· web viewalso as mentioned we have a brand new 65” digital display...

Marketing, Promotion and Business Support Meeting Wednesday 9 th of May 2018 Pontypridd BID Office 4pm – 5pm Agenda 1.0 Welcome (AB) 2.0 Minutes of last meeting (All) 3.0 Your Pontypridd video case studies review 4.0 Website, Mailchimp and Social Media review 4.1 Website analytics 4.2 Social media statistics and analytics 5.0 Projects update and revised budget (JP) 5.1 Easter Trail Feedback 5.1 LINK Fest 5.2 Student Campaign 5.3 Christmas 5.4 Budget updates 6.0 Pontypridd map/distribution 7.0 Business Support update 7.1 Confirmation of next networking event 8.0 A.O.B. 1

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Page 1: · Web viewAlso as mentioned we have a brand new 65” digital display going in to Magor Motorway Services in June. Magor sees over 250,000 visitors per

Marketing, Promotion and Business Support Meeting

Wednesday 9th of May 2018

Pontypridd BID Office

4pm – 5pm


1.0 Welcome (AB)

2.0 Minutes of last meeting (All)

3.0 Your Pontypridd video case studies review

4.0 Website, Mailchimp and Social Media review

4.1 Website analytics 4.2 Social media statistics and analytics

5.0 Projects update and revised budget (JP)

5.1 Easter Trail Feedback

5.1 LINK Fest

5.2 Student Campaign

5.3 Christmas 5.4 Budget updates

6.0 Pontypridd map/distribution

7.0 Business Support update

7.1 Confirmation of next networking event

8.0 A.O.B.

9.0 Date of next meeting


Page 2: · Web viewAlso as mentioned we have a brand new 65” digital display going in to Magor Motorway Services in June. Magor sees over 250,000 visitors per

Your Pontypridd

Marketing Group Meeting

Thursday 5th April 2018

Harvest Books and Crafts



Allen Bevan (Chair) AB Pontypridd Town CouncilAngela Cavil (Vice Chair) AC Ponty OsteopathGareth Pugh GP Plaingraffic Alan Humphreys AH Ponty ArtsVictoria Pulman VP Your Pontypridd James Payne JP Your PontypriddJack Kinnerly JK Website SortedMaggie Hughes MH Harvest Books & Crafts Celyn Evans CE James Douglas Sales and LettingsNathan Tobin NT James Douglas Sales and Lettings

ApologiesVictoria Walker VW WetherspoonsVictoria Pulman VP Your Pontypridd BID


Description Action

1.0 Welcome and Introduction1.1 AB welcomed everyone to meeting and thanked them

for attending. 1.2 JP gave apologies for VW from Wetherspoons and VP

from Your Pontypridd BID

2.0 Minutes of the last meeting and matters arising

2.1 Groggs in Town Centre update2.1.1 JP confirmed that the BID had met with Grogg Shop and Ty Hafan, JP confirmed that project costs would exceed total marketing budget therefore not feasible 2.1.2 AH suggested to contact Grogg Shop to get update on costs for larger size Groggs

JP to contact Grogg Shop to get update on costings of larger Groggs for town centre

3.0 Launching of Your Pontypridd video

3.1 Video campaign proposal


Page 3: · Web viewAlso as mentioned we have a brand new 65” digital display going in to Magor Motorway Services in June. Magor sees over 250,000 visitors per

3.1.1 JP presented video campaign proposal from Website Sorted for release of the four videos including planned dates for case study releases and final video3.1.2 JP presented costs for social media campaign including boost post for each video, ad management and cost of flyers and posters to promote campaign3.1.3 AH suggested to contact Pear Communications to explore option of distributing flyers outside of Pontypridd to have more impact in different areas3.1.4 CE explained that James Douglas has contacts for billboard availability in the area and would send JP with details 3.1.5 Group agreed unanimously for the video campaign to ahead with planned costs

AH and CE to send JP details of distribution and billboard opportunities. JP to report back to group at next meeting

