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  • 8/13/2019 IS 5510


    E16 5510 1966

    I ndi an St andardGUIDE FOR SOIL SURVEYS FOR

    RJYER VALLEY PROJECTS( Third Reprint APRIL 1990 )

    UDC 6278 : 6241313


    ( Reaffirmed 1995 )

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    1 :5510-1969

    GUIDE FOR SOIL SURVEYS FORRIVER VALLEY PROJECTSPreliminary Investigation and .Collection of Data

    Sectional Committee, BDC 47

    Chairman Re)resenlingSHRI N. C. SAKSE.NA Nlinis iy of Irrigation & Power

    Members. SJ m I llALEWL WAR F JATM Institution of Engineers ( India ), CalcuttaSIMtL S. BANJJ XJESZ Council of Scientific and Industrial Research,New DelhiI.Mu R. N. BJLAROAVA Engineer-in-Chiefs Branch, Army HeadquartersSUltI K. 1. G~OSH ( Mtctnate )SHJtI A. S. ChIANJ>ItASEKIKARAN Cent ral Water & Power Commission, New DelhiSUYEMNTEN~lNJJ ENQXNJZEI

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    : S510 -1969


    Q. 1 This India n S t a nda rd w a s a dopt ed by the India n S t a nda rds Inst i-tut ion on 2 December 1969, a ft er the dra ft fina lized by the P relimina ryInvest iga t ion a nd Collect ion of Da t a Sect iona l Commit t ee ha d been a p-proved by t he Civil J 3nginecring D ivision C ouncil.

    2 Soils differ w iclcly from pla ce to pla ce. Soil surveys a re, t herefore,ca rried out t o det ermine the na ture, dist r ibut ion a nd extent of differentsoils exist ing in va rious regions. S ince the t ype of cult iva t ion a nd thema na gement pra ct ices for clliclcn t a gricult lt rc dcl)cnd ol~ t l~ c na ture of t hesoil a nd in order t o culliva t e scient ifica lly , it is csscllt ia l t o dct crmincva rious fa ct ors, such a s the na ture of the soil w ith respect t o it s moistureret ent ivit y , requirement of w a t er a nd fer t ilizers a nd t ype of crop mostsuit able for a pa rt icula r soil,0.3 P roper t ies of soil ma y cha nge a ft er t he int roduct ion of a n irr iga t ionsyst em in the region due to the development of sa linit y , a lka linit y, w a terlogging, et c. .4n exha ust ive soil survey should, t herefore, be conducteddurin~ the pla nnin% sv:gc of a river va lley project w ith pa rt icula r empha sist o t he suit a bilit y of sods for irr iga tion, recla ma tion, dra ina ge a nd a lso incomma nd a rea s w here w at cu is t o be usccl for ir r iga tion a ft er impoundingin a r eservoir or rmuling a ca na l.0.4 Soil surveys of t llc ca tcllmcut a nd comma nd a rea s help in formula t ingmea sures for nlili~ a t ing reservoir silt a t ion, prevent ion of soil erosion a udsugges t ing relllcd la i measures for dra ina ge a nd w a ter loggi~ l,~ pwblc nsSoil surveys should proviclc for exa mina t ion of t he physica l, chemica l a ndengineering proper t ies of t llc soil. From a gricultura l poin t of view thestudies help in clct crmining the a va ila bilit y of pla nt foods in the soil a ndt he n eed for corr ect in g t l~ c deficien cies. 1bus, soil survey s flnmish in form a -t ion requiied not o]dy for a gricultura l pur loses but a lso for recla ma tiona nd conserva t ion purposes a nd for engineering const ruct ion a ct ivit ies, likethe highw a ys, ra ilw a ys, et c. J n th is guide it is int endccl t o clcscr ibe brieflyt he ~ cn cr a l pr in ci]}les J r gui d~l i I l cs as ~c w to soi l s~[rvcys tl l a~ arcca re:cd out for r iver va lley lm)jcct s. F or d et a iled lNWCCC IWXXllc- S oil sur-vey mnuu:t l ( reuisd I~ltl~lislIcd Iy tllc AH India Soil a nd La nd U se


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    IS : 5510-1969rvey Orgzt niza t icn ma y be refer red. F or conduct ing ra pid prc-irr iga t ionl survey t o determine t he fea sibilit y of a r iver va lley proiect t hea nua l for pre-kri~ :~ t ion soil survey, volumes I a nd II , published hy

    Cent ra l \ \ a t er a nd ~ ow er Commission ( \ \ :a t er \Ving ), ma y beg In the formulation of t ~ ls st a nda rd due reightage has been given tot erna tiona l co-orclina tion a mong the st a nda rds a nd pra ct ices preva ilingdifferent count r ies in a cldkion t o rela t ing it t o t he pra ct ices follow ed ine field in this count ry .For t he purpose of deciding whether a pa r t icula r requirement of th is

    nda rd is complied w ith , t he fina l va lue, observed or ca lcula t ed, expres-g the result of a t est or a na lvsis, sha ll bc rounded off in a ccorda nce w it h:2-1960*. The number of $gnifica nt pla ces ret a ined in t he rounded offlue should be t he same a s tha t of t he specified va lue in this st a nda rd.. .

    SCOPE1 This st a nda rd la ys down the guidelinm for ca rrying out soil surveysr r iver va l:cy project s.TERMINOLOGY -

    0 For t he purpose of this st a nda rd, t he defin it ions git en in 1S : 2809-1 964?d the follo~ ving defin it ions sha ll a pply .1 Acid Soil .i soil t ha t gives a n a cid rea ct ion ( below PH 70 ).2 Alkali Soil A soil which ha s eit her so high a degree of a lka lin it yH 8-5 or higher) or so high a percen t a ge of excha ngea ble sodium ( 15ercen t or higher ESP ), or both , t ha t t he grow lh of most crop pla nt s is

    3 Base S t a t us The ext en t t o w hich a ma ter ia l or s~ il componentcla y or humus) is sa t ura t ed w it h excha ngea ble ba ses ( ca t ions) ot hera n kiy dr og cr .. Ths is expre=ed a s a percen t a ge of t he t ot a l ba se or ca t ionxcha nge ca pa cit y of t he ma ter ia l.4 Class A group of soik ha ving a defin it e ra nge in a proper t y ort t r ibute, such a s a cidit y , S%X, t ext ~ e, st ructure, la nd Cw a bilit y> degr-f erosion , or dra ina ge.5 Classification The a ssignment of object s or unit s t o groups w ithinsyst em of ca t cgofics dist in~ hcd by their proper t im. In t he cla ssifica t ion

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    S : 5510 - 1969the fundamental unit is a soil type. Similar soil types are,g;roupxi to form a series. Series are grouped into families, families intogreat soil groups, these into suborders: and suborders into orders ( of: zonal, azonal and intrazonal).

