invention&reforms wheel


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Post on 20-Jun-2015




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Page 1: Invention&reforms wheel

Inventions- Lowell Textile Mills- machines & peeps. Under 1 roof. Eli Whitney – cotton gin/interchg.partsSamuel Morse- telegraph (morse code), John Deere- steel plow, Robet Fulton- steamboat, Cyrus McCormick- reaper-Industrial Revolution- Rise of the Machines

Reform- Temperance- ban against alcohol, Education – Horace Mann, Women’s Rights- suffrage- Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Susan B Anthony, Seneca Falls Conv. Abolition- end slavery, Harriet Beecher Stowe(Uncle Tom’s Cabin), Harriet Tubman (Underground RR), William Lloyd Garrison- Liberator, Frederick Douglass- former slave, Abraham Lincoln- Civil War

Lincoln Assassination- 5 days after war ends by John Wilkes Booth. Reconstruction- rebuild south.Amendments : 13- abolished slavery14- equal civil rights15- right to vote (men)

Inventions & Reform Movements/ Civil War

Battles : First Shots-Fort Sumter 1861 fired by south. Battle of Manassas/Bull Run- S.won, longer war. Battle of Antietam- bloodiest single day. Turning Points : Gettys burg - Lee could not take offensive in N. again –speech (Gettysburg Address), Vicks burg - N.controls Miss. R & cuts S. in two. Sherman’s March- destroy everything in path to Atlanta GA. Appomattox Court House- Lee(south) surrenders to Grant(north). War is over.

People : North/Union- Pres. Lincoln, Gen. Grant. South/Confederacy- Pres. Davis, Gen. Lee

Civil War- North v South /Causes : sectionalism, states rights, Dred Scott, bleeding Kansas

Prison reform- Dorthea Dix