iran 2015. the iranian military continued to threaten israel on thursday, following the...

Iran 2015

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Page 1: Iran 2015. The Iranian military continued to threaten Israel on Thursday, following the assassination of at least one of its senior commanders in Syria

Iran 2015

Page 2: Iran 2015. The Iranian military continued to threaten Israel on Thursday, following the assassination of at least one of its senior commanders in Syria

The Iranian military continued to threaten Israel on Thursday, following the assassination of at least one of its senior commanders in Syria during an airstrike over the weekend, in multiple statements issued by leaders of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC). Top Iranian military leaders promised to hit Israel with devastating thunderbolts and vowed to effect the collapse of the Zionist regime after Israeli military forces launched a surprise strike on Sunday that killed six Iranian agents, including the top-level commander, and five members of Hezbollah who are believed to have been planning an incursion into the Jewish state. Iran also vowed to increase military support for Palestinian and Lebanese militants in order to enable more attacks on Israel, according to statements published in the Iranian state-controlled media.

Free Beacon, January 23, 2015



The burden of the desert of the sea. As whirlwinds in the south pass through; so it cometh from the desert, from a terrible land. A grievous vision is declared unto me; the treacherous dealer dealeth treacherously, and the spoiler spoileth. Go up, O Elam: besiege, O Media; Elam and Media = South Eastern and Central Iran. Iran is dealing treacherously


Last Sunday Israeli helicopters attacked the Golan area in Syria and caused the deaths of five Hezbollah and six Iranian army officers. Israel has been back peddling following this attack. Under pressure from America, Israel has said it did not realise that an Iranian general was there. The Obama administration fears this could be come a full scale military conflict. This would then scupper their nuclear talks with Iran. But despite Israel’s climbdown Iran has come out with increasing bellicose statements about how it will retaliate. Israel has moved one of its Iron Dome rocket interceptors to the northern border. One Israeli military source said that a response from Iran / Hezbollah is almost certain. So we watch to see how events develop here. With Bible in hand we know for certain that Iran’s ambition is to try to bring Israel to an end. We read in Isaiah 13 how Iran is stirred up and fires its missiles. In Isaiah 21 we read of Iran as the treacherous dealer who rises up. It is possible this event sparks a retaliation that gets out of control.

Iran Promises to Collapse the Zionist Regime Following Airstrike

(Isaiah 21:1-2)

Page 3: Iran 2015. The Iranian military continued to threaten Israel on Thursday, following the assassination of at least one of its senior commanders in Syria

Russia and Iran sign military cooperation deal

Iran and Russia signed an agreement Tuesday to expand military ties in a visit to Tehran by the Russian defence minister. Sergei Shoigu, in remarks carried by Russian news agencies, said Moscow wants to develop a "long-term and multifaceted" military relationship with Iran. He said that the new agreement includes expanded counter-terrorism cooperation, exchanges of military personnel for training purposes and an understanding for each country's navy to more frequently use the other's ports. Iran's Defence Minister Hossein Dehghan urged greater cooperation as a means of opposing American ambitions in the region. Moscow and Tehran have staunchly supported Syrian President Bashar Assad throughout Syria's civil war, while Washington advocates regime change and supports rebel groups. "Iran and Russia are able to confront the expansionist intervention and greed of the United States through cooperation, synergy and activating strategic potential capacities," Dehghan said. "As two neighbours, Iran and Russia have common viewpoints toward political, regional and global issues."

Associated Press, January 20, 2015



Be thou prepared, and prepare for thyself, thou, and all thy company that are assembled unto thee, and be thou a guard unto them. Let every one with his servant lodge within Jerusalem, that in the night they may be a guard to us, and labour on the day. We see here a guard as a protector.

Russia as we know has been seriously hit by the economic sanctions following its annexation of Crimea and the on-going conflict in Ukraine. But now, partly in retaliation to America and partly because it needs the cash, it has stepped up its economic and military ties with Iran. And so on Tuesday, Russian Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu signed a military cooperation deal with Iran. His Iranian counterpart touted the agreement as a joint response to US "interference.” The Bible says that Russia will act as a guard to Iran. The word guard is normally translated “ward”’. In this sense it means to protect, to be a guardian. We see Russia acting exactly like this with Iran…

BIBLEQUOTE (Ezekiel 28:22-24)

(Nehemiah 4:22)

Page 4: Iran 2015. The Iranian military continued to threaten Israel on Thursday, following the assassination of at least one of its senior commanders in Syria

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Wednesday brushed aside criticism from US President Barack Obama of his speech to Congress, in which he warned Washington was paving the way to a nuclear-armed Iran. The White House was infuriated by Netanyahu's address Tuesday to a joint session of the US Congress, where he laid out Israeli concerns at an emerging world deal with Iran on its nuclear programme. Obama, who refused to meet Netanyahu during his 48-hour visit to Washington, dismissed the speech as containing "nothing new," saying the Israeli leader "did not offer any viable alternatives". Israel believes Iran and world powers are likely to reach a deal that eases international sanctions on Tehran without applying sufficiently stringent safeguards to stop it developing nuclear weapons.

Daily Mail, March 4, 2015



And when thou are spoiled, what wilt thou do? Though thou clothest thyself with crimson, though thou deckest thyself with ornaments of gold, though thou rentest thy face with panting, in vain thou make thyself fair; thy lovers will despise thee, they will seek thy life. This verse is speaking of Israel rejecting God and then being rejected by the nations


Israel is extremely concerned about a possible future deal over Iran’s nuclear program that America is pushing for. The Netanyahu government believes that it will create a nuclear arms race in the Middle East because Iran will be allowed to continue certain parts of its nuclear program. The Obama administration believes that ultimately they cannot stop Iran entirely so a deal that allows Iran to continue in a limited capacity is better than nothing. The two different visions have created a massive gap between America and Israel. In fact America has scaled back some military cooperation with Israel in the last week. With Bible in hand we can say a number of things about these events. Firstly that Iran is pushing towards developing missiles that will destroy large numbers of people. Israel is right to be very concerned about Iran. One day Iran will invade Israel with Russia. Secondly Israel’s greatest ally America is distancing itself - Israel is isolated in the world. We expect this at the time of the end….

Netanyahu rejects Obama criticism of Iran speech

(Jeremiah 4:30)

Page 5: Iran 2015. The Iranian military continued to threaten Israel on Thursday, following the assassination of at least one of its senior commanders in Syria

Hezbollah and Iranian officers approach Israeli border

Iranian officers who lead Shiite volunteers from Iran, Iraq, and Afghanistan have taken over the battle against rebels in southern Syria, within six miles of the Golan border, according to a reserve Israeli army general. General Israel Ziv, who led counter-terrorism efforts for the Israeli General Staff, wrote in Yediot Achronot Thursday that ten thousand volunteers have been flown in by Tehran to bolster the flagging efforts of the regular Syrian army and their Hezbollah allies from Lebanon in meeting an offensive by Sunni rebels pushing towards Damascus from near the Jordanian border.Iran is taking over the reins in Syria, said Ziv. Members of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) stay close to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad on the grounds that he needs protection, he said. In fact, no military decision [in Syria] is made without [the IRGC]. He described Assad as a puppet looking out at his lost land..