    2.6 Land Classification - The classification of units of land for the pur-pose of showing tlieir relative suitabilities for some specific use.2.7 Mapping Units - Classificational unyb that are shown on the maps.The kind of such units shown on the m&s depends upon the scale ofmaps. In reconnaissance surveys these units may be series or association ofseries, while in detailed surveys they will include types and chases of suchsoils.2.8 pH Soil -An index of the acidity or alkalinity of a soil in terrns ofthe iogarithm of the reciprocal of the hydrogen ion concentration.2.9 Ped .- An individual natural soil aggregate. Refers -to aggregate ofprimary soil particles into compound particles which are separated fromadjoining aggregates by surfaces of weakness.2.10 Photo Tone - Relative intensity of the darkness of the photo imagesand their shades on the photographs.2.11 Soil Horizon - One of the layers of the soil profile, distinguishedprincipally by its texture, colour, structure and chemical content.2.12 Soil Monolith - Refers to soil profiles collected in an undisturbedmanner to act as visual aids in soil study and identification or for display.2.13 Soil Morphology - The constitution of the soil body as expressedin the kind, thickness and arrangement of the horizons in the profile, andin the texture, structure, consistence, porosity and colour of each horizon.In other words, soil morpholo g 1 is the property of the soil body or any ofits parts.2.14 Soil Phase - The sub-division of a soil type having variations incharacteristics not signiticant to the classification of the soil in its naturallandscape, tut significant to the use and management of the soil. Exam-ples of the variations recognized by phases of soil types include differencein slope, stoniness and erosion.2.15 Soil Profile - \-ertical section of a soil, showing the nature andsequence of the various layers, as developed by deposrtlon or weatheringor both.2.16 Soil Series -A group p.f soils that have soil horizons similar intheir differentiating characteristics and arrangement in the profile, exceptfor the texture of the surface soil, and are formed from a particular type


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    1s : 5510 - 1969parent material. Soil series is an important category in detailed soil

    Soil Types - A subgroup or category under the soil series based ontexture of the surfacesoil. A soil type is a group of soils having hori-similar in differentiating characteristics and arrangement in the soiland developed from a particular type of parent material. Theof a soil type consists of the name of the soil series plus the texturalname of the surface soil. Thus, Ooty silt loam is the name of a soilwithin the Ooty series.Taxonomic Soil Unit - Refers to unit of classification related toThese could be soil series or soil types.Water Table -- The upper surface of ground water; elevations atthe pressure in the water is zero with respect to the atmospheric

    STANDARD SOIL SURVRYUse of Base Maps - Standard soil surve\-s may be carried out atg on the nature of utjlization of the soil. Map-may be done on varying scales and the mapping legends v,-.ry fromto broadly defined units. Soil morphology shall be given utmostin mapping differentiated soils. Soil survey shall be carriedmaking use of base maps on scales ranging from 1 : 50 000 to 1 : 4 000.smaller scale maps are the Survey of India topographical -maps andlarge scale maps are cadastral village maps. Air photographs in scales1 : 15 000 to 1 : 60 000 as available may be used as base maps since theyto increase accuracy of observations and location of soil boundariesother features, besides helping to speed up the work. The choice ofof base maps used shall depend upon the type of survey which in itswill reflect the purpose and objective of the survey.Type of Data to be Collected-The topographic and vegetationof the terrain should be noted. Soil samples on both profile andshould be collected for laboratory examination and confirma-of the field observations. The soil samples for laboratory examinationengineering properties shall be collected in accordance with IS : 2132 -

    3.2.1 The PII value, available and total plant nutrients, base status,contents, permeability and other engineering properties maydetermined for interpretation of the behaviour of the soils under

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    1s : 5510 - 19694. TYPES OF SOIL SURVEYS4.1 Rapid Reconnaissance Survey - In the case of all project planningincluding irrigation projects, the feasibility studies require general infor-mation regarding the soil conditions, terrain features, and other disadvan-tageous features which militate against the succcss of the project. For suchpurposes a rapid reconnaissance survey, combined with studies on the soilcharacteristics may be adequate. In such surveys base maps in the scalesranging between 1 : 60 000 and 1 : 250 000 may be adequate for the pur-pose. The soil sampling shall be limited to studies on the variability of thesoils, their depth characteristics, the occurrence of harmful factors, likesalmity, alkalinity, etc, and delineation of the approximate extent of thesefeatures. The soil map prepared from such a rapid reconnaissance surveyshould indicate the extent and limits of the above features and such otherobservations that may be made to suit the requirementsof such a survey.4.2 Reconnaissance Survey - Reconnaissance soil surveys help to fixthe nature of soils occurring in the area and also to determine the areassuitable for more intensive development or to recognize the areas whichrequire attention or amelioration because of their suffering from erosion,salinity, alkalinity, and such factors affecting their use. Reconnaissancesurveys shall furnish the information to precede detailed surveys. The scaleof mapping shall be 1 : 50 000 using topo sheets of the Survey of India, asbase maps. The field work shall involve studies of soil profiles at intervalsof 3 to 6 km or shorter intervals depending upon the soil heterogeneity.Auger sampling for every 0*25 to 1 km shall be carried out to study thevariations in profile characters. Profiles showing similar horizon characterswithin narrowly defined limits may be grouped together into series. Theseries shall form the unit for mapping of soils in this type of survey. Thesoil series may be named after the place ( location, village or town ) nearwhere the typical soil profile representative of the series was first recogni-zed or described. The determination of soil ( series or the association ofseries ) boundaries in such surveys may be made partly by traversing andlargely by extrapolation.4.3 Detailed Survey - In this type of survey, maps in adequately largescale may be used to permit demarcation of soil phases and details of soiland terrain. In this type, the mapping units are narrowly defined to indi-cate variations in surface texture, soil depth, erosion, salinity, alkalinity,slope features or any other factors significant for land use or land develop-ment. Cadastral maps with village as a unit may be used. Aerial photo-graphs in the scale of 1 : 10 000 to 1 : 15 000 may also be used. Studies ofsoils shall be similar as in reconnaissance survey, but at much closer in+vals. Also the boundary delineated should be made by close traverse.


