ipads in the classroom - settings, security, childproofing and policies

IPADS IN THE CLASSROOM TIPS FOR SETTINGS, SECURITY, CHILDPROOFING AND POLICIES Use a QR Reader to learn more about DLT’s iPads in Education course or visit us at www.digitallearningtree.com Authored by Karina Barley – Diploma of Teaching, Graduate Diploma Education, Masters in Education © Karina D. Barley iPad Apps to Teach K- 12 Core Standards©

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Tips on Settings, Security, Childproofing and Policies for iPads in the Classroom


  • 1.IPADS IN THE CLASSROOM TIPS FOR SETTINGS, SECURITY, CHILDPROOFING AND POLICIES Use a QR Reader to learn more about DLTs iPads in Education course or visit us at www.digitallearningtree.com Authored by Karina Barley Diploma of Teaching, Graduate Diploma Education, Masters in Education Karina D. Barley iPad Apps to Teach K-12 Core Standards

2. SETTINGS The settings have quite a lot of options, including amazing features to aid special needs students. We don't have enough time to cover them all, but the following cover some important issues to consider in educational settings. It is extremely important to back up your iPad. This is to safeguard your iPad apps because if you lose an app, or have to delete it for any reason, you can easily reset all your purchases from your back up. If you or your students accidentally delete something on the iPad it can restore from the backup. Since the IOS 5 update, you can also back up to iCloud. Apple provides 5.0 GB for free. If you need any more, you do have the option to purchase more storage. Karina D. Barley iPad Apps to Teach K-12 Core Standards 3. Storage and Backup Karina D. Barley iPad Apps to Teach K-12 Core Standards 4. You can also find your purchased items on your iPad from the App store. Go to the following icon. You can search for your apps either by category, name or developer. If I find a developer I like, I will always take a look at what they have to offer. You will need an iTunes account, or an iTunes gift card. Either way you do have to set up an account. You cant download apps without an iTunes account, but you can get by without using a credit card. Many of the schools that participated in the early iPad trials, started with iTunes cards. For example, they allocated a card to each classroom, or for each student. I personally think if we are going to 'differentiate' using the iPad it is important to ensure that each iPad is individualized to suit each student's needs, therefore having a gift card allocated to each iPad is a way to achieve this Purchasing and Backing up your Apps Karina D. Barley iPad Apps to Teach K-12 Core Standards 5. Since the iOS7 update, App updates now occur automatically. This saves having to go in and do them manually, which I personally think is a great time saver. Karina D. Barley iPad Apps to Teach K-12 Core Standards 6. You can also find your purchased items on your iPad from the App store. Look at the bottom of the screen and you will see purchased. Click on Purchased and you will see the following: Karina D. Barley iPad Apps to Teach K-12 Core Standards 7. Talking innovations that made it into iOS5 are Speak Selection and VoiceOver, which can be found under Settings, General, then Accessibility (and both need to be enabled before you can use them). This is a fantastic application for those students who have difficulty with reading or sight, and both features have been greatly improved in the latest iOS7 update. Speak Selection adds a Speak option to any text that you select (be it a webpage, an email or a message youre still typing) before reading the whole thing back to you. The speaking rate can be modified in the same settings menu listed above. Speak Selection & Voice Over Karina D. Barley iPad Apps to Teach K-12 Core Standards 8. Karina D. Barley iPad Apps to Teach K- 12 Core Standards 9. Voice over is another useful speaking option where the feature simply reads aloud from the screen you are on, listing options and other notes. Karina D. Barley iPad Apps to Teach K- 12 Core Standards 10. SECURITY: IPAD SECURITY TIPS Set up a passcode to help prevent unauthorized use of your iPad. Go to General > Passcode lock to set your password and be sure to remember it. You can also make your passcode more complicated: iOS defaults to a four-number passcode, but you can turn it off by going to Settings, General, Passcode Lock, Simple Passcode. Now you can use any full keyboard password to lock the iPad. The password also helps to encrypt your mail and attachments on the iPad, so you probably want to make it safer than a four-digit number. Set the iPad to erase if too many wrong passwords are entered: You can set the iPad to erase all data after ten failed passcode entry attempts by checking the Erase Data option under Settings, General, Passcode Lock. Karina D. Barley iPad Apps to Teach K-12 Core Standards 11. SECURITY: IPAD SECURITY TIPS Set the Auto-Lock feature to automatically lock your iPad after a designated amount of inactivity. You