ionic 2 with angular 2

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Hybrid Mobile Application Development

Starting > Ionic 2 & Angular 2

Nikhil Kumar | Software Consultant

Knldus Software LLP


What is hybrid mobile application : The Concept

What is IONIC Framework

Ionic 1 vs Ionic 2: A Comparison

Ionic 2 & Angular 2

Going Into IONIC world

Designing in IONIC

What is Apache Cordova

Get Into Cordova


-Hybrid apps are like anyother app you'll find in your phone.

-Hybrid mobile apps are built with a combination of web technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript...

From users view: It doesn't matter if wine tastes well.

-The key difference is that hybrid apps are hosted inside a native application that utilizes a mobile platforms WebView.

-Today, most hybrid mobile applications leverage Apache Cordova.

The Concept

What Why Where coming slides...

(You can think of the WebView as a chromeless browser window thats typically configured to run fullscreen.)

This enables them to access device capabilities such as the accelerometer, camera, contacts, and more. These are capabilities that are often restricted to access from inside mobile browsers.

Motivation for Hybrid

Hybrid mobile applications provide a way for developers to re-use their existing skills in web development.


Hybrid mobile application development looks appealing to an organizations. Why hire a developer for each platform when you can hire one developer and target all of them through HTML, CSS, and JavaScript? But Reality is???

When should you build a hybrid mobile app?

Which mobile platforms do you wish to target?

Do you want to distribute your application via app stores?

Are you looking to utilize the capabilities of the mobile device?

What are the technical abilities of your development team?

Does the one-size-fit-all approach of hybrid really live up to its promise?

Examples of Hybrid Applications





Drifty: Ben Sperry and Max Lynch- 2012Ionic: 2013

- Developers have created 500,000 apps

- 15,000 stars on GitHub and has risen to become one of the top 40 most popular projects worldwide, notes Lynch.

Ionic : A Large scale overview

Drifty, a company that has been making it possible for web developers to build and publish native mobile applications that can then be published to the major app stores, including Apples iTunes, Amazons Appstore and Google Play, has now raised an additional $2.6 million led by Lightbank in Chicago.

Ionic is the open source HTML5 Mobile Framework for building amazing, cross-platform hybrid native apps and mobile websites with HTML, JavaScript, and CSS. If you know how to build or design websites, you will be able to build a real mobile app with Ionic!

Ionic Framework

Today, Ionic powers over 1.5 million mobile apps and websites (and even some desktop apps!), built by small startups up to Fortune 50 companies. Ionic developers come from hundreds of countries around the world

Ionic 2 Vs Ionic1

Ionic 2 is currently in beta and is being actively devleoped

At a high level, Ionic 2 is very similar conceptually to Ionic 1. In Ionic 1 you have controllers that hold your logic, and templates that define your views. Ionic 2 is the same, except you have classes instead of controllers. There are some differences in the template syntax, and a lot of differences in the class structure.

So, lets jump into some specifics. Heres 5 reasons why I think Ionic 2 is better than Ionic 1.

1- Organisation and Structure

home home.js home.html home.scss about about.js about.html about.scss

Of course, you could organise your Ionic 1 projects like this as well, but it wasnt really the default style that was used. It would require prior knowledge and motivation to achieve a sensible and scalable structure like this in Ionic 1.

but in Ionic 2 you cant really do that.

2- Tooling : it's simple but one of my favorate

$ ionic generate page MyPage

which can also be shortened to:$ ionic g page MyPage


my-page.js my-page.html my-page.scss

3- Navigation

Navigation in Ionic 2 is very different to Ionic 1. In Ionic 1 navigation was defined using URLs, for example:

.config(function($stateProvider, $urlRouterProvider) { $stateProvider .state('intro', { url: '/', templateUrl: 'templates/intro.html', controller: 'IntroCtrl' }) .state('main', { url: '/main', templateUrl: 'templates/main.html', controller: 'MainCtrl' });

$urlRouterProvider.otherwise("/"); });

and you would activate these states by linking to them, which is a very web approach. In Ionic 2 a more native approach is used where pages are pushed and popped:


4. Its Just Javascript

In Angular 1 and Ionic 1 there was a lot of framework specific terminology and syntax to learn, but with Ionic 2 its basically just plain old (or rather new) Javascript. Everything you build is basically just ES6 (or TypeScript if you prefer) code, which isnt specific to any framework. Its just Javascript.

The benefit of this is that everything you learn when building Ionic 2 application isnt just going to help you build Ionic 2 applications, its also going to help you be a better Javascript developer in general. The skills you develop with Ionic 2 are going to be. able to be applied in a bunch of other places as ES6 eventually becomes the new normal Javascript.

5. Building

In Ionic 2 almost all of your coding will be done inside of the app folder, which is completely separate to the www folders.

which is completely separate to the www folder which contains the code that is actually served to the browser. When you run an Ionic 2 application, the code in the app folder is automatically transpiled and bundled into a single Javascript file which is copied into the www folder and served. For the most part, you dont have to touch your index.html file at all.

I prefer this to Ionic 1 where you would have to import all of the Javascript files youve created into your index.html file, and this also meant that your final built application would contain bunch of different Javascript files (your source code). Although the Ionic 2 bundled code isnt minified or obfuscated automatically, I like that by default the built application wont contain the source code directly (just the single, transpiled Javascript file, which looks pretty funky and hard to reverse engineer). This does however make debugging a little trickier, which is about the only thing I prefer about Ionic 1 so far.

Folder Structure

If youre not familiar with Ionic 2, its the latest incarnation of Ionic the worlds most popular cross-platform mobile development technology.

Summary of comparison

Without a doubt, I would recommend everybody switch to Ionic 2

- If youre completely new to Ionic, start with Ionic 2

- If youre using Ionic 1 for existing projects, stick with Ionic 1 and upgrade it later

- If youre using Ionic 1 and starting a new project, use Ionic 1 if it is a mission critical or complex application

Ionic-2 Compotnents


Going Into Ionic world

Ionic 1

- npm install -g ionic

- ionic start myproject

- adding platform

- adding plugings etc

Building for iOS

-ionic platform add ios

Building for Android

- ionic platform add android

Quick Start

The default templates name are below:

tabs (Default)







Ionic 2

- npm install -g ionic@beta

- ionic start cutePuppyPics v2 --ts

- cd cutePuppyPics

- ionic serve

Adding platforms is same...


Ionic Designing Magic & Cloud


Today, most hybrid mobile applications leverage Apache Cordova.

Ionic builds on top of Cordova

Apache Cordova takes care of packaging your HTML5 app as a native app that can run in Android, iOS, and other platforms.

But if you simply take an existing website and package it as a mobile app the result will look nothing like a native app: users will notice very quickly that the styles and behaviours are pretty different.

Apache Cordova

accelerometer, camera, contacts, and more

Apache Cordova originally started as a project named PhoneGap. These days, PhoneGap exists as a distribution of Apache Cordova that includes additional tools.

ngCordova comes with over 70 native Cordova plugins that you can easily add to your Angular Cordova apps. Choose the plugin youd like to use from the menu, which will have information on which plugin you need to install and an example of how to use it in your Angular code.

Checkout : The game begins...

Into Cordova


Knoldus Blog [Offcial]

Telerik Documentation [Official]

Cordova Documentation [Official]

Ionic Framework Documentation [Official]

Piyush Mishra

Presenter [email protected]


