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Page 1: IPAA NSW 2012-13cdn.nsw.ipaa.org.au/docs/Publications/IN1191...IPAA NSW COUNCIL A Council of 12 IPAA NSW members currently guides the NSW Division in achieving its strategic goals





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As the professional association for the NSW public sector IPAA NSW continues to serve people interested in strategic issues, policy, reform and innovation in public sector management. In the current period of significant restraint in public sector budgets the Institute has achieved a sound financial position this financial year.

In the past year IPAA NSW has facilitated a large number of challenging and valuable events that enriched and extended participants and established valuable networking opportunities. These included Conferences, Master Classes, Seminars, Forums, Executive Development Programs and a variety of professional breakfasts, lunches and dinners.

Highlights for the year included: • the 2012 Spann Oration delivered by Anna Bligh;• the 2012 State Conference, streamed live to the internet

for our regional members and with an address by the Hon. Barry O’Farrell, Premier of NSW. The Premier used the conference to announce the release of the NSW Commission of Audit Interim report;

PRESIDENT'S REVIEW• the regional Conference held in Wagga Wagga and

convened by IPAA NSW. This two day conference gave public sector professionals a great opportunity to gather and learn about innovation in the public sector from very senior public servants and experts in the field;

• Senior Executive Master Classes facilitated by Professor Geoff Gallop;

• Breakfasts – the CEO and Young Professionals Breakfast and the Budget Briefing Breakfast.

We continue to enhance understanding of the public sector by sharing public sector knowledge and experience through our various publications, our website, e-commerce, and data base and we encourage participation and excellence through awards.

We have improved the skills and knowledge of public servants through a broad range of public sector specific professional development programs including nationally recognised qualifications.

The 2013-14 Services Guide is for the first time aligned to the financial year and will facilitate professional planning during this period. It showcases all that IPAA NSW has to offer and focusses on our mission of Connecting People and Ideas.

The success and reputation of IPAA NSW are a direct result of the skilled contributions of the members of the Council and the staff of IPAA NSW and I thank them for their commitment and dedication.

IPAA NSW looks forward to expanding our programs to build the capacity and integrity of the public sector in 2013-14.

Peter Achterstraat

President, IPAA NSW

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A Council of 12 IPAA NSW members currently guides the NSW Division in achieving its strategic goals. Ten Councillors are elected for two-year terms, five each alternate year. The Chief Executive Officer is an ex-officio member and there is provision to co-opt additional members to Council if necessary. All elected positions on Council are honorary and elected Councillors receive no stipend for their work.

Council meeting attendance 2012-13

21/08/12 23/10/12 19/02/13 30/04/13

Peter Achterstraat xrobert Alder n/a n/aCarolyn Burlew xKylie Cochrane xMadeleine Culbert

Tim Farland x x xIllana Halliday x n/a n/aHeather Hukins n/a n/aClare Huxley n/a n/aSusan McHattie n/a n/aJennifer Mason x xGemma rygate

Matthew Schroder

Nivek Thompson n/a n/aPheona Twist x

Council Members 2012–13

PreSIdeNtPeter Achterstraat FIPAA [1] Auditor General, NSW Audit Office

VICe PreSIdeNtSCarolyn Burlew FIPAA [2] Consultant

Madeleine Culbert [3] Director, Program Management Office, Government Services Division, Department of Finance and Services

Pheona Twist [4] Director, Communications and Strategy, Working with Children Check, Commission for Children and Young People

COUNCILLOrSrobert Alder [5] Managing Director, Paythru Pty Limited (from Nov 2012)

Kylie Cochrane [6] Global Manager, Communications and Stakeholder Engagement, SKM

Tim Farland FIPAA [7]

Illana Halliday FIPAA [8] Chief Executive Officer, Aged and Community Services Association of NSW and ACT Inc. (to Nov 2012)

Susan McHattie [9] Manager, Business Strategy, Department of Finance and Services (to Nov 2012)

Nivek Thompson [10] Principal Advisor, roads and Maritime Services (from Nov 2012)

Gemma rygate [11] A/Chief Executive Officer, IPAA NSW (ex-officio)

YOUNg COUNCILLOrSHeather Hukins [12] General Manager, Program Management Office, Department of Health (to Nov 2012)

Clare Huxley [13] Manager, ePlanning, Department of Planning and Infrastructure (from Nov 2012)

Matthew Schroder [14] Senior Policy Officer, Strategic Policy and Co-ordination, Health and Justice Branch, Department of Premier and Cabinet

[13] [14] [15]

[12][9] [10] [11]

[4][1] [2] [3]

[8][5] [6] [7]

CO-OPted COUNCILLOrJennifer Mason [15] PhD Candidate


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developing initiatives and strategies so that IPAA NSW will be the association that public sector professionals want to associate with

A focus of the year 2012-13 was promoting IPAA NSW as the professional association for the NSW public sector. To achieve this goal, a range of professional development and networking opportunities were offered during the year, including:• the annual State Conference• the regional Conference• key corporate events such as Picnic in the Park,

International Women’s Day Celebration, Women's Executive Luncheon and the Spann Oration

• a number of Senior Executive Master Classes• a suite of scheduled workshops and Customised

Agency Programs delivered across the public sector• hosting of international delegations• the IPAA NSW Awards for Individual Excellence • events targeted at National Fellows.