Jerusalem Post, March 5, 2015



They have said, Come , and let us cut them off from being a nation; that the name of Israel may be no more in remembrance. For they have consulted together with one consent. They are confederate against thee….. The philistines with the inhabitants of Tyre; Assur is joined with them…

While the trouble grows between Russia and Europe we also see turmoil in the Middle East. Iran is being stirred up. Iraq is a quagmire of violence. ISIS has sprung onto the scene causing terrible death and destruction. Syria is still aflame with over 200,000 killed in the internal war there. Overall it is a terrifying picture in the nations that surround Israel. Iran is using this turmoil to expand its influence right up to Israel’s borders. The Jerusalem Post reported that Iran has flown in 10,000 fighters into Syria to help Assad. These Iranian soldiers and officers are creeping ever closer to Israel’s Golan border. Only a few weeks ago we saw Israel attack a group of Iranian officers in the Golan area. We know a stage 1 war will come before Russia invades. Stage 1 will involve Hezbollah, Syria and the Palestine – helped by Iran – all against Israel…


(Psalm 83:4-7)

Page 6: Iran 2015. The Iranian military continued to threaten Israel on Thursday, following the assassination of at least one of its senior commanders in Syria


Saudi king aims for new Sunni bloc vs Iran and ISIS

Saudi Arabia is pushing for Sunni Muslim Middle East countries to set aside differences over political Islam and focus on what it sees as more urgent threats from Iran and Islamic State. Its new monarch, King Salman, has used summits with leaders of all five Gulf Arab states, Jordan, Egypt and Turkey over the past 10 days to reinforce the need for unity and find a way to work around disagreements over the Muslim Brotherhood. Saudi Arabia's deep-seated mistrust of the Islamist group is unchanged, diplomats say. But King Salman's approach to it is more nuanced than that of his predecessor King Abdullah, who died in January, and may include being more indulgent of allies who allow its members space to operate. Last year Riyadh, along with the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain, withdrew its ambassador from Qatar over its links to the Brotherhood.

Associated Press, March 4, 2015



Sheba and Dedan and the merchants of Tarshish and all her young lions will say to you, “Have you come to plunder? Have you gathered your hordes to loot, to carry off silver and gold, to take away livestock and goods and to seize much plunder?”’.


As Iran edges towards a nuclear deal with America, Saudi Arabia is trying to shore up its position. Saudi Arabia and Iran are arch enemies. Saudi Arabia is Sunni Muslim. Iran is Shia Muslim. Saudi therefore is looking to find other nations that are willing to join together to stand up against Iran. They believe Iran will get more confident and more likely to create a nuclear weapon if a deal is done with America. It is interesting to note the countries it is trying to work with. All the gulf Arab states , Egypt and Jordan. These are nations forming part of Bible prophecies king of the south. The original king of the south in Daniel 11 were the Ptolemy's based in Egypt. The latter day king of the south is Saudi Arabia and gulf states – Sheba and Dedan – mentioned in Ezekiel 38. We see the southern block of nations coming together to take on the Iranian aggressor as foretold in the scriptures…

(Ezekiel 38:13)

Page 7: Iran 2015. The Iranian military continued to threaten Israel on Thursday, following the assassination of at least one of its senior commanders in Syria

Saudi Arabia bombs Iran-backed rebels in Yemen

Yemen's crisis is getting worse and then some. Saudi Arabia and its Gulf allies have started bombing rebel positions inside Yemen. The Sunni Kingdom added that it would do "anything necessary" to deter the Iran-backed Shiite rebels who are taking over Yemen and trying to oust US-backed President Abd Rabbah Mansur Hadi. A Saudi source told Reuters that ground troops might be needed in Yemen to "restore order." Saudi Arabia is reportedly contributing as many as 150,000 troops and 100 warplanes to the campaign against the Houthis. And Saudi allies might be joining the ground fight as well — a Pakistani official said the country is considering Saudi Arabia's request to send troops to Yemen, and Egypt, Jordan, and Sudan are also reportedly ready to help with a ground operation, according to Reuters.

Business Insider, March 26, 2015



The burden of the desert of the sea. As whirlwinds in the south pass through; so it cometh from the desert, from a terrible land. A grievous vision is declared unto me; the treacherous dealer dealeth treacherously, and the spoiler spoileth. Go up, O Elam: besiege, O Media; all the sighing thereof have I made to cease. Therefore are my loins filled with pain: pangs have taken hold upon me, as the pangs of a woman that travaileth:

The situation in Yemen has the potential to spiral into war in the Middle East. In effect Yemen is a Sunni led country as is Saudi Arabia and the other small Arab states on the Arabian peninsula. Iran however is led by Shia’s. Shia’s hate the Sunni’s. Both Sunni and Shia are different branches of the Muslim religion. Iran wants to dominate the Middle East so is trying to change the Sunni led countries around Saudi Arabia into Shia led ones. It is using rebels to bring terror and carnage to Yemen. Saudi Arabia will not let a Shia government into its backyard so is bombing the rebels in Yemen. It has also threatened to send in troops. Iran is protesting at this. The stakes are high. We may wonder where conflict between Iran and Saudi Arabia is mentioned. The answer is in Isaiah 21. Elam and and Media are Iran. They besiege the “desert of the sea”. This is a reference to Saudi Arabia. This coming war is one of the birth pains….


(Isaiah 21:1-3)

Page 8: Iran 2015. The Iranian military continued to threaten Israel on Thursday, following the assassination of at least one of its senior commanders in Syria

Benjamin Netanyahu has denounced the framework agreement over Iran’s nuclear programme as a “bad and dangerous deal” that threatens Israel’s existence.The Israeli prime minister launched his expected backlash against the settlement hatched between Tehran and six world powers almost immediately after details emerged from the Swiss town of Lausanne on Thursday, criticising it in a late night phone conversation with President Barack Obama. Mr Netanyahu told the US leader that he “vehemently opposed” the agreement, saying it posed a “grave danger to Israel, the region and the world”. A statement issued by the prime minister’s office afterwards was even more scathing, calling it a deal that “kowtows to Iranian dictates” and would pave the way to a “military nuclear programme”.

Daily Telegraph, April 3, 2015



A grievous vision is declared unto me; the treacherous dealer dealeth treacherously (the Iranian deal is treacherous), and the spoiler spoileth. Go up, O Elam (Iran): besiege, O Media (Iran) ; all the sighing thereof have I made to cease. Also see Isaiah 13:17-18


The United States, Iran and five other world powers on Thursday announced the framework for a deal with Iran over its nuclear program. It’s a step towards a comprehensive agreement within three months. Obama said that the agreement would make the world a safer place. In Iran thousands took to the streets celebrating the potential end of sanctions. But things are seen very differently in Israel. All major parties in Israel are united in believing the proposed agreement legitimises Iran’s nuclear weapons program. Israel feels very vulnerable because of this and is insisting that when the agreement is signed in June (if it is) that Iran recognises Israel’s right to exist.So what does the Bible say about Iran’s future role? Is it one of peace or war? The answer is simple – war. We are told that Iran will deal treacherously. We are told they will be stirred up and cause astounding devastation with their missiles. We are told they will invade Israel. Obama may think peace is coming - he is deceived – war is coming..

