to take the bull by the horns...


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Page 1: to take the bull by the horns if I truly wanted to fulfill my vision and become a successful entrepreneur, making
Page 2: to take the bull by the horns if I truly wanted to fulfill my vision and become a successful entrepreneur, making

INTRODUCTIONWelcome to my report and congratulations on showing interest in my tested and true email building formula.

Before we move forward with this I should warn you that what you’re about to read can change your future lifestyle. For that reason, you might want to turn off any distractions. Silence your phone, don’t check your Facebook or email account. This report will require your undivided attention.

The information that I’m about to share with you has proven its worth time and again. It’s also completely scalable and I honestly believe anyone can use my techniques to achieve financial freedom and build their own online wealth.

But if you’re going to have distractions all around you, I’m afraid you won’t read through the entire report and you’ll miss out on some important information. But actually, you’ll miss out on much more than that. You might just miss the opportunity to change your life.

I know this is a very bold statement, but that’s how strong I feel about the system that I’m about to share with you.

When someone asks me about my occupation, I always mention that my educational background is in Mechanical Engineering, but that I dedicated most of my career to Petroleum Engineering. I spent almost 26 years – that’s a quarter of a century! – working for a multinational oil company and I had actually enjoyed myself for the most part.

However, as time went by, I realized that I needed more from life… the present job just didn’t cut it and some kind of change suddenly became a must. Therefore, when an opportunity arose for an early retirement, I wholeheartedly embraced it and decided now was my moment to find something more thrilling, more challenging and more rewarding.


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I told myself I ought to distance from the corporate politics and turn to entrepreneurship and that’s why I chose to start my own company - AVATAR Oil & Gas Nigeria Ltd.

I was no longer an employee, but the employer and I tried to wisely choose people who were to start working not just FOR me, but also WITH me. I stopped counting the times people asked me why I would leave an apparently ‘well-paid’ job for an uncertain future, especially with my kids still in school. But I didn’t want to waste my time explaining the gut feeling that had been overwhelming me for quite some time - I knew that I just had to take the bull by the horns if I truly wanted to fulfill my vision and become a successful entrepreneur, making money on my own terms and quitting the rat-race for good.

I have always known there is a better way to use my time and energy in order to secure reliable finances, but also to have enough time for my family, without having to worry if I’ll make it home for supper or if I’ll be able to plan a holiday. Another reason I was so keen to move on from the daily office grind was the fact that I had witnessed tens of my colleagues being retrenched after 10, 15 years or more, midway through their careers! Imagine having to report to someone you yourself recruited or trained, while being paid a lot less than you deserve?! I wasn’t prepared for that and I wanted to escape said scenario no matter what. It was then and there that I decided to enter the world of entrepreneurship. I made a few investments and played around with some stocks, but it just wasn’t working for me.

My success didn’t happen overnight. The stuff that I’m going to share with you in this report is the exact same knowledge that I have accumulated over the period of several years; from the moment I typed “how to make money online” until now.

Some of the essential, exclusive online marketing info will be presented to you in the very report you’re reading now.

Ready? Let’s get started!

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I hate to admit it, but I’m not the hardest working person in the world. Even though I worked for 12 hours sometimes, I wasn’t all that product and I certainly didn’t do it with pleasure.

The truth of the matter is - I’m a little lazy.

And this is probably the reason why I got so attached to affiliate marketing.

If you’re not familiar with it, the concept of affiliate marketing is based on you finding other people’s products or services and promoting them for a commission.

Some products even pay you 75% of the sale.

That seemed weird to me at first, because I was thinking: “Wait… if these people worked so hard on creating their products and sales pages, why are they giving away affiliates 75% when the only thing affiliates do is drive traffic?”

At first, it didn’t make much sense to me. I was a little skeptical, but then I realized that it kind of made sense.

You know why it makes sense?

Because whatever the money vendors make from affiliate sales, it’s all the money they would never have made without the help of affiliates.

That’s why it’s in their best interest to do whatever they can to attract as many affiliates as possible to promote their products.

When they have affiliates on board, they’ll have someone sending them traffic non-stop. They won’t have to bother with traffic at all.