JP to provide feedback on the video campaign at next meeting

4.0 Projects update and budget allocations

4.1 Confirmation of budget for 2018/20194.1.1 JP confirmed total budget for Marketing and Business support as £18,190.00 4.2 Geekedfest4.2.1 JP confirmed the total budget for GeekedFest as £2,500. JP informed group he was awaiting new artwork before marketing materials can be printed 4.3 Video campaign4.3.1 JP confirmed total budget for video campaign as £1,000 which includes social media campaign, marketing materials and ad management4.4 Defibrillator campaign4.4.1 JP confirmed £150 is allocated to defibrillator for trophies for winning team, budget may be revised if marketing materials required 4.4 Networking Events4.4.1 JP confirmed costs of networking event at Alfreds and allocation in budget 4.4.2 GP, MH & AC suggested to gather a break down of costs for the event at Alfreds4.5 Newsletter 4.5.1 JP allocated £240.00 of budget to Newsletter template and set up for newsletter released in March to businesses through Mailchimp. 4.6 LINK Fest4.6.1 JP allocated £7,500 towards LINK Festival to include band fees, promotional materials. Budget may be revised in future following schedule confirmation

JP to bring GeekedFest materials to next meeting

JP to email out breakdown of costs for networking event before next meeting

JP to report back on newsletter success at next meeting


Page 4: · Web viewAlso as mentioned we have a brand new 65” digital display going in to Magor Motorway Services in June. Magor sees over 250,000 visitors per

4.7 Town Bite4.7 JP allocated £250 towards Town Bite to compliment Big Welsh Bite event at the beginning of August 4.8 Christmas Prize Draw4.8.1 Group confirmed the same format for the Christmas Prize Draw for 2018, £1,500 was allocated towards campaign to include promotional materials, cost of prizes

4.9 Christmas Town Centre Grotto 4.9.1 JP confirmed that BID had met with Museum to discuss potential ‘Grotto in the Museum’ event, only date available for such an event was 15th of December 2018. 4.9.2 Group suggested that BID locate empty shop in town centre to place grotto 4.9.3 AC suggested to contact Pontypridd Round Table to see if they would have interest in being involved in a Grotto project

5.0 Business Support update 5.1 Networking event update 5.1.1 MH gave positive feedback on the networking event, GP expressed frustration over lack of support from board members for event 5.1.2 Group asked JP to send out several reminders leading up to future networking events 5.2 Confirmation of date for next networking event 5.1.2 JP confirmed next networking event to take place at Alfreds on the 18th of April 2018

6.0 A.O.B. 6.1 Lampost Banners 6.1.1 AH asked if the BID had found out anymore information about having lamppost banners in the town centre 6.2 Friends of the Earth (MH)6.2.1 MH informed group that the Friends of the Earth group will be maintaining the planters on Gelliwastad Road in the coming weeks including planting and preventing rot in the baskets 6.3 James Douglas Charity Walk 6.3.1 CE informed about James Douglas charity walk from their Cardiff Office to Pontypridd Office on Sunday 20th May, all are welcome to join them and a Just Giving page has been set up to sponsor team

JP to find out process of installing lamppost banners and bring information to the next meeting

JP to send out details to group and businesses wishing to participate/sponsor


Page 5: · Web viewAlso as mentioned we have a brand new 65” digital display going in to Magor Motorway Services in June. Magor sees over 250,000 visitors per

Pear Communications

Distribution to Supermarkets, Motorway Services & Train Stations

I have attached a list of our routes for South & Mid Wales. As you can see we cover all the major Supermarkets and Train Stations. If you have anything from 1,000 – 10,000 leaflets, then I would suggest this be your first port of call. This is priced at £39.50 per thousand leaflets + VAT. Minimum order £150.

Distribution to Other Family Outlets

As you can see from the list, there are plenty of other family outlets we distribute to. Again I would suggest anything from 10,000 – 100,000 leaflets to go to these outlets! And this is charged at £29.50 per thousand + VAT. Again min order £150.

Digital Video Display at Magor

Also as mentioned we have a brand new 65” digital display going in to Magor Motorway Services in June. Magor sees over 250,000 visitors per month, through its doors! It is a huge site! See attached pics for what the stands look like. It will be placed directly opposite McDonalds, so excellent footfall and dwell time. There are 8 advertisers total, looping every 2 mins…. So each video is 15secs long. This is charged at £1,800 for the year or £350 per month. Both plus VAT. If you have produced a video then this might be an ideal outlet for it!


