is 12915 (1990): acephate, technical · acephate, technical - specification ( firstreprint november...

Disclosure to Promote the Right To Information Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities, in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority, and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public. इंटरनेट मानक !ान $ एक न’ भारत का +नम-णSatyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda “Invent a New India Using Knowledge” प0रा1 को छोड न’ 5 तरफJawaharlal Nehru “Step Out From the Old to the New” जान1 का अ+धकार, जी1 का अ+धकारMazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan “The Right to Information, The Right to Live” !ान एक ऐसा खजाना > जो कभी च0राया नहB जा सकता ह Bharthari—Nītiśatakam “Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen” IS 12915 (1990): Acephate, Technical [FAD 1: Pesticides and Pesticides Residue Analysis]

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Page 1: IS 12915 (1990): Acephate, Technical · acephate, technical - specification ( firstreprint november 1994) ude· 632.952 car e dis 1990 bureau of indian standards manak bhavan, 9 bahadur

Disclosure to Promote the Right To Information

Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities, in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority, and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public.

इंटरनेट मानक

“!ान $ एक न' भारत का +नम-ण”Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda

“Invent a New India Using Knowledge”

“प0रा1 को छोड न' 5 तरफ”Jawaharlal Nehru

“Step Out From the Old to the New”

“जान1 का अ+धकार, जी1 का अ+धकार”Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan

“The Right to Information, The Right to Live”

“!ान एक ऐसा खजाना > जो कभी च0राया नहB जा सकता है”Bhartṛhari—Nītiśatakam

“Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen”

“Invent a New India Using Knowledge”


IS 12915 (1990): Acephate, Technical [FAD 1: Pesticides andPesticides Residue Analysis]

Page 2: IS 12915 (1990): Acephate, Technical · acephate, technical - specification ( firstreprint november 1994) ude· 632.952 car e dis 1990 bureau of indian standards manak bhavan, 9 bahadur
Page 3: IS 12915 (1990): Acephate, Technical · acephate, technical - specification ( firstreprint november 1994) ude· 632.952 car e dis 1990 bureau of indian standards manak bhavan, 9 bahadur
Page 4: IS 12915 (1990): Acephate, Technical · acephate, technical - specification ( firstreprint november 1994) ude· 632.952 car e dis 1990 bureau of indian standards manak bhavan, 9 bahadur

L... -..v _..v..,

IS 1281& : 1880

'ii(tftq ".1.,.~!, ftitStfttA - f1mt~


( FirstReprint NOVEMBER 1994)

UDe· 632.952 CAR

e DIS 1990


NEW DELHI 110002

A.UfUll 1990 Price Gr., 1

Page 5: IS 12915 (1990): Acephate, Technical · acephate, technical - specification ( firstreprint november 1994) ude· 632.952 car e dis 1990 bureau of indian standards manak bhavan, 9 bahadur



( Page 2, A-I.I ) - Substitute tbc following for abe existingclause:

'A-I.I Two metbods have been lpecified for the determination of acepbllecontent, namely, gas cblOmllOgrlpbic (OLe) metbod (see A-Z) Indphosphorus metbod (se~ A.3). The Ole method shall be followed byindependent laboratories. Tbe pbospborus method shall be followed by tbemanufacturer only for routine in-pllnt quality control checks!

( PQ8~ 2 ) - Insert tbe following Iitbe end:


A-J.t Apparatus

A-J.l.! Shtllciltg machine

A·3.2 aeageatl

A·J.1.1 AmmoniMm NilrGle Solulion - Dissolve 100I ammoDium nilrale( free of pbospbatea ) ill water aDddilute to 1 000 IDI.

A·3.1.1 Methyl OrtUl,e IlldictUOr Solulioll - 0.1 pelCCDl aqueous lOIulion(v'v).

A·3.2.3 S'dndGrdSodilun Hydnuilk Solution - 0.1 N.

A-3.1A S'andiud HydrochloricAcid SolMlion - 0.1 N.

A·3.2.s PlaelfOlpIIlhalein Indi£tUDr - 1 percent IOlutionin ethyl ak:obol.

A-3-Z.6 Ammonium HydroxideSolMlion - Aqueous .olulioa (1:3; '11'1).

A·3.%.7 Nuric AcidSolution - AqueoullOlutioa (1:3;.,/v).