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Unfortunately for vendors, there is only a handful of affiliates who actually know what they’re doing.

Most affiliates send traffic for a few days, they make a few sales for the vendors, but then the affiliates end up losing more money than they made.

Only a handful of affiliates are capable of consistently sending traffic and getting sales.

Yours truly included.

And this is what I want to share with you today.

I want to show you how I use other people’s email lists to send non-stop traffic to pretty much any affiliate product I want.

When you step back and look at thing from a different perspective, you’ll realize that good affiliates have all the advantage in this business.

For them, life is easy.

They don’t work on the products at all; they let the vendors do the hard work, who go through months or even years of split-testing their sales pages and getting them to perfection.

And then, only when a product is proven to convert, the smart affiliates move ahead and make money with it.

And in this report, I want to show you how to become a rock star affiliate.

Because, once you know what you need to do, it really doesn’t take much to be successful.

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This model revolves around three things:

1. You have to find a product that has high chances of making you money. Meaning, it has to be a product that converts really well.

2. You need to figure out a way to drive traffic to that product.

3. You need to keep the traffic source running in order to keep making money.

But over time, I realized there is some room for improvement to this model.

So I came up with something a little different and added a few extra steps to it.

The reason why I changed this model is because, in order to make money with it, you really need to a marketing superstar.

Which, to be honest, I’m not.

So I came up with something a little different and added a few extra steps to it.

The reason why I changed this model is because, in order to make money with it, you really need to be a traffic-driving genius.

Which, unfortunately, I am not.

I hate to say it, but I’m just a simple guy.

So I needed something that would work for me, and that wouldn’t require any out-of-this-world traffic-driving or marketing skills.

I played around with the model above, but it didn’t quite work.

The reason for that was that I had to always drive cheap traffic.

And as I would find a new source, my previous source would kind of die off.

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However, I came up with a model that would allow me to pretty much “save” all the traffic I got.

Simply save it and use it on-demand later on.

How great is that?

I’m sure you’re wondering how that’s possible.

Well, it’s all about using other people’s email lists and building my own at the same time. This method proved to be an incredible on-demand and free traffic source that would make me money with every email I sent.

And I’m talking thousands of dollars per email in the first 24 to 48 hours after sending the email.

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There were times when I thought that calling myself an affiliate marketer and telling people what I do for a living was just ridiculous.

I guess it’s because of how simple the entire concept is.

But once I started making more money in a month than some people would make in an entire year, I realized that this truly was what I was supposed to do.

I’m an affiliate marketer, an online entrepreneur and I’m damn proud of it.

It’s true that it all started off by copy/pasting the affiliate business model, but the entrepreneur inside me came out and came up with this unique business model that proved to be life changing for my family and me.

The business model that I’m about to share with you has been responsible for my success as an affiliate marketer. And I’m about to reveal to you the exact same method I use to make this happen and to provide my family and myself with an amazing lifestyle.

In the previous chapter I explained why the business model most people use simply doesn’t work anymore.

The main reason why my business model works is because it focuses on “capturing” traffic that can be monetized more than once. Let’s take one visitor as an example.

Instead of trying to sell just once to that visitor, by “capturing” that visitor on your email list, you’ll be able to sell more promote and sell more products to them in the future. You can sell to them a few days, month, or even years later.

That’s my secret ingredient.

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Actually, one of my secret ingredients.

Because this model wouldn’t work the way it does without using other people’s email lists to quickly grow your own and get sales.

The research shows that it’s significantly more expensive to acquire new customers than it is to get existing customers to purchase from you again, 4 to 6 times more, actually.

Now, you might think that with you being an affiliate and the customers not actually paying the money directly to you, there’s nothing you can do about this.

And while that’s partly true, there is a way for you to “capture” all the traffic you send to other vendors and then later use this traffic as an on-demand way to sell more affiliate products.

This is the list building method that I mentioned earlier. Instead of sending your traffic directly to the vendor’s sales page, you want to send it to your own squeeze page first.

A squeeze page is a landing page that has only one goal – to convert website viewers into email list subscribers.

And once you have these people on your email list, you get to advertise to them over and over again. Every time you have a new offer you can send them an email and essentially get free traffic.

