ipads as a virtual communication tool

Robert Appino @rappin01 www.rappino.com iPads as a Virtual iPads as a Virtual Communication Tool Communication Tool #theipadsummit

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This workshop was presented at the #iPadSummit at the American Embassy School, New Delhi, India.


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Robert Appino @rappin01 www.rappino.com

iPads as a Virtual Communication iPads as a Virtual Communication ToolTool


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Session 1: http://todaysmeet.com/ipadsummit

Session 2:

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What is your name, school and position?

Session 1: http://todaysmeet.com/ipadsummit

Session 2:

Page 5: iPads as a virtual communication tool

What is something exciting happening in

your classroom or school?

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What is something about yourself that you would

like to share with everyone?

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Some students enjoy speaking up

in class while others don't.

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to encourage educators to try different ways to reach their students through different modes of class discussions.

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Essential Question:

How can we use technology as a differentiated platform for

students to share their ideas?

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What do you think this picture is communicating to the audience?

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Student Participation

Face-to-Face Discussions

compared with

Virtual Discussions

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Face-to-Face Discussions

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Virtual Discussions

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21 Students14 Boys & 7 GirlsFace-to-Face Discussions in Classrooms

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What is the effect of virtual discussions on students' participation and sense of belonging?

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Jarmon, Lim and Carpenter (2009) "Introduction Pedagogy, Education and Innovation in Virtual Worlds"

say virtual worlds will be used more for teaching and learning in the future.

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Friedman, Karniel and Dinur’s (2009) study “Comparing Group Discussion in Virtual and Physical Environments"

found that students had a higher number of on-topic discussions in the physical discussion setting versus the virtual discussion setting (p. 290).

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virtual discussions provided more

opportunities for quieter


-Carnegie’s (2003, “Teaching a Critical Understanding of Virtual Environments”

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Carnegie acknowledges that, “[t]he biggest advantage [of virtual discussions] was for students who were shy, self-conscious, or intimidated in face-to-face group meetings” (2003, p. 63).

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§Susan Cain (2012) confirms this idea by explaining that ‘quiet’ students feel comfortable collaborating in an “online

working group” which is similar to a virtual discussion because “it is a

form of solitude” which better meets

the needs of more introverted learners (p. 111).§

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Safety Behind the Screen

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Wang and Woo’s (2007) study “Comparing Asynchronous Online Discussions and Face-to-Face Discussions in a Classroom Setting” said, “[i]n terms of authenticity,

face-to-face discussions were more real and authentic than in-class online discussions because participants could talk to each other in real time, see their facial expressions and clarify matters immediately” (p. 282). In this aspect, face-to-face discussions were regarded as more superior to online discussions.

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Wang and Woo (2007) also said that “online discussions were more comfortable, less aggressive and offered more equal opportunities for group members to voice their opinions” (p. 282).

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Participation increased

in virtual discussions

Quality of participation also

increased during virtual discussions

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Discussion findings

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says that for iGeneration kids “social connections are EVERYTHING”.


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•Comfort Behind the Screen

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Students are “more comfortable with sharing ” through virtual writing - Dr. Larry Rosen

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Beyond the Screen

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Integrate virtual discussions into your


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Some Tools for Virtual DiscussionsTry these to see what works best for you

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Building a community in your classrooms using Critical Friends Group (CFG) Protocols

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How could you integrate virtual discussions into a lesson?

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Work time (20 min)

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Turn and talk

What do you think would be

the challenges of integrating virtual discussions in the classroom?

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Share our progress

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What is something you learned from this


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Cain, S. (2012). Quiet: the power of introverts in a world that can't stop talking. New York: Crown Publishers.

Carnegie, T. A. (2003). TeachingaCritical Understandingof Virtual Environments. Business Communication Quarterly, 66(4), 55-64.

Friedman, D., Karniel, Y., & Dinur, A. L. (2009). Comparing Group Discussion in Virtual and Physical Environments. PRESENCE by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 18(4), 286-293.

Jarmon, L., Lim, K. Y., & Carpenter, B. S. (2009). Pedagogy, Education and Innovation in 3-D Virtual Worlds. Journal of Virtual Worlds Research, 2(1), 3-4.

Ligorio, M. B., Cesareni, D., & Schwartz, N. (2008). Collaborative Virtual Environments as Means to Increase the Level of Intersubjectivity in a Distributed Cognition System. Journal of Research on Technology in Education, 40(3), 339-357.

Wang, Q., & Woo, H. L. (2007). Comparing asynchronous online discussions and face-to-face discussions in a classroom setting. British Journal of Educational Technology, 38(2), 272-286.


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Behind the iPad Screen by Geoffery Kehrig http://www.flickr.com/photos/looking_and_learning/8331845320/ SSIS Campus images by rappinoSpeaking Up & Raising my hand image by rappinoResearch Human Rights Faces image by rappinoTrees by Mark Sebastian http://www.flickr.com/photos/markjsebastian/506960906/sizes/l/in/photostream/Balloons by Tim Geers http://www.flickr.com/photos/timypenburg/5097328888/sizes/l/in/photostream/Literature by sweet_redbird http://www.flickr.com/photos/18261299@N00/4806782675/sizes/z/in/photostream/ important: by Valerie Everett http://www.flickr.com/photos/valeriebb/290711738/sizes/z/in/photostream/Mask by zigazou76 http://www.flickr.com/photos/zigazou76/6824175422/sizes/c/in/photostream/Minecraft Solitude: by rappino View from the Top by C.M Keiner http://www.flickr.com/photos/cmkeiner/5230441693/sizes/l/in/photostream/Speaking Up by HowardLake http://www.flickr.com/photos/howardlake/5540462170/sizes/l/in/photostream/

ResourcesDiscussions in Classrooms: Comparing Face-To-Face Whole Class Discussions to Virtual Discussions by Robert Appino

Download Presentation from www.rappino.com

Robert Appino www.rappino.com

Attributions - Visual

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Essential Question:

How can we use technology as a differentiated platform for

students to share their ideas?

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Robert Appino @rappin01 www.rappino.com

iPads as a Virtual Communication iPads as a Virtual Communication ToolTool