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    IS : 5510 - 19695. SOIL MAPS5.1 Use of Soil Maps - A soil map is prepared after a soil survey andis intended to show the distribution of soils, their types and other mappingunits decided upon. From such soil maps, interpreted single characteristicmaps, or land use maps or maps showing engineering properties may beprepared. The single-characteristic maps may include such properties asSlope, erosion, nutrient status, salinity, drainage, etc.5.2 Equipment - The following are some of the important equipmentthat may be required for soil survey:

    a) Augers of various types;b) Tape, spade, pick-axe, etc;c) Abney level;d) Compass;e) Lables, bags for collecting samples;f) Munsell colour chart;g) Base maps and field note books;h) Indicators for PH measurement and hydrochloric acid;j) Soil monolith boxes, such as

    1) macromonolith ( wooden frame 150 x 15 x 7.5 cm ); and2) micromonolith ( plywood boxes with adjustable partitions30X 7.5 X3-75 cm ).

    6. METHODS OF SOIL SURVEY6.1 Traversing for Ret onnaissancc Soil Survey -The field operationsinclude preliminary study of the soils of the area, the preparation of themapping legend and identification of the soils. The mapping unit in thiscase is the soil series. In areas of complex geological formation and inhighly undulating terrain where soil characters change abruptly withinsmall distances, the delineation of boundaries between different identifiedseries becomes a matter of difficulty, and their mapping as separate unitspresents cartographic difficulties. In such situations, it is necessary to deli-neate them in associations of series. The reconnaissance soil surveyshould be carried out on topo sheet (1 : 50 000) of the Survey of India orsimilar base maps, including air photographs.

    6.1.1 Soil profiles may be located at intervals of 3 to 6 km dependingupon soil heterogeneity and these should be examined. Soil monolithsshould be collected for typical profiles for record and correlation purposes,7

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    IS : 5510 - 1969The traverses for identification of soils and for plotting boundaries may bespaced at greater intervals than in the detailed soil surveys. Under certainconditions of field work, especially in pre-irrigation surveys the adoptionof grid method for locating the augering sites may be useful. Grid squarisof extent ranging from 1 to 8 km depending upon the nature of terrainmay be suitable. During traverses for marking boundaries of soil units,the available roads and paths should be followed. Observations in regardto depth, texture and terrain feature shall be recorded at every 1 km, andsuch obser-,rations may also be made at 0.25 to 0.5 km.6.2 Traversing for Detailed Soil Survey - The reconnaissance surveyshould precede a detailed survey, as this furnishes adequate basic infor-mation about the nature and kind of soils occurring in an area andadequate background information becomes available in respect of theproblems of erosion, cropping and their relationship with the utilizationof soil and land resources. Detailed survey aims at bringing out details nrespect of soil and terrain features and such comprehensive data couldbe used for proper interpretation to guide different technical classifications,including engineering properties.

    6.2.1 The mapping legend is narrowly defined which includes the taxq-nomic soil unit (series), the surface texture, soil depth, slope and erosionfeatures of the terrain. The base maps used in such surveys may be ofscale 1 : 15 000 to 1 : 4000. These may be cadastral maps or aerial photo-graphs-

    6.2.2 In proceeding with the operations of the detailed soil mapping,the field party should traverse the land on foot and depending on soilheterogeneity examine auger samples at intervals of 100 to 200 m. Theprofiles for detailed soil examination should be located at intervals of 1 to2 km or where changes of soil are noted. The delineation of soil bounda-ries demarcating soil units should be made in the field with reference tofixed points on the map. Additional information, like drains, NULLAS, sanddunes, wet spots, etc, should be indicated on the map by conventionalsymbols. The soil boundaries should be drawn through observationsmade continuously in the course of the traverse.

    6.3 Field Party for Soil Survey -A field party should consist of thefollowing:a) Soil surveyor,b) Field assistant,c) Tracer,d) KHALASI ande) Jeep driver (with a~jeep).

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    1s it 516 1969commonly used in the field. The indicators commonly -used and their &Hranges arc as follows:

    Indicator pH RangeBrom-cresel green 3.8-5.6Chlorophenol red 5:2-&UBromthymol blue 6.0-76Phenol red 6-8-8-4Cresel red 7.2-8.8Thymol blue 8.0-9.6

    7.2.3 Universal indicator solutions may also be used for obtainingapproximate PH values.7.3 Carbonate Content - The presence of free carbonates in the soil andparent material shall be tested with 10 percelft hydrochloric acid confming to IS : 265-I 962*. While testing very dry soil, the emission of air bubblesshould not be confused for eflervesbence. The reaction shall be recordedas slight, strong, or violent effervescence. It may be noted whether theeffervescence is due to the presence of fragments of limestone, or concen-tration of lime, or due to the fine earth itself. The calcium carbonate contentin the soil shall bedetermined in accordance with IS : 2720 ( Part XXIII )-1966?. The pattern of free carbonates in the soil profile and in the parentmaterial is a useful criterion for deciding between soil series. Where thepresence of ~carbonates is doubtful or where quantitative results arerequired, soil samples may be sent to the laboratory for carbonate deter-mination.7.4 Soil Texture - The soil classification may be made in the field byfeel oi the soil with fingers and, if necessary, supplemented by examinationunder a hand-lens. This requires skill and experience, but sufficientaccuracy may be obtained if the soil surveyor frequently checks his infer-ence with that of laboratory test results. The feel for moist soil is differentfrom that of dry soil. Frequently clay particles are grouped into small hardaggregates that give a feel of silt or sand when dry. Because of differencesin relative size within the clay fraction itself, soil horizons of similartotal clay content vary in physical properties. Variations in the kind ofclay or other constituents give the soil hardness suggesting a high amountof clay. The soil must be well moistened and rubbed vigorously betweenthe fingers for a proper classification of texture by feel. The field identi-fication procedure for sand, sandy loam, loam, silt loam, clay loam, sandyclay and clay is given in Appendix A.