YEAR IN REVIEWdeveloping initiatives and strategies so that IPAA NSW will be the association that public sector professionals want to engage with

Strategies to increase member and non-member engagement with IPAA NSW included re-designing the Services Guide so that it mirrored the financial year and introducing a pullout calendar to highlight the range of opportunities IPAA NSW offers. The courses offered by IPAA NSW as professional development opportunities are now better aligned with the NSW Public Sector Capability Framework and have been promoted heavily throughout the sector. A yearly marketing plan has been developed and implemented to allow the Institute’s activities to be promoted to members and the wider public sector.

In 2012-13, IPAA NSW established partnerships with key private sector organisations including Minter Ellison and CBA. We also established an Artistic Partner, The Song Company, and a Technology Partner in Cisco. IPAA NSW consolidated relationships with Government partners including Treasury, the Department of Finance and Services, the Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC), the NSW Ombudsman, the Department of Education and Communities, the Motor Accidents Authority and NSW Parliament. We partnered with the Public Service Commission and the Department of Premier and Cabinet to deliver a range of activities including a series of events focused on Behavioural Insights, the Executive Connections forums, the Drive Your Career Conference for women in the NSW Public Service, the Community of Hr Professionals events and regular events with the Community of Finance Professionals.

Minter Ellison continues to derive great benef its and inspiration from our partnership with IPAA NSW. In order to provide the best possible advice to our government clients we must understand the environments in which governments develop and implement policy and manage and deliver services. Our association with IPAA deepens our understanding, allows us to contribute to the professional development of the sector and be inspired by some of the most interesting conversations on what it means to serve the public. Jane Doolan, Associate Director, Business Development, Minter Ellison

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developing initiatives and strategies so that IPAA NSW will be the association that public sector professionals want to join

IPAA NSW has built on its member initiatives in 2013 to continue to support the professional development of members and to highlight the value the Institute provides for members. Members continue to enjoy a range of IPAA publications, including the Australian Journal of Public Administration, Public Administration Today, IPAA INK and the fortnightly member newsletter Byte. The 2012-13 Membership Survey indicated that more than 80% of members were satisfied or very satisfied with IPAA NSW.

The IPAA NSW Champions have been used throughout the year to distribute marketing material and provide positive word of mouth to people throughout the public sector. New Members’ Welcome events have been held regularly throughout the year to introduce recently joined members to the broader IPAA family. Events associated with the Special Interest Groups (SIGs) continue to gain a strong audience. Each of the four SIGs held numerous events to address specific areas of interest and allow networking with colleagues. IPAA NSW members have received personalised email invitations to key events. Member only events like Picnic in the Park continue to be well attended.

ensuring sound corporate governance

The finance area is now functioning well and producing reliable data as a result of an extensive review of the finance system and the implementation of new procedures. IPAA NSW continues to use e-commerce facilities to drive business through the website which allows for considerable efficiencies. The internal processing of the payroll has resulted in significant savings. IPAA NSW has secured substantial ‘in kind’ sponsorship in this financial year which is being used to offset expenses. The annual Membership Survey indicates high levels of satisfaction with all IPAA NSW initiatives. IPAA NSW staff members are committed, vibrant and highly professional, and productivity improvements through the use of technology and changes to business processes would not have been possible without their participation.

IPAA NSW Staff from left to right: Kerri Cook, David Gunter, Lauren Myers, Elizabeth MacDonald, Paul Doorn, Gemma rygate, Peta Maree Allen, Gillian Stokie, Siobhan Donaldson, Helen McGowan, Craig Boaden, rebecca Santos, Wendy Seckold, Emily Parkin. Absent: Jo rose

The Hon. Barry O'Farrell, Premier of NSW, speaking at the IPAA NSW State Conference


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raising Our Profile

A key initiative of 2012-13 was raising awareness of IPAA as the Professional Association for the sector. In all our marketing we have shifted the focus of all we do to professional development that is timely and in keeping with the needs of public servants. This shift is beginning to gain traction throughout the sector. We have facilitated Forums and Master Classes specifically aimed at Executive level. Private sector companies such as the Commonwealth Bank of Australia have approached us because of our reputation as a professional association. We have actively sought sponsorships with a variety of public and private organisations and have established an Artistic Partner in The Song Company, a Gold Partner in Minter Ellison and a Technology Partner in Cisco. During the year we partnered with the NSW Public Service Commission and the NSW Department of Premier and Cabinet to hold several significant events, and regular events with the Community of Finance Professionals. The Premier, the NSW Public Service Commissioner, and the Director General of the NSW Department of Premier and Cabinet all agreed to speak at one or more of our events during the year.

