irrigation 1 beat stauffer, seecon international gmbh

Irrigation Irrigation 1 Beat Stauffer, seecon international gmbh

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Beat Stauffer, seecon international gmbh

Page 2: Irrigation 1 Beat Stauffer, seecon international gmbh


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The contents of the SSWM Toolbox reflect the opinions of the respective authors and not necessarily the official opinion of the funding or supporting partner organisations.

Depending on the initial situations and respective local circumstances, there is no guarantee that single measures described in the toolbox will make the local water and sanitation system more sustainable. The main aim of the SSWM Toolbox is to be a reference tool to provide ideas for improving the local water and sanitation situation in a sustainable manner. Results depend largely on the respective situation and the implementation and combination of the measures described. An in-depth analysis of respective advantages and disadvantages and the suitability of the measure is necessary in every single case. We do not assume any responsibility for and make no warranty with respect to the results that may be obtained from the use of the information provided.


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Page 3: Irrigation 1 Beat Stauffer, seecon international gmbh


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Contents (Example Hardware)


1. Concept

2. How can Irrigation Techniques Optimise SSWM

3. Surface Irrigation

4. Manual Irrigation

5. Automatic Irrigation

6. Sprinkler Irrigation

7. Drip Irrigation

8. Subsurface Drip Irrigation

9. Spate Irrigation



Page 4: Irrigation 1 Beat Stauffer, seecon international gmbh


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• Artificial application of water to the land to increase crop yield.

• Necessary in arid areas or during a period of inadequate rainfall.

• Several methods exist such as:

• Surface Irrigation

• Manual Irrigation

• Automatic Irrigation

• Sprinkler Irrigation

• Drip Irrigation

• Subsurface Drip Irrigation

• Spate Irrigation


1. Concept

Sprinkler irrigation (“big gun”) in South Canada. Source: STAUFFER 2011

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Sustainable use of water sources

Good operation of any irrigation system includes matching the irrigation duration with the rate of application and the intake rate of the soil to maximise the fraction of water stored in the root zone. HILL et al.


Consider that it is not only your crop field which needs to be watered.

Most of the problems with water extraction relate to the proportion of the total available water that is used. NRETAS (2007)


2. How it can optimise SSWM

Shrinking Aral Sea (from the left to the right); 1989, 2003 and 2011 with the former coast line (thin black line) from 1960. Upstream water has been used for cotton production. Source: NASA and USGS (2011)

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Grey Water Reuse (RODDA et al. 2011)

• Greywater = effluent from baths, showers, kitchen and hand-wash basins and laundry.

• It can be used both, as irrigation water and as a source of nutrients.


2. How it can optimise SSWM

Urine Fertilisation

• Separately collected and hygienised urine is a concentrated source of nutrients.

• Small-scale application of diluted urine (watering and fertilising at the same time) or adding urine on large agricultural land.

The greywater tower is especially designed to reuse greywater and produce food. Source: SHEWA and GELETA (2009)

Small-scale application of diluted urine

with watering can in the

Philippines. Source: GENSCH (n.y.)

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Health Aspects if Irrigated with Waste Water (TILLEY et al. 2008)

• Proper pre-treatment (pathogen reduction).

• Households and industry should be made aware of the products (e.g. hazard chemicals) that are and are not appropriate for discharging into the waste water system.

• Harvested crops and workers should not come in direct contact with such irrigation water.

• If these rules are considered, waste water (e.g. greywater is a very effective way to recycle nutrients.


2. How it can optimise SSWM

“Production” of waste water.

Pretreatment, e.g. septic tank

Irrigation and recycling of nutrients

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Design Principles

• Widely used and well-known.

• Can be operated without high-tech applications but it is labour intensive.

• Proper design of irrigation area (e.g. size, slope, levelness) and knowledge about soil type (e.g. texture, intake rate). (HILL


• Capital costs (levelling fields, construction of reservoirs) might be expensive. Operational costs are low.