    Specification li)r hyc\rochlwic acid ( revised .tMcthotls of test 1;,r soils : ParI XXIII Determination of calcium carhonnte.10

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    IStSSlO-196917.4.1More dependable definitions of soil texture are those baaed onsize analysis ( mechanical analysis ) carried out in the laboratory inwith IS : 2720 ( Part IV ) - 1965* and interpreted from thegular texture Diagram ( see Fig 1 )-. Even while soil survey is in prog-samples of soil horizons of doubtful texture should be forwarded to

    laboratory and given hi,gh priority for examination so that the resultsbe sent back to the field at once to serve as guides.

    PtiCENT SAN0NOTE - The upper limit of silt specified as 0.02 mm in this standardis for classification of soil:: for agriculturai purposes only. For otherengineering classifications, IS : 1498-1959 Classification and identificationof soils for general engineering purposes shall be followed.


    Colour - Colour is the most obvious and easily determined of allcharacteristics. From soil colour one may infer about a soil, such as itsMethods of test for soils : P&t IV Grain size analysis.


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    IS t SslO - I%9nature, its organic matter content, state of hydration of. the iron oxide, etc.Soil colours are most conveniently determined by comparison with colourchart. Munsell colour chart shall be used in classifying soil colours. Itconsists of a number of colour chips systematically arranged with notationson cards in a loose-leaf book. The arrangement is by hue, value, andchroma, the three simple variables that combine to give all colours. Thehue is the dominant spectral colour and a function of wavelength. Valuerefers to the relative lightness of colour and is a function of the totalqmount of light. Chroma is the relative purity or strength of the spectralcolour and increases with decreasing greyness.

    7.51 In the Munsell colour chart, all colours in a given card arc ofconstant hue, designated by the symbol in the upper right-hand corna ofthe card. Verticaily, the colours become successively lighter and theirvalue increases. Horizontally, the colour increases in chroma to the right.The value and chroma of each colour in the chart is printed immediatelybeneath the colour. The first number is the value, and the second is theehroma.

    7.5.2 The nomenclature for soil colour consists of two complementarysystems. They are the names of colour and the Munsell colour notation.Neither of these alone is adequate for ail purposes. The Munsell notationsshould be employed in all descriptions to supplement the colour names.This affords greater precision as a convenient abbreviation in field desuip-tions, for expression of the specific relations between colours and forstatistical treatment of colour data. The Munsell notation is useful forinternational correlation, since no translation of colour names is needed.7.6 Soil Structure - Soil structure refers to the aggregation of primasysoil parricles into compound particles or clusters of primary particles.There are four primary types of soil structures as given below:

    a) Platy -The particles are arranged around a plane, generAlIyhorizontal.b) Pri sm i ke L_ The particles are arranged around a vertical line atAbounded by relatively flat vertical surfaces. There are two sub-types: r

    1) Prismatic - without rounded upper ends, and2) Columnar - with rounded caps.

    c) Blockl ik e or Poly hedral - The particles are arranged around a pointand bounded by flat or rounded surfaces, which are casts of themoulds formed by the faces of surrounding peds. There are tyosub-types:1) Angular blacky bounded by planes intersecting at relativelysharp angles, and


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    IS : 5510--969

    4 S@hcroidal or Polyhedral -The particles are arranged around a pointand bounded by curved or very irregular surfaces. Spheroidal issub-divided into granular, relatively non-porous and crumb andvery porous.

    7.6.1Ped is a natural structural aggregate in soils ( see 2.9 ). Each type

    2) Sub-ungulur SIocky - having mixed rounded and plane faceswith vertices mostly rounded.

    structure includes peds that vary in shape, and detailed soil descriptionsrequire supplemental statements about the shape of the individual7.6.1 Grade of structure represents the degree of aggregation. In thegrade of structure may be determined by noting the durability of


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    ISrSSlO 1969

    4 Strong - It represents the grade of structure characterized by dur-able peds that are quite evident in undisplaced soil, that adhereweakly to one another, that withstand displacement and becomeseparated when the soils are disturbed. When removed from theprofile, soil material of this grade of structure consists very largelyof entire peds and includes few broken peds and little or no un-aggregated material. If necessary for comparison, this grade maybe sub-divided as moderately strong and very strong. Examplesof strong grade of structure are in the granular type.7.7 Soil Consistency - Soil consistency comprises the attributes of soilmaterial that are expressed by the degree and kind of cohesion or by theresistance to deformation or rupture. Every soil material has consistencyirrespective of whether the mass be large or small in natural condition orgreatly disturbed, aggregated or structureless, moist or dry. Although con-sistency and structure are interrelated, structure deals with the shape, sizeand definition of natural aggregates that result from variations in theforces of attraction within a soil mass, whereas consistency deals with thestrength and nature of such forces themselves.

    7.7.1 -Although evaluation of consistency involves some disturbance, un-less otherwise stated, descriptions of consistency customarily refer to thatof soil from undisturbed horizons.7.7.2 The various terms used in describing the property of consistency

    are given in Appendix B.7J4 Cementation - Cementation of soil material refers to a hard consis-tency caused by some cementing substance other than clay minerals, suchas calcium carbonate, silica, or oxides or salts of iron and aluntinium. Ty-pically the cementation is altered little by moistening; the hardness persistsin the wet condition. Semi-reversible cements, which generally resist mois- ,tening but soften under prolonged wetting; occur in some soils and giverise to soil layers having cementation that is pronounced when dry butbecome weak when wet. Some layers, cemented with calcium carbonate,soften with wetting. The degree of cementation is expressed as givenin 7.8.1 to 7.8.3.

    7.8.1 Weak Cemented - Cemented mass is brittle and hard but can bebroken in the hand.1.8.2 Strongly Cemented - Cemented mass is brittle and harder that maybe broken in the hand but is easily broken with a hammer.7.8.3 Indurated - Very strongly cemented; does not soften under prolon-ged wetting and is so extremely hard that for breakage, a sharp blow witha shammer is required.

