inv br100 application setup v1.0

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BR100: Application Set Up


  • 5/26/2018 INV BR100 Application Setup V1.0



    BR100: Application Set Up

    ORAERP INC. Oracle Inventory

    Inventory Application Setup R1

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    Version : 1.0


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  • 5/26/2018 INV BR100 Application Setup V1.0


    Oracle Inventory Set up !oc



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    Note To o!ders "

    I% you receive an electronic copy o% t&i' (ocu#ent an( print i t out ) plea'e

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  • 5/26/2018 INV BR100 Application Setup V1.0


    Oracle Inventory Set up !oc




    4ey 3le5%i el( 6IN7: !e%ine Inven to ry 7alue Set ' .....................................................2

    4ey 3le5%iel( 6IN7: !e%ine 4ey 3le5%iel( Se, # en t ' ...............................................

    4ey 3le5%iel( 6IN7: !e%ine 4ey 3le5%iel( Se,# en t 7alue' ...............................11

    Set up 8ocat io n'6 IN7: !e%in e 8ocation ' ..................................................................12

    Set up Calen( ar '6 IN7: !e%ine Calen( ar ...................................................................1

    !e%ine Invent ory Or,ani9a tio n' 6IN7: !e%ine Or,ani9a tio n' ............................1/

    !e%ine Inventory Para#et er'6IN7: !e%ine Or,ani9ation Para#et er' ... ... ... .1

    Unit' o% Mea'u re 6IN7: !e%ine Unit' o% Mea'u re Cla''e ' ..................................

    Unit' o% Mea 'u re 6IN7: !e%ine Unit' o% Mea 'u re ..................................................$

    Unit' o% Mea'u re 6IN7: !e%ine Unit' o% Mea'u re Conve r'i on ..........................2

    Sui nv en tor y6IN7: !e%ine Suinven tor ie' ............................................................

    Stoc; 8ocat or '6 IN7: !e%in e Stoc; 8ocat or ' ...........................................................

    Cate, or ie '6 IN7: !e%ine Cat e, or y Co(e ' .................................................................

    Cat e,o ri e'6 IN7: !e%in e Cat e, ory Set ' .....................................................................> Ite# Cata,ory 8i't o% 7alue' No Security

    ,$ or mat Va!idation)

    $ormat Type -a%imu m (ie Numb er s /n!y 01+


    4 pp e r c a s e / n! y


    R ight + 6ust i fy and

    5ero+ $ i !! N umbers


    -inimum V a!ue -a%imu m Va!ue

    C&ar 100

    ,Va!ue Va!idation)

    Va!idat ion Type


    ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------/$2.(oc Co#pany Con%i(entia l " 3or internal u'e only Pa,e 2 o% $2

  • 5/26/2018 INV BR100 Application Setup V1.0


    Oracle Inventory Set up !oc


    V a!ue (e t * 'nve nt or y 't e m Cat e gor y + $ami!y

    Va!ue (et Name Description List Type (ecurity Type

    %% ' t em C at egory+ $ami!y

    >> Ite# Cate,ory" 3a#ily8i't o% 7alue' No Security

    ,$ or mat Va!idation)

    $ormat Type -a%imu m (ie Numb er s /n!y 01+


    4 pp e r c a s e / n! y


    R ight + 6ust i fy and

    5ero+ $ i !! N umbers


    -inimum V a!ue -a%imu m Va!ue

    C&ar 100

    ,Va!ue Va!idation)

    ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------/$2.(oc Co#pany Con%i(entia l " 3or internal u'e only Pa,e o% $2

  • 5/26/2018 INV BR100 Application Setup V1.0


    Oracle Inventory Set up !oc


    Va!idat ion Type


    V a!ue (e t * 'nve nt or y 't e m Cat e gor y + Pr oduc t

    Va!ue (et Name Description List Type (ecuri ty Type

    %%'tem Cate,ory-Pro(uct-7S >> Ite# Cate ,ory-Pro(uc t-7alue-Se t 8i't o%


    No Se cu ri ty

    ,$ or mat Va!idation)

    $ormat Type -a%imu m (ie Numb er s /n!y 01+


    4 pp e r c a s e / n! y


    R ight + 6ust i fy and

    5ero+ $ i !! N umbers


    -inimum V a!ue -a%imu m Va!ue

    C&ar 20

    ,Va!ue Va!idation)