• Basically three systems:

o Basin Irrigation

o Border Irrigation

o Furrow Irrigation


3. Surface Irrigation

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Basin Irrigation System (WALKER 2003)

• Field must be levelled and encompassed by a dyke.

• It is favoured by moderate to slow intake soils and deep-rooted, closely spaced crops.

• Effective method of leaching salts from the soil profile into the deeper groundwater.


3. Surface Irrigation

A typical surface basin irrigation fields. Source: USU (n.y.)

• Can be automated with inexpensive flow controls at the basin inlet.

• dikes must be well maintained to eliminate breaching and waste.

• It is difficult and often infeasible to incorporate the use of modem farm machinery in small basins (hand or animal cultivation).

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Border Irrigation System (UCCE 2003)

• Expansion of basin irrigation for crops, which do not tolerate flooding.

• Long, rectangular or contoured field shapes and longitudinal but no lateral slope.

• field is divided into strips (width of 6 to 30 metres) separated by border ridges.


3. Surface Irrigation

Tree crops irrigated by a surface border system. Source: UCCE (2005)

• Stripes between ridges are flooded during irrigation.

• Used for tree crops or crops as alfala or small grains.

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Furrow Irrigation System (BURT 2000: WALKER 2003)

• Constructing small channels (furrows) along the primary direction of water movement.

• Can be used in conjunction with basins and borders to overcome topographical variation and crusting.

• More labour intensive than border or basin systems.


3. Surface Irrigation

A field irrigated by furrows . Source: HILL et al. (2008)

• smaller wetted area can reduce evaporation loss.

• Salinity hazards, limited machinery mobility and increased erosion potential.

• Well adapted to row crops and orchards or vineyards.

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Costs (WALKER 2003)

Construction (only once):

Levelling the irrigation area, building the water ditches and reservoir (expensive)


3. Surface Irrigation

Measuring of a single furrow shape. Source: WALKER (2003)

Annual Operation Costs:

Energy (e.g. filling the reservoirs where necessary), water depreciation, land preparation, maintenance, labour, taxes, etc.

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Operation & Maintenance (HILL et al. 2008)

• The most important to consider in surface irrigation: to move the water to successive application points until it reaches the end of the run.

• Furrows and stripes must be cleaned out periodically.

• Leaks in ditches must be repaired immediately, this could be a daily task where rodent damages are a problem.

• Periodic re-levelling of irrigation field may be needed.


3. Surface Irrigation

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Applicability (BURT 2000: WLAKER 2003)

• The system depends on three factors: type of soil, water quality and climate, plant and labours.

• Permeable soil: difficult to transport the water over the whole field.

• It can be implemented in windy regions in contrast to sprinkler systems.

• It is not highly automated, but labour intensive.


3. Surface Irrigation

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Pros and Cons (WALKER 1989)


Advantages:•Widely used, thus a minimal

understanding of the system mostly exists.

•Water is transported by gravity.

•Less affected by climatic (wind) and water characteristics (sediment transport).

•Essential elements are at the edges of the field. This facilitates O&M.

•It can be developed at the farm level with minimal capital investment.

Disadvantages:•The soil, which must be used to

convey the water over the field, has properties that are highly varied both spatially and temporally.

•Less efficient in applying water than either sprinkler systems.

•The need to use the field surface as a conveyance and distribution facility requires that fields be well graded if possible.

•Surface systems tend to be labour-intensive.

3. Surface Irrigation

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Basic Irrigation Principles

• High labour input and high self-help compatibility

• Require no technical equipment, therefore they are cheap

• Beside water cans, there more “automated” methods such as:

o Low-Cost Drip Irrigation System

o Pitcher Irrigation

o Bottle Irrigation

o Porous and Sectioned Pipes

o Perforated Plastic Sleeves


4. Manual Irrigation

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Water Cans

• Very basic and creates a lot of work on large fields, but widely used.