The other crucial part of my business model is being able to create attractive landing pages for which I’m certain will be able to convert at a high rate.

This is a “sneaky” technique that literally changed the game for me overnight.

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Here are the steps I take whenever I start a new affiliate marketing campaign:

1. I find a product to promote

I do a bit of research to see what products are selling well and if the audience in that niche would be willing to spend money. After that, I contact the vendor and arrange the joint venture.

2. I build a squeeze page

I use squeeze pages to capture my traffic and quickly build my list. In this phase, I also create something called a lead magnet, but I’ll get to that later.

3. I tap into the power of other people’s email list

I leverage lists that other successful marketers have built over the years, for a small fee.

In this report, we’re first going to focus on finding a profitable product to promote and setting up the traffic-saving machine i.e. a squeeze page and a lead magnet.

After that, I’ll show you exactly what I do to drive traffic to my pages. And finally, we’ll talk about monetization.

Ready? Let’s get started!

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Before you get to the heart of the matter and start getting traffic, we need to focus on setting up a few things that will enable us to handle all the traffic we will be driving.

The very first thing you need to do is find an affiliate product to promote.

One of my favorite places for finding affiliate products is ClickBank.

ClickBank is the leading marketplace when it comes to digital products and they have a huge database of digital products that you can choose from and promote.

To find out more about how to successfully run solo ad campaigns, I suggest you take a look at my “Internet Success Blueprint”. In there, you’ll learn everything from finding solo ad providers, writing amazing

blast emails to plugging it into your autoresponder.

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Once you’re done selecting a popular product to promote, it’s time to take care of your squeeze page.

As I explained earlier, the goal of the squeeze page is to capture your website traffic and turn people from viewers into subscribers.

In order to build a squeeze page, I recommend LeadPages if you don’t own a website. In case you do, and it’s WordPress-based, then I advise buying a squeeze page plugin called OptimizePress.

OptimizePress has a great advantage of you paying for it once, and it doesn’t come with a recurring monthly charge.

If you’re looking for a solution that doesn’t require you having a website, then you’ll want to check out LeadPages.

It’s a monthly subscription, but you don’t need to do any technical setup, buy hosting or domain names.

Personally, I own an account on LeadPages and also use OptimizePress, but if you’re just starting out you can use either one.

They both give you a bunch of templates that are already proven to work.

All I do when I create my own squeeze pages is select one of their top-converting templates, and 5 minutes later my squeeze page is ready to convert traffic into email subscribers.

So, now that the squeeze page is out of the way, I have a question for you.

Do you think people are just going to give you their name and email?

The truth is, people are not just going to hand you their name and email without a reason.

That’s why we need to use the squeeze page to offer our website visitors a free gift of some sorts.

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The easiest thing to offer is a PDF report.

And don’t worry, if you don’t think you can create a pdf report yourself, you can hire a freelancer to write it for you on websites such as Fiverr and UpWork.

Alternatively, you can visit Master Resale Rights and buy one of their existing PDF reports. The report prices can vary, but you can find a decent one for in under $10.

Our goal here is to entice our visitors to enter their name and email in exchange for a valuable piece of information.

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It’s time for the juiciest part of this report.

In this chapter, I’m going to show you exactly how to find marketers who are willing to “lend” you their email lists for a fee.

This method is known as solo ads.

What you do is you approach someone with a list who is capable of sending clicks to your page in exchange for a fee.

And in this report, I want to show you where to find such marketers, how to negotiate a good deal with them and how to craft the “blast” email i.e. the email they’ll be sending to their list.

So let’s get started!

Step #1 – Finding Big-League Solo Ad Providers

The easiest way to find people with email lists willing to provide clicks is by going to SafeSwaps.

This website is a community of solo ad sellers and buyers and it’s a safe place to buy clicks from.

They offer complete protection and guarantee that the seller will deliver as many clicks as he or she has promised.

This is why it’s the best way to get started.

You can start off with 200 to 500 clicks and go from there, once you see how things go.

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They require a Prime account in order to be able to buy solo ads and use their services. It costs $29.95/month, which I believe is a fair price for having a peace of mind.

You’ll notice that all users there are ranked and have a reputation. This goes without saying, you only want to purchase clicks from proven sellers with a good reputation.

