ipv6 in the enterprise, an outsider’s view by mikael lind at gogonet live! 3 ipv6 conference


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gogo6 IPv6 Video Series. Event, presentation and speaker details below: EVENT gogoNET LIVE! 3: Enterprise wide Migration. http://gogonetlive.com November 12 – 14, 2012 at San Jose State University, California Agenda: http://gogonetlive.com/4105/gogonetlive3-agenda.asp PRESENTATION IPv6 in the Enterprise, an Outsider’s View Abstract: http://www.gogo6.com/profiles/blogs/my-presentation-at-gogonet-live-3-ipv6-in-the-enterprise-and Presentation video: http://www.gogo6.com/video/ipv6-in-the-enterprise-an-outsider-s-view-by-mikael-lind-at Interview video: http://www.gogo6.com/video/interview-with-mikael-lind-at-gogonet-live-3-ipv6-conference SPEAKER Mikael Lind - CTO, gogo6 Bio/Profile: http://www.gogo6.com/profile/MikaelLind MORE Learn more about IPv6 on the gogoNET social network http://www.gogo6.com Get free IPv6 connectivity with Freenet6 http://www.gogo6.com/Freenet6 Subscribe to the gogo6 IPv6 Channel on YouTube http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=gogo6videos Follow gogo6 on Twitter http://twitter.com/gogo6inc Like gogo6 on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/pages/IPv6-products-community-and-services-gogo6/161626696777


Page 1: IPv6 in the Enterprise, an Outsider’s View by Mikael Lind at gogoNET LIVE! 3 IPv6 Conference
Page 2: IPv6 in the Enterprise, an Outsider’s View by Mikael Lind at gogoNET LIVE! 3 IPv6 Conference

IPv6 in the Enterprise, an outsider view

The very high level view

• The outside

• The inside

Diving down

• Actual deployment approaches

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Page 3: IPv6 in the Enterprise, an Outsider’s View by Mikael Lind at gogoNET LIVE! 3 IPv6 Conference

The Very High Level View

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Page 4: IPv6 in the Enterprise, an Outsider’s View by Mikael Lind at gogoNET LIVE! 3 IPv6 Conference

What do I need to do to my

external resources?Nothing

• If you are 100% sure all your website (or other services)

users have good IPv4 access

• If you feel no need to be prepared for some users not

getting to your website

Make your external facing servers IPv6

• Users might be running IPv6

• If you do business in Asia some might soon be IPv6 only

• A web proxy might be all you need for now

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Adding IPv6 to websites can be easy

• Most webservers do support IPv6

• A simple Apache server can be used as a proxyListen [2001:db8:1000:f::3]:80

LoadModule dir_module modules/mod_dir.so

LoadModule env_module modules/mod_env.so

LoadModule include_module modules/mod_include.so

LoadModule isapi_module modules/mod_isapi.so

LoadModule log_config_module modules/mod_log_config.so

LoadModule mem_cache_module modules/mod_mem_cache.so

LoadModule proxy_module modules/mod_proxy.so

LoadModule proxy_connect_module modules/mod_proxy_connect.so

LoadModule proxy_http_module modules/mod_proxy_http.so

ProxyRequests Off

<Proxy *>

Order deny,allow

Allow from all


ProxyPass /

ProxyPreserveHost On

• Load balancers are starting to offer IPv6 proxy


• Tracking and security likely going to be your biggest


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Adding IPv6 to other servers

Other externally facing servers that need IPv6:

• E-mail


• Other… depending on what you service up to external users

Might not be as easy as with the websites

• DNS will likely have to be upgraded to support IPv6

• It has been supported for some time now

• Alternative is to use separate servers for IPv6

• E-mail could be done using a relay server that takes inbound IPv6 e-mail and forwards to the actual servers

• Outbound will be a completely different story


• Whatever firewalling that was done before has to be replicated for IPv6

• Separate proxy for IPv6 might be beneficial in this case

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What do I need to do internally?


• If you are 100% that no one in the company needs to

access anything IPv6

Add IPv6

• Develop a plan for having IPv6 access available to users

who might need it

• Look at path forward to an IPv6 centric network

• Roll out IPv6

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Deployment Approaches

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Deploying IPv6 in an Enterprise

Large enterprise and government face similar challenges

as small ISPs

• A small enterprise will likely have more options

• Security requirements are very different

Need to provide IPv6 to a set of users and network


• Instead of enabling IPv6 throughout the network limited

access might preferable

• Access to IPv6 for remote users might also be important

In addition to internal connectivity there is a need to

provide IPv6 to outside facing servers

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Page 10: IPv6 in the Enterprise, an Outsider’s View by Mikael Lind at gogoNET LIVE! 3 IPv6 Conference

IPv6 Deployment Using Tunneling

A large enterprise will need to connect individual users certain network segments to IPv6 in order to access external sources or to collaborate with customers/partners

• In many cases a limited deployment to certain network segments or specific users will be preferable

• Using a managed tunneling solution will provide control without requiring additional upgrades of the network

Instead of upgrading the whole infrastructure an enterprise can use managed tunneling to provide IPv6 in a controlled manner

• Even when doing a more wide deployment of IPv6 a managed tunneling solution can prove to be a viable alternative

• It offers a controlled rollout and will allow minimal changes to the existing network

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IPv6 Deployment Using Tunneling

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IPv6 only


IPv4 only



dual –stack


v6 in v4 tunnels

Main office


Client Network

Page 12: IPv6 in the Enterprise, an Outsider’s View by Mikael Lind at gogoNET LIVE! 3 IPv6 Conference

Dual Stack Network

Deploying IPv6 throughout keeping IPv4 gives the best


• Full access to both IPv4 and IPv6

But creates extra overhead in the long run

• Stuck running two network

• Having to mix reduces the possibilities of designing around

IPv6 and maximizing the use of it

• Still the same issues with IPv4 address management

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IPv6 Deployment Using Tunneling

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IPv6 only


IPv4 only



dual –stack


v6 in v4 tunnels

Main office


Client Network

Page 14: IPv6 in the Enterprise, an Outsider’s View by Mikael Lind at gogoNET LIVE! 3 IPv6 Conference

IPv6 Centric Network with Legacy

IPv4 SupportSome enterprise will benefit of moving to an IPv6 centric environment

• Since it is a managed environment it is possible

• Large enterprise has the most to gain from an IPv6 only network as it can remove the issue of overlapping private networks and make integrating new networks in the future easier

Even if most of the environment can be IPv6 only, support for IPv4 will be needed

• Externally facing servers will need IPv4

• Some applications and services might be costly to replace and will need IPv4 to function

• Some users and offices might need IPv4 to collaborate with the outside world

Going IPv6 internally might add the need of an external IPv6 access as well

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IPv6 Centric Network with legacy

IPv4 support

January 2010© gogo6 2012 15


IPv6 only


IPv4 only



dual –stack


v6 in v4 tunnels

v4 in v6 tunnels

Main office


Client Network

Page 16: IPv6 in the Enterprise, an Outsider’s View by Mikael Lind at gogoNET LIVE! 3 IPv6 Conference

November 2012

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Thank you.