• Water can be added on very specific points.

• Carry poles across the shoulders and a water can at each side facilitates the irrigation work.

• A rose added to the water can creates a sprinkler effect (see picture).


4. Manual Irrigation

Manual Irrigation with water cans. Source: FAO (2011)

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Low-Cost Drip Irrigation System

• Low-cost plastic pipes laid on the ground and irrigate crops.

• Small holes in the pipes allow a water to drip out.

• A water tank on a higher level distributes water by gravity.

• No waste of water (e.g. evaporation, wind), specific irrigation at the root zone.


4. Manual Irrigation

A low-cost “farm-kit system” with a 1000 litres water tank can service up one-eight of an acre. Source: IPTRID (2008)

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Pitcher Irrigation (FAO 1997; INFONET-BIOVISION 2010)

• Placing porous clay jars (or pots) in shallow pits and soil is packed around.

• Water can seep slowly out through the porous walls and reach the roots of the plants.

• Jars can made locally or sweet monkey orange fruit after drying can be used.


4. Manual Irrigation

Clay pot irrigation. Source: INFONET-BIOVISION


• Jars should be filled regularly and have to be replaced if there are big cracks

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Bottled Irrigation (INFONET-BIOVISION 2010)

• Similar to pitcher irrigation.

• The bottle is first filled and than place up side down next to plant.

• Water is released slowly directly beside the roots.

• No evaporation or water loss due to wind


4. Manual Irrigation

Bottled Irrigation is a simple but effective method. Source: INFONET-BIOVISION (2010)

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Porous and Sectioned Pipes (FAO 1997)

• Instead of pitchers or bottles, porous pipes are used to spread water along a horizontal line.

• Pipes are placed between crop rows

• One end is made protrude above ground to refill it.

• This method distributes water over the whole length and not only where it is perforated irrigation effect is lower


4. Manual Irrigation

Schematic view of porous pipe irrigation. Source FAO (1997)

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Perforated Plastic Sleeves (FAO 1997)

• Interesting, but not widely used and thus little experience available.

• A perforated plastic sleeve filled with water is stuck into the ground next to a plant.

• Needs more research.


4. Manual Irrigation

The plastic sleeve method is not tested systematically and therefore it is difficult to estimate its performance. Source FAO (1997)

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• All The described methods are very cheap and material is available almost everywhere (old buckets, bottles, etc.)


4. Manual Irrigation

A man collects water for irrigation with two old buckets fixed on a carry pole. Source: WATERPROJECTLONDON (2010)

Operation & Maintenance

• Manual methods in general are labour intensive

• “Automated” systems (e.g. porous pipes or jars) must be checked and cleaned regularly to avoid water loss, damages or blockages.

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Applicability (BURT 2000: WLAKER 2003)

• The system depends on three factors: type of soil, water quality and climate, plant and labours.

• Permeable soil: difficult to transport the water over the whole field.

• It can be implemented in windy regions in contrast to sprinkler systems.

• It is not highly automated, but labour intensive.


4. Manual Irrigation

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Pros and Cons (WALKER 1989)


Advantages:• Improved water-use efficiency

(reduced loss through evaporation)

•Well directed, selective and targeted irrigation

•Ensures constant water supply in the crucial phase of germination

•Higher yields, better quality, higher germination rate, lower incidence of pest attack

•Facilitates pre-monsoon sowing.•Can be constructed with locally

available material•Low investment costs

Disadvantages:•Labour intensive•User need a basic training to

install and use the correct most of the method

•If the water is not properly filtered and the equipment not properly maintained, it can result in clogging.

•Manual subsurface drip irrigation avoids the high capillary potential of traditional surface applied irrigation, which can draw salt deposits up from deposits below.

4. Manual Irrigation

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Basic Design Principles

• Once it is installed, the irrigation system has not to be controlled all the time.

• Modern big scale systems operated by one (skilled) labour.