Netanyahu: Nuclear deal threatens Israel's existence

(Isaiah 21:2)

Page 9: Iran 2015. The Iranian military continued to threaten Israel on Thursday, following the assassination of at least one of its senior commanders in Syria


Saudi oil flow at risk as Mid-East conflagration spreads

Saudi Arabia’s escalating intervention in Yemen is a high-stakes gamble that risks back-firing in a series of complex ways, ultimately endangering Saudi oil infrastructure and the security of global energy supply. Military analysts say there is little chance that air strikes by a Saudi-led coalition of Sunni countries will subjugate the Iranian-backed Houthi forces in Yemen. It may require a full-blown invasion by land forces to secure control. Large concentrations of Saudi armour and artillery are already massing near the border, though this may simply be a negotiating ploy. The longer the conflict goes on, the greater the risks that it will stir up internal hatred in a country that has traditionally been relatively free of sectarian violence. Adam Baron, from the European Council on Foreign Relations, said the inflammatory comments about the Sunni-Shia struggle by politicians across the region are becoming “self-fulfilling prophecies”.

Daily Telegraph, March 30, 2015



The burden upon Arabia. …For they fled from the swords, from the drawn sword, and from the bent bow, and from the grievousness of war. For thus hath the Lord said unto me, Within a year, according to the years of an hireling, and all the glory of Kedar [Saudi Arabia] shall fail:


(Isaiah 21:13-16)

At the same time the world thinks they are on the brink of peace with one of the key nations on the so called “axis of evil” ie Iran - we see the smoulderings of war in the Middle East. Yemen is a small country at the base of the Arabian peninsula. Yemen is part of Saudi Arabia’s sphere of influence. Iran (arch enemy of Saudi Arabia) is now meddling in Yemen using rebels loyal to them called the Houthis. Over 500 people have been killed in the last 2 weeks. The rebels seized the palace of the President of Yemen this week. Saudi Arabia who has been bombing the rebels has now threatened to send in ground troops. In effect we are seeing the start of a proxy war between Saudi Arabia and Iran in Yemen. This brings risks to oil flows to the world if it spreads as reported.

The Bible speaks in Isaiah 21 of 3 burdens. The burden of the desert of the sea and the burden of Arabia. They speak of latter day Saudi Arabia and a coming war with


Page 10: Iran 2015. The Iranian military continued to threaten Israel on Thursday, following the assassination of at least one of its senior commanders in Syria

Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has said that there were "no guarantees" that a deal on Iran's nuclear programme will be agreed, in his first comments since the interim deal was reached last week in the Swiss city of Lausanne. The Ayatollah, the most powerful figure in Iran, repeated demands that all sanctions be lifted at the same time as any final agreement on curbing Tehran's nuclear programme is concluded. "What has been achieved so far does not guarantee a deal or even that the negotiations will continue to the end," he said. In remarks apparently meant to keep his hardline loyalists on side, he warned about the "devilish" intentions of the United States. "I was never optimistic about negotiating with America. Nonetheless I agreed to the negotiations and supported, and still support, the negotiators," he added, to chants of "Death to America."

Daily Telegraph, April 9, 2015



Behold, I will stir up the Medes [Iranians] against them [the nations that fought against Iraq], which shall not regard silver; and as for gold, they shall not delight in it. Their bows[missiles] also shall dash the young men to pieces;


Last week (with much fanfare) America announced that the framework for a deal with Iran over its nuclear program had been agreed. They said a comprehensive agreement would be signed by the deadline of 30th June. But a framework is not a signed agreement and there is much horse trading still to take place. The Americans put out a fact sheet about the deal -the Ayatollah then said this ‘fact sheet’ was wrong on most of the issues. Iran wants all sanctions lifted day 1 and American want it phased in.The Bible has a lot to say about Iran. The Bible refers to Iran by its ancient names – Medes, Persia, Elam. It explains what Iran would be like and what they will do in the last days. It says the Medes will be stirred up. That they would not be motivated by money. That they would create missiles that would destroy many people. It even talks about them making a treacherous deal! Iran has a major part to play in the coming war.

No guarantees Iran will sign up to nuclear deal

(Isaiah 13:17)

Page 11: Iran 2015. The Iranian military continued to threaten Israel on Thursday, following the assassination of at least one of its senior commanders in Syria


US 'will not stand by' as Tehran backs Yemen rebels

The United States will not stand by while Iran provides support to Shia rebels who have seized much of Yemen, Secretary of State John Kerry said on Wednesday. "There have been – there are, obviously – flights coming from Iran. Every single week there are flights from Iran and we've traced it and know this," Kerry told PBS television in an interview. "Iran needs to recognise that the United States is not going to stand by while the region is destabilised or while people engage in overt warfare across lines, international boundaries in other countries.” A US-backed coalition of largely Sunni Muslim countries led by Saudi Arabia has been waging an air campaign against the Huthi rebels in a bid to restore the authority of President Abedrabbo Mansour Hadi.

Daily Telegraph, April 9, 2015



The burden of the desert of the sea. As whirlwinds in the south pass through; so it cometh from the desert, from a terrible land. A grievous vision is declared unto me; the treacherous dealer dealeth treacherously, and the spoiler spoileth. Go up, O Elam: besiege, O Media; all the sighing thereof have I made to cease. Desert of the sea = Saudi Arabia


(Isaiah 21:13-16)

America has suddenly shifted from positive statements about the nuclear deal to making threats against Iran. Secretary of Defence Ashton Carter said Saturday: “We have the capability to shut down, set back and destroy the Iranian nuclear program and I believe the Iranians know that and understand that.” Iranian media headlines screamed: US Secretary of Defence Ashton Carter has threatened Tehran with war. So what’s going on? Well Iran has decided to cause big trouble on its arch enemy’s border. It has stirred up trouble using Houthi rebels loyal to Iran in Yemen. The conflict there is getting worse by the day. Iran has sent 2 warships to the gulf of Aden opposite Yemen’s coast. Saudi Arabia continues to bomb the rebels in Yemen. America is a close ally of Saudi Arabia and is therefore very concerned about what Iran is doing. The Bible says that at the time Iran does a treacherous deal they will go up and besiege Saudi Arabia. It is one of the 10 burdens that all come at the time of end - all

lead to Armageddon…

Medes – IranElam in Iran

Saudi Arabia – Desert of the sea Persian Gulf

Page 12: Iran 2015. The Iranian military continued to threaten Israel on Thursday, following the assassination of at least one of its senior commanders in Syria

Vladimir Putin lifted a ban on deliveries of Russian S-300 air-defence missiles to Iran on Monday, in a controversial move which angered Israel. The Russian president issued an executive order cancelling a prohibition on exporting the weapon to Tehran, a measure brought in under Western pressure in 2010 when the UN introduced an arms embargo. Israel responded sharply to the lifting of the ban. Yuval Steinitz, the intelligence and international relations minister, said it was “a direct result of the legitimacy that Iran is receiving from the nuclear deal that is being prepared, and proof that the Iranian economic growth which follows the lifting of sanctions will be exploited for arming itself and not for the welfare of the Iranian people”. The US White House said John Kerry, the secretary of state, had also raised his concerns with his Russian counterpart, Sergei Lavrov, over the cancellation of the ban on Monday.

