invokation of salome

Upload: robert-bonomo

Post on 02-Apr-2018




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  • 7/27/2019 Invokation of Salome


    1. LBRP

    2. Do the Middle Pillar

    3. Recite the following.

    Infinite and Eternal One, who dwellest in the bornless beyond, in whom all things have

    their source, their existence, and their end; lord of the forces of being and of the mysteries ofcreation, before whom all things have their source, their existence, and their end; lord of the

    forces of being of being and of the mysteries of creation, before whom all hidden things are

    revealed and all secrets made known; creator of all, preserver of all, destroyer of all,

    redeemer of all, I invoke thee, and I call to thee in this high work of the Magic of Light.

    Most high and most holy One, I seek to rend the Veil which divides myself from myself, to

    become one even as thou art One. Grant thine aid, I pray, to the highest aspirations of my

    soul! May the light of the presence and the reality of thy power be with me and be shown to

    me in this hour; may I be made worthy of the transformation which I seek, so that I may

    accomplish the work of Light in the world.

    I pray that I may be granted the help of thy wise and mighty archangels Metratron andSandalphon. Visualize the two archangels in the east, Metratron, (right) and a winged male

    figure in white robes of blinding brilliance, Sandalphon (on the left) a winged female figure in

    the dark robes shining with a gentle light. Say Metratron, the Prince of the Countenances.

    Sandalphon, the Reconciler for the Earth. Help me and guide me in this high wrk of the Magic

    of Light, that I may accomplish the Great Work of uniting of the higher and the lower within

    myself - that I may rend the Veil and enter unto Light. For the duration of this ceremony,

    therefore, let my outer and material senses be bound, so that the inner and spirtitual senses may

    awaken. For the duration of this ceremony let my thoughts and feelings be bound, so that they

    stray not from the Great Work. For the duration of this ceremony, let my awareness be bound,

    so that it may turn only unto the Higher. In the Name of the Infinite One, may thy aid be granted

    to me

    At this point, imagine yourself plunged into darkness. The archangels disappear, and so does

    everything else around. Build up, as strongly as possible, an image of yourself in the midst of

    absolute nothingness and silence; when this has been established, go on.

    Trace the pentagram before you in darkness. Visualize it hanging before you, shining with

    light. Say: In the heart of the darkness maybe be found the see of Light Raise your hands

    hight, look up. Lord of the universe, vast and mighty one, ruler of the light and of the

    darkness! May light and guidance be granted to me through Salome, my Higher Self and

    soul, whose symbol now shines in the darkness before me. With thy help, let me rend theVeil.

    Look east, make the pentagram, imagine the divine, reach toward it with your whole will.

    When the image fades, in darkness before you, visualize a bright light like a faraway star.

    Hold this image for a time, then say. I invoke thee, Salome. I invoke thee, my likeness and

    completion. I invoke thee, in whom I am made perfect and whole.

    Visualize two pillars taking shape before you in the east, the pillar on the right is made of

    fire, the one on the left of swirling cloud. Both reach from depths far below you to the

    heights far above.

    Hold this image for a few moments. Then visualize Salome, taking shape between the

    pillars, facing you. Make her as complete, exact and solid as possible. When this has

  • 7/27/2019 Invokation of Salome


    been done, imagine her, Salome, toward you, until it stands on the other side othe alter,

    facing you. Kneel, reach out your right hand to Salome, and visualize her clasping your

    hand with hers.

    In the instant of contact, with an effort ofimagination, place yourself within the image

    you have created of her: looking down through her eyes at your kneeling physical form,

    clasping your phsical hand in her hand, inhabiting the imagined body just as you nowinhabit your physicical one. Try to make this shift of awareness as complete as possible.

    (if some awarenees of your physicial body still remains, it is not neccassarily a problem.)

    When you have accomplished this, release your physical hand, turn in the imagined body,

    and return to stand between the pillars of the fire and cloud, this time facing east, toward

    the star of light. There , in the imagined body, make the Pentagram. Aspire toward the

    star with your whole will as intensely as you can. When your foucus begins to waver,

    make the Pentagram, and be aware of the two pillars beside you. Repeate this process a

    second time, and then a third time, turning your attention toward the star while making

    the Pentagrgam.

