is segmenting your email list important?

Is Segmenting Your Email List Important? By Coby Wright Proudly Brought To You By

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Learn why you are likely leaving money on the table if you aren't segmenting your email list.


Page 1: Is Segmenting Your Email List Important?

Is Segmenting Your Email List Important?

By Coby Wright

Proudly Brought To You

Page 2: Is Segmenting Your Email List Important?

Is Segmenting Your Email List Important?

While segmenting your email list might sound difficult, it's really not a complicated process. It's just the process of separating your lists into smaller targeted groups, giving you the ability to choose what you promote to any given group. Let's take a look at some of the things you'll need to consider when segmenting your lists.

First you'll need to decide how you're going to segment your subscribers. The easiest way to do it is to just set up a new list for every new product or site that you create, or at least for every new market you tackle. eg. If you're building a list in the internet marketing niche you might have lists that are targeted at traffic generation, content creation and social networking.

This works well because you can target a given email to the list that would be most interested in the topic. In our example, if you were promoting a new traffic generation tool, you could send it to your traffic list but not the content or social networking lists.

The biggest disadvantage of building multiple lists is that it gets harder to keep track of it all as you add more lists. This is especially the case if you create a new list for every website or product, but even doing it by topic can get hard to track after a while.

Creating separate lists for each segment can also make it harder to email your entire list, since you have to send the message to every list you create. And if you have people who have subscribed to multiple lists, you'll need to ensure they don't get the same email a bunch of times.

Another alternative is to use a service that lets you segment your list within its database. You could tag some subscribers with "traffic" and others with "content" as appropriate, but ultimately they're on all the same large list. The advantage in this situation is that you can easily mail your entire list when you want to, but segment it into smaller more targeted groups when that makes sense.

Most email providers that offer these type of segmentation features also make it much easier to move people from one segment to another.

This is particularly helpful when you have both prospects and buyers on the same list. When someone become a customer, they can easily be moved from one segment to another without any kind of subscription process.

Learn more about list building by taking my free 6 day list building e-course now at

Page 3: Is Segmenting Your Email List Important?

Thanks for reading! I hope you now see the importance of segmenting your lists. Now take this tip and put it to work for you! Start segmenting your lists today so you can start making more money with your email marketing campaigns.

If you enjoyed this article you can learn more about list building by taking my free 6 day ecourse now at or checking out one of my blogs...

Here are some of my blogs you might find interesting:

List Building With Coby – My Affiliate Marketing Blog – My Personal Blog – (lots of internet marketing stuff)

To your success,

Coby Wright