Daily Telegraph, April 13, 2015



Persia [Iran], Ethiopia, and Libya with them; all of them with shield and helmet: Gomer, and all his bands; the house of Togarmah of the north quarters, and all his bands: and many people with thee. Be thou [Gog / Putin] prepared, and prepare for thyself, thou, and all thy company that are assembled unto thee, and be thou a guard [protector] unto them.


The Russian S-300 system was developed to defend against enemy aircraft and cruise missiles. The S-300 is regarded as one of the most potent anti-aircraft missile systems currently fielded. So why has Putin this week authorised the delivery of these banned missiles to Iran? The answer is these missiles will help protect Iran from attack. Russia has decided to help protect Iran in case the nuclear deal collapses and the US or Israel resort to military action. Mr Lavrov, Russia’s foreign minister, told reporters in Moscow that the missiles were an “exclusively defensive weapon”.Amazingly the Bible said 2500 years ago that Russia would help Iran in this way by acting as a guard or protector to them. In Ezekiel 38 we read that Gog (Putin) head of Russia would act as a “guard” (protector) of Persia (Iran). We also read that Iran will join Russia in invading Israel. Prophecy is being fulfilled in this headline…

Israel angry as Russia approves missiles for Iran

(Ezekiel 38:5-7)

Page 13: Iran 2015. The Iranian military continued to threaten Israel on Thursday, following the assassination of at least one of its senior commanders in Syria

Saudi-Iran rivalry over Yemen deepens

Saudi Arabia's government insists it is not at war with Iran despite its three-week air campaign against Tehran-backed rebels in Yemen, but the kingdom's powerful clerics, and its regional rival's theocratic government, are increasingly presenting the conflict as part of a region-wide battle for the soul of Islam. The toxic rivalry between Sunni Saudi Arabia and Shiite Iran is playing out on the battlefields of Yemen and Syria, and in the dysfunctional politics of Iraq and Lebanon, with each side resorting to sectarian rhetoric. Iran and its allies refer to all of their opponents as terrorists and extremists, while Saudi Arabian clerics speak of a regional Persian menace. But even if today's power struggle has more to do with politics than religion, the unleashing of increasingly sectarian rhetoric on both sides has empowered extremists and made the region's multiplying conflicts even more intractable.

Associated Press, April 16, 2015



The burden of the desert of the sea. As whirlwinds in the south pass through; so it cometh from the desert, from a terrible land. A grievous vision is declared unto me; the treacherous dealer dealeth treacherously, and the spoiler spoileth. Go up, O Elam: besiege, O Media; all the sighing thereof have I made to cease. Elam and Media = Iran


(Isaiah 21:1-2)

As the article says, the Middle East has many intractable conflicts and they are worsening. There are intractable problems in Syria, in Iraq / ISIS, between Israel and the Palestinians, between Iran and Saudi Arabia. The word intractable means impossible to cope with, uncontrollable, out of hand. The Bible talks of 10 “burdens” that lead up to the time of trouble such as never was. The word burden means “a source of great worry or stress”. These 10 burdens begin in Isaiah 13 and conclude with worldwide judgement in Isaiah 24. These 10 intractable national nightmares that cause worldwide worry are… Babylon (Iraq) Ch13/14, Moab (Jordan) Ch15/16, Damascus (Syria) Ch17, Ethiopia (Sudan) Ch18, Egypt Ch19, Elam (Iran), Arabia (Saudi Arabia) Ch21, Jerusalem Ch22. All these have become burdens…

Page 14: Iran 2015. The Iranian military continued to threaten Israel on Thursday, following the assassination of at least one of its senior commanders in Syria

Iran supports Syrian-Hezbollah anti-Israel offensive

The Syrian and Hezbollah military delegations visiting Tehran this week achieved their purpose: Intelligence and military sources report that in three days of talks up until Friday April 30, Syrian Defence Minister Gen. Fahad Jassim al-Freij procured from his Iranian counterpart Hussein Dehghan, approval for a stepped up terror campaign against Israeli forces and civilians on the Golan, to be executed by terrorist surrogates. Iran pledged its support for this campaign and promised to make the Revolutionary Guards and Afghani Shiite forces present in Syria available, in the event of an Israeli counter-attack. A stamping ground, designated “the open area,” was to be provided for all terrorist militias willing to attack Israel. It would stretch from Damascus to the Golan – a distance of 60 km by road – and take in the Syrian Hermon and Lebanese Chebaa Farms. Syrian and Hezbollah military intelligence services will take responsibility for coordinating their operations and providing them with arms and intelligence.

Debka, April 30, 2015



On that day I will make the clans of Judah like a flame that sets a woodpile ablaze or like a burning torch among sheaves of grain. They will burn up all the neighboring nations right and left, while the people living in Jerusalem remain secure. “The Lord will give victory to the rest of Judah first, This is stage 1 – neighbouring nations destroyed – Jerusalem secure!

Debkafile is a military intelligence website based in Jerusalem. They often quote unnamed sources so we don’t often use Debkafile. However their report this week coincides with a number of incidents on the Golan border. The Jerusalem Post reported that “heightened tensions in the North are spilling over from Syrian infighting.”International media reports said the Israel Air Force carried out strikes on strategic missile bases in Syria late on Friday night, reportedly intercepting an Iranian-Syrian attempt to smuggle advanced missiles, perhaps Scuds, to Hezbollah’s numerous weapons depots in Lebanon. So we may be heading for the stage 1 war between Israel and its immediate neighbours – this war is detailed in Zechariah 12…


(Zechariah 12:6-7NLT)

Page 15: Iran 2015. The Iranian military continued to threaten Israel on Thursday, following the assassination of at least one of its senior commanders in Syria


Iran says warships at entrance to key Yemen strait

Two Iranian destroyers, sent to the Gulf of Aden to protect commercial ships, have reached the entrance of Bab el-Mandab, a strategic strait between Yemen and In another sign of tensions between Gulf rivals Iran and Saudi Arabia, meanwhile, the Saudi charge d'affaires was summoned to the foreign ministry in Tehran to hear a "strong protest" over Saudi military action which prevented an Iranian plane from landing in Sanaa. "We are present in the Gulf of Aden in accordance with international regulations to ensure the safety of commercial ships of our country against the threat of pirates," said the head of the Iranian navy, Rear Admiral Habibollah Sayari, quoted by the official IRNA news agency. The navy has sent the Alborz and Bushehr destroyers to patrol the entrance to the strait, he added.