    In the imagined body, turn and walk back to the altar, and go around it to the west, so that

    you are standing above your kneeling physical body. Then, slowly, bring your physical

    body to its feet, so that both bodies are occupying the same space. At the same time,

    become aware of the physical body with losing awareness of the imagined one, so that

    you are inhabiting both bodies at the same time. Make the sign of the pentagram, with

    both bodies and say Lord of all power and all wisdom, remove the darkness from my

    spiritual vision

    Make a Pentagram and strive to see beyond the Pillars, the light of the star is growing

    and taking shape, becoming a human-shaped form of pure light. Make the sign of the

    pentagram, and while still inhabiting both bodies, go around the altar to the east, and

    advance between the pillars in the presence of the Augoeides, the Form of the light.

    Contemplate that Form and gradually imagine its light surrounding and enclosing you.

    Strive to identify yourself witth the light. Visualize yourslef taking on the form of a

    shining Being of immense size, towering above your physical body. Strive to realize that

    this vast Being is your only true self, and that your body, your personality , and

    everything your normally think of as yourself is no more than its base and throne. This is

    the central act of the ceremony, and it should be carried out with as much intensity,

    clarity, and imaginative power as you can possibl bring to it. Say, finally: Thus have I

    been permitted to begin to comprehend the form of my Higher Self

    Return to an awareness of your ordinary self and physical body, but be aware of the

    overshadowing presence of the higher dimensions of yourself in the form of a star of light

    in the Kether center above the crown of your head. Its rays shine down throughout your

    Spere of Sensation. Say I entreet thee, Salome, that thou wilt guide me and instuct me

    in those things which are neccessary for me to learn, and that thou wilt help me to

    comprehend both secrets of the Magic of Light and the events of my life in the world. If

    there is any specific matter in which you feel you need guidance from the Higher, you

    may mention this here is well. Salome, guide me, unify with me, remove this urning for

    oneness that takes so many forms, guide me through my dreams, the pychic world, my

    creativity, and all things. You are my guide, my other half, see me through this journey.

  • 7/27/2019 Invokation of Salome


    Go to the east of the altoar, facing west, and take up the Wand and say In the name and

    presence of Salmoe, and by the Name and Presence of the Infinite one, the creator of worlds, I

    now procedd to call forth the spirits of the elments. Visualize the darkness around you

    gradually giving way to colored light. To the east, the light is yellow, to the south red, to the

    west, blue, and to the north, green. The space within the limits traced by the banishings in the

    Opening is illuminated by the white light.

    Set the Wand down and take the dagger, Go to the east and say, By the power of my

    Salome, my Higher Self and Soul, present in me, I call forth the sylphs of Air Trace an

    invoking pentagram of Air to the east with the dagger, draw the symbol of Aquarius in the

    center, and then point to the center and vibrage the Name YHVH yeh-ho-wah. Four times.

    Say. In the name of Tetragramation, in the name of Raphael, archangel of air, in the name

    In the name of Chassan, angel of Air in the macrocosm and the microcosm, I call upon you

    to accomplish the will of the Infinite One. Be prompt and active in the service of the Higher

    and the works of the Magic of Light.

    Visualize the slyphs of Air coming in response to this conjuration. They are slender winged

    beings wearing gauzy graments of many colors, and their bodies seem to be slightlytransparent. Behind and above them appears a larger figure of the same kind, wearing a

    winged crown this is Paralda, Elemental King of Air.

    Return of the altar, lay down the dagger, and take the wand. Go to the south and say, By the

    powere of my Higher Self present in me, I call forth the salamanders of Fire Trace an

    invoking pentagram of Fire to the south with the wand, draw the symbol of Leo, in the

    center, then point to the center and vibrate the Name ALHIM (ell- o-heem) four times, Say

    : In the Name of Elohim, in the name of the Michael, archangel of Fire; in the name of Aral,

    angel of Fire; and in the name of Seraph, Ruler of Fire, spirits and powers of Fire in the

    macrocosm. I call upon you to accomplish the will of the Infinite One. Be energetic and

    strong in the service of the Higher and the works of the Magic of Light.