    Va!idat ion Type


    V a!ue (e t * 'nve nt or y 't e m Cat e gor y + 8r and

    Va!ue (et Name Description List Type (ecuri ty Type

    55 Ite# Cate ,ory-BRAN!-7S >> Ite# Cate,ory Bran( 7alue Set 8i't o%


    No Se cu ri ty

    ,$ or mat Va!idation)

    $ormat Type -a%imu m (ie Numb er s /n!y 01+


    4 pp e r c a s e / n! y


    R ight + 6ust i fy and

    5ero+ $ i !! N umbers


    -inimum V a!ue -a%imu m Va!ue

    C&ar 20

    ,Va!ue Va!idation)

    ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------/$2.(oc Co#pany Con%i(entia l " 3or internal u'e only Pa,e / o% $2

  • 5/26/2018 INV BR100 Application Setup V1.0


    Oracle Inventory Set up !oc


    Va!idat ion Type


    ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------/$2.(oc Co#pany Con%i(entia l " 3or internal u'e only Pa,e o% $2

  • 5/26/2018 INV BR100 Application Setup V1.0


    Oracle Inventory Set up !oc


    #ey $!e%f ie !d &'NV" D ef in e # ey $! e% fi e ! d ( e g m e n t s

    ' n v e t o r y ) ( e t u p ) $ ! e % f i e ! d ) # e y ) ( e g m e n t s

    D e s cr i p t i o n" U'e t&i' %or# to (e%ine t&e 'tructure o% your ?o) Po'it ion) @ra(e) Co't Allocation) People @roup) Sy'te# Ite#') PO Cate,ory Ite#

    Cate,ory ) Ite# Catalo,) Account Alia') Sale' Or(er an( Stoc; 8ocator' 3le5%iel(.

    , #e y $! e% fi e ! d ) ( ys t e m 't em s

    ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------/$2.(oc Co#pany Con%i(entia l " 3or internal u'e only Pa,e o% $2

  • 5/26/2018 INV BR100 Application Setup V1.0


    Oracle Inventory Set up !oc


    App!icat i o n $!e%fi e!d Tit!e

    Inventory SS=EM I=EMS

    ,(t r uc t ur e s)

    Code Tit!e Des cript i on View Name

    SS=EM-I=EMS Sy'te # Ite#' >>-IN7-I=EM-MAS=ER-433-S=RUC=URE

    $r e e e

    $!e%f ie !d

    Definit ion

    9nab!ed (eg m e nt


    Cr os s + V a! id a t e

    ( e g m e n t s

    $r ee e Ro!! up :rou ps A!!o w D yn am ic 'ns er ts

    e' e' Perio( . No No No

    ( e g m e n t s

    , (e g m e n t s (u mm a ry )



    Na me ;indo w Pro mp t Co!u mn Va!ue (et Disp!



    1 Ite# Ma'ter Ite# SE@MEN=1 e' e'

    , #e y $! e% fi e ! d ) 't em Ca te g o r i e s

    App!icat i o n $!e%fi e!d Tit!e

    Inventory Ite# Cate,orie'

    ,(t r uc t ur e s)

    ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------/$2.(oc Co#pany Con%i(entia l " 3or internal u'e only Pa,e < o% $2

  • 5/26/2018 INV BR100 Application Setup V1.0


    Oracle Inventory Set up !oc


    Code Tit!e Descripti o n View Nam e

    >>-3ACI8I=-I=EM-CA=E@ORIES >>-3ACI8I=-I=EM-CA=E@ORIES Cate,ory Set %or 3acili t ie'

    'peci%ic I te# Cate,orie'

    $r e e e

    $!e%f ie !d

    Definit ion



    (e gm e nt ( ep ar at or Cros s+ Va!ida te

    ( e g m e n t s

    $r ee e Ro!! up :rou ps A!!o w D yn am ic 'ns er ts

    e' e' Perio( . No No No

    ( e g m e n t s, (e g m e n t s (u mm a ry )

    Numb er Name ;indo w Pro mp t Co!umn Va!ue (et Disp!ay e d 9nab!ed

    10 3acility 3acility SE@MEN=1 >>-3ACI8I=IES-I=EM-CA=E@OR-


    e' e'