AFP, April 30, 2015



Sheba, and Dedan [Saudi Arabia / Yemen], and the merchants of Tarshish [US/UK], with all the young lions thereof, shall say unto thee, Art thou come to take a spoil? hast thou gathered thy company to take a prey? to carry away silver and gold, to take away cattle and goods, to take a great spoil?


Another hot spot in the world continues to be Yemen. Yemen is a small country at the south of the Arabian peninsula. It comes under the sphere of influence of Saudi Arabia. There is however a power struggle going on in the Middle East. Iran (Shia Muslim) wants to be the major power. Saudi Arabia (Sunni Muslim) wants to be the major power.So Iran is using Shia rebels in Yemen to try and seize control there. This is causing trouble for Saudi Arabia in its own backyard. This week Saudi forces repelled a major attack from inside Yemen, Saudi officials said. America accused Iran of a “provocative” act on Tuesday after the Revolutionary Guard Corps seized a Danish-owned cargo ship in the Gulf. So the tensions are rising. The Bible speaks of Saudi Arabia being on the side of America and Britain at the time of the end. It also speaks of Iran being on the side of Russia. We have seen Russia arming Iran. We have seen America arming Saudi Arabia. The Yemen crisis is another potential showdown between the two…

(Ezekiel 38:13)

Page 16: Iran 2015. The Iranian military continued to threaten Israel on Thursday, following the assassination of at least one of its senior commanders in Syria


Iran 80,000 missiles pointed at Tel Aviv

Iran issued yet another threat against Israel on Thursday, Channel 2 reported. According to a top Iranian advisor, Tehran has “tens of thousands” of missiles pointed at Israel, and will not hesitate to use them. Speaking Thursday, Yahya Rahim Zafabi, a top advisor to Iran's Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, said the tens of thousands of missiles will “sow the seeds of destruction in Israel” if they are to be fired. “The Zionists and the Americans know what the powers of Iran and Hezbollah are,” he added. “They know that over 80,000 missiles are pointed at Tel Aviv and Haifa,” with the figure apparently including the many short-range missiles Hezbollah is believed to have.Zafabi was apparently responding to remarks made Wednesday by Defence Minister Moshe Ya'alon, who said Israel “will not allow for the opening of another war front against Israel. We will act strongly against those who act against us or plans to act against us. We will reach their bases, damage them, and destroy their weapons."

Israel National News, May 21, 2015



On that day I will make the clans of Judah like a flame that sets a woodpile ablaze or like a burning torch among sheaves of grain. They will burn up all the neighbouring nations right and left, while the people living in Jerusalem remain secure. Notice Jerusalem is secure. Very different to the situation in Zechariah 14 when Jerusalem is taken and ruined.


(Zechariah 12:6 NLT)

Iran wants Israel removed from the map. Even though they are talking to America about limiting their nuclear program there is no doubt with Bible in hand that we know this is all deceit. They are stalling for time and busy arming those people that surround Israel with deadly missiles and rockets that will one day be used against them.

Zechariah 12 speaks of an initial war against Israel that involves Israel’s surrounding neighbours. It is a war we are told that Israel wins. It is the same war mentioned in Psalm 83. Iran [Assur] is mentioned in Psalm 83 as helping those peoples like Hamas and Hezbollah who want to destroy Israel. Following this devastating war which Israel does win (but is left greatly weakened) we will then see Russia and Iran itself descend

into the vacuum that is left. There are 2 main parts then to the final conflict coming…

Page 17: Iran 2015. The Iranian military continued to threaten Israel on Thursday, following the assassination of at least one of its senior commanders in Syria

Iran enters Iraqi fight for key oil refinery

Iran has entered the fight to retake a major Iraqi oil refinery from Islamic State militants, contributing small numbers of troops — including some operating artillery and other heavy weapons — in support of advancing Iraqi ground forces, U.S. defence officials said Friday. Two U.S. defence officials said Iranian forces have taken a significant offensive role in the Beiji operation in recent days, in conjunction with Iraqi Shiite militia. The officials were not authorized to discuss the matter publicly and spoke on condition of anonymity. One official said Iranians are operating artillery, 122mm rocket systems and surveillance and reconnaissance drones to help the Iraqi counteroffensive.The Iranian role was not mentioned in a new U.S. military statement asserting that Iraqi security forces, with U.S. help, had managed to establish a land route into the Beiji refinery compound

Associated Press, May 21, 2015



Behold, I will stir up the Medes [Iranians] against them, which shall not regard silver; and as for gold, they shall not delight in it. Their bows also shall dash the young men to pieces; and they shall have no pity on the fruit of the womb; their eye shall not spare children. And Babylon,[Iraq]…shall be as when God overthrew Sodom and Gomorrah.

The report above went on to say that “Iran's role in Iraq is a major complicating factor for the Obama administration as it searches for the most effective approach to countering the Islamic State group.” Iran is getting more and more assertive. It feels in the driving seat. Iran knows America wants a deal on its nuclear program. It sees America’s support diminish for both Israel and Saudi Arabia. Iran therefore is bolstered and is stirring up trouble in Yemen and now entering the war in Iraq. The Bible tells us that Iran (the Medes) will have a role to play in Iraq. Just as ancient Medes brought ancient Babylon to an end so modern Iran will bring modern Iraq to an end. We are told in Isaiah 13 that the Medes will be stirred up against Iraq. They will bring great destruction to that land. We are seeing the start of Iranian involvement there.


(Isaiah 13:17-19)

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ISIS threat 'nothing' compared to nuclear Iran

As the Iranian nuclear negotiations teeter on the brink, Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu is saying the world has more to fear from a nuclear-capable Iran than ISIS terrorists. The statement comes after the jihadists threatened to “uproot” the Jewish state. Netanyahu’s statement was made on Thursday, as the talks over Iran’s nuclear program held in Vienna showed no clear sign of progressing to a solution acceptable to all sides. The Israeli PM, famous for showing a cartoon with a bomb at the UN to illustrate his fears, made the warning during a visit to Israel’s cyber park in Beersheba.He sent his condolences to Egypt for the recent terrorist attacks in Sinai that killed dozens of troops, along with nearly 100 attackers, and that the Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) claimed responsibility for. Having declared that the two countries are partners in the fight against the terrorist group, Netanyahu went on to claim that its actions are “nothing” compared to the prospect of a nuclear Iran.

