iot 혁신센터-quantified self over internet of things-hugh choi

최 형 욱 chief maker & CEO, magicEco Quan%fied Self over Internet of Things

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quantified self over Internet of things TIDE IoT Lecture - Hugh Choi In terms of QS and Life logging thru IoT technologies and business.


Page 1: IoT 혁신센터-Quantified self over Internet of things-Hugh Choi

최 형 욱  chief  maker  &  CEO,  magicEco

Quan%fied  Self  over  Internet  of  Things  

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3.  Opportuni:es

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On  Your  Finger

source:  h0p://

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연결의 패러다임

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스마트폰 이전의 연결

정보의 흐름

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스마트폰 이후의 연결

정보의 흐름

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현재의 연결

정보의 흐름


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가트너 전략기술 트랜드2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

1 Cloud  Compu:ng Media  tablets  and  beyond Mobile  device  ba0les Mobile  Device  Diversity  

and  Management Compu:ng  Everywhere

2 Mobile  Applica:ons  and  Media  Tablets

Mobile-­‐centric  applica:ons  and  


Mobile  applica:ons  &  HTML  5

Mobile  Apps  and  Applica:ons The  Internet  of  Things

3 Social  Communica:ons  and  Collabora:on

Social  and  contextual  user  experience Personal  Cloud The  Internet  of  

Everything 3D  Prin:ng

4 Video  Internet  of  Things Internet  of  Things Hybrid  Cloud  and  IT  as  Service  Broker

Advanced,  Pervasive  and  Invisible  Analy:cs

5 Next  Genera:on  Analy:cs

Applica:on  stores  and  marketplace

Hybrid  IT  and  Cloud  Compu:ng Cloud/Client Context-­‐Rich  Systems

6 Social  Analy:cs Next-­‐genera:on  analy:cs Strategic  Big  Data The  Era  of  Personal  

Cloud Smart  Machines

7 Context-­‐Aware  Compu:ng Big  Data Ac:onable  Analy:cs SoVware  Defined  

Anything Cloud/Client  Compu:ng

8 Storage  Class  Memory In-­‐Memory  Compu:ng Mainstream  In-­‐Memory  Compu:ng Web-­‐Scale  IT

SoVware-­‐Defined  Applica:ons  and  Infrastructure

9 Ubiquitous  Compu:ng Extreme  Low-­‐Energy  Servers Integrated  Ecosystems Smart  Machines Web-­‐Scale  IT


Infrastructure  and  Computers

Cloud  Compu:ng Enterprise  App  Stores 3D  Prin:ng Risk-­‐Based  Security  and  Self-­‐Protec:on

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Gartner hype cycle emerging technologies‘14

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Mark  Weiser  1988

일상의 사물과 컴퓨터가 구분이 안 될 정도로

컴퓨터의 특성이 사라진다

인간의�지각과�인지능력을 이해하여 컴퓨터와 인간이 상호작용한다

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연결의 미래

공간과 경계의 확장

True  ‘Internet’  of  things

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Web  of  things  or  physical  web

IPv6  end-­‐to-­‐end  connec:vity

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거울의 탄생

허정아, 몸,멈출수 없는 상상의 유혹, 21세기북스 2011

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"Quantimetric Self-Sensing" apparatus, 1996 Mann, Steve

Page 15: IoT 혁신센터-Quantified self over Internet of things-Hugh Choi Bob Troia

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The  Quan)fied  Self:    is  a  movement  to  incorporate  technology  into  data  acquisi:on  on  aspects  of  a  person's  daily  life  in  terms  of  inputs  (e.g.  food  

consumed,  quality  of  surrounding  air),  states  (e.g.  mood,  arousal,  blood  oxygen  levels),  and  performance  (mental  and  physical).  Such  self-­‐monitoring  and  self-­‐sensing,  which  combines  wearable  sensors  (EEG,  ECG,  video,  etc.)  and  wearable  compu:ng,  is  also  known  as  lifelogging.  Other  names  for  using  self-­‐tracking  data  to  improve  daily  func:oning  are  “self-­‐tracking”,  "auto-­‐analy:cs",  “body  hacking”,  “self-­‐quan:fying”,  self-­‐surveillance,  lifelogging,  sousveillance,  and  Humanis:c  

Intelligence.  In  short,  quan:fied  self  is  self-­‐knowledge  through  self-­‐tracking  with  technology.  Quan:fied  self-­‐advancement  have  allowed  individuals  to  quan:fy  

biometrics  that  they  never  knew  existed,  as  well  as  make  data  collec:on  cheaper  and  more  convenient.  One  can  track  insulin  and  cor:sol  levels,  sequence  DNA,  and  

see  what  microbial  cells  inhabit  his  or  her  body.

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Gary  Wolf  is  a  contribu:ng  editor  at  Wired  magazine,  where  he  writes  regularly  about  the  culture  of  science  and  technology  (as  well  as  many  other  topics).  He  is  also  the  co-­‐founder,  with  Wired  colleague  Kevin  Kelly,  of  The  Quan:fied  Self,  a  blog  about  "selgnowledge  through  numbers."  

He  was  an  early  editor  at  Hotwired  /  Wired  Digital,  and  helped  push  the  technical  and  editorial  limits  of  the  early  web.  His  books  include  Dumb  Money:  Adventures  of  a  Day  Trader  (with  Joey  Anuff)  and  Wired:  A  Romance,  and  he’s  working  on  a  book  called  (for  now)  The  Quan:fied  Self.  

“We  usually  associate  self-­‐knowledge  not  with  numbers  but  with  words  -­‐-­‐  a  kind  of  inner  voice  of  consciousness  and  conscience.  Supplemen:ng  that  with  quan:ta:ve  tools  is  one  of  the  most  interes:ng  trends  emerging  in  our  culture.”  —  Gary  Wolf  in  IFTF  Health  Horizons  Report  

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Things  are  gemng  more  understanding  about  me

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Undiscovered region of businessover 30% of life

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monitoring and caring my health

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capture the sorroundings

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unconscious life logging

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experience based learning

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Context  awareness  thru  everyday  things

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Interact with smart phones before pure IoT.

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How  to  overcome  the  barrier  of  habit  습관의  장벽과  익숙함을  넘어서는  가치의  본질

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What is motivation?unconscious quantified logging

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 QS  and  Life  logging

객관적 (Objective)

주관적 (Subjective)





Life Logging

Social Media Big Data

Quantified Self

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Mash-ups of multiple data to map out new findings

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Discovery  of  unknown  region

인지영역 (Perceptible)

미인지영역 (Imperceptible)






데이터영역 (Data)

미지영역 (Unknown)

직관영역 (Intuitive)

가시영역 (Visible)

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#덧 사람이 중심이라는 본질과

디테일은 기본이다

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hTp:// [email protected]

최  형  욱  Hugh  Choi