    0 Cate,ory Cate,ory SE@MEN= >>-3ACI8I=IES-I=EM-CA=E@OR-


    e' e'

    $0 3uture1 3uture1 SE@MEN=$ >>-3ACI8I=IES-I=EM-CA=E@OR-


    e' e'

    20 3uture 3uture SE@MEN=2 >>-3ACI8I=IES-I=EM-CA=E@OR-


    e' e'

    ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------/$2.(oc Co#pany Con%i(entia l " 3or internal u'e only Pa,e 10 o% $2

  • 5/26/2018 INV BR100 Application Setup V1.0


    Oracle Inventory Set up !oc


    #ey $!e%f ie !d &'NV" D ef in e # ey $! e% fi e ! d ( e g m e n t Va !u e s

    ' n v e n t o r y ) ( e t u p ) $ ! e % f i e ! d ) # e y ) V a ! u e s

    , #e y $! e% fi e ! d ) 't em Ca te g o r i e s

    7 . Cat e gor y

    App!icat i o n Tit!e (tructur e (eg m e n t

    Inventory Ite# Cate,orie' >>-Ite#-Cat e,orie' Ite#-Cate ,ory-S e,


    Va!ue Trans!at e d Va!ue Descript ion 9nab!ed 9ffect iv e


    9ffect ive To"


    12000000 12000000 Chemicals including Bioe'

    13000000 13000000 esin and osin and u!!ere'

    1"000000 1"000000 #a$er Materials and #roductse'

  • 5/26/2018 INV BR100 Application Setup V1.0


    Oracle Inventory Set up !oc


    Va!ue Trans!at e d Va!ue Description 9nab!e d 9ffect ive


    9ffect ive To"

    =. 3uture

    App!icat i o n Tit!e (tructur e (eg m e n t

    Inventory @8 8e(,er 3le5%iel( >>-ARD-COA 3uture

    Va!ue Trans!at e d Va!ue Description 9nab!e d 9ffect ive


    9ffect ive To"

    00000 00000 !e%ault e'

    = = =otal e'

    >. 3uture 1

    App!icat i o n Tit!e (tructur e (eg m e n t

    Inventory Co't Allocation3le5%iel(

    >> Co't 3le5%iel( 3uture 1

    Va!ue Trans!at e d Va!ue Description 9nab!e d 9ffect ive


    9ffect ive To"




    ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------/$2.(oc Co#pany Con%i(entia l " 3or internal u'e only Pa,e 1 o% $2

  • 5/26/2018 INV BR100 Application Setup V1.0


    Oracle Inventory Set up !oc


    Va!ue Trans!at e d Va!ue Description 9nab!e d 9ffect ive


    9ffect ive To"



    Data $ i!e "

    T hi s i s t h e f in a ! ! is t o f v a !u e s a n d c o d e s V a! id a t e d a n d a p p r ov e d b y :r ou p .

    ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------/$2.(oc Co#pany Con%i(entia l " 3or internal u'e only Pa,e 1$ o% $2

  • 5/26/2018 INV BR100 Application Setup V1.0


    Oracle Inventory Set up !oc


    (etup Locat ions & 'NV" D ef in e Loc at i o n s

    ' n v e n t o r y ) ( e t u p ) / r g a n i a t i o n s ) L o c a t i o n s

    D e s cr i p t i o n" U'e t&i' %or# to (e%ine '&ip"to) receivin,) Bil l to) o%% ice 'ite an( ot&er location in%or#ation.

    ,Locat ion)


    Descript ion

    A ddress (t y !e@eneric

    Address=i#e 9one

    (hip+ To LocationPana

    (hip+ To (itee'

    8i!!+To (itee'

    /ffice (itee'

    'nterna! (itee'

    R eceiving (i tee'

    'nvent ory

    /rganiat ion

    Ta% Code

    L oc a ti o n s 9 %c e ! ( h e e t "

    ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------/$2.(oc Co#pany Con%i(entia l " 3or internal u'e only Pa,e 12 o% $2

  • 5/26/2018 INV BR100 Application Setup V1.0


    Oracle Inventory Set up !oc


    (etup Ca!endars &'NV" Define Ca!endar

    ' n v e n t o r y ) ( e t u p ) / r g a n i a t i o n s ) C a ! e n d a r s

    D e s cr i p t i o n" U'e t&i ' %or# to (e%ine t&e For;(ay Calen(ar %or t&e Or,an i9a t ion .