RT, July 3, 2015



A grievous vision is declared unto me; the treacherous dealer dealeth treacherously, and the spoiler spoileth. Go up, O Elam: besiege, O Media; all the sighing thereof have I made to cease. Therefore are my loins filled with pain: pangs have taken hold upon me, as the pangs of a woman that travaileth:


July 7th is now the new deadline to reach agreement with Iran. It’s not just Israel that is deeply concerned about a possible deal. Many in America are also alarmed at Obama’s appeasement of this state that backs terrorism and seeks Israel’s destruction.As one writer put it – this deal would be the worst agreement in US diplomatic history. If the deal proceeds Iran would get an upfront signing bonus of $150bn! That’s 25 times the annual budget of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard. The Bible says that there will be a treacherous dealer in Iran at the time of the end. It also says Iran will create great destruction and destroy many. Obama does not realise the role Iran will play in the future – but God does. God foretold in his Word that Iran would be stirred up and come against Israel with Russia at the time of the end.

(Isaiah 21:2-3)

Page 19: Iran 2015. The Iranian military continued to threaten Israel on Thursday, following the assassination of at least one of its senior commanders in Syria

Iran's nuclear deal: The toughest of all challenges

We're fast approaching the 70th anniversary next month of the dropping of the first nuclear bomb, on Hiroshima. The world changed on 6 August 1945. Arguably, the appalling effects of that first atomic strike - and the subsequent attack on Nagasaki - have played a large part in the determination to prevent the use of far more devastating weapons developed since. Back then, the US was the only nation with "the bomb".The story since has been of the steady spread, the proliferation, of nuclear weapons: first to Russia, Britain, France and China - then to Israel (although never officially acknowledged), India, Pakistan, North Korea. The big powers seemed either unable or unwilling to prevent that spread except perhaps now - in the case of Iran.All sorts of conflicting signals are coming out of the international talks in Vienna. There's talk of both breakdown and possible breakthrough.

BBC, July 4, 2015



Make bright the arrows; gather the shields: the LORD hath raised up the spirit of the kings of the Medes: for his device is against Babylon, to destroy it; because it is the vengeance of the LORD, the vengeance of his temple.


(Jeremiah 51:11)

World powers struggled Saturday to break a deadlock in marathon negotiations with Iran. They are seeking a deal to curb Tehran's nuclear ambitions in return for sanctions relief. For 15 consecutive days these tortuous talks have dragged on. A new deadline for a deal is looming on Monday, and all are asking how much longer busy ministers can clear their schedules to hunker down in Vienna amid a myriad of pressing global issues. As one commentator said – there could be serious repercussions if negotiators fail to get a deal. The Bible says that Iran is stirred up and actually ends up firing missiles in anger. It also says that Iran joins Russia in attacking Israel. Which means that even if agreement is reached it will mean nothing – Iran will not have changed and remains a fearsome foe.

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Nuclear deal to boost global security and peace

Joint Statement by EU and Iran: Today is an historic day. It is a great honour for us to announce that we have reached an agreement on the Iranian nuclear issue. With courage, political will, mutual respect and leadership, we delivered on what the world was hoping for: a shared commitment to peace and to join hands in order to make our world safer. This is an historic day also because we are creating the conditions for building trust and opening a new chapter in our relationship. This achievement is the result of a collective effort. No one ever thought it would be easy. Historic decisions never are. But despite all twists and turns of the talks, and the number of extensions, hope and determination enabled us to overcome all the difficult moments. We have always been aware we had a responsibility to our generation and the future ones.

PressTV, July 11, 2015



For you yourselves know very well that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night. When they say, “There is peace and security,” then sudden destruction will come upon them, as labor pains come upon a pregnant woman, and there will be no escape!


(1 Thessalonians 5:2-3 RSV)

The statement continued…the “full implementation of this Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action will positively contribute to regional and international peace and security.”

A senior Iranian official said “The world can now find a new partner in restoring peace and security of our region.” Iran’s deputy foreign minister said “this agreement will help promote peace and security in the world, including in our region.” President

Obama said “this deal makes our country and the world safer and more secure”.But the fact is we know with Bible in hand that it doesn’t. Iran will not change. They will join Russia in invading Israel. There is another point as well. The Bible talks of a time when people will be saying “peace and security”. When they do sudden destruction will come on them. Could this be the cry of peace and security? We know that when Jesus comes it will be unexpected. People will be buying and selling, eating and drinking. It

will be a normal day. It will be when people are talking about peace and security…

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Israel and Saudi present united front over Iran deal

The nuclear deal with Iran caused fury in Israel and consternation around the region at the likely increase in influence and resources of a newly enriched Iran. Most telling was the loudest expression of support. "I am happy that the Islamic Republic of Iran has achieved a great victory by reaching an agreement," President Bashar al-Assad of Syria said in a message to his Iranian opposite number, Hassan Rouhani."In the name of the Syrian people, I congratulate you and the people of Iran on this historic achievement.” Israel and the Sunni Arab world have set aside old grievances to stand together against the West’s engagement with Iran. Saudi officials have previously voiced fears that increasing rapprochement between Washington and Tehran could eventually lead to Iran supplanting Saudi Arabia as America's main ally in the Persian Gulf.

Daily Telegraph,, July 14, 2015



Sheba, and Dedan, and the merchants of Tarshish, with all the young lions thereof, shall say unto thee, Art thou come to take a spoil? hast thou gathered thy company to take a prey? to carry away silver and gold, to take away cattle and goods, to take a great spoil? Sheba and Dedan = Saudi Arabia. Part of the opposing force to the Russia/ Iranian invasion. America is weak as it can only ask what Russia is doing!

Israel and Saudi Arabia both see Iran as a huge threat. This deal in effect releases billions of dollars that have been locked away due to sanctions. The fear is that Iran could use this enormous war chest of money to further fund its proxy armies in Syria, Lebanon and Gaza. Israel sees the nuclear deal as actually making it more likely that Iran will one day get the bomb. Saudi Arabia sees its close relationship with America being severely undermined as the US has befriended its greatest enemy. The fact the the Assad regime is so delighted by this deal should ring warning bells to the world.What this deal does is bring Israel and Saudi Arabia closer together. It emboldens Iran and its allies - all of whom are enemies of Israel. Finally it weakens American authority in the region. The 3 elements are all detailed out in the scriptures.


(Ezekiel 38:13)

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Ayatollah Ali Khamenei criticises 'arrogance' of the United States following nuclear deal

Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, the Supreme Leader of Iran, has launched an attack on the United States and its Middle East policies, saying Washington sought Iran's "surrender”. Four days after the signing of a nuclear deal in Geneva – an agreement ten years in the making – Khamenei delivered a fiery speech at a Tehran mosque, punctuated by chants of "Death to America" and "Death to Israel". He said he wanted politicians to examine the agreement to ensure national interests were preserved, as Iran would not allow the disruption of its revolutionary principles or defensive abilities.An arch conservative with the last word on high matters of state, Khamenei repeatedly used the phrase "whether this text is approved or not", implying the accord has yet to win definitive backing from Iran's factionalised political establishment. "Whether the deal is approved or disapproved, we will never stop supporting our friends in the region and the people of Palestine, Yemen, Syria, Iraq, and Lebanon," he said.

