self-confidence and

self-esteem by encouraging him to feel superior to others and/or to perform without mistakes,

this will actually undermine his confidence and encourage gaavah as compensation.1 Rav

1 Elsewhere, I elaborate on the emotional and spiritual harm of a perfectionistic attitude. (Three articles on this topic

are available at

Page 12: IS SELF-ESTEEM SYNONYMOUS WITH GAAVAHimportance of building up one’s confidence, developing a positive self-image, and instilling self-esteem in our children. Rav Wolbe cited many



Dessler makes a similar point, that the underlying cause of gaavah is often an inferiority


A possible reconciliation

Perhaps we can now understand the apparent contradiction in Rav Wolbe's writings,

where he often emphasizes the importance of self-esteem and self-confidence and yet, in a letter

cited above, he dismisses the concerns of those who complained to him that they are lacking in

self-confidence. Perhaps in that letter he was referring to those who define self-confidence as

feeling superior to others. This is indeed the insecure “confidence” of gaavah, driven by an

inferiority complex.2 Feeling confident that one is doing an adequate job (even if one has an

ambition to do better) is a confidence that is more likely to be achievable, and it doesn't need to

lead to gaavah. This form of confidence and self-esteem is what Rav Wolbe is encouraging in

many of his writings.

Two forms of gaavah

Harav Avrohom Yitzchok Bloch in his Shiuri Daas calls our attention to a very important

point. Gaavah can express itself in two forms. One, where the person wants to be in a

leadership position in order to give expression to his superiority and to exercise control over

everyone else. A second person can also seek a leadership position so he can do a phenomenal

job so everyone will love him. While their actions seem so different, they are both motivated

and driven by what others think of them. A person can only escape gaavah when he no longer

obsesses over what others think of him.3

The need to feel special

Rav Dessler states that every person has a natural need to feel a sense of individuality, a

sense that he is a person separate from other people. This need leads a person to seek qualities in

himself that make him superior to others. The Torah commandment to love others as yourself

reveals to us that this natural instinct is based on the negative middah of envy. After all, does

your friends accomplishments take away from yours?4

ר ומתגאה כדי לטוח מבחוץ (: ... אשר כל מי שמקפיד יותר בגאותו, בידוע שהכרת שפלתו בנעלם גדולה יות33ח"ה עמ' מכתב מאליהו ) 1

כסוי נאה על תוך בזוי )תסביך נחיתות(. 2 More broadly, Rav Wolbe seems to be concerned with people misapplying psychological concepts and thus

neglecting to work on their middos. כי שתי פנים למידת הגאוה, אחד זה החפץ במשרה ובכבוד בכדי להיות (: רבי אברהם יצחק בלוך, עמ' יח'לש"ב שיעורי דעת לגרא"י ) 3

בכך 'מורם מעם' ומתנשא עליהם, והשני, החפץ בהנהגה כדי שיהיה נערץ בפי כל, ושתהא דעת הבריות נוחה הימנא. את פעולותיהם השונות כל

מידת הגאוה, אלא שזה מתגאה בשמאל דוחה וזה בימין מקרבת. לא ימלט האדם ממידת הגאוה עד שיגיע לכך שאין –כך זה מזה מניע כח אחד

מעשיו תלויים ומושפעים מהתייחסות האחרים אליהם.פש איזה אלא ביאור המצוה ]של ואהבת לרעך כמוך[ הוא, שכל אדם בטבעו מרגיש "פרטיות", ותמיד הוא מח–( 89)ח"ג עמ' מכתב מאליהו 4

דבר או איזה מעלה... אשר יכול לחשוב שבה הוא מצטיין לגבי אחרים. נקודה זו חיונית היא עבורו... כי הוא רואה בזה את כל עצם התפרטות

אנוכיותו, בזה נבדל מאחרים. אולם התורה הקדושה מגלה שמדה זו היא פחיתות וקנאה, כי מה חסר הוא באמת אם חברו יש לו מעלה כמותו?