Professional development Program

Scheduled Workshops

Approximately 900 people attended our scheduled programs in 2012-13. We conducted 73 programs over 120 days. 64 programs ran above break-even point. 20 programs ran above 85% capacity. 31 programs were cancelled in 2012 -13 due to low numbers (11 in the July to December period and 20 in the January to June period).

The following programs ran at full or close to full capacity: • PCTP Levels 1, 2, 3A, 3B, 3C, 4B• PCTP Diploma of Government (Procurement and

Contracting) – this includes PCTP Levels 3A, 3B and 3C• Policy Process• Writing Briefs for Ministers and Executives• Project Management: the Basics• Applied Project Management• Developing and Writing Operational Policy and Procedures• Writing in the Public Sector: the Basics• Policy Development: The Basics• Writing in the Public Sector: Briefs and reports• Policy Development.


> IPAA NSW is known across the public sector as the Professional Association for Public Servants

> Public sector professionals attend IPAA NSW Events and Courses on a regular basis

> IPAA NSW is seen as the pathway to career development and promotion

> The IPAA NSW Awards program is strengthened and valued throughout the sector

> IPAA International is established


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Pathway to Career development and Promotion

The 2013-14 Services Guide, now with a pull out Events Calendar was sent to over 1250 people including members of IPAA, CEOs, and Learning and Development professionals. Included with the Services Guide was a large double sided calendar outlining Events and Professional Development courses. This means that information regarding our activities – events and professional development programs – was available well in advance of the financial year period 2013-14. Our Professional Development Pathway now includes relevant courses at a number of universities.

In 2013 IPAA NSW revamped the courses it offers as professional development opportunities to align better with the NSW Public Sector Capability Framework and we surveyed members on their reaction to this approach. The proposal was greeted with overwhelming support in 2012. The realignment includes a greater focus on key areas such as Organisational Culture, Direction and Capacity to Deliver, with behavioural indicators and skills levels, and is designed to help people make appropriate choices for their professional development pathway.

IPAA NSW Awards Program

The IPAA NSW Awards program, designed to celebrate success in the public sector, continued to grow in 2013. The Excellence Awards were fully sponsored and expanded with the addition of NSW Public Service Commission sponsored Anthea Kerr Memorial Prize for Outstanding Young Professional. PwC sponsored an Awards Ceremony in May

Customised Agency Programs

In total, 278 workshops (315 days) were delivered through Customised Agency Programs (CAPs) in 2012-13. In the Sydney metropolitan area 247 workshops were delivered, 23 were delivered in regional NSW and eight were delivered in Queensland. These included delivery to Local Government (two agencies), State Government (51 agencies) and NGOs/ Statutory Authorities (seven agencies).

Other highlights of the Customised Agency Program included 28 Providing Effective Feedback workshops for railCorp, two Leading Bold Change workshops and 11 Procurement Certification Training Programs.


IPAA NSW held over 50 events in the last twelve months aimed at providing a range of professional development opportunities for public sector professionals, including:• Drive Your Career Conference for Women, in conjunction

with NSW Public Service Commission, 18 July 2012• State Conference: Engage, Collaborate, Innovate:

Getting Serious on Customer Service, 9 August 2012• National Investigations Symposium, biennial event for

public sector investigators and complaint-handlers run by the ICAC, NSW Ombudsman and IPAA, 7-9 November 2012

• IPAA regional Conference, Innovation Across Australia, 14-15 March 2013

• Courageous Conversations Series, empowering participants to have difficult workplace conversations, 30 May, 29 July and 29 August 2013.

where award winners were announced and graduates from IPAA NSW professional development programs formally received their qualifications. Our Artistic Partners, The Song Company, performed at the Gala Awards Ceremony to the delight of the audience. Feedback from sponsors shows that they value their involvement in the Awards and the partnership with IPAA NSW.

IPAA International

The Program Developing Best Practice Public Sector Financial Management and Governance in Vietnam will be delivered by IPAA NSW in Australia from Monday 25 August to Friday 14 September 2013. After achieving a budget grant from AusAid and reaching an agreement with the Vietnam Ministry of Finance, IPAA NSW has appointed an Australian-owned project management firm based in Shanghai, Asia Development Partners (ADP), to work as part of the IPAA team to coordinate the program.

IPAA has signed an agreement on Strategic Cooperation with Shenyang Municipal Bureau of Human resources and Social Security in China.

IPAA NSW has introduced a new membership category – Practising International Public Sector Administrator (PIPSA) – for the purpose of recognising oversees administrators from the South Pacific region who meet particular requirements. The requirements to become a PIPSA include a Diploma of Government (Financial Services) which is offered by Major Training Service Pty Ltd (MTS) in partnership with IPAA NSW.

IPAA has hosted nine International delegations since July 2012.