Daily Telegraph, July 18, 2015



See, I am stirring up the Medes [Iranians] against them, who have no regard for silver and do not delight in gold. Their bows [missiles] will slaughter the young men; they will have no mercy on the fruit of the womb; their eyes will not pity children.


And so as if to prove that this nuclear deal actually changes nothing in Iran’s mind and that its ideology remains exactly the same we have this report in the news today.The Supreme Leader of Iran says that they will never stop supporting Palestinians, Syria, Iraq and Lebanon. These people all have one thing in common. They all want Israel to come to an end. Iran supports terrorist groups in all these areas. The Ayatollah in effect is saying that support for terror groups continues unabated. The Bible is clear the Iran is not motivated by money but by ideology. We also read that God will stir them up and they will use their missiles against other nations. At this time when the world is talking about peace and security we should be even more alert than ever. We may be on the brink of destruction coming. Let’s be awake and not asleep.

(Isaiah 13:17-18)

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US President Barack Obama told Jewish leaders on Tuesday that if the nuclear deal signed between world powers and Iran is rejected by Congress, the United States will be forced to attack Tehran, which will lead to Hezbollah retaliating with rockets on Tel Aviv. "Israel would bear the brunt of a US military strike," Obama told 22 American Jewish leaders during a meeting at the White House. The president asserted that if Congress votes against the agreement, the Islamic Republic will back out of it and he will then face pressure from those who oppose the deal to militarily strike Tehran."It would be destructive both to the US and to Israel," Obama warned. "An American military action against Iran's nuclear facilities will not result in Iran deciding to have a full-fledged war with the United States. You'll see Hezbollah rockets falling on Tel Aviv," Obama said.

Israel National News, August 5, 2015



A grievous vision is declared unto me; the treacherous dealer dealeth treacherously, and the spoiler spoileth. Go up, O Elam: besiege, O Media; all the sighing thereof have I made to cease. Therefore are my loins filled with pain: pangs have taken hold upon me, as the pangs of a woman that travaileth: Elam and Media = Iran


Obama did a deal with Iran on July 14th. But he needs to get congress to approve it. The deadline for this approval is September 17 th. If congress don’t approve it then he could veto their decision and push it through anyway. But he would be severely weakened if this happened and he may find it very difficult to do so. To convince congress to back him Obama this week actually threatened war on Iran! He said Iran in turn would attack Israel through its proxy army in Lebanon – Hezbollah. Obama said Hezbollah would rain down rockets on Tel Aviv. Despite these shocking statements Obama appears to be losing the battle. This week two very senior democrats (from Obama’s own party) said they would vote against the Iran deal. The Bible talks specifically about this Iranian deal! In Isaiah 21:2. We read of a treacherous deal made by Iran who actually bring terrible destruction. It is a grievous vision we are told…

Obama: If Iran deal rejected, rockets will rain on Israel

(Isaiah 21:2-3)

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Scorching 'heat dome' over Middle East

Iran is buckling under the pressure of a massive heatwave passing across the Middle East, with temperatures soaring to nearly 70C. Scorching heat levels of 50C have already paralysed nearby Iraq, where officials were forced to call a four day public holiday because it was too hot to work. But the word "hot" has taken on an entirely new meaning in Iran's city of Bandar Mahshahr, where it was claimed that the city's heat index, or "feels-like temperature", was among the highest ever recorded.The heat index was recorded by a group of astonished weather experts who predict the country could be enduring some of the hottest urban temperatures ever endured by mankind. 'That was one of the most incredible temperature observations I have ever seen and it is one of the most extreme readings ever in the world,' said AccuWeather meteorologist Anthony Saglia. It is just a few degrees lower than the highest ever recorded heat index, which was 178F (81C) in Dhahran,Saudi Arabia on July 8, 2003.

Daily Telegraph, August 1, 2015



They shall hunger no more, neither thirst any more; neither shall the sun light on them, nor any heat. For the Lamb which is in the midst of the throne shall feed them, and shall lead them unto living fountains of waters: and God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes. There won’t be searing heat and drought in the kingdom


(Revelation 7:16-17)

The heat index is not the same as air temperature. It is a recognised index that combines air temperature and relative humidity in an attempt to determine the human-perceived equivalent temperature. In other words how hot does it feel to a human! It’s like the wind chill index. How cold does it actually feel. The heat index in Iran reached incredible figures - nearly 70C! Great heat is mentioned in the Bible and almost every time it is in conjunction with God’s punishments and anger. See Revelation 16:9, 2 Peter 3:12, James 1:11, Deuteronomy 29:24. We know God’s punishments will be poured out on Iran the treacherous dealer who want to destroy Israel. Last week Iran was struck by a meteor close to the capital Tehran. The signs are there if we watch!

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Iran and Russia hold wargames

Iranian and Russian naval forces on Tuesday staged a series of war drills in the waters near northern Iran, in another joint show of force meant to display the two nations’ control of nearby waterways. An Iranian destroyer and team of Russian warships staged a series of war drills and engaged in joint training exercises, according to reports in Iran’s state-controlled press. Two Russian warships docked over the weekend in Iran’s northern Anzali port in anticipation of the wargames. The military exercises come just weeks after Iran and global powers signed a nuclear accord that will provide Iran with billions of dollars in sanctions relief and lift restrictions on the country’s ballistic missile program. At least 200 Iranian naval forces also will participate in the war drills, according to Iran’s Fars News Agency. The war games are a sign of the increased military ties between Russian and Iran.

Washington Free Beacon, August 11, 2015



Be ready and keep ready, you and all the hosts that are assembled about you, and be a guard for them. After many days you will be mustered; in the latter years you will go against the land that is restored from war, the land where people were gathered from many nations upon the mountains of Israel. The hosts with Russia include Iran (v5). A guard is a protector. Russia is protecting Iran and preparing for war alongside Iran.

We fast approach the crunch date of whether America will approve the Iranian deal. But even though the deal has been agreed the military buildup and aggression of the world's leading state sponsor of terror [Iran] continues apace. The Islamic regime continues to threaten Israel with "annihilation.” Obama believes that this deal will bring peace. All the signs are that Iran (like a leopard) has not changed its spots.We also note that Russia is preparing to work militarily with Iran. In fact these wargames are only part of the story. Of much more concern to Israel is the potential delivery from Russia to Iran of the S-300 Missile system. Putin lifted the ban on sending this to Iran a few months ago. Iran is preparing to unveil its own domestic version of the system in early September. We see Russia acting as a guard (protector) to Iran.