A-3.2.1 AmlllOllium Molybd4le SO,",ioli - DiSlOlve 100 g ammoniummolybdate ill. mixture of 144 mlammonium hydroxide aDd 271 mI Wlter.Cool to room tempellture and add slowly with COIIStint .tirriac to • coolmixture of 489 ml nitric Icid aDd 1148 ml wlter. Allow the midlre 1011IMfor 48 bQun in I stoppered vessel. Faller immediately befoJe use aDd add 5 mJnilric acid to eacb 100 mIof filtrate.


Page 6: IS 12915 (1990): Acephate, Technical · acephate, technical - specification ( firstreprint november 1994) ude· 632.952 car e dis 1990 bureau of indian standards manak bhavan, 9 bahadur

A-1U CItlorofOlWt

A·11.11 Pe-dlloric Acid - 70-n percent (vlv).


A-3.3.1 Naaralely weip tbe IImple conllining 200 mg pbolpborus ladCXIrId wida 200 IDI chloroform by lbakiag for ODe bour Oil • ..kiagmadaille. Filau illlO I 2SO-mI yolumelric flask, wub tbe residue twice with20aI podio. of cIaIoroCorm aad Dalke up the volume with cbloJOConn.

A-13.2 TII.rer abe aliquot iDIG a 2SO-mI beaker. add 30 ml nitric acid,dropwile I' filSl uDlil vigofOus reaction is completed, boil pntly for 30aliaula. Cool lad add percbloric lcid.

A-3.3.3 Boil geDdy the solution It A·3.J.2 until it is colourless or nearly soud Ippearaace of dease fumes. Do IlOt.._boil tbe solution 10 dryness. Thefuaaill8lCmperllUJe shill be I' lbout 170°C for It least 30 minulCS. Add mo~qlWlliay of pcrcbIoric acid, if aeccaary. Cool sligbdy, add SO mI waler andboil {or I few IlUDllIa.

A·3.3.4 Add 10 lbe solutio. (A.3.3.J), 20 ml I",monium nitlile solution aDd1.0 aI JDeIJIyl olllllc iDdicalOr. Adjust tbe pH to just Ilblioe by IddingUUIIODiu. byclJoxide lad tbea to acidic with addition of nitric acid. Dilute 10

100£ 20IDI willa dillillecl Wiler.

A-3.15 Add IlIUDOllium molybdate solution (A-3.2.1) 10 lbe IOluUoa(1.-3.3.4) llid apa.. coaliauoualy {or IS minutel. Allow abe precipillte 10ICIIk for o.or two aU_lei.

A-3.:U Dcaaa abc IUpelDlllDl liquid I. It A-3.J.5 lhrough I gIuI fuaael6aed willa a pad of IDICeraaed a.bealOl Ipproximately O~1 em thick 08 I

pafoIaleCl dilc aDd filteruDder vacuum. Tralllfer the pm:ipitlte 10 tile fuaaelud riMe abc beaker Kvenl tilDeS with a Itream of water. Wa.b thepJeCipili1e 5 lima wilh 25-30 mI wiler. Transfer the precipillae, pad aDdpafOiaIed dilc back bao the 2SO-mI beaker and rinse the waael willa DOlIDOIC tlaaal00 mIWiler.

A-3.3.7 Add lutlicicDlI&aDdaad lOdiuDl hydroxide 10 completely dilcbargedie yellow plaolpbo-lDOlybdale aDd lben add 2-3 mI in eXCCII. Add 0.4 mIpbalolpbtbaleia illdicalGl. Riue abeaides of the beaker with 5-10 mllOdium~ydloxidc. Tillite willa .laDdaId bydrocbJoric acid 10 • cliltiDct liabt piakcoJour lad poial.1Idverify abe cad poialIt 7.85£ 0.05 pH by mea. of • pHIMler.


Page 7: IS 12915 (1990): Acephate, Technical · acephate, technical - specification ( firstreprint november 1994) ude· 632.952 car e dis 1990 bureau of indian standards manak bhavan, 9 bahadur

A·3A Caleulatloa

Pbospborus content, (VI )( Nl) - (V2 )C N2)pelCelll by mall P • )( 0.134 9


wbereVI • volume, in ml,of ltaDdaJdlOdium bydroxide;

NI • nonnalityof ltaDdaad lOdium hydroxide;

V2 • volume, in mI, of ltaDdard bydrocbloric acidN2 • normality of .IIDdarei bydrochloric acid; andM • mass, in gt of ample in lliquot ( A·3.2-Z ).

Acepbale CODlenl, percent by mill C P )( 5.91'.