Left: IPAA NSW Award for Individual Excellence winner Tim Sinclair receives his award from sponsor, Joseph Carrozzi, Managing Partner and NSW Government Leader at PwC. right: Anna Bligh, former Premier of Queensland and 2012 Spann Orator


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Professional development and Networking Opportunities for Public Sector Professionals

IPAA NSW collaborated with the NSW Public Service Commission to ensure that its professional development program reflects the NSW Public Sector Capability Framework and that prospective course participants are aware of this. IPAA is also working with NSW Treasury to ensure that the programs on offer reflect contemporary financial capabilities. The Professional Development Pathway in the Services Guide encourages individuals to participate in more advanced programs, highlighting relevant Graduate Diplomas and Masters Degrees from universities in Sydney.

IPAA NSW managed two Executive Connections forums for the NSW Public Service Commission, catering for over 100 senior executive public servants.

The Executive Master Class series is designed to engage those at SES level and has been presented as a series that focuses on aspects of the Schott report, building capabilities that were highlighted as needing attention.

Senior executives were encouraged to attend the full series. Notable presenters such as Peter Achterstraat and Professor Geoff Gallop delivered Master Classes on leadership and political nous.

Both Senior Executive Master Classes reached capacity and both events had an extensive waitlist. IPAA collaborated with the Department of Premier and Cabinet to host two events on the topic of Behavioural Insights; both events provided networking opportunities and professional development. These events had over 200 attendees each and both had waitlists.

The annual Women’s Executive Luncheon was held on 28 May and over 70 senior executive women celebrated women in leadership and explored what needs to happen to ensure more women continue to strive for executive careers in the public sector.

Attendance at events is continuing to be healthy, with some events selling out and attendance at other events still remaining healthy coming into the new financial year. At the State Conference, numbers were significantly higher than in 2012.


> Public sector professionals look to IPAA NSW for professional development and networking opportunities

> IPAA NSW connects and engages those already associated with the Institute

> Participants continue to engage with the Institute beyond their initial introduction through a course or event

> Individuals continue to engage with IPAA NSW by participating in more advanced programs

> Individuals and agencies actively look to IPAA NSW for professional development and networking opportunities

> Senior executives engage with IPAA NSW

> Public sector professionals engage with the Institute through key Corporate Events


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Individuals’ and Agencies’ engagement

The 2013-14 Services Guide and a Professional Development Calendar were distributed to all members and across the entire public sector to promote the professional development opportunities that IPAA NSW offers. A yearly Marketing Plan was developed and implemented to ensure that IPAA NSW was promoted sector wide. Senior executives have been generous in promoting key corporate events like the regional and State Conferences within their agencies to help drive engagement.

Key Corporate events

Key Corporate events included:• Spann Oration, delivered by Anna Bligh, 20 Nov 2012• Fellows Dinner, 4 December 2012• Picnic in the Park, 15 February 2013• International Women’s Day Celebration, with speakers

Mia Garlick and Verona Burgess, 7 March 2013• Gala Awards Ceremony, 8 May 2013 • Women’s Executive Luncheon, with speakers Gabrielle

Kibble AO and Dr Mary Foley, 28 May 2013.

Senior executive engagement

28 SES Officers joined the Institute as a result of IPAA NSW’s involvement in the Executive Connections and the public sector reform forums. IPAA NSW held a number of successful events targeted to senior executives that were well attended.

IPAA managed two Executive Connections and 18 Public Sector reform events for the NSW Public Service Commission. These Executive Connections forums each had over 100 senior executive attendees.

IPAA NSW provides a focal point for ongoing public sector engagement. It’s the only professional network that spans the public sector. IPAA's publications keep me abreast of new ideas in public management and its seminars and conferences are informative and thought provoking. My membership allows me to keep in touch with those shaping the future of government. Percy Allan AM, Principal, Percy Allan & Associates Pty Ltd (Public Policy and Management Consultants)

IPAA NSW Fellows' Dinner

International Women’s Day speaker Mia Garlick, Manager, Communications and Policy, Facebook Australia with ronda Miller, Clerk of the Legislative Assembly


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Membership Initiatives

IPAA NSW has built on its member initiatives in 2013 to continue to support the professional development of members. New Members’ Welcome events have been held regularly throughout the year to introduce recently joined members to the broader IPAA family. Events associated with the Special Interest Groups (SIGs) continue to gain a strong audience. Each of the SIGs held numerous events to address specific areas of interest and allow networking with colleagues. IPAA NSW members have received personalised email invitations to key events. Member only events like Picnic in the Park continue to be well attended.

Senior executive Initiatives

IPAA held a series of Senior Executive Master Classes, which were aimed at SES level with keynote speakers, Peter Achterstraat and Professor Geoff Gallop. We are looking to holding further Senior Executive Master Classes in 2013-14.

The 5th Annual Women’s Executive Luncheon was held on 28 May with over 70 Executive Women attending the event.