דמיון, שרוצה להתחבד על חשבון חברו. לכן צוותה התורה הקדושה שיוותר על הצטיינותו, למען אהבת רעהו. אם עשיר הוא, ובזה מוצא רק

את עצמו מורם מעם, מצוותו היא שירצה שיתעשר חברו כמותו, ויכיר שלא יופחת ערכו האמיתי על ידי זה. אם חכם הוא, ירצה שחברו יהיה

Page 13: IS SELF-ESTEEM SYNONYMOUS WITH GAAVAHimportance of building up one’s confidence, developing a positive self-image, and instilling self-esteem in our children. Rav Wolbe cited many



One could ask, if seeking to feel superior to others is a negative middah, how then does

one acquire the necessary feeling of individuality, the feeling of being special in some way, and

not just one of millions of people?

I would like to suggest that the answer lies in feeling special by appreciating our

uniqueness rather than by trying to feel superior to others. Uniqueness does not require

superiority to others. When chazal mention that every person has a unique appearance,1 they

aren't suggesting that any particular appearance is superior. Likewise, a unique fingerprint

doesn’t mean a superior one.

Rav Wolbe writes that if a person truly contemplated the extent of his uniqueness - that

from the beginning of time until the end of time, there never was or ever will be someone exactly

like him - it should cause him to shudder.2

In families and schools where uniqueness is confused with superiority, children are often

driven to an unhealthy drive for perfectionism. Underlying the unhealthy need for perfection is

the need to feel special. It seems to me that when this natural need is satisfied in childhood with

the child feeling that he is subjectively special in his parent’s eyes, it will not remain a central

focus of a person’s daily life. If this need is unfulfilled in childhood, then it can take the form of

an unhealthy drive to achieve objective specialness (superiority, perfection) in adulthood.

The Chayei Adam states that in order to fulfill the mitzvah of kibud av v’eim properly one

needs to think of his parents as being special people, even if the rest of the world considers them

to be plain and simple people.3 I heard Rav Matisyahu Salomon ask: Is a child required to be

delusional in order to fulfill this obligation? He explained that the Chayei Adam doesn’t mean

that the child has to think that that his parents are objectively special. Rather, in his eyes they

should be special. It seems to me that this is only likely to happen if the parents first treated their

(: מטבע העולם הזה שהחיצוניות שולטת בו, וכל חיצוניות היא שקר לגבי הנקודה הפנימית שבלב. 17)ח"ד עמ' כתב מאליהו מוב חכם כמותו.

: זה בעושרו, זה במלאכתו, זה בכשרונו, זה בחכמתו, זה במעשיו. אף אם כלפי זולתוכל שאיפת האדם החיצוני הוא לראות את עצמו מצויין

גם זה ישביענו. מי שלא ימצא בעצמו שום צד של הצטיינות כלפי אחרים, מתעצב מאד –במדת שגעונו והוללותו אין לו הצטיינות אחרת אלא

איש האמת אינו שם על לבו שיצטיין בפני בני אדם כלל, כל שאיפתו היא רק למצוא חן ומת זאת,[ע]ל ובקרב לבו לא ימצא תכלית בחייו....

בעיני ה'.... .(תנחומא פינחס סימן א" ) כך אין דעתן שוה, כשם שאין פרצופותיהן שוין זה לזה" 1)ח"ב, עמ' תיד'(: אדם המעלה את ענין יחודיותו על דעתו צריך להזדעזע: הרי מכל בני העולם החיים עכשיו אין אף אחד דומה לו. עלי שור 2

רות... לפיכך כל אדם הוא "יחידי" עד שהוא חייב לומר "בשבילי נברא ]ואף[ מכל בני העולם שחיו מאדה"ר עד היום... ועד סוף כל הדו

העולם".... ושם ח"א עמ' קסח': בודאי עבודה מיוחדת מוטלת עלי, חלק מיוחד לי בתורה וכל הבריאה מחכה לי שאתקן את המוטל עלי, כי את

)ר' יהודה גרינולד, ירושלים לדעת בארץ דרכך זה בספר עבודתי לא אוכל להחליף עם שום אדם אחר בעולם...ע"כ מהעלי שור. והוסיף על

(: ... האדם אינו סטנדרטי, אלא יצור מיוחד במינו, יצירה חד פעמית... זהו חידוש נפלא, שצריך לשמח ולרומם כל אחד מאיתנו. 78תשנ"ו, עמ'