(FAD 1).,,-


Page 8: IS 12915 (1990): Acephate, Technical · acephate, technical - specification ( firstreprint november 1994) ude· 632.952 car e dis 1990 bureau of indian standards manak bhavan, 9 bahadur



(Page 1, clause Z.I) - Substitute '1070: 1992 Reagent grade wate'r( third revision )' for '1070 : 1977 Water for general laboratory use ( secondrevision »).

( Page 1, clause7.Z ) - Substitute '1070 : 1992' for 111070 : 1977'.

( Amendment No. 1~ clause A-3.3.2 ) - Substitute tbe following for theexisting:

'Transfer SO ml aliquot into a 250-mJ beaker, add 30 mI nitric acid dropwise atfirst until vigorous reaction is completed, boil gently for 30 minutes, Cool andadd perchloric acid.'

(FAD 1)Repropphy Unit, BIS. New Delhi, India

Page 9: IS 12915 (1990): Acephate, Technical · acephate, technical - specification ( firstreprint november 1994) ude· 632.952 car e dis 1990 bureau of indian standards manak bhavan, 9 bahadur



( Page 2, clause A-I.I, J«Ontls"*"" ( seea&oA~ No.1) ) ­Insertthe following It theend:

Cor for plantqualitycontrol cbecb u refereemethod'.

(FAD1)Repropplay UBit, BIS,New Delhi, l.tia

Page 10: IS 12915 (1990): Acephate, Technical · acephate, technical - specification ( firstreprint november 1994) ude· 632.952 car e dis 1990 bureau of indian standards manak bhavan, 9 bahadur



( Page 2~ clause A-2.1.1, line 7 ) - Substitute '100 em length' for '38 emlength ~.

( Page 2, clause A-2.3.1, line I ) - Substitute 'di-butyl phthalate' for'di- isobutyl phthalate'.

( FAD 1 ) Reprography Unit, BIS, New Delhi, India

Page 11: IS 12915 (1990): Acephate, Technical · acephate, technical - specification ( firstreprint november 1994) ude· 632.952 car e dis 1990 bureau of indian standards manak bhavan, 9 bahadur

Pesticides Sectional Committee, FADC 1


This Indian Standard was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards on 25 January 1990, afterthe draft finalized by the Pesticides Sectional Committee had been approved by the Food andAgricultural Division Council.

Acephate, technical is employed in the preparation of insecticidal formulations.

Acephate is the accepted common name by ISO for 0, S-dimethyl acetyl phosphoramidothiote.The empirical and structura 1 formula and molecular mass are as follows:

Empirical Formula Structural Formula Molecular Mass

In the preparation of this standard, due consideration has been given to the provisions of theInsecticides Act, 1968 and the Rules framed thereunder. However, this standard is subject to therestrictions imposed under these wherever applicable.

For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this standard is complied with,the final value, observed or calculated, expressing the result of a test or analysis, shall be roundedoff in accordance with IS 2 : 1960 'Rules for rounding off numerical values (revised )'. Thenumber of significant places retained in the rounded off value should be the same as that of thespecified value in this standard.

Page 12: IS 12915 (1990): Acephate, Technical · acephate, technical - specification ( firstreprint november 1994) ude· 632.952 car e dis 1990 bureau of indian standards manak bhavan, 9 bahadur

IS utlS J1-Indian Standard


6940: 1981

IS No.1070 : 1977


Table I R8ft.Ir..... r.r Ace". Tdaical( Claw., 3.2 and 7.1 )

iDfo.rmation as is necessary under the Ins,cticlde8Act, 1968 and Rules:

a) Name of the material;b) Indication of the source of manufacture;c) Batch number;d) Date of manufacture and expiry;e) Acephate content, percent (mlm );f) Net mass of the contents; andg) The cautionary notice as worded in the

llUectlcltk, A'CI, 1968 and Rules.


6.1 Ilepresentative samples of the material shallbe drawn as prescribed in IS 10946 : 1984.

sa Cllaracterlltlc ......... Meaw 01Till.No. • ••t Reft.

f 4 •Annex of Clause No.

tbla 01 IS 6940:Staadard 1912

(4) (5)-A

(1) (2) (3)I) Acepbate cooteot, 97-0

perCeIIl by mUI, MillII) MeltJq polDt, ·C 86-88

III) Mat.rial iDIoluble ia 1-'water, perceat by mall,MtI~ (,., NOle)

IY) AcIdity (.. R.SO.). I·'perceat by ma••, Mu

NOTE - Water Iball be uaed instead of acotoDo.1 tbe solvent.