> New members extend their membership beyond the first year

> IPAA NSW is seen as the ‘must join’ Association for senior executives in the NSW public sector

> Current members promote the Institute

> The National voice of IPAA is heard and taken to be authoritative

> Members are engaged through forums

> The quality of service provided to members is outstanding

> Members are proactive with the Institute

> Contributions to the development of the public sector increase

> Partner organisations add value to IPAA membership

> National Fellows are given high profile

> SIGs and Networks have a clear plan for each year


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Partner Organisations

In 2012-13, IPAA NSW established partnerships with key private sector organisations including Minter Ellison, the Commonwealth Bank of Australia; and consolidated relationships with Government partners: the Department of Premier and Cabinet, the Public Service Commission, NSW Treasury, the Department of Finance and Services, the Independent Commission Against Corruption, the NSW Ombudsman, the Department of Education and Communities, the Motor Accidents Authority, NSW Parliament. Each of these partnerships has led to the development of relevant programs.

Contributions to Public Sector development

All IPAA NSW programs have as their core goal to make a positive contribution to the continuing development of the public sector in NSW. Professional development workshops were held throughout the year on a range of topics which relate to the NSW Public Sector Capability Framework; stimulating events were also held through most of the year, and a range of IPAA publications, including the Australian Journal of Public Administration, Public Administration Today and IPAA INK were regularly distributed to members. Major events were held in conjunction with other agencies including the NSW Public Service Commission and the NSW Department of Premier and Cabinet. For the second time since gaining office, the Premier of NSW the Hon. Barry O’Farrell MP, delivered a keynote address at the State Conference, and the Premier agreed to address the 2013 Conference as well.

National Fellows

In 2012 IPAA NSW nominated three members for the award of National Fellow and all nominations were successful. 2012 Fellows Donna rygate and Nazha Saad were presented with their awards at the inaugural Fellows dinner in December and Jennifer Westacott received her award in Victoria. The first in the planned series of Fellows’ Dinners was held in December 2012, to great acclaim from Fellows. Further gatherings will be held in conjunction with the 2013 State Conference in July and other major events. Fellows are regularly acknowledged at IPAA NSW events, and their contributions publicised in IPAA INK and Today.

SIgs and Networks

During the year the Sustainability SIG was reconstituted, and held two events in its first year. Other SIGs and Networks include the People Performance and Culture SIG, Shared Services SIG, Social Media SIG, and the Young Professionals Network. In conjunction with staff, all groups have managed a successful program of member events on a wide variety of topics.

Peter Achterstraat, NSW Auditor General and IPAA NSW President, Philip Gaetjens, Secretary, NSW Treasury, Mark I Paterson AO, Director General of the NSW Department of Trade and Investment, regional Infrastructure and Services, Virginia Briggs, Partner, Minter Ellison Dr Michele Bruniges AM, Director General, Department of Education and Communities, and Stephen Brady, Deputy Director General, Strategic Initiatives and Performance Group, Department of Premier and Cabinet at the Budget Briefing Breakfast

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Sound leadership and Management of resources

Throughout the year management has worked closely with PwC in implementing the 2011-12 audit recommendations to ensure that effective and accountable finance systems are in place. Due to extensive review of the finance system and implementation of new procedures by the Finance Manager the finance area is now functioning well and producing reliable data. The reporting area has also been streamlined resulting in major improvements in this area. As a result the 2013 audit has flowed extremely well. Due to the streamlining and improvements the auditors had fewer recommendations than previous years.

Improvement of Internal Productivity

IPAA NSW continues to use e-commerce facilities to drive business through the website, with all confirmation and debt-recovery emails being automated.

From 1 July 2012, IPAA NSW ceased using an outsourced provider to provide payroll services for staff. Payroll is now processed internally by the Office and Finance Managers, which has resulted in significant savings and streamlined this internal process.

With the continuing integration of the management of the Public Sector Management Program on behalf of the NSW Public Service Commission, and the running of the IPAA National Office, IPAA NSW is maximising resource allocations, resulting in high levels of efficiency.


> IPAA NSW continues to provide sound leadership and management of resources

> IPAA NSW improves our internal processes to increase productivity and provide more effective services to members and the sector

> IPAA NSW embeds quality assurance and risk management processes in all decision-making

> IPAA NSW investigates new income sources for a more secure revenue base

> IPAA NSW broadens the skills and diversity of our staff to match our strategic needs


Left: 2012 Public Sector Management Program Graduatesright: 11th Annual CEO and Young Professionals Breakfast

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New markets

Sponsors secured to date for 2013-14 include PwC, Minter Ellison, the Commonwealth Bank of Australia, Ernst and Young, DLA Piper, ArTD Consultants, CSA, KJA, Nugan Estate, SGE Credit union. Sponsorship is generally ‘in kind’ and is used to offset expenses. The Song Company has joined IPAA NSW as its Artistic Partner. The introduction of a new membership category, PIPSA, will generate a revenue stream from International members.