-רצונו וחשקו הוא שיהיה לו איציק מדגניה, איל מתללהבין כי להקב"ה היה כבר בעולמו את משה רבינו, הרמב"ם, רש" הגאון מוילנא... וכל

אביב... שלמים בתפקידם ובמעשיהם. אין הוא חפץ בחיקוי עלוב של אותם גדולי עולם, אלא דוקא באורגינאל מושלם של איציק, איל וגידי,

[. 395עם הכוחות, הטבעים והנסיונות שלהם ]וראה שם גם בעמ'

ל -ח"ב עמ' לח(: המושג ,בטחון עצמי" שנמצא באדם, ענינו ומקורו באמונת הא ,הרב יעקב מרדכי גרינוואלד) עצות והדרכותספר וכן ב

יתברך. וכן משמע מדברי רבי צדוק הכהן ז"ל )צדקת הצדיק אות קנ"ד( וז"ל "כשם שצריך האדם להאמין בקב"ה כך צריך אח"כ להאמין

ל יתברך ברא הכל ומנהיג העולם בכוונה ובחשבון נפלא שיש תפקיד ותכלית לכל, אז -אוביאור דבריו, שאחרי שהאדם מאמין שה בעצמו".

אחר כך צריך האדם להאמין בעצמו שיש לו ג"כ תפקיד מיוחד ומגמה בעולם. שאם אינו מאמין שמעשיו גורמים שינויים בעולם, א"כ מה ערכו

ומה שווה כל פעולתו ועבודתו בעולם.]בענין מצות כאו"א[: אלא על כרחך דרצה לומר שמכבדם בלבו שהם חשובים בעיניו ובלבו, דהיינו שידמה בעיניו חלק א כלל סז חיי אדם 3

שהם גדולים ונכבדי ארץ,

Page 14: IS SELF-ESTEEM SYNONYMOUS WITH GAAVAHimportance of building up one’s confidence, developing a positive self-image, and instilling self-esteem in our children. Rav Wolbe cited many



child as a special person, not because he was objectively special, but simply because he was their

son. (To paraphrase a quote I once saw, “You may be only one person in the world, but you

should be the world to your parents.”) This in itself would make the son feel that his parents are

special to him because they are the only ones who see him in this manner. Growing up with this

feeling of being special in his parents’ eyes would help a child be accepting of himself even if he

is less than perfect and even though there are others who are superior to him. As long as he is

special to them, he can accept being average to the rest of the world. If someone was unique to

his parents without having to be objectively superior, then he will be able to believe that he is

unique in Hashem’s eyes with a unique mission in this world even if he isn’t superior to others.

Does anavah require feeling inferior?

We have established that self-esteem and self-confidence does not require one to feel

superior to others. What about anavah, does that require one to feel inferior?

Rav Tzodok HaKohen highlights this dimension of anavah. He cites evidence from the

Torah that in spite of Moshe Rabbeinu’s designation as the most humble person in the world, it is

clear that he was well aware of his remarkable greatness. So how could he have been so


The answer, explains Rav Tzodok, is that in Hashem’s eyes a person’s true greatness is

not measured by his spiritual achievements in a vacuum. Rather it’s measured by the obstacles

that he had to overcome in order to reach the level he attained. Therefore, no matter what level a

person reaches he can’t ever be certain that he is greater in Hashem’s eyes than anyone else -

even a lowly person - since that person may have had to overcome many difficult obstacles to

reach his level. Moshe Rabbeinu’s anavah was defined by not needing to feel superior to others

and not by denying his accomplishments.1

A contemporary writer made this point in suggesting that “humility is an inadequate

translation of the Hebrew anavah. Anavah means that one considers other people important,

while not assessing his own importance…. ‘[H]umility’ conveys a negative evaluation of

כ עליו והאיש משה ענו מאד מכל האדם "ה נאמר ג"הנה במשה רבינו ע(... 58' עמ, לחג השבועות, ד"ח, רבי צדוק הכהן)פרי צדיק בספר 1

ואיך יתכן זאת הלא היה יודע בנפשו שהוא במעלה העליונה בתכלית מין . ולפי פשוטו שהיה שפל בעיני עצמו עד שכל אדם הוא טוב ממנו'. וגו