• Very technical components required. There even high-tech solutions using GIS and satellites to measure water needs.

o Time Based Systemo Volume Based Systemo Open Loop Systemso Closed Loop Systemso Real Time Feedback Systemo Computer Based Irrigation Control Systems

• There also simple methods such as clay pot irrigation networks.


5. Automatic Irrigation

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High-Tech Solutions

Time Based (RAJAKUMAR et al. 1998 and IDE n.y.)

• Time of operation (irrigation time – hrs per day) is calculated according to volume of water (water requirement - litres per day) required and the average flow rate of water (application rate – litres per hours). A timer starts and stops irrigation.

Volume Based (RAJAKUMAR et al. 1998)

• The pre-set amount of water can be applied in the field segments by using automatic volume controlled metering valves.

Open Loop System (BOMAN et al. 2006)

• Open loop controllers normally come with a clock that is used to start irrigation.

• Termination of the irrigation can be based on a pre-set time or may be based on a specified volume of water passing through a flow meter.


5. Automatic Irrigation

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High-Tech Solutions

Closed Loop Systems (BOMAN et al. 2006)

• This type of system, the feedback and control of the system are done continuously.

• Closed loop controllers require data acquisition of environmental parameters (such as soil moisture, temperature, radiation, wind-speed, etc) as well as system parameters (pressure, flow, etc.).


5. Automatic Irrigation

Real Time Feedback System (RAJAKUMAR et al. 1998)

• Various sensors, tensiometers, relative humidity sensors, rain sensors, temperature sensors etc. control the irrigation scheduling. These sensors provide feedback to the controller to control its operation

Simple version of a closed loop system: A moisture sensor interrupts/starts the irrigation process. Source: BOMAN et al. (2006)

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High-Tech Solutions

Computer-based Irrigation Control Systems (RAJAKUMAR et al. 1998)

• This system consists of a combination of hardware and software that acts as a supervisor with the purpose of managing irrigation and other related practices such as [1995-fertigation] and maintenance.

• Basically two systems: Interactive and fully automatic systems.


5. Automatic Irrigation

Control board showing timers, soil moisture sensor-controllers, solenoid valves wiring, and flowmeters-datalogger. Source: CARDENAS-LAILHACAR (2006)

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Low-Tech Solutions

Clay Pot and Porous Capsule Irrigation Network (UNEP 1998)

• Old system, which was modernised over the years.• Low volume irrigation technology.• Systems consists of using clay pods and porous capsules.• The pots (volume of 10 to 12 litres) are partially buried in the

soil with only the top poking out. • Distribution is done by PVC pipes.• A constant level in the storage reservoir regulates hydrostatic



5. Automatic Irrigation

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Low-Tech Solutions

Clay Pot and Porous Capsule Irrigation Network (UNEP 1998)


5. Automatic Irrigation

Schematic representation of a clay pot irrigation system (left) and porous capsule irrigation system (right). Source: UNEP (1998)

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Low-Tech Solutions

Automatic Surge Flow and Gravitational Tank Irrigation System (UNEP


• Intermittent gravity-flow irrigation system.

• A siphon replaces expensive electronically controlled valves.

• Easy to operate and maintain with a minimum consumption of energy.

• The system consists of a storage tank equipped with one or more siphons


5. Automatic Irrigation

Schematic representation of an automatic surge flow irrigation system. Source: UNEP (1998)

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• Costs highly depend on the applied system. It varies from very cheap (e.g. timer) to very expensive systems, which includes research on soil quality and technical material.


5. Automatic Irrigation

Operation & Maintenance

• Operation by skilled labours

• Must be maintained frequently (malfunction of valves or sensors rises costs immediately)

Applicability• Almost every irrigation can be automated.

• It saves time and water.

• Allows a very efficient irrigation, i.e. metering the water volumes more precisely.