Quality Assurance and risk Management

IPAA NSW has held regular Audit and risk Management meetings throughout the Financial Year. The risk register is updated regularly and risk management systems are in place.

The annual Membership Survey indicates high levels of satisfaction with all IPAA NSW initiatives. Overall, there are high levels of satisfaction with the services provided by IPAA NSW. In 2012, 88.7% of respondents were satisfied or very satisfied with IPAA NSW services, a slight increase on 2011 when 84.9% of respondents were satisfied or very satisfied with IPAA NSW services; in 2013 the figure is 81.9%. Significantly three respondents expressed dissatisfaction, compared with two in 2012 and three respondents in both 2011 and 2010.

Broadened skills of staff to match our strategic needs

IPAA NSW staff members are committed, vibrant and highly professional. Productivity improvements through the use of technology and changes to business processes would not have been possible without the staff’s wholehearted participation in organisational development programs (both formal and on the job training). This has enabled the Institute to meet its strategic needs and change its business model resulting in an improved bottom line.

Left: 2012 Public Sector Management Program Graduatesright: 11th Annual CEO and Young Professionals Breakfast

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As the NSW public sector continues to undergo significant reform led by the Public Service Commission and the Department of Premier and Cabinet, the greatest challenge for IPAA NSW in the next twelve months will be to ensure that our professional development activities and initiatives continue to remain relevant and meaningful in a swiftly changing public sector.

To achieve this objective successfully, IPAA NSW will work to address all the goals identified in the 2012-2015 Strategic Plan. A vital component of our Strategic Planning is in the broadening of our membership base to reflect the entire sector and the expanded use of new and emerging communication channels to deliver value across our network.

Another key goal will be engaging with senior executives across the sector to enhance the value of our benefits and services to our existing and potential members. Our development programs and events will be reviewed and developed to meet the emerging needs of a public sector in transformation. Our ability to work in concert with the peak agencies and senior executives will be critical in the development of our programs and events.

OUTLOOKWith two years of the Strategic Plan remaining, we will also identify the key elements of our business model and better understand the opportunities and challenges facing IPAA NSW to ensure our financial sustainability and our capacity to enhance the professional capability of the public sector in a tight fiscal environment within a culture of reform.

We will develop new and improved communication mediums and collaboration networks and explore new and emerging technologies and strategies to achieve this. We will also explore innovative and creative programs that examine and explore the skills, capabilities and understanding needed to support the successful reforms taking place in the public sector today and into the future.

We will strive to become a recognised, informed, innovative and capable association that is a strategic partner to the leaders and members of our association.











dissatisfiedSatisfied Neutral Dissatisfied




0.5% 1.0%

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The main strategic goals for IPAA NSW through the 2012-2015 Strategic Plan are to:• broaden our individual membership to reflect: • the diversity of organisations engaged in public

administration • the various levels across the public service• manage and enhance our reputation across the sector• build a stronger membership platform and enhance our

value proposition across the various segments• engage with the most senior leaders of the public

sector• reinvigorate our professional development programs• expand our capability to communicate and collaborate

across the sector and support and complement emerging communities of practice

• be an endorser of public sector reform and encourage informed commentary on emerging issues

• provide high quality services and benefits that align with public sector priorities

• complement, partner and encourage other organisations to value-add to our services.

We will meet these challenges in accordance with our vision and values.




























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Very satisfied

N/AVery dissatisfiedDissatisfiedNeutralSatisfied

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Institute of Public Administration Australia (NSW division)

Income statement For the year ended 30 June 2013

Note 2013 2012

$ $

Revenue 2 4,076,675 4,088,910

ExpenditureTraining/ event costs (2,261,130) (2,378,774)Salaries and related costs (including casual employees) (1,108,549) (1,040,359)Other / membership costs (60,630) (44,454)Administration costs (390,218) (311,846)Consultancy costs (57,579) (100,726)Divisional Levy (22,680) (15,482)rental equipment (38,165) (16,910)Postage and telephone (28,035) (26,835)Travel costs (10,333) (32,898)Insurance (7,117) (9,693)Prizes and awards (14,233) (3,129)IPAA International expenses (976) (25,130)

Total expenditure (3,999,645) (4,006,236)

Surplus for the year 77,030 82,674

Total comprehensive surplus/(deficit) transferred to accumulated funds income for the year

77,030 82,674

Statement of changes in equity For the year ended 30 June 2013

Accumulated Surplus

$Balance at 30 June 2011 647,898Surplus for the year 82,674Balance at 30 June 2012 730,572

Balance at 30 June 2012 730,572Surplus for the year 77,030Balance at 30 June 2013 807,602

The statement of changes in equity is to be read in conjunction with the notes to the financial statements set out on pages 17-19.

The statement of comprehensive income is to be read in conjunction with the notes to the financial statements set out on pages 17-19.