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    IS t BlO - 1969g) S ope of terrain;h) Depth of water table; andj ) Availability of outlets for surface and subsurface drainage.

    9.2.1 Irrigation capability may be decided by consideration of soil charac-teristics and land features. The criteria for classifying lands into irrigabi-lity classes as suited to semi-arid and arid regions are given in Table 1.In this classification, four classes ( Classes 1 to 4) ofirrigable soils/lands arerecognized. Class 5 relates to lands considered temporarily non-irrigablebut which could become irrigable with correction and amendments. Class 6relates to lands which are not fit for irrigation ( see Appendix D ).10.MAPPING10.1 It is essential to indicate the soil classification on a map. The follow-ing points shall be kept in view in this connection:


    Whether the relative positions of the cultural features, physicalfeatures, drainage and soil boundaries, etc, agree to the geodeticcontrol established;Whether sufficient number of controls have been established tocheck the accuracy of the said details; andWhether topographic features running sheet to the ad-joining sheet are in complete agreement and properly oriented.

    11. AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHS AND THEIR CHARACTERISTICS11.1 Aerial Photogra*hs - Aerial photographs are pictures taken by anaerial camera fitted into a plane flying under certain specific conditions offlight.11.2 Types-Aerial photographs are of two main types:

    a) Oblique photographs, andb) Vertical photographs.11.3 Characteristics of the Two Types of Photographs

    ,11.3.1Oblique photographs are taken with camera pointed down at anangle such that the longitudinal axis of the camera forms an angle of lessthan 90 with the ground. Although oblique photographs serve manypurposes and are useful in reconnaissance surveys as an aid to the identifi-cation of boundaries, they are not readily converted into maps, and arenot so satisfactory for soil mapping as the vertical pictures.11.3.2 Vertical photographs are taken with fixed level camera pointedst&ht down from the aircraft so that the longitudinal axis of the camera


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    I S: 5510-1969



    hON llll50 pcrccnt

    ) Trxturc ofsurfacc Sandy loam to Loamy sand;clay loam in- ClayelusiveLess than 03 mm/l,; Grcnlrrthan 250 mm/h

    ) Soil pc]mcnbili(y (of ]C.Sprrnlcablc Iaycr)(,tc Nolc 1)5 to 5 mm/h 1.3 1 5 mmlh:W [0 130 mru/h

    Av3ilablc wa[cr holdingcapncily to depth of30 cm

    12 cm or nwrc 9 to 12 cm 2 to 6 cm . Less (ban 2 cm

    35 to 65 pmccnt - ,.Cmrscragmcnts , su .5cobbles and stonesgrcalcr than 75 mm sizeLess (hall 5 5 [0 15 pc rc .sn[pcrcmt Lforc than 65 pcr-ccn t

    551070 pcrccnt) G avcl and hANKA R25 to 75 mm size) Less han 15 15 to 35 pcrcenlpcrccnt More tlmn 7 per.centLess than 5) Rock Uli[crops ( distancespa,-l in m ) 4 2 5

    More than 16millirnlms

    Salinily ( in atratio Cx-Iract ) E. C. X 103 , C Note 2 )

    Less Iha 4 4 [o 8 millimhosmillimhos 12 to 16 mini.II111OS9) Salt alTcc[cd ( visual ),(p. , cent orarca 2flcctcd Lcm than 2 L= than 20pcrccnt pclccnt 20 to 50 pcrccnt ole t ban 5 pm.. cent

    SCVCt it y or alkali problcr,, ESP Ics. than 15 ESP Ies thm 15pcrccnt pcrccm ES P nmrc t ban Ml> more than ESP nlOrc than 15I 5 pcrccnt I 5 prrccnt pcrccntXL, rnrdc,xtcly pcrrncablc sub- sameasfor clamsst, il or whcr pcrnlrable layer of 3and4ntlc.nst 150 mnl thicknm occurr

    \rith i,] tlcplh or3 nl

    Sub-soil substra~adraimgc c%aroc[ci istics Lower sub-soil & zt Imst modw-alcly pcrmcablc nr a pmmcablclayer of atlcast IW mm thikmmoccurs immdintcly bclo\v 11Xwilhu[ within 3 m (sand, grawl)

    Suil cwsiun s[a[us Meets of sllcct ~nd rill crcnion arc icllccIrd iu cl~ccti\T toil dcpt 11, avoihblc mois[urc l)oldil]g capacity imci in someother f~ciors stm,v,, ab+, c, modcratc[y vr SCVC CIY gullicd soils may be classified based on Ioml cxpcricncc

    Slupc of Icwain Less (ban I pw.Cc,lt 1 103 pcrccnt 5 [0 10percent Class 5 in-cludes landswb ich arc

    - temporarilynon - irriga -Mc, butir r igablewill] correc-tions ofadverseproperties.Iwlhcr ill-vetigalionsnccdcd

    Class 6 in-cluclcs lands\+,hicll donot nlcct. ,~c - .,njn i-....mum rcqui-rcmcnts forlhc oth.crkind C1.lssmand arc nutsuimblc [or irrig~ lion orsnmll isolo-[C(l t r:lctsnot suscep-tible to dc-livc,y nfi rrigation\\,atcr

    sulracc grldig( s,, Aotc 3 ) Xo wst, ictiom.wcty nmdctatcrcstric [ionsAfodcra:c lcs-

    ti ictiomAfodmlcl) 3c-

    ,C, c I cstric -t ions

    Suilnhle outletsavailahlc1.5 lvol, ing mwk, =tc Ic,,gtI,~ of SIMI]W drai,ts ax c rcqui[cd t_,,r unit arcit unclcr Classrs 1 and 2. For Classes 3 and 4, spccifi-caliom \vOuld ncml to be dra\Yrl up as suited ror c,cb a,ea.NOTE 5, face , , aim a, c not ncctlrd r_orClawcs I an,l 2, w CIW tl,r lands ate si~ua[cd vilhiu rmsmlably short lcng{b of nalural dr3inagc( AULL.4 01- river ). , pcciflclliom iu r rgard to sub-s mracc dl.aim will rcquir c 10 hc dra\\-n up iitr Classc. 3 aud 4. Cla S 4 may need pumping otlt dmin.~gew31cr.