    ,C a!e ndar )


    Descript ion

    >> 3acilitie' Co##on For; !ay Calen(er

    ?uarter!y Type2626 Fee; Pattern

    $rom$0" !EC"1

  • 5/26/2018 INV BR100 Application Setup V1.0


    Oracle Inventory Set up !oc


    Def ine 'nventory /rganiat ions & 'NV" D ef in e /r ga ni a ti o n s

    ' n v e n t o r y ) ( e t u p ) / r g a n i a t i o n s ) / r g a n i a t i o n s

    D e s cr i p t i o n" U'e t&i' %or# to (e%ine Inventory Or,ani9ation'

    No /perat in g 4nit 'nven t or y /rg /rg



    1 >>-Operatin,




    SIM Ma'ter

    7 . ,/rgan i at ion )

    Name Type

    >>-Operatin, Unit

    , D a t e s )

    $rom To

    0" ?AN"1>-I=EM-MAS=ER-8OCA=ION Internal

    ,/r gan i at ion C!ass i f ic a t ions )

    Name 9nab!ed

    Inventory Or,ani9ation e'

    A cc ount ing 'nf or mat ion

    ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------/$2.(oc Co#pany Con%i(entia l " 3or internal u'e only Pa,e 1/ o% $2

  • 5/26/2018 INV BR100 Application Setup V1.0


    Oracle Inventory Set up !oc


    8e(,er >>-Accrua0 1 AE!

    8e,al Entity >>-8E

    Opera tin, Unit >>-Operatin, Unit

    ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------/$2.(oc Co#pany Con%i(entia l " 3or internal u'e only Pa,e 1 o% $2

  • 5/26/2018 INV BR100 Application Setup V1.0


    Oracle Inventory Set up !oc


    Def ine 'nventory Parameters & 'NV" Def ine /rganiat ion Parameters

    ' n v e n t o r y ) ( e t u p ) / r g a n i a t i o n s ) P a r a m e t e r s

    D e s cr i p t i o n" U'e t&i ' %o r# to (e%ine Inven tory Para#ete r' an( t&ei r a''oc ia te( Or,an i9a t ion Huic; Co(e .

    , /r g a n i a t i o n P ar a m e t e r s )

    /rgania tion C odeSIM

    ' tem -ast er /rgania t ion>>-I=EM-MAS=ER-OR@



    D emand C !ass

    -ove /rder Timeout Period0

    -ove /rder Timeout A ctionApprove Auto#atical ly

    A !!ow N egat ive 8a!ance

    Locator Contro!! et e r# i n e ( a t

    Suinventory 8evel

    Cost ing 'nformat ion

    C ost ing /rgania t ion >>-I=EM-MAS=ER-OR@ANIGA=ION

    C ost ing -ethodAvera,e

    R ates C ost Type

    Transf er t o :Le'

    R everse 9ncumbrance

    ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------/$2.(oc Co#pany Con%i(entia l " 3or internal u'e only Pa,e 1 o% $2

  • 5/26/2018 INV BR100 Application Setup V1.0


    Oracle Inventory Set up !oc


    ,Va!uat ion A cc ount s)

    -ateria!0 1 .0 0 0 .0 0 0 0 0 .0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .0 0 0 0 0 .0 0 0 0 0 .0 0 0 0 0

    /uts ide Process ing0 1 .0 0 0 .0 0 0 0 0 .0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .0 0 0 0 0 .0 0 0 0 0 .0 0 0 0 0

    -ateria! /verhead0 1 .0 0 0 .0 0 0 0 0 .0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .0 0 0 0 0 .0 0 0 0 0 .0 0 0 0 0

    /verhead0 1 .0 0 0 .0 0 0 0 0 .0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .0 0 0 0 0 .0 0 0 0 0 .0 0 0 0 0

    R esource0 1 .0 0 0 .0 0 0 0 0 .0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .0 0 0 0 0 .0 0 0 0 0 .0 0 0 0 0

    9%pense0 1 .0 0 0 .0 0 0 0 0 .0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .0 0 0 0 0 .0 0 0 0 0 .0 0 0 0 0

    R evi s ion B LotB (e ria !

