investigatory project mango wine

Chapter 3 Methodology In making a study of mango wine,constant research was done,from books and computer resources.though mangoes are quite hard to find this season we manage to purchase mangoes to further to make our investigatory project.there is also a series of trial and error process was made in order to perfect and produce the most stable wine. And the proper sanitary measures on making a wine which is very vital in order to prevent spoilage and develop a perfect wine As it goes,the first thing you will need to do is think of what kind of wine you need to make ,in this case we will need to have this investigatory project you will need a fully riped mango because you would need a fruit with sugar content which can be fined on a fully ripe mango.then you should gather all your materials and make sure all the materials are well sanitized to prevent contamination , in dealing with the yeast make sure apply warm water and add about a table spoon of sugar in order to help the yeast grow.then in applying sodium metabisulfate which is the last process in making the wine , make sure of having the right amount ,this chemical is esssential in order to prevent other microorganism contaminate the wine. Flowchart

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This is an investigatory project about mango wine this include data and procedures in making mango wine. we we made in November 27 2012


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Chapter 3


In making a study of mango wine,constant research was done,from books and computer resources.though mangoes are quite hard to find this season we manage to purchase mangoes to further to make our investigatory project.there is also a series of trial and error process was made in order to perfect and produce the most stable wine. And the proper sanitary measures on making a wine which is very vital in order to prevent spoilage and develop a perfect wine

As it goes,the first thing you will need to do is think of what kind of wine you need to make ,in this case we will need to have this investigatory project you will need a fully riped mango because you would need a fruit with sugar content which can be fined on a fully ripe mango.then you should gather all your materials and make sure all the materials are well sanitized to prevent contamination , in dealing with the yeast make sure apply warm water and add about a table spoon of sugar in order to help the yeast grow.then in applying sodium metabisulfate which is the last process in making the wine , make sure of having the right amount ,this chemical is esssential in order to prevent other microorganism contaminate the wine.


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Mangoes Sugar Sodium Metabisulfate

Pin JarBalloon

Knife and Funnel Cloth Yeast

Wine Bottle

1.) Ready fully ripe mangoes and peel them.

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2.) Slice the mangoes into cubes.And put them on the cloth

3.) Squeeze the mangoes to get their juice.

4.) Transfer the squeezed mango juice into a jar, repeat step 1-3 in order to fill 70% of the jar

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5.) Add 1 glass of water on the jar container,and add 1 cup of sugar

6.) Ready the yeast and add a table spoon of sugar.

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7.) Add 100ml of warm water in order for yeast to react and begin to live.


8.) Pour the mixture into the jar bottle

9.) Put Sodium metabisulfate into the jar in order to prevent spoilage.

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10.) Store it first for about 8 hours for the pre-fermentation process


11.) Transfer the wine into the wine bottle for fermentation process to begin

12.)Now put the balloon on the mouth of the wine bottle for 12

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13.) As you can see the fermentation process now begins,as the balllon inflates.

14.) 15.)16.)17.)18.)19.)20.)14.)Now when the bubbles start to stop and the ballon deflates ,you can now cover the wine

bottle and fermented for about a week or month.

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Chapter 4

Data results and discussion

The research has shown a consisted data of results, yeast, which is the main ingredient in making wine needs sugar and warm water for it to react. And help ferment the wine. While the sodium metabisulfate also manage to prevent bad microorganism to inhabit the wine. And as shown the balloon inflates because of the air pressure that was made by the fermentation, we used balloon with tiny holes in order to slowly release air from the fermentation process and prevent any bad microorganism to enter the wine. As the bubbling stops we remove the balloon and cover it with a wine bottle cap. And store it for about a week which is the minimum for fermentation of wine. But if you want to improve the flavour or taste in most be stored for at least month or a year. As for the first week of the wine we tasted the wine, the taste was fairly good but needs improvement for the flavour. So we stored it again for another week, on the second week and a half the wine tasted good better than last week. Now we store the wine for further fermentation a improvement of flavour.

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Chapter 5


We therefore conclude wine is careful process. As shown wine making needs extremely high sanitary measures, because was inhabited by bad microorganism wine will spoil. Yeast also needs proper handling and use it order for it to activate, yeast uses sugar as their main source of food as they grow they will release enzymes which will make wine. That means mango is a good fruit, with high sugar content. Wine making needs constant observation and care in order to create a good wine that would be appealing for anyone to taste.


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As for others who wanted to use our investigatory project as a guide in wine making, we recommended researches to check whether your chosen fruit is available in the season. in order to prevent expensive use of money and for the makers, we recommend you to purchase wine yeast instead of yeast. They have same effects but wine yeast are faster and gives more flavour to the wine but yet it is quite expensive, it handling sodium metabisulfate ,this chemical is needs extreme care as some people will experience allergic reactions on the chemical though it is 2 over 10 possibilities. Finally make sure to store it in a clean wine bottle container that is disinfected to prevent spoilage.


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Glossary Mangoes – a yellow coloured fruit usually found in India and Philippines

Yeast – a brown coloured material used in bread making an wine making

Sodium metabisulfate - a chemical use as disinfectant and prevention by microorganism

Funnel – a material used to transfer liquid to another container

Wine bottle – a container where wine is stored


How to make wine by Mike Carraway Website ;

How to make mango wineWebsite ;

GoogleWebsite ;

Curriculum Vitae