אבל הענין הוא כמו שמצינו במעשה דרבי אלעזר ברבי .... לכם' ובניכם וכן עמדו ואשמעה מה יצוה ה' האנושי ואמר על עצמו אנוכי עומד בין ה

ואמר לו , לא שהיה מכוער בתוארו רק שהיה מכוער במעשיו ומחשבותיו המגונים, שפגע באדם אחד שהיה מכוער ביותר.( ית כתענ)שמעון

, ל שנדמה לו בתואר כזה להוכיחו שאין בזה שום בירור"שם שזה היה אליהו ז' ובתוס. כמה מכוער אדם זה והוא השיב לו לך לאומן שעשאני

ת אם מתגבר על יצרו אפילו מעט בדברים המגונים "ר בחסרונות בתכלית יכול להיות מעשיו רצויים לפני השישיכול להיות שגם האדם המכוע

והתגברות שלו נגד טבעו . לך לאומן שעשאני, וזה הוא התשובה. ז"ת מתולדותיו שיהיה זה עסקו בעוה"שיכול להיות שכן הטביע בו השי, שלו

ה שהיה ענו "ובזה נוכל להבין מה שנאמר על משה רבינו ע. ם שנברא במעלות ומדרגות גבוהיםת מהאד"יכול להיות יותר רצויים לפני השי

היה , מפני ששורש תולדותם היה במעלות ומדריגות גבוהות, היא הנותנת... מאוד מכל האדם הגם שידע בנפשו גודל מעלותו ומדרגתו בקדושה

ולכן היו ענוים ושפלים בעצמם מאוד באמת לפני כל האדם אף מהפחותים מהם , צריך לפי ערך זה להיות גם עבודתם גדולה מאוד כפי מעלתם

.מאוד כי אולי לפי ערך גודל מעלתם אינם יוצאים עוד חובת עבודתם

המעשה שיבא היצר לפתות את האדם מצד שהוא גדול מאד ולכך ראוי לו לבזות ולהוכיח אנשי דורו : בשער יחוד חובות הלבבותבוראה גם

ל -והוא ראוי לרחמי הא, ואפשר שרעתו נראה ונגלה וטובתו צפונה ונסתרת ואני בהפך זה, ועל זאת יענה לו האדם באחד מחשבונותיו, הרעים

קונטרס ]וראה .כ"ע' יותר ממני וזכות אחת ממנו שוקלת הרבה זכויות משלי מפני שאין משקיף עליה זולתי הבורא ואין משבחים אותו עליה וכו

.[ (יא-ט ' עמ)מאת רבי יחזקאל לעווינשטיין " של ראשונים מכרסם של אחרונים פרנסטובה צ"מאמר :ורריציון תע

Page 15: IS SELF-ESTEEM SYNONYMOUS WITH GAAVAHimportance of building up one’s confidence, developing a positive self-image, and instilling self-esteem in our children. Rav Wolbe cited many



oneself, rather than the positive evaluation of others implied by anavah.1 (Perhaps one could add

that anavah would allow a person to appreciate his own qualities without the need to compare

himself to others.)”


There is convincing research evidence that positive self-esteem (and perhaps more

importantly, a stable self-esteem) is an important and necessary ingredient of emotional well-

being and healthy functioning. There are also numerous Torah sources that emphasize the

importance of self-esteem and self-confidence. On the other hand, attributing to self-esteem the

magic ability to solve all of society’s ills is a gross over exaggeration of its powers. Programs to

improve student's self-esteem need to be sophisticated and well designed - focusing on the

underlying factors that feed self-esteem - in order to be effective.

The concern of some researchers that self-esteem is synonymous with narcissism seems

to be unfounded, the result of equating the self-protective statements of narcissists with those of

people with true high self-esteem...

However, it is important that the thrust of the efforts to boost self-esteem should not be to

feel superior to others. Rather, it is to appreciate one's own inherent value and competence

without needing to be superior or perfect.

1 R. Tuvia Basser in his translation of Maharal on Pirkei Avos (Artscroll, 1997, pg. 44 fn 1).