    (t art ing R evis ion0

    ,Lot Contro!)

    4 niuenessNon e

    :enerationU'er !e%ine(

    5ero Pad (uff i%


    Tota! Length

    ,(eria! Contro!)

    4 niuenessFit&in Or,ani9ati on

    :enerationU'er !e%ine(


    ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------/$2.(oc Co#pany Con%i(entia l " 3or internal u'e only Pa,e 1< o% $2

  • 5/26/2018 INV BR100 Application Setup V1.0


    Oracle Inventory Set up !oc


    (t art ing (eria ! N umber

    A !!ocat e (eria! N umbers

    ATPB Pic@B ' tem+ (ourcing

    ,ATP Defau!t s )


    ,P ic @ ing D e fau ! t s)


    Locator /rder

    (ubinvent ory /rder

    , 't e m + ( ou rc in g D et a i! )


    /rganiat ion

    (ubinvent ory

    'nter+ /rg 'nformat ion

    'nt er+ /rgania t ion Transf erCharge

    Non e

    ,'nt e r + /r gani at ion Tr ans f e r A cc ount )

    Transfer Credit01.000.00000.0000000.00000.


    Purchase Price V ariance01.000.00000.0000000.00000.


    ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------/$2.(oc Co#pany Con%i(entia l " 3or internal u'e only Pa,e 0 o% $2

  • 5/26/2018 INV BR100 Application Setup V1.0


    Oracle Inventory Set up !oc


    R eceivab!e01 .000 .00000 .0000000 .

    00000 .00000 .00000

    Payab!e01 .000 .00000 .0000000 .

    00000 .00000 .00000

    'ntransit 'nventory01 .000 .00000 .0000000 .

    00000 .00000 .00000

    /ther Accounts

    , Re c e i v i n g Ac co u n t s )

    Purchase Price V ariance01.000.00000.0000000.00000.


    'nvoice Price Variance01 .000 .00000 .0000000 .

    00000 .00000 .00000

    'nventory AP Accrua!01 .000 .00000 .0000000 .

    00000 .00000 .00000

    9ncumbrance01 .000 .00000 .0000000 .

    00000 .00000 .00000

    ,P rof i t and Loss Ac c ount s )

    (a!es01 .000 .00000 .0000000 .

    00000 .00000 .00000

    C ost o f :oods (o !d01 .000 .00000 .0000000 .

    00000 .00000 .00000

    ,Cost Varianc e A cc ount s)

    D ef erred C /:( A ccount 01 .000 .00000 .0000000 .00000 .00000 .00000

    C ost V ariance A ccount01 .000 .00000 .0000000 .

    00000 .00000 .00000

    ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------/$2.(oc Co#pany Con%i(entia l " 3or internal u'e only Pa,e 1 o% $2

  • 5/26/2018 INV BR100 Application Setup V1.0


    Oracle Inventory Set up !oc


    4nits of -easure&'NV" D ef in e 4ni ts of -e a su r e C! as s e s

    'nv e nt o r y ) ( e t u p ) 4 n i t s o f -e a su r e ) C ! a s s e s

    Descr ipt ion" U ni t o % # e a' u r e cl a' ' e ' r ep r e' e n t ' , ro u p' o% u n it ' o % # ea ' u r e *i t& ' i# il ar c &a r ac t e r i' t ic ' . E ac & u ni t o % # e a ' u r e yo u ( e% in e # u

    e lo n, to a un it o% #e a' ur e cla '' .

    E ac & cl a' ' & a' a a ' e u ni t o % # e a 'u r e . = &e a' e u ni t o % # e a 'u r e i ' u' e ( t o p er %o r # c on v er ' io n ' e t* e e n u ni t' o % #e a ' u r e i n t& e cl a' ' . 3o r t&

    rea'on) t&e a'e uni t o % #ea'ure '&oul( e repre'en ta t ive o % t&e o t&er uni t ' o % #ea'ure in t&e c la'' ) an( ,enera lly one o% t&e '#al ler uni t ' .