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Pros and Cons (WALKER 1989)


Advantages:•Eliminates the manual operation

of opening or closing valves•Possibility to change frequency of

irrigation and fertigation processes and to optimise these processes

•Use of water from different sources and increased efficiency in water and fertiliser use

•System can be operated at night, water loss from evaporation is thus minimised

• Irrigation process starts and stops exactly when required, thus optimising energy requirements

Disadvantages:•The systems can be very

expensive•Self-help compatibility is

very low with big-scale systems, which are very complex

•Most automated irrigation systems need electricity

5. Automatic Irrigation

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Design Principles

• Widely used and well-known.

• Water is distributed through a system of pipes (usually by pumping) and spray heads at the outlets distribute the water over the entire soil surface.

• This system, especially large ones, are mostly automated.

• It can be found in small vegetable gardens up to large crop fields. Therefore several systems were developed:

o Sprinkler headso Centre Pivoto Linear Moveo Travelling Big Guno Side Roll


6. Sprinkler Irrigation

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Sprinkler Head

• Two types: Impact and gear-drive sprinklers.

• Spray nozzles discharge water and covers typically an area up to 12 m (head-to-head).

• Single sprinklers can be connected to each other with laterals


6. Sprinkler Irrigation

A vegetable field irrigated by interconnected sprinkler heads. Source: TRADEINDIA (n.y.)

• Lager system are mostly automated (e.g. time based)

• Used in gardens, pastures and larger lawn areas.

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Centre Pivot (SCHERER 2010)

• Self-propelled sprinkler system rotates around the pivot point.

• Amount of applied water is controlled by the moving speed.

• For any crop height and especially suited for light soils and low labour requirement.

• “End-gun”, installed at the end of the sprinkler bar, is able to reach corners.


6. Sprinkler Irrigation

The system irrigates an area up to 0.5 km2. Source: SCHERER (2010); STAUFFER (2011)

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Linear Move (Lateral Move) (SCHERER 2010)

• Moving towers and pipes interconnecting the towers which move at the same speed in the same direction.

• Water is pumped into the centre or into one end.

• High capital investment, therefore mostly in use for high value crop.


6. Sprinkler Irrigation

The system irrigates rectangular, very large fields, e.g. in the prairies of Alberta, Canada. Source: SCHERER (2010); STAUFFER (2011)

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Travelling Big Gun (SCHERER 2010)

• The big gun system uses high water pressure and a large capacity nozzle.

• The gun is connected either to a hard or flexible hose and is pulled towards the water source.

• Maximum area to irrigate ranges from 0.3 to 0.4 km2 per gun.


6. Sprinkler Irrigation

Schmatic plan for a big gun irrigation system. Source: SCHERER (2010); STAUFFER (2011)

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Side Roll (Wheel Roll) (SCHERER 2010)

• Up to a quarter mile long lateral on wheels (diameter 1 to 3 m), water is pumped into one end.

• When desired amount is applied, lateral is moved forward by a gasoline engine.

• Should be used on flat ground and low growing crops, moderate initial costs


6. Sprinkler Irrigation

Wheel line irrigation system in the south of British Columbia, Canada. Source: SCHERER (2010) and STAUFFER (2011)

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• Depending on the irrigation method, but the large systems in general incur high capital costs.

• Energy costs for constant pumping.

• Considering operation (skilled labours), maintenance (reparations)


6. Sprinkler Irrigation

• On large systems, expert knowledge might be necessary

• Pipes/hoses and all mechanical components have to be kept in shape to avoid damage and high repair costs.

• Small sprinkler systems for gardening are easy to handle for everyone.

Operation and Maintenance

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Applicability (FAO 1998)

• Best suited for sandy soils with high infiltration rates, but in general suited for most soil types.

• Average application rate must lower than the infiltration rate to avoid ponding.

• Not suitable for soils that easily form a crust or in case of risk of salinisation.

• Sprinklers that produce a light fine spray should be preferred to avoid damages on crop/soil.