3.1 DeIerIfdoa

ne material shall be in the form of white Cree­lowiDI powder. free from extraneous impuritiesor hard lumps.3.2 The material shall also comply with therequirements lpicifled in Table 1.

Tltl.Speciftcation for water for,.,eDeral laboratory use( ,econdrevtsto« )Methods or test for pelti­

. cidOl and their formulatioDs( fir" ,..111011 )

altO . Requirements for packing of(:fart 1)~ 1988 pesticidel~ Part 1 Solid

pesticides ~ ,ecolldre,lI;o1l )

10946 : 1984 Methods of sampling fortechnical-grade pesticides

18conLl nus ItaDdard prescribes the requirementsaad .the methocb of "aampliDI ana teat foraceplate. tecbDicaI.

2 REnRaCES2.1 The foll()wiDI Indian Standards arollecessary·acljuDeta to this' standard:

.5 MARKING5.1 The container ahall bear le,ibly aDd indeli­bly the rOUoWiDI information and any other

~ PACKING ..'.~.... 7 TISTS~ ..~; ..~~\ 7.1 Tests shall be carried put &I referred to in

4.1 The materi.. sball be packed" in fibre or col 4 and S of Table 1.miI·d lteel dnuu proviclecl with low densitypolyeth,leae Hner. The leDeral requirements 7.2 Q_UtJo'Rea.eatlu JiveD in IS :8190 ( Part 1 ) : 1988 shall alsobo foDoweel. Unl" specified otherwise, pure chemicals and

distilled water (see IS l07(): 1977) shaD beemployed in tests•

NOTB - ·Pure ebemlcall' shan meaD c"bemlcalsthat do Dot CODI.lo impurities wbleb affect tber.alta of & •


Page 13: IS 12915 (1990): Acephate, Technical · acephate, technical - specification ( firstreprint november 1994) ude· 632.952 car e dis 1990 bureau of indian standards manak bhavan, 9 bahadur

ANNa 'A[ Tabk 1, Item tn 1


A-2.3.5 &tlmQUo"luject ]·0 ,,1 of sample solution (4-2.3.3) iDtothe GLe and calculate the ratio or peak ar..of ample and iDteraal ltaDdard.

A-2.4 Calcaladolt

Acephate cotttent. porccnt _ Rt x w.. x p.lie. x W.

wheroR. - averaao ratio of peak area

or acephate Kmple aadintemalstaDclardj

Rat - •.,erap ratio or peak areaof~hate ltaadard aDdin ltabdird;

Wit - mau. in I. 01 acephateItIndard;

W. - iIWI, itt •• of ..,hateI&Dipll: aad

p - ~t purity of It&Ildaidacepbate.

A·2.3.3 P"J'tlratlOII 0/ Stme,,. SoIutltJIIWelsh accurately 11 quaatity' or sample ~ul.valent to .0-100 0 I of .~hate into .• IC»-mlvolumetric flaat and make up the volume with'interualltandard solution ( A-2.3.1). Mix weDto dillOlvo the acephate aDd centritap dOWDthe remaiDiDllOlids. JJ",.

A.2.3.~ Callbratlolt

IDject simultaneously 1·0 "I of. iotemal standard( A-2.3.1) aDd ltandard (A,-2.3.2) solutionsInto the OLe and from the integrator print outaDd Dote down the~ areas or acephale aadinternal standard. Adjust the attenuatioD inluch a way that acephate and internal standard~ are obtaiDod at 60-80 percent of fuU--scaleID aU the cue.. Calculate the ratio of peakareas ofacephate standard 'and intemalatandard.

38 em Jenph and 2 mm IDUlass packed wtth 3 pereeDtOV·22S OD Gas Chrom Q ( 120­140) mesh, conditioned al2WCovernight

T,",p"atu" Column ovonI njectorDetector

ell"'.' GQI NitroleDFlow Ral, 30 ml/minute

NOTB - Tbe .tleau.doD 11 to be .djUited forobt.laia. peatl It 60-80perceDt or full-Kale.


A-2.1.2 Micro"'" S""".A-2.2 a"ll.A-l.2.1 '11"'''01 St,,,dtJ,d SolUllo", Dj-isobutylphthalate. All arade or GLe ,rade.

A-2.2.2 Methyl.". Chlorl41, All grade.

A-2.2.3 S'andard Ac"IIal., of kDOWD pti.rity~

A-2.3 Pree•••

A-2.3.1 P"paratlon o/Int.,,,al Sta"da,d SoI""OII

W~iah 0-2989 :b O·OI~ 19f di-isobutyl phthalateIllto a I~Jitre volumetric·flast Ind maa up tilevolume with methylene chloride.