    Name Descript ion 8ase 4nit 4/- 'nactiv e

    HUAN=I= HUAN=I= Eec& EA

    ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------/$2.(oc Co#pany Con%i(entia l " 3or internal u'e only Pa,e o% $2

  • 5/26/2018 INV BR100 Application Setup V1.0


    Oracle Inventory Set up !oc


    4nits of -easure&'NV" Def ine 4ni t s o f -easure

    'nv e nt o r y ) ( e t u p ) 4 n i t s o f -e a su r e ) 4 n i t s of - ea s ur e

    Descr ipt ion" =&e value' (e%ine( in t&e Uni t' o % Mea'ure *in(o* prov i(e t&e li 't o % va lue' avai lale in uni t o % #ea'ure %i el(' in o t&er *in(o*' .

    4 ni t s o f -e asur e

    Na me 4/- Des crip ti o n 8as e C!as s 'nactiv e

    Eac& EA Eac& ye' Huantity

    ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------/$2.(oc Co#pany Con%i(entia l " 3or internal u'e only Pa,e $ o% $2

  • 5/26/2018 INV BR100 Application Setup V1.0


    Oracle Inventory Set up !oc


    4nits of -easure&'NV" Def ine 4ni t s o f -easure Convers ion

    'nv e nt o r y ) ( e t u p ) 4 n i t s o f -e a su r e ) C o n v e r s i o n

    Descr ipt ion" U'e t&e Uni t o% Mea'ure Conver' ion to per%or# t ran'ac t ion' in un it ' o t&er t&an t&e Pri#ary Uni t o% t&e I te# e in, t ran'ac te( . Un

    o% Mea'ure Conver'ion can e :

    S tan(ar( : Co##on to any i te#

    Intra"Cla'': Speci% ic to an i te# *it&in a unit o% #ea'u re cla''

    In ter "Cla'': Spec i% ic to an i te# e t*een uni t ' o % #ea'ure c la''


    4nit C!ass Conver si on 8ase 4nit 'nactive on

    Eac& Huantity 1 Eac&

    'ntra C!ass

    'tem (ource 4nit (ourc e C!ass Convers ion Dest inat i on

    8ase 4 nit

    'nact ive on

    'nter C!ass

    'tem Dest inat i on 8ase


    Dest inat i on C!ass Convers io n (ource 8ase


    ( ou rc e 8 as e


    'nact ive on

    ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------/$2.(oc Co#pany Con%i(entia l " 3or internal u'e only Pa,e 2 o% $2

  • 5/26/2018 INV BR100 Application Setup V1.0


    Oracle Inventory Set up !oc


    (ubinventory & 'NV" Def ine (ubinventor ie s

    ' n v e n t o r y ) ( e t u p ) / r g a n i a t i o n s ) ( u b i n v e n t o r y

    Descr ipt ion" =&e value' (e%ine( in t&e Uni t' o % Mea'ure *in(o* prov i(e t&e li 't o % va lue' avai lale in uni t o % #ea'ure %i el(' in o t&er *in(o*' .

    (ubinve nt or i e s


    (. No. Remar@s

    1 =&i' 'tep nee( ' t o e p er%or# e( %or eac& Inventory Or,ani9ation

    Line of 8usin e s s $i!e

    8i'te( elo* i' a 'a#ple %or Main Pro(uct Inventory Or,.

    ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------/$2.(oc Co#pany Con%i(entia l " 3or internal u'e only Pa,e o% $2

  • 5/26/2018 INV BR100 Application Setup V1.0


    Oracle Inventory Set up !oc


    ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------/$2.(oc Co#pany Con%i(entia l " 3or internal u'e only Pa,e / o% $2

    N ame Corpor at e!e'cription Sale'

    Statu' Active

    !e%ault Co't @roup C@"01

    -ainHuantity =rac;e ( e'

    A''et Suinve ntory e'


    Inclu(e in A=P e'

    Allo* Re'erva tion e'

    Net ta l e e'

    8ocator Control None

    AccountsMaterialOut'i(e Proce''in,

    Material Over&ea(





  • 5/26/2018 INV BR100 Application Setup V1.0


    Oracle Inventory Set up !oc


    (toc@ Locators &'NV" D ef in e ( to c @ Loc at o r s

    'nv e nt o r y ) ( e t u p ) / r g a n i a t i o n s ) ( t o c @ Loc at o r s

    Descr ipt ion" 8oca tor' a re u'e( to i(en ti %y p&y' ica l a rea' *&ere *e ' tore inven tory i te#' . It e#' can e re' t ri c te( to 'pec i %ic loca tor' . 8oca to

    are (e%ine( %or Aviation Inventory Or,ani9ation


    (. No. Remar@s

    1 =&i' ' te p n e e( ' to e p er% or #e ( %or e ac & Aviatio n Inv en to ry Or, an i9 at io n %or *&ic & 8oc at or in%o r# at io n i'


    (toc@ Locators

    8i'te( elo* i' a 'a#ple %or Main Pro(uct Inventory Or,.