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    fS : mi - 1969perpendicula; to the horizontal plane of the ground. In general, singlevertical photographs which are taken in a series of independent over-exposures are recommended for soil survey. They have convenientfor field use and map const.uctions, permit of stereoscopic study, give

    details of ground features and also have satisfactory ranges of scale.AERdL PHOTO INTERPRETATION IN SOIL SURVEYAerial Photo Interpretation - This covers recognition, identifi-systematic analysis and classification of physical and culturalof the earths surface as pictured on the photographs and thedeductions of the above aspects.

    12.1.1 Hecogt l i t i m and Ident i hat ion - Air photo recognition is the directof a directly visible object within a known category uponin the photo image. Photo identificatibn is then defined as theof a directly visible object or element by means of information.

    12.1.2 Ana& sis - Analysis is the process of delineating groups of objectsof elements which have a separate individuality for the photo interpre-

    12.1.3 Classi f i cati on - Classification includes the description of the indi-objects delineated by analysis, their arrangement into a pertinentuse in the field investigations, a112 the codification necessary totheir system. Thus, classification establishes the identity of theby analysis.12.1.4 Deduction - Deduction is a more complicated process which isbased on converging evidence. The evidence is derived from partiallyobjects or from elements which give only partial indications on theof certain correlative indications.

    Limitations of Aerial Photographs in Soil Survey-Aerialarc only pictures of the earths surface ( but not of the soil )is a three dimensional piece of landscape having specific physical,and biological characteristics. For mapping soils, it is necessarystudy the soils to the entire depth to know the arrangement and charac-of the diffcrcnt soil horizons which reflect the overall effect ofprocesses. The morphological, physical and chemical characteristicssoil profiles will help soil classification into various taxonomic andunits which are shown in a soil map.12.2.1 Since soil surveyors require data like the morphological, physicalchemic,al chnracteristics of the cliffercnt soil horizons, \vl1icl1 are notreadily available on ncrial photographs, the convcntionnl Geld study of soil


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    p&es and field investigations which are essential for soil classification andmapping should not be by-passed by the use ,of aerial photo interpretations.12.2.2 However, a large number of soil mapping units shown on a soilmap may be interpreted and estimated with a combination ~of photo inter-

    pretation and field observations. The following soil mapping units givenin to may be interpreted subject to the limitations indicatedagainst them. Soil ser i es These are distinguished on the basis of internalcharacteristics of the soil profile and cannot always be expected ~tobe seenor distinguished on aerial photographs. In some cases if they are clearlyrelated to any of the elements of the landscape clearly visible on air photos,these may be identified. Soil slofie classes,- With adequate experience in photo inter-pretation and local knowledge of the terrain mapped, soil slope classes maybe evaluated and separated through photo interpretation and a minimumof field work. Suil textur e Broad variations in surface soil texture may bediscerned by the study of photo tone but the exact soil texture has to bedetermined in the tone. Generally, heavier the soil, darker would be theBut variations of air photo tone are influenced by soil colourand soil moisture. Therefore, any deductions made from air photo tonewithout a good knowledge of the local conditions of the terrain may lead

    to erroneous conclusions.12.3 Importance of Aerial Photographs in Soil Survgr - In spite ofmany limitations, aerial photographs are useful for soil mapping. In anormal soil survey, majority of the observations made in the field withoutair photos are needed for locating the soil boundaries, and a few of theobservations are used to describe the soils. Although air photo interpre-tation may have limited application in the study of the soils, it is veryuseful in reducing the time spent for locating the soil boundaries which arcthe most laborious and time-consuming part of the soil sutiey. Therefore,once all the soil characteristics have been observed in the field, aerialphotographs and interpretation of these photographs will help consider-ably in the manner described in 12.3.1 and 12.3.2.

    12.3.1 The aerial photographs help to locate and plot accurately the soilboundaries. This is made possible by the several relationships existingbetween soil mapping units and landscape units which are visible on airphotos and which have to be judged and established by the soil surveyor.These relationships may be found only by experienced soil surveyor trainedin the techniques of photo interpretation.20

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    IS :5510 - 196912.3.2 Considerable time is saved in the field by reducing the numberof observations and traverses which would otherwise be required forlocating the soil boundaries.

    12.4 Approach of Photo Interpretation - Aerial photo interpretationin soil survey should be made in an orderly and scientific manner. Thevarious techniques and methods used should provide data which are accu-rate and reproducible. The two main trends of photo interpretation usedin soil survey are briefly described-in 12.4.1 and The analytical approach of photo interpretation consists of asystematic analysis on air photos of the individual elements of the land-scape, such as landform, slope, drainage, vegetation and land use, visibleon the photographs and which are supposed to be related directly or in-directly to the soil mappihg units. Tht result is a photo analytical mapwith lines and symbols indicating landscape units. This photo analytical

    map serves as a guide for the preparation of a final soil map. The mappingof the soils in the iield is done in a conventional way but all the photointerpretation lines which during ~the field investigations are found to beuseful soil boundaries shall be examined in detail. The photo analyticalmap should be converted by subsequent field work and necessary correc-tions and additions of soil data should he incorporated into final soil map.This approach is useful particularly in the case of detailed soil survey.12i4.2 The physiographic approach would be where the terr&n isanalyzed and classified making use of the science of geography, geomor-phology and geology. This approach requires thorough knowledge~of these

    sciences and is useful fin the case of reconnaissance soil survey.12.5Photo Material Required for a Soil Survey



    The photo material required for a soil survey shall be as follows:Copies of the photo index,One set of glossy contact prints on single or double weight paper,One or two sets of semi-matt or matt contact prints on doubleweight paper,

    4f >

    For detailed soil survey, sometimes one set of enlargement ofalternate photographs on semi-malt or matt on double weightpaper may be required ( SECNote ),One set of glossy photo mosaic on double weight paper at thescale of contact prints ( see Note ), andSome semi-matt or matt photo mosaic on double weight paper atthe scale of contact prints.