Balance sheet As at 30 June 2013

Note 2013 2012Assets $ $ Cash and cash equivalents 5 1,148,496 1,135,933 Trade and other receivables 6 208,507 205,013total current assets 1,357,003 1,340,946 Property, plant & equipment 22,583 36,564 Intangible assets 11,631 38,940total non-current assets 34,214 75,504

Total assets 1,391,217 1,416,450Liabilities Trade & other payables 7 369,039 316,965 Deferred income 102,130 242,414 Employee benefits 57,012 43,922total current liabilities 528,181 603,301 Employee benefits 55,434 82,577total non-current liabilities 55,434 82,577

Total liabilities 583,615 685,878

Net assets 807,602 730,572

Equity Accumulated surplus 807,602 730,572

Total equity 807,602 730,572

The balance sheet is to be read in conjunction with the notes to the financial statements set out on pages 17-19.

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1 Significant accounting policiesInstitute of Public Administration Australia NSW is a foundation domiciled in Australia. The financial report was authorised for issue by the Councillors on 17 September 2013. The significant policies which have been adopted in the preparation of this financial report are:

(a) Statement of complianceIn the opinion of the Councillors, the entity is not a reporting entity. The financial report of the entity has been drawn up as a special purpose financial report for distribution to the members and for the purpose of fulfilling the requirements of the Associations Incorporations Act 2009 (NSW).The special purpose financial report has been prepared in accordance with the requirements of the Associations Incorporations Act 2009 (NSW) and the recognition and measurement aspects of all applicable Australian Accounting Standards (“AASBs”) adopted by the Australian Accounting Standards Board (“AASB”) and other authoritative pronouncements of the AASB that have a material effect. The financial report contains all those disclosures considered necessary by the Councillors to meet the needs of the members.The entity has not applied any Australian Accounting Standards issued but not effective as at 30 June 2013 and there is not expected to be any material impact once the standards are adopted.

(b) Basis of preparationThe financial report is presented in Australian dollars. The financial report is prepared on the historical costs basis. Non-current assets are stated at the lower of carrying amount and fair value less costs to sell, less impairment losses. The preparation of a financial report in conformity with Australian Accounting Standards requires management to make judgements, estimates and assumptions that affect the application of policies and reported amounts of assets and liabilities, income and expenses. The estimates and associated assumptions are based on historical experience and various other factors that are believed to be reasonable under the circumstances, the results of which form the basis of making the judgements about carrying values of assets and liabilities that are not readily apparent from other sources. Actual results may differ from these estimates. The estimates and underlying assumptions are reviewed on an ongoing basis. revisions to accounting estimates are recognised in the period in which the estimate is revised if the revision affects only that period, or in the period of the revision and future periods if the revision affects both current and future periods.The accounting policies set out below have been applied consistently to all periods presented in the entity’s financial report.

(c) Revenue recognitionrevenues are recognised at fair value of the consideration received net of the amount of goods and services tax (GST). Commercial incomeCommercial income is recognised when it is probable that economic benefits will be received and that specific events are certain to occur.

Membership subscription incomeIncome is recognised on the date that membership commences. Grant incomeGovernment and corporate grants are recognised as revenue when specific project goals are met and the grant is earned. Donations in kindThe company receives various pro-bono services and donations in kind. revenue has not been brought to account in the financial statements for services that management is unable to reasonably estimate the value of. revenue has been brought to account in the financial statements for contributed assets as management is able to reasonably estimate the fair value of these assets. Income from donations and appeals is recognised on a receipts basis.

(d) Property, plant and equipmentOwned assets Items of property, plant and equipment are stated at cost or deemed cost less accumulated depreciation and impairment losses. Depreciation is charged to the income statement on a straight-line basis over the estimated useful life of 2 to 5 years.

(e) Intangible assetsIntangible assets that are acquired by the entity are stated at cost less accumulated amortisation and impairment losses. Subsequent expenditureSubsequent expenditure on capitalised intangible assets is capitalised only when it increases the future economic benefits embodied in the specific asset to which it relates. All other expenditure is expensed as incurred. Amortisation Amortisation is charged to expenses within the statement of comprehensive income on a straight-line basis over the estimated useful life of intangible assets. The estimated useful life is: • Computer software 3 years

(f) Goods and services taxIncome, expenses and assets are recognised net of the amount of goods and services tax (GST), except where the amount of GST incurred is not recoverable from the Australian Taxation Office (ATO). In these circumstances the GST is recognised as part of the cost of acquisition of the asset or as part of an item of the expense.receivables and payables are stated with the amount of GST included.The net amount of GST recoverable from, or payable to, the ATO is included as a current asset or liability in the balance sheet.