    Locator Descrip ti o n (ubin v e n t o r y

    Data $ i!e "

    ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------/$2.(oc Co#pany Con%i(entia l " 3or internal u'e only Pa,e o% $2

  • 5/26/2018 INV BR100 Application Setup V1.0


    Oracle Inventory Set up !oc


    Categori es &'NV" Def ine Category Codes

    'nv en t or y ) ( e t u p ) ' t e m s ) C a t e g o r i e s ) C a t e g o r y Cod e s

    Descr ipt ion : A Cate,ory i' a lo,ical cla''i%icat ion o% Ite#'. U'e t&i' %or# to (e%ine t&e cate,orie'.

    , Ca t e g o r y Co de s )

    (truct ur e Name Cate g or y Descript ion 'nact ive /n





    ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------/$2.(oc Co#pany Con%i(entia l " 3or internal u'e only Pa,e o% $2

  • 5/26/2018 INV BR100 Application Setup V1.0


    Oracle Inventory Set up !oc


    Categori es &'NV" D ef in e Cat e g o r y ( et s

    'nv en t or y ) ( e t u p ) ' t e m s ) C a t e g o r i e s ) C a t e g o r y ( et

    Descr ipt ion : A Cate,ory 'e t i ' a 'e t o r , roup o% Ca te,or ie' . U'e t&i ' %o r# to (e%ine t&e ca te,or ie' .

    ,C at e g o r y ( et s )

    $ie!d Name Cate gor y

    Na #e Inv en to ry

    !e'cription Inventory Cate,ory Set

    3le5 Structure >>-Ite#-Cate,orie'

    Controlle( At Ma'ter 8evel

    !e%ault Cate,ory 000000 0 0 .00 0 00 0 00 .0 0 0 0 0

    000 .00000000

    En%orce 8i't o% 7ali(


    Select al l t&e vali( Cate,orie' %ro# t&e 8i't o% 7alue'.

    ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------/$2.(oc Co#pany Con%i(entia l " 3or internal u'e only Pa,e < o% $2

  • 5/26/2018 INV BR100 Application Setup V1.0


    Oracle Inventory Set up !oc


    Categori es &'NV" D ef in e De fa u !t Ca te g o r y ( et s

    'nv en t or y ) ( e t u p ) ' t e m s ) C a t e g o r i e s ) D e f a u ! t Cat e g or y ( et s

    Descr ipt ion : A (e%au l t ca te,ory 'e t i ' a 'e t o r , roup o% Ca te,or ie' . U'e t&i ' %o r# to (e%ine t&e ca te,or ie' .

    , D ef a u ! t Ca te g o r y ( et s )

    $unction a ! Area Cate gor y (et Description

    Inventory Inventory Inventory Cate,ory Set

    Purc&a'in , Purc&a'in, Purc&a'in, Cate,ory Set

    Plannin, Inventory Inventory Cate,ory Set

    Service Inventory Inventory Cate,ory Set

    Co't' Inventory Inventory Cate,ory Set

    En,ineerin, Inventory Inventory Cate,ory Set

    Or(er Entry Inventory Inventory Cate,ory Set

    Pro(uct 8ine Accountin, Inventory Inventory Cate,ory Set

    A''et Mana,e #e nt Enterpri'e A''et


    Ente rpr i 'e A''e t Mana,e#en t

    Cate,ory Se t

    Contract ' Contract ' Cate,ory Set %or Contract

    I te# Cate,orie'

    Pro(uct Reportin, Pro(uct Pro(uct Cate,ory

    ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------/$2.(oc Co#pany Con%i(entia l " 3or internal u'e only Pa,e $0 o% $2

  • 5/26/2018 INV BR100 Application Setup V1.0


    Oracle Inventory Set up !oc


    ( ta t u s Co de s &' NV " D ef in e ( ta t u s Co de s

    'nv en t or y ) ( e t u p ) ' t e m s ) ( t a t u s Cod e s

    Descr ipt ion" U'e t& i ' %or# to (e% ine your ' ta tu'e' . ou can u'e ' ta tu'e' to provi(e (e%au l t va lue' %o r cer ta in i t e# a t t r iu te' to con t rol t&e

    %unctionali ty o%

    an i t e#. F&en you up(a te t&e va lue' %or a ' ta tu' ) a l l it e#' to *&ic& i t i ' a '' i,ne( a re a l 'o up(a te( .

