introduction to visual rules modeling

Adrian Giurca, eBusiness Technologies, Craiova, March 2009 eBusiness Technologies (ebTech) Introduction to visual rules modeling Dr. Adrian Giurca Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus, Germany

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Page 1: Introduction to visual rules modeling

Adrian Giurca, eBusiness Technologies, Craiova, March 2009

eBusiness Technologies (ebTech)

Introduction to visual rules modeling

Dr. Adrian GiurcaBrandenburg University of Technology

Cottbus, Germany

Page 2: Introduction to visual rules modeling

Adrian Giurca, eBusiness Technologies, Craiova, March 2009

Rules in "real life"

• IF the customer is a gold customer and its current shopping cart is more than 150 EUR THEN set a 5% discount to the shopping cart.

• IF the customer is a platinum customer and its current shopping cart is more than 500 EUR THEN set a 15% discount to the shopping cart.

• All platinum customers are gold customers.

Page 3: Introduction to visual rules modeling

Adrian Giurca, eBusiness Technologies, Craiova, March 2009

Real rules are based on vocabularies

• Classeso Customero Shopping cart

• Propertieso discounto customerName

• Q: How we discover them? • A: As in Software Engineering Design

Page 4: Introduction to visual rules modeling

Adrian Giurca, eBusiness Technologies, Craiova, March 2009

Vocabularies (1)

• Software engineers represents vocabularies with the help of UML class diagrams

• Different constraints are expressed with OCL

Page 5: Introduction to visual rules modeling

Adrian Giurca, eBusiness Technologies, Craiova, March 2009

Vocabularies (2)

• Semantic Web community represents vocabularies with RDFS and/or OWL

<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="..." xmlns:rdfs="..."><rdfs:Class rdf:ID="ex:Customer"/> <rdfs:Class rdf:ID="ex:GoldCustomer"><rdfs:subclassOf rdf:resource="ex:Customer"/></rdfs:Class><rdf:Property rdf:ID="yearSpending"><rdfs:domain rdf:resource="ex:Customer"/><rdfs:range rdf:datatype="xs:double"/></rdf:Property></rdf:RDF>

Page 6: Introduction to visual rules modeling

Adrian Giurca, eBusiness Technologies, Craiova, March 2009

A Short Comparison

• UML provides a visual notation but a more complex XML serialization (XMI)

• RDFS/OWL provides XML syntax but no visual notation. The XML syntax is not based on XML Schema/RelaxNG therefore special validators are necessary

• UML provides support for packaging • RDFS/OWL use XML namespaces

Page 7: Introduction to visual rules modeling

Adrian Giurca, eBusiness Technologies, Craiova, March 2009

Modeling Rules

• Q: Why to use a modeling language for rules?

• A: Simply because natural language is sometimes ambiguous and we don't know how to encode the rule

• Remember also the logic controversy...• Do you remember it?

Page 8: Introduction to visual rules modeling

Adrian Giurca, eBusiness Technologies, Craiova, March 2009

Vocabularies and rules

Rule:If rental car is stored at the branch and rental car is not assigned to any rental and it is not a rental car scheduled for service then rental car is available at the branch.

Page 9: Introduction to visual rules modeling

Adrian Giurca, eBusiness Technologies, Craiova, March 2009

UML-based Rule Modeling Language

• Any person being a male and is not a husband is a bachelor.

bachelor(X):- male(X), not(husband(X)).

Page 10: Introduction to visual rules modeling

Adrian Giurca, eBusiness Technologies, Craiova, March 2009

If-Then-Else Rule

• If the order value is less than 1000 give a discount of 3% otherwise give 6%.

Page 11: Introduction to visual rules modeling

Adrian Giurca, eBusiness Technologies, Craiova, March 2009

Derived Association Rule Example

Page 12: Introduction to visual rules modeling

Adrian Giurca, eBusiness Technologies, Craiova, March 2009

Your knowledge on rules

• Do you know rule languages?


• Do you use rule languages?


• What rule-based applications you built?

Have you finished your first Drools example?

I will not work for you

Page 13: Introduction to visual rules modeling

Adrian Giurca, eBusiness Technologies, Craiova, March 2009

Do you like rule-based applications?

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