Step #2 – Negotiating A Deal

Typically, sellers on SafeSwaps already have their price mentioned. However, if you are buying in bulk, I recommend you reach out to them and ask for a better deal.

All of them are typically ready to negotiate and most are willing to accept less money for more clicks.

When it comes to negotiating, there really isn’t that much to it.

The problem I see other people doing is that they never ask. Ask for a lower price and you will get it in most cases.

Don’t ask and you’ll never get a better deal.

Step #3 – Creating The Blast Email

When it comes to sending out this email, there are different ways to look at it.

The first thing you should have in mind is that many solo ad sellers are often willing to write the email for you.

However, what most people buying solo ads don’t utilize this chance since they don’t realize that these people know what works for their list and are able to optimize it for conversions.

Solo ad providers want to focus on getting you clicks so if you let them write the email for you, they’ll make sure it’s optimized for clicks.

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However, what you want to do is make sure your report will have a high rate of conversions as well.

Here’s what I mean by that. Since they have to provide you with a certain number of clicks, what you can do in your blast email is make sure only people who are interested in what you have on your squeeze page go ahead and click.

See what we’re doing here?

Here’s an example of an email I use for solo ads:


Subject: My Super-Fast Method of Making $5k/month

Hey {!firstname fix},

I prepared a great free report for you in which my good friend Mark shares the exact same method he uses to make $5k a month.


Click the link below to get instant access:


[Solo Ad Seller Name]

P.S. After signing up, watch the video on the next page, it’s incredible!


See what we’re doing here?

We’re making sure to target people who are more likely to click on our link are sign up for our list.

The point is that we don’t want as many clicks as possible, we want as many targeted clicks as possible, the ones that are more likely to convert. Plus, we don’t want to waste the clicks we bought on random clicks.

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I hope you see how powerful this is. Since I started using this method, my email list started growing at an incredible rate and I started spending less money on solo ads. Now that I had my own list, I could advertise to them whenever I had a great offer.

If you’d like to start running solo ad campaigns yourself, my easy-to-follow “Internet Success Blueprint” will prove to be an indispensable asset for you. It will break down every single step for you and allow you

to take full advantage of this underused traffic source.

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MONETIZATIONThis chapter is all about using the traffic and the squeeze page we built to make money.

In order to do that, we need to build a list of subscribers, right?

Once we have a list then we can promote multiple products to them and basically have an on-demand traffic source.

The first thing you need to do is get yourself an autoresponder account. I recommend you get AWeber as it only costs $1 for your first month, or MailChimp which is free for under 2000 subscribers.

Once you’ve registered your account, it’s time to input emails that will work for you on autopilot.

These emails don’t need to be written from scratch. In fact, I didn’t write a single email in my life for these affiliate products. All I do is copy/paste the emails already provided by vendors.

Go ahead and open the sales page of the affiliate product you decided to promote. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and you’ll notice a link that says something like “Affiliates”, or “JV Tools/Center” or “Affiliate Center”.

Next, click on that link and you’ll see a bunch of affiliate tools that are already tested and proven-to-work by the vendors and are simply waiting for you to swipe them and make money.

Just copy a few of those emails, and input them into your autoresponder as a follow-up email sequence.

You can do this once, and you have the email marketing machine running for you on complete autopilot for days to come. You’ll want to keep updating this email list with different affiliate offers so that you never run out of things to promote.

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And this is pretty much it when it comes to making money with affiliate marketing. It’s a rather simple concept and it’s highly profitable.

And let’s not forget that this formula allows you to work from home, or from anywhere in the world while the rest of the world is having their daily commute.

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The information I just shared with you is gold and is the reason behind many marketers achieving a six-figure income online.

Yours truly included.

However, there’s another secret I uncovered a few months ago that totally turned things around for me and gave me more free time and tripled my earnings.

It’s a system that does all the work for you and allows you to make thousands of dollars by using it.

I prepared an exclusive link so you can check it out and sign up as well.

Check out my “Internet Success Blueprint” course to learn a step-by-step process of getting started and with solo ads and running successful campaigns. It’s a great way to take advantage of other people’s highly

targeted traffic.