should choose your auto lock time setting based on your normal usage but 30 minutes should work fine for most people. Go to General > Auto lock choose amount of time (30-60 min). Disable Bluetooth if you do not plan to use it. If Bluetooth is active it is another potential vulnerability source so if you are not using it shut it off. Go to General > Bluetooth, turn Bluetooth off. Enable fraud warning within Safari browser to enhance security and to get warnings about potentially fraudulent sites. Turn on Pop Up Blocker Go to Safari and down to Block Pop Ups. Karina D. Barley iPad Apps to Teach K-12 Core Standards 12. CHILDPROOFING YOUR IPAD OR SETTING PARENTAL CONTROLS The iPad parental control works by setting a four digit passcode on the iPad that is required when setting the different restrictions. Once enabled, you can set restrictions for apps, television, music and movies. Therefore you are setting up your iPad so that only certain age level apps, music, movies and TV programs can be downloaded and viewed on the iPad. You can also disable the ITunes and App icons so that children cannot inadvertently or deliberately download music or apps. Kids can be quite savvy and this prevents any unwanted purchases on your account. Go to General and go down to Restrictions. If you havent already set up a password, the iPad will ask you to set up one once you enable restrictions. Karina D. Barley iPad Apps to Teach K-12 Core Standards 13. Karina D. Barley iPad Apps to Teach K- 12 Core Standards 14. IPAD POLICY The focus of any iPad program is to provide tools and resources to the 21st Century Learner. Excellence in education requires that technology is seamlessly integrated into any school's curriculum by increasing access to technology and one of the learning tools of these 21st Century students is the iPad. The individual use of the iPad is a way to empower students to maximize their full potential and to prepare them for college and the workplace. Karina D. Barley iPad Apps to Teach K-12 Core Standards 15. Adding technology to the classroom does not diminish the vital role of the teacher, rather, it transforms the teacher from a director of learning to a facilitator of learning. Students organically become much more self directed and independent as learners when they are given the opportunity to use the iPad within the classroom. Effective teaching and learning with iPads integrates technology into the curriculum anytime, anyplace. IPAD POLICY CONT. Karina D. Barley iPad Apps to Teach K-12 Core Standards 16. Any policy should reflect what you require students to achieve using technology. I've seen too many policies focus on rules and regulations around iPad use and while security; keeping children safe on the internet etc is important; we don't want to have so many rules that we limit the use of the iPad either. It becomes a bit of a balancing act, ensuring you keep children safe and giving them freedom to learn. IPAD POLICY CONT. Karina D. Barley iPad Apps to Teach K-12 Core Standards 17. WHAT YOUR IPAD POLICY SHOULD CONSIDER Care and upkeep of the iPad Consequences for misuse of the iPad Will you have a 1:1 student ratio of iPad use? (I believe this is the only way) Parameters for use i.e. level of security, will you allow YouTube use? The types of apps you select for use in your classroom Managing app purchases and updates Who selects apps? Do you allow any 'game' apps on the iPad or do you keep the iPad as an educational tool only? (My recommendation is that no games are allowed) Can the iPad go home with the student? If so, what policies need to be in place for this occur? Can parents eventually purchase the iPad? Karina D. Barley iPad Apps to Teach K-12 Core Standards 18. IPAD POLICY CONT. It is a good idea to research other iPad policies implemented in other schools. I think Defiance City School in Ohio has a really good iPad policy that is worth reviewing. Click on the name of the school to be taken straight to their website. Karina D. Barley iPad Apps to Teach K-12 Core Standards 19. The iPad allows you to create an educational tool that is unique for you, your classroom, and your students. It is pivotal for the students to know this tool is for educational purposes only (which is why I have a strict policy of No Games). Set boundaries, having a strong policy in place will ensure those boundaries will be adhered to by students. Ive spent years of research on using iPad and Ive barely scratched the surface on this slideshow. If you choose to do your own research be prepared to experience some trial and error. If you want the benefit of my experience, I have written most of my research into courses that you can take at your own leisure. PLAN PLAN PLAN! Set yourself up for success GOODLUCK! Karina D. Barley iPad Apps to Teach K-12 Core Standards 20. http://digitallearningtree2.com/product/i pad-apps-to-teach-k-12-core-standards/ Thank you for joining me today, if you are interested in learning more please visit us at: Karina D. Barley iPad Apps to Teach K-12 Core Standards