irmgarda kasinskaite-buddeberg - mainstreaming information literacy for the promotion of universal...

1 Mainstreaming Information Literacy for the Promotion of Universal Access to Information Librarians’ Information Literacy Annual Conference (LILAC) 25-26 March 2013, Manchester, United Kingdom Dr Irmgarda Kasinskaite-Buddeberg Knowledge Societies Division Communication and Information Sector UNESCO’s Headquarters in Paris, France

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Mainstreaming Information Literacy for the Promotion of Universal Access to Information

Librarians’ Information Literacy Annual Conference (LILAC)25-26 March 2013, Manchester, United Kingdom

Dr Irmgarda Kasinskaite-BuddebergKnowledge Societies DivisionCommunication and Information SectorUNESCO’s Headquarters in Paris, France

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What Why Who HowWhenWhere

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WhatWhat are the issues facing us in life – the workplace , wider community and society?


NEW?Transformative period:


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Gender inequality

Impact of technologicaldevelopment

Climate change Impact of

social media

Raising economic


Peace processesMega urban

versus rural

Digital divide

Financial crisis

MDG related


Demographic patters

Information fatigue



Illiteracy and


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WhyWhy does it matter to me, my community, my organization, and my society?

Adapted from Abraham Maslow's hierarchy of needs "A Theory of Human Motivation“ (1943).






Everyone requires information and knowledge in order to satisfy needs and resolve problems…

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WhyIs there something you could do or achieve? And why?

Human Needs Human Rights Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948)Article 19

Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.

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Access ≠ Access


Quality +



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WhyWhy is UNESCO working on literacy issues?

Human Need sand Rights

Knowledge Societies

Cultural andLinguistic Diversity

Education ForAll

Access to Information

and Knowledge

Freedom of


Creation DisseminationAccess Preservation

Pluralism Inclusion Diversity Openness Participation

Information Knowledge

Human Needs Human Rights


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Lifelong learning - all citizens

Tools and


Strategies, Standards,


Core MIL competenciestowards transliteracy




Other types of literacies

Other types of literacies

Information Culture





Why is a new literacy framework needed?

Professional training – few selective



Media literacy

Civic education

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Information Literacy

Library Literacy

FOE and FOI Literacy

Digital Literacy

Computer Literacy

Internet Literacy

Games Literacy

Cinema Literacy

Television Literacy

News Literacy

Advertising Literacy

Media Literacy

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Due to the convergence of communication technologies, all citizens are now required to obtain a broad set of competencies

related to Media and Information Literacy.

These competencies would help to build participatory civic societies, contribute to the consolidation of sustainable world peace, freedom,

democracy and good governance. They could also foster the exchange of intercultural knowledge and constructive dialogue

as well as mutual understanding.

Who and with whom?

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Why consider ML and IL together?

Pros ConsHarmonization of the fields Imbalanced approach

Convergence (conceptual):- Common delivery platforms- Common access devices

Convergence (conceptual):- Approach is too generic- Poor conceptual blending / integration

Mainstreaming and integration Fragmentation and imbalance

Common resources and tools Lack of coordination

Joint agenda(s), model(s), strategy(s) and programme(s)

Divergent and incompatible agenda(s), models, strategy(s) and programme(s)

Intersectorality Limited application - (context)


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Target groups?

In the past only the professional community was targeted. However, other stakeholders should be included in the process:

• Educators, particularly teachers in training and service• Policy and decision makers• Statisticians• Industry and employers• Marginalized and disadvanted groups• Other users


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Where should we begin and when? WhereWhen

Workplace SocietyICTICT

Lifelong learning



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What should be done?What is the best approach? What skills or techniques are needed? What can we learn from the experiences of others? How could mainstreaming be used as a promotion strategy for (M)IL?

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Moscow Declaration on Media and Information Literacy (2012) Havana Declaration on Information Literacy (2012) Fez Declaration on Media and Information Literacy (2011) Brussels Declaration on Media Literacy (2011) Declaration of Lima (2009) Toledo Declaration on Information Literacy (2006) Declaration of Russian Association for Film & Media Education (2004) Prague Declaration Towards an Information Literacy Society (2003) Grunwald Declaration (1982) Declaration on the Importance of Media Literacy by National Council of Teachers of English (2008, US)

HowHow could MIL be promoted through an international normative framework?

Convention, treaty (0)

Recommendations (3)

Declarations (10)

Proclamation (1)

IFLA Media and Information Literacy Recommendations (2012) Recommendation on the Promotion and Use of Multilingualism and Universal Access to Cyberspace (2003) UNESCO Charter on the Preservation of Digital Heritage (2003)

Alexandria Proclamation (2005)

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Situational, context specific (classroom, workplace, community, civil education,

ICTs and media landscape, gender and culture specific, and etc.