    (tat u s Descript io n 'nactiv e Dat e

    Active All %unction' enale (

    Attribut e Va!ue 4sage

    BOM Enale ( e' No 'ta tu' control

    Buil( in FIP e' No 'ta tu' control

    Cu'to#e r Or(er Enale( e' !e%ault control

    Internal Or(er' Enale( e' !e%ault control

    Invoice Enale( e' !e%ault control

    Proce'' E5ecution Enale ( e' !e%ault control

    =ran'ac ta le e' !e%ault control

    Purc&a'a le e' !e%ault control

    Recipe Enale( e' !e%ault control

    Stoc;a le e' !e%ault control

    ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------/$2.(oc Co#pany Con%i(entia l " 3or internal u'e only Pa,e $1 o% $2

  • 5/26/2018 INV BR100 Application Setup V1.0


    Oracle Inventory Set up !oc


    Transactio ns &'NV" Def ine Transac t ion (ource Types

    'nv e nt o r y ) ( et u p ) Tra ns a c t i o n ) ( ou rc e Ty pe s

    Descr ipt ion" ou #ay (e% ine your o*n t ran'ac t ion 'ource type' to u'e *&i le per %or#in, t ran'ac t ion' . =ran'ac t ion 'ource type' ena le you to

    c la'' i%y t ran'ac t ion' accor( in, to t&ei r o r i, in' ) 'uc& a' purc&a'e o r(er ) 'a le' o r(er ) account nu#er ) p&y' ical inven tory ) an( 'o on .

    Na #e !e'c ri pt io n 7ali (a ti on =yp e

    Inventory Inventory None

    ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------/$2.(oc Co#pany Con%i(entia l " 3or internal u'e only Pa,e $ o% $2

  • 5/26/2018 INV BR100 Application Setup V1.0


    Oracle Inventory Set up !oc


    Transactio ns &'NV" Def ine Transac t ion Types

    'nv e nt o r y ) ( et u p ) Tra ns a c t i o n ) Ty pe s

    Descr ipt ion" I% you *ant to u'e your o*n te r#inolo,y %or ce rta in ; in(' o % tran'ac tion' ) you nee( to (e% ine your o*n t ran'ac t ion type' . ou crea t

    a t ran'ac t ion type y co#in in, a t ran'ac t ion 'ource type *it& a t ran'ac t ion ac tion . A t ran'ac t ion ac tion i ' a p re(e%ine( #et&o( o% c&an,in, t&e

    +uant ity an( 6or loca tion an( 6or co't o % an i te#.


    Nam e Descripti o n (ourc e Type Actio n

    >>-I''ue to Ot&er

    @ovt. Entitie'

    I''ue to Ot&er @ovt. Entitie' Move or(er I''ue %ro# ' tore'

    >>-I''ue to En( U'er


    >>-I''ue t o En( U'er !ept'. Move or(er Suinvent ory t ran'%er



    R et u rn e ( 3r o# ! ep a rt # e n t '

    %ro# Stoc; Suinventory

    Move o r( er Suinv ent or y tran'% er

    Data $ i!e "



    No .



    ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------/$2.(oc Co#pany Con%i(entia l " 3or internal u'e only Pa,e $$ o% $2

  • 5/26/2018 INV BR100 Application Setup V1.0


    Oracle Inventory Set up !oc



    p en an d C!o se d 's su e s for thi s De!iv er a b ! e

    / pe n 's su e s

    'D 'ssue Reso!u t ion Resp o n s i b i!i ty Target Date 'mpact Da

    C! os e d 's su e s

    'D 'ssue Reso!u t ion Resp o n s i b i!i ty Target Date 'mpact Da


    /$2.(oc Co#pany Con%i(ential " 3or internal u'e only Pa,e $2 o% $2