    Visualize the salamanders of Fire coming in response to this conjuration. They are dark,

    human like beings with glowing eyes, and their hair and garments seem to be made of living

    flame. Fire burns around them constantly. Behind and above them is a larger figure of the

    same kind, wearing a crown of blazing fire, this is Djin, Elemental King of Fire.

    Return to the altare, take the cup of Water, to the west, and say By the power of Salome,

    present in me, I call forth the undines of Water Trace a pentagram to the West, draw a face

    of an eagle, point to the center and vibrate. AL (ell) four times. In the name El, in the

    name of Gabriel, Archengel of Water, in the name of Taliahad, angel of Water, and in thename of Tharsis, Ruler of Water, spirits and powers of Water, and in the macrocosm and

    microcosm, I call upon you to accomplish the will of the Infinite One. Be Flexible and

    attentive to images and the service of the Higher and the works of the Magic of Light.

    Visualize the undines of Water coming in response to this conjuration. They are beautiful and

    naked beings with silvery sking and hair the color of the sear. Behind and above them appears a

    larger being of the same kind, wearing crown made of shining sliver, this is Nischsa, Elemental

    king of Water.

    Return to the altar, lay the cup down and take the pentacle of Earth. Go to the north and say By the power of Salome, my queen, my Higher Self, my sould, present in me, I call forth the

    gnomes of the Earth. Trace and invoking pentagram of Earth to the north with the pentacle,

  • 7/27/2019 Invokation of Salome


    draw the symbool of Taurus, in the center, then point to the center, and vibrate the Name ADNI

    ah dough-nye four times. Say, In the name Adonai, in the name of Auriel, the archangel of

    the earth, in the name of Phorlakh, angel of the Earth, and in the name of Kerub, Ruler of the

    Earth, spirits and powers of Earth in the macrocosm and the microcosm, I call upon you to

    accomplish the will of the Infinite One. Be laborius and patient in the service of the Higher and

    the works of the Magic of Light.

    Visualize the gnomes of Earth coming in response to the conjuration. They are short , heavily

    built beings, like dwarfs, with ornaments of metals and gemstones on their earth-colored

    garments, and tools and weapons in their hands. Behind and above them appears a larger being

    of the same kind, wearing a crown of gold and bright jewels; This Ghob, Elemental King of the


    Return to the altar, lay the pentacle down, and take the wand. Standing to the west of the

    altar facing east, trace the pentagram with the wand, draw the symbol of spirt quintessence

    at the center, point to the center and vibrate the name AHIH eh-heh-yeh once. Then trace

    the pentagram vibrate AGLA ah-geh- la once. Raise your hands, look upward toward the

    light of Salome, and say And in the great Name of the strenght through sacrifice,Yehashuah Yehovashah, I seek harmony and balance in myself and in my actions in the

    world. Le me be prompt and active as the sylphs, but avoid frivolity and caprice. Let me be

    energetic and strong as the salamanders, but avoid irritabiltiy and ferocity. Le me be flexible

    and atentive to images as the undines, but avoid idleness and changeablitiy. Let me be

    laborious and patient as the gnomes, but avoid grossness and avarice. For this I shall devleop

    the powers of my soul, and rightly command the spirits of the elements. Guide me and teach

    me, Salome, so that I may accomplish this.

    Spirits and powers of the elements, about me and within me, I therefore summon thee to the

    service of Harmony and Balance. Face East, bow to Isis and Osiris risen, with the wand,

    make the cross, vibrate IAO. Then say In this mighty Name, spirits of the Air, I call thee to

    Harmony. Go to the south, west and north, in turn andmake the same symbols...reapeat, In

    this might name I spirits of (water, undines, gnomes, to balance.)

    Close with the LBRP