Professional community,higher education,

subject related

Lifelong learningtowards transliteracy

HowHow could MIL be mainstreamed? How could different MIL mainstreaming strategies be applied?


Information Literacy

Library Literacy

FOE and FOI Literacy

Digital Literacy

Computer Literacy

Internet Literacy

Games Literacy

Cinema Literacy

Television Literacy

News Literacy

Advertising Literacy

Media Literacy

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HowHow could MIL be promoted as an international framework?





Strategic policy framework(s)

Plan of Action

Programmes and projects


Advocacy, cooperation

Tools, resources and


Capacity building

Networks, partnerships and support

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UNESCO’s work on MIL related issues …

• MIL Curriculum for Teachers and capacity building• MIL competency framework for assessment • MIL for policy and decision makers• Intergovernmental Programme Information for All (IFAP)• Research, mapping of activities and publications• International University Network on MIL Research• Development of IL online community on literacy issues• Awareness raising through international events


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By focusing on teachers, UNESCO hopes to capitalize on the potential multiplier effect. That is, media and information literate teachers should facilitate media and information literacy among their students and in turn leading to societies that are media and information literate.

The MIL Curriculum for Teachers is designed as a flexible and comprehensive framework that educators or curriculum developers may adapt to the local context of their countries.

Series of regional training of trainer workshops and consultation for Southern Africa, Latin America and Caribbean and Southern Asia took place for the adaption of the MIL curriculum for teachers.

Capacity building and development of training materials

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The ultimate goal of the development of tools and resources for assessment of MIL competencies for UNESCO is to:

• Give a clear understanding on MIL for policy-makers and stakeholders and its importance for building Knowledge Societies

• Provide a tool for assessment of current status/situation on MIL in countries

• Advice policy-makers and stakeholders on required investment in creating enabling environment in country and MIL implementation

• Evaluate progress made. • Set up a standard.

MIL Competency framework for assessment

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MIL policy and strategy guidelines for policy and decision makers


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Intergovernmental Programme Information for All (IFAP) How

IFAP Strategic Plan (2008 – 2013)

For the development of an overall comprehensive information and knowledge policy framework and international debate, five priority areas were identified as strategic priorities:

• information for development,• information literacy,• information preservation,• information ethics and• information accessibility.

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HowResearch and publications

This collection of Information Literacy (IL) Resources from around the world is divided into 42 language lists and includes selected resources – from websites, books, journals and other kinds of publications – that were provided by contributors from different countries and institutions and compiled by Dr Forest Woody Horton Jr.

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The aim of these guidelines is to provide assistance by outlining ways in which broadcasters can promote MIL to their audiences and at the same time encourage the production of relevantUGC for broadcast.

HowResearch and publications

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UNESCO-commissioned research on knowledge societies’ topics for the WSIS+10 Review event (25-27 February 2013).

The research focused on the following themes: • open technologies, • literacy in Knowledge Societies, • persons with disabilities, • media, • indigenous peoples, • citizen science and info-ethics.

HowResearch and publications

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UNESCO and United Nations Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC) created the UNESCO-UNAOC UNITWIN Media and Information Literacy and Intercultural Dialogue (MILID) to carry out activities in the following broad areas:

Research: act as an Observatory for the critical assessment of the role of MILID, contribute to the development of the joint UNESCO/UNAOC International Clearinghouse on MIL and preparation of related publications.

MILID and Education: help to diffuse MILID at all levels of the formal education system and to advocate for the same in related media production practices.

Participation: promote actions aimed at encouraging citizen participation and at involving different stakeholders, such as community-based MIL projects and youth-media initiatives.

MIL Networks – Media and Information Literacy and Intercultural Dialogue How

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Knowledge online communities How

The purpose of the Knowledge communities’ platform is to facilitate information gathering and exchange, and the common development of ideas and projects among various multi-stakeholders through collaborative and community oriented online tools.

A knowledge community was created for the Information Literacy community.

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Mapping MIL in Asia-Pacific region

Mapping of MIL policies and practices in Southeast Asia, (UNESCO Office in Bangkok, Thailand) How

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Raising awareness through international events:

Abuja, Nigeria - June 2013Sachalin, Russian Federation - September 2013Istanbul, Turkey - October 2013

Paris, France (WSIS+10 Review) - February 2013Moscow, Russian Federation - June 2012Fez, Morocco - May 2011


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The (M)Information Literacy needs to be mainstreamed for the promotion of Universal Access to Informationat global, regional and national levels