6. Sprinkler Irrigation

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Pros and Cons (WALKER 1989)


Advantages• No terracing required• Suitable for almost all types of

soil• Application rates and times

adaptable to the needs of the plant and soil type

• Independent from the topography of the area

• No need for channels (HOVE 2011).

• Possibility of adding fertilisers or pesticides

• Possibility of irrigating for other purposes: sprouting, frost protection or cooling during hot periods (HOVE 2011)

Disadvantages• High operation expenses due to

the energy need, labour and relatively large investment in equipment (HOVE 2011)

• Sensitivity to wind, causing evaporation losses (HOVE 2011)

• The unavoidable wetting of foliage in field crops results in increased sensitivity to diseases (HOVE 2011)

• Debris and sediments can cause clogging

• Capital cost is high with greater operational costs due to higher energy requirements (HOVE 2011)

6. Sprinkler Irrigation

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Design Principles (FAO 1988; INFONET-BIOVISION 2010)

• Water is conveyed under pressure through a pipe system to the fields.

• It drips slowly onto the soil through emitters or drippers which are located close to the plants.

• Only the root zone is wetted.

• There are very technical systems but also self-made designs.

• It requires relatively small amounts of water, but it is very effective.

• Pre-treated waste water or urine can be added as a fertiliser.


7. Drip Irrigation

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Commercial Drip Irrigation System (INFONET-BIOVISION 2010)

• Used in highly technical and industrial farming.

• Filters are installed to prevent clogging.

• Fertiliser and chemicals often are mixed into the irrigation water

• The system can be flushed to clean it.


7. Drip Irrigation

Drip irrigation on a large field. Source: WATERWIKI (2009)

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Commercial Drip Irrigation System


7. Drip Irrigation

Schematic design of a commercial drip irrigation system. This includes technical components such as filters, pumps and hydraulic control valves. Source: INFONET-BIOVISION (2010)

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Small Scale and Self-Made Drip Irrigation Systems

• Small initial investment, especially for small scale famers.

• Can be built with local available material.

• High self-help compatibility (farmers might need training at the beginning).

• Wastewater should be pre-treated and filtered to avoid infections and clogging.


7. Drip Irrigation

A self-made irrigation system in Africa with a bucket as a water reservoir and simple plastic hoses for the distribution. If bamboo is available, it can be used as distribution pipes. Source: STANDISH (2009) and INFONET-BIOVISION (2010)

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Small Scale and Self-Made Drip Irrigation Systems

• 20 litre bucket, 30 metres of hose which is connected to the tank

• Tank is on a elevation of at least 3 m and refilled daily. The water must be filtered to avoid clogging.

• Water is distributed by gravity.


7. Drip Irrigation

Schematic Design of a low-cost drip irrigation system.Source: RCSD (2008)

• There are bucket fits available, which is the smallest type of drip irrigation. (RCSD 2008)

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• Industrial systems are expensive.

• Small-scale farmer are able to built a self-made drip system with local available materials.

• In general more costly than manual irrigation, but improves yields and decrease water use.


7. Drip Irrigation

• Pipes should be anchored to the ground and checked regularly.

• Leaks must be repaired immediately.

• Once a month, pipes should be flushed or as soon as clogging is supposed.

Operation and Maintenance (INFONET-BIOVISION 2010)

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Applicability (WIKIPEDIA 2011)

• Very appropriate irrigation method, especially in arid and windy areas.

• It is suitable for using recycled municipal wastewater.

• There are technical solutions for large farming fields but also very simple systems for small scale farmers.