A-I.I A,,.r••A-2.I.l G., Lipid C"'~"'lIto,'tlph( OLe),A OLe unit fitted with a bydropn flame ioniza­tion detector and also a printer-plotter-tum­iDtqrator is used for this determination. The.ul8ated operative parameters are. as follows,but can be chanaed in any other equipmoDt,provided standardization is done:

A-I GE,,~UAt, A-2.3.2 Pr."",..,IOII 01 S,."dilrd S_II•

.\-1.1 For the determia.tioD of acephate OODteDt Wei" aeaurately O·UM» 0 ,ot~te ItaDdar4hi ( GLe) .~ d bas iato. lCJO.IDI vol1uDetriC luk .. .t••p

a 181 chromatoarap C JDeut,O the volume with iDterD&1 ItaDcIarcI IOlatloabeea specified. ( A.2.1i ).


2 I

Page 14: IS 12915 (1990): Acephate, Technical · acephate, technical - specification ( firstreprint november 1994) ude· 632.952 car e dis 1990 bureau of indian standards manak bhavan, 9 bahadur

....., ttfltMll,. St_It~,_

_IS i. • 'Ja~utory i"ltiJ"tjoQ ~stablis",d MaeSer U-e .ur,au qf ,,,41_,, 814".,4, .411, 111I tolIrolQoCe bamtQD!Q". 4ev,J0PDJe_t ~f Cb. ~C«vi~,e. of Itanclar4iqtioD. ..-ki", aQd q~tycerti8cadoQ Qf ,ood....d a,ttl__4iql ~'qoQQect~ matten i~ tbe C01JQery.


811 h.. • COP)'rilht of all i~. No PJrt of tlteso pqblicatio~s m-y ~ reproduce4 fDaDyr9~ ",i~bou, t~e prior pefmi.lloD tQ "riJiDI qf at~. Tllis does DOe prectQ4e th~ (fee u.." iQ~. COQrIO of implemeQtiuJ ~be '~Ddafd, of De~,...ry ,,_tails, _pch as symbol••lId sizes, typo deliIDation••BQqQifi~_ felati~1 to copyrilht be .dt1re~d to.tbeDirector (rublicatio"l >. BIS.

__" •• of '.tlla. S.'.rdlAmeadP1c;D~ are iasqed to standards ~s tho need ,rilel on the basis of comments. StaQdards.arealso reviewed period~caIly; a ItaQ4ard aloP'8 wiU. ~'DdmeQts is teafllrmedwllen sucll a r~view;pdicate.t~~t DO chQ,es are needed; if ~e review j"diQltel that changcs are needed, it is taken

., qp fOf ,ovi.i~n. User. or Iq4i_~ 1~.~dar41 _hOQld ascen&jn ~ha~ they are in possossion or the~Je.t amon4P1eotl Qf ,di'ioQ by r_f.rrilJl to the I.t"t Juue of ':PIS Handbook' and CSt_adardat.fonCh1y AdditioDt •

nt- Jpd"~ Staudard bal ,,"0 41,_10," ('-0_ Dog: No. PAD I ( 409J )

.'''••11 __",t $lIce Plbnc-Jl••

Amend No. ~~o ofl••ue


Telt Affected


Manak BhavaD, 9 __dur Shah zarar Mar,. ~ew Doltu 110002T,JephoD" : 3319131, 33113 75 T,I'araml : M~~k..n.tba

( CODUQC)Q ~ '" 0810el )

lout!tefD: C.I.T. e-mpus, IV Crol' Road, MAPaAI 600113

R.aioDai Omeel:

CeD~l: l4anak luvan, 9 lahadur Shab Z.far MarlNE\\' D!!LHI 110002

Butom: 1/14e.I.T. Scheme VII M, V.I.P. Road. MaQiktola, CA~CUTIA 700054

NOfthero : seo 445-446. Sector 3S-C. CKANDlQARH 160036


{331-01 3133113'75

{37 84 99. 37 85 6137 86 26. 37 86 62

{53 38 ~3. 53 16 40

, 532384

{' ~35 02 16. 235 04 42235 15 19. 235 23 15

West,ra: M.n.k~aya.89 MIPC. Marol. AocQlori ( Ealt ) { 632'~ ss, 632 78 58. aOMBAY 430093 63278 91. 632 78'2



Reproaraphy Unit, BIS, New Den~l, (iKlia