(Ezekiel 38:7-8)

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Iranian troops join Russians in Syria fighting

Qasem Soleimani, commander of Iran's elite Quds Force, has sent hundreds of ground soldiers into Syria in the past few days apparently in cooperation with Russia's President Vladimir Putin, said a senior Israeli security official Thursday. Russia has also recently deployed military assets into Syria and according to the Israeli source, has teamed up with Iran in an unprecedented attempt to protect the embattled regime of Bashar Assad from falling to rebel groups including the Islamic State. The Israeli source said that Iran's increased military involvement in Syria was "due to Assad's crisis and under Russian-Iranian cooperation as a result of a meeting between Soleimani with Russian President Vladimir Putin," said the Israeli source. The only Iranian force that has operated in Syria so far has been the Basij militia, a paramilitary organization with a relatively small number of fighters. The security official said that Israel has little to worry about Russia's military activity in Syria saying that it is "not directed at Israel. “

Israel National News, September 10, 2015



And I will turn thee back, and put hooks into thy jaws, and I will bring thee forth, and all thine army, horses and horsemen, all of them clothed with all sorts of armour, even a great company with bucklers and shields, all of them handling swords: Persia [Iran], Ethiopia, and Libya with them; all of them with shield and helmet:

Iran has granted permission for Russian planes to fly over its territory en route to Syria, Russian news agencies said Wednesday. Russia needed this after Bulgaria refused overflights amid signs of a Russian military build-up in Syria. And so Iran and Russia are working closely together to bypass not only Bulgaria and Greece but more importantly – America. The Bible says that Russia and Iran will invade Israel together. It also says that Russia will protect Iran and guard them.The Syrian crisis has gone on for 4 years and has not abated. We may be reaching a climax of this conflict – one that might well spark Armageddon…


(Ezekiel 38:4-5)

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U.S., allies short on options as Russia, Iran flex muscle in Syria

Across the Middle East, America’s traditional allies are watching with disbelief as Russia and Iran mount a show of force in Syria, and they are wondering how it will end.The U.S.-led coalition, created to combat the jihadi threat from Islamic State in Syria and Iraq, has been wrong footed by the Russian jets pounding the rebels fighting Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, and by an influx of Iranian forces. The question on everyone’s mind is: will the United States and its European and regional Sunni allies intervene to stop President Vladimir Putin from reversing the gains made by mainstream Syrian rebels after more than four years of war? Few are holding their breath. Many say, often with vehemence, that the current drama is the consequence of ongoing Western inaction and U.S. retreat at critical moments in an ever more uncontrollable conflict, whose regional dimensions are fast becoming global.

Reuters, October 2, 2015



Thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, I am against thee, O Zidon: For I will send into her pestilence, and blood into her streets; and the wounded shall be judged in the midst of her by the sword upon her on every side; and they shall know that I am the LORD. And there shall be no more a pricking brier unto the house of Israel, nor any grieving thorn of all that are round about them, that despised them; and they shall know that I am the Lord GOD.

As the article says – this is an ever more uncontrollable conflict – regional dimensions are fast becoming global. The king of the south is made up of Saudi Arabia and America/ UK. The king of the north is made up of Russia and Iran etc. But Ezekiel 38 that speaks of these two opposing powers does NOT mention Syria. Why not? Because Syria / Damascus has been destroyed BEFORE the Gogian invasion. The Syrian conflict is part of the stage 1 of the final conflict. It is the conflict detailed in Zechariah 12 and Isaiah 17. There will be a war (coming soon) between Israel and her surrounding neighbours (Palestinians, Hezbollah, Syria). It will see the total end of Syria as a nation. Israel will be left greatly weakened. At this point Israel’s “pricking briers” will be removed. But shortly after a so-called peace Russia will descend…


(Ezekiel 28:22-24)

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Russia to provide Iran with S-300 air defence missiles

Russia has signed a contract to supply Iran with sophisticated S-300 surface-to-air missiles. The contract got the go-ahead after international sanctions on Iran were lifted earlier this year, following a deal over its nuclear programme. Israel, the US and Saudi Arabia are all opposed to the missile contract. Russian officials say the first batch could be delivered 18 months after Iran has specified the S-300 type that it wants. Technical talks are continuing. "The deal to supply the S-300 to Iran has not only been signed between the parties but it has already come into force," said Sergei Chemezov, head of Russia's Rostec arms firm, speaking at the Dubai Airshow-2015.The $800m (£545m) contract, signed in 2007, was frozen by Russia in 2010 because of the international sanctions. President Vladimir Putin unfroze it in April. Israel and the US fear the missiles could be used to protect Iranian nuclear sites from air strikes.

BBC News, November 9, 2015



Be thou prepared, and prepare for thyself, thou, and all thy company that are assembled unto thee, and be thou a guard unto them. After many days thou shalt be visited: in the latter years thou shalt come into the land that is brought back from the sword, and is gathered out of many people, against the mountains of Israel,


Russia is working ever closer with Iran. America signed a deal with Iran that has removed sanctions but supposedly restricted Iran from developing nuclear weapons.Now Iran is in from the cold Russia has stepped in to help them with new missile technology. These S-300 missiles would make it extremely difficult for Israel to launch any pre-emptive attack if they felt Iran was getting close to getting nuclear weapons.These missiles are highly sophisticated state of the art defensive weapons. They can bring down multiple incoming missiles and planes. Russia therefore is protecting Iran.In Ezekiel 38 we read that Gog (Russian leader) acts as a guard to Persia (Iran). The Hebrew word for guard means to act as a guard or someone who protects. The Queen has guards who protect her. That is the principle here. We know that one day Russia and Iran will invade Israel together. This is preparation for that.

(Ezekiel 38:7-8)

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Iran sends defiant signal to the West with missile test

Iran has broken a United Nations resolution and delivered a pointed signal of defiance to the West by testing a new ballistic missile with a range of at least 1,000 miles.The Ghadr-110, which could be adapted to carry a nuclear warhead, is believed to have been launched on November 21, according to Western officials. Iran’s regime has not confirmed whether the test took place. But Samantha Power, the US ambassador to the UN, said that Washington was “conducting a serious review of the reported incident”. In 2010, the UN Security Council passed Resolution 1929 banning Iran from “any activity related to ballistic missiles capable of delivering nuclear weapons, including launches”.This was the second missile test since the nuclear agreement was signed in July. Under the terms of this deal, Iran will scale back its nuclear facilities and export almost all of its low-enriched uranium in return for the lifting of sanctions.

Daily Telegraph, December 9, 2015



A grievous vision is declared unto me; the treacherous dealer dealeth treacherously, and the spoiler spoileth. Go up, O Elam: besiege, O Media; all the sighing thereof have I made to cease.BIBLE


(Isaiah 21:2)

With Bible in hand we know Iran’s true intentions. It is one of aggression and hatred. It is one that will see Iran attack Israel with Russia. Obama’s deal with Iran has not changed Iran one iota. The Bible mentions Iran in a number of places with reference to the last days. Many of the passages speak of Iran’s obsession with destruction and missiles! Isaiah 13 speaks of the Medes who are modern Iranians. We read of them being stirred up and using their bows (missiles) without pity to dash young men to pieces. Isaiah 21 speaks of Elam and Media (both Iran) acting treacherously. In fact it says a treacherous deal is done then the spoiler will spoil. We also read in Ezekiel 38 of Persian (Iran) joining with Russia in invading Israel. And so as Iran fires new ballistic missiles we can see prophecy coming to pass before our eyes. There is more to come.