    NOTE- The glossy contact prints are for stereoscopic study. The semi-matt ormatt prints and the semi-matt or mkt mosaics are used in hz field. The glossy mosaicis used for the final soil map.21

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    IS : 5510 196912.6 Instruments Required for Photo Interpretation - The instru-ments which will be needed for photo interpretation are as follows:

    a) Pocket stereoscopes;b) Mirror stereoscopes with parallax bar;c) Scanning stereoscope;d) Sketchmaster;e) Radial line plotter;f ) Simple instruments for the construction of planimetric map fromaerial photographs; andg) Simple measuring devices, such as perspex scale and dot counter.

    APPENDIX A( czause 7.4 )

    FIELD IDENTIFICATION OF SOILS BY FEELA-l. DETAILS ~OF IDENTIFICATIONA 1.1 The method for identification of soils by feel is described in A 1.1.1to A-1.1.7.

    A-1.1.1 Sand - Snnd is loose and single-grain. The individual grainsmay be readily seen or felt. Dry sand may be held in hand under pressureand when this pressure is released, the grains fall apart. Moist sand maystay even after release of pressure, but will crumble if touched ordisturbed.-A-1.1.2 Sandy Loam - A sandy loam is a soil containing greater pro-portion of sand but which has enough silt and clay to make it somewhatcohesive. The -individual sand grains may readily be seen and *felt.

    Squeezed when dry, it will form a-cast but will readily fall apart. But ifsqueezed when moist, a cast may be formed that will endure carefulhandling without breaking.A-1.1.3 Loam - A loam is a soil having a relatively even mixture ofdifferent grades of sand, silt and clay. It is mellow, somewhat gritty tofeel, yet fairly smooth and slightly plastic. Squeezed when dry, it willform n cast that will endure careful handling. When squeezed moist, thecast formed may be handled quite freely without breakmg.A-1.1.4 Silt Loam -A silt loam is a soil having a moderate amountof the fine grades of sand and only a small amount of clay; ever half of


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    Iti : 5510 - 1969the particles being silt. When dry it may appear cloddy ( often crumbly )but the lumps may be readily broken and when pulverized it feels soft.When wet the soil readily runs together and puddles. Either dry or moistit will form casts that may be handled freely without breaking but whensqueezed between thumb and finger, it will not ribbon but will give abroken appearance.

    A-1.1.5 Clay Loam - A clay loam is a fine textured soil which usuallybreaks into clods or lumps that are hard when dry. When the moist soilpinched OUL between the thumb and finger it will form a thin ribbonwhich will break readily, barely sustaining its own weight. The moist soilis plastic and will form a cast that will bear much handling, Whenkneaded in the hand it does not crumble readily but tends to woLk into aheavy compact mass.A-1.1.6 Sail& Clay - This is a mixed type of soil in which the sand andclay fractions will be in equal proportions. When dry the so;1 formsirregular clods which are quite hard and do not easily break or crumble.When wet it becomes plastic but no ribbon will be formed when pinchedbetween the thumb and fingers. The soil gives a distinctly gritty andsticky feeling.A 1.1.1 Clay A clay is a fine textured soil that usually forms veryhard lumps or clods when dry and is quite plastic and usually sticky whenwet. When the moist soil is pinched out between the thumb and fingersit Wil form a long, flexible ribbon. Some fine clays, very high in colloidsare friable and lack plasticity under all conditions.

    APPENDIX BClause7.7.2 )

    TERMS RELATING TO CONSISTENCYB-l. DETAILS OF TERMSB-l.1 Consistency When Wet - Consistency when wet is determined ator slightly above field capacity and is expressed either in terms of stickinessor plasticity.B-l.2 Stickiness - Stickiness is, the quality of adhesion to other objects.For field evaluation of stickiness, soil material is pressed between thumband fin,ger and its adherence noted. Degrees of stickiness are describedin B-1.2.1 to B-1.2.4.


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    B-1.2.1 Non sticky After release of pressure, practically no soil material2~Iheres to thumb or finger.B-1.2.2 SligLtfy Sticky After pressure, soil material adheres to botht~iumb and finger but comes off rather clear. y.B-1.2.3 Sticky After pressure, soil material adheres to both thumb andfinger and tends to stretch.B-1.2.4 Vrry Sticky After pressure, soil material adheres strongly toboth thumb and forefinger and is decidedly stretched when they areseparated.

    B-l.3 Plasticity - Plasticity is the ability to change shape continuouslyunder the influence of an applied stress and to retam the impressed shapeon removal of the stress. For field determination of plasticity, roll the soilmaterial between thumb and finger and observe whether or not a wire orthin rod of soil may be formed. The degree of resistance to deformationat or slightly above field capacity is expressed as given in B-1.3.1 to B-1.3.4.

    B-1.3.1 Non @stic Soil cannot be drawn into a wire form.B-1.3.2 SlightLy Plastic Soil may be drawn into a wire form but soilmass is easily deformable.B-1.3.3 Pkl.Gic Soil may be drawn into a wire form but moderatepressure is required for deformation of the soil mass.B-1.3.4 Ve:y r latic Soil mav be drawn into a wire form but muchpressure is required for deformation of the soil mass.

    B-l.4 Consistency When Moist - Consistency when moist is determinedat a moisture content approximately midway betw :en air dry and fieldcapacity. At this moisture content, most soil mate. :als exhibit a form ofconsistency characterized by (a) tendency to break into smaller massesrather than into powder, (b) some deformation prior to rupture, (c) absenceof brittleness, and (d) ability of the material after disturbance to join againwhen pressed together. The resistance decreases with moisture content,ant z.ccuracy of field descriptions of this consistency is limited by theaccuracy of estimating moisture content. To evaluate this consistency,select and attempt to crush in the hand a mass that appears slightly moist.El.5 Loose--Non-coherent.B-1.5 Friable - Soil material crushes easily under gentle to moderatepressure between thumb and forefinger, and joins when pressed together.B-P. 7 Very Friable - Soil material crushes under very gentle pressurebetween thumb and forefinger, and joins when pressed together.