7. Drip Irrigation

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Pros and Cons


Advantages• High water application efficiency• Minimised fertiliser/nutrient loss

due to localised application• Ability to irrigate irregular shaped

fields.• Safe use of recycled (waste-)

water• Moisture within the root zone can

be maintained at field capacity and minimised soil erosion

• Soil type plays less important role in frequency of irrigation

• Highly uniform distribution of water

• Low-pressure operation

Disadvantages• Commercial system are

expensive.• The sun can affect the tubes

used for drip irrigation• Risk of clogging• Drip irrigation might be

unsatisfactory if herbicides or top dressed fertilisers need sprinkler irrigation for activation

• Without sufficient leaching (most drip systems are designed for high efficiency, meaning little or no leaching fraction), salts applied with the irrigation water may build up in the root zone

7. Drip Irrigation

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Design Principles (FAO 1988; INFONET-BIOVISION 2010)

• Water is conveyed under pressure through a pipe system and applied to the roots below soil surface.

• No surface crusting or evaporation loss, thus highly efficient irrigation method.

• Fields can still be worked when irrigation systems are installed and application of fertiliser can optimise plant growth


8. Subsurface Drip Irrigation

A field irrigated by a subsurface drip system. Source: SMART FERTILIZER MANAGEMENT (2011)

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Basic Design Principles (REICH 2009)


8. Subsurface Drip Irrigation

• Similar design as a common drip irrigation system.

• Components such as settling ponds, pump, backflow prevention valves, chemical/fertilser injection unit, rtc.

• Piping is layed 10 to 60 cm below surface, depending on crop and soil.

• If wastewater is used, pre-treatment is necessary before the settling pond.

• Generally high-tech and automatically operated system.

• Simple manual irrigation methods are bottled or porous pipes are also available.

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Basic Design Principles REICH (2009)


8. Subsurface Drip Irrigation

A typical subsurface drip irrigation field layout.

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• Estimated investment costs per acre (industrial agriculture): 1000 to 2000 US$. (REICH 2009)

• There also several low cost solutions (use local available material and basic methods such as bottle irrigation).


8. Subsurface Drip Irrigation

• Regular and systematic checks to find damages on pipes as soon as possible.

• Mechanical components must be maintained regularly.

• The function of the filter system is crucial for the system, thuis regular inspection is very important.

• Pipes should be flushed periodically.

Operation and Maintenance (INFONET-BIOVISION 2010)

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Applicability (WIKIPEDIA 2011)

• Especially suitable for arid, semi-arid, hot, and windy areas with limited water supply.

• The system is relatively complex, therefore more suitable for medium- to large-scale production


8. Subsurface Drip Irrigation

Drip irrigation requires energy to deliver the water. This must be factored into budgets. Source: CRC (n.y.)

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Pros and Cons


Advantages• High degree of control over

water application with the potential for high uniformity of application

• Evaporation is reduced• Frequent irrigation allows for

optimum soil moisture content in the root zone

• Great performance in windy and arid locations

• If pre-treated wastewater is used for irrigation, the risk of direct contact with crops and labourers is reduced

Disadvantages• Risk of clogging• salts accumulate at the

wetting front (if water is saline)

• Emitter can be damaged or blocked by root hairs

• Suspended organic matter and clay particles can damage the system

• A lot of repair work is caused by rodents chewing the tubes

• Heavy machinery can damage the laterals

8. Subsurface Drip Irrigation

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• Unique to semi-arid areas (Middle East, North and East Africa, West Asia, parts of Latin America).

• Water is diverted from riverbeds (Arabian term: wadi) which do not contain water all over the year.

• Big uncertainty caused by unpredictable floods and changing riverbeds from where water is diverted.

• Important to respect the water rights of down stream population that conflicts can be avoided.


9. Spate Irrigation

Constructing a large river diversion structure - earthworks and gabions (Wadi Labka, Eritrea). Source: SPATE IRRIGATION NETWORK n.y.)

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Basic Design Principles (FAO 2010)


9. Spate Irrigation

Basically, a spate irrigation system consists of:

• Intake areas or canals where stormwater is diverted from the wadi.

• Sedimentation basins, because of the high sedimentation load.

• Distribution channels which bring the water to the fields.