Page 6: · Web viewAlso as mentioned we have a brand new 65” digital display going in to Magor Motorway Services in June. Magor sees over 250,000 visitors per

Your Pontypridd BID Newsletter Analysis

The first BID newsletter released on the 27th of February with an Open Rate of 39.26% the highest of any campaign sent out to the business database so far. There was also a click rate of 10.37%

Comparison of different campaigns sent since February 2018


Page 7: · Web viewAlso as mentioned we have a brand new 65” digital display going in to Magor Motorway Services in June. Magor sees over 250,000 visitors per

Lamppost Banner Email Response from RCT Town Centres Team

We did carryout a lamppost banner project whereby we erected 23 Lamppost banners throughout Porth Town Centre.

We paid £5885.50 for 23 banners, this included the fixings and banners, printing and installation. This was all done internally with our creative design department, street lighting department and sign shop department.

We also had to pay £380.00 in order to gain advertising consent from our Planning Department.

This is the process which we followed;

1 - Authorisation from street lighting gained by submission of the following:

· Submission of street lights numbers and locations to be used to street lighting department to check if suitable to have banners attached.

· Banner Dimensions to be erected advising possibly of required of banner material.

· Date you will look to have them removed / updated. Advertising Consent only provides 5 years. Agreement of removal date and how this will be paid for?

· Agreement in relation to arrangements for defective banners, repairs to any damage caused to street light columns. How this will be paid / arranged?

· Method of attachment to Street Light Columns, specification of fixings.

· Name of contractors with supporting documents and insurances including Risk Assessments, Safe method of work statement (specific to this job), traffic management layout proposals, Public Liability and MEWPS qualifications, in order for them to work on RCT Street light Columns.

This was processed by Mark Anderson (Senior Engineer in our Street lighting team). No application required just email authorisation.

2 - Advertising Consent was then applied for. This included;

· Completion of form

· Payment of £380.00

· Evidence of the suggested designs including sizes of banner, font, symbols, material etc and also pictures to be used.

· Plan/List of Street lighting columns numbers and location banners to be installed upon.

· Spec of street lighting columns banners to be erected stating height banner will be situated

· Spec of fixings to be used


Page 8: · Web viewAlso as mentioned we have a brand new 65” digital display going in to Magor Motorway Services in June. Magor sees over 250,000 visitors per

3.0 Our Past, Our Future, Your Pontypridd review 3.1 Gareth Plaingraffic Facebook Response:

3.2 Other social media response

Gareth’s video received 1,550 impressions on Twitter with 11 retweets, with 347 total video views. The video also received 109 views on Instagram and 636 views on LinkedIn.

3.3 Website response

Video page on website has been most popular since 2nd video release on 1st of May with 397 views, visitors spend an average of four minutes on the page.


Page 9: · Web viewAlso as mentioned we have a brand new 65” digital display going in to Magor Motorway Services in June. Magor sees over 250,000 visitors per

3.4 Caspar Organic Wholefoods and Homebrew Facebook Response

3.5 Other social media response

Caspar’s video received 3,446 impressions on Twitter with 19 retweets, with 608 total video views. The video also received 70 views on Instagram.

3.6 Website results 17th of April to 30th of April

4. Website results between 17th of April and 30th of April

Video page on website was second most popular page for website visitors with 280 views, visitors spent an average of six minutes on the page.


Page 10: · Web viewAlso as mentioned we have a brand new 65” digital display going in to Magor Motorway Services in June. Magor sees over 250,000 visitors per

4.0 Website and Social Media review

4.1Website analytics

The website has received 2,457 site visits since the previous meeting and 4335 page views. Most popular pages have been the video, Taxi Guide for Pontypridd and News page.

4.2 Social media statistics and analytics

FACEBOOK INSIGHTS – Previous 28 days


Page 11: · Web viewAlso as mentioned we have a brand new 65” digital display going in to Magor Motorway Services in June. Magor sees over 250,000 visitors per

5.0Projects update and revised budget (JP)