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    15:5510 1969C-l.2 Class II Land - This is good land that may be cultivated witheasily available practices. Some of the limitations of this class of land aregentle slope, moderate susceptibility to erosion, moderate depth, moderateoverflow and moderate weiness. Each of these limitations requiresspecial methods for correction, such as contour bunding, strip cropping,contour tillage, crop rotations that include grasses or legumes, drainageand the application of fertilizers and manures.C-l.3 Class III Land - This class of land has restricted use for cultiva-tion. The land is moderately good and may be used for croppingprovided intensive management measures are taken. This kind of land ischaracterized by one or more of the following limitations:a>b)c)


    Moderate steep slope,High susceptibility to erosion,Moderate overflow,Slow sub-soil permeability,Excessive wetness,Shallow depth,Hard pan or clay pan,Sandy or gravelly with low moisture capacity, andLow inherent fertility.

    C-l.4 Class IV Land - This class of land has very restricted use forcultivation and needs special care in handling and management. Thevariety of crops that may be grown is limited. Its cropping use is restrictedby slope, erosion, unfavourble soil characteristics and adverse climate.c-2. I.AND UNSUITE3 FOR CULTIVATIONC-2.0 The land is categorized under four differer,t classes as givenin C-2.1 to C-2.4.C-2.1 Class V Land - This land is not suited for cultivation but is suitedfor pasture and grassland. Cultivation may not be feasible because ofone or more factors, such as wetness, stoniness or some other limitations.5.and is nearly level and not subject to more than slight wind or watererosion. It occurs in many swampy areas that cannot be drained easily.C-2.2 Class VI Land - This land is subject to moderate limitations undergrazing or fcrestry use. It is t60 steep, subject to erosion, sh?llow, wet ordry but with careful management may be made suitable either for grazingor forcsrry. Gullies in -such areas should be controlkd by diversion ofwater, provision of contour furrows or ridges.


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    IS : 5510 1969C-2.3 Class VII Land - This land is very steep, eroded, stony, rough;shallow, dry or swampy and is recommended particularly in humid regionsonly for forestry and wood land and not pasture.C-2.4 Class VIII Land - This land includes such areas as marshes,deserts, deep gullies, rocky escarpments and very steep, rough stony, barrenland. It is suited only for wild life, recreation of water-shed protection uses.

    APPENDIX D( Ckluse 9.2.1 )

    IRRIGATION CAPABILITY CLASSESD-l. CLASSIFICATIOND-l.1 From the point of irrigation capability, soils/lands should beclassified into six classes as given in D-1.1.1 to D-1.1.6.

    D-1.1.1 Class 1 The soil is quite suitable for irrigation having goodtexture, adequate depth and good available, moisture holding capacity.The soil has low salinity and alkalinity problems. The land slope andfeatures are favourable with the water table at satisfactory level. Drainageconditions are satisfactory. The needs for levelling and land-forming arcminimum.D-1.1.2 Class 2 - Soil in this group is moderately.suitable for irrigationfarming with limited hazards. lhe texture of the soil is within the satis-factory range and the soil is moderately deep. The permeability and theavailable water holding capacity of the soil are moderately good. Salineand alkaline conditions are satisfactory. The slope of land and nature ofterrain offers moderate limitations. The drainage restrictions and need

    for levelling and land-forming are moderate.D-1.1.3 C%rss 3 - These soils are suitable for limited irrigation andcropping suitability is also limited. The texture of soil may vary betweenextremes of sand and clay under moderate depth. Water holding capacityis moderate. Soluble soils and exchangeable sodium are moderately high.Internal permeability is fair. The slope of land and terrain features offermore severe restrictions compared to Class 2.D-1.1.4 Clnss 4 - The soils in this class are shallow and the texture

    may range between the extremes of sand and clay. Soil permeability may27

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    also vary within wide range depending upon texture of the least perme-able layer. The Icater holding capacity islow and th: salinity is high andthe exchangeable sodium percentage is more than 13 percent. The terrainfeatures offer more severe restrictions which limit the use of the lands forirrigation agriculture. Drainage difhculties are severe.D-1.1.5 Class 5 - These include lands which will require additionaleconomic and engineering studies to determine tire irrigabihty. Such landsare classed as temporarily non-irrigable, pending exaecution of reclamationor corrective works.D-1.1.6 Class 6 - lhe specification of soi .+rl terrain features falloutside those for Classes I to 1. Because of the severe restrictions irriga-tion is uneconomic or wasteful. These lands at-d: to be considered as non-irrigable because the soil and land conditions do not meet the minimumrequirements of the next higher class recognized in a particular survey.

    This class may also include small areas of arable lands lying within largerbodies of non-arable lands.

    Members RepresentingSHRI R.K. SKNDARAXSHRI-R. NAGARA~AX,Director ( Civ Engg )

    Geological Survey OF India, CalcuttaDirector General, IS1 ( Ex-@cio Member )

    SHRI ,. ~~I.~cII.~~I~RA AODeputy Director ( Civ Engg ): IS1

    Ad hoc Panel for Soil Surveys for River Valley Projects,BDC 47 : P2

    Convener .SHRI~.S.CHAN~RAS~~;~I~R.~~ Central \\ater Br Power Commission, New Delhi

    MembersDR I. C. Des M. P.LIS COI)IJI)U (_kntraI Wstet, Power Commission, New Delhi

    SHRI N. C. RAWAL ( Alternate )DR S. V. GOVIND.~ R.&J AN Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi28

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    Regjo,& ~ftT,.~~,aCentral : Manak Bhwan .KNEW bEtH)&*Eastern : :I 114 C,LTL%i 36 24 99

    41 244241\ : 2519^ . 41 ,%Kl6?$+starn : Manakalaya, E9 IV&e, Marol, Andhari (East),

    BOMBAY 400093 ,., .imh Oflc~s: * ._.) ,,fQshpak Nurmohamed Shaikh MSr$ &hapbur, ,. -.G> ~AHMEPABAD 380001 [

    -2 93 4826349+&rtya h&striai Area, 1 st Stage, B&galere Tumkur Road ,~ t38d9 65%jffG&tK RE 566056 . 138 49 56mplsx, 5th floor, -Bha&hada Rgqd, T. T. Nagjax, Ii. 66716I . ,.,i,....&fpj3:0& ; 5 36 27

    ~$t~,p; Barua Rptid, 5th B&n, 3 31 &id, BH.UBANESHW#

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    Ofice in Calcutta is at 5 Chowringhee Ap@xxc?jtr,&, Calc@$a 700072 _ .-t es offke