(g) Employee entitlementsLong-term service benefitsThe entity’s net obligation in respect of long-term service benefits is the amount of future benefit that employees have earned in return for their service in the current and prior periods. The obligation is calculated using expected future increases in wage and salary rates including related on-costs and expected settlement dates, and is discounted using the rates attached to the Commonwealth Government bonds at the balance sheet date which have maturity dates approximating to the terms of the company’s obligations.Wages, salaries and annual leaveLiabilities for employee benefits for wages, salaries and annual leave that are expected to be settled within 12 months of the reporting date represent present obligations resulting from employees’ services provided to reporting date, are calculated at undiscounted amounts based on remuneration wage and salary rates that the entity expects to pay as at reporting date including related on-costs, such as workers compensation insurance and payroll tax.

(h) Trade and other receivablesTrade and other receivables are stated at their amortised cost less impairment losses.

(i) Trade and other payablesTrade and other payables are stated at their amortised cost.

(j) Cash and cash equivalentsCash and cash equivalents comprise cash at bank and call deposits.

(k) ImpairmentThe carrying amounts of the entity’s assets are reviewed at each balance sheet date to determine whether there is any indication of impairment. If any such indication exists, the asset’s recoverable amount is estimated.An impairment loss is recognised whenever the carrying amount of an asset or its cash-generating unit exceeds its recoverable amount. Impairment losses are recognised in expenses within the statement of comprehensive income, unless an asset has previously been revalued, in which case the impairment loss is recognised as a reversal to the extent of that previous revaluation with any excess recognised through profit or loss.The recoverable amount of assets is the greater of their fair value less costs to sell and value in use. In assessing value in use, the estimated future cash flows are discounted to their present value using a pre-tax discount rate that reflects current market assessments of the time value of money and the risks specific to the asset.

(l) ExpensesOperating lease paymentsPayments made under operating leases are recognised in the income statement on a straight-line basis over the term of the lease unless another systematic basis is more representative of the time pattern of the benefit. Lease incentives received are recognised in the income statement as an integral part of the total lease expense and spread over the lease term.

(m) Finance incomeFinance income is comprised of interest receivable on funds invested. Interest income is recognised in the income statement as it accrues, using the effective interest method.

2 Revenue

2013 2012

$ $

Training / Events Income 3,700,161 3,768,298

Member Subscriptions 137,463 136,837

Sundry Income 100,653 44,942

IPAA National Secretariat Fee 93,700 87,000

Consultancy and Delegation Income 10,153 13,180

Finance Income 34,545 38,653

Total revenue 4,076,675 4,088,910

3 Income tax expenseThe entity is a registered not-for-profit organisation and is exempt from income tax in accordance with section 23(e) of the Income Tax Assessment Act. It is also exempt from fringe benefits, capital gains taxes and state payroll tax. It is a GST registered entity.

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4 Auditor’s remunerationThe auditor of the entity received $8,000 remuneration during the period.

5 Cash and cash equivalents2013 ($) 2012 ($)

Bank balances 168,992 191,474Call deposits 979,504 944,459

1,148,496 1,135,933

6 Trade and other receivables2013 ($) 2012 ($)

Trade receivables 201,649 210,706Provision for impairment (15,000) (39,000)

Prepayments 21,858 33,307

Other receivables - - 208,507 205,013

7 Trade and other payables2013 ($) 2012 ($)

Trade creditors 166,332 92,937Other creditors and accruals 202,707 224,028

369,039 316,965

8 Council membersCouncil members during the financial year ended 30 June 2013 include:Mr Peter AchterstraatMr robert AlderMs Carolyn BurlewMs Kylie CochraneMs Madeleine Culbert Mr Tim FarlandMs Illana Halliday (until Nov 2012)

Ms Heather Hukins (until Nov 2012)

Ms Clare HuxleyMs Jennifer Mason (co-opted)

Ms Susan McHattie (until Nov 2012)

Ms Gemma rygate (Ex-officio)

Mr Matthew SchroderMs Nivek ThompsonMs Pheona Twist

9 Members guarantee The Institute of Public Administration Australia New South Wales Division Inc. was incorporated in New South Wales on 31 March 1988, under the Associations Incorporation Act 1984 (NSW)(“the Act”). If the Institute is wound up, the articles of association state that each member is required to contribute a maximum of the amount, if any, unpaid by the member in respect of membership of the Institute of Public Administration Australia New South Wales, towards the meeting of any outstanding obligations of the Entity. At 30 June 2013, the number of members was 902 (2012: 861).Surplus propertyThe assets and income of the Entity shall be applied solely in furtherance of its above mentioned objects and no portion shall be distributed directly or indirectly to the members of the Entity except as bona fide compensation for services rendered or expenses incurred on behalf of the Entity.In the event of the winding up or the cancellation of the incorporation of the Entity, the Entity shall pass a special resolution nominating an association as the association in which it is to vest its surplus property pursuant to section 53(2) of the Act. This nominated association must have similar objects and rules prohibiting the distribution of its assets and income to its members.

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Level 6, Bligh House 4-6 Bligh Street, Sydney NSW 2000

gPO Box 904, Sydney NSW 2001

t 02 9228 5225 f 02 9241 1920 e [email protected]