• Overflow to flush the sedimentation basins.

• The intake should be designed that downstream riparian do have enough water as well.

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Basic Design Principles (FAO 2010)


9. Spate Irrigation

A large spate irrigation construction in Yemen. It is a big improvement for the delivered area, but also creates conflicts with farmers downstream. Source: FAO (2010)

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Basic Design Principles – On the Field (FAO 2010)


9. Spate Irrigation

Basically, a spate irrigation system consists of:

• Water, after diverted from the wadi, must be distributed on the field. There are four methods (two groups) to do that:

o field-to-field distribution or individual field distribution

o extensive distribution or intensive distribution

Note: it is not the same technique as used in surface Irrigation

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Basic Design Principles – Field to Field Irrigation (FAO 2010)


9. Spate Irrigation

• Water is diverted to a group of bunded fields.• As soon as enough water is applied, the operator cuts the

downstream field bund. This is repeated until all fields are irrigated.

• Alternative: individual inlets from secondary or tertiary canals: higher control on irrigation and single fields can be watered as desired but more construction and land use for canal is necessary.

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Basic Design Principles – Field to Field Irrigation (FAO 2010)


9. Spate Irrigation

A field-to-field distribution in Eritrea. Source: FAO (2010)

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Basic Design Principles – Extensive / Intensive (FAO 2010)


9. Spate Irrigation

Extensive: one single irrigation is common over the whole surface

Intensive: fields may be irrigated twice or three times before cultivation when floods are concentrated on a small area

• Both types can exist in the same system and are dependent on the moisture holding capacity of the soil and crop.

• If it is watered intensive, crop most be well adjusted to moisture stress.

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Costs (NWP 2007)

• Costs have to be adjusted to the local conditions, project, machinery and material.

• Usually farmers have to be supported by the government and/or an NGO.

• Advantages of small-scale spate irrigation systems considering costs:

o It can be easily maintained.

o less dependent on heavy machinery and important materials and construction.

o reparation work can be done by farmers themselves.


9. Spate Irrigation

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Operation and Maintenance (EMBAYE 2009; FAO 2010)


9. Spate Irrigation

• Main problem: floods transport sediments and debris, thus regional climate and hydrology must be well known.

• Channels and sedimentation basins have to be flushed or cleaned out during the dry season.

• Field bunds have to be checked/repaired regularly.

• The fields have to be levelled to guarantee an equally water distribution.

• Moisture conservation is important to avoid a fast water loss due to evaporation. Farmers removing sediments from the main

canal by shovelling. Source: EMBAYE (2009)

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Conflicts (FAO 2010)

• Modernisation often enlarges diversion volume, this leads to upstream/downstream conflicts.

• Social settings and water rights should be considered (international water rights, regional regulations). This should be controlled by officials.


9. Spate Irrigation


• Typical for semi-arid and arid regions.

• It is only applicable if there are (seasonal) riverbeds (wadis), which are flooded frequently .

• Various cropping strategies to cope with the risks in spate irrigation were developed (e.g. drought resistant crop).

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Pros and Cons


Advantages• Big areas can be irrigated• Floods can be controlled• In areas traditionally irrigated

by spate irrigations, groundwater source are relatively rich due to long periods of recharge

Disadvantages• Upstream/downstream conflicts• Sediments in the irrigation

water (if they were not removed properly) can cause problems on crops and soil

• Amount of available water varies from year to year

• River beds may change and spate irrigation constructions have to be adjusted

• Hydraulically and socially very complexity

• Great variability in income between good and bad year

9. Spate Irrigation

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8. References

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FAO (Editor) (2011): FAO and Emergencies. Rom: Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO). URL: [Accessed: 15.09.2011]

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8. References

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RCSD (Editor) (2008): Low Cost Drip Irrigation Manual. Assam: Resources Centre for Sustainable Development (RCSD). URL: [Accessed: 